Download pdf - Video marketing guide


Video marketing is the process to incorporate videos into your markeing campaigns with the objective to promote your company,product or services. Quite often customer testimonials and live events are also a part of this activity.

1) Video Marketing Is Not Important

2) Online Videos Are Too Expensive To Produce

3) Online Videos Won’t Help Sales

4) You Don’t Have a Lot to Say, So Online Videos Won’t Work

5) Video Return On Investment (ROI) Is Hard To Measure

6) It Is Hard To Create Online Videos

7) You Can’t Get Your Entire Message Across in a Video

8) You Need To Be Photogenic To Use Online Videos

9) Your Audience Is Not Interested In Online Videos

10) Your Online Videos Should Only Be Added To Your Website

Upload fresh videos in popular video sharing channels like Youtube on a daily basis.

You should focus on producing the content in broad range. Content should be related to the several aspects of the topic.

Using quality content in videos posted in Youtube can convert such platfroms into search engines. Embedding such videos with your web pages would help your campaign to reach your users faster.

Staying consistent in branding is the

key to success. Ensure that you use

Meta description, Meta tag, Titles etc

in your videos so that it is properly


You can create more channels and add content to them.But more channel does not always mean more audience and more traffic. Adding more content in the

channels directed towards your target audience will be your key to success.

Customer engagement is the reason behind

success of digital marketing. Youtube get its

maximum traffic from social media.

Engaging the customer means prompting

them to share more content(read

comments).They will share what they want

to watch or read or what kind of review they

want to see.

Integration is the key if you wantsubscriptions growth.

Decide on creating new channelsbased on your customers views.

Publish content to the specificcommunity who wants to share andwatch.

Practice it again and again.

Create the video that benefits the audience.

Reveal information in a way that's engaging.

Focus on content first and then branding.

A single call-to-action.

Point viewers to your website for more information.

● Interviews

● Webinars

● Demonstration

● Music Video

● Comedy

● Drama

● Short and Sweet.

● Focus on First 10 Seconds.

● Don't Edit The Live Videos.

● Try Screen recording.

● Inexpensive is fine.

● External Microphone Jack.

● HD is not required for web.

● Widescreen is a good Idea.

● Lighting.

● Cheaper Microphone.

● Tripod.

● Screen Recording.

● Use free software like Mac iMovie or Windows movie maker.

● Allocate a time frame or deadline by which you complete the editing of the video.

● Backlight or window backgrounds.

● Expensive camera.

● Tiles floor or empty room (echo!).

● Expensive editing software.

● Hard word in content.

● Huge range of content.

● Tweet about it(couple of times isok).

● Use a short URL totrack.

● Ask your company toretweet it.

● Post the YouTube link inyour status.

● Post your videos in yourpages/groups.

● Post it in your company'spages.

● Who is watching your videos?

● What is the feedback on your videos?

● Engagement rate of your videos?

● How many visitors are coming from YouTube, Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace, Blogs and from other sources?

● Check out the comments and the recommendation from viewers.

Benefits Of Video Marketing

Easy to understand. Easy to promote. Easy to compress a huge massage in a smaller video. Easy for search engine. Easy to become an expert.

Presented by:

Arindam Saha