  • 8/9/2019 Villa Le Duvall~Chapter 12


    Welcome to the twelfth and final chapter of Villa Le Duvall! Phew, it has been a LONG haul, but the end is finally here. It actually feels rather

    bittersweet to me, sort of like the ending I finally settled upon. Since this chapter is the finale, it is a bit longer than the last one, so make sure

    you have a bit of time when you sit down to read it.

    It is my hope that, in the end, you will feel that the time you take to read this was an enjoyable pastime and time well-spent, instead of feeling as

    though you have just wasted a little chunk of your life. I had a great time writing this chapter. The words flowed from me almost as if by magic. I

    hope those words are as readable as they were writable. Without further delay, I present to you, the final chapter of my story.

  • 8/9/2019 Villa Le Duvall~Chapter 12


    Donovan Duvall had just completed a vigorous workout, which had become a part of his daily routine. It was his intent to head straight up to

    bathe, but the house was unusually quiet for a change, so he decided to sit down and reflect upon his life up to the point that had brought him

    here. With a sigh, he leaned back and let his mind roam back to the day that he and Sasha had been waiting in his room for Louis to make an


    Louis had been down in the cellar with the girl who had gone insane and had tried to murder him. Donovan remembered how upset and worried

    the whole household had been that day.

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    "Where is Lucinda?" Louis asked gruffly after closing and locking the cellar door behind him. His older brother's sudden appearance startled

    Stephen and he cringed inwardly at the thought of what his older brother had been doing to the girl down in the cellar. "Well?" Louis said after a

    long moment of silence. "Where is she? I need her to get her medicine bag and go tend to the girl downstairs. I'm sure Ellie would appreciate a

    cold drink and something to eat as well."

    Stephen emitted a heavy sigh. He really was not in the mood for Louis at the moment, but what could he do? "She is in the front parlor" the

    middle brother answered quietly. "Shall I go fetch her?"

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    "I think that would be wise" Louis said as he started toward the door. At that moment, Stephen fought back a wild desire to grab a heavy pot

    and bash in the back of his older brother's head. What had happened to Louis, who had once been a strong and honorable head of the family?

    The man had once commanded respect and it had been given freely, but now it seemed to Stephen that the man he had once admired had

    become nothing more than a vengeful, bullying monster.

    "Then I will do that" Stephen replied with a shrug. "Louis?" Stephen inquired at his brother's back. "How is Ellie?"

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    "Never mind the girl!" Louis replied sternly as he continued out the door. "You just leave her to me. She must learn a hard lesson for what she

    has done, and who better to teach her than I?" He paused momentarily in his stride to add, "Just do as I asked and get Lucinda! My son awaits

    me and I must get upstairs to see him.

    Stephen said nothing more, but stood staring after his brother's back until it was out of his line of vision. His worry for Ellie finally prompted him

    to find his older sister to bring her to the girl's aid.


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    As Lucinda stood gazing at the broken girl, fury welled up inside her heart at the things she knew Louis had done to her. Yes, the girl needed to

    be punished for doing such a horrible thing to another member of the family, but did it have to be taken to such extremes? The first thing the

    woman noticed, besides the obvious bruises and cuts on her face, was how filthy the girl was. She immediately recruited Stephen and Thomas to

    drag the old bathtub that had been stowed away in a corner into the cell so that she could get Ellie clean.

    Once the starving girl had been given some cool water and a bite to eat, the tub was filled with warm water and Lucinda helped the girl into it,

    further horrified and sickened by the fresh welts and gashes that covered the girl's back.

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    "Oh, look what he has done to you!" Lucinda whispered sadly as she got a better look at the girl's injuries. The woman took a soft cloth, soaked it

    in the warm water, and squeezed it over the girl's back to let the water cleanse the area. Even doing that made the girl whimper in agony. "Shhh,

    I know it hurts, but it has to be done" the woman cooed softly to the girl. "It will all be over soon."

    After cleansing the wounds, Lucinda gently washed the girl's face and then her hair. She wrapped a soft towel around Ellie and then dried and

    brushed her hair. By the time Lucinda had finished, the girl finally resembled her former self. Next was the task of tending to the girl's still-oozing

    wounds. Lucinda led girl to the bed and opened her medicine bag, which she had dropped on the floor next to the bed, and retrieved her salve.

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    Ellie screamed and tried to wriggle away when Lucinda began to carefully apply her special ointment to the fresh wounds, but the woman

    managed to get the girl to hold still. "I am so sorry, Child" Lucinda said tenderly, feeling as if she was adding to the punishment Louis had issued

    the girl, but knowing the girl would heal more quickly and be less likely to become infected if her were wounds clean and dressed. "I am sorry,

    but this will make you feel better soon."

    The woman vowed to herself that if her older brother did not feel the girl had been brutalized enough, she would see to it herself that he would

    feel that way soon enough! She only hoped desperately that the girl had learned to not try such a thing again. If not, then no one may be able to

    prevent Louis from killing her while making her suffer horribly in the process.


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    The two youngest Duvalls had been waiting for Louis' arrival for what seemed like hours to Donovan. It was not that he did not enjoy Sasha'scompany, because he did immensely, but because his anxiety level had risen to heights beyond belief. What was taking his father so long and

    what could he be doing down there with Ellie for all this time? The boy began to wonder if his father had broken his promise and had killed the

    girl. He groaned miserably and dropped his head into his hands.

    "What is the matter?" Sasha asked sympathetically, her brow crinkling with worry.

    "Oh, nothing really" Donovan replied absently as he lifted his body out of its seated position on the floor. "It is just that my headache has

    returned." Sasha stood with him and firmly encircled her arms around one of his.

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    "I am so sorry, Donovan" she said sympathetically. "Come; let my hands work some more of their magic on you. I know several techniques to get

    rid of headaches that Mom taught me." Donovan smiled wanly at her and let her lead him over to the sofa. He knew his Aunt Lucinda was a

    spectacular healer, but he doubted that anything but resolving a few issues with his father could get rid of the horrible pounding in his head.

    Sasha sat down on the end of the sofa and patted the space next to her. "Here, sit down" she commanded gently. "Now, lie back and rest your

    head in my lap." Donovan did as he was asked. Suddenly, he decided that, while this may not get rid of his pain, it sure was a good method to

    make him forget about it for a while.

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    "How is this?" she smiled as she gently ran her fingers across his cheeks, over his forehead, and down the top of his head. He reached up to

    stroke her soft hair and massage the back of her neck. "Oh, that feels really good" she exclaimed as his touch caused a river of tingles to ripple

    down her spine. "But, you did not answer my question. Is your head feeling better yet?"

    "Oh yes" he lied with a smile. Well, it was not exactly a lie, his headache was still there, but it had become less noticable as an electrical spark

    began to travel from his head down to his toes as her hands massaged him and he gazed into her beautiful blue eyes. All at once, the boy was

    consumed by overwhelming love and a burning desire for her.

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    "Oh Sasha" the boy exclaimed breathlessly, "there are no words to describe how much I love you!" Donovan firmly, yet tenderly, pulled the girl's

    head down toward his. When their lips met, at first tentatively, and then more boldly, passion exploded inside the boy's soul of the sort he had

    never before known. As his tongue snaked timidly between her slightly-parted lips, his previous angst was forgotten and the only thing in the

    universe that mattered was being with her. He moaned softly as their kiss grew deeper, more urgent.

    Sasha's mind reeled crazily, and her heart hammered wildly against her breastbone, as she allowed Donovan to kiss her and she began to return

    his kiss with an eagerness that rivaled his. Neither of them heard the creaking of the hinges as the heavy wooden door swung slowly open.

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    "Well, my, my, what have we here?" Louis' voice boomed with a hint of amusement. The man's delight grew as he watched the couple pull

    hastily apart to arrange themselves in a more upright position. Louis had no idea the young ones felt anything but friendship between them.

    However, he had occasion to notice the way Sasha seemed to fawn over his younger brother, Stephen. How delightful that the two youngest

    family members had formed such a liaison!

    As Louis moved a few steps closer, he wondered exactly how far had they taken their relationship. While he found the situation somewhat

    amusing, it disturbed him slightly that he had not had an inkling of how deep their fondest ran for each other.

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    "I . . . I was just . . . I was helping Donovan get over his headache!" Sasha stammered nervously. She was mortified and the scowl that had come

    across Louis' face was not helping to put her at ease. She had always been more than a bit wary of her uncle.

    Donovan felt his face flush with embarrasement, but he was not as concerned by his father's wrath as Sasha was. When in doubt, make light of

    it. This was a lesson he had learned from his Uncle Thomas. "And boy, did she ever do a good a job!" he quipped with a sheepish grin.

    The boy's humor drew a chuckle from Louis. "Yes, I can see that" he smiled. Then he turned a stern look upon Sasha.

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    "Is there not something else you could be doing in another part of the house?" Louis asked evenly, yet with an undertone of derision. A satisfied

    smile came upon his lips when the girl nodded, rose, and then left the room without even a glance back at his son. The girl's mousy uncertainty

    of him never failed to amuse him.

    "Do you not think that was a bit rude?" Donovan remarked as he started to rise to go make sure Sasha was alright.

    Louis chuckled and waved his hand. "Do not get up, Son" he ordered. "I am finally here so that we can have our little chat. The girl will be fine."

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    The man settled himself into the spot vacated by Sasha and studied the boy's face. Louis could sense, as well as see, the concern written all over

    his son's features. Louis had not come to this meeting as confident as he seemed. There were certain things the boy did not need to know and

    his exact business with the girl in the cellar was one of them. He wished to avoid that line of conversation at all costs, but he could tell by the

    boy's expression that Ellie was exactly what the boy had on his mind.

    "So, my son" Louis said evenly, "please tell me what is troubling you this evening. It saddens my heart to see you looking so forlorn."

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    "It is about Ellie, Father" Donovan said thoughtfully. "I know you think it best to punish her for what she did to me, but I think we should not be

    too rough on her. The girl was obviously not thinking clearly to have pulled such a stunt as to try to murder me." The boy's eyes pleaded with

    Louis for understanding as he went on, "I, actually, have found forgiveness in my heart for her and I implore you to do the same!" There, he had

    said it! Now all that was left to wait for the explosion of fireworks to follow when his father's temper was stoked into a sudden outburst of fury

    at having his rule challenged by a youngling. "Also, I want to request permission to pay her a visit" he added softly.

    To the boy's complete and utter astonishment, that did not happen. Instead, he was rewarded with Louis' infrequent, booming laughter.

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    "Well, of course, my son!" Louis laughed heartily. "I stand in complete agreement with you. The girl has faced her punishment, and I fully believe

    she has seen the error of her ways, and that she understands without question the severe consequences of her actions. However, I feel she

    needs to be contained for a while longer, until we can be positive that she will not repeat her foolish behavior." Louis smiled warmly at his son,

    waiting for his words to fully be absorbed before adding, "I think you may see her in a week or two."

    Louis was of the mind that, given time, the girl's wounds should be sufficiently healed, so that Donovan would not know the severity of her

    punishment. "Now, onto other matters" Louis changed the subject suddenly. "Your twenty-first birthday is in a fortnight!" The man grinned

    broadly at Donovan. "'Twill be a very big day for you, my son! 'Tis the day you will fully become a man!"


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    Donovan Duvall inhaled a deep breath, released it in a long sigh, and then leaned back against the arm of the sofa. He remembered how Louis

    had rambled on and on that day about his twenty-first birthday, which had been coming up in a month. He now knew that Louis was merely

    avoiding the subject of the girl locked up down in the cellar.

    He focused his gaze on the far wall of the room as the memories continued to play in his mind like an old movie. Donovan, the man, formed a

    picture in his mind of what Donovan, the boy, was doing two weeks after that conversation with Louis. As promised, he was finally allowed to

    enter the cellar to see the girl who had tried to end his life nearly six weeks before.

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    Donovan was appalled by the sight of Ellie as she lay upon the bed, curled up into a fetal position. He could see no visible scars or wounds, but

    she looked unnaturally wan and frail. Her eyes, which had once held enough sparkle to rival the brightest star, looked dull and listless.

    Immediately, his heart went out to her. He struggled to swallow the lump in his throat, so he could speak.

    "Ellie?" he said softly in as steady a voice as he could muster. Her eyes fluttered open and she seemed to look at him without really seeing. "Ellie,

    I would have come sooner, but they would not allow it. I want you to know that I am not angry and . . . well, I forgive you. I do not know why you

    hate me so, but you must have had your reasons." As his voice trailed off, the girl slowly rose and moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

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    Ellie sat, seeming to gaze off into space. Donovan noticed the scarf around her neck and recognized it as the antique silk scarf his father had

    given her as gift. He remembered her wearing it on many occasions long before the events that had landed her in the cell. Although she did not

    acknowledge his presence, Donovan knew she was hearing him. The more he talked, the more animated she became as she fiddled around withher fingers and the ends of the scarf tied around her neck.

    "Ellie" the boy said softly, "if I had a key to the cell, maybe I could bring some cards or something. Would you like that?" The girl continued to

    stare at nothing and he continued, "I am really sorry you are down here. No one should suffer such a horrible fate. Listen, somehow I will get you

    out of this hideous place. I promise!" Ellie's gaze met his for a brief moment and her eyes seemed to sparkle, for an instant, with a ray of hope.


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    "Good evening, Donovan" the Duvall trio greeted the boy as he entered the room. A week had passed since his visit with Ellie in the cellar. He

    tried to visit her since, but Louis would not allow it. He said there were too many preparations to be made for his birthday to be wasting time on

    an insane girl who was locked up due to her own erroneous actions. Lucinda and her two younger brothers had decided that the time had come

    to have their little talk with Donovan. Their nerves were on edge over worry about how the boy would react to all the information they planned

    to share with him this evening. If Louis got wind of their plan, the situation would be likely to become very ugly.

    "Hello, everyone" the boy smiled back at them. So, what is this all about?" The curiosity was killing him and he was anxious to hear what they

    had to say. Lucinda pointed to the bed and asked him to please sit down. He was asked to let them speak with as little interruption as possible.

    They knew it would not be easy subject matter for him to listen without wanting to interject with questions.

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    Lucinda did most of the talking with a bit of input now and then from the guys when it involved them directly. She spoke of the Duvall legacy and

    the precedent for which it stood. It was unorthodox for a Duvall to learn so much before the ceremony on his twenty-first birthday, but the

    circumstances which had brought him to the house warranted, Lucinda felt, that he be informed beforehand. Donovan learned that it was a

    Duvall's duty to go to mortals in dire despair and to relieve them of their pain and suffering. He was told about his true family and of his

    mother's devastating childhood following the death of her father when she was a very young girl.

    Donovan could scarcely believe what he was hearing. Basically, from what they were telling him, the memory of his life here was nothing but

    lies! How could that be? He knewhe had known Sasha since childhood! He could remember playing games with her here!

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    "You were here, Donovan" Thomas answered softly when Donovan voiced his question. "You were able to cross over to this side in your

    dreams." Thomas then went on to explain to the boy that he had been watching over his mother, Shannon, since the day her father died. "You

    see, Donovan" Thomas explained carefully, "her father was her rock. He meant everything to her, and when he died, she wanted to die too. I

    went to her that night and contemplated bringing her here, but she was so young and nave. She was not being physically abused, nor was she

    being mentally abuse, at least on purpose, so I really had no valid reason to do more than just keep watch over her." Thomas then went on to

    tell the boy about the night his mother had discovered that his father, Joseph was married to Gabriella's mother. "Shannon had been completely

    crushed that night" Thomas went on. "I went to her that evening with the intention of making her a true Duvall, but then I realized something.

    She was . . . with child." Thomas told the boy of his mother's stay at the house, his own birth, and the fact that Louis developed a strange

    obsession for Shannon, including claiming Donovan as his own son. Donovan suddenly felt as if he may faint.

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    "My God" Donovan gasped in horror. "Then how . . . how did we get back home?" The boy was beginning to fully remember his previous life

    before arriving here. At that moment, his memories and thoughts were all jumbled and his head was beginning to ache severely.

    "I took you both home" Stephen offered. "But, your father, Joseph, is the one who really set it in motion." Stephen continued thoughtfully, "You

    see, the bond of love between your parents runs so deep that Joseph was unwilling to let Shannon go when she 'disappeared' from his world.

    He, somehow, projected himself to her through his dreams. They were mutual dreams, because your mother was having them too." Donovan

    was told how his father had actually managed to invade one of Shannon's waking moments long enough to interrupt her marriage to Louis.

    "Your mother actually fainted and the ceremony came to a grinding halt. That is when Shannon had her memory return to her, only for Louis to

    wipe it away again with is power of persuasion." The room fell into a deep silence as the boy tried to grasp everything he had been told.

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    Lucinda took the silence as an opportunity to grab the ball and run with it. "I can shed some light on Louis' obsession with Shannon!" she blurted

    suddenly. It was something she had not yet shared with anyone, including her brothers. She glanced pointedly at each of them before

    continuing. "I have been reading some old journals of Nathaniel's for quite some time now. She looked at her brothers and asked, "Do you

    remember when Louis first painted the portrait of the woman which now hangs in his room and we thought it was Shannon?" They nodded and

    she continued, "It is not Shannon, but a woman named Penelope O'Rourke. She became Louis' wife in the mid nineteenth century. They were

    very deeply in love, only married for six months, and Penelope was with child. One day, while Louis was tending business matters, she was killed

    in a terrible house fire caused by a clogged chimney. Of course, her unborn child perished with her." Lucinda paused for effect before

    continuing, "Penelope did not survive, but she had many siblings who did. The reason Shannon is the spitting image of Penelope is because she is

    a descendant!" Everyone seemed stunned, but now they knew the reason for Louis' madness, although it did not excuse his behavior of late.

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    "But" Donovan asked, getting back to the present, "how did I wind up here now? I mean, if we were all safe at home, why am I not still with my

    true family. And what of Sasha? She is only a year younger than I am. How did she come to be here? Is she really your daughter, Aunt Lucinda?"

    Lucinda smiled reassuringly at the boy. "Not by birth, but by necessity" she answered. She then told him of Thomas' rescue of Sasha from an

    abusive family when she was around three years old. "If not for Thomas' intrusion, the girl would likely have been killed by now. I imagine you

    were able to connect with her in a dream state because of your previous connection to us, and the trace of our blood that flows in your veins."

    "The reason you are here now" Thomas interjected, "is because of the girl in the cellar. Her real name is Gabriella and she is your sister." He then

    told of Louis' master plan in taking his sister to inflict deep despair upon Donovan, thus enabling him to be taken from his mortal realm. The trio

    told him he had a big decision to make, that he was welcome to stay, but they would help him and his sister get back home if that was his wish.

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    Donovan released his breath in a mournful sigh. He was faced with a true dilemma. On this side, he had the wonderful people who sat before

    him, and he had grown used to this house and his surroundings, but most of all, he had Sasha, the girl with whom he had fallen completely,

    truly, and madly in love. On the other side, he had his real parents, friends, and his two younger siblings he was beginning to remember.

    "Whatever you choose" Lucinda warned cryptically, "you must not tell Louis what has been discussed here this evening. If Louis learns of our

    indiscretion in sharing all of this with you before your birthday ceremony, he will be furious and all will be lost!"

    "I understand" he said quietly as he rose to leave. Suddenly he felt as if he could not breathe. He felt a desperate need to leave the room and be

    alone to think. He had reached the door when he turned back to face, unshed tears pooling in his eyes. "I will keep quiet, I promise" he

    whispered. "And . . . thank you!" With that, he turned and quickly fled through the doorway.

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    "That was fun" Thomas remarked solemnly. The air in the room had grown thick enough to slice with a knife.

    Lucinda fiddled with the syringe she had hidden in the pocket of her dress. "The boy is stronger than I thought" she said proudly. "I am relieved I

    did not have to use this." She had filled a syringe with a strong dose of sedatives, just in case the boy had gone off the deep end during theirconversation and needed to be calmed quickly.

    "Yes" Stephen agreed. "He did take in all the information quite well." Each of them had high hopes that the boy would choose to make his

    permanent home with them because they loved him deeply, but they had purposely left out the part about Louis' revenge on Stephen the first

    time he had taken his mother and him home because they did not want fear of Louis' wrath against them to influence his decision whether to

    stay or to leave.


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    "Sasha, I must talk to you!" Donovan exclaimed as he burst into her room without warning. On an impulse, he decided he needed to see her

    before heading to his own room. Sasha was startled as she glanced up from the book she had been reading. Her friend never came into her

    room without knocking, and the devastated expression his face told her that something serious was troubling him.

    "What is wrong, Donovan?" the girl frowned up at him as she set her book down on the side table. Donovan rushed to her, grabbed her hands

    and urged her to stand. As he stood gazing into her eyes, the boy weighed in his mind exactly what he should tell her. The last thing he wanted

    was for Louis to discover something wrong by her demeanor, so he settled upon telling her the bare minimum for now.

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    "Sasha" he began in an urgent, but hushed tone. "I have just learned a few things. Louis is not my real father, Ellie is my real sister, I have a real

    home with a loving family, and I . . . well, I just do not belong here!" The pained look in the boy's eyes was enough to instill an ache in the girl's

    heart. She opened her mouth to speak, but he went on, "I have to go, Sasha! I can no longer be here, but I do not wish to leave you. Please,

    Sasha, come with me!" The girl was completely stunned and could hardly believe what he was saying to her. How could he expect her to leave

    the only home she had ever known? How could she leave her family, especially Stephen?

    The girl gazed deeply into the boy's eyes and she knew that no matter how much she cared for him, she simply could not leave her home to

    venture into a strange place she had never seen. She said simply, "Donovan, I cannot go with you. I am sorry." His reaction to her simple

    statement was more horrifying than she could have imagined. He dropped her hands, turned toward the door, and screamed at her that he had

    to get out, had to get Gabriella out of that cell, and that if Sasha wanted to just rot in this place, it was her own choice!

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    "Donovan!" Sasha screamed at his back as he threw open the door, but he never paused and never turned back to give her a second glance. The

    young girl was devastated. The last thing she wanted was to lose her best friend forever, but she also felt it was not kind of him to want to take

    her away from her home. A picture of Stephen's handsome face formed in her mind and she could not imagine never seeing it again.

    By late the next evening, Sasha had not seen Donovan, so she began to worry. She felt horrible about the events of the day before and wanted

    to find him and try to explain her feelings. As she opened her door a crack, she heard voices in the hallway and spotted Stephen and Thomas

    engaging in what appeared to be a rather heated discussion. Opening the door wider, she was prepared to step out and greet them, but then

    she heard her name mentioned. Curiosity got the better of her, so she stayed put, leaving the door open only a crack to listen.

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    "There are too many other problems in this house at the moment for me to stand here and listen to your drivel, Thomas!" Stephen was saying

    angrily. "Now, step aside and let me pass!"

    Thomas stood his ground and glared hotly and his older brother. "You are correct, Stephen" he spat. "We do have a few issues that need

    tending, but that fact does not make yours any less urgent! Nothing will change the fact that Sasha is crushing on you, big time, Brother! It is

    obvious to everyone in this house the way her eyes light up when you enter a room. The adoration she has for you is written all over her face

    and it has been sofor years!" Thomas' eyes blazed at Stephen as he fell silent to wait for his reaction.

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    The girl was mortified. Was her deep affection for Stephen so obvious? Butterflies fluttered about in the pit of her stomach as she waited for

    Stephen's response right along with Thomas. Stephen merely stood his ground, glaring furiously at his younger brother for several long moments

    before speaking. Thomas' audacity, although expected, never ceased to amaze him. How dare he stick his nose into his business, especially with

    such ridiculous accusations as these?

    "You are insane!" The middle brother finally said from between clinched teeth. "Sasha is my niece, for Heaven's sake! I helped to raise her from

    toddlerhood. She isfamily!" The smirk on Thomas' face was enough to stun Stephen into silence and he fought the urge to punch him in the face

    to wipe away his smug expression. From her position behind the door, Sasha's knees were beginning to feel wobbly and she felt a bit ill.

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    "Oh yeah" Thomas shot back with a scowl, "Sasha is our niece, but not by blood and she knows it! Trust me when I tell you the love shining in

    her young eyes for you is anything but the love a niece feels toward an uncle ! I cannot even begin to believe that you, Mr. Sensitive, have not

    had the occasion to notice that as well as the rest of us have." Thomas released a frustrated sigh as he gazed into Stephen's disbelieving eyes.

    How could his older brother be so dense? He seemed to be oblivious to something that was obvious to everyone else in the house.

    His gaze never leaving his brother's, Thomas added carefully, "May I make a suggestion, Brother? My advice is to sit down with the girl and have

    a serious talk with her about her feelings toward you. That is, unless her feelings are reciprocated by you!" Stephen was seething with fury.

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    "Now you listen to me!" Stephen hissed furiously as he poked Thomas brutally in the chest with his forefinger. "I feel no such thing for that girl!She is my niece, plain and simple! Yes, I love her whole-heartedly, but onlyas a beloved family member. She is practically like my own daughter!"

    Stephen paused to suck in what he hoped would be a deep, calming breath, and then continued, "I do not know what everyone else sees, but all

    I see is a very close uncle to niece relationship. I am quite certain that Sasha feels the same! She is but a child."

    Sasha was completely crushed. Not wanting to hear anymore, she silently closed her door and climbed upon her bed. The girl had never felt so

    much humiliation in her young life! How could she have been so wrong in thinking her feelings for Stephen had been mutual?

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    Sasha's heart hurt so badly she was sure it was bound to explode at any moment. She had practically ignored Donovan's angst last evening,

    partly because of her feelings toward Stephen, only to learn that he thought of her as a mere child! Finally, the flood of tears that had been

    threatening to flow burst free and she wept softly as her body became racked with helpless sobs.

    The girl became so absorbed within her own anguish that she did not hear the soft knock upon her door. Nor did she hear it creak quietly open

    as the caller entered when there was no answer to the soft knock. She did, however, finally realize someone was in the room with her when the

    intruder climbed onto to the bed to join her. Immediately, her sobs ceased and she struggled to stop her body from trembling.

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    "I am so sorry, Sasha" Donovan said in a voice choked with raw emotion. He had heard her sobs from the hallway and could not bear the notion

    of her being so upset because of his harsh words and nasty attitude the day before. "I never meant to make you cry so. Yesterday, I received a

    lot of appalling information and I felt as if I were losing my mind. Now that I have had time to think about it, I know what I said to you was

    despicable and just plain vindictive. Please, Sasha, look at me."

    He tried desperately to meet her gaze, but the girl would not look at him. His heart was in turmoil and he could sense the girl's frustration and

    pain. Ashamed, he lowered his head once again and traced the pattern on the bed cover with his eyes. " I love you, Sasha" he whispered softly.

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    The girl's humiliation grew stronger as she listened to her dearest friend's words. He was under the impression that he had made her cry. It was

    true that she had spent some time in tears after he had left her last evening, but this was another day, another story. Her heart was breaking at

    the notion that he felt he had caused her current pain, but there was no way she was going to tell him the true reason for her melancholy mood

    this evening! She felt like such a fool!

    How could she have had such romantic feelings toward Stephen without his noticing, especially when everyone else, save for Donovan, had

    been able to tell? She wanted desperately to reach out to Donovan, but she was too ashamed. She knew she should say something to end his

    pain. At last, she made an attempt by saying, "It is not your fault, Donovan." He moved closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

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    "Oh, but it is, Sasha!" he exclaimed as he pressed his head against her shoulder. "I know what I said to you was horrible and such words should

    have never passed my lips. Hopefully someday I will be able to forgive myself for being so nasty to you."

    The more he spoke, the worse it made her feel. How could she have been so stupid, as well as blind? Sasha had known all along that she was

    having romantic feelings toward Donovan as well as Stephen, but she had been too fickle to make up her mind. Now her mind had been made

    up for her. Suddenly, all the love she had ever held in her heart for both men came crashing down upon her, filling her heart with the love that

    should have belonged to Donovan all along. "Oh Donovan, there is nothing to forgive!" she cried. "I love you, Donovan! I love you more than

    anything else in the whole universe!" The boy was taken aback when she wrapped her arms around him and shoved him backward on the bed.

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    "Please, just hold me, Donovan" the girl begged with an urgency that shone in her eyes. She captured his mouth with hers as a hungry lionesswould attack its prey. When their lips met, a spark ignited between them, inducing flames of passion that spread throughout their bodies, which

    burned more intensely as their excitement grew more intense. Suddenly the world around them ceased to exist as their desire grew to new

    heights beyond measure. The young couple forgot everything except each other and the only thing that mattered to them was the pleasure each

    could give to and receive from the other.

    All reasonable thought left them as their minds were overruled by the overpowering desires of their bodies. Before long, they had reached the

    point of no return and let themselves be led into doing what only comes natural to couples as deeply in love as they.

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    Afterward, though Donovan was feeling extremely sated and content, his first thought was for the woman he loved. "Are . . . are you alright

    Sasha?" he inquired falteringly. The boy wanted nothing more than to make her happy, and to give her pleasure. The thought of hurting her in

    any way at all cut him deeply and he would never forgive himself if he had done something for which she had not been truly ready. He absently

    bit his lip as he awaited her reply. He could not remember ever feeling more anxious than he did at that moment.

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    Sasha gazed lovingly into her lover's beautiful eyes, all the love she felt for him reflected in her own. All she felt was elation and satisfaction.

    There was not an ounce of regret in her mind or her heart. She smiled at him and replied softly, "Donovan, all I can say to you is that I am so

    much better than alright." Her smile morphed into a sheepish a grin, and her face flushed hotly, as she added, "As a matter of fact, the only thing

    I can think of that could possibly make me feel even better is to have round two!"

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    Donovan laughed softly and took her hand into his. "You know something? I think I am actually up for that!" His reply caused them both to burst

    out in a torrent of wild giggles, but once the laughter died out, the couple, once again, found themselves being rocked on a turbulent, spine-

    tingling sea of passion. When their ardor was sated and their bodies were spent, the young couple spent the rest of night basking in the warmth

    and comfort of each other's arms.

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    The next morning, Sasha awakened with Donovan still asleep and snuggled up to her with his head resting upon her shoulder. As she reveled in

    his nearness, watching him sleep, she wondered again how she could have been so foolish. Yes, Stephen had been the one who had always

    come to her to comfort her in the night whenever she had awakened from one of her horrible nightmares. It was a kind, fatherly, thing for him

    to do. How she could ever have misconstrued his kindness as anything more, she now did not understand.

    As the man in her arms groaned softly and snuggled in closer to her, she sighed contentedly. Yesterday, she had been a foolish, impulsive girl.

    Today, she was a mature, unwavering, fully grown woman. The man next to her had helped her realize her womanhood and she now knew, that

    no matter what decision he would make, she would follow him anywhere, even to the ends of the earth if necessary.


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    Shannon Duvall had reached out to take the hand that was outstretched her. When her fingers lightly brushed its fingers, it was almost as if a jolt

    of electricity had struck her, sending its current up her arm, which in turn, ignited a spark in her brain. This is real! It's really happening and I'm

    not just dreaming! She thought wildly. Her hand flew to her chest as if it could slow her rapidly beating heart. "Is it really you? Are you really

    here?" she breathed, still incredulous.

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    "Yes, I am really here" the figure smiled at the woman before him. He, himself, found it almost impossible to believe that his eyes were actually

    gazing upon the woman who, for all intents and purposes, had been the first true love of his life. The man in the dark cloak and hood found

    himself struggling to contain his tears of joy. How silly would it be for a grown man to break down and cry in such a manner?

    As he and the woman gazed at each other in dubious silence, it finally happened. The woman before him, the woman he loved with all his heart,

    stood and wrapped her arms around him in a warm, loving embrace! After all the lost years, his wish had come true. He finally found himself

    drawing comfort from being encircled in the caring arms of the woman he had always loved.

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    "Oh my son" Shannon croaked tearfully into her boy's neck. "I can't believe you're really here! Are you sure I'm not dreaming?"

    Donovan laughed softly, "You are not dreaming, Mother. It is I!" His heart felt near to bursting with joy at being in his mother's arms. After all

    the time he had been away, he had thought he would never see her again. He was sorry for her anguish, but he was also indebted to it for its

    powers that had enabled him to appear to her. Shannon's knees had begun to feel weak, so she broke their embrace and plopped heavily down

    upon her bed and sat gazing up at her fully-grown son.

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    "My goodness, you are all grown up!" she exclaimed in a disbelieving whisper. A worried frown crinkled her brow. "You look so . . .pale" she

    remarked as she studied his handsome features. He had grown into a fine-looking man, just like his father. "Are you ill?" she asked, concerned.

    Donovan chuckled and placed a reassuring hand over hers. "No, Mother, I am very far from illness. The reason for my, um,pallorwill become

    evident as we speak, and speak, we shall. I have many things to tell you." He gazed down and smiled lovingly at the woman who had raised him

    to be the kind, caring man he had become. "May I sit on your bed and talk with you awhile?" When Shannon nodded her ascent, he happily

    hopped up to join her, feeling rather like the child he had once been during the times he had climbed into her bed after a particularly bad dream.

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    The man smiled warmly at the woman who had given life. "First, I want to say how amazing it is to see you! I must say you look absolutely

    incredible as well." Shannon smiled and took his hand into hers to give it an appreciative squeeze. Donovan's expression turned into a moreserious one as he said, "One of the reasons for my visit is to let you know that I am doing fine and to tell you of my adventures while I have been

    away. First, I want to tell you that I know of your . . . adventure during, and shortly after, my birth."

    An involuntary gasp burst forth from the woman at his last words. Her time spent at Villa Le Duvall was a suppressed memory most times,

    except during the occasional nighttime visits from Thomas Duvall. Her eyes widened in astonishment when her son told her he also knew about

    the horrible childhood she had endured and of his father's indiscretion with her while still married to Sylvia. She opened her mouth to speak, but

    Donovan held up a hand to silence her. "It is alright, Mom" he smiled. "Please just listen so that I may tell you my story."

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    The woman listened, in rising horror, as he told her about the conditions under which he had arrived at the villa. He told her about Gabriella,

    mercifully leaving out the part about how she had suffered at the hands of Louis. Even though she would not remember any of this in the light of

    day, he saw no reason to cause her any unnecessary stress. She smiled in delight when he told her of Sasha and the deep love he held in his

    heart for her, which they had for each other.

    "Now, Mother" he said softly, "I am up to the part in my story which has forever changed my life." His voice grew more melancholy as he began

    to speak about the evening of his twenty-first birthday. "Before I begin, I need to tell you how much I contemplated my decision to take the

    route I finally chose. It was no simple task, Mother. One way or the other, I was bound to lose something which was precious to me. I have taken

    the path in which I feel I will be able to do the most good." Donovan sighed and told his mother about the night of his birthday ceremony.

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    Donovan had done a great job of not allowing Louis learn about his knowledge of the Duvall family's, as well as Louis', secrets. The family allgathered in the front parlor for the ritual that would bestow upon Donovan complete realization and the powers of the Duvall Legacy. Only

    members of the family who had already undergone the ceremony were allowed to be present for the boy's christening.

    "Are you ready, my son?" Louis asked as he approached the boy who was about to officially become a man.

    "I am ready, Father" Donovan replied evenly. He was apprehensive, but his decision had been made and was not going to change his mind at this

    point. He stood his ground as Louis placed one arm behind his back and the other around his neck.

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    A small, startled cry escaped Donovan's parted lips at the sharp jab of stabbing pain that assaulted him as Louis' sharp fangs pierced the tender

    flesh at the base of his throat. A brief moment of panic rushed through him that triggered a desire to flee and he began a vain attempt to

    struggle against the more powerful man. His panic soon disappeared and was replaced by a sensation of euphoria of the sort he had never

    known. It felt as if an inferno coursed through his veins and it seemed as if his whole body, mind, and soul had only just awakened and now had

    developed a life of their own. His knees began to feel weak and Louis was actually holding him in his upright position.

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    As the last of Donovan's human, mortal blood was drained from his body and the essence of Louis flowed into him, he gained intimate

    knowledge of the Duvall family and its place in the universe. Because of his previous infusion with Thomas' essence before his birth, Donovan

    gained other information as well. He was struck with the realization that he knew what was inside Louis' mind and heart. In his mind's eye, he

    saw Louis' clandestine visits with the girl in the cellar. He sensed the man's elation as he ingested blood from her on many occasions. Donovan

    now knew that the girl had been given the silk scarf to hide the bite marks upon her throat.

    Donovan saw the mistreatment of Gabriella and the beatings Stephen had endured all those years ago for helping his mother to escape, in order

    to return, with him, to his father. Soon, the deed was done and the man faced off with the one he had once called Father.

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    An engulfing fury raged through the newly-inducted Duvall's entire being and a mean streak that had never been present within him before his

    transformation was beginning to emerge. His blue eyes flashed with resentment and disgust as they bore into Louis' sparkling green ones. "You .. . are notmy father!" he growled in a dangerous, menacing tone. "I am disgusted by you and by all the hideous things you have done! As long as

    I have breath in my body, you shall notbe permitted to carry on the way you have been the past couple of decades. Your ways sicken me!"

    As Donovan's voice trailed off, it felt to Louis as if his heart would burst open with grief and anguish. His son, who he loved more than life itself,

    had rejected him. Everything he had done had been for his son, and now his son could not stand the sight of him. Suddenly a rage, so pure and

    ugly, began to well up from inside him and a shriek began to rise up to his throat from the pit of his stomach. Then, his world grew dark.

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    "I am so very proud of you, my sweet, beautiful boy" Shannon murmured softly to her son. The love for him that overflowed in her heart shone

    in her eyes. He had just told her that he had been elected the head of the Duvall household. At first, he had rejected the idea and suggested that

    Lucinda would be perfect in the role, but Duvall tradition required a male for the position. Stephen, being the next oldest, normally would be

    chosen head of the family, but had no desire to become a leader. Thomas had not been willing to give up his carefree lifestyle to take on so

    much responsibility. The family practically begged Donovan to become Louis' replacement, so how could he refuse such an honor?

    Donovan gazed sorrowfully into his mother's eyes. "I love you so much, Mom" he whispered in a voice choked by emotion as he kissed her

    warm, soft cheek. The next task he must complete was one that filled his heart with dread and grief.

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    He locked his gaze with hers until it was impossible for her look away. When her eyes glazed over and her expression was completely relaxed, he

    said in a quiet monotone, "From this day forward, your life will be a happier, more content one. You have a loving husband, two handsome sons,

    and a beautiful stepdaughter. Gabriella now lay sleeping, peacefully, in her bed. When she wakes, it will be as if none of this ever happened. No

    one will remember me. You never gave birth to me. None of our friends, family, or anyone in town will remember ever having known a boy

    named Joseph Donovan Snidely."

    Donovan sighed miserably and then added, "Now, you will sleep." Shannon immediately fell into a deep sleep and Donovan caught her in his

    arms and tucked her safely into her bed. His heart filled with melancholy as he took a moment to gaze at the mother he would never see again.

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    The sorrow and pain he felt began to boil into a thunderous rage and a low growl began to rise up from deep inside his gut. The outward sound

    he made was soft and quiet, but inside his head, it was a mind-shattering shriek of mournful angst for all he had lost. He wished desperately that

    his brothers and father had been home, so that he may see them one last time before leaving this house forever, but that was not meant to be.

    He checked in on his sleeping sister one last time. As he gazed down upon her pretty, peacefully-sleeping face, it warmed his heart to know that

    she was, at last, safe at home.

    "Donovan?" he heard his name being called as if from a great distance. "Donovan, are you alright?" the voice said again and he shook his head to

    clear away the clouds that seemed to have settled there.

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    Donovan looked up and focused his gaze upon the woman who had stolen his heart. His adoration for her shone in his sparkling blue eyes and

    was stamped all over his face. "Good evening, my darling" he smiled warmly at Sasha. He chuckled to see the worried crinkle that scrunched up

    the usually-smooth area above her perky little nose. "I am just fine, and now that you are here, I am even better than fine! Since the house was

    quiet and I found a rare moment alone, I just happened upon a journey down memory lane."

    As Donovan dual basked in the glow of her beauteous smile, he knew the choice he had made to stay had been the only decision he could have

    made. Gazing upon the precious cargo she carried served to confirm his resolution three-fold.

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    "I do believe your son and daughter would enjoy having a bedtime story read to them by their father!" Sasha laughed happily. "They have been

    repeating, 'Da da', and 'book' for going on nearly an hour." As Donovan rose to take one of the children from the woman's arms, he beamed a

    smile of happiness and pride. The twins were a cherished gift from the night Sasha and he had spent together that fateful evening about a week

    before his twenty-first birthday. Sasha had bestowed upon him the honor of giving them the names, Joseph and Shannon.

    The notion entered his mind that he surely must have done something right in his life to be such a lucky man. If circumstances had been

    different, and Sasha had not become pregnant the night they spent together, a week later on his birthday he would have been rendered infertile

    and would never have known the joy of fatherhood. Donovan had lost many things in his life, but he had gained so much more in return. "Come"

    he smiled as took his daughter from Sasha's arms. "Let us get a bath, a story, and lots of hugs and kisses. Then it is off to bed for you!"

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    After the children had been tucked snugly into their beds, the couple made their nightly visit down to the cellar. Donovan loathed seeing anyone

    down here, but what else could have been done? Great care was taken to see that he was properly care for and treated with the kindness that

    was never bestowed by him upon others whose actions had sentenced them to such a fate.

    Tonight, the man behind the bars seemed to be especially animated and unaware of his true surroundings. Sasha released her breath in a long,

    mournful sigh. "Where do suppose his mind takes him when he is like this?" Sasha asked as the man she adored wrapped a loving arm around

    her shoulder. "I just cannot imagine what he must be thinking" she added as her brow crinkled in a thoughtful frown.

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    As furious as Donovan had been when he had discovered all the horrible acts Louis had committed, his kind and caring heart could not help but

    to feel distressed to see the once powerful man reduced to such a state. Because of his circumstances with having Thomas' essence infused with

    his blood before birth and being combined with Louis' on his birthday, Donovan was rendered nearly as powerful as Louis upon his induction

    into the family. Nevertheless, Lucinda had been ready with a syringe full of a special herb strong enough to weaken Louis in case he had shown

    signs of becoming violent, which she promptly used on him that evening.

    Given a bit of time, Donovan's strength and power would far outweigh Louis' and when that time came, the need to keep him under lock and

    key would end, because the man would be forced to follow Donovan's rule. Donovan released his breath in a sad sigh which matched Sasha's as

    he gazed at the once-great man who now mumbled unintelligible nonsense while hugging and tenderly caressing his pillow. "I have no clue,

    Darling, but wherever he is, it surely must be a place that brings him great joy, contentment, and pleasure."

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    "Ah my darling Penelope" Louis whispered into his lady love's ear. "You are so warm, so beautiful." The man could not remember feeling moreat peace, nor satisfied with his life. There was nothing he enjoyed more than relaxing on the sofa, his adoring wife at his side, gazing into a cozy

    fire on a cold winter's eve.

    Louis pulled the woman closer with a firm, yet tender tug. "I feel like the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side! Sometimes, it is

    difficult for me to trust that all of it is real. Are you really here, my darling, or is all this just part of a beauteous dream from which I pray never to

    awaken?" The man's glittering green eyes sparkled with the love burning in his heart.

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    Penelope's dainty, tinkling laughter was like music to Louis' ears and his heart felt close to bursting with love and joy that flooded it. "Of course it

    is real, dear Louis" the woman replied as she gave his hand a gentle pat. "You are my husband, I am your wife, and we have a beautiful baby boy.

    We are a family and, I think I can speak for our son as well when I say, we both love you very much!"

    Louis squeezed Penelope into just a bit closer, as he tenderly caressed her delicate shoulder, and chuckled softly. "You are a wise Lady, my love"

    he whispered against her warm, soft cheek. But of course she was right! He had a wife and a son, both of whom he loved more than life itself.

    How could his life be any richer or more real than this?

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    It's a wrap, Folks! And so ends my epic saga of shadows and darkness. I thought I'd leave you with a shot of how the 'real' Villa Le Duvall looks on

    a cold winter's night, nestled against its backdrop of ancient castle ruins, the sea, and between a couple of tall mountains in Bluewater Village.

    So, how was that for ending? *evil grin* It is my hope that Louis lovers and Louis haters alike will be satisfied with the way things turned out for

    him. I had many different endings dancing in my head, but I just couldn't find it in my heart to kill him. He was an absolute joy to portray for me.

    *insert sadistic grin here* The main thing is for you to have gained some enjoyable entertainment for my efforts, and it is my fervent hope that

    you have done just that. Thank you for taking the time to read my tale.
