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  • 7/25/2019 Vl Argparse.m


    function [opts, args] = vl_argparse(opts, args, varargin)%VL_ARGPARSE Parse list of parameter-value pairs.% OPTS = VL_ARGPARSE(OPTS, ARGS) updates the structure OPTS based on% the specified parameter-value pairs ARGS={PAR1, VAL1, ... PARN,% VALN}. If a parameter PAR cannot be matched to any of the fields% in OPTS, the function generates an error.%% One or more of the (PAR, VAL) pairs in the argument list can be% replaced by a structure; in this case, the fields of the structure% are used as paramater names and the field values as parameter% values.%% Parameters that have a struct value in OPTS are processed% recursively, updating the individual subfields. This behaviour% can be suppressed by using VL_ARGPARSE(OPTS, ARGS,% 'nonrecursive'), in which case the struct value is copied directly% (hence deleting any existing subfield existing in OPTS). A direct% copy occurrs also if the struct value in OPTS is a structure with% no fields.%% [OPTS, ARGS] = VL_ARGPARSE(OPTS, ARGS) copies any parameter in% ARGS that does not match OPTS back to ARGS instead of producing an% error. Options specified as structures are passed back as a list% of (PAR, VAL) pairs.

    %% Example::% The function can be used to parse a list of arguments% passed to a MATLAB functions:%% function myFunction(x,y,z,varargin)% opts.parameterName = defaultValue ;% opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin)%% If only a subset of the options should be parsed, for example% because the other options are interpreted by a subroutine, then% use the form%

    % [opts, varargin] = vl_argparse(opts, varargin)%% that copies back to VARARGIN any unknown parameter.%% See also: VL_HELP().

    % Copyright (C) 2015 Andrea Vedaldi.% Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson.% All rights reserved.%% This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under% the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file).

    if ~isstruct(opts), error('OPTS must be a structure') ; endif ~iscell(args), args = {args} ; end

    recursive = true ;if numel(varargin) == 1 if strcmp(lower(varargin{1}), 'nonrecursive') ; recursive = false ; else error('Unknown option specified.') ; end

  • 7/25/2019 Vl Argparse.m


    endif numel(varargin) > 1 error('There can be at most one option.') ;end

    % convert ARGS into a structureai = 1 ;params = {} ;values = {} ;while ai 0 % Process the struct value recursively if nargout > 1 [opts.(field), rest] = vl_argparse(opts.(field), values{i}) ; args = horzcat(args, {field, cell2struct(rest(2:2:end), rest(1:2:end),2)}) ; else opts.(field) = vl_argparse(opts.(field), values{i}) ; end else % Copy the struct value as is

    opts.(field) = values{i} ; end else % The parameter does not have a struct value (in OPTS) % Copy as is opts.(field) = values{i} ; end else % The parameter was *not* found in OPTS if nargout

  • 7/25/2019 Vl Argparse.m


    error('Uknown parameter ''%s''', params{i}) ; else args = horzcat(args, {params{i}, values{i}}) ; end endend

    function field = findfield(opts, field)fields=fieldnames(opts) ;i=find(strcmpi(fields, field)) ;if ~isempty(i) field=fields{i} ;else field=[] ;end
