
VMG Spelling Challenge

Remember to collect tricky spellings from your

lessons and record them in your planner. You will need these day 3 every week.

Use your VMG spelling booklet – find this week’s page

If you need tips on how to improve your use of the spelling day, please speak to Miss Smith in English

Have your priority words – don’t try to learn them all at once Learn the spelling rules e.g. i before e, except after c.

• Do you know any others?

Write it and re-write it to learn the feel of the wordA good way to understand a word is to break it into syllables. Look for prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Practice each short part and then the whole word.

• dis-ap-pear-ing• tra-di-tion-al

Make up funny memory aids

Another kind of memory aid is to make up a sentence in which the first letter of each word can be used to make the spelling word. The sillier the better—goofy sentences may be easier to remember.

chili: cats have interesting little ideasphysical: please have your strawberry ice cream and lollipops

Make sure that you are pronouncing words correctlyShare your own top tips with your

VMG. You could come up with a VMG spelling top tips sheet for your display.
