  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    BM 351: COMPANY LAW BLOWN UP SYLLABUSObjective: To give an insight into the main provisions of the Companies Act relating to

    the formation, running and closure of the Joint Stock Companies.

    nit ! "# hrs

    An !ntroduction to a Joint Stock Compan$: %eaning, &eatures,'#( %arks)

    *ifting the corporate veil+ under Judicial discretion and statutor$ provisions '#( marks)

    inds or t$pes of companies+ &oreign compan$ '- marks),

    overnment Compan$ ' (- marks),

    Special privileges or advantages of a /rivate Compan$ '(- marks)

    0hen does a private Compan$ become a /ublic Compan$1 2ifferences bet3een

    /ublic companies and /rivate companies '(- marks).

    nit !! "# hrs

    &ormation of a Compan$: Steps in formation: /romotion+ %eaning, Stages '(-

    %arks), !ncorporation: /rocedure '(- %arks)

    /romoter: %eaning, *egal /osition of a promoter, 2uties, 4ights, and *iabilities of a

    /romoter, '(- marks5 #( marks) 6ffects of pre+incorporation contracts ' (- marks)

    %emorandum of Association, Clauses of %emorandum of Association '#(marks)

    2octrine of ltra vires '(- marks)

    Articles of Association: %eaning, contents.'(- marks)

    2octrine of constructive notice, 2octrine of !ndoor %anagement 7 e8ceptions '(-


    Table 9A '(- %arks).

    /rospectus+ provisions of the Companies Act 3ith regard to issue of prospectus, '(-

    marks) Contents, T$pes, olden 4ule for framing a prospectus,Conse;uences of %isstatement in prospectus '(- marks).

    nit !!! "# hrs

    Share Capital and Shares: T$pes of share capital. Shares: %eaning, T$pes.

    6;uit$ shares: %eaning, features '(- marks)

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    /reference shares: %eaning, features and t$pes '(- marks)

    S3eat 6;uit$ shares '(# 5(- marks)

    Allotment of shares: /rovisions regarding allotment of shares : eneral provisions

    and Special provisions. '#( marks)

    4ights shares, ualification and 2is;ualification '(- marks) Appointment and 4emoval+

    2uties and *iabilities '(- 5 #( mariks)

    nit = "# hrsCompan$ %eetings+ 6ssentials '#( marks), T$pes '#( marks), Statutor$ meeting '(-

    marks), A % '(- marks), 6O % '(- marks), Appointment of Chairman, methods of

    voting '(- marks), 4esolutions+T$pes '(- marks),/ro8ies'(- marks)

    Oppression and %ismanagement '%eaning onl$),

    0inding p+, %odes of 3inding up of a compan$ '#( marks) compulsor$ 3inding up

    ' (- marks), =oluntar$ 3inding up : T$pes '(- 5 #( marks)

    Total Hours: 60

    Followi ! Cas" laws ar" to #" s$"%i&i%all' ("alt wit):

    ". Solomon =5s Solomon and Compan$ *imited

    #. Continental T$re and 4ubber Compan$ =5s 2aimler Co. *td.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ?. 2insha3 %aneekjee /etit =5s !ncome Ta8 Officer

    @. u dar =5s C!T uorum of a meeting.

    j. 0hat is meant b$ %ismanagement1k. 0hat is a defunct compan$1l. 0hat are

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    #. 0hat is a foreign compan$1 State the provisions of Companies Act relating to

    foreign compan$.?. 0hat are privileges of a private compan$1@. 2istinguish bet3een memorandum of association and articles of association.B. 0rite a note on G2octrine of ltra+viresH.D. 0rite a note on 26%AT Account.E. 0rite a note on the 4egister of %embers-. !n 3hat different 3a$s ma$ a director of a compan$ be appointed1

    S"%tio 7 C 80 Mar*s "a%)2

    I. 68plain the corporate veil. nder 3hat circumstances the corporate veil is lifted1O4

    0hat are the conse;uences of misstatement in a prospectus1 Can the directors

    avoid liabilit$ for a false statement in the prospectus1

    "(. ive the meaning of Allotment of shares. 68plain the general and special

    provisions regarding the allotment of shares.Or

    2efine the share of a compan$. 68plain the different kinds of shares that can be

    issued b$ a compan$.

    "". 0ho is a director of the compan$1 68plain the duties and liabilities of a director.Or

    0hat is a compan$ meeting1

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    @. 0hat do $ou mean b$ &oreign Compan$1

    B. 0hat is an illegal Association1

    D. 0hat is a overnment Compan$1

    E. 0hat do $ou mean b$ @?A public limited compan$1

    -. 0hat do $ou mean b$ a statutor$ compan$1

    I. 0hat 3as the decision given in the case Solomon v5s Solomon K compan$1

    "(. 0hat do $ou mean b$ lifting the corporate veil1

    "". 0hat is meant b$ a compan$ limited b$ guarantee1

    "#. 0hat is a corporate veil1

    "?. 0hen does a compan$ legall$ come into e8istence1

    "@. 0hat do $ou mean b$ licensed companies1

    "B. 0hat is meant b$ holding compan$1

    .- HT Mar*s u"stio s

    ". Farrate GSoloman vs. Soloman K Co.*td., Gcase 3ith reference to independent

    legal entit$ of a compan$.

    #. 0hen does a private compan$ become a public compan$ u5s.@?+A1

    ?. 0rite a note on overnment Compan$.

    @. 0hat is a foreign compan$1 State the provisions of Companies Act relating toforeign compan$.

    B. 0hat is meant b$ corporate veil1 State the cases in 3hich the veil can be lifted.

    D. 0hat are privileges of a private compan$1

    TW.NTY Mar*s u"stio s

    ". 2efine GJoint Stock Compan$H and bring out its distinctive features.

    #. 68plain the corporate veil. nder 3hat circumstances the corporate veil is lifted1

    ?. 2istinguish bet3een a public compan$ and a private compan$. /oint out the cases

    under 3hich a private compan$ shall become a public compan$.

    UN-T --

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    TWO Mar*s u"stio s

    ". Fame t3o public documents of a Compan$.

    #. 0hat do $ou mean b$ /reliminar$ Contract1

    ?. 0hen can a public compan$ start its business1

    @. 0hat do $ou mean b$ 9 olden 4ule for the framing of prospectus1

    B. ive the meaning of pre+incorporation contract.

    D. State the other name of situation clause.

    E. 0hich clause of memorandum of association cannot be altered1

    -. 0hat do $ou mean b$ 9!ndoor %anagement 1

    I. 0hat do $ou mean b$ ultravires1

    "(. 0hat is an Articles of Association1

    "". ive the meaning of 2octrine of Constructive Fotice."#. 0hat is meant b$ !ntra+vires1

    "?. 0hat do $ou mean b$ statement in lieu of prospectus1

    "@. 0hat do $ou mean b$ 9Table A 1

    "B. 0hat do $ou mean b$ /reliminar$ 68penses1

    "D. 0ho is a /romoter1

    "E. 0hat are the documents re;uired for a public compan$ to start business1

    "-. 0hat do $ou mean b$ 2eemed prospectus1

    .- HT Mar*s u"stio s

    ". 0rite a short note on G2octrine of !ndoor %anagementH.

    #. 2istinguish bet3een memorandum of association and articles of association.

    ?. 0rite a note on G2octrine of ltra+viresH.

    @. 0hat are the duties and liabilities of a promoter1

    B. 68plain the steps follo3ed in the promotion of a Joint stock Compan$.

    D. 0hat are the provisions of the Act regarding the issue of prospectus1

    E. Farrate the legal position of a promoter in relation to the compan$ he


    -. %ention the formalities to be completed for the registration of a compan$.

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    TW.NTY Mar*s u"stio s

    ". 0hat is %emorandum of Association1 68plain its contents.5clauses

    #. 0hat is misstatement in a prospectus1 68plain the e8tent of civil and criminal

    liabilit$ for such misstatements1

    ?. 0hat do $ou mean b$ promotion of a compan$1 2iscuss the various stages in

    promotion of a public limited compan$. 0hat are the liabilities of a promoter1

    @. 0rite the liabilit$ for misstatements in a prospectus1 68plain the e8tent of civil and

    criminal liabilit$ for such misstatements.

    B. 0hat are the conse;uences of misstatement in a prospectus1 Can the directors

    avoid liabilit$ for a false statement in the prospectus1D. 2iscuss the stages in the formation of a compan$.

    UN-T ---

    TWO Mar*s u"stio s

    ". 0hat is 26%AT account1

    #. 0ho is a benami holder of shares1

    ?. 0hat is meant b$ listing of shares1@. 0hat do $ou mean b$ S3eat 6;uit$ shares1

    B. State the meaning of surrender of shares.

    D. 2efine calls in Arrears.

    E. 0hat is meant b$ depositor$1

    -. 0hat do $ou mean b$ dematerialisation1

    I. 2efine calls in advance.

    "(. 2efine calls on shares.

    "". 68pand FS2*.

    "#. 0hat do $ou mean b$ under3ritting of shares1

    "?. 0hat are

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "D. 0hat do $ou mean b$ irregular allotment1

    "E. 0hich companies can issue deferred shares1

    "-. 0hat do $ou mean b$ rights shares1

    "I. 0hat do $ou mean b$ !nde8 of %embers1 0hich companies should maintain

    inde8 of members1

    #(. 0hat is foreign register1

    #". 0hat is meant b$ surrender of shares1

    ##. 0hat is register of members11

    #?. 0hat is meant b$ 9&orfeiture of share 1

    #@. 0hat do $ou mean b$ cumulative preference shares1

    #B. 0hat do $ou mean b$ 9*isting of Securities 1

    #D. 0hat do $ou mean b$ 9*ien on Shares 1#E.. 0ho can become a member of a Compan$1

    #- Can one compan$ become a member of another compan$1

    #I. 0hat do $ou mean b$ ?". 0hat is meant b$ %inimum Subscription1

    ?#. 0hat do $ou mean b$ forged Transfer1

    .- HT Mar*s u"stio s

    ". 0rite a note on 26%AT Account..

    #. State the circumstances 3hen a person ceases to be the member of a compan$

    ?. 0rite a note on the 4egister of %embers.

    @. 0hat are the different methods of ac;uisition of membership of a compan$1

    TW.NTY Mar*s u"stio s

    ". ive the meaning of Allotment of shares. 68plain the general and special

    provisions regarding the allotment of shares.

    #. 2efine membership in a compan$. 68plain the different 3a$s of ac;uiring

    membership in a compan$. 0hen does a person cease to be a member of a


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  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    B. 0hat is meant b$ motion1

    D. 0hat do $ou mean b$ 3inding up of a compan$1

    E. 0ho is a *i;uidator1

    -. 0hat do $ou mean b$ e8traordinar$ general meeting1

    I. 0hat do $ou mean b$ 9Agenda of %eeting 1

    "(. ive the meaning of >uorum for meeting.

    "". 0hat is an ordinar$ resolution1

    "#. 0hat do $ou mean b$ special resolution1

    "?. 0hat do $ou understand b$ the term 9oppression as used in section ?IE1

    "@. 0hat is a statutor$ meeting1

    "B. 0hat do $ou understand b$ a 9/ro8$ 1

    "D. 0hat do $ou understand b$ class %eeting1"E. 0hat do $ou mean b$ Adjournment of meeting1

    "-. 0ho shall call an e8traordinar$ general meeting1

    "I. 0hat is meant b$ %is %anagement1

    .- HT Mar*s u"stio s

    ". 68plain the procedure of voluntar$ 3inding up.

    #. ive the meaning of statutor$ meeting and the contents of statutor$ report.?.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ?. 2escribe the t$pes of %eetings. State the provisions regarding the conduct of

    Annual eneral

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    discount bonds, &le8i bonds, *o$alt$ coupons, Share 3arrants, Stock invest.

    Credit rating + %eaning, ke$ factors, merits K demerits, Agencies + CA46, !C4A,


    U it -- Fu (a " tal a ( T"%) i%al A al'sis + 6conom$, !ndustr$ and compan$

    anal$sis, benefits of fundamental anal$sis+ technical anal$sis+ Assumptions+

    2ifferences bet3een fundamental and technical anal$sis+ brief discussion on

    important tools of technical anal$sis+ o3 to pick blue chips.

    U it --- Fi a %ial Mar*"ts + /rimar$ and Secondar$ markets+ !nter+ relationship

    bet3een primar$ and secondar$ markets+ Stock markets+ FS6 and

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    securities 7 6;uit$, preference, debentures and bonds 'meaning and features

    onl$, e8clude t$pes, merits and demerits) 7 Fon securities form of investment 7

    /ost office Small Savings, !nsurance,

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Stock market 7 meaning 7 features 7 functions of stock e8changes 7

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    4isks associated 3ith mutual funds+ problems5disadvantages of mutual funds in

    !ndia 7 4ole of Association of %utual &unds in !ndia

    U it 5 Port&olio Ma a!" " t '!nvestment management) 7 meaning of portfolio

    management 7 objectives of portfolio management 7 6lements of /ortfolio

    management + portfolio construction + meaning + &actors influencing portfolio

    construction 'traditional approach to portfolio constructionN determination of

    objectives of investor, selection of securities, risk and return anal$sis,

    diversification) 74isk and 4eturn + meaning of risk 7 meaning of return 7

    s$stematic risk and uns$stematic return + Capital Asset /ricing %odel'CA/%) 7

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Shashi . upta, Fisha Aggar3al, and Feeti upta, '#(""), G&inancial !nstitutions

    and %arketsH, Fe3 2elhi, al$ani /ublishers 'T3o chapters on &inancial market

    and %utual &unds onl$)

    Shashi . upta, and Fisha Aggar3al, '#(""), G&inancial ServicesH Fe3 2elhi,

    al$ani /ublishers 'topic on credit rating, chapters on &inancial market and

    %utual &unds, topic on portfolio management onl$)

    han %. ., '#(""), G&inancial ServicesH Fe3 2elhi, Tat %c ra3 ill 6ducation /vt.

    *td. 'Chapter on mutual fund &inancial market and %utual &unds onl$)

    Siddaiah Thummuluri, '#(""), G&inancial ServicesH, Fe3 2elhi, 2orling indersle$

    '!ndia) /vt. *td. *icensee of /earson 6ducation. 'T3o chapters on &inancial

    market and %utual &unds and a topic on credit rating onl$)

    &ischer 2onald 6. And Jordan 4onald J., '#((#), GSecurit$ Anal$sis and /ortfolio%anagementH, Fe3 2elhi, /rentice all of !ndia /vt. *td. 'T3o chapters on

    Securit$ Anal$sis and /ortfolio %anagement)

    u"stio Ba *

    nit "

    T3o %arks 'an$ three)

    ". 2efine !nvestment1 ' 4aghunandan

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ?. 68plain the features of !nvestment1 ' 4aghunandan

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ". 68plain the basic assumption of technical anal$sis1 ' 4aghunandan

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ?. 68plain the benefits stock e8changes to the compan$1 ' 4aghunandan

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    6ight %arks 'an$ one)

    ". 68plain an$ four mutual fund schemes based on the portfolio classification1

    ' 4aghunandan uestion on Calculation of Alpha. ' 4aghunandan uestion on Calculation of

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ". 2iscuss the Capital Asset pricing %odel and its assumptions. 0hat are its

    limitations1 ' 4aghunandan

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Mo("l u"stio Pa$"r


    S"%tio A Two ar*s "a%)2". a). 0hat are preference shares1b). 68pand C4!S!*.c). ive the meaning of Lero discount bonds1d). 0hat is a fundamental anal$sis1e). 0hat is meant b$ blue chip stocks1f). 0ho is a bear speculator1g). 0hat is a book building1h). 0hat is a &utures contract1i). 0hat is a closed ended scheme of mutual fund1

    j). 0hat do $ou understand b$ s$stematic investment plan in mutual funds1k).The standard deviation of a share is (.#@, 3hile of market is (.#. correlation

    coefficient is (.I. Calculate the uestions:

    I. 68plain the benefits of credit rating to the investor and to the compan$1

    O46lucidate technical anal$sis based on Charting Techni;ues1

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    2iscuss the functions of stock e8changes in !ndia1O4

    0hat is listing1 68plain briefl$ the listing procedure.

    "(.68plain the various risks associated 3ith the mutual funds and the problems of

    mutual funds in !ndia1


    2iscuss the Capital Asset pricing %odel and its assumptions. 0hat are its



  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus



    F!T ! + %6T O2S O& COST!F

    JO< COST!F + %eaning, features, objectives, procedure, advantages and limitations

    'Simple problems on Job Cost Sheet)

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    F!T !=+< 2 6TS AF2 < 2 6TA4 COFT4O*

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    S"%tio ?A 8 ar*s2". Theoretical concepts on Contract and /rocess costing.S"%tio ?B 4 ar*s2

    ". Treatment of /rofit 5*oss on incomplete contracts

    #. Short note on different t$pes of Contracts?. Simple problems on preparation of /rocess Cost Account@. 2ifferences bet3een

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    S"%tio ?A 8 ar*s2". Theoretical concepts on standard costing and =ariance Anal$sis.#. %eaning of %aterial, *abour and Overhead =ariancesS"%tio ?B 4 ar*s2

    ". %eaning and 2efinition and Steps involved in Standard Costing#. Advantages and disadvantages of standard costing?. Simple problems on %aterial and *abour =ariancesS"%tio ?C 80 ar*s2 ?N-L?

    MO/.L U.ST-ON PAP.+ 8018 S%)" "2

    C+./-T BAS./ S-@TH S.M.ST.+ BBM /. +.. .@AM-NAT-ON

    COST AN/ MANA .M.NT ACCOUNT-NTime+ ? hours %a8. %arks+"#(

    Section 7A 'T3o %arks 6ach) '#M"(Q#()

    Ans3er an$ T6F of the follo3ing:


    a) 2efine Job costing.b) 0hat is operating costing1c) 0hat do $ou mean b$ escalation clause in contract costing1d) 0hat do $ou mean b$ Formal loss1e) 0hat do $ou mean b$ 4etention mone$1f) 0hat is Lero base budgeting1g) 0hat do $ou mean b$ Angle of !ncidence1h) 2efine joint products.i) 2efine %anagement Accounting.

    j) 0hat do $ou mean b$

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ?. 0hat are the reasons for the difference in the profits sho3n b$ cost accounts

    and financial accounts1.


  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    /articulars Cost 5 unit 2irect material 4s."#(.(( =ariable O 4s.B(.(( =ariable e8penses' direct) 4s."(.(( 2istribution 68penses '#(R fi8ed) 4s."(.((

    2irect labour 4s.D(.(( Selling e8penses '"(R fi8ed) 4s.?(.((

    Administrative 68penses '"((R variable) 4s. "(.((

    -. Calculate material variances from the follo3ingN+

    /urchases ?,((( kgs for 4s. I,(((.((

    Opening stock "(( kgs.

    Closing stock D(( kgs.

    /roduction during the $ear -( units of outputStandard >uantit$ of material re;uired for " unit of output is #B kgs.

    Standard rate is 4s. #.B5kg.

    S.CT-ON? C Tw" t' Mar*s "a%) 3@80 602

    Ans3er an$ T 466 of the follo3ing:

    I. The %angalore fertili er corporation manufactures three grades of fertili ers.The follo3ing details relate to the month of August, #("?N+

    /articulars /rocess+A /rocess +< /rocess +C%aterials used ?(,(((




    "(,((( tons

    Cost per Tone 4s.#( 4s."( 4s.B0ages ",((,((( D(,((( @(,(((%anufacturing 68penses B(,((( @(,((( "(,(((Sent to 3arehouse #BR B(R "((RTransferred to ne8t process EBR B(R +++++Sales of scrap per ton 4s. "( 4s."B 4s."-

    !n each process, @R of the total 3eight put in is lost and DR is scraped. Fo profit is

    added in the course of processing but all grades of fertili ers are sold so as to sho3

    #BR gross profit on process cost. /repare the necessar$ Accounts.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "(. Jamadagni under took a contract for 4s. B((,((( on " st Januar$, #("?. &rom the

    follo3ing particulars obtained from his books, prepare a contract Account for the $ear

    ending ?" st 2ecember, #("?:

    %aterials 4s .",#(,(((/lant issued 4s. @(,(((0ages 4s.",B(,(((0orking e8penses 4s. D,(((

    Administration e8penses 4s "(,(((Sale of materials 4s "(,(((0orks certified 4s ?,B(,(((/lant in hand on ?"+"#+#((E. 4s #(,(((

    Cost of 3ork un certified 4s "D,(((

    The contractor 3ished to take profit on this contract on estimation basis and the

    follo3ing estimation is madeN+

    a) The contract could be completed in a further period of si8 months.

    b) The plant 3ill have a residual value of 4s. B,((( upon completion of the contact.

    c) The additional 3ages to complete the contract 3ould come to 4s. B",(((.

    d) A further sum of 4s @,((( 3ill be spent on 3orking e8penses.

    e) The administration e8penses 3ill be 4s. B,((( more.f) The materials re;uired further 3ill cost 4s. DB,(((.

    "". %r. Avatar Singh has been given a permit to run a bus in bet3een t3o to3ns 3hich

    are #B kms apart. &rom the follo3ing information, assuming "(R profit on takings for

    %r. Avtar Singh 3ork out the bus fare to be charged in bet3een those t3o to3ns for

    each passenger.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Cost of the

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    !nterest on deposit received

    Sales '",#(,((( units)

    Closing Stocks+

    0ork in process+

    &inished goods+'@(,((( units)





    The cost accounts revealed that the direct materials consumption 3as 4s. #,-(,(((.

    &actor$ Overheads 3ere recovered at #(R on prime cost. Administrative Overheads

    3ere recovered at 4s. ? per unit of production. Selling and distribution overheads 3ere

    4s. @ per unit sold.

    ou are re;uired to sho3 costing profit and loss account and financial profit and

    loss account and 4econciliation Statement.

    ,- S.M.ST.+ BBM


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    "-.2efine marginal costing"I.0hat is batch costing1#(.0hat is meant b$ p5v ratio '/rofit =olume ratio)1#".0hat do $ou mean b$ normal loss1##.0hat is the main object of reconciliation statement1

    #?. ive the meaning of Joint cost.#@. ive the meaning of subse;uent e8penses or separation cost1#B.0hat is meant b$ cost variance1#D.0hat do $ou mean b$ 3ork certification1#E.0hat is idle time variance1 o3 is it determined1#-.0hat is job costing1#I.0hat do $ou mean b$ operating or service costing1?(.0hat do $ou mean b$ 9margin of safet$ 1?".2efine 3astage1?#. ive the meaning of scrap.??.State an$ # methods of computing the profit on in completed contract

    [email protected] a suitable method of costing for i) 4ail3a$s ii) !nterior 2ecoration iii)4epair shop iv) Oil refineries v) /rinting press

    ?B.!f the profit is #BR on sales , ho3 much is the percentage on cost1?D.0hat is retention mone$1 0h$ is it retained1?E.%ention an$ t3o advantages of marginal costing?-.%ention an$ t3o advantages of standard costing?I.%ention an$ t3o advantages of budgetar$ control@(.%ention the components of 3orks cost@".A method of costing follo3ed in a public utilit$@#.2efine fle8ible budget@?.&rom the follo3ing data find out marginal cost: sales +"(,((,((( 4s. &i8ed

    e8penses.4s.?,((,(((. /rofit 4s. #,((,(((@@.0hat do $ou mean b$ master

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    D(.0hich method of costing is suitable for ship building industr$ and hospital1


    UN-T 7 - -NT+O/UCT-ON

    2efinition of auditing features of auditing, advantages, objectives of audit, detection and

    prevention of errors and frauds. Classification of audit 7 statutor$, private, government, internal, continuous, annual,

    interim, partial, balance+sheet, cost ta8, management and social audit, /reparation

    before audit 7 audit programme+ audit note book 7 audit 3orking papers 7 /rocedure of

    audit 7 Techni;ues of audit.

    UN-T 7 -- -NT.+NAL CONT+OL

    %eaning features and objectives 7 !nternal Check 7 meaning, definitions, features,

    objectives, advantages and disadvantages.!nternal check regarding 7 cash receipt, cash pa$ments, 3ages and stores.'Fote: good s$stem of internal check instead of features)

    UN-T 7 --- ,OUCH-N

    %eaning, objectives and importance 7 =ouching of cash receipt transactions+ cash sales,

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    Classification of assets and verification and valuation of different assets+ fi8ed, floating,

    3asting, intangible, fictitious assets and contingent. =aluation of stock+ Auditor s dut$+

    verification of liabilities 7 meaning, auditor s dut$.

    UN-T 7 , COMPANY AU/-TO+

    %eaning, dis;ualification, appointment, rights and duties. *iabilit$ of the compan$ auditor 7

    Civil *iabilit$ for Fegligence + Cas" 7 *ead 6state 2 U.ST-ON BAN9UN-T 7 1 : - tro(u%tio 8 ar*s u"stio s2

    ". 2efine auditing.#. 68plain an$ t3o features of auditing.?. 0hat do $ou mean b$ statutor$ audit O4 private audit O4 government audit O4

    internal audit O4 interim audit O4 partial audit O4 management audit O4 socialaudit O4 annual audit1

    @. 0hat do $ou mean b$ balance sheet1B. ive the meaning of Cost.D. ive the meaning of Ta8.E. ive the meaning of routine check O4 test checking O4 surprise check O4 audit in

    depth O4 tick marks O4 footing.-. 0hat do $ou mean b$ audit note book1I. ive the meaning of omission O4 commission O4 compensating error O4 error of


    4 ar*s u"stio s2

    ". 68plain the features of audit.#. 68plain the advantages of audit. 'o3ners, business and public onl$)?. 68plain the contents of audit 3orking papers.@. Classification of audit 7 statutor$ O4 private O4 government O4 internal.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    B. Audit Fote

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ?. 68plain cash receipt transactions 'cash sales O4

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    B. 68plain importance of auditor s report.D. 68plain professional misconduct.

    80 ar*s u"stio s2

    ". 0hat are the rights of a compan$ auditor O4 duties of a compan$ auditor1

    ,- S" "st"r BBM Pro

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Titl" o& t)" $ro

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Pla i ! &or t)" $ro

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "(. eneral assessment factors are as follo3s:

    SL=NO ASS.SSM.NT FACTO+1 A$$ro$riat" "ss o& titl" a ( $ro$"r i ("G $a!"s

    8= M"t)o(olo!':a O#

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    I= Ta#l" o& Co t" ts

    4efer the list of contents specimen given belo3

    4= List o& Ta#l"s

    Tables, if an$, 3ith Table Fo., Title of the Table and /age Fo. be given for each

    table. '4efer the specimen given belo3).

    J= List o& Fi!ur"s

    &igures if an$, 3ith figure Fo., Title of the &igure and /age Fo. be given for each

    figure. '4efer the specimen given belo3).

    10= Mai Bo(' o& t)" Pro

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Chapter ?: /rofile of the stud$ organi ation

    Chapter @: Anal$sis and !nterpretation of 2ata O4 &indings of the Stud$

    Chapter B: Summar$ and Conclusion

    Appendices O4 Anne8ure

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    F-NANC-AL MANA .M.NT ? Pa$"r?-- Fi a %ial A al'sisBlow U$ S'lla#us

    U it? 1: Fi a %ial stat" " t A al'sis

    &inancial Statements: %eaning, t$pes, nature, objectives, uses and limitations.&inancial

    statement Anal$sis: %eaning, objectives, need, steps, t$pes and techni;ues of anal$sis.

    'One or t3o - marks theor$ ;uestions, - marks problem on techni;ues of anal$sis and

    fe3 # marks ;uestions shall be asked)

    U it? 8: Fu ( &low a ( Cas) &low A al'sis

    &und &lo3: %eaning of fund, fund flo3 and fund flo3 statement, Sources andapplication of funds, /reparation of &und flo3 statement: Statement of changes in

    3orking capital, Statement sho3ing funds from operation and &und flo3 statement

    'simple problems). ses and limitations of &und flo3 statement.

    Cash &lo3: %eaning of cash, cash flo3 and cash flo3 statements. T$pes of cash flo3s,

    /reparation of Cash flo3 statement as per AS+!!! onl$ 'indirect method). ses and

    limitations of Cash &lo3 Statement. 'One - marks theor$5problem on &&S, one - marks

    theor$5problem on C&S and #( marks problem on &&S5C&S and fe3 # marks ;uestions

    shall be asked)

    U it? 3: +atio A al'sis

    %eaning, objectives, importance and limitations of ratio anal$sis, 2u pont anal$sis

    'meaning onl$).T$pes of ratios: *i;uidit$, leverage5Capital structure, profitabilit$ ratios

    related to sales and investments, 4O! and Activit$ ratios. /roblems on calculation of

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ratios and preparation of &inancial statements 3ith the help of ratios. 'One - marks

    problem5theor$, one #( marks problem, and fe3 # marks ;uestions shall be asked)

    U it?>: L" "ra!" A al'sis

    %eaning of risk, business risk and financial risk 'in brief). %eaning of leverage, t$pes of

    leverage and computation of operating, financial and combined leverage. Computation

    of 2egree of leverage, 6

    'One - marks theor$5problem and fe3 # marks ;uestions shall be asked)

    F-NANC-AL MANA .M.NT ? Pa$"r?-- Fi a %ial A al'sis

    MO/.L U.ST-ON PAP.+S"%tio 7 A 8Mar*s "a%)2

    A sw"r a ' T.N o& t)" &ollowi ! i two or t)r"" s" t" %"s "a%)

    >. Fo. " !n this section "# ;uestions shall be asked covering at least #;uestions from

    each nit. Simple calculations can also be asked.

    S"%tio 7 B 4 Mar*s "a%)2

    A sw"r a ' Fi " u"stio s

    >. Fo. # to -

    /roblems on the follo3ing aspects ma$ be asked: Techni;ues of financial anal$sis &und &lo3 anal$sis Cash &lo3 anal$sis 4atio anal$sis T$pes of *everage 6conomic =alue Added valuation

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    # or ? theor$ ;uestions from an$ nit.

    S"%tio 7 C 80 Mar*s "a%)2

    A sw"r a ' TH+.. u"stio s

    = No= J to 18

    ? problems on an$ of the follo3ing aspects ma$ be asked.

    &und flo3 statement Cash flo3 statement 4atio Anal$sis 6

    ? or @ Short notes from an$ nits, preferabl$ covering the aspects on 3hich - marks

    ;uestions are not asked.

    Boo*s &or +"&"r" %" alo ! wit) ot)"r #oo*s s$"%i&i"( i t)" s'lla#us2:". &inancial management '/rinciples and /ractice): 2r. S.F.%ahesh3ari

    #. &inancial %anagement and polic$: =. .

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    BM355D356 MA+9.T-N MANA .M.NTPAP.+ -- A( "rtisi ! a ( Sal"s Ma a!" " t

    U it -: A( "rtisi !: %eaning, definition, &eatures, Objectives, !mportance,

    Classification of Advertising, *imitations of Advertising, istor$ and 2evelopment of

    Advertising in !ndia, 4elationship of Advertising 3ith other Communication Tools Advertising v5s /ersonal Selling, Advertising v5s /ublicit$. Advertising

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    4easons for Testing Advertising 6ffectiveness. Communication 6ffect and Sales

    6ffect 4esearch ./re+testing /ost+testing and Concurrent testing %eaning and

    %ethods '*aborator$ measures+Consumer Jur$, /ortfolio tests, /h$siological and

    /s$chological %easures. %easures+6$e camera Tachistocope 4ecognition Test,

    4ecall Tests) 18 .

    U it -,: Sal"s For"%asti ! a ( Sal"s Or!a isatio : Sales &orecasting %eaning,

    Objectives and %ethods of Sales &orecasting. Sales Organisation: %eaning,

    2efinition, !mportance and &unctions+ 18 .

    U it ,: Sal"s a s)i$: %eaning, 2efinition and !mportance of Salesmanship. Selling

    /rocess+ Steps in selling process. inds of Salesman 7/ioneering Salesman, 2ealer

    Servicing Salesman, %erchandising Salesman, Specialit$ salesman, Counter Salesman, Outdoor salesman

    4ecruitment of salesman: Source Training of Salesman: %eaning, Feed, objectives,

    %ethods and contents of a ood Training /rogramme. >ualities of a successful

    salesman. %otivation of Salesman: %eaning, Feed and %ethods of %otivating

    Salesman. Compensation or 4emuneration of Salesman: Objectives of ood

    4emuneration planN 6ssentials of a good 4emuneration planN %ethods of

    4emunerating the Salesman. Supervision and Control of Salesman: %eaning andFeed for Control of Salesman. %ethods of controlling Salesman. 18 .

    Cas" Stu(i"s i all U its

    Boo*s &or +"&"r" %"

    ". Advertising %anagement and !ndian /erspective / Agar3al#. &oundations of Advertising Theor$ and /ractice S A Chuna3alla K C Sethia?. Advertising and Sales /romotion S a mi K Satish

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "(.%arketing %anagement 7 Te8t and cases An !ndian /erspective 7 2r 4.*.

    =arshne$ and 2r.S.*. upta

    Mo("l u"stio Pa$"r

    ,-t) S" B=B=M= Mar*"ti ! Ma a!" " t

    Pa$"r?-- A( "rtisi ! a ( Sal"s a a!" " tTime:?hrs %a8i marks:"#(

    S"%tio ?A"U Ans3er an$ ten ;uestions in # or ? sentences each #8"(Q#(

    a) 2efine publicit$.b) 0hat do $ou mean b$ professional advertising1c) ive the meaning of &ull service ad+agenc$.d) 0hat do $ou mean b$ creative bouti;ue1e) 0hat is a transit media1f) 0hat is an 6ndorsement cop$1g) 0hat are moral appeals1h) 0hat do $ou mean b$ sales forecasting1i) 0ho is a Counter salesman1

    j) 0hat are 94ecall tests 1k) 0hat is a 9 eadline in advertising cop$1l) 0hat is 6+mail advertising1

    S"%tio ?B

    Ans3er an$ B ;uestions. B8-Q@(

    #U 68plain the objective and task method of allocating advertising budget.

    ?U 0hat do $ou mean b$ advertising la$out1 0hat are the essentials of a good

    advertising la$out1

    @U 0hat do $ou mean b$ client turnover1 0hat are the reasons .

    B)68plain the different methods of remunerating ad+agenc$1

    D) 0hat are the different techni;ues of sales fore casting .

    E) 0hat is pre+testing1 0hat are the methods of pre+testing1

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    UN-T -


    ".2efine /ublicit$1

    #.0hat is /ropaganda1

    ?.0hat is Fational Advertising1

    @.0hat is global advertising1

    B.0hat do $ou mean b$ consumer advertising1

    D.0hat is professional advertising1

    E.0hat is !ndustrial advertising1

    -. 0hat is trade advertising1

    I.0hat is institutional advertising1

    "(.0hat is corporate advertising1"".0hat is !dea advertising1

    "#.0hat is public service advertising1

    "?.0hat is service advertising1

    "@.0hat is &inancial advertising1

    "B.0hat is personal advertising1

    "D.0hat do $ou mean b$ competitive parit$ method allocating advertising budget

    method 1"E.0hat do $ou mean b$ arbitrar$ method of allocating advertising budget1

    "-.0hat do $ou mean 4O! method of allocating advertising budget1

    4 Mar*s

    ". 0hat are the objectives of Advertising1

    #. 2ifference bet3een Advertising and /ersonal Selling

    ?. 2ifference bet3een Advertising and /ublicit$

    @. 0hat are the &actors influencing the Advertising budget allocation1

    B.0hat are the limitation of advertising1

    D. 0hat are the features of Advertising1

    E.0hat is objective and task method of allocating advertising method, 0hat are its

    merits and demerits1

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    -.0hat are the advantages and disadvantages of percentage of sales method of

    allocating advertising budget1

    80 Mar*s

    ". 68plain various classes or Classifications of Advertising

    #. 0hat are the Advantages and *imitations of Advertising,

    ?.2escribe the services rendered b$ advertising to various classes of people in the


    @. 0hat are the different %ethods of allocating Advertising

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "I.0hat do $ou mean b$ classifieds 1

    4 Mar*s

    ".0hat do $ou mean b$ /rint media1 0hat are the merits and demerits1

    #.0hat are the factors to be considered 3hile selecting advertising media1

    ?. 0rite a note on 6lectronic media1

    @. 0rite a note on Outdoor %edia of advertising1

    B. 0rite a note on Transit %edia1

    D. 0rite a note on Specialit$ advertising1 0rite a note on ethical issues in advertising1

    E. 0hat are the different t$pes of advertisement Cop$1

    -. 0hat is direct mail advertising1 0hat are its merits and demerits1

    I. 0hat is Advertising Appeal1 68plain the t$pes of Advertising Appeal"(. 0hat are the essentials of Advertising la$ out1

    "". 68plain the principles of a good advertising la$ out

    "#. 0hat are the ethics in advertising1

    "?.0hat are essentials of good advertisement cop$1

    "@. 0hat are the elements or components or various parts of a advertisement cop$1

    "B.0hat are the essentials of good advertising la$ out1

    "D. 0hat are the principles of good advertising la$ out180 Mar*s

    ". 68plain various t$pes of Advertising %edia 3ith their merits and demerits1

    #. 68plain the different t$pes of Advertisement Cop$1 0hat are the essentials of a good

    Advertising cop$1

    ?. 0hat do $ou mean b$ outdoor advertising1 0hat are the different forms of outdoor

    advertising1 0hat are their merits and demerits1

    UN-T ---

    8 ar*s

    ".0hat is a !n house agenc$ 1

    #.0hat is full service ad agenc$ 1

    ?.0hat is a speciali ed agenc$ 1

    @.0hat are creative

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    B.0hat do $ou mean b$ client turn over 1

    D.0ho is an accounts e8ecutive 1

    E.0hat is a Ala+carta agenc$ 1

    -.0hat is a pre test 5 post test5 concurrent test1

    I.0hat is meant b$ communication effect research1

    "( .0hat is meant b$ sales effect research1

    "".0hat are portfolio tests 1

    "?.0hat is e$e 7 camera 1

    "@.0hat is recognition test 1

    "B. 0hat is a recall test 1

    "D. 0hat is a aided recall test 1

    "E. 0hat is a un aided recall test 1"-.0hat is trailer test 1

    "I.!n;uir$ test1

    #(.%eaning of Tachistocope5 alvanometer5perceptoscope 5pupilometer

    #".0hat is a penetration test1

    ##. 0hat is triple association test 1

    #?. 0hat is !ntend to bu$ Test 1

    #@.0hat is a attitude test 1

    4 ar*s

    ". 0hat are the different t$pes of advertising agenc$1

    #. 68plain various functions of advertising agenc$

    ?. 0hat are the various methods of compensating agenc$ personnel

    @ 0hat are the reasons for client turnover1

    B.0hat are the factors to be considered 3hile selecting ad agenc$1

    D.0hat is pre+testing 1 3hat are the advantages 1

    E.0hat are the reasons for measuring effectiveness of advertising 1

    80 ar*s

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ".68plain the methods of measuring the effectiveness of advertisements.

    #.0hat is a full service ad agenc$ 1 3hat are the functions performed b$ a full service

    ad agenc$

    UN-T -,

    8 ars

    ".0hat is sales forecasting 1

    #.2efine sales organi ation.

    4 ar*s

    ". 2efine Sales forecasting and e8plain various methods of sales forecasting

    #. 68plain the objectives of sales organisation.

    ?. 0hat are the functions of sales organisation1@. 0hat is the !mportance of sales organi ation1

    B.0hat is sales forecasting 1 3hat are the objectives of sales forecasting 1

    UN-T ,

    8 ar*s

    ". 0ho is a pioneering salesman 1

    #. 0ho is a specialit$ salesman 1?. 0ho is a counter salesman 1

    @. 0ho is a missionar$ salesman 1

    B.0hat are sales ;uotas 1

    D.0hat is a sales manual 1

    E.0hat is Apprenticeship 1

    -.0hat are sales contest 1

    4 ar*s

    ".0hat is the !mportance of salesmanship1

    #. 68plain different inds of salesmanship

    ?. 68plain the various methods of %otivating salesman

    @. 0h$ there is a need to motivate the salesman 1

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    B.0h$ there is a need of controlling the salesman 1

    D.68plain the steps in selling process.

    E.0hat are the contents of a good training programme to salesman51

    -.0hat do $ou mean b$ recruitment of salesman 1 3hat are the sources.

    I.0hat is the need of training the salesman1

    "(.0hat are the objectives of training the salesman1

    "".0hat are the individual methods of training the salesman 1

    "#. 0hat are the group methods of training the salesman 1

    "?.0h$ there is a need to motivate the salesman 1e8plain

    "@.0hat are the objectives of a good remuneration plan to salesman1

    "B.0hat are the essentials of a good remuneration plan to salesman1

    80 ar*s

    ". Anal$se various methods of sales forecasting

    #. 68plain different methods of Compensating salesman

    ?. 0hat are the ;ualities of successful salesman1

    @. 68plain the term recruitment and its sources

    B. 0hat are the different methods of Training salesman

    D. 0hat are the different methods of motivating salesman1

    ,- S.M.ST.+ BBM

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    BM 355D356 : HUMAN +.SOU+C. MANA .M.NT?.L.CT-,.


    Blow U$ S'lla#us

    U it - 18 )rs

    - (ustrial +"latio s a ( Tra(" U io s? %eaning and 2efinition of !ndustrial 4elations,

    Characteristics, Objectives, Three Actors of !ndustrial 4elations: 0orkers K their

    organisations, 6mplo$ers K their organisations and overnment+ Approaches to

    !ndustrial 4elations: /s$chological, Sociological, uman 4elations, andhian approach+

    Causes of poor industrial relations, %easures for improving industrial relations or

    Conditions for congenial industrial relations.

    Trade union+%eaning K 2efinition of trade union, Fature or Characteristics, Objectives,

    0h$ 3orkers join trade unions1, &unctions of trade unions, T$pes5Structure of trade

    unions: Craft nion, !ndustrial nions, eneral nions and &ederations, istorical

    6volution of Trade nion or 2evelopment of trade unionism in !ndia, /roblems and

    Shortcomings of Trade nions in !ndia, %easures for strengthening Trade unions,

    Objectives of !ndian Trade nions like A!T C, !FT C,

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Case Stud$.

    U it --- 18 )rs

    Coll"%ti " Bar!ai i ! a ( Wor*"rsE Parti%i$atio i Ma a!" " t? %eaning K

    2efinition of Collective ualit$ Circle+%eaning, Objectives, Organi ational Structure, Cs. >ualit$ of 0ork *ife+%eaning, %ajor issues in >0*, %easures or Techni;ues

    for !mproving >0*.

    Case Stud$.

    U it -, 18 )rs

    /is%i$li " a ( ri" a %"? %eaning of 2iscipline, Objectives of 2iscipline, T$pes of

    2iscipline: /ositive or Self and Fegative or /unitive 2iscipline+ %eaning of !ndiscipline,

    Causes of !ndiscipline: !nternal Causes and 68ternal Causes+ 2isciplinar$ procedure,

    6ssential of a good disciplinar$ s$stem or /rinciples of !ndustrial 2iscipline. %eaning of

    4ed ot+Stove 4ule and its features, Code of 2iscipline 3ith meaning and its principles.

    6mplo$ee rievance+ %eaning of 6mplo$ee rievance, Causes of grievances: &rom

    %anagement /olic$, &rom 0orking Conditions, &rom /ersonal %aladjustment+ %ethods

    of nderstanding 6mplo$ee rievances: 68it !ntervie3, Opinion Surve$s, ripe

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    and Open 2oor /olic$+ rievance /rocedure or rievance 4edressal S$stem, /re+

    re;uisites or 6ssential condition or /rinciples of a sound rievance /rocedure.

    Case Stud$.

    U it , 18 )rs

    . $lo'"" W"l&ar" K So%ial S"%urit'? %eaning of 6mplo$ee 0elfare, Objectives or

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    i) 0rite an$ t3o uses of 68it !ntervie31

    j) 0hat are the t$pes of Social Securit$ benefits1

    k) 0hat is *ockouts1

    l) State an$ t3o objectives of A!T C.


    A sw"r a ' F-,. u"stio s: 4@5 >02

    #. 0hat are the essential conditions for sound !ndustrial 4elations1

    ?. 68plain the various t$pes of strikes.

    @. 2ifferentiate bet3een Adjudication and Arbitration.

    B. 0hat are the principles of a sound grievance procedure1

    D. 0hat are the principles of !ndustrial 2iscipline1E. 68plain the essential conditions for the success of collective bargaining.

    -. 68plain the Coverage and benefits provided under the 0orkmen s Compensation

    Act, "I#?.


    A sw"r all u"stio s: 80@3 602

    I. 0hat are the problems of !ndian Trade nion1 Suggest the measures forstrengthening Trade union in !ndia.


    68plain the /rinciples of !ndustrial 2iscipline. 0hat are the steps involved in

    redressal of grievances1

    "(. 68plain the machineries available for the settlement on !ndustrial disputes.


    68plain the various t$pes of 3elfare services provided in the organi ation.

    "" a) 0hat are the forms of 3orkers participation in management1

    b) Case Stud$.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ,- S.M.ST.+ BBM

    BM 355D356 : HUMAN +.SOU+C. MANA .M.NT?.L.CT-,. --

    PAP.+ -- : -N/UST+-AL +.LAT-ONS K LABO+ L. -SLAT-ONS

    u"stio Ba *

    U it -

    - (ustrial +"latio s a ( Tra(" U io s

    Two Mar*s u"stio s

    " 2efinition of !ndustrial 4elations.

    # 2efine Trade nion.

    ? An$ t3o objectives of A!T C

    @ 0hat is Craft nion1B 0hat is meant b$ /rimar$ Strike1

    D 0hat do $ou mean b$ !ntra+mural functions of Trade nions1

    .i!)t Mar*s u"stio s

    " 2efine !ndustrial 4elations. 68plain the 4ole of the Actors of !ndustrial 4elations1

    # 0hat are the measures for improving !ndustrial 4elations or conditions for Congenial

    !ndustrial 4elations1

    ? 0hat are the objectives of Trade unions1

    @ 0h$ do 3orkers Join Trade nions1

    Tw" t' Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0hat are the Objectives of !ndustrial 4elations1 68plain the causes of /oor !ndustrial


    # 2efine Trade nion. 0hat are the &unctions of Trade nions and e8plain the problems

    of Trade nions.

    U it --

    - (ustrial /is$ut"s

    Two Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0hat do $ou mean b$ !ndustrial 2ispute1

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    # 0hat is Strike1

    ? 0hat do $ou mean b$ herao1

    @ 2efine *ock+out.

    B 0hat do $ou mean b$ =oluntar$ Arbitration1

    D T3o objective of !.*.C.

    .i!)t Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0hat are the different forms of !ndustrial 2isputes1

    # 0hat are the functions of *abour 0elfare Officer1

    ? 0rite a note on %odel Standing Orders.

    @ 0rite a note on 0orks Committees 3ith functions.

    Tw" t' Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0hat are the Causes of !ndustrial 2isputes and 0hat are the preventive measures of!ndustrial 2isputes1

    # 0hat are the methods of Settlement of !ndustrial 2isputes1

    U it --- Coll"%ti " Bar!ai i ! a ( Wor*"rsE Parti%i$atio i Ma a!" " t

    Two Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0hat are the t3o stages of Collective ualit$ Circle1

    .i!)t Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0hat are the essential conditions for the Success of Collective

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    # 2efine 0orkers /articipation in %anagement. 0hat are the 2ifferent &orms of 0orkers

    /articipation in %anagement1

    U it -,

    /is%i$li " a ( ri" a %"

    Two Mar*s u"stio s

    " 2efine 2ismissal.

    # 2efine la$+off.

    ? 0hat do $ou mean b$ /ositive Aspect of 2iscipline1

    .i!)t Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0rite a note on 4ed ot Stove 4ule.

    # 0hat are the causes of rievances1

    ? 0hat are the causes of !ndiscipline1@ 0hat is meant b$ emplo$ee !ndiscipline1 2iscuss the causes of indiscipline.

    B 0hat are the t$pes of /unishments1

    Tw" t' Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0hat do $ou mean b$ rievance /rocedure1 68plain the %odel rievance /rocedure.

    # 0hat do $ou mean b$ emplo$ee indiscipline1 2iscuss the causes of indiscipline.

    U it ,

    . $lo'"" W"l&ar" K So%ial S"%urit'

    Two Mar*s u"stio s

    " 0hat are the t3o benefits of 6mplo$ees /rovident &und Act1

    # State an$ t3o benefits under %aternit$

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus



  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    C" tral Sal"s A%t 1J56: %eaning, Constitutional /rovision, 2efinitions, /rinciples

    2etermining the nature of Sale, 4egistration of 2ealers, 4ate of CST, &orms to be

    availedN /roblems on Computation of Turnover and CST.

    C" tral .G%is" /ut' : Fature and meaning, kinds of duties Acts,

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus



    c. Je3eller$+meaning '# %ark >uestion)

    d. achts, uestion)

    f. Cash in hand+'# %ark >uestion)

    B. Scope of liabilit$ to 3ealth ta8 or !ncidence of Ta8+'# %ark5- %arks >uestion)D. /"" "( Ass"ts : '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    a. Asset transferred to spouse '# %ark >uestion)

    b. Asset held b$ minor child '# %ark >uestion)

    c. Asset transferred to a /erson or AO/ '# %ark >uestion)

    d. 4evocable transfer of Asset '# %ark >uestion)

    e. Asset Transferred to son s 3ife '# %ark >uestion)

    f. Asset Transferred to a person or AO/ for the benefit of son s 3ife '# %ark


    g. !nterest in &irm or AO/ '# %ark >uestion)

    h. Converted /ropert$ '# %ark >uestion)

    i. Transfer b$ means of uestion)

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    k. ouse from a co+operative Societ$ etc '# %ark >uestion)

    l. uestion)

    E. .G" $t"( Ass"ts : '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)+

    a. /ropert$ held under Trust '# %ark >uestion)

    b. !nterest in Co+parcener$ propert$ '# %ark >uestion)

    c. one uestion)

    e. Assets of !ndian 4epatriate '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 - marks /roblem)

    -. 2ebts O3ed+ meaning '# %ark >uestion)

    I. =aluation of Assets+=aluation b$ =aluation Officer '# %ark >uestion)

    10= ,aluatio o& i o a#l" Pro$"rt':a. uestion5 - marks


    "". =aluation of Assets of uestion5 - marks5#( marks


    "?.=aluation of Je3eller$ '# %ark >uestion)"@. =aluation of other Assets '# %ark >uestion)

    "B.Computation of Fet 0ealth and 0ealth Ta8 '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 -

    marks5#( marks /roblem)

    "D.4ate of 0ealth Ta8.

    "E./roblems on Computation of Fet 0ealth and 0ealth Ta8 '#( marks /roblem)

    u"stio &ro t)is U it

    T)r"" 8 marks ;uestions

    One - marks problem on valuation of Assets or !nterest in partnership &irm or

    e8empted assets of !ndian repatriate

    One - marks theor$ ;uestion if re;uired.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    One5T3o #( marks problem on Computation of Fet 0ealth and 0ealth Ta8 and or

    !nterest in partnership &irm

    UN-T -- 18 )rs

    S"r i%" TaG:

    ". %eaning and definition '# %ark >uestion)

    #. uestion)

    @. Ta8able territor$ '# %ark >uestion).

    B. 2eclared Service '# %ark >uestion)

    D. 6ssentials for its *ev$ '# %ark >uestion)E. Computation of =alue of Services and Service Ta8, abatement '# %ark5- marks


    -. 68emptions from Service Ta8+ eneral 68emptions to small service providers '#

    %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    I. /oint of ta8ation '# %ark >uestion)

    "(. 2iscussion on "( Ta8able Services 7

    a. Advertisement Agenc$ '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5- marks /roblem)

    b. uestion5 - marks /roblem)

    c. /racticing Chartered Accountants Compan$ Secretaries, Cost Accountants

    Services '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 - marks /roblem)

    d. Courier Services '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 - marks /roblem)

    e. Commercial Coaching and Training '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 - marks


    f. %andap eepers '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 - marks /roblem)

    g. Outdoor Catering '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 - marks /roblem)

    h. %anagement, %aintenance K 4epair Services '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5

    - marks /roblem)

    i. Tour Operators Services '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 - marks /roblem)

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "". /roblems on computation of Ta8able Service and Service Ta8 on these "(

    services '- marks /roblem).

    u"stio &ro t)is U it

    T3o # marks ;uestion

    One - marks problem

    One - marks theor$ ;uestion if re;uired.

    UN-T --- 18 )rs

    - (ir"%t TaG"s:

    ". %eaning '# %ark >uestion)#. 2istinction bet3een direct and indirect ta8es '# %ark5- %arks >uestion).

    ?. 9ar ata*a ,alu" A(("( TaG A%t 8003:

    a. !ntroduction

    b. 2efinitions+

    uestion), agriculture, agriculturist, 3orks contract, $ear, casual trader,

    place of business '# %ark >uestion), sale '# %ark5- marks >uestion),

    turnover, total turnover, ta8able turnover '# %ark5- marks >uestion),

    c. 4egistration '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    d. !ncidence and *ev$ of =AT '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    e. !nput Ta8, Output Ta8 and Fet Ta8 '# %ark >uestion)

    f. Schedules and 4ates thereof '# %ark >uestion)

    g. %aintenance of Accounts and 2ocuments '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    @. /roblems on Computation of Turnover and =AT '#( marks /roblem).

    u"stio &ro t)is U it

    T3o # marks ;uestion

    One - marks theor$ ;uestion if re;uired

    One #( marks problem

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    UN-T -, 18 )rs

    C" tral Sal"s A%t 1J56:

    ". %eaning

    #. Constitutional /rovision '# %ark >uestion)

    " 2efinitions+ appropriate state '# %ark >uestion), dealer, '# %ark5- marks

    >uestion), registered dealer '# %ark >uestion), sale+'# %ark5- marks >uestion),

    business, place of business, goods, declared goods '# %ark >uestion) Turnover

    '# %ark5- marks >uestion),

    ?. /rinciples 2etermining the nature of Sale '# %ark5- %arks >uestion),

    @. 4egistration of 2ealers '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)B. 4ate of CST '# %ark >uestion)

    D. , &orms to be availed C, &, , 6! K 6!! '# %ark5- marks >uestion)

    E. 68emptions from CST. '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    -. 2eclared goods '# %ark5- marks >uestion),

    I. CST and =AT distinguished '# %ark5- marks >uestion)

    "(. /roblems on Computation of Turnover and CST '#( marks problem)

    u"stio &ro t)is To$i%

    One5t3o # marks ;uestions

    One - marks theor$ ;uestion if re;uired.

    One #( marks problem

    C" tral .G%is" /ut' :

    "". Fature and meaning '# %ark >uestion)

    "#.Acts+ '# %ark >uestion)


    "B.kinds of e8cise duties '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    "D.Conditions for the lev$ of C62 '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "E.classification of goods '# %ark >uestion)

    "-. Assessable =alue meaning and computation '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    "I.Central 68cise =aluation 4ules, #((( '# %ark >uestion)

    #(.!nclusions in and e8clusions from Transaction =alue '# %ark >uestion)

    #". C6F=AT and C6F=AT Credit and computation '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5-

    marks /roblem)

    ##./roblems on computation of A= and C62 '# %ark5- %arks >uestion5 - marks


    u"stio &ro t)is To$i%

    One5t3o # marks ;uestions

    One - marks theor$ ;uestion if re;uired.One - marks problem

    u"stio &ro t)is U it

    Three # marks ;uestion

    One - marks theor$ ;uestion if re;uired.

    One - marks problem

    One #( marks problem

    UN-T , 18)rs

    Custo s /ut':

    ". Act '# %ark >uestion)

    #. 2efinitions+import, importer, e8port, e8porter, person+in+charge, uestion)

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    @. /rohibition of !mportation and 68portation of oods '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    B. *ev$ of Customs duties '# %ark >uestion)

    D. 2ate for determination of rate of dut$ and tariff valuation of imported goods

    E. 68emption from Customs '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    -. =aluation for Customs oods '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    I. 4ate of 68change for valuation of goods '# %ark5- %arks >uestion)

    "(. !nclusions in and 68clusions from Customs5Assessable =alue '# %ark5- %arks


    "". !mportant pricing terms in international trade '# %ark >uestion)

    "#. /roblems on Computation of Assessable =alue and Customs 2ut$ '- marks


    u"stio &ro t)is U it

    T3o # marks ;uestion

    One - marks theor$ ;uestion if re;uired.

    One - marks problem


    Total Hours: 60

    u"stio s &ro t)" " tir" S'lla#us

    T3o # marks ;uestions each from !!, !!! and = units

    Three # marks ;uestions from nit ! and !=

    One - marks problem each on Service Ta8, 68cise 2ut$ and Customs


    One - marks problem on =AT or CST 'on identification5Stating the

    ta8abilit$ position of the goods5transactions 3ith reason)

    One - marks theor$ ;uestion each from !! != '68cise 2ut$) and = unit

    One #( marks problem from nit !+ Computation of Fet 0ealth and

    0ealth Ta8

    One #( marks problem on Computation of Turnover and =AT *iabilit$

    One #( marks problem on Computation of Turnover and CST *iabilit$

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    One "( marks problem from nit ! on Computation of !nterest in /artnership

    &irm or =aluation of 10>= U/UP- /-ST


    A (

    S t= +.,ATH-

    H"a( o& ("$art " t o& Co "r%" a ( Ma a!" " t

    S)r"" /" i Coll"!"

    Ma !aluru


    TaGatio --

    MO/.L U.ST-ON PAP.+S"%tio A

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    A sw"r a ' T.N o& t)" &ollowi ! i o " or two s" t" %"s "a%):

    1= a=0hat is =aluation 2ate1

    b. 4esidential house o3ned b$ a compan$ is allotted to a part+time director 3hose

    salar$ is ",((,(((

    p.a. State 3hether it is ta8able in the hands of compan$

    c. State the 3ealth ta8 rules for ta8abilit$ if %otor Cars1

    d. %r. A is engaged in the business of gro3ing and selling tea. !s he a dealer under

    =AT Act1

    e. %r. A is a professor in a college and has no other business. e bu$s a car from

    oa for o3n use. e

    3ishes to sell the same for 4s.# lakh. =AT is @R on first sale. Compute the

    turnover and the ta8under =AT Act.

    f. %r. A of

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    " Ta8ation Consultanc$ &ees @,#D,#B(

    # 4emuneration for Account Services ","#,ID(

    ? Statutor$ Audit &ees #,DB,E((

    @ Certification &ees ",@B,D((

    B 4emuneration as !nternal Auditor job performed in a public limited compan$


    D &ees for appearing in appeals ",@E,@((

    E %r. upta also teaches at a Coaching Centre as visiting facult$ ",@?,#((

    %r. upta also got re+imbursed out of pocket e8penses on actual basis from his clients

    -B,I((. e has also incurred total e8penditure of ?,"B,((( as establishment e8penses

    of his office during the perid.Calculate the value of Ta8able Service and also the Service Ta8 pa$able thereupon. %r.

    upta charges service ta8 separatel$ in the bills raised hence the above receipts are

    not inclusive of service ta8.

    ?. A compan$ imported a machine from 6urope. &rom the follo3ing information

    determine the Assessable =alue for Customs 2ut$.

    Cost of machine but it does not include the follo3ingN #B,((( 6uro

    ". The importer sent the goods to the e8porter for the machine. !t 3as usedin manufacturing the machine. ",((,(((.

    #. 2esign and development e8penses incurred outside !ndia B,((( 6uro.

    ?. Technical fees paid to the e8porter after import of machine @,((( 6uro.

    @. !nstallation charges of machine in factor$ B(,(((.

    B. /acking charges B(( 6uro

    D. Transportation charges ",((( 6uro.

    E. !nsurance premium paid in !ndia B(( 6uro.

    -. Transportation and !nsurance charges from port to factor$ "(,(((.

    I. 68change rate declared b$ the

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    @. A compan$ manufactured and sold ",((( cars during the financial $ear #("@+"B. The

    price of the car is #,((,((( each and e8cise dut$ and sales ta8 are charged


    &rom the follo3ing information determine the Central 68cise 2ut$ pa$able:

    ". The compan$ purchased input -,((,((,(((. !t includes basic e8cise dut$


    #. The compan$ purchased capital goods during the financial $ear "(,((,((,(((. !t

    includes basic e8cise dut$ ",#(,((,(((.

    ?. On car basic e8cise dut$ is charged "#R and P ?R 6ducation Cess thereupon.

    B. State the ta8abilit$ position of the follo3ing goods 3ith reason:

    " Sale of coffee po3der of #,B(,(((# Sale of tamarind, chillies and 3et dates for @,((,(((

    ? Sale of rice, soji, ghur, dal, grains, onion, potato, garlic, beaten rice, 3heat flour and

    3heat and rice for "#,((,(((

    @ Cans, bo8es and tanks used as packing material sold -,((,(((


  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    ?. *and in rban area 'held as stock+in trade since #("(, construction 3ill be

    Commenced during June, #("@) @I,B(,(((

    @. %otor cars 'not being held as stock+in trade) "",?(,(((

    B. Je3eller$ 'not being held as stock+in+trade) "-,((,(((

    D. Aircraft ",B-,((,(((


  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    v. Sale to a registered dealer of Jaipur '4ajasthan) for resale on &orm C of such goods

    3hich are given his registration certificate ' ross ta8 rate is -R in the state)


    vi. Sale of 2eclared goods to unregistered dealer of ondia '%aharashtra) -,@(,(((

    'The rate of ta8 on such goods is BR in the state and the customer returned goods

    3orth 4s.@#,((( 3ithin si8 months)

    vii. Sale to a registered dealer of Angul 'Orissa) of such undeclared goods 3hich have

    not been given in his registration certificate ' Ta8 on such goods in the state is -R)


    viii. Sale of goods to arachi '/akistan) '4ate of ta8 in the state is BR) -,((,(((

    i8. Subse;uent sale during inter+state trade 'gross rate of ta8 in state is "?R -,((,(((

    8. 68port to Japan ",D(,(((2etermine the ross turnover, ta8able turnover and ta8 pa$able under Central Sales

    Ta8 Act. Ta8 include in the selling price.

    11= &rom the follo3ing details provided b$ a dealer at

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "# Sale of spices @,B(,(((

    "? /urchase of declared goods from a registered dealer at

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    < B,((,((( *and in urban area

    C B,((,((( '",-(( s;. meter) -,((,(((

    *oans for purchasing: %otor cars '0.2.=.) ?,B(,(((

    old ?,((,((( old "(,((,(((

    4ural land ",((,((( 2ebtors ",B(,(((

    Creditors ",((,((( Stock+in+trade ",((,(((

    *oan for 3orking capital ",B(,((( Cash5

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    "E. ive the meaning of Assessable value."-. State the rate of interest pa$able on dela$ed pa$ment of dut$."I. 0hat do $ou mean b$ specific custom dut$1#(. 0ho is adjudicating authorit$1#". ive the meaning of coastal goods.

    ##. ive the meaning of customs area.#?. 0hat do $ou mean b$ dutiable goods1#@. ive the meaning of foreign going vessel or aircraft.#B. ive the meaning of goods under Customs Act.#D.2efine Shipping

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    BE. !ndicate 3hether the follo3ing residential house ta8able under 3ealth ta8.

    4esidential house o3ned b$ the compan$ allotted to one of its officer 3hose

    salar$ is 'a) 4s.@",DDD p.m. and 'b) 4s.@",DEE p.m..B-. State the asses 3hich are e8empt from 3ealth ta8 in the hands of !ndian

    repatriate.BI. 0rite a note on net 3ealth and valuation date.D(. 0hat do $ou mean b$ outdoor catering1D". 0hat do $ou mean b$ turnover under CST Act1D#. 0hat is the importance of &orm 9 in Central Sales Ta81D?. State the interest on dela$ed pa$ment of service ta8.D@. 0ho can avail input ta8 credit1DB. Can input ta8 credit be carried for3ard1DD. 0hat do $ou mean b$ voluntar$ registration under =AT1DE. 0ho is liable to register under =AT1D-. 68plain the meaning of Sale+in+Transit.DI. o3 do $ou lev$ e8cise dut$ based on %4/1E(. 0ho is a %antap keeper1E". 0rite a note on tour operators.E#. 0rite a note on general e8emption to small service providers.E?. 0rite a note on practicing C.A services.E@. 0hat do $ou mean b$ &.O.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    IE. 0hat do $ou mean b$ asset under 3ealth ta81I-. State the rate of 3ealth ta8 and ma8imum amount e8empt from 3ealth ta8.

    4 ar*s u"stio s2

    ". 0rite a note on inclusions and e8clusions in Assessable value under valuation

    rules.#. 2iscuss the high lights of C6F=AT scheme.?. 2istinguish bet3een SST and CST.@. 68plain the procedure for registration of a dealer u5s E of CST Act.B. 68plain briefl$ advantages and disadvantages of service ta8.D. 2efine and e8plain ta8able service. State the essentials for the lev$ of service

    ta8.E. 0hat is custom dut$1 %ention special t$pes of import duties.-. 0hat are the e8clusions and inclusions 3hile valuing ta8able services1I. 68plain the assets e8empt from 3ealth ta8."(. 0hat do $ou mean b$ deemed assets. %ention various deemed assets in the

    3ealth ta8."". 68plain the difference bet3een 68cise dut$ and customs dut$ and Central Sales

    Ta8."#. 68plain different t$pes of central e8cise dut$."?. 68plain the importance and dra3backs of customs dut$."@. 68plain different t$pes of customs dut$."B. o3 3ould $ou determine the assessable value of goods for computation of

    customs dut$1"D. 68plain the different methods of determination of price of imported goods under

    the customs valuation."E. o3 do $ou value immovable propert$ and interest in the firm for 3ealth ta8

    purpose1"-. 0rite a note on net maintainable rent."I. 0rite a note on provisions of 3ealth ta8 Act regarding assets held b$ minor child

    and assets of !ndian repatriates.

    u"stio Ba * $r"$ar"( #':

    S t= +" at)i

    H"a( o& t)" /"$art " t o& Co "r%" a ( Ma a!" " t

    S)r"" /" i Coll"!"

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    Ma !aluru=048>?881831I


    9+-SHNA BHATAsso%iat" Pro&"ssor i Co "r%"

    o t= First ra(" Coll"!"

    9A+9ALA?5I>10>= U/UP- /-ST


    BM 355D356? BAN9-N AN/ -NSU+ANC. MANA .M.NT 7 .L.CT-,.

    Pa$"r --? -NSU+ANC. AN/ +-S9 MANA .M.NT


    U it - 18 )rs

    - tro(u%tio to +is* a a!" " t? Overvie3 of 4isk+ Concept of 4isk+ 4isk =s

    ncertaint$+ 2efinition of 4isk. *oss+ /erils. a ards+ /h$sical a ards+ !ntangible

    a ards 'moral ha ards+fraud, moral ha ards indifferences, societal ha ards) T$pes

    of 4isk+ &inancial and Fon financial risks, !ndividual and group risks, pure and

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    speculative risk, static and d$namic risks, ;uantifiable and non ;uantifiable risks,

    credit risks, interest rate risk, price risk. 4isk management, 2efinition, meaning, 4isk

    management /rocess+ 4isk !dentification, 4isk Anal$sis, Selection of Techni;ues+

    4isk Control, 4isk &inancing, /eriodic 4evie3.

    U it -- 18 )rs

    - tro(u%tio to Mar*"t +is* a ( - t"r"st +is*? M"a i ! o& (uratio K rat" ris*?

    /"ri atio s 7 %eaning and features, t$pes of derivatives ? for3ards, futures, options,

    s3aps etc., &or3ards+ %eaning, futures, advantages disadvantages, valuation.

    &utures ? meaning, trade mechanism, features, &utures and &or3ards differences+

    uses of futures, t$pes of futures+ stock futures, inde8 futures, commodit$ futures,

    interest rate futures and currenc$ futures. Settlement of futures. Arbitrageopportunities in futures. %argins+ margin account, initial margin, marking to mark,

    mark to market margin, maintenance margin, margin call, variation margin. S3aps+

    meaning, features, t$pes+ interest rate s3aps, mechanics of interest rate s3aps+

    volatilit$ of interest rate s3aps+ currenc$ s3aps+ valuation of currenc$ s3aps,

    commodit$ s3aps, e;uit$ s3aps. Options+ meaning, features, t$pes of options+ call,

    put 6uropean, American, double, in the mone$, out of mone$, at the mone$ stock,

    inde8, and intrest rate option. Settlement of options.

    U it --- 18 )rs

    - tro(u%tio to - sura %" + %eaning and scope of !nsurance, /rinciples of

    !nsurance, 6ssentials of !nsurance Contract. T$pes of !nsurance + *ife !nsurance,

    eneral !nsurance+ &ire, %arine, %iscellaneous+ Aviation insurance, project

    insurance, 6ngineering insurance, liabilit$ insurance, burglar$ insurance, personal

    accident insurance, fidelit$ guarantee insurance, business insurance, live stock

    insurance and others. &unctions of !nsurance Compan$ departments. Structure of

    !nsurance !ndustr$, %ajor pla$ers of !nsurance !ndustr$+ *ife insurers and non life

    insurers under public sector and private sector + economies of !nsurance

    business5value chain anal$sis, 4egulation of !nsurance and !42A+ duties, po3ers

    and functions.

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    U it -, 18 )rs

    - sura %" Pro(u%ts a ( Pri%i ! ? Terminolog$ and basic concepts, life insurance,

    &ire polices, marine polices, design and development of life and non+life !nsurance

    products. Stages of ne3 product development. nder3riting+ definition, the trade off,

    T3in guiding principles, basis of under3riting+ Objectives and principles behind

    under3riting+ under3riting life and non+life insurance business+ introduction to pricing+

    /ricing and 4ating procedure+ /ricing objectives+ t$pes of rating Class and merit.

    U it , 18 )rs

    Clai s Ma a!" " t ? !ntroduction to claims management+ claim settlement in

    eneral !nsurance+ eneral uidelines for settlement of claims in case of &ire!nsurance, %arine !nsurance, /ersonal Accident !nsurance etc.+ Claims management

    in *ife !nsurance+ %aturit$ claims 7 'documents re;uired and settlement)+ death

    claims+ implementation and monitoring of claim s$stems.

    Total Hours? 60

    Boo*s &or +"&"r" %":

    " &undamentals of !nsurance + 2r. / upta

    # !nsurance %anagement + Anand angul$

    ? !nsurance and 4isk %anagement + 2r. / upta

    @ 4isk %anagement and !nsurance + 0illiam, Smith and oung

    B /rinciples of 4isk %anagement and !nsurance + eorge 6 4ejda

    D Options and &utures + =ohra and

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    BM 355D356? BAN9-N AN/ -NSU+ANC. MANA .M.NT 7 .L.CT-,.

    Pa$"r --? -NSU+ANC. AN/ +-S9 MANA .M.NT

    u"stio #a *

    nit !

    Section A '# marks)

    " ive the meaning of uncertaint$.# 2istinguish bet3een risk and uncertaint$.? ive an e8ample for risk financing.

    Section < '- marks)" 68plain different t$pes of risks.# 68plain various sources of pure risk? 68plain various sources of risk.

    Section C '#( marks)" 2efine risk. 68plain the t$pes of risks.# 0hat do $ou mean b$ 4isk management1 68plain the process of risk


    nit !!

    Section A '# marks)

    " ive the meaning of interest rate s3ap.# 0hat is a future contract1? 0hat is an e;uit$ s3ap1@ 0hat is for3ard contract1B 0hat is the nature of American option1

    Section < '- marks)

    " 2istinguish bet3een for3ard contracts and future contracts.# 0hat are options contracts1 68plain the factors determining option price.? 0hat are s3aps1 0hat are its features1@ 0hat do $ou mean b$ derivatives1 0hat are their uses1

    Section C '#( marks)" 0hat are option contracts1 68plain the factors determining option price.# 0hat are futures contracts1 68plain different methods of settlements of future

    contracts.? 68plain the mechanics of interest rate s3ap 3ith an illustration. 0hat are the

    uses of interest rate s3aps1

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    nit =Section A '# marks)

    " ive the meaning of vo$age polic$.# ive the meaning of pro8imate cause in !nsurance.? 0hat are maturit$ claims and death claims in life insurance1

    Section < '- marks)

    " 0rite a note on fire insurance claims.# 2efine marine polic$. 68plain different t$pes of marine policies? 0rite a note on fire insurance claims.

    Section C '#( marks)" ive a detailed account of claims management in life insurance.# ive the meaning and features of life insurance, fire insurance and marine


    ? 68plain the general guidelines for settlement of claims.

    BM 355D356? BAN9-N AN/ -NSU+ANC. MANA .M.NT 7 .L.CT-,.

    Pa$"r --? -NSU+ANC. AN/ +-S9 MANA .M.NT

    MO/.L U.ST-ON PAP.+Ti ": 3 Hours MaG= Mar*s: 180

    S"%tio A2

    Ans3er an$ ten of the follo3ing ;uestions 'T3o marks each) '#8"(Q#()

    ". 'a) ive the meaning of uncertaint$.

    'b) ive an e8ample of risk financing.

    'c) 0hat is for3ard contract1

    'd) ive the meaning of interest rate s3ap.

    'e) 0hat is 4einsurance1

    'f) State an$ four po3ers of !42A.

    'g) 0hat is double insurance1

    'h) 0hat is &air /remium1

    'i) 0hat is Strike price1

    'j) ive the meaning of =o$age polic$1

  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    'k) ive the meaning of pro8imate cause in insurance.

    'l) State an$ one difference bet3een risk and uncertaint$.

    S"%tio B

    Ans3er an$ five of the follo3ing ;uestions '- marks each) '-8BQ@()

    #. 68plain different t$pes of risks.

    ?. 2istinguish bet3een for3ard contracts and future contracts.

    @. 0hat do $ou mean b$ derivatives1 0hat are their uses1

    B. 0hat are S3aps1 0hat are its features1


  • 8/9/2019 VI Sem BBM Blownup Syllabus


    2efine under3riting in insurance1 2iscuss under3riting in life and non life
