
w.IJ,.,. .... 4J C'J.~,,., o. lf'l/. - <It

-IJ"J;Q.- A

NATIONAL llDUCA'I'ION *BIDGI*'I'ION OP ,_ UlllnD eRIIIi~1t•t"'!il -• ~C. - ... . . ... ," .,._,.. .. . ... ... • ........ 0. · ~

IP'I. D· ROGeoftU Ap.rt.n\ 151 29 W.ah! n«'Oil Square, 'lito\ lift York ll, lift york . near .vre. Ro01tenlt1

,._ .,. ll, 1N8

It woo o o good to ooo 7our p.o\o 1n \ho papor aad \ o ao\•ll7 lalow \he\ ' "" wre oato and sound , Wit all looking r-J'd 111\b \he .,...toot 1n\oreot to booriq yo\D' roport oo o dolegato to \bo oonorol un•:IJ' ol \bo UDitod 80Uone.

IIUoh onthu.oiaoa boo boon arouood thrOllllhOil\ \be oit)' owr \bia dinMr tor 1011 -alr oad,y \he on t!re fioor ot \bo 01'01111 l!Ollr- ot \he .,.no-r Bo\ol aDd \be Qlineae Roon 1n !Ulod, and people who wro ooo1fnod - \ablo are aokiJig DOW 1t \hoy aoy ..... two or aoro . ... expoo\ t o fill \bo aollr ooa aDd \be en\iro b&loonr to oapooity . •

There 11 an on..-.. ""ount ot dotall 1n an aaal.c-ont of tbio kind. J,.\ \o gift you one examplo,let ae \Ill 7011 that I oaUocl tho S\o\o Daparlaln\ no loH \ban oix tiJMa and oontorred with allloo\ • • ll&ft1 pooplo to loan ,._ aaot U\lo \e> uae on the 1nv1totie>na and tho pr-. ! u enoloain& a oow ol \bo 1n'dtoUon which will be printed on a bea'f)' whi\o oord, r 1no1a\od m ooonadain& 011 \be 1D­vitat1ooa 'llhioh are quit& appropriota 1n order to- \ho progrou C.t I th ..... t they o"Bht to be.

I think you will Ia p~od, too, t o lalow \bot * are oherging on1J p .oo for \b1o dinner which ia tlil .. ry a1nlaa, llllft1 w-n who belOD&' to theN e>rgan!aaUono haft honoo, tulillu, and bony rooponaibiUUoo and I did no\ think lblt wo ohollld go over \hat prioo, non \hourh n-ro of people haft \haagb\ \bot WI obould haft dlarpcl $'1.60. aooauoo eo ..,hot \bo work will bo d-.,1n wrr ottiow without 01p1n100 \o \bo 11-n• 1 Joint Congraod-1 C~ttao \ho ll1n1ol\a obarae ol p.OO, I belloft, will be onoufb,

rhio •orning I u •11U.. a -ov•pbecl loUor to ..,..,. - ot tho -n• I JCiln\ coogrosdcnal c~ttoo riving \ha all tho 1nto-t1on I know at \be proooa\ \illlf , • I- eon only taka chor8" of \hia dinnor.J,n a buoinooo-Ulat tllllliaeo A o""' ol \he_. l 'tor is oncl.oood, I -no\ ioo«ino~linjr aU \hooo .--,. to •nr o\hor be>nor peat exoept zoyrttlt.

• •

.... ..............

1111 ...,, \o - 7011 •- n-n M- \ e tile - ud I !law ~ Ill .-silo.

lJ , ... .... - - ..... - ~ J.o\ - .....

I oh<lll ba wri\illl TOOl e,aia probeb~ bot ... I - yooa e\ \be 4SIIDOI'·



"' till lola .... ot "'- _ .. 101M 0.,01eS..l~-

- rrtend &lid Oo o lliio

. . l2CI1 as • ot .....-. lA S"'''-•a. ~'*=» •• 1 ..

011 ~-. ,._, 7, - -..u.. ot - .. , .... ..u. I •t with tbt -ouuw -- ot tile -..•• 101M oaqr-s-1 o-111\- 11111 wUb ... pen -, - f.Mper, !1118 ;::::f ot - ulllt • w- u ~ ot t~~e~wbt •n _.,. ~ .. w .. "'""-*¥· - 14, "--~. -~to ... ts.oo.

!bat ewllill& I - "" al.naU latter W .... II I I Nlt Ia t.- .... 1A ft~ \Ia NM1Wd - repl1eo hea ller Ia - ..U, s.a.Mille ller ._ te ... , Ia tho .u-...... - tat..\loll w - - - ..... 1 • w ... l\ -ible,

on rrida7,'ual'7 1s, I telapboftod 11r1oe w JIU• al.YiM "-."';! .... lloOHftlt•• eool'ltary( and uad .._ ·-~ w-- ft : oa • oolleot, Tb1l ohl Cl1d in a ......, i1iin U•, &lid eho I* .... w ln • ._ clot1Dl\ol7 1! !In, R-U o....U bo lilll'e • U. date an uW. t• \1111 a-, .1.\ 8o47 , .. , ,.-..,. 18, JIUo 1' 5 • wind - u. r..u..s.c toola ....

l&TIIIt I'RDII IIU, RD<SRU DmlC&!II m IIISDIB 1D • II '"""'DI Jill! IMCII 14!11 Dl11 AID LIC-nlll IIIIIAU an J! CAll. AM•pe,

al.YiM c. n 5 •

In tbt •antw., tho _,_ .,.. ., t- t- ..,. t - - p.. till Ol'dor w linwood for tho l.Dfttet'- t.lll\ wUl p -17 w tile boMr -'" Md oerteln indioidualo till _,_ bolS..e ellnld bo l.Dftfllto .,.. UU.W .,.,.. alo9 bean orcloi'Gd, and tho ...,.. .. on till pro .... 11 pno\~ ~

11 ~

.P.S. ~ lott.r 11 boinl ••t to U. alt8.-w ...S repn-tou-·ot tbo 22 or.,..,U. u.o.. of 'I .ICC tw U.l.r W..U..


.... -

IIII'OII1QT III'IBUihW - - m.a - -· WICWt&t 01 ... 14. A! '7o00 p, .. U' mB lllrn.o. IIJrll.

1. - · ottt. ..... s. iA ....... of tile •• ·--~. - .... -~ IIUiber S. IWIDOU'II 019So PlaM lroep Sa MMII w1tla ..,.,

~. Ks.a Apa 111m bu liMa ...,..lated 'It' tile .s- .-'* • to-== rw tbt -· ftmoet-, all ......... ~ .. - ""' to - ....... 1ISia, tnuurer, .

(a) Till- tr1r- table -150.00- pnliiNbl7 iA olleolia­-·to-··- a-, - · (b) Till lS.t, of t.lil 11111 - - ed t Ill 0 Of tbt lO - to be -t.ed at. - t.Q1e. (a) Tile dalaSit.a ' a on- aa .. ..-.of tile U•t..

" =~tr:: f~r..:: :m = r.:-u:a.:;.e£.:re"tr:=·~ t!'f,_, :.0

aaoip4 to aaah -· .t.t - t.olblae, tbt r~r...,U.Uo• will - to ..... t lwlr p.-.oident.o - ronkil>l omo.n ODd ~ ~t. ...,.t.o tho7 _, ,;.., · rtte. .

s. Tlw t.oblaa will ba aao~ aa -~~ aa pDIIOil>la - Uoket.o will be Mil.o4 t1'0il .... ottiAe to "Gb W!!1!! - bu pot'O- & tialiat. -- fOi&r oreo~>• iaotion.

6, Plaaoe lot uo - &lao it ,...... orSIDiMUoa oaa - u a4dU1oaal an4 - -t ia _.. ~t. - -tiler or aot. D11 IIIU!!.IIIIII o&o1f'P'4• Wil -t. ..... tlli.l int-t.iAD .-:u11tii"'

7. Arran-nt.o bow balD - 'lit-h tbt -·•• Seorlri1r - !rUt. ea.., laao tileD tlta bloolia t1'0il "' ottioe, t.o - ..,. ot 11111\mdt ooU.eoW t• tlli.l 4-r ftlr t.lil W.ICC. -· 1I1m will ...... - ..,.u -. .U, an4 will lroepM-;,:-w - of ~ t.-rru-. ._ u. ._ S. Oftr an4 all ara paid, tlliol ._._ will toe 1 ll1e4 'It' u &lltitlr1 &I Wll U !v tile ~W .-ttee of till 'IJCO, ... & ..,.r\ will be .... at tl>o f oll.otr1ai>l of "- W.JCO t.o be - a ,... ot - alatlee,

~;~ .. ....1. 0-.~ tJ _ _.:.,· cc.._ Gllar1~~

0'1' -et- --011-'­l:IDliF II II """'• .. w, -" ·-'· Do o •

/ {

,.. t


NATIONAL -.c:A'nOII - CW,... -taot m•-•• -. M..., 92 ,_ & & ..


Tho ODOt-4 OOrrftpO-- W1111 !1ft ... 81d ~ will t.ll )'Oil tla\ I olall, llitll!a touz cr tl ........ , bo ..

proud poNOO- ot 'JJII'M .U... ~---I

oMUJ:oa•• oacra-" ·U. lu\ ~,.....- - ,_ lbih l!l>uoo. I o>q»owd tift to pwa\ IV req-\ ln rtew of tho l8tter of ~t!.od ol at I wanwd to ttl with thio lz"*T,

I fool YOry hop)l3' oDd proud -n I thl.nlr a plaoo will bo fo""d tor U,. 1n tho Pna14oat•o libr&z7 at J1r4o IU't, and I o~l bo writin& ,... lawr oa &bell\ U.. n.l dUpoaitlDa

of tbeoo tool '"at troaaliiWa ot -. bo7olld pl'loo.

,_1tbtull7 and artootlonataq,

Cbarl o-Dd Wlll.iaa

.. ---:& ..... ..... 'P' ,, __ ....

--- 11M&--•• ,., ~ ., u· ..,,, ,.,. f/6 ...... - ........ . ens..-• ., .. ..


.. .-.... ilttilllls.


a I -

f i

\ 7

' .

• • .... ...

7 I ' $

....... -,



• • - · J 0

•• 7 •• -

.... .._liUl'sns

...... 1• .... ., •• 2 ,... ...... 0 ...... ~ ... ~-- ... -:..: : ;=~.:. ... I ~..,.,.. !IT " ,., p ds - ... d ..... = ai .,.. .... . wba..~tl•'sk..a .. ._. .. ,.. .. , ._ .... -.I ... •s I 1 Jlo

......... ! ... ,_ .......... Ia -• fJI tr-.!:!IM_.,__.._­.... Ia ... ., ~ ... ,. • •• • 0

D rat --~ 7 LAo U'R' t. 6e1 SilaS J'MI .Ul • .. JilSPPI ... W• Jt l8 ..._ • IMl I.e I


'•• _.

,. ..... - wt11 ,.u - ......... .. ......... ~ ......... .._== ....... M .. ....-r - .. - .. ..... ..... WhUsl • ...,_ .. ::" 1::~ I.""' I tRII'l 7 ••• Ia .._


~Je ••

NATIONAL ~EDUCATION ~ATION 0#1 TH8 UNITIID aTATD IAOI euti ... TM efta'r. M. W .. W .. lllllftNI & D. C.

lira . Franklin D. P.Doaovelt Aportment 1~-4 29 11oatrington Square lli!ot New York 11, New York

o.&r fboaenlt.1


Tho hu.ntor 1o ho100 tl'o• t ho l>1ll.o and ... cb tho 110r .. for tho -ti"'• I lo!t rq offioo ! ucoot 10 aod tro ... lad to u1aooa, Co.lifomia, lloahil>gtoo, Oregon, IdahO, Utah, Ianeaa, a1hington, D, c., •- York, and bact to 1Iioh1to, lfanooa, tl'oa wlll.cb I rotamod to rq oftioa oo ll<llldar, N....-r 4.

I 1188 j u at. 1n time to eend lliY ballot to Tenma ... , 'Y'1. air •11, a~cial doUwrr. My stow •• oct in dlulpr, but I felt I a'-ld 'IOta ·-· Tho Domoerato au!!ored & dafMt ~otordar. I u.- o ... r tho rod1e untU loOO in tho ""ming, to.t I do not rot lmow tho final re0111ta. Olldevbtadlr tho otory tonight will be •ch ...,.. .. than l&at oigbt.

During tbia loa& trip I aaw enough paopla aod board enough talk to ooortnea • that tbe Democrats ware in tor a record dl!•t· The party and the nation baft been witbollt loadorebip - t bio inoludaa tho Preoidant of tho OnJ.tod Statu, t ho choinoa:n of tho Dnocret1c National Coai-, aod pan,. lo&dare in ~aa. Loy&l rock-ril>bed Daocrat •• I u, I COIIld fMl 110 _ .. of ODtto.aiuo •• 1o !orMr daya. I .MDt rq obeok aa a at.ter of cou.rM, but I • • 'J)GWarle88 to .U. &l'I;J other contribution,

Preaidant -rru-n loot, DHdlaoalr, the - '• 'IOto. I . ... Ida a --.fill op.. portun1ty to apook to.., •• and to w1c tboir oupport wben I iurttod b1a to io­trcduce ;you at thot biot<>r1c cliPMr en llarch 14, 1946. Ddd I over write ,..,.. that a friend ot ml.oo ae callad to tha lihUe - - llorob :14, doznQI wld.ob tiM thio dinner •• dio.,...odt '!'be,.,. adloittod that a .to- - - •da - but that thor eouldo •t be erpoctad to be ria:ht all the tiM. All that w con dD now 1o to hope and - tor tho bat. Thoro ..,. be dark da~ abaad ot uo.

I do bcpa, rq dMr, that rou a ra not foel1ca .,,. 111 ettacta of that aoc~t.

I • • in Wa llopaina - 'NJ7 oica ~pba ot ,..,.. - bat..,. aDd attor tho accident.. I dD bcpa tha ,... teeth are plaa1oa to ,.ou. l - - &DTtb1oc wro"' with tho otbaro.

I - toll ;you tho t I called to - J-• 1o LN Aaaolaa - 1o 1arp pan to nt..a para~ report ot TOU a1oca I ... !aSl.e4 t.o-- 1o l'lloaiL , ,_ •• .... 1o, a _,_ -ua. ot ,...,. -..,.--I-- 11118 or­tioa, and than • aod I •• a..,.,. oica n-it. • ... a ... ,.,. del ' pehl,..... -utr. wa die nnd tbo .-1~ •Uoot ....s be -a uttla n...u..s that II&D7 olci-Uoo -rata .,..... ""t •1Da to - tha ~ratio tiolaot. ThoJ' hod told • .. , aod thoro aa octbioa I , or ~ alaa, aould do -t it.

T-rrow I •n write to rou alia\ - or - other ~ \11111ce• ~~· _ ... .

~....__ o---- ...., ........... -rtfll/b Cllarl Oaoli4 lr!J.lJaa

NATIONAL II:DUCATIOH AMOCIATIOH M TH. UNJTm .,.ATD • • 180t IGia&Wf'N ~ .... W., W aau liON e. & 0.

llro. ht>oltlin D. -1\ A~t15-.\ 29 •lhlncton Squu., .,.,t Now York 11, N .. YOI'lc

Dear llro. Roo-U•


You do not know - patatul I Ia U.t, iD opU.O ot all the 11J'Cin&o the ,.,, and the p!lbUcit;r, ,.,. detinital.T decided aot to ""' tor uq ol­tioe in JOUr ot&-t in Look *'"'IDe• Jlll,r 9, 19"-• You au ••poe, •• nll oo I , olat tlw oat~-1\ pa.,.n ODd r- 111 W.O o •'"1 11011l.d bo ~ """ U ,..,. ._d na, end - - witl> U. Il&rV• I -tbr::Npt 7'0\:a ~ aoftlllat \o 1'W' tor IO'fti"'DDI", ... wr, or Y'111 ,....itlellt, or •111 otl>or ortioe, bolt, n-thelo111 I aa ilad to ._.,. U.t tortl!r1&ll\1 w1ol otot.ont trc.. )'OU plbllohed about fov - &CO•

I looked ;reoto.....,. to .. , wbat 7"" MIA aboozt t1>o olonti<lll, blat I rNlioo4 that tha article ._d boon writ- the $7 bolero. Toda:r at limo-, I borrowd tha 'iilohinston DoiJ.T .... trc.. a ~ to - U ,..,. MDtioM4 it in JOUr ool> YOQ wrota ao U no olootim bad- IIIIU. Tboro ion 1t .. ob :rou can •:r oboozt it, &Del I .,.pact tbat. ,..,. ~ DOt aat to rooord ,.,.r 1nno,._ot -ll>ta· _,. tactoro lftt.arod iDto the -rat111 defat, bolt - or \be .. taoton 11011ld not .... ~.., larp, or U.., ~DOt .... - 111 U. p1oioaft at au, u OQr leodn'81>1p--- Ia, t-'111, rd .. a.. ID w.o eow>t.z':r, it 1a .--1ad...,. ..... ~ tbat the I'N~t or the CJaitad ,__ 1o tho leoder ot the polltioel Il&rt:r U.t pot b1a iD tba ' Ho.... It •• pathetic to r.d 1n 'ftJ'Sou paporo the ..-Df'li!Q' U. I'Nol.doi& 41.4 not - an uttoranoo -inc the -l.p. I otill tool thet tba 11\ito a ..... 1a ftooat, ao I haft W2'1ttlft ,.,.. betoro. I .. f101nc there tor 1unchooo oa •cboo$7, •- 14, and I ob&ll baft tbia tool1n1 1nt.onoU1od wb1la I u there. I oa to pour at a teo tar lro. on tbo atton>ooo ot lo-r 15 - the -""" -rod b)' the Bu.oinou and Profo11~ -a•o Clab of·~·

Tb1o 1a no tlM, - ...... lllr __ ._ "' Ci"" up tile pot. 1ltU do I I 1M.., or,- I - to-~ 1a 19220 tll&t tllltft ... DOt-­-.a to in tb1a cU:r "' Jool4 a pHieod ~ -1 JdaSe. 'lila loadero in the part:r - -lutoJ.T wi-t opb't~ T11o7 ba'IO au, -the -• ...... . u, tile ......,UaU.. of the -·• Jau-1 -...t.So O:Wb broucb\ tile part:r to lUa. At the\ u.., 0111' olall- -. • old, run.......,. ,..,1_ oo 17tl> Streot, Jut &OI'OIIt Ina tile 11111\ed .__ -ber ot eo-roe bol1ld1111. 'lila -• .,.,. - tw ao\laiac, .... , * apirit or the ..,.n aa b1cll ....s ~. Mid - ODd u.. \be -o1toti<lll ot our lllr-V .....,._ ....,. ellort ..U be •de- 'bJ Dl _._ I'Ar;rwbaro to bulld -in tor the ,._,


~ o- .Lc)·., · Cllu'l0....•11'

- · Notioool {oogresJ of fcnots o,~

~ qfo ~~or 5, 1966 , .. ~v.r Ur~. ?r-SJ:Iklin !oo,.nl t: Jpar..aent 15-J. 29 "•• on Square , V Ziev York 11, Jiew Tork

After n hecti c veek bert in Ch1e~o V\ib tourt .. n h~e4 4--h Club Joye and. 011'11, vUh the1r aM ll$.t1onal ltftdtrt, I .. rte47 to fl7 to ~t.nnee ... an4 Arlca:laaa tP"l7 to.orow • orntnc.

I shall. retttrD to Vaah1QC1ooa oa llH•'b•r 18\b aza4 ahall han r e..V t or ocu- oonltf'e"Mt Oil JMUZ:7 3%'4, .u the thine• r """' to lhow ,.... an4 a -­o~ thine• 1 vac.t to talk Oftr wtth 7oa on that 4q.

You vUl plea•• l t' M b.ov where aD4 ldl.aza I .., ••• 70Cl. I ehall adtt DO qJ>OiD\ tor that 4..,­untU I hear f'ro:s: 7ou. tor I v&Dt to IIAJut: rq •c.he4u.l• t o t U. into JOV o~.

I ~ look::inc f'o rwar4 w1tb to aob plt•.an to •••inc 1ou e.satn.

tl..,. Q (9,. .... D I.J.)", OJl. ·. ·• Ol>arl VUliMa "'f

COII/rt:p 41otate4 'but not reM


-Natioool {ongre~.9 of formt.9 ooo &ocber.9

Kr1. 7rMkl.Ua looaeTel t .tputaont 15-.\ ag 1'.-hll>ct• • Squore, V. J:.w York 11 rev Toft.

December 5, 1944

Tour letter of :ro,.-e:mber 26th ttl.Unc • of 7VUZ roc1c'MUon from the Pretldent 1 a C~itttt on H1cher !4ucat1on lntr~4 ce. I ~•t ·~ ~h~t I tel~ a cer tain etnee ~r relief ~ov­tnc AI I do the problat t hn.t v1ll ha.•• to be fn.oe4 1n t hAt sroUp . I do not I tt vb7, At thit late dat e, 7~ ahoul4 b i"CPt tntflli.Cle4 in a.n hw. .W the »•t1o~ 14ucat1on .luociaUoc hat not tace4 aq,U.&Hlt 1Utlf, and ••• • ao rtlU4t&nt to diacues in the optn .

TOu baTe faced. enouc;h 41ftlc\&lt cau-•ttone 1a 7ttt1I Uat d haTe bt.: c ou.receou. an4 n en cler1n,. 1n the atan4 rou ~Tt take~ on .._,. hsu.ea. And now, I think you an 1At1tle4 t o \ekl ytro.r piut OD t.M t14tl1.ftt t and. -.lch thoat zaor e 4te;ply co::~.Cernec! that yoa. AN show the atu.ff of ~1ch t.he7 ttre made .

I ha•• ne•or aent t he inform~t ~on I proalae4 rou about the Acer1c&D Oo~cil on Jduoat1on eoon atttr 70ur sppo1ntat nt t o tbat Coamitt ion , and now, 1t will not be neceaaar,r lor 10~ to h&Ye it. I wadte4 rou to h.Ye a cCDplt tt li lt ot l ta .ecbe rahlp, an4 a recor4 of the aon-., r tctl•e4 troa ~hat ... ber ehip. I t vaa not &'t'".Uable ln our otflce a t the tlM I ••arched t or tt.-twt I 1Dtt:414 to vrite 41reot to tht ~*0. 1. for i t , but to 4&t• l bAYe no' d~e so.

l owY'Ir. troa people Wo ha:n 'ben ... 'bere ot the CoaoU tor, 1 lurnt4 t.bat the t oW recei ptt ~ the ce.'btr eblp voul4 not &Alnt &1A thtlr b ta4quartera 1 atatt. !hut, :you HI the Cou:z14U Dept 1Utl1 cotna b7 nmd.t fr• t'outLAatlont or tro:a the C'(ITi rmN'd. lenM \htll et'Ulte atl4 IUI'T~Io

Colloc••- prtvatt and. ••otut.a ..U lQ) ,. b .r,. piU"\ of t~h uabtreb..1p, an4 th1 1 1nttreat -.ut 'bt ca.rl4 tor. lnOYi.ftC' thtll f acta t ou eM rta4.117 4ltotn. t.he r eaaoa for pl.clnc oa the ~ tor &.1.euta1aa the qa.atloa of tl4tral ttcanclal a14 to prlYat t an4 eeotariaD lnJt1t~t1aaa.

. ..

J.Crt. f r ankl l D lootn·llt - 3- Dtcltlbor 6 , 19411

!hh quet Uon v U 1. ha:u t o COM 1Dto the ope ·••• A.q-d in ., Judce:ent , the tooner, the better.

It ~• had ~ fedtrol 4.oartaent of t4ucat1o~ vt th a Seortt&r,r in the Preaidtntt Oablntt, ~ ot thtte e tu41tt could &n4 ohcu.l4 be ~· b7 t hat ocenq. a l o • r ... t t hat tha Aat r tcan Council on 14ucat1on , the ~attonal J4ucatloa At t oclatlon ~ t he Oft lce of ldacatloa ~ all 1~~ t o t he pr that auch a depart=ent be createt. I think the r eaaont art o\Ttoua but thf7 oort&1Dl7 4o uot ttrYe educa t i on,

It , at the ~ork of t hlt O~ttlon 4tTt lopt, I hear ot th~t ~~t I t hi nk would be o! iDt t rtt t t o 7~. I .ull otUl vrlto 7 0u about the.

u •oct1ouhl7.

~~W.<io.; .,

Ohorl Ormo~ Villl .. t ...

OOV/ ap 4lctat~ bu~ not r t o4


Natioool (ongress of fcnots ooo &ocbers WI '' ~- .. -...- ...

Mra. 1r&Dkl1~ Roose•elt ~u.ont l&-J. 39 l.'aebl.a.ctou W. r ev Tort ll, 1. T.

Dbr )Cro, loOIO'ft! t:

_ .. ...._

»-eenber 5 194&

$f)On 4\lter -.:t arrival here a soo4 lepu.blican friend i.n ID41M~;'Ol1a1

the •oouip Oolw:m1 contacte4. .. abou~ 7011.

Onl.v one of the J"WWIora had reacbe4 me. tho\l&h I nlao heart Drew PotrsOD on the &lr the Sun~ ntsh• before I lef t Waab1n&toc on l"oYcJD'bor 23 t hAt , "!ira. Jlootonlt' 1 fr1er.4a •oey lll\\C.h COil"' cerne4 about ber health• . I tt.:t tMt I could oot re,. tTtO 'betwen the l inot that 70\l .-.r. in a nato of Ucl1D1 tu:.4 for thAt I Nt cr•atlT rd1en4. I M aore thM. C"•t•t'ul. \hat I b&" aenr he -.rd tbst ycu vere (Tlq o,t •cancer•, that woul4 han ahocked. ce bee~• U: cou.l' hlppen. to ~ o! ua.

In aT v114eat 4:-ea::a I YOU14 ut haTe tb.DU,&ht of 7ou u plMnlDC M !)thtr aarria,.e, not that 7our ~ W1114 be .-:t7 barrier ~ \ n:~. !'he qU.taUon ti:l'\t v oul4 co.a.t'QM e:r tho'QChta voul4 be , vbo on t.hh earth would ~ NJ.7 CJ)J)tal to J'OU atttr cl.l 70\l han had. !bAt ia c~rtdnl.T on& quttt1on that I vas not worr1e4 about.

While ve &re.on tbe ~ueat1on ol your ac•. I must tell yo~ th4t When I ftO~ bACk lr• that ten wtkt trip, 1 wnt tb.rough tho accwcul.ate4. itt~•• of the Vaahincton DaJ17 »tvt an4 tore out the p ... t Yb!oh contalne4. t ou.r colUlllll, I rt..S. t .hta too, an4 7ou know to co \h.roQCb a at..clc of J.' ll.P•r• lik4 that 11 toat chore. I han nn er trl~ \o keep • ecrt~p book ot your 4oiqe tl''GCh the 7ean, !or •hat vou14 han '-"" t.apouiblo. Onl7 • CO".,.,...,, - colll4 hao4lo • Job uch u that; but I han tr1o4 to toop lho t~W>cs :roll ho.Yo vr1Un • Snct you ~ft tb.e Ybih Boaat. !he colu.c you vro•• oa. :rour birth4aT vu charain&l:r 4ouo on4 I _, to wr1to :roll looc batore \hit about U . Io tha\ col,_ an4 tneral. otbert . &I w ll u at. tht 4hmor 1n Va.r.blnctOD., 70u 4wlt on the tao'\ t hat 70'& vert u AlA. lldz. rrov l Tt.o.ture to ukt • rtq,~at that 7ft. •oeue an4 d.tt1tt 1 tor obviou n••oae anot w t\1'8 pr.ct1cA117 the •­... 11114 I ,.. l171nc rq boot oot l o bo ol4, I thillk it •icht holp .. it you. 4o not ptr1o41call.J c.U atttnUoa t-o the t..o• J Whu I ttt :rou oo JAA'""'17 3r.l I ob.lll tab • coo4 looc look • t :rou ad t17 to ••• ~ether there it aoDt h1"-ea. aal• \bat I know nothlnc abov.t .


- 3 -

It both of ue voul4 on\7 have tht v i 1doa to take care of curttlvee. wt hAYe ~ r i cht t o ·~•ot to llve to nn .Avanctd o14 t~rCI• I .. .fa,at ec;othtical tAO\llh to th1U thn.t thia ol4 world. •lcht be a littl e bit better 1! " ' vere to rt:a.!n OD U ck for a coot :JUtt:X1 aor• 7ta.rt.


~~W· PQ.,.~ Cbul Orll<>n4 111111-

COII/q d1ct &tt4 but not read
