Page 1: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Off icial Newsletter of the Perf ins Club APS Affil iate 57 * ATA Chapter #110

Yes, the time is here for the annual Perfins Club get-together at the Precancel Stamp Society’s Annual Convention, hosted this year by the

Missouri Precancel Club. As announced, we’ll again be in St. Louis – at the Sheraton Westport Hotel. Details concerning reservations were published in last month’s Bulletin along with a reservation form.

Further information about the hotel can be had on the website

property/29863/#traficLogID50579033 Pictures web published there make it look quite impressive! Reservations can still be made online (website above - note that you are attending the Stamp Convention) or by phone (314-878-1500 or 800-822-3535 – again, mention you are participating in the PSS Convention to get the convention rate.) For those flying to Lambert-St. Louis International Airport a hotel shuttle is available to cover the 8 mile distance. Phone from airport (314-878-1500) for pick-up. For those driving, directions are published on the back page this Bulletin.

July/August 2008 • Convention schedule & directions to hotel • Census of world patterns upcoming • Do you have these Rev-Perf patterns? • F-174 User ID

Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611

Page 2: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 122

Help Needed

Do You Have Any of the Following Patterns in Your Rev-Perf Collection Edited from a note from Art Mongan (LM#3443)

During the preparation of the rev-perf catalog Art Monghan identified 121 patterns listed in the U.S. Catalog as being found in revenue stamps that he could not confirm. In some cases a similar pattern was found – but there is still a large group of US perfin patterns listed as found in revenue stamps for which support is wanting. Following is a listing of these patterns (US Catalog number on the left and

Rev-Perf Catalog number on the right). Please check and report if you have any of the listed types in a revenue stamp and in what type of revenue it occurs to [email protected] or Art Mongan 12432 Pretoria Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20904.

U.S. Rev-Perf Cat. # Cat. # A288.5 AA0021 A36 AA0044 A45 AA0046 A56.5 AA0049 A63 AA0052 A87.2 AA0054 A87.9 AA0055 A94 AA0069 A138 AA0111 A143 AA0122 A221-1A AA0191 B27A BA0111 B42 BA0112 B44A BA0113 B46 BA0114 B120 BA0161 B129.5 BA0191 B165.5 BA0231 C418 CA0030 C54 CA0160 C41 CA0190 C73.5 CA0270 C216 CA0525 C237 CA0560 C271 CA0580 C356.12 CA0665 C362 CA0690 D152 DA0025 D9 DA0035 D16 DA0040 D27 DA0050

U.S. Rev-Perf Cat. # Cat. # D111 DA0275 D130 DA0299 D141 DA0330 E30 EA0105 E57 EA0178 E59 EA0183 E86 EA0208 E125 EA0248 E131 EA0268 E134.5 EA0278 F66 FA0175 F85 FA0178 F86 FA0185 F158 FA0250 F166 FA0255 F186 FA0275 F205 FA0303 F209 FA0343 G49 GA0153 G72-9 GA0165 G150 GA0243 H212 HA0027 H34.5 HA0235 H75 HA0275 H78.5I HA0278 I68 IA0057 I82 IA0085 J23 JA0103 J45 JA0123 J26 JA0107 J118 JA0237

U.S. Rev-Perf Cat. # Cat. # J140 JA0257 J154 JA0307 J166.5 JA0353 K37.7 KA0065 K54.3 KA0103 L170.5 LA0125 L30 LA0167 L36 LA0173 L46 LA0203 L116 LA0267 L130 LA0277 M8.7 MA0025 M67 MA0205 M84 MA0233 M146A MA0273 M256 MA0367 N70 NA0110 N90 NA0117 N101 NA0127 N122 NA0145 N167 NA0170 N170 NA0173 N182 NA0177 O12 OA0047 O22 OA0063 O55 OA0073 O99.5 OA0077 P248 PA0037 P49 PA0173 P56.20 PA0187 P109 PA0203

U.S. Rev-Perf Cat. # Cat. # P235.5 PA0283 P239 PA0343 R154 RA0023 R34 RA0073 R86 RA0133 S9 SA0027 S365 SA0143 S94 SA0213 S114B SA0287 S207 SA0376 S258 SA0403 S270 SA0407 T43.5 TA0087 T48 TA0103 T49 TA0107 T79 TA0137 U82-1 UA0117 W55.5 WA0157 W72.63 WA0173 W72.75 WA0177 W104 WA0237 W121 WA0263 W122A WA0267 W146.5 WA0297 W190.5 WA0313 W190 WA0317 W193 WA0323 Z1 ZA0023

Page 3: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 123

Get Ready for a New World Perfins Census Bob Schwerdt (#505L)

Dear Foreign Perfin Collectors: I believe that the last foreign census was conducted in 1997. Since we have added new members and new perfin types during the last eleven years, perhaps we should consider counting our perfins again? Traditionally, the U.S. population census is held every ten years. Even though a perfin census is a year late, I don't think that we want to break with tradition! Since I have had some experience with censuses, I am willing to start the project and continue it with assistance from member of the Club. Two things to consider when we start are owners’ anonymity and simplified accounting. It might be easier to count just commercial perfin types rather than including

revenues, officials, SPECIMENS, stationery, prepers, personals, exhibitions, cancels, and labels. Your suggestions will be very helpful in deciding the final arrangement. Initial requests could be published serially in the Bulletin organized by Paul Mistretta's alphabetical arrangement of countries (Bulletins: March 2003 through April 2004), or by geographical groups, or by ... ? It certainly would be revealing to discover if a new census report will show more than one perfin type from any of the places in the table below. The Mistretta catalog count of existing types listed each of these places with having only one commercial perfin type. And, a few countries were not on Paul's original list because perfins from those places were discovered after the list had been published.

Allenstein Barbados China - Peo.Rep. Eupen Falkland Is. Faroe Islands French Equ. Afr.

French India Gibraltar Haiti Kelantan Liechtenstein Malmedy Martinique Montenegro

Paraguay Rouad lie Salvador Shanghai Vathy (Greek Is. listed under French Levant)

If you check your collection and find more than one perfin type from any of these 20 listed areas, and then report them to me, You could be starting the new census! For suggestions and advice, please send snail mail responses to me at 9 Memory Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. Ed. Notes: Bob first sent this suggestion in March with a request to hold off till after the Convention. In a later note (mid May), he made the suggestion that we go ahead and announce the census – without the actual forms. Since that time a couple of preliminary decisions have been made.

• The census will be organized by 5 continental groups as follows: Africa, the Americas (North and South), Asia, Australia (and British Oceanea), and Europe; publication sequence is as yet to be

determined, but probably at least two installments (Europe//the rest of the world) will be used to avoid overwhelming contributors (and Bob!).

• As suggested in Bob’s letter above, the census will be limited to commercial perfin patterns in postage stamps (more on the definition of ‘commercial patterns’ when the forms are published).

• I expect that the first installment will be published in the September/October Bulletin.

• While Bob and I have a general format worked out, if you have suggestions, they are very welcome as noted at the end of Bob’s letter, above.

Space will be left at the end of each continental list for respondents to add countries or other political or geographic entities not on the list.

Page 4: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 124

Cover IDs Pattern User Larry Cohen (LM#3724)

Sometimes its just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. I attended the APS sponsored show in Boxborough, MA at the beginning of May and, as always, I went from dealer to dealer asking if they had any Black Hardings precancels or perfins on cover. Over the years I have gotten used to “sorry, no”. Finally, I came to one cover dealer who scratched his head and said “I think I have one, but you probably won’t like it, it’s pretty ugly”. I assured him I didn’t care, and he produced a #10 business cover, opened roughly on three sides, with a vertical pair of my favorite stamp, machine cancelled and perfinned.

I asked how much, trying to not to seem too eager, and when he hesitantly asked for $3.00 I paid him as fast as I could and was on my way. What I had was an engraved business envelope with franked with Hardings perfinned pattern F-174 which up until that moment was only identified as being from “Cudahy, WI” in the US Perfins catalog. Now, from this cover we know that the pattern belonged to The Fisk Rubber Company, Federal Division, Cudahy, Wisconsin. And, to add a little frosting to the cake, it’s a leap day cover – cancelled on ‘FEB 29 1924’.

Discoveries are being made every day, and sometimes when you least expect it,

and for almost nothing. So keep looking, you never know what might turn up!

An Opportunity for an Unusual Trade I received an e-mail from Jesus (?Devalle) in Cuba suggesting that he would like to trade Cuban stamps (apparently Cuban currency is still embargoed) for a US Perfins catalog. I have no further details about the proposal. E-mail to and from Dave Lightle (our Catalog Sales Chairman) resulted in an

estimated total cost (catalog, postage and various duty charges) of “...close to $100...” Anyone wishing to pursue this, e-mail Jesus at [email protected] and work out the trade details.

This picture was in color in the print master sent to Brad's Printing despite subsequently being printed in b&w
Page 5: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 125

Checklists for Rev-Perf Catalog Vol. 1 Completed (Almost) Paul A. Mistretta (LM#111)

With the publication (below) of the checklists for sections C, D, J, M and the tables at the end of the volume, I have completed presenting checklists for all of Volume 1 of the Rev-Perf catalog. (This “completion” excludes some of the patterns presented in Section D [La. Law tax stamps], some in Section M, all in Section N, and the patterns presented in Section O – all of which are not yet amenable to useful checklist preparation).

Barring a serious groundswell supporting the preparation of further checklists for the 2nd and 3rd volumes (specialized material for [essentially considered esoterica by] most current perfin collectors) this will be the last set of checklists prepared by me for publication in the Bulletin. (I would consider creating the remaining checklists at some time after being relieved of the Bulletin editorship – or would be glad to work with some other member of the Club willing to prepare the remaining checklists.)

Checklist C-1 – All punched initials and numbers. AC0030 AC0140 BC0030 BC0035 BC0040 BC0050 BC0060 BC0065 BC0070 BC0080 BC0090 BC0100 BC0110 BC0120 BC0130 BC0140 BC0150 BC0160 BC0170 BC0180 BC0190 BC0200 BC0210 BC0220 BC0225 BC0230 BC0240 BC0250 BC0260 CC0030 CC0040 CC0050 CC0060

CC0065 CC0070 CC0080 CC0085 CC0090 CC0100 CC0110 CC0120 CC0130 CC0135 CC0140 CC0150 CC0160 CC0170 CC0180 CC0190 CC0200 CC0210 CC0220 CC0230 CC0240 DC0010 DC0020 DC0030 DC0040 DC0050 DC0060 DC0070 DC0080 DC0090 DC0100 EC0020 EC0030

EC0040 EC0050 EC0060 EC0070 FC0030 FC0060 FC0080 FC0090 FC0100 FC0110 GC0030 GC0035 GC0040 GC0045 GC0050 GC0060 GC0070 GC0080 GC0090 GC0100 HC0020 HC0030 HC0035 HC0040 HC0050 HC0055 HC0060 HC0070 HC0080 HC0090 HC0100 HC0110 HC0120

HC0130 HC0140 HC0145 HC0150 HC0160 HC0180 HC0190 HC0200 HC0210 HC0220 IC0020 IC0030 IC0050 JC0020 JC0030 JC0040 JC0050 JC0060 JC0070 JC0080 JC0090 JC0095 JC0100 JC0110 JC0120 KC0020 KC0030 KC0040 KC0050 KC0060 LC0030 LC0040 LC0050

LC0060 LC0070 LC0080 LC0090 LC0100 LC0110 LC0120 LC0130 LC0140 LC0150 LC0160 LC0170 LC0180 MC0030 MC0035 MC0040 MC0050 MC0060 MC0070 MC0080 MC0090 NC0050 NC0100 PC0100 PC0110 PC0150 RC0030 RC0050 RC0060 RC0070 RC0090 RC0100 RC0120

RC0130 RC0150 SC0020 SC0030 SC0040 SC0043 SC0050 SC0060 SC0065 SC0070 SC0080 SC0090 SC0100 SC0110 SC0120 SC0130 SC0140 SC0150 SC0160 SC0170 SC0180 SC0190 TC0030 TC0060 TC0090 UC0030 UC0100 UC0103 UC0107 VC0040 VC0060 VC0070 VC0075

Page 6: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 126

Checklist C-1 – All punched initials and numbers (Cont.). VC0080 VC1010 VC1020 WC0040 WC0055

WC0060 WC0070 WC0080 WC0110 WC0120

WC0140 WC0150 WC0170 WC0180 WC0190

WC0200 WC0230 WC0240 WC0250 XC0030

XC0050 XC0060 ZC0020 ZC1005 ZC1010


Checklist C-2: Punched initials in Federal documentary stamps. BC0035 BC0050 BC0140 BC0150 BC0170 BC0180 BC0190 BC0230 BC0240 BC0250 BC0260 CC0030 CC0090 CC0180 CC0240

DC0010 DC0020 DC0030 DC0060 DC0070 DC0100 EC0020 EC0030 EC0040 EC0050 EC0070 FC0030 HC0020 HC0050 HC0055

HC0090 HC0110 HC0120 HC0130 HC0150 HC0160 HC0180 HC0190 HC0220 IC0020 JC0040 JC0110 KC0030 KC0040 LC0030

LC0040 LC0060 LC0080 LC0100 LC0110 LC0120 LC0150 LC0160 MC0030 MC0060 MC0090 RC0030 RC0050 RC0060 RC0070

RC0090 RC0100 RC0120 SC0020 SC0065 SC0100 SC0180 TC0030 TC0060 UC0103 UC0107 VC0060 VC0075 VC0080 VC1010

VC1020 WC0050 WC0055 WC0080 WC0140 WC0150 WC0160 WC0180 WC0190 WC0200 WC0230 WC0250 ZC1005

Checklist C-3: Punched initials in Federal stock transfer stamps. AC0030 AC0140 BC0040 BC0080 BC0090 BC0100 BC0110 BC0120 BC0170 BC0250 BC0260 CC0110 CC0130

CC0140 CC0200 CC0220 DC0020 DC0080 EC0020 EC0030 EC0040 FC0030 FC0100 GC0050 GC0060 GC0070

HC0090 HC0120 HC0145 HC0150 HC0160 HC0180 HC0200 HC0220 IC0050 JC0090 JC0100 LC0050 LC0060

LC0070 LC0080 LC0090 LC0150 LC0170 LC0180 MC0040 PC0100 PC0110 RC0030 RC0050 RC0100 RC0130

SC0040 SC0060 SC0080 SC0130 SC0150 SC0170 SC0190 TC0030 UC0100 UC0103 VC0060 VC0070 VC0075

WC0060 WC0070 WC0100 WC0110 WC0120 WC0180 WC0190 WC0230 WC0240 WC0250 XC0060 ZC1010 ZC1123

Checklist C-4: Punched initials in State of Massachusetts stock transfer stamps. BC0090 BC0100 BC0140 CC0130

CC0140 CC0150 DC0080 FC0060

GC0060 HC0120 IC0050 JC0070

JC0080 KC0050 MC0040 MC0050

NC0050 RC0050 SC0120 SC0150

UC0030 VC0040 WC0100 XC0060

Page 7: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 127

Checklist C-5: Punched initials in State of New York stock transfer stamps. AC0140 BC0040 BC0060 BC0065 BC0080 BC0120 BC0150 BC0170 BC0180 BC0230 BC0250 BC0260 CC0040 CC0080 CC0120 CC0135 CC0160 CC0170

CC0180 CC0200 CC0210 CC0220 CC0230 CC0240 DC0050 DC0090 EC0020 EC0030 EC0040 EC0050 FC0030 FC0080 FC0100 GC0070 GC0090 GC0100

HC0030 HC0060 HC0090 HC0140 HC0145 HC0150 HC0160 HC0180 HC0190 HC0200 HC0210 HC0220 IC0030 JC0020 JC0090 JC0100 JC0110 JC0120

KC0060 LC0050 LC0060 LC0070 LC0080 LC0090 LC0140 LC0150 LC0160 LC0170 LC0180 MC0060 MC0070 NC0100 PC0100 PC0110 RC0060 RC0100

RC0120 RC0130 RC0150 SC0030 SC0040 SC0050 SC0060 SC0090 SC0140 SC0160 SC0170 SC0180 TC0030 TC0090 VC0060 VC0070 VC0075 VC0080

WC0040 WC0070 WC0110 WC0120 WC0140 WC0150 WC0160 WC0180 WC0190 WC0220 WC0230 WC0240 WC0250 XC0030 XC0040 XC0050 XC0060 ZC1123

Checklist C-6: Punched initials in State of Pennsylvania stock transfer stamps. CC0160 FC0110 HC0200

HC0220 JC0120 LC0130

MC0090 RC0030 RC0130

SC0080 SC0190 UC0100

UC0103 WC0170

Checklist C-7. Punched initials in miscellaneous other items

Federal In future delivery stamp SC0180

In proprietary stamp CC0085





State or Other In Louisiana documentary stamps CC065


MC0035 In Puerto Rico documentary stamps EC0060

In Puerto Rico excise tax stamps BC0070


Other In checks ZC0020

Checklist D-1: Non-circular punched designs in all stamp types. 000 000.05 000.1 000.5 0007 001 001.2 001.5 001.52

001.7 001.8 002 002.5 003 004 005 005.1 006

006.2 006.3 006.9 006.91 008 009 009.1 010 010.1

010.2 010.3 010.4 010.5 010.8 010.9 011 012 012.1

012.2 012.3 013 013.2 013.5 013.9 014 014.1 014.5

015 015.1 015.5 016 016.05 016.1 017 018 019

Page 8: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 128

Checklist D-1: Non-circular punched designs in all stamp types (cont.). 019.5 019.7 019.7a 019.8 020 020.5 020.6 021 021.1 022 022.1 023 024 024.6 024.65 024.67 024.7 025 026 027 028 028.1 029 030.5 031 031.1 031.2 031.3 031.31 031.5 033 033.0a 033.0b 033.1 033.1a 033.1b 034 034 034.2 034.4 034.7 035 035.2 035.3 035.4 035.45 035.5 035.8 036 036.2 036.5

037 037.9 038 038.2 038.5 039 040 042 042.5 043 043.3 044 044.6 044.7 044.8 044.9 044.91 045 046 046.2 046.21 046.22 046.23 046.24 046.25 047 047.03 047.1 047.3 047.5 047.7 047.9 048 048.01 048.04 048.1 048.9 048.91 049 049.1 049.2 049.3 049.4 050 050.3 050.5 051 052 052.3 053 053.3

053.6 054 055 055.3 056 057 057.1 057.2 058 058.3 058.5 059 059.1 059.2 059.5 060 060.2 061 062 063 064 064.05 064.1 064.4 064.5 064.6 064.61 064.7 064.77 064.78 064.79 064.8 065 065.1 065.5 066 066.2 066.3 066.4 066.5 067 068 069 069.05 069.1 07.5 070 070.7 070.8 071 071.01

071.2 071.3 071.4 071.5 072 072.5 073 074 075 076 076.1 076.2 077 078 079 079.5 080 080.5 081 081.6 082 083 083.1 083.3 084 084.3 085 085.1 085.2 085.21 085.26 085.3 086 086.2 086.5 086.8 087 087.1 087.2 087.8 088 089 090 090.2 090.4 090.5 090.55 090.7 091 091.9 092

092.3 092.5 093 093.1 093.15 093.2 093.4 093.6 094 095 096 096.3 097 097.1 097.2 097.4 098 099 100 100.1 101 101.3 102 102.2 102.9 103 103.01 103.2 103.4 103.6 104 105 106 106.5 107 108 109 109.9 110 110.4 111 112 112.8 113 114 115 115.5 116 117 117.8 118

118.5 119 119.1 119.2 119.3 119.33 119.4 119.6 120 121 122 122.5 1226.9 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 129.9 13.9 130 131 132 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 140.5 140.9 141 141.5 142 143 143.1 143.15 143.2 144 145 145.6 145.8 146 147 147.3 147.8 148 149

Page 9: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 129

Checklist D-1: Non-circular punched designs in all stamp types (cont.). 149.8 150 151

151.2 152 153

154 155 156

157 158 158.1

159 160 161

162 163

Checklist D-2: Non-circular designs punched in federal documentary stamps. 001 001.52 001.7 001.8 004 005 006 006.3 008 009 009.1 010.2 010.4 011 013 013.9 014 014.1 014.5 015 015.1 016.05 019

019.5 021 021.1 022 024 024.67 026 031.1 031.31 031.5 034 034 035 035.3 035.45 038 042.5 043 046 046.23 047 047.7 048.04

049 050.3 051 052.3 053 053.3 057 057.2 058 058.3 058.5 060 061 063 064.4 064.5 064.6 064.7 064.78 065.5 066 068 069

070 070.8 071.01 071.2 072.5 073 074 076 076.1 078 080 083.1 083.3 084.3 085 085.1 086.8 087.1 090.5 091 091.9 092 092.3

092.5 093.6 094 095 096 098 099 100 100.1 103 103.01 103.2 103.6 104 107 108 109 109.9 110.4 111 113 115.5 117.8

118 119.33 119.6 121 122.5 123 13.9 130 135 140.5 143.2 145 147.8 150 151 155 156 158.1 161

Checklist D-3: Non-circular punched designs in federal stock transfer stamps. 000 000.1 001.2 001.8 004 008 010 010.1 010.5 011 012 013 015.5 016.1 018 020.6

024.65 025 028 029 031 031.3 034.4 035 035.2 036.5 037.9 038 040 044 044.9 044.91

046.2 046.22 048 048.04 050 051 052 053 053.3 053.6 056 057 057.1 057.2 060 060.2

064.1 066.3 067 069 069.1 07.5 072 076 080 081 084 085 085.21 085.3 086 089

090.55 090.7 093.2 097 097.2 098 102 103 106 110.4 111 115.5 116 119.3 120 123

129 134 139 140 141.5 147 149.8 151 154 158 160 162 163

Page 10: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 130

Checklist D-4: Non-circular punched designs in State of Massachusetts stock transfer stamps. 006.91 007 010.1

011 012 036

064.61 070.7 079.5

081.6 086.2 103.4


Checklist D-5: Non-circular designs punched in State of New York stock transfer stamps. 000 000.05 001 001.2 001.5 002 002.5 003 004 005 005.1 006.2 006.9 010.3 010.5 010.8 010.9 012 012.1 012.2 012.3 013 016 017 019.8 020 020.5 020.6 022.1 023 024.6 024.7 025 027 028

028.1 029 030.5 031 031.1 031.2 031.3 031.5 034 034.2 034.4 034.7 035 035.2 035.5 035.8 036 036.2 037 037.9 038 038.2 038.5 039 040 042 043.3 044 044.6 044.7 044.8 044.9 044.91 045 046.21

047.03 047.1 047.3 047.5 048 048.01 048.1 048.9 048.91 049 049.1 049.2 049.3 049.4 050 050.5 052 053 053.6 055 055.3 056 057 058 059 059.1 059.2 059.5 060 060.2 064.05 064.1 064.77 064.78 065

065.1 066.3 066.4 066.5 067 069 069.05 069.1 071 071.4 071.5 072 075 076 076.2 077 080 080.5 081 083 084 085 085.2 085.26 087 087.2 087.8 088 089 090.2 090.5 093 093.1 093.15 093.2

095 096 096.3 097 097.1 097.4 098 100 100.1 101 101.3 102 102.2 102.9 103 103.01 105 106 106.5 107 108 109 110 110.4 112 112.8 113 115.5 116 117 118.5 119 119.1 119.2 119.3

119.4 122 1226.9 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 129.9 131 135 137 140 140.9 141 143 143.1 143.15 145 145.6 145.8 146 147 148 149 149.8 151 151.2 153 154 157 159

Checklist D-6: Non-circular designs punched in State of Pennsylvania stock transfer stamps.

012 016.1

046.24 046.25

064.79 071.3

086.5 093.4


Page 11: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 131

Checklist J-1: Undated, circular hole, perforated initials or dated circular hole perforated cancellations and punched initials (Cosmetics, Narcotics, Playing Card, Proprietary, etc.).

1JA020 1JA040 1JA100 1JB020 1JB040 1JB060 1JB090 1JC050 1JD020 1JD080

1JE030 1JE040 1JF-030 1JF040 1JG040 1JG080 1JG100 1JH010 1JH040 1JH050

1JH090 1JI050 1JJ050 1JK010 1JK040 1JL020 1JL050 1JM020 1JM030 1JM060

1JN060 1JP020 1JP070 1JS010 1JS020 1JS030 1JS040 1JS060 1JS100 1JU040

1JW030 1JW080 1JW090 2JD010 2JP010 2JP030 2JP040 2JP045 2JP050 2JW020

2JW040 3JB020 3JD020 4JA010 5JA010 6JA010

Checklist J-2: Undated, circular hole, perforated initials or dated circular hole perforated cancellations and

punched initials in federal Proprietary stamps. 1JA020 1JA040 1JA100 1JB020 1JB040 1JB060 1JB090 1JC050

1JD020 1JD080 1JE030 1JE040 1JF-030 1JF040 1JG040 1JG080

1JG100 1JH010 1JH040 1JH050 1JH090 1JI050 1JJ050 1JK010

1JK040 1JL020 1JL050 1JM020 1JM030 1JM060 1JN060 1JP020

1JP070 1JS010 1JS020 1JS030 1JS040 1JS060 1JS100 1JU040

1JW030 1JW080 1JW090

Checklist J-3: Undated, circular hole, perforated initials or dated circular hole perforated cancellations and

punched initials in other federal stamps. Documentary stamps 1JF040 2JD010

Narcotics stamps 2JD010 2JP010 2JP030

2JP040 2JP045 2JP050 2JW020


Playing card stamps 3JB020 3JD020

Checklist M-1: Checklist of identification numbers in District of Columbia liquor tax stamps. 11 15 17 35 38 50

64 1553 2172 2213 2249-1 2249-2

2271-1 2271-2 2350 2445-1 2445-2 2513

2768 3158 3185 3194 5404-1 5404-2

5423 5448=1 5448=2 5618 5754 6040

6585 7305 9331 A46

Checklist M-2: Checklist of identification numbers in District of Columbia wine tax stamps. 11 15 17 64

1655 2213 2249-1 2271-2

2350 2445-1 2445-2 2768

3193 5404-1 5423 5448=1

5618 5683 6040 6194

6585 7305

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The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 132

Checklist M-3: Identification numbers in State of Kansas cigarette tax stamps. (First 4 numbers = catalog number; h =horizontal orientation, v = vertical orientation [numbers stacked 1 per line]; and the last 2 numbers reflect a year of the punch (19##).

0285h34 0309h34 0398h34 0659v34 0689v34 0741v34 0743h33 0744h34 0751h34 0792h34 0918v34

0954h34 0962h34 0972h34 0974h34 0974v34 0975h34 0975v34 0990v34 1005v33 1037h34 1076v34

1080v34 1484v34 1910v34 2126v34 2358h34 2386h34 2386v34 2775h33 2814v34 2848h34 2851v34

3061h34 3275h34 3406h34 3567h34 3649h34 3651v34 3978v33 4330h34 4339h33 4342v34 4473v34

4552v34 4742v34 5198h33 5248h34 5280h34 5620v34 5630h34 5730h34 6034h34 6225h34 6416v34

6789h34 6806h34 6895h34 6998v34 7122v34 7156v34 7537v34 9859v34

Checklist M-4: Checklist of identification numbers in District of Columbia champagne tax stamps.

15 35 2271-1 2445-1 5754 Checklist Md-1: Checklist of identification numbers in Maryland liquor tax stamps. D/1 D/2 M/1 M/3 M/4 M/7 M/9 M/11

M/13 M/23 M/30 M/36 M/38 M/41 M/48 M/51

M/76 M/79 M/88 M/90 W/1 W/2 W/10 W/11

W/14 W/16 W/17 W/17 W/22 W/23 W/27 W/27

W/28 W/33 W/34 W/35 W/37 W/38 W/38 W/39

W/39 W/39 W/42 W/58 W/59 W/72 W/74

Checklist Md-2: Checklist of identification numbers in Maryland wine tax stamps. D/1 M/3 M/4 M/36 M/42

M/76 M/78 M/88 M/90 W/1

W/2 W/4 W/7 W/11 W/14

W/17 W/17 W/19 W/22 W/28

W/35 W/38 W/39 W/42 W/47

W/55 W/58 W/59 W/68 W/72

A Minor Glitch in the Mails Based on a note from Club Secretary Ken Rehfeld

Apologies to those whose June Bulletin was delayed. The wrong post office (in Virginia) had about 50 of our Bulletins for delivery to southern members of the Club; the auto reader (no more hand sorting) picked up the last name, address and zip on the back page rather than the name on the label The formatting of the label is wrong, and the

machine did not read the correct address. Too many spaces from the city to the state in the affected labels caused the autoreader to ignore the label, search, and ultimately find the last readable address on the back page. Technology is good. The Postmistress returned them to Ken and they have been remailed to the affected members.

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The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 133

Perfins Club Convention

Schedule of Events

(at the Precancel Stamp Society’s 87th Annual Convention)

Monday July 28, 2008 *Dilmond & Evelyn Postlewait 10 a.m. - 12 Noon Dealer Setup 8:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Discover St. Louis Tour 12 Noon - 10 p.m. Early Bird Session Tuesday July 29, 2008 *PSS Board 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Registration 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. Dealer Setup 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Trading and Bourse 8:00 p.m. Dessert Reception Wednesday July 30, 2008 *Gene Byers & Jim Hirstein 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Registration 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Trading and Bourse 10 a.m. First PSS business meeting After Business Meeting PSS & Pefins Club Convention Photos 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. A Day in Forest Park Tour 6:00p.m. Perfins Club Dinner Thursday July 31, 2008 *Still Need A Sponsor 7:30 a.m. Ladies' Breakfast After Ladies Breakfast Greeting Card Workshop 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Registration 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Trading and Bourse 10 a.m. Second PSS business meeting 11 a.m. Perfins Club meeting 2 p.m. Auction 6:00 p.m. Muny Theater Friday August 1, 2008 *Still Need a Sponsor 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Registration 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Trading and Bourse 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. St. Louis Landmarks Tour 6:00p.m. St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Game Saturday August 2, 2008 * Arnold Selengut 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Registration 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Trading and Bourse 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Bourse Holder breakdown 5 p.m. Cash Bar 6 p.m. Banquet

*Coffee Cart Sponsors

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The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 134

Auction Watch Chris Rueger (#1834) spotted a few heavy hitter lots this month. From Nutmeg’s Auction #170 he reports the following: Lot 748 -- Canada - O257-8,60-2, 4-hole Perfins VF, group of 5 (Uni, C$226=$210) Est. $80. In Harmers sale #2986 two lots caught his attention. Lot 2011 -- France - #C5a, 1930 1.50Fr Deep carmine, "E.I.P.A. 30" perfin, perfin in inverted and reversed coinfiguration, original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Fine; signed and with 2001 von der Weid certificate (Yv #6d, €5,000=$7,900) Est $3600- Lot2012 -- France - #C5b, 1930 1.50Fr Deep carmine, "E.I.P.A. 30" perfin, Pair, One without perfin, bottom margin vertical pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice, a great

airmail rarity in premium condition; 1994 von der Weid certificate (Ceres 5Ca, €6,750=$10,665) Est. $3400- And two lots from Harmer #13 (on the Bennett auction house website). Lot 243 -- France, Airmail, 1930, 1.50fr deep carmine, "E.I.P.A.", full original gum, never hinged, Very Fine, Calves. Cérès No. 5C; €5 000 (CHF 8 141). Estimate CHF 2 442 - 3 256 | €1 500 - 2 000 | US $ 2 338 - 3 118 | UK £ 1 193 - 1 591. Realized €1,500. Lot 244 -- France, Airmail, 1930, 1.50fr blue, "E.I.P.A.", corner margin block of four, o.g., never hinged, Superb, Calves. Cérès No. 6C; €2 900 (CHF 4 722). Estimate CHF 1 628 - 1 954 | €1 000 - 1 200 | US $ 1 559 - 1 871 | UK £ 795 – 955. Realized €1,000


Ed Linn 1211 Arroyo Grande Dr.

Sacramento, CA 95864-2831 916-359-7446

[email protected]

VICE PRESIDENT Doug Turner PO Box 3069

Ventura, CA 93006-3069 805-339-9575

[email protected]

SECRETARY Ken B. Rehfeld P.O. Box 125

Spokane Valley, WA 99016-0125 509-924-6375 (after 6:00 pm PST)

[email protected]

TREASURER Steve Endicott P.O. Box 2434

San Anselmo, CA 94979-2434 [email protected]


Bruce Brunell 425 E. Gobbi, #98

Ukiah, CA 95482-5553 707-463-1686

[email protected]


23095 Ithaca St. Oak Park, MI 49237

248-212-0821 [email protected]


John Drew 33 Prarie St.

Bellingham, MA 02019-1941508-883-7180 home

[email protected]


P.O. Box 220 Tome, NM 87060-0220

505-866-0949 [email protected]


Millard J. Driscoll 301 Driver Avenue

Summerville, SC29483-2961 843-875-0847

[email protected]


6294 W. 96th St. Zionsville, IN 46077-9302

317-733-0274 [email protected]


10616 Cielo Vista del Norte NW Corrales, NM 87048 [email protected]


John M. Randall 2540 Carquinez Avenue

El Cerrrito, CA 94530-1548 [email protected]


Arthur J. Mongan 12432 Pretoria Dr.

Silver Spring, MD 20904-1845 [email protected]


Gary G. Hendren 12737 Glenage

Maryland Heights MO 63043-2811 [email protected]

Alan Sandy

PO Box 2159 Petaluma, CA 94953-2159

[email protected]

Jerry Hejduk P.O. Box 490450

Leesburg, FL 34749-0450 [email protected]

Immediate Past-President: Bob Szymanski, 10 Clarridge Cir., Milford, MA 01757-1371 -- (508) 478-7303 -- [email protected]

Submit Bulletin articles, news, or advertisements to:

Paul A. Mistretta, 4148 Commodore Dr., Atlanta, GA 30341-1533 678-547-9344 aft. 6pm (EST) [email protected]

Page 15: Volume 62, Number 7 Whole Number 611 - Perfin · a288.5 aa0021 a36 aa0044 a45 aa0046 a56.5 aa0049 a63 aa0052 a87.2 aa0054 a87.9 aa0055 a94 aa0069 a138 aa0111 a143 aa0122 a221-1a aa0191

The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 135

Secretary’s Report Ken Rehfeld (#3394)

New Members: 3884 Theresa Young 7054 Woods West Dr Flushing MI 48433-8463 Web, Beginner, Ireland 3885 Clyde Howard PO Box 2572 Cheyenne WY 82003-2572 Linns, Beginner, General Address Change: 3881 Dennis Szymanski 3302 Rankin Drive New Port Richey, FL 34655

Closed Albums: 3791 Robert Ritsch Resigned: 3600 Albert Aldham 1131 Ewald Brandes 2799 Mahlon Chestnut 3851 Ronald Conrad 3212 Miles Manchester 3786 Rene Manes 3538 Jo Meyer 3495 Edward Murphy 3381 Wilmer Richter 2420 Duane Robertson 1246 Judith Sidaway 3804 James Thorns

Membership 495

Please forward your dues for continued membership

An Appeal from our Cover Sales Manager Please update the cover want lists you have sent me. I have had a small corruption of my DB.:I know what many members want to see but have

lost many other requests; single stamp or pattern requests are what are most messed up. The address is found on the next page. E-mail is fine.


The Revs-Perfins catalog received a Silver at NAPEX.

Articles Needed

Your article could be published in the Bulletin – but not if it isn’t written and submitted! Please write your thoughts and send them in.

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The Perfins Bulletin – July/August 2008 – Page 136

The Perfins Bulletin Spokane Valley, WA 99016-0125 Periodicals


Getting to the Convention

Starting From Airport (or the East): Take I-70 West to I-270 South. Exit at Dorsett Rd. Turn left on Dorsett. Get in right lane, go one block, turn right on Progress Parkway. Proceed one mile on Progress

Parkway to stop light. Continue straight into Westport Plaza. Or if flying – use the Sheraton Shuttle see front page of this Bulletin). Starting From:North Take Interstate 70 East to I-270 South, take Exit 17 to Dorsett Road. Turn left on Dorsett Road, turn right on onto Progress Parkway. Continue straight ahead into West Port Plaza. Starting From:South Take Interstate 55 North to I-270 West/North. Take Exit 17 onto Dorsett Road. Make a right turn on Dorsett Road, then a right onto Progress Parkway. Continue straight ahead into West Port Plaza. Starting From:West Take Interstate 64/Route 40 East to I-270 North to Dorsett Road, Exit 17. Turn right on Dorsett Road, then turn right onto Progress Parkway. Continue straight ahead into West Port Plaza.

The Perfins Bulletin is copyrighted by The Perfins Club Cited quotations are encouraged. Permission for extensive use of information in the Bulletin may be obtained from the editor.

The Perfins Bulletin (ISSN 8750-1627; USPS 120-490) is published monthly, except bi-monthly in July/August and November/December. The

publisher is The Perfins Club, Inc., 20 Greensburg Ln., San Anselmo, CA 94960-1000. Periodicals postage is paid at San Anselmo, CA and at additional offices.

Postmaster: Please send address changes to The Perfins Club, Inc., P.O. Box 125, Spokane Valley, WA 99016-0125

Visit The Perfins Club web site at -- Mike Hynes, Webmaster ([email protected])
