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Blackwell Science, Ltd

Visualisation of standardized life-history patterns

Dirk Zeller and Daniel Pauly

Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, 2204 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z4


The life-history patterns of fish and invertebrate species are complex. But much of thiscomplexity can be captured in simple diagrams of coastal transects, where juvenilesusually occur in larger numbers in shallow waters, while adults generally inhabitdeeper, offshore waters. Iconographic representations of generalized life-history patternsand depth profiles, with specific key life-history parameters can capture much of thesestandardized patterns, including spawning areas, nursery/juvenile distributions, adultdistributions and spawning migrations. Several examples presented here from a widerange of habitats and ecosystems (temperate and tropical waters, demersal, deep water,pelagic and coral reefs), including an example of different stocks of the same species,illustrate some general patterns with regard to water depth and distance from shore.The present approach should be viewed as a first step towards obtaining standardizedpatterns about key life-history parameters, and will hopefully lead to incorporation intomanagement of life-history interconnectivity between different fishery sectors or gears.This may contribute to sustainable, ecosystem-based approaches to management byinforming policy options when faced with decisions to rationalize overcapitalized fisheries.


coastal transects, depth distribution, fish ecology, life-history patterns,

temperate, tropical, visualization


D. Zeller, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, 2204 Main Mall, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6T 1Z4 Tel.: 1-604-822-1950 Fax: 1-604-822-8934 E-mail: [email protected]

Received 18 Oct 2000 Accepted 25 Jun 2001

Introduction 345

Case studies 348

Temperate waters 348

North Sea plaice


Atlantic herring


Atlantic cod


Deepwater redfish


Subtropical and tropical waters 350

West Australian rock lobster


Coral trout


Splendid ponyfish


Discussion 352




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Zeller, D. and D. Pauly. 2001. Visualisation of standardized life history patterns. Fish and Fisheries 2(4): 344-355.

Standardized life-history patterns

D Zeller and D Pauly

© 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, FISH




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Life-history patterns of marine resources are gener-ally viewed as multidimensional in scale, with com-plex interactions between components defined byecology, oceanography, time and geography. Oftenthis complexity has made it difficult to assimilatepotential effects of extractions on a species and theindustry it supports. This may be either owing to theperception of multidimensional complexity beingthought intractable, or because of an oversight ofbasic patterns.

Here, we argue that this multidimensional com-plexity can be reduced to a simpler, generalized two-dimensional life-history pattern, while still capturingthe essential information. Both Charles Darwin andAlexander von Humboldt used the method of reduceddimensionality to focus their readers attention tothe key issues while capturing most of the signific-ant information concerning the topic at hand. Forexample, after reviewing much literature, Darwinconcluded that “latitude is a more important elementthan longitude” for explaining the distribution oforganisms (Barrett

et al

. 1987). This concept hasrecently been revisited in a latitudinal analysis ofpopulation dynamics and ecology of flatfishes (Pauly1994). It was Humboldt, however, who in his classic

Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent

first used a transect technique to visualize the advan-tage of reduced dimensionality in explaining observedpatterns in distribution (Gayet, pp. 2284–2287 inTort 1996). Here, we present an approach to standardizelife-history patterns, using reduced dimensionality, thatwill permit discovery of concepts and generalitiesthat might otherwise be lost in the clutter of over-parameterization and specific details. Similarly,standardization to discover ecological patterns andpropensities from a multitude of data and detailedpatterns have been used by R. Myers in his meta-analysisapproach of recruitment rates (e.g. Myers

et al

. 1999),by Cury and Roy (1989) for relationships betweenenvironmental parameters (especially wind strength)and pelagic fish recruitment success, and by Pauly(1998) for general patterns of growth in fishes. Infisheries science, a classic example of data suitablefor reduced dimensionality was presented by Garstang(1909) for the North Sea plaice (

Pleuronectes platessa

,Pleuronectidae, Fig. 1). Heincke (1913) re-expressedthis as a ‘law’ wherein size increases with distancefrom shore (and depth), while numbers decline.

The life-history characteristics of many species andstocks show generalized two-dimensional patterns,involving water depth and distance from shore. In ananalysis of broad-scale patterns of biomass in the

Figure 1 Schematic representation (geographical map view) of the distribution of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea (modified after Garstang 1909). Mean sizes (cm TL) are given for each depth isobar. Page 345 Monday, November 26, 2001 10:52 AM

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North Atlantic, depth and distance from coast (whilecorrelated) were shown to be independent enough torequire inclusion of both parameters in a GeneralizedLinear Model (V. Christensen, personal communica-tion). FAO (1972) used the depth and distance fromcoast approach for many species in their

Atlas of theLiving Resources of the Seas,

and Pauly (1982) indicatedsuch a pattern for the fishes of a tropical bay. It isrecognized that, for many applications, an inshore/offshore axis may better convey information on generalstructure and processes than an alongshore axis orgeneral geographical map view (Pauly and Lightfoot1992). A good example of this is demonstrated bycomparison of Garstang’s map-view of plaice size dis-tribution in the North Sea (Fig. 1) with our represen-tation of the same information for the same speciesand area using a standardized two-dimensional graphof water depth vs. distance from shore (Figs 2 and 3).Such a transect approach permits the use of icons torepresent key processes or patterns, as well as stand-

ardization of axis (e.g. log scale), which enables mostspecies or stocks to be directly compared across extensivedepth and distance scales. Obviously, in certain cir-cumstances, and especially for regional stock assess-ment purposes, map based spatial knowledge that ismore location-specific is required. However, our aimhere is to demonstrate a standardized approach toillustrate that patterns that are perceived to be com-plex or different between species or stocks if looked atindividually and in close-up focus, are in essence oftenvery similar with regards to certain key parameters.It is thus a question of finding what might be called‘axes of functionality’ that explain the general prop-erties and patterns that are shared between species.

For our coastal transects we used species and stock-specific data summarized from standard literaturesearches, as well as species-specific searches of FishBase(Froese and Pauly 2000). For brevity, only broadsummaries of this information are included here. Thedepth transects were obtained from ground-truthed

Figure 2 Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa). Black contour line represents a typical depth transect from approximately 53° N, 8° E to 56° N, 3° E. Dark grey represents juvenile distribution, light grey represents adult range and black indicates spawning strata.

Figure 3

Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for North Sea plaice (

Pleuronectes platessa

). Black contour line represents typical depth transect from approximately 53


N, 8


E to 56


N, 3


E. Colour and symbol codes are shown in the key.

Figure 4

Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for Norwegian spring spawning herring (

Clupea harengus

) prior to the stock collapse in the late 1960s early 1970s, and the currently re-established pattern. Black contour line represents typical depth transect from approximately 63


N, 8


E to 67


N, 11


W. Colour and symbol codes as per Fig. 3.

Figure 6

Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank cod stocks (

Gadus morhua

). Black contour line represents typical depth transect from approximately 42


N, 70


W to 40


N, 65


W. Colour and symbol codes as per Fig. 3.

Figure 5

Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for Barents Sea and Norwegian coastal cod stocks (

Gadus morhua

). Black contour line represents typical depth transect from approximately 68


N, 13


E to 76


N, 18


E. Note transect is running in a NNE direction and not at right angle to Norwegian coastline. Colour and symbol codes as per Fig. 3. Page 346 Monday, November 26, 2001 10:52 AM

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, 34










100000.1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (km)


th (


Larval dispersal

Nursery/juvenile stage

Ontogenetic movements

Adult stages

Spawning migrations







0.1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (km)


th (


Demersal eggs

Figure 3

Figure 4





100000.1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (km)


th (






100000.1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (km)


th (



Figure 5

Figure 6


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depth data (standardized to Mean Sea Level; P. Sloss,NOAA-NGDC, personal communication) with a two-nautical mile resolution based on satellite sources(‘Global Relief ’ NOAA-NGDC, MGG Division, Boulder,Colorado, USA). The depth contour data were used inthe


geo-statistical program to calculate depthcontours between locations relating to the generalgeographical area being considered (R. Watson, Fish-eries Centre, University of British Columbia, Van-couver, personal communication). Thus, individualbottom contour transects are representative depthcontour transects derived from the stock-specificgeographical area. Graphs are standardized to log-scales to permit most species and stocks to be directlycomparable across extensive depth (1–10 000 m)and distance scales (0.1–1000 km), while simultane-ously permitting shallow water, near-shore areas tobe represented where applicable. The orientation ofthe inshore/offshore axis relative to the coastline isclearly a fractal problem of spatial scale of coastline(e.g. Jiang and Plotnick 1998). Given the large spatialscale covered by our transects (up to 1000 km off-shore), the orientation of transects were typically atright angles to the average regional coastline, as indi-cated by large-scale GIS maps (


geo-statisticalprogram), unless otherwise indicated.

It might be questioned why we chose iconographicvisualization as a vehicle to present these patternsand the message associated with them. A clearadvantage of standardized, two-dimensional graphsover map-view is that they permit standardized com-parison between different examples at one glance(Pauly and Lightfoot 1992). Moreover, Tufte (1983)suggested that: “… of all methods for analysing andcommunicating information, well-designed datagraphics are usually the simplest and at the time themost powerful. Excellence in statistical graphics con-sists of complex ideas communicated with clarity,precision, and efficiency.” While these graphs canalso be presented in shades of grey (Fig. 2), we adheredto Tufte’s theory of information presentation, design-ing the graphs to be easy to decode by the viewer(incorporating hues chosen to permit easy decodingby colour-deficient viewers, Tufte 1983, p. 183), con-tain key information (four major life-history stages)and are standardized in scale, to permit direct com-parison between species and areas.

Four key life-history stages are presented in thecolour graphs: larval dispersal indicated by blackdotted arrows (from hatching or larval extrusion tosettlement or early juvenile stage); juvenile stagesin blue (from postlarval to prefishery-recruitment

stages); adult stage in brown (recruited to fishery);and spawning depth strata in red (representingdepth zones used preferentially for spawning). Addi-tional arrows may indicate ontogenetic movements(blue), regular spawning migrations (brown), ormajor water currents of ontogenetic significance(grey). The larval stage is being represented as aflow arrow only, to illustrate the link, via larvalstage, between spawning areas and juvenile nurseryhabitats.

Below, we present several examples from temper-ate and tropical waters to illustrate the universalapplicability of this standardized approach. We alsoindicate (with one example) the suitability of thisapproach to compare stocks of the same species fromdifferent geographical regions.

Case studies

The species illustrated here represent an arbitrarychoice of very important fisheries species. Theywere selected to cover a wide range of marine eco-systems (temperate as well as tropical waters) andhabitats (demersal, pelagic, deep waters, coral reefs),and include fishes as well as an invertebrate example.The species covered are: North Sea plaice (


, Pleuronectidae); Atlantic herring (


, Clupeidae); Atlantic cod (

Gadus morhua

,Gadidae); Deepwater redfish (

Sebastes mentella

,Sebastidae); West Australian rock lobster (


, Palinuridae); Coral trout (

Plectropomus leopardus

,Serranidae); and the Splendid ponyfish (


, Leiognathidae).

Temperate waters

North Sea plaice

The Plaice (

Pleuronectes platessa

) is a right-eyed flat-fish occurring commonly in the North-east Atlantic(Garstang 1909; McKeown 1984; Froese and Pauly2000). In the North Sea, four major spawningsubgroups are recognized: Scottish east coast,Flamborough, Southern Bight and German Bightspawning groups (McKeown 1984 and referencestherein). Plaice spawn in 25–75 m depth, eggs andlarvae are pelagic for approximately 3–8 weeks,and metamorphose to juveniles which settle innursery areas in shallow, coastal waters (Muusand Dahlstrøm 1977; McKeown 1984, Figs 2 and3). Juveniles remain in shallow waters (< 20 m)for the first few years, then start moving into deeperwaters. Plaice reach sexual maturity at 3–4 years, Page 348 Monday, November 26, 2001 10:52 AM

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then undertake their first migration to spawningareas. Thereafter they disperse over a larger area,mainly in deeper waters, with overlap with other plaicestocks (McKeown 1984).

Atlantic herring

Herring populations (

Clupea harengus

) often displaycomplex feeding and spawning migrations (Iles1971). They are separated into numerous local‘races’, often identified by spawning locations andspawning periods (e.g. North Sea spring spawningherring; Muus and Dahlstrøm 1977; McKeown1984; Blaxter 1985). Areas suitable for spawning byherring are banks and coastal areas with stony androcky bottom and depths less than 250 m (Slotte andFiksen 2000). Herring eggs are demersal (Blaxter1985) and larval duration range from 2 to 6 monthsdepending on stock (Houde and Zastrow 1993;Froese and Pauly 2000). Research on herring lifehistory indicates that in many cases there is consider-able mixing, both in the nursery areas and feedinggrounds of different populations, while segregationoccurs during spawning and early larval stages (Iles1971; Iles and Sinclair 1982; Sinclair and Iles 1985;Sinclair

et al

. 1985).The Arcto-Scandian herring stock (now called

Norwegian Spring Spawning herring) displays exten-sive seasonal and ontogentic migrations, and mayserve as a pelagic example (Fig. 4). Spawning areasare along the south-western and western Norwegiancoast. Herring larvae drift to a variety of nurserygrounds in coastal fjords and the Barents Sea. Adultfeeding and over-wintering areas are offshore as faras Faroe Islands, Jan Mayen Island and Iceland (FAO1972 maps 2.2 and B.2, Muus and Dahlstrøm 1977;Slotte and Fiksen 2000). In the 1990s the NorwegianSpring Spawning herring stock has recovered fromnear extinction in the late 1960s, and appears tohave re-established most of its previous patterns.However, for nearly 25 years after the collapse, theoceanic nursery, feeding and wintering areas (BarentsSea, Iceland and Norwegian Sea) were abandoned,and the entire life cycle was spent in Norwegiancoastal waters and fjords (Dragesund

et al

. 1980;Rottingen 1990; Holst

et al

. 1998; Slotte and Fiksen2000).

Atlantic cod

The Atlantic cod (

Gadus morhua

) is a diurnallyschooling, demersal or benthopelagic species, occur-ring from shoreline to 500–600 m depth (FAO 1972,map B.1; Muus and Dahlstrøm 1977; Cohen

et al


1990; Froese and Pauly 2000). It can undertakelong-distance migrations (FAO 1972, map 2.1; Cohen

et al

. 1990). Here we present examples of two stocksof Atlantic cod to illustrate the suitability of thestandardized approach for intraspecies comparisons.One of the examples is from the north-east Atlantic(Barents Sea stock) and the other is from the westAtlantic (Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank). Spawningtakes place in 50–150 m depth for Barents Sea stock(Fig. 5), as well as for Gulf of Maine/Georges Bankstocks (Serchuk

et al

. 1994; Fig. 6). During the spawn-ing season adults are highly aggregated and closelyassociated with banks or shelf-edge features (spawn-ing areas), whereas during the nonspawning seasondistribution is more widely dispersed (Frank

et al

.1994). Cod eggs are pelagic and concentrate inthe 0–10 m depth strata, larvae hatch within 2–4 weeks of spawning, and settlement occurs after 3–5 months at 3–6 cm in size (Muus and Dahlstrøm1977). Historically, sexual maturity was reached atbetween 4 and 15 years, however, currently this isreduced to 1–7 years owing to overfishing (Serchuk

et al

. 1994; Longhurst 1998). Historic longevity wasapproximately 25 years, maximum size


200 cm(Muus and Dahlstrøm 1977). Cod in northernNorway (Fig. 5) are considered as two entities,although managed as a single stock: NorwegianCoastal cod and Barents Sea stock (Fyhn

et al

. 1994;Loken

et al

. 1994). Loken

et al

. (1994) comparedBarents Sea cod with Coastal cod stocks in Norway,and found different early life histories, but no con-clusive indication of different stock structure. Bar-ents Sea cod juveniles remain planktonic for longerand settle far to the north and east in the BarentsSea (McKeown 1984; Helle 1994; Loken

et al

. 1994),while coastal cod juveniles settle earlier in veryshallow coastal waters where the macroalgal beltmight provide protection from predation (Loken

et al

.1994). Similar shallow water settlement is alsoobserved in North Sea cod (Riley and Parnell 1984in Loken

et al

. 1994). Juvenile cod (1-year-old) havebeen reported to inhabit the shore slope of fjordsbetween 10 and 30 m depth (Svendsen 1995). In thewestern Atlantic (e.g. Georges Bank), as well as onother shelf areas, most cod larvae appear to beretained on the banks used as spawning areas owingto hydrodynamic patterns (Anderson

et al

. 1995;Fig. 6) and the early stage of larval activity assistsmovements shoalwards (Serchuk

et al

. 1994). Juvenilecod (1-year-old) have been reported to inhabit theshore slopes of Norwegian fjords between 10 and30 m depth (Svendsen 1995). Coastal cod within the Page 349 Monday, November 26, 2001 10:52 AM

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Gulf of Maine (Fig. 6) appear to maintain their ownspawning grounds (e.g. Sheepscot Bay), and show anaffinity to shallower (< 100 m) coastal areas (Perkins

et al

. 1997).

Deepwater redfish

In the North Atlantic, there are two main species ofredfish,

Sebastes mentella

(deepwater redfish, oceanperch) and

S. marinus

(golden redfish), which overlapin occurrence (FAO 1972, map A.1; Christensen andPedersen 1989). A third species (

S. viviparus

) is gener-ally found in shallower waters, and is the most commonredfish in the North Sea and the Skagerrak (Anonymous1998). Similarly, a third species (

S. fasciatus

, Ascadianredfish) occurs in the western Atlantic, also primarilyin shallow waters in inshore areas (mainly 10–30 mdepth, Kelly and Barker 1961 in Kenchington 1991),and is very common in the Gulf of Maine (Scott andScott 1988). Here we concentrate on the first species,the deepwater redfish

S. mentella

(Fig. 7). As its com-mon name suggests,

S. mentella

is a deepwater, pre-dominantly benthic species that rises off the bottomduring the night (Scott and Scott 1988). However,mesopelagic aggregations have been documentedin the Irminger Sea (Fig. 7), and might representseparate stocks (Bel’skiy

et al

. 1987; Christensen andPedersen 1989).

Depth range of occurrence for

S. mentella

is 130–900 m (Froese and Pauly 2000), and stocks oftenshow stratification by depth, with smaller individualsgenerally more shallow (Christensen and Pedersen1989). Immature individuals have been recordedwidely distributed down to 500 m (Drevetnyak 1993).However, no change in average length with depthwas recorded for depths between 150 and 200 m, butaverage size did increase with depths of > 200 m


et al

. 1990). Redfish are ovoviviparousand larvae are born (extruded) at approximately7 mm size after absorbing the yolk-sac. During thelarval extrusion period adults were found at 250–700 m depth (Drevetnyak 1993), with the majority ofextrusions occurring at 250–400 m depth (Magnusson

et al

. 1990; Mukhina

et al

. 1992, 1995). The larvalstage is pelagic in surface waters in 0–50 m depth(Christensen and Pedersen 1989; Herra 1989; Mukhina

et al

. 1992). Nursery areas are found mostly at depthsbetween 50 and 350 m (Anonymous 1998). Atapproximately 25 mm in size they start moving intodeeper waters (Christensen and Pedersen 1989). Red-fish grow to 7–8 cm during their first year, thereafterapproximately 2.5 cm per year until about 10 years ofage, after which growth slows down (Scott and Scott1988). Sexual maturity is thought to be reached at 8–10 + years of age, with a longevity of 40 + years(Christensen and Pedersen 1989).

Subtropical and tropical waters

West Australian rock lobster

The western rock lobster (

Panulirus cygnus

) occursoff the western Australian coast, where they inhabit(postlarval to adult) the continental shelf from 1 to200 m depth, with highest densities in waters lessthan 60 m (Kailola

et al

. 1993; Fig. 8). They supportone of the worlds largest lobster fishery, averagingover 10 000 t per year, which is the most lucrativesingle-species fisheries in Australia (Phillips

et al

. 1994).Larval stages are dispersed up to 1500 km offshore

and spend almost a full year in the south-easternIndian Ocean. Thereafter, the late larval stagesreturn to the continental shelf, where they metamor-phose to the puerulus stage which crosses the shelf

Figure 7

Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for Irminger Sea deepwater redfish stocks (benthic and mesopelagic

Sebastes mentella

). Black contour line represents typical depth transect from approximately 63


N, 22


W to 59


N, 30


W. Colour and symbol codes as per Fig. 3.

Figure 8

Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for the West Australian rock lobster stock (

Panulirus cygnus

). Black contour line represents typical depth transect from approximately 27


S, 114


E to 29


S, 110


E. Colour and symbol codes as per Figure 3. The large grey arrow indicates the effect of the Leeuwin current on larval dispersal.

Figure 9

Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for coral trout, also called coral grouper (

Plectropomus leopardus

). Black contour line represents typical depth transect from approximately 20


S, 148


E to 17


S, 158


E. Colour and symbol codes as per Fig. 3.

Figure 10

Generalized life-history pattern by depth zone for the splendid ponyfish (

Leiognathus splendens

). Black contour line represents typical depth transect from approximately 13


N, 123


E to 19


N, 123


E. Colour and symbol codes as per Fig. 3. Page 350 Monday, November 26, 2001 10:52 AM

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100000.1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (km)


th (



Demersal stock

Bathypelagic stock





100000.1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (km)


th (






100000.1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (km)


th (







100000.1 1 10 100 1000

Distance (km)


th (

m) ?

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10


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, 344–355

and settles on shallow coastal reefs, in waters lessthan 30 m (Kailola

et al

. 1993; Phillips and Pearce1997). The annual level of settlement is related to thestrength of the local Leeuwin current, by increasingtransport to the coast (Fig. 8). Juveniles remain onshallow coastal reefs for 3–6 years before recruit-ing to the fishery in the deeper, adult habitats(Phillips

et al

. 1991; Kailola

et al

. 1993). Themaximum distance recorded during juvenile-adultmigration was approximately 170 nm (Kailola

et al

.1993). Rock lobster are nocturnal, omnivorousforagers, and tagging studies of preadult stagesindicated a wide range of movements, with 67% oflobsters traveling almost directly offshore (Phillips1983; Anonymous 1984). Adults mate betweenJuly and December, and females carry the spermato-phores until eggs are spawned between Augustand January in the deeper parts of the adult range(Kailola

et al

. 1993).

Coral trout

The common coral trout [

Plectropomus leopardus

(Serranidae) ] is one of seven species of


(alsocalled coral groupers) occurring in the Indo-Pacific.

Plectropomus leopardus

inhabits tropical westernPacific waters from southern Japan to Australia, westto Indonesia and east to Fiji (Randall and Hoese1986). On the Australian Great Barrier Reef (GBR)they inhabit waters from 1 to 100 m depth, frominshore reef areas to steep outer reef margins (Kailola

et al

. 1993; Fig. 9). Adult

P. leopardus

occupy homeranges that are on average 10 500–18 800 m


insize, depending on reef habitat (Zeller 1997).


are protogynous hermaphrodites, and spawn-ing occurs in spring-summer at multiple spawningaggregations per reef at depths of 6 m to at least 25 m(Samoilys and Squire 1994; Samoilys 1997; Zeller1998). Common coral trout undertake regularmigrations to their respective aggregation sites, anddisplay site fidelity (Zeller 1998). The planktonic larvalstage takes 3–4 weeks in GBR waters (Doherty

et al

.1994), and larvae are also found over habitats similarto adult coral trout. Common size at settlement is


16–17 mm (SL), with 2-month-old juvenilesreported as 45–85 mm (SL) (Brown

et al

. 1991).Demersal juveniles inhabit shallow reef waters in andaround reef areas, primarily in coral rubble areas> 5 m



et al

. 1991; Light and Jones 1997),and have been observed at the base of emergent reefstructures at depths of 10–15 m (D. Zeller personalobservation). Large adult coral trout are reported toinhabit deeper waters (> 20 m) outside of spawning

periods, but move into shallower water to feed(McPherson

et al

. 1988).

Splendid ponyfish

The splendid ponyfish (

Leiognathus splendens

), a smallschooling species, is widely distributed throughoutthe coastal waters of the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific ( Jones 1985). It has a strong preference forturbid inshore areas (Fig. 10), and forms an import-ant component of the demersal fish assemblages inthe tropical Indo-Pacific region ( Jones 1985). It hasbeen recorded at depths of 5–100 m (Pauly 1977;Froese and Pauly 2000). Leiognathids often numeric-ally dominate demersal trawl catches in waters lessthan 30 m (McManus 1986) and often form relat-ively important fisheries, particularly in developingcountries (Pauly 1977). In South-east Asian watersthe commercially most important concentrationsoccur in 20–40 m, with isolated schools between40 and 60 m (Pauly 1977). Juveniles have beenreported from estuaries, whereas adults are foundpredominantly outside estuaries in coastal waters(Pauly 1982).


The purpose of the generalized life-history transectapproach presented here is not to document adetailed, quantitative depth distribution analysis.Rather, it is meant to focus attention on the broad,underlying patterns of generalized life histories ofmarine resources, and to illustrate the intercon-nectivity, through life-history stages, of coastal andoffshore marine environments over large distances.However, the present graphical format lends itself toinclusion of additional quantitative data in the formof vertical and horizontal data graphics that can beincorporated into the existing transects. Such quan-titative information can be obtained from varioussources, such as depth-stratified survey data (e.g.Mahon and Sandeman 1985; Mahon et al. 1998).Additional information, such as seasonal variationin distribution or temperature iso-lines can also beaccommodated, for example through multipanelgraphics. Of particular importance for the practicalapplication of the present approach might be theincorporation, in the form of additional horizontaldata graphics, of relative fishing effort intensity byvarious gear types (based on fishing ground informa-tion and gear-specific fishing depths) or fisheriessectors (small-scale coastal, large-scale offshore). Thus,the standardized approach presented here might Page 352 Monday, November 26, 2001 10:52 AM

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become useful to illustrate the interaction and com-petition between fisheries sectors or gears in a visu-ally clear and standardized manner. Such clear anddistinct visualizations might assist management inthe formulation of more informed policy options forecosystem-based management of fisheries.

There are numerous additional purposes for whichthe present visualization of two-dimensional life-historypatterns may be used. For example, we currentlyutilize this approach as a component of the assess-ment of ecosystem effects of fishing undertaken bythe Sea Around Us Project at the University of BritishColumbia Fisheries Centre ( the framework of this project, such coastaltransect distributions and depth information helpin assigning fisheries catches to areas such as thosedescribed in the classification systems of LargeMarine Ecosystems (Sherman and Duda 1999) and‘biogeochemical provinces’ (Longhurst 1995), utilizingthe known and preferred depth distribution for eachspecies. A consensus synthesis approach to theseclassification systems is being used by the Sea AroundUs Project (see Pauly et al. 2000). The catch data spatialallocation algorithm also uses augmentative data ongeographical distribution and quantitative depthinformation where available (e.g. cumulative distri-bution frequency curves in Perry and Smith 1994).Application of the approach presented here in thecontext of this project involves the use of such stand-ardized life-history patterns in large scale databaseanalyses to spatially refine official FAO catch statistics(Watson et al. in press).


We would like to thank the Environment Project ofThe Pew Charitable Trusts (Philadelphia, USA) fortheir funding of the Sea Around Us Project, and theFisheries Centre of the University of British Columbiafor logistic support. Dr Reg Watson provided assist-ance with the depth transects, and Mr Shawn Boothassisted with literature searches. Particularly thanksto Drs J. Blaxter, K. Frank, M. Sinclair, T. Pitcher,R. Watson and L. Ruttan, as well as to the reviewersparticipating in the Sea Around Us Method ReviewWorkshop for their reviews and critical comments onan earlier version of this paper.


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