Page 1: Viridity Uses HubSpot & to Capture & Close more Leads


Case study!

Page 2: Viridity Uses HubSpot & to Capture & Close more Leads


ABOUT:  Viridity  provides  energy  resource  management  software  that  gives  IT  and  facilities  managers  actionable  information  about  their  power  consumption.    


•  Increased organic traffic 17x in 6 months

•  Attracted over 350 leads in the last 6 months

•  Developed strong email marketing campaigns

•  Achieved a nearly 15% conversion rate for landing pages

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C h a l l e n g e :

Separate SEO, Tracking & Lead Generation Efforts

Jason Bailey, Viridity’s multimedia specialist, spotted a large problem in his company’s ability to extend its message to the right people online—the lack of integrated marketing tools. The company needed a unified platform to quickly design marketing campaigns, generate leads and measure results. “What was really appealing about using HubSpot was that they had all of this in a easy-to-use interface, all integrated into a single package,” said Jason.


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S o l u t i o n : Unified Inbound Marketing System

Jason used HubSpot to piece together the different elements that effective inbound marketing includes.

HubSpot's CMS, an easy-to-use content management platform, enables Jason and his colleagues to work on the site with no HTML knowledge. Now, different team members within Viridity contribute content such as blog posts, press releases and landing pages.

HubSpot’s marketing analytics have helped Jason determine what marketing channels to focus on. “They help me segment the incoming traffic, so I can figure out where people are coming from,” he said. Jason can then drill into the traffic sources and figure out which campaigns have been effective or unsuccessful.


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S o l u t i o n : Driving More Leads with Salesforce Integration


HubSpot’s lead tracking tool has become a little morning “dance” for Jason. He likes to check Viridity's progress attracting news leads from whitepaper downloads, webinar form submissions and other marketing events. That is how Jason determines who to reach out to and follow up with.

HubSpot’s integration of Salesforce has enabled Viridity to improve the flow between lead-to-customer conversions and make the sales process more intuitive. “When we increase how many landing pages we have, there is a clear correlation to how many leads we get,” Jason said. This, in turn, has created an environment of experimentation in the company. “If we come up with an idea, we know it is something we can try out that day,” Jason said.

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R e s u l t s :

Tremendous Growth in Organic Traffic

“Since purchasing the HubSpot software we have seen our marketing program really skyrocket in measurable ways,” said Jason. While in December 2009 they had only 40 visits from organic traffic, by May 2010 this search volume had increased to over 700.

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R e s u l t s : Developed Email Marketing Campaigns

Viridity also developed a successful email marketing strategy and expanded its email reach from 60 visitors in March to over 400 in May.


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R e s u l t s : Rapid Growth in Lead Generation

In the last six months, Viridity has focused on lead generation and attracted over 350 leads. A major role in this success have played the 70 unique landing pages Jason built to increase conversions. The total conversion rate for landing pages is now nearly 15%.

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