Page 1: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta
Page 2: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

Album coverAs you can see, the album cover is just words so it gives no narrative to the song and only the wording can give you an idea of what the song may be about. However, it does have some key lyrics on the album itself, that being ‘Sexy Bitch’ or ‘Sexy Chick’ for the non explicit version of the song, still performed by the same people just having the words edited and changed.

I also associate the colours of black and white to be fairly neutral colours and don’t express a outgoing lively feeling, however the font of the writing shows that this song is going to be upbeat and a party anthem, the pink reinforces this as pink is a whacky colour, especially as it is bright and eye catching.

Page 3: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

Technical Aspects

We can see here that we have an establishing shot and the main colour in the pictures in first 15 seconds and throughout the majority of the film is blue, this gives people the idea of it being sunny and a fun place to be. It is how you would expect a pool party to be like.

Mise-en-Scene shows that the main colours used are blue, the blue water and the blue sky immediately puts the audience in a place where they want to be.

He also associates the girls with the water and the sky a lot.

Close up to show who’s plane ticket it is.

Mid-long shot of girl in the blue water

Long shot of girl and plane.

Page 4: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

Technical AspectsLong shot from a high and to show all the girls sunbathing, once again with the blue water in the back ground.

More use of mise-en-scene is the colours of the clothing, lots of black clothing appears and lots of white as well, this is to reinforce the fact that both the artists are style icons for people.

Close up of Akon, showing the pictures of what happened the day before.

Medium shot in the mirror, close up from camera. Words on mirror with picture reinforce party is going on.

Words in the mirror show that there are girls about along with the picture.

Page 5: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

Technical aspectsIn this video, there are lots of the same camera angles used to portray everybody who is in the video itself. There are lots of long shots and mid-long shots, they are also going from a low to high angle to show the importance of the people in the clip. I also find that the use of the camera being submerged in water makes it look like the people are dancing.

Long shot (slightly submerged in water to create dancing effect)

The song title also links in with the video as there is a narrative because you can see lots of beautiful woman dancing about.

Long shot with a low to high angle shows the two performers sitting down as they are the main attraction

Page 6: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

Technical Aspects In this picture, you can see both David Guetta and Akon in a mid-long shot and the picture is focused on them and showing the viewer that is was them who made the song and that they are celebrating it together. However you don’t see David Guetta perform at all but you do see Akon singing.

Akon performing to show that you know who he is and what he has to do with the video.

Unusual for someone to be singing under water.

Page 7: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

Technical AspectsMid-close up with a low to high angle to show the importance of David Guetta and that he is controlling the atmosphere of the club.

Mid-close up of Akon, showing him with a microphone to show that he is performing and that he and David Guetta combined create the atmosphere in the club.

In this shot you can see both of them performing to show that there is colaboration between the two artists.

Page 8: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

Genre/Meaning/ConventionsYou can see that from this photo alone that this song is a party song, R&B mixed with dance. You can also see the meaning of the song as you can see someone filming David Guetta and that he is one of the main focuses for the song.

The use of speakers in the shot and a dancing girl on top, also prove the point that this song is designed for people to enjoy and have a good time to. The use of lots of dancing women also backs up the title of the song ‘Sexy Bitch’.

You can see that David Guetta is looking around with a smile on his face and the use of the camera angle, shows that he is important and is wanting to have a great time.

Page 9: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

Genre/Meaning/ConventionsHere you can see that the song is conventional by seeing both the artists performing together in the same club and you would associate this song with a clubbing type of atmosphere.

You can see that they are collaborative as well in this picture.

In this picture you can see that David Guetta is the DJ and Akon is the Singer.

You can see that they are having a good time and they are making the audience have a good time too.

Page 10: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

GoodwinAmplification – You can always see woman dancing with minimal clothing or swimwear and this is constantly repeated.

Illustration – You hear Akon say ‘ Damn you’re a sexy chick’ and you can see attractive looking women in the shot. Focusing on the girl to show her attractiveness.

He also says ‘They say she low down’ and you can clearly see Akon bent down and showing with his hands that she is low down.

Disjuncture – Akon says ‘She’s nothing like a girl you’ve ever seen before’ This clearly has no relation to a picture of Akon walking along a corridor by himslef.

Page 11: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

CarlsonAkon and David Guetta by themselves and combined are both commercial exhibitionists.

You can see here that Akon is under water in clothes and an expensive watch, this shows he isn’t worried about money and that he can do what he wants.

David Guetta has a typical DJ style in dress. He wears sunglasses with a large watch to show his wealth with a casual t-shirt and jeans. Relaxed but a recognisable person.

Akon is dressed in a stereotypical R&B manner in the way that he is dressed in a nice white shirt, very stylish, this is reinforced by the amount of woman around him because they are finding him attractive. Many people inspire to be like him even if they are not pursuing a career in R&B music or any form of music, it shows the impact he has.

Fairly casual dress, typical DJ.

Stylish to have a big watch

Page 12: Video Analysis - Sexy Chick by Akon feat David Guetta

ShoreAkon and David Guetta are living the life they have worked for and you can see people wanting get into the party but are turned away.

Both the performers are wanting you to feel the simulated experience that they provide in showing the fun that they are experiencing.

Both the men diving into the pool to show the fun they are having, that simulated experience makes you want to be there and join in with what they are doing.
