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CLARK FREEPORT — Despite theglobal economic crisis, Pres.Arroyo said here yesterday thatthe country is out of the sphere ofthe two thirds of the world now intorecession and that the Philippinescan still achieve a “first world”status in 20 years.

GMA says RP outsidesphere of recession

First World status in 20 years still achievableCLARK FREEPORT —Pres. Arroyo an-nounced here yester-day the creation of aNational Consolidationand Unification Commit-tee (NCUC) to merge theLakas-CMD and theKampi political partiesand coalesce withsmaller parties andgroups, in the adminis-tration’s bid to field com-mon candidates in the2010 elections.

Speaking before themembers of the Lakas-CMD expanded execu-tive committee caucus

Claudioheads bodyto mergeKampi,




Arroyo tours the Xevera houses with Sec.Pamintuan. PHOTO BY JOEY PAVIA


MALOLOS CITY—Wa-lang dapat ipangamba angmga Pilipino kapusin manng liquefied petroleum gas(LPG), ayon sa isang Bu-lakenyong imbentor nagumagamit ng ipa o balatng palay bilang alternati-bong panggatong sa pag-luluto.

Ayon kay Agaton Mila-groso, isang magsasa-kang nakaimbento ng‘sipag-kalan’ sa BarangayBalite ng lungsod na ito,malaki ang matitipid ngisang pamilya sa pag-gamit ng ipa bilang pang-gatong.

“Habang nagtatanimng palay ang mga mag-sasaka, di kayo dapatmatakot, dahil matipid napanggatong ang ipa,” ani


Ipa ngpalay sagot

sa krisissa LPG


GMA IN PAMPANGA. Lakas emeritus chair former Pres. Fidel Ramoswelcomes the President to the party caucus at Holiday Inn Clark (top).At Xevera Mabalacat she enjoys pleasantries with (L-R) Sec. EdPamintuan, developer Delfin Lee, Mayor Boking Morales and Rep. TarzanLazatin. PHOTOS BY EDWIN DAVID AND JOEY AGUILAR


MABALACAT, Pampan-ga – “Bili na kayo. P5,000lang a month at walangdown payment.”

Thus said a jovialPresident GloriaMacapagal-Arroyo yes-terday as she inspectedthree townhouses at theP6-billion Xevera HousingProject in BarangayTabun, here. She firstgraced the Lakas-CMDcaucus at Holiday Inn

Xevera Mabalacat getsGMA endrosement

Resort- Clark before pro-ceeding to the new P70-million town hall donat-ed by Xevera developerDelfin Lee of Globe Asi-atique.

“They’re beautiful andaffordable,” Arroyo toldLee and Subic Clark Al-liance for DevelopmentCouncil (SCADC) Chair-man Sec. Edgardo Pa-mintuan as they wentinside the two-storeyhouses costing about

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CLARK FREEPORT — JusticeSec. Raul Gonzalez said yes-terday that Chief Justice Rey-nato Puno could suffer the samefate as his predecessor, the lateformer Chief Justice MarceloFernan, should he run for presi-dent in the 2010 elections.

This, even as former con-gressman Prospero Pichay, whoacted as spokesperson duringthe Lakas-CMD extended exec-utive caucus here yesterday,stressed his party has enoughqualified presidential candidatesfor the 2010 polls. He cited VicePres. Noli de Castro as one ofthem.

“People should stop men-tioning his name,” Pichay saidin an interview.

For his part, Gonzalez said“Justice Puno should not be in-volved in politics”.

“He is a good man. He hasdedicated his life to the judicia-ry. The transition to politics maynot be good for him,” he said.

Gonzalez warned that Puno“might end up just like formerChief Justice Fernan” who, henoted, run under the banner of amajor political party in 1992, butlost.

“When Fernan run, he wasalso backed by the then rulingLDP party but he did not win,”he noted.

Fernan’s fate awaits Punoshould he run in 2010

Fernan resigned as chief jus-tice in 1991 and run in tandemwith Speaker Ramon Mitra in theelections the following year. He,however, lost to Joseph Estradain the vice presidential race. Inthe 1995 elections, he ran andwon for senator under a coali-tion and, in 1998, was electedSenate president of the 11thcongress.

This amid reports that fac-tions in the Lakas-CMD still per-sist in convincing Puno to runfor president. The Chief Justicehad already earlier junked sucha proposal.

In her speech during the cau-cus, Pres. Arroyo created theNational Consolidation and Uni-fication Committee (NCUC) to beheaded by presidential politicaladviser Gabriel Claudio to pur-sue the merger between LakasCMD and Kampi.

Pichay said both pro admin-istration parties have “enoughpresidentiables” and that thereis therefore no need to consideranother person from outsidetheir realm.

He specifically cited VicePres. Noli de Castro who, hesaid, “is one of us” despite hislack of political affiliation. Healso cited Metro Manila Devel-opment Authority chairman Bay-ani Fernando as among admin-istration presidentiables “whoare interested to run” in 2010.

LAKAS STALWARTS ALL. Mayor Boking Morales, Sec. Silvestre Bello, Rep. TarzanLazatin, former Pres. Fidel Ramos, Quezon City Mayor Sonny Belmonte and Sen. MigsZubiri flash the party’s trademark at the party caucus. PHOTO COURTESY OF EDWIN DAVID


GUIGUINTO, Bulacan—Malinaw ang pag-asangnakikita ng mga opisyal saBulacan sa kabila ng maiitimna ulap na hatid ng krisispang-ekomimiya bunsod ngpagbagsak ng financialmarket sa Amerika.

Ayon kay Mayor IsaganiPascual ng bayang ito, angmga pagtatanggal ng mgatrabahador at pagsasara ngmga kumpanya ay mganormal na bahagi ng pagne-negosyo lalo na kung maykrisis.

Aniya, “normal lang iyan,may nagsasara, pero maramidin namang nagbubukas.”

Bulakenyo di nawawalan ng pag-asa sa kabila ng krisis


MARIVELES, Bataan-Japanese firm MitsumiPhilippines on Wednesdayannounced that it laid off134 contractual workers withthe expiration of theircontract on December 31,2008 and compressed workdays from six to five a weekto 3,314 employees due tothe downtrend in productorders as a result of theglobal economic crisis.

Noble Metals, a 100-percent Filipino firm en-gaged in metal plating, onthe other hand has servednotice of a two-monthtemporary shutdown effec-tive February 20, 2009 that

Japanese firm lays off 134 workerswill affect 32 workers. Afemale worker doing metalplating said she would juststay in the house and waitfor the re-opening of thecompany.

Mitsumi and Noble aretwo of the 42 multinationalfirms operating at theBataan Economic Zone inMariveles. The 42 firms havea total work force of 14,426.A BEZ department head whorequested not to be namedsaid there are no other firmsadvising them of layoffs orshutdown.

No department headwould like to be quoted,reasoning out that only thezone manager who wasattending a meeting in

Pampanga is authorized toissue statements.

William Verzon, MitsumiPhils. personnel manager,denied reports that the firmproducing electronicscomponents had laid off2,400 workers. “That is nottrue, he said, adding thatthey were forced to separate134 contractual workers“because of downtrend inorders and that their con-tract has expired.”

As result of the globaleconomic crisis, Verzonsaid they compressed thework days of 3,314 workers,the present work force of thefirm that began operating inMariveles in 1980.

“Apektado na ang

kumpanya ng global eco-nomic crisis kaya hindi nanamin ni-renew ang kontratang mga contractual workersat nagbawas kami ng arawng trabaho mula sa datinganim, ginawa na langmunang limang araw simulangayong Enero,” the person-nel manager said.

Mariveles Mayor JessieConcepcion said he has notreceived reports of masslayoffs at the BEZ, especial-ly in Mitsumi. “Wala ringlumalapit sa akin na mgataga-Mariveles na nagsasab-ing inalis sila sa trabaho saBEZ,” the mayor said.

Baby Marquez who hasbeen employed with Mitsumifor 21 years under the coil

department said she has notreceived a notice of re-trenchment. And so withDarius Manitay, 18 yearswith the company alsounder the coil department,and other workers on theirway to work said they havenot been offered retirementpackages by Mitsumi.

Ophel Hipolito, presidentof the Mitsumi workersunion, could not be contact-ed for her comment.

Some workers of Dong-Inand K-1, two Korean compa-nies manufacturing bags,said they continue workinguntil the expiration of theircontracts. “Tanggal-balikkami sa trabaho,” somefemale workers said.

Bilang isang datingnegosyante na nagtayo atnamahala sa RIS IndustrialComplex sa bayang ito naitinuturing na isa sa pinaka-matagumpay sa Bulacan,sinabi ni Pascual na hindidapat mabahala ang ma taosa mga balitang pagsasarang ilang pabrika.

Ito ay matapos magsaraang isang pabrika ng mgadamit sa RIS complex noongnakaraang taon kung saan 68manggagawa ang nawalan ngtrabaho.

Ayon kay Pascual,masuwerte ang Pilipinas dahilhindi masyadong maapektu-han ng krisis pang-ekonomiya.

“Mapalad tayo, hindi tayomasyadong aabutan ng krisiskasi nailatag ni PresidentGloria (Arroyo) ang groundwork,”aniya.

Pinayuhan din niya angmga negosyante at mangan-galakal na maging konserbat-ibo sa kanilang mga desisy-on.

“Let’s do everything inmoderation, maging maingattayo sa paggastos, let’s cutcosts of doing business,”aniya.

Kaugnay nito, sinabi niJeremias Caguingin ngBulacan Investment Promo-tion Division (BIPD) ngpamahalaang panglalawiganna mas apektado ng pandaig-

digang krisis pang-ekonomiyaang mga kumpanyangkabilang sa manufacturingsector, kumpara sa mgakumpanyang kasama sahanay ng Business ProcessOutsourcing (BPO).

Sinabi rin ni Caguingin napatuloy ang pag-unlad ngmga BPO sa lalawigan atmaging ang Commission onInformation CommunicationTechnology (CICT) ay naka-pansin nito.

Dahil dito, limang bayanat lungsod sa Bulacan angnapabilang sa Top Ten NextWave Cities for outsourcingsa bansa.

Ito ay ang Lungsod ngMeycauayan at mga bayan

ng Marilao at Baliuag napumang-pito sa Top Tenkasunod ng Lungsod ngAngeles at bayan ng Mabala-cat sa Pampanga na pu-mang-anim.

Pumang-siyam naman angLungsod ng Malolos atkatabing bayan ng Calumpit,kasunod ng Cagayan de Orona pumang-walo.

Ang iba pang mga lungsodat bayan sa bansa na napabi-lang sa Top Ten Next WaveCities for outsourcing ayonsa CICT ay ang Metro Laguna(una), Metro Cavite (pangala-wa), Iloilo (pangatlo), Davao(pang-apat), Bacolod (pangli-ma) at Lipa na naging pang-sampu.

SAMSUNG Electronic Philip-pines Corp. yesterday clarifiedthat it will not export mobilephones to Asia but will importthese from India, China, Koreaand Vietnam.

The mobile phones will bestored at the Berthapil’s ‘Cen-tral Distribution Center’ after thesigning of an agreement for theestablishment of its central dis-tribution hub at the DiosdadoMacapagal International Airport(DMIA) aviation complex.

In a statement, Samsungsaid the upcoming operations atthe DMIA’s Berthapil LogisticsBuilding is a response to the“increasing market demand forits hand-held phones (HHPs) inthe last seven years.”

“Via this hub, Samsungbrings to its Philippine market

Samsung to import, not export, phonesa seamless integration of infor-mation, transportation, invento-ry, and warehousing, tighteningits supply chain and thus en-suring delivery of its HHPs tothe end-users at the right timeand at the right place,” the state-ment said.

It added that “such movemakes Samsung’s handheldphones always available and pro-vides a quick turn-around replen-ishment time, which adds valueto its customers including itsdistributors and dealers.”

“This newest Samsung lo-gistics installation not onlyreaches its market in a timelymanner but assures productavailability as well. Samsung’slogistics hub takes advantageof the airport’s premier serviceand logistics, adding to the elec-

tronic company’s time andplace utility,” the statementsaid.

Clark International AirportCorporation (CIAC) Presidentand CEO Victor Jose I. Lucianowitnessed the signing betweenSamsung Electronics Philip-pines Corp. and Berthaphil Inc.,on January 13 establishing theCentral Logistics Hub of theKorean electronic company atthe Berthaphil Logistics Buildingin the aviation complex.

Luciano said “this will be thestart of logistics development atthe DMIA as envisioned by Pres-ident Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.”

Samsung has been in theforefront of producing handheldphones for the last seven yearsin the Philippines and the restof Asia.


FORT RAMON MAGSAYSAY, Palayan City – A suspected NewPeople’s Army (NPA) rebel was killed and one M-16 Armaliterifle was recovered by government troopers after they engagedin a running gunbattle communist guerrillas in Barangay Deco-liat, Maria Aurora, Aurora, the military reported Thursday.

Major Charlemagne Batayola, Jr., information chief of the7thy Infantry Division, said that a day after the first encounterwhere the rebel was killed in Decoliat, government troopers againclashed with about 25 fully-armed men at Sitio Dayap, Baran-gay Punglo also in Maria Aurora.

Batayola said elements of the 48th Infantry Battalion led byCpl. Benjamin Macarubbu were verifying an intelligence reporton alleged presence of NPA guerrillas in the area when firedupon by the latter, which was led by a certain Benjamin Peraltaalias Onli.

The rebels belonged to the Central Platoon of the NPA Cen-tral Luzon.

Lt. Col. Elias Escarcha, 48th IB commander, reinforced thesoldiers by sending more troopers from the unit’s Charlie Com-pany which conducted a clearing operation and hot pursuit op-eration, the military said.

“We had crushed out the New Peoples Army in Nueva Ecijaand Aurora provinces. Their mass base support is waning andeventually the long arm of the law will finally catch up on them,”said Brig. Gen. Emmanuel Bautista, commander of the 702nd

Brigade that holds jurisdiction over 48th IB.He stressed that while the government troopers run after

combatants, the Social Integration Program (SIP) that offers live-lihood package to returnees is being offered.

QUEZON, Nueva Ecija – Gun-men are arrested right away thistime. Thanks to collaborative ef-forts of police and local legisla-tors.

Two motorcycle-riding menopened fire at Ricky Espino, 48,a painter and resident of Baran-

Rebel killedin Aurora clash,military claims Cops, local officials join

forces to arrest killersgay Pag-asa, Talavera and Car-lito de Guzman, 35, of Baran-gay Ilog-Baliwag here at about10:30 am Monday.

Riding a black Euro motor-cycle with plate no. 4542, thesuspects Antonio Quilon Jr., 32,a security guard of Caloocan City

and his brother Mario, 36, ofPulilan, Bulacan, fled immedi-ately.

Town police chief, SeniorInsp. Samuel Avila, activated thedragnet forces thus blocking allexit-entry points.

After about half an hour, Avi-la together with Vice MayorLourdes Lahom who reportedlyshared efforts in tracing downthe suspects, had the suspectsarrested in Sitio Tabon BarangaySan Miguel of this municipality.

Recovered from them wereone .357 mm caliber Smith andWesson pistol, one .9mm revolv-er and several rounds of bullets.

Espino succumbed to headinjuries while de Guzman is cur-rently undergoing medical treat-ment in a local hospital.

Avila said the effort of Lahom,along with early reporting of thecrime, gave police an edge tohave the crime solved shortly.

–Armand Galang



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Streamlined idiocyA PRESS release from the Capitol:

“City of San Fernando – As a part of the executiveagenda of Governor Eddie T. Panlilio, the ProvincialInvestment and Promotion Office has come out witha program to encourage the local government unitsto continuously implement the streamlining projecton the issuance of mayor’s permit and otherbusiness permits and licenses in their respectivemunicipalities.

This undertaking is in line with the annualrecognition of Central Luzon’s Best LGUPractitioners of the Streamlining Program which isscheduled on March 2009. It is organized by theofficers and members of the Central Luzon GrowthCorridor Foundation, Inc. (CLGCFI) who arerequesting for the cooperation of concernedmunicipal offices in the conduct of streamliningproject validation and assessment in eachmunicipality.

Mr. Rommel Pineda, Pampanga PIPO-OIC saidthat the activity aims to bring transparency in theprocessing of permits to make Pampanga aninvestor-friendly province.”

Given the trashing and thrashing it received fromthe Sangguniang Panlalawigan at the budget hearingheld in Montevista a few weeks back, the ProvincialInvestment and Promotion Office (PIPO) ought to bethe last to come up with a program on streamliningthe issuance of mayor’s and business permits by thelocal government units.

Exhibiting certified idiocy in that hearing in utterignorance of basic data required in the planning andprogramming processes, the PIPO – from its sorryexcuse for a head down to its last staff – should havebeen re-enrolled in an adult Grade 2 class, instead ofbeing made in charge of this streamlining program.As the PIPO is now, expect nothing but streamlinedidiocy coming out of it.

And what gall for the PIPO to address this programto the LGUs!

If there is anybody who should be fit, capable,learned and experienced enough to talk sense andsensibility into any streamlining program involvingbusiness mayor’s and business permits, it is noneother than the LGU of the City of San Fernando, havingexcelled in that field, and in just about every facet ofreally good governance, so manifest in thebullishness of business in the city, in the generalhappiness of the Fernandino, not to mention thevarious awards and recognition bestowed upon thecity.

Yes, it would do a lot of good for the Capitol tolearn from the City of San Fernando. Not the otherway round.

WHAT HATH Ordinance 362 wrought!A total mess in the quarry industry, that’s what. And where

there’s a mess, there opens something for exploitation by the slyand the wily.

Ordinance 362 repealed Ordinance 261, the local law regulatingthe hauling and transport of quarry materials in Pampanga. Thenullity of such a “perfect law” as the latter, constrained by theimperfections impacted in its implementing rules and regulations(IRR), notably the “cutting” of trucks to prevent them from overloading.Crafted by a task force created by the governor, the IRR were neverintentioned in the ordinance, the sangguniang panlalawigan declared.

The IRR destroyed the spirit of Ordinance 261, so holds ViceGov. Yeng Guiao. Hence, the imperative of its termination. Withextreme prejudice, if the governor were to be believed.

Gov. Eddie T. Panlilio’s immediate reaction to Ordinance 362was to bask in his legal breathing space of 15 days to act on it,declaring to all and sundry that he would veto it. But not immediately.As of this writing, he still has 14 days to do so.

Sandstorm brewing

And, in the interim, Panlilio declared Ordinance261 as still very much in effect. No matter Guiao’sprotestations that the repealing Ordinance 362 isimmediately implementable, if only for its passageat the SP by an overwhelming 10-1 vote.

With that, chaos ruled the quarry industry.Wednesday afternoon, at the Upper Porac

quarry checkpoint, the Balas checkers let throughan “evidently uncut” trailer truck (RJF-474). Three“uncut” others were also given easy passage.

So why were they allowed through despitetheir obvious violations of the Ordinance 261 IRR?Monitoring members of the Federation ofPampanga Truckers Inc. (FPTI) led by interimpresident Benedicto Lacsamana demanded fromthe quarry checkers.

One Joselito Reyes, the Balas supervisor inthe checkpoint, was quoted thus: “We don’t knowanything about that. All that was told us was tolet through those who have hauling passes andstickers. We don’t know about the cutting. Don’tblame us.”

Media reports quoted the truck driver, one RickPingul, to have said they were loaded by thequarry operator with the right volume, pointing toa short red line on the trailer’s front end siding.

So, “even if the truck was not cut, the mark isbeing followed to determine the load.” So Pingulreportedly said.

To the FPTI monitors though, it mattered muchthat the owner of truck RJF 474 was reportedlyone “Manman,” allegedly a very close associateof the “other” FPTI president Mike Tapang,declared by the Lacsamana faction as the thirdspoke in the Panlilio-Dabu-Tapang axis bedeviling

the quarry trucking industry.The drivers of the three other trucks reportedly

disclosed that “it was upon the instance ofenvironment and natural resources (Enro) officialsthat the trucks just be marked without necessarilycutting the sidings anymore.”

The IRR damned by the very people that madethem! What say now Panlilio, Dabu, and Tapangof this?

And there is more.Truckers belonging to the Lacsamana faction

of the FPTI complain of being refused loading atthe quarry sites, “even with our hauling passesand stickers.”

“My hauling pass was confiscated for sometrumped-up violation soon as I stopped my truckat a quarry site,” complained one.

“Tapang is flexing his muscles here aspresident of the Pampanga quarry operators,” saidanother.

But isn’t it bad business for quarry operatorsto refuse loading trucks? That is loss of sureincome.

“A small loss of income much preferred overthe loss of their quarry permits, which at anymoment can be revoked for one cause or the otherby Panlilio and Dabu. Upon the recommendationof Tapang, of course.” So the trucker claimed.“We are being pushed against the wall. Our survivalis already threatened. Our options are runningout.”

A storm brews over the sands of Mancatian.Gathering strength day by day with the stalemateat the Capitol over the two ordinances unresolved.

A bloody mess we pray not to happen.


Dino Balabo

ITINANGGI ni Senior Supt. Allen Bantolo, ang OIC provincial policedirector ng Bulacan paglalarawan ni dating Gob. Obet Pagdanganansa peace and order situation na mayroong cottage industry nghired killings sa lalawigan.

Sa panayam kay Bantolo ni Rommel Ramos sa palatuntunangRommel Ramos po! sa DWSS 1494 khz noong Sabado, bandangalas 8:30 ng umaga, sinabi ni Bantolo na “hindi totoo yan.”

Ang pahayag ni Bantolo ay nakakatulad din ng naunang

pahayag ni Gob. Joselito Mendoza nong Disyembre 9 na angBulacan daw ay isa sa pinakatahimik na lalawigan sa GitnangLuzon ayon sa Regional Peace and Order Council.

Ngunit ayon sa ulat ng pangrehiyong pulisya, ang Bulacan angnakapagtala ng pinakamaraming krimen sa nagdaang taon.

Bilang reaksyon naman, sinabi ni Obet na makabubuting tingnan

muna nina Bantolo at Mendoza ang kanilang mga tala, bago mag-deny.

Ani Obet, “dine-deny ba nilang pinaslang ang kapatid kong siMonching, pati si Mayor Tirso ng Apalit na parehong sa Calumpitpinatay. Yung konsehal ng San Rafael na si Fidel Nacion at yungMojica massacre sa San Jose Del Monte, paano nila ipaliliwanagiyon?’


Totoo nga naman, kung tahimik ang Bulacan

katulad ng sinasabi ni Mendoza, ibangkatahimikan iyan.

Kung sinasabi ni Bantolo na hindi totoo angparatang ni Obet hinggil sa cottage industry nghire killings sa Bulacan, bakit nung mga pinataysa Bulacan ay sinabi niya na hired killers angsuspek?

Kung sinasabi nina Bantolo at Mendoza na

hindi totoo na may problema sa peace and ordersa Bulacan at igigiit nilang tahimik ang Bulacan,ang lumalabas na sinungaling ay ang pang-rehiyong tanggapan ng pulisya na nagpalabas ngulat.

Sabi ng aking mentor na si Mr. Jose Pavia,“baka sa bandang huli ay tayo pa ang lumabasna sinungaling.”

Hinggil pa rin sa paratang ni Obet, nagpahayag

pa rin si Bantolo sa Rommel Ramos po! radioprogram na “opinyon niya iyon at iginagalang koiyon.”

Nakupo, ganyan ba ang maglilingkod sabayan? Sa huli ay gising na rin at sinabi ni Bantolo

na makikipag-coordinate siya kay Obet.

Hinggil naman sa operasyon ng mga videokarera sa mga bayan at lalawigan sa Bulacanna minsan ay kinondena na ni Mendoza, sinabini Bantolo sa Rommel Ramos po! radio programna “may nahuhuli naman kami, kasobumabalik.”

Ayun, lumalabas, hindi epektibo angkampanya ng pulisya laban sa mga ipinagbabawalna mga sugal.

Batay naman sa pahayag ni Bokal Christian

Natividad sa nasabi ring radio programa nongSabado, sinabi niya na nagbabala na si Gob.Mendoza na hanggang Enero na lamang ang mgavideo karera sa Bulacan.

Teka, matatapos na ang Enero, ano pa anghinihintay niya?

Teka muna, ang pahayag palang iyon ni

Mendoza ay noon pang Disyembre. Bakitnaghintay pa siya ng Enero para sa kanyangultimatum.

Binigyan ba niya ng pagkakataong mamaskoang mga pulis?

CastigadorJohnny Reblando

TIKOM ang bibig ng bawat ka-gawad ng MEDIA na mga emp-leyado rin ng SUBIC BAY MET-ROPOLITAN AUTHORITY nglaitin umano ni Deputy Adminsi-trator (DA) for TOURISM, Mr.Raul Marcelo ang dyario na TIK-TIK at REMATE.

Ilang lingo ng nakalipas mulang magdatingan sa SBMA angsangkatirbang mga “Junkets”mula Korea para maglaro ngGolf, at siyempre papogi ito saSBMA at kinakailangan ng COV-ERAGE TEAM at ng makita niMr. Marcelo ang listahan ng mgaMEDIA na iimbibitahin sa cov-erage, aba! Bigla itong balikwasat sinabi umanong “huwag nayan REMATE, REMATE na yan,TIKTIK, TIKTIK na yan”.

E! sandamukal na tarantadopala itong si Mr. Marcelo, mgaDYARIO yan, di ka ba nagba-basa ng dyario? Sabagay EXEC-UTIVE ka nga palang bastos atwalang modo. Kung biro manyan dapat ilagay mo sa lugarSIR.

Labis naman nagtataka angCASTIGADOR dahil ni isa manlamang sa mga kagawad ngMEDIA nga bang maituturing

Tabloid newspaper,nilalait ng opisyal

ng SBMAang hindi nakakapalag sa sina-bi ni Mr. Marcelo.

Ang Tanong Bakit? Walangumalma. Kahit isa man lamangsa inyo?

Kasi po si Mr. Marcelo aykasamahan din ninyo sa traba-ho na karamihan sa mga COR-RESPONDENT ng dyario aymga empleyado ng SBMA nasumusweldo ng P18,000 hang-gang P20,000 kada buwan atang ilan naman ay mga tinaguri-ang 15-30 CONSULTANT nasumusweldo ng P15,000 hang-gang P20,000 ng walang gina-gawa.

Yan ang totoo, kahit na PAG-MUMURAHIN kayo ng harap-harapan ng mga SBMA Officialsay hindi kayo makapalag dahilsila ang amo ninyo. Nakakahiya,hindi tuloy malaman ng taum-bayan kung tunay kayong mgakagawad ng MEDIA.

Ang SBMA ang isa sa pi-nakamalaking tanggapan nggobyerno na punong-puno nganomalya, may naisulat na bakayo sa inyong mga dyario ha?Puro papogi lang sa SBMA atbulag kayo sa mga masamangnagyayari.

Dahil sa pangyayaring ito,nakipag-ayos naman daw kaa-gad itong si Mr. Marcelo at parapatunayan ang kanyangsenseridad ay nagyaya siya ngisang “inuman” , ngunitbinoykot naman ito ng mgaSBMA MEDIA-EMPLOYEES.

E! paano Mr. Marcelo taposna ang office hour, kaya hindi kana nila amo, mga REPORTERna po sila, kaya ala ka ng POW-ER. Anong say mo? Dika naka-palag ano Mr. Marcelo, tinablaka din.

Paging, SBMA AdministratorArmand Arreza, sir!, Alam mo naba na yung mga MEDIA-EM-PLOYEES mo ay PR na rin ngmga locator?

He he he, 2009 na umayoskayo ng hindi kayo nababanatan.


ON THIS DAY in 1948 Mohan-das Karamchand Gandhi, thepolitical and spiritual leader of theIndian independence movement,is assassinated in New Delhi bya Hindu fanatic.

Born the son of an Indian of-ficial in 1869, Gandhi's Vaishna-va mother was deeply religiousand early on exposed her sonto Jainism, a morally rigorousIndian religion that advocatednonviolence. Gandhi was an un-remarkable student but in 1888was given an opportunity tostudy law in England. In 1891,he returned to India, but failingto find regular legal work he ac-cepted in 1893 a one-year con-tract in South Africa.

Settling in Natal, he was sub-jected to racism and South Afri-can laws that restricted the rightsof Indian laborers. Gandhi laterrecalled one such incident, inwhich he was removed from afirst-class railway compartmentand thrown off a train, as hismoment of truth. From thereon,he decided to fight injustice anddefend his rights as an Indianand a man. When his contract PAGE 7 PLEASE

Gandhi assassinatedexpired, he spontaneously de-cided to remain in South Africaand launched a campaignagainst legislation that woulddeprive Indians of the right tovote. He formed the Natal IndianCongress and drew internation-al attention to the plight of Indi-ans in South Africa. In 1906, theTransvaal government sought tofurther restrict the rights of Indi-ans, and Gandhi organized hisfirst campaign of satyagraha, ormass civil disobedience. Afterseven years of protest, he ne-gotiated a compromise agree-ment with the South African gov-ernment.

In 1914, Gandhi returned toIndia and lived a life of absti-nence and spirituality on theperiphery of Indian politics. Hesupported Britain in the FirstWorld War but in 1919 launcheda new satyagraha in protest ofBritain's mandatory military draftof Indians. Hundreds of thou-sands answered his call to pro-test, and by 1920 he was leaderof the Indian movement for inde-pendence. He reorganized theIndian National Congress as a

political force and launched amassive boycott of Britishgoods, services, and institutionsin India. Then, in 1922, heabruptly called off the satyagra-ha when violence erupted. Onemonth later, he was arrested bythe British authorities for sedi-tion, found guilty, and impris-oned.

After his release in 1924, heled an extended fast in protestof Hindu-Muslim violence. In1928, he returned to nationalpolitics when he demanded do-minion status for India and in1930 launched a mass protestagainst the British salt tax,which hurt India's poor. In hismost famous campaign of civildisobedience, Gandhi and hisfollowers marched to the Arabi-an Sea, where they made theirown salt by evaporating seawater. The march, which result-ed in the arrest of Gandhi and60,000 others, earned new inter-national respect and support forthe leader and his movement.

In 1931, Gandhi was re-leased to attend the Round Ta-

Napag-uusapanlangNi Felix M. Garcia

Ninu dingcacaluguran?CACALUGURAN me ngamu ing taung yan?King nanung bage me acacaluguran?Macananu mu mong’ cacu ilarawanIng tune ulaga ning bage itinan ?Iti, e ya cabud taguring makanianA maka-parikil caring pakiabayan.

E uling y Pedro pane meng cayabeAsabi mung iti cacaluguran me;Ali.. alayu ken ing binang matibeCabaldugan niti king tutu nang aske.Pablasang e mu pin king pawase-wasePamakiabiayan matatacal tune.

E uling abe me bilang cabarcadaCacaluguran ne iti para keca;Ali… e me akit king bage antitaUling e na bala tapat lang antica;E cabud ing tau pekiabayan na ka,Asabi tang’ iti cacaluguran ya.

E uling aldo-aldo casulu meng dulangCacaluguran neng sucat pakiabayan;Ali… e me akit king aske macanianIng tune cule ning pamicaluguran;Uling nung ala yang iturung mayap yanMigit ya king salut a dapat iwasan.

Ating cabarcada a maliaring kecaMitulac king saug ning salpac at dusa;Calupa ning sugal, alac ampon drogaNanung matinu mung cararasan keta?At nang’ capupuntan mung masanting keyaNung ta’ca paytake king maling asag na?

Ala, nune itang acua mung misoso,Mabiasang manasdap ampon mamanaco;Antimo’ing bisyu rang masakit ilacoDing anti caretang e mu icanono;Cabud king macanian na ca miparoroIng pawang carocan ya nang mangibabo!

Pacapilinan mo’t kilalanan mayapDing pakiabayan mu king nanu mang oras;Pablasang atyu ken ing miyambang tabacKing tulid mung salu maliaring misaldacCabud king e ustu at maroc dang dapatCarin ca menabu king aldo ning bucas.

Yang tune cayabe, tapat maki-cuyugYa ing carame mu king manawa’t mascup;At uling e mu pin king salita cabudMayayakit keta ing dalise lugud,Ya… e sa’ mengari king anino lalsutNeng masalang aldo at neng bengi lalbug!

Ding cacaluguran nung buri mong’ akitE mu king masala la’ lalto dusulditNune atilu ren king balang penanditA cailangan mu la ban keca tumaid;Ya’ytang king nanu man, tula o pasakitCarame meng’ lubus pati na king pait!

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“This is because theglobal crisis did not catchus unprepared or withoutreserves,” the Presidentsaid in her speech beforestalwarts of the Lakas-CMD party which held itsnational expanded exec-utive committee caucushere.

Among those presentwere former Pres. FidelRamos who is chairmanemeritus of Lakas-CMDand Speaker ProsperoNograles.

The President said that


GMA says RP outside sphere of recession“keeping the global crisisfrom consuming our na-tion has been a great ac-complishment of our par-ty”.

“Despite the recessionin two-thirds of the world,nine out of ten or 92 outof 100 Filipinos look for-ward with hope to thisnew year,” she said.

She noted that “theglobal financial turmoilhas spread and jeopar-dized the well-being ofpeople across the globe.Two thirds of the worldis in recession but weshould all be proud that

our country is growing at6 percent GNP (grossnational product) and4.6 percent GDP (grossdomestic product) in2008.”

The President told La-kas-CMD leaders that “to-gether, we were able tomake hard decisions-hard on our people at thattime, unpopular withsome big businessmen,but as events have shown,good for the country.”

“Our preparationshave so far shielded ournation from the worst ef-fects of the worldwide cri-

sis. Had we acted differ-ently, had we been popu-list, had we been scaredor timid…,” the Presidentsaid, but without finishingher sentence.

She also said that de-spite the country’s beingbetter off than many oth-er countries in the globalcrisis, “we are not com-placent” and that “our ad-ministration must har-ness all the resourcesand the unity we can mus-ter to provide job creationand economic stimulus ata time when it is mostneeded, while still pursu-

ing needed investments inpeople and infrastructure,to aid our people today,while building a better to-morrow”.

“And our administra-tion must establish suchconditions on the groundas we facilitate the peaceprocess with the MILF(Moro Islamic LiberationFront),” she also said.

As she called for uni-ty between the Lakas-CMD and the Kabalikat ngMamamayang Pilipino(Kampi) parties, the Pres-ident noted that “our work-ing together is one of the

major reasons why wehave the resources to ab-sorb the current globalshocks, with our unity in-stitutionalized in a merg-er, our proven political re-silience and reform agen-da will position the nationto sustain its gains”.

“Merging Lakas-CMDand Kampi will keep us onroad to First World in 20years. Our working to-gether has been one ofthe major factors thathave put the Philippines inthe path of sustainedgrowth and resiliency,”she added.

here, the President ap-pointed presidential advis-er on political affairs Gab-riel Claudio to head thecommittee.

“This committee shallpursue the merger withKampi and such allianceswith other political partiesand groups the interest ofthe administration coalitionand which, with ourmerged party, shall be re-sponsible for determiningand activating the criteriaand mechanism for choos-ing candidates for 2010,”the President said.

“Let the findings andrecommendations of thatcommittee of Gabby(Claudio) reflect the mindand voice of our member-ship down to the grass-roots level. Let us look toour members in the grass-roots and our people forinspiration. Let their causebe our motive for working,for striving, and for winningin 2010,” she also said.


Claudio heads body to merge Kampi...At a press briefing af-

ter the President left to in-spect projects in variousparts of Pampanga, formercongressman ProsperoPichay, who acted asspokesman during thecaucus, cited the namesof Vice Pres. Noli de Cas-tro as among the possiblecandidates that a mergedLakas-CMD and Kampicould field in the 2010 pres-idential elections.

In an interview later,however, Claudio said thattalks of who should becommon administrationcandidate for president canonly be done after a suc-cessful Lakas-CMD andKampi merger.

While saying that thecriteria for choosing a pres-idential standard bearerhad yet to be finalized,Pichay cited some crite-ria being considered in-cluded sensitivity to theneeds of the people, sup-port for the economic pol-icies of the administration,and winnability.

Pichay said that thePresident wants a mergerof both administration par-ties at both local and na-tional levels.

Pichay, however, ad-mitted that merging thetwo parties would be diffi-cult, noting that the differ-ences between their mem-bers are “personal and notideological”.

“It is difficult to recon-cile people who foughteach other in the last elec-tions,” he noted. In the2007 elections, Lakas-CMD and Kampi fieldedcandidates against eachother all over the country.

He said that local lead-ers of the two partieswould have to be con-vinced to agree to themerger.

Still, Pichay said thatLakas-CMD will remainthe dominant party in theevent that the merger doesnot materialize. He notedthat in the House of Rep-resentatives, Lakas- CMDhas 92 members as

against Kampi’s only 40,while at the local level,Lakas-CMD has about1,000 mayors as againstKampi’s 100 and 42 La-kas-CMD governors asagainst Kampi’s only 10.

Pichay also belied re-ports that former Pres. Fi-del Ramos, who attendedthe caucus, was againstthe merger.

Justice Sec. RaulGonzalez, who is chair-man of Lakas-CMD in Cen-tral Visayas, said he wasoptimistic that the twomajor administration par-ties would eventuallymerge, noting that mem-bers of both parties regardthe President as theirhead.

Pichay said he and oth-er Lakas-CMD membershad earlier suggested tothe President to talk toKampi party to agree tothe merger. “But she hasnot done it yet because ofthe global (economic)meltdown,” he added.

–Ding Cervantes

Milagroso na mula nong2007 ay hindi na gumamitng LPG matapos niyangmaimbento ang kanyangsipag-kalan.

Sinabi niya na kump-ara sa tangke ng LPG naumaabot sa P500 ang pr-esyo, ang isang sako ngipa na nagkakahalaga la-mang ng P20 ay magag-amit sa pagluluto sa loob

ng tatlong araw.Ayon kay Milagroso,

ang P20 bayad sa isangsako ng ipa ay halos bay-ad lamang sa tricycle napagsasakyan nito mula samga ricemill na halos ipi-namimigay lamang angmga ipa matapos gilinginang palay at mahiwalayang bigas.

Ipinagmalaki niya namas mainam gamitin angipa kumpara sa uling da-

hil ito ay madaling pagnin-gasin sa pamamagitan la-mang ng paglalagay ngsinindihang papel at hindinakakabawas sa mgapunong kahoy.

“Ito ang solusyon sakakulangan sa supply ngmahal na LPG,” ani Mila-groso at ipinakita kungpaano ang pagluluto gamitang kanyang sipag-kalanna ang gatong ay ipa.

Ayon kay Milagrosos,

mas mabilis magluto ngpagkain kung ipa ang gag-amiting panggatong atmagagamit pang patabasa halaman ang uling ngipa na nasunog.

Ipinakita rin niya naang uling ng nasunog naipa ay maaring ihalo samga basura mula sa ku-sina o kitchen wastesupang iyon ay hindi lan-gawin at maging compostfertilizer.


Ipa ng palay sagot sa krisis sa LPG

LOVE ME AGAIN (PG13)1120FS • 1135MF • 200 • 425 • 650848LFS • 915LMF • 1113END

AUSTRALIA (PG13)1020FS • 1040MF • 255 • 610855LFS • 915LMF • 1200END

BEDTIME STORIES (GP3)1210FS • 1230MF • 240 • 450 • 700840LFS • 900LMF • 1040END

STATUS: SINGLE (PG13)1020FS • 1035MF • 1220 • 205 • 350 • 535720 • 850LFS • 915LMF • 1050END

BENJAMIN BUTTON (PG13)1050FS • 1100MF • 200 • 500750LFS • 800LMF • 1045END

UNDERWORLD 3 (R13)1050FS • 1100MF • 100 • 300 • 500 • 700835LFS • 900LMF • 1035END

AUSTRALIA (PG13)1130MF • 220 • 510755LFS • 800LMF • 1045END

UNDERWORLD (R13)1020FS • 1035MF • 1220 • 205 •350 • 535720 • 855LFS • 915LMF • 1047END

LOVE ME AGAIN (PG13)1050FS • 1100MF • 130 • 400 • 630830LFS • 900LMF • 1100END

BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA (GP3)1100FS • 1115MF • 1255 • 235 • 415 • 555735 • 905LFS • 915LMF • 1045END

BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA (G)1050FS • 1105MF • 105 • 305 • 505 • 705850LFS • 900LMF • 1030END

STATUS: SINGLE (PG13)1050FS • 1100MF • 100 • 300 • 500 • 700855LFS • 900LMF • 1035END

ble Conference on India inLondon as the sole repre-sentative of the Indian Na-tional Congress. Themeeting was a great dis-appointment, and afterhis return to India he wasagain imprisoned. Whilein jail, he led another fastin protest of the Britishgovernment's treatmentof the "untouchables"--the impoverished and de-graded Indians who occu-pied the lowest tiers ofthe caste system. In1934, he left the IndianCongress Party to workfor the economic develop-ment of India's manypoor. His protege, Jawa-harlal Nehru, was namedleader of the party in hisplace.

With the outbreak ofWorld War II, Gandhi re-turned to politics and

called for Indian coopera-tion with the British wareffort in exchange for in-dependence. Britain re-fused and sought to divideIndia by supporting con-servative Hindu and Mus-lim groups. In response,Gandhi launched the"Quit India" movement it1942, which called for atotal British withdrawal.Gandhi and other nation-alist leaders were impris-oned until 1944.

In 1945, a new govern-ment came to power inBritain, and negotiationsfor India's independencebegan. Gandhi sought aunified India, but the Mus-lim League, which hadgrown in influence duringthe war, disagreed. Afterprotracted talks, Britainagreed to create the twonew independent statesof India and Pakistan onAugust 15, 1947. Gandhi

was greatly distressed bythe partition, and bloodyviolence soon broke outbetween Hindus andMuslims in India.

In an effort to end In-dia's religious strife, heresorted to fasts and vis-its to the troubled areas.He was on one such vigilin New Delhi whenNathuram Godse, a Hin-du extremist who object-ed to Gandhi's tolerancefor the Muslims, fatallyshot him. Known as Ma-hatma, or "the greatsoul," during his lifetime,Gandhi 's persuasivemethods of civil disobe-dience influenced lead-ers of civil rights move-ments around the world,especially Martin LutherKing Jr. in the UnitedStates.

Gandhi assassinatedFROM PAGE 4

P5,000 a month throughPag-Ibig funds.

”We are so glad thatPresident Arroyo recog-nized our efforts to makeluxury living affordable tothe people, especially theworking class,” said Lee,who also donated a churchat Xevera which was ap-preciated by Arroyo. Moreimportantly, Lee added,the President endorsedour project to our delight.

“Ah, simbahan ya pala(oh, it’s a church),” saidthe beaming President asshe took notice of theSanctuario de San Ange-lo.

Arroyo, wearing a reddress, witnessed MayorMarino “Boking” Moraleshand over to Lee a resolu-

Xevera Mabalacat...FROM PAGE 1 tion making him “adopted

son of Mabalacat for hisimmense contribution tothe development of the firstclass municipality.”

Others who welcomedArroyo were First DistrictRep. Carmelo “Tarzan”Lazatin, Tarlac Rep. JesciLapus, deputy presiden-tial spokesperson andPresidential Adviser forCentral Luzon Lorelei Fa-jardo and top officials ofMabalacat.

Some 7,000 houseswill be available at Xevera-Mabalacat and its first res-idents can move in by Feb-ruary.

Situated on a 60-hect-

are site, Xevera-Mabalacatwill also have a school,public market, mall and atheme park.

Last year, Lee and VicePresident Noli De Castroled the launching of theXevera housing project inBacolor where some 4,00ounits are available.

Morales, for his part,said “the Xevera was puthere due to the projects ofthe President in Clark andMabalacat,”

“The SCTEX, DMIA andgood number of Clark in-vestors and workershelped us convince Lee toput up Xevera in Mabala-cat,” said Morales.





-versus- E.J.F. No. 02-09 Punto! Central Luzon



NOTICE OF EXTRA-JUDICIAL SALEUpon Extra-Judicial Petition for Sale under Act 3135 as amended,

filed by ASIALINK FINANCE CORPORATION, Mortgagee, with principaloffice and place of business at 207 AIC Gold Tower, Emerald Avenuecorner Garnet Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, against SPS. MAGNOT. CANLAS, JR., ERLINDA S. CANLAS and LLOYD MARK S. CANLAS,Mortgagors, with address at 0241Paraiso Subd., San Matias, Sto. Tomas,Pampanga, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of December22, 2008 amounts to EIGHT HUNDRED SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTYSIX THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR 7 75/100 PESOS (Php876,654.75) Philippine Currency, plus interest and penalty to date of theforeclosure sale, cost of publication, expenses of the foreclosure, andother expenses allowed by law, the undersigned Ex-Officio Sheriff and/or her duly authorized Deputy Sheriff will set at public auction on March03, 2009 at 9:01 A.M. to 12:00 N.N. and from 1:00 P.M. to 3:59 P.M. atthe Main Entrance of the Regional Trial Building, City of San Fernando,Pampanga, to the Highest bidder/s for CASH or Manager’s Check andin Philippine Currency, the following property with all the improvementsthereon, to wit;

TRASFER CERTIFICARE OF TITILE NO. 685150-R“A parcel of land (Lot 32 Blk. 1 of the subd. Plan (LRC) Psd-87561,

being a portion of Lot 1638-B-2-B-2 described on plan Psd-57173, LRC(GLRO) Cad. Rec. No. 138) situated in the Bo. Of San Matias, Mun. ofSto. Tomas, Prov. of Pamp. Bounded on the NE., pts. 2-3 by Rd. Lot11; on the SE., pts. 3-4 by Lot 33, Blk. 1 both of the subd. Plan; on theSW., pts. 1-2 by Lot 31, Blk. 1 of the subd. Plan. X x x containing anarea of THREE HUNDRED (300) Square Meters more or less x x x.

Prospective buyers/bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate forthemselves the title of the said property and encumbrances thereon, ifany therebe.

All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the statedtime and date.

In the event that the Public Auction should not take place on the saiddate, it shall be held on March 10, 2009 at the same time and placewithout further notice.

City of San Fernando, Pampanga, 26 January 2009.

ATTY. MARLYDS L. ESTARDO-TEODORO Clerk of Court VI & Ex-Officio Sheriff


Cc. ASIALINK FINANCE CORPORATION207 AIC Gold Tower, Emerald Ave. cor.Garnet Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

SPS. MAGNO T. CANLAS JT.,ERLINDA S. CANLAS & LLOYD S. CANLAS0241 Paraiso Subd., San Matias,Sto. Tomas, Pampanga

Punto! Central Luzon: January 30, February 6 & 13, 2009



BANK OF FLORIDA, INC. (A Rural Bank)Mortgagee,

-versus- Foreclosure No. 03-09




banking corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republicof the Philippines, with principal office at Dolores, City of San Fernando,Pampanga and attorney-in-fact of Mortgagors SPS. RENATO & LORNAPANLAQUI, of legal ages, Filipinos, with residence and postal addressat Sanros Subd., Anao, Mexico, Pampanga, in the real estate mortgagecontract for and in satisfaction of the indebtedness of Sps. Renato &Lorna Panlaqui which as of December 17, 2008 amounts to FOURHUNDRED THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR& 82/100 PESOS ONLY (Php 435,584.82) plus the following:

Principal P435,584.82Interest Rate 13.00%Interest unpaid from July 21, 2008Penalty Rate 36% per annumPenalty from July 21, 2008Attorney’s Fees 10% of the Principal, Interest & PenaltiesLitigation Expense Publication fees and other expenses

Besides legal cost, the undersigned notary public, pursuant to andin accordance with Act. 3135, as amended by Act 4148, who had beenauthorized by the BANK OF FLORIDA, INC. (A Rural Bank), givesnotice and announces that on March 09, 2009 at 10:00 in the morning atthe Auction Area, Hall of Justice, Regional Trial Court, City of SanFernando, Pampanga, will sell at public auction to the highest bidderand in cash and in Philippine Currency, the following real properties,together with all improvements thereon, to wit:

TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 432416-RA parcel of Land (Lot 4, Blk. 14 of the subd. Plan, Psd-03-004446,

being a portion of Lot 2508-B-1, Psd-03-004275, LRC Rec. No.) situatedin the Bo. Of Anao, Mun. of Mexico, Prov. of Pamp. Bounded on theNW., along line 1-2 by Lot 3, Blk. 14; on the NE., along line 2-3 by Rd.Lot 36.00m wide; on the Se., along line 3-4 by Lot 5, and on the SW.,along line 4-1 by Lot 28, both of Blk. 4, all of the subd. Plan. ………..Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN (187) SQUAREMETERS.

TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 431607-RA parcel of Land (Lot 3, Blk. 14 of the subd. Plan, Psd-03-044646,

being a portion of Lot 2508-B-1. Psd-03-004275, LRC Rec. No.) situatedin the Bo. Of Anao, Mun. of Mexico, Prov. of Pamp. Bounded on theSW., along line 1-2 by Lot 29; on the NW., along line 2-3 by Lot 2 bothof Blk. 14; on the NE., along line 3-4 by Rd. Lot 3 (6.00m. wide); andon the Se., along line 4-1 by Lot 4, Blk. 14 all of the subd.Plan………containing an area of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE (183)SQUARE METERS.

This Notice of Sale will be posted in three public places in Mexico,Pampanga for not less than thirty (30) days before the date of sale andwill be published in Punto! Central Luzon, a newspaper of generalcirculation in Mexico, Pampanga, once a week for at least three (3)weeks, the first publication to be made at least twenty (20) days beforethe date of sale.

In case the date of the auction sale be declared a holiday, theauction shall be held on the next business day.

All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the abovestated time and place.

Prospective buyers/bidders may examine the titles of the propertiesfor their information, protection and to see the encumbrances thereon.

City of San Fernando, January 26, 2009.

ROMEO G. MAGLALANGNotary Public-Until 31 December 2010

Attorney’s Roll No. 18111PTR No. 6496608/ 5 January 2008

IBP O.R. No. 691999/ 26 November 2008City of San Fernando, PampangaMCLE Exemption No. I-001296

Cc: BANK OF FLORIDA, INC. (A Rural Bank)Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

SPS. RENATO & LORNA PANLAQUISanros Subd., Anao, Mexico, Pampanga

Punto! Central Luzon: January 30, February 6 & 13, 2009


BRANCH 45City of San Fernando, Pampanga



-versus- FC. SP Proc. Case no. 378



O R D E RA Petition for correction of entries in the Certificate of Live Birth of

minor Miguel Keno Navarro y Pingul, was filed by the alleged biologicalparents of said minor.

Finding the said petition to be sufficient in form and substance,same is hereby set for hearing on March 3, 2009 at 8:30 o’clock in themorning, inviting all interested persons to appear and show cause whythis petition should not be granted.

Let a copy of this Order be published once a week for three (3)consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within theprovince of Pampanga, giving respondents until said setting withinwhich to file their opposition.

Furnish the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), the NationalCensus and Statistics Office (NCSO), Office of the Provincial Prosecutor(OPP), Office of the Local Civil Registrar of City of San Fernando,Pampanga, with copies hereof and the Petition and its annexes.

Likewise, furnish the Office of the Clerk of Court, RTC-City of SanFernando, Pampanga, and the petitioners with copies hereof.

SO ORDERED.City of San Fernando, Pampanga, January 21, 2009.


Punto! Central Luzon: January 30, February 6 & 13, 2009

Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM




-versus- DARAB CASE NO. 5590-P’90



WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby renderedin favor of the petitioners and against the respondent, to wit:

1. Finding the respondent to have grossly violated his rightsand obligation as a tenant;

2. Ordering the termination of the tenancy relationship betweenthe petitioner and respondent Benjamin Quiambao;

3. Ordering the cancellation/termination of the AgriculturalLeasehold Contracts entered into by and between the lateIsmael Figueroa and respondent Benjamin Quiambao overthe two (2) parcel of land subject of this case;

4. Ordering the respondent and all person acting in his behalf tovacate the subject premises and surrender possession thereofto the petitioners; and

5. Directing the respondent to pay the lease from 1999 up topresent.

No pronouncement as to costs.SO ORDERED.City of San Fernando, (P), August 28, 2008.

JOSEPH NOEL C. LONGBOAN Provincial Adjudicator

Punto! Central Luzon: January 30, 2009


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