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ADDRESS, TELEPHONE & E-MAIL:Phone: 0041-76 47 333 58 (mobile); 0041-22 917 5877 (Office)E-mails: [email protected] Homepages:


DATE OF BIRTH: 26th of March 1973 SEX: M.CITIZENSHIPS: Danish/Congolese (DRC).

DOCTORAL STUDIES: Imperial College London & University of London1

Oct. 2004 – Sept. 2010: PhD-student at Centre for Development and Poverty Reduction / Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, London.

July 2009 – June 2010: Visitor at The Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Department of Economics, the Social Sciences Division at Oxford University.

July 2007- Dec. 2008: Unregistered PhD exchange student at ENSAE/CREST, Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech), the IDEA League .

Sept. 2007-2008: CREST Laboratory of Microeconometrics (ENSAE ParisTech). Term Three May 2007: Transport Investment Appraisal, Institute for Transport Studies, University

of Leeds with Professor Mark Wardman; Professor Nigel Smith; Professor Chris Nash; Professor Peter Mackie; and Dr.John Nellhorp.

Term Three June 2006: International Trade & Economic Development Exploring the LinkagesUniversity of Copenhagen, Department of Economics with Professors: Philip C. Abbott; Tom Hertel; Alan Winters; Finn Tarp.

Term One & Two 2005/2006: Time Series Econometrics at Department of Economics, University College London, with Dr. Jerzy Szroeter and Mr. Le-Yu Chen: MECT 1& 2 Econometrics, Mphil/PhD programme organised by Professors Andrew Chesher, Richard Blundell & Dr. Simon Lee, Department of Economics, University College London.

Term Three 2004/2005: Carried out almost 3 months of PhD Field research in the Eastern Province of Zambia: Managed a team consisting of three enumerators and a translator & driver; administered a Rural Households survey (i.e. a Living Standards Measurement Study) in two rural districts; administered a Business Survey in two district centres; and carried out a long series of in-depth interviews with key informants (>60) in Lusaka, Chipata and Lundazi.

Term Two 2004/2005: Microeconometrics at Department of Economics, University College London, with Professor Hidehiko Ichimura and Dr.Monica Costa Dias.Socio-Economics of Rural Livelihoods with Dr.Andrew Dorward.

Term One 2004/2005: Rural Development; and Agricultural Trade & Policy with Professor Jonathan Kydd, Socio-Economic Research Methods in Rural Development with Dr.Andrew Dorward, Imperial College London at Wye.

THESIS TITLE: An Enquiry into the Causes and Nature of the Transmission Mechanisms between Labour-Based Rural Roads, Sustainable Growth, and Agricultural Trade in Zambia’s Eastern Province.

COMPLETION DATE: September 2010. VIVA DATE: 7th of January 2011.CORRECTIONS Accepted: 27th of April 2011.

PhD Viva Committee: Professor Peter Hazell; Professor Bhavani Shankar ; Professor Colin Thirtle.

1 Consistently rated in the top three UK university institutions and in the top 10 worldwide (ranked 5th in the world by the Times Higher Education Supplement in 2009), Imperial College London is a world leading science-based university. On Wednesday 1st August 2007 the University of London postgraduate programmes formerly taught by Imperial College London joined School of Oriental and African Studies' (SOAS') Department of Financial and Management Studies: SOAS is one of the six Bloomsbury Colleges of the University of London, which on the 22nd April 2008 officially launched 'The London International Development Centre (LIDC)' thereby establishing the largest and most multidisciplinary academic grouping on development issues in the UK.


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THESIS ADVISORS AND REFERENCES:Professor Dr. Colin Thirtle (Main Advisor) Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College LondonSouth Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZTel: +44 (0)20 7594 9337E-mail: [email protected]

Lecturer Dr. Salvatore Di Falco (Econometrics Advisor)London School of Economics – Geography andEnvironment Department. E-mail: [email protected]:

PRE-DOCTORAL STUDIES:2004: Certificate in Globalization and Living Standards from Pompeu Fabra (CREI), Summer

School, ES. Certificate in Economic Growth & Income Distribution from Pompeu Fabra (CREI),

Summer School, ES. Certificate in Advanced Econometrics from London School of Economics, Summer

School, UK. (1997-1999): M.Sc. in Economics (Upper Second), University of Copenhagen, Denmark.2

2000: Certificate from United Nations Graduate Study Programme, Geneva, Switzerland.1999-2000: Centre for Development Research (today Danish Institute of International Studies),

Copenhagen, Denmark. 2000: Visiting Research Student, Centre for International Economic Research, Havana,

Cuba.1999: Diploma in (Managerial) Finance and (Capital Markets) Investments Theory from

Harvard University, Summer School, USA. B.Sc. Degree in Economics, from the Institute of Economics, University of

Copenhagen.1996: Diploma in Economics of Natural Resources and Environment, Cultural University

of Copenhagen, Denmark.1995: Diploma in the Model United Nations in Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 1992-1993: Diploma & Certificate in French Civilisation from Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), France.

AREAS OF EXPERTISE / RESEARCH INTERESTS / KNOWLEDGE STRENGTHS:Primary Fields: (Transport Infrastructure / Social Impact) Investment Appraisal; Innovative Project

Finance and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); Project Preparation/Design; Policy & Project Impact Evaluation; International Finance (FDI & FPI); Investment Analysis; and Emerging / Frontier Markets; Diaspora Finance/Investment.

Secondary Fields: Regional Integration; Trade-Related Infrastructure Development (AfT); Trade/Transport Facilitation (AfT); Trade in Services (GATS); Trade & Employment; GTAP Model; Gravity Models; and Growth (Determinants including TVET; Entrepreneurship / Innovation and Productivity; Microfinance); Applied (Micro-) Econometrics (using STATA, SPSS and E-views).

PROFILE DESCRIPTION:Besides embodying all the above listed knowledge areas and specific technical skills, having e.g. worked on cross-cutting topics such as ‘Regional Integration’; I also possess the ability to work across (sectoral- / regional department) silos, to bring in outside expertise as needed and to be a strong task manager who can deliver and perform within tight deadlines and complex working environments. In other words, I consider myself as an ‘Integrator’ possessing a holistic view of my fields through my generalist and specialist skills as well as my ability to blend these skills together with versatile skills such as interpersonal skills, empathy; motivation; curiosity; innovation; and proactivity.

2 In a research ranking of European Economics Departments, Copenhagen was ranked as number 15 out of 148 departments. The Ranking is based on publications in top journals in the period 1997-2002. The survey is published in the European Economic Review 49 (2005) page 251-277.


Professor Andrew Dorward (Progress Peer Reviewer)The Centre for Development, Environment and Policy, SOAS, University of London.Thornhaugh Street, London, WC1H 0XG, UK.E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: ++44 (0)20 7594 2679.

Dean, Professor Jonathan Kydd (Advisor)External System, University of London, Stewart House 32, Russell Square, London WC1B 5DN, UK.E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: ++44 (0) 20 759 42697 or 862 8294.

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AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS:March 2015 – May 2015: Academic Visitor, Graduate Institute of International and Development

Studies (IHEID), Centre for Finance & Development, SwitzerlandJuly 2014 – July 2015: Awarded funding - UA60,000 [US$91,800] - from the Korea Africa

Economic Cooperation (KOAFEC) Trust Fund at the AfDB for the design of the International Infrastructure Support System (IISS) (Submitted jointly by ONRI.1 and ICA). Theme: To Facilitate Infrastructure Project Preparation and Financing.

June 2011 – August 2012: Visiting Research Fellow, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), International Economics Department, Geneva, Switzerland.

July 2009 – July 2010: Academic Visitor, Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Economics Department, University of Oxford, UK.

July 2007 – Dec 2008: Visiting PhD Researcher, ENSAE-CREST (Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics), ParisTech (Paris Institute of Technology),3 France. Admitted at the Fondation Danoise at Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP).

Dec 1999 – March 2000: The Travel Fund Award for Master's Students at the University of Copenhagen, Visiting M.Sc.-student at Centre for International Economics, University of Havana, Cuba.

COMPUTER SKILLS:Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Scientific Word, Outlook Express; STATA, SPSS, E-Views, SAS, Endnote, IBM Lotus Notes 8.5, Groupewise; MATLAB; MapInfo; GPS software (PhD fieldwork); DIVA-GIS 5.2; ArcView; ADePT 4.0; Replicon (Time Management web time sheet tool); ISIP (Project Management tool); Dropbox; SAP Logon for Windows; Polycom Real Presence Desktop; Mozilla firefox; Cisco System VPN Client; Skype; Baobab AfDB’s Collaborative workspace (Sharedrive); Lync 2013 (to make a call or join a conference); ISIS-RDV; Umoja UN employee and manager self-service.

LANGUAGES:Native: Danish (Swedish & Norwegian)Fluent (Spoken and Written) English and FrenchBasic (Spoken and Written) German and Spanish

CURRENT POSITIONS:May 2015 – on-going: Senior Economic Affairs Officer, P4 Step VI (ST staff position), Least

Developed Countries Section, Research & Policy Analysis Branch, Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes, UNCTAD.

RELEVANT POSITIONS HELD:June 2013 – May 2015: Chief Regional Integration & Infrastructure Officer, NEPAD & Regional

Infrastructure Division (ONRI.1), African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia until 16th of December 2014 and Abidjan from 12th of January 2015.

Oct. 2012 – June 2013: Chief Regional Integration & Trade Officer, Regional Integration and Trade Division (ONRI.2), African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia.

June 2010 – Sept. 2012: Senior Research Officer, International Economic Development Group (IEDG); Trade, Investment and Growth programme, ODI, London, UK.

June 2011 – Sept. 2012: ODI Geneva Main Representative to the United Nations (ECOSOC Special Consultative Status), Geneva, Switzerland.

Jan. 2009 – March 2009: Consultant, Africa Section, Policy Analysis and Research Branch, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes, UNCTAD. Switzerland.

July 2007 – Dec. 2008: Research Associate (Economist & Policy Analyst), African Economic Outlook, Africa Desk, Development Centre, OECD, Paris. France.

May 2006 – June 2007: Economist, Department of Economics and Financial Analysis, COWI A/S.4

3 Paristech is one of the original scientific institutes of the system of Grandes Écoles in France.4 COWI is a leading international consulting group with 6000 employees placed in companies and offices in 35 countries, which work worldwide (in 175 countries) within engineering, environmental science and economics (including engineers, biologists, geologists, economists, surveyors, anthropologists, sociologists).


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May – July 2005: Research Assistant (Transport Economist), Transport and Infrastructure Development Section of the Transport Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

March – May 2005: Research Assistant, Economic Statistics Methodology Section, Statistical Division, UNECE, Geneva, Switzerland.

Sept. 2003 – Sept. 2004: Programme Officer (Associate Expert / P2), International Labour Organization (ILO), Lusaka Office, Zambia.

Oct. 2002 – Sept. 2003: Junior Economist (P2) at the World Employment Report team,Employment Strategy Department, International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva. Switzerland.

Oct. 2001 – Sept. 2002: Consultant at the International Policy Group, Secretariat of the Working Party on Social Dimensions of Globalisation, ILO, Switzerland.

April 2001 – Sept. 2001: External Collaborator/Consultant at the Social Finance Programme, Employment Sector, ILO, Geneva, Switzerland.

Sept. 2000 – Dec. 2000: Intern, Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch, Division on Globalisation and Development Strategies, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland.

Sept. 1999 – Dec. 1999: Intern at the Office of Finances, The Danish Emergency Management Agency, Ministry of Interior, Denmark.

April 1999 - June 1999: Intern at the Office of Finances, The Danish Emergency Management Agency, Ministry of Interior, Denmark.

1995-1998: Part-time Substitute Teacher in Math and Science, Lower-secondary level, at different General Education Schools in Municipality of Brøndby , Copenhagen, Denmark.

1994-1998: Part-time Student Politics occupying various functions at different levels: University of Copenhagen (Moderate Studenter); National Student Union (Lands Sammenslutningen af Moderate Studenter); Erasmus Student Network (ESN)-Copenhagen; ; and the European Students' Forum (AEGEE) which is one of Europe's largest cross-faculty student organisations.

RELATED PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS AND ACTIVITIES:August 2012 - Member of Editorial Board of African Journal of Economic Review

(AJER). Nov 2014 – May 2015 Member of AfDB/IDEV’s Stakeholder Reference Group for the Assessment

of ‘How Does the African Development Bank Fare in Responding to the Regional Integration Imperative?’

Nov 2014 – May 2015 Member of the AfDB/ECON’s Knowledge Management Strategy team.May 2014 – May 2015 AfDB’s focal point on International Infrastructure Support System (IISS)

and Member of the Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF’s) Advisory Committee.

May 2014 – May 2015 Member of the Task Team on Regional Operations Prioritization for African Development Fund (ADF) -XIII.

Dec 2013 – May 2015 Member of the AfDB’s (OWAS-OSHD-EDRE-IDEV-ONRI) Impact Evaluation Reference Group.

Feb 2013 – May 2015 Referee for African Development Review, African Development Bank. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK.

March 2013 – May 2015 AfDB/ONRI focal point for capacity development and knowledge management issues in ONRI Department. Peer Reviewer of AfDB’s new Knowledge Management Strategy 2014-18: ‘Knowledge Solutions for Africa’s Transformation.’

Oct 2012 – June 2013 Member of the Editorial Board of NEPAD, Regional Integration and Trade Department’s ‘Regional Integration Policy Paper’ series (RIPP).

April 2012 – Aug. 2013 Member of Rural Transport Services Indicator: Consultative Group, IFRTD-AFCAP Project Rural Transport Services Indicators.

June 2011 – April 2012 Member of Project Advisory Committee of CUTS (Consumer Unity & Trust Society) International’s “Fostering Equitable Agricultural Development (FEAD)” project.

PROJECT PREPARATION ACTIVITIES:2014-2015: Mtwara Development Corridor Project: Identification/Follow-up Missions

undertaken to Governments of Zambia; Malawi and Tanzania. UA150 Mn.


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2012-2013: Tripartite Capacity Building Programme: Identification; Preparation and Appraisal Missions undertaken to SADC; EAC and COMESA: US$7.5 Mn.


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SELECTED PRESENTATIONS:2016: Presentation of “The Quest to Lower High Remittance Costs to Africa: A Brief

Review of the Use of Mobile Banking and Bitcoins” Brown Bag series, CFD – IHEID MAISON DE LA PAIX, Geneva, 10 March 2016

2016: Presentation of “ From Billions to Trillions to Action: How to finance the SDGs - The Role of the Diaspora Finance ,” UNCTAD, Geneva, 16 Feb.

2016: Presentation of the UNCTAD Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies, UN House, Laos, 12 Feb. (via skype).

2015: Presentation of ‘Mettre à profit les envois de fonds et les compétences des diasporas pour renforcer les capacités productives’, Africa21 Conférence: la diaspora africaine en Suisse: quelles dynamiques? Quel rôle pour le Programme de développement 2030 de l’ONU?, Jeudi 17 décembre, à l’OMM, Geneva.

2015: Presentation of the UNCTAD Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies, SARC, AfDB, Pretoria, South Africa, 26 Nov.

2015: Presentation of the UNCTAD Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies, SADC, Gaborone, Botswana, 26 Nov.

2015: Presentation of the UNCTAD Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies, IDC, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 Nov.

2015: Presentation of chapter 3 ‘Building Transformative Momentum through Rural Economic Diversification’ of the UNCTAD LDC Report 2015, Peer Review Meeting, Geneva, 22-23 June.

2015: Presentation of ‘The 2014 Africa Prosperity Report: African Middle Class, their values and characteristics’: Panel Discussion: Who are the Drivers of African Prosperity. Inaugural Africa Prosperity Summit, 20 May, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

2014: Presentation of ‘A Game Changing Approach to Infrastructure Financing. Partnering with the Private Sector for Results.’ Second Session. Transport Sector Management 50 years on: Focus on Financing. 6th Joint Transportation Sector Review. Capital Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi. 8 Dec.

2014: Presentation of ‘Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in Africa: The Role of the AfDB’. SESSION 3: Multilateral and regional trade facilitation negotiations and agreements: Ensuring coherence. Multi-year expert meeting on TRANSPORT, TRADE LOGISTICS AND TRADE FACILITATION, Second session. Geneva, Switzerland, Palais des Nations, Room XXVI, 2 July 2014.

2014: Presentation of “How and why does political economy analysis add value to AfDB programme and project interventions?” R04, EPI-B, AfDB, Tunis, 12 June, 2014.

2014: Presentation of ‘AfDB’s Ten Year Strategy, Africa Trade Fund, and new Regional Integration Strategy’ as part of WTO’s Regional Trade Policy training course’s professional visit to the AfDB. Room 308, ATR-B, AfDB, Tunis, 18 April, 2014.

2014: Presentation of ‘Commerce transfrontières Logistique & Développement des Corridors dans le contexte de l'intégration régionale’ as part of the ‘Facilitation des échanges’ session of the programme du cours régional de politique commerciale d’OMC, at “Ecole Superieure de Commerce" University of la Manouba, Tunis. 28 mars, 2014. Co-presented with with Augustin Karanga.

2013: Presentation of ADR 2013 ‘Chapter 8: Potential Contribution of AfDB’s 2009-2013 Operations to Regional Integration & Inclusive Growth?’ Experts’ Meeting to review the ADR 2013 & the RIS 2014-2023. Novotel, Jasmin Room, Tunis, 17 Dec.

2013: Presentation of ADR 2013 ‘Chapter 3: Institutions for inclusive regional integration.’Experts’ Meeting to review the ADR 2013 and the RIS 2014-2023. AfDB EPI B, Room 2, Tunis, Tunisia, 16 December, 2013.

2013: Presentation of ‘The Impact of a Feeder Road Project on Cash Crop Production in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002.’ CASE STUDY II: Public Investment and Infrastructure. 7th May 2013, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Measuring Inclusive Growth in Africa: Case studies.

2012: Presentation of ‘Lessons Learned from the Tripartite-Free Trade Area’ at Session 2: Lessons from other regional integration schemes in Africa Expert Group Meeting on Preferential Trade Agreements and Regional Integration in the Arab World, UNESCWA, Ramada Hotel, Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisia, 5 December, 2012.

2012: Presentation of ‘Infrastructure financing options’ with Professor Alice Sindzingre (CNRS/SOAS) at ICTSD, UNCDF and IHEID Workshop ‘How to Bridge the Infrastructure Financing Gap Through Innovative Public & Private Development Finance as a complement to the Global Aid-for-Trade Initiative’, IHEID, Geneva, 23 Nov, 2012.

2012: Presentation of ‘The role of the AfDB in the achievement of the AfT initiative’ at ICTSD, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, FERDI, ODI, SAWTEE, and the World Bank’s Workshop ‘Dialogue on the Future of Aid for Trade’, WTO, Geneva, 22 November, 2012.

2012: Presentation of ICL paper ‘The Rural Transport Infrastructure and Marketing Linkage within the Context of the sub-Regional Zambia-Malawi-Mozambique


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Growth Triangle’ at UK Africa Studies Association’s Bi-annual Conference, University of Leeds, 8 September 2012. ;

2012: Presentation of ODI paper ‘Impediments to Intra-Regional Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa’ at Potsdam Spring Dialogues 2012 ‘Trade: Potentials and Pitfalls for Regional Integration and Development in Africa’, Hotel Voltaire, Potsdam, 27 April 2012.

2012: Presentation at Economic Forum for Congolese in the European Union ‘Mobile Banking in DRC: Opportunities and constraints for the Diaspora and investors’, Brussels, 23 March 2012. In English: In French: Video of proceedings:

2012: Presentation of ‘The Impact of a Feeder Road Project on Cash Crop Production in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002’ at Session ID 18: Agriculture micro 3: Agricultural markets, CSAE Conference 2012: Economic Development in Africa, Oxford, 19 March.

2011: Presentation of ‘New ODI research on the effects of DFIs and its broad policy implications’ at a Workshop “Development Impact of Financial Cooperation” (CeALCI) Fundacion Carolina & Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID), Madrid, 8 Nov.

2011: Presentation of ‘What is the evidence of the impact of microfinance on the well-being of poor people?’ at a Public “Development Studies”, IHEID, Seminar ‘Microfinance - a flawed or a failed idea? 4 Nov., Geneva.

2011: Presentation of ‘The Impact of a Feeder Road Project on Cash Crop Production in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002: A Randomization Test’ at the Rigotnomics Brown Bag Lunch seminar series’, IHEID, 17 Oct., Geneva, Switzerland.

2011: Presentation of “Lessons for developing countries from experience with technical and vocational education and training”. UKFIET “Oxford” International Conference on Education and Development”. Skills for Work in Changing Macro-economic Environments 13th of Sept. 2011, Oxford, UK.

2011: Presentation of “Study on shock absorbing schemes in ACP countries – FLEX Study”. ACP Secretariat. 5th of April 2011, Brussels, Belgium.

2011: Presentation of PhD thesis: Key Findings & Policy Implications. ODI. 26 January 2011. London, UK.

2010: Presentation of paper: New Issues in Infrastructure Financing. CPD & OECD Development Centre Event: The Dhaka International Dialogue on UNLDC IV. Sheraton Hotel. 25 November 2010. Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2010: Presentation of paper: The linkage between Agricultural Productivity and Rural Roads Improvements in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002. CSAE/Oxford University. 28th of April 2010, Oxford, England.

2009: Presentation of paper: Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction through Feeder Road Rehabilitation in Zambia's Eastern Province. Research Seminar – CSAE/Oxford University. 25th of November 2009, Oxford, England.

2009: Presentation of paper: Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction through Feeder Road Rehabilitation in Zambia's Eastern Province. Brown Bag Lunches - UNIGE/Graduate Institute: Séminaires "jeunes chercheurs." 18th of November 2009, Geneva, Switzerland.


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2009: Presentation of the 2009 theme on Services Trade at the UNCTAD Expert Meeting of the Economic Development in Africa Report 2009, 10th of February 2009, Geneva, Switzerland.

2008: Presentation of the AEO theme on Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa at Portuguese Embassy, 14th of November 2008, Praia, Cape Verde.,190644&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&p_noticia=361&p_tipo_noticia=I

2008: Presentation of DSA Conference paper at DSA’s 30th Annual Conference DEVELOPMENT’S INVISIBLE HANDS, Saturday 8th November 2008. Church House, Westminster, London.

2008: Presentation of AEO 2008/2009 Concept Note on Theme – Innovations in Telecommunication in Africa – at Kick-start Meeting, AfDB-OECD-UNECA Meeting, 9th of Sept. 2008, Tunis.

2008: Presentation of the AEO 2007/2008 theme on Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa at the International Roundtable on "The Changing World of Work-The Coming back of TVET on International Development Agenda”, 27-28 August 2008, Bonn, Germany.

2008: Presentation of the AEO 2007/2008 Morocco country note and AEO theme on Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa at Conference on “Morocco: Growth and Human Development,” 1 July, Council of Economic Analysis, Paris , France.

2008: Presentation of the AEO theme on Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa workshop at Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), 25th of June, London.

2008: Presentation of the AEO theme on Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa workshop at British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), 19th of June, London.

2008: Presentation of the AEO theme on Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa workshop at DFID, 19th of June, London.

2008: Presentation of the AEO theme on Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa workshop at Danida Development Days, 11th of June, Copenhagen.

2008: Presentation of PhD Conference paper at 6th Development Dialogue – Current Trends in Development Studies. Institute of Social Studies (ISS), 5-6th of June, Hague.

2008: Presentation of the AEO Overview Chapter (Macro part & thematic part) for members of the Club of Emerging Leaders for Africa (C.E.L.A), 4th of June, Paris.

2008: Presentation of the AEO 2007/2008 theme on Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa in collaboration with AUC-UNCTAD-Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies at “Africa Day” event organized at the ILO, 26th of May, Geneva.

2007: Presentation of the “AEO Project & AEO Overview Chapter” for Post Graduate Students from the Catholic University of Paris, at the OECD, Paris, December.

2007: Presentation of AEO 2007/08 Theme – Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa – at Kick-start Meeting, AfDB-OECD-UNECA Meeting, 11th of September 2007, Tunis.

2006: Presentation of conference paper ’Phased Approached to Transport Infrastructure Projects in Landlocked Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The cases of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan' at the 19th Session September 2006 of the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics, UNECE, 14th of December Geneva.

2006: ‘Literature Review and Methodology’ at Applied Economics and Business Management Seminar Series, Imperial College London, 11th of January 2006.


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2005: Presentation of Mphil transfer report and oral examination (viva) with Progress Review Panel, Imperial College London, 16th of December 2005.

2005: “Survey on Definitions and Measurement Issues in Selected Developing Countries.” Sub-Section in Chapter 13 of the Handbook on “on “Rural Household, Livelihood and Well-being” presented at the Joint ECE/Eurostat/FAO/OECD Meeting on Food and Agricultural Statistics Rome, 29th to 1st July 2005.

2005: “Measurement and Composition of Farm Household Wealth in Developing countries.” Sub-Section in Chapter 12 of the Handbook on “Rural Household, Livelihood and Well-being” presented at the Joint ECE/Eurostat/FAO/OECD Meeting on Food and Agricultural Statistics Rome, 29th to 1st July 2005.

2004: “Critical Issues in Policy Reform for Agriculture and Rural Poverty Reduction.” Paper jointly presented with working group as part of the Southland Exercise in Agricultural Trade & Policy and Rural Development class, Imperial College, University of London, December 2004.

2003: “Global Trends in Productivity and Competitiveness.” Paper presented at Zambia Institute of Marketing’s 7th Annual Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, December 2003.

2003: “What can be done to Stimulate Growth among SMEs?” Paper presented at Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) Workshop, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2003.

2001 – 2003: In charge of the ILO Youth Association’s Inter-Departmental Seminar Series (chairperson)

2002: Oral Examination (viva) of M.Sc. Thesis, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2002.1999: “M.Sc-thesis research outline” presented for the Research Group the Political

Economy of Globalization, Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen.1998: ”A partnership between the state and the market.” Paper presented at the Theory of

the State Seminar Series, the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen.1997: “The Myth about Progress.” Paper presented at Environmental Economics Seminar

Series, the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen.

Media Coverage:Positioning Africa as an emerging world economy through regional integration, trade and investment. Analytics for Results in Africa (AFR2). Fri 8th of Aug. 2014, Tunis.

IDC Dialogues: Promoting South-South Cooperation - Part 1 – Wed., 21 Nov 2012, Johannesburg.

Developing Country / Emerging Market Economy / Frontier Market Experience:America & Caribbean: Cuba.Africa: Mali, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Cameroun,

Morocco, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Côte d’Ivoire, (DRC) (18/54).

Middle East & Asia: Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Bangladesh, (Nepal).

TRAINING:1 Feb – 21 March 2016: Principles of Valuation: Risk and Return by University of Michigan, Ross

School of Business on Coursera with Professor Gautam Kaul.16 Nov – 13 Dec 2015: Financing for Development. MOOC, World Bank Group on Coursera.26 Oct – 23 Oct 2015: “Private Equity and Venture Capital by Università Bocconi on Coursera.

Certificate earned on December 3, 2015" with Prof. Stefano Caselli.21-22 September 2015: Economic Policies and Financial Markets Seminar with MIT Professor

Andrei Kirilenko at UNCTAD, Geneva.3-5 February 2015: Economic Growth course with Prof Zilibotti at UNCTAD, Geneva. 5-7 March 2014: Financing Africa Training Series: Operating environment (Policy

Environment – Demystifying the Credit Policy; Country Risk Assessment Principles & Applicability of the Risk Ratings); The AfDB’s Financial Instruments; and The Bank’s special funds prepared by AfDB’s Treasury Department and Financial Management Department. Tunis.

16-17 Jan. 2014: Advanced Training Course for AfDB staff with more experience in Value Chain methodologies, by Karina Fernandez-Stark and Penny Bamber both from Duke Center for Global Governance and Competitiveness. Tunis.

9-13 Dec. 2013: Training Course ‘ Impact Evaluation for Technical Specialists’ , by Paul J. Gertler (Berkeley) and Neil Rankin (Stellenbosch), Regency Hotel, Tunis.


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10-12 Sept. 2013: International Workshop on Standards of Financial and Economic Analysis, Regency Hotel, Tunis.

May 2013: Training course in AfDB’s new Activity Time Recording System (ATRS), Tunis.

11-14/03/2013: Orientation & Induction Programme for new AfDB Staff, Tunis.06/03/2013: Bank Wide Programme Processing Schedule (BPPS) Practical training

session by CIMM & OPSC, Tunis. 06-08/11/2012: Procurement Workshop for Effective Implementation of the 2012

Delegation of Authority Matrices. Procurement and Fiduciary Services Department, The African Development Bank, Tunis.

27/06/2012: GTAP Seminar: GTAP 8 Data Base. 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, WTO, CH.

Sept-Dec. 2011: Doctoral Seminar series: Trade Theory by Richard Baldwin (IHEID), CH.18/08/2011: Training Module 2: Introduction to the New Budgeting Process (ISIP), UK.17/06/2011: Training Module 3: Time Recording and Reporting (ISIP), ODI, UK.23/05/2011: Training Module 1: Contract and Resource Management (new project

management system developed by ISIP), ODI, UK.04/05/2010: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Workshop, Imperial College

London, UK.24/03/2010: Succeeding at Interviews. Imperial College London, UK.14/12/2009: Writing Effective Applications & CVs. Imperial College London, UK.03-04/12/2009: Your PhD: Finish Up and Move on Workshop. Imperial College London,

UK.26/11/2009: Stand and Deliver, Academic Training Programme, Imperial College

London, UK.15/10/2009: Workshop for Graduate Teaching Assistants – Teaching & Demonstrating

and Examinations & Assessments. Academic Training Programme, Imperial College London, UK.

11/12/2008: Developing Management Skills, OECD, Paris, France.30/09/2008: EXCEL course: Graphs, OECD, Paris, France.17-18/04/2008: Writing Speeches & Presentations, OECD, Paris, France.03-04/04/2008: Writing and Publishing, OECD, Paris, France.13/03/2008: Managing your own performance, OECD, Paris, France.22-24/05/2007: Project Management in Practice course, COWI A/S, Copenhagen, DK.March 2007: Project Economy Course, COWI A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.January 2007 EXCEL Course: The 10 commandments - How to avoid calculation

mistakes, COWI A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.September 2006: Internal Knowledge Sharing Seminar Series, COWI A/S, Copenhagen,

Denmark.August 2006: New Employee IT introductory course, COWI A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.Oct. 2005 – Jan. 2006: Research Design; Information Landscape Skills; Interview Practice with

Video; Information Retrieval; Problem Solving & Ideas; Introduction to Statistics Using SPSS. These courses were all part of the Academic Training Programme, Imperial College London, UK.

Nov.-Dec. 2004: Communication and Presentation Skills Workshop; Applied Writing Skills; Time Management; Information Skills: End Note and Reference Manager. These courses were all part of the Academic Training Programme, Imperial College London, UK.

June 2003: Individualised pre-departure programme for JPOs. Danida's Centre for Competence Development, Copenhagen, Denmark.

1989-1992: Niels Steensens Gymnasium [High-School], Copenhagen, Denmark. 1989: STS Language Schools, Eastbourne, UK.1979-1989: St. Paul’s School, Taastrup, Denmark.


Page 11:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB


Implementing PPPs in Africa: How to overcome the limitations of challenging enabling environments. Co-authored by THIBAUT MOURGUES (on-going). In Elsa de Morais Sarmento (ed.). Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in developing and emerging economies. Emerald Publisher.

PUBLICATIONS: 201699. Chapter 3: LDC International Support Measures. In the Least Developed Countries Report 2016:

Graduation from LDC Status. Lead-author.98. Rural Non-Farm Economic Statistics in a sample of LDCs. How to overcome the challenges. Policy

Brief. Co-author with Mauricio Pinzon.97. Least Developed Countries Report 2016. Post-LDC Graduation. Project Concept Note. Co-authored.96. Financing rural structural transformation in the Least Developed Countries UNCTAD/PRESS/PB/2016/2

Co-authored with Rolf Traeger. Policy Brief No. 46. February. UNCTAD/ALDC.201595. Overview. The Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies. Co-author.

Nov. UNCTAD. Geneva.94. Chapter 2: Agricultural Productivity: Developments, Determinants and Impacts. In the Least Developed

Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies. Co-authored with Rolf Traeger (lead author) and Mauricio Pinzon Latorre.

93. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Policy Implications. In The Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies. Co-author with David Woodward (lead author).

92. Chapter 3: Building Transformative Momentum: Rural Economic Diversification. In The Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies. Lead-author with Mauricio Pinzon Latorre, David Woodward and Rolf Traeger.

91. Chapter 4: Gender-based Patterns and Constraints in Rural Development. In The Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies. Co-authored with Simonetta Zarrilli and Irene Musselli (lead author).

90. Chapter 1: The Post-2015 Agenda and the Rural Development Imperative. In The Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural Economies. Co-authored with David Woodward (lead).

89. New Technology & the Quest to lower High Cost of Remittances to Africa. Co-authored with Ralph Maloumby. Centre for Finance & Development, IHEID. October 2015.Other versions:

IHEID updated version. March 2015.AfDB Economic Brief (forthcoming).

88. Steps in the Impact Evaluation of AfDB financed (rural) road projects. AfDB Evaluation Matters.87. Improving impact evaluation in development programs/projects. Co-authored with Elsa de Morais

Sarmento. AfDB Evaluation Matters.86. Bitcoins: A business solution to poverty that could help improve development outcomes in Africa

(mimeo). 85. The shift in the perception of Africa as seen through the prism of the Middle Class. Tutwa Consulting

Brief. May 14, 2015. 84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun

Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB. 201483. African middle class, their values and characteristics in Chapter 3 ‘Middle Class’ in 2012 Africa

Prosperity Report 2014. Legatum Institute. Co-authored with Novella Bottini and Solene Dengler.82. Hard and Soft Infrastructure Development in Africa. Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation

Agreement in Africa: The Role of the AfDB. Conference paper presented at UNCTAD’s Multi-year Expert Meeting on Transport, Trade Logistics and Trade Facilitation.

81. Africa's Rising Middle Class amid Plenty and Extreme Poverty Opinion. Original version (Academia)Other version(s):

Africa's Rising Middle Class amid Plenty and Extreme Poverty. ECDPM Working Paper No. 167. October.

201380. Chapter 4 – African Development Report: Infrastructure – the Hard and Soft Basis for Regional

Integration. Co-authored with Emelly Mutambatsere and Mtchera Johannes Chirwa.79. Chapter 8 – African Development Report. Co-authored with Ralf Krueger and Ilan Straus.78. The African Development Bank’s support to Inclusive Growth through regional integration

interventions. Background paper for – African Development Report. Co-authored with Brennan Hodkinson with inputs from AfDB’s OPEV.

77. Institutions for inclusive regional integration. Chapter 3 – African Development Report 2013. Co-authored with Trudi Hartzenberg and Gerhard Erasmus.Other version(s):

Institutions for inclusive regional integration. AfDB Working Paper Series (mimeo).


Page 12:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB

76. Political Economy of Regional Integration in Africa. Chapter 2 – African Development Report 2013. Co-authored with Bruce Byiers, Jan Van Heukelom, Quentin de Roquefeuil, and Kathleen Van Hove.Other version(s):

A Five Lenses Approach for Analysing the Political Economy of Regional Integration. ECDPM Discussion Paper No.178. May 2015.A Five Lenses Framework for Analyzing the Political Economy in Regional Integration. AfDB Africa Economic Brief. Chief Economist Complex | AEB Volume 6, Issue 3, 2015.

75. Chapter 1 – African Development Report 2013. Co-authored with Ralf Krueger and Ilan Straus.74. Towards successful deeper regional integration? The Role of the AfDB. GREAT Insights, Volume 2,

Issue 7. October 2013.73. Concept Note - African Development Report 2013: Leveraging Regional Integration for Inclusive and

Sustainable Growth in Africa. Co-authored with Ralf Krueger (task manager) Ilan Strauss et al. June. 72. Regional Integration & Trade competitiveness. Briefing Note for 2013-2017 African Development Bank

Group’s Governance Operational Framework and Action Plan (2013-2017). Co-authored with S. Ijeh.201271. A brief review of the role of development finance institutions in promoting jobs and productivity change.

Co-authored with Isabella Massa (lead author). Client: DFID.70. Logistics; Tourism; IT-BPO and Garments Value chains. Report and Reference Global Chain Analysis

on three sectors for the impact indicators framework. Co-authored with Jodie Keane and Alberto Lemma. Clients: UNCTAD/G20.

69. Aid – for – Trade and Infrastructure Development for Agriculture. Client: Gates Foundation . Other version(s):

Aid – for – Infrastructure and Agriculture. AfDB Working Paper Series (to be revised)68. TVET, skills training and youth employment. Co-authored with Jakob Engel. ODI (mimeo).67. TVET Scoping and Advisory Mission to Sierra Leone. Co-authored with Michel Carton. IGC Report.

Client: International Growth Centre . 66. The Linkage between Outcome Differences in Cotton Production and Rural Roads Improvements: A

Matching Approach. Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Working Paper No: 12/2012. Other version(s)

The Linkage between Outcome Differences in Cotton Production and Rural Roads Improvements: A Matching Approach. Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Working Paper No: 12/2012. The Open Access Publication Server of the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.

65. ‘Appui a l’organisation du Forum économique Congolais dans l’Union Européenne édition 2011 – Atelier pour discuter des opportunités de financement de projets de la Diaspora. Client: BizClim (UE-ACP)

64. Special Economic Zones, Jobs and Social Inclusion. Co-authored with Dirk Willem te Velde. Client: World Bank World Development Report 2013 Team . Other versions

Chapter 15 for Routledge Handbook of Industry and Development. Michel Tribe and John Weiss (eds.).

63. Regional Integration, Intra-African Trade and Services Sector Development. Co-authored with Dirk Willem te Velde. In “The next decade of EU trade policy: Confronting global challenges?”

62. Increasing the effectiveness of Aid for Trade: the circumstances under which it works best. Co-authored with Yurendra Basnett, Jakob Engel, Jane Kennan, Isabella Massa and Dirk Willem te Velde. ODI Working Paper.

61. Services trade and regional integration in sub-Saharan Africa: Options for continental collaboration. ILEAP Policy Brief intended for the 18th Ordinary Session of the Summit of the African Union (AU) from 23 to 30 January 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the theme: “Boosting Intra-African Trade”. January 2012.

201160. The role of Services in Trade diagnostics. Client: International Lawyers and Economists Against

Poverty (ILEAP) .

59. Scoping study on Services trade and regional integration in sub-Saharan Africa: Options for continental collaboration Clients: ILEAP & AUC.

58. Great Himalaya Trail Development Programme. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Expert(s). Client: SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation). (Incomplete).

57. IGC-Bank of Sierra Leone Book Chapter 8: "Lessons for Developing Countries from Experience with Technical and Vocational Education and Training and Some Lessons for Sierra Leone," in Omotunde Johnson (ed.). 'Economic Challenges and Policy Issues in Early 21st Century Sierra Leone'. MacMillan Publisher (December 2012). Client: International Growth Centre.


Page 13:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB

56. Progress-linked finance (PLF): A study of the feasibility and practicality of a proposed WASH financing approach. Co-authored with Nathaniel Mason, Josephine Tucker, and Michelle Kooy. August. Client: Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP).

55. Achieving pro-poor growth through investment in rural feeder roads: The role of impact evaluation. ODI Background Note. August.

54. Financing for Development: Innovative Development Finance Component. Inputs to Bill Gates’ G20 Summit Speech in Cannes. Co-authored with Jonathan Glennie and Pedro Martin Client: Gates Foundation.

53. Development at the G20: A Commonwealth role in facilitating, implementing and monitoring, with a focus on Commonwealth small states. Co-authored with Dirk Willem te Velde. Client: Commonwealth Secretariat and La Francophonie. June 2011.

52. The G20’s Development Working Group and Financial Inclusion: A Commonwealth Perspective. Co-authored with Isabella Massa and Dirk Willem te Velde. Client: Commonwealth Secretariat. May 2011.

51. Study on shock absorbing schemes in ACP countries – FLEX Study. Co-authored with Dirk Willem te Velde; Prof Stephany Griffith Jones; and Jane Kennan. Client: European Commission - DG Development. Unit C1: Aid Programming and Management .

50. Mapping the New Infrastructure Financing Landscape. ODI Background Note. April.

49. Reflections on a labour mobility agenda for LDCs. Co-authored with Massimiliano Cali. Client: Commonwealth Secretariat.

48. Zambia’s Eastern Province and Eastern Province Feeder Road Project. Chapter 3 of PhD Thesis (part of corrections). Imperial College, University of London.

201047. Literature review. Comparing Development Finance Institutions. Co-authored with Dirk Willem to

Velde and Isabella Massa. Client: DFID / CDC . 46. Lessons for Developing Countries from Experience with Technical and Vocational Education and

Training. IGC-SL Working Paper, 129 pp. Client: T he International Growth Centre . 45. The G20 and African growth. Co-authored with Peter Draper, Catherine Grant, and Dirk Willem te

Velde. SAIIA and ODI. October 2010. Client: One. 44. Review of the most recent literature on Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Input to DFID’s Wealth Creation

Agenda: Making British International Development Policy more focused on Boosting Economic Growth and Wealth Creation. 24th of August 2010. Client: DFID’ Growth and Investment Department

43. The Modus Operandi of the Investment-Trade Nexus. Conclusions and Policy Implications. Imperial College London (ICL) Working Paper, 2010b. Chapter 9 of PhD Thesis.

42. Theories of Economic Growth and Empirics of Growth: An Exposition and Assessment of the Macro-level Theoretical and Empirical foundations of the Dynamic Models of Production and Consumption Growth at the Micro-level. ICL Working Paper, 2010a. Chapter 2 of PhD Thesis.

200941. Poverty over Time in Zambia’s Eastern Province. ICL Working Paper, 2009e. Chapter 6 of PhD Thesis.

University of London.Other versions(s):

Poverty over Time in Zambia’s Eastern Province. MPRA Working Paper.40. “District level estimation of the Differences in Outcomes linked to the Production of the Main Cash

Crops of Rural Roads Improvements in Eastern Province.” ICL working paper, 2009b. Chapter 4 of PhD Thesis. University of London.Other version(s):

The Impact of a Feeder Road Project on Cash Crop Production in Zambia’s Eastern Province between 1997 and 2002. Co-authored with Salvatore di Falco. Working Paper Series 04, 2012, IHEID.

39. Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction through Feeder Road Rehabilitation in Chipata & Lundazi Districts of Zambia’s Eastern Province, 1996-2005. ICL Working paper, 2009c. Chapter 7 of PhD Thesis.Other version(s):

Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction through Feeder Road Rehabilitation in Chipata & Lundazi Districts of Zambia’s Eastern Province, 1996-2005. MPRA Working Paper.

38. “The Rural Transport Infrastructure and Marketing Linkage within the Context of the Sub-Regional Zambia-Malawi-Mozambique Growth Triangle.” ICL Working paper, 2009d. Chapter 8 of PhD Thesis.Other version(s):

“The Rural Transport Infrastructure and Marketing Linkage within the Context of the Sub-Regional Zambia-Malawi-Mozambique Growth Triangle.” 2012 ASAUK Conference Paper.

37. “Regional Analysis of Eastern Province Feeder Road Project. District level estimation of the Consumption / Poverty Alleviation Effects of Rural Roads Improvements in Eastern Province of Zambia." ICL Working paper, 2009a. Chapter 5 of PhD thesis


Page 14:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB Other version(s):

Regional Analysis of Eastern Province Feeder Road Project. District level estimation of the Poverty Alleviation Effects of Rural Roads Improvements in Zambia’s Eastern Province. Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Working Paper No: 10/2012.

36. Co-authored Chapter 1: Experience with regional integration in Africa, in UNCTAD Economic Development in Africa 2009: Strengthening Regional Economic Integration for Africa’s Development.

35. Co-authored Chapter 4: Emerging issues in regional trade integration in Africa, in UNCTAD Economic Development in Africa 2009: Strengthening Regional Economic Integration for Africa’s Development.

34. Co-authored Chapter 5: Strengthening Regional Integration in Africa: Some Policy Recommendations, in UNCTAD Economic Development in Africa 2009: Strengthening Regional Economic Integration for Africa’s Development.

200833. Co-authored thematic section – Information and Communications Technologies and Innovation in Africa

– of the African Economic Outlook Report 2008/2009 Based upon Concept Note and Mimeo.

32. Innovations in Telecommunication in Africa. Working Paper. Mimeo. OECD Development Centre. 31. Innovations and Telecommunication in Africa. Concept Note Prepared by OECD Development Centre

for the African Economic Outlook 2008/2009.30. Cape Verde – African Economic Outlook 2009 country note 29. Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa ;

pdfs/Abstract-DSA-Conference-Nov08.pdf 28. AEO 2008/2009 Background Paper on - Innovations in Telecommunication in Africa. September 2008.27. "Evaluating the Effects of Vocational Training in Africa," OECD Development Centre Policy Insights

61, OECD Publishing 26. Co-authored thematic section – Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa – of the African

Economic Outlook Report 2007/2008. 200725. Cape Verde – African Economic Outlook 2008 country note. 24. AEO 2007/2008 Background Paper on – Technical and Vocational Skills Development in Africa.

September, 2007.200623. “Phased Approach to Transport Infrastructure Developments - The cases of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.”

UNECE Informal Documents 18th session (15 - 16 September 2005) , Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5).

22. “An Enquiry into the Causes and Nature of the Transmission Mechanisms between Rural Road Labour-Intensive Transport Infrastructure Investment, Sustainable Pro-poor Rural Economic Growth, and Agricultural Trade. Policy Evaluation of the Investment-Trade Nexus.” Mphil/PhD Transfer Report, Centre for Development and Poverty Reduction / Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London. March 2006. 78 pages.

200521. Eastern Province Firm Survey. Questionnaire for Rural Feeder Road Users. August (Imperial College

London: CEP).20. Eastern Province Rural Household Survey. Questionnaire for Follow-up Survey. July-August (Imperial

College London: CEP).19. “Rural Household Questionnaire: Enumerator Instruction Manual.” August 2005. 52 pages.18. Chapter 13. Inventory of methodologies used: Agriculture income and wealth statistics. Co-authored

with Ms. Cristina Salvioni (University of Pescara, Italy), Jan Karlsson (UNECE), Berkeley Hill (Imperial College London, UK).

17. Chapter 5. Inventory of rural indicators by international organizations. Co-authored with Jan Karlsson (UNECE), Nwanze Okidegbe (World Bank) and Michael Goll (Eurostat).

16. Chapter 4. Inventory of national approaches to rural development statistics. Co-authored with Mr. Jan Karlsson (UNECE), Simone Pfuderer (UNECE), and Naman Keita (FAO).

15. Chapter 3. Conceptual framework. Co-authored with Jan Karlsson (UNECE), Naman Keita (FAO), Nwanze Okidegbe (World Bank) and Michael Goll (Eurostat).

14. Chapter 2. National and international rural development policies. Co-authored with Jan Karlsson (UNECE).

13. Annex 8. Household balance sheet [“Measurement and Composition of Farm Household Wealth in Developing Countries.” Background paper for the IWG.AGRI Task Force (Wye Expert Group)] “Handbook on Rural Household, Livelihood and Wellbeing. Statistics on Rural Development and Agricultural Household Income.”

12. Annex 9. Results of UNECE survey on methodologies used for measuring agriculture household income statistics in UNECE and OECD member countries [“Survey on Definitions and Measurement Issues in Selected Developing Countries.” Section XIII.2.2. in IWG.AGRI Task Force (Wye Expert Group)] “Handbook on Rural Household, Livelihood and Wellbeing. Statistics on Rural Development and Agricultural Household Income.”


Page 15:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB 200411. The Performance of the Zambian Microfinance Industry. A special focus on the members of the

Association of Microfinance Institutions in Zambia. ILO Working Paper (unpublished).10. Establishment of an equipment finance facility to enable local private contractors to access necessary

equipment for rehabilitation of feeder roads in Zambia. Mapping the Financial Landscape in Zambia. ILO Working Paper (mimeo)

9. “Current Practices in Labour Market Information Systems in Zambia” ILO Working Paper (mimeo).

20038. “Productivity Centres in the Southern African Development Community.” Background report for the

World Employment Report 2004-05, unpublished (Geneva, ILO, Employment Sector, Employment Trends Unit).

7. “Globalisation, the Four Social Pillars and Productivity Growth.” Background paper for the World Employment Report 2004-05, unpublished (Geneva, ILO, Employment Sector, Employment Trends Unit).

6. Concept paper: “World Employment Report 2004-05: Productivity Growth, Employment Creation and Poverty Reduction: What Makes it a Virtuous Spiral and Why Productivity Matters?” Co-authored with Dr.Marva E. Corley.

20025. “Employment Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Host Developing Countries: Survey and Trends,”

unpublished (Geneva, ILO, Policy Integration Department, International Policy Group).20014. “Reducing Foreign Debt and Achieving Sustained Growth with Debt for Jobs Swaps,” Not completed

(Geneva, ILO, Employment Sector, Social Finance Programme). Co-authored with Dr. Arne Klau (World Trade Organization: Trade Policies Review Division).

3. “A Comparative empirical analysis of the relationship between institutional change and the inflow of foreign direct investment into Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica,” Not completed (Geneva, UNCTAD, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch). Co-authored with Dr.Ali Kadry (UNCTAD’s Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch).

2. “Country Debt Review of Nepal.” Unpublished (Geneva, ILO, Employment Sector, Social Finance Programme).

1. ”The International Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment in the Cuban Mining Sector with a special focus on the Nickel Industry.” (M.Sc.-Dissertation, University of Copenhagen, Institute of Economics). 141 pages.

Other Works (e.g. Newspaper and Newsletter Articles):20153. Adapting Chinese solutions to Africa. PAGE 10 CHINA DAILY AFRICA WEEKLY JANUARY 16 -

22, 2015. Lessons from TVET Reforms in Africa and Asia. NORRAG News No.46. Towards a New Global World of

Skills Development? TVET’s Turn to Make its Mark. September.

1. The economic rationale for French support to foreign students [NORRAG News No.45: The new politics of overseas scholarships & awards? Old & new providers, East & West, North & South].

Before 20001998: ”The role of the state and the significance of the institutions. Comparative study of Taiwan and Ghana.”

[Extended essay in lieu of an examination in Advanced Development Theory]1997: ”Poverty Traps and Take-Off” [Extended essay in lieu of an examination in Growth Theory]1996: “Sustainable Development and the role of Tax Policy.” [B.Sc.-project]1995: “The Industrialisation of Germany; 1870-1914.” [2nd Year Project in Economic History]1994: “E.U. & the Maastricht Treaty.” [1st Year Project in Civics]1993: "Has the progress of the sciences and arts contributed to the corruption or to the improvement of human

conduct?" [Paris-Sorbonne Major Assignment]1992: The Reasons behind the Great Crash in 1929. [Last Year High-school Main Task]


Page 16:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB

CONTRIBUTION TO BOOKS and FLAGSHIP REPORTS:201682. Least Developed Countries Report 2016: Post LDC-Graduation. 201581. Special Economic Zones, Jobs and Social Inclusion. Co-authored with Dirk Willem te Velde. Chapter 14

for Routledge Handbook of Industry and Development . Michel Tribe and John Weiss (eds.).80. Contributed to UNCTAD’s The Least Developed Countries Report 2015: Transforming Rural

Economies. Member of core author team.79. Contributed to Chapter 4: Gender-based patterns and Constraints in Rural Development. In The Least

Developed Countries Report 2015. 78. Contributed to Chapter 0: Introduction: Recent Economic Trends and Outlook for the LDCs. In The

Least Developed Countries Report 2015.201452. Contributed to ‘ African Development Report 2014 : Regional Integration for Inclusive Growth.’

African Development Bank Flagship report. Co-Task Manager and member of core author team.201331. Contributed to Chapter 12: Aid for Trade and Infrastructure Development for Agriculture. Co-authored

with Marie-Agnes Jouanjean. In ‘Assessing Aid for Trade Effectiveness, Current Issues and Future Directions’ edited by Mohammad A Razzaque and Dirk Willem te Velde. Commonwealth Secretariat.

201229. Contributed to World Bank’s ‘World Development Report 2013 . Jobs and Social Inclusion.’ 28. Contributed to UNESCO’s ‘EFA Global Monitoring Report 2012 . Youth, Skills and Work.’ 201127. Assisted in the EC project ‘ The European Report on Development (ERD) 2012 .’ Client: European

Commission. Authored "Lessons for Developing Countries from Experience with Technical and Vocational Education

and Training and Some Lessons for Sierra Leone," Chapter 8 in Omotunde Johnson (ed.). 'Economic Challenges and Policy Issues in Early 21st Century Sierra Leone'. MacMillan Publisher (December 2012). Client: International Growth Centre.

Authored ‘An Enquiry into the Causes and Nature of the Transmission Mechanisms between Labour-Based Rural Roads, Sustainable Growth, and Agricultural Trade in Zambia’s Eastern Province.’ PhD Thesis. Imperial College, University of London.

200925. Contributed to UNCTAD Economic Development in Africa 2009 : Strengthening Regional Economic

Integration for Africa’s Development. 24. Contributed to OECD-AfDB-UNECA African Economic Outlook 2008/2009, including thematic part

of overview chapter & country note. 200823. Contributed to OECD-AfDB African Economic Outlook 2007/2008, including thematic part of

overview chapter; country note; and statistical annex. 200614. Contributed to: " Manual for the Preparation of Country Reports , Calculation of Net Fiscal Cost of

Infrastructure Provision and Cross-Country Comparisons." 2006. Client: The World Bank, Sub-Saharan Africa Region (AFTPI).

200513. Contributed to various chapters in Part I and Part II of the IWG.AGRI Task Force (Wye Expert Group)

“ Handbook on Rural Household, Livelihood and Wellbeing . Statistics on Rural Development and Agricultural Household Income.”

20049. Contributed to the ILO “ World Employment Report, 2005 : Employment, Productivity and Poverty

Reduction.” Employment Trends, International Labour Office, Geneva. 2003-20028. Assisted in the ILO “ Key Indicators of the Labour Markets (KILM) . Employment Trends,

International Labour Office, Geneva.7. Assisted in Lee, E. – Vivarelli, M. (2006) (eds.), Globalization, Employment and Income Distribution in

Developing Countries, Palgrave Macmillan, New York. 6. Assisted in Lee, E. – Vivarelli, M. (2004) (eds.), “Understanding Globalization, Employment and

Poverty Reduction.” 20004. Assisted in the UNCTAD ‘Trade and Development Report, 2001 . Global Trends and Prospects.

Financial Architecture.’ United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Geneva.

CONTRIBUTION TO POLICIES & STRATEGIES:201577. Contributed to AfDB’s Knowledge Management Strategy 2015 –2020. June 24. Core Team member.201466. Contributed to ‘First Report: Development of the regional migration policy for ECOWAS region’. This

report was prepared by AESA EAST AFRICA Ltd. September 2014.


Page 17:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB

Other Version(s):‘First Report: Development of the regional migration policy for ECOWAS region’. This new final report was prepared by AESA EAST AFRICA Ltd. January 2015.

63. Contributed to ‘Trade and Investment Policies and Performance in East Africa: Support for promoting investment and trade in East Africa through capacity building and knowledge sharing.’

58. Contributed to ‘Regional Integration Strategy Paper: Northern Africa.’ AfDB. ORNA.57. Contributed to ‘Republique Democratique du Congo’: Document de Strategie Pays (DSP) 2013-2017.

ADDENDUM. Avril 2014. (ORCE/CDFO).54. Contributed to ‘Note de conception du rapport combine: Revue a Mi-parcours du DSP 2012-2016 &

revue de la performance du portefeuille pays 2014: Maroc’. ORNA/MAFO.53. Contributed to ‘Regional Integration Strategy Paper Mid-Term Review: Western Africa.’ ORWA.51. Contributed to ‘Regional Integration Policy and Strategy II: 2014-2023. AfDB. ONRI.201346. Contributed to ‘Regional Integration Strategy Paper Mid-Term Review: Central Africa.’ AfDB. ORCE.43. Contributed to ‘The Development of Swaziland’s Aid for Trade Strategy and Action Matrix.’ Written by

Imani Development in Partnership with Saana Consulting. Study commissioned by AfDB/ONRI.2 Contributed to ‘Supporting The Transformation of The Private Sector in Africa. Private Sector

Development Strategy, 2013-2017.’ AfDB/OPSM.

CONTRIBUTION TO PROJECT DESIGN; BRIEFs & RESEARCH ASSISTANCE: 201576. Peer Reviewed ‘How Does the African Development Bank Fare in Responding to the Regional

Integration Imperative? Lessons from Country and Regional Integration Strategy and Program Evaluations: An Approach Paper’. AfDB/IDEV. Prepared by Albert-Enéas Gakusi with the assistance of Bilal Bagayoko and John Mbu. March, 2015.

75. Peer Reviewer of ADF XIII Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Horn of Africa III (DRSLP III): Multinational: Djibouti and Sudan. PAR. April, 2015. AfDB/OSAN.

74. Contributed to Zambia Manufacturing Study – Summary Report. AfDB/ZMFO. March, 2015. 73. Contributed to Mediterrania Capital Fund II (MCII). February 19th 2015 – PCN Review.72. Peer Reviewer of ADF Multinational: Regional African Trade Insurance (ATI) - Country Membership

Programme (RACMP): Countries: Benin, Ethiopia, and Cote D’Ivoire. PAR. Feb. 8, 2015. OFSD.71. Contributed to ‘PRST’s brief and talking points to the 24th AU Summit’. January 22, 2015.70. Contributed to ‘Cameroun/Congo: Revue de la note de conception - projet d'amenagement de la route

Ketta – Djoum et de Facilitation des Transports sur le Corridor Yaounde – Brazzaville – Phase 2. Jan.201469. Contributed to ‘ADF Regional Operations Prioritization. 2014 Pipeline and Outlook to 2016.’ 27

October 2014. Presented by ONRI. For approval by OpsCom members.68. Contributed to ‘Republique du Congo. Revue a mi-parcours du document de strategie pays 2013-2017 et

de la performance du portefeuille pays 2014.’ Note de conception.67. Contributed to ‘Project: Study for the Abidjan – Lagos Corridor Highway development. Multinational:

Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin & Nigeria under the ECOWAS Commission. PCN. Oct. 2014.65. Contributed to ‘Republique Democratique du Congo: Proposition visant l’octroi d’un don FAD de 74,00

millions d’uc destinés à financer le projet d’amenagement de la route Tshikapa-Mbuji Mayi (section Tshikapa-Kamuesha) et de rehabilitation des infrastructures rurales agricoles connexes.’

64. Contributed to ‘Article to Issue of the G20 Research Group for the Brisbane Summit in November 2014: Infrastructure and public-private partnerships: What particular infrastructure projects has AfDB pioneered through the use of innovative Public Private Partnerships?’

62. Contributed to ‘Trade Mispricing the Hidden Drainage of Resources Out of Nigeria.’ NGFO.61. Contributed to ‘Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program II (DRSLP II). PAR. OSAN.60. Contributed to ‘World Economic Forum Africa 2014: 7-8 May 2014, Abuja, Nigeria

discusssion talking point for Dr. Donald Kaberuka, President: AFDB.’59. Contributed to “Study on Remittances in the ECOWAS Region.” Written by NET PRESENT VALUE

LIMITED. Commissioned by AfDB/ONRI.2.56. Contributed to ‘Leveraging Egypt’s African Roots: Egypt–COMESA Trade enhancement study.’ OFSD.55. Contributed to ‘The Dakar Financing Summit (DFS) for Africa’s Infrastructure, Dakar, Senegal, 14–15

June: Africa’s Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities.’ World Bank.50. Contributed to ‘Requested Briefing notes for the AfDB President's participation at AUC Summit in

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.’ 29-31 January. 201349. Contributed to ‘Energy Sector Capacity Building Diagnostic & Needs Assessment Study. Vol.1 Sub-

Saharan Power Sector Capacity Building Diagnostic & Needs Assessment. Vol.2. Power Sector Soft Infrastructure Programme (PoSSIP). AfDB. ONRI.2.

48. Contributed to ‘Regional Operations Definition and Categorization’. AfDB. ONRI.47. Contributed to ‘Regional Operations Selection and Prioritization Framework (Revised Framework)’.

AfDB. ONRI. 45. Contributed to ‘Revised Trade & Transport Facilitation Approach Paper’. AfDB. ONRI.44. Contributed to ‘GOVERNANCE OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK AND ACTION PLAN (2014 –

2018): Promoting Good Governance and Accountability for Africa’s Transformation’. AfDB. OSGE.


Page 18:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB

42. Contributed to ‘Case stories on aid for trade from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): A REVIEW OF AID FOR TRADE ON THE GROUND.’

41. Contributed to Project Appraisal Report ‘COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Capacity Building Programme.’ Prepared by Anselmo Nhara and Gerald Ajumbo. June. Task Manager.

40. Contributed to Project Concept Note ‘COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Capacity Building Programme.’ Prepared by Anselmo Nhara and Gerald Ajumbo. June. Task Manager.

39. Contributed to ‘Requested Briefing notes for the AfDB President's participation at WEF.’ 8-10 May.38. Contributed to ‘Talent Mobility in Africa.’ Prepared by Calvin Manduna. AfDB. ONRI.2. (forthcoming).37. Contributed to ‘Trade in Services: Selected African Success Stories. Case studies from non-traditional

sectors.’ Authored by Calvin Manduna. African Development Bank. ONRI.2.36. Contributed to ‘Intra-African Trade in Services and its role in future growth.’ Prepared by Calvin

Manduna. AfDB. ONRI.2.35. Contributed to ‘Enabling Trade.’ Policy Brief to AfDB President Donald Kaberuka intended for World

Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. AfDB. 201234. Contributed to ‘Intra-African Trade: An Analysis.’ Authored by Christopher Stevens and Jane Kennan

and edited by William Shaw. ONRI.2 AfDB.33. Contributed to ‘Bank Group Regional Integration Activities Report 2012.’ Co-authored with Calvin

Manduna and Olumide Abimbola et al., ONRI.2 Division. AfDB. 31st Dec. 2012.32. Contributed to ‘System of indicators for regional integration in Africa.’ Co-authored with Kennedy K.

Mbekeani and Jean-Guy Afrika. The AfDB’s Committee on Operations and Development Effectiveness: 22 November 2012.

30. Contributed to ‘The next decade of EU trade policy: Confronting global challenges? Research reports and studies.’ July 2012. Published by ODI and European Development and Cooperation Strengthening Programme.

201026. Contributed to Dhaka International Dialogue’s policy suggestions for the LDC IV Summit. 200722. Contributed to: “Working Paper on Freight Flows to and from Denmark.” Client: Association of

Danish Harbours. Input to the Danish Infrastructure Commission’s Report. 16th May. 21. Contributed to: "Study to Assess the Viability and Options for Public Private Participation in the

Highway Sector in Kosovo. Final Report." May 2007. Client: The World Bank/PPIAF. 20. Contributed to: Modernization of E30/C-E30 line, the state border - Wroclaw - Opole - Katowice -

Krakow – the state border [Corridor III Rail network]. Investment project co-financed from EU Funds in the years 2007-2013.

200619. Contributed to “Joint External Evaluation. The health sector in Tanzania, 1999-2006”. Client:

Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark . 18. Contributed to: “Output-based Aid (OBA) for Improved Sanitation in Gharbeya, Egypt” Client: World

Bank, Washington D.C. http://www.

17. Contributed to: “Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the OBA in Water Supply in Uganda's Small Towns and RGCs Resettlement Policy Framework. Client: World Bank, Washington D.C.

16. Contributed to: Ethiopian National Transport Master Plan Study. Client: Ethiopian Roads Authority. http://

15. Contributed to "A Review of more than 20 study outputs concerning traffic forecasts of priority project n°6 Lyon - Turin." 2006. Client: European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, Bruxelles. ;

200412. Provided technical input and comments to the ILO/PID/NPG’s Reference Manual for ILO Staff and

Constituents “Decent Work and Poverty Reduction Strategies.” Published in 2005.11. Contributed to the paper “Critical Issues in Policy Reform for Agriculture and Rural Poverty Reduction.”

Southland Exercise in Agricultural Trade & Policy and Rural Development class, Imperial College London.

10. Provided support, technical input and comments to “Development of contractor registration scheme with a focus on small scale civil work contractors” by Uriyo, A., J. Mwila and L. Jensen, National Council for Construction and ILO, Sept. 2004.

20015. Assisted in ILO/EMP/SFP’s “Debt Conversion and Microfinance Development.” Report of expert

meeting. Geneva.20003. Assisted in Senior Economic Adviser Dr.Andrew Cornford’s research project on ‘Financial Regulation.’

UNCTAD/GDS/MDPB. Geneva. [The Basel Committee’s Proposals for Revised Capital Standards: Mark 2 and the State of Play. UNCTAD Discussion Paper No.156, September 2001].

2. Contributed to ‘Prevention: United Nations Strategies to Meet the Challenges of the Millennium.’ United Nations Office at Geneva. 38th Graduate Study Programme.



Page 19:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB

1. Contributed to ‘Sustainable Development. Futurity, Equity, Global Environment, Biodiversity.’ Cultural University in Copenhagen. Graduate Study Programme.

Other Works:1994-1998: Wrote a series of articles published in the Economics Student Union Magazine – Polit’en –

Book Reviews20123. Christopher S. Adam, Paul Collier and Njuguna S. Ndung'u (eds.). 2010. Kenya: Policies for

Prosperity. Oxford University Press, 2010 pp. 428. IHEID’s European Journal of Development Research. 2012, Volume 24, Issue 5.

2. Monetary Policy and Financial Sector Reform in Africa: Ghana's Experience. Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, a former First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG) and running mate to Nana Akufo-Addo in the 2008 general elections. 249 pp., ; ODI’s Development Policy Review. Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 109–112, January 2012.

20111. Youth Employment in Africa: Harnessing the power of the private sector to create sustainable work

opportunities for Africa’s youth. World Bank. African Journal of Political Science and International Relations (AJPSIR). 2010. 85 pp.,ODI’s Development Policy Review, Volume 29, Issue 6, pages 771–782, November 2011.

Blogs201511. A business solution to poverty that could help improve development outcomes in Africa (forthcoming).

Other Version(s):A business solution to poverty that could help improve development outcomes in Africa. Draft 22 February 2015

10. The shift in the perception of Africa as seen through the prism of the Middle Class. Tutwa Blog Post, 14 May 2015Other Version(s):The shift in the perception of Africa as seen through the prism of the Middle Class . Draft, January 2015The Shift in the Perception of Africa. blog. 3rd March, 2015.

20139. Political Economy: will Africa’s leaders finally walk the talk? ECDPM Guest Blog Post, October 7,

Other Version(s):Political Economy: will Africa’s leaders finally walk the talk? Monday, 14 October 2013 11:35. SAIIA The Trade Beat. Is political failure the biggest stumbling block to wards successful deeper regional integration? AfDB Blog Post, September 2013 [removed]

8. Bridging Africa’s Infrastructure Development Knowledge Gap. AfDB Blog Post, 20 June 2013.7. Intra-African Trade for Structural Economic Transformation. AfDB Blog Post, 21 May 2013.

20126. Mobile banking for catalysing diaspora investment: a leapfrogging development opportunity for

the ACP and DRC. ODI Blog Posts, 24 May 201220115. A diaspora for development? The role of DRC’s diaspora in the country’s future. 8 December 2011. and

4. The new Danish coalition government’s changed approach to development. Thursday, October 13, 2011 5:49 PM

3. Education, skills and development: same goals but alternative approaches. Thursday, September 15, 2011 5:09 PM

2. How infrastructure crawled back up the international development agenda in the last ten years. Friday, May 06, 2011.

20101. From Armistice to Currency War: Implications of the New Economic battle ground for developing

countries. Monday, November 15, 2010. 2 pp.


Page 20:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB

REFEREE WORK AND EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES:2016 – on-going: Reviewer for Review of Development Economics. © John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2015 – on-going: Reviewer for Journal of Development Studies. Routledge.2015: Reviewer for International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (IJTGM).2014 – 2015: Reviewer for African Economic Outlook country notes and Trade Policy and Regional

Integration chapter.2012 – 2015: Reviewer for African Studies [Les Cahiers d'études Africaines]; the Eastern Economic Journal;

European Journal of Development Research (EJDR).2013 – 2015: Reviewer for African Journal of Economic Review (AJER).2013 – 2015: Reviewer for the AfDB Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA).2013 – 2015: Reviewer for African Development Review and for South African Institute of

International Affairs (SAIIA).2013 – 2015: Reviewer for AfDB ONRI’s Integrating Africa Blog.2011 – 2012: Reviewer for African Journal of Agricultural Research. 2010 – 2012: Reviewer for African Journal of Political Science and International Relations (AJPSIR).2011 – 2012: Reviewer for ODI’s Journal - Development Policy Review (DPR).2011: Reviewer for the ICTSD Aid for Trade Programme.2003: Anonymous referee for a Chapter in UNECA’s 2004 Report on Labour Markets and

Employment in Southern Africa.2000: Anonymous referee for the UNCTAD Discussion Paper series.2000: Anonymous referee for UNCTAD & Center for International Development Harvard University

G-24 Discussion Paper Series. 2002 – 2003: Anonymous referee for the ILO International Labour Review.

MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND ACTIVITIES IN CIVIC OR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS:2011 – Present Member of VOX - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists. 2011 – Present Member of the UN JPO Alumni Association (JAA). 2010 – Present Congo Forum. 2009 – Present L’Alliance international: L'association des anciens de la Cité Internationale de Paris (CIUP). 2009 – Present Ancien résident de la Fondation Danoise à Paris. 2012 – 2015: Member of the Board of Liboke-Bad (Association of DRC Staff members of the AfDB).2010 – 2012: Member of OECD Development Finance Network (DeFiNe). 2005 – 2012 Overseas Development Institute’s mailing list. 2005 – 2012 UK Development Studies Association (DSA). 2004 – 2012 US/UK African Studies Association. 2011 – 2012 The Global African Professionals / Experts / Intellectuals / Scholars Network 2011 – 2012 Member of Elsevier's Innovation Explorers online community.2007 – 2012 Danish Development Research Network (DDRN), Department of Geography and Geology,

University of Copenhagen. 2011 – 2012 AFFORD – The African Foundation for Development: 2005 – 2012 European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) mailing list 2005 – 2010: Danish Economic Society. 2000 – 2010: The Association of Danish Lawyers and Economists (DJOEF). 2003 – 2004: Member of the PRSP/TNDP Sector Advisory Group on Preparations, Implementation and

Monitoring of PRSP/TNDP Activities2003 – 2004: Member of Economics Association of Zambia2003 – 2004: Member of UNCT MDG Taskforce in Zambia2001 – 2003: Co-founder of New ILO Youth Association for interns, external collaborators, consultants and

young professionals at the ILO. In charge of launching the inter-departmental seminar series; treasurer; administrator of website; acting president.

2000: Intern Co-ordinator at UNCTAD.1998-1999: Member of the Pluri-disciplinary discussion society at the University of Copenhagen.1994-1999: Member of l’Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l’Europe (AEGEE).1996-1997: The Student Union’s representative at the Vice-Chancellorship’s Internationalisation

Committee.1995-1997: Member of the United Nation’s Association.1995-1997: Member of the Danish National Students’ Association.1993-1995: Member of the Economic Students’ Representative Council.1993- present: Société des Amis des Universités de Paris.


Page 21:  · Web view84. Institutionalizing Ethio-Djibouti economic cooperation and integration. PCN. Co-authored with Tilahun Temesgen; Robert James Rudy and Shem Simuyemba (EARC). AfDB

ReferencesProf. Jean-Louis Arcand, PhD

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID).Email: [email protected] Phone : +41 22 908 59 45.

Professor of Economics in the Department of International EconomicsDirector of the Institute's new Center for Finance and Development. Head, PhD in Development Economics Programme

Mr. Ralph Olaye

African Development Bank (AfDB)NEPAD Division, [email protected]+225 20 26 10 20Extension 2190

Head of Delivery and Performance Management Office, (COPM)Former Division Manager of NEPAD Division (ONRI.1)African Development Bank GroupImmeuble du Centre de commerce International d’Abidjan CCIAAvenue Jean-Paul II, 01 BP 1387, Abidjan 01, Côte d'Ivoire

Dr. Rolf Traeger

UNCTAD/ALDCPalais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva0041-22-917 5771, [email protected]

Chief, Least Developed Countries Section, Research and Policy Analysis Branch, Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes

Prof. Martin Paldam(M.Sc.-thesis supervisor)

Department of Economics Aarhus University 8000 Aarhus C DenmarkE-mail: [email protected] Phone: +45 - 8942 1607. Fax: +45 - 8613 63 34.

Professor at the Department of Economics at the School of Economics and Management, Aarhus University

Dr. Tesfachew Taffere

Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes Division (ALDC), UNCTADPalais des Nations, CH-1211 [email protected]

Director, Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes

