Page 1: Viral infections - Journal of Clinical Pathology...Viral infections Several features of congenital rubella, notably pneumonitis, rubelliform rashes, recurrent lung and gastrointestinal

J. clin. Path., 29, Suppl. (Roy. Coll. Path.), 10, 99-106

Viral infectionsJ. A. DUDGEON

From the Institute of Child Health, University ofLondon

Viral Infections

During the past decade, 1966-1976, increasing in-terest has centred around the effect that infectionsacquired in pregnancy may have on fetal develop-ment and subsequent development after birth. Theyear 1966 was an important landmark in the study ofviral infections acquired in pregnancy for the rubellavaccine trials (reported that year by Meyer et al,1966), signalled the first attempt, by means of activeimmunization, to prevent the ill effects of a maternalinfection upon the fetus. And now in 1976, seriousconsideration is being given to prevention of another,cytomegalovirus infection.The recognition by Gregg (1941) of the associa-

tion between maternal rubella and congenitalrubella defects led inevitably to the belief that otherviruses might have a similar action, but in the eventonly one other, cytomegalovirus (CMV), has beenfound to be a significant cause of congenital defects.Other viruses listed in table I do from time to time

Proven Not Proven

Rubella Hepatitis ACytomegalovirus InfluenzaHerpes simplex MumpsVaricella-zoster Coxsackie A or BVariola-vaccinia Echo virusesHepatitis BPoliomyelitis

Table I Effect on the fetus of virus infections inpregnancy

infect the fetus and cause damage, but the incidenceof fetal damage is small. Sever and White (1968)found that only 5-2% of 30000 pregnancies werecomplicated by a virus infection and a further 2% ifserological tests were carried out. However, this doesnot take into account the fact that subclinical orlatent viral infections may have a more deleteriouseffect on the fetus than we, at present, realize(Catalano and Sever, 1971). As far as the others,such as hepatitis A, influenza, mumps and the entero-viruses, are concerned, there is no convincing evi-dence that maternal infection leads to congenitaldefects, although they may indirectly lead to an in-

crease in fetal and infant mortality. Neverthelessthis is an important area for investigation, princi-pally because if a maternal infection can be identifiedas a cause of damage to the fetus or newborn, thenthe prospects of preventive measures being success-ful are better than in diseases of genetic or mixedgenetic and environmental origin. For the purpose ofthis communication the term 'viral infections inpregnancy' will be taken to mean those infectionsacquired between conception and parturition andwill include those congenital infections which, al-though acquired before birth, may not make them-selves manifest until after birth.

If it is accepted that prevention is the ultimateobjective in the study of virus infections in pregnancy,then it is necessary to obtain information on fourrelated aspects: (1) the viral agents which are asignificant cause of damage if infection occurs inpregnancy; (2) those factors which predispose tofetal damage; (3) the mode of infection and mech-anisms of damage; and (4) details of the biologicalproperties of the viruses responsible for fetal damage.In seeking to obtain this information it is helpful tostudy the way in which the evidence was obtainedconcerning the role of rubella virus as a cause ofcongenital defects. Gregg's original report (1941) re-corded clinical observations of a repetitive patternof defects, or clinical syndrome, associated retro-spectively with an event in pregnancy. Epidemio-logical studies showed that the same clinical mani-festations had been observed throughout Australiaand many parts of the world. Twenty years later,with newly developed laboratory techniques avail-able, it became possible to make a definitive andretrospective diagnosis of intrauterine rubella in-fection. The technique of virus isolation and testsfor the persistence of rubella antibody, raised cordblood IgM levels and the presence of specific IgMantibody added much to our knowledge of con-genital rubella. The evidence accumulated in this wayhas clearly established a cause and effect relationshipbetween maternal rubella and certain congenitaldefects and the same applies to CMV infection. Inattempting to establish a causal relationship betweencongenital defects and other virus infections, the

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Page 2: Viral infections - Journal of Clinical Pathology...Viral infections Several features of congenital rubella, notably pneumonitis, rubelliform rashes, recurrent lung and gastrointestinal

J. A. Dudgeon

1 ClinicalEach infection tends to produce a syndrome or repetitive pattern of clinical manifestations

2 EpidemiologicalThe same manifestations should be observed with the same agent following maternal illness in different countries

3 VirologicalPersistence of the infective agent in fetal tissues and a chronic infective state after birth

4 ImmunologicalPersistence of antibody in the child after the normal decline of maternal antibody; presence of antibody in the IgM fraction; raised levels oftotal IgM

Table II Criteria for establishing a causal relationship between a maternal infection and congenital defects orfetal damage

criteria set out in table II should, as far as possible,be satisfied. It is not possible to satisfy them in allcases, but they serve as useful guidelines (Dudgeon,1976).

Congenital Rubella

The original triad of symptoms-cataracts, heartdisease and deafness-recognized by Gregg (1941)and Swan et al (1943) came to be known as therubella syndrome. Following the rubella pandemicsof 1963-1965 many additional clinical manifesta-tions were observed as a direct consequence of intra-uterine rubella. Details of these are set out in tableIII, but 'new' manifestations are still being reported(Cooper, 1975), and it seems clear that the finalpicture of the impact of rubella virus infection on thefetus will be vastly different from the original re-stricted concept of the rubella syndrome. The way inwhich these clinical manifestations of congenitalrubella may present are outlined in the figure.

Primary maternal infection

Maternol oiroemia

I Defect may appeorSpontaneous F INorma l inftlterfinalifeabortion aANETC t birth'Stillbirth Remoins normal

Malformations Defects with Late onset diseasedisease in infoncy

Fig. Consequences of intrauterine rubella infection.(After an illustration in Brit. med. Bull., 32, 1976, 77).

An increase in the fetal mortality rate has beennoted by several investigators (Manson et al, 1960;Siegel et al, 1966), but it is not an important feature.Premature delivery is infrequent whereas intrauterinegrowth retardation of an infant of normal gesta-tional age is common. Malformations of the heart,eyes and hearing organs are frequently present,together with other defects such as neonatal purpura,hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice and hepatitis. Themortality rate in early infancy is high (Cooper, 1968).

GeneralIntrauterine growth retardation; failure to thrive; retardation of postnatal growth

Eye LesionsCataracts (80% bilateral); microphthalmos; pigmentary retinopathy; cloudy cornea; glaucoma; hypoplasia of iris, idiminished reactionto. atropine

Cardiovascular LesionsPersistent ductus arteriosus (PDA); PDA + pulmonary arterial lesions; pulmonary arterial lesions; (1) hypoplasia of artery, (2) supravalvularstenosis, (3) valvular stenosis, (4) peripheral branch stenosis; renal artery stenosis, ? cerebrovascular stenosis; aortic stenosis; ventricularseptal defects; the tetralogy of Fallot; myocardial damage; neonatal myocarditis

Central Nervous SystemMicrocephaly; fullness of fontanelle; raised protein and cells in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); mental retardation; cerebral palsy; lethargy, hypo-tonia leading to irritability; unreactive, hypotonic infant; late onset of irritability and hypotonia; late onset of convulsions and meningitis;progressive panencephalitis

Hearing and SpeechSensorineural deafness; central auditory imperception; speech defects and deafness, with or without mental retardation; autism

VisceraHepatomegaly; hepatitis and jaundice; splenomegaly


BloodThrombocytopenia; purpura; anaemia

LungsInterstitial pneumonitis

SkinChronic rubelliform rash

MiscellaneousPersistent adenopathy; thymic hypoplasia; hypogammaglobulinaemia; recurrent or persistent diarrhoea; dermatoglyphic abnormalities;diabetes mellitus; ? growth hormone deficiency

Table III Clinical and pathological manifestations of congenital rubella'"Taken from Dudgeon, J. A. (1976) 'Infective causes of human malformations'. In: Brit. med. Bull., 32, no. 1, pp. 77-83. table I (p. 78).


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Page 3: Viral infections - Journal of Clinical Pathology...Viral infections Several features of congenital rubella, notably pneumonitis, rubelliform rashes, recurrent lung and gastrointestinal

Viral infections

Several features of congenital rubella, notablypneumonitis, rubelliform rashes, recurrent lung andgastrointestinal infections, may not develop untilseveral months after birth; another well recognizedfeature of this so-called 'late-onset' disease is thetype of sensorineural deafness which may not be-come evident until childhood. The same applies to a

progressive form of encephalitis which can developin the second decade of life (Townsend et al, 1975).A further important feature of congenital rubella isthe fact that rubella in pregnancy, although fre-quently followed by fetal infection, does not alwayslead to fetal damage. It is now well established thatthe incidence of fetal infection in the first few weeksof pregnancy is very much higher than the incidenceof congenital defects (Dudgeon, 1969). It can be seen

from the figure that an infant apparently normal atbirth may remain so or may develop signs of a defectafter birth. The laboratory tests referred to in table II

can provide useful information as to which of theseinfants have been infected as a result of exposure tomaternal rubella and are, therefore, likely to be atgreater risk. The risk to the fetus is determined bytwo factors: first, the immune status of the motherat the time of exposure to rubella, and secondly, thegestational age at which infection occurs. Primarymaternal rubella in a susceptible woman withoutantibody at the time of exposure constitutes a risk tothe fetus, whereas reinfection does not. Althoughthere have been reports that reinfection has oc-

casionally led to fetal damage (Weinstein et al, 1975),the evidence for this is slender, and the fact that there

are no recorded and authentic cases ofmore than onecase of congenital rubella in a family would appearto provide the strongest argument that reinfectionis not a problem in the natural history of congenitalrubella. The incidence of congenital rubella defectsin liveborn infants summarized from several pro-spective studies between 1951 and 1964 is shown intable IV.The detailed studies on congenital rubella patients

over the past few years have also revealed importantinformation on possible mechanisms of fetal damage.It seems likely that these are multifactorial ratherthan due to a single pathological process (Dudgeon,1976). There is evidence of damage to placental andfetal blood vessels resulting in a sclerosing angiitis,of reduced mitotic activity and of cytolytic changes.Other defects can be attributed to persistence of virusand immunopathological mechanisms, but the vas-

cular lesions may well be the most important of all.Immunization against rubella with live attenuated

vaccines, with the objective of preventing congenitalrubella defects, was introduced in many countries inthe early 1970s. Should these prove to be effective,the incidence of congenital rubella defects shoulddecline during the next decade, and there is alreadysome evidence from the United States (Cooper,1975) that the incidence of rubella and congenitalrubella is declining. The effectiveness of rubellavaccination programmes can only be determined bycomprehensive and sustained surveillance pro-grammes. The importance of these at the presenttime cannot be overemphasized.

Reference and Period Covered by the Study Gestational Age When Maternal Rubella Occurred

First Second Third Fourth FifthMonth Month Month Month Month

and Over

Lundstrom (1962) 29/87 41/163 18/218 6/142 2/621Summary of 13 retrospective studies, 1946-51 (33-3)' (25 2) (8-3) (4-2) (0 3)

Swedish epidemic, July 1951- June 1952 13/113 18/150 15/186 3/204 2/468(11-5) (12 0) (8 1) (1 5) (0 4)

Liggins and Phillips (1963) 2/2 6/12 2/15 2/16 0/441959 (100) (50 0) (13 3) (12 5) (-)

Manson, Logan and Loy (1960) 7/45 12/61 10/77 3/72 5/2881950-522 (15 6) (19-7) (13-0) (4 2) (1-8)

Pitt (1961) 3/5 5/12 5/33 1/37 0/201956-59, interim report (60-0) (41-7) (15-2) (2 7) ()

Pitt and Keir (1965); Keir (1965) 3/5 4/12 11/32 2/35 0/191956-59, final reports (60-0) (33 3) (344) (5 7) (-)

Siegel, Fuerst and Guinee (1971) 0/4 9/119 6/34 7/49 4/311957-63 (-) (81-8) (17-6) (14-3) (12-9)

1964 2/7 18/26 25/50 11/62 4/33(28-6) (69 2) (50-0) (17 7) (12-1)

Table IV Incidence of congenital rubella defects in live-born infants'Percentages given in parentheses.2In this study, one instance of a major defect, other than defects of the heart, eye and ear, and mental defects, was found as follows: erythro-blastosis (at 0-4 weeks of pregnancy); oesophageal atresia, pyloric stenosis (at 5-8 weeks); duodenal atresia, pyloric stenosis (at 9-12 weeks);multiple gut defects (at 13-16 weeks); spina bifida, cleft palate, liver cyst, pyloric stenosis, imperforate anus (at 17 and more weeks).Taken from Dudgeon, J. A. (1976) 'Infective causes of human malformations'. In: Brit. med. Bull., 32, no. 1, 77-83, table II (p. 79).


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Page 4: Viral infections - Journal of Clinical Pathology...Viral infections Several features of congenital rubella, notably pneumonitis, rubelliform rashes, recurrent lung and gastrointestinal


Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection

Cytomegalovirus is probably one of the most fre-quent viral infections of the human fetus and is agood example of how an inapparent, or latent, viralinfection may have a deleterious effect upon thefetus. There are many points of similarity betweencongenital CMV and congenital rubella, both inrespect of their clinical manifestations and naturalhistory, but there are important differences whichwill be emphasized.

Cytomegalovirus is an extremely common virusinfection of man but infection, unlike rubella, isnearly always asymptomatic. For this reason it isimpossible, without serological tests, to determinethe gestational age when the fetus becomes in-fected. Infection with CMV as determined by the ac-quisition of complement-fixing (CF) antibody ap-pears to be acquired at two principal stages in life,whereas with rubella infection in most westerncountries takes place at a more regular rate. Stern(1975) has shown that in western countries CMVantibody develops fairly steadily from the age of1 year to 15 years, by which stage 15 to 20% ofindividuals will have antibody. The next period ofinfection is between 15 and 30 years when about athird of the population will have acquired infection,so that primary infection is occurring with some de-gree of frequency during the main child-bearingperiod. In contrast, in crowded populations over-

seas, infection is acquired early in childhood leavingvery few adults susceptible (Krech et al, 1971a). Thispattern of events is probably related to the mode ofspread of virus which requires close contact.The consequences of intrauterine CMV infection

follows the same pattern as shown in the figure forrubella, but again differences can be discerned. Therelationship between inapparent maternal CMV andspontaneous abortion is uncertain. Various in-vestigators have recovered CMV from abortedfetuses (Kriel et al, 1970) but these have not beenconfirmed by others (Boue and Loffredo, 1970;Marshall, 1972). The same wide spectrum of diseaseranging from severe cytomegalic inclusion (CID)

J. A. Dudgeondisease, transient purpura, thrombocytopaenia, withor without neonatal hepatitis, to an asymptomaticinfection, is encountered as in congenital rubella.Details of these are shown in table V but the maindifference is that the severe multisystem disease,CID, is uncommon, whereas asymptomatic infec-tion is very common. A further difference is that incongenital CMV damage to the central nervoussystem is more frequent, and, except for the rareoccurrence of microgyria, structural malformationsas seen in congenital rubella are extremely rare. Inboth cases, however, there is a substantial risk that acongenitally infected infant will later develop signsof mental retardation, with or without microcephaly,or deafness. The size of that risk is not at presentknown, but is an important question to answer whenconsidering the need for preventive measures.The pathogenesis of CMV differs in several im-

portant ways from that of rubella. In postnatallyacquired infections, virus can be recovered from thenasopharynx, saliva, urine, cervical secretions,semen and breast milk (Stern, 1975). Primary in-fection in children and adults is usually followed bytransient excretion from the throat and urine, butinfection may remain for longer periods in theuterine cervix. Cytomegalovirus behaves like otherDNA viruses of the herpesvirus group in that virusis not completely eliminated following primary in-fection, but remains latent and, therefore, capable ofreactivation. The two situations in which reactiva-tion may occur are pregnancy and in patients onimmunosuppressive therapy (Stern and Tucker,1973). The virus excretion rate increases in sero-positive women during pregnancy, being higher inthe third trimester than in the first and second(Montgomery et al, 1972). Studies by Stagno et al(1975) indicate that early pregnancy has a suppres-sive effect on viral excretion. The overall recoveryrate of virus from the cervix and urine of pregnantand non-pregnant females was similar, being 94%and 9 5% respectively. However, in the pregnantgroup the recovery rate in the first trimester was1-6% compared with 11 3% in the third. Virus canbe recovered from the same sources as before, so that

Generalized Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease (CID) Localized Disease Asymptomatic Infection

Low birth weight PurpuraHepatosplenomegaly HepatitisHepatitis: jaundiceEncephalitisIrritability: hypotoniaHydrocephalusMicrocephalyChorioretinitisCerebral calcification

Table V Consequences of congenital CMV infection

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Page 5: Viral infections - Journal of Clinical Pathology...Viral infections Several features of congenital rubella, notably pneumonitis, rubelliform rashes, recurrent lung and gastrointestinal

Viral infections

at parturition the infant may become infected bycervical secretions or from virus-infected breastmilk. Infants infected in this way may excrete virusfor prolonged periods. There seems little doubt thatprimary infection associated with maternal viraemiais the main source of congenital infections with de-fects, but to what extent perinatal and early neonatalinfections can lead to infection and damage to theinfant brain is not known.Hanshaw et al (1973) have estimated that between

0-4% and 1 % of live-born infants are congenitallyinfected with CMV. Stern (1975) found that ap-proximately 1-2% of pregnant women in Londondeveloped a primary CMV infection and that 50%of the newborns were infected and excreting virus atbirth. In round numbers this means that as far as theUK is concerned, between 4000 and 10 000 infectedinfants will be born each year and that of these,approximately 10% may be damaged. Although therate of infection increases throughout pregnancy, therisk to the fetus does not. Monif et al (1972) foundthat mothers, who became infected in the second tri-mester, gave birth to infants with symptoms, whereasthose infected during the third trimester had normalor uninfected infants. Serological tests carried out byHanshaw et al (1973) indicate that children born tomothers who had CMV infection in pregnancy, butwho had antibody at the time, which was not theresult of a primary infection, were not infected. Thisstrongly suggests that reactivation is not an import-ant problem in the causation of defects; neverthelessthere have been reports of congenital CMV in suc-cessive pregnancies (Embil et al, 1970; Krech et al,1971b; Stagno et al, 1973), but it is not clear whetherthe second infected children are damaged. In onecase reported by Stagno et al (1973) the second in-fected child has shown no evidence of physical ormotor impairment at 9 months of age. Second infec-tions could be related to reinfection with a differentstrain of virus, but as strains of CMV are so closelyrelated this explanation seems improbable (Stagnoet al, 1973).

Less is known about the pathology of congenitalCMV than about congenital rubella, but necroticand inflammatory changes appear to predominatein CMV. There is also evidence from the work ofHayes and Gibas (1971) that primary CMV infec-tion may be halted at the level of the placenta withthe result that the fetus is spared.

Congenital CMV presents a more importantproblem from the point of view of management andprevention than does rubella. More children aredamaged by this virus; the damage is not amenableto corrective surgery as in the case of some of the de-fects caused by rubella virus. There is no simple wayof telling when a primary CMV infection has occur-


red in pregnancy. Finally, prevention by immuniza-tion, certainly with a live vaccine, presents a numberof imponderable problems (Dudgeon, 1973). Theseare associated with latency of infection, and thepossibility of oncogenicity with a DNA virus, and,although the risks may be small or even non-existent,there is no way known at present as how to answerthem.

Herpes Simplex Virus

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections occur witheven greater -frequency than CMV infections, andagain the majority are asymptomatic. Infection of thefetus and newborn can occur at two stages ofpregnancy. The most frequent is late in pregnancy,or actually at birth, when the fetus may be infectedas the result of an ascending cervical-amniotic in-fection from genital herpes of the mother or by beinginfected on passage through the birth canal. Neo-natal infection is being recognized with increasingfrequency due to a greater awareness of the fre-quency of genital herpes in women and improvedmethods of laboratory diagnosis. Nahmias et al(1975) have found that 88% of such infections aredue to HSV type 2 strains; three-quarters of theisolates from 120 newborns were type 2 strains.However, no significant difference in the clinicalmanifestations have been observed between HSV-2and HSV-1 strains. Both can cause disease rangingfrom severe disseminated infections involving theskin, viscera and brain to mild infection of the skinor oral mucosa, but subclinical infection in the new-born is very infrequent. Maternal genital herpes isalso associated with increased abortion and pre-mature delivery (Nahmias et al, 1971).

Transplacental infection may also occur leadingto fetal infection earlier in pregnancy. Schaffer (1965)described a case with signs of microcephaly, peri-ventricular intracranial calcifications, microphthal-mia and cutaneous lesions from which HSV wasisolated. The child was sick at birth and was probablyinfected early in fetal life. A case reported by Southet al (1969), born at 33 weeks' gestation, had markedmicrocephaly, microophthalmia, intracranial calcifi-cation and retinal dysplasia. The mother had ahistory of genital herpes before and during thepregnancy. Montgomery et al (1973) described afurther child with chorioretinitis and retardation,patent ductus arteriosus and short digits in whomskin lesions were present at birth and which persistedas scars. The mother had had a febrile illness at sixweeks of gestation but no evidence of genital herpes.Herpes simplex virus -2 was recovered from the skinlesions at the age of 14 months. Congenital infec-tion was presumed. Two additional cases with neuro-

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logical damage have been seen recently (Hanshaw,1975).Although so few cases have been reported, this

may well be due to a lack of recognition of signs andsymptoms which may be associated with intrauterineHSV infection and the absence of laboratory facili-ties to substantiate the diagnosis.

Varicella-zoster Infections

The effect of varicella-zoster (V-Z) infections on thefetus and newborn is similar in many respects toHSV infection. Maternal varicella acquired in thelast 10 days of pregnancy can lead to infection, pre-senting at birth or early in the neonatal period(Gershon, 1975). The severity of the infection variesconsiderably; many infants escape infection al-together, others have a mild vesicular eruption,whilst a few develop a severe disseminated infection.The severity of the infant's illness appears to be re-lated to the time of onset rather than to the severityof the maternal disease. In a series of 50 cases re-viewed by Gershon (1975) it was found that wherethe mother's illness was contracted five days or morebefore delivery (and the onset of the baby's illnesswithin four days of birth) all 27 infants survived;whereas if maternal varicella developed within fourdays of birth (and the baby's illness five to 10 daysafterwards), seven out of 23 infants died (mortalityrate 14%). Overall, the mortality rate of neonatalvaricella is from 14% to 31 %.

Varicella-zoster infection contracted early inpregnancy may rarely lead to congenital defects.Laforet and Lynch (1947) first drew attention to apossible relationship between varicella in pregnancyand a series of defects characterized by paralysis,muscular atrophy of a limb, cutaneous scars, rudi-mentary digits, convulsions and cortical atrophy.Since then seven other cases with essentially similardefects have been seen in different parts of the world(see reviews by Gershon 1975; Dudgeon, 1976). Asummary of the main clinical findings is shown intable VI.

Defect No of InfantsAffected

Low birth weight 5/8Cutaneous scars 8/8Hypoplasia of a limb 6/8Rudimentary digits 4/8Paralysis with muscular atrophy of a limb 5/8Convulsions and/or phychomotor retardation 4/8Chorioretinitis 3/8Cataracts and/or other eye defects 2/8Cortical atrophy 3/8Death 5/8

Table VI Summary of clinical details in eight cases ofcongenital varicella

J. A. Dudgeon

Variola-vaccinia Infections

Fetal infection with variola-vaccinia virus followsthe same pattern as observed with HSV and V-Zvirus infections. The fetal mortality rate is increasedafter maternal smallpox (Lynch, 1932) but theincidence is not known with any accuracy as recordsfrom countries where the disease is endemic are notavailable. Alastrim, or variola minor, can also causefetal death. Two cases have been reported in detailby Garcia (1963) of macerated fetuses followingalastrim at the fourth and fifth month of pregnancyin which diffuse necrotic lesions were found in theplacentae and fetal viscera.

Smallpox contracted close to term can cause neo-natal infection very similar to that observed inmaternal varicella. Marsden and Greenfield (1934)observed 33 women who contracted smallpox duringthe latter stages of pregnancy. This was almostcertainly due to alastrim, or variola minor, as therewere only a few deaths out of 13000 patients ad-mitted to the smallpox hospitals in London at thetime (1929-1934). The 33 pregnant women gave birthto 36 infants (three twin pregnancies); of these 22developed variola and 14 escaped. Those infantswho developed infection were born during the pro-dromal illness of the mother or within seven days ofonset of maternal rash. The infants who escaped in-fection were either born before the mother's illnessor at least a week afterwards.

Vaccinia virus can also cause fetal infection. Ap-proximately 20 cases have been recorded in theliterature (Levine et al, 1974), nearly all of whichfollowed primary vaccination in pregnancy or re-vaccination after a long interval. Only three of theliveborn infants survived and one of the features ofthese was the presence of large scars on the infant'sskin (Harley and Gillespie, 1972). This was also afeature of a case seen by Bray (1975) following pri-mary vaccination at the 24th week of pregnancy. Thefatal cases have usually been associated with mace-rated fetuses and diffuse necrotic lesions on the skinand in the viscera (MacDonald and MacArthur,1953; Tucker and Sibson, 1962).Although the risk of fetal damage is small, vac-

cination is contraindicated in pregnancy unless therehas been a definite contact with a known case ofsmallpox. Vaccination against smallpox shouldnormally be carried out as an elective procedure.

Perinatal Hepatitis B

The recent development of sensitive methods for thedetection of hepatitis B antigens and antibody hasenabled investigators to study the effect of maternalhepatitis B infection on the fetus and newborn

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Viral infections

(Zuckerman, 1975). Studies by Schweitzer et al(1973a) have identified two main types of effect.Thirteen babies born of 27 mothers who had de-veloped overt disease acquired antigenaemia withoutclinical illness which persisted for prolonged periods.There was also prolonged elevation of the trans-aminase levels, and liver biopsies in these infants re-vealed unresolved hepatitis. In contrast only oneinfant born of an asymptomatic carrier-mother be-came antigen positive. Transmission of hepatitis Boccurs more frequently when infection occurs in thethird trimester or in the immediate postpartumperiod (76 %) and in only 10% where hepatitis oc-curred during the first six months of pregnancy(Schweitzer et al, 1973b). Acute hepatitis developedin two infants but the antigenaemia was only trans-ient.


Poliomyelitis in the newborn following maternalpoliomyelitis in late pregnancy was a very rareoccurrence before immunization against polio-myelitis was introduced. It is now a matter ofacademic interest. Baskin et al (1950) and Johns(1948) reported three cases of severe paralysis de-veloping with the first seven days of life; two of thethree infants died and the third was severely para-lyzed. Other cases have been reviewed by Pugh andDudgeon (1954) and by Katz (1975).

Other Virus Infections

The evidence that other virus infections can causefetal infection or fetal damage is unconvincing (seereview by Dudgeon, 1976) but the possibility thatsubclinical infection can cause damage must not beoverlooked. Reports that maternal influenza canlead to defects of the central nervous system havebeen repeatedly made in the past 20 years, but ifthere is a cause-and-effect relationship it only occursspasmodically. Godber (1972) has suggested thattheincrease in the neonatal mortality rate in the UK in1950-51 and in 1969-70 may have been related to aninfluenza epidemic which occurred a few monthspreviously. The matter is being further studied.Mumps has been incriminated as a cause of pri-

mary endocardial fibroelastosis (St Geme et al, 1966)but with no convincing corroborative evidence(Katz, 1975).The enteroviruses other than poliovirus have also

been studied in some detail as a cause of fetal infec-tion, but although they may effect the newborn andcause severe disease, there is no clear evidence offetal infection.A review of the effect of other virus infections on


the fetus and newborn has recently been made byKatz (1975).


Although rubella is the only virus which can be re-garded in the strict sense of the term a teratogen,there is no convincing evidence that other viruses cancause fetal damage ofvarying severity. The risk to thefetus appears to depend on the nature of the infec-tious agent, the maternal immune status and thegestational age when infection takes place. Thepossibility that subclinical maternal infections maycause damage must not be overlooked. As some ofthe viruses referred to can cause damage after theperiod of organogenesis, the use of the term 'terato-genic effect' in relation to viral infections is con-sidered to be inappropriate.

I am grateful to the Editor of the British MedicalBulletin for permission to publish tables III and IVfrom volume 32 of the British Medical Bulletin onhuman malformations (1976) and also to my sec-retary, Miss Sandra Baxter, for help in the pre-paration of this paper.


Baskin, J. L., Soule, E. H., and Mills, S. D. (1950). Polio-myelitis of the newborn. Amer. J. Dis. Child., 80, 10-21.

Boue, A., and Loffredo, V. (1970). Avortement caus6 par levirus de l'herpes type-2 isolement du virus a partir decultures de tissus zygotiques. Presse med., 78, 103-106.

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