
NightBy: Elie Wiesel


230 Points

Name:_______________________________________ Period: ___________________

Pre-Reading Questions (25 points)Directions: Respond to each of the following questions in four or more complete sentences.

Prompt 1 Based on the image on the cover of this packet and the title of the novel, what do you think this book is going to be about and why?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prompt 2: Are there times when it is best to speak up and defend someone when you see something that is wrong? Are there times when it is not best to do that? Why or why not? What is an example you can think of?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prompt 3: Are people who associate with criminals just as guilty as those who commit the crime? Why or why not? What if they know about the crime ahead of time?



Prompt 4: Would you do anything in order to live? How about to save someone you love? Explain.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prompt 5: Would you ever do anything to harm someone you cared about? Why or why not? What if your life depended on you harming them? Would you then? Why or why not?


Questions: (10 pts)

1. 1. In your own words, what did the Nuremberg laws do?

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How was it decided if you were Jewish or not?

4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How many Jews were living in the Warsaw ghetto?_____________________

5. 4. How many Jewish people died during the holocaust?

6. _____________________

5. What is the “Final Solution”?


7. 6. How many Jewish males were sent to concentration camps during 8. Kristallnacht?

9. _________________

Concepts to Own- Judaism and WWII (10 points)Directions: Write down the definition to each word.

1. 1. Passover- ________________________________________________________________________

2. Pentecost- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Rabbi- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Rosh Hashanah- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Synagogue- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Talmud- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Torah- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Yom Kippur- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Anti-Semitism- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Aryan- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


11. Genocide- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


12. Gestapo- _______________________________________________________________________________

13. Nazi____________________________________________________________________________________

14. Kapo-_________________________________________________________________________________

15. Schutzstaffel (SS): ___________________________________________________________________


Propaganda!What is the power of words? How does propaganda work? Use this section to take notes on Propaganda.




























Setting (10 points)Directions: In each arrow explain how the people reached each destination and draw an image of what each destination looks like in the box.

Sighet, TransylvaniaGhetto (still in Sighet)

Aushwitz- Burkenau

Aushwitz- Buna

Journal: My Most Precious Possessions (515 points)(after reading chapter 1)

The Nazis permit Elie and his family to take only their most precious possessions or what they can carry to the ghetto. When the Nazis evacuated the Jewish families from the ghettos and force them to board the cattle cars for work camps, they again told them to take only what they can carry.

Directions: If you were in a situation where you were forced to suddenly leave your home and were told only to bring those items you could carry to the ghetto, what would you bring? Make a list of the items you would bring, but remember they must be items you can carry with you.

My Most Precious Possessions:






Using the space below, explain in five to six sentences why you chose the items you did and how you would feel if you had to leave them behind.












Aushwitz- Burkenau

Aushwitz- Buna

Theme- Dignity in the face of human crueltyAnother of the themes of Night deals with dignity in the face of human cruelty.(10 points)

Directions: Complete the three boxes on the right. You may either paraphrase events from the novel or use direct quotes. After considering your textual evidence, develop a thematic statement (a statement that shows what we can learn from each event).Inhuman Cruelty Responding with Dignity



Abusive kapos and being allowed only minimal food On Rosh Hashanah…






















Forbidden to play Beethoven, forced on a death march, freezing and crushed in barracks

The doctors will not attend Eliezer’s father, the fellow prisoners beat him, no more food is given to him because he is dying

Night -Chapter QuestionsDirections: Answer each question on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to the back of this packet. Make sure to label each chapter and the question number. Be aware, some of these questions may come up on a POP QUIZ!

Chapters 1 and 2: (8 points)1. Describe Wiesel’s community at the beginning of the story. How does young Elie view the

world and his place in it?

2. What are some incidents that suggest or foreshadow the coming danger to the Sighet Jews? Why doesn’t the community believe it is in danger?

3. What are the conditions on the Jews’ train journey? How do the Jews react to Madame Schäcter’s behavior? What does this reveal about human nature?

4. Even though it was 1944, and Nazi extermination of Jews had begun years earlier, the Sighet Jews had very few facts about it. Do you think it is possible in today’s world for a community to know so little, to be so unprepared? Explain.

Chapters 3-5 (8 points)1. Describe the conditions at the Birkenau reception center, then at Auschwitz, and later at

Buna. How does Wiesel’s relationship with his father change during this time?

2. What events lead to the two hangings Wiesel describes? How does Wiesel feel about his evening meal after each hanging? What do his reactions suggest about how he is changing?

3. In the camps, Wiesel must struggle to stay alive and to remain human. In your opinion, how well does he succeed with his struggles?

4. There are several discussions about resistance by the prisoners. Why do you think there was no large scale effort to resist?

Chapters 6-9 (10 points)1. Why do Wiesel and his father leave Buna? How do they respond to the circumstances of the forced march?

2. What happens between Rabbi Eliahou and his son? What does Wiesel’s reaction to this incident reveal about his relationship with God?

3. How does Wiesel treat his father during the journey to Buchenwald and later during Chlomo’s illness? How does Wiesel’s link to his father affect his will to survive?

4. Given their life or death situation, do you believe Wiesel’s attitude toward his father was understandable? Explain your reactions.

5. Wiesel believes that remembering the Holocaust will help to ensure that this type of atrocity does not occur in the future. Do you think learning about historical events can guide people to behave differently? Explain.

Night - Final Assessment:Directions: Choose one activity from each category to complete this packet.(50 points)

Category A: WritingOption 1: Letter to the authorWrite a letter to Elie Wiesl. There are several things you need to think about for your letter. You must use proper letter format (see me for format), and include the following:

1. Tell Elie what you thought/ how you reacted to his story2. Mention at least 2 specific incidents (things that happened) from the book and how or why they

affected you.3. Tell Elie what you learned about the Holocaust from his experience4. Explain what you learned from his experience overall 5. Share any other personal information, questions, or insights you would like.

Option 2: Discussion on the dehumanization of people.Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis gradually reduced the Jews to little more than "things" which were a nuisance to them. Explain at least THREE specific examples of events which dehumanized Eliezer, his father, or his fellow Jews. Then, analyze how each event changed Elie’s attitude, outlook, and identity. Write this in a five paragraph essay format.

Option 3: ReflectionWrite a 1 paragraph response to each of the writing prompts you responded to before we started

reading. Do you still think the same way? Why or why not?

Option 4: PropagandaWrite a 3 paragraph essay explaining the use of propaganda during the holocaust. Think about: Why

was it successful? Why did people believe it? Who put it out? Did people know that it was propaganda?


Category B: Creativity (40 points)

Option 1: Infographic Create an infographic (much like the one with facts about the holocaust) for the book Night. Include at least 7 images and 9 facts. This must be done on poster board

Option 2: Create a movie posterGo 'old school' with the images, either draw them or use images from magazines, newspapers, etc. Also choose important quotes, create taglines, and provide a brief synopsis to "sell" the story to the potential audience.

Option 3: Create a character scrapbookConsider the purpose of scrapbooking and what kinds of mementos you would place in your own scrapbooks. After choosing a character from the text, use magazines, newspapers, and your own imaginations to cut out and/or draw mementos that would be important to the character. Your scrapbook must have at least 10 entries. Be sure to label these entries.

Option 4: Create a piece of PropagandaThink about how propaganda was used through out this text, then create your own. BUT, here is the catch, instead of creating Nazi propaganda like you saw in the text, create propaganda that the US would use to inspire Americans to fight against the Nazis.
