
J o i n i n g f o r c e s t o r e c o v e r m o r e

W o r k p l a n 2 0 1 7

Table of Contents

The vision: Joining forces to recover more 4

Objectives 4

About the work plan 5

The IOR toolbox and The roadmap 6

The roadmap 7

IOR Toolbox 8

Integration of IOR Research projects through generic case studies 9

The Roadmap 12

About The National IOR Centre of Norway 13

Gantt Theme 1 14

Gantt Theme 2 15

R&D Activities 16

Development of IOR methods 17

IOR mechanisms 18

Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools 19

Full field prediction 20

Field performance 21

Economic potential and environmental impact 22

Monitoring tools and history matching 23

Fiscal framework and investment decisions 24

The projects 25

1.1.1. DOUCS- Deliverable Of an Unbeatable Core Scale Simulator 26

1.1.2. Core plug preparation procedures 27

1.1.3. Wettability estimation by oil adsorption (PhD project) 28

1.1.4. Core scale modeling of EOR transport mechanisms (PhD project) 29

1.1.5. Application of metallic nanoparticles for enhanced heavy oil recovery (PhD project) 30

1.1.6. How does wetting property dictate the mechanical strength of chalk at in-situ stress, temperature and pore pressure conditions? (PhD project) 31

1.1.7 Thermal properties of reservoir rocks, role of pore fluids, minerals and digenesis. A comparative study of sandstone, shale and chalk (PhD project) 32

1.1.8 Flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media (PhD project) 33

1.1.9 Integrated EOR for heterogeneous reservoirs (Phase 2) 34

1.1.10 From SCAL to EOR – Phase II 35

1.1.11 Permeability and stress state (PhD project) 36

1.2.1 Micro- and nano-analytical methods for EOR (PhD project) 37

1.2.2 Raman and nano-Raman spectroscopy applied to fine-grained sedimentary rocks (chalk, siltstones and shales) to understand mineralogical changes for IOR application (PhD project) 38

1.3.1 Pore scale simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore scale 39

1.3.2. Improved oil recovery molecular processes 40

1.3.3. Micro scale simulation of polymer solutions 41

1.3.4. Description of the rheological properties of complex fluids based on the kinetic theory (Postdoc project) 42

1.3.5. Experimental investigation of fluid chemistry effect on adhesive properties of calcite grains (PhD project) 43

1.4.1. IORSim development project 44

1.4.2. Environmental fate and effect of EOR polymers (PhD project) 45

1.4.3. Lab scale Polymer Test in porous media - Supporting Halliburton’s Large Scale Polymer Shear Test phase II 46

1.4.4. Smart Water for EOR by Membranes (PhD project) 47

2.5.1. Development and testing of nanoparticles as tailor-made tracers for improved reservoir description and for measurement of defined reservoir properties 48

2.5.2. Single-Well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT, for measurement of SOR and efficiency of EOR methods 49

2.5.3. Development of water/oil partitioning tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region (PhD project) 50

2.6.1. Adding more physics, chemistry, and geological realism into the reservoir simulator 51

2.6.2 Advanced numerical methods for compositional flow applied to field scale reservoir models (PhD project) 52

2.6.3. CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots (PhD project) 53

2.7.1. Production optimization 54

2.7.2. Robust production optimization (PhD project) 55

2.7.3. Assemblage of different step size selection algorithms in reservoir production optimization (PhD project) 56

2.7.4. Data assimilation using 4D seismic data 57

2.7.5. Interpretation of 4D seismic for compacting reservoirs 58

2.7.6.Data assimilation using 4-D seismic data (PostDoc TNO) 59

2.7.7. 4D seismic and tracer data for coupled geomechanical / reservoir flow models 60

2.7.8. Elastic full-waveform inversion (PhD project) 61

Budget 62

IOR NORWAY 2017 in collaboration with the EAGE 66

T h e N a t i o n a l I O R C e n t r e o f N o r w a y


The vision:

Joining forces to recover more

The National IOR Centre of Norway provides solutions for

improved oil recovery on the Norwegian Continental Shelf through

academic excellence and close cooperation with the industry.

Objectives The Centre aims to contribute to the implementation of environmentally friendly

technologies to improve oil recovery on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Secondary objectivesRobust upscaling of the recovery mechanisms observed at pore

and core scale to field scale. Optimal injection strategies based

on total oil recovered and economic and environmental impact.

Education of PhD students and postdocs during The Centre’s lifetime.

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About the work plan

Integration between projects is one of our key pri-orities. This is why we decided to create a tool to guide us on our way and to make communication between projects as smooth as possible. The Road-map was designed in order to highlight our aim and the milestones that we need to reach along the way. The Roadmap provides a re-structuring of The Centre’s activities based on R&D activities more than tasks and themes.

It is more important than ever to see how the proj-ects interact and how each project plays a part in the bigger picture. All researchers are encouraged to look at other projects, covering various themes and tasks, for inspiration and areas of collaboration. The projects will deliver their results and interesting findings to each other, thereby ensuring that the researchers collaborate in order to come up with the best solutions.

The results since the launch of the Roadmap have been very promising: increased collaboration, a clearer view of The Centre’s structure and even new projects designed specifically to integrate research from different tasks.

THE NEXT STAGEWe have come a long way since The Centre was opened in December 2013. Several projects are now entering new phases and we are seeing the ben-efits of the results achieved so far. One of The Cen-tre’s main projects is the IORSim, which has already seen good results; integration between the IORSim and ECLIPSE works well and the full potential of this technology lies in the option to apply it to real

field cases. Researchers at The Centre are also work-ing on integrating the Open Porous Media initiative (OPM, ) with the IORSim.

At IFE a lot of work has been put into the devel-opment of new tracers. A postdoc has been work-ing on the development of fluorescent molecules as self-standing tracers or labels for nanoparticle-based tracers with a focus on lanthanide chelates.

He has also been conducting laboratory research into nanoparticles and C-dots, developed and pro-duced at Cornell University in collaboration with Professor Lawrence M. Cathles, III. A PhD student has been working on establishing an analytical method applicable to laboratory samples for pos-sible compounds selected as oil/water partitioning tracers.

Some of the other main research areas where we are seeing great progress include robust produc-tion optimisation and 4D seismic history matching (HM).

The National IOR Centre of Norway started up in December 2013. A lot of progress has been made since then. Approximately 40 projects are running at The Centre at any one time. The Roadmap was designed in order to ensure collaboration and integra-tion between projects.

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The IOR toolbox and the Roadmap

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The Roadmap was established to create a frame-work to show the path that research at The Centre should follow. This is to ensure that everyone has the same understanding of The Centre’s goals and milestones. It guides us so that we can more easily focus our research and establish good cooperation between projects. The Roadmap is an important tool in evaluating new ideas and project proposals within the relevant time frames. The map identifies any gaps and helps prioritising R&D projects.

The Roadmap is a guiding tool used to lead the way towards a use case. However, The Centre’s research is not limited to the Roadmap and sometimes proj-ects will deliver valuable input to earlier stages of the map, resulting in a better background and un-derstanding for further progress.

The Roadmap is divided into several elements:

ARROWSThe blue arrows show the main activities on which we wish to focus. All projects should deliver to one or more of these arrows in order to be relevant to The National IOR Centre of Norway. These arrows may include projects from several different tasks, across both research themes; however, some of the arrows are naturally more directed towards projects in one of the themes.

The green arrows represent overall research themes at various points in The Centre’s lifetime: EOR screening, demonstrating potential and prepar-ing for pilots and preparing for full field pilots. It is important to note that The National IOR Centre of Norway will not perform pilots, but will contribute through research and results.

MILESTONESThe Milestones are important developments in our research that we rely on in order to reach our goal. Each year we will reach several of these milestones and take one step further towards improved oil re-covery. In 2017 these milestones include the condi-tioning of injection fluids and reservoir simulation, geomechanics (e.g. Eclipse, Visage) and tracer and IOR (Improved Oil Recovery) fluid simulation (IOR-

Sim). However, this does not limit the progress of other projects.

The 2017 milestones are:

• Conditioning of injection fluids• Reservoir simulation, geomechanics (e.g.

Eclipse, Visage), tracer and IOR fluid simulation (IORSim)

SUITED FIELDSelection of a suitable field for single-well tests (ac-cess to field data):

It is crucial to have access to real field data for ongo-ing research within the areas covered by The Cen-tre. In 2017 an important aspect will be the selec-tion of a suitable field for single-well tests. Access to field data will contribute to ongoing projects and will lead to a unique opportunity to perform and qualify research in real field cases. Field data gives the possibility to bring the research performed on pore and core scale up to field scale.

It will be important to clearly define the criteria nec-essary for a near-well region suitable for The Centre. This will make it possible to select the most suitable case for our activities. The selected case should be well defined and should have the necessary amount of data available. To ensure representative reservoir characteristics for the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) two cases should be selected; one sandstone and one chalk reservoir. The Centre is in contact with possible candidates, e.g. Ekofisk, Johan Sver-drup, Valhall, Snorre and Ula.

The Roadmap

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IOR Toolbox

The Centre is more than the Roadmap only. The Roadmap is meant to lead the way towards a use case, but there are many other areas of research that together constitute the IOR toolbox.

This Toolbox will be unique in the context of our re-search. It contains parts of all of the research being carried out at The Centre and its use may vary from field to field and thus be adapted for each individu-

al case. This is why the researchers at The Centre are working so hard to cooperate and collaborate, both within The Centre and with other national and in-ternational collaborators: only then can we see the sum of all the parts, and only then will the Toolbox be most suitable for use in the field.

Lab Data

Field Data

IORCore Sim



CC Image courtesy of trebomb on Flickr

W o r k p l a n 2 0 1 7


Integration of IOR Research projects through generic case studiesThe National IOR Centre of Norway’s research proj-ect portfolio includes core scale, mineral fluid reac-tions at nano/submicron scale, pore scale, upscaling and environmental impact, tracer technology, reser-voir simulation tools and field scale evaluation and history matching.

The complexity of each subtopic and the fact that a multitude of data, scales and disciplines is involved may hinder the proper integration of the research results. For the same reasons, exploiting synergies between the various IOR research projects may prove difficult. At the same time, a collaborative set-up like The National IOR Centre of Norway should enable integrated case studies across scales and disciplines.

To enable proper integration of the research results from the IOR Centre, an initiative has been taken to investigate the relationships between different IOR research projects. Two generic case studies have been defined, one for a chalk reservoir and one for a sandstone reservoir. The reservoir characteristics have been chosen to be representative of fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. For each of the case studies, two IOR methods are addressed; smart water injection and polymer injection. Given the characteristics of the reservoir and the IOR method used, contributions from the various IOR research projects are described and the relationships and synergies between the projects highlighted. As part of the process, the task leaders at The Centre have been interviewed and all researchers, PhD students and postdocs have been invited to a workshop to discuss potential synergies between existing proj-

ects. The process will continue in 2017.

An important objective is to facilitate integration and motivate research that falls between the typi-cal disciplines and projects involved in an IOR case study. To make the relationships between projects more evident, the projects are described in terms of input and output and qualitative versus quantitative information.

The ultimate goal of the integrated IOR research is to provide a framework for monitoring, evaluating and understanding the effects of an IOR method tested in a field pilot, thus linking simulation and history matching of fluid flow, geomechanics and geochemical effects to lab measurements, pore scale and core scale modeling, tracer characteristics, production data and 4D seismic data.

T h e N a t i o n a l I O R C e n t r e o f N o r w a y


EOR screening Demonstrate potential and prepare for pilots

Business cases1



Development of IOR methods



e 2Th

eme 1




IOR mechanisms


Monitoring tools and history matching6

Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools


Field performance2 4

Economic potential and environmental impact5 7

Fiscal framework and investment decisions

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Demonstrate potential and prepare for pilots

Business cases2

202020192018 2021

202020192018 2021

Development of IOR methods

Prepare for full field pilots

IOR mechanisms

Monitoring tools and history matching9

Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools


Field performance13

Economic potential and environmental impact

11 14

Full field prediction


Fiscal framework and investment decisions10 16




T h e N a t i o n a l I O R C e n t r e o f N o r w a y


1. Selection of suited field for single-well tests (access to field data)2. Single-well pilot tests: Smart water injection Polymer injection

1. Selected IOR methods 2. Field data in place (injection, production and tracer data, 4D seismic and reservoir model/geo-model/geomechanical model)

3. Input model parameters (from pore, core, sub-micron experi-mental and modeling R&D activities)

4. Large scale polymer shear degradation test

5. Economic potential of IOR methods

6. Monitoring tools: 4D seismic (front detection), tracer data (resi-dual oil Sor)

7. Conditioning of injection fluids

8. Reservoir simulation, geomechanics (e.g. Eclipse, Visage), tracer and IOR fluid simulation (IORSim)

9. Full field history matching with 4D seismic and tracer data

10. Viability of methods (fiscal framework and taxation)

11. Environmental impact of selected IOR methods

12. Tool-box for interpretation of pilot-tests

13. Pilot-tests conclusions (Volumetric sweep/injection and produ-ction strategy, Sor, compaction impact, economic potential)

14. Economic potential of pilot-tests

15. Recommendation for comprehensive and full-field tests

16. Economic potential of full-field tests at NCS

Milestones in the Roadmap

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THEME 1 focuses on understanding, modeling and upscaling microscopic and macroscopic displace-ment efficiency when various EOR fluids are inject-ed into a porous rock.

Building the foundations for good teamwork is important at The National IOR Centre of Norway. In Theme 1 this is done through a team of experts from the University of Stavanger, IRIS and IFE. Many of the projects interact between tasks, ensuring a good flow of communication within the Theme and between Tasks.

This is vital in order to make sure that all projects function as well as possible and that the research we provide is of the highest quality. Our two in-kind partners, Schlumberger and Halliburton, contribute through valuable research into the Yard Test and the development of the IORSim in Task 4.

THEME 2 will focus on the integration of field data such as pressure, temperature, seismic data, tracer data, geophysical data, and geological data into a field scale simulation model. Decision-making is a key point as regards IOR/EOR. In Theme 2 we will work on developing and improv-ing the methodology to support decision-making on the NCS.

Both the potential resources in unswept areas, as well as mobilizing trapped resources in swept ar-eas will be addressed in Theme 2. We will dem-onstrate the methodologies on specific use cas-es, whilst maintaining a focus on the entire NCS.

About The National IOR Centre of Norway The Centre’s goal is to perform R&D that will develop new knowledge and competence and contribute to the implementation of environmentally friendly technologies for maximizing NCS oil recovery through improved volumetric sweep of mobile oil, and mobilization and displacement of immobile oil. The Centre’s research partners are IRIS and IFE, together with UiS. The Centre also has 11 user partners from the oil and service industry. The Centre works closely with the industry to identify the best methods for improving oil recovery in the fields.


Task 1: Core scale (Task leader: Arne Stavland) Task 2: Mineral fluid reactions at nano/submicron scale (Task leader: Udo Zimmermann) Task 3: Pore scale (Task leader: Espen Jettestuen) Task 4: Upscaling and environmental impact (Task leader: Aksel Hiorth)


Task 5: Tracer technology (Task leader: Tor Bjørn-stad) Task 6: Reservoir simulation tools (Task leaders: Robert Klöfkorn and Svein Skjæveland)

Task 7: Field scale evaluation and history match-ing (Task leader: Geir Nævdal)

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T h e N a t i o n a l I O R C e n t r e o f N o r w a y


Gantt Theme 1 Task 1: Core Scale 1.1.1. DOUCS - Deliverable of an unbeatable Core Scale Simulator 1.1.2. Core plug preparation procedures (PhD) + Core plug preparation procedures-II 1.1.3. Wettability estimation by oil adsorption (PhD) 1.1.4. Core scale modeling of EOR transport mechanisms (PhD) 1.1.5. Application of metallic nanoparticles for enhanced heavy oil recovery (PhD) 1.1.6. How does wetting property dictate the mechanical strength of chalk at in-situ stress, temperature and pore pressure conditions? (PhD)1.1.7 Thermal properties of reservoir rocks, role of pore flids, minerals and digenesis. A comparative study of sandstone, shale and chalk (PhD) 1.1.8. Flow of non-Newtonian flids in porous media (PhD)1.1.9. Integrated EOR for heterogeneous reservoirs (Phase 1+2) 1.1.10 From SCAL to EOR + From SCAL to EOR (Phase II) ------- EOR screening and possible application on the NCS------- NTNU Determination of Droplet Size Distribution ------- Implementing resistivity, compaction and EOR------- Rev. Exp. data & building prototype IRIS lab database1.4.3. Lab scale Polymer Test in porous media - Supporting Halliburton’s Large Scale Polymer Shear Test phase II1.1.11 Permeability evolution at in-situ conditions (PhD)

Task 2: Mineral fluid react ions at Nano/submicron scale ------- New methodologies at NIOR Stavanger for EOR purposes ------- New horizons: Analytical advances related to chalk - training and applications of TEM, FE-SEM, and Nd isotopes ------- Installation of state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical facility at NIOR for EOR research ------- Geological studies on carbonates (including chalk) and chert for the further understanding of rock material for EOR research and applications------- Qunatitative SEM micrograph image analysis------- Quantification of chemical changes in flooded chalk on homogenized and natural samples with nanoRaman and FE-TEM at CoE Institute for the Study of the Earth’s Interior (Misasa, Japan) ------- Selection and study of clastic rocks related to the selected pilot study at the NIOR center 1.2.1. Micro- and nano-analytical methods for EOR (PhD) 1.2.2. Raman and nano-Raman spectroscopy applied to finegrained sedimentary rocks (chalk, siltstones and shales) to understand mineralogical changes for IOR application (PhD)

Task 3: Pore Scale ------ FIB-SEM Pore scale flow in real geom. 1.3.1. Pore scale simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore scale1.3.2. Improved oil recovery molecular processes 1.3.3. Micro scale simulation of polymer solutions 1.3.4. Description of the rheological properties of complex fluids based on the kinetic theory (Post Doc)1.3.5. Experimental investigation of fluid chemistry effect on adhesive properties of calcite grains (PhD) ------ Emulsions in Porous Media

Task 4: Upscaling and environmental impact 1.4.1. IORSim development project 1.4.2. Environmental fate and effect of EOR polymers (PhD) 1.4.3. Large Scale Polymer Shear Test + Yard Test (Phase II) 1.4.4. Smart Water for EOR by Membranes (PhD)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

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2 3

Gantt Theme 1 Task 1: Core Scale 1.1.1. DOUCS - Deliverable of an unbeatable Core Scale Simulator 1.1.2. Core plug preparation procedures (PhD) + Core plug preparation procedures-II 1.1.3. Wettability estimation by oil adsorption (PhD) 1.1.4. Core scale modeling of EOR transport mechanisms (PhD) 1.1.5. Application of metallic nanoparticles for enhanced heavy oil recovery (PhD) 1.1.6. How does wetting property dictate the mechanical strength of chalk at in-situ stress, temperature and pore pressure conditions? (PhD)1.1.7 Thermal properties of reservoir rocks, role of pore flids, minerals and digenesis. A comparative study of sandstone, shale and chalk (PhD) 1.1.8. Flow of non-Newtonian flids in porous media (PhD)1.1.9. Integrated EOR for heterogeneous reservoirs (Phase 1+2) 1.1.10 From SCAL to EOR + From SCAL to EOR (Phase II) ------- EOR screening and possible application on the NCS------- NTNU Determination of Droplet Size Distribution ------- Implementing resistivity, compaction and EOR------- Rev. Exp. data & building prototype IRIS lab database1.4.3. Lab scale Polymer Test in porous media - Supporting Halliburton’s Large Scale Polymer Shear Test phase II1.1.11 Permeability evolution at in-situ conditions (PhD)

Task 2: Mineral fluid react ions at Nano/submicron scale ------- New methodologies at NIOR Stavanger for EOR purposes ------- New horizons: Analytical advances related to chalk - training and applications of TEM, FE-SEM, and Nd isotopes ------- Installation of state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical facility at NIOR for EOR research ------- Geological studies on carbonates (including chalk) and chert for the further understanding of rock material for EOR research and applications------- Qunatitative SEM micrograph image analysis------- Quantification of chemical changes in flooded chalk on homogenized and natural samples with nanoRaman and FE-TEM at CoE Institute for the Study of the Earth’s Interior (Misasa, Japan) ------- Selection and study of clastic rocks related to the selected pilot study at the NIOR center 1.2.1. Micro- and nano-analytical methods for EOR (PhD) 1.2.2. Raman and nano-Raman spectroscopy applied to finegrained sedimentary rocks (chalk, siltstones and shales) to understand mineralogical changes for IOR application (PhD)

Task 3: Pore Scale ------ FIB-SEM Pore scale flow in real geom. 1.3.1. Pore scale simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore scale1.3.2. Improved oil recovery molecular processes 1.3.4. Micro scale simulation of polymer solutions 1.3.5. Description of the rheological properties of complex fluids based on the kinetic theory (Post Doc)1.3.6. Experimental investigation of fluid chemistry effect on adhesive properties of calcite grains (PhD) ------ Emulsions in Porous Media

Task 4: Upscaling and environmental impact 1.4.1. IORSim development project 1.4.2. Environmental fate and effect of EOR polymers (PhD) 1.4.3. Large Scale Polymer Shear Test + Yard Test (Phase II) 1.4.4. Smart Water for EOR by Membranes (PhD)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Gantt Theme 2Task 5: Tracer technology ------ Tracer technology for improved reservoir management2.5.1. Development and testing of nanoparticles as tailor-made tracers for improved reservoir description and for measurement of defied reservoir properties (Post Doc) 2.5.2. Single-Well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT, for measurement of SOR and effiency of EOR methods (Post Doc) 2.5.3. Development of water/oil partitioning tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region (PhD)------ PostDoc 1a: SWTT on nanoparticles, C-dots

Task 6: Reservoir simulation tools2.6.1. Adding more physics, chemistry, and geological realism into the reservoir simulator (Post Doc) 2.6.2. Advanced Numerical Methods for Compositional Flow Applied to Field Scale Reservoir Models (PhD)2.6.3 CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots (PhD)

Task 7: Field scale evaluation and history matching 2.7.1. Production optimization2.7.2. Robust production optimization (PhD) 2.7.3. Assemblage of different step size selection algorithms in reservoir production optimization (PhD) 2.7.4. Data assimilation using 4D seismic data 2.7.5. Interpretation of 4D seismic for compacting reservoirs (Post Doc) 2.7.6. Data assimilation using 4D seismic data (Post Doc TNO) 2.7.7. 4D seismic and tracer data for coupled geomechanical / reservoir flow models 2.7.8 Elastic full-waveform inversion (PhD) ------ Data assimilation using 4D seismic data (Post Doc) ------ Improved History Matching under changing wettability ------ Evaluation of economic potential ------ Reservoir complexity and recovery potential

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

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Gantt Theme 1 Task 1: Core Scale 1.1.1. DOUCS - Deliverable of an unbeatable Core Scale Simulator 1.1.2. Core plug preparation procedures (PhD) + Core plug preparation procedures-II 1.1.3. Wettability estimation by oil adsorption (PhD) 1.1.4. Core scale modeling of EOR transport mechanisms (PhD) 1.1.5. Application of metallic nanoparticles for enhanced heavy oil recovery (PhD) 1.1.6. How does wetting property dictate the mechanical strength of chalk at in-situ stress, temperature and pore pressure conditions? (PhD)1.1.7 Thermal properties of reservoir rocks, role of pore flids, minerals and digenesis. A comparative study of sandstone, shale and chalk (PhD) 1.1.8. Flow of non-Newtonian flids in porous media (PhD)1.1.9. Integrated EOR for heterogeneous reservoirs (Phase 1+2) 1.1.10 From SCAL to EOR + From SCAL to EOR (Phase II) ------- EOR screening and possible application on the NCS------- NTNU Determination of Droplet Size Distribution ------- Implementing resistivity, compaction and EOR------- Rev. Exp. data & building prototype IRIS lab database1.4.3. Lab scale Polymer Test in porous media - Supporting Halliburton’s Large Scale Polymer Shear Test phase II1.1.11 Permeability evolution at in-situ conditions (PhD)

Task 2: Mineral fluid react ions at Nano/submicron scale ------- New methodologies at NIOR Stavanger for EOR purposes ------- New horizons: Analytical advances related to chalk - training and applications of TEM, FE-SEM, and Nd isotopes ------- Installation of state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical facility at NIOR for EOR research ------- Geological studies on carbonates (including chalk) and chert for the further understanding of rock material for EOR research and applications------- Qunatitative SEM micrograph image analysis------- Quantification of chemical changes in flooded chalk on homogenized and natural samples with nanoRaman and FE-TEM at CoE Institute for the Study of the Earth’s Interior (Misasa, Japan) ------- Selection and study of clastic rocks related to the selected pilot study at the NIOR center 1.2.1. Micro- and nano-analytical methods for EOR (PhD) 1.2.2. Raman and nano-Raman spectroscopy applied to finegrained sedimentary rocks (chalk, siltstones and shales) to understand mineralogical changes for IOR application (PhD)

Task 3: Pore Scale ------ FIB-SEM Pore scale flow in real geom. 1.3.1. Pore scale simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore scale1.3.2. Improved oil recovery molecular processes 1.3.4. Micro scale simulation of polymer solutions 1.3.5. Description of the rheological properties of complex fluids based on the kinetic theory (Post Doc)1.3.6. Experimental investigation of fluid chemistry effect on adhesive properties of calcite grains (PhD) ------ Emulsions in Porous Media

Task 4: Upscaling and environmental impact 1.4.1. IORSim development project 1.4.2. Environmental fate and effect of EOR polymers (PhD) 1.4.3. Large Scale Polymer Shear Test + Yard Test (Phase II) 1.4.4. Smart Water for EOR by Membranes (PhD)

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Gantt Theme 2Task 5: Tracer technology ------ Tracer technology for improved reservoir management2.5.1. Development and testing of nanoparticles as tailor-made tracers for improved reservoir description and for measurement of defied reservoir properties (Post Doc) 2.5.2. Single-Well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT, for measurement of SOR and effiency of EOR methods (Post Doc) 2.5.3. Development of water/oil partitioning tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region (PhD)------ PostDoc 1a: SWTT on nanoparticles, C-dots

Task 6: Reservoir simulation tools2.6.1. Adding more physics, chemistry, and geological realism into the reservoir simulator (Post Doc) 2.6.2. Advanced Numerical Methods for Compositional Flow Applied to Field Scale Reservoir Models (PhD)2.6.3 CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots (PhD)

Task 7: Field scale evaluation and history matching 2.7.1. Production optimization2.7.2. Robust production optimization (PhD) 2.7.3. Assemblage of different step size selection algorithms in reservoir production optimization (PhD) 2.7.4. Data assimilation using 4D seismic data 2.7.5. Interpretation of 4D seismic for compacting reservoirs (Post Doc) 2.7.6. Data assimilation using 4D seismic data (Post Doc TNO) 2.7.7. 4D seismic and tracer data for coupled geomechanical / reservoir flow models 2.7.8 Elastic full-waveform inversion (PhD) ------ Data assimilation using 4D seismic data (Post Doc) ------ Improved History Matching under changing wettability ------ Evaluation of economic potential ------ Reservoir complexity and recovery potential

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

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R&D Activities

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Development of IOR methods An IOR method is an injection method that is ca-pable of modifying the capillary forces and/or the relative permeabilities of a porous medium, com-pared to a base case.

In some fields it may be beneficial to change the re-sidual saturation (improve the microscopic sweep), and in others it may be beneficial to change the shape of the relative permeabilities (improve the macroscopic sweep).

Key research questions:

What is the optimal injection strategy for a given use case?Is it possible to optimize the shape of the capillary forces and/or the relative permeabilities compared to the base case?

Contributing projects:

Task 1: Core plug preparation procedures

Task 1: Wettability estimation by oil adsorption

Task 1: Core scale modeling of EOR transport mechanisms

Task 1: Application of metallic nanoparticles for enhanced heavy oil recovery

Task 1: From SCAL to EOR – Phase II Task 1: How does wetting property dictate the mechanical strength of chalk at in-situ stress, temperature and pore pressure condi-tions?

Task 1: Flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media

Task 1: Permeability and stress state

Task 2: Raman and nano-Raman spectroscopy applied to fine-grained sedimentary rocks (chalk, siltstones and shales) to under-stand mineralogical changes for IOR application

Task 2: Micro- and nano-analytical methods for EOR

Task 3: Micro scale simulation of polymer solutions

Task 3: Pore scale simulation of simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore space

Task 3: Experimental investigation of fluid chemistry effect on adhesive properties of calcite grains

Task 3: Improved oil recovery molecular processes

Task 4: Smart Water for EOR by Membranes Task 7: Pilot studies for improved sweep efficiency – coordination and support

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IOR mechanismsIOR mechanisms are broadly divided into two cat-egories (1) mechanisms for improving macroscopic sweep efficiency and (2) mechanisms for improving microscopic sweep efficiency.

Mechanisms for improving the macroscopic sweep are mainly linked to control of the phase mobility at different scales and distances from the injection point. It is clearly possible to have excellent control over the mobility on core scale, but on a larger scale different chemicals travel at different speeds. The system that is injected may therefore behave com-pletely differently due to field scale temperature gradients, geochemical interactions, reservoir het-erogeneities, adsorption and simply the fact that effective porosity is different for different chemicals (e.g. the polymers are too large to pass through the full pore space).

Key research questions:What is the speed at which injected chemicals trav-el through a porous media? Is it possible to design a system that does not cause damage to the reservoir or production facilities?

The mechanisms for improving microscopic sweep rely heavily on a fundamental understanding of sur-face and interface properties. The interactions be-tween the fluid phases and the rock may change the wetting state of the pores and thereby release more oil. Interfacial interactions (e.g. by surfactants, miscible gas injection) may reduce the capillary to viscous forces and reduce the residual oil saturation.

Key research questions: What is the role of mineral wettability in determining the fluid flow in porous media from pore-, to core and field scale? Which alterations observed on nano/submicron scale are important in terms of changes in surface proper-ties, such as wettability changes? Furthermore, how should the properties of a water and oil film-coated mineral surfaces be quantified?

Contributing projects:

Task 1: Core plug preparation procedures

Task 1: Wettability estimation by oil adsorption

Task 1: Core scale modeling of EOR transport mechanisms

Task 1: Application of metallic nanoparticles for enhanced heavy oil recovery

Task 1: How does wetting property dictate the mechanical strength of chalk at in-situ stress, temperature and pore pressure conditions?

Task 1: Thermal properties of reservoir rocks, role of pore fluids, minerals and digenesis. A comparative study of sandstone, shale and chalk

Task 1: Flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media

Task 1: Permeability and stress state

Task 2: Raman and nano-Raman spectroscopy applied to fine-grained sedimentary rocks (chalk, siltstones and shales) to understand mineralogical changes for IOR application

Task 2: Micro- and nano-analytical methods for EOR

Task 3: Micro scale simulation of polymer solutions

Task 3: Pore scale simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore space Task 3: Experimental investigation of fluid chemistry effect on adhesive properties of calcite grains

Task 4: DOUCS- Deliverable of an unbeatable Core Scale Simulator

Task 6: CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots

Task 7: Pilot studies for improved sweep efficiency – coordination and support

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Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools There are several well studied chemical injection technologies applicable to the fields on the NCS.

Thorough laboratory and modeling studies have been performed but there are still research chal-lenges to be addressed. Chemical EOR methods, such as injecting water of a specific composition (e.g. low salinity, smart water), surfactants and poly-mers, have proven their potential on core scale.

However, additional oil produced at the core scale does not necessarily imply that the field recovery will be similarly increased. Cores are usually 5-7 cm in length and molecular diffusion and end effects are important, contrary to field conditions. The most crucial area of improvement for all methods is proper simulation of the mechanisms on a field scale.

Key research questions: What are the most impor-tant parameters from smaller scales that are im-portant in describing flow on a larger scale? How can we capture important effects from smaller scales on a grid block scale? How does a certain IOR strategy (injection of smart water, polymers, etc.) translate from core scale to the drainage of a specific reservoir and the total production of hy-drocarbons?

Contributing projects:

Task 1: Core scale modeling of EOR transport mechanisms

Task 1: Permeability and stress state

Task 2: Raman and nano-Raman spectroscopy applied to fine-grained sedimentary rocks (chalk, silt stones and shales) to understand mineralogical changes for IOR application

Task 2: Micro- and nano-analytical methods for EOR

Task 3: Pore scale simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore space

Task 4: IORSim development project Task 5: Development and testing of nano-particles as tailor-made tracers for improved reservoir de scription and for measurement of defined reservoir properties.

Task 5: Single-Well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT, for measurement of SOR and efficiency of EOR methods

Task 5: Development of water/oil partitioning tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region

Task 6: Reservoir simulation tools. Adding more physics, chemistry, and geological realism into the reservoir simulator.

Task 6; Advanced Numerical Methods for Compositional Flow Applied to Field Scale Reservoir Models

Task 7: Interpretation of 4D seismic for compacting reservoirs

Task 7: Pilot studies for improved sweep efficiency – coordination and support

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Full Field predictionHow do selected recovery methods behave in full field case?

Core scale experiments can be performed under realistic reservoir conditions (e.g. high temperature, high pressure, live fluids) in the laboratory, thus pro-viding crucial information about recovery mecha-nisms at a core scale. Cores are usually 5-7 cm in length and molecular diffusion and end effects are important, contrary to field conditions.

At The National IOR Centre of Norway, experimen-tal data from laboratory tests and large scale tests, together with real field data delivered from industry partners, will generate information of generic im-

portance, which will allow us to predict field perfor-mance.

This generic data and information will be used to-gether with the modeling tools developed at The Centre to provide recommendations for compre-hensive and full-field tests.

Contributing projects:

Task 3: Pore scale simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore space

Task 5: Development and testing of nano-particles as tailor-made tracers for improved reservoir description and for measurement of defined reservoir properties.

Task 5: Single-Well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT, for measurement of SOR and efficiency of EOR methods

Task 5: Development of water/oil partitioning tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region

Task 6: Reservoir simulation tools. Adding more physics, chemistry, and geological realism into the reservoir simulator.

Task 6: CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots

Task 6: Advanced Numerical Methods for Compositional Flow Applied to Field Scale Reservoir Models

Task 7: Interpretation of 4D seismic for compacting reservoirs

Task 7: Task 7: Data assimilation using 4-D seismic data

Task 7: Pilot studies for improved sweep efficiency – coordination and support

Task 7: Elastic full-waveform inversion

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Field performanceIt is of the utmost importance to be able to describe and generate information of generic significance for particular field conditions in order to be able to pre-dict field performance. Experiments performed in the laboratory and in large-scale tests provide cru-cial data for evaluating and understanding recovery mechanisms and methods.

Real field data (injection, production and tracer data, 4D seismic and reservoir models, geo mod-

els and geo-mechanical models) from industry partners at The National IOR Centre of Norway will generate important understanding and, together with data from the laboratory, will provide the op-portunity to predict field performance in a generic manner.

Contributing projects:

Task 5: Development and testing of nano-particles as tailor-made tracers for improved reservoir description and for measurement of defined reservoir properties

Task 5: Single-Well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT, for measurement of SOR and efficiency of EOR methods

Task 5: Development of water/oil partitioning tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region

Task 7: Interpretation of 4D seismic for compacting reservoirs

Task 7: Data assimilation using 4-D seismic data

Task 7: Pilot studies for improved sweep efficiency – coordination and support

Task 7: Elastic full-waveform inversion

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Economic potential and environmental impactAll projects at The National IOR Centre of Norway should consider the environmental impact they might cause. All researchers are expected to strive to develop and use the most environmentally friendly technologies possible.

There is one project dedicated specifically to pro-viding knowledge about the ultimate long-term fate and ecological effect of EOR polymers. It is also vital to ensure that the economic potential of the technology developed is relevant for real use.

The research carried out at The Centre should be af-fordable for use in the field, without posing a great economic risk to the industry.

Contributing projects:

All projects contribute to this topic.

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Monitoring tools and history matchingReservoir models are important when evaluating a field’s production and profitability and potential new investments such as IOR. To ensure that the reservoir models are useful in such an evaluation, three requirements must be met:

1. The forward simulator must be good enough: The physics, mathematics and numerical aspects of the simulator must be able to simulate the physical processes in the reservoir and generate the mea-sured data. This is addressed in detail in Task 6 of The Centre.

2. The uncertainty quantification must be good enough; even when using the most advanced tools and methods available, we cannot know for sure what it looks like in the reservoirs. It is crucial for the operators to include the best possible estimate of the uncertainty of the reservoir when decisions are made. One of the main research topics at The

Centre is the use of ensemble-based methods in history matching and production optimisation.

3. Information from measured data must be cor-rectly included in the models: This requires the data to be correctly collected and processed (if neces-sary) and for their uncertainty level to be correctly quantified. One of the strengths of ensemble-based methods is that history matching updates are only performed where this is warranted by the data.

Contributing projects:

Task 5: Development and testing of nano-particles as tailor-made tracers for improved reservoir description and for measurement of defined reservoir properties.

Task 5: Development of water/oil partitioning tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region

Task 5: Single-Well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT, for measurement of SOR and efficiency of EOR methods

Task 6: Reservoir simulation tools. Adding more physics, chemistry, and geological realism into the reservoir simulator.

Task 6: CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots

Task 6: Advanced Numerical Methods for Compositional Flow Applied to Field Scale Reservoir Models

Task 7: Interpretation of 4D seismic for compacting reservoirs

Task 7: Data assimilation using 4-D seismic data (Postdoc TNO)

Task 7: Data assimilation using 4-D seismic data

Task 7: 4D seismic and tracer data for coupled geomechanical / reservoir flow models

Task 7: Pilot studies for improved sweep efficiency – coordination and support

Task 7: Elastic full-waveform inversion

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Fiscal framework and investment decisions

When the oil price fell, oil companies implemented stricter capital rationing. Firstly in the form of net present value indexes.

When the oil price proved to be more volatile, they shifted to break- even prices. IOR projects that had problems with funding at the outset now obviously struggle even more.

Throughout The Centre’s lifetime, researchers will work on evaluating the potential for investment de-cisions for the companies, and how these will relate to the research we do.

This is important in order to ensure that the re-search continues to be relevant and applicable. To correctly evaluate this, the research develops and uses ensemble-based optimization methods with the capacity to include geologically realistic uncer-tainty in the evaluation of a reservoir’s future behav-iour.

Contributing projects:

Task 7: Production optimization

Task 7: Data assimilation using 4-D seismic data

Task 7: Pilot studies for improved sweep efficiency – coordination and support

Task 7: Robust production optimization

Task 7: Assemblage of different step size selection algorithms in reservoir production optimization

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The projects

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1.1.1.DOUCS- Deliverable Of an Unbeatable Core Scale Simulator

The purpose of this project is to develop a numerical tool, IORCoreSim, to interpret all kinds of special core analyst lab experiments. By using IORCoreSim, the key param-eters needed to simulate water flooding and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes at pilot and sector scale are extracted from the lab experiments.

This project delivers to:IOR mechanisms; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To develop a tool for improved simulation of EOR processes at the core-, sector- and pilot-scale.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThere are only a limited number of simulators avail-able that can handle geochemical interactions, multiphase flow and flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media. Some simulators may have the ability to simulate geochemical interactions but there are no feedback mechanisms from the inter-actions to the flow parameters, such as relative per-meability, capillary pressure and/or viscosity.

Many of the IOR methods studied at the IOR Cen-tre are of the type where several mechanisms are at work at the same time, e.g. low salinity flooding (which could affect microscopic sweep efficiency), combined with polymers (to increase macroscopic sweep efficiency) and sodium silicate (for deep res-ervoir plugging) mixed with different types of injec-tion waters.

It is therefore important to have a simulator that describes the chemical systems and is able to feed back the correct effect on the effective multiphase flow functions. The model will be used to simu-late and interpret laboratory core floods and ex-tract model parameters from the lab data (history matching). The model parameters will be used at a sector and pilot scale.

PLANS 2017• Improving the geochemical model (Helgeson-

Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) equations of state) by making important corrections to the activity co-efficients and extending surface complexation models for calcite to also include silicate.

• Extending the silicate gelation model to in-clude a second rate step: (1) formation of nano-sized silica particles (2) gelation. Extending the model to take the effect of silicate mineral pre-cipitation into account.

• Submitting a journal publication based on the rheological model developed in 2016. This model describes the lab data well and includes shear thinning, shear thickening, mechanical degradation, polymer adsorption and its effect on permeability.

• Submitting an abstract for the EAGE 19th Eu-ropean Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger.

DELIVERABLES 2017Development of a tool for improved simulation of EOR processes at a core scale. Improved thermo-dynamic description of the sodium silicate system, including the formation of nano-sized colloids and gel formation. An improved polymer model and simulation of polymer degradation at a sector/pilot scale.

Project manager(s): Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS), Arild Lohne (IRIS) and Aruoture Omekeh (IRIS)PhD students: Oddbjørn Nødland (UiS), Irene Ringen (UiS)Postdoc: Aruoture Omekeh (IRIS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 1Duration: February 2016 - February 2017

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1.1.2.Core plug preparation procedures

The purpose of this project is to check how the core preparation procedures can influ-ence the results when the potential for EOR are investigated in the lab.

This project delivers to:Development of IOR-methods; IOR-mechanisms; Economic potential and environmental impact; as well as other categories.

OBJECTIVETo identify critical steps in core preparation proce-dures.

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Since reservoir rock state changes during sampling, mud contamination, storage and cleaning (by or-ganic solvent and water) of reservoir core plugs, bet-ter procedures are required for the preparation of reservoir core plugs to ensure that representative wettability conditions are established for Special Core Analysis Laboratory (SCAL) and EOR experi-ments. Water flooding results are used as a refer-ence for EOR flooding experiments. If the potential estimate for the reference is wrong, the potential estimates for the EOR methods will also be wrong.

The focus of the proposed Phase 2 will be to ensure efficient cleaning of the reservoir core plugs, selec-tion of the correct Synthetic Formation Water (SFW) composition and the development of procedures that minimize the effect of oxidation of crude oil and reservoir rock.

PLANS 2017 • Cleaning efficiency: Developing methods to de-

termine whether the core plugs are contami-

nated by mud. Developing new methods for establishing cleaning efficiency (ions, organic components and particles).

• Selection of SFW composition. Developing a procedure for the selection of SFW composition.

• Oxidation: Determining the importance of the oxidation of crude oil during long-term experi-ments. Investigating the effect of oxygen scav-engers (including sequester and buffer) and their products on bulk properties, wettability conditions and interactions with EOR chemi-cals. Developing a procedure for preparing and maintaining anaerobic conditions in SCAL and EOR core flooding experiments. Comparing EOR core floods under anaerobic and aerobic conditions.

DELIVERABLES 2017Completing the above mentioned activities.

Project manager(s): Ingebret Fjelde (IRIS) PhD student(s): Samuel Erzuah (UiS)Key personnel: IOR- and Petroleums Lab groupsTheme: 1 Task: 1Duration: Phase 1: 2014 -2016, Phase 2 proposed

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1.1.3.Wettability estimation by oil adsorption (PhD project)

The purpose of this project is to ensure that the cores used for lab experiments have the correct initial conditions that are representative for the reservoir. The focus is to ensure that wettability conditions are prepared for SCAL and EOR experiments (e.g. smart water and polymer flooding) to generate representative inputs for the evalua-tion of EOR potential.

This project delivers to:Development of IOR-methods; IOR-mechanisms; Economic potential and environmental impact; as well as other categories.

OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to develop a method to estimate the wettability conditions of reservoir rocks based on the wettability of minerals mainly in contact with flowing the fluid phases. This will be achieved using a Quartz Crystal Microbal-ance with Dissipation (QCM-D) device.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThis project seeks to unravel the enigma of wet-tability estimation by relying on the oil adsorption technique.

PLANS 2017 An abstract with the title “Wettability characteriza-tion using the flotation technique coupled with Geochemical simulation” has been submitted to the SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chem-

istry. We are currently working on this paper in antici-pation of acceptance of the abstract. We are also working on an abstract/paper to be submitted to the EAGE 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger.

DELIVERABLES 2017 • Determining the relationship between wetta-

bility and oil adsorption into minerals• Predicting wettability and oil adsorption

through simulations• Estimating wettability variation in reservoirs

Project manager(s): Samuel Erzuah (UiS), Ingebret Fjelde (IRIS) and Aruotore Voke Omekeh (IRIS) PhD student: Samuel Erzuah (UiS) Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 1Duration: November 2015 - October 2018

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1.1.4.Core scale modeling of EOR transport mechanisms (PhD project)

The purpose of this project is to improve the physical and numerical models in IORCo-reSim. This is done by including models that take pore scale processes (Task3) and geochemical interactions into account. The hope is that models that take the underlying physical and chemical mechanisms into account are more robust when translated to a larger scale.

This project delivers to:Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; IOR mechanisms; Development of IOR methods; and Eco-nomic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To develop a numerical simulation tool and apply this to core scale data in order to gain a better un-derstanding of various chemical processes occur-ring at a core scale.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSMost current reservoir simulation technology does not seem to take into account sufficient physical and chemical details concerning aqueous geo-chemistry.

Furthermore, for polymer flooding it is important to capture all the parameters that can influence effective solution viscosity in porous media, such as shear rates, permeability and salinity. There is an abundance of observational data that currently lacks an adequate interpretation.

PLANS 20171) Submitting a journal paper on polymer flooding in autumn 2016 (working title: “Simulation of Poly-

mer Flooding in Dual Porosity Media”).

2) Submitting a journal version of the paper re-cently submitted to the ECMOR XV conference (Title: “A Model for Non-Newtonian Flow in Porous Media at Different Flow Regimes”).

3) The plan going forward is to look into core scale simulations that involve aqueous geochemistry, e.g. in spontaneous imbibition experiments, and to submit a paper on this topic for the EAGE 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger.

DELIVERABLES 2017Improving Darcy-scale polymer models and com-pletion of the PhD towards the end of 2017.

Project manager(s): Oddbjørn Nødland (UiS), Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS), Hans Kleppe (UiS) and Anders Tranberg (UiS) PhD student: Oddbjørn Nødland (UiS)Key personnel: Arild Lohne (IRIS) Theme: 1 Task: 1Duration: October 2014 - September 2017

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1.1.5.Application of metallic nanoparticles for enhanced heavy oil recovery (PhD project)

The purpose of this project is to investigate the possibility of reducing the viscosity of high viscous oil by using nanoparticles. This is done by using the nanoparticles as catalysts to facilitate the decomposition of long chain hydrocarbons together with the removal of heteroatoms (such as S, N and O) and heavy metals. A reduction in oil viscosity may improve oil mobility and thereby be important for EOR.

This project delivers to:IOR mechanisms; Development of IOR methods; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE The objective of this project is to perform a system-atic study of the effect of metallic nanoparticles on enhanced heavy oil recovery, which covers the top-ics of the main cause of viscosity reduction, the pa-rameters of nanoparticles and the thermophysical properties of nanoparticles containing fluids (nano-fluids) on the recovery factor.

The project also aims to investigate in-situ heavy oil recovery using a model core (e.g. Sandpack), as well as the synergistic effect of SiO2-supported nanopar-ticles on ultimate heavy oil recovery.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThis project will provide knowledge about the po-tential implementation of nanoparticles as catalysts for the in-situ heavy oil upgrading and recovery.

PLANS 2017The activities within this project include a) develop-ing a method for the large-scale preparation of size-controlled metallic nanoparticles, b) a parametric study of nanoparticles to optimize heavy oil upgrad-ing, and c) a flooding test using nanoparticles to en-hance oil recovery.

DELIVERABLES 2017• 2 journal papers • 2-3 conference presentations.

Project manager(s): Kun Guo (UiS)Zhixin Yu (UiS) and Svein M. Skjæveland (UiS) PhD student: Kun GuoKey personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 1Duration: May 2015 - April 2018

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1.1.6.How does wetting property dictate the mechanical strength of chalk at in-situ stress, temperature and pore pressure conditions? (PhD project)The purpose of this project is to investigate how the presence of oil in the pore space may affect the mechanical strength of chalk. Oil saturation varies in the reservoir due to the height above the oil-water contact and due to water injection. The presence of oil is therefore important, and the mechanical properties may be dynamic param-eters that are constantly changing. A better knowledge of the interplay between rock-brine and rock-oil interactions could thus lead to better drainage strategies.

This project delivers to:IOR mechanisms; Development of IOR methods; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To determine and evaluate the effect of wettability alteration on the mechanical properties of chalk. To close the causal gap between wetting property and the mechanical integrity of chalk.

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Is sulphate adsorption observed in oil-filled chalks? Can the precipitation of magnesium-bearing min-erals form when oil is present in the pores? How do sulphate adsorption and magnesium-triggered dissolution/precipitation occur in oil-wet cores? To which extent can the results of the previous experi-ments, typically performed on waterwet and water-filled outcrop chalk, be applied to oil reservoirs?

PLANS 20171 and 3 – Uniaxial strain tests on chalk cores: Obtain-ing the parameters from uniaxial strain experiments performed on chalk cores (similar to North Sea res-

ervoir chalks with regard to porosity, absolute and relative permeability and capillary pressure) and us-ing these parameters to model the reservoirs and to select more relevant IOR methods/mechanisms to increase oil recovery from chalk reservoirs. We plan to work with the Technical University of Denmark/University of Strasbourg/University of Nice in 2017.

DELIVERABLES 2017Dissemination of the project results at various con-ferences and in-house seminars. There are also plans to submit an abstract for a paper to the EAGE 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recov-ery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger.

At least two journal papers are planned to be sub-mitted for peer review in 2017.

Project manager(s): Jaspreet Singh Sa-chdeva (UiS), Anders Nermoen (UiS), Me-rete Vadla Madland (UiS) and Reidar Inge Korsnes (UiS)PhD student: Jaspreet Singh Sachdeva (UiS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 1Duration: September 2015 - August 2018

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1.1.7.Thermal properties of reservoir rocks, role of pore fluids, minerals and digenesis. A comparative study of sandstone, shale and chalk (PhD project)

The purpose of this project is to investigate how temperature gradients in the reser-voir induced by the injection of cold water and cross flow may affect the mechanical strength of chalk. Different minerals have different expansion coefficients and this may lead to additional weakening. A better knowledge of the interplay between tem-perature effects and rock mechanical strength could lead to better drainage strate-gies.

This project delivers to:IOR mechanisms; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE Destabilization of different reservoir rocks due to thermal cycling, caused by the injection of low tem-perature flooding fluid. Can thermal expansion dif-ferences at a grain level lead to the degradation of inter-granular cementation in chalks?

We predict that differences in thermal expansion coefficient cause weakening of the chalk if cemen-tation is present. How does this compare to sand-stone and shale?

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThe effects of temperature changes have only been investigated by comparing mechanical properties at two or more different temperatures. However, the effect of temperature cycling has not

been studied and this is a scenario that more accu-rately mimics the nature of a reservoir rock that has undergone oil production and fluid injection.

PLANS 2017Further studies on oil-saturated chalk will be con-ducted, as well as experiments on sandstone, and a comparison paper may be written on the two li-thologies.

DELIVERABLES 2017Journal papers and a poster for the EAGE 19th Eu-ropean Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger will be prepared.

Project manager(s): Tijana Livada (UiS), Anders Nermoen (UiS), Ida Lykke Fabricius (UiS/DTU) and Reidar Inge Korsnes (UiS)PhD student: Tijana Livada (UiS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 1Duration: November 2015 - October 2018

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1.1.8.Flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media (PhD project)

This project delivers to:IOR mechanisms; Development of IOR methods; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To develop physical (mechanistic) models based on laboratory experiments that are capable of describ-ing the sweep efficiency of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media for flooding conditions representa-tive of the NCS.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSIt is difficult to evaluate the field performance of polymer flooding using current simulation mod-els. The models that describe polymer flooding are usually crude and do not take into account all of the chemical reactions that can take place when the pore fluid interacts with the rock. This is neces-sary in order to be able to predict how the polymer solution will propagate through the reservoir and displace the oil.

In this project we will develop experimental tech-niques where the properties of the polymer solu-tion, the properties of the porous media (grain size, mineralogy, wettability), pressure and temperature are systematically changed.

The experimental data will be combined with numerical models both at a pore scale (Lattice Boltzmann technique), at a core scale (Darcy scale models), and thermodynamic models for the so-

lution in order to suggest physical sound models that can be used on the Darcy scale in order to pre-dict behaviour from cm to km scale. These models may be used to evaluate the economics of polymer flooding in oil reservoirs.

PLANS 2017Designing an experimental set-up that can quantify the fate of low salinity polymer solutions when in-jected into formations with high saline brine. Inves-tigating how the viscosity of the solution and reten-tion will change as the injected, low salinity brine is mixed with formation water.

DELIVERABLES 2017Submitting an abstract to the EAGE 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NOR-WAY 2017 in Stavanger by 15 September 2016 on the topic described above• with full paper submission by 1 February 2016• followed by submission of a journal article.

Project manager(s): Irene Ringen (UiS), Ak-sel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS), Olav Aursjø (IRIS) and Arne Stavland (IRIS)PhD student: Irene Ringen (UiS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 1Duration: December 2015 - November 2018

The purpose of this project is to design lab experiments that will provide information about the transport properties of polymer-based fluids in porous media. Polymer flu-ids are complex and there is currently no complete theoretical understanding of their transport properties in a reservoir where polymer molecules are exposed to tempera-ture, salinity, and pressure gradients. This project will generate data and models that will be used in IORCoreSim and IORSim (Task 4) to predict the fate and effect of poly-mer flooding for improved oil recovery.

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1.1.9.Integrated EOR for heterogeneous reservoirs(Phase 2)

This project delivers to:Development of IOR methods; IOR mechanisms; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE There are three research objectives in the Post Doc project.1. To optimize polymer gel and foam mobility

control. Foam and polymer gel will be further developed for an in-depth use. Especially rele-vant is the combination of polymer/polymer gel and foam injection through the use of Polymer-Enhanced Foams (PEFs) and Foamed Gels (FGs).

2. To use improved mobility control in Integrated Enhanced Oil Recovery (IEOR). Combining EOR methods with mobility control in specially de-signed, integrated processes (IEOR) has previ-ously been found to increase oil recovery from oil-wet, heterogeneous systems by significantly improving sweep efficiency. Oil recovery was found to depend on the chase fluid, which largely controls the shape of the displacement front and thus the macroscopic sweep efficien-cy. In Objective 2, mobility control will be com-bined with surfactant, CO2 or low salinity water in smart sequences for IEOR.

3. Numerical modeling and upscaling of IEOR. This objective aims to include IEOR meth-ods and process mechanisms in numerical simulators in a way that is both representa-tive and accurate; firstly at a core scale and thereafter at a reservoir grid and field scale.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSPolymer gel behaviour in heterogeneous and frac-tured porous media is frequently evaluated in single phase flow tests in the laboratory. Recent labora-tory work by Brattekås, B. et al. shows, however, that multiphase functions, such as capillary pressure and relative permeability, influence conformance con-

trol, contrary to current best practice. Phase 1 of this project focused on the modeling of spontaneous imbibition of brine from gel, which is different com-pared to imbibition in an oil/ brine system. Mod-eling of this effect is important to understand and quantify gel behaviour in oil-bearing zones in a frac-tured reservoir. Experiments concentrating on IEOR and the numerical modeling of these experiments are planned during Phase 2 of the project. Under-standing IEOR at a core scale is essential for the suc-cessful implementation of combined or successive EOR methods in the field.

PLANS 2017• In-situ imaging of polymer gel placement and

chase floods will be performed, applying posi-tron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology.

• Collaboration between the Reservoir Physics Re-search Group at the Dept. of Physics and Tech-nology, University of Bergen, and the IOR Centre within iEOR began with the “Integrated EOR for heterogeneous reservoirs (Phase 1)” project (Q3 2015- Q4 2016) and ensures close interaction be-tween experiments and numerical simulations. This is required in order to improve the design of IEOR experiments and to enable more ac-curate numerical description of EOR processes. Phase1 of this project will be summarised in Q1 of 2016 and the main results will be reported.

DELIVERABLES 2017Improved understanding of gelation kinetic sand interpretation using IORCoreSim.

Project manager(s): Martin Fernø (UiB), Geir Ersland (UiB) and Arne Stavland (IRIS)Post doc: Bergit Brattekås (UiB) Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 1Duration: January 2016 - December 2017

The purpose of this project is to investigate how oil recovery can be improved in a res-ervoir with a large degree of fracture and matrix flow. The presence of fractures usually leads to a poor sweep. This project focuses on methods that lower the transmissibility of the fractures and improve the sweep in the matrix, where most of the oil is found.

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1.1.10.From SCAL to EOR – Phase II

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that it is possible to perform EOR evalua-tions at an early stage in a core analysis program. It is important to be aware of poten-tial EOR effects as early as possible when field development plans are drawn up.

This project delivers to:Development of IOR-methods; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To demonstrate how initial EOR testing and evalu-ation can be performed in conjunction with SCAL analysis.

By strengthening the link between SCAL on res-ervoir cores and testing of EOR methods, possible EOR methods can be identified at an early stage and may support utilizing EOR.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSTesting and development of methods/experiments to determine the potential of different EOR meth-ods at a core scale, focusing on the conjunction with reservoir cores used for SCAL.

PLANS 2017 Testing and developing methods/experiments to determine the potential for different EOR methods at a core scale, focusing on the conjunction with reservoir cores used for SCAL.

DELIVERABLES 2017 New methods for determining EOR potential on cores as an extension to standard SCAL programs.Publication of the results from 2016 and 2017.

Project manager(s): Dagfinn S. Sleveland (IRIS) Key personnel: Arne Stavland (IRIS), Kåre Olav Vatne (IRIS) and Arild Lohne (IRIS)Theme: 1 Task: 1Duration: January 2017 - December 2017

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1.1.11.Permeability and stress state (PhD project)

This project delivers to:Development of IOR methods; IOR Mechanisms; Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; and Eco-nomic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE During the lifetime of petroleum reservoirs, the pore pressure may decrease or increase depending on the production stage. These changes in pore pres-sure alter the effective stresses and lead to defor-mation of the porous rock. Injected fluids can also induce chemical reactions that alter mineralogical structure and strength. It is crucial to understand these processes in order to predict fluid flow, oil re-covery and to select optimal injection brines. The main objective of this project is therefore to study permeability evolution in chalk/carbonates as well as in sandstones at different stress states in order to predict permeability behaviour under actual res-ervoir conditions. As a secondary objective, models will also be considered to interpret the experimen-tal data.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThe project will lead to increased understanding of the relationship between permeability, stress, chemistry and deformation conditions. Improved understanding of the impact of typical water-re-lated IOR techniques will also be obtained. This knowledge may improve predictions of reservoir behaviour based on laboratory studies.

PLANS 2017The focus in 2017 will be to start testing on differ-ent types of outcrops. Performing single-phase flow tests at different stress states at low pore pressure, ambient temperature and with fluids inert towards the rock surface. These tests will act as reference tests before adding effects such as pore pressure, temperature and fluid composition.

DELIVERABLES 2017The results from the reference tests will lead to:• The submission of abstracts to workshops and/

or conferences and the presentation of articles• The submission and publication of one journal


Project manager(s): PhD student (UiS), Merete Vadla Madland (UiS), Reidar Inge Korsnes (UiS), Udo Zimmermann (UiS) and Pål Østebø Andersen (UiS)PhD student: To be decidedKey personnel: As above Theme: 1 Task: 1Duration: January 2017 - January 2020

The purpose of this project is to understand how pore pressure affects the permeabil-ity of compacting rocks. Pore pressure is usually modelled using an effective stress concept (overburden minus pore pressure). This simple relationship is not always true and there are currently no theoretical models to explain the observed effects. This project will generate more experimental data in which parameters are systematically varied in order to build better models.

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1.2.1.Micro- and nano-analytical methods for EOR (PhD project)

This project will help to fully understand which processes govern alterations in tex-ture, chemistry and mineralogy when flooding rocks with non-equilibrium brines. Furthermore, its contribution to completing the toolbox for studying IOR/EOR effects is very important. The project is also significant, if not paramount, in estimating com-paction and porosity evolution in order to predict EOR-related topics.

This project delivers to:Development of IOR methods; IOR mechanisms; Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; and Eco-nomic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE This project focuses on understanding EOR mech-anisms at a sub-micron scale using several state-of-the-art micro- and nano-analytical techniques. Imaging and analyses of texture and chemistry to describe alteration in sedimentary rocks due to flooding with non-equilibrium brines.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSUnderstanding EOR mechanisms at a micron- and sub-micron scale contributes to a better under-standing of the processes involved when flooding with non-equilibrium brines.

This significantly enhances performance, providing even better simulations and modeling of EOR ef-fects. This understanding will also be of importance when upscaling from pore and core scale to decide which parameters are important when simulating/modeling at field scale. The project is paramount in preparing a potential pilot project at Ekofisk as we have reservoir chalk and can apply the methods to these samples.

Apart from the project entitled ‘Raman and na-no-Raman spectroscopy applied to fine-grained sedimentary rocks (chalk, siltstones and shales) to understand mineralogical changes for IOR appli-cation’, this is the only project to be carried out by geological scientists specialising in the object of the entire EOR project: rocks.

The project will concentrate on the aspect of min-eral growth, its predictability in chemical sedimen-tary rocks and the effects of flooding experiments on reservoir chalk, as well as possible clastic rocks.

PLANS 2017Collaboration with TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the University of Münster, Germany; Centre of Excel-lence LIST, Luxembourg; École Polytechnique, Uni-versité Paris Saclay and Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon: Terre, Planètes, Environnement, France; Cen-tre of Excellence Institute for Planetary Materials, Misasa, Japan; fieldwork with colleagues, University of Edinburgh, Scotland; University of Houston, US; as well as UiO, NTNU and NPD in Norway.

DELIVERABLES 2017At least one journal publication should be delivered in 2017 together with several contributions to con-ferences through posters and oral presentations, including EAGE 19th European Symposium on Im-proved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavan-ger.

Project manager(s): Mona Wetrhus Minde (UiS), Udo Zimmermann (UiS) and Merete Vadla Madland (UiS) PhD student: Mona Wetrhus Minde (UiS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 2Duration: September 2015 - August 2018

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1.2.2.Raman and nano-Raman spectroscopy applied to fine-grained sedimentary rocks (chalk, siltstones and shales) to understand mineralogical changes for IOR application (PhD project)It is important to understand the basic mechanisms behind the EOR effects at a pore scale in order to be able to understand which parameters are important when mov-ing to core and field scale. Before a pilot test is carried out, it is important to take the toolbox created to characterize the reservoir before a pilot into account and to study the effects of such a pilot after the test has been performed. Raman studies are a cen-tral tool in this respect.

This project delivers to:Development of IOR methods; IOR mechanisms; Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; and Eco-nomic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE The project aims to increase knowledge of Ra-man spectroscopy applications for EOR processes and the understanding of mineral identification. Through the combination of micro- and nanoRA-MAN and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), we will be able to identify the mineral phase and visualize the area.

The project will concentrate on the aspect of min-eral growth, its predictability in chemical sedimen-tary rocks and the effects of flooding experiments on reservoir chalk, as well as possible clastic rocks.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThis project will help fully understand which pro-cesses govern alterations in texture, chemistry and mineralogy when rocks are flooded with non-equi-librium brines.

The fundamentals of EOR mechanisms will be im-portant when upscaling and when interpreting pi-lots or larger scale tests. Raman is one of the most flexible methods to assist with these examples.

PLANS 2017Collaboration with TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Uni-

versity of Milano Bicocca, École Polytechnique, Uni-versité Paris Saclay, University of Houston, as well as NPD in Norway.

In 2017 we will combine nanoRAMAN with AFM and surface charge studies to reveal the exact site of mineral growth together with its identification. We will also combine this method (nanoRAMAN-AFM) with Field Emission-Transmission Electron Micro-scope (FE-TEM) results on the same sample to iden-tify the mineral contact area and to visualise this at the same time as we identify the mineral phases.

The project has already delivered a cost-effective, quick and sufficiently accurate method for identify-ing mineralogical changes at a micron scale (Bor-romeo et al. in review; JoS). This will be studied in more detail in order to develop this method.

DELIVERABLES 2017At least one journal publication should be delivered in 2017, together with several conference contribu-tions through posters and oral presentations. We are planning a final contribution at a very highly regarded conference and, of course, at EAGE 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger.

Project manager(s): Laura Borromeo (UiS), Udo Zimmermann (UiS) and Sergio Andò (Università Milano Bicocca) PhD student: Laura Borromeo (UiS) Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 2Duration: September 2014 - August 2017

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1.3.1.Pore scale simulation of multiphase flow in an evolving pore scale

The project will build on knowledge and numerical models from the previous project entitled “3D imaging and pore scale modeling of carbonate rocks (phase 2)” (ImPor), which focused on obtaining real pore geometries and single-phase flow simulations.

This project delivers to:Development of IOR methods; IOR mechanisms; Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; Full field prediction; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE • To use numerical models in real pore space ge-

ometries to investigate the effect of the evolving pore space on permeability, relative permeabil-ity and trapped oil.

• To estimate variations in the predicted values depending on the sample size.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThe evolution of the pore space depends on fluid chemistry and the distribution of minerals in the pore, but it also depends on oil distribution. In this project we will study and quantify these effects.

PLANS 2017• Performing two-phase pore scale simulations

using the updated model on high-resolution geometries with up to 500x500x500 voxels

• Creating sensitivity studies using out-takes from the high-resolution geometries

DELIVERABLES 2017• Improved understanding/prediction of relative

permeability curves in complex environments• Journal publications and a written report

Project manager(s): Jan Ludvig Vinningland (IRIS)Key personnel: Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS), Es-pen Jesttestuen (IRIS)Theme: 1 Task: 3Duration: 2017 - 2019

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1.3.2.Improved oil recovery molecular processes

The objective of the project is to predict polymer behaviour in a single pore using Dis-sipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) simulations. We will use the DPD simulation results to construct generalised rheological models for the effective viscosity of the polymer solution in pore flow, and to develop phenomenological relations for the polymer concentration profile, cross-channel polymer migration and adsorption, which can be incorporated into rheology models. Later in the project, we plan to extend the activi-ties to investigate the effect of polymer flow on residual oil at a pore scale.

This project delivers to:Development of IOR methods; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE: To understand the physical mechanisms behind the migration of polymers away from mineral walls and to use this knowledge to make changes in the effective viscosity used at a pore scale and on the Darcy scale.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThe distribution of polymers due to migration leads to a varying polymer concentration profile across the pore channel. Experiments show that a deple-tion layer near the mineral surface develops, caus-ing a near-wall slip effect that leads to significantly reduced effective viscosity and increased flow rates. This effect is more important for micro-scale chan-nels, such as those found in porous media.

There are a number of unknown factors that affect the polymer concentration profile, such as polymer length, shear, pore diameter, salinity and polymer adsorption into the mineral surface. We know that interactions with the mineral surface lead to hydro-dynamic drift perpendicular to the wall, but other effects become more important for micro-scale channels. The DPD simulations will give us an un-derstanding of the physical mechanisms behind

the migration of polymers away from the mineral wall. This understanding can be used to construct phenomenological models for the depletion layer near the wall depending on polymer length, local shear rate, concentration and salinity. This can be used to calculate effective viscosity.

PLANS 2017• A rheology model that includes polymer migra-

tion, adsorption and salinity effects• Suggesting generalised rheology models that

can be used in LB simulations and at a core scale to evaluate effective viscosity in larger pore geometries (effective Darcy scale rheology), with a comparison with core flooding data

DELIVERABLES 2017• Effective polymer rheology based on DPD sim-

ulations• Journal publications from DPD simulations and

depletion layer model development Q4/2016

Project manager(s): Roar Skartlien (IFE)Postdoc: Teresa Palmer (IFE) Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 3Duration: September 2015 – September 2017

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1.3.3.Micro scale simulation of polymer solutions

This project delivers to:Development of IOR methods; IOR mechanisms; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE • To implement a full lattice Boltzmann polymer

solver in the BADChIMP code.• To study effective rheology in real rock samples

in single-phase and multi-phase environments.• To study processes for the mobilization of the re-

maining oil due to the additional forces exerted by the polymer.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThe effects of introducing non-Newtonian fluids in complex geometries is not fully understood, specifi-cally their effect on residual oil lacks description and understanding.

The injection of polymer solutions will not only change the viscosity of the fluid, but will also lead to further changes in pressure due to its non-linear rheology. This could influence and release some of the remaining oil and will affect the strength of the rock.

PLANS 2017We are planning to include the Fene-p polymer in the BADChIMP code, and run a simulation on real pore geometries.

DELIVERABLES 2017In 2017 we are planning at least one publication in a peer reviewed paper.

We are also working on enhancing the modeling capabilities of the BADChIMP model.

One of the risk factors involved is the fact that large viscosity ratios can be an issue for the standard lat-tice Boltzmann model. This can be mitigated by us-ing more elaborate numerical schemes, which have already been described in the relevant literature.

Project manager(s): Espen Jettestuen (IRIS) Key personnel: Jan Ludvig Vinningland (IRIS) and Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS)Theme: 1 Task: 3Duration: 2017 - 2018

The purpose of this project is to improve the core scale polymer models (Task 1) by performing pore scale simulations in realistic pore scale geometries and with realistic rheology. Simulations will be carried out in single- and two-phase settings. Improved polymer models are needed to better predict the field scale injection of polymers for improved sweep.

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1.3.4.Description of the rheological properties of complex fluids based on the kinetic theory (Postdoc project)

Polymer fluids are non-Newtonian, and these fluids are different from Newtonian flu-ids in all kinds of ways. For example, non-Newtonian fluids exert a force on the pore wall and may potentially affect residual oil saturation. The purpose of this project is to develop a model for the non-Newtonian rheology based on first principles, and to investigate the consequences in different geometries and different polymer param-eters. The results will be used to investigate whether non-Newtonian effects may have a substantial impact on oil recovery and to determine effective rheological param-eters on the Darcy scale.

This project delivers to: IOR mechanisms; Development of IOR methods; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To construct working mathematical and physical models that allow for the description and predic-tion of the rheological properties of complex fluids in different circumstances.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSInjecting synthetic polymers into seawater sub-stantially changes its rheological properties, a pro-cess that has been successfully used in oil recovery procedures. Although useful empirical relations for non-Newtonian viscosity exist and work well, they are correlations and are not linked to the underly-ing physics and chemistry.

This makes it hard to use them when the chemistry of the polymer molecules changes and/or hard to predict behaviour when salts or other substances are added to the solvent.

A thorough understanding of the underlying phys-ics is necessary in order to build consistent math-ematical models based on non-equilibrium ther-modynamics.

PLANS 2017Developing effective mathematical and physical models that can be used in practice to predict rhe-ological properties based on microscopic parame-ters and experimental input. We will use the FENE-P dumbbell model, which assumes that polymers can be represented as dumbbells consisting of two beads connected by a spring. Estimating model parameters using a rheometer and using these pa-rameters to predict polymer behaviour in complex geometries.

DELIVERABLES 2017A program for numerically solving the equations of the dynamics of complex fluids. Mathematical and physical models that can be implemented in a Navi-er-Stokes solver (e.g. OPM and/or lattice Boltzmann code (BADChiMP)

Project manager(s): Per Amund Amundsen (UiS) Postdoc: Dmitry Shogin (UiS) Key personnel: Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS), Me-rete Vadla Madland (UiS)Theme: 1 Task: 3Duration: July 2015 - July 2017

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1.3.5.Experimental investigation of fluid chemistry effect on adhesive properties of calcite grains (PhD project)

In spite of extensive research into the effect of fluid injection into chalk reservoirs, there are many questions still to be answered. Compaction, caused by fluid injection, has a strong impact on enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration. Variations in pore fluid chemistry cause some changes in the mechanical behaviour of chalk. This is believed to be caused by microscopic effects, which are not yet fully understood.

This project delivers to:Development of IOR methods; IOR mechanisms; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVEThe objective of this project is to study the adhesion force between two calcite grains in contact with a reactive fluid by developing a measurement meth-od using AFM.

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Some changes in the mechanical behaviour of chalk are caused by microscopic effects, but these effects are not fully understood and are difficult to observe in situ.

In this method a calcite grain is glued to the AFM cantilever. This enables us to investigate the change in mechanical behaviour of single calcite grains due to fluid chemistry variations. The PhD project is de-signed to carry out these experiments in fluid state. Developing a method to measure interfacial forces and contact topography in the introduced frame-work is also part of the requirement for this project.

Some of the risk factors are unsuccessful Surface Force Apparatus (SFA) experiments with calcite. However, AFM experiments and results are a good alternative for this. PLANS 2017Collaboration between UiO and The National IOR Centre of Norway will continue in 2017, as well as collaboration with Copenhagen University (Nano-Science Centre) and the University of Santa Barbara.

Further measurements are planned using SFA, which helps us in understanding the dynamics of mineral interfaces in liquid phases.

DELIVERABLES 2017We are planning at least two journal papers, one conference participation and a PhD thesis submis-sion.

Project manager(s): Shaghayegh Javadi (UiS), Anja Røyne (UiO) and Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS)PhD student: Shaghayegh Javadi (UiS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 1 Task: 3Duration: January 2015 - December 2017

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1.4.1.IORSim development project

The purpose of this project is to develop a simulator, IORSim, which improves the ca-pabilities of industry standard reservoir simulators to simulate IOR processes. This is done in a modular way by letting the industry standard reservoir simulator carry out the fluid flow predictions, while IORSim simulates the transportation of chemicals, interactions and effects on the flow parameters (relative permeability and capillary pressure). This allows us to take advantage of the improved pore- and core-scale mod-els developed in Tasks 1, 2 and 3 directly in realistic field cases.

This project delivers to:Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To develop a simulator that uses industry standard reservoir models and the important physio-chem-ical mechanism from the lab scale to predict the impact of an IOR strategy.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSHow do EOR processes at a core scale translate to a larger scale? What are the optimal injection strat-egies based on information from the core scale? What are the important physical and chemical mechanisms at a field scale for a successful EOR implementation?

Together with a reservoir simulator, IORSim pro-vides an upscaling tool from core scale to field scale, with the option to quickly and accurately simulate IOR processes. Its major strength is that the simu-lation of species is performed separately from the rest of the fluid flow calculation in the reservoir. The advantage of this is twofold.

Firstly, IORSim makes it possible to perform ad-vanced geochemical IOR simulations within any ex-isting reservoir simulator. It will therefore fill a large gap for the oil companies, which have invested a lot of resources in building reservoir cases within the concept of one specific reservoir simulator on which they rely quite heavily. Secondly, the separa-tion of the flow calculation and the chemical spe-

cies calculation enhances accuracy and efficiency with regard to computing time.

PLANS 2017• Species grid refinement• FLS Flux limiting scheme (*)• Finishing IORSim backcoupling with Eclipse• Testing of realistic large Eclipse – IORSim cases• Extending thermal computation in IORSim• Implementing physical dispersion in IORSim• Implementing the well model and cross flow• A more efficient geochemical module• If resources are available: IORSim – OPM cou-

pling via Eclipse types (*)• If resources are available: simulation/interpreta-

tion of the SNORRE silicate pilot

DELIVERABLES 2017• Comparison between the ECLIPSE-IORSim

coupling and IORCoreSim (DOUCS project) on a two-well pilot case

• New release of IORSim as well• One journal paper and a conference paper

Project manager(s): Jan Sagen (IFE) and Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS)Key personnel: Terje Sira (IFE), Jan Nossen (IFE), Egil Brendsdal (IFE) and Steinar Gro-land (IFE)Theme: 1 Task: 4Duration: 2017 ->

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1.4.2.Environmental fate and effect of EOR polymers (PhD project)

The purpose of this project is to quantify the fate and effect on polymers used in an off-shore setting. We will quantify changes in polymers after they have been exposed to different flow regimes. This knowledge will be used to assess the impact that the polymers may have on the marine ecosystem.

This project delivers to:Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To provide understanding about the behaviour of polymers used for EOR in the marine environment at low concentrations. This will be done by applying modern toxicological methods, well-established tests used in environmental risk assessment and state-of-the-art analytical techniques based on light scattering.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSVery few methods exist that can quantify the fate and long-term effect of low concentrations of poly-mers in seawater. If polymers are released into the sea, how does the structure of the polymer change over time and is it important for the marine eco-system?

PLANS 2017Setting up 80-day inherent and ready biodegrad-ability studies on a variety of partially hydrolysed polyacrylamide derivatives. Respirometry allows for continuous monitoring of biotic degradation.

At the end of the experiment, size exclusion chro-matography with Multi-Angle Laser Light Scatter-ing (MALLS) will examine shifts in Molecular Weight

(MW) distribution.

As regards MALLS limitation on low concentrations and “dirty” samples, we aim to overcome these by applying ultrafiltration techniques capable of iso-lating and concentrating the MW-range of interest. The results will provide structure-activity relation-ships for both aerobic and anaerobic, biotic and abiotic degradation pathways.

DELIVERABLES 2017• 1 paper publication ready by the end of 2017• Presentation during the EAGE 19th European

Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger

• Compilation of literature data and references for a planned review paper on the fate and ef-fects of IOR polymers (to be submitted in 2017)

Project manager(s): Eystein Opsahl (UiS), Roald Kommedal (UiS) and Aksel Hiorth (UIS/IRIS)PhD student: Eystein Opsahl (UiS)Key personnel: Mentioned aboveTheme: 1 Task: 4Duration: June 2015 - May 2018

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1.4.3.Lab scale Polymer Test in porous media - Supporting Halliburton’s Large Scale Polymer Shear Test phase II

The purpose of this project is to prepare for a large-scale polymer test. We want to study the effect of polymer transport on a larger scale (several meters). This project will test similar polymer and porous media in the lab (cm) in order to select the rel-evant parameters and the relevant chemical systems for a larger scale test.

This project delivers to:Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; Field performance; IOR mechanisms; and Economic po-tential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE Lab work supporting and supplementing Hallibur-ton’s large-scale phase II test and IRIS personnel’s involvement in the large-scale test.

A detailed experimental test design for the large-scale phase II test is in progress and will focus on the shear degradation of polymers in a porous me-dia. Support will be required from IRIS researchers in designing the test set-up, carrying out sampling and measuring and interpreting the data. We will also perform lab-scale experiments using similar systems to those used in the large-scale test.

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Are core scale experiments sufficient to predict the behaviour of polymers at a field scale? Do simula-tors capture all of the important parameters?

PLANS 2017Performing core-scale experiments at lab scale and

upscaling the experiments to larger core dimen-sions. This will generate experience that can be used to build new infrastructures.

We plan to publish the results, where we will com-pare polymer shear degradation at different scales.

DELIVERABLES 2017Final report and knowledge of how to perform large-scale experiments in porous media. Presum-ably new knowledge about the transport properties of polymer molecules on a larger scale.

Project manager(s): Siv Marie Åsen (IRIS) and Amare Mebratu (Halliburton)Key personnel: Arne Stavland (IRIS)Theme: 1 Task: 4 (and 1)Duration: phase II 2016 ->

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1.4.4.Smart Water for EOR by Membranes (PhD project)

The purpose of this project is to investigate the potential of using membrane technol-ogy to manufacture a specific chemical composition of the injected water. The smart water is usually made in the lab by adding salts to distilled water. Offshore the smart water has to be made using membrane technology from seawater or produced water. This is much more challenging and the process of making this as efficient (and cost-effective) as possible is not currently understood.

This project delivers to:Economic potential and environmental impact; and Development of IOR methods

OBJECTIVE The main objective of the project is to produce smart water from seawater and Produced Water (PW). A second objective includes evaluating the proper pre-treatment of PW. PW treatment includes oil re-moval and a reduction in total dissolved solids.

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Many researchers have performed experiments into the applicability of membranes to remove scaling ions. However, this project deals with a different membrane stream, which is relatively new to the oil and gas industry.

There is therefore limited understanding of the application of nanofiltration membranes on PW treatment. This project aims to bridge this gap by conducting pilot studies using synthetic PW and membranes.

PLANS 2017Designing and producing a suitable membrane for smart water production by 2017. Producing smart water without adding chemicals.

DELIVERABLES 2017Reports and submission of a paper for publication. Abstract accepted for the SPE annual technical conference and exhibition to be held from 26-28 September. We will continue work on this.

Project manager(s): Remya Ravindran Nair (UiS) Torleiv Bilstad (UiS) and Skule Strand (UiS)PhD student: Remya Ravindran Nair (UiS) Key personnel: Evgenia Protasova (UiS)Theme: 1 Task: 4Duration: May 2015 - May 2018

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2.5.1.Development and testing of nanoparticles as tailor-made tracers for improved reservoir description and for measurement of defined reservoir properties

The aim of this research is to offer a new monitoring technology that has not previ-ously been available. It will also improve existing technology and develop new tech-nology for improved reservoir description, including monitoring of selected reservoir properties (SOR, for instance), based on the use of tracers for the flow of injected flu-ids. The application of this technology will help define the best IOR strategy for se-lected reservoirs.

This project delivers to:Field performance; Monitoring tools and history matching; Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; Full field prediction; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To develop nanoparticles to be used in interwell ex-aminations for:1. improved reservoir description, and 2. measurement of reservoir properties such as re-sidual oil saturation in the swept zone between wells.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThe project aims to provide more dynamic moni-toring possibilities for injected fluids and for special reservoir description than those currently available. Nanoparticles (C-dots) in the 2-10 nm range will not be able to penetrate the smallest pores in the porous medium, but will particularly probe higher-permeability streaks between wells. Other types of nanoparticlesin the 10-100 nm range will supply additional in-formation. Applying these together with more tra-ditional molecular tracers which are able to also probe low-permeability zones, may provide more information about the degree of heterogeneity of fluid conducting pores in the reservoir section be-tween wells.

PLANS 2017We are planning four main activities and a fifth op-tional activity:

1. Further laboratory examinations of particle stabil-ity2. Examining the option to modify particle wettabil-ity3. Examining dynamic properties in core flooding experiments4. Examining the consistency of the analysis of nanoparticles by their fluorescence5. Optional: Carrying out an interwell field test of C-dots in Colorado in cooperation with Cornell Uni-versity. The implementation of this field test is not covered by the budget for 2017 and is therefore de-pendent on extra funding

DELIVERABLES 2017• The results of static stability experiments, dy-

namic testing and the analytical stability of C-dots will be available and reportable.

• Experiments on surface modification (wettabil-ity alteration) will be started.

• Optional: If a central decision can be made on the indicated field pilot in Colorado, the results of the field test will be available and reportable in autumn 2017.

• The results of laboratory tests achieved by the end of 2016 on this task will be published in a conference paper at the next EAGE 19th Euro-pean Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger.

Project manager(s): Tor Bjørnstad (IFE) Postdocs: Mahmoud Ould Metidji (IFE) Key personnel: Sissel Opsahl Viig (IFE), Al-exander Krivokapic (IFE)Theme: 2 Task: 5Duration: January 2016 - June 2018

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2.5.2.Single-Well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT, for measurement of SOR and efficiency of EOR methods

This research aims to improve existing technology and develop new technology for measuring SOR in reservoirs, based on the use of tracers for the flow of injected fluids. The application of this technology will help define the best IOR strategy for selected reservoirs by examining the near-well zone.

This project delivers to:Field performance; Monitoring tools and history matching; Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; Full field prediction; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE To develop new tracers with specially high analyti-cal sensitivity using light- or laser-induced fluores-cence for:1. Measuring SOR in the near-well zone to 5-10 me-ters from the well.2. Measuring the efficiency of various EOR methods by applying the principle in point 1 before and after an EOR campaign has been implemented in the well.

KNOWLEDGE GAPS The traditional method for single-well determina-tion of SOR applies simple esters as primary tracers. These tracers have a high detection limit. This proj-ect aims to create new tracers that can be detected at low concentrations using fluorescence. Small vol-umes of chemicals are required. This would consid-erably reduce the physical footprint, environmental pollution concerns and the operation time. The op-eration costs of the test will therefore be reduced correspondingly, allowing for onsite or online de-tection of the tracers, which would lead to faster results.

PLANS 2017 We are planning six main activities and one option-al activity:1. Continuing synthesis of lanthanide chelate esters2. Continuing stability testing of the tracer candi-dates

3. Measuring water-oil partition coefficients and re-action conversion rate constants as function of de-fined reservoir parameters 4. Examining dynamic properties in core flooding experiments5. Developing and optimizing analytical procedures for laboratory and field implementation6. Optional: Starting a concept clarification activity involving the possible use of nanoparticles as “load carriers” to determine SOR in single-well operations

DELIVERABLES 2017• The results of the synthesis of lanthanide che-

lates, static stability experiments, oil-water par-titioning experiments, measurements of hy-drolysis rate constants, dynamic testing and analytical development will be available and reportable

• Publication of results from laboratory experi-ments by the end of 2016 in a conference paper at the next EAGE 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger

• Aim for a journal publication on certain aspects of lanthanide chelates

• Consider a patent application on the use of nanoparticles as load (tracer) carriers in single-well operations to measure SOR

Project manager(s): Tor Bjørnstad (IFE) Postdocs: Mahmoud Ould Metidji (IFE)Key personnel: Sissel Opsahl Viig (IFE), Alex-ander Krivokapic (IFE)Theme: 2, Task: 5Duration: Mid 2016 - October 2018

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2.5.3.Development of water/oil partitioning tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region (PhD project)

This project intends to deliver tracers to measure residual oil saturation in flooded zones of the reservoir, which will also provide information about fluid circulation. This information will contribute to a more detailed characterization of the reservoir, iden-tification of EOR targets and evaluation of EOR operations.

This project delivers to:Field performance; Monitoring tools and history matching; Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; Full-field prediction; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE Development of new oil/water partitioning tracers for Partitioning Interwell Tracer Tests (PITT) to mea-sure remaining oil saturation in the flooded reser-voir regions.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSTracer technology can provide information that ben-efits all stages of the production chain. PITT tracers provide unique data about fluid circulation and re-maining oil saturation in the reservoir, however their use is still limited due to the existence of very few compounds with the desired properties, hence the need to develop more oil/water partitioning tracers.

PLANS 2017Activities to achieve this objective include the selec-tion of possible compounds with the “target” de-sired characteristics; development of test methods for their analysis both in the laboratory and through real field samples, in the range of ppt-ppb concen-trations; stability testing; lab-scale core flooding ex-periments; and preparation of a pilot test at a reser-voir scale. Core flooding experiments will be carried out in cooperation with IRIS and UiS.

DELIVERABLES 2017We plan that this project will be able to finalize the following research in 2017 (and disseminate the re-sults in three journal papers) • Test method development and application• Stability and core flooding experiments• The entire qualification process of the PITT trac-

ers or a patent is also expected towards the end of the year

Participations through a paper or poster in relevant conferences are also planned, such as the 19th Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery organised by EAGE and The National IOR Centre of Norway, or the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference.

Project manager: Mario Silva (UiS), Tor Bjørnstad (IFE), Svein Skjæveland (UiS)PhD student(s): Mario Silva (UiS)Key personnel: Sissel Opsahl Viig (IFE) and Alexander Krivokapic (IFE)Theme: 2 Task: 5Duration: Spring 2015 – Spring 2018

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2.6.1.Adding more physics, chemistry, and geological realism into the reservoir simulator

This project addresses the forward simulation of IOR methods. Moreover, in this proj-ect we aim to contribute in providing a tailor made simulator which includes neces-sary modeling methodologies and simulation capabilities for simulating increased oil recovery pilots on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

This project delivers to:Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; Full field prediction; Monitoring tools and history match-ing; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE • The main objective of this project is to provide

modeling methodology and simulation capa-bilities for IOR. This includes the following re-search topics:

• Field scale simulation of “modified water” injec-tion

• Representation of brine-dependent behaviour in terms of mathematical models

• Transferring lab-scale mechanisms to field scale• Field scale simulation of fracture systems• Including imbibition effects controlled by wa-

ter-rock chemistry on field scale• Implementing the results of the above in the

Open Porous Media (OPM) framework

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Standard reservoir simulators do not account for the mechanisms listed above in the “objective”. The proj-ect will investigate which of these missing effects are crucial for full field simulation of IOR processes and will seamlessly implement the needs into OPM.

PLANS 2017 In 2017 we are planning the following activities:The PostDoc at UiS will focus on testing the developed methodologies on real cases or synthetic field cases in collaboration with IRIS and UiB. More specifical-ly, the methodologies will be tested on data from spontaneous imbibition experiments conducted at UiB. The results will be published in peer reviewed journals.

At IRIS we are planning the following main activi-ties:1. Integration of higher order methods, especially those designed for polymer flooding of real fields, in OPM. This research includes one PostDoc at IRIS and is linked to one PhD project.2. Investigation of fractured flow modeling possibili-ties in OPM,3. Improvement in OPM robustness (history match-ing and optimisation), and4. (If resources allow) Improved coupling of OPM andIORSim.

Dissemination is expected and planned.

DELIVERABLES 2017• Submitting and publishing several journal pa-

pers• Attending workshops and conferences and pre-

senting articles• Submitting abstract(s) to the EAGE / IOR Nor-

way conference (IRIS)• OPM releases (2017.04 and 2017.10) which

should include several of the above described functionalities

Project manager(s): Robert KlöfkornTheme: 2 Postdocs: Trine Mykkeltvedt (IRIS) and Pål Andersen (UiS) Key personnel: Ove Sævareid (IRIS) and Steinar Evje (UiS)Theme: 2Task: 6Duration: January 2014 – December 2018

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2.6.2.Advanced numerical methods for compositional flow applied to field scale reservoir models (PhD project)

This project addresses the forward simulation of IOR methods, and particularly inves-tigates different numerical methods that can be applied to implement a composi-tional flow module for modeling the IOR/EOR. In the end, the project contributes to pilot simulations by providing a ‘full field simulation tool’ for water based IOR/EOR methods.

This project delivers to:Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; Full field prediction; Monitoring tools and history match-ing; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to investigate and establish higher order numerical methods for mod-eling IEOR processes in reservoir simulation tools. Prototype implementations will be provided within the Open Porous Media (OPM) project and a com-positional flow module for the black oil flow simula-tor in OPM will be provided. The key elements will be:

• Higher order approximations, including ther-mal effects, with appropriate coupling to the flow simulator.

• Inclusion of field scale “smart water” simulation where thermal effects cannot be neglected.

• The PhD project consists of three main parts: studying and implementing higher order schemes, coupling the scheme with the black oil flow model and field-scale study. All of the activities will be carried out under the OPM code base.

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Standard simulators do not account for the mecha-nisms described in the “objective”, nor are higher order numerical methods present in everyday field scale simulations. Note that higher order methods are also addressed in the other Task 6 project, but both the application (polymer vs compositional) and basic methodology (finite volume vs discon-tinuous Galerkin) are different. There are also im-portant distinctions to be made compared with

IORSim, which is based on classical (diffusive) tech-niques amended with grid refinement. This proj-ect’s achievements therefore also contribute direct-ly to the development of IORSim.

PLANS 2017 The plans for 2017 include the following four main activities: (1) Continuation of investigation into nu-merical methods for compositional flow, (2) Inte-gration of a compositional module in OPM-flow, (3) Preliminary testing for cases with realistic chemical reactions, and (4) Simulations including a tempera-ture-dependent setting (i.e. temperature as a sepa-rate variable).

DELIVERABLES 2017 • The findings in this project (e.g. higher order

methods and coupling) will be made available to IORSim activities

• Submitting and publishing journal papers• Attending workshops and conferences• Submitting abstract(s) to the EAGE 19th Euro-

pean Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger and the FVCA8 conference

• Continued collaboration with the OPM and Dune community, establishing new collabora-tions with UiB, the Colorado School of Mines and the University of Texas at Austin

Project manager(s): Anna Kvashchuk (UiS), Robert Klöfkorn (IRIS) and Steinar EvjePhD student: Anna Kvashchuk (UiS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 2 Task: 6Duration: January 2014 – December 2018

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2.6.3.CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots (PhD project)

This project aims to bridge this gap by conducting pilot studies in heterogeneous reservoirs of both clastics and carbonates. The project involves understanding the mechanisms on small and large scales for CO2 Foam EOR. The overall project includes lab-scale studies, pilot-scale studies and the integration of data from various scales.

This project delivers to:IOR mechanisms; Full field prediction; Monitoring tools and history matching; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE The project aims to understand large-scale CO2 mo-bility control using foam from onshore field pilots based in the USA.

• The primary objective of the project is to de-velop CO2 foam mobility control technol-ogy for EOR and aquifer storage on the NCS.

• As a secondary objective, improved modeling of CO2 foam processes will be established by up-scaling the results from laboratory scale to res-ervoir scale based on the pilot results.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSExperimental work has been carried out in labora-tories at UiS/IRIS and UiB over the last few years to demonstrate the application of foaming agents for mobility control of CO2 flooding in heterogeneous reservoirs, and to understand the parameters influ-encing flow behaviour under CO2-foam flooding at a core scale.

However, there is a limited understanding of the application of foam at a reservoir scale. This project aims to bridge this gap by conducting pilot stud-ies in heterogeneous reservoirs of both clastics and carbonates.

PLANS 2017The pilot design for selected fields will be complet-

ed by early 2017. Meanwhile, the results obtained from lab coreflood studies and the data acquired in the field from infill wells and other single/inter-well studies will be used to prepare a baseline nu-merical model. This will act as a vehicle for the pilot design. CO2 and/or CO2-Foam injection will begin in Q1/Q2 of 2017 and the planned study period will be 9 to 12 months. Data will be recorded in the field, which will help update the injection strategy if re-quired and eventually help understand the foam displacement process. The work on core-flood stud-ies, field data analysis and pilot design are planned in cooperation with the members of the Reservoir Physics research group at UiB.

DELIVERABLES 2017• The pilot design for selected fields will be com-

pleted by early 2017• Reports and Publications• A paper will be submitted to the EAGE 19th Eu-

ropean Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery/IOR NORWAY 2017 in Stavanger on reservoir modeling work carried out on the pilot design

• An abstract will be submitted to the SCA 2017 conference on CO2-Foam core-flood history matching

• Plan to establish new international collabora-tion with TU Delft and Rice University

Project manager(s): Mohan Sharma (UiS), Arne Graue (UiB) and Svein M. Skjæveland (UiS)PhD student: Mohan Sharma (UiS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 2 Task: 6Duration: November 2015 – November 2018

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2.7.1.Production optimization

The economic feasibility of implementing new IOR methods on a field needs to be evaluated, preferably taking the uncertainty in the reservoir description into account. This project will develop a methodology for optimizing the future production and aim at evaluate the correct economic potential of the reservoirs. Environmental con-straints can be added to the optimization.

This project delivers to:Economic potential and environmental impact; and Fiscal framework and investment decisions

OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to further devel-op robust optimization algorithms for efficient use in the petroleum production optimization prob-lem. The secondary objectives are:• Extension of ensemble-based production opti-

mization to include IOR strategies (not only op-timizing waterflooding).

• Investigation of how reduced order methods can reduce the computational effort needed (current workflows are computationally de-manding due to the need for a large number of reservoir simulations)

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThe current workflows are computationally de-manding due to the need for a large num-ber of reservoir simulations. We will investi-gate to what extent this bottleneck can be circumvented by using reduced order models..

PLANS 2017There are at least three different approaches to building reduced order models.1. Developing models based on simplified physics.2. Developing models based on analysing input-output relationships.3. Using the simulator code to develop reduced or-der models.

For this project one of the associated PhD students will focus on approach 1. At IRIS the initial plan is to use approach 2 as it seems very flexible when handling different scenarios. Approach 2 will be ad-dressed by building input-output relationships (in-put corresponds to the steering of the wells (total rates for injectors and producers) and output corre-sponds to derived quantities in the wells (i.e. water cut for producers)) from full field reservoir simula-tions, and building proxy models from these.

These proxy models will be used for optimization and, if necessary, new proxy models may be built as the optimization proceeds. Approach 3 is a much more demanding task than approaches 1 and 2 and this is also a reason why IRIS prefers to start by developing proxy models first, i.e. approach 2. The IRIS research may be carried out in cooperation with TU Delft.

DELIVERABLES 2017• We plan to submit one journal paper in 2017 de-

scribing the how the use of proxy models can improve the efficiency of ensemble based pro-duction optimization.

• If a suitable conference is identified, we will also aim to submit one conference paper (most likely to be presented in 2018).

Project manager(s): Geir Nævdal (IRIS)PhD student(s) Aoije Hong (UiS) and Yiteng Zhang (UiS) Key personnel: Mentioned aboveTheme: 2 Task: 7Duration: 2014-2021

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2.7.2.Robust production optimization (PhD project)

This project investigates the economic aspect of robust optimization with and without additional information provided by history matching. The project provides a method to evaluate whether or not resources should be invested in order to obtain additional information before making a decision on production strategy.

This project delivers to:Economic potential and environmental impact; and Fiscal framework and investment decisions

OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to develop ro-bust optimization methods.

The secondary objectives include:• An optimal production strategy including geo-

logical uncertainties• How the decisions (optimal production strate-

gies) may be different for robust optimization based on the geological uncertainties before and after history matching. (Geological uncer-tainties can be reduced by history matching)

• The impact of history matching on the results of robust optimization methods will be inves-tigated through a Value-of-Information analysis

KNOWLEDGE GAPSValue-of-Information analyses originate from Deci-sion Analyses. These can help us evaluate the addi-tional value to be gained from additional informa-tion. The value assessed using this method is the maximum buying price to be paid for the informa-tion.

Although the Value-of-Information concept is a powerful tool, it has not been widely accepted and used in the oil and gas industry. By presenting this

concept, we provide a reference for gathering data relating to decision-making contexts.

PLANS 2017The research described in the objectives will be car-ried out on suitable test cases. The PhD candidate is planning a stay in the US at the University of Texas at Austin. Continued research will be carried out in collaboration with Prof. Larry Lake’s group there.

DELIVERABLES 2017• Stay in the US to collaborate with Prof. Lake• Several papers will be published on Value-of-

Information• A PhD dissertation is planned to be completed

by the end of 2017

Project manager(s): Aojie Hong (UiS) Reidar B. Bratvold (UiS), Geir Nævdal (IRIS)PhD: Aojie Hong Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 2 Task: 7Duration: October 2014 – October 2017

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2.7.3.Assemblage of different step size selection algorithms in reservoir production optimization (PhD project)

This project addresses the robustness and the efficiency of optimization algorithms, which essentially serve as a tool for evaluating different IOR pilots.

This project delivers to:Economic potential and environmental impact; and Fiscal framework and investment decisions

OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to give a precise mathematical formulation of ensemble based opti-mization under geological uncertainty.

The secondary objectives include: • Improving the existing methodology using

more sound mathematical insight• Understanding and improving the formulation

of the objective function under uncertainty• Investigating the effect uncertainty has on sev-

eral different parametrisations of the problem formulation

KNOWLEDGE GAPSGradient free algorithms for production optimiza-tion or optimizations of EOR processes under geo-logical uncertainty have gained a lot of interest in the petroleum industry over the past decades.

Although the number of publications has started to grow, the theoretical understanding of practical algorithms is still limited. Furthermore, it is not clear what is the best objective function to optimize, nor how to parametrise the controls in an efficient way. In light of this, the project aims to fulfil the current fade area of statistical understanding contained in the optimization algorithm.

PLANS 2017The main focus in 2017 will be to develop a new capstone of algorithms and to start testing these on synthetic reservoir cases.

Moreover, this project will focus on improving the current step size selection algorithm with a self-adaptive algorithm. Seeking insight and the imple-mentation of several variance reduction techniques will also be classed as equally important in the 2017 research. Dissemination is expected in the form of publications and presentations.

DELIVERABLES 2017• Two journal paper manuscripts should be draft-

ed by the end of 2017• At least one of the drafted manuscripts should

be submitted• Two conference papers are also expected• Numerous abstracts will be submitted for con-

sideration for poster sessions and oral presenta-tions throughout the year

Project manager(s): Yiteng Zhang (UiS), An-dreas S. Stordal (IRIS) and Svein M. Skjæve-land (UiS) PhD: Yiteng Zhang (UiS)Key personnel: Geir Nævdal (IRIS)Theme: 2 Task: 7Duration: November 2015 – November 2018

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2.7.4.Data assimilation using 4D seismic data

This project is the main project addressing history matching at The Centre. Work has started using data from the Norne field. The project focuses on being able to meet the target of full field history matching using 4D seismic and tracer data.

This project delivers to:Monitoring tools and history matching; Full field prediction; Field performance; Economic potential and environmental impact; and Fiscal framework and investment decisions.

OBJECTIVE The primary objective of this project is to include 4D seismic data in ensemble based history matching for full fields. The secondary objectives include:• Establishing real field(s) and gathering data re-

quired• Investigating in which form of 4D seismic data

is most suitable for inclusion• Developing suitable rock physic model(s)• Uncertainty quantification of the seismic data• Handle the big data amount of seismic data KNOWLEDGE GAPSIf information from 4D seismic data is incorporated into reservoir models, this is typically done through manual matching by geologists and interpretation of the data by geophysicists. The inclusion of 4D data directly in assisted history matching has not been successfully demonstrated, nor is it straight-forward. History matching using 4D seismic data is a challenging and substantial large task, as pointed out by the many secondary objectives that must be handled, and this project will address these chal-lenges.

PLANS 2017Addressing the objectives of this project leads to the following subtasks, which will be started in 2017:1.Developing a suitable rock physics model for the Norne field, connecting the reservoir properties with the impedances and densities. 2. To calculate impedances and densities from AVA data we plan to use a Bayesian approach, as de-scribed earlier by our cooperation partner Dario Grana. A field case demonstration of this approach should be suitable for a conference paper at an ap-propriate conference.

3. In ongoing work, we have found promising re-sults in addressing the uncertainty challenge and the big data challenge jointly by using a wavelet representation of the data and by only using the dominating wavelet coefficients for history match-ing. The idea here is that the measurement noise primarily influences the smaller wavelet coefficients which are then truncated. We foresee the that pre-senting the solution of this problem would lead to one journal paper.4. Localization is required when working with large data sets using ensemble-based methods. This means that we only use the data points in a lo-cal region. The size of the localization regions de-pends on both the problem in question and the data available, which means that new knowledge is required in this setting. Guidelines for localization using impedances and densities as data for 4D seis-mic history matching need to be developed.5. We also plan to investigate the use of full-wave-form inversion for 4D seismic history matching. We are planning an approach that will give an insight into the understanding of error propagation in seis-mic inversion, which is important for 4D seismic history matching. This has so far been studied with acoustic data in a 2D synthetic study. This will be extended to a 3D case with elastic data. One journal paper is expected to be written to document this study.

DELIVERABLES 2017• If potential conferences are identified, we plan

to submit early versions of the planned papers (listed under plans 2017) to such.

• Code for ensemble based history matching of 4D seismic data will be developed.

Project manager(s): Geir Nævdal (IRIS)Postdocs: Tuhin Bhakta (IRIS) and Kjersti S. Eikrem (IRIS) Key personnel: Xiaodong Luo (IRIS), Tuhin Bhakta (IRIS), Morten Jakobsen (UiB) Theme: 2 Task: 7Duration: 2014-2021

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2.7.5.Interpretation of 4D seismic for compacting reservoirs

This project aims to improve the interpretation of 4D seismic data for the location of gas, water and pressure fronts in compacting reservoirs. This is important to monitor a water front using 4D seismic data. The methods developed will further contribute towards improving history matching using 4D seismic data for compacting reservoirs.

This project delivers to:Upscaling, simulation and interpretation tools; Monitoring tools and history matching; Field performance; Full field prediction; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to address the extra complexity of compacting reservoirs when in-cluding 4D seismic data in history matching. The secondary objectives are:• Working towards solving this problem with a

data set from ConocoPhillips (Ekofisk). Initially we will focus on interpreting 4D AVO seismic data for updating saturations, pressures and porosities. (In this case the porosity is changing due to the effect of compaction).

• In the second step we will use the interpreted data for ensemble-based history matching.

KNOWLEDGE GAPS The project aims to make better use of time-lapse seismic data for compacting reservoirs. The meth-odology developed for the interpretation of satu-ration and pressure fronts from AVO data is more complicated for compacting reservoirs. Here we will focus on resolving the problems connected with these complications. This will be used for better his-tory matching with 4D seismic data.

PLANS 2017We are planning two activities in 2017:1. Uncertainty quantification. Our development

of the improved workflow for estimating changes in dynamic reservoir parameters for compacting res-ervoir parameters started with taking a determin-istic approach with a limited focus on uncertainty quantification. One way of ensuring a better han-dling of uncertainties in the estimated parameters would be to use a Bayesian approach. This would require new methodological development.2. Data assimilation using 4D seismic data for a compacting reservoir. This task will be a major un-dertaking and needs to start with careful planning in order to define its scope. For instance, we need to decide whether we should aim for a full field his-tory matching or limit the study, for instance, by us-ing a sector model. The study needs to be defined in close collaboration with the provider of the field data.

The research is planned in collaboration with Cono-coPhillips, Schlumberger and the University of Wyo-ming.

DELIVERABLES 2017Based on the plans described above, we plan to have at least one report to describe the outcome for each of the two activities. If permission for publi-cation is received, it would be natural to present the results at appropriate conferences.

Project manager(s): Geir Nævdal (IRIS)Postdoc: Tuhin Bhakta (IRIS)Key personnel: As aboveTheme: 2 Task: 7Duration: 2014-2018

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2.7.6.Data assimilation using 4-D seismic data (PostDoc TNO)

This project demonstrates and develops methodologies for front-detection seismic monitoring history matching on field data.

This project delivers to:Monitoring tools and history matching; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to improve and evaluate TNO’s ensemble-based history matching workflow in an extensive field case study. Moreover, the project will demonstrate the potential of the proposed method for 4D seismic monitoring and history matching.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSTNO’s ensemble-based history matching work-flow has shown promising results on synthet-ic fields, but there has been no demonstration on a real field case. The functionalities miss-ing to perform this demonstration will be in-vestigated, implemented and communicated.

PLANS 2017The plans for 2017 include the following two main activities:1. Improving the applicability of the distance pa-rameterisation method for realistic reservoir models for efficient seismic history matching,

2. Finishing the field case evaluation of the im-proved TNO’s history matching workflow on the Norne field.

Depending on the results, an additional field case will be investigated and demonstrated. The work will be carried out in close collaboration with re-searchers at IRIS working on Task 7.

DELIVERABLES 2017Based on the above described plans, two journal papers are planned on the following topics:• Methodological improvement of the distance

parameterisation of seismic data for history matching

• Norne full-field application of 4D seismic history matching using the improved approach.

Project manager(s): Philippe Steeghs (TNO) Postdoc: Yanhui Zhang (UiS)Key personnel: Olwijn Leeuwenburgh (TNO), Stefan Carpentier (TNO) Theme: 2 Task: 7Duration: June 2015- June 2017

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60 seismic and tracer data for coupled geomechanical / reservoir flow models

This project is investigating the coupling between fluid flow and geomechanics for improved oil recovery, and the use of 4D seismic data in history matching of coupled models. Moreover, this project brings geomechanics into the history matching pic-ture, and links lab results on rock strength to field scale modeling.

This project delivers to:Monitoring tools and history matching; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVEThe main objective of the project is to investigate ra-tional methods for building and updating coupled fluid flow / geomechanical models. The secondary objectives include:• Linking 4D seismic observations to stress ex-

change in the reservoir and surrounding rock• Including the impact of faulted and fractured

rock in history matching

KNOWLEDGE GAPS In fractured reservoirs the understanding of how dynamic stress changes in the reservoir open and close the fracture systems as a result of the injection strategy is of key importance with regard to optimal depletion.

For compacting reservoirs, the stress changes caused by injection and production must be un-derstood in order to improve oil recovery. A meth-odology will be developed to use the assimilated models for safer well placement, better well perfor-mance and improved well integrity, taking into ac-count dynamic stress changes in the reservoir and the surrounding rock.

PLANS 2017For 2017 the focus will be on 4D seismic analysis of Ekofisk LoFS seismic data to separate between:• 4D effects caused by geomechanical impact,

including vertical rock displacements (compac-tion, dilation) and lateral rock displacements (horizontal stress changes, including fracture opening and fault reactivation)

• 4D effects not associated with geomechanical impact, e.g. dominated by velocity effects as-sociated with pressure and fluid change rather than rock displacements

• Pressure effects• Saturation effects (gas, water, oil)

DELIVERABLES 2017Workflow for analyzing 3D displacement field be-tween seismic surveys, differential slope of displace-ment attribute and enhanced seismic discontinui-ties and their dynamic behavior.

Project manager: Jarle Haukås (Schlumberger)Key personnel: Michael Niebling (Schlumberg-er), Wiebke Athmer (Schlumberger), Marie Etchebes (Schlumberger), Aicha Bounaim (Schlumberger), Michael Nickel (Schlumberg-er), Bent Tjøstheim (Schlumberger)Theme: 2 Task: 7Duration: Duration of Schlumberger’s in-kind contribution

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2.7.8.Elastic full-waveform inversion (PhD project)

This project delivers to:Monitoring tools and history matching; Field performance, Full field prediction; and Economic potential and environmental impact

OBJECTIVE Accurate and well-resolved estimates of the subsur-face parameters from seismic data are essential for both exploration, as well as increased recovery of oil and gas reserves. This is particularly true as explo-ration moves towards subtler traps in complicated geological environments. At the same time, the ability to detect small changes in elastic parame-ters due to fluid substitution can greatly aid the de-velopment of increased oil recovery strategies. Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a well-known method for estimating subsurface parameters from seismic data. FWI can be used with single vintage seismic data to improve knowledge of the subsurface, or it can be used to estimate changes in subsurface pa-rameters in a time-lapse fashion from 4D seismic data. This makes this technology well adapted for both the exploration and production stages of the petroleum value chain. Elastic FWI can be used to estimate both P-wave and S-wave impedances or their changes over time from multicomponent seismic data. There are still major challenges in ap-plying FWI to field scale datasets. One problem is related to the high cost of the method. Another well-known problem is the non-uniqueness of the problem. In terms of 4D seismic data, the major challenges are to reduce the artefacts introduced by repeatability errors and to include high enough frequencies in the inversion. Any attempt to use FWI must therefore tackle these challenges.

In addition to developing strategies to tackle the above mentioned problems, we have also set the following key objectives: (1) To develop and test sta-tistical methods of inference and to compare these with deterministic methods; (2) To use elastic FWI to estimate changes in elastic properties due to production from multicomponent seismic data ac-quired in permanent reservoir monitoring installa-tions (PRMs). These estimated time-lapse changes will be compared with conventional approaches based on time-shift and time-strain measurements.

KNOWLEDGE GAPSThe ability of elastic FWI to replace conventional methods used to estimate 4D changes from seis-mic data has not yet been proven. This project will be an attempt to breach this gap.

PLANS 2017The focus in 2017 will be to:1. Recruit a PhD student2. Start implementing the method and start testing on synthetic 2D and 3D datasets

DELIVERABLES 2017The results from the reference tests will lead to:• Submission of abstracts to workshops and/or

conferences and presentation of articles.

Project manager(s): PhD student (UiS) and Wiktor Weibull (UiS)PhD student: To be decided Key personnel: To be decided Theme: 2 Task: 6Duration: January 2017– January 2020

This project aims to improve the interpretation of seismic data through full-waveform inversion. The methodology proposed provides valuable information for both the ex-ploration and production stages of the petroleum value chain.

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Budgets for planned projects 2017 (all figures in 1000)

Projects UiS

PROJECT NAME T1: Core Scale - adm 408 T1: Post doc Bergit Brattekås 1 039 T1: PhD Kun Guo 1 039 T1: PhD Jaspreet Singh Sachdeva 1 039 T1: PhD Samuel Erzuah 1 039 T1: PhD Irene Ringen 1 039 T1: PhD Tiana Livada 1 039 T1: PhD Oddbjørn Nødland 779 T1: PhD NN (supervisor: M.V.Madland) 1 039 T2: Mineral fluid reactions at Nano/submicr - adm 408 T2: PhD Mona Minde 1 039 T2: PhD Laura Borromeo 693 T3: Pore scale - adm 408 T3: PhD Shaghayegh Javadi 1 039 T3: Post doc Teresa Palmer 693 T4: Upscaling and environmental impact - adm 408 T4: PhD Eystein Opsahl 1 039 T4: PhD Remya Nair 1 039 T4: Post doc Dmitry Shogin 520 T5: Tracer technology - adm 408 T5: PhD Mario da Silva (IFE) 1 039 T6: Reservoir simulation tools - adm 408 T6: Post doc Pål Østebø Andersen 779 T6: PhD Anna Kvashchuk 1 039 T6: PhD Mohan Sharma 1 039 T7: Field scale evaluation and history matching - adm 408 T7: PhD Yiteng Zhang 1 039 T7: PhD Aojie Hong 779 T7: PhD NN (supervisor W.W.Weibull) 1 039 Mng: UiS Management and administration 1 225 Mng: Various cost, travel and meetings 650 Mng: IOR NORWAY 100

TOTAL UIS 2017 BUDGET 25 699

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Projects others


T7: TNO 100


Projects IFE

T4: IORSim devlopment 2 000 T5: Development of water / oil partitioning tracers…. 150 T5: Development and testing of nano-particles… 550 T5: Sigle-well Chemical Tracer Technology, SWCTT….. 1 100 Mng: IFE Management 200


Projects IRIS

T1: DOUCS 2 000 T1: Core Scale 1 500 T2: Mineralfluid reactions nano/submicron scale 100 T3: Pore Scale 1 400 T4: Upscaling 2 500 T5: Tracer Technology 0 T6: Reservoir simulation tools 2 450 T7: Field scale evaluation and history matching 3 650 Mng: IRIS Management 400


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Budget 2017 (all figures in 1000)

Det norske oljeselskap and BP Norge merged to create an independent E&P company on 10 June 2016. As a result of this merger, BP resigned from The National IOR Centre of Norway consortium from the year ending 2016.

This decision will have financial implications from 2017 onwards and will lead to a reduction in fund-ing of 2 million NOK per year for the rest of the proj-ect period. This means that the total available fund-ing for 2017 will be reduced from the original NOK 50,149 million to NOK 48,149 million.

UiS mainly has salary costs relating to PhD stu-dents/Post Docs and management, which provides less flexibility for budget cuts. IFE has a budget of 4 million for 2017, which is equivalent to the budget it had for 2016. The Centre Management has reduced the IRIS budget from NOK 16 million to NOK 14 mil-lion for 2017.

Comments on the 2017 budget

Description UiS IRIS IFE Schlumb/ Hallib


TNO Total

Task 1: Core Scale 8 460 3 500 - - 100 - 12 060

Task 2: Mineral fluid reactions at nano/submicron scale

2 140 100 - - 100 - 2 340

Task 3: Pore scale 2 140 1 400 - - - - 3 540

Task 4: Upscaling and environ-mental impact

3 006 2 500 2 000 2 500 - - 10 006

Task 5: Tracer technology 1 447 - 1 800 - - - 3 247

Task 6: Reservoir simulation tools

3 265 2 450 - - 150 - 5 865

Task 7: Field scale evaluation and history matching

3 265 3 650 - 1 500 - 100 8 515

IOR Management 1 975 400 200 - - - 2 575

Total budget 25 699 14 000 4 000 4 000 350 100 48 149

T h e N a t i o n a l I O R C e n t r e o f N o r w a y


IOR NORWAY 2017 in collaboration with the EAGEFor April 2017, EAGE and The National IOR Centre of Norway have decided to join forces and jointly organize the 19th edition of the European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery.

The event will be held at the University Campus of Stavanger. In addition to the technical programme (oral and poster presentations), the symposium will have an opening session with leaders from the area, a panel session to stimulate debate and a social event to enable interaction in a relaxed atmo-sphere.

For more information, please visit:

Dates: 24-27 April 2017 Venue: University of Stavanger Icebreaker reception: 24 April Conference: 25-27 April Conference dinner: 26 April Expected attendees: 250 - 350

Important dates: Registration opens: 15 September 2016 Early Registration Deadline: 01 February 2017 Late Registration Deadline: 15 April 2017

The Research Partners:

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The User Partners:


The Research Partners:

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