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VITA Sang-Yeon Kim, Ph.D.

Updated: 12/13/17 Associate Professor Department of Communication University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 53201 [email protected] (414) 229-3917

EDUCATION 2009 Ph.D. in Communication Michigan State University

Dissertation Title: The cultural difference in the impact of role norm message in reducing binge drinking among college students Advisor: Dr. Timothy R. Levine

2007-2008 M.S. in Applied Statistics (Incomplete)

Michigan State University Advisor: Dr. Lyudmila Sakhanenko

2005 M.A. in Communication

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Graduation with Honor Thesis Title: The theory of relativity: Relativism vs. Absolutism Advisor: Dr. Tae-Seop Lim

2003 Completion of MA coursework in Communication and Journalism School of Communications

Kwangwoon University Seoul, Korea

2002 B.S., in Communication and Journalism

cum laude School of Communications Kwangwoon University Seoul, Korea

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ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 2015- Associate Professor

Department of Communication University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

2009-2015 Assistant Professor

Department of Communication University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

2009 Project Supervisor

Title: Scale and complexity of media markets as determinant of local government news coverage. Research funded by National Science Foundation School of Communication Arts and Science Michigan State University

2005-2008 Teaching and Research Assistant

Department of Communication Michigan State University

2003-2005 Teaching Assistant

Department of Communication University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

2001-2003 Secretary

Korean Speech Communication Association Seoul, Korea


Cross-Cultural Communication: Cultural Convergence, Sociobiology, Health Beliefs and Practices, Cultural Evolution, Inter-Ethnic Attitudes, Diversity Effects Persuasion and Social Influence: Psychological Reactance, Additive Cues Model Quantitative Research Methods: Statistics, Research Designing, Meta-Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Computational Simulations, Issues of NHST (Null Hypothesis Significance Testing), Bayesian Model

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ACADEMIC JOURNALS Published Journal Articles 25. Choi, C., & Kim, S. [corresponding author]. (2017). When smartphone responses are not unreliable. Communication Research Reports, 34, 307-315. doi:10.1080/08824096.2017.1350571 24. Graham, S. S., Harley, A., Kessler, M. M., Roberts, L., DeVasto, D., Card, D. J., Neuner, J., & Kim, S. (2017). Catalyzing transdisciplinarity: A systems ethnography of cancer-obesity comorbidity and risk coincidence. Qualitative Health Research, 27, 877-892. doi:10.1177/1049732316656162 23. Ruppel, E. K., Gross, C., Stoll, A., Peck, B. S., Allen, M., & Kim, S. (2017). Reflecting on connecting: Meta-analysis on differences between computer-mediated and face-to-face self-disclosure. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 22, 18-34. doi:10.1111/jcc4.12179 22. Kim, S., Graham, S. S., Ahn, S., Olson, M. K., Card, D. J., Kessler, M. M., DeVasto, D. M., Roberts, L. R., Bubacy, F. A. (2016). Correcting biased Cohen’s Kappa in NVivo. Communication Methods and Measures, 10, 217-232. doi:10.1080/19312458.2016.1227772 21. Graham, S. S., Card, D. J., Ahn, S., Kim, S., Kessler, M. M, & Olson, M. K. (2016). Conflicts of interest among patient and consumer representatives to U.S. Food and Drug Administration drug advisory committees. Annals of Internal Medicine, 165, 606-607. doi:10.7326/L16-0031 20. Kim, S., Allen, M., & Cole, A. W. (2016). Testing the evidence effect of Additive Cues Model (ACM). Studies in Communication Sciences, 16, 107-113. doi: 19. Kim, S., Hawkins, J. M., Song, H., Lim, T., Cramer, E. M., Ahn, S., Kim, J., Kim, H., Kim, J., & Ota, H. (2016). Communicating healthful food choice: Cultural difference in regulatory focus. Asian Communication Research, 13, 131-156. 18. Kim, S., Lim, T., Song, H., Cramer, E., Ahn, S., Kim, J., England, N., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2016). Healthy food and cultural holism. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 52, 49-59. doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2016.03.002 17. Kim, S., Herrman, A., Song, H., Lim, T., Cramer, E., Ahn, S., Kim, J., Ota, H., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2016). Exploring cultural differences in women’s body weight perception: The impact of self-construal on perceived

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overweight and engagement in health activities. Health Care for Women International, 37, 1203-1220. doi:10.1080/07399332.2015.1107070 16. Cole, A. W., Kim, S., & Priddis, D. (2015). Examining the relationship between students’ perception of instructor communication of power online and student online course endorsement. Pennsylvania Communication Annual, 71, 10-36. 15. Kim, S., Ahn, S., & Lim, T. (2015). Predicting alcohol misuse among college students in the U.S. and South Korea. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 14, 308-322. doi:10.1080/15332640.2014.996313 14. Graham, S. S., Kim, S., DeVasto, D., & Keith, W. (2015). Statistical genre analysis: Toward big data methodologies in technical communication. Technical Communication Quarterly, 24, 70-104. doi:10.1080/10572252.2015.975955 [Special Issue on Contemporary Research Methodologies] 13. Harris, L., & Kim, S. (2015). “True” Americans and “violent” immigrants: Making sense of wife murder during the nineteenth-century United States. Immigrants & Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration, and Diaspora, 33, 66-91. doi:10.1080/02619288.2014.895671 12. Holmstrom, A., & Kim, S. (2015). The mediating role of cognitive reattribution and reappraisal in the esteem support process. Communication Research, 42, 60-86. doi:10.1177/0093650212449015 11. Kim, S., Allen, M., Preiss, R., & Peterson, B. (2014). Meta-analysis of counterattitudinal advocacy data: Evidence for an additive cues model. Communication Quarterly, 62, 607-620. doi:10.1080/01463373.2014.949385 10. Kim, S., Levine, T., & Allen, M. (2014). The intertwined model of reactance for resistance and persuasive boomerang. Communication Research. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/0093650214548575 9. Song, H., Kim, J., & Kim, S. (2014). Smoker identity among social smokers: Theory-based approaches for anti-smoking interventions. Journal of Substance Use, 19, 346-350. doi:10.3109/14659891.2013.820799 8. Kim, S., Kim, J., & Lim, T. (2013). The impact of relational holism on conflict management style in colleagueship and friendship: A cross-cultural study. Studies in Communication Sciences, 13, 58-66. 7. Kim, S., Levine, T., & Allen, M. (2013). Comparing separate process and intertwined models for reactance. Communication Studies, 64, 273-295. doi:10.1080/10510974.2012.755639 6. Kim, S., Allen, M., Gattoni, A., Grimes, D., Herrman, A. R., Huang, H., Kim, J., Lu, S., Maier M., May, A.,

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Omachinski, K., Omori, K., Tenzek, K., Turkiewicz, K. L., Zhang, Y. (2012). Testing an additive model for the effectiveness of evidence on the persuasiveness of a message. Social Influence, 7, 65-77. 5. Lim, T., Kim, S., & Kim, J. (2011). Holism: A missing link in individualism-collectivism research. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 40, 21-38. doi:10.1080/17475759.2011.558317 4. Levine, T., Kim, S., & Ferrara, M. (2010). Social exchange, uncertainty, and communication content as factors impacting the relational outcomes of betrayal. Human Communication, 13, 303-318. 3. Lim, T., Allen, M., Burrell, N., & Kim, S. (2008). Differences in cognitive relativity between Americans and Koreans’ assessments of self. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 37, 105-118. doi:10.1080/17475750802533471 2. Walther, J. B., Van Der Heide, B., Kim, S., Westerman, D., & Tom Tong, S. (2008). The role of friends’ appearance and behavior on evaluations of individuals on Facebook: Are we known by the company we keep? Human Communication Research, 34, 28-49. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2958.2007.00312.x 1. Lim, T., Allen, M., Burrell, N., & Kim, S. (2007). The relativity and salience of identity across cultures. Speech & Communication, 8, 178-202. Journal Papers Under Review 5. Kim, J., & Kim, S. [corresponding author]. (submitted November 2017). Media response to presidential apology including vs. excluding excuse. Paper under review at the Political Communication Research. 4. Kim, S., Allen, M., & Preiss, R. (submitted November 2017). Meta-analysis of the relationship between rate of delivery and message persuasiveness. Paper under review at the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 3. Kim, S. (submitted October 2017). Diminishing cultural differences: Transitioning from cross- to inter-cultural communication. Paper under review at the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. 2. Kim, S., & Allen, M. (submitted Octobor 2017). Intertwined model of psychological reactance (IMPR) as a general model of persuasion failure. Paper under review at the Social Science Journal. 1. Kim, S., Cramer, E., Lim, T., Song, H., Ahn, S., Kim, J., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (submitted August 2016). When a family member is ill: Implications for prosocial behavior across cultures. Paper under review at the Journal of Comparative Family Studies.

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Journal Papers In Preparation 2. Kim, S. Persuasive impact of role norm appeal: A cross-cultural study. 1. Kim, S., & Parcell, E. Validating humility as a latent construct.

BOOK CHAPTERS Invited Book Chapters 1. Lim, T., & Kim, S. (2007). Many faces of media effects. In R. W. Preiss, B. M. Gayle, N. Burrell, M. Allen & J. Bryant (Eds.), Mass media effects research: Advances through meta-analysis (pp. 315-325). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Invited Encyclopedia Entries 5. Kim, S. (2017). p-value. In M. Allen (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. (pp. 1175-1177). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 4. Kim, S. (2017). Intercoder reliability techniques: Cohen’s Kappa. In M. Allen (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. (pp. 736-738). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 3. Kim, S. (2017). Power curves. In M. Allen (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. (pp. 1311-1314). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 2. Allen, M., & Kim, S. (2016). Meta analysis. In C. Berger, M. Roloff, S. Wilson, J. Dillard, J. Caughlin, & D. Solomon (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication (pp. 1-6). New York: Wiley-Blackwell. doi:10.1002/978118540190.wbeic098 1. Kim, S., & Lim, T. (2015). Communicating across cultures with people from Korea. In J. M. Bennett (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence (pp. 80-84). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. doi:


Published Proceedings

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2. Kim, S., England, N., Cramer, E., Grimes, D., Ahn, S., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2013). Holistic-analytic thinking and somatization: A cross-cultural study. In Y. O. Lee (Ed.), Intercultural Communication in the Global World (pp. 150-169). Paper presented at the 30th annual conference of World Communication Association, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea, 8-12 August. Seoul, Korea. 1. Ahn, S., Kim, S., & Lim, T. (2013). Different alcohol expectancies across cultures: A comparison between Korea and the U.S. In Y. O. Lee (Ed.), Intercultural Communication in the Global World (pp. 131-149). Paper presented at the 30th annual conference of World Communication Association, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea, 8-12 August. Seoul, Korea. Papers Presented at Academic Conferences 44. Kim, S., Dellinger, J., Ahn, S., Cramer, E. M., Nicolini, K., Marks, L., Wagner, J. (2016, November). Diminishing cultural differences: Transitioning from cross- to inter-cultural communication. Paper presented at the 102nd annual convention of the National Communication Association, International and Intercultural Communication Division, Philadelphia, PA. 43. Dellinger, J. B., & Kim, S. (2016, November). Collectivistic diversity. Paper presented at the 102nd annual convention of the National Communication Association, International and Intercultural Communication Division, Philadelphia, PA. 42. Choi, C, & Kim, S. (2016, November). A comparison of response reliability: Internal consistency between PC and smartphone. Paper presented at the 102nd annual convention of the National Communication Association, Human Communication and Technology Division, Philadelphia, PA. 41. Ruppel, E., Kim, S., Gross, C., Stoll, A., Peck, B., & Allen, M. (2015, November). Reflecting on connecting: Meta-analysis of differences in online and offline self-disclosure. Paper presented at the 101st annual convention of the National Communication Association, Interpersonal Communication Division, Las Vegas, NV. 40. Graham, S. S., Kim, S., Kessler, M. M., Card, D. J., DeVasto, D. M., Ahn, S., Olson, M., Bubacy, F., Roberts, L. (2015, October). The effects of differential inclusion on FDA pharmaceuticals policy deliberation. Paper presented at the 7th annual convention of the Science in Society. Chicago, IL. 39. Kim, S., Allen, M., Olson, M., & Stoll, A. (2015, May). Does reactance arise to a counterattitudinal message: Reexamining social judgment theory adopting the intertwined model of psychological reactance. Paper presented at the 65th annual convention of the International Communication Association, Interpersonal Communication Division, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

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38. Timmerman, C. E., & Kim, S. (2015, April). Dynamic communication richness: Refining the work relationship predictors and richness outcomes of channel expansion theory. Panel of the Organizational and Professional Communication Interest Group (“The changing nature of work: Issues of space and technology”) at the annual convention of the Central State Communication Association. Madison, WI. 37. Kim, S., Ahn, S., Cramer, E. M., Hawkins, J., & Song, H. (2015, April). Communicating healthful food choice: Cultural difference in regulatory focus. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Central State Communication Association, Health Communication Interest Group. Madison, WI. 36. Kim, S., Cramer, E. M., & Ahn, S. (2015, April). Family illness, self-construal, perceived susceptibility, and health promotion: Implications for prosocial behavior across cultures. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Central State Communication Association, Intercultural Communication Interest Group. Madison, WI. 35. Preiss, R., Galye, B., Allen, M., & Kim, S. (2014, November). Meta-analysis of the relationship between rate of delivery and message persuasiveness: Linear versus curvilinear tests. Paper presented at the 100th annual convention of the National Communication Association, Social Cognition Division, Chicago, IL. 34. Graham, S. S., Card, D., Kessler, M. M., Keith, W. M., Kim, S., & Hartke, D. (2014, November). The effects of differential inclusion on FDA pharmaceuticals policy deliberation. Panel of the Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology at the 100th annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 33. Nicolini, K. M., Mabry, E., Kim, S., & Keith, W. M. (2014, November). Public speaking students' perception of the value of peer feedback within a blended learning environment. Paper presented in Scholar-to-Scholar session at the 100th annual convention of National Communication Association Convention. Chicago, IL. 32. Cole, A. W., Kim, S., Priddis, D., & Lambertz, M. (2014, November). Student attrition in online courses and instructor’s base of power. Paper presented in Scholar-to-Scholar session at the 100th annual convention of National Communication Association Convention. Chicago, IL. 31. Kim, S., Ahn, S., & Cramer, E. M. (2014, May). The impact of self-construal on weight estimation and health practice. Paper presented at the 64th annual convention of the International Communication Association, Intercultural Communication Division, Seattle, WA. 30. Kim, S., Song, H., Cramer, E. M., & Ahn, S. (2014, May). Food preference and cultural holism. Paper presented at the competitive paper session of the Korean American Communication Association (KACA) at the 64th International Communication Association 2014 Conference, Seattle, WA.

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29. Graham, S. S., Keith, W., Kessler, M., Card, D. J., Kim, S. (2014, March). A data-driven approach to genre analysis: Statistical typification and argumentative outcomes modeling. Paper presented at the 17th annual convention of the Association for Teachers of Technical Writing. Indianapolis, IN. 28. Kim, S. Allen, M., Cole, A., et al. (2013, November). Testing the evidence effect of Additive Cues Model (ACM). Paper presented at the 99th annual convention of the National Communication Association, Communication and Social Cognition Division, Washington, DC. 27. Lim, T., & Kim, S. (2013, November). Giving and getting: Protective and corrective facework and obligation in Asia and the U.S. Panel of the International and Intercultural Communication Division at the 99th annual convention of National Communication Association, Washington, DC. 26. Lim, T., Kim, S., Ota, H., Kim, J., Omori, K., & England, N. (2013, November). Cognitive relativity, gender, culture, and face needs. Paper presented at the 99th annual convention of the National Communication Association, Language and Social Interaction Division, Washington, DC. 25. Cramer, E. M., Kim, S., Herrman, A., England, N., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2013, November). Culture and context dependency: The Impact on patient-physician communication. Paper presented at the 99th annual convention of the National Communication Association, Intercultural and International Communication Division, Washington, DC. 24. Ahn, S., & Kim, S., (2013, August). Different alcohol expectancies across cultures: A comparison between Korea and the U.S. Paper presented at the biennial convention of World Communication Association, Seoul, South Korea. 23. Kim, S., England, N., Cramer, E., Grimes, D., Ahn, S., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2013, August). Holistic-analytic thinking and somatization: A cross-cultural study. Paper presented at the biennial convention of World Communication Association, Seoul, South Korea. 22. Kim, S., Lim, T., Song, H., Herrman, H., Omori, K., Hawkins, J., Ota H., Kim, H., Kim J., Kim. J., England, N., Tenzek, K., Cramer, E., Grimes, D., & Dilbeck, K. (2013, April). The impact of self-construal on weight estimation and health practice: A cross-cultural study. Paper presented at the annual convention of Central Sates Communication Association, Kansas City, MO. 21. Kim, S., Lim, T., Song, H., Hawkins, J. M., Herrman, A. R., Kim, H., Ota, H., Kim, J., Kim, J, England, N., Tenzek, K., Cramer, E., Omori, K., Grimes, D., & Dilbeck, K. (2013, February). Promotive versus preventive dietary practice and self-construal: Communicating healthful food choice. Paper presented in the Health Communication Interest Group at the 85th annual convention of Western Communication Association, Reno, NV.

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20. Song, H., Hawkins, J.M., Kim, J., Omori, K., Tenzek, K., Kim, S. & Lim, T. (2013, February). Health information seeking online: An experimental study focusing on Internet skills. Paper presented at the 85th annual convention of Western Communication Association, Reno, NV.

19. Kim, S., Lim, T., Song, H., England, N., Herrman, A., Hawkins, J., Kim, H., Ota, H., Kim, J., Kim, J., Tenzek, K., Omori, K., Cramer, E., Grimes, D., & Dilbeck, K. (2012, November). What’s healthy?: Community perceptions of healthy food. Paper presented at the 98th annual convention of National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida. 18. Kim, S., Lim, T., Song, H., Cramer, E. M., Tenzek, K., England, N., Herrman, A., Hawkins, J. M., Kim, H., Ota, H., Kim, J., Kim, J., Omori, K., Grimes, D., Dilbeck, K. (2012, November). Integrating cultural worldviews into health self-assessment and behavior when a family member is ill. Paper presented at the 98th annual convention of National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida. 17. Kim, S., Allen, M., Song, H., & Lim, T. (2012, May). Demarcating humility from self-deprecation. Paper presented at the 62nd annual convention of International Communication Association, Phoenix, Arizona. 16. Holmstrom, A., & Kim, S. (2011, November). Coping with rejection: Promoting reattribution and reappraisal in the esteem support process. Paper presented at the 97th annual convention of National Communication Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. 15. Kim, S., Levine, T., & Allen, M. (2011, May). Persuasive impact of a role norm message: A cross-cultural study. Paper presented at the 61st annual convention of International Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts. 14. Holmstrom, A., & Kim, S. (2011, May). The mediating role of cognitive reattribution and reappraisal in the esteem support process. Paper presented at the 61st annual convention of International Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts. 13. Kim, S., Zhang, Y., & Lim, T. (2011, May). Perception of pre-sales assistance: A cross-cultural study. Paper presented at the 61st annual convention of International Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts. 12. Allen, M., Kim, S., Antos, A., Gattoni, A., Grimes, D., Huang, H., Kim, J., Lu, S., Maier, M., May, A., Omachinski, K., Tenzek, K., Turkiewicz, K., & Zhang, Y. (2010, November). Testing an additive model for the effectiveness evidence for the persuasiveness of a message. Division top paper. Paper presented at the 96th annual convention of National Communication Association, San Francisco, California. 11. Kim, S., Lim, T., & Kim, J. (2010, November). The impact of cultural holism on conflict management style: A

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cross-cultural study. Paper presented at the 96th annual convention of National Communication Association, San Francisco, California. 10. Walther, J. B., Van Der Heide, B., Kim, S., Westerman, D., Tom Tong, S., & Langwell, L. (2010, June). The role of friends’ behavior on evaluations of individual’s Facebook profiles: Are we known by the company we keep? Paper presented at the virtual conference of International Communication Association, Singapore. 9. Kim, S., Lapinski, M. K., Rimal, R., Glazer, E., Nebashi, R., Sherman, S., & Detenber, B. (2009, May). Is it humility or self-deprecation: A cross-cultural study on the moderating impact of humility on source credibility. Paper presented at the 59th annual convention of International Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois. 8. Kim, S., & Levine, T. R. (2008, November). Revisiting the intertwined model of psychological reactance. Paper presented at the 94th annual convention of National Communication Association, San Diego, California. 7. Lapinski, M. K., & Kim, S. (2008, November). It’s more than back-translation: Measurement equivalency in international and intercultural research. Panel of the Health Communication Division at the 94th annual convention of National Communication Association, San Diego, California. 6. Kim, S., & Levine, T. R. (2008, November). Intertwined versus separate process models of resistance to persuasion: The moderating effect of method. Paper presented at the 94th annual convention of National Communication Association, San Diego, California. 5. Lapinski, M. K., Maloney, E. K., Kim, S., Braz, M. E., Shulman, H., & Klein, K. (2008, November). Injunctive norms: Designing messages to modify perceived social sanctions. Paper presented at the 94th annual convention of National Communication Association, San Diego, California. 4. Kim, S., & Levine, T. R. (2008, May). The three reasons why persuasion messages fail. Paper presented at the 58th annual convention of International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada. 3. Walther, J. B., Kim, S., Van Der Heide, B., Westerman, D., Tom Tong, S., & Langwell, L. (2007, November). The role of friends’ behavior on evaluations of individual’s Facebook profiles: Are we known by the company we keep? Paper presented at the 93rd annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois. 2. Lapinski, M., Kim, S., Rimal, R., Galzer, E., Nebashi, R., Sherman, S., & Detenber, B. (2007, May). “I’m not an expert, but…”: The impact of self-deprecation and source expertise in 3 countries. Paper presented at the 57th annual convention of International Communication Association, San Francisco, California. 1. Lim, T., Allen, M., Burrell, N., & Kim, S. (2006, November). The relativity and salience of identity across cultures. Paper presented at the 92nd annual convention of National Communication Association, San Antonio, Texas.

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Kim, S. (2009). The cultural difference in the impact of role norm message in reducing binge drinking among college students. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Directed by Dr. Timothy Levine. Committee members: Drs. Frank Boster, Maria Lapinski, and Toby Ten Eyck. Kim, S. (2007). The three reasons why persuasion messages fail: Intertwined Model of Psychological Resistance. Unpublished Doctoral Prelim. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Directed by Dr. Timothy Levine. Committee members: Drs. Frank Boster, Maria Lapinski, and Toby Ten Eyck. Kim, S. (2003). The theory of relativity: Relativism vs. Absolutism. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI. Directed by Dr. Tae-Seop Lim. Committee members: Drs. Mike Allen and Nancy Burrell.

AWARDS 6. $500. Kim, S. (November, 2016). The Arts and Humanities Research Travel Award. Diminishing cultural differences: Transitioning from cross- to inter-cultural communication. Paper presented at the 102nd annual convention of the National Communication Association, International and Intercultural Communication Division, Philadelphia, PA. 5. $900. Kim, S. (May, 2013). Visits to Sponsors Travel Awards (VISTA). Seeking grant funding opportunities in South Korea to further health communication research with Drs. Hyun-Joo Kim (Kwangwoon University) and Junghyun Kim (Chung-Ang University). 4. $500. Kim, S. (February, 2013). CIE Faculty Travel Award. Holistic-analytic thinking and somatization: A cross-cultural study. Paper presented at the biennial convention of World Communication Association, Seoul, South Korea, August, 2013. 3. $50. Kim, S. (February, 2013). Top Paper Award. Health Communication Interest Group. The 85th annual convention of Western Communication Association, Reno, NV. 2. $6,000. Kim, S. (Fall 2008). Dissertation Completion Fellowship, College of Communication Arts and Science. The cultural difference in the impact of role-present injunctive norm message in reducing binge drinking among college students. 1. Kim, S. (2005, May). Department of Communication Award for Outstanding Research. Department of Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

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Funded Research 4. $100,000. Graham, S. S., Harley, A., Kim, S., & Neuner, J. (Fall 2014, Spring 2015). Transdisciplinary Fellowship Program. UW-Milwaukee Center for 21st Century Studies. Catalyzing transdisciplinarity: Cancer-obesity comorbidity as a wicked problem in urban Milwaukee. 3. $141,068. Graham, S. S., Keith, W., & Kim, S. (Fall 2014, Spring 2015). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Growth Initiative. Evaluating the impacts of lay stakeholder inclusion and industry affiliations on FDA pharmaceuticals policy decision-making. 2. $9,922. Graham, S. S., Johnstone, C. A., Kim, S. (Fall 2013, Spring 2014). Innovation adoption following continuing education: A mixed methods pilot study of oncology-related meetings. Research Support Grant. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME). 1. $10,000. Graham, S. S., Harley, A., Kim, S. (Fall 2013, Spring 2014). Assessing the acquisition, adoption, and implementation of research evidence for combating childhood obesity. Transdisciplinary Fellowship Program. UW-Milwaukee Center for 21st Century Studies. Grant Proposals Submitted 9. $281,892. Graham, S. S., Kim, S., Hopton, S. B. (submitted August, 2014). Standard Research Grant: Stakes vs. interests in technical democracy. National Science Foundation. Unfunded. 8. $13,961. Kim, S. (submitted December, 2014). Research and Creative Activities Support (RACAS) Awards. Finding meta-analytic evidence for a paradigm shift: From cross-cultural to inter-ethnic communication research. Unfunded. 7. $14,996. Kim, S. (submitted November, 2013). Faculty Research and Creative Activities Support (FRACAS). Finding evidence to initiate a paradigm shift from cross-cultural to inter-ethnic communication research. Unfunded. 6. $1,200,000. Graham, S. S., Keith, W., Teston, C. B., Johnstone, C. A., Kim, S., Mayes, P., & Campbell, B. (submitted April, 2013). Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). Dissemination of comparative effectiveness research in cancer-continuing medical education. Unfunded. 5. $14,837. Kim, S. (submitted November, 2012). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Committee

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Award. Revisiting three decades of individualism-collectivism research: Do East-West cultural differences persist? Unfunded. 4. $127,294. Kim, S. (submitted October, 2012). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Growth Initiative. Realizing the benefits of cultural pluralism: Interethnic giving. Unfunded. 3. $13,968. Kim, S. (submitted November, 2010). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Committee Award. Examining cultural evolution in the U.S. Unfunded. 2. $9,027. Kim, S. (submitted November, 2009). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Committee Award. Demarcating humility from self-deprecation: A cross-cultural study. Unfunded. 1. $100,903. Kim, S., Lim, T., & Song, H. (submitted October, 2009). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Growth Initiative. Exploring cultural differences in health perceptions: Developing and applying a new theoretical framework and measurement instrument. Unfunded. Grant Proposals in Preparation 1. Kim, S. Realizing the benefits of cultural pluralism: Measuring the costs and the benefits of diversity. To be submitted to Research Growth Initiative of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2018).

INVITED COLLOQUIA AND LECTURES 6. Kim, S. (November 24, 2016). Correcting biased NVivo inter-coder reliability: Finding a general model using Monte Carlo simulation. Research presented at Kyung-Hee University, Seoul, Korea. 5. Kim, S. (December 2, 2014). Applying social Influence strategies for a successful water conservation campaign in Phoenix, Arizona. Invited class seminar in URBPLAN-810 (Planning Policy Analysis), Department of Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI. 4. Kim, S. (December 9, 2013). Health, Culture, and Social Influence. Research presented at University of Maryland, College Park, MD. 3. Kim, S. (April 12, 2013). Introducing Milwaukee Project: Understanding cultural issues in health contexts. Research presented at ‘Bowling For Scholars’ at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 2. Kim, S., Song, H., & Lim, T. (October 5, 2012). Milwaukee Project: Four Experiments. Research presented at Professional Development Seminar at University Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI.

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1. Kim, S. (November 13, 2008). Social norms, social roles, and culture. Research presented at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI.

RESEARCH IN PROGRESS 13. Parcell, E., & Kim, S. Race talk and political correctness in Milwaukee. 12. Kim, S. Diversity effects: Optimizing diversity management. 11. Cramer, E. M., Kim, S. Culture and context dependency: The impact on patient-physician communication. 10. Timmerman, E., & Kim, S. Revisiting the channel expansion theory. 9. Kim, S., et al. Community engagement and mental health. 8. Kim, S., & England, S. Holistic vs. analytic doctor and doctor-patient congruence. 7. Kim, S., & England, S. Somatization: A cross-cultural study. 6. Cramer, E., & Kim, S. Locus of health control and cultural holism. 5. Kim, S. Cautions for using Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) with survey data. 4. Kim, S. Inter- versus intra-ethnic reciprocity of altruism. 3. Kim, S. Impact of giving on mental health and its cultural variations. 2. Kim, S. The process of cultural evolution of holism and individualism in the U.S. 1. Kim, S. Cultural transmission as a diffusion of innovation.


University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2009-) Undergraduate Level COM 101 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (Instructor) COM 350 Introduction to Intercultural Communication (Instructor)

COM 370 Quantitative Research Methods for Undergraduates (Course Coordinator) COM 450 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication (Course Coordinator)

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COM 464 Theories and Practices of Persuasion (Instructor) Graduate Level

COM 700 Quantitative Research Methods for Graduates (Instructor) COM 800 Proseminar: Discipline of Communication (Instructor) COM 860 Seminar: Diversity Effect (Instructor) COM 864 Communication and Social Influence (Instructor) Michigan State University (2005-2008) COM 100 Introduction to Human Communication (Teaching Assistant/Instructor) COM 200 Methods of Communication Inquiry (Teaching Assistant/Instructor) COM 225 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (Instructor) COM 391 Cross-cultural Communication (Teaching Assistant) COM 901 Communication Research Design (Teaching Assistant) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2003-2005) COM 101 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (Teaching Assistant)

COM 370 Quantitative Methodology (Teaching Assistant)


2015 Workshop. Introduction to GIS Analysis with Open Source Software (03/11). Sponsored by UW-Milwaukee Digital Humanities Lab.

2014 Webinar. Creating Custom Maps and Tables using American FactFinder (10/16). Sponsored

by U.S. Census Bureau Field Division (Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin). 2013 Workshop. Data Intensive Summer School (07/08-10). Sponsored by the Virtual School of

Computational Science and Engineering (VSCSE). Held at Marquette University. 2013 Workshop. Networking Luncheon for Community Engaged Scholars (03/27). Sponsored by

UWM Center for Community-Based Learning, Leadership, and Research. 2012 Seminar. Grant Writing for the Arts, Humanities, and Humanistic Social Sciences (02/10).

Sponsored by UW-Milwaukee Graduate School. 2012 Seminar. Write Winning Grant Proposals (02/06). Sponsored by UW-Milwaukee.

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2010 Workshop. UWM Faculty Development for Online and Blended Teaching (06/16, 2010). Sponsored by UW-Milwaukee.


National Communication Association

International Communication Association World Communication Association



2015- Member, Codification Committee, Department of Communication, UW-Milwaukee 2015-2016 Member, Undergraduate Grievance Committee, Department of Communication, UW-

Milwaukee. 2014-2015 Recording Secretary, Department of Communication, UW-Milwaukee. 2014- Department Webmaster, Letters and Science web liaison, Department of Communication

UW-Milwaukee. 2013-2016 M.A. Director, Department of Communication, UW-Milwaukee. 2013- Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, Department of Communication, UW-Milwaukee. 2013- Coordinator, Graduate Assessment, Department of Communication, UW-Milwaukee. 2012-2013 Member, Awards Committee, Department of Communication, UW-Milwaukee. 2011-2012 Coordinator, Undergraduate Assessment, Department of Communication, UW-Milwaukee. 2010-2012 Member, Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee, College of Letters and Science, UW-

Milwaukee. 2010-2012 Member, Undergraduate Committee, Department of Communication, UW-Milwaukee. 2009-2011 Creator and Director, ‘Meet the Culture’ Initiative (COMMUN 350, Introduction to

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Intercultural Communication). 2009-2010 Member, Committee of Technology and Media, Department of Communication, UW-

Milwaukee. 2007-2008 Deans Advisory Committee, Association of Graduate Students, Department of

Communication, Michigan State University. 2006 Voluntary Peer Mentor, Applied Research Methods (COM 830), Department of

Communication, Michigan State University. 2004 Volunteer, National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 2002 Volunteer, International Communication Association, Seoul, Korea. 2002 Assistant, Pre-conference of International Communication Association, Division of Human

Communication, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea.


Associate Editorial Board Communication Studies (2013-2015)

Ad Hoc Reviewer

Communication Monographs Communication Quarterly Communication Research

Communication Research Reports Human Communication Research

International Journal of Intercultural Relations Management Communication Quarterly


Current Jonathan Dellinger (Chair) Brittnie Peck Maura R. Cherney 2017 Seokhoon Ahn

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“What motivates international students to acculturate: Exploring acculturative beliefs using the theory of planned behavior as framework.”

Richard Draeger

“Non-native foreign language instructors’ teaching expectations concerning intercultural communication competence: Communicative practices in the classroom.”

Laura Motel

“Cross-cultural meta-analysis of personality and leadership effectiveness and evaluation of changes over time”

Michelle Fetherston

“College students and career information seeking: Applying the comprehensive model of information seeking to career preparation”

Chang-Shik Choi “Uncertainty appraisal in first career employment information seeking” 2016 Myounghee Jorn, School of Architecture and Urban Planning

“Housing adjustment behaviors of Korean elderly immigrants residing in affordable housing: The cultural aspects of residential experiences”

Kristine Nicolini

“Navigating the noise: An examination of the relationship between introversion, family communication patterns, family satisfaction, and social self-efficacy”

2015 DeAnne Priddis

“Family connections: The impact of self-disclosure, solidarity, and stereotyping on relational satisfaction in grandparent-adult grandchild dyads”

Tanya Joosten

“Thinking systemically: A study of course communication and social process in face-to-face and online courses”

2014 Andrew Cole “College student lay health information mediary behavior: An examination of e-health literacy

and unrequested health advice” Emily Cramer

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“Health information behavior and paternal involvement of low-income expectant and recent fathers”

Kikuko Omori

“Cultural differences in self-presentation on social networking sites: A cross-cultural comparison between American and Japanese college students”

2013 Anna Herrman “Encouraging healthy body-image: Are parents sending effective messages to children?”


2015 Michele Olson

“Motivational interviewing in primary care and general health care settings: A meta-analysis” 2014 Adam Drent

“The newest vital sign’s impact of provider communication” Jonathan Dellinger

“Promotive versus preventive health practice and self-construal” 2012 Seokhoon Ahn

“Exploring alcohol expectancies in Korea and America using the holism theory” 2010 Yen Zhang

“Comparison of the pre-sales assistance service between individualistic and holistic cultures”

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Mike Allen, PhD Professor

Department of Communication University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI 53201 (414) 229-4261

[email protected]

Tae-Seop Lim, PhD. Professor

Department of Communication University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI 53201 (414) 229-4261 [email protected]

Nancy Burrell, PhD

Professor Department of Communication

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 53201

(414) 229-4261 [email protected]
