  • 8/9/2019 Volume 2010 Issue 2 Albert's Fix


    Volume 2010, Issue #2

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 2010 Issue 2 Albert's Fix


    HailHail andand WelcomeWelcome to theto the OstaraOstara 20102010 Edition!Edition!

    Hail Ostara!

    Goddess of returning light.

    Goddess of every days dawning.

    Goddess of the Springtime.

    Hail RunePebblers!

    May the awakening

    give your imagination flight

    and your feet the wings to keep up.

    The earth warms as the suns strength grows in the sky. Mysteries buried within are forced to life.The hard process of growth and maturation begins as the seeds burst open and begin to stretchthemselves toward the sun. Hail to all the great awakening of Earth and the great awakening withinus! Life is striving forth in all things!

    Hail the Dawn! Hail the Sun! Hail Ostara!
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    The Voice of SpringBy Mary Howitt

    I am coming, I am coming!

    Hark! The honey bee is humming;

    See, the lark is soaring high

    In the blue and sunny sky,

    And the gnats are on the wing

    Wheeling round in airy ring.

    Listen! New-born lambs are bleating,

    And the cawing rooks are meeting

    In the elms a noisy crowd.

    All the birds are singing loud,

    And the first white butterfly

    In the sunshine dances by.

    Look around you, look around!

    Flowers in all the field s abound,

    Every running stream is bright,

    All the orchard trees are white,And each small and waving shoot

    Promises sweet autumn fruit.
  • 8/9/2019 Volume 2010 Issue 2 Albert's Fix


    Each morning after waking and getting through some personal hygiene rituals, I turn towards the

    rising Sun and speak a Sunrise Salutation from my heart.

    What does speak from the heart mean? It means that I really feel what I am expressing. Its notabout saying words in a particular order or reciting something that I have simply memorized. Itmeans that I understand and pledge myself to the words. Each morning I give myself fully to theday and to what lies ahead. The following words are how I express it verbally as I make this dailycommunion:

    Hail and Good Morning to my Guardians and my Guides!

    Hail and Good Morning to My Ancestors.. those that have gone before!

    Hail and Good Morning to the Aesir! The Vanir!

    And the Holy Wights all!

    May my words and actions gain your favor this day!

    May I be courageous, truthful, honorable, true, kind, focused, hard working, dependable anddiligent.

    And may you beam in pride!

    Every Morning I Blossom to the SunVanir Vics Sunrise SalutationVanir Vics Sunrise Salutation

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    Taking The Words Further

    Why did I name my piece.. Every Morning I blossom to the Sun? Do you notice anything abouthow my sunrise salutation addresses the various beings? I have arranged it this way because I feellike it is the opening of a flower to the sun.. Speaking first to the energies that lie closest to me and

    spiraling out to those that lie further out of my daily interactions.. Every morning I blossom to thesun.. I am expanding myself out to its fullest. The first line I say to my Guardians and Guides, Inthese words I am embracing The Disir and the Alfar, the house wights and any other energies thathover around close to myself and my family.

    Do you realize that a single word can embrace an entire concept? I say the words May I be coura-geous, truthful, honorable, true, kind, focused, hard working, dependable and diligent in the saluta-tion. However, what I really mean is far broader and could also be summed up like this May I be

    willing to loose my hand for my beliefs. May I remain truthful. May I live up to my word. May I betrue to my friends. May I offer hospitality to everyone I meet even if it is only with a smile. May Istay focused. May I get the job done. May I take full responsibility for my actions. And finally,may I continue to forage headlong through any huge challenges that may be set against me.

    And lastly, as I spiral my desire to live up to these nine virtues out though the 9 worlds,

    I am left with the simple Affirmation that I WILL DO MY BEST! With that I give myself a Hug

    and go about my day.

    A Note about Ritual Design

    Ritual can be simple or complex as suits the individual. When designing a corresponding ritual for younger children or to use when you are pressed for time or if you are an individual of very fewwords, you can simplify this ritual down to its core element of taking a brief moment during themorning to pledge yourself to your day and your life by emphatically declaring that I will do my

    best. Hail!

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 2010 Issue 2 Albert's Fix


    KIDS EYE VIEW OF SPRINGConnor East shares with us his Spring Melody to Flowers and Cats.

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    Odinn's Child by Tim Severin

    Fiction books have often treated the Vikings badly and typically they are represented inaccu-rately or barbarically. Tim Severin, however, takes a different stance, coming from a history andgeography education, he traveled the world while still in college, taking the same route thatMarco Polo did from Venice to India, before being stopped in China. He turned to writing non-fiction about his many other adventures like The Jason Voyage, chronicling the trip sailing fromGreece to Georgia. In 2005, he started writing historically accurate fiction books.

    Playing heavily on our Northern Sagas, Severin introduces us to Thorgils Liefsson, illegitimate

    son of Lief Eriksson. The entire Viking Trilogy chronicles the life of this fictional character through the end of the Viking Age in Europe, making stops at all the major historical eventsalong the way. Although the book does start a little slow and bogs down in detail at the begin-ning, by the first trip to Vinland you will be hooked! Along with demonstrating the Nine NobleVirtues throughout the trilogy the books rely heavily on the Sagas, the second book containingmost of the Saga of Grettir the Strong, along with the ultimate conclusion in the third book.

    Any parents reading this might be thinking by now that this might not be a series for kids, but I

    would not agree. The author does a very good job of giving great detail about all aspects of young Thorgils life, but does very well with keeping in mind that the readers will likely byyoung also. While these books will be greatly enjoyed by all ages, I feel that all even theyounger readers will be able to pull things out that will shape their Heathen lives.

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  • 8/9/2019 Volume 2010 Issue 2 Albert's Fix


    We generally celebrate Ostara on and around the Spring Equinox which falls near March 21 each year. Although the Ostara cele-

    bration is held on the Equinox, the Germanic Folk called the month of April Eostre . Here are some easy ways to celebrate you on theEquinox and through out the month of April to welcome Ostara and Spring?

    Have a breakfast that is traditional. Enjoy ham and eggs and hot cross buns!

    Dye or Paint Eggs. Try using natural

    dyes made from plants.See page 11 for tips

    on how doing this

    Spend Time Outside.

    Hold a seed and think about the potential it holds.

    Simply Walk in Nature.

    Be Mindfulof its


    Start Planting Your Garden.

    Have an Ostara Egg Hunt and/or

    Join in Your

    CommunitiesEaster Egg Hunt.

    Volunteer at an AnimalShelter.

    Make a Bird Feeder .

    While you are at it.. Contemplate the Gebo etched into the bun and consider how Spring is a gift.

    Play hopscotch


    Jump Rope.

    Simple Ideas To Celebrate Springs Arrival

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    Wear Clothes that areGreen and

    Brown to Celebratethe Fertile Earth.

    Greet the Sun .

    Pick Up Litter andTrash When You SeeIt.

    Throw Open the Windows, Turn on Some Music and Spring Clean While Singing and Dancing with Your Family.

    More Ideas To Celebrate Springs Arrival

    Go Bird Watching.

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    Here is a simple method for Naturally dyeing Eggs:

    1. Place the eggs in a single layer in a pan. Add water until the eggs are covered.2. Add approximately one teaspoon of vinegar.3. Add the natural dye. Use more dye material for more eggs or for a more intense color.4. Bring water to a boil.5.

    Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.6. If you are pleased with the color, remove the eggs from the liquid.7. If you want more intensely colored eggs, temporarily remove the eggs from the liquid.

    Strain the dye through a coffee filter (unless you want speckled eggs). Cover the eggs withthe filtered dye and let them remain in the refrigerator overnight.

    8. Naturally-colored eggs will not be glossy, but if you want a shiny appearance you can rub a bit of cooking oil onto the eggs once they are dry.

    Additionally, you can use fresh and frozen berries as 'paints', too. Simply crush the berries

    How To Create your own Naturally Died Ostara Eggs

    Color Ingredients

    Lavender Small Quantity of Purple Grape JuiceViolet Blossoms plus 2 tsp Lemon JuiceRed Zinger Tea

    Violet Blue Violet BlossomsSmall Quantity of Red Onions SkinsHibiscus TeaRed Wine

    Blue Canned BlueberriesRed Cabbage LeavesPurple Grape Juice

    Green Spinach LeavesLiquid Chlorophyll

    Greenish Yellow Yellow Delicious Apple Peels

    Yellow Orange or Lemon PeelsCarrot TopsCelery SeedGround CuminGround TurmericChamomile TeaGreen Tea

    Golden Brown Dill Seeds

    Brown Strong CoffeeInstant Coffee

    Black Walnut Shells (boiled)Black Tea

    Orange Yellow Onion Skins (boiled)Cooked CarrotsChili Powder Paprika

    Pink BeetsCranberries or JuiceRaspberriesRed Grape JuiceJuice from Pickled BeetsRadishes

    Red Lots of Red Onions Skins (boiled)Canned Cherries with JuicePomegranate JuiceRaspberries

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 2010 Issue 2 Albert's Fix


    Asatru Folk Assembly

    PO Box 445

    Nevada City, CA 95959

    Vanir Vic can be reached with Submissions,Questions or Comments as follows

    Phone: 831-920-1914

    E-mail: [email protected]

    This publication is produced and edited by Victoria East aka Vanir Vic

    in service to the Gods, The Ancestors and The Folk and is brought to youby the Asatru Folk Assembly


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