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“ A c h i e v e m e n t f o r A l l i n a H a p p y , S a f e & C a r i n g E n v i r o n m e n t ”

Volume 19 Issue 16

Date: Monday 27th May 2019

Phone: 6343 2122 Fax: 6343 1480

Email: [email protected]




Mon 27th Soccer—Boys and Girls


Tues 28th School Banking

Fri 31st Stage Assembly

Quality Work Award— Art


Mon 3rd Play Rehearsal @ THLHS

Tues 4th School Banking

Thurs 6th

Henry Lawson Festival Play Day

Fri 7th

Author visit to School

Tim Harris

Whole School Assembly

Wed 12th

Western Cross Country held in Guerie

Thurs 13th

Debating in Forbes

Fri 14th Stage Assembly

Quality Work Award—Drama

Wed 19th School Dental Screening

Our Girls and boys soccer teams are playing Mulyan Public School at Lawson oval this morning. I really don’t

think the rain will dampen their enthusiasm. Thank you to Mr Kilby and Mr Martens for coaching and

organising the teams.

As we are only a few weeks away from the Henry Lawson Festival I just wanted to share some organisational

details. Next Monday the whole school will go to The Henry Lawson High School for play practice “ students &

staff only” 3-6 students will be walking in the morning (9.30) and will return by recess, K-2 students will be

travelling by bus (11.30 - 12.45). The following Thursday the students will be performing their plays, parents/

carers are invited to attend. We will provide you with a timetable when it becomes available.

All students are invited to participate in the Henry Lawson Festival parade. This year’s theme is “Ode to

Winter”. We request that students dress in winter clothing with bright scarves and beanies. We appreciate

students participating in this extracurricular activity that showcases our beautiful town. Student’s artwork and

Ode’s to Winter will be on display in shop windows.

Last week I included our updated Anti bullying policy to the school website and Facebook .

Please speak to your children about telling teachers about incidents. Often issues can become bigger than

they need to be when early intervention would solve the problem. At Assembly I talked about four taps. One

turned off, one with a drip, one with slow flow and one full on. Students can regulate their behaviour like a tap.

We don’t need to escalate to “full on”” when a problem can be solved simply.

GRIP Leadership Last Tuesday, 21st May, our school and vice

captains Sophie, Riley, Alexi and Noah, travelled

to Bathurst to participate in the 'GRIP Leader-

ship Conference'. The captains were able to

build and develop their skills as leaders through

a range of games, talks and Q&A sessions.

We are very fortunate to have such wonderful

captains to represent our school.

Congratulations to Brooke Brandt and Alex Wright (absent) for receiving

Principals Awards and to the students who received certificates of

recognition for participation in the ANZAC Day march.

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The Henry Lawson Festival

The Festival is one of the longest running arts events in NSW and 2019 sees it celebrate its 62nd year. The Henry Lawson Festival is delighted to announce that Inga Simpson is the 2019 Henry Lawson Festival of Arts Official Guest. The theme for the 2019 Festival is 'Ode to Winter'. An ODE is a poem that can be sung or used as an address in an exalted style. WINTER is the coldest season of the year, and when the Festival is held. Our students will be performing at Play Day on Thursday 6th June and will be involved in the street procession on Saturday 9th June. Other fun activities for families to be involved in include the Fun Run 4km and 7km, Friday Night Festival Concert (tickets available from Louisa's Locker from 27th May), Art Competition, Guinea Pig races & Poetry Recitals.

Grenfell Public School students took part in National Simultaneous

Story time on Wednesday 22nd May with over 1 million other

children from around Australia and New Zealand. This year we

listened to “Alpacas with Maracas” by Matt Cosgrove. It is a great

story that teaches children about perseverance, friendship and

sportsmanship in a fun, upbeat and comedic tone. The main

character “Macca” loves to eat Pickles so Mrs Forde brought some

in for students to try –some couldn’t understand why Macca loves

them so much!

Thank you to all the students for squeezing into our school library to

take part in NSS 2019.

We loved Mrs Forde's jumper but we were not real sure about the pickles!

Introducing our SRC for 2019.

K/1’s performance of Gummie Bears entertained children, parents

and teachers at Friday’s Assembly.

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Beef Burritos

(mince, cheese, sour cream & salsa)

Plus a Hot Chocolate


(Available Tues 28th May—Mon 3rd June)

Next P& C Meeting : Tuesday 11th June 7:30pm School Staffroom.

Impetigo ( School Sores)

We have had a reported case of school

sores. Please check your children and

seek advice if unsure. Children are not

to come to school until antibiotic

treatment has started. Sores should be

covered with water tight dressings.


1 Hour slots

Helper 1 Helper 2 Helper 3 Helper 4 Helper 5

7:00am Set-up Rob Grimm Mark Hughes Daniel Martin Dean Baker

9:30am Emily Lynch Mia Westman Deb Freebody Marina Brandt Heather Windred

10:30am Faye Aspin Mia Westman Deb Freebody Marina Brandt Heather Windred


Faye Aspin




3:30pm Rachael Power

4:30pm Pack-up Rachael Power

Please come 10 minutes earlier for your nominated shift, to takeover from previous helpers.

Festival Helpers

The Henry Lawson Festival weekend is fast approaching and it is time to start organising our donut stall again. We are looking for parent volunteers to help out on the stall for an hour or so at a time in groups of 6. In particular we require help setting up the stall from about 7am and will need some strong muscles to load and unload the machine in the main street first thing in the morning. A roster will be left at the school office so why not grab a couple of friends and put your names down! First in best dressed for times. It’s quite easy; cooking donuts, putting them in bags & serving customers.

The Cowra Dental Clinic will be providing free dental checks for students

at Grenfell Public School on Wednesday 19th June. A consent form will

be sent home today and this must be signed and returned to school

before the visit if you would like your child to attend.

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School Banking Day Tuesday

Teaching generations of young Australians the importance of good

saving habits since 1931. School Banking encourages kids to save

a little money each week, helping them learn about the value of

money and develop a good saving habit

The Henry Lawson Festival

School Play Day Our students will be performing at Play Day on Thursday the 6th June at The Henry Lawson High School. As soon as we have a program, we will send it home.
