Page 1: Volume 76, Issue 5 · achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event ... following her recent emergency surgery Lots of prayers

“Unity in Diversity”

Volume 76, Issue 5

The speaker for our May Home Life meeting will be Patricia Zeller, Director of History for the City of Ft Lauderdale. She will speak on five women who have made an impact on our local history. 1790 - FRANKEE LEWIS 1836 - ANNIE TOMMIE 1890 - MARY BRICKELL 1899 - IVY CROMARTIE STRANAHAN 1904 - SYLVIA ALDRIDGE Our meeting will also honor Madolyn Markham on the occasion of her 100

th birthday. Our lunch will be a catered lunch.

Joan Tinsky

Home Life Chair

It was my great honor and privilege to represent our club at the Woman of the Year. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful job was done by Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury, and all of the committee women who worked so hard to make everything great. I am so thankful that Grace Davis asked me to join the club, it has been a wonderful experience and I have met so many special people. I truly believe that our club does a great job in our community and I am so glad to be a part of it.

Thank You!!! Judy McLeod

Page 2: Volume 76, Issue 5 · achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event ... following her recent emergency surgery Lots of prayers


The month of April was awesome for our Club. Two of the most important events of the year took place: Woman of the Year and Scholarship Awards. Congratulations to Judy McLeod for her achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event leadership. Achieving high honors resulted in five scholarships being awarded to our local high school graduates at the April general meeting and the hard work of the Scholarship Committee led by Gail Triviz. A service club such as ours is esteemed in the community because we put emphasis on doing good deeds, helping our City and supporting high ideals such as academic success. All of us should be proud to be members of GFWC Plantation Woman's Club especially in the month of April. We look forward to a celebration of women volunteers in May and an active summer program in cooperation with the City of Plantation's senior programming division. Thank you to all who made the month of April such an outstanding success.


I was very pleased to introduce our five new scholarship winners. Weren't they great? I think everyone had a enjoyable time. I want to thank so many people that made the meeting possible. My committee: Darlene Vlazny, Micki Gaughan, Marlene Lee and Betty Cobb (pictured above) Ralph and Gloria Merritt for the beautiful flowers. Also, Helen Ackerman for creating the beautiful program, Pat Hinde for picking up the delicious cake, the set up and clean up committees. Yes, it takes a village!!

Gail Triviz, Education Chair

Samantha Brown (from Nova High, going to UCF), Makayla Nicolas (from Northeast High, going to UF), Theodore Reyer (from South Plantation, going to UF), Isabel Cianci (from South Plantation, going to UF) and Moneyeke Marin (not pictured)(from Plantation, going to UF)

Gail and her Education Committee Members w/recipients

Annual dues are due! $40.00 to be paid by August 15th 2017.

Please make checks payable to: GFWC Plantation Woman's Club. Please give or send your annual dues to: Olga Nelson GFWC Plantation Woman’s Club P.O. Box 16845 Plantation Fl 33318-6845

Olga Nelson Membership Chair

PLEASE complete your 2018 YEARBOOK and UPDATE the insert that is with your May newsletter Return it to Gloria Merritt (as listed) and VOILA! you will be included in the 2018 Yearbook!!

(after you pay your DUES, of course.)

Gloria Merritt

Page 3: Volume 76, Issue 5 · achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event ... following her recent emergency surgery Lots of prayers

Our members are generous and caring. Helena Rosenthal graciously donated food and other household items to the Plantation Police Outreach Center . L ynn Braden was ab le to arrange pickup for the donations that were given to needy families in our community.


It is said, “Sympathy is many hearts sharing one sorrow.” We were all saddened by Marti Terzui’s passing after such a long difficult illness. The friendships she made, her vitality and service to our club will not be forgotten. The Club will be making a donation to a favorite charity soon.

Bobbie Lariccia, still a very weak lady, has been moved

to a rehab center in Wilton Manors. You can reach

Bobbie at (954) 376-1221 - she would love to hear from her friends

Wanda Wiranis is happily now recuperating at home with the care of an aide and family. She needs our encouragement and support as she regains her strength

We're wishing Kim Zimmerman a speedy recovery following her recent emergency surgery

Lots of prayers and healing wishes go out to Betty Cobb who was undergoing several days of testing at

Westside Regional as we go to press. Both Kim and

Betty are real troopers and we are hopeful that the hippity will be back in their hop very soon

Happy news from Binney Coldwell who has just had a new addition to her family….her 13

th grandchild. Also

her son is to be married in September

Great news, too…Marilyn Hornburg is back with us again after many months. She sends a huge “thanks” to everyone for their concern, thoughtful cards and calls. In her words, she felt “overwhelmed,” happily so

Your cards and well wishes mean so much to everyone. It is always best to send them to their home to insure proper delivery Don’t forget as we begin our summer hiatus, we are just a phone call away. Join us for our Summer Socials – always a fun time!

Sunshine & Cheer Eirene Stansbury

Sunshine Chair

Jack Takacs from the Parks and Recreation Department is anxious to start more senior activities. He has asked Ann Polley and myself to help him get some day trip ideas. Jack wants to include our Club ladies. The day trips may include lunches, shopping, trips, tours and other excursions. The City of Plantation will provide the transportation as they have just purchased two 20 passenger vans. At the general meeting in April a survey sheet was passed around with suggestions. These suggestions have been given to Jack and we will see what he can arrange. Look for more information in the June summer activities issue of our Newsletter. It should be fun!

Sue Kuchenreuther Summer Socials Co-Chair

Sue Kuchenreuther, Julie Grady, Councilman Pete Tingom, Ann Polley and Pat Livingston

Not pictured: Darlene Vlazny & Pat Hinde

Page 4: Volume 76, Issue 5 · achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event ... following her recent emergency surgery Lots of prayers


Congratulations to Judy McLeod, our 2017 Woman of the Year honoree. Everyone agrees that no one could be more deserving…she is a Volunteer Extraordinaire! Always going above and beyond, all the while doing so with unassuming grace and charm. (Be sure to read Renee’s beautiful tribute in April’s newsletter) Barbara and I want to thank everyone who came to support Judy and contributed to the success of this beautiful, signature event held at Jacaranda Country Club, April 8


We hope everyone had a great afternoon. Our thanks must extend to so many who worked so tirelessly these many weeks, using their unique talents to present an elegant showcase for our Tribute to Women of Achievement theme, honoring the 10 ladies chosen by their organizations for the amazing contributions of service to our community. Kudos to our outstanding committee and team players! Marlene Lee and all her gracious hostesses which included Andrea Garrett, Micki Gaughan, Charlotte Hovey, Pat Livingston and Michelle Moskowitz were on hand to greet our members, guests and honorees. They made everyone feel welcome, assisting guests to their tables with cheerfulness and enthusiasm. Betty Cobb, Shirley Ware and Sue Kuchenreuther were on hand at the Reservations Table handling 141 responses, a new and awesome record, we believe! Table decorations were ably handled by Bridget Wilson, whose choice of beautiful white tulips, ferns and greens in a lovely Grecian type vase carried out our color theme of elegant black and white accented by green. Green lighting on the walls behind the plants added to the dramatic effect. Background music by guitarist musician, Russ Perraud further added to the ambience. Cece Ramirez and her talented team created a basket raffle to die for…11 lucky winners took home the spoils. Hats off to Jackie Rodriguez, her lead designer, ably supported by Betty Cobb, Sue Kuchenruether, and Ann Polley. A fabulous Auction, chaired by Darlene Vlazny, with Martha Gregory, Pat Hinde and Beverly Payne assisting, caused a continuous fervor of excitement as guests checked their bidding status. As always, as are so grateful to everyone who contributed gift cards, raffle and auction items, all of which helped to offset the costs of presenting this memorable event.

Kim Zimmerman designed, printed and assembled our absolutely gorgeous program. What a stunning creation, Kim! After a delicious luncheon, topped off with Black Forest cobbler and ice cream (Yummy!), all eyes turned to the stage as the greatly anticipated Awards Program was announced. Past Council Members Ralph Merritt and Chris Zimmerman were true gentlemen as they escorted each honoree to the stage to accept their awards. As each one was introduced, Gloria Merritt read their biography which she artfully crafted from those submitted be each club. In the absence of Mayor Bendekovic, Council President, Pete Tingom presented each one with a Key to the City. Every honoree received a gift from our club, a lovely pearl pendant on a sterling silver chain, designed and beautifully packaged as only Linardi’s Jewelers can. Finally, special acknowledgment is due to Kim Zimmerman and husband, Chris for the lovely complimentary awards, beautifully framed, which were presented to each honoree. Of course, there were photos, photos galore with photography ably handled by Renee Flores and friend, Lubotes (Bo) Dauphin. Thanks Renee for creating those cute little critters indicating each guests entrée choice. Before her closing remarks, President Dr. Helen Ackerman recognized Donna and Karl Sachs with an Appreciation Award for their generous contribution and support in underwriting the costs of valet parking over the past 10 years. The ease and convenience this commitment has provided to our members deserves a huge Thank You from all of us. So many deserve Thanks….so little space! Finally, much deserved gratitude must be given to Past President Pat Hinde to our President, Dr. Helen Ackerman for their advice, suggestions and guidance. How the entire team worked to make everything work was just awesome! GFWC Plantation Woman’s Club is such a special group of outstanding women, who give back to the community in so many ways and we both are so happy to be a part of its sisterhood. Chairing this momentous event has been a honor and we hope our Tribute to You!

Eirene Stansbury & Barbara Graveson Woman of the Year Co-Chairs

Page 5: Volume 76, Issue 5 · achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event ... following her recent emergency surgery Lots of prayers


President, Helen Ackerman

Amelia Feeley, Pete Tingom

Chris and Kim Zimmerman

George and Barbara Graveson

Darlene, Martha and Beverly

Dick and Shirley Ware

Gloria and Ralph Merritt

Mary, Micki and Doreen

Al, Jacki, Cece & Michelle

Charlene, Shirley, Andrea & Betty

Ann and Larry Ebbert

Eirene, Ann, Sue and Pat

Charlotte and Jennifer

Karinne, Renee, Bo & Pat

Ethel and Gail

Page 6: Volume 76, Issue 5 · achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event ... following her recent emergency surgery Lots of prayers


Out next night division meeting will be held on May 23, 2107 at Deicke at 7:00pm.

Well….our beautiful Woman of the Year 2017 was pure success! The women looked beautiful and were so happy to be a part of this event. As for the baskets…everything looked awesome…and some of our guests got to walk away with something fabulous. Everyone walked away with knowing the true meaning of giving and volunteer Spirit. I would like to thank ALL of the members who helped with the baskets…with a special thank-you to Jacki Rodriguez…whose talent and creativity was a big part of our success.

Cece Ramirez Woman of the Year

Basket Committee Chair

Our computer instructor, Sam Metott, is leaving for a position as the Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation in Delray Beach. We are sorry to see him go but wish the best for Sam in his new position. Jack Takacs, Plantation's Senior Program manager, is arranging for continuing computer/technical classes for our Club members. Currently enrolled members will be receiving an e-mail and/or phone call to let them know when classes will resume.

Submitted by Helen Ackerman

We could not have the Tiger Buck Store open in April because the students were having testing, we will be open May 10th and 17th, which will be our last time for this school year.

We made a 2nd grade boy very happy when he was able to purchase a bike donated by our club using his tiger bucks. He said he walks to school and now he can ride. The club also paid to have Animal Tales for Kindergarten and 1st grade classes. They bring in many live animals and discuss them with the students, a very big hit.

Judy McLeod


Don’t miss the Pan Am Airline memorabilia loaned by Jim and Grace Davis to the transportation Exhibit at the Plantation Historical museum.

Betty Cobb

May 8-9: Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War. By resolution of November 2004, The United Nations General Assembly declared this date as a time to pay tribute to all victims of the Second World War. They also realized that many Member States have their own individual days of victory, liberation and commemoration but felt the historical importance should be observed to honor those lives that were lost. 2017 marks the 72


Anniversary of the end of the Second World War. The Assembly stressed that this event established the conditions for the creation of the United Nations, designed to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, and called upon the Member States of the United Nations to unite their efforts in dealing with the new challenge and threats, with the United Nations playing a central role, and to make every effort to settle all disputes by peaceful means in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered. May 15: International Day of Families was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in a 1993 resolution as an important reflection of the international community of families. The day provides an opportunity to promote the awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families. The day has inspired a series of awareness-raising events, including national family days. In many countries, that day provides an opportunity to highlight different areas of interest, importance of families, promote the well-being of members, education, and socializing children and youth and caring for the young and old. By doing away with poverty and hunger, healthy lives can ensure educational opportunities and well-being for all ages throughout the lifespan and achieving gender equality.

Grace Davis, International Outreach Chair


Page 7: Volume 76, Issue 5 · achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event ... following her recent emergency surgery Lots of prayers


Volunteers are needed for the Broward County Guardian ad Litem Program. The program currently serves 2600 children, of which only 48% have assigned volunteers. A GAL serves as an advocate for a child in the Broward County court system. The child is

usually the victim of abuse, neglect or abandonment. To find out more information about becoming a GAL contact Kerry-Ann Brown, Volunteer Recruiter, at 954-831-6477.

Submitted by Helen Ackerman

Please add the following new members to your yearbook BOUDOUSQUIE, SHIRLEY * h- 954-473-5032 9835 NW 1 Court Plantation, FL 33324 Jan 14 WI SILVIA, HILDA * h- 954-581-2080 5800 Plantation Rd Plantation, FL 33317 Apr 12 FL

TENNEN, RAQUEL c- 305-951-9007 9201 NW 9 Place Plantation, FL 33324 Dec 26 FL [email protected]

(*please email me at [email protected] or send me your photo at Gloria Merritt, 700 S. Old Nob Hill Rd, Plantation, FL 33324 or call me 954-540-8817*) These two are terribly difficult .…please remove

MARTI TERZIU – so sad that we lost her on March 31. Marti joined in 2011 and was a very involved member from the beginning. She leaves emptiness in our hearts and in the Club. We will all miss her tremendously. FLORENCE TENSER - passed away just recently. Florence joined PWC in 2008 and had been a faithful member for almost 9 years. She will be greatly missed.

2017 – YEARBOOK…need help changing out your new yearbook? Bring it to the meeting and Olga Nelsen, Membership Chair and I will help you. Also, if you find anything that needs to be changed in your Yearbook, please notify me at 954-540-8817 or email me at [email protected]

Thanks, Gloria Merritt

Yearbook Chair

Ann Polley and I will be co-chairing our Club’s September fashion show at Deicke Auditorium. The date will be September 12, our regular meeting day. We will be featuring c l o t h i n g f r o m Addictions Boutique. Annie, the owner, will bring items in various sizes so you can try on and purchase something you like right on the spot! She will also bring accessories (jewelry, purses, scarves, etc). Buyers purchasing that day will received a 10% discount. WOW! We will need several models for the show from our Club, sizes 8 to 16. If you would like to model that day, give Ann or me a call. It’s fun! Models who purchase that day will receive a 20% discount. Double WOW! See you then and we can shop till we drop!

Sue Kuchenreuther

Fashion Show Co-Chair

The Club thanks Nancy Dzoba for

representing us at the March 24th Fountains "Moonlit Movie" program. N a n c y h a n d e d o u t C l u b membership brochures while Lynn Braden was able to get a sponsor table for us at this event which featured a 3-D movie for

kids and their families as well as police and fire department demonstrations of vehicles and equipment.

Page 8: Volume 76, Issue 5 · achievements as our Woman of the Year and to Barbara Graveson and Eirene Stansbury for their event ... following her recent emergency surgery Lots of prayers

Color Printing by

CPZ Architects

Kitchen Angels

May 9th

President Helen Ackerman (954) 581-4533

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor Renee Flores

(954) 439-4518 [email protected]

Free Lance Reporter Gloria Merritt

(954) 540-8817 [email protected]

Club Website

Newsletter Packaging and Distribution

Gail Triviz, Judy McLeod and Barbara Maturse

Set Up

Pat Hinde

Dorothy Royce

Sara Torres

Doreen Tulloch-Read

Charlotte Wintermeyer

Clean Up

Zora Elwood

Jennifer Nieset

Ann Placzek

April Rogers

Jacki Rodriguez

Mailing Address GFWC Plantation Woman’s Club, Inc.

PO Box 16845 Plantation, FL 33318

The Set-up Committee should bring the food from the kitchen and arrange it on the buffet tables, whether we have a pot luck OR a catered lunch. The team should also set up all the general tables with tablecloths and decorations and roll up utensils inside napkins. Coffee, tea and water should be prepared, along with taking out glasses, coffee cups and plates and placing them on the serving tables. The Clean-up Committee should clean up tables by removing all dishes-glasses-utensils and placing them on the carts by the serving tables. Remove tablecloths - fold any clean ones and set aside dirty ones for cleaning. All trash on tables should be thrown away.

Please call Pat Hinde or Jennifer Nieset if you cannot make the May meeting and have been assigned for either Setup or Cleanup.

May 2 Board Meeting @ Deicke

@ 10:00 AM

May 9

General Meeting @ Deicke @ 10:00 AM

May 14

Mother’s Day

May 23

Night Division Meeting @ Deicke @ 7:00PM

May 29

Memorial Day

1 Isabelle Roehling 2 Lou Ireland 7 Lynn Braden 17 Helen DeWitt 21 Barbara Graveson 24 Barbara Boy 26 Pat Hinde

Nothing beats the aroma of freshly picked strawberries. And it's no wonder they smell so divine: Did you know the strawberry plant is a member of the rose family? They are full of fibre, and one cup (250 mL) contains an entire day’s worth of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system and protects connective tissue. Berries may help keep blood sugar in check; they contain red-blue natural p l a n t c o m p o u n d s c a l l e d anthocyanins that may help lower blood sugar. Tip: Buy organic, if you can: Strawberries are second only to a p p l e s a s t h e m o s t pesticide-contaminated produce, according to the Environmental Working Group’s ‘Dirty Dozen‘ list. And, it’s rare, but there have been cases of E. coli traced to strawberries. To avoid any prob lems, make sure you thorough l y wash and hu l l strawberries before using.

At the June board meeting we will be putting into effect new Set Up policies that should make things go more smoothly

starting with our September meeting. Thank you all for your help since January.
