Page 1: Visual LANSA Framework: Rapid development for Windows and Web applications

Why use a framework?The Visual LANSA Framework architecture provides a proven best practice model for commercial applications and answers the question, “What’s the way to design and build Windows and Web applications with LANSA?”. Developers build applications by adding components to the framework and are productive because they do not need to construct the whole application from the ground up.

The application framework uses a familiar work-with or Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm to define applications and is structured around business objects, such as customers, products and orders.

The application framework facilitates software prototyping, design, test and implementation phases of the software development life cycle. The prototype and design phases describe the user interface and the application components. Code Assistants generate much of the code and reusable “Fast Part” components allow developers to rapidly assemble applications. LANSA supplies components with the application framework including, user management, authority management, server management and common code management. Complete the application by replacing the prototype parts with real parts that reflect real business logic. The component structure of the applications simplifies ongoing maintenance and enhancement.

How the framework operatesVisual LANSA Framework applications consist of components for business object navigation, search tools (or filters), search results and business object details. Business object details include properties and actions displayed in one or more tabs.

Each application, for example, Human Resources or ERP, has its own icon in the navigation pane. Selecting an application icon opens its business objects. In a Human Resources application the employee is an example of a business object.

A business object filter is the tool for users to select a subset of information for a business object – using filters to search for employees in a department or a list of unpaid invoices. The search results pane presents a list of the business object instances that match the search criteria.

Command handlers, such as show product details or delete a product, are used to perform specific actions against the selected instance of the business object. Typically, a command handler will appear in the user interface as a tab.

Advantages of prototyping applicationsSoftware prototyping minimizes risk and maximizes success. Prototypes are a simple and effective way to manage expectations and uncover hidden or new business requirements. The prototype is not thrown away but converts into a real application. The snap-in architecture of the Visual LANSA Framework facilitates the gradual conversion of the prototype into the final application.

Prototypes can be defined in minutes. The prototype shows how the completed application will appear and behave. The users can see the application before a single line of code is written. If the application is browser-based, designers can email a URL so that users can run the prototype.

Application types and modernizationThe application framework is most suitable for developing line-of-business applications (ERP, insurance, financial, CRM). The resulting applications are ideal for expert users who require fast response time, frequent task switching and high volume processing.

You can also create graphical Windows and Web applications by reusing programs from existing 5250 applications. We have combined our experience with refacing and redevelopment tools, to create RAMP (Rapid Application Modernization Process), a blended approach to building applications. RAMP delivers immediate results while providing the foundation for incremental enhancements and extensions to the original application.

The RAMP tools are used within the application framework to quickly enable IBM i applications for Windows and Web. Absolutely no changes to the 5250 applications are required. RAMP offers advanced navigation, search and organization capabilities that go well beyond other modernization tools.

Rapid development for Windows and Web applications

Shipped as part of Visual LANSA, the Visual LANSA Framework is an application framework that minimizes the effort required for designers and developers to create graphical and robust Windows and Web applications. The framework allows developers to assemble commercial grade software rapidly with minimal coding, generating high quality Windows and Web applications with a consistent appearance and behavior. The application and user interface design are prototyped at the same time and use the same design for both Windows and Web.

Rapidly prototype, develop and deploy applications to both Web and Windows from a single code base - Web example.

LANSA fram



Rapidly prototype, develop and deploy applications to both Web and Windows from a single code base - Windows desktop example.

Page 2: Visual LANSA Framework: Rapid development for Windows and Web applications

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Core Features

• Use a single application model for Windows and Web

• Familiar, simple and easy to understand user interface

• Modular design lets many developers work on different parts of the application at the same time

• Rapidly prototype commercial applications without coding

• The prototype becomes the application as prototype code is snapped out and real components are snapped in

• Optional RAMP tools to quickly enable unchanged 5250 applications for Windows and Web.

• Load-on-demand architecture dynamically loads application components as required

• Handles all the basic functions of the application, such as multi-form interactions and references

• Gradual introduction to OO concepts

• Supports both a multilingual development environment and multilingual applications

Development and Deployment

• Independent or team development environment

• Framework development can be structured and managed to support one designer/multiple developers or multiple designers/multiple developers

• Use the Administrator interface in a deployed Web application to create users and groups, set authorities and custom property values

• Deploy applications to Web browser or Windows 8.1 Pro or Windows 10 desktop, laptop or tablet devices

• Deploy to single- or multi-tier IBM i, Windows and Linux servers

• Detailed checklists for planning a deployment, packaging the material and installing the package

• Supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer 11 or later

• Use a single application model for Windows and Web

• Modular structure of the snap-in filters and command handlers encourages standardized development practices

• The Program Coding Assistant automatically generates most of the code

• Create AJAX Web applications for optimal performance with Windows desktop-like functionality

• Developers learn OO concepts gradually

• Fast Parts library of reusable components

Increased developer/user productivityThe framework is designed to boost developer productivity by providing an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand generic application framework. The framework provides a working base developers build upon to create business applications. Snap-in components facilitate rapid creation of new applications – developers reuse existing components and do not duplicate code thus providing ongoing productivity gains.Maintenance is easier because the applications follow a consistent coding approach – making it easier for developers to understand the code and know where to make changes.

The framework provides a workspace where everything that users need to do is just a few clicks away. Users can personalize the workspace by arranging the screen panels in different ways to best fit the way they work.

Flexible security optionsThe framework has a convenient, optional security system supporting user profiles, passwords, and authorities to objects within the framework. This offers a moderate level of security that can interface with your own security system if needed.

Multiple deployment optionsDeploy the applications on the desktop for expert users or browser-based with advanced Windows-like functionality. Create AJAX Web applications using the framework to achieve optimal Web performance with functionality close to that of a Windows desktop application. The Web applications are zero-client deployment and provide ubiquitous access from devices running Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer including desktop, laptops and mobile devices such as iPads and Android tablets.

The benefits of the framework• The Visual LANSA Framework minimizes the learning curve and

maximizes productivity in the requirements, design, build, test and deployment phases of the development life cycle.

• Build commercially focused, medium to large integrated applications faster and with less effort than conventional development methods.

• Enable significant user involvement during design to rapidly deliver an approved solution with user buy-in.

• The framework uses a single application model deployable to Windows or Web thereby reducing the development effort and providing multiple deployment options.

• A huge „jump start“ for new Visual LANSA developers – The framework environment helps developers to get started with application development and guides them towards a standard implementation. The framework provides a working base developers build upon to create business applications.

• Modular structure of the snap-in filters and command handlers standardizes development practices, simplifying maintenance as developers will understand how the existing application code operates.

• Gradual introduction to OO concepts means that developers with no previous experience in this area will learn how to program with OO tools and be productive during the learning phase – reducing non productive time.

• Fast Parts library of reusable components means more time assembling the application and less time writing new code – developers build applications faster and can be more responsive to changing business needs.

• The Program Coding Assistant creates filters, command handlers and snap-in instance lists. It does so by generating code for complete Visual LANSA components making developers more productive for faster implementation.

• Software prototyping encourages user participation in the development processes.

