
    N. Y. A. Plans CALENDAR ~THE WEEK Freshman Gives Opinion r.i Re~gllition ' Huge Program ::?i:~~~~~;;~~~!iVi:~~ce :: of McPherson Oolle:e L~/ Given Petry

    Sterllnl'. 8 p. m. AU School Sing, l waa very ra~orabl1 football gamc•.- lr I' wero OJ!; ( tbe Soil Con.ffrvation and Water Student Ualon room, a p. m. •Ith co11ece life al Me.Pht~n. I'll Uel~ I certaln1r would Hite to k:now "C.lrin't Conception of the

    Control Subject. For Sunday Oct- .t \ c . E. at Co11es:o admit J camo to .chool lh lnklng thftt tho 1tude nt body w11 back or

    Comideration cbuidi, G: 30 p. m. that " dcmomlnallonit.I 1,'• Mr. Flaming. ''The u• . · mum term befnk umircd. The con· order lo knl)w Oah'ln 11 own ward•

    .. Texas : l..,)' lldon n . J ohnlOn. Stole organtiatlon 11 known .. the Eme.r- I " Culture la not c.xclu1lvc 11eu. Cur- teat will end a ' wec-k from FT1d1y. llr . Petry ~ured Cahln'• ftfly-nlne Director ond L. n . Crlffllh . Super- ,;oner Peace Campallfl1, becaulO IL 10111ty, In Ha true acn•O. mean• ot- •oluf!ICI, written In LAlln and

    vl1or Work ProJeJ:lll. 111 an emer"~ncy. We mull act and 1cmptlng"10 acc1ulro the i;rcatfJ r and "Coodneaa o( Life" h Topic F'ro11ch, from t110 unlvonlLlu• of lhl• ArkaniH : Carl n . llu ·,11 nolhln~ la It• win· l!llll In tho anormath of tho Mt'I. ( .• Hugh Hockman, and Mn. 8.

    Wyoming: £ rn l ~~.!?,YI. 5 1,ale part l.t we ~re to uold a future war, dow•~ .... - \.•_ moJJt .:haaUy a nd de•lructlYI) world M. J on donaled "Prtnclpl~ of Dt~tor. • because one mlln can do ai"'inucti for 1 "Tfiot o Is 06 Ju1llco top.mpl•ln for ~r. Tho worltt 11 thadod hr 1h1dow1 'Clnlh lnJt SelMllon.';- Outtrlnk : "rrln•

    North Onkota : nOlfo:-t Orme. SU•(• flCOClt a.a one taldlor ca.Ji do to win lack ot opport11~l~let1 tor cu lt~ro: If - 1orrow• . 1tru1"1;le11, and dlup- civic• of Cor rect ' Dr "'·" \Vlntorburn. Dlroctor. and Ed. X. ll a11cnbctg . • racN. Mr . .. ~111.mlnc. a aenlor In the I you really w~n~ cultun•. :.ou II :tr· ~lnt~ent.s. , yet the re 1.~ aomethlo~ and "Clo.(blng .OOn1tr1 u on."

    iSuperviaor Work Pr0Jec111. . r• nJ(o w;11i) 10 . i;til IL. . \ Cl'")' -warth•htlo Jn Jlfo. • \Drown. Gorlinrn a nd Koovor. •

    . Sodth DnkoU\: John M. J.~r•·ln. The,;11ln~ 'l)'Yod"' to bo T11un.ctn.i· 1 A vocul aolo ;tw .Mlit• lf~lo>~ [.ar.koy. "Llro 11'1 ,KOqd bMau110~ Ollll r~•Y .. Seve ra l book• have boon "ddod t'o .Stato Director. and ~>·ron llclluch, __ .. . do• otlon• by Cladya Sl\An-k .arht Krou1, clJ.ooM the rli:ht, Seek and 1al.( wlll the llht:h c. of )fcPhoraon Collue Su~r•ltt1r Wo,rk P roJctlll. .. The.aplan ct.u.L tryout. nre to be •lnglng led by M111 \'Iola llarrl~1com- !'fl1d 1:;000." ht' contlnuod.', "'Lite 11 llJirar ,

    Colorado:, Do nl\lJ ' H. :'ilcSollP, eta a fle1ruoo11 llmwocn the . 11ro,.ram. .~ · :r 4'ortli¥i•hllu hl•cllUle 'Ood 1,1110,•o.' " . · · .

    AM t. St;ate Olr~,1nr, ··_ a nd We.Jton ! : :S,0 a nd 5 i>· ni. T he 1pon.aor , .. ~; 'nJh• 1lc 1 .. 111 ii.,,:-if:,:.-, .. 1 ,.~,017 ':ople ~rol whol~ ~•ll! F ... ~8 ph• ti' ted ' Arm1tro~p. A_ P,6oplr • wt~ t~'eir. do ,. )!Hq .. t Ffy :W.•• plan· • nd chnrch poop) e at t,hi!! .~s"°lar .aeen playhUC marblt"a la the 1t.adent '""", ,awake Gd drea.m of ,l}lebl whe.n 1 m -mo.ulbt" Or JOI a Ion~ ~~m~ aro ln; ~ll • nd , M'r.. har'let , Wagoner , Jed • ·ec>:lr v.e1por 1en ·lco· Thur~ay 'no-i u)Jlon room S•lurd•r nlcht .. ~~t _lh•l · a.aleep . .ran· J ·~vo Al\)' tere.ebl"-! Ylt-l~s' .ctnnlbfll~rn .. ·(Thal !'· ~ ,1>uz· cropp 1tnclng.,. ' · nl"'; . • ·.. , ':' theH:.rdfr nlfled oert0na,c~• wu&

    Ky good madam, If we bad .Erei6a1, _u fo.eata fly'"). ,'" . ~ ~ ~ "\ · • · · • · ·er~ryoa~ la un :ed to a t tend_ tb• .._rt oo tile.Ir kniel la ,tho ohvfou• ... I' al.bel-Jawod gnnb opperl(t would oal •• ( , . ha\1 been 'UIC'Jeet.IJd to ge t ~>HZ U IA"•d:::~\·G'rtd ·;C 1'C111H?.r· 'lcn l ce tonl,.hL at &:5 al ,lho 1taneo of a mtrhlo ahooter;- llut m.o•·

    their way ·thrQOgh. ~ I ·tho .A. A. A .. t~t httlP.:- b'u~. th! . m e1 J • ~ C(ille1tl) c~urch. An Unu• ual · and Inc lhO m ... IJ~l&I aruund In flC~J)(ld"4 £Ho old Clull, the cotib}er :-oah\ thrtred OD l bitr, A_.b~Ulla.ot ldta. bu '"lle.lpfal 6$-Ylco' ·wu the theme eutertalnlns proeram I! plaDned.. out ho}~ In a b9f.rd, • ,

    be enraged by the two·w1nted.1:nucr bean broqbt fortb bf~ muter mind qt lbo World SerYlce ipM tfng which • h•eral ln~trdcto,. werl) wlllln!t ~i lett Agltatet'I bt war."! l tt w.oUfoo•t a fU!r many ho"Urt , of deep i:oncen· yt'll held 10..~ iJyenln~ Ol 0: "6 ·Jn ;\ n1~0Unl'C \\\'Ot11Ml:111 (»unCU' MceelllW lo •~OW' one the " how, l"h)' and ~· Ju1t ..... 1 ''Tht 1' re rJlta 'jn rux eoup," tratlon. rt '• so 1lmpte ~ c'.a« 't aee: the Y. w. r00m. lJlu eme Sn~ll. wbn~tore" ot the games.and at.a t n· . r but 1.l'U bt; d-nuu~d ! Tbens•1 flln whj l dlctn:t think of IL We'll' r Et a 1pecl11lted nuru. gavft a ta.1k ec>n· W_;man·a Councll wlll ineet fa con ... 1ed i.~teremt In "1.bti ·1amea.

    t Ytf'1Whnt ! I ; • • ' l'ht! m u 10 Jelu, th ' W. ·1>. A., a.nd cernlnr ·hlir work and led a dltcu1,.. Jtoorn G, Sbu.rp Hall. nut Mooda1 .Waay oplnlona wuro uprf.llled to Ye1. Olea t•ern>la« . n1~ on r our tbe11 the,.U be too lUJ lo botber Ion of matten 1Jo9rtalnln1 to health. a ttenloon at 4: SO o'elock.. TM Jeia.cS- the effect tltlt tb• •9'i>Dlllr ..... "

    bed, aoee, detk, tple. elc. lo fact It .any~e.. Hu rrah for . RooMvelt! ' !he Dtvoilon.a .-e re led by lllb 9rph• 1 e,.. of the urlou l(rOupt WIU ban 111cceu and that maQ.r morft or Ill one toes a 1peck In bll IO,UP or on deJIYcrer from fUo-1! • . ,1epa.rate m.~tlap. k.JAd 1bould ltc liM}l ln tho futuro.

  • / ,

    UIDUlllllllDIDDDDll@fliDl .I •

    ~.u.~:z'_ua:;;Jn• ..,._ ~ : (!,wt T·h.e ,g~~-~~1i;ry .-tC) Oftldol ... - ~., ~ ~· ~ ~-

    - - :=-:-_ ~ e•ttJ Tban&.t duriaa the «bool rear by the StltdenL co ... cn. M'fll Sm

    ith W@a taJUnc • ~ . f J l • -er 4

    Mcmbtt other dar that moeb of bird bebniOr Lut Sund~y In clntt~b t tried tq Jun lo proJe to mY1elO and D


    BO)(I! OP 19lb IOJ7 THE SCHOOL 14 cultui;.al. that 1tparrow1 wnt 1eun lmagtne my.elf a llltle PurllQ.Q

    maid Petry and Pblllfp Da•I• Uuu, 1 do "'C

    fHE QJILJ,.1>008 J:bsocicied Coleesic* Press OP Q A.J,ft'IY • the l•n1Jua1e of canarlet Ir reared wb$ "'" laafht . to tit. . Plou1\7 know what ll meana.

    • S.~ .. ..,..., $M -tlfr N-•~,. zo, um. at ~ ~"""' u >CrPtat.r..on. amons canarlet. Ali a practical phtt- throurhJ lhe Sabbath ser\'fce In a

    ~ • ....,. the .c1 ot M•~ 2, ur•t. · otopber, ft oeeure to me wbat a pro-- chllly cbvrcb bot1M. .But 1 would

    ------ - ·-'---- - ------------! round aenlce 10 buman1ty aomo Dur- hatb!;n ~~It Of datln~ OD our camp~I, y.pur O'fp ,Qpcs Aad lO JUlt prOTO to problem ot dealing 4!rfK UYely with On lb& o&bt.r hllnd. 11'0 do not pr~ =~~~e rtduced and the budget bal·

    Tht Y uy that there I• no cb6n(,0 tbJt bori that they do not havo IP n. Iott-handed ltcbT ThlB can1 tor PO"o to allow the oppo81t1on to pla- 11 · •uch n flnnnefnl n


    1fven to the folk• who really want .much to howl nbovt OD 1he date 1111- further ln•callkaUo.n

    br Pror. T_us·J tort cllber what wf'I hue a1readr \·ed. ho llhould aurely he Prttldent.

    to ,date. ,,...... · uatlon aa tbe.y tomellmes would w"ll. We noto further (from an Jnd· done or tha.t w·hlcb we n

    ilvoeate In ti Dul :fr. Lundon ne~ll"Cled lo men·

    "" l fcire we ha•e a •e T fi ne:, chance bay, . Ua be11e•e. , , , laqapg118 fi!'lpc.r): The wo..-t story In

    1. tbCI nrt..ent campaign. U contusion of lno~1;· t~ Kanaaa ra.nkt fort)"..elshlh

    tor the bOya to come tbro111b' wllb Jvit remembor tbla fellow• tho.t rccoht Detroit hJatory swept ower tho tunes Is to be tho progra

    m or her achooJa: WhY. Kan1a1,

    nylng colott SaturdaT nl1ht an.4 .tho next · time A break 1ome.i 'up •to lho heart of tho cJtY Jatc todny kill· i J . 0. M. Hamnton and Co. we ••Ill

    41 a t late . .h~• contributed .!G or one

    .,.er). ! ew took adHnta1e of lbe •lk jl&Ye • d9tt, tbe g:lrla are harmteu Ing two Pflf10UI. unrooflnr .~verai ; be only lOO glad .to unUtn~I,. tb~m. r,;~1 c~~t • townrd rellof. On~


    uallon. In other word• thl• llf lb' ~~, r, fJJ-. to bite Alt'P Uuit men bulld lng". uproottni;: tree1, 1blitter- 1 fl 'Jhlfng tho camp

    aign on J D Jl 1 e em-Mr. Landon may • not

    !JY1citpce that we mean wben 7we ~Ji'" 1otten br lea~ rear before .o Ing wlndo ..... ianct dtam:t.glng hundred.a and Oo.'a be.lowed home cr~uud.....:.

    10~0 told you, but ho ltl nol tho

    IAf thaUh" .boy1•m\11t ~e arrald or l!'h1' not take your cbanco nlon« • •Ith ot n11ton1ohllo11." Mm1t Jtnve beon

    1-iho mud·puddle. ~n

    1 budget-balancer Konau hu had

    Jeap year. ~ : . Jh• rtft of the br&•~ .:Ottla. ltarbe I aomo atory! J\ul Juat o Jillie atory Finl ft would be well to cornet n the Sin to llou110--~an10.1 lnw ro--6ne • thins lha.l ' tnllll be Admlttej! )IOU atO 0019 of lhOao men Wh o n

    re c'nn Cftll lO n wreck llkO thnl In lhf'! tho lmpreHlon which the OPPOllltlpn Quire: that th& budge.t mu·~ be ba1·

    and tbat It lbat •tbe" clrh at\Jta.4t I lmmua,. • 4oul of aomtone elae. 1 •rller hU loft thot the Am. l'n'nllu_le oncet - lie wa1 only carryfflc out hit toC?k a,,dvantf1e of .. the· 11ltuallpa . ·• Tbo cOmre®th.L

    or. < ~n111el J."Jnolly It It mlue to ace 1 of Publlc Opinion Poll 11 ehowln~ a duties QI g:ovo.rnor.

    • _ • • . .. • . • ... • .-• .... lhe fire cnglneS on the tear. 'but 1 Pro-Landon t reLd. Thi

    • la not baaed Before rou let tho alarmltlt

    Whe Am I L• · ? · . • huck•! I ha.vo to be too aopbl1tleatocl upon ra.ct. Roo1ovelt It 1cadlng thl• frighten you- read a page or two of

    .re , 1V1Dg ·---·- • lo do auch a chUdl1h tbln.: aa to ruq poll with, 5!.G per cent of tho tOll!l ,,:ood. , old American blJtory. You·n

    • ofler them. Sometfnies 1 toal educa· l vote1 cut. dlaco,or that tho nlar

    mlet.a or other

    ·-note wbo 11Te OD U:ie m_ountaln.p ooh, JrbJch 1'111 h~lp ii. dl'C(IYer iD lion It Jull a ye_neer 1 Wltb I cOuip Dy Ibo by, I want to congratulate dart called WuhlDgton •


    ban a tonier d8J' than tllOM wh.p ptp1wer Jp that p'roblem. Do I make oeel otr and "bo mraelt Ogaln." Dul tho opposing rorce.a on tho

    nlltiio , Lincoln a domogogu&--the t.lrat

    Jin In the ''Hl18J. Sometlm .. &ti 'lf.8 bfY chOICH .10 IHo on the bllllt of f cant "regtal.n my true H1f." t0f whtcb they bu~ cboM-n tor their . Roo

    te'OU think A new Jhought once Constitution, 10 lhoy wquld hue "" dent now fn off

    ice. It It well to tb(nk

    ~hee~ .up oq purteJttt· UnltM ~ti can lop on tbe,. camflut. or Cr~m ratlnc. 111 a wh.11~. and aome tbougbta cbango belleYe. but In reality lbey are more- twice before cban,.l

    ng cara ID tho ~

    P)f¥ po 11

    football S!Lme F'rtda.y ntcht~ tho 1~.rset~ !!!:!mher of dat61 novur )'OU. • worried a.bout tbo 1poclo.I prlYllegea middle or the race

    Ju8t to ride In

    a date Sattrrd•r ~Y~l!1~!1d 0 , tun ~pptn.c to conalder the n1ue ot A J a ne Kt n! ahould tdllz.~. u tho wblcb they ban tuc1ctd D.WAJ' out or

    one. with D loud horD--OtpcelaUy If


    of aethlly Sunlif we btCOVl• few un4erst~QjJ:ln1r. lnloll~tunlly eoutomplnlca wJth 111ch , 100 tho ad- tight behind that. dootribMl. It h

    a111·1 been broken ln!-1'. A. L.

    dHPon~nt !l~~ dfeeop,c:t!ir.ui~ Tflth Ul}e frft.ndahfpa with members of JMtlfH ttrun,. after her name, that They .. .,.few "l'llb alarm' tbe kl111n


    ur1. We waot ·our oiln.41 to be buu ll\~ oppoalto eexT th~ro I& • difference between tame of lltUo pJg1. but their kind henrtw Ir---....,,.,....,,.....-,..,._..;... __ _

    . • with an oxtenial '!bUfJ'Rett.'' u left ' Oqly when l have dflCOTer~ , a and notoriety. mJt, the bluest Joke arc lo reality bleedlng 1orc11 for

    alone ror a fe 'fl' mo·meul• we have ao lf .. l OYtirwhelrulnf latk to wh'lch 11 on me, Dl that. All tut year I the blg )1011 of luduttry who

    to de-

    -orerwbelmln& ae~•e of lnaecurl_ty. I CfD pour out my • pry M>u,I can I srumb1p:d flctlt1011tlr abont NYA Pr:edatlona apl.n1t tho con1mon


    We leJdom atop to lhlnk, "WheN! ':~e :-tl•~:u~~w1n1o~;!:'~t T!':er~ ~~n::,1:: 1:~ro:r0~::=~n1

    1r~. ;;::bn1~ ba~~ ~e= .. ~~~~~~:~ed .In bli addrett •.ei "1 llTinsi" Are wo arrald to uk ror tbal nay soul bu broad- playing: Apo

    .llo bid• mo c~e riding at Srracute Tuc1do.y evening/ ' they

    ovnel•,et th' t que1tlonT Somo or ul o ,nd d~epcned 10 that Rll ure tho n~w deal nd~llnl1lratton whl1o are. on lbe turtace, rtot ajall'llt the

    ttu• mlued our lut. l'!rn ID the f~d t&kp on a ne~1cJow. Hidden 1prtop holding to ao N'Y A Job. 1ug:geat1ng tbJ114a wblO:. arO bCID.I' done, but

    •!>!t W:li ~Ind ouncil•H by,nt ~prtb. TJJen It 1, r knol' that I "Join tbo parade.' ' Can"t cweu col~ op17 tbe ~rtODll :trh,o admlnl16

    ~oe_ !1 tb~d•t or! heuy wood.I. I bat• made co.atact Yftb tha t rtt - lege male rlal' rlac nbowo Tote buy. terlng 1oclal equalllr. IAndoo' a ...

    afi.~r1~ .·~•,;:d•rlns w almt•1111 llJ' '!'u~h C!'.•at•r ttian t ; tor.! hnv"' ln• t 11,it co•\• ruo myf Job, 1 . do 1urc1 .u1 lbal •lhlbo w~itb1 rcllo


    McPher~on ~ Citizima ~~t~ B!l~!c

    Capital and S""J>luo


    chaDce -+;n 18 .m:r~od Ill lh':;n come uwo tbe '*:"e M»l!rce of ~wer nl>'w o ;:owernment can't co og Jong t"~ll>";::b~P!=•~~=ad=m=l=n~l\~te~red.§;';:w~l§ttEco~n~,1 ,. "bi h

    11 f.Ad ,,, ~ ~ a.y 1"bicJi Jpaq1 blf(I; thait J caus. ,,.110 with hDJrl\,tho pe,op

    le 111pporllng Jl

    ..1, \ .... w C:.;:r w I • .ID!f lo a ttale or eternd baa, I~ we lhp .e.xtmplo and the othc'; hatr holding .. ll up.


    ,.,Fe and 1oc:urft7. Ot,her or u1 arp or. irbal man ml•'hl become. t f,'\+en Dr. Rrla;ht-l1le.111 hl1 riemo-

    p•ln11 • ; er1 ~ean.a anlla~le to "1~ toun&\ ... a l!hat •lo the mountain pu k ' crauc aoul!-cbtdet mo .tp~ sup.- Walker·St1:1dio

    5- !b• r' l trail. I -:..Pt daf, la.lon1cr: • j (lortlnJ;. the "Mor1an-Merton" party,

    . • ~erbajll bera .. tomf key Q1;1""- • ~ Wanda ~OOT'er, pe.rhaJ)I forJ;IT'lng the un-d~ocrallc Ph. o.(ottraph.s.

    ; ,_ 1 ti " ·-· 1 • .--.~-- -~~ .: • • • no~· delll~bDbetlco.1 ay1tem8 for 5

    c Let's Pull Together .. . " . . .. g l•lng •• the .. ~OTIJ .. l tr .... . and :;;~;::::;:~::::::=~==~:;:,rn .

    .,. -. ~ ., .combines In our bl1tory ..(lo search ..,. ~ -:: • .,• .·-


    : I recall lee.ID& mo\to hanrl'ng arid· ·echnlqUe that c~lra.dlclt .Lit~l out th~ forgotteq m&nTY -w&ne Ml· ...Ever)ith •ng M U: rl


    In & 0 &uD4a.7 ICbool .whftii ot· anottfe.r yet Jt may be equa11· u ting 1'n all·lloi; tecont . lnt prepara- . 1. ,t t !IS Q~ • Practical.; al ert atude.n°l dfiedt ' :

    • .-.a U•e {bla. "We .au "'\111 to&et'-•r."' gqQd wb.eo , P11t , Jntc{ PNlCtlco. ~he tllon for warl ; n e.bold t

    be ·!lon..erf.. a J.· ' f . U .; . S b aomeunnr to make their w;oozn ,, _ • -

    cnce or that we would aot t.ttl• IJl.Onroe a >._Y4~C t. r_, ~ro ~ comfortable ,or · j ifrn ~ ;• • ,,hie mottor lm·p~ '!'• u . !Jolng fact tbi.l wo r•~hed the 'Ylllase 'by

    • · ' · ' - .,... ... equlp~e.nt to make 1tudy(n'r

    one well wq_rtb tie atlenUoo 01 ao7 t~lctna a certato' path la n9 rcuon · r ..r- J -rTiE.u, .· iL~NDY •AN"'·

    c~~blned er!'tJa 9\,(ta teweral~,m· DflJf lr•t'!bd k.n~w1 that tl 11,, a TOJT. •. • ~ ' i ~ ....., Book.cup


    u -~ue~ da

    No ,man 1'M a ..O.aopjity 00 laun- ~•!!If' lllto Uao tncee .U.ot P~U To- d .. i&:::.-:1~~ ~: eacb mon,th ·~ o r · mqney..,,...., , ., y ""'

    ...... $)M mu UT 4nolop>i ,...,~ setblU'._.a.t tblllp mar~ ab~ ·~~ ~•'"Ill?~ of ~ ~a·~ ~ y~u • .:.... . ;;.· . ·'· -.

    t::, llirp,.ret fb.lul ..S...d- .- .. _ ~me. and new pep f•.U.rt' art: to C. R,. hth6nV" " " wl.Ua ..,. • Mj rle .lleue.mer. wu bOH

    Sunda7 ~ l>~ougbt up fol tJao .'' " t m.eetlz:is. • • t

    -'" ta 1 .... - u.. .wMkoM: rialllac 111o .Mu' 1111....nt. iuad , M- ."-;~•::.:.r" ~

    1111"'>' ""'":ti• - thl ' •"k•llJI -- ~· la ....,itlllir this winter • Charlot .. 1Woll1 aue~d•d th fal~ Wiiia .... - ... Hiuar-.: a'. IMt ......... ! Hotcllluoo -.... •

    It P!'J'• to PaJ' Caala ,.,,.. __ _

    At this time

  • t haU I• tbt tatare pr"(!te.nt onlr the band. to t he mature. uperlence--A. .work.ahop Jialll for .. lb• llM or predlcllone ud ldn. ot JUI aatbor. hardened, pnctlca1, tax·paJlni •ot· WklaH•'• !~ A~

    lbe comml .. lon members 11 tht malo Alo:. Q . PbllJPoUt. In tba iJ,Hl we era.. the pt'08pect or 1tcepl1-lnCl'(!ued ~ , • .,.....,. or x oc.We. deal Chrlotiaa ' proJer- ho1111N1a thnt ont1 nnmNl Kntu could j;::::=:;:::::::::::;;-;:;;;;::::

    Cbriatlanl.t.r. Br Joining. forces' tbe. wblcb It mar de.nlop a Polae whtdf sonally think• th;il thC' methods of wtuu.ler eo f,•r from lhf' prlnclp1ra of · Cut Yolll' ~lf ....... 1wo can wnrk t!lON!_', e ffecUYelr In will mnnlftffll l iaelt both lntornn.llr lh(I Dl1;eat t>011 :in- !"ore rcllahlo Kood o)d J.~rnnk J.\ont. f o r bulldln« the Kh:icdom •• of Oott on Q.4.,....extcrnallr In tuturo pbylllca l t httn thoeo of th" oth1tr h\'O polha .' A lextrnd~r Q. Phlll1Jat11. GLADYS' f U &Wt &artb. • "" conti:c}1 nnd mentaJ dltclpllno. mentioned. and ht' le:1n1 beavll)' ' on .nuun\

    Ea'ch 'ono of u1 cn.n In our t mttll ; ·;. Emma Schmidt 11\e fAct thAl tho 11rNllt1lon11 or the fpr ·

    Jubilee fQQt ' II uoe• war bt lp this monment along.' c eor11:e Toland. Dlaest pofl In the l>:ll!t hllve been In El~lallr In college, V;her~ ao mo'nr OYf'ry ('Ale • ·llhfn I~ thnn~o~o per TJu• 8;C.nlnrs mf'I In 1u•ulon pt 1 • ·· i r---,,....,.-------< of lite '• roratt are · mold.t d . wo can ~inl r.ommltt~ r:cnt of accurnr:Y. So. wit h tflo jctur. a Tucsdoy afternoon. Tho 0~;. ...y • • be plannlnc and ballcilns the Kin~- Ht o.~·~nrldtnu-. 1l"f'I pre-diet al thll 9t1itindll\~ bualn""'• ot lhe mceUnr: ~ E. GUST AFS~N dom ot God In our heart•. Tho s. c. r1tin1 for nn neth·o end nnuaunl tlmo n Re puhllC":Ul ' 'Jrtory In t ho w·t111 hK- lrndJ:;NhlJ; or the t1nuucoi1. • ,,. .. - - """ M. la en org&nlu.tloP tbroucb which ~lot y ear are beln~ laltl by the tollowln« 11•.lf"S: M::ilne (6) , V 4'!r- Tiu• ,:roupa 1nok1111 :u rlntta and Dealer In t hl• be donr.. To bolp etndent• fiC1.r'aoel:il committee. with tbe h el 11 mont (3). ·N11: .. · H:nn1111hlre co. announr.-m,..nt" · hut . no deflull.f' nc-. Fine Watches and Jewelry motel ottltude. conduclYo 10 the hlch· nnd cOOJ>Cltllt lon of the 11chool 11oc:· Mns11nehn1tc.1t11 (l'n llhndl> ffllla.tul 1lo1F'.u'r•'•h••rrn .. k1•,

    ,",· m ..... .'tfn•• ..,,,, • • '-;-:-"-:-,.....--.._,........,,,_....,.._...J ~11 d~nlopme.nt of 4 weU~ roundcd lat admln l1tratlon. The mo1t lm~r.t .. (-4\.., nne

    ~~=~•."''"',,.,. for )'our · eallcbtea· ~h~=~ ~;'',',;:":"':, ti::~m~::~;; ':,,~b:.":"t",,\~l jd~~~r~~;. '.~~ .~~ - Films L Willard Flamlnc. evet)'One, nnd II ta hoi>Ocl thlll llio'rc lnnd . (S ) . T he tl~ur A In pnrcnthosls _ Kodak. 1 _

    wlll be :i. h fl&.rl)' rkponte to this n ew aro the electoral TOl!!l:I of cat!h

    Slnco the pro1tramt of tbe S. C. l\f. act u a aucleu1 of the whole move-ment, It ll our obJocUvo to J>r'OTlde opportunlllc1 tor1 1eU--cxpre11lon. to correlate Utld.a or ntlou1 acth'ltles

    l)'PC or •oclnl cutcrtulnmcnt. elttte. Totnlcd. l hcr mnkc tho 11\1111 Of Ice Cream Qt. 25c' AllO planntd for nll-1cbool e.iiter· 307. or .t I morf' than tho !.(;C need· .

    ta ln ment 11 tt ma.aqucrnde Hnllowe'cm od to elect. Thia l C-1t\'l!1 Fnn .a oarlf. a carnlnl. a box IU'PJ)(lr In i he Kftnl Uri. or H 1hort of e lection. GfljYfS "UG $JORE TCr"J' near f,at~t6. .nd tatry pulls Tb~n panted that t.:andon may not later lb the winter. quite 'mnko the- grnde In a fO'fl' of


    The obJec:t ·o r the aocb1 comnitt· the aboYe ata tes, he 1tlll bu autfl·

    MARY ANN ICE CREf.~ ....,... LUl!lCHFS'

    FREE DELIVF!l\Y Phone 920

    and auhdry lnte rc1lt and to help fur· thor lndtyldua la tn 1he 11.ltalnmenl ot tbetr ultlmlle goal8.

    teo thflLYM,r ls · lO lenn no long tn· clent ot ft mar1:~1 to J)lnco him In lOrYAlll' 'l;\•fthOut ' aom l)'l>t o r IOdlll lhC pre11fdCnt'4.!!}l lr. Hawley· ~rLer and B~apty !}!\op

    Phone 499 ~awley Hot.I The mod lum emplo)'ed la tha t o [ tntellnc for a i>eriod of."crtt.Ung ourr olher ,.-ook. olternatln-1t " ·Ith tho commlulona. at 11:10 de1lg111ted S. C. M. hour. Sin ce ••n'rlety 11 the 1plce Or ·ute:t·•..,.e 1haJI ' 'ar>· our bropam br bnlnr""'the first prorram each mon·111 or· a lfg:ht ttnd entortnlutng-

    opportuottr tor, tho 1tudcn1 bodr. It Is lntertatlng to note wh,l E~peclnlly Wll1 there h4} Rn (lf fort 10 1trmq 115 l llJ)f!Ort. l o1111don Atld wt1fch P~Tlde .aomethln~ n e w and; crttUYe lntcrett1 su11Port Hoosevelt. ln the tor eiu:h opon F/ ldtt1"nlt.e. • ·orda or Gcnri:o Cnllup Jtl1111e1f.

    With the aid or· FOil np~a1, to tM younEtJ~ voter• 1 1r:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::i~;:::::::;:::::::~ lloli1, anch 11 the Cr ul.-°e l..elaur6 1 • nd J..a11don to 1hc "lder. The re:i-comml~dOh. ond with t he ue v.· 11111. 1011 '11 .. olwlou•. To youna:, hhthl1 dent union room It I• ho~ thst ldtallatlc. Tl1lonary,,..lmpro.ctlcat. an the GOth, an11tvcr111u•)• n t MeJ>htJrson In xpcrlonced cilltt'llit. tho cxprt-A11,..ft College ""Il l wllnet.a a re,·l"al ot aoe· tSTF:NT10NS o(.. t h., RooaCl't!ll rc-lal lite. glme sound p~ty i.:ood. On 111o' othcr _) :~::nr;,i:~~~h~~:~~ p;~~:~ I~~

    aplratlonol and cult urnl 11pecl. Emma Schmidt, rnul ~ttter.

    - Vclruu \ \.' .utk lnt. - K nuc1h WeaTer.

    Rcl.nlf"rttl"t'C:•t.ion ~mmlt~M 7c-o~~.AJit;"';tf ur;- ~ceed111~11 1ote;~11~r; and -.. ~am 'I

    1-'or llf:ri'r s 1-:1u·10 1-: Seo ·

    HA~OLI> LARSEN Agt:n t t •or

    McPherson Laundr.y · ~undcrc:rit .. # Drr C.1n.neni • .,., demttndlns. ,Elleh do.y hi11 .now ex· IQOCCC:,C C: C- ¥t>AOOCC:.C"ClO'~~i

    ~rlence for .ua. A!S4 to be. able to ,. Friend.a. n .,ana ·,na e9un1rrmen. ' cope with t.heae itroJ>le)('• · we ]RUil unrort)Jn:tlolT 'lho( prernodllclcd tlft· ocqulre o growing corltoptlofl' of urro of thl• harml(!Q llttle column· ,--'-----:;.,---"-..-.. tlfi. The Relote.11>r-e1at1on or. Rell· hAI ~n groulr mlaunderatoof;t... A, cfonfpl~te Line o! Foods. glon Q_qm.rn1u,1on r bu aet ""'A g~ What &1arlcd orlJ;lnully oa a hug4 R .. t_-:', • · for tbfll.1eer a wort the finding~ Jo\e,. meant to huplre widt rcradu· _ / omrcK:k'a Groc~ry . lhe relatlonthlPI of t he lndh1dual to ate 11,uglter bec•ulel:or It• •h~r ~ th,. aupreme pawer, Ood. Thia }'now. _rlcllcufou1neP . and to llYen. t he Phone 4~7 3;02 N. MA'lh Ied,e wlh enable each one to mW "Otherwl.e dull column·, ot -the Spec-Hf'• problems wltlf a moro compre- 1ator- hna been \>randed a1 harm· 1.-1 ....,,,,....._. • .._. ----,;,;"...;·-'-~-•" • •• ,,.. ....... f~I. ,..uc1ouo and gr .. 1,> •• .,...., .»a··i1.1'ns· ite~ut• .. ho'ppe" ;

    Luelllo Valer")' • . ' ful:' Ardent democrat.. ba"e refer: ft IA Y ,. . La.mar Dulllngu. . rtad l'> " the dog that)ltea the bdcl . · " lnVite1 f ·

    r w~rh1 Q.opct"AtJoa eommti~.. ~~:!L'::1~~~ .. fa:~4t::t:~ ~::0:--'= MCPherson ColleG' : n o world ........ , • • com;, .. ,.. ~::::: ~;~~;-~-,~d !~0, ~; }.~::~i;. J s~~ents ii .

    of U~e local S. C. M. tbl• year teeb· and rl"publlcan1 .,like) •ho~ld n~t . : 0 b e ~u.r P l(ce · that lht;re 11 a .d..,e~nlto Ai'-'4 tor J):fTmlt auch eedttto.,!-lJ.Lcraturo to \Ai i ~~r e.adquarte.r- f:or world .Jl..CU~ and .world. cW>Pflatlon. clrcilo~d on t e..ka'nf(ua. Well, ,r,~~ . • ! pioCH:.+ of Beaut~ .Cu.!!~~e: &ad tbal We sbou1~ become 1-tudeo.L eony. "\\): boacbt tbat lb~ro •.ould • 111 N. MaiD .:; ' ~1ou1 or·thf• nMd.' . .' . . be auJ!~~e~t •tn•o .. or~ tlumor {p pro--' : BetWeen ·the Oim'el

    ~ We •rt golog to· 1tudy tfie ' Of a bit. In Lhe fi rst. place, .Uiero . · · a.cllOll tofttd oar. go-1. It •• lhd~ 1-t to be .. ahnll&r cotuiDn, (n capable . ~ . • ,..,. e at\e . 1.1.,..uns bot a1oo a1anntor ·•••• h&o41>- ....... u.1 tl>• ••JJOJll.O ••

  • · THURSDAY, ocr. 1, 1ess

    .- 11·p·Q· RI™ -otLutw-··- I 11"' :... ... , ., IDr.Petry.speaks ~ ~

    • • McPbono•. 11: e ...... 1nd1&D•: 1. • lr'elr'$_ C.11WCU_ On Dread Disease • · • Oaker, t : 8oatbw•teru, O.

    .. ' Kan .. Weal.,-u, U: Wan"'U.t-

    S. ..; . bu.rl'. Mo., Teacbert, 7. Fr~~J~t~:::!°:ot ,!,:~ M~=~ Lan~~~~j:am. i~_.· A1pat.h)' l'.

    - ~ p . Collect ot Emporia 1; A.In., Ok- '-I uUQIMGG .... Dllpe 11..l"ePh • Se 0 ds Y•rd.t Iott at acrtmmaco: Mc h&n0 1ahoma Teacbua. f. 6.Qd at Jnmao .-tth b .er p&l"9Dta. • • JU. er 00 C D 1J. J)aeoi;it>, 68• Pa.ntir.-Mc.Pheiton HaeteU Iodl&n1, 3i Ottawa. O. Tbe dlHUe wor111 than death wu

    To Play Sterling teven ror %44 1ud1, •"eraae ot 84.a Delbau,., u:~ BelbeJ, c. ~rti and Charles Pray 1pnt tta• dltcuaed bJ Dr. Petr}' 10 chapel

    . · rardl per punt. Ba.cone elsbt for weekend In Jlopo 'Ylallln1 their l*f'-, uttd.a.7 moraine. Ho d colarod t hat

    · '!OS rattle. avof•J'O ot !G. l ya.rds por OalDel Friday entt. • ' the Amtrtcan c0Ue10 1tudtnt kaowa

    ReacrYea M.ake firat Sbo-wina" pu.nt. PuMt-KcPbenoo atte.mpted --.- · It u bor6dam and that the aymp.

    Con(ere.nce ftule:a Make it ·~ complet~ four for G7 rard•. Ba· McPbenon ••· Storlln' at Ster- Marprot Kagerlc& •ltlled -wJth her tom1 are lancuor, doJecllon, melao: Necetaary to Send B Team eone atternpted- 111ls~t~=l~~4;'b~r::: Una (~nd *m). ranuta over the weekend near ebolT. or apathy. Thi• dl.aeuo 11 T N' ht · for 0 ~rd•, Pfttl Daker n . Rockbu n t at Kan111 Hutchlnton. . known by au nat10111, and a.11 a1et.

    omorrow •I throo tor 1 G yuc11, Bncona, thr-ee tot• Cijy. · -- .. Wbeo ooo b attucted life *° es Tomorrow nlibt • Mt.PberttOD U yard._- J-'lrst dC?wu-McPbe.rson ·· Bf.llha.ny n. Kano1 Wetleyi.n a t ~ilrJorto KIDJle Tll1ted ht.r J>U- a chore dt1:frlnc eom~le tlon ; b: J1

    eou.-go #t'Wfld team wlll flla.1 Ste,... J !!, J)acone J %. PaUCI Intercepted- Sa11 na. . • Mli and frlend1 Jn Lyon1 otcr tho suftoc:atc4 In a ll•lns tomb of foUI·

    ~uns con a:e at St.erllnc. Tbl• wtll be )tcPhe~n :wo tor rlfO rar~ ~. Ottawa • a. J ewtll at Llb-- weekend.. · "'" u:i e lJnt .chance tor the Nl9eryes tp oone noDo.: F'umblct--)lcPb~noD crt1. ~Mo. To ucape this droad dl1cue~ nten , reedit 1how- what · Ibey baYe . • , one. DRcone, !lone. Un WJCb . 001te1e of Empor~ YL South wett· ~tr Ann Staufler . aod Millon haw• &"One into lnt.ntile dlnralona:

    Jlecauto ot A confereneo ~r.•l~ _OUldal• • Rct~reo-Au~ , nllo ll: e:rn At EU.1>0rla." :· . MotTlao~ spent the ~Mkend &t Rox· we are like docs cha1lng- \heir tAII• I I I I c It I cce· Ila.: . umplro-UM Wood, S . , •Only•confere11co gamo burr vl1lt1nr Miiton I parent•. who aro u bamed to atop becaute ~ .:~ nfor0 ':::_;1b ":ef::: ::. aeod tb hectdllae.11.uau;;.-cco. "Ctah"' Cari.on, . -- ' they can't. remember why t.he1 atart-toom to St.er11nr tomorrow night. 1 t..1nd1borC". . • .. •• S. panish" RevoJ.Ut.ion Mr. and ~ft• . w. F. ~ttbbard wor: ed. We a re cowa.rda. afraid to iuf· ·

    Little ta known a.bout. t h• 1trengtb here Frld1.r YllUJng lbelr_.bda,:1~t•4 te.r alone. with other people, or tor of oltber 18J'D. Kt.Q.UI W01lerao do- SubJ. eel of Meeting Rllla. Mr. and 1df"9. Hub .. an other people. tcoted StorJlnj !4 to 0, but two ~"?V~T~~~~ . ' . Rllla went to HulchlnlOD Frl4&J' aft• Thi.a d llulo I.a but an arlUlcl1.l

    blQClled Punta aided bl runnlng up SpOrt Skib '1 • j~ . · .~oon. eondltton, and Dr. P etry pointed out th" ecoM. Slfl'rUnr •fll prob'Alllr han ·. lntetnahona1~elat !o.n1 'Club , iovaral waylt" by which tbo d ltaa o

    , a arat weight od,..nta1e over tho ~~~~A~~ Meets !it Dean Br1sbt • Rath Sl~g lo ipen t tho week' ond al ml1bt bo owercome. Amons the .mo•t~ Bulldog:a. ,MtPhef't')n"• bacltfletd i" mer Coach..- Dlnford was an in· • -- - - DP:trlco, ?\(!);lr&1kl,..:..TIJIUnc h~a.r- Important 1uggdtllon1 -.·~r4't.ho fot-wlll uerage about !GO pounds. .. tere::ed ipec:tn.tor al tho Game F r i· , Tho lntcrnatlo'na l Reli:iUons Club entae lowlnc: cbdgo en.rronment If neees-

    rdnla&loo. Tbo cold lb\' week. That. llUle To.ylor gal \,.-~--,,--,"'------; DR. J~ KIRKPATRICK , tonra"!- pau to Haun. 11i·ho ean-lod new cona11tutlon '1: tAte81,.. tlat go ·~· to lio 1ho 'ca'U~. 1o4-!ondl1 1u1- Dra. ,V. N.-:ic, _ _.A. V. ~~.....- Optom·etrls t · · tho bl\ll oYf.1-r tor the third· poln ta mual be>. earuod to pin mem· soauon offorcd 1rapa pop only to l" .. do..._ Haud ni1latd the klelt tor u · benbtp. • !.. be. turn~ down. · :. •· c>Ptom~ ~_, ,~o. ~ .,uA !'(. )1aJa Lrt. polnL ._' . A re- · addltJone were made In tho Other beadachr•· i>n .. th• cami>u• ·: ·• • _,jj\:-----:--"""7;..,.,,.---!--' • A row mlniu~ later. •h~o a pe_nal:. Potnt 111um. PIQ& PonC' .wu a4,ded Hem ,to~be contlrr.s Yo' f~hme.o .. Gn.4. ~ \. PUoDe I t .. • 1 f.Y !!ft: MePb61"10n th~ ball on to lh Hll of 8-,ort•, nnd tho aamo glrli. Sotlil!o l~m to ba\'e "Yery r011 )l---.--.:.-...:._.:_ ___ ...Jf)r.._ __ . -·:--. ----:--· -!t;-, --':'.1 tnc«an1• tW4>,)Ard lino, Ctatib c oo~ II nu1uber or .potiua , wUI bo Sl\"cn for -eo~pl oxfoo1 and rf>thcn ho•o!Cr ieem •• ,.. H.,._,ER.'•s BAKERY • ~~ . • "' .. : ow!-r for lb~ foiart.b touchdown. and It u tenhll? · Polnta • Ill alao bo ght- to f Pl>CU ra~he.r waahed on t.. Take ~ I'

    Haun eonTefled 1bf/ extra poltiL

    Tb.o ·~thar-..{Jaeup : ' Tided lnto: tw-o lMmt ind . pla)'ed 7 . h - " "4 .. ,,., ... ~. \ mfl"l;>..•!~e ,,Bldg., r' lot cPb .... . Po• .. ' •.;ii···~· lh•lr · (lrot Ptu• i:,M