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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN LEVEL 05 Module Code OUGD203 Outcomes

Module Title DESIGN PRACTICE 3 Doc. Code OUGD203blank

BRIEF TITLE: VOTE FOR PEDRO 2 The Brief Background Produce a series of six mailshots on behalf of the Conservative party for the run up to the 2010 General Election. The mailshots should work both on screen and in print. (Three for screen, three for print.) Concept/Proposition Through thorough research, you will need to select a body of information that you think will persuade voters, and present it in a way that is concise, hard hitting and ultimately influential.

The Conservatives want you to ‘vote for change’, what can you tell someone to make them do that? What information will help a political campaign, and what will hinder it? You need to identify any questions local voters may have, and present the answers in a way that will make them put pen to paper in the ballot box.

Considerations Mandatory Requirements Persuasion, language, typography, information hierarchy, stock, image, audience, empathy, legibility, audience. What has worked for previous campaigns, and why? What makes a powerful image for an election campaign? What issues will need to be addressed and what issues will be less relevant? National issues may well need addressing, but considering your audience, what matters to them? Will being too serious with your information put people off? In particular young and first time voters?

Research as well as development must be recorded on the relevant blogs. Mailshot design must also include envelope design as well as the printed information within.

Target Audience Deliverables People of voting age in the West Yorkshire area (18+)

3 X A2 Boards Printed range of mailshots

Tone of Voice Studio Deadline Empathetic, yet approachable and funny. There is comedy to be found in the state of our political system.

29th MAY 2010 – 1PM

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E_STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.
