
"Biblical Basis of the Heart Motive"

Genesis 3:1-7; 11-16

Rev. Min J. Chung

(Friday Night Large Group, July 14, 2000)


"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, `You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, `You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'" "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realised that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves." Genesis 3:1-7. NIV

"And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat?" The man said, "The woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it." Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."" Genesis 3:11-16. NIV


I. IntroductionA. You may ask, "What in the world will Pastor Min talk about through this

text?" Today, we will talk about the Biblical basis of the heart motive. Is Pastor Min making up this heart motive stuff? Is it something he learned from psychology class, or is it from the Bible? Today is a good day, because we will examine the overview of the doctrine of heart motives and get the latest update. (As Im talking to people, Im discovering so much more about these things. Whatever I talked to you about before is now primitive stuff.)

B. Let me ask you: Do you still not know your heart motive? If youre a newcomer, youll hear more about it today, so dont worry. There are various degrees to which we understand it depending on how much weve heard. Some of you have been listening to these things all year long, so obviously you are more familiar with it than others. Anyhow, I might ask, "Do you know yourself, your heart motive?" And you may answer confidently, "Yes!" and totally go off. However, if you say the following statement, then I know you dont know anything: "I think Im everything." Thats a typical phrase that shows you know nothing about this. If you say, "I think Im a love-me person." Then I ask, "So do you know your minor?" and you might reply, "Huh?" So, I might ask more, "Do you know if youre a first layer or second layer?" "Huh?" If youre just satisfied with thinking that youre a "love-me person", then you have no

idea what youre talking about. If you have no idea what Ive said so far, then you are still at the primitive level. None of this is written anywhere in published form. This is fresh, hot out of the oven stuff. It might be written in the future, Lord willing. I dont know what implications these things will have, but lets be thankful. Amen? Im not sure if youre thankful. (Laughter) Anyway, I believe it will be so helpful for all of us as we do the overview, as well as the update, on this doctrine.

C. As we will talk about these things, I have a diagram.

THREE THINGS TO DISCUSS1. Two layers on each majors idolatrous desires2. Meaning of Emotions3. Major & Minor desires 





D. We have a sinful nature in our hearts. As a Christian, you have two natures: a good nature given to us by the Holy Spirit at regeneration, and a sinful nature that we are born with at our physical birth. That sinful nature is revealed through desire: what we want. Im trying to say, as Ive been talking to many of you (who are now convinced), that YOU HAVE ONLY ONE DESIRE THAT DRIVES EVERYTHING YOU DO. EVERYTHING. Its hard to believe, but its true. Many Reformers and Puritans said these very things. Jonathan Edwards said that in everything we do, we make choices out of our highest desire. This is Reformed theology here. Because we have one supreme desire at any given moment, we choose to do everything by that highest desire. Everything else is accessory to that main desire. At the root of all desires and wants, there is that one desire which drives all that we do.


We will review three main areas concerning heart motives: 1) The two layers of each major idolatrous desire (success layer, and failure layer); 2) the meaning of emotions (itll explain why you have some feelings which you cant ignore), and 3) major and minor desires.So lets start with an overview of the four majors. We all have one of the four main desires that drives all that we do. Lets start with perfectionism, since we always start with respect, and perfectionism is always last. Today, we will start with perfectionism.


a. Perfectionism1. The common denominator: there is an inner

standard that drives everything you do. Two layers:

a. Success layer: their desire is to improve themselves or to perfect themselves. Self-improvement isvery important . They are driven by success to be perfect. Desire for success to be perfect drives everything that they do. Self-improvement is also very important. They do not like routine, because routine means "Im not perfecting, and improving." Some people mistakenly think that all perfectionists like routine € not necessarily (thats 2nd layer or failure layer people). Success layer people dont like

routine because they want to improve themselves. After they are at one thing for awhile, they feel theyre no longer improving. They may like it for awhile, but after they think theyve perfected it, they get bored. They must improve, learn, and grow. These are the weird people that like rebuke, because of the potential growth and change. They like to learn, grow, read, and study. As a hobby they may be avid web browsers € a wide variety of web sites, because they feel that they are learning and improving. They like new challenges. Any opportunity to grow and change and improve themselves characterizes success layer perfectionists.

b. Failure layer: they are driven by a fear of failure. They like perfection, but they have a fear of failing to perfect themselves. Whatever they have their hands on at a given moment, they need to be perfect in that. They are more meticulous about the environment around them € things that they have now. Even though its the same inner desire that drives everything that they do, the way it is worked many times is opposite the success layer perfectionists. They have a fear of failure to perfect themselves, and so they want to at least perfect their present environment. They like routine, because it means they can perfect it € better than yesterday. They like stability. First layer perfectionists dont like stability because it means they are not progressively improving. But this layer welcomes stability, and dont like change. They have meticulous tendencies. New challenges are not welcome because change means there are new things to learn, which in turn means new things to perfect. They dont want to be bothered by other people, because they are consumed by current things to perfect.

c. You see, both success and failure layer perfectionists are critical and have standards for themselves and everyone else: they live according to these standards and want everyone else to live according to them.

b. Love1. The common denominator: their goal is maximum

genuine love.a. Success layer: They want to be loved by

somebody (or at least a few chosen ones)in a maximum way, with all those peoples heart, mind, soul, and strength. They are driven by a success to be loved. They have a few chosen ones, whom they want to be loved by. They want to be loved by their chosen ones with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. They cant have enough of these people. They dont need much from other people, as long as they have the few. These are the people that can really hurt them. Only these chosen people can affect you emotionally. Mood shifts can occur if they hurt you.

b. Failure layer: They are driven by a fear of failure to be loved. It works in such a fascinating way. Because they dont really think they can be loved, even if its the same desire as the success layer, the outworking is all different. They think they are not loveable, so what they want is acceptance. Its theneutral line in their relationships with people. Maximum genuine love is the goal, so they want to be loved up to the acceptance level of love. If people come over the acceptance line, they feel theyre not loveable. So from the general crowd they seek acceptance. If people come a little too close, over the line of acceptance, they feel uncomfortable and walk away. They think, "If people come over the line of acceptance, they will really know me. When they really know me, surely they will not love me." Do they

want to be loved by a few chosen also? Yes. Who becomes the chosen ones in their lives? People who meet this criteria: They come closer and you back off; but they come closer and you back off some more; still, they come closer and you go away; but they keep coming, even though they know all your flaws, and they still love you even though you feel youre not loveable. Then they become your chosen ones. You have tested them, and if they pass the test (by accepting you unconditionally), these people are your chosen ones.

c. However, please note: One person can be different layers in different situations. An acceptance person is mostly acceptance (failure layer), but then in some situations, he/she can be a love-me person (success layer) with different people, so certain people can be different layers in different situations with different people, as well talk about more later.

c. Popularitya. Success layer: They are driven by a desire to

be Number One. "I-want-to-be-the-emcee" kind of people. I wont mention any names here. (Laughter) They always want to receive attention, and be liked by everyone. Some people misunderstand the differences between respect, like, and love. The difference between love-me and a respect-me and popularity person is this: Love-me person desiresdeep love. Respect-me person isnt driven by a desire to be noticed. But the Popularity person (like-me person) wants to be noticed. He/she wants to be on a platform, a stage. So I always ask the question: "Do you like to be noticed?" Because an "Accept-me" person (failure layer of love-me) wants to beaverage, simply at the line of acceptance, and unnoticed. They are very happy at the line

of average acceptance. But a popularity person ("Like-me" person) has a tendency of wanting to be noticed. If youre in the success level, you want to be noticed as number one. If youre in the failure level, youll want to be noticed as just number two. The success layer person wants to be at the center of attention. The failure layer person wants to be number two in terms of attention. There is another difference between a respect €me person and popularity (like-me) person: the respect-me person doesnt mind being feared. They have an aura: "if you mess with me, youre in trouble." But the popularity person wants to be liked. So theyre nice. "HI!!!!" They want you to like them. For respect-me people, being liked is not the goal. It would be nice to be liked, but as long as they receive respect, even if it is coupled with fear, they are happy. Its like the difference between a movie star and a president (at least some presidents). Stereotypically speaking, the President is respect (doesnt mind being feared), but the movie star is popularity (wants everyone to like him). Also, we should not e the difference between the accept-me person and the popularity (like-me) person: Do you want to be noticed? If you want to be noticed above average, then youre a popularity person. If not, then youre in the accept-me category. So again, the success layer popularity person wants special attention, and to be liked by everyone.

b. Failure layer: They want to be liked by everyone IF POSSIBLE. However, failure layer people aremore afraid that they might be disliked by anyone. So if one person doesnt like you, it bothers you and it eats you up. Theres something wrong. You may have sleepless nights, wet pillows, loss of appetite. It eats you up and youve just got to do

something about it. At this layer, you are not necessarily driven primarily to be liked by everyone (though it would be nice). You are primarily driven by a fear of being disliked by anyone. I ask, "Do you feel upset if one person doesnt like you?" Then they most likely would say yes. That bothers them. Usually, failure layer people dont like to be number one in a group. They dont want to be most popular, because being most popular means that there is a chance of failure.Maximum popularity is their desire, but they dont want to fail, so to get maximum popularity with the least chance of failing means being number two. You see, if there is a failure, number one gets all the blame. So you like to be number two, because you have a fear of failure, yet desire to be popular.

d. Respecta. Success layer: They are driven by a desire to

be most respected. He doesnt mind being feared. If this person walks into a room and it falls into a hush, he feels good. Hes like Michael Jordan. When MJ walks on the court, everyone fears him. And I bet he loves that. This persons words must make the most impact. Hes the leader. He wants to be NUMBER ONE! He needs to be respected by every single person.

b. Failure layer: They are driven by a fear of being disrespected. They are afraid of being disrespected. For the success layer person, if one person doesnt respect him, it bothers him; but for the failure level person, if one person disrespects him, it bothers him. It doesnt matter as much if everyone respects him; as long as nobody disrespects him. When someone disrespects him, he gets most angry and upset and it bothers him. This person wants to be number two in the respect category. Maximum respect is the goal, but if

hes number one, he might fail. So being number two is good for him. He wants to be loved by number one, which would contribute to his respect; or be loved by the fringe side people, since its easier to get respect from them. This person is like Scottie Pippen. Its fascinating to observe the history of the times when Pippen was upset in public. The pattern of him being upset was when he was disrespected. For example, when Toni Kukoc became the go-to guy instead of him, he was disrespected. However, when Jordan was the go-to guy, Pippen was never upset. He was satisfied being number two, as long as he was loved by number one, since it contributes to his maximum respect.

c. Sometimes, you can have both layers at times. A failure layer person would want to be in the success layer, when there is no chance of failure. So when there is no chance of failure for a failure layer respect-me person (since maximum respect is the goal) he has no problem being number one. For example, if hes playing basketball on the court with a bunch of children, then he doesnt mind being Jordan during that time, since hes guaranteed to be number one without any chance of failure. Likewise, if an accept-me person who is afraid of not being accepted is in a situation where everyone accepts him/her, then he/she can feel comfortable to act like himself/herself, since there is no chance of failure at being accepted. Now, this accept -me person (failure layer love €me) becomes a love-me person (success layer love-me) around these people who accept him/her. Therefore, failure layer people, when theres no chance of failure, would love to be in the success layer. The reverse can be true, too. Even if youre a success layer person, when you get into a situation where you might be a

failure, you can switch to failure layer category. They hide for awhile. This sometimes explains why if youre in the popularity category, you might be at first an introvert (because of fear of failure), but then when everyone starts to like you, you become extroverted, because now you dont have a chance of failure. Now, you can be liked by everyone.

d. What about personality? Personality is the lifestyle and habit that you have incorporated to get what you want. Some people ask about the place of brain function (right vs. left brain) in all this. This is how it relates. Ever since you were a child, you had the major desire, what drives you, what you want. Lets suppose that your heart motive is respect-me. As you were growing up, and somehow studying was the method of obtaining respect, you developed your left brain. If music and art was the way of obtaining respect, then you developed your right brain. Your brain is really the program and yourheart is the CPU. Personality and brain function is what we have developed and incorporated to get our major heart motive.

2. THE MEANING OF EMOTIONSa. Emotion indicates what you love. For example, if youre a

respect-me person, then youre happy if youre getting respect. These are some emotions and what each may indicate.

1. Joy means you are getting respect (for a respect-me person); anger means you are not getting respect.

2. Depression for a popularity person (for a like-me person) means "nobody likes me" or (for a dont dislike-me person) "one person doesnt like me."

3. Worry for perfectionists means, "I might not meet my standard." For a love-me person, worry might indicate that "I might mess something up, thereby not get love and acceptance from my chosen ones who I want to be loved by."

4. Loneliness. Respect-me persons are lonely, because they feel like asking, "Where are my worshipers?" So they may engage in video games (feel respected being one of the top ten high scores), or pornography, or TV, or watch sports. If the team you are rooting for wins, you feel respected and exalted.

5. Frustration is most common for perfectionists, because "theres something not being done according to my standard." A crooked picture on the wall bothers you, because its not hanging on the wall according to your standards. You feel that you need to grow and perfect yourself, but doing routine things can get you frustrated, since you feel youre wasting your time and not improving or learning.

6. Regret means, "Man, I messed it up" (I missed that last shot € therefore, no respect, or not liked anymore, or not loved, or not meeting my standard to make every shot).

7. Conflict means, "Somebodys not liking me" or "Somebodys not respecting me," or "Somebodys not lovingme or accepting me," or "Im not learning," or "Its not going according to the way I want."

b. So emotion indicates your love. You get upset when you want something but dont get it. But your emotions surge the most in your categories. You dont get emotional about other categories. You get upset and emotional about your major and minor desires, but not about the other two desires.

c. Weve talked about the two layers in each category, and weve talked about emotions. And now

3. MAJOR AND MINOR DESIRESa. MAJOR: What I want all the time in my life. This will

never change. Your sinful nature shows dominantly through your major desire.

b. MINOR: The method you use to get your major.1. For example, if youre a respect-me person who has a

perfectionist minor, you would only be meticulous and perfectionist (would want to improve yourself) about what will contribute to your respect. Such people with perfectionist minors, who have studies as way to get respect, would be meticulous and

perfectionist about studies, but only about studies, because that gets them respect. However, if youre a perfectionist major, then youd be perfectionist about a myriad of other things. But if youre just perfectionist about a few things (like playing music or studying, because those two things get you respect), then youre a respect-me major and a perfectionist minor. Again, your minor is the method you use to get your major. Youd be using your perfectionism in studying and music to get your major desire for respect.

2. Minors can change during your life. You need to know what is your present minor, depending on your situation and life. Major is always consistent. It is what you want at the core of your heart. Your minor is whatever you use now to get your major. The change does not occur everyday but minors can change indifferent phases of your life. This may sound confusing, but it is so helpful if you master this idea.

B. THE THEOLOGICAL BASIS BEHIND ALL OF THIS1. The Theological Basis for Emotions:

a. Notice a phrase like "Rejoice in the Lord." It is a command to feel something! But how can we suddenly change our feeling and start to rejoice? How can you change a feeling? Yet it says that we are to rejoice in the Lord! Theres something about what you presently can do to change your emotions!

b. Look at how much emotion language is found in Genesis 3:6-7, "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree wasgood for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it." Look how much emotion language is used: good,pleasing, desirable, etc. Whatever we love, or whatever we want, if something gives it to us, we rejoice in it. Emotion indicates what we love, so the Bible exhorts us, "Rejoice in the Lord!" compared to "Rejoice in the [blank]! € [whatever can give you your desire for respect, popularity, love, perfection]. Stop getting emotional about these idolatrous things (your major desire achieved through

potential idols like basketball, pornography, opposite gender, etc.) which are illegitimate passions. But "Rejoice in the Lord!" The Lord is commanding us tostop loving what we love, for they are garbage and cheap substitutes. Instead, let the LORD be at the CENTER OF YOUR HEART! "Rejoice in the Lord!" Truly change what you love and then your emotions will change.

c. How can I change what I love? Heres a couple of ways:1. Abstinence from what gives you those things - get

away from your idols! As you do, itll change your emotions. Thats why we fast during Lent, etc. Also.

2. Repentance. This is not just saying "Sorry, I committed a sin. I stole something, I hit somebody, I got angry, I had sexual lust, I had lust for things, etc." Its not just that, but repentance is talking about that desire change. Its saying, "Lord, help me to change what I love. Lord, change it." Thats what repentance is. What is the means of grace that God has given us to induce repentance in our hearts? The privilege to feed on the Word of God, and praying that the Spirit of God would use the Word to change our desire then our lives will change! As we meditate and delight, then the surgeons scalpel of the Word of God will be that double-edged sword that divides our hearts and minds and desires, joints and marrow, intentions and motives within our hearts (Hebrews 4:12). The Surgeon (the Holy Spirit) uses the scalpel (Gods Word and prayer) to cut away the evil desires within and leave the Holy Spirit desire to love God. When that happens, our emotions will change. So "Rejoice in the Lord!" means: LOVE GOD, then your emotions will surround what you love.

2. The Theological Basis of Major & Minor Desiresa. Major desire is what we really want in our lives and minor

desire is the method we use to get our major desire. The major desire is the dominant expression of our sinful nature. We are born with a sinful nature, and when we are born again (become a Christian), God gives us a rival desire (good, Holy Spirit desire). The two desires exist together, but the Holy Spirits desire is more dominant and

will overcome the sinful desires. Our sinful desires will linger until Christ comes, but were going to overcome. The tension between the evil desire that wants to glorify ourselves, and this good desire that wants to glorify Christ is very real. In Genesis 3:5, it says, ""For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."" It says, "You will be like God." Your desire is to be like God. Indeed, our desire is to be God, and to dethrone him.

1. Respect-me: Like God who deserves worship, you want worship.

2. Popularity: Like God whose name should be spread, you want to make a name for yourself. Your gospel is "I want to make sure everyone likes me, one heart at a time." But it is the Gospel of Christ that we should pray would go into peoples souls, one heart at a time. You have more passion for people to like you or one person to not dislike you than they accept Christ. If one person doesnt accept Christ, we should have a burden and some sleepless nights. But for example, if Angelo is a popularity person, then he has the gospel of Angelo. If one person doesnt like him, he has a heavy burden, and gets sleepless nights and wet pillows. The next day, he does everything to get that one person to like him. Do you have that kind of burden for the gospel of Jesus Christ?

3. Love-me: You want those chosen ones to love you with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength, just like God should be loved with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. Maximum genuine love is your goal.

4. Perfectionists: Just as God is to be perfect, you want to be perfect. We are to live according to Gods standards, but you want to live, and you want everyone else to live, according to your standards. Therefore, you are critical, and judgmental. You are living to please your own eyes, rather than to please the eyes of God.

5. All of these are idolatrous desires that the Bible talks about.

b. Minor desires indicate our relationship to the idols. Idols are what feed our major desires. Next, we relate to our idols through our minors. We will use our idols to get what we want, so they control us. They are like drug dealers. We get the drug of our selfish motives met through our idols.

c. Major and minor tendencies1. One example: Lets say that a respect-me person is

infatuated with a girl, then he has a love-me minor, because his idol is the girl, and he wants to be loved by her. When hes loved by her, he feels respected, which is his major desire. He falls in love with someone who will contribute to his respect. She cannot be any Joe walking down the street (sorry, actually, "any Mary walking down the street"). But it has to be someone who contributes to his respect. So if there are two girls, and one will contribute more to his respect (whether she herself respects him more, or people will respect him more when hes walking with her), then whoever will contribute more to his respect, he will be attracted to her more. However, when he is not in love with anyone else, then he likes to be liked by a lot of girls. Now the minor has been changed to like-me, not love-me, because that one special person is not presently in his life. But when that person falls in love with that special one person, it changes to love-me. You are always looking for maximum major desire fulfillment. For lots of guys with lust problems, when you really have relationship with that one special girl, you have less problems with pornography and lustful thoughts, because the love-me relationship gives you maximum respect. Isnt that true? Now if you dont have anyone, then you have more problems with lustful thoughts to different people, pictures, and pornography. Why? Because as we described in the "Heart of Lust" sermon, physical lust is acutely related to relational lust and heart motives. Minors can change to what gives maximum desire to the major .

2. Another example: failure layer popularity with perfectionist minor. Think of a girl. In whatever she does, it is to cover herself, so that she would not to be disliked. She doesnt want to be disliked. So what does she do? She always does things! Thats her covering. She really feels like shes not likeable. So whenever somebody looks at her, she feels uncomfortable. She feels she has to do something. Thats her covering so she wont be disliked. Her major desire is to be liked by not being disliked. Now when she marries someone, her minor changes from perfectionism to love-me. "Because he loves me, when I walk with him, hes my covering." Her perfectionist tendency will decrease, because her minor has now changed from perfectionismto love-me. Because hes walking with her, she feels covered and thinks that nobody will dislike her now. People will see him instead of her, because he is perhaps number one. Her major tendency, which is still, "Im not disliked by anyone" is met. You see, through our minor desires we have relationships with our idols.

d. I was watching this sad, sad movie on TV Sunday night. Usually I am dead tired on Sunday night, and five minutes into a show Ill be asleep. But this movie was so sad and interesting. I was watching it almost in tears. The movie was Leaving Las Vegas. A guy, played by Nicolas Cage, wants to drink himself to death. His idol is alcohol. Nothing comes between him and his alcohol. Whats his major heart motive? I dont know. Lets imagine that it was respect. Whenever he feels empty, at least he doesnt want to be disrespected, so he drinks. His drinking may be equivalent to respect. Hes lonely or disrespected, so he drinks. He goes to Las Vegas for a month and he wants to drink himself to death. In the midst of this process, he meets a prostitute, who absolutely falls in love with him. Shes a love-me person (no doubt about that). And she just somehow feeds his heart motive. She falls in love with him, yet she knows hes gonna drink himself to death. She asks him to move in with her, but he says "You can never ask me to give up my drinking." She agrees because to her, he

was her idol; but to him, alcohol was his idol. In fact, she was a distant second. Whenever she gets in between him and his alcohol, he goes away and leaves her. But she cant get rid of him, because he is her idol. At the end, he dies. It was so sad Do you see? Everyone living in this world is like that! PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR CHEAP SUBSTITUTES and IDOLS THAT WILL GIVE THEM NOTHING AT THE END. Im looking at these two tragic figures in the movie and tears are falling down my face and my heart is being ripped apart as I ask the question, "HOW MANY GUYS AND GIRLS HAVE CHEAP SUBSTITUTES THAT REPLACES GOD IN THEIR HEARTS?!! OH, PEOPLE NEED THE LORD!"

e. Im thinking about Ed Hsiao and Im so happy and so thankful. The parents are so thankful for the love that you all have shown. They said as they were leaving, "Weve seen many Jesuss in this church." Im so thankful for many of you loving him and visiting him at the hospital. So many of you came and shared your love. Im just so thankful. Death is coming for every one of us one day, but we are so busy chasing after idols in our hearts. Everyone of us is doing this. You know how many times I talk to non-Christians about these things. They are so amazed. Nothing describes someone like this. It works on everyone. THERE ARE IDOLS IN PEOPLES HEARTS, AND THEY WANT SOMETHING. GOD HAS TO BE THERE IN THEIR HEARTS. JESUS CHRIST. ONLY JESUS. Only Jesus

3. The Theological Basis of the Two Layersa. When we talk about failure level and success layer, you

may wonder if its in the Bible. Is it Biblical? Yes.1. Failure layer: Genesis 3:12, "The man said, "The

woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."" When God comes to the man, who is the leader, Adam blames the woman. Its like when a set of piercing eyes look at you when you do something wrong, you want to look away. A sinful heart must hide that. We must cover up our sin. The symbol of that was both Adam and Eve were hiding their naked bodies by covering themselves. Adam was blaming. Whats he doing?

Hes hiding his sinful heart. "The woman you put here with me, she gave me some fruit and I ate it." At that moment, he has no love for his wife, but love for himself. He covered himself by blaming. We see Adams desire to cover himself.

2. Success layer: Genesis 3:16, "To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."" This means that the wife will have desire to control her husband so she can get what she wants, but "he will rule over you", meaning: "You will try to get what you want from him, but he will try to get what he wants from you." This is so selfish, yet is this not the cause of every marriage problem, or roommate problem, or friendship problem? We can see here in Genesis both our desire to cover, and our desire to exalt ourselves because of selfishness. So when youre in the success layer, your desire is to exalt yourself. If you are in thefailure layer, thats your desire to cover yourself.

3. When Adam says, "the woman you gave me." hes afraid of Gods piercing eyes looking at him. Sometimes we feel that from people. We feel that we need to cover up from people. You know what? Thats just a glimpse of the image of God implanted in other people and so you are in fear of God! So you cover yourself. You are receiving a glimpse of a picture of Judgment Day. Everyone will face the Judgment of God. So when you cover yourself from others, thats your desire to cover yourself on Judgment day.

4. Those of you who are in the success layer to exalt yourself, this is how it works. You are using people (from whom you want to be exalted) as your vulnerable prey. We want to use them to get what we want. We either want to be covered from people, or we want to be exalted by people. When we want to cover, its our desire to run from God. When we want to exalt, its our desire to want to be

God. Maximum exaltation is always our goal. So when people have no chance of failure in the failure area, now they want to be respected, liked, loved, and perfect. Initially, even the failure layer people, if they cover themselves, are not happy. Covering is not enough, because ultimately we all want maximum exaltation, which ultimately is to be "like God." So initially you might have a desire to cover yourself, but when youre successful in covering, then your desire will change to exalt yourself. Thats why we switch on and off in different times.

C. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS:1. Love God With All Your Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength;

and Love People Like You Love Yourself.a. These three things: emotions, major & minor, two layers.

Its all about loving yourself. I must realize, "ALL I DO IS TO LOVE MYSELF!" We must repent of the desire to love ourselves, to worship myself, to spread my name, to be loved like God, or to meet my standard. Instead, I should love God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength!Repent of this desire and do not feed this desire! Dont cover yourself with these things, but let yourself be covered with the blood of Christ. Rather than being God, you must be a child of God, and a servant of God. Rather than covering yourself with idols, ask God to cover you with the blood of Christ.

2. Change the Fruit in Relation to Peoplea. As we love God, we need to love people. Act

Biblically. Dont manipulate things to get what you want. Check when youre angry or hurt. Repent of your evil desire and love people, rather than using them to be respected, loved, liked, and perfect.

3. Feed Your Soul With the Word and Prayera. Abstain from idols and be strengthened with the Word and

prayer.b. Proof: Do you love God and his people? What is your

desire? Check your spiritual desire right now? Do I love God and have a heart for people? What is my desire? Check your spiritual life! What is your desire and emotion? Angry, upset, unhappy? Am I most excited about loving God and loving His people or about exalting myself?

III. ConclusionA. When do you get most emotional? When you are disrespected?

Disliked? Unaccepted? Unloved? Are you frustrated when your standards are not met? When do you get most emotional? Do you have as much heart for the lost souls, and for brothers/sisters in Christ? Do you have a heart for the expansion of the kingdom of God? Do you have a heart for that sick person in small group? What is it that gets you emotional?

B. REJOICE IN THE LORD, SAINTS OF GOD! WHAT ARE WE LIVING FOR IN THIS WORLD? People in this world are living for cheap substitutes in their fatal desires. Its like salt in the ocean water. It just gives them more thirst. People are drinking from the ocean of sin and its just killing them. Saltwater of sin offers a counterfeit relief, and ultimately kills. They need to change from the ocean of sin thats killing them to the ocean of Gods love. If you are thirsty for the love of God, drink Gods grace and mercy. It makes you come alive. You become a person who is alive, who loves God, and who loves others. We need to love people, to be more passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ than the gospel of our name. So many people need the ocean of Gods love to love God and love others. Lets pray and repent, so we can be the people of God, not idolaters. Lets pray that God will change our desires and our behaviors to represent him and his glory alone.

Suggested Closing Songs:You Are WhyYour KindnessI Give You My HeartI Could Sing of Your Love ForeverLet Everything that Has BreathTestify To Love


