Page 1: VOL. xxxv i 10111 HO pnim •GINTSI wits 1 IJipi fileTHE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxv i PLA1NFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 4>-Mr OaHUn W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm.m


Mr O a H U n W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm. 1 m la UaMSai i» » la AiMontm." Mmtm.

10111 HOI t BOB

X u i W According to tta«Frlanda' Cv m oi r is Local




Mtee E I M M I Olifftoa O M I ^ , d H | bUi of Dr. Hd Mra. Jeetaa H Oooi.v,af Marth Malatald. H i Haary O UpMMI jMklM, M K l l l l » 4 H>lT I W M W. Jeaklae, of Brooklyn,

ib* Frtaada- M M U H B M « a* w u .obaag >*•>•• U f l H l k l third wad-dlag ever performed la Ibal balldlBg•taoa ft wee 1111I1H la 1777 u d IbaBr.i la •"Mif j « n Tba aanmoayi l l perforated according M Iba coelow of UM i r t t i i i i lathery «* Frle-daM< WM Till! 1 m T aaly by tba lava»edlaM (rtMdt aad relatival of lac

oommiltee la appalatad to Kit «affloial wttaaaaaa. Tba oommlitea waeuuaipoaail of Cornelia A. (JaTttt. AnaaRlea Powell, William W. Angell aadWilliam D. William., all af tba looaloaagnfatloa. Tba aarvtoa WM a aim-pi* hat tn preeatve oaa

Tba bridal parly aalarad tba. Meat-lag Hoaaa and took tbalr plaoM ta Ibafroot Tba vowa of matrimony wanreeteed by tba brida ani groom wblabu of the form of aa agvaamBBl bothverbal and wrlttaa. Attar noltlagtba words of tba oontraot Iba groomafllied hla aama la taa dooamaat laabaraa of oae oi I be oammlktaa aadWM followed by Iba brtda who alaaplaoad bar aame OB tba paaar. "m-lawlag thla aeremoay a BBBBBI afprayer laetiog almaet aa aaar WM

Tba brida WM aiMadad by bar sta-ler. Miaa A p M M Oaalay. M maidor hoaor Tba brlaaamalaa wan MtaaMarjorle B. Oaalay, bar atuar. andMtaa Kllxaboth Havtlaad, of Bellefoentain, Ohio Tba beet man WM HowardW. JeadUaa, af Brooklyn, brotheltba groom Tba aaban wan WalletK Ooaiay, brother af tba brida, andHoward W. Drake, botb of tbU ally.

Tba bctaVa draaa waa of while peaada enpa trimmed with Dacbaaaa pointBertha, Bba w o n a white talle vailaad carried a bnaiqaat af bridal naataod IIIIM ol Iba valley. Tha maid o*-hoaor won while polal da eepriltrlmmad wttb white rlbboaa aad car-ried while, trUaamald raaaa. whileIhe bttdeeaulda wan M V M af pointda Mprll lM»med with pmk riblaad earrlad ptak Amaria— baaatty

After Iba waddlag aad prayer* at

1MB parpkan IB Rabavt Tnarta'aabop aa Swmatsat atnat and ta

Oole't eeable oa y*M Saeoad atnat,aaa ba daoemed. almordtag la atortaa•naaattag from ladtaaapolU aad Jarr o i t yIt la npartad tba* 11 WM abawa ta

UdlaaapoUa ibal tba ajachtae woaldba atade ta ragtatar far a oartala oaa-

raed by a ratal la BBattag a ballot,maraly by pallia* a little clamp «a

key lswtde of Iba saaablBaT wblobBNld ba doae in a faw mtaat#a Tba

"wwrked," It la aatd,before Iba eyee of, Iba offleial repre

italive of tba oompaay, aad tbaly i B t a , tl la aliened ba coald

oaTar, waa wttb aa "basaal" alaottoaboard U aaald not be doaa.

Tba Janay Olty ioamal aaaMa Ibalie aama dafaot waa dlaaavaiad by aBtats-yaar-old boy in Ualaa Hill, N

Willie riloB. eon Of Mania Filoo.paUtloal leader, waa Iba Bret to die-

ivar tbat tba BOW voting machine•aid ba aaaaipalafred by vwtan. aadbaa tba lad potatad oal M a dafaotai baaa aaaa daring tba paat day orwt> by a aambar of otbar paramm taalaa Hill


1 drlvaa ta tko brtda'a BaanWaawivaM avaaaa wbara a waddlaglaaobaaa WM aarvad prarloaa ta tbaaapartsra of iba btlda H 4 gnmai aaIbalr baaajyaMam. Upoa Utalr ratonIbay will natda la Braaalym.

PatBM. faraa aad Bo war* —-*- tbaparlan ot Iba houaa vary aitraotlTaailboagb aotblag alaboraM WM '•amptad ta Iba way of daearaUoaa.

Tba gnaw la wall kaawa la Wall

witb Iba Irai of Oaaaaaa* * Oaaapur. bracan.

TMi* wan abaat rtUy gaaabi wn»-aat. auay of wbaal wan fro- Brooklya. Palladalpbla, Moanl V a f — V<Ifcta • HI flMiTf Ibaoa pcaaaat wanI n a U T.Tlor It.. Mm R btKly. ti PbUadalpUa: Mr. tad Mrm.Oaotc* a B I M I . Mtaa Altoa BlaakMi u d Mm A. T. railpMI 1 r Miaad M M Tiaiu O. Oarpaaiar. ta-HiaMa Laa>a aad M l - Wakiay. a

Maaat Vataaa S. T.



M u r p h y F a » o r a N *

torlaj Una. on B u U o fPopulation.





' in* Msrpby tava'oat yaatarday aainterview favoring tba boldtag of aoaaatltatlBBBl ooarentiea ta devlee a

•ftrM Clab NMUai Wat Ita BI«bUy MaeUa«a.

Than WM a Urge attaadaaoa at laatllbt'a meettDR of Iba Reform UUb.barlaa Saadfard, a reformed dresk-

ard ot -Newark, WM IB charge, aad baaad Jaaapb Fiabar, a reformed aaioaa

eeper af Kearney, pleaded earneetlya behalf ot temperas**. Mr. Ftabat

o u t aavaral aoloa aad F.A ward Saydar,of Weatflald, played cornet aoloa.

TaBlgbt'a maattag will ba ta obargeF Oaaraa Wbiw. MpariaaaBdaat at

ba OrtttBBdaw Mtaaioa of Jaroay City,aad favorably known in tbla citj ae a

la • ! • • C O I ' I honor of Mlaa Fanny Ooi, Wl

wed'img tafcaa plaoe Oot, SI, Kin[ary WblMB, of Central avenae. gava

llgMfol laBBbaaa tbta aftaraooa.I aaolal faocttoaa la honor of

Mlai On. will ba a diaaar to ba givenby Mm. Lemi K Wartag. of Waat

itb afreet, aa Oca, M aad aaaahiwn by bar aaat. Mra. Oaorae

Wbartaa Bdwarda, ot Fraaklla place.aa Oat. ML

Tba Ooraraar t • la favor of aawSaaatarial IIBM OB a baala of popala-

He tayi Ibla abaald aot iator-•Uh tba holatn* of a coarantloei.

Ho tbtaka npnaauUUoa ta tba ooo-on iboald ba bad frooi oaab

*T. M tbat tba imkllar aaaattMd Dot t* tn a paatUoa to ba amt-

Toaad oa tba ptapaaan ohanga.Tba OOTarnor tavan tba aatabllafa-

iBnt of Aaaaaibly dlatrtota, aad baalao fa<rora tba wipini oot of tba•tilullona] proTidon which prohibit*

al ladalatioft. Tba Oovanar baaot decided whether la bla anaaaaga toba rpaelal aaaatoo tomorrow ba will

advocate action oa any aMMn oaUldoM aobool lawTba Praaidaat aad Spaakar u d

HODM aod Baaata Oaaafjlttaaa oaEducation will oava a awatlag OB tbaaw achool bill today, aad tba Ba-

pablioaa AMrmbljta«o aad Baaaton

itng ta dataraiina OB a lisa ofaction ta ba taUawad at tba apaclal

in wblob willhat day at. noon.


at a meet! ng of iba Wiif Ihe OoBKngBtlaeal

Obarab, tomorrow afternoon, lien•ill 1

tea willMia*.

John Tier, Jr., who waaMBWvad ta Bt. Baraabaa Haapttal In

Newark, entering with an aAioiioaOf tba foot, aadarwaal an operation

aod nporta from tba boaptkal yastailay v a n that tba patient WM doing

Jaba OaAy, of tba loan! trolleyMB. noalvad word tbla b o n l m oi

tba death of bla btatbat JaaMa, UClddlaabaraagb, EnglaBd, laat mooihla WM killed by falling from a aaaf•14 Ba la aarvlvad by Jaam, Mania,

mat aad P. J. Oe4Try aad Hi tMary PBCBBB, tt tbta airy

CHI—laa'a !>••<••Tba B i B l i n at iba Criterion Ola a.

rMam hi ta laajtgBBlM formallyroak, bava aomplMii Maae twwa af maatbly aaaaortpttaa pa

er torn M aa bald darieg tbaaaiTba I n t mt wbiab will ba bald IB tba


wits 1Oharlm V. Mon«tt nwppnmm

BxciUm«nt by Baconaid-ering HU WithdrawaJ


Maael I** •<o Ikaw Tbat • • • Daalra ta Wlik.

I r t w Waa Hat pgaaafjaal bytntariar Mattvaa.

far •oratal baan yi iartay IbaraM n a i Mppnaaad ajtnltaMaat la

polliloal cirolee as tbla city baoaaaaObarlaa L. Mo Bet I, tba avowod oaadi-

fat Iba Daaaaoraita aomlaMtoobad wltbdrawa

Tba aaaoaaaamaatbraagbt dlaaiay ta tba raakt 9t tba

WUIIIM and P i a u i a H , who raadIba action a political atora of COB-

ideiabla dapeb. AD ktada of leaaooe

hoaa Inteieated thinking tbat It WMba raaali of Kaaa toBaaaoa. And

attar II bad baaa brought homer. Moflett that bla H M I I I for

withdrawal oaaild aot bet be micas-eretood, and tbat Iba mlrandantud->g wonld da btm lattleg injnry, oamai« flD*l atatamaal from Mi. Moftettmaeif tbal ba woald nooaatdar hta

a if tendered alas.Ir. Moffatt wltbaraw baoaoaa ta

bad daotdad to astejpd bli law i-mi-by opening a Haw York offloa.waa AOtlBg froaa purely persona)aa*. At a ooaaldaraUa aajf-aaerl-Mr. Moflatl anoonnced at Boon

bal ba woald ataad by bU orlglaal

Plaianeld OOBBCU baa baaa ualUd forFriday evening at wblab lima tbapablio and ptopailj owner* ncUat tba upper aad af Bom area* atraatwill ba glvan aa opportaBlty Of etatiojrbetr objection to a dam maintained

near tba 8omaraal atroat roadway byDr. Joitm H OooJey. near Brookaida

.t tart em It la aJlagail tbat tbaii la tba oaaaa of waabiag away

900 worth af top dreealag oa tbairaet atnat roadway which waa

recently pat down by tba Cosset 1.Tba dam, a low oaa, too (Ml Inheight, wae be ill yeara ago to baaattfyDr. Cooler'• grenade.


Itaiiway Campaaj'a OaTsr to i n .Oaerta K. Brtatwl Arrepied.

Tba oaae of Mrs. Oarrla K. Brlalollaiort Iba Ehubeth. Plain laid aad

Oeatral Jareay Railway Oompaay.Bp for trial al Eliaabatb yulir-

day. Baton tba Jary aran oallad,lannT for tba railway oampaay •ob-it ted ao offer of oaab aettleaeeat,

which Cram A. blank, Saq.. ao-oaptad. Tbta la tba aaooad OMO growa* oat of tba accident aa tbe ooram

af Waal Faartb etnat and Madlawama. In the other oaee Mt. Man*

aaoand a verdict tar Mra. BrietolaIra. Searlea aad bar baabaad

for * "

Tbroagh tba Mallard Baal BabataAgency. Oeorg* A.

handeomt mideoce of Iba laterlaa Potter, oa Waat SevaaU•t. aad will aaoo lake iiniliiaBaaaaa la tba preeideal af tblrrii-ao flaaaoa asd 8a«arity Com

paay. at Maw Tort

Trsalata.Edward — rn IIfc. mt •<

tba paaBMBBr of a wbirth to tbiaf which died. Tba thud la bcaltby•aai likely ta live. Tbe oaa

wltboei parallel.

tbat gav*


)rd«r of 8«nrv1oa> tor Induc-tion of Hev. Mr. Z0II0 a»

Putor Har*.





Tba aSaot of Mr. Moffatt'a with-rawal at Ibla etagja of UM politicalke»a wonld b a n baM (Urthog. It•aaU bav* altered tba whole oono-leiioa of tba Kean-Fowler f%M. It

woald bava baaa tllmalrnaa to Ibai of tba BapaMloaa element that

appoaaa Kirk for tba Amenably. Whenraot WM proclaimed si laat night'•itlag of tba Damooratlo Oo%atyimlttaa tbat Moffatt bad givm o p

Bght. Ibe B t a b r n confeeeedbemaalvaa>l aea lo cbooalog bta «oo-

Barvioaa of lBiUllalloB of Bev JohnSbarldaa Zelle ai peator of Iba Orao-

Avenne Preibyttrian Obnrrb,and ol tba ordination to tba mlntatryM Mi aVaagaiiat of Gilbert Lovall,will ba bald In tba church Ibla eve-

Tbta la tba programme: Voluntary ;ymn 804; invocation, Bav. Dr. JobaX Bllaa, farmer paator Oreaoeat AT*-

ana Obarab; eerlptara Inaaon. Rev.awnmti R. Howard, paator of Hope

Memorial Obapal; aatbam, "WboaoDwelleth to tba Shadow of tba MoatHigh," Martin: aermoa, Bev. Dr.Hoary Elliott Mott, moderator; tbe

iititoiione! qaaattoot, tba Modara-or; hymn MS; prayer of laatallatlon,

Bav. ObarlM B. Herring, paator FlntPraabylertaa Ufaarota; charge to thfpeople, Bav. Dr. William R. Blob-

rdi, paator Brick Choreh, Raw Tork |harge to tba paator, Rev.G. Kennedytewell, former paaior Bopa Memorial

Obapal; bymi SOB.Service of ordtnatlon—Prayer of

ordination, Bev. Joeepli O. MoKelvey,paator Of Warren Chapel ; charge toba evaogelint. Bav. Dr. William B.

Kicbardt, paator Briok Obsroh, NewYork; pnyor, Bav. V. D. Tildon,DMtOT Bethel Obapal; hyma SAG;



• a w Tork Editor Talaki EflortaAre BUadlra«tad-Oaly

B»t Air.

If one-half tba aptril angandarad byfaoiiBBBl itrile la tba Plainfleld aao-tioo vt Caion wen OMioaatialad 1B aa

aagbt oa tba Democracy tba localiblloana woald be lavtaatbla. If

tbay want ta aaa Democratic Oandi-fot tba Aaaambiy elected Ibay

•imply bava to carry on I their Ihraalof oattiag tba ticket nominated by tba

«»T«.t io*.-New Tork

OmljTba Saw Bfaaawiofc Home Kawe-ed thii oommant oa tba political

tbw OBBBty: "Unionaald ta feal

tba pioapaoUtbara. Tba troaalaaama .ml aalfctnc and nfaaa to baoa)oled. Tba traakla aowadaya wpalltlaal bolilag ta that tba boltor b yBO place to p . Tbe other iide mightaaa him tor tba time being, bat Ibal

If en ara generally being madeia adhere eloeer lo parly line* thantbay aaad to Taa yaan aga no doabttbe bait of tbe PlalaBalden woald ba

row tttaeariyla tba gar. "—1

a r*reebyte«-l*aCkari


i thirteenth annnal oonvantion olSliaabatfa Distrlot Epworth

will ba held today la theIKI M. E. Chnrch, with morning,•mmeootng at 10 o'clock, afternoon

beginning at 1 :iB aad evening eeaalon,Tbla la tba programme for

.Ing i 10, Song aarvlea, leader.NelaoB A. Miller, of thii olty: 10:10,devotional. Rev. Dr. Daniel Haiieron,Presiding Elder Bliaabelh Dirtriot;

of welcome, Rav.r Flrat H. K. Chnrcb ;

iae, B. V. Fenoc, preatdenlEUsabeih Diitrict Krwortfa Leagne;

tommlttaea; nvlaw olwork by oorieapaadlng aeon,

ary; nporl of traavnnr; report oflanding wnBBitkM; election of

offloeri; naw baataaas, addraaa, "Mom-lag Watob," Bav. « . a Flaming: ad-

Cbiiitian Btawardabtp," Bav.O. 8. Kemble.

Afternoon aeaafoB—Bpworth Laagaadevotional aarrlca, Harry Gw. loader;departmental conference* I Depart-

,ent ot Splritoai Work, led by Or.W. H Morgan, Central M. E. Chnrch.Newark ; <if parlmeol ot world avaaga-

by Rav. W, B. Fleming,Bergen Point bt. B Choreh, Bay-

it of mercy and help,lad by Dr. A. & Kavanagh. Malbo-dtat Bptanopal Boapttal, Brooklyn, H.

Of literary and eocialwork, led by Dr. K. B Dobarty, II

too.. Haw York; Jnniorlad by Mm 8an

Dndley avenoe, Waataald; qt1MB bra; addraaa. '' Literary and flo-

Work." Dr. B R. Dobarty; ad-dreaa. "Many and Belp Work," Dr.a. 8. Kavaaagb ; aalalabad boiineee;'rataraal dalagaMe; Jantor Laag-aa,Hra. Bamaal Barhaae. Sspt. JiLaagaa, Mllaabetb Diiwict BpwortnLauraa ; addreee, "Tba Toagae. ~

H Morgan.Evniag aaamoB— Maato by IbaitarpaajB Olaa Olab; prayer; offer-

tory ; ta lnaj , "Tba Heir Apparent. "Dr. O. P. Bokmaa, St. P . . T . M. V]Cbareb, Maw Tart: hyma ; baaedlc

Maaart.Tba moat largely attended of any of

tba ragalar fall meeting! at Iho 8nn-l>y-aobool leachert of Trinity Ba*ormed Obarab waa tbal of Taeadaya tba 8BBd*y-aoboa! rooaaa. There

« M addlUMMl easM tor graitloattonn tha fact that Iba nporta af oflloarandioated a growth la the nomerloalinagth of tba eohool aad a moat

proaparosi condition generally. Bapar-lBMBdaBt F. E. Bmlin pnatdad at tbameeting.

Tba report of tha manurer, H. B.Gayla, ahowad tbat boglnnta* May 11hero WM a balance oa hand of fllO. •

M. With thla incloded. tba total reoaipta to date amonntad to 9801 n andtbla, wttb already dlabnnad,

ift a balanoe ot f IBS M. Bobtraotingoro tbia Iba amonat otoeaaary talaat oatataadtag obligation!, tba aat

balance to data WM Muioonoad M•8) 60. Than WM a danoll of aoma-thing more than 984 tram tba to Aabary Park, but II WM re-

ted tbal Iba namber of tlokata Killremaining unpaid far WM anfflalent looffeet tha greater part of tbla atno

Mrs. George Banma. treaanrer forie boma department, reported aemberafalp of 140. Sbe aooooncedlat tba amount oollaeted darlag tba

put qoarta* WM 190-61*. af wbl$& M bad bran tarnad over to tbareaaanr ot iba Banday-aohooL

In tba primary department, Mra. 1.M. Tier atatad that then wen 18Sprimary paplU and 54 infant papllawith a total of SB7, Iba oondlttonihe d! part men t baiflg vary naob

arawdad. Oa tbla account, tha ohnrobiBditorlam bad to be need for aion of tba Infant department.Mra. L. & Soboflald, of

Jon (or department, announced that Ihomambenblp had iocreaeed from VT to

la tha main tchool, tha exactonmbar of pnpila WM sot know;

mperintendent, bat ll WM itithai from fear to alx new paplla wanointng tba aoboal every Bsnday.


Froat Btnat, tba well-known golfer.will pnbably ba ebooaa M MM of tba



Vaeta aad ri«i>r« Froa Ke»orU

D i l i PAST SEII1D o u d l w d Hewult* o f t h e T w t n -



The Mabaap of TaaaiCbaagad of He«M»lty—Maaa«ar

Complete Offleial B t i t l t of Caavaaof Vote.

Tba Slate Board of Oanpointed by GOT. Mmrpliy

•ote at the recent ip«olai elaotlonmat at Treoton, yaatarday afternoon,and oanvaaaed tbe r t l i n i OB tbe pro-poeed oonttltntlooai amendment*. Tba

ibow a total vote of At.OOS.Then wen rejected 1,SM balloU.

Tba Tote 1> compiled OB a baata iteight amendment!. All of tbeae weredefeated, the majority agalnal tba

Ipal auendmani, Ibal for a Marale Court of Errors and Appealbeing t,T09.

Tha ameadmant far a reorgaatzaCiooof tba Court of Pardooa WM defeatedby I.MS, and tha oaa relating to tbaippointmest and larma of jndgn to

be appointed In cam tha amendatenlthroagb received ao advataa

vota ot 1,115.Tba followlag table .how. ihe vote

by ooenliee OB tha amendment for anparala court of Krrora aafl

rat. A l

P1aea« IB Soldier.'4MB Mart

ma old aaldlar,morning by Oaaatabte William M.

Pangborn. to tbe Old Soldten' Hoaaawhere ba will ipaad tbe real of btadaym. Mi. Martta* la eaa afkaawa taaHaaiBi of North Plalaieid

BBtU reoantlyt g a n aa tba otty aad borough atnata.

ty-two GramM PUyed bytha LooaJ


Tba record of tbe Alia Olab on tbe)MOtaul diamond for tba aaaaon Jmet

piMid ta Of inleraet and ibowa thatba taam baa doaa good work ibroBjb-

ost. Tba management bad Iba troablamore or leea of being obliged hihanga tba peraooal of tba team tn-

qvaatly and thi* did not alwaya t a nOal eatlifactory However, tba olabbaa glTaa good eihibiiloni In tbawaaty-two gamM plaved. Thii la tbalat of gamei aad aoana, tba aoon M

Alia Olab being drat:May t - B l Mary-lB-8.May S—Star A. 0.—10-11.May 10—Bopa T. M. A.—7-15.May IS—Bopa T. M. A . - i k - lMay aO-A. K.—Waatflald—I a.May SO-P. M. — Brooklyn Field

l a m IKJnne S—Paaraall A. C.-ll-M.Jnaa 19-Madiaon-A. O—Bl.Jane 37-Sootch Flalra-9•«.Jnly 4—A. M.—Scotch Pla,lni~B-7.Jnly 4 -P . M.—Bootoh Plain*-4-6.Jnly li-Bcotob Plaint— u lnnlnga

-6-S.Jaly Sfi-Hopa T. M. A.-18 8.Angnw 1—Waatflald—0-4.AUROII 8—Bt. Mary—1-5.Angnat B>—Bt. Mary-B-3.Baptcmbar7—A. M.-Scotch Plaina

September 7—P. M.-Scotch Plaint-4-It.Ueptambai la—Weetfleld—A 4.September if—Waatflald—1-10.September BS—St. Mary—14.October I ilnoanh Plalne—1-8.Balm will ba found tba batting and

Beld average* of tba varloaa play enaa farnlabad by Henry a Brooe, offl-olal aoonr:

Fielding average.a Portion Q I I D H P. a

Barak 9b 1 1.000Day PWylia c-ibOatboart IbBawW

IfKriedborg If«f


rer H-rf-lb IfimlBf ar Kb-m

Worthlay Sbib V

Hoble Sb

The Constitutionalist.

Page 2: VOL. xxxv i 10111 HO pnim •GINTSI wits 1 IJipi fileTHE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxv i PLA1NFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 4>-Mr OaHUn W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm.m

LIFE SAVING SERVICE' . / j rQaatl Warfc DMM bv Uacte S u i ' t

tia# GBAT*.

CMIIIGJPSTRTt W 0att*4 Sutrs Lead* AU Otfcar

.:« ia U.

A teatnr* of tk# aaral

la h* th* aettv* <nop*raUoa irf i h . lifeaavlag *t*<loaa la patrotllag th* *w-dr* aaaat Ita* from Caps Cod to Eaat-aort, M* . oa th* too out for the ap-proach of aa en*ay a ahlp or ships.Thi eoaditloas ara lo ba as naarlr aa

- aoastfele thoa* which woald a-»va!l laaas* of arraal war It Is far th* i.-r-BOB* of drill. m> thai In <M* at con :nwith a foreign Ir* tb* d«f«a— of tb*aatlon would b* aa romplau aa poaalM* agnfiat Ih* approach of th* n r a i t .

TW llf* aavlna aervtr* H *4m'.fb\yadapted for this work. for. although ir

a u y aot be «*WMIIT known. <b* • •>•«(ram Mala* lo norida hsa an S^TT-.I— l l a B i m Itee of llf* s»vinc «B.t|o«<i.aad th* shore between atatloas Is pt-troIM four times between aaavt s i ianarfa*. aad. shonld th* weather befoggy. " " patrol to continuedthrove* th* da<r This will enatti* th*Hf* Bavins: service to render tbe narylha asslstanre which to 4*slred with-•at entaling any additional work >ponk, nava that of delecting vaaaels tb* Shore and making repnrt* « • •aaralag Ih" same The tre*rory d«-partwt«nK by whi"-h tn» llf* savingaarvir* Indirect*! aad roatralled. baaMauad Ih* necessary order*. Bad th*Uf* savers, who ars already familiarwith tbe l.lei. hiving rendered mostraluiM* amlf.mnem during the 1st*•Br. sf* r-i<lv 10 enter heartlfy Intoth* plan.

The service: wMrh tbe llf" ssvwra ontfee aVtiaatta and T>.Hn> masts araInn* #fi-t''.i I- -radar "he nitioa. la

t r e w d an.! - • • »d ihtFB th* raa-na

only «!**•-**••• if*r* !• betwe*a tb*work irf the • IBB I'»WM norm th*Bonsi and tba** 'in the treat lake*.Th* •"jtilt.n »ti! irf all the station* toalmnat Meat M l ""i abnqt the only

to thai I M - . on the great lakea ara

Tfcathing which R

tor certainly baa m y ntfr ea-aacu: h«t It l» doubtfvl wb»tb*r wa eaa•laailm.Mlr«lrr!i~>r( .l;h*r theoneorth* other. Dow fnl ••b»th*r w t r u i oa* la oar «oa:i^ of t\K*rlraaa, Mfh

^ brtalljril ahralriril bj th*

tk#dortrlc« tbaJrpeatlapnpara)toc

• of th* ratf* of Uf* ts

pvrraa la » l»p> *laara »r doing or -r ">'lrr laatrarf oflaamlair to do or mfar. do** not hr*l-Ut* to n > that K la th* AawiiraA andbis Americanism that are primarily r»-fpooan>l* for th* ^o^rlc*. Aod he I*•MM,

W» bar*. t« *ff»rt. a a»«r war of rr-hnman - *:*'T.C* *r.<- tb- human

i»w way si

- • last H la th*Mir rtuht way. ta reality, we probablyoatrfar ta do nrttfarr Tbe natter !• still• a trial.

W&Mhvr "arrltlun" b» hnmacly pos-sible whca poahrd <o lla Int l t l Ilmlta.whelhor It will gTM as mor» out of Iff*•r leaa, is what « • do do rot jet knowand <«nnot »rt t*:i Bat It la th* toa-

p pml>l*iB. and ooe mrelyealllDf for medltatloo and experiment.

Tha auperrlsloti of eT«ry stittvtnd to tbe IKW>-». ssy* Victor Itod-rtson. la Credit Wen • Bulletin.Tb* simplest ti u « s > . the best metb

od of expression Why use a t«Q. peo-aad . : w n . when a [encll

with a rubber on tbe end will tupply ailtmand* better, obeapcr. and *itb lessiborT

af the year, rrma April 10 dartttsf (bo prrfoa of oora s ir l j»-tfon. while those anlha ya«t round Th« p«r «f tb* aer*-lea la unlformir !• '• a month. r*mn-aarailon whlrh i* aot roramvnraral*•rtth Ibe work demanded or tb* rlaaa3t brara. fearieaj men required. With(he B«narai l i m n - In •*-•»• In allatbar dlrw^lona. it i* brntntilBg to b»llnV-uil to wrur» enrcish men to foil*awn tb* »!«ii.-n. It la only by aetkwaf rnaitreM th^l better pay ran be m~rured. Bad rallef (mm that 4lre^tlon larather itnrerm'n

Tahinx the rerord of laat yaar of theH(e «»vinK f n .» wbtrb I* dvrlaradlo be the moat rvmartsbU In It* hl»-tory. so far a* disasters war* roa>larnad aad aid nteniied. It ts raaiinjapparent how valaahl* in 1 Importaatthe work is Pnrtna: laat yMr tnetw•ram Stt * e * « u n w i M apon onr•horaa. Of thefM Htons The total number at aowl* onboard theite wrwked v*oae!a was whunt only It toat. The vata*if th* aklpa laat was HI.12S.nO0. aad•X cmnoaa. t l ?««"*•>. whll* th*af lha Ufa sa i l s* aarvlea. wbtc* ha*•a *aa« a aaefnineaw. la only an«r flJW.wo

Thar* are 170 lUtlost dirlosd «pI B M lha thirteen dlstrMa of tkastrn«> Kumnrr I Kimballpaniri) anprrlnienaent. aadlarsely da* In hla »(Tnrt« that II n hBa ham dwlopad vntll to-day Kla the tneat In tke world Thrs* ofEh* thirteen dt*tiirt> are BRHUkd tlm a t lakaa. and Inrlode U atatlotThe Atlantic rnaat has Hrtt of tl•httrlrta. with \f! of IW rtatloa*.

•a Ihe tntf rcaat I* mmnrlae4 InMilk dUttirt u < ta.l-vle. Hrtt

laaa. ta adtfltkw to the i n HI*BW atatlona *loa« tb* AttaatleK, from Car* FMr aoathva-d to

oad af th* riordla p-nlnaon.•k*rt there »r» M III* u > | a I «a-

, than »re what »r- kl a i n ' of refne* tortfed

a apart, and ta rHa*«* i . _•ran a/tar e*«-r storm. pat

k *a aas If ••»*•«•* haa


• arajaiia

e abonld

a there any goud r why a retailbl* books in

Use ol Chicago's Urgesiwholesaj* bouse* does.

If pencil I* used. teen Ibe book* usedin be of cheaper patter and correspond-igly lass expansive. Therefore. I thinkretail merchant'* tn-oks should be kept

with a hard lead or Indelible pencil.easier, cleaner, u i es leaa UmB.

aad make* the correction of errorsilcher aad eaaler Ink 1* no safeguard

against error* or dlrbonesty. A manfalsify and r-**\ as easily through

mk aa through pencil.Bookkeeping la only memnrnndam

work, anyhow Ms' e It as simple andImn'i waste proflt la

nk It to th* H i leaks that eat np tbeUnnei-»«*«ry labor is a toafc.

•• paper la bnn'.s la tasteful' • ta rh*a-> paper and peactla.boys or s5rU who taa add aad

aabtrart. and m n l cneaoma M M tnul-:b*m how to pot

ta* agure* down so (hey will add np•bow (he movement of tb*

e •hill i . Tnala* u d

O" said a (laJTarT tooklutyoonr man •tasi'lns on a M«r trnckloadot wi'^j IB*'OC• barked wp 'o t fce curt

front of the More at whlrh ibe at IonsFTC to be «e!lw rrd. and a moment laterhadtosM^t^cfrat bl|a»dsolid p m

glob* to a man n«rVlo«la the middle ofth* sidewalk, who roaaed It to a maSteading at tbe Iron Of the More, whfIhe wBtfrwlor* *>re to be piled, aay*the Sew Tork S

And then tbt*e three mm kept th*art the •

a pile

'.a: s

th* whole load had be*ifrom the track and itacked opat the itore door This Is theway In which watermelons are

id In wfelch tary ran he shifted Bgood deal quicker than they mold hehy picking then np Bed rarrjiBfth-tB IB

It Is atrvannna wnrt. and wort thatcall* for sfcltl, too. tossing aad ratehlacwatermelons: but the men thatwattrawlona hsailt* many loadaad gel well srruttomed to the work lath* cpurw of the season, and th«y traaa-fer foad after load without mUhap.

Bat even an expert watermelon «•r atay maff a ball orrastoBally.when, h* does they never stop to anther

It to <,-••• teyoad

Bin*. Importuc* sad rtrajng capacitythan any similar ro pormlloaa In 1"world. Ther arvraa* on* director•very W miles of nwd. In ltTS. whamaa aiVort was mad« to ha** tha rond*hronsht aader tbe aaperristoai of•uu, they a*PT t*d oae director•xsry Hi mile* of road. At that tlm*Ub*t« w«r« U rna s. i w i | t u *> mUsshi Wncth. They hart 4M dlrertora. Itantlettor*. U stnwur!** aad TO *>«ln-

17K. the Preach ro*rramentyrUe tor the beat method ot: IOOL>. n*. thl* prise warf

t;ghi tbe vcrid

pro-i.u'irj lo in pres-

e t improt'ii lonai. To-day, as a con-s u m e * of toe prorr*»* la this ladoe-rj. food* of J«r ifuttrtM are to us allu t u r ' i l i ' matters, aad one of snr-prtolng*.

Now. tb* Cttu ! Hri.ninifTTH othertries la the canning

"Whan w* think of mien U hi aanally ,af ta* trosble th»y raose us; w* ax* notapt t s credit ta* rodeaU with mnch In- |I f T i - said a isjlj at th* sewing

acfordlBK to tka New Tork .•but 1 really b*e an ezpetienca |shows thai th* little craataraai a good bit a Tritium sfteraB. I

had been aasoyer: for r o s e time br afamily of mice MM-fJ lived la th* wnln

m. Tbry rlbblrd- myw my aletp. and when

thsr g n « an b. •»>-». to BO into th*acd aM nv »* M**- ™Jom : d 1 determined to

•x them. I bem<[V a t-*p aad stt it bytbe nil* ta thi tmg Tor • « • nlghU I

a r. f: • thm acvcnl dayswithout tanttMl one. although ,

tb*T w*T# BfJI * * ' - . lor ther kept ~their no(*». »:'b"?-b cot coming I

u d tbe cane of frtSi•old f i r . , year «.re valued at close to*6G.0OO.«X> Ficiirri tba; brtpeak tb*-astn-ea of tbe n ' • •• rv

Tbe Mate (hat :;.r ,.:.,<* the outputf csnnfri goods of BTcatcal value (canned;oods not lncltd',. t meats). 1* CallTor-ila. Maryland l*ads In 'he canning otvegetables, but r,n:for:ii Is ahead tnVull rir.t.'.-i- Tbe value c* th* canned

act of California ror 1%2 was over|13.060.CHY>. 1 TMi '<'< rsirj nf fruit were

elitier. Pean. apricot*, peachescherries aren the prlnclpaj fruits\r Caltfonla ca^aerlcs: berrle*.

Not l i 11q ppercent of shr fml• cBEn-rl. *o Morh "r*»b fnii* b*irr cent>ot. ar»! s r""»> fltaJ prreerred by bnry-ng. Th* toma:o T O P •• becoming verympnrm-i In r«li.'orni«. ted California

Gr»at Britain ha* long been abuyer of the Csilfcrrln canned

. bat nrw demands *r* pouringh» P»riflr »!ate fmiti i>«ir*T borne;lnn. SlbeH*. the Pbuinplnes. and

all if-.'- •••' 'he Parlflf 1*Ttri*i Ktw arat-- • - ' -p.- •!•«• of ttie alcan-

. - . - , • , • , • IT.--T- andranned m C»"f- r-ia

Tel the tmtrr t* tee i B B a l i '• -•."*ITTa BaJtlmor*. *h»-r more ve*etsbleaBad]

r-i" 'ftar It T ' l ' W - r H yT V •<»•-- b r br-h vf ge-i- K mriter In Miryland

f fiir stat**: sud th4air* d tha

tvrf ""t-orabl-fur both'•.'•• am! pacHaa- the Imported)

•nd plnespp'n In the -pHr.r fm

oistera and rraba tn ta*winter. In M»ri Umi as writ as In Call-rornlB the mr>r*d trnnato la an Impor-

ontpnl frc-r.i th* fartnrte* ID addl-

:ki« iitate put op beets, greens la gwa-1. • • • . . - potato's. «•!> rt-rani. ead

pretty nearly everrthlDg edible. Tha

u.aed prod«ct of Mary-s' to over Hl.iiOO.0GO yearly.• e c u c l c f of Tesrtahlca Im a rom-Btivelj rec-it isCastry. It begaa tole Into prominence In I M . fa ron-lte« with I i Kase's Art-tie expe-

dition, when th» ftperlmett was madeoCpnaervircfor the «eyac*r* Sih. meats

id ve*rtab>a. at wpll • * trvlta. Thoseirly m*ibo.'" c e m ve.ry crude to-day.Over •a>.MK< jOt« caci of vegetables aad

frail* ar- handled by the aar.k«ra e*erj_ . The states having th* larsreat

i anmb-r of **«Bbll>bm>^^s and fni-nlsh-, Inc the BT"*t«r part of lh«

ad !liir*>fs. Isetaaa.New J«n*' Ohki. Delaware. Iowa and

the vain* of ih* year.)from sossK-hicg ovar



W*a kr This I -mmtrr.

"1 f o n d that *V trap was all right.bat tb* hole In the wall had been closed

I tha lotlde. I pulled the fflltnr ovt.•»• not <•<• Tnrtr. for It bad been

•MdenUy ptt fb»re to «ay . ard wn*e of bits of pl-»t*r aad rnbbtih. I

kept the hot* m n with the trap closett, bnt r*r* e— !• wa* ailed again.•pented Thl« i-!esr:r?e ont prowss Ovetea and Bve tlmm the tiling was re-

placed.. Ii wan eviifotly the work of th*li*r nonM to pr-Trai her little one»

from pastlnit tbronrh what had prortia fatal tmx* ta ro mssT. Aod I left the

" cloned, for the mice did not comeInto my room arnln."


Tha Aastrntlan common w«alth'iUlegraph aerrlpe is tb* cheapest Inthe world. It la operated entirely bythe government a* part of the, postalsystem, says tb* Review of Rertewa.For city meaaases. which Include ambnrban Brea of a radius of ten mlleabeyond the city limit*, the rat* U

eats for messages of ten wordsand the addreia: for measagea of the

t length to any point within tbe

vary much larger than any Amer-ican state.—the charge 1* IS cents,

bile for similar messages to anyatatlon within the common wealth—andfrom Rock ham pton. to Queensland,

Perth. In West Australia, the dl*nee of wire Is core than 4.500 mlleathe uniform charge I* 24 ctota.It I* calculated, on ibe basis of past:pertPnce. that these rate* will re-

turn a revenue sufficient to pay oper-atlng expenses of every kind. Inrlnd-

the coat of maintenance, and Inaddition Interest on the original e i -

fully IIS <-,.">.<•••"' Australian* send» than iwtce as many messages1 Ufti lines at the lower rate* aa

American* do at the present charges.

The M a t trophy, donated by tharlSemen of the United Btatca to the.

of the world, cotne* back totb* United States by tha prowesa ofo*r soldier shnrpahooten. The crackshots of our army and national guardrecaotl? met the cracks of England.Sovth Africa, Canada and Australia attha rifle ranee ot the English army atStsley. and have returned to this coun-try the victors In on* of the bardestfought contests cf still at rifle shoot-ing evar witnessed.

Whit* tha Palmn trophy has flguredla nevemJ of taeae. International riflecontents bat Itstle U known of It bythe public, the conteet being conaid-ered an army affair in which tbe civ-ilian la but mm Interested.

Tba NatlonaJ Rlfl* Aaaodalton ofmerica waa organised In 1873 bylember* of the army and the national

guard. The following year a challengeleaned to trams from the military

BBTTIOB of other countries, and thechallenge was «c<*pted by a team fromInland. Both team* did aome won-darfal ahootlng. and It waa not uuUltha last shot was fired tbat the win-ner waa known- That last thai waa abull's eye. and bad It been a mlas Ire-land would bavs won. aa It was tbe

re atood &34 point* for Amer-ica, and 9.11 for Ireland.

In 1876 the, riflemen of the army andnational guard. ! • this country <nn-eatvad the Idea of an internaUonaJshooting competition a* a feature of

itennj*] celebration of that year.To encourage teams from other conn-

come to America and partic.i-pate In this memorable competition thePalma trophy was purchased. TheAmerican team won It and the trophy•tared In America. The challenge to


• fc-r« L « . .

-TTlth ill UuU I» publlsbed abont com-fort for the feet and inproif meets madehy men In the rrsmlar trade," said a shoena*xnfar:artr I- Prool lyn. -cctblnghaabeen *ald afcOM m«E who make a ape>-rialty of W W H M iLor* for ertppla*and iftoraMd pri-cai It to cot so longaco thai Ir anr* aln*oat BB lie possibilityf- r a m*n - ••'• s deformrd foot or ashort 1-r -T- ' r . r.KmKfonao*. Weall

r.i-- - ' r •• • • • • , . t:,r-;-*olcd blockswl-h atark t- '• . thai wade a man reelr'n'^i • • ITT-trfoi-sble aa tbangh he*•*<) s w w " "•- if u ' • - i»rv few of

pro*! — pr " • • f-'r»h»n rhoe. a* It tamfled *• '"!- —sAr.hy iae nte of sprlngBand othf- eay'rivaarea. antn they cannil' f a if'.1'—rd fcot look very muchlike any oth'r 'ont. nnleaa It I* a verybad <••• A m n frtth nne Teg two orthree Inch** sbnrrer than tbe other canhave a pair of twrfg nrade no fbat no-

Coatomers In our lertlT.lir line haveaa many pain of thoe* as other men. tacalf, tan an-1 pa-fnt leather, and In nilthe fashlonTibl* shapes, too They haveto pay abont three t ines »s mnrh forthem as ntoi with both feet alike do;that's all Ihe difference."

Dr. Edaard Stanton. a character olokomo. lad., for CO rears, died recent-

ly, aged to years. Years ago Stantontost his practice and fortune, and Itaffected t u mind. SIDC* thea be had

lined himself an ui aad graaa aadhay waa hi* principal diet. He. walkedon all fours In the pastor* of tb* coaoty,farm. gr*clng cooiianily With th* cat-U*. horaM and sheep. He almost toathla power of speech, and of late yearsam coavcramUnn conststed of gatturalBonndi. i aa*mb!lns those of an animalHe died *ndd*nl7 with mouth and stoat-ach alien with graaa. it U thought pola-OBoaa htrha killed him.

ap shearing la now done In thaby a barber cllppar operated by

•. It wur.i by Bk«saa of a. aiexihtaTh* kalrea or shears can be

as rapidly aa tb* gaarlag con-tained la the abaft can be morad. Elee-trtdty. team or a baad craak a u y banand. A trained »or C:ID cna ah«ar asheep every three mlnntea. The recordta M M poamds of wool from ICO sb**pta 15 hoan.

He has leanedtha language ol cais, say* th* SL Loul*foat-Dlspntcb. The vocabulary to ansmall that it La a matter of wonder thatth* world waited so long for aome on* topat It among tba things anyone mayknow. Hera are some of the cat wordsba haa learned:

"Aolto" is a request for food."Allloo" to a requett for water."Laa" expresses a desire for milk."Bl" la a demand for red meat-"Bleeme-b!" means kitty want*

"PUee-bl" 1* mouse meat and to ap-plied to any food which kitty fondlesbefore devouring.

"Meouw." uttered simply, I* a greIng; uttered fiercely and with accenttbe "Me." is an eipresaian of hatred anddefiance.

"Mieuow, row. wow, yelwoyow. Uow,7B-aa-B7Ow" i* tb* yell of defiance Inbattle and ia variously accented toaf the progress of hostilities. "y»-s-s-*-*-a-yow" being the cry of battle madness.

"Tew" signifies that the cat la In dis-tress and needs human aid. It l i ut-tered very softly.

" Psrriere" la a request to open a d"Pun-leu" Is tba l-love-yon of ealtand,

and when uttered with ratling "r" and arise, on the last syllable Is a call from amother to Its kitten.

Some Who Have Been the Heidi afGreat Movemen ta.



tb* world I

10* ) tars iMd Baa sinned a pLosg Beach. CaL. a

tha California papers ara nuking mu

med upon to all comer*,until iy -l that tn*

trophy left the bards of tbe firstwlnnen and passed beyond ourborders.

la that year tbe glove thrown downBT th* American riflemen was coveredby the Canadian!, whose championsproceeded to Sea Girt, N. J., onSeptember 6, and won an excitingmatch by 19 points, the. winning team•coring I,i22. and the trophy defenders

Aa one of tb* conditions underwhich the trophy Is competed for fen-

It obligatory for the following'a competition to be shot In theitry of the bolder*. In 1901 tb*

•halleagera. a British team, under Mai.T. F Freemantie., and anteam, under Brig. Gen Bird

-, proceeded to Ottawa, and oaBaptember U brought off a Duly con-tested competition trader not altogetherIdeal mataorological conditions.

0 B that occasion the British teamwon, and tha trophy was carried to

tbe English Tommy waapermitted to view the result of bisprowaaafoT bat on* year, for tbe Amar-

temtn. captained by Col. Leslie C.Bruoe of the old guard of Boston,erosaed the water thta year, and hire

-ought tha irui by to America again.With reaped to the. trophy itself.

which to fM'.it n«l "after tka style otth* battle Saga of the Roman Legioaa,"at th* suggestion of Gen. Martin Mc-

of the tropby i cm-mine* In 1S7S. it to perhaps more re-

beautlful. Standingtxa ta heigh-, tt.ia

eoff-POiM! of gold,afrrwr. copper, ateel and Iran. Tbe

her Roman norKmmlea». but a cotnb aat on of b->t:r —to OB* foot high. *nd to cR-poa-d ofbajralalMd eoprer whU* the bi- v j . awhich It parchet is of solid iron, c p-par edged, the word -Pn m> (aim stobliterated by > afrrer w e « l ) b ingwrtttMa rn -a't (• rt v »» f - "*»oanaer. a:> rt f.-.m t • irlage. « tith ianf gold, the bhwerBrtj ;,ver. and th* f,: : t n : ~y -s n; / . faolM lira. a*, l-.i'e d. ir : e .a l ,which ho ever b * U cop ter til ta.

"Special trains are becoming so fre-quent now that they attract little at-tention, except tbey make record runsfor long distances or unless there tosome trouble collecting payment forthem," said a veteran railroad man,to a New York Times reporter. "Tenyears ago, when 1 was division super-intendent OD one of tbe big trunklines running out of New York, aipeclal train waa an event that never

failed to get mention In the newspa-pers. Statioumasieri required amplenotice to get one In readme**, andthere was a great deal af fuss makingarrangements along the line. At anyof the big railroad terminal* In anycity now a man can get a apodal en-gine and car to cbase a flier almostas easy as he can check his trunk.Only a few minutes' notice Is re-quired, and right of way Is obtainedfor 100 or ZOO mile* along tbe lln*without noticeably disturbing sched-ule run*. A man wbo baa to keep anImportant business engagement, or awoman hurrying to a sick husband,pays 1100 or double thai sum for aspecial with as little concern aj pay-Ing a supper check ID a swell hotel.We live In a rapid and extravagantage, and grow accustomed to such


er Tell of Gremt L«i« «t Inrnlrr

deep feeling than of giant Intellect Tbe•trang antl-ilavery feeling wlib whichthe book is permeated bad Us growthbegun In early girlhood, when the littleHarriet Beecher sat listening to tbe fiery

inclatlont uttered In the pulpit byher father. The Beechers all along werevery outspoken on thl* question, evenBfter femovlng from their New Englandhome to Cincinnati, dangerously cloae tosouthern territory and aouAern preju-dices. Whilst reriding in Cincinnati.Mn. Stowe frequently visited the EOUtbtnd thus became familiar wttn theiur-ounding* which later were to be BO'ivldly pictured In her book. Her homeiheltered many a fugitive etsve. and ihe>nd her husband aided not a few runa-ways on their escape into Canada. Afterthe reium of the Stowes to New Eng-land, Mn. Stowe. fearing tbe fugitiveilave act mlgbt if ml to tbe spreadingot slavery even to the northern atatea,ind feeling that people did not at all•eallze the horrors of slavery, net to worko attempt a book that would have acme

•mall influence N»liher *he nor berTilly dr-amed what that Influence waabecome, and when the niory waa pub-bed In «Tiai form It did not attract

The eye ia what tbe soul mahes it,and, like a true indicator, it records thecharacter of 1U powesaor. The Irisheye most eloquently bespeaks the char-acter of Ireland's people, says the Cin-cinnati Enquirer.

Deep and blue aa the great wave* of>• ocean, tender and sparkling as the

lovelight of the stars, brave and fearlessaa the heart of steel-clad warrior, peer-less eye* of blue! Tbe undying patriot-Ism of generations, the faith In theirhoi/ religion, and the matchless wit and

or, the bright optimism, which.however daxk tbe clouda may be. can al-ways aee tbe silver lining—all these arebeautifully blended In the azure orbs ofETIB'I children—ideal eye* of blue.

Tbe laugblng eyps of France* daugh-ters are charming Indeed, luminous aretbe midnight orbs of tbe tunny Italianmaiden, mild and bine are those of thellght-browed children of the Rhine,

aoft and aweet the eye of the golden-haired English ramie: but for beautyand depth of meaning there to none Ilkathe true, nonest bio* of the Shamrock

id. -sweet «yea of heaven's own huB."



"Men consider ihemsalvsa th* su-perior to women, aad women, av«a latheir childhood, coincide In tola

i." said a achool teacher, accord-Ing- to Ut* Chicago Tribune. "To aelan of fifty girls and nfty boya, oftt* average of 15 years. I one* potth* question: -Who to your Idealhuman being—th* one yon admir*and love araatT' In reply to tblaquestion about K per cent- of th*

, bora gave me a mala character andn per cant, of tbe girls did the namething.

| "StatiaUca. I understand, have boon' gathered on this matter, and the**prove quite conclusively that boys andgirls alike prefer man to women.

• When girto are under 10, about 44per cent. •* them will, according to 1the statistic*, name women, as theirbeat loved characters, but aa they jgrow older thla minority change*over to the men's aid*.

• 'The character* that are chosen'arc, as n rale, George Washington.William Tall, Napoleon and Shak**

aba. n«w*. - . ' . . a. i . i k o , , .• • » > ish< I •«•!* M < C I H I mm

<•• Are Tjpiral •>(

"Mother" Jones, with her little army ottaxUle workers marching on to appealto the. president In behalf of her par-ticular cause, brings ap before us formsol other women leaders: lander*, how-ever, whose efforts are regarded In quitea different light from those of Quixotic"Mother" Jones. Various names andmovement* deserve mention, but spac*allows a hunied glance at only a few.

At a child, Mrs. Stow* showed remark-able ability aa a scholar, but the mostwidely-known work from her hand."Uncle Tom's Cabin." apeaka rather oC

But ntlyfame; wilhln live year* from pub-Ion. 500.000 copies werr *old In the>d Staet* alone. To-day, critic*onnce "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by no

doenn* the best of Mr*. Stowe's prodnc-i. but It cerUlnly la Ihe book by

which ihe Is known to the world at•raw.

Supan B Anthony, "leader of aause." Is a leader whose name Is aouaehold word at leait in the Unitedimtcu. Mlsa Anthony ban been Intereet-

fd In many reform*—temperance, edo-*tional and tbe treat movement for thebotitlon of Blavpi-y — but ahp Is bestmown Ba tbe champion of "Woman'sRights." TbouRh bom a Quaker. MlmAnthony nns Dten known for A?)CIPS-

iess rather than meekness of spirit.Sbe has declaimed on public platforms,M>tlUon*d leFKOatur**.. edited a papeT,ind written a booV. all forthefurtbeiinl;if ecaal • Ivji rights for women. Thisndefatlgable. lead*r In "ihe emanclpa-

acr-i nation is now compulsory laFrance during the Brat year of life aadre-vaccination during tb* alavaeth aadtweaty-arat yaara.

Jon of women" to still Urine, havingutalnex) the rip* age of 84 years. Thathe. haa seen her came considerably ed-;.• '•'-''. jaone will deny.During tbe Crimean war. Ulsa Flor-

>nce Nightingale exerted her womanly'Derglts to leisen the sufferings entailediy tha! war. and owing lo ber teal aad(ejarleaxnen great reform* were effected

the care of woundfd soldiers. Whengrateful host desired to present herteailmonlal of IJW.000. abr refusedaccept It. but suggested the fund be

• ubscribed to BO institution for the train-ing of nurse*. In our own country, re-(nrinB la the care, of soldiers were es-tablished by Miss Clara Ban on, whosetalents earn* Into active play during th*eh II war. Then when the Franco-Ger-r-.RD war tallM for nurses, she aided tbeRed Croat la Ua work abroad. For herservices she was d*eomt*« - n h Ihegolden cross of Baden and the Iron o w nof Germany. In m i . ah* became p r u -dent of tb* American Rad Cross BodMj.


“Mott*r“ Jon**, with her little army of textile worker* inarching on to appeal to the preelCfBi in behalf of her par- ticular muse. briny* «p before os form* of other women leader*, leader*, how. ever, who** effort* are retarded Id quite a different light from thoee of Quixotic "Mother Jones Various name* end aeoremeate deserve meatloa, but epara allow* a hurried alaace at only a few As a child. Mr* Stowe showed remark- able ability u * erhoUr. but the most wldalj-koowd work from her hand, "t’nele Tom'* Cabin.” apeake rather of

jar*, ana frail? the “Ptlew-bl" la mouee meat and Is ap- plied to any food which kitty fondlaa before devour! a*. Meouw." uttered elm ply. Is a greet- ing. uttered fiercely and with accent on the -Me.” la no cxpreaaion of hntrwd end ~J rowed that •>»* *rap we* *11 right, bat the bole la the well had bee* Hoard from the IneM* I pulled the filing owt. It wae not earr wort. for It had been evidently pt*t *b*re to eta?, ard wae made of bite of pl iter and mbbleh I kept the hole cars with the imp eloee to H. W r'V (•— tt waa filed ageln 1 repeated fb'.s c**r!r« out process flve time* and f ve time* the «ll#g wae rw- plared I» w*e evidently tbe work of the

•red aa army affair la which the d»- lUaa la but MOM Interested The National Rife Asaurtatioa of I ■ erica waa orgaalnad la lf7S by member* of the army and the national guard Tbe following year a challenge waa Issued to tnaaoa from th* military am ilea of other countries, and the challenge wae accepted by a team from

■Parrlere" la a request to open a door. ■ Purview” la tbe l-love-yon of catland. d when uttered with rolling ”r“ sad a • on tbe lam syllable le a call from a 4her to Its kitten CHARTERING SPECIAL TRAINS.

with the lln. Mvtag rendered most rafusble a**'V*oc* during the late war. are ready to eater bearilfy Into The Austral lsa commonwealth's telegraph service la the cheapest In tbe world ll la operated entirely by tbe government aa pert cd the postal system, says th* Review of Reviews. For diy meaaaare. which Include • suburban are* of a radius of ten mtlea beyond the city limits, tbe rate la 12 cents for messages of tea words and the address, for messages of the sam* lenglh to any point within the same state—and the •fates are gener- ally very much larger than any Amer- ican atata—tbe charge le 11 rente, while for similar messages to any station within tbe common wealth—and from Rockhampton, to Queensland, to Penh. In West Australia, tbe dla tan re of wire le more than 4.500 miles —th# anlform charge is 24 cbnta. It Is calculated, on the basis of past experience, that these rates will re- turn n revenue sufficient to pay oper- ating expenses of every kind larlnd- Ing (he met of maintenance, and In addition interest on the original *x-

tban 2,00.1.000 la this country are di- rectly Interested It. tb* canning Indus- try. and the cane «*f frd*.* and t egetable* told every ymr are valued at close to M0.000.0Ot Klattr.a the: bespeak tbs vastaees of the Industry. Th# state that lurrlshts the output rtf canned gric.^i of rr» a tea* value (canned good* not Inelndlcg »»*»•> Is Califor- nla Maryland Irad* lr the canning of vegetables but Pal Horn la Is ahead In fruit eaeelr.g Tbe value rd tbe eaaced product of Call'nrain for lhO* was over t12.MO.OM; | .750.009 case# of fruit were canned, and It was cot considered a good year, either Pears, apricots, peaches and cherries w»re the principal fruits of the Cg!lforr.l« ranfierite. berries, grape* plume. Quine's, currants and other fruits. rv*r.*::luted the smaller quantises put ur Not more than 12 per eert of the fruit grt>vt tn ifornla Is mcn-d. so mark fr-*b fraR b*irr sent oat. a-d a rr*at ••'*1 preserved by bury- ing Tbe tomato crop ts becomlrg very Important In Call.'ornla. and California canned tomato's arv feat rrowlng In fame. Or-at Brl'ala ha* long been a large buyer of the Ca’lforrla canned

deep feeling than of giant Intellect. The strong anti-slavery feeling with which the book le permeated had Its growth begun In surly girlhood, when the little Harriet Beecher ant listening to tbe fiery denunciations uttered In the pulpit by her father. The Beech era all along were very outspoken on thin question, even after femoving from their New Ragland home to Cincinnati, dangerously clone to southern territory and sou#.ern preju- dice# Whilst residing In Cincinnati. Mr* Stow* frequently visited the south and thua became familiar with the sur- rounding* which Inter were lo be no vividly pictured in her book Her home sheltered many a fugitive slave, and she •nd her husband aided not a few runa- way* on th*tr r*< ape Into Canada After the return of tbe Stowes to New Eng- land. Mrs. 8towe. fearing the fugitive •lav# act might lend to the spreading of slavery even to the northern states, and feeling that people did not at all renlfiethe horror* of slavery, set to work to attempt a book that would have some «mnll Influence Neither she nor her family dreamed what that Influence wan *« become, and when the story waa pub- lahed In aerial form It did rot nttrart nuch attention. But presently It grew into fame; within live years from pub- lication. 500.000 copies were sold In tbe United Staeta alone. To-day. critics pronounce “Uncle Tom'* Cabin” by no means the beet of Mr*. Stowe * prodoc- Mona. but It rerlslnly la lb* book by which she la known to Iht world at large. Susan B Anthony, "lender of a •snae." la s leader whose name la a household word at least in th# United Hates. Miss Anthony has been Interest- ed Is many reforms—temperance, edu- cational and the great movement forth# abolition of slavery — but ah# is beet known aa th# champion of “Woman's Rlghta" Though born n Quaker. Miss Anthony h*a been known for aygres- •tveness rather than meekness of spirit Jhe has declaimed on public platforms, vet It Ion ed legislature*, edited a paper. ■ nd written a book, all for the furthering >f equal civil right* for women Thtn Indefatigable leader In “the emanclpa-

triee to come to America and partici- pate la this memorable competition the Palma trophy waa purchased Th* American team won It and tbe trophy staywd In America. The challenge to

there waa a great d«al of fuss making arrangement* along the Une. At any of the big railroad terminals In any city now a man can get a special en- gine and car to cbm* n flier almost ns easy ns be can check bis trunk. Only n few minutes' notice la rw- quired. and right of way le obtained for 100 or 200 miles along the Une without noticeably disturbing sched- ule runa A man who has to keep an Important business engagement, or a woman hurrying to a alck husband, pays 1100 or double that sum for a

there nay good reason *hy a retail rhant should not keep his books in pencil’ One of Chicago * Urgent


The eye la what the soul makes It. and. like a true indicator, it records the character of lla possessor. Tbs Irish eye most eloquently bespeak a lb* char- acter of Ireland * people, says the Cin- cinnati Enquirer. Deep and bins aa tbe great waves of the ocean, tender and sparkling as the love light of the stars brave and fearless as tbe heart of steel-clad warrior, peer- less eye* of bine.' Tbe undying patriot- ism of generatlona the faith In their holy religion, and tbe matcbless wit and humor, the bright optimism, which, however dark the clouds may be. can al- wnye see the silver lining—all these are beautifully blended In the nxurw orbs of Erin * children—Ideal eye* of bine. The laughing eyes of France s daugh- ter* are charming Indeed, luminous are the midnight orbs of tbe many Italian maiden, mild and Mne are (bone of the light-browed children of the Rhine, soft and sweet the eye of the golden- haired English IkMle; but for beauty and depth of meaning there le note like

UBU)a6i»G waters floss. clalty Of and dr!m SCO th vt IMIlty

Page 3: VOL. xxxv i 10111 HO pnim •GINTSI wits 1 IJipi fileTHE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxv i PLA1NFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 4>-Mr OaHUn W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm.m



A mat <WJ of vet**t will be MM.especially IB rb* for* at abort aa<*roata of coloring HHIIH to tba aklrt.II la rbarmlng M B U M ! with w d i lHm at I M and basis •# far.

Compute tolleta of gray fries* arero«4» la bolero faaaJaa, with factngaof moleskin or, ara? aqatrrel. Mrap-

Modistes are •till tryta* masbtnattoaa of dart bin* and p t n , which ancartalaly no toager B*W. I*mr% earthbrown with emerald or einp4r« grwanla a wonderfully effective roubtnatlon-awl Mark wllb awn. top aprleot orgreenish bloe I K O I M U M favored mliMr* of tin- rnoilng season.

Th» new ummn m l n U h are strlk


KB a**t la Paris tar er*a*«a; wrapa.MJ taa* as a rate with ermt»e an*m a lag IIITBUBI ullai if Ifci sam*

fw. Putrtt M M velvet la kiao wwa

of tbe aame shade and l alabed with a eollar of mink which felln stole* down tb* front. That waaMd with a thick creamy waits satinhUny of tb* cloth medele-generallysea* of white or cream-are trimmed

With a mixture of silk and chenilleof tbe same shade and niching*slightly deeper tooe of velvet.

Tjese ruchinga are a avre sign of thei n to the early Victorian sly lea.•j bare a amartnesa all tbelr own.look better on dre^^ea than on man-

bltltle* In the war of combland trimmings. A deep sear brownflecked witb emerald and a slightlylighter lirown wltb touches of oldfiWI and turquoise a n nmi effective.

Ureat attention Is given to Ute yok<band •klrt. aatmlablag varietlre beingworked on tbla -• ii- m* (be nblqnltouafront panel now git-ini plat* to aide•trapping* or perhaps a series, of then*lDt*rar« (in« the symtaVtry of the aklrtall round Hut «nt r>f the real wraithof rbotn- that abounds Inasrge famy one aUnda out•at iumw In the ahspe of on* of theseyoke skirt*, resulted Into a strappingoa either aid* of tbe front finely pipedwltb while Tbi. skirt baa a ratherdoaa little Imlern. Mrs pi*a square effect at the back, completedM full tt,r.-- i.'inrfr length MeMM, beloved of I'aunln, wltb deep kilted la'raffles, tbe wlmle wont orer * fsartnstlac ablrt of while aoft tucked, lawn aiTeaertf* Iser

Tbe Illustration abowH * (ray tallm*d> trimmed with checked rtoth.

Jl'im* I'MOLLBT.


« « . . Arc • _ . • > . r .-* r i lia« I I . H Bafciatd.

In direct rnotraat to tbe threenend bats wbk-h are so nopalar»rH very narrow oblong batsBfaln making tbelr appeannce.

Toques are not ao blgh as It was pn-dw-ted they would be. allpot crown to nvlvsd in tb* ptctar* srr of enormoil a w smart models sre la two or tare*shades *f brown velvet and satin mlied

Tb* most lArongmoas tailxtnr*seen In black beaver hata with a trmlng of lae atlk mile

All hata at rloaery to tbe headBad the small bat or toque may

IOKI nlng.

ntrhlo«a of T*)*et clan allk or paai

Tba all white bat promise* to be aa

A pretty flowered silk maalla labatch, whit* ana green mlstara waatrtaaaMd wtth a heavy flounce of cearasMpare. whk-h lae* fanasd tha aupper pan of tha carnage. Thai

wttb two eoDa of the MB*with lac* BBofi and a c*Uar »f ••*-


For i • time patt a f I ibe

>te. Tbeae abonld b« worn wltbUOJ pada at tbe bark to gtn ronndnem

Ibe *iW. Tbe tendency |a ml] tobortni th« wnt»t at tbe back and to

lenftbea tt In front, aa la Men bj tberomltteace of tbe 1830 roraeta. ThisUlneaa at tbe back I* almost universal-ly becoming.

Tb« plfture abowa • cblffoo gowntrimmed with Irian lace. Tbe doubleklrt la eaoged from tbe walat. Tbe

aa are of talk*.JUDIC CHOIXKT


Tba allk knotted and chenille fringesems to me to bs an admirable 1

mlng Intermingled wit! beautiful furs.aad lace is naed aa mnch aa ever, tb*real for preference, although many ofs* Imitations are quite beautifulTbe kmg shoulder seam la Indlapen

Mble for outdoor garments. Sometime*la arrived at by a big pelerine over


ra*#*h*r The aM Hack aad waltak k a m aa abrpwertfi paiid la aI farortte Th* heat at tftea* arer Wltk aa aM«rdloa platted aklrt.t aad fan, wttb a abort tight IT fit

•Mgtrral M Kip <n ror u i

tUy oa the bead. Bornetimes these skirw are cat plain to the

ind then have a deep flounce.n tanaa to often made with

Malta after tbe faahtoa of a kilt withplain green highland cutaway coat.Without doubt green la gaining a certin amount nf favor.From Paris comes tbe word that

white cloth trimmed with mink and•able to tbe smart thing.

Tbe feather stole and pelerine area more. The fur pelerine will be a

great feature of the winter modes. It• a return to the early Victorian pe-riod.

The cut shnws a ROWU of bine veil-ing wltb • yoke sot! sleeves of Irishlace. Yellow panne la threaded here

there oa the waist and skirt.jrDIC CHOLLaTT.


• A - - 1

Although evening frocks are mostlycomposed of fabrics of the same color.contrast to Introduced by tba variety of

There to no doubt that for practicalpurposes sad for tailor made cloth

w shorter skirts an coming intovogue For dressy and indoor wear theaklrt to kmg and very ton around tbefeat.

Tbe ordinary walking skirt ofMment I* a dlatlnct revival of the old

umbrella shaped, much gored trust that with these shorter

ut hla clleota before aloplag th»m.A »erj p*»tty ptlerl— or neb o eCect

la obtained In auntlea by an invnlonarevnd tba tnonklm of bea*r gvlpareIM edged «• *acft aid* wtth narrow

> their fMt and wear onjj ibe neat*id mxiartrmt foot wear.Pctticaata will be rery amart inde.

and anow a mnlttpllritj of furbelowisuccess or the milliner depend! upon

enrvea sad beauti-ful workmanship. Tbe return to the

or Improved boat shape lanote of tbe antuau

raankwa la bead gear.There are too many of tbe haadMM and dealnble woolen goods tiisaHaii In detail, bat 1 mast awiiall I

word for tbe very roagh surfaced fab-rics, as they will be *n vary at?'Tbe slbeuae and cheviot and alao tarlong haired camel's hair stuffs will he

ilL and these In thedifferent gray*, with a pceferenctb* gray kJSRwn a* gen inetal


much tn Togve. A pret-ty aam> cotorwd apetimea of aartorlal

' aft alwaj iill three deep Sonncea wttbBaaae rarteiy In atmple rrrahtg tot- uttle piped roebca of taffeta A ba-it» la daalnble, aad trlmminga. eat- twera Tba bad a doan cap* collarin and -SCfeaa whereby tbaaa aaaj ' edg»d wttb the BUM rvcUaar aad fln-till farther be Tartod may ha aaada tat »MI «Kb a taffeta belt of a deeperM haan aw « reamaaatt. »«*• Wllb thl. there w»» a hat ofA raallj gaft»jn« CTenlaa; cfc»k willrobably last aereral BBafloa*. but andiganneat to not one that will do datj

aa w»O aa for Indoor w»ar.ngfat nuke wtth a baantl


ret win be without exception the fa-rorlta material for winter modea. Conaaqnently no one can do better than•aa thla lorely material for a wrapcombining warmth, llgbtneaa and con-siderable neaaty. Tbe old stiff mantlevelvet! do not appeal to many of na.They are too banb to drape In tbedaaakal folds demanded In tbe wrapof tbe moment.

Bell aleevea are T*<T pofinlar for k>Dgwrapa. and many are gathered Into awide cuff which h> amply looee to slip

the sfeere of tbe gown and stillprotect tbe wrlats.

A complete frock In brown to per-hapa tbe nnarteat Mwtnm*. A recantmodel bad a round aklrt with about

rows of ganging* below tbe walat.Tbe bloaoe bodice waa alao ganged andfastened on tbe tide wltb acorn bat-

i. It aaowed an inner collar ofb muslin and a allk tie of pink and

black spotted foulard.Ttw picture abows i town of mona-

•ellnc de aole trimmed with medallionsof lace, JUDIC CHOLUTT.

Heaven Bare me from Ibe womanwho nags! There an several types ofbar, bat all types resemble one another

i this respect -none of than minds Its

Who baa not seen, or, rather, beard.tb* querulous whine of tb* womanwho perpetually aika yoa war yondon't do this and why yoa Old do thatTShe miiilaa ovar yoa aa w*u aa aver

wretched self, to afraid youwant jet here In time or that you'llgat there too soon. Sb* fears leat younay take cold; lest—oh, any numberof thing*, and they nil her days. She

» meat annoying, loo, thla wellIng woman. Bbe can whisper.

platted chenille In three abadea ofbrown, with feathers to match. Thla

! was accompanied by * deep stole of'mink.| Light cloth dresses trimmed wttbdark furs are Ideal for the autumn

I and early winter, and tbla combinationI will be much In vTidence.

There la a distinct fancy for oldcorduroy velvets, and In brown and4*ep Ivory abadea they are really krra-

! ly. Although light, they are warm.1 aad tbay may be worn without a coat.

Velvet plain and apotted, will beBMd aa trimming on almost every coa-

| Tba picture shows a gown at atripedvelveteen trimmed with Irlab lace.




>• I Leather and kid Ktrapplnga are againnnd wttb tweed coats and sttrta

Tba new friesea and bopsacks with j w W c h a r t t o w o r D ^ (^ mountain*bright coloring Irregularly powdemd They are a aeceaalty lu a hunting cos-over tba surface are already being used tome acroaa the abonlden of tbe Nor-for early antuma gowna, and wb«n folk Jacket Leather around the aklrt,trimmed with velvet and amall silk•tods or buttons tbe effect la very ele-gant. The trimming moat be of Ibelightest description, a* too macb col-ored velvet to a great mistake. Small

there, a belt a collar_j ll effective, bat abonld

be applied wltb discretion or tbe effectto patchy and amateartah.• la tba new mlitnrea tbe colors arederided, hot ao deftly arranged thatthe effect Is eb-gant and subdued,Ore** will undoubtedly he fashionable,bat ao great popularity for men mate-rials to aatldpated. It will be moregenerally u*ed a* a "relief color andto enre to be a prominent feature ofautumn and winter millinery.

A long straight effect to coospleoooaaklrta. and smart walking

'Yni turn rribs abarply wben tt Isn't your torn i

Tba accordloa plaited aklrt to mostpopular, it hi vary aaTacOva la Magowns of some aoft fabric, chiffon, ofcourse, for preference, though pointraaprtt to also charmliuj treated. In

way. It fanaa ineipenalv* gowaaand taa jackets too.

Although wa shall always wear ssp-irate blouse*, fashion distinctly favora

tb* btoose and skirt which match.Tba aew soft llfht auk* of velvet

will ba tba fabric in ssxt roontb'aasblons. aad tba favorite trtauaUNlrill be aa embroidered collar of tbaipe abape.Tbe peicaoir. wrapper and all aocb

garment* of comfort an cat after tbashape.Ding dreoa recently awn waswhite velvet. The skirt, alight

y full In the hip*, waa otherwise plain

lesa mistakes, and she never, never adin its Hi at ahe Is wrong.

Perhaps tbe most ordinary and annoylng type Is ane who InalsU on asklag you whether you won't have wonf this sad more of that at table, spoil-

ing any attempt at conversation anddriving you almost wild witb her nag-ging politeness.

Then the woman who never sayimuch, but from her attitude leaves yonIn DO doubt that she Is •urrfjing yotthrough a perpetual lorgnette and tha'not one of your fallings will escape beieagle eye. She rslaea an eyebrow oishrugs t shoulder, and that to worsethan a torrent of reproachea.

Tbe worst tyranny la that of taajand the woman who bursts Into per-petual fit! of weeping when things gowrong will soon have Deltber hnshanlnor friends.

But tt Is the gentle "nagger" who Irrttatea me moat so that at times 1would cheerfully bump her gentle beadagainst tbe hard, bard wall. 8be la• Iwajs lugRvstlng Utlnfs In a manaea thousand times more Irritating thaIf abe spoke right UD. "Wouldn't yoirather do this?" "Hadn't you better d<thatT* These are her stock phrasesand. If you will excuse my saying aopeople have been slain for leas.

Wby la it that we nave comparativelyfew men "naKgersr* Answer: Bexmen have too much of Importance tooccupy tbelr time. Wben a man nagsba Is either retired from business or anInvalid.

Women, if you have lime tothen you have time for momv osefuemployment.



A Matlaar K«*aa W k i m r«m Ala* ft.

This scheme to useful In a ibouse where space Is limited.

A medium alsed room has been cho-sen and the walls papered wltb atractive eaiplre pattern, grass green,covered with tiny ngurlngs In dull redThe woodwork la dull green with gok

i skirt whichat taa frrmt

and to quite long st ib«i vtotdag sowae and tbone

I waar bava later

Sons* of tbe smartest millinery mod-els for ordinary wear ar* three cor-nered, mad* of bearer and trimmedwttb cbeux of gald braid, cords andtaaasto Tbe beaver to especially smart

.breads window curtitbe be of Ira. costly mat

of elaborate •sabrold-aatln gowaa. Orients!very calc oa wbtu ar

•ad tbe tiny cap pall-on art and lac* rates.tralliag. deatgas

BTyarv.« white fett bat

JCDIC cnourr.

iled. Thaor they can

iterlal—are greenare of sheer eblns

wattaaa plait* at tbe back. SU, seven ^n,aad nine goces ar* seen oa tb* skirts. , Tb* carpet to la red and giaan. TbaPaaa* cheviot to a new fabric and is fnrnlton tto ampin, mahogany Inlaidalready being parchased rapidly by wltb lighter wood, Tbe nttinga of thetaaa* who ahraya Ilka to be Itat In deak under tbe window an of brua.

Tb» round Uble la dainty aa wall uit aaaws s pewa as w i n DB- aaifwl. for It can be used between

arty aOk aHrrsd MI the waM aad Upa awais for books, etc The chairs a n



TV* tfxrttaa rtal.e* a*sra_ra«

Innumerable folds and plaits. To allappearances tbe bodice and skirt wencut as one. tbe former belnf very sim-ple and outlined with a beautiful de-sign in golden grapes.

mite unexpected attributes will baind lurking In soft (lowered foulards,

colored striped silken canvawa, chineiTii.-d mousse lines and lace ln-

crusted gaoses for tha scarf* whichpromise to be a featun on tbe aeaahl*millinery. Tim decoration to especial-ly used as a drapery and on tba well

•-n white straw panama hat whentbe style and chic are essentially tbownby tbe dainty and deft way tba aearf" rwtoted. draped or tied In a studied,careless bow. Tba same straw com-bines a new Bat crowned, wide, slight-ly upturned brimmed hat, eminentlypractical for tbe country or seasideAnother simple garniture Is embroider-ed lawn or linen stretched tightlyover tbe entire form, which has tbacrown simply encircled bj a band ofcolored leather or auede backled Infront A pltoee of lace or quilled rib-bon adorning s barette at the back Is

effective flnlah, and tills up tb* gapbetween the upturned brim and tba

tlr.The Illustration snows a bride's

dress witb a collarlPas tucked yoke andncbu. JUDIC CHOLLBT.


Tb* new woolen materials abow rath-er big designs. Stripes, cbecka andribs an woven into a coarse ubeiin*surface, and long haired surfaces antbe favorites. Tartans, too, will have avogne.

Terr smart skirt* an made of fawncolored corduroy to be worn wltb asued* coat of the same abade. Suedewill be a prominent note of autumn

t offers unique Opportaas-tim to tbs tailor aad to estnaoely bs>comlng In buck, in brown and tn aoftgray abadaa.

Tuck* an tremeDdoualy tn VQCQC oacoa ts and skirts. Tbe all a round "trat-Unse" aklrt to admirable when ar-ranged wttb line tucks of gradaatadwidths with a short blouse bodice treat-ed In tbe same way. H la always es-sential to bave something at tbe hena*• oa* of these skirts to give a certain

la all aorta of fan-_ a » snrely. if riowtj.

aalnlug popularityTbe ptctan shows a velvet bat trim-

med with a bancb ot feather, aad «



alders Ue beauty. The obi atltl mantle : mmnl OOW11- relrets do not appeal tn many of na platted chenille In three shadeu of They are loo han»h to drape In the brown, with fmthere to match. Thle rtaasPal folds demanded In the wrap waa accompanied by a deep atoie of of the moment mm* Bell at**T«e are eery popular for toag j Light doth dreaeru trimmed with wraps. and many are leathered Into a dark fare are Ideal for tbe autumn wide cuff which la amply looaa to slip I and early winter, and thla combination orer tbe aleere of tbe gown and atlU will bo mocb In endcoce- protect the wrists | There to a distinct fancy foe old A complete frock la brown to per- corduroy retreta. and In brown and ha pa tbe smartest costume. A recoot doop irory ahadea they are really loro modal bad a round akin with about ( jjr. Although light. they are warm, all rowa of gauglnga below tbo waht * and they may bo worn without a cent. Tbe blonae bodice waa alao gauged and I TalraC plain aod spotted. will be ft«o»ed on tbe aide with nreen but- owd aa trim mins on almost erery cow tone It abowad an Inner collar of 1 tame. wash moalln and a allh tie of pink and | Tbo picture sbowa a gown of striped Mark spotted foulard. retTetoeo trimmed with Irish lace. Tb« picture abowa a guwn of now JCDIC CHOLLST.

Quite unexpected attrlhuteu wtll bo ound lurking la soft flowered foulards.


FOR OUTDOOR WEAR. JUD1C CHOLLTT. FRILLS OF FA8HION. SMART MATERIALS. Thla skirt against tbe hard, hard walL She Is always suggesting things la • manner a thousand times more Irritating than If abe -poke right op. Wouldn't you rather do thl.r Hadn’t you better do tbatr These are her stock phrases, and. If you will excuse my aaytng no. people here been slain for lean. Why la It that we hare com pa rati rely t illustration shows a bride's with a collarleaa tucked yoke aod JCDIC CIIOLLBT.



Page 4: VOL. xxxv i 10111 HO pnim •GINTSI wits 1 IJipi fileTHE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxv i PLA1NFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 4>-Mr OaHUn W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm.m


to ta* Martb Plat* Bald High aoboollibrary COIIMIIOB, therai • lot of litM* Oamaglw "o»*» ibo brook."

Tbaak* a** «B* aba W. G. T. U. fartta e-MooaafBl l |ht M W M taa iraat-lac of a llMaa* M a boiilf r )• thatboroofh wb*r* It was abowa taal Ih .appilooiloo *hooia be nfaeee- la ihe

iBtofMM Of Ih

J I M • * " • * - * Mtia a* I B M b* oooao'l*ato araeh wfca wlaa la * * w Y*ri ,»•« b* wool* lib* at ihtr -ocb Mkaow wbotbar ihay a n «om« to *oh j M to* lava* • m t l i rala ( V *t*a«p•Baaier* *b*Ol the** d m loa* daringtb* eomiaa oaapeJin. Jim l» a rvgaLarvales aaaa wb»i l i aewn to tborterBoon af work bai ba I n f f i Iba 1ID«• M I a political spotobaMhlag lleMHaiti i* braagat law qaaailaa.

Aeooidlof M la* report af Saparla-taadoal M I I K K Iba H i * i. Btaklag aMt protl la the shape of taliioa ra-M l l l l fa* allOWtOf chiMrco fromother »aa lot pal (tie* tba baaaft ofPloialaida aioelleal school lyMeaa.•a laa« aa Ibalr praaaBo* aaM sat * • -prt«* *a» rhti'i la ibii elij of thepri*ll*<* of MMadlag tba eeboola. weball*** H la ba oooldedl* to lha adT H U | ' of tba taspayara m ooaitaa*

•IE MilBuilding for Which Appro-

priation of « 1 2 D , 0 0 0 H u


Profaeeor Waller D Boon, af tbaBerth wester* Ualvaraltj, far roar*•a* b**B ttadylag lha leaalag adr.rUalea atadinBii. botb periodical* Bada*i l* aawtaapara. H* baa *aaa taaaa

f; la a far * of

All •»•• ara sare rallyUat tba form of rtlreolMake tba ad eoatna* with li

vlraaatraiPtaoe Iba art a«ar what will ( I ra •

Tba Nawarh Kraal ag Vewe * • * ••aa* "ball plarlift la a eofaoiaatlr r*-llraa rpat, M 4 wiihoat iba laflaaaoaaf llqaor. o u ba ladalgad la as • • • -«ay wllboet bKOnli f • aliiaana toIba pablta." Wuhoat ooaaloertagwhat bMrtag llqaar aja* ba ia ia j i lto bar* oa Iba qaaatlar, Soada* ballpUrlnc la a'BBlaaaea to th- a*a*t m nII la «etria**atal to Ibo proaervatloBaf Iba piopar moral atudlng of a oo*»anally. Tba ObriMtan rallaloapMMhM a high standard of aaoraJ*-I I 4aolaraa that iba Babbatb day otatt

ba kapt boJj. which oan DO* torn daata«haa bolatraaa plaaaat* l i allowabla.Oaa of lha graataat * T I ] I of Saodmrkail pl«jln« koii It la aatlralr orallooaad by lha Bawark Ra«a, la itbarm dora Is laiaianra jaatb la patmiUlat «m™-« to ba play*a1 on Botaay It otai a bad axaaipla for yoaaAaiarioa aa4 la bo I tha foraraaaar tIba Baropaaa Haadar—aomcttalag ob-M i i n l to tba paapla of Ibl* coaatrj.

la ipaaklai adltorlallr af tba dl*N M I M OT«r tha propoallloa ajaaa MIba aTarlb PlaJaSald Board Of Bdaoa-lloaa mHiini M oasaoltAaM boroagb•ad otiy » l i t M i b . pabUo aobool•TMoai la Boaoaraad, Iba Mawuk « * .alai Nawi, «•!• "Tbla waald aaajato ladicau tbal tba oaaaalloaUoaHaiaal to aasMwbat lacraailBg. iat BO aasvtoaa Uaao aar oa tmj aoaaaUa, aa far aa li at praaaai

, t—~ will n. aatta Ibalr BaaleipaJ Istaraota, bal aa

baag M iba poltilctu* pall ibalr oan, aaa aiaka Ibaai agbt tbaro will ba 111

MO ptaapaa* af aaaaolldaUoa. Kat-•mUy M d floocrapalaallr tba two ara•aa, bal paJtilaally th.y ara BBparaaaaby a aorta* brook osd ittll n m i » raaoBgaaiiaai." ThM'a ih« taaa la a

,- MtabolL Had Ibo BapavbaM load._. ara la th* B U M k*pt ihalr baadaVpaT, laoy vasld aa*o raoalvaal ibaf Baaaka af MM Xonb Pl. i . t . ld Oaaa-fffaU. tba PlalaaaM ( ' » . « Oaaar ail, Iba PlalaftfM Honh RaiaaaM; Boara af Trada aad iba tr**i ~»)oTit»I •< UM> W«J1 BMaal>« apd tblaklac aaa-[ f»a af lb» iw* MBBtclpallilc*, pat

Maalorly la* prapany m m Cam•alMallaa la baaaa to ceasa I* la apr*«r«a»tT* a i f i a w i aa4 far taol

- Ptoaaa alooo away of iboat *ba MI M dlaaian* of I I an »»jjtaalag to•aallaa ifc*lr aHaaak*. Tb* ioa«*r tba




at ArllBgtea * * » •

B B I W*al atatb Btroot— Work

aaaoted to aapplaat Ib* MoKaa aot,preparatlaaa for the creation of ooe clibe baaoaomeet htgb aohool boild-laga la Ib* •late will IM reeowedboto. I I wlU ooet ao lea* tbaa 1100,ono aad will ba looattd at in* corneraf Arllagtoo aveaoe aad Weat Ninth

•t I t will a* a bat Idit* whtofawill b u B M l M wall wltb too •aosl-lanl aohool r j iWa ID tbte city Her-bert D. Drake aad Henry O. Morea,Jr., of Bootoa, ate tb* Atpreeeol fh« ooorlroetioo of tbe balld-IB I la delayed on aocooni ot tba BB-•ooMltailoaallly of tbe MsKee *'aioie.

•onso time aeo tb* Ooumoa Oooaoll• B B aa apaeoprlaMaa af *i«6,0«l forIb* parpoaa aod Ibla week Ib* desiga

a* **l*«t*d.

Tb* plaat aad speci float loot•r the H I airactar* which

BB eshlbiiioa at iba Btillaiaa HlgbSchool aoed a sqaar* of 140 faat

rootage aad a depth of IM feet. Allgbl ro»n la ih* water thlriy-twaby iltty faat will light the gym-

BBI ID Ibe baaiment Bad tb* hall*aad Ueoratorlae IB the I n * aad aee-aad stories. Tbo mala porttoa la aboat•f ly- Ira f**t hlfb with a flat roofsarraanded by baa*)1 balBUraaea Tb*

BB* of Dghtlsg la that followed tiU t r a u r , aad la* baa* sohool aaSbortllaa ta ibis country It plaoa* all tb*window* OB oa* aid* of tb* room, ih*window sarfaee of each oloa* rbeing eqoal IO onoSftb Ibe floor a

I B tba baaaaeeat, la addition M tb*provision for heatUi aad Taatllattaa,•bar* ara two large rooms for BUMi.-alaiair, aaoh iwaate n*« by fail«ht feet eqaara, a IIDHIOOBIa blab IB* eatlr* aapply of ealbook* aad aappll** for Iba city Buyb* kapt | twa larg* rilajmnm*. one foitha ili ls aad ibe other far tao ban•Bob tweaty two by Crty-nla* feetwltb provision (or a taaeh caastar be-waaa tb* twa, aa that, alma** laaabea

•ay a* aasattod to in* papils at coat,a* ta Ib* oaatoaa la a*a*t alUaa; alsobicycle roaai Bad laroralory far aaahaei aaal a lara* iTfiBaslam. Tba laaaiI* ptaood ia the *aabM of M M ball*log. ibe floor beisg aaak balow ihittrt of IB* bBWBMMt, aad ia lightedoverboad by a toad cf light from aa

itert** ooort

The grot floor la enter**1 ay tbra*large eatraaora, aaa In float aad twoat tb* aiaaa. There la alao arovlaloafoe iw* smaller eanaaiin or n l la atibo rear for aoe la raee of aitra a**saJ Ib* Ufi of Ib* mala eatraao* I*be hoard moat tot tb* board af eda••iion, wiili Ib* oJark'a office edjeta-Isf Altb* right are tbo omasa af tb*•aperloiraaeat aad tba priaolpal of" school Oa each alt* af la* aaild-

forty-two pBpila. ataktag a aaatlaikpsclty r i n i M tbia Boor.•aia-aaa Ibo iwa wisga af iln

botidiBg la sitaated ib* aadltorIBBI which la ofry by . m y feotraaatag *p • « • M«-i»a aaa a*Vlag a gallery, eat*r*d from tbeMonad •to-T, raaad Ihre* eld** of tbohall. Tb* eombtaod aming caporityof tbo Boor aad gallery la aboot 000.Tb* a*Bg* ba* a aaast-cimlar raeaoiMblad I I with iw* larg* dreamingrooasa oa ttoh aid*. Both tMt floor aodJ>a aeooad floor bar* tavoralorlee for•arh M I which ate furnished with aflood of llgbl treat Iba inert,troad atatrwny* raa from aoofa of theIde entrance ep to tba third

aad ihrlr sitBatlas makea I I alasestipos'able tor both of them to be eal

off la case a Ire ahoald *»rr *cTbe oiala oorrldors on tbis aadOlnwr two floors are apleadidly lightedfrom ihe interior ooart.

OB ihe aaooad floor, oxer ta*atrmaoe aod Ib* ofooea, are

library aad t»o raaltatloa roam*,lag aboal fony fl»* pa pita eaoh.wblcbwill be supplied wltb slldisg. partilloas ao that (be whole H I ba tbrowainto one larg* library room wbra the

Of the work of the atodeia high schooldoae in tbe library,

referaace* aad stady Ing Bp topic*from varto*. aaiborlifea

Tb* plane aa arraagod will giveih* aobool a splendid eqalpmaalfor the beat work according M mnd

line* In sneh asbjaot*. Oathis Boor ara BIBO * • * classroom*with p-;«rn- wardrobe* like IboHoa ih* Irat floor, stating 150 papile, alao a retinas, room for tbi

isien teachers and a hospital 01ergeacy room lor tbo

to SCISBO* and drawlag. and cootainaa ebemloal laboratory aad a pnyilaboratory wltb a lector* roomlw**a that will aeal aboal 100 pupilsaod caa be oatcrad from either room.Tbara are aJeo rooaie for eepplir* andlastramanu and a dark roeai (or aaaia photography A third room ta la-tended for Ba* ia botany, tootgeology aod other Kieaoe* A largaroom on tbe nortbeaat (id* of tbobBildlag will ba darted to tb* drawlag Bad art woe*. fltato* tbe aadtori a m sad Ih* rear tier af elaeareoBMaa each tide raa ap only twa storfe*.tbera ara bat • « * alaaa nnma aa to*Iblrd floor.

Tba plan M so amad* a* tao itaeol•raw* It C M ba BBlarmad. I ret bylalslBg tba wiaa* where they at* BOWooly two atariaa high, which wosld

baUdiag lonniiilTO Una of aobool-roooai oa aaok wlog ; aaa Uor waaUf in l ib Mm* filaaaranan aeatla« aboali » pcptls.

Trlalty Kat

Ibo YaBBg Women'. HIOf Trinity Reformed Obareb, will beb*M I I ibi T a . r. * , Taaaaa* •»•-alag, Oclokir » . Th* enter! si n*>entwill eaaalal of a dramatic readier, byM I M H I B B I * Maraball Smith, wbe i*well kaowB bar*. &Be will be

la tp r ln rmrtj.t. aad lira. John HlaoO* la B pin M M aaiprtai at ib»lr

boaM la WrM filitb Mroat, Sataraa*t. by a,bat twrntj I M *f I hair

Irl.nd. frooa M M 8a«*«tb Day BaptiatObarch Tb* artalag waa tpaai la a

• » . aad I K W. B. " • • • < • ! ofIfr^. M. T . ara gaaata af M. aad

• J. P. M i l , at Waal fifth


O U H In for Good Share oftb* Amount. It i» Said.



Aceaaat *f taa Bl.thxl* H* WoajM

Tb* threatened strike aa Iba llaaaOf th* Pabllc I n MSI Oorporattoa,which iiatrala tbo Piaitifleld StreetRailway Company, ooat that BBBIBJfJC.OOO, aay* Iba Newark K**B

re. Ooa of Ib* largest Item*t a i l * ' It la aatd. waa paid to

JaaM* Faruy. aba well kaawB atrik<

Farley BBS fallatrtk* breaker u d It l i mid haemployed a* B last I H I M I by ta* Pab-lio awrrto* Oorpnratioo wbinoompaB* waa aaafjoatad by a tie np.Dnrlag a •Irik* ba take* foil cbargeof ib* Uaas.

H* oraaafd tb* Knke-braakisc ia-daatrj. B* aa w that tbo road mast baoperated, aad aa disUaotly dlfforoBl

B from lit ordinary s»r*lce. Tb*oparatora maat b* armed tbaaualeeiaad ba protaeaaa Hy forcea. Farle]

id mu l i i l law relm.

Bad a atiik* aeaarnd oa Ib* pnblloSarrio* Oorparattaa'a systaai a fa'woaka ago aad aay atfaapt mad* I

np traffic, Farley woald bar* be-a preaideol. general maBSge

tnpenntenJcDl — ararytblBg for tlIBM being Preside*)! Mo Carter him

self weroM aaad Varlay'iberora ba ooald raa oat a ear. fat la*would have arranged tb* aobadnla to•nil blmealf, aod directed all Ib* time

When taora la a psrticelarly BBstyJob to perform thla man doe* 1* him

If a oar is Io be taken through Imob Farley beeomet tbo motormao.Ia Richmond mat aammar. darlsg th*

n ef tha troaUos there, be raa •ear IBroagh »oU*n of bricks, rockana bolUta He rewired a abot la tb*•boat la taaf Hot

Whaa a a«rlk* was tbr*at*fl*d onIB* New York *i*vat*d lia*e, amonth* ago, Farley had 1.900 men to-gether inaide of K boars, all railroad

, ready to tak* tba plaos*Nrikar. tb* moment tb* Jobs «•mpty.

Ia Ibo eight yaara b* baa boaaib* bailaaa* he has dealt wltb tb* Mgstrike* la WaMrbsry, Soraatoa,Laala. Pro*id*ae*, Boston and New

aWa*.Parlay ll*ao la Plattsbnrg aad own*

a farm la Ib* Adirondack*, which itla his pltasor* to ealtlvat*. He bas

0 money breaking- strike*, aad bismissloo* bava made him i

mat of mild addraas, aot tbo sort offollow one would imagine la tb* thickif a fray. Bot b* Iwa aa iron will aadndomitahla eaergy, aod. It Is said, •

iradia agalat the labor BBIOBB.



Major W. D. W. Millar a M «

BB. a o.pnpUs of tb* Hlgb School Monday

BlB( Bad r»i*trd to tbem incident*of bla ixperleno* ta Urn Olril War.chleflj connected with tbe battle ofPair Oak* on Jon* 1, IMS. Tboogb

thronfb Ibe U D , be still led tb*adTaaoa of bla traopa, antil, after lw<

BJfl bad BOOB abot aaderhim, a secsbot aa abafarad bla arm tba* b

was nbligad to rallaqaub oommandBa also rtferred to hi* work IB toaad-lna aad sapsartlag tba Uaooia Memorial Uni.errtry at OamBBrlaad Gap,

a. Omm. Howejd spake simply,a bBmoroaaly, bat always with

deep feeling.iBSM OBBDOn aerriog With Oen

Howard la ta* battle ware Limtenant,afterward* Major. W. D. W. Miller,of tbia aU> ; Col. B rook a, now MajorOoBTBl. aad UaatoaaBt Miles, re-

IT retired a* I la*l*naal flmsrslOf ta* many giaualt wbo ••aneaarl

B M < of armla* ia UN O I T U Wat,GOB. Bawazd aad G H . Saoawm areih* oaly aai

of Mlaa Kdllb CUpp, wboae

will Iabrr of brrSalarday at

MM BOBHOf Him Theodore MarrwV ofHyrtM avaaao. Oorota ware laid for

Tb* prerallla* OOBBTO of M M

SCHEME OF GO. KPlan to Parmit Mamber* to

Pnefio* During; the Wintar Months.



Taa Meeabera Proawrlac ta Bold

( ader Whtrh Compaay

Thai a !sa members af Oocapeay E aboaf tb*

BdrlaBbility of InatalllBg aa ladoorm la tbolr temporary armory i '

tb* SchepfliB bolldlag oa West ProelstreeL fjsmi dlaaatufaMloa baa been

leed la tbe past by tbo fact that tb<• paay ha* not bad tb* mesas foiItar practice a* Bave many of tbi

rival oompaalaa IB tb* Seooad B*g1went. IB aaailMoa ta this, nmil rroaatly. tba mem her* ha*e been obligadta aaa old rifle, which ha»e been abiBdraao* to Ib* be*i ponlbt* work.

Ia splto of lb*a* dlsadraataias Compaay K ha* lararlshly was a blglplace la tbo regimoBl, Its record last

mar being th* best la *rmant aad very nearly tba beatState. Wltb faoilltJe* for winter practice aad tb* Improred Erag rifle* th*war* leaned last Monday farther bonan woald s**m eaty. Tha matter txlaatalllng a range will ba fornalljooosidarad at tbe nest meeting of the

It la also aBOOBBiwd that CompanyE 1* reoalTlflf blda for tbe oontraet alaylsg a naw floor la th* armory forpurpose* of daBalag which will b* afaarare of tb* eoolal Ufa of Ifa* clobdaring tbe oomlni winter.


All-ef-Hoacr la Plaeatway TOWB-ablp Schoola for September

The** ara tba meritorloo* pnpiliM PiscaUiraT towmhip pabllo

schools darta* Ih* month or Septem-

of whom has been absentbudy:

Market School-High Softooldeportment: Lillian M. Basting, MarySeylor. Jamea R Harris. Beatrio*

on. John S LlBdaberry, LilliaBHarris | grammar drpartm.

Hand Rnpell. Bertha U Helaoa, EdnaBardlek. Ooorge Oortell, Hilda Jia*a, Jnlla Kerwln. Jobs BobeBOk,Pan.Ua* Ward. Aaaa Wlnkler, Emma

; latermedlat* d»p«:I«!aon. Ostberlne Eerwin,

•e Bardlek, Annie Wlngeas, Eihelsap, Raasal Bardlek, Kdwia JobiKmile Nelaoa. Miobael Kerwi

Beanie VoBMiBd*a,Ubarlea LorantsnAntonio BsrooBC, Mildred Msekar,Dorothy Richard*, Clara Bohosnp,Helen Bobomp, Anthony Oerefloe,

Bnrdlo*. Oeorgo NeUoo.Meeker, John Richard.. MaxwellRlehards. Willie Sobwoersr, Herlwti

sb'woerer. Robtrt Sofawoerer.Pierce School—U ram mar deport'eat: Balpb Parker. Holland Be*thsm.

Klale MoOnllogb, Hattie Smttb,Oonover, Anna Met

Isaballa Olsvs*. Ads Brokaw. Ellaa-belb Cook-. OhriaHn* Sean. Bral.Ollaa. Benj. Harria, Frank Moreoraft.John BobriBg, Emll Togal. DaBlelWhltlock, Barry Gobi*; primary da-part r oat: Onaala Bragger, Millieatoraorsn, Nellie OiddL.Graoe Smith,

a, AbUa Olerer. WillieVog*l. JosspBiBO Baker, Anna Giles,Oladr* Hoadrlok, Lanra Smith,Bopbla Vogei, Ada Sofleld.Oarl Oralg,

lerbart Myara. Hareattb Hycra. 'Soatb Plslnfleld 8cboa!-Grammer

department: Mabel Arrawamith, Jen-ale Bob], May Bohl, Joel* Geary,Handa Harris, Marfavrit* MoDonongb, Orao* Norman. Mary Phillip*.Margaret A. Smith. Fred Puff. An-

McDoDooirh. John McDOBongb.Josspb Miller: intermediate depart-

ft McDononsb, |Airowamlth. Winnie Ha**rd. DeliaBarerd. Marjortt Oobberley, Llssie

Mlobaal Savord. EdithAyora. Jobs BoUloy, AUaa Morgaa,Elmer Riddle. Daaay Sofleld, John

iHer: primary department: FrankPhillip*. Norman Major. TbocaajGage, Endle IHIIIIBIB. Mary MODOB

i«h, Mar Barlow, Masd Margaa,O*rtrede KeloBa, Annie Bohl, OladysThorn*. Jails Blebards. Iraaa Miller,

II* Riddle. Annie Reilley. Lljil-Magaln. Clifford Brown. Nettie Har-

RaadolpbTlll* Bobool—Berths Yaa-Nnia, Elmer BoboBok, Raaaall Sobcnck.

oria DBBB, Mabel TaaVato, EdithT u N i l i . May Boaoaek, Nellie MU-Urd. BdlMi Oilea. J-nsle DBBB,Mvrta DBBB.

lBB Bobool—Helea BoaMa*. EllaBabaaek. A BOB Schaaab. Agaoa J*g*ra.Bath rataiaiBi. Lealt* Uaadolpa, Miltoo Raaootpa, Elatoa Baadolpa.

Mapl* Or*** — Aamlia Rettoeh.

I>. taM tallraal .f

m, «nd £lianivbt,wrek-daj(.n io«, I j M • D . 6 w u d uMp m.

Worn aUat K m j n ' i i - 7 10 • m, 1! m «nd 6 mp m v*ck-4ajra.

-lOO, «M, T 10. •Oa.faM.tlR,


fnB JlKMIntO Tit MOnODTI JD* Ot, u 40 • •>, 4 m p n waek-daya.

r O i r U H O U T U MOHKOCTB JCHLTIO* —• 0(1110 > a , I I I P B week-daj* Bund«7»,

A. VtOLFF.Manufacturer of

CIGARS.And dealer In ail kinds of Smokingand Chewing Tobacco, and smokerrarticlaa, has removed from 261 TVe*tFront street, to South side ot SomerOM a: re*t. flrat door from Front street,and eoiiclto the patronage of hi*MBDd* and the pabllo generally.


O«ner«) Auctioneer

Saloa of Personal Property solicitedP. O. Box 133, Uuneilen, N J., or ad

of CooitltutionaJlat

AGENTS WANTED.n OF T. • I WITT T U H U I , by hia to*,KW. FRANK DKWITT TALMAGE a>d e a » cdUon of CBriaUu Herald. o»ly book

*ew j*r«cy Central.

Fo, rMUifil^'lgnbinind TTIIII.M^IHH


" 3 •"•£"•»? ta t * •••• «••••'•

Uhlgb Valley kailruad.Tims Table :a BVeet aUr IT. 1KB.

LEA * s aoTjrm F L A I M I I B L D , «*. j .

Hi: a-B-dallr <eioapt aandarl looaJ to MancM

>:ittn.."m. dall» for Kaston, Wllkes-Barr*.mediate station., CODDI cia at Depew

^JBDOUOB tor Niagara rail, and Su.p*V

'x°p. m, dally local for Vumn, tFaaok

i-M p. B. dailj (except Bandar) "Wu«*»-

bnle train to Wl'hea. OTT*. Tbroucb ParlorPar rla D. k H. B. K ta Bora• ton and Oar-

kll p. m. dailj (eioept Bnndar) local Io: I H -

*M p. m. l a i i j solid reatibale train toBaflalo, Toronto and Obtooaro an* BrtneJ-

-ie*pt Hoebaater

Arrlral u4 9»t*n,r* *f Hall*fFLAIMWIMLD P




Tha riaal Matrhea for the I up.

Tao Baaalt* of th*

The flnal matches for both the men'sand women's lannls champion shipswar* played Bstnrday aftarnoon, aliasWbiton and H. D. Bnlklsy bsiag tb*winners. For Ihe women's ohamplon-blp tb* winners of Ib* foor pre-imioary toarn«n)*nt. played daring

snmmar war* drawn against eaeboth.r. MIm Mary S. Whlton boatMiss Sarah B. Bobnyler by dafanlt.MIm Elsie Bark* beat Mlaa Halea F.BaahaaU, t-fl, fi-t, fl-s. Ia tba lealmstob Miss Vfblton beat MIm Bsrka,« 0. S-4, Ifaas winning tb* Melllokcap. Tb* oorresponding oop last year

'a* won by Mlaa Sobaylsr.For tba men's championship, H. D.

Balkley woo tbe dab oop by beatingAlbert D. Bears, « a, fl-i, 11 ». Tb*challenge cap play*d for dnrlcj throe

loos seasons baoaaa* last year tbo•erty of Kanaetb Balkley, wboi won Iba championship.


Woolston & Buckle,PAINTERS.

Wall Paper.. Painter.'

141-146 North

Th* Ootober B*d Book oontatoafoartoea atoilaa sad *omx ilaiy illna-rattoas, la eolor palatlag and other-

wla*. wltb BB laoreaaa in tbe onmbtrof page* of readtag matter to make aooffsriag area more rnlicina than ber*-tofore. Tbta la tbo slztb nambar oftbo magawno, uAiag its first VOIBSM

wltb aiaal-proveaMBlKrery atory >• B roadabl* ooe,

»od l lv nutter ta f^itber dall nordoabtfal in ebaraeter. Tba atoriee areof great »arle(T. SO tbal nad*ra of all

wlU Bad aoBsatbloc to appeal io

"m*Io«ANIA Re»dir>8 System "*w Control.

The Constitutionalist

»»•«• With faellltloo for W la tor pro* Ilea and tbo l«pror*<1 Ins rlfloo that voro Imid IBM Moo day farther boo- •n woo Id ma *a%y Tho oiiur of laotalllag a roogo will bo formally 000 aid# rod at tbo aril moot lag of tho ,?rrr’--wr?'--,.v w/.M Lehlgti V alley kallroad.

Ducnmo* of iiuno* »«•»«« ■CRTS Of MW SCHOOIMOUSE

OB oablbilMB as tbo Sttllaoa Hlgb ■ebaol aood a aqaaro of ItO foot frootage aad a doptb of IM fool A light roart la tho oootrr thirty too by atity foot will light tbo gya

CIGARS, a< woomd'i uooli ahunpioaahlpa ,«r* pUjad fltlifdar alunoca. Rlfl rblM h« u. o. Bnlklaj b*,of IM

pur« aim,


Woolston & Buckle, PAINTERS.

Page 5: VOL. xxxv i 10111 HO pnim •GINTSI wits 1 IJipi fileTHE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxv i PLA1NFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 4>-Mr OaHUn W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm.m


ran MMmil

Pl*ioflald Champion* Shut

Out T hair OppOMBte la




• thai Mt ky Ikep of Pla-aleM. Bataraay art.rK M , <M the WeatBald |WMfc Tb*

Th. St. M M ; rootere MMIJ waatwIM «kN BaMa eropni Iba robberla IM third Inalaa wilb tb* fret I M laat •< Ua atcoad I n l i i , HanH*r Daaeaaa Mtid«l U*B Mac forU N aad JMk Harke, WastftalcVa rag-alar caMbar, wbo WM injured mio*a]j to a ball •am* laat waak, WMsailed oa th* (Uld aad pt.Mated wltka haadxHa* boai|u*i of Dowan fraaaIba KalajBta of (WtMtai. of PUialaid. UtrrM Ktolf ajaj* tlM pN-MBtMiM •pooch Bark» WM loadljobaaro* hy ail pnaMt, u l raxpoadodwith a fa* IMlat naaarta.

la lti« Mmlk 1»nlaa with t«o neaON ha***, Boft iu aoiaahad K I a two-baa* hit •••<••* Ib* fraoa, aeaiiBgPlaak aod MoOvtaatok. atala tbo vta-Illaf rooter* waat wild with delight

PlMk. of 1b* Philadelphia AihUti-•. 414 tbo twlrtlag for th* Plata••Id obMBptou. Ha ptaohad. a *****game, allowing bat tomt enatMrlngbite aad Mftklag ml •<*• MM.

"Had" Waller bad poor owiral th*•rat rao of tb* ridioti roaolttai frombli wild threw. Klght bit* war*aMdo off hladollTorr Bad only two



I M TM* Ctty will toe

Tb* iblrd wMfcly meeting mt tbeOatarad Aanllary B«aaaltaaa CommitiM WM bald Baaday afbara —

belldlag BaataaaiI*TU)1*I at Bba eity

Md Maaty WM UBIISBIII Md ilalu• l i la ibla ally aad

other O r a , A aaajstlaa; will ta h«ld'•daeadaT. OaCotar W;

sad la ihi* city. Tbanday svaalag.Oetntar » Tta a>*eliag at SlUabath

b*M aa a «M* ta ta aa-lattr. Tb* oMaaalbkM oa at-

raagamoaM tar tMs meeting eaaafaaharlaa Bawkiaa aad William

Read, at SIlMhMh.• •niioattoa b«s taea ad-ta Iba OoealT Rep»blioa*

oitnmtttee aaaarlBg that body that ttaHapaWtoM) «s*aalaatian I*aay way la oaposUloa to thei BBdi Mka to ba nwoajalied mt

aa Military.

aa4 Waatlald aad tbo oaamlttaa laf* of Ibl* Btaabn It R. D Wood.

chair**** | Cbarlaa Hawkiaa, Walter• H i , of Rabwar. aad Dr. J. C.

Aadaiaoa. of ihn riiy Haat aiaolTIKI will b* bald probably on Taa*-

day or Wadaaoday of ibl* woak.Wllllaai H. Klla* praridad al T*B-rrtaj'i m—Hag Bad Chart** Van

Dyko WM tb* aauniaij pro lam. Tbailm WM atlaadod by alfbl a»sa-

b*nof tat ooaiaiin** aad IBIBM-dlat«lr af**r tba aaarioa a dlaaor WMbold at Walkvr'a bowl oa W»«t 8*ooad*•**•*. Aootbar aiaotlai will b* baldID Kl.Mb.tb aoxt Sanday

LEARN THB BIBLBOawsrai ur i , or

•>H»t«r* Bobjaa* *ff •BT*BOB byK.». Jofca BaaHamiy.

Tta lamentable lark of kaawUdge•1 Bible hletorj thai praralta geaerally *fnnn« tb* people of Ita preasatday WM Ibe them* of aa *loqneat dlaeaarM by Rev. Joba MacMatrsy litta palptt at Ib* Monroe Aveas* H.K Cbarab 8aaday morning. ThisIgBoranoa af avsa tta M M aalieattaou of Bibl* btatorr, Mr. VioMiiray declared, la a aioat utMlil.l>i indiontloa of preaeat day laadanoiae.Haay yoang paopl*. ta aaid, are lawooaveraaat with ire Bible than withttalr Bbarkaap*are Tta pastor annaaaoad that ba la M niTWii. of «h.atady of tta Bible ae Uleraiare la tta•oboola aad collegia of today. Al ttaevening MrvtMa, Ml

thai a a i r B N ara Ilka loaafcsn witha hard shall af narrow****, aaparatlnithem tram pfagraasi **•••• aad breadthaf via*.


byWalMr at. MaOM

awrkad Iho farm*) opaalac of ib*jut' i Saaday-aohaot work la tb*MaaiM Avaaa* N t. Obarob Baa-taj kftaraooa Tb* Sail* Day •••r-otaM »p»Md *itb prar*r by RifJaba HasMairay. Mr. HCIIN, IB bta•apart aiaadaai'* addn**,Ib* work of th* pa*t I N I , *iailn| lba(Iba aehool waa artu laprnapvraa*: a oaaditioai aa aaw, withth* •!*>• all patatl>B lo * br1«hl fatar* Tb*r* WM •IBRIBB by a •avolalqaartrti*. David W Joaam. WalMr M.MOOM, Jaba P TbaatpaM aad J. W.Daab

lataa*tal*a Oaaw*.Tb* MHiiliia al Ib* aaaea of Ib*

laip*rlal Bacial dab SaMrda* •vaalaiWM laraa. Th* aiaal* wa> ararldod

CfeMtM •«h«. At a IM* basr wm-

IIIAuilliary OomalttM Dl»-ea—a PoUdcil C u . u of

Ottr «ad Coanty.

DATX or m u i u n i it as



Poettioa QaaaM P Gla Ib• M Sb

P Ib ib ifp-of tb

IT .a»7 .1714 ISs .as


Mra Fiaanli D*L*e*y Bydo IITI atmaobooa o« Batarday la baas* af I nLasla Ktppto Hyd*. of Tltaarilla.

. TbMt paraoaa w«r* praaaartaajoy th* aortal fasotloa | H n

Loaf Kappfer Hyda. Mr. Daalal T.aa. Mra Howard Tracy. Mra.

KTCM TfMy. I n J po*>ll Mlltoi.Ura. R*>rno BMon, Mr> L O. Tioip-

is. Mr*. Danay Byd*. Hit Powttl,in. Robart HiibnMt aod Mr*,raada DaLamy Hyd*.

Maw lawk, ipnl Sanday with tbefatally af ibetr and*. 0. S Oaoaa-dyk*. of Msnsr avaa**.

Kaabarr, famarty * WaaV

lar ly in th« B u

tlon Of t h * C o m m o n . t y .




BM af telepboaMla tMs olty Is

faat pttalag tta baatnaas OMaasaaityoaaditlMj It WM tafar*

«• weal IBM a Se«l I iBHill•pbooe, Mlatiaaa Bad •leotrio

llgtx ooeapaaiaa M phM* tbair *Front ear***, bstb MM

aad i M , ia laday aaaaa aaalgbUyby ataM wiraa Tbe sama la UM afPark avaaaa, Kortb avaaa* Md Boa-

Tta MdlaaaBi pMsanbM that allWin* IM Ita traaaniiBrioa of tiaotrlcearraM ta alaoM la* sndergrosBd ta a sonata aistlaa. Tba *el«-

a larf* part of(iiitrirt with tla laarr.

ideit* bat aa aaoaaBl af ttaIM of tta distributing pel**, BM>ot baaineaa corner* an overhang

hy eootM of wire*. Tbta coodittooM Parfc BV*-

II lauat tba D—•oraai will held tlMfi

which takaa plae* Ibala tba DaaMoratto Olab'

baadqaartora oa Kaat Baeoad all Mlkai boea m n f by

a« aad Trout ttra North aodivaaaaa, Froal aad Boater***Krooi att*M sad Madlaaa avaaae.Wbere tbl*eoetdlUaa ocean tall bwlld-

•• at* located and ia OBM af a Irsi tta Middle floor* tb* ftreaiM woald

•ad aach dlBlealty la erecting ladder*and valaabla tin* woald ta last.Other olllee have Ignored ttaM condl-

• aatil N B * Mrrlbl* oalaailty ra-Mltad wb«a It WM Ma lala to tskaMtloo Tta lire at Atlantic Oily andIta Wlndaar Hotel Bra are tiamplea.

line of a arter* blow or baavyr or al**t itorm ta thta olty, p*o-i HTM ar* actually «a)«aag*r*d by

failing electric light Wlraa wbloh ar*•trans oo rotten pol*a In SOSM oasss.A mrot CBM I* sited where a Ufa WMiMt la tbla aaaanar. Klectrlc Ugbtwire* oarrjiaf a potential of 8.000rotts ar* carried OS pole* Ibroagbtone of tta main itreeu of tta elty.Tb*M oboald ta plaoad aadargroaad.The loealatloo, taooaalag worn off.allow* tta aleotrfolly to escape to tta

tee, daatagtBg them aad latrM aboala fall at aay time tbrongh-

tta breaking ef a pole or darlag norm Ibay woold be partloalarly daniroaa.

An aiatn pla of tta coo d itt on el MDIof tb* pole, on wblob the electricwin* are oarrlsd WM abawa daring a

at *torm when a pal* IB front ofH O. Baskla'a bom*. We.t Eighth*trr*t, fall to tta groand. carryingaitb It Maa* wlraa charged with highroltagM af alaetrloity. Tta pal*>nv*d to be rotten at tta baM andinSt for nt*. At a recent ni«t>ttng ofita Common Council, II WM reportedthai tbe•tloo on acme of Itawire* In the Cily Park WM worn offand tta eleotrioity eaoap*d dnrlng a•in atorsi, making It danfsroae

parson* to pass la tbal locality liprotabl* that tta inflation i. bad onita wire* la differeol part* Of

iDiijhtlT Bppaanuioa.All ttaM wire* ta Ita bastaaaa dlaiota. It 1* etalBMd, anaald ta plaM.

aadergroond and tta aoaaar tta bet.r. Tta dlstrltatisg poise, instead oflag oa tba oaraara of proaum

•aid, eboaJd b* In Ib.osnur of aqaana aod tta wire*broagbt Uta MM booMS tbroogb tta

Mid that Ibla could ta donevary etaaply by tatt tta tal*pbo»«

tta olSMri* Hunt weMpnalaa. U\j at tta aqoarM la ita IIIHIH—•,ita II wcnld aot evea ta naoeeaary

for Ita ooaipBBy la parebaM a right-of-way taMOM pnblla alley* mo froatatraet ta atreel aa« throitgb UMM, an-d*rgronnd osadnlts wire* oonld b«iBTtd to tta dlsrnbntlng poles.

it ptMMi tba wins of tta I nalara* aer*tce aad tta polio* alarm

hen tb*Oaaa*w*ll ayaW for tbe polio* daaartasoai WM pal ID. ita wire* wars•irnag na4*rgronnd la mat place*.

Itar plaoM they war* rnatraabto wilb

ita wiling of tta I n alarm ayaUaaihron«k "abort clrcmUag" and'greoada," Mnaal by Ita wlna laMatne*. with tta tree* ta wet waattarla aa argVMSal is favor of oader-grcaad conduit* f»r tbl* iaipoTtut

l*d»r|troDBd wiring nj tb* ohaapaat

illBUtffi 10IIII

City ConToctioD Sch»dal«d to

d*y Wight.




iradaoed by Erneit *i ti isiaa. ofThird ward, M th* laat BtaaUBg of ttalocal RapablloBB oonunltta*. Tklitta raaalattoB offered by bin anatabled i tu i son* dlac*Mioa I

WbarsM, O M of Ita oMaibara ofi commute., aotlag M a dolagata,

logslher with ottar Kapobllemna fromolty M tbe last county coavsatloa,

rafaaad la vnta to adopt tbe platformntad at said oaavaallaa, and laair

withdraw from parncipmnp la tbailnatlont made at that eonTaaiioa,

aad wbaraat, saob aotloa oaasad anuncertainty M to Ita pMlllOB thatUna OMBMltlao will lake la Ita oon-lag election ; therrtore, ta It raaolvod,toot Ihi* commlltM dOM herebyheartily endorse Ib* nontoation*aaad* for aaMBblyBSB and corooer at

• aald Oovnty soaventloB. aad doajireby call apoa alb Republican* a*

well M any indfpendfDI voters IB tblailly to loyally rapport aad vote forita BMatBtae ef Mid oonvMtiaa. andwe do further pledge the active rep-port of IhU commute* to Ibe noml-

Ma MBOS at aaid tleae."II U gaastaUy ballavsd that Oity

JndM William N. BmayoB, a 1OT»1MpporMt Of CODire.!in)an Fowlsr aoda elM* frioad of Oily Clerk Jame* T.HMHinaj, i* tta man who relnaedto voM fat th* platform. Bnnyon and

M Mornaoo are both menbtr* ofthe cily oontmlttee sad ware aiao delo-gaMa to tta ooaaty conveatloa. Both



No Oeflaite St*pa Vet Tak*a—I<tac Bplrlt UM Baa*an

With tbe approach of winter a miMt M oa foot among aotne of the

aonety folk to rangantM tta popolFriday Higbt Olnb whloh oonatitatsdoae of Ita leadlag eootel aRairi M lbsOastno laat asasoa. Up to Ita pre

i aothlag BM taa done a* far a*ring* ara osaosmad bat a fewcoamtltM on ontaniaatton, whomoch to make tta olab a aat

las* aaasoa, are aad*avo>la| to r*vlv*rut la tta Baaootatloa for tb* pr»«-

O. Barbart Tajlor. who latrodaosdtbo plan la tbls olty laat aaaaoa, Iremoved M Pblladolpbla. TbosaMVaaBoakarok aald laat wvanlag tbal It

vary probable that a reorganisationwoald ta tBeaWt He aaid tbal BO

anltee bad bssa appolatad M farand that no mwtlnsi bad1 bsaa baldbat that Ibats waa M M talk of re

rganialag for tbl* wtoier. Tta COBi'IINM whiob argaainad the dob laatMwaa WM tiosapMsni of Mn. Daalsi

OIBBB, Misa HaBMagtoa, Mia* EdithGilbert, H w Maad TaBBoakarak,

mm R. TanBoaketck, Erart*Tracy aa4 O. Herbart Taylor. lr*»-Mtsi. It Is poasibls thai M D I of tbo**

laat SMMoa'S committee will b*H I T - * aw ita oomtaittar of rtotuoiiatioa Ihi. year

Joyablo aad Ita OMlao WM Ulsd toIts oapacity. Tba otfMjlMlloa meieach rrida* nl«bt at lbs Oaatno whea•Bob game* M ping poog. baOmiatoc.

iwllas. oBTda, billiard* aad poolwen pUyad. Tta ajsaitarship, II laaaid. wUl ta limited to 100 and aalyPlalnleld people will be ellaible

CASTOR I.ATH KM TH tan Uwrp Mfkl

CI!Eighty-Threw Tear. Old Bawtdent P I I I I I Away at HU




WM lam collector of thl* ally, died larttoday at tba tin an of bla daagbtar.Ita. Andrew Lwra, Ji , oa Lincolnao*. Hi* daath WM d*a to Madd«r

tr.abU which had waakaned blan Mat* llaia. B* bad

lag celebnied hi* atgbty third birth-day laat month Ha wu Tory wall:nown la thl* elly M B promln«al


>BM. Hi. wift, Pboob* Bankin-•oa Jobnaoa, died MTaral yean a*o.

WM OB* of UM Oldaat reildenta Intfala olty and located ban when UM

I WM little more than a TUlaga.i IB BaaMrdoa Cleanly, bo n-

ceited nt. early fdoratiou In Ibaitry aahooli than and when b*

•radaat*d taaghl aohool there forime tlm*. Later ba married andben ba waa abonl thirty yean of agoOT*d to tbl* city.Tb* dead, man WM la charge of the

Spioer * Hnbbard »«w mills, one ofIb* oldeit oODoeraa la tbU olty andBIM of tba Pattibone planing mtlla.He held the** poaltlona for yean u d

WM fleeted oily tax eollaoMr.Thi* pMltloo he held for alxtoaayear* Hi* ncoeMon ate Jamea MarMo, PMtmMttr KllM Bird and FrankSroltb, re«peotlT*ly. U* ra»fa*d hi*oaiticn aboat *ii y«ar* ago.The faneralaarrioM will b* prlTM*.

They will ba bald at the realdeoo* ofhi* danghter, Mr*. Lore, on Liooalnplane, at 3 :S0 o'clock Ibla afternoon.Tn* luUrmeBl will b* to tbo NorthPlalafJeld Oemetery wbere the familyplot la located.



€«• • • • ! rroai Tbla City.Tta Maty F. Baldwin #100,000 will

•a* la Mded aod tb* gapratas UoaHI M natained tb* will a* It atood be-fore attempted alteration*. Corpora-tion Goassel Oralg A. Marab rspn-•eatad Ita will Fonaer Jadge JoaaptiCroe., of EllMtatb, aod William Mglillmao. of tbla dry, lbs appeslBg

ia*l, r«pr—anted Hugh 2. Bald-win, of tbla elty, tba asa of tb* tos-

W, who wlabsd Ib* will ao inter-Bd tbM ha aboald ta eat* ban*-ry. Under tta ooart'a deerM, ibeOcincie* are. In addllloa to Ita

eon, Hsgb Baldwin, Bvs of Mrs. Btld-a OWB relatlvee, Inolading tar sla-

ter and bar annt who had lived withbsr lor many yean. Tbe ooarl dl-

•d that letter* teatameotary ba la-raed to Benn '••• Nllea and William

Wariawerth, tbe eieontora. Mra.Baldwin lived on Park Bveaa*.

Tb* only ground* for oonteat war*ooooernlog lbs effcoi of some altsra-

i appearing ID th* will, whiob theiBoe anowsd wen all la tbs hand-lopt Of Mn. Baldwin and made

after the will bad been regularly aza-ited. Tb* deoree of lbs court e*tab-

lahea tlia will a* originally ezeontad.oue of thle sort It ia aald in ex-

)lanation tbat the law allowa a leata-a cancel a legacy or to cancel a

whole will, but aleratloDi oan bemade only by a codicil or a new will.wltneatsd aa tta law reqnlred tbeoriginal will to be wttneaaed.

and Lodge of tbe Btate Mint(lopt New Rate* Before Any

Chaag* Caa ba Effaetad.Membara of tbe Anotent Order c

United Workmen," nya tta NewarkB>T*alng New*, "continue to dl*Ita action of the n p n m lodge of theorder In adopting optional aaaeaai

• for tbe lnanraooa given to itaabara. At ar*t tb* majority ofnbera anppo**d ttiat ttay would bepalled to pay according to tbe newm M aoon) M tta law waa adopted.

They now nadsratand, however, thtttta grand lodge of lha State In whichthey bold membership muit 8nt adopt

aew rate* before any one will taasked to pay atnoaata different ItboM of tta pnaeat time.

"The only pan of tbe new lawwbloh *PDI Into eSeot Oetobai1908. la that saotloa relating to

oat to be paid by member* saehlib on account of tta snar

gnaraaty fund ta Sa.SOO. Bo fartbi* yaai only eiaht innaimsai banbeen levied, aad tta offlMn fcaviflgnied IbBt with BO • 1 foiHovember aad owe for Daoetntar,there wtll ta Isft after all d«tbolalma bars bsaa paid a baJanosBMBtly Urge to take oan of tb*aaty fma4 oontrlbiitioo* far IhSM two

alba, Thi. will but laenaM ttaI In tta membership.It la alao Ignnd thai tbs averagealfaly conlrlbnlion to Ita guaranty

faad woold ta tntrty-lvo o*ata perMDMt Is Ibta State. ~

• M l ran ooallnaed IB tblStale, aad twelve aaaeeaMsnta

ye**. It la ihooght by many thatIta Mrplna will b* Mffleiaa:month ta tab* eat* of tba Slate'a shareaf tta gaaraaty fasd

Ai la tta OBM of svsry fratsrattywhen a radical ohaag* ii

MO, SOBM Of tta muni1M talk abaat laaviag ita order. TbUffeqneatly followed by a thraat la or-gaoiie a new order Tta A. O. U. Ibla Wato ia now ooofroolcd withthia BBBM ooadltlon Ot affair*. A fewof tta aaeaitaia ar* talking atraaglyOf starttag a new order to oompet*with tta parent organiiatioo. It isaald tbal ttay Bra radMTorlkg to bav*a apsoial acasloa of ita gnad lodgeMiled."

H n O. H. Bnbasafc and her aeai.0 i n Baiink, at Wsst Kigbtb

f Btay la Watok Bi l l , B . L


Hugh Baldwin, of This Olty,Defeated la Attempt to b«

Had* Sol* Beneficiary.




B f J O O T D H l BOLTbey alwaja do iplendidly, and tha00 or 500 Republican majority they

add to tbo connly ticket la lomethmo;we a n all proad of. Whan tha connlof loyal Kepnblloana 1* made tbla fallibe toUl will not be ranch abott ofibe mnal flgnrea — Elisabeth DallyJoarnai.

Easy tor Kean.Then ia itill much talk heard of a

deep-laid plot to retln Unites State*Senator Jonn Sean to privBM life

be espirstioo of hla prevent teila all the more or IF** wild atoriej ofpolitical intrigDing now going on Con

I N U U Fowler and bla faction figurelapionouely, notwithstandingtbs recent nnplea«an[ene** in Union

Oonaly tba Kean force* won nearlyeverything In algbt, clearly abowlogthat in tbait home county SenatorKean bold! tbe whip band ove* theUongrcasmao from tbe Fifth district.

iX with becoming, humility BJMbM a candidate, accordiog to enrrent

imor, bat then it wonld not ta Ifaetthat ooonly did not bav* a caodi

date oo matter what tbe ofHoe to become vacant II Is a little early topredict tbe reaalta, bot it oan aafalyta Mid tbat Senator Kean will startoff with a very comfortable lsadany other Mplnnt who may sntor lbsraoa, yet many a long lead baa been

come In fifteen months' tinFrom tbe Mt Holly Mirror.

MiaaBadlo Line, of Watoboag arenoe. ia TlaitlBg friend. IB New Tork,for a weak.

B. O. Bowara, Jr., of FrankltaPlace. bM left •aatport, Ma., •he ha* b*«a ipudlag MV*I*1 week*.and baa goad for an astaadad triptfaroagb Canada.


M. ULriok, a « d II y e a n .MANMINO—On Wednesday. October 7,

I Emellnf T., wife >f JoeJ D. Man-

FBOBABOO-Oa October 10, ltog, frmatZ. Probaaco. of How Tock olty. at R*w

JOHKBOS-At tb* r**ld*nm of bla dancb-



Sanitary PlumbingBrick «i>d Port. M« F « ™On Flttinx. TIn Roofln(,etc. etc. Etc

I UD prepwwl to dobnMblilBiBMII fl

a^in* bat ( n t

baalPMa. at all ti DIM and (•

b. W. LITTELL,No- IK Mocth Am* Plalnfleld, V. f.


143 NORTH AVE.All the laMrt wtofaibBaata la the tooaorla.



Betweea Front u d Beootid atnet* j

Tinners,PlumbersGas Fitters,

Grates and bricks for all Unas otstoves can be found here at Jobbers'price*. Bring your tinware mendingto us. Tbe best tinner*, the beat•lumbers, and the best paa-flttera IMttlsewtion. We use none but th*very beat of materials, and oar workalways gives satisfaction. Keys otall kinds are made here. Ttmranmade to order. Ranges, brick a&4portable furnaces. Banflary plumbing.


Savings Institution,Of Plainfield, H. J.,

Ia now receiving deposlta wltkinterest, allowed on all itimt froa?<-, to ts,ooo.

J. FKANK Hc»Bisu. Proaident,OM. W. BOCKRLLOW, Vice-Pro*.J. O. POPS, Treasure!,

* Interest from tha

B. OODINGlo,.,

Coun«llor-.l L^«


Livery & Boarding StablesFOURTH er..

between Watchang And P»rk •VenoM.

or month. Telephone aiB,

Wm. A. WoodruffimudLUe


camr Frwt SL uo f art Iron,rumMd.». 1.

BMI EJUK foe Smtt 9 b t a iooe; 10 Kaa oa A M %


Page 6: VOL. xxxv i 10111 HO pnim •GINTSI wits 1 IJipi fileTHE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxv i PLA1NFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 4>-Mr OaHUn W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm.m



Tw *m»iwmsat Union CountyW< O. T. U. at national Con-

vention of

pivomoB LAWC U P MOT T I T 8 B L E C T K D




M to held M CIBCIMMI. M Ikt H -•ami meatlag of UM Uatcai Oeaat*• M M bald IB IU»iM>. Thursday.BwplM IM a*T*t* M m t bare I D aaawfa npiMMMMi fro** the various

IB Ib* OOUtJ Md UM MTM-eeasidered to be ea* of th*

d la y«ras* Mr M* af tbe D M I laiportaat

a * of Ib* OOBTMIIOB was tb* adopHaa of * nMlOiM ofl*r*d toy M nfcut E K*lo»*r. MklaR Oiagrm to1MB ft N«lloo»l dITOro* UW. Thti

•mm, la which all ot Ib* f » m «

Laai ai«bt a laif* part of DM P M Hwaa 4*TOMd to • Medal wblcb serenl •aasbara from dif•teasl pans of tb* aoaaty fa*S racltayttam There m >l*o * pracraaisM of• M t »ad N n n l rtlmaf adareeee*eftsag itw I IM of MMparaoa.

TW FlalaSeJd delsgaate did DO* rstoas homa taat aif hi. bat w*r* eaterIiin 11 by aseaibera of tb* Elisabath

riaa4rrnni silver IOVIBB cop to Oa K,of trill cut, providing Ib* membershnald wlD UM nitntDlt l honors tbla

•OT OD tbe ran*a at Hut Olrt. I*was a doebtfol qa»st Ion u lo wbathertb* Company woald win ewt aa tbe

idltloea for rifle sfaeotleg thla yearW«r« o b u p 4 ooaslderably, i u k l i i | II

b •ran difflcali to attau high

spite ol Ib* tdTttH coodtlioos,Co. K did wia tbe obooclag boaora

Ib* lead of tb* otbeihereby winning tb* lllTir oap offered1 Mr. Fraaeh. l l la Ib* | i i f i lploloa thai Ib* local oompaay laMltlad to * M h pralee far tbla work

•a tba * • • « « did a*)* bare taalrapesla, W. B Martio. witb them• n i l ID* tim* to oaaeb sheas aa b*

FH la Knglaad with tb* P l peaa>. Howaror. tb* beys sbew*4 tba

result of goad traialag aad carafal•


Tb* cap which Co K will reoei**M not b*» aalaatol aa rat, bat

Praaoh will no doabt auk* Iba gifton* worthy of ib* hoaori woa and tb*

nnb4ii will T|*W with much pridein trophy won la ooespetltloo

1 I P . C U . C W S OFFICERSOty and Borough Laddie* At-tend Flramu'i Parade at

JjUatown, Pa. Pi.lan*ld*r» aa M M I M af the




M ••a4r*4 Bad r*rtr-tbr«• • a l l * f Maala aa4 aiitj-roar

•>r«a> Corp. la Ma* — x*w

TW* Plaialridmm at Ib* araaMa'a parad* La AUaaM * , Pa r*i«r»*d bMt waak la aa—BlfMiTilr aiotat coodilioB. Pr*paaattoaa bad baaa aiad* for tb*lajs*at I ttBW'l parad* la blatoryant taa waalbar Baa latarfara*. J b* T*t m •»» aawpaalaa, of from any toffeasa bmadrad aMaibvra aaata,baa** asd H I n a oarpa r*a4y for tb*• a n * bat aalj 1» aaaipaalaa paradatf.•aaa of tba appantta* traa aat aa

Id baft* » | I M wa• M la «barg* af Iba Kllaabatb• f k aad waa aa* of tb* anal mt-Baw*4 of tna •sblblla^of old Urn* liay>alag aatoblaaa Tba a*w atoaaaiat W>* »«w B f i « i * m dapanmviaa*> caaaad fannbla • • • • • • • Tb*aaxbt atoetrlaal diapUy la tba towawaa aud by Uw Plaiaftald «*tofaM* M•a l*« ••*« raaiarkabU tbay bad

at froai tbla «ily ata Mdaay Piaan. fvaaa

b*aaq*ut*ft, Oiaagl PaiHaga OoaipaB* Ma 1; Da*td

lib tbe K.w Tarfc Mam Kartb Plata

mm a-sre • • • • M » Felrla, aad LoafaamMa, Ttom Ib* Wast Kad Hoe*

Farvssaa I. B. Beat**,H Baaaaa aaa Albert

from tbe Warrea Es*ta* <f aed Oblef Jells* i. SlabL

• will ha held la Erie, Pa.•aae tba law passsd by it*

aaaaaaMar* f slag Ibe ailalaiaat agea* wbaefe ehtldiaa eaa be eaiasayad la•aa• Ti Hi | Hlahliahairau la tbU•aaa* a* faartoea jw • * • ! laaseaaart, Uc****ar Merpby turn beea **


Through Gar* B l t t w i i J«r- Third Anneal Horaa ShovTrophy Prior to S*a Girt


- paaaad tbroagb thla oltyTharaday aftoraoaa oa ita way aaraaa

Jaraay an *a* I n * trial trip af aaaw croat Btoto trolley aarrioa froaa

J*ra*y Olty. Tb* aiaiar-waa Mr. Badal hlmaelf, aad aa

_ Mato w t n affielala of tb* vartoaaIrolUy liaa* wbiob the projaetod roato



•fra T. II Taaallaaaa, of tbla city,waa rr-alaetod noaatr praaldaat of tbaDaloa Oaaatr W. O. T. U.. a* thaooaimlloo bald la niaabatb. Thaa*

Iba otbai oOoan oboaaa: Oarra-llag accrataiy, Mn Mania L.

Barlok, of D.n.l l .o | raoordiag aaon-Mra O. M. MaatMr. of Waat

| ttaaaarat. Mr. Mary T. Coi. afOraaiford; baaorary no* praaldaala.Mr*. BoriTaa Btoddard aad Mlaa JaliaA. Barkar.

tb* ataadlag covmlttaaa ar*<: L*glalatloa aad pailooo*. M nI. Taaaltoaoa. af PlalaAald ; rail-

aad aiaa. BMrtormta, flr«n>«», aoldlan.ra Md iwllwamaa. Mra. M. a

Dobblo*. of Plalaflald; Ctarlatlaa olliMa, Mra


tba raoalpla far iba j<BHB.41; dlabaraaaiaala, »!*: M. I*BT-• ( a halaani at 97. IT. Mra. Marrla L.Sawlafe, correspondmf aamilary. n-

partod a total aaaaatorablp of Bll la7atoa aaaa«T- Tb*ibadalad far tba avaa

paatpourd to T i t i d i ; ol*ht, Ootobtr

aa a Drab* U baa*T * MfaM taat Iba Mlddtoan Boardrraabalaara lakalldiag all.100 atldg**•? Aaiaroa* araafc, aa Uarata kiwrd, aad tbw Uiaaaaghtan willto aawaad fraaa UBCOIB to Ba

ik. Aa ihia raad lairalMaOaatral Batiraad II will aalairlial blgbway fraaa Maaala to aaalaaraagb, aad la liax la llkaly


Tbe BMaehasaata served la behalf oftba •mptojN of tha Hotel HMberwoodagainst Tbaasas L. Brawa, tba pro-prtataw. awe b*ld ap peadlsg aba baakrap»"y preaeedtags la which BrowaIs aetitloaer. Tbeee attaobta*ais willbe tbe Ira* coaalderad IB tba oatTb* esaaleyes ar* rsprssaafd by W;

far 0DJ aad «-*• baar w l m l by JaaUaa BaaT for EdwaidP. Myata aad Obartaa Praa k an•aaiaal Ktola la a aaU «• aaak

Wllllaa P.baaa baaarahly '—r^itgii fraai Oa." Mr. ~

af Oa M. af laaiarTllli. aad>)atoad Oa K aat toa« afkar taa


aay City and Oanutonth« Flaa.




H. Balrl Kzalalaa tb* I- I t la Uaiy a Ta*»»*rary

l l la illj ivice batwaaa Oaiadea and J*rs*y CityTb* Oaradeo aad Treataa RailwayOompaay. tbe Treasoa and Hew Braa-iwlek "fasSlia*," tbe Mldolaaaz and

Somerset Street Railway Companyaad tbe Pablle 9*rvloa Oerporatioawill ba the llaaa oror wbiob tba trol-•y aipreaees will raa Tbe heavy

traffic be*w*ea Jane? Olty aaa Can.daa daring tbe .ommer ha* led tbeofficials of tbe varloa* Hoes ta arr u | * far tb* oparattoa of a tfara*ujb

Ibe Bute aad Ibetrial raa af Iba "Aaale H." yee»erday wee far tbe porpoa* of forntnt a

M U lor tbe arrangement af a Urn*MbMr. Radel. wbo Is Ibe via* presi-

dent aad secretary of Ibe Middl*auaad Somerset Hoes, was seen by aDally Preaa reporter and ba declaredibat ba believed tbat tbe sobeasa

ooald ba mad* to pay w*ll. H* saidthat tb* trial trip bad beea completed

Ibis city from Oamden la a litttetbaa fear bears, wbloh was macb

batter tbaa bad baaa aatldpatod. TbUlme was taken on ooaltaaoaa travel

and good connections. He woald aot•ay wbatber tba iTaaini woald be patla opersiion tht* winter or not bnl lie.did say ihBl BBlaae aoaiethiBg onfora-

happaas tbe aew sobanM woaldbe la working order by next sprint

Another official said tbat tba Tren-M* and Saw Brsaswlok llae baa baaa

•tly saaartac opMoae aa propertyalmost a straight llae fresa Hew

Braaawlok to Jersey City, wltb tbaof operating a tfaroagb UaaM D K » and I r w Tork. Ba

laolared tbat aa a temporary arrang*-eat, eara weald be eairaN< oror tbaDOS of tba Saw Braasrwlok and

PUlnflald syat



Iba trollay oom-blob an aparatod la

hla oliy ar* aat ofaaagad far aaw oaaa« tha old oaaa ivpalrad. It baa baaaootload ibal Iba ooaipaay la at laat

Be tlos to baltor taa ooa-

have baaa repaired aadiroairaowa. Some of the

lictaa wbiob bave paaaad taair daysaf aaefalMas havs haaa imailnail lataa jaak baa# aad la taalr plains aew

appear. Iaatead af tba aid tado n oa the mala Uae tbe company na*ia operattoa soas* at Ibe aaw oaaa ra-oeatly ordered. They ar* aalaatd yel-low aad ar* a|ibulsaaili ba rattaa.

• have Bo41c*d tbat tb* apart-ment sal aside far them in tba oldcan oa tbe ssaia liae la miseiag la tba

This is because of tbe factaad bora at alga* lime get

la tbat a f a r f e a * aad beta* asperatedfrom tbe rest af tba ear where tbe

aa ar* saaeert. tnaai i disarderijiv» tb* trailer « a •

aftwiKlwaya aw« it wttb yea, aa« • • U

fnpaO. Avwid aabattaatoa, a a n t a ' '-— X*-^1*—. Parry Da*ie*. Pi

Fair Aerva tTrtrlBf Club




st a aaasber otPtalnnald aad North Plalnfield borsa-

wiil exhibit a* tba third aanaalhorse show of tbe Fair Aores DrivingClnb. of Wostaald, schednled tar S*t-irdar. Oetoaar 17. Atnoag tbeaa will

probably be Mayor Newtoa B Silay. J- H. Orasaa, Jr., A. L Smallayaad J. Usborn.

Oa* of tba moat prataatloaa pro-ivar arranged by tba slab'swill ba tiven aa may be<m tb* list at events tbat

fallows: Traders, tret priae, »16,oad prlae. »10; paean. *ame prises;

kboat -•—. «35 and $10; ladles'esddls clasa (ladies ta ridei, a a tprise*; nuns saddle claaa, saBMprise* ; tandem*, fanalers and Jumper*,pain la harases. ooesMaalloa, all

In addition there will b* tba FaitAores hnrdl* raoe of on* aad oo* balf• l ias far hotasa to carry ao laaa than

MBda over BIB* flights of bardie*. Besides th. oaab hla*.rod aad yellow ribbons wilt ba given

t each eventTb* committee la obarge of tbe

show oaaalaa. of I. E. Waring, a 8.Boherter, Dr. C. M. F. Eg*l, T. A.Sperry, E. S. BoMasoa. Jr., H. P.Ooadll Entries will oleae nesl Bal-

Oeseber in.



M a r a t ,

Boater J. WlghtaMB, avperteteadeBlaf Iba North Plaiaaeld High School,atatod tbat a perm, wboe* Bam* baooald aot aaaoaBoa, baa ganareaaly

eated a large collect loo to tM li-brary af tba eobeoL Tba addition la

valvabla oaa aed ooaalata of workaof fiction aad geaeral Utoratvr* byetaadard aatbera.

Tha Btato of Ha* Jeraey baa foratToral yean dapltoatod ia oaab aU

at gift will eaftbta toe aobool toira maay more booka wbiob a n

ranch aaadad. Tba TOlaataa b a n baaaplaoed la tba oaaa la tb* aodltorinmaad tb* nfaneoa booht formerly keptthan bare baaa traaaferred to tha

• library ream in tbe Superintendeat'a ofOoe.

Seen* la Specr*a Vint-ynrd*.*T FUSStIC. M.J,


Spccr's Port ft BorsundyWine

The Finest Wine in the world fromhis 56 Acres of Vineyards, wberathe aotl is rich in iron, impartingit to theOporto grape aod the grapeto the Wine—causes the dark,de*prich color, and blood-making-property of this lifc-gl vlna; Wine.The Irea la It. This is the Winethat beau the world in ita valoa*bla medicinal qnalitiaa, for familyttse and evening- parties; it uoapeciallr beoaficul for femalaa,invalids and m d peraons.

The Port Wine is nine rearsoldand the BoTj-andT, a rich dry windeirfct yean old.

C t a . fi


Thai the red nun la paaalng from thaaaoa af th« world aaa Ion* ba««i a.Matter of raumioo remark. The truthof tb* ««Ttnir nfTfr received more •trik-inc proof than ID the ease of ta» P»w-aeae, who were reaored to Oklahomafrom Nebraska la 1ST<, amra ihi-CalrmpoCbroDlde. At the time ot their removalfrom Nebraska the in in- numbered !.5O0•ooli To-day there are leaa than 5M.Tb* Pawneca werp f^ven exceptionallyEOod allotaicata I" Otilaboma. The cll-•nat* i" praniciiiy the same as that ofthalr former borne, and, In fact, every-thing baa bean done bT tbe governmentto promote their wHfar»sn<t happinesi.

For lour nnvvotin table reason Iheybave alekened •>-.• tT'-d. until the day laaot (ar dlatant when Ihe Pewoee tribewill be extinct. ~"-~ n-iirtallty amongthem haabera »r • a^orpadlly year byyear. ID U S . -U taara aHer tnelrrmoTii to OMatpau. tbe tribe hadShrunk to 940. n ^ i v renttuB of 1900showed but W0 HTIBK Pawnees.

It li a rnrlona rhlrc tbat the rhlldrenof Ibesc Indians appear mott nicpri. butafter paaalna; theirtwenty-flfth blrthdara peculiar and unaccoiintsbleinaladrat-taeka them, and they BprMrentty lose In-terest In life, and gradually waote away,death oTf-rtaktcft thnn In their prime.Scientist* and profFKslonaJ men gm-ersJlj of tbe Indian offlre hsve be«n si-tracted hi thla peculiar condition ofthlBRB. bat have not as yet been able toaacertaJn what Nemeala purauea therniored Pawnee after his twenty-fifthbirthday.


Constant contact wltb humanity•o tamed the Adirondack bear that hiswestern brother would not rsooarnls*him. One. whose habitation the NewYork Sun has placed at Sanders Mill.•n tbe Msd river, actually goesschool. He may still be uncertain In

! literature and vague In spelling, buthe la rapidly leamlag gentle D U I

Ha came slouching out of the woodsone day and advanced directly oudistrict achoolhoiue.. Some ofchildren had eaten their luccbeot __the rras* In front of (h# bnlldlng. Thehear stopped and Hcked up tbe crumbend scattered remnants of tbe repa*:u d then stack his head In at th•choolhmM door.

Tha children and the sr-hool -teacherscreamed, and tbe big fellow was sofrightened that he took to bis lumber-las heels. The nest day. however "came to the scboolhouse the shour, and ate the crumb* and crustsas before. He looked at the school-house door, but did not venture there.After be had eaten vrery morsel hewent slowly back to the woods.

His visits soon became of dally reg-ularity, and as It was evident that hecame wltb no evil Intent, tbe teacher.and now and th.n a pupil, took toloaning bin an apple or a bit of lunch-eon. From thst to feeding him nut oftheir hands was an easy atep, «now the bear has almost quartihimself In tbat school district, and

, lunches regularly with the Sander'rMill school children and their teschei



In the d«Ti of fail youth PresidentEmlle Loubet, of the republic of Prance,waa of a somewhat atrenuou* type. Hawas. then living with his parents atMarianne, and be wa« ao fond of hlarmmbllng out-of-door life thst he usedto declare that nothing would ever In-duce bin to go to s college. Hla par-ents, however, bad tbdr own Idesa as towhat waa good for him. So his fsthermade arrangements when Emll* wasabout Dine yean of age that he shouldgo to the college of Crest. The dsjof entry to the school came, but n~ le could be found. At last, toward

ifng. tbe poor little chap was foundhiding in s neighboring wood. Hla

ivers sod hla auppl lest Ions to be lefthla freedom were of no use. Hla fa-:her was obdurate. To the school stCrest Emile should go. Then Emlletried resistance. Useless! Tbeffrown-ips were stronger tbso he. Still thetruggle much harp been a lengthened

one. and Emlle mar almost be declaredvictor, for It waa only by binding htifeet and handi that be could be broughtU> thecaniage tbat was In waiting. Andtkns. tied hand and foot, wss the futnr*president of Franc delivered over Ilk*a parcel to the director of the school ofCrest. M Loubet haa never ceased tohave tbe tastes of a man of tbe open

and the (Md* He his recentlybought a smsll estate near hla nativeplace, and his mother remains a true

ant proprietor.

A prevalent fashion of the day Is en-dangering tbe small chinned facialtype of the American woman, and poe-aibly also the peace of American menof to-morrow If there Is any truth Inthe belief that appearant-e and charac-ter are Independent. Tbe peril Ilea intba habit the glrla have of constantlyblowing tbe sunburst locks of theirpompadeuri up off their foreheads, saysthe Chicago Tri

Thi 1 that


Lhey.In&riea, where no man WM by to reg-ister his protest. In support of thisit has been dec Is red by one eye wit-ness of a dining-room scene at a Phila-delphia boarding school that undoubt-edly the trick, at once so airy and sodissipating, sprang Into breatb first inthe Quaker city.

This person declares that In theearly spriogtlme sbe saw a hundredgirls protiudlng their lower lips sever-al times during dinner, rolling theireyes upward —pettishly, daintily, eo-quetUshly. carelessly, according to thetemperament of the Individual—tak-ing aim at tbe offending fringe whichoverhung their eyebrows, and blowingat the mitrb with skill that varied wltb.their respective avoirdupois. Sincethen theae hundred girls have scat-tered over tbe states of the union, car-rying with them this practice.


this age of tension every boy shonldbe taaght some form of recreation thathe will cling (o In after life. When thething by which he haa made his fame ormoney threatens his very existence, hecan turn to tbla nafefruard. and. whilehis mind is pleaaurably occupied, regainhis physical polite. It may be yachting,canoeing on little rivers, mountain

Ing. horseback riding orhunting. Whatever It may be. thethought and the love for it Is better en-gendered during the formatlg

» full 11ct as a runninwork in life, and Isarily part of a b

For those who workTeas, there Is. wltb rare

t Ismate to tbe greaterproperly and neces-

edu tion.der modern:ceptlons. al-

tlme wben tbe (train becomesgreater than the etdurane*. and an en-forced change Is Imperative. The snm-

varatlon Is tbe expression of a phys-ical necessity. It has come Into exist-ence In America In tb* last AS years, andIt saUsflaa the U M * of many, especiallythe young, wbo have not forgotten howto play, or those, the strong among as,who learned com- thine as boys thatthey itlll like to <'o as men There areothers, however, wbo are not ao fortn-

lalely placed, and stfll others growingip who do not realise this no

The actinic, or "chemical." rays of thera. are the bine, violet and ultra-riolet

rays, aad are the only ones* In thecar* of diaeasea. the other rays havingno physiological action on animal life.The value of these rays In destroylagth* bacteria of disease waa first shownby nison. of Denmark, who applied

a very successfully to the treat-meat of Inpos. a taberealosls of the

Cat • • > • • ta »**B*.Tha latest society sport la Rome hi

rat haatlBa* over the roofs of housesdaring the night. A club has been dulyformed by the devotees of th* sport.Tbe people gcaerally bave Dot takeskindly to It.

•WllSnii fWr • i l hnr t .Russia he* Invested in Maachnrta

BBllltons for nilw«r». avllUoe| for aataadlag aramy to protect them aaatwenty millions In bdldl&s a * rtty otDalay. Th* total I* hnndrad* of al l-

A matrelouB example of what theneedle of one woman may accomplishIn embroidery haa lately been exhib-ited In London. It consists of a seriesoTpanela, 12 In number. 11 by 3 feet,embroidered on cream satin.

In thin work some 130 differentshades of silk and chenille bave beenemployed, ill being exquisitely blend-ed to produce tbe soft subdued tonespeculiar to the Loul* XIV. period. Thesubject of tbe panels. "The Months."Is borrowed from a celebrated Gobelintapestiy. On each panel is represent-ed the ngure of some mythologicaldeity, sucb as Venus, Juno. Mara u dothers, surrounded by Its respectiveattribute* and symbols, amidst awealth of flowen.

In this beautiful needle painting asalmoet Incredible variety and numberof stitches have been employed: on tb*fac~ of tbe Venus alone 2,000 atltdteeare aald to have been lavished.

The embroidery la the work of Mme.Leioudier. an artist In needlecraftfrom Prance, no longer living, speci-mens of whose work bave for someyears formed part of many Importantarts and crafts exhibitions In London.

laiaMar* Pvllrp • • r«...I A story has reached the state deptrt-I meat at Washington of a novel us* to

hich a life insurance policy was re-Mlly pat by an American traveller laLaaala. Tbe citizen In question had

n*«lected to provide himself with spamportaad when he arrived at tbe tor-dera of tbe czar't domains ha wss beldip by an oflVJal with a demand for Us•aanport. For an Instant the American

was stumped, but he quickly rose to theacy.- Diving Into hla Inside pock-

et he palled out his III* Insurance [Ol-Icy and handed It to the Russian. Tbelatter gravely looked tb* paper over,carefully scrutinizing the Imposlag-Iooktag seal and UM- array of signa-tures. With a aaUaned sir ha haeftedback the paper and th* American pasted

The only Anlaaaaaa.hlbit at

Japaa) eraxttioa Is tbat ofwhose Wii.»-ur* voted f4.000

for the purpose. voted 170.and Austria 9«0.«» -o aid exhibitors.aad Germany Is xry well representedla an tln«T> A sicclcale of JapaaaseIseorporared with a cash capital ofntofi<*> haa purchased the Or«*oa **>

NOIJI BENEDICTMarrlea MIM Beba Aroett, ofLambertville, In Methodic

Church at That Place.




Treaiea Girl »l*.id-o'-iionorFo*r Urtda*ma,ld. - Two

Hundred Gaesla

Misa Beba Araett, daughter ofGeorge W. Araett, of Lambert Till*,and Harry John Northrop, of EastFront street. Ibis olty, were mar-ried tb* Centenary Methndllt Epis-copal Oboroh, at tbe former placeWednesday evening. Tha oere-

j waa performed by tha Rev.Sherman O. Pitt, of Lambertvllle.The bride, wbo waa given away byber father, v u gowned la so Importeddoobeas laoe robe and vail ovei peaade soi satin, and carried a bridal bouqnet of bride roses and lilies of th*valley.

John Tnrnbnll Miaaifa, of JerseyOlty, was best man. The maid ot-

•r was Miss Minerva Brnmstead,of Trenton. She was gowned lo greensilk moll ever while taffeta silktrimmed wltb real laoe, and oarriad ashower bouqvet of sweet pass, oaras-lions and asparagus ferns. Tbe brides-maids war* Miss Olivia Llbrers, MissMatilda Akors, Miss Blanch Fln«*rand MIM Laor* Gordon, all ol Lsm-bertville. They war* gowned IB whitesilk mall over green tsffeta silktrimmed with clany laoe, aad oarriedshowtr banquets of white sweet pas*,

ationa aad asparagus. MildredHssen Margeruoi was Bower girl andwore a dainty gown of white lilk

turned with TB! laoe, and oarried aiket of carnations and asparagus.

Tbe ushers were Frank Arnett Hasan,of Lambertville, cousin of the bride,Fred Howell, of Trenton; D. BantFischer, of Philadelphia, and RalphW. Christie, formerly ot thli oily, bnlnow of Jersey City. Mlaa Stella Black,

Dlst of Ibe ohnroh, flayed thewedding march from L>ohenf rin.

About two hundred gaests wereteesat at the reception at Ibe bom*

of tbe bride. Tbe decorations at tbeoh and boas* were green and

White. Hill, Ot Trenton, was thecaterer, and Amwall1* orchestra tar-nished the music

Tbe oauplelefl for Denver, Colorado,and npon their return will reside In




M»ry it. List , HI* Daughter laAwarded *6OO— Both In-

jured IB Wreck,la the case of Allison M Line aadIs daughter, Miss Mary L. Line, of

East Front atrast, agalmt tba N*wJersey Oenttal, for lajurlr* ia theWectflcId disaster, th* jury retained a

srdict yesterday afternoon st Kllsa-tb in favor of tha plaintiffs, wboare represented by Oralf A. Marsh,

Esq. Hr. Line received |3..W0 and hi.daughter, «soa

Tbe oase waa a hard-fongbl on* and•copied all of yesterday morning aad "as concluded about t o'clock In tbe

afternoon. Tb* railroad'oompasy wilrepresented by & V. Llndabery andbe and Mr Marsh had masT *b*rptilts darini tbe trial. Dr. J. BerveyBoohaaan, ot tba borough, proved tobe a good witness for tba plaintifff.

Tba caae of Mlfs Eva StmoaMBagainst tbe Central was oall-d darlofIbe afternooo and the trial \* going ot>

B*T. Mr. Zelle • l)olf»r-Tbe Hillside Tennii and Oolf Olab

has elected Bar. John Stmidsn Zelle,Mrs. Msyb-irry B. Melior aad J. A.Laaa aa active numbers, and MrsJohn Bbartdaa Zella aa an aasooUt*

Ag*at or r . o . c .Tbe question as to wbo Is tba local

agent far Iba Sooi.ty for Iba Preiaa-ttoa at Oraelty to Children has betarecently Mk*d many tim*i tj Plala-flsldsrs. Former Mayor Charles Plsoe.of Urov* street, la tb* man.

-Miss Mary Oreea gave aa eater•ataataat af asaale aad daooing to anamber af b*r Meads Friday algbl s>bar baaa* aa Waa* Third street Wil-li S l m saag a i m l af tb* Maat

a aaM ataan oaa«r1aal*a ta

r asd George M.y.ri

hlxa. Om. whom habitation the N«w York Sua has plind at Sanders Mill, •a Ik* Mad river. actually bom to school. H® may Mill be uncertain la literature and «u«i la spelling. but ba la rapid if lauraia* c»ntl# manners Ha earn* slouching out of tbs wood* om day and advanced directly on tba district ar booth ohm Soma of tb® children had aat®a thalr luncheon on tba fraas In from of th® building Tba


IR THIS CITY. to promote thalr welfare and hap pi near For ®on»e uuarrountabl® reaaon they bare alcbeaed sn<* died, antll tb® day la not far distant when tb* Pawnee trlb® will be extinct mortality among them baa bees r- • it steadily year by yuar. la 1M? 'tx jean, after their MMoral to O’ Ishcaa. the tribe bad ■brnak to %4fi end f*l® renan of 1900 Showed bnt UOO living Pawnee® It la a curious thing that lb® children of the®# Indiana appear most rugged. bnt after passing their twenty-fifth birthday

Tba chlldraa and tba e hool-taacber screamed, and the big fellow was ao frightened that he look to kla lumbar- tag he#la The next day. however, be Mlaa Kaba Arnett. daughter of George W. A malt, of Lapbertvlll®, and Harry Jobg Northrop, of Ehi Front ■treat, thle oily, were mar- ried tba Centenary Methodist Epis- copal Choreh, at tba former place Wadoaaday a waning Tba oars- n»ony was performed by tba R#t Sherman O. Pill, of Lambertvllla Tba bride, who was ft ran away by bar fat bar, was gowned In as Imported daobaaa laea robe and wall over pans da aol satin, and carried a bridal bou- quet of bride ranee and lilies of tba valley. John Tara ball Mlaugb, of Jersey City, waa beat mao. Tba maid of honor was Mlaa Minerva Brsmataad, of Tran too. flbe waa gowned la green silk moll aver white taffeta silk trimmed with real laoe, and earriad a shower boaqoet of iwmI peas, oaraa lions and asparagaa fsroa Tba brides- maids were Miss Olivia LI brers. Miss Matilda Akare, Mlaa Blanob Finger and Mlaa Lears Gordon, all ol Lam- bartvllla. Tbay wars gowned la while silk mall ever graao taffeta allk trimmed with clsoy laoe. and carried abowar boaqaata of wblta peas, oaraatlona and asparagus Mildred Hasan Marge ram was flowsr girl and wors a dainty gown of wblta allk trimmed with val laoe, and oarried a

went slowly bock to tba woods His visits soon became of dally reg- ularity. and as I* waa evident that h« cam® with ao evil latent, tb® teacher, and now and then a pupil, took to loosing him an apple or a bit of lunch- •on. From that lo feeding him out of thalr kanda waa an easy step, until now lb® bear has si met quartered hlmseir in that school district, and lunches regularly with the Sander# Mill achonl children and their teacher

taobs them, and Ibey apparently Joe* la- ,MM| life, and gradually waste away, death overtaking them In their prime. Scientists and professional men gen- erally of the Indian oglce have been at- tracted by this peculiar condition of tblags, but have not aa yet been able to awwrtala what Nemeela pursues the rugged Pawnee after hla twenty-fifth birthday DIDN’T WANT EDUCATION. GIRLS BLOW THEIR HAIR.

U th. day. of hi. youth Pmum Emu. Umbra. of th. -.public of Franc. a praralrat fhhblon of tb. dny U n- Of . nuaku .11.0000. type. H. dAo.rrin. tb. .mall rhlanod facial waa than Urlas with hi. parent, at ty*. of tha Amorlmn woman and poa- Manaaac. .no b. ... ra> toad of hla alhly alao th. prac of American mao r*mhlla( ou,-„r-door IU. that h. ua«d of to-morrow If thrr. I. any froth la to declare that nothin, woald ...r la- u.. belief that apprarnat. and ebarar- doo. him to |o lo a roll.*. HU par- t.r Independent Th. parti lie. lo Mia. boweeer. had tbrar own Idea, aa 10 ,h. habll th. *lrl. have of cooataoUy what waa *ood for him. So hi. father blowlm th. .unborat lorks of toad, when Emil, waa pompadour, up off thalr forabnada. aayl ahoot ala. year, of ar- that ha .bottld Ctalr**o Tribune IO to fb. coll#*, of Cr..t Th. day , Tbara 1. a rumor Ih.l tha ntann.r ? * ’ “ **• NrE®** » Um .tmtad Id tha youui woman', an ■mile could be found At .mat. toward inert®# where no man was by to reg- ammln, th. poor IttU. chap-j. found h„ pro,.., In rapport of (kid hldlo* In n n.lgbborln* wood HU „ hu bean declared by one eye wit- prwar. hnd bl. rappllratlon. to be left o( . dm lb*, room nee. nt . Pblln- hU freedom War. of ao uee Hu ll- delphlo boardln* achool that ondouht- thar waa obdurate To th. tcbool at ^e trick, at one m, air, ud no Craat Kmlla ehould *o. Than Emil, dlulpallrt* apracc Inlo breath drat In up. atronter tban he. Still th. Tlll. m-, ,h.



girls protruding thalr lower lips sever- al times during dinner rolling their •yea upward-pettishly, daintily, Co- quet tishly. carelessly. according to tba temperament of tb® Individual—tak- ing aim at tb® offending Wag® which overhung th*ir eyebrows, and blowing at th® mark with skill that varied with thalr respective avoirdupois. Sine® then th®#® hundred girls kav# scat- tered over lh® stales of the union, car* rylag with them this practice Tba ooeple left for Denver, Colorado, and upon thalr rwlnra will reside In Ibis oily.

WHY VACATION’S ARE GIVEH. Ob tbs standing com min tans : Legislation and ptattk VERDICT IN HIS FAVOR IN SUIT AGAINST

JERSEY CENTRAL. Is this age of tension every boy should A mat raloua example of what tha ba taught soma form of recreation that may accompli** be will ding to In after life When the “ •®b.°ldrry hu lately b#ea extalb- tblng by which k® has made his fame or ,ud ,n ,-oBdon 11 coo*‘*'* of • “rt®a money threatens his vary existenc®, ha £»'*■• 11 ,n ■u“b*r- 11 *»F 3

caa turn to this safeguard, and. while •"broldered •’« craam aattn. hta mind Is pleasurably occupied, regain la this work some ISO different his physical pots® it may be yachting. »*»adM of silk and cb«nllle haw been canoeing oa little rivers, mountain «nP*oy-d, ail being exquisitely blend- climbing. traveling, horseback riding or «* to Produce the soft subdued tewea hunting. Whatever It may be. the tbs Louis XIV. period. Tb# thought and th® lov® for It Is better en- subject of the panels. "Tb® Months" gendered during the formative years. If *• borrowed from a celebrated Gobelin there to a full understanding that It to tap#a*iy On each panel Is rspraaeat- to art as a running mste to the greater ad the figure of soma mythological work In life, and to properly and necas- d®lty. such aa Venus. Juno, Mara and snrtly part of a boy s education others, surrounded by Us respective For those who work under modern attrlbutsa and symbols, amidst a atraas. there Is. with rare exceptions, al- wealth of flowers, ways a time when the strain become# la this beautiful needle painting an greater than tha endurance, and an so- almost incredible variety and number forced change Is Imperative. The sum- of MltrbM have beau employed; on tb# mar vacation la the expression of a phye- fac- of the Venus alone 2.000 stitch®# leal necessity It has coma Into exist- are said to have been lavished. *uc® la America la tb® last tt years sad Tb® embroidery is tb® work of Mm®. It satisfies tb® nee*of many, especially Letoudler. an artist In needUcfaft th# young, who bar# not forgot tea how from France, no longer living, specl- t© ptay. or those, the strong among us. mans of whose work have for anas* wko learned something as boys that yean formed part of many Important tbey still Ilka to do as men Theta are arts and crafts exhibitions In Loudon others, however, who at® not ao forte- ; — natal y placed, and still others growing ' fw®#raaee Pal ley aa Pa##, up who do not realise this need | A story has reached the state depert- _ -———c.—j meat at Washington of a novel asa to • <-fc®-iewi Hags. 1 wklch a |tf# insurance policy waa tw- myo. nn* nr- lb. oolr o».C In (b. nn or ai—wo tb. otkrr tin bavin* b* pbmolodm: irtltn on ulnil III*, lb. ml., of tbra. ray* In Nratreyln*

I* lb. hm or Allloos M Lin. ul bl. Nno*hu>. Mira Mary U Lin., of EoM Frool .tro.l, u.lo.l IM »« I.rray Ooalral. for lo]orl«. lo lb. Wrat*«M dlraarar. Ih. lory nloro.d • r.rdlol yroUrdny aflornooo ol Klim- both in faror of Ibo plnloUdi. wbo ■oro r.prorantod by Oral* A. Monb. r.m, Mr. Lin. rootlrad *f,.v» ood bl.

UIU darto* Ibo trial. Dr. J. Horny

op by an oSrJnl wlib o drarand for NU praradH For an! u. AraraRan »ra ougM. bat b. quirk ly ran. to tb. .m.r*rary, Dtnn* Into bln ln.ld.po-k- •t b. pollod trat bl. IU. rot-

Page 7: VOL. xxxv i 10111 HO pnim •GINTSI wits 1 IJipi fileTHE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxv i PLA1NFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 4>-Mr OaHUn W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm.m


mmm», *•• «. OatM TlThird H 4 l > n l ef How Toe* aM• « « Jorsey, W ay In O A. RHall M > M rraai Mntl P N S I M M

t i n <

r Joba (loadwin opswot the eMnlsM folio wad bya vasal trio ooailHIag of Hones J.Martla, Willlaaa Jeftery aad JosephMattla. They anag •Teallag MOld Oaatn Oroead" ta a BMBwhich braogbt moeb appUaeo- JobaHanl>T Mag M did Joho Ooodwla,Who alao whittled " LisMaleg toMockiag Bird-" A faw M Mwar* aiada by AaaaasblymM SaaanalH Bwaoahamr. of Morth PlnlaBald,Md by Mayor Sawtoa B. Bmalley•paaahaa ware also atade by JobaMaylot. of thia city, aad Dr. W. A,Oaaover. of Reo Baak A ooraot ao|,WM Moored by E E Towaloy, aseempMied by Mrs. Joba Maaley MdPrad Uoodwla eatortalaed withseveral salerllMa on Ibe ptaao, Afeatara waa a trio of oMldreo'i voioaa,LIHla HIM Evelyn Maolay Md hotbroibera. Alfred aad Joha, aaa« "ThoBoag of Ibo Whip-poor-will. " Thoywara toadly apptnodod.

Maetar of OaraaMatoo l U m j ODrake told of iho work of tho etooiMd raoltlag M a t of Ibo Inoldeati osoldier life daring iho war MiaI^veaia tfcnser favored with w mplMO seleotleata. Tho oonunlttM laiibart* eoaalat«4 of Joba B. Baylor,chairman. Ileary C. Drake. Loa,Wlllell. Edward VaaderWeg aad JobWagner, aaeieud by Mra. E, B. Tow.lay, Mra. L>aalaa Wllleti, MM. JohaW Wanar Md Mrs. Joha R Baylor.

Tha maojbora of tbo WoaMa'a BeliefUs ion were present la a body Md aaelated state rial 17 la tne imiiaa of Ihoevenlag'a entertainment. Loan la tboavonlag refraabatMta woro served by

Mi ef Ibe MonrcObarob. Tbo h a m was laaMfaUynaaraod for ibe o

ibrary. Ialao*. Palm,irtafllpally aaaoog tba iipararlioi.

kf taa Senate Btu—teia, of BOOMvine, aad Mia* l—otada BaakaaM.

of tao biid*, ware tba brlawamaids. Tba groom WM aoatteaderf.

if Boraardavllla.1, Lratasr of tne

groosn, af thla otty. War* ashaia. Thaw*4diag atr«b WM pUya4 byObatlotM Aldticb Tba brlaa WM

la whlMwltb lace aad eanled a boaqaet ol

tbo brtdoaaaaidsworo gowaad la ilmpU whits

lak saibea Mil carried ptak 1oaa. Tba glfta wore paittoolarly

17 a ra>•ptiM preceded the dapartare of tbo

trip. MfMd Mrs. BoobniM will reside la tblaally.



l-ropo.ltlo. for I » I H I • • • • •

Aa M appropriate oltaaai Mbaseball S U M there la no doobl IbMa gaaaa hanriaa ao All-Plalaiellearn oad aa All Worth Pialatald ninewoald bo of aaaiaal laiatoal. Thenla ploory of aaotartal la both Iba onMd boroagh to w-aaa ap two aa-aregaHaa* Md oadoaMoeliy aaah a eoo*ae*

lo tho boroofb UMM ar» aacH alay0— ao Oaoaa wafciart. "Worry" MoaLaafblla, Joaa MaaLMgblla. OiotgaOblbMtt. OkwlM Dapa«, Ooorgopoo, Bon M i n i Aod n tr>ia ntty•aaro a n a i awabat of M«d playmwbo ooold ba dapaaaad spaa M fl«o ••Md MCMti of lbooMal*M TaoMOM ooold ba playad aa OtnaaalOTBJ, wbno tba b*M

Tba Mow Jonoy BtMaoraaodPuoMra, Duaial ir i aad P»p»f H u gota baa llnaM at A. M M M M , of Ibtally, laird «c* MMKMI m* 0. W

1- tovly M (aajotttoa wo h.™ pUoo-•*a IB —BMMlaa IbM Uy'a UqvO I M B Bklw te Ilko Ibo ooltd propua

a««e*»d by oooal aorarrh. Tbara la aa


Chriatian Workof atormth - Day BaptistHolds Annual Meeting.




I n . DuM K. Tlta-

AaBaal laparti obowlag a yooc'agood work atMf mlatloajory 1 laaa

the Woaua'i Society for ObrlatlMWork, of tba Bovaalb Day BaptlatOharob Wedaaodajr a ft* rn 000 la thaparlors of tba enaroh ediDo*. Tho soetsty la la eioalleai ooodilloa Biotall* M« otberwloa aad it n wltblamaiaiassial thai tba mombara viewiba record af tbo pa*i yeat

Tbaaa ofrloers won oboMB for tba•OMtag yoai 1 P I M M M I . Mra. UaonaB. Babaacb; VIM pnaMmt Mrs.David E Tltewortb : raoardlag secre

y. Mm. W. B M a m a ; u

worth; liManiil Mra. P. A- D Mhoaa: Mll lat i . Mra. T. a k - U s MdMrs. L >. Was*.

-aoMlaatlag oammliteo OOM|0/ Mm J. P. Maahar, Mm. W. a

ibbard a*d Mca. T. a talth willprepare tbo list of 00—rMoaa M srrvefor tbo ananlag yoar aad Ibas wil


•Is Toouas Meat r«r.«ln« O w t m•C •t ad j Th.r..

Aldea • . l a m , Ot, of Iba OilyHl.a Beaool. b MW * froobi

' O U

O*oaai Balaa ta oJop»ad to aaa' bypaUMie arao aawo IrMbte (a labaltatgIbroach tko aoaa aad prafer aprayla«.Tba prM*. ta<rlB«iag apiafli tab*, laTa Mall BoU ay draa»laH or Balladby «U Brotbara. M f•aw Torh.


for taw workhi ftore for bun. Batwal spent tn Midlaa. whither Ood

him after a serlooa exhibition ofthat He might teach biro

The third peri-naent In leading the

ta Canaan, and.Got railed him up

AJim with Ood M MountKoto be -fen fas sleep" and W M aot

oa earth u s In until ho appearedwith Moaea upon the Moamt of Trana-

The life of Moaea la rtch laban 111111 and tbe JiaVvlty to aot whatto say, bail what to leave unsaid In the

led apart- before oa. Tet aonse laa-In Ibe ore of Manaa stand oat more

ilnentty before na. and these may•emtoaad-Moaeo teaches the Importance of•atioo for a asMMMfal Ufa work.

Itany deery edacattoa, bat It cannot be1 la the light of Hoars

•fe. Ood educated htm In the honae, tntbe teaming of tbe ocboole of Kgyptand la tbe great arboni of experience

be bnd him iiarflj foe Us lifeHe spent eighty yonra ta pre-

paring him t» 00 forty yean* work.Hat life stands out In

rare as the deliverer ofUs nation and. under Ood. Ita founder

nil lawgiver. Too mnctt tlmistudy cannot be spent In preparing for

~* work if it la to be a gnat and

ved at tbo Mallaaa Sqaara Thon-laa» algbt. It ii oae el tbe best

tbia«s M bo aoa» this fail Md I.NS4 i s prove a big oooaam

AI tba Harlem Opara Boaaa, Marionppaamnoa laat al«M

only" Mdl-••Haney Brown" la aba pteoe hi

which a n In tor pal aad olavM newtable oMga. It Ii a toe awMhortba tlot of Mtmcilooe.

Long tbo ambition of aUfa. "Two ban-

dro4 night*1 • Ii n ilgn OM often aaeiM ihiMawaata. Wbal hlad of a poolerwoald the? BM If tbay ooold

1*0 hMdrad Wceaar" When tbaloa Hqaare Theatre it thrown opaa

M n e « Monday It will ba tba mark oftbo baglBBlag of tba Hv« baadroth

II fiu boM daeatad MvaadaviUa" aadoi tbo

of B. F. Keith.

I Moan tearne* a lesson on Ohla many rtoperta be WM a type ofChrist who wsa to come to Isaad to the world. But. wltb all bt*

innt be compared trChrist Moors served Ood aa a servant Christ served Rim aa a eon. andIf we honor and try to Imitate theof God's jrreat servant bow much rwe abonld honor and love and Imitatethe life of the Kno of Ood? Christ wi

lupprlor te J!«u", and ahonld thrrplace

Moaea tearttea a l*aaon In faltb-falnemi to Ood. With bat one exrep-

. an act of disobedience that methim an entraor* Into Caaaaa, Mwas moat faithful to God. He farciedoot bla laatractlona In relationPharaoh, be followed bta guidancethe wildpmnM and oncanUed U»e na-Oon and the national cfann-b uponHne« laM down by Ood. and Ood re-warded fata falthfolnraa. He took himta niweetf and honored him .br*td>Elijah In that moat Intereatlnv atn tbe life of chrtat upon tbe afoont ofTransnirnratlon. IJke Maaea, leibe falthfal and there will be laid np

Ex. U. 1-10; 111. MO; zll. 21 28; zv,V18; xixlr. astT".. s s z r t 2-7; xzxrr,1-12: Josh, t 1-7: Matt. vU. I-S: 1 Oor.ww BR

The Maryland Endeavorers make thewelkin ting with tbrlr state sung,wnli-li tbf.v alnc to tbe tune of "Maryland. Mj Uarrland." Tbe sonaj In ItaMtlrvty Is as follows:

FU- Inio rank for rteiat todar.~ r> l.nd Otmr Maryland.

•hoot, about for Jny the «1a4 refrain.Maryland, my MarraJ

O KIR* tail tt»

ine poet year 173*400 havefrom tae nnka of Cbrlotitn Ea-

or into tbe aiimbirabtp of tba

dated what as-raaa>lletle esTort Ood bad placed attheir band-William *haw la Geaeral•errettrya Report at Deaver Cearew-

The qaeatlon for aa to nnalair thaiywar la not -Shall we expand?"

•sa. », T.,a»S. •> at. at.

BbttM are aow emplovlnc Held _ _btrlea who lantety gtve tbrtr tin* toworking Inaireeaible parts ef tho state.

MT. P n r TmilaiMBi. M. T.—Mow Turk state C. E aalia haa a oa>psrisliailaal af fresh air wart hi theJ-oem of *ev. J. PMBM•^•••wja. A great deal of

Ka a wit aad obarp rapartoa a boatla Tba Bad of P» w tack 11. oea of lha

I amaitsf plaji 00 tbo board*.ooaiilnaaa to oajoy tba (tea* posroaaaa•t iba Priaoaan theatre wbicb oba

iaad Ita long u d Baooaaatll R l at" r ^ — PlalaSald ooaiaiatora

will Bad la II tba opportmatty to rem ihiMMlTaa of nearly laogha.

Orrta Jabasoa and hli play, ' • HeartsOoaracaoata," have achieved a verita-ble triampb at lha Broadway Thealra,

r Tort, aad ooold doaslees boinaed tbara tnaaBnltaly, w o n II

oot tnal pravtooa booklaga M tboBroadway Tbeatra will oompal IIIwithdrawal oa Balorday, Oot. MTbla II tbo trot time that M Americandrnasntlat h u been able to saoooaafollyireol tbo stirring inoldanta that Im-mediately prooded Md followed tba

lag of tba Declaration of lade-

P M I Mlobolaoo.of tbo "Pagcy FromPnrla ' compoej, waa kicked by abrewory boree Iwt waek. Ha was vary• B O B acgrioTod, bat too maob of agaatlaniM to kwb baok. For a onnploof oifhia bo dBMod chiefly oa

, bet la aow able to alt optake a little BOarlatimMt if Myl

L1TBBARY.Tba lama of DoUlar'a Weekly of

Ootobor Id. In a now form, la a bril-liant nambar It baa a Ma wory byKlpltac nad a obaraoter akatob ofJooapb ObnmbarUln by FrederloiPalmer. Normna BapROOd't Oamm*ot Li ai wiitj u OTW. A naw oa-pKhaaHat "8a»»n Dayi," Ulmatntodby itrlklBa photogmpaa, cUarly aadaalboilUtlTely wilttoa, |ITO« b

a faota and the real nKslleaaoeof nil importMl •rtnU


la tbo one thai will cleanse Iba «jlem, aM Ibo liver to action, remoitao bile, clear tbo compleiioo. coreheadache Md leave n good taite Intbo month Tbo famoai llttla pillsfordoing mck work pleasantly MdaffectnaJly an DoWltt'l Little EarlyRiaera. Bob Moore, of Lafayette.Ind., aaja: "AU other pills I haveaaad gripe Md slake*, wbtle DeWill'iUttle Early Risers an staplr per-fect." Sold by L. W. fUndolph.

IStomacbTroublescured by



that. of plaaOng and

Wbo list learned it, among men, weare aot certain. Perbapa It was thai

of man. CsJn. It was a gnataBacovery to find tbe sscMt of vegetableBfe. What wealth of poeatttUltiea toba tbe grasp of that discoverer: Caleulate what harvest* can be bad fromthis single seed In the world fieWla aow

M In the ages M eotne! WhatiMaa, what dkrtrtbotlon, what

feedKag of multitudes, what lodoatrles!Measure tne vohune of tne world's ag-rtroltnre and all the commerce and In

rented M It. and yon may then- (be worth of this dbKovery of

the first man wbo penetrated tbe secretOf nature and learned bow to make tbeoartb viekl him harvests from-tus own

daowlag.• that all he learnedT That hi all.learned about wheat and Ita grow

_: Mad ana earth and Increase ofwheat—nothing more. That is why "hitbe nroreas of time It came to POM thatCain brongbt of tbe fruit of tbe groundaa offering unto Jeborah." Be couW

md be could gather, but be couldake aeed reproduce Itself. Ja-

bovah most do that. -Jehovah, befavorable and give greater barvesta."Jebovab U the reprodacwr of wheat.~ watt wheat, and ao worship thewheat god wltb tbe offering* of wheatWe give little and expert much. That" tbe law of harvest. It ta oor bu.J-

oa to plant and gather, build barnsand board wheat It la God* boalDeaa

give na all the wisest we want. Thatwhat Cain learned. It la all Hla

children have yet learned in harvestnel-l and wbent pit. Wheat hi known.

nt Ood Is that tbe secret of nature? Far•em It. That Is only tbe parable. Tbeiw of harvmt la a spirit given mai

spirit discovered law.The Son of Man discovered the lav

of wheat harvest and taagbt It to HI:brethren. There ninst be planting an.gathering. This is tho work of menTbe Increase mn.'t come from God. !!••

ijm, "Whosoever would save bis lifeHall lose It." Keep the aeed unplant-1 and 70a shall reap no harvest."Whosoever shall lose tils life for Mr

aak* and the gospeFs shall save it."Ton have powers and all the equip-

ment of human life. What will you doWith yourself? To mat yonraelf intothe mldat of the world's darkness andtbe damp of Its misery and sinrealise tbe demy of nil outward ad'*ag*. to dpllberatf-ly abut yourselffrom tbe aunshlne of worldly jrajotvand gain, to die to Ita honors andpraises and blamlng-thls Is aowin?Bat to feel yonr Inner nature expandaa the outer decays, to realize "steady Impulse and expansion, tbe ele-vation of aool bursting the old. onterhusk of bodilv app-tttes and earthlyhista—thha la the arowinft power of Oodtransforming seed Into blade and eaiand full grain In the ear. What marvela of grace and wisdom mxi beanty,We know tbe decay of earthly plantingla ordpr to know ouraelvea aa we become blade and ear and mature wbeaiBut the single seed haa now becomethirty, runted in the maiJems, we rfcir In Ills likeness.

Are you learning the set ret of the lawof harvest 1 Not that any ofyet mastered It. Only tbe Chrtat hasfet been oHered up as a kind of firstfrulta. We grow on until tbe angelreapers nhall ainjt "harvest borne/Then ahflll the Son of Man bring of thifrulta of earth nnto Jebovab and ahallnot b* ashamed, beraoae the L«rd ahallhave wspK-t nnlo the offering and theOfferer. Are you growing Into an ac-ceptable offering which Christ shall beible to present to the Father with Joyt that day!




Preeeat Mr. and Mn. Bow-laad to Baaldo In Motnehoa.

The marriage of MIM Liwte Doll l m , dasgbter of Mr. ood Mra. R gDoUlTOr, of Sew Market, to WilliamM. BowlMd, of Mataobw, waa cele-brated M tha brido'a borne at high

1 Wadaoaday. Rev. O M. V oot nee*,ba Beformed Ofaoroa, of Three

Bridget, tba brido'a former pastor,parfoioied tbe ceremony.

Tbo brido WM gowaad In pearl ool-ored sloth trimmed with white at"and onrriod n bonob of bridal roe.She WM attended by Mlaa Edith Bo

, of North Branch, who wtad In blue .ilk Md oarrlad aih of white obryaMlhamoma.

Ooorgt Dolliver, tbt brida'i brolber,boat man u d Ibo aabora wan

ObarlM M. Dolliver, Eaq , of tblaolty, a coniin of tbe bride, and JacobK. Uatllsorj. of Three Bridges.

The boot* WM dewraMd In *«pnand White, Tho bride WM tho re-cipient of many pretty oad ossfallifts. Oaoata wan proMOt from ThreeBildgoa, Meabnalo, North aod SouthBranch, Plsokamia, Motuobsn, BmliDgea Md New Market, M wall Mtbla olty. Mr. and Mra. Bowlsnd willHolds tn Metoohan.

be Ood. through whommid me down and alept and roae opa«* In. beranse He anatalned aw. Olretar, O Heavenly Father, a apirlt of

and cbeerTa] thankfulnew;wttb love to all my kindred, neighborsand fellow creatures, wbo are brotherpenatoDera with me upon Thy bounty

of one body, tbe house-hold of eoula. Continue to BM. and all

I oogbt to pray for. Thy cotn-IB every morning ao long aa may

be Thy bolj will and for the good ofJEneaa, and whenever Thon

bereavement among na

Into Thy bands. Amen.—From "Psalmsand Litanies." by Bowland Wllijms.PiD.

Tomorrow U not for us to rejoice Inor to fear. It mar never come to na.

If it cornea its brlngtnga may bevery different from our thought. Buf-ScJent unto tbe day Is tbe evil thereofand the good thereof. However tryingtoday may be. It can be endured fortoday, and tomorrow may be withouttrials- However Joyona may be today,tomorrow may be far better. There-for* let na have heart and bope todayand. trust God for tomorrow.—SundayScttool Times.

In man]*, when a man roarboa aamee where tbe road diverge* to thertotbt anri left, be wmat take one or tli-ather. Be mast go on. It hi willfulat avidity lo ••mm* that be need n»tbike either, trbea be reaches that coo-

be haa already entered noonPhlladerpbla Uetbo-

IIIiMiMisa Linia Dol-

UTwT u d Wn. Rowlud «tat Bride'i Homi


Anniul Report ofChurch'. T. P.


V.erkHt, *f Thri.



Borotofora Cnatoam Haa Been f

nary to December.; For some time II has bean the cmtorn in Somerset Oounty for Iho Demo

ratio voters to select at tbair fall pnariei members of tba connty axeouve committee. Bnch committee men

were to serve tor one year, tbelr termof office to begin Janoary 1 followingand end with December of that year,At tha meeting of the executive- commtttee II DM been reeolved that thepresent members oontlnna In officeontll September, 1904, under authorityof Ibo provliiom (See. 61 of tba newprimary election law printed below

"In My coonij In thla State tbajnnty or olty oommlttoo of any

political party may adopt a retentiondaolaring Ita d«dn lo have tbe n

Of snob connty or city commlthereafter elected for; Md npon filinga oopy of inch resolution, algned bv

obnlrmM Md secretary ef inchoounty or olty committee, with thaolorha of Iho eeveral monlclpalitleiwlthla aneh oounty. it ahall bo lawiolthereafter to elect tbo membora ofmch oooaly or city oonusittM at saidprimary elections la Ibe manor pro-vided In tbla net for the aeleotioo ofpartr candidate* to ba voted for byIho voteri of a ilngte ward or tcihip."


I Talon Coaatj BaadayScbool As-• Orlatloa ChoooOa Maaagara.

At Iho twenty-third annual conven-tion of tba Ualoa Gouty Bandny-osbool AaooolatiM bold lo tao Oran-ford Preibjterlan Ohnroh tbeee offl-

were olootod: President, Bov. O.M. Bbott, of Sootob Plalni; vioe presidonta. Rev. H. H. Sleeper, of Eliu-

ih, E. L. Taylor. Wastfleld; MoraT Md tnamnr. Blobard F.

Oreavai, Weatfiild ; recording seers-buy. Rev. W. a Bamiltoo. of Ellas-

; boaaO department saperlnMnd-oat, William & Webb, WsMleld.

Contract Oaaoa.Tbeoe oMtnot u m win bo honed

la JnaUea HoJFi ooart: Jacob Sac heracainat Frank Bollenbeek, pa peri ro-

abla cWardae, October IT ; BatnMagainal Ortaar, n t t f i a U t Balaidny,

Dtetlag laaitM Ptaoaao.To cara dyapepela or iedlgcatlon It

li no lM|M naemary to live oa tnllkand loan Bl«rvatioa prodaoaa racb

tnoes lhal tba wbols •yatiai be-ta M eaer pre y to dlaaaan. Kodo)

Dyapepaia Oar* enables tbo etomoehaad dlgoottve orgnM to digest MdaawlaiUau all of tba wbolaooaao food

one ooiTi M tsi, aad la • neverfailing n r a for IndlgoatlM, dytpapaia

nO atooiMh lionbles. Kodol dl-1 what 700 o a t — w i l l lhaMbtwoat M d by U W. Baav




T u k i ot tho Vartoai

COBaaalttOM.Tno helpfal work aocompliabM by

u Toang Pooplo'a Society of OaataVIM Endeavor of Trinity Kafoanasw

Cboroh during tbo elghieen M B J• fooodlng. Iba anniversary otWM etlobrotod Monday niarht.

ll Indicated by the report of Iba aao-reiary, MIM Harriet 0. Randall, «a«V

al thai H a l Sumo af Ohomostlnga ef tbo past year, which haw*been of pnrtlcolar interen, waro A M

ibarga of Ibo mlHlooary and «aa»-pemnoe eommltsaea Md three l*d kwboeoiary mambora. Tba nHsal—

asttiled In maBJ of Ibeir BMB*-lags doitDg Iho you by •- K.Anthony. V. H. Andiswo, Bo*. H. X.Bproat, of Dnnallan, Jnd«e WilliamH. Ronyon, K B. Taylor, Robes*Lore, Franola B. Vbllcddo, W. at.Martin, Robert OUrh, Jr.. Mr. T-e-Kmbarg, MIM Barn OarMa Md Mra.P. E. Woodruff.

In addition to Ibo r*|al«r DMtlaam,watob night service and an Boanar

HID rue prnyar meeting w a n boM. Mwblob Ibo olbar societies of Iba oHrwon invited. These ittvloea M S Jwall nttandod. Tbo lookout oommMMadid good work 1B lnortMlng IboaaV

mdMOO daring tbo year.The miitiooaiy committee oondaaant

several meetlnga wblob proved high*oatcrtatoiag and Instrootlve, itlmnlMIng lha iowreat 10 both foieiga aawSdomestio mlaalMt Thay alao drsaaaleighteen dolla and provided 1M haawfor MIM Onrria'S birthday party.

Tbo membari of Iba mnalo ooaMsbVtao have bean eapoolnllj aetlvo daraawtba year. Under Iboir dlroetMa •oboius cbolr WM formed from »aaabcra of tbe aoolety. Tha choir baaanng at tbo Y. M. 0. A., aad twios afttha Netherwood Fnab Air Homo. Tao•ong aarvloo at lbs Moblanberg aMa-pitsi on Ibe Dial Sunday la aaab,month has also been continued Malartbe direction of Ibe society.

Two lociali nave been bald bf f t o•oolaty tbas fat Ibu year aaa wababava proved toeaeaafnl. Booqaels saMtby tbo flower oommltteo to Ibo moM-bora of tha sooioty and church whobavo boon atok have been greatly ap-preciated. Tbo Sows* committee aaaalio provided flower* for tbo chare*and decorated at Ibo social*.

Donation* wars mods during itajoar to MIM Onrrio'i Day Knrssaw.tba Hakboiwood and W.itneld FroakAir Oampa and tba King-, Dmug*»*jrf re«h Air camp, Md moetlaga WM>bald M tba Fresh Air ramp aad thaEsit Thitd Street Mitalob. gyrtemamoBible itody wai taken up daring UMMM

Hil l Warlda; Brldaaaaald.MIM Florence Waring, daaghter eC

!r. u d Hit, O. T. WaMOg, of P a *fcvenot, WM on* of tbo bridumaWfeTburaday at a brilliant weddia« aaNew York, when MIm •"llaabaaaLeffertt, dnnghtor of Mr. Md Mm W.Raymond Lofforta, waa married InCaptain Frederick WlaobuMr filaiaa.Of tba Fourteenth loiantry, at HaChnrcb of Iba I

Mlaa Ktia A. Ackor. of Ihia oabj;WM maldof-honor at Iba wedding afMini Barah & Oonovar, of TrealM. aaWilliam a Woodroff, of Rliaabetn. aa)Ib* latter place, WaiaawUr mgbt

- Umny PlalBaoMora bnd | H i !attend a danoe Mbodtlad for has

Pridny by Iho Catholic TitlaTBenevoitnl Booiaty. of Bonad Brook.which bad to ha poatpaned H swatVnday 00 acooani of weather oaBwV

M—A aow I n hersa to bo aetd by MBBool Engine Hoe. Ooaspnny He. I la

*Kpeotod In thla oily today. Tba%aimaJ haa haw* brMgbl hera bpBtonewall J M I I M oa trial. It at a>beavy dnppio a n y ban* Md walaiatob Ibe animal already In servtMta that hNM.

WARTKD—8EVBRAL p - Kebaraotar Md good repotatlM la

•nob Blato loaa la tbla conaty so.qalrad) lo represent and MvertlaaaM

.Mlahed wealthy baiiase* bos at maclid flnancial ataadlas. Salary StUVvaokly with ••paaaao addliioaai, aBpoyablo la caah diraet every W4«y from bend QBriago famlabod 1


cm mu a. Douivti, or ths city.

wan Utltad.


Il II, MO: 111. I 10; XU. 21 W. IT. MM: mil 2»*V ml M| «I«T, M2: 1—1, L I T Kail, rll 141. | car


cured by

Page 8: VOL. xxxv i 10111 HO pnim •GINTSI wits 1 IJipi fileTHE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. xxxv i PLA1NFIELD, N. J.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1903. NO. 4>-Mr OaHUn W**» a Urn Cmmmt 01 M. Umm.m


INBorough Police OftT* C 1 » T «

Thi«f Into the Custody of

A u th orf U M of That PUe* .




»y a Bar * • • •*» • * •at •*• • W I M I .

Pater Christian Benaeie. alias••KM" • lisas, tb* amooth-*ap*arlag•wad* who wai bald aa saar.lcion latb* North Plalaacld lock up asder aawbaloal oharg* af disorderly ooa-daat, for «at*r1a« Ib* boss* ofThecaaa C. Dad lay, Jr.. oa Parkplae*. Tbareday. ba* b*en takaa taParftb Amboy t>J Chief of Pall**•ark*, of thai city, to answer ouargs*af daylight burglary. B* ia wanted laBayoaa* aad. II la ballavid IB other•Ilia* Ha baa rtcwtly preteatad bislaaaoaaee bat be* baaa poftivalytdaatified by a i l i y**r old boy, whoa w tb* fellow *»*al a wateb fram tb*fraat raome of hie par*Perth Assboy reowtly.

•a clsvsr la Ib* prliOoBBailmaa Charles La*

I otbar CIIIMD! that ba waa a mocfc•aa aad a victim of eii

H* made everybody wbotalkad with bias b*llev*d b* waa ta-aaeaat, aad aa* oillsan. la particular,waa pasittv* that ha bad awl Ib* fal-l*w la Brooklyn aad waa eatlrelyaMlanad that be bad ao tatenllaa ofwreaaj dalag.

Chief Barke vtaiud the Jail Fridayaa4 aaalB on Saturday afternoonWb*a ba retaraed Saturday be broegbtwith blm a aaaa aad woman aad theMeu'e all year old SOB, from ParthAnbay Wban tb* priaoner WM plaoadaaatd* a aoawa boro*gh attlsaa* Ib*sbn* Perth Amboy paopt* w*r*braaghi la lo idaatlfr Ib* « t a Thellttl* fallow aal* "That'* tba mas,- | — - . " poiatieg Is tbe eriaglagbarglar. To* re tba maa wbo stoleaty watab." *rl*d tb* wamaa, aUpptnga* ta tba aanead aad palming heBBg*r at him Tbe foreigner ebraakaaafc aad said b*4ow bla breathat. am.



tarad by Mayor *aaall*y. waa a starar

Is** l*r**d Iba fallow nv.r ta IbaPerth AsiBoy >atb«flllaa Chief Barkisaid that tb* priaoaar had baaa aparat-SB« la Perth Amboy for aver a yaaraad had pliad bla trade an exactly tbe•am* It*** aa Ibea* aeed bsra.

It it prabable thai Boraaaaa will re•aiva a ha*fy seataao* M be ha* a

af *ertoa* ebargee age! BatII waa M tiat tbaacht thai tba

• aaaead etary thiefa af ObarU* Mat

a aprlag. It wa* eald thaias* Mt*w who snMrsrf Ib* boBM ofChart** Matthew* war* a aaaesgbl aba*. Tbla wa* di*o*ersd bysMaaartag ta* faatprias* la tb* aoftmad aboat tb* fraat porch II A*lalapal that tb* prisoner *f laat a aalwore a ••mb#r H I M •'toe. th*a *****tatty aliartag blm of Iba oharg* ofeajMrlag tba aaaee la Grave str**t

Tb* taaaaa Iba prisoner waa givenaa ar tb* aatbwitlae la Kartb Plalaiaid wa* that tbe polio* af Parti) Asmbay bad B S N 4 » > t | i i | svidsswagBtaat hlas, tb* *vtaaaa* bald by th<laaal polio* aat b«l*g n f f i d n t to

Ta I• Asala B. Kliby, af Otaadvla*

, wUl aa« of HIM «dlta Aokaa

af Mr. aad Maw Ti

•a Harbart BimdUy Bavtaa. ahM•aw Torfe. whiea will Maa alaoa >i• M Waat Bad Oall«a;i*»> Oktnk, RawTart, aa Tmaaaa* aTaalag. Oeutor •

Twa Plalaaald wrlMta.feaaa, "Tba FrotioMOMdaaMl*** ba avaibaaaafal "JataatlM" af la*•bM idtih i. oiib*nr m f Otlban. Tba atory la brtfjM-If tatd u n will

wsl giv* a talk la ta* par tab boa,tssaaa Obaiwb. temirriw algat.fUlagafl tb* ratigtaa* war* bewg «aa*bat alaaeas Th* paklle la tavtaad

. af Oralg faae*.

CASTOR IAf M mmm tod

All CouatarfeJtM, Imitations M 4 "J— t — fo«j*"M*j »*jfc• that* trUto wKaaiwl II •nsfFrUs*) fcaaftsHaT

What is CASTORIAW U m harrnl*** *nb«titate for Cautor OH, P*rw-Drvpa ami Suotblnar Hyrtips. I t la P i w w t I t

itaJna neither Opium, Morphine nor otta«rr MauuattaIU «

pfIt«nd alUjn FeverUbneaa.

OaUe. It reUer«a Teething TroaMea, c jaad FWtafencj. It n—*—"-*-" the Food, raaraJatai tfcaW f i l b matd Bowela, «irlnc faraUtfar mad nmturaJ alee*.TIM ChOdraai*a Paaanna The Moth**-'. FrleaMU

CENUINE C A S T O R I A ALWAYSBean tba Signature of

a >t th* Oaa-daa f i u kktac B*rrlaa bytko

m* lo tbe draamy village of MawMarket. Klaton 8. Blliett owaa atavtrj acts farm which b*;b>* dividedoff for tb* ovltivatioc of vegetable*aad fruit, Oa* aaoMoa of the plot h*

loag d*vot*d t* tb* collar* of! ' • • - i ' • • ' •

Tb* baehat bav* invariably yielded>lm a ••oarooi crop, and Ibe peat aaa-

eoa waa no •to*pttaa ta tb* nla.n. seveiaj w**ka MO. tb* laat afraaaaa'a crop bad been placked

aad shipped away lo market. Mr. Bl»tea abaadonad ta* farm to th* raragaeof ta* oomlag wlatar aad thought ao•nor* Of his plant*. A boat two W M I Iago ba had niiiialiai te paaa throagbtba Bald where)* tba barrl** badgrows, aad, M at* great aataalebaient,•vary baah wa* beading **d*r tb*weight af additional trait.

Mr. Klsaaa bad neve* aaea Iba like(fore, sJlboagb n* ha* baaa farailag

all bi! Ufa. Tb* berrlea were tb«aI aad leeBptlagi and they wareftmptiy ptokad aad laaaa) to mark**.another f*w daye ba a«*in vlsiMd

tb* Bald, aad bad *o trouble latMbarlag aaotber faw qaarta. Atioistbar a* baa gataarad saor* thaawaaiy qsarta daring tbe last twa

waefce, aad -g-*- tba atbar araralagb* picked ats quarts, every betlj bs-

ig blood-red aad aiore tbaa ordi»niy palatabl*."Tb* paaaamaaaa 1* all Ibe more

th* atbar day, wall* h* praadly du-pt>y*d bla mtla*tlaa. " atcaaM I bad

II ia add, toa, tbat wbll* owaeraof neighboring faraia all bad fall•ropa »hit HMOD aaae of tbam li aaw

•ettist aay tjaaalt of lb*ir Ortsfbaahaa. I •*•• M a* atpaeUUy baae-

te*d by aatar* aad 1 aaa't kaawhj. 1 mad* aa *aTar1 ta sty aad faneaeaaad era*. It J**t *am* *-*.

Janaj f«t a Ir* la bar r**1d<aa Waat Froai atraat oa April IS of

by a aaack from a



Held l u - l t o r y of tb* C O B -

Obarlaa W. Bnokela w. of Wast Fifth*tr**t, wbo wa* believed to have 1

In the Jereey City yof Ih* New Jersey Ovatlml last Fridaynight, la allva and well. Saturdayaiftii Mr. BaokaUw'a father eaooeeded

« aaa at Parth Amboy.

oa a tttata* OB a boat Jointly owned tryA. M Onffio aad Allen B. LalDg, afIhia oily. Sataraay morning ba left

[yank, where M had b**a stoppingir * aay or so, and ha reached Partbmboy aa Batcrday aft* oothlag of tb* fladlag tba bodyI tb* Jaraey City yarda onll! IDnmed of tbe fact Satoxday sightrar to* telephone by bla father.Tbe aoasMtaMaa Heket found aaar

Hi* body was for tb* moath of SepMmbar aad II waa merely a ee-taoldaaoa

II ahoold aav*Ib* d*ad body. Mr. Baokelsw dis-carded tb* llckat worn tba laat rid*

poached and ii wa* probablypi ont of tha trai* la which ba

waa riding Aa yet tba body baa aatI idealised. The soppoailio*

tbat tb* dead maa waa a baatmaa iaat ba waa atrewb by a trala wbUarendering aboat tba railroad yarda

Friday oigbt dartag tba

oily.arday, b*waa act 0, W. Baekalaw, and ba oonllaa* Idaatlfy him ta aay partlcnl»r.

B E T T L K B F O B » 2 . 1 0 0 .

II** Carrta fu i twra Karrtr.

Tb* eas* af Miss Oarri* L t i t i i » M N , agalaat tb* OaatralRailroad af Maw Jersey, ta laa

far lajarln isasalaill ta tbaWaecOald dlaaatar, eat aartUd Monday

IDS >• Slls*.b«tb bsfara Jade*Vail aad a Jary. 8*v*ral wiu»w*r* oalMd apaa ta eeattfy, laa trialby Jary bsing aaneawry from tba fat*that IB* plalatia* waa aadar ace-

a taadeied for ea.ioo.*a waa iwpreaaaead by

Fraaeta J. Blala. Eaq,

Obarlaa WillisMM aa Jobaato* driv* by aickaeas.ObarU* BL Baaklla, af Peaeala, U a

gwaet af fn«oda la Watchnng avwaaa.Mm Mas i* O*vsJier. af flobaaaa

tady, la visiting her aunt, Mr*. L P.Alias, af Paari strswt.

WORLD'SJHAMPIONSBoMon Am<rioana Hold tb*

Obretvd BMeball Pennant.

rtiius sin MIM«« laj Vlrf «-r

:ratkm which followedD l t m ' i utrtklns oat of H * B * Wagnerta tbe ninth muiiled *nj ..-oLk p football game.

Tbe world'* chflniptonx w.-rr borne totbmr dremlns rnniia on tb-- fbouMm

" tbMMDd*. and tbe chwrlm Uateil

ItUillppe. wbo was anob an enigmaIO tbe HoHtOTM in tbe tint few gamen,eaaajed to pit it for tbr visitors for tbe

He? was not only liriitr-rtbard, bat be MW hi* rlral. Dlneen. Mr-

toe hoDon by ],•.!.linK tbe Na-tional* down to foor noattered bits,which, backed by perfw! Bekllng. p*e-renttd a aingle ritttbarx man Kettlrmfarther than third b*ar. [Mnoen ttnickoat iwven meti. and hi* support by Cri-ger contributed materially to tbe HOC-

I of tbe game. Tbe tatter1* blnffrw to aecond In tbe fonrtb lnnin«.nred by a quick anap to Collins,'hinoj Leacb off tbe tmg. wa* the

best piece of work In toe itatae.Other feature* were mainly contrlb-

itcd toy tbe vbdton, and Bonton*scorewoahl undoubtedlj nave been largerBnt for tbe great running catctm of~ «amobt and Clark. Waxaer* work

abort and Leach's at tblnl. Vnr tbebOBw team Pamt'ii hauling down of aIner from Clarke'* bat rooanl tbe

Tbooa-b the home IPBUI bad men oilbataaa In tbe first aod ttecond Innine".tbey did not aocceed in crtTiiiu a man

M the plate until Hi- fourth, wbenFreeman'a long Ibrre Iwotpr end P«-renl'v flr»C baae on ern>r. followed byLachance's aicTlOce and Ferris' abarp•tngle lo center, sent in two runs. Onemore wa> added In tbe sixth by L«-•haaoe's three base tilt into tbe ri«M

field crow.I and Ft-rris' -i-onri bit. Tlwruriton looked danseromi In rhe fourth,when, after two blind* were ont. !><*clireceiTed a free paan. followpd by Wag-ners iiinaie. advnm-nl him tc:hlrd. He waa caught n moment latrrby CHa-er** throw dewrihed abore. Intbe alxtb Pbillipp* alagled. hut wancangbt off flrat In a ijolck double play.Criger to Lachaace. Beaumont miikiitt:

Tb* Plttaburg* alao bad nwn ona ID tbe flftb and serentb. but theyT got anj farther than Int. Score

-Boston. S; Plttabnrg. 0. Summary:Earned run*—Boston. •> Three baaeIt*— Freeman, Lachaoce. Bebring. Bac-

rUkehlt-LacbaBce. »toien baae— Wag-Umpire*—CDay and ConnoUy.

*r m 1««wYORK, Oct. 14.-A perfect day

for m'-irit; BTeeted tbe patrons of thesport at Brighton Beach. In the fourth

ls ran a fast race and wonhandily, though M»>.r Daingertlcld

iade an expiring effort at tbe end andgot to wttbln a length and a half ofKermis- The latter took the track'ram flag-fall and •Imply played withtbe tile Mack, aevcral times allowinghim lo get almost op ami then draw

way. Igniter was not up to •hard race snd was oadty beaten. Hick*

nd worked him DP to cup dip-taare befot-p patting up. The time.233 1-.V I* • new track record, break-lag ttw old one of 233 3-ft

LEXINGTON. Ky.. Oct. 14 -Tb*raring was marked by close and eicit-

Wltri two or three n -ecpttona rrtry beat w»« won by s

Cotllloa. the favorite intb* 2:17 cuts, pacing. w«« forti-d totravwl nil mile* to win th» rarr. Tbe

• «rf th* race werv wonby Dutch Uowery, Co-

tllloa. Irish Jack and Braver. Cotillontook tb* fifth and aii& beats, tbe fifthbeat by a noae from Money K u L

C. O. 1). wa* ruled out In

CHlt'AUO. Oct. 14.—SU Shooter, tbeodds on favorite In tbe amile and a «U-

itb handicap at Wnrth. was girm adecided beating by 1 *>\y Jorelyn. Thethree-year-old ally ran one of the beat

s of bar career and tied tbe trackrecord of 1 4-1 for tbe raUe and a six

nth Bad she been extended sbeito> ha** beatea the mark by s goodrsto. Six Shooter WB* eight lensth*front of King*I for tbe ptace. with

Lendln * like distance back.

CHICAGO. Ort. 1*. "T»r." WUt-helped the National- win their •erentligame of tbe aerie*, HOP of bis gifts

lintr, into a run. • rrry wlilf throwa ^rild pttcb ** *ring two more.

Wicker add the Americans down to

LOriS, Oci- H In tbe card at

a tb* third race by a leagtft,b«M (lm» of tbe meajttnar.

MbM Crawford wa* weond aad BenAdklM third. la tbe anncid rare Har-ry Grialtb

POST OFFICE TRIAIS»Daniel V. Miller and Joseph

M. Johns Defendants.


j . > r w , th* Bab* w n i r . . rmr t%*U > U F » r > l . T..IJ ..( 111.

CINCIXNAT1, O, Oct. 14.-Tb- firsttrial under about two iliwcen ladlrt-

ata *gBlo*t pvat uflitv offlt-iai* se-ed In dlff.-n'iit parts of th« countrythe government recently has be«n

becun here. Th* defendant* are Dan-Id Voorbeea Miller of Tern Haute,Ind., formerly assistant attorney gen-eral for the post office department atWashington, and hla frleod, Joeepb II.Johns, an attorney at Rockvllle. Ind.

The government charged a consnlr-ey between these defendants for tb*nrpoa* of obtainlns: mnney from John

J. Ryan, a. turf commissioner, with of-In Cincinnati and St. I«uia. for

protecting blm from post ritiioc officialsIn tbe use of tbe malls for his schemes.

Miller claims absolute ignorance ofny transaction that may have oc-

curred between Ryan nod John*.John* claims thst he made an ordi-

nary contract wltb Hyan n* attorneysecuring a decision from

tbe poetal deparinu-nt npon presenta-tion of the ca*e.

Both defendnnts (•mpballcalty denyany anderitandinK between tbemselvesOr with Ryan or any conspiracy. The

eminent counsel arc engaged onboth aides. Miller and Johns are oldfriends, hnvins lived ID adjoining coan-

I Indiana for years, wbere bothbeen prominent politically, pro-

feaslonally and otherwise.The defendants have been indicted

Jointly on aiz counts of conspiring tobribe from Jobn J. Ryan * Co.

of Cincinnati anil St. Louis. The gov-dozrn witnesses

and the defense three times tbat many.It Is not expected that the argumentsWill be reached nntil tbe latter part ofthe week. The witn.-*.v« were RichardM. Webster, a clerk In tbe legal de-partment of the postmaster general stWashington: J. M. Morrow, telefrrapbOperator at RockTlllc. Ind.. and John J.Byan.

When court convened Webster w»iHe s ted thst be wa

aa lotterywhile Miller wax In charge of

fraud cases. He testified tbat when Itbad been decided that cases were Dot

MI the fraud list tbat such a decl-by the assistant attorney genera)

for the post office department hnd here-tofore been dual.

te*tlBed at length re-garding tbe work of tbe Inspector* atBockrlllo and produced about two doc-en copies, of telegrams that pmwrf be-tween Johns and Ryan and one tbat

" between Johns and Miller.J. Ryan, tbe star witness of the

government, waa on tbe witness standfrom 3 o'clock until court adjourned.

history and an explanationaf hi* co-operative Investment compn-

tellittg; bow he advertised In thepaper* and received answers with mon-ey by mall. Last November be was

on by poat office inspectors andifterward received a notice from

D. V. Miller as assistant attorney gen-aral of tbe poat office department tbat

turf commissioner'* operationsfraudulent. Later be bad a bear-

Ing before Attorneys Christiaory andKiller. He coodnoed. however, to

trouble, and soon after his re-torn from WBahinjcton be reeelved aletter from Joseph M. Johnn, In which

itter *ald he could be of serrk-eto him. After conniderab>e correspond-

by mall and wire they met InTerre Uaute. where Kyan stated beregistered nnder the name of Rose.

described In detail bow tbeymingled aboat the hotel In Terre Hauteand finally retired from other* to hi*

'here Johns opened tbe conver-sation about bl* troubles with tbe poolsince department.

Ryan was proceeding to repeat themversatioo that took place when the

two were alone In a room at TerreHaute w-ben b« waa interrupted by anabjection from Rnllson to the witnesstaadfylng as to what Johns recited

Miller. Ryan was testifyingthat Jobn claimed to be close to Mil-

Ibie to advise Rysn what Miltor bad aald roold or wonld be done In

llBon objected tog conspiracy be-

ny eoaaplracy had been eatab-•bed.After both sides argnod the qnestion

af allowing Ryan to proceed with whatJohn bad stated that Miller bad ssldrccardlag the case court took tbe ob-jection nnder adrlnetnent.

t ie pending case,connecting Miller I

LONDON. Oct 14.-A Vienna corre-apoodent aaaerts that King Leopold 1*gain* to that city to ask EmperorFranc!* Joseph to become arbitrator

be Anglo-Belgian differences con-cerning tbe Kongo and that the em-

r wll] accept, as both (Germany andEngland have Intimated tbat tbey will

nntmi with hi* arbitration.

NEWBUBG. N. Y . Oct. 14.—Tne vO-ifje* of Flshs.HI Landing and Mat-eawan voted In ravor of municipal

*wTterahlp of waterworks and will boytb* plaat for (130.000. For twenty

. ratedrvolr ts sltoated on

KAKT NOKTHKIKI.H. Mas*.. Ort.*.—After a simple f u r n l aejikw al

• beaty of Mm. I»w)clit 1. Moody wa*M baHde that of h«- husband, tb*asaaa *vaa«e4M. at Round Tap.

l l l l GUIOpened the Season SaturdayWith 6 toO Victory 0r*wthe Columbia Field Club.




Alls Scored oa Tackles Back Tor-

Tallied Bat for FasablaNear God Lin*.

In th* presence of oa* hundred <looker* tbe Alia Olnb opened Its foet-

aaaaan Satuday on Oroaoent Ovalwith a victory over the ColombiaField Olnb eleven. The gamaplayed on a maddy field, which

>py work impoaalble and waa the» Of many fnmblee on tbe part ol

both teanu. Creditable work WM doniby Onmming and WUIOD lor Alia, «cdMnnford for tha Colombia

a at tb* end of th* flrat half waa0 to 0, but tbe ball waa in tbe handsof the Jersey Oily team oontlnne,thrnaghont tbe half. H. Pattbe.who played qnattat back for the vttore, abewed good genermlsblp and ranwith th* bail time after time fnrgalaa of from twenty to thirty yaid*.Bat for a fumble within fifteen yardaOf tha Alia goel tb* Columbia elevei

Id have scored a tonohdowa. Altaasored on tackle* back. Pond beingpnabad over tbe line for a tonohdowa,after long rnna had been made byOumming and Woltmaa. Tha goalWM kloked by Gap*. Philllpt. Tbeteama were evenly matobed aa toweight. Lin* ap:

lie. a F.marl re Byan

Wllaon it . ..Haha, (Oapt.)n ra Alpangb

Qilnn o NagelWhitn'yBra'don Ig Boaobard

»-Pood ll.Abrama-Wlabardlnone If Oroeby

Woltman rhbimlag . Ibb

Davla. fbPhillip., (Oapt)qta .

Touchdown, Pood ; goal from touch-down. Phillips; Beferee, L. Darling,if PlBinfleld; ampin, D. Adams, of

Jereey Oily: timer, Clifford Smith, ofPlalnBald ; linemen, Nagll and Smith :time, two Bfteen mi ont* halve*.


B, Patlberg

H. Paltbarg

of Pl.lnflHii PropertyK*eord*d la tb* County Clark's

Offlce, Kllxabeth.Tbe real aaMte oenvayanoea were

recorded In Ibe Oonnty Clerk'i offlce.Elisabeth, between October S and 10:

P*t*r Frsier el i x to Proaton B.Ooodfellpw. 1S1 feet oa aonthweet Unaof N*ther wood aveane. 150 feet north-

-eat of Second aUeet. PUmlleld, fSBO;InvMtor* Realty Co. to laabella H*t-field, 25 leal on' Second street. SU feetlODthvnl of J. Oompton'i corner,PlaitiOeM, 91 ; E. Fraok Tall (111 tnPlalnflald Land and Be tiding Co.. 30.3aorai on Bock av*aa«. In aoatheily

of C R. R. of N. J., tl ; tbe Im-proved Boildiog Lot Association of

w Jersey aad Pennsylvania toIR» L. Titoi. lot f., block O, map

of Bookvlew Heights, PUtnBeld, f lH;Uornellas E Onllch ct ox to Wm.

northerly tin* of Woodbine•vanne. S4S feet wsat of Park avenue,Plainfleld. H i Aogmta Uanl et al toTbareaa a Nelton, SO feel on north-

id* of Richmond street. 1ST feetfram Bast Front atreet, Plalnneld, I I ;

Fred A. Selscn, lot 88, blockC, map of PlalnB*ld Baal Batata Co.,f l ; Wm. B. Allen, receiver lo KlstoaM. French. 15» 83 feet oa East Second•ireet, corner of Jobnaton avenne,Flalnaeld, 970; Sbtaa M. French toClara Jraeen, same, 91; Wm. J. Peaion to Wm. K. O. Pearson, on north'ran line of Third street, fiO factloitbeaat or PreacoM plaoe,' Plalnflald,11. — Arohitaota' and Ballders' Review

and Baal Batata BaoorJ.

Tba BaJva Tba* H*al*wltbaat leaving a aoar la DeWitt'a.Tb* name. Witch Basel le applied tomany aelve*, bat DoWitt't WitchBaaal Salve la tbe only Wlloh Baaal

Iv* made that oontalaa tb* per*aaadalteraled witch baaal. If anyatbar Witch Haaal Salve la offered yonIt U a counterfeit. E. O. DeWitt lo-vaatad Wtteh Haaal Salve aa* DaWiti'a Wltofa Basal Salve 1* tba beetssJvs la tba world for oats, baraa,braises, tatter, or blind, bleeding,ibstalag aad protroillag pllaa. Soldby L. W. Baaaalpb.

Oewwg* Henry aad Fraak X*l*an, OfW«*t Third «tre*t, bav* retaraed from

vt«ii al tba bom* at friends al Bah-

Bar. Dr u d Km Edwin L. Earp,

HITlfnairal a n d l e * E n j o y e d by

M a n y Soc ie ty People From

B o t h of th» Clubs.



Tl* With•core af Ml - W*atleld Clab Ea-t*rtala*d at Oraaferd a,ad Lost

nla and Golf Globch toeial aotWlly

tb P


TW Hillside Tamu tbe scene

Saturday afternoon, when tb* ParkOl«b waa entartaoiad at a mniloaleand tea. During the afternoon from8 to 6, tbe olnbhonas WM thronged

>llh the membara of both olubs andall thoroughly enjoyed Iba programmeif meaic, M well M tbe social feature*

In connection with tbe Ira. Tbos* Inibarge tnolnded tb* wive* of the

trust***, together with member* ofthe hone* committee. Tbe olnbhooiewaa prettily decorated with autumnalfoliage.

The evant on Ib* oonre* WM Ib*weakly play for the Golf Committee

Flrat honors were divided be-i W. 11 Qlanney and B. H

Stockton, each making a net eoore ofSI and receiving 3% point*, Tbla ad-rances Stockton wall np to Pataracn'aleading poeitlon with 18 polnla.Ulenney now baa a total of H\ points.Mr. Petemn won Ibe remaining pointmaking bla total nineteen.

These acorea w e n ported for Ih*ip:W. L. Olenney, HI, 1-81; H. B.

Stockton, BS, 4—81; Waller Peterson,Vt, 8-S«;C. B Morgan. 99, ia-67:

P. Goodwin. 101, 18—88; O. T.TanBoekerck, loo. a—»l; Arthm Mur-phy. 104, 10—84. '

fall ia tbe standing by points forGolf Committee oap al Ibe Hill

aid* Tannla and Golf Olnb IWelter Petaraon »H. Reeve Slookton 1 fi*-Olaf Saagetad ItFrank a BednbartW. L. OlenneyH. D. BlbbardAnguatua R. FlakJalTaa BrtokaonArthur Mnrpfayf. O. TalmadgeB B. ShoemakerO. B. MorganKlliott T. Barrow*K. T. NewklrkO. Westley Abbottbtanon & AckermaoParoy H. StewartK. P. GoodwinDudley H. BarrowsRobert AbbottH. W. Be*b*Morris J. Dumonl

Whitney Baker_ P. GoodwinO*o. T. VanBoakarok..

,. U. Henderson. \%K H. KowUnrt I)*

Towneend Hoihmore I1.B. K. Ir*mong*r \%Dr. Q. W. EndlOOtl IHDaalal T. GIOBB IHDr. B. VanD. Herigei IH3. A. Tompklne \%Dr. F. O. Ard ID. W. Taylor 1H. deP. Wright %"I. A. Chapman 1-1

L F. Fo* • 1-8Tha WestOeld Golf Olnb Mam Jour-

neyed to Cranford Saturday afHrnoonand received tba wont defeat of Ib*

it tbe hand* of the borne tesm.Tb* eoor* waa M to a la fftvor of theOranford Golf Olab. W. A. Town-send, of tba Park Golf Olub, playedwith the borne team aad aoorad <l**«npoint*. A return match will be playadat Weetfleld on Saturday, Ootobar M.

This la tb* aommary of Batnrday'amateb:

Cranford—O. W. Davit, 10; J. 0.dgBonmb*. 0; J. O. Ooitreil. 0; K

J. Mix, 0; T. J MoOlellan, • ; L. U.Lyoo, 6; H. Flak, 6; A. Blgonay. Is

'. A. Towewand. 11. Total, 44.Westfleid-C. B. Belated, 0; B. L

Towmley, 0; K. F. Baynor. S: K D.Floyd, 0; Oh as. Hansel, 0; A. D-Tnltla, 0; W. 1. Bogerl, Jr., 0; B. R.Perkina. 0: H W. OUdwIo, 0.Total, I

Cart for Dyapepsln.lyepepsia, tn ita worn totm

and fall miserable MM* aU tb* tlma.Did not enjoy aatlng until after Iaaed Kodol Dyspepsia Oar* which bMoomplataly oaiad me . -MM. W. W.Baylor, Hilliard. Pa. So appetite.los* of strength, narvoosn***, bead-

itipatioo. bad breath, aourrialng, indlgwtion, dytp>r*i* *«' allstomach troablea a n qatokly cared by

iae af Kodol. Kodol represent!UM natural JnlcM of digestioo com-bined with Ib* giMlMl known tomeand reconstructive propertiri. Uolaaaaea, panaaa aad awaateaa the

Said by L. W. Randolph

rataraad from a visit «

-••- .


. 41-9


re. B*ary L*lfke, af Waal EndPath, la entartolaiag bar bratbai. ">Gbxx, of Brooklyn.

D. a B*od aad Williaas BMwart, afraahlym, » p w N ec «. •- Wia*k-

lar, af Waetamlt area.*.



If IMBOY Borough Folio. O.T. On* Thtof Xato th* Ooatody of AatboriUM of That Plaaa



I HM TH Ban Alwaya Boa«M. I

ranom« n a suck *fi«ATO* CAPTUHO IT KAYOS IK ALLEY.


IM l.m IT OKU* •* PUIM lull, if that HIT. U ami lUipi H dayllfbl baralary H. U nMH M Bay—■ lad. II U Wlml otbar HU— H. k— Maatly iMHil kla Ik.— bal k— — poa-UMy IMIM byarfayaaMil boy. »U


The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.

m post It™ IM MMmIM M tew la Brooklyn aa4 was entirely

Obtef Barks visited Um Jail Friday fed again aa Safer fey afternoon VM ha re l ant ad Relorday ka brought wMh bla a aaa aad woasaa aad ihe sis year old aaa. froa Perth


ELLIOTT’S FARM. rtsMBMOi si Us Uardea raica

-Picking Barries by «ka Quart. 2

Cloae SO Ike draaasy village of Maw Market. Elston 8. Elliott owaa a seven acre far as whlob be.bae divided off roe tbs on 111 ratio* of vegetables aad frail Otto section of I bo plot ho



■aid ■oo-btory of the Coot- Obarlee W. Book slew, of Wool Fifth street. who was hollered to have foaad dead la Ibo Jeraay Oily yards of the Vow Jersey Central last Friday algbl, la allwa aad walL Saferfey sight Mr Back slew’s father saoea

aa a era lee oa a boat jelaUy owaad by A. M. Urlffl. aad Alloa A Lateg. of lb la oily. Saferfey morale# be left Hyaofc. where ha bad baoa eta for a fey or ao, aad bo reaobod Aatbar on Saferfey knew nothing of the f la the Jaraoy Oily yarda aatll la formed of Ibo foot Saturday eight over the talepboae by bla father The com natation ticket foaad the body was for the moatb of Beptam- II

oardod the ticket when the last rife swept out of tbe train la wMel riding As yet the bady baa aat been Idea tide A The eoppoetOea

WORLD'S CHAMPIONS Boston Asurioui Hold tbo

Oowatad Baaahall PtonmnL nnsictcs ruins sict on

la a greet gam# her* am! wna tbo world's baseball rbetnplmielilp. to the boost frmslrd delight of 7.000 so The demon*! ration which folkawed daeea's striking oat of Uaoo Waguei la the ninth equaled any rollrge foot

to the Boat one In the drat few cameo. yvd to pltrb for the vMlora for the sixth time He was not only hatted hard, hot ho sow bis rival. Dlaeen. car- tonom by boldine the Na- n to foor -raftered hits, which, bockrd by perfect fielding. pre •ingle IHtsbnrg man getting farther than third hose IM nee a ifrark en. and bla et^port by Crl- gvr conlrlbaled metertally to the of the game. The tatter's bio If r to aerood In the fourth Inning, followed by a quirk snap to Collies. itching Leach off the bag. was lb* beet piece of work In the game. Other feat area were mainly contrib- uted by the visit ova. and Boston's a woakl undoubtedly have been larger bat foe the great running catches of ind Clark. Wagner s v at abort sad Leech's at third For the »me team Fa reefs hauling down of aer from Clarke's bat roused tl reateot eathootasm. Though the home team bad men t sass In the first and se*-vmd inning*, they dhl not sacceed In getting ■ the plate aatll the fourth, when long three bagger and mat’s first hose on error, followed by 1^chance's sacrifice and Ferris' sharp ■ingle to center, sent In two runs One more was added In I be sixth by Lt chance's three base hit Into the rlgli field crowd sod Ferris' woml hit. The visitors looked dangerous In the fourth, when, after two hands were out. Teach received a free pass, followed by Wag single, which advanced him t» third He waa caught a moment later by C'Tiger's throw described above, the sixth Phiilippe singled, but wa- rs ogbt off first In a quick double play. Crlger to Lachance. Beaotnont striking oat. Tbs Iltteburgs a loo bad mei In the fifth and seventh, but they got any farther thaa first Score Earned rune-Boston 2. Three base

oer Umpires—O'Day and Connolly. MEW YOKE. Oct. 14.—A perfect day for racing greeted the patrons of tbe sport at Brighton Beech In the fourth ■ ran a fast race and won ough Major Dalngerfield aa expiring effort at tbe end and got tn within a length and a half of Kermis The latter took the track from flagfall and simply played with tbe Mg Mack, several time, allowing him U> get almost op sad tbe* draw log away. Igniter waa not up to a hard race and waa badly beaten Hicks went on and worked him op to cup die fence before polling op The time 232 1-.V Is ■ new track record break lag tbe old oae of 232 fi-fl LKXIXOTOX. Ky~ Oct. 14.-Th* racing waa marked by clow and exrlt lag finished With two or three ex ■ spffena every heat was won by a neck or leas Cotillon, the favorite In tbe 2J7 dam. pacing, was forced to H sis mile* to win Ibo race. The fisur bents of tbe race were won nr cession by Dutch Mow cry. Co- tuioa. Irish Jack and Bearer t oftllon tbe fifth and sliA bests, tbo fifth by a none from Mooey Musk, ■h. with C. O D . wo ruled out In

CHICAGO. Oct. H SU Shooter, tl Odds on favorite In tbe mile and a si feenth handicap at Worth, was given decided heating by Lndy JorHya The three-year-old filly ran one of tbe best ■ of bar career aad tied tbe track record of 1.44 for th* mile and a th Bad she been extended It have beaten tbe mark by a gnnd margin Six Shootvr was eight lengths front of Flags I ft»r the place. wMh adln a fike distance back.

POST OFFICE TRIALS DuM V. Wller and Joeepb

If. John* Defendant*. COISMiCT TO 01 III] 1 ISIBf

r* Dealings. # CINCINNATI. O, OcL 14.—Th** first trial nndrr about two domra iffiUct- meots against post <dkv officials se- cured la different parts of th* country by the government recently has been begun bare. Tbo defendants are Dan- lai voorheen Miller of Terre Hante. Ind.. formerly aaatatant attorney gen sral for tbe po«t office deportment at Washington, and bis friend. Joseph M. Johns, an attorney at Rockville. Ind. Th* government charged a conspir- acy between the* defendants for lb* purpose of obtaining money from John J. Ryan, a turf commissioner, with of- fices In Cincinnati and St. Louis, for protecting him from pool office officials tn tbs oae of the mslta for bla schemes. MUler claims absolute Ignorance of any transaction that may have oc- curred between Ryan sod Johns. Johns claims that be made an ordi- nary contract with Hyan aa attorney to assist m securing a decision from the postal department upon presenta- tion of tbe caae. Both defendants emphatically deny any understanding between tbemarlros or with Ryan or any conspiracy Tbe moat eminent counsel are engaged on both sides Miller nnd Johns are old friends, having lived In adjoining coun tie* In Indiana for years, where both have been prominent politically, pro- feoakmally and otherwise. Tbe defendants have been Indicted Jointly on six counts of conspiring to obtain a bribe from John J. Ryan A Co. of Cincinnati and Rt. Lonla The gov ailed wilt and tbe defense three times that many. It la not expected that the arguments win be reached until tbe latter part of the week Tbs witnesses were Richard M. Webster, a clerk In tbe legal do partment of the postmaster general at Washington; J. M Morrow, telegraph operator at RockTlIlc. Ind . and John J. Ryan. When court convened Webster waa examined. He atated that be was In charge of what were known as lottery case*, while MUler was In charge of fraud cases He testified that when It had Men decided that cases were not put on the fraud Uat that such a deci- sion by the assistant atto.raey general for the post office department hnd here- tofore been final J. M. Morrow testified at length re- garding tbe work of the Inspectors at VarkrlJie aad prod need about two doa- en copies of tslegrama that pawed be- tween Johns and Ryan and one that passed between Johns and Miller. John J. Ryan, tbe alar witness of tbe government, was oa the witness stand from 3 o'clock until court adjourned. He gars a history sod an explanation of his cooperative Investment compa- ny. telling bow be advertised In tbe papers sod received answers with moo ey by malL Lost November be was called on by post office Inspectors and soon afterward received a notice from D. V. Miller aa assistant attorney gen seal *f tbe post offhe department that his turf maim I ■•Inkier’• operations were fraudulent Later he had a hear tog before Attorneys i hrlstlanry and Miller. He continued, however, to have trouble, and soon after bis re- torn from Washington be received a letter from Joseph M. Johns, In which the tatter said be mold be of service to him. After considerable correspond- once by mall and wire they met In Terre Haute, where Ryan Ntated be registered under the name of Root. Ryan described In detail bow they mingled about th* hotel In Terre Haute and finally retired from others to his room, where Johns opened tbe coaver nation about his troubles with the post

Haste when he waa Interrupted by an abject loo from Hudson to tbs witness testifying as to what Johns recited about Miller Ryan was testifying that Johns claimed to be close to Mil- lar sod able to advise Ryan what Mil ild or would be done in e. Hudson objected to Miller to a conspiracy be- fore any conspiracy had been eetab- th* pending connecting

After both sides argued the question *f allowing Ryan to proceed with what Johns had stated that Miller bad aatd regarding the caae court took tbe ob- jection under advisement LONDON. Oct. 14.—A Vienna rocre- apoadent assert* that King Leopold la going to that city to ask Ktnperor Frauds Joseph to become arbitrator nf the Anglo Belgian difference# con sect.In* tbe Kongo and that tbe em- peror will aerarat. as both Germany and England hare Intimated that they will

KEWRI BU. N Y. Oct. 14.-The vU- lages of Flab kill Landtag and Mat- ten wan voted la favor of municipal •^nerahtp of waterworks and will buy tbo plant ter flPO.nou For twenty the plant The rsswrvotr Is situated oa

EAfiT NORTH FIELD. Ms r of Mr* Dwtgbl L Moody t fife that of her husband, found Top.

IIU CM Opnnnd the B—on Saturday With 6 to 0 Victory Otrt the Colombia Field Club.



In Um lookers Um Alia Olab opened Im tool- ball —noon Sol a l day oo Oreooool Oval with a victory over tbo OninmMn Flfild Olub alevan. Tba garni played on n muddy field, whlob snappy work Impossible nod wa annas of many fa rabies oa I ha port of both teams Oroditable work by On mm lag and Wilson for Alla, and Mon ford for the Colombia team. The •core at Um sod of tbo fliat half was of Um Jersey Oily team oootlnaally throughout tbo hall H. Pattbarg. who played quarter book for Um vlsl- wltfa th* boll time offer Urns for gains of from twenty to thirty yaife But for o fumble within fifteen yarda of tbo Alla fool tbo Colombia old woo Id hove BOO red a touchdown. Alla

offer long rnoa bod bean mods Gumming and Woltmoa. The goal waa klokad by OspA Phillips. Tbo teams wars evenly matched oa to weight. Lies op: Alla a F. a Os ib os n re Ryan Wllaoo rt Hahn. (Oopt) Kgoo rg Alpaogb Galon. 0 Nagel Whllo’y Bra’doo Ig Roeehord Pika-Pond It Abrams Wlshardt Emmons If -Orooby Woltmoa rbb .... E. Pattbarg CcmmlBfi Ihb Hanford Da via fb . Johnston Phillips. (Oapt I qb . H. Pattbarg Touchdown. Poad ; goal from touch- down. Phillips ; Referee. L. Darling. of Plainfield j umpire, D. Adams, of Jersey Oily: Umar. Clifford Smith, of Plainfield ; lineman. Na«U aad Bmllb ; lima, twa fifteen miaats halesa REALTY TRANSFERS.

party Recorded tn the County Clerk's Office. Elisabeth. Tbe real estate conveyances were reoorded In tbo County Clark's offloe, Elisabeth, between Ooteber 8 and 101 Peter Fraser at ax to Prestos B. Ooodfellew. 131 feat oa aoetbweffi line of Nether wood a venae. ISO feet north west of Beooad etraot, Plainfield. fiSfiO; Investors Realty On to Isabel la Hat- field. to foot oo Reoond street. *V foot sooth west of J. Compton's corner. Plainfield, |l ; A Freak Vail at al to Plainfield load and Roildtag Co . 80 t scree on Rock avenue, la southerly line of O. R. R of N. J., fil. tba Im proved Bollding Lot kaooeiaUon of New Jersey and Pennsylvania to Emma L Tllua. lot A block O, map of Book view Heights. Plain field, «ISS; Cornells* A Onlleb at ns to Was. Blase I, on northerly line of Woodbine a veins, 142 fast west of Park avaaae, Plainfield. |1; Aagasta Mail at al to There an a Bslsoo. 50 fast oo north safe aide of Rlckaaond street. 1«7 feat from East Front street, Plainfield, fil; earns to Fred A. Nelecn. lot 18. block

A map of Plainfield Baal Batata Oa. •I; Wa A Alloa, reoolver to Elston , 189 83 food on East Second aitaak, Plainfield, *73; Elston M. French to Clara Jeoeen. same. *1; W». J. Pam- mn to fa A O. Pearson, on north- west Una of Third atraot, 60 feet northeast of Preocoet pfeoa.*Plalaflald, $L —Arc hi tecta’ and Halide rt' Review The Solve That Heels t leaving a acar la DeWlM'a. me Witch Haaol la applied to solve*, but DoWitt'a Witch SoIre Is tbs only Witch Hone* made that eon tains tbe para witeb banal. If aay Witch Haael Salve Is offered yon » counterfeit. A O. Da Win m- < Witch Haael Halve aad Da- i Wttob Haael fialva Is tba beat to the world far eats, boras.

IT Mnokml and Tea Enjoyed by Many Society Ppople From


GOLF COMMITTEE CUf DIVIDED Oleaaey aad fitoektea Tie With

•cor* of fit—West field Clob r.a- tortolnod at Cranford nnd Loat

/ a One-aided Mntch. The Hillside Tennis and Oolf Clob wna tbe aecae of much aoclal activity Ratorday afternoon, wtrao tbe Park Clob waa an tartan lad aft a maalcal* and tea Daring Ms afternoon from I to 6, tba olnbbooae waa thronged with tba mam bars of both clob* and all thoroughly enjoyed Iba programme of mastc. as well aa tbe aoclal features In connection with tba tea Those la charge included the wives of Iba trustees, together with members of tbe boos* committee. Tbe clabboeee was prettily decorated with aatamnal foliage. Tba event on Iba oourao was tba weakly play for tba Golf Committee eup. First honors ware divided be- tween W. L. Gleaney aad H. A Stock ton. snob making a net soor* of 81 aad reoelvlog %% point# This ad- vances Block ton well np to Peterson's leadlog position with 18 point# Qlenaey now baa a total of 81*' point* Mr. Pateraoa woo tbe remaining point making bis total nineteen. These scores were posted for lb* W. L. Gleaney, 82. 1-81; H. R. 8 took too. ». 4—81; Waller Peterson, M, •—86; O. B Morgan. BO, 12-87; A P. Goodwin, 101. 11-88; O. T. VanBookarok. 100, fi-fil; Arthur Mor- phy. 104. 10-84. This Is the standing by points for tbe Oolf Committee cap at the Hill- side Tooele and Golf Olnbt Waller Peterson 19 H. Reave Bdocktoe l«S Olaf Raagstad 12 Frank a Relobort 8 W. L Olmuray 8* H. D. Hibbard 81-8 AugnetOB A Flak f Julie* Briokeoa 7 Arthur Murphy 81-8 F. a Tel made* fill E B. Shoemaker « O. A Morgan 418 Elliott T. Barrow* 4 A T. Newkirk 8 a Westley Abbott • Morion & Ackerman 2 P*roy H 8 taw art S E. P. Goodwin ■ Dudley A Barrow* 23-« Robert Abbott 2ft-« H. W Beebe 2 Morris J. Dumont 2 J. Whitney Baker 2 E. F. Goodwin 2 Gao. T. Van Bosks ret

Daniel T. Olena Dr. B. VanL>. Hedge* J. A Tompkins “ ~ O. Ard D. W Tut: A deP. W. rtgbl % G. A Uhapmso 1-8 H. F. Fob 1-2 Tba Westfield Oolf Oink Mam jeer- aa/ad to Craaford Ratarday aflernooa and received the wont defeat of tbe eeaeo* at Iba heads of tba bom# team Tba eeore was M to 2 to favor of tbe Cranford Onlf Club. W. A. Town send, of tbe Park Golf Olok, played with tbe borne team aad scored eleeea point# A return match will be played at Westfield en Saturday. October 24 This is tbe summary of Balerday’e Match : Oranford—O. W. Davla. 10; J. Q Edgecombe. 0; J. 0. Cottrell. 0; A J. Mix. 0; T. J. McClellan, fi . L. M. Lyon, •; A Flak, «; A. Blgoeey 3; 1L Total, 44 a A Hoisted. 0; A L Town slay, 0; A F. Raynor. 2; K D. Floyd, 0; Chao Hansel 0. A. D. Tattle. 0; W. J. Bogert. Jr.. 0; E A Parkins. 0; H. W. Glad win. & Total. 2. A Cm hr I Ind ajwvfU la lu wont Ioi» and Ml amhl. matt all >b. !!»• Old mot aaJaj Mia, mmtil mtmr I •ad Kadal Dr.pap«a Car. whlob b*. ootbplM.1, naiad n. Hi. * « Baylor. Hilliard, Pa. B« ap|»>ltr. tom at Mraacth.—, b—d' ■aaa. boatman oa. bad bnaab. war ■ art qalobly car«d by
