Page 1: W OMEN ’ S R IGHTS. V OTING R IGHTS 19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women (Mississippi did


Page 2: W OMEN ’ S R IGHTS. V OTING R IGHTS 19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women (Mississippi did


19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women

(Mississippi did not officially ratify it until 1987)

Page 3: W OMEN ’ S R IGHTS. V OTING R IGHTS 19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women (Mississippi did


Historically have not held the same jobs as men

Have been paid less for the same work

Page 4: W OMEN ’ S R IGHTS. V OTING R IGHTS 19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women (Mississippi did

Equal Pay Act of 1963 required the same pay for women

Affirmative Action helped to advance women in both the workforce and schools by promoting diversity.

Page 5: W OMEN ’ S R IGHTS. V OTING R IGHTS 19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women (Mississippi did

First female member of Congress -1917 First female VP candidate of major party-


Today’s Congress has 17 female senators and 75 representatives, the most ever.

Still only 93 out of 435 members, or 21%.

Page 6: W OMEN ’ S R IGHTS. V OTING R IGHTS 19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women (Mississippi did

MILITARY SERVICE Women in uniform were not officially

recognized until 1901.

Started out serving as nurses, saw other noncombat duties during wartime

1967- laws limiting women’s highest rank are repealed.

Page 7: W OMEN ’ S R IGHTS. V OTING R IGHTS 19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women (Mississippi did

Today women take part in nearly all military functions, except for combat rolls with the exception of air combat.

Page 8: W OMEN ’ S R IGHTS. V OTING R IGHTS 19th amendment (1920)- Met fierce resistance in a number of Southern states, from both men & women (Mississippi did


Banned sex discrimination in schools in both academics AND athletics Means more women’s sports and scholarships

Men and women in sports must be proportionate to enrollment.

Where does the money for Title IX come from?
