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Kr a. l:leanor RooaeYel t. Jalltill. Hyde Park, r. T.

Dear Kre RooanaU;

Teeterd&y, While I waa Yiait1ng the BDoeiYelt Par~, I had the extreae pleaeu:re of aeet1ns yo taln ag to JOU•

' \

\ ' C' In our conYeraat1on I aent1onacl that I waa 1a bl:leiaeee bere i~ 1 \• \

Poughlteepaie and you wantacl ae to write you ezpl&inillg tbe tJPf .~ A_\ aerohandiae we ban41e. \} .tr We are the exoluein repreeentat1ne for the r:racter1ok Poet Oo. v"' ~ ~, of Chicago and handle a CM~Plete line of 4:raft1ag and IIIII' .1 ~\

supplies. bur terri tory inolu4ee t he eeYeo ea:rrc,..nd1ng OOQ.Ilt ~ \ ~ ' t f roa Pougblteepa1e in l'ew Tc:rk 81i&te, and our Jew Je:reey off~• ~ '1)) ,_J._ located in Lync!buret J.J. of Whoa .,. father Kr. Robert 8. , • ~,. " Br. , opera teet ccnr!ag all of l'ew Jereey froa l'ew Bruen~~

1 \.;- 1 ~

the lew Torlt 11tate Une. -\~ l:i~ ~ ~:~

We also handle a OO!lPlete line of rebuilt 41ctat1, II&Obinea ~~9j~ suppliea and a COIIPlete line of offioa equ1p.ent. f at any Uae IGq" we can be of eernoe to you wi th an7 of theee eappl1ee we would 11_. be acre than glad to ezpl aia tboroughl7 What our ooapleh liae ooneiata •

.Uao I aant1onacl that there were arouncl annty fhe of the bo71 11Y1Dg here in Poughkeepaie Who pal'4e4 Jl:r , Jloo ..... elt 4u:r1JII War Uae, and JOU aentioned a pt.-to-sethe:r tor th•. We Who are in bua1neae here in Pouabkeepa1e ban laa4 oloaa ooataat With the aa3orit7 of theae te1~:t4and eeob and enr7 one that baa Y1a1te4 u e hae aent1oned the7 :reall7 ~07 pUing toptbe:r 01101 aore at IIYU Park for a toar of the Ketate and 110t lia•• to be under aili tary recal&Ueae.

I u aura tlw:re wae neYer U7 peate:r loYe for one au tbaa tllat of the boye at BJ4e Park laa4 for lb'. Jlooenelt, and tbe:re are plaaeaat ·-riel that tM '0071 001114 tal.J about sa a get-to­sether onoe aore. If at .. , uae J01l woal oare for tbe .....

t •

\t Nnl- MAAI(CT .,.._In ' .-ouOHMI.CHIC, H Y

TA.m uoeea





and addrenee of 'be boye 'ba' are 11'1'1111 hue in Poughlteapaie and IIU.rroUDdiq 'urHoriee, •• would be glad to au.pply :rou with a lht. ,. .Again, my partner Glen 1f1111ua Who wae &110 guard a, and ayaelf wan' 'o ~ :rou for 'be abown ua and ei.noeraly hope 'o bear fro. you Until then, we reaaia,



011.e of the honor lt11141leee :rou baTe 1D ~· uar future.



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When I wae 1ll loY o W• •• er I t.rled w IM you llu\ 1\. ae

jut after your, 1 oroeeia& onr the 11M1 ... I _. llafPT W

bear tr• t.U oono1er&• at 7JlUI' ~ t.U.t., 111re. looenelt ••

I eaw

I oould lin loq enoqb w tell wmrn ot t.M IIIitH !taW.

t.beT are •OUDd adMp1 o

thea up •

... one ot OUI' loeal •••11lbe lllat.nll Wall ... will .. n 10.1. 8lle h a heer• ... oeat.e ._ ~ W+w ... a I b

ot del-. I .... ,. yea Met. ...... •¥M lal._,. \~~ere dll ..

J•en,& h aJL .. b

Oaborae-an ..ateur pbotocrapber- She no clwbt. wUl ban ber o ana . ... .... . and be on tbe lock out tor w•en auttjeoto. U ehe pto DMI' roa

do ut her tal• a obot. or two u I Jmow JCN wUl M plM .. cl ~

tbe reaulto. 1\o sr .. ~\~ .. t1~o~cl-~,._~\tteu-e .. 1.1-s .... ~ovl.

Aa to Xi~ma poll tioa, we U.J baTe to evtter clet•t apia- no\btna

'UIIlUual out. !Mre-wt t.M .Left tald.q our t.M part¥ lan OODT..U•,~

atter ooDclesn'nc ~e old order, clo exaotlr the .... th'•ae tb-.r

tOUDd 80 wroaa.

and now thoee that were oeourecl b,r oae uthocl or uaotber are

Tictiaa. On Senat.or; a oh1lcl ooulcl oee alii Jmow t.bat. Prot. Jora-­

eon h qualified aa oo.pand to ow GoY. 'l'bJo(lll• ,...oOMllJ)- '-7

1• oapable, but no one kDowo •IM io run"'ftl• I raa aorooo a DO\loe

ot ber-opeU:iq at a ucro oettl .. Dt. houe.(b. f·¢' c.-t.....w)

We ban a JOUD& .lttoa_,., • D.r.L. tloket tor Oea&r••• ,tu1q

Judd u blo opount. Be 1a trrlnc to oeoure a clo•w wl\11 ~.

Judd wt 80 tar tM Rep .... t.o ttellno •au .... lo ,ot .. I la

tbl• eleotl•,- -.a, w_.D were tor ~. ~-· la tale o•.,.tp o\

• • ... ...

••lt the O.ocrat• 1bould be 1a power tor aAO\ber peeratlca.

Todll' 1 • paper , br1q1q tbe uw. f4 llakhlal, .... t.lle MI'J

tiM plotaroa ot 7oa 1a aoUoa,r•tn4- • f4 ~,la

-hU D•ocraq at the Oroaaroacl••, tat. -.t. we MM la 1101'0 •

•ohoolteaoher• and t ... r la.,ore la our publlo llto-lo&1•lat1-.e

hall•- •• be ..,., ,1•"701'• are lMliiiM t.o 4o what. 1o ..,.Uoat.

ani eobool toaobore 1101'0 pYeA t.o 4o tdlat. 11 _.all7 rl&Jd..

Tb11 11 t.o be a 1-. lot.'Mr ._ 1 • oo laterooW

1D dOYolopiq t.hna -.11 Fout• l..Urohlp • all tra.t.o.

WauD are Yel')' wllliq t.o ww1t an4 lt. la U. w Ml,.. t.llla WI .I • II

tht• tor tll• .. h•• ... ao 1....,. an ao •• ..,.. .. W• a.s.u.oe, OYOD lll pollt.loal put.lH.

IYer elMo, 1 at.t.e.t .. tile llalto Ba•• 0 ll:"tt • • tile -'•

ot qualltlecl ._.., W haM 11M a i Je fa• 0 1tt.M a\ •

· work 4nd on Tueodq we will ... t to oCIIl81dor tbe uxt probl•

to Yiow.

1n 1945 we bad 1,0 leadore, oooall .. , view teaobor ohortap ud

"'•en Rolatiou. 1'be ro•ult• are •atbtaotorr., 1a that thq

han r .. ul ted ia aotioa. lt oa a looal level we oaa do ·~

along thooo 11no• it will be worth while.

I bel1on the c.I.o. ropro•oaUa& a powertul vootod iatoron Ud

wbat wcaen aight bavo dODO, oroatod P.A.O. We ow thee a sr•t

debt ot p-atitudo but oun tho labor 18 powortul I • nt1e wcaen

are a aore powerful &roup, ••Pe•Wl7 it lo&d•r• oaa help thea

-to ••• aa4 ka-dl'tbat tbelr onlJ iatoron,vootod or ..U.rwiH

oan be their ob114ron ud ob1ldr•' • ohilllron 1n a world t4 poue. :. .._~."-....

I whh I oould be 1n two plao .. at -..e~~.bat a• we M.von1 t JOt

toUIMI out. bow to do tbat 1 will •tar bore aad do a job a• ben

I oaa. Bonr1otto •or•••now a st.e•HD advooato wu A Leap

ot lfatioae devotee, SJ. aad Jo•epblae Sohda are Mtaa. w-

ot wb• we are proud. Henriette ,a ~t rlpt ~ ooator aad 011111

wuua.a.,A b1t lett ot e1a\er are ton ot ...t. eft..Uve

w•• leaden 1 k•rw wll.

I ••h t• 1-.tlle etr.,U..)naWlltr -'.p••• fill ....

. ~-" uAJ, f., '