  • 1. VOICE the essence of ENGAGING content
  • 2. they skim they skip they scan People dont read any more
  • 3. You have to grab them with Compelling Subheads Killer Title Magnetic Headlines You have to grab them by the eyeballs
  • 4. The first sentence of your copy should be unforgettably relevant, useful, truthful and tempting copyblogger
  • 5. Lolita. Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Vladimir Nabokov LIKE THIS
  • 6. but how many Nabokovs work in Content Marketing?
  • 7. Killer Compelling Magnetic Irresistible Unforgettable Too many grab-you-by-the-eyeballs headlines take everyone to dreaded ad land The mind screens out NOISE like a mute button
  • 8. they switch off RESULT?
  • 9. If you love your subject theyll engage If you write with passion theyll respond If you use a natural voice theyll listen
  • 10. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Your content must be very easy to SCAN So can you forget about headlines, subheads and opening lines?
  • 11. Just dont bludgeon them to death with KILLER words
  • 12. So much is written about words and so little about voice Finding the right words is essential, but its your voice that engages people and builds rapport and trust
  • 13. Call us (02) 9909 0246 [email protected] Check us out Follow us Find out more
