Page 1: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next


Page 2: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

letters at the top of the worksheet window that

identify the vertical information in a


column headings

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Page 3: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell; used to

copy data into an adjacent cell

fill handle

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Page 4: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

appears directly below the ribbon; displays a formula when the cell contains a calculated


formula bar

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Page 5: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

grid of rows and columns where users enter,

calculate, manipulate, and analyze data such as

numbers or textworksheet

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Page 6: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

worksheet cell reference that does not adjust to the

new cell location when copied or moved

absolute cell reference

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Page 7: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

changing the value of only one cell referenced directly or indirectly to reach a specific goal for a value in another cell

goal seeking

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Page 8: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

coordinates of the intersection of a column

and a row

cell reference

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Page 9: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

equation that calculates a new value from values currently on a worksheet


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Page 10: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

area on the left side of the worksheet window that identifies the cell reference of the active


name box

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Page 11: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

numbers at the left side of the worksheet window

that identify the horizontal information in

a worksheetrow headings

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Page 12: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

collection of related worksheets in Excel


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Page 13: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

values that are used with a function


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Page 14: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

range of data that will determine the values represented in a chart

data series

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Page 15: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

chart drawn on the same worksheet as the data

embedded chart

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Page 16: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

prewritten formula that is built into Excel


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Page 17: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

printed across the width of the page

(page is longer than it is wide)

portrait orientation

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Page 18: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

sums the numbers in the specified range then divides the sum by the number of non zero cells in the range

AVERAGE function

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Page 19: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

displays the highest value in a range

MAX function

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Page 20: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

entry point of a worksheet indicated by

a dark border

active cell

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Page 21: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

displays the lowest value in a range

MIN function

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Page 22: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

cell reference containing both

relative and absolute references

mixed cell reference

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Page 23: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

printed across the length of the page (page is wider than it is long)

landscape orientation

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Page 24: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

worksheet showing the results of the formulas

you have entered

values version

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Page 25: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

worksheet cell reference that adjusts to a new location when

copied or moved

relative cell reference

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Page 26: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

worksheet showing the formulas you have entered rather than the resulting values

formulas version

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Page 27: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

a separate sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart

chart sheet

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Page 28: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

program that allows users to organize data, complete calculations, make decisions, graph data, develop professional looking reports, publish

organized data to the Web, and access real-time data from Web sites

Microsoft Office Excel

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Page 29: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

assigns a value to a cell based on a logical test

IF function

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Page 30: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

range of data that will determine the

headings for the values in a chart

category names

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Page 31: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

displays number with dollar signs, comas,

and decimal points in the proper positions

accounting number format

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Page 32: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

using Excel to scrutinize the impact of changing cell values that are referenced by a formula in another cell

What-if analysis

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Page 33: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

displays commas and decimal points in their

proper positions

comma style format

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Page 34: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

graphical representation of data


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Page 35: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

the basic unit of a worksheet; where you

enter data


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Page 36: VOCAB REVIEW. letters at the top of the worksheet window that identify the vertical information in a worksheet column headings Click for the answer Next

displays the worksheet name

sheet tab

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