Page 1: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

TX-H Chapter Directors Mike Gollahon & Teresa Sullivan

[email protected]


July 2019 Contents

Chapter H & District Info 2

CD 3 - 4


Texas District Educators 6

Rider Educator Letter 7 - 8

TX-H Events 9

GWRRA Events 10

Flyers 11-14

GWRRA Membership App. 15

Back Page 16

Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07

TX-H Est. 6 November 1981

6-15-2019 getting ready to ride to

chapter W cookout Fayetteville, TX

The Chapter H July gathering will be on

Thursday July 11, 2019 at the Aspen

Creek Grill 11719 Bandera Rd, San

Antonio, TX. At 6:30 P.M.

Page 2: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Volume 38 - 2 - Issue 07

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

Chapter H Staff

Chapter Directors

Mike Gollahon & Teresa Sullivan

[email protected]

Assistant Chapter Directors



Sandra Meckel

[email protected]

Member Enhancement and Social


Paula Milligan & Keith Griffin

[email protected]

Activity / Ride Coordinator

Charles Fleming

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor Robert Smith

[email protected]

Web Master / Photographer / Facebook

Dean Davis

[email protected]

Technical Advisor

Len Ellis

[email protected]

Chapter Mascot


“Goldie” - Chapter H Mascot

Gold Wing Road Riders Association

GWRRA TX District

GWRRA Chapter H

GWRRA Chapter H Facebook Page

District Directors Jim & Alvalin Woodul 254-634-4658

Assistant District Director Dan & Donna Rymarz 847-702-6667

Assistant District Director Tom & Dawn Sprague 858-755-6071

District Treasurer Tim & Young Brooks 254-290-5462

Admin Assistant Wanda Osborn 512-528-8150

District Educators Randy & Kathy Reese 512-744-3635

Membership Enhancement Coordinator Lyle & Sheri Altes 512-897-0860

COY Coordinator Dale & Carleen Garrett 254-554-4123

Assistant District Educator Chris & Lynn Schoenthal 972-660-6286

District Trainer Open position

Assistant Trainer Jim & Genie Scholes 832-627-8423

Motor Awareness Coordinator Scott & Judy Finnell 512-591-7631

Vendor Coordinators Open Position

Ride Coordinator Butch & Marie Schmit 817-573-7763

Webmaster Tom Sprague 858-755-6071

Newsletter Editor Tom Sprague 858-755-6071

TX Couple of Year 2016 - 2018 Sal & Phylis Pesta 210-662-8161

Page 3: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

TX-H Chapter Directors,

Mike Gollahon and Teresa Sullivan

July Thoughts

We choose to ride and embrace the freedom of the road. Let's face it. Is there any better feeling than

riding hill country twisties on a warm Texas day? To enhance the experience, we ride with our buddies. I

appreciate all of our Chapter H riders, especially those that come out for our chapter rides. Not only do I

enjoy your company, but you help me become a better rider. Those little tips that you pick up at every

meal stop or water break add up. Watching how our experts set up and execute turns, influence my riding.

Seeing what gear choices people make, influence my buying patterns, thus making me safer. Learning

from those that have been there before us. That's an enormous part of the GWRRA Chapter H experience.

With that in mind, I hope to reintroduce a degree of riding education to our chapter. I know that the

national and district offices have stressed the fun facet of membership, but as corny as it sounds, I enjoy

learning. We need ideas for short educational segments that can be presented at our chapter gatherings or

included in the newsletter. Please, email me ideas for 5 to 10 minute presentations that you would like to

experience at our chapter gatherings. Not a course. Just a short segment. A tip that will help. Here is the


Test Your Awareness: Do The Test

How many passes does the team in white make?

Test your awareness and Do the Test! TFL cycling

safetly advert! Count the number of passes the

White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking


The point of the video is simple. Watch for motorcycles (or as the narrator would say, "motorbikes").

OUR lesson as riders is deeper: since we know that there are DRIVERS that haven't learned from the

video, we have to be looking for them! They are busy counting white team passes (between texts and

tweets). They aren't looking for us, so they don't see us. There's an old joke that ends with a driver

questioning their child after a collision with a truck. (continued next page)

Page 4: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

The child responds to the parents with the remark, "you asked me if any CARS were coming!" Drivers'

brains work like that old joke. They ARE looking for cars. Not motorcycles. So ride like children are

driving all the cars.

Please remember that the chapter gathering is a week later than normal (July 11), so we can all enjoy

fireworks. Same time and place. Be safe and I'll see you at our next ride!

Ride safe!

TX-H Chapter Directors,

Mike Gollahon and Teresa Sullivan

TX-H Getting ready to leave ACP for the Three Sisters 06-29-2019

GWRRA Anniversaries

Viola Washington 07-06

Alan Wiederanders 07-13

Connie Wiederanders 07-13

Nicole Wiederanders 07-13

Angela Batts 07-13

Carl Batts 07-13

Robert Mosher 07/-15

Page 5: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

Time to celebrate our Freedom

It’s that time of year again. July is fast

approaching along with all the celebrations and

patriotic displays that are brought forth from this

day. There will be lots of people enjoying a

four-day weekend and traveling to celebrate the


Here in South Texas, our travel plans change a

little bit for motorcycle riders. Due to the heat in

the afternoon, we have to change our ride times

to morning rides beginning in June and carrying

through into September. It can reach temps over

100 degrees very quickly and this can run for

several days (if not weeks) during the summer.

Therefore, we take precautions to help prevent

heatstroke or heat exhaustion. We always want

to be hydrated and stop frequently to get off the

bikes and stretch. We also have to keep an eye

on our riding partners and friends to ensure that

they stay healthy.

We also need to keep an eye on our bikes as

well. The heat can be tough on tires and cooling

systems. Fortunately, the cooling system on the

Gold Wing (if maintained properly) is a trouble-

free system. The tires need to be checked for

over-inflation and excessive wear during these

summer months. Any questions about tires

should be addressed as soon as possible.

As always, ride safe and courteously and we’ll

see you on the road.

Upcoming Calendar Events

Saturday July 4th – Independence Day

First Wednesday each month – Bike night at

Alamo Cycle Plex. 6pm – 11:00pm

Sunday July 7th – Breakfast Ride – 8:30 am –

2:30 pm – Pick a place and go.

Thursday July 11th – Chapter Gathering 6:30 pm

– 8:30 pm – Aspen Creek Grill

Saturday July 13th – Breakfast Ride – 8:30 am –

2:30 pm – Pick a place and go.

Sunday July 21st – Breakfast Ride – 8:30 am –

2:30 pm – Pick a place and go.

Saturday July 27th – Breakfast Ride – 8:30 am –

2:30 pm – Pick a place and go.

July Birthdays

Phyllis E July 9

Ernest D July 30

Thanks for All You Do

Keith Griffin and Paula Milligan


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under


Chapter H Membership Enhancement July 2019

Keith Griffin and Paula Milligan [email protected]

Page 6: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

Randy & Kathy Reese - Texas District Educators

Stay Awake, Stay Alert, Stay Alive…

Our chapter just returned from a multiple day ride up to Palo Duro Canyon and the Amarillo area. Each

day we covered long distances but we took frequent breaks to stretch and hydrate. One of the comments I

regularly heard at our rest breaks was “I’m having a little trouble staying awake.” Of course, that got my

attention and started me thinking.

Rider fatigue can be deadly. It can happen any time, but it is most frequent on long rides and after dark.

Along with feeling drowsy, other signs of rider fatigue are back tension, burning eyes, shallow breathing,

inattentiveness, and erratic riding.

One aggravating factor is often a large meal on the road. The sugar rush and subsequent fall after a big

meal can be enough to produce a drowsy rider. Other culprits include today’s Gold Wings themselves.

They are smoother, quieter, and more comfortable. Cruise control is a wonderful feature but can

contribute to falling asleep while riding.

The National Safety Council recommends the following tips for staying awake – and staying safe – when

you are riding.

Get enough rest. This may seem obvious, but if you have not had a restful sleep, you are

inviting rider fatigue.

If possible, do not ride alone.

Try to avoid riding long distances at night.

Use the audio on your radio to help keep you awake and alert.

Use the cruise control sparingly.

Watch ergonomic factors. Ride with your head and eyes up along with a good riding posture.

In the daytime wear sunglasses to fight glare and help prevent eye fatigue.

Take frequent breaks.

Avoid overeating; have light meals and snacks. Don’t drink any alcohol.

If you still find yourself getting drowsy riding, pull over into a rest stop or just stop for the night at the next motel.

GOLDEN RULE: Listen to your Co-Rider who may well know what’s going on

better then you. Co-Rider, watch for the warning signs for fatigue and tell the rider YOU

need a break. Once stopped, visit about your observations.

Remember, safe riding is important and demands your full attention.

Ride Often, Ride Safely, and Hey! Be careful out there!

Randy and Kathy Reese

Texas District Educators

2017-18 International Couple of the Year

All The Gear All The Time

Page 7: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

Former TX-H Rider Educator

Bill Stein

San Antonio, Texas


I am 77 years young and joined the GWRRA in 2012, Chapter TX-H, in San Antonio, TX. Some where’s

along about 2014 I was selected to be our Chapter Educator, a job I really enjoyed. I was making good

headway in having classes in first aid and riding courses. I was doing everything necessary to keep our

older members at Level IV qualified while taking newer members through the lower levels. I had a good

record of advancing members.

In about 2016 things started to change. If I needed a particular course to be presented I had to go outside

the GWRRA realm to keep my chapter friends advancing or qualified. Things were getting

tougher. When I asked for a rider course the only instructor available to me would have to come out of

Houston and he made it obvious that he was not interested. After I fought the uphill battle for a year or so

I decided to give up the position of Chapter Educator and become just a rider in the chapter

again. Truthfully it hurt to give up but I was at a dead end and thought that maybe someone else could

find a way through the GWRRA maze.

So here we are today. The GWRRA elected to eliminate the Chapter Educators position and shift the

responsibility up to the District Level. Let me just tell you that that has not worked either and the proof is

we have not seen anyone wanting to educate us at the chapter level. We have about eight members here

that worked hard to achieve Level IV and now that has gone by the wayside.

I heard that there will be a new program introduced at WingDing this year. Will it have provisions that

will put education at the chapter level or will it be something of a state program. I can only hope that

there is Chapter level programs to be passed down to the chapters. This is the only way we can keep

members aware of their status and put programs together that will keep the Levels Program alive and give

riders a chance to feel they have accomplished all things necessary to make them better riders. Even the

Harley Davidson riders are getting better programs than we are simply because they are presented at the

local level.

I have always told our chapter that fun is necessary. Safety is also necessary. BUT education is what

brings all of us home safely so that we can repeat the first two items. I plead with the GWRRA to put

Rider Education back into the Chapter level and give us programs that first will make better educators of

us and to make knowledgeable riders of all us.

At the WingDing held in Grapevine, Texas several years ago I spoke with Scott Fennel about an idea I

had. My thought was to take the GoldWing off the table and make our association available to all new

Honda motorcycle purchasers. After all the newer generation of riders does not have the fun money on

hand to buy a luxury cruiser. Most of us that ride Wings today have made our available moneys and were

able to start small and move up. (continued next page)

Page 8: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

Today’s motorcycle rider goes to the store and buys as much motorcycle as they can and that will usually

exclude the GoldWing. Let’s keep the GWRRA alive with all the principals it had when it was established

and not let it die on the vine because we did not make it available to all.

This is my voice and mine alone. I am proud to be a member and my vision is to see the GWRRA grow

to a point that we stay ahead of the competition. H-D Co. did look at the GWRRA and then they started

their own program to keep their riders safe. Many of them purchased H-Ds to ride to the ice house for a

beer and go back home. That concept is starting to change for the good. Every motorcycle accident

affects us all. Motorist awareness is good and can be made better if all drivers are aware of each other.

William R. Stein

Ex-Chapter Educator/Chapter TX-H, San Antonio, TX

Page 9: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

CHAPTER GATHERING: Our next gathering is 11 July, Thursday 6:30 p.m. at the

Aspen Creek Grill on Bandera Road at Hwy 1604. Come out for good food, fun and

sharing our Goldwing experiences. Hope to see you there.

Sunday July 7th KSU 8:30 a.m. - Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go 8:30 a.m. – 2:30


Saturday July 13th KSU 8:30 a.m. - Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go 8:30 a.m. – 2:30


Sunday July 21st KSU 8:30 a.m. - Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go 8:30 a.m. – 2:30


Saturday July 27th KSU 8:30 a.m. – Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go 8:30 a.m. – 2:30


Always check calendar for most updated information:

Other Events:

Wednesday July 3rd Alamo Cycle Plex Bike Night 6 – 9 PM Yamaha Twin Stunt Show

Saturday July 20th Alamo Cycle Plex “Pet Day”

Saturday July 20th Alamo Cycle Plex “Movie Night” Just like the old days – park your ride

out back and watch a movie with us. Bring a blanket, drinks, and your favorite snacks. 8 –

10 PM

Tuesday July 9th K2 Bike Night 6:15-8:30 PM Dairy Queen 1202 US HWY 90 W.

Castroville, TX 78009

Alamo Cycle Plex also has lots of other events check there calendar link out:

TX-H Upcoming Events


Page 10: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H


September 24-30, 2019 Oklahoma District Rally Lawton, OK

October 17-19, 2019 Mississippi District Rally Gulfport, MS

March 26-28, 2020 Come Early March 25th, Leave Late March 29th For Our Special

Guided Tours

Louisiana District Rally Houma, LA

Wingers-N-Waves 2019 WINGERS-N-WAVES

August 27 – 31, 2019 Wing Ding 41 Nashville, TN

Click Event names: hyperlinks to more information

Always check TX-H website events calendar for any updates or changes

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Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

Winger Cruise Events at Sea

6TH ANNUAL WINGERS-N-WAVES Departs February 24, 2020

We are thrilled to announce the 6th annual WINGERS-N-WAVES Caribbean cruise on February 24,

2020 for 5 nights of FUN! We will depart on the Celebrity Infinity from Miami to Key West & Cozumel,

Mexico. (Celebrity is owned by Royal Caribbean and it’s their higher end brand). They are known for

exquisite food & world-class service. We will have a host hotel in Miami at a special group rate. You’ll

enjoy seeing friends you’ve met from previous WINGERS-N-WAVES cruises and every year plenty of

new Wingers that join the FUN!

Page 12: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

Page 15: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H (GWRRA Website) (GWRRA Membership Page)

Page 16: Volume 38 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge! Issue 07 ... · safetly advert! Count the number of passes the White team makes. Do you see the Moonwalking bear? The point of the

Welcome to GWRRA Texas Chapter H

The Chapter H gathering will be on Thursday July 11, 2019 at the Aspen Creek Grill 11719 Bandera Rd,

San Antonio, TX at 6:30 P.M. in the meeting room.