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  • 1. Video in a Web 2.0 World

2. Reformation Without Social Media Narrator:The scene, Wittenberg, 1517.A German monk and university professor, Martin Luther has posted a list of 95 talking points to the door of the Castle Church.Hoping to spark an academic debate about ecclesial fundraising practices and other issues within the academy, Luther beings the conversation at the community bulletin board of the day.Two friends, Rolf and Stein, greet one another as they head into morning mass.Rolf:[reading Luther's post on the door]Morning Stein. Stein:Morning Rolf.I see you've noticed Luther's post.Reformation Without Social Media 3. Reformation Without Social Media Rolf: Yea, these ideas could really stir up dust.Too bad no one outside the academy will ever get wind of this. Stein:Hey, I've got an idea! (Stein pulls the document down off the door.)Rolf: Don't do that!Do you have any idea how long it took the monks to transcribe that!Reformation Without Social Media 4. Reformation Without Social Media Stein:[Excitedly] No worries mate.I'm only borrowing this original.I'll run it over to that new Guttenberg print shop in town and have a few hundred copies made and pass them around town!Who knows, copies may get passed on to other towns, even across Europe, the world!Rolf:Are you mad!Do you realize what could happen?Mass distribution of these ideas could spark debate, raise awareness and... may God help us...,initiate change!Stein:Yea, your probably right.I'll put it back. We wouldn't want to start something we can't control... Reformation Without Social Media 5. Social media and the ability to distribute video content is and will continue to be as transformative in the 21 stcentury as movable type was in the 16 6. Social media and the ability to distribute video content is and will continue to be as transformative in the 21 stcentury as movable type was in the 16 7. Video in a Web 2.0 World Production Values

  • When considering production values,compare apples to apples.

8. Four levels of video production include - consumer - pro-sumer (weddings) - broadcast - commercial/feature film 9. Video in a Web 2.0 World Documented or scripted? There are two basic methods used for video storytelling.Scripted Model In the scripted model, we begin with a written script that describes our production in liner terms.(see example) DocumentaryModel In the documentary method, we develop a treatment which describes the story.During the production phase, we record interviews, gather visual images, music and graphics which illustrate and illuminate our story.In the documentary model, we do not necessarily know what the outcome is going to be until we are finished.(Nursing Home Story) 10. Video in a Web 2.0 World 11. Video in a Web 2.0 World Web 1.0 to 2.0 Web 1.0 = web site Web 2.0 = Facebook Web 1.0 = Britanica on-line Web 2.0 = Wikiepedia Web 1.0 = Video order form Web 2.0 = YouTube Source: 12. Video in a Web 2.0 World Web 2.0 Learn to listen to your audience Listening to your audience and influencers is the foundation of all successful social media programs. By listening to online conversations happening in blogs, forums and social networks, you can bring the voices of your customers directly into your organizations . Source: 13. Video in a Web 2.0 World Web 2.0 Share photos and video clips Photos and videos can engage your audience and convey more about a faithgroup and its people, products and services than text alone. Today, new technologies and Web sites like Flickr and YouTube have made it easier than ever for ministries to produce and share multi-media content. Source: 14. Video in a Web 2.0 World Web 2.0 Harness the power of Facebook Facebook is the fastest growing social network in the world with more than 400 million active members.Facebook offers a variety of solutions for ministry to connect with customers and seekers more deeply and leverage the huge, viral potential of this community. Source: 15. Video in a Web 2.0 World Production Values

  • There may be times when your organization wants to hire me to produce high quality documentary video stories.However, there are times when low budget, smart video can be produced in-house without professional help.

16. Video in a Web 2.0 World Down and dirty video Flip video - easy to use - cheap -fast 17. Video in a Web 2.0 World Basic camera technique For Flip Video 1.No Zooms!If you wan to get closer, walk closer. 2. Shoot humans at eye level. 3. The law of three:Wide, medium, tight. 4. Move.Don't stand in the corner of the room! 18. Video in a Web 2.0 World Basic camera technique For Flip Video 4. Audio for Flip Video.Flip uses an omni directional mic.Subjects need to be within 3 feet to pick up good sound. 19. Video in a Web 2.0 World Flip cameras record video in 1280 x 720 with a H.264 codec.Perfect for YouTube. 20. Video in a Web 2.0 World New still cameras record high quality video and give you the ability to take great stills as well. Plus, you don't have to carry two cameras.Make sure your still camera records audio.