Page 1: Vert.x using Groovy - Simplifying non-blocking code

Alexander (Sascha) Kleincodecentric AG

vert.x with GroovySimplifying non-blocking code

Page 2: Vert.x using Groovy - Simplifying non-blocking code

codecentric AG

Alexander Klein, 2014-06-03

vert.x with Groovy – Simpliyfing non-blocking code

Page 3: Vert.x using Groovy - Simplifying non-blocking code

codecentric AG

Why using vert.x ?

CC BY 2.0 >

Page 4: Vert.x using Groovy - Simplifying non-blocking code

codecentric AG

Alexander (Sascha) Klein

Principal Consultant

codecentric AG in Stuttgart


Groovy, JavaFX, UI / UX

Griffon committer

[email protected]


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codecentric AG


Framework to write polyglot, highly concurrent applications

Similar to Node.js

Asynchronous, non-blocking API

Polyglot (Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, Python and others)

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codecentric AG


Client Background ThreadpoolWorker-Verticle



Event Loop




Event Bus




long-running tasks

non-blocking blocking

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Middleware framework for vert.x

Currently only Java, JavaScript and Groovy supported

Many helpful implementations

Request body and Cookie parser

Static file server

Request Router

Virtual host support


and more ...

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Calculating CRC32's for a directory

Read directory entries

Read file properties for each entry

Determine if entry is a directory

Handle directories recursively

Read file

Calculate CRC32 via worker verticle

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Classic vert.x/yoke code

container.deployWorkerVerticle 'CRC.groovy', [:]

GRouter router = new GRouter()

router.get("/crc") { GYokeRequest request ->

request.response.chunked = true

request.response.contentType = 'text/plain'

this.crc('/home/aklein/tmp/ConfigParser', request)


router.get("/") { GYokeRequest request, Handler next ->

request.response.render 'web/index.gsp', next


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Classic vert.x/yoke code

def yoke = new GYoke(vertx, container)

yoke.engine new GroovyTemplateEngine()


yoke.use new Static("web", 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, true, false)

yoke.use { request ->

request.response.statusCode = 404

request.response.statusMessage = 'Not Found'

request.response.contentType = 'text/plain'

request.response.end('404 - Not Found')



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Classic vert.x/yoke code

def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) {

EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus

FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem

fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->

if (rs.succeeded) {

String[] paths = rs.result

paths.each { String path ->

fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 ->

if (rs1.succeeded) {

FileProps props = rs1.result

if ( {

crc(path, request)

} else {

fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 ->

if (rs2.succeeded) {

Buffer content = rs2.result

bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result.body().status == 'error') {

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Error processing file " +

"$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} \n" +



} else {

request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}\n"



} else {

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path"





} else {

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read properties for $path"





} else {

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read $baseDir"





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codecentric AG

Preparing gradle build

Download from:


provided "com.jetdrone:yoke:$yokeVersion@jar" // (optional for using yoke)


yokeVersion=1.0.13 // (optional for using yoke)

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Preparing gradle build


task startMod(dependsOn: copyMod, description: 'Run the module', type: JavaExec) {

classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath + sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath

main = ''

args(['runmod', moduleName])

args runModArgs.split("\\s+")

// jvmArgs "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"


"vertx.clusterManagerFactory": "",

"vertx.mods" : "$projectDir/build/mods"



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codecentric AG

Classic vert.x/yoke code

def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) {

EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus

FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem

fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->

if (rs.succeeded) {

String[] paths = rs.result

paths.each { String path ->

fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 ->

if (rs1.succeeded) {

FileProps props = rs1.result

if ( {

crc(path, request)

} else {

fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 ->

if (rs2.succeeded) {

Buffer content = rs2.result

bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result.body().status == 'error') {

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Error processing file " +

"$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} \n" +



} else {

request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}\n"



} else {

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path"





} else {

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read properties for $path"





} else {

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read $baseDir"





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Compress Errorhandling - Method

request.response.statusCode = 500

request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path"



def end(YokeResponse response, int statusCode, String statusMessage = null) {

response.statusCode = statusCode


response.statusMessage = statusMessage




end request.response, 500, "Failed to read file $path"

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Compress Errorhandling - Dynamic Mixins

class YokeExtension {

static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) {

self.statusCode = statusCode

if (statusMessage)

self.statusMessage = statusMessage






request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"

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Compress Errorhandling - Static Mixins (vert.x 2.1)

class YokeExtension {

static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) {




customizer = { org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration config ->


new ASTTransformationCustomizer(Mixin, value: YokeExtension) )

return config



request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"

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Compress Errorhandling - Module Extension (vert.x 2.1)

class YokeExtension {

static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) {




moduleName = vertx-module

moduleVersion = 1.0

extensionClasses = de.codecentric.vertx.YokeExtension



repositories {



dependencies {

compile "de.codecentric:vertx-extension:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT@jar"


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After YokeResponse enhancement

def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) {

EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus

FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem

fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->

if (rs.succeeded) {

String[] paths = rs.result

paths.each { String path ->

fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 ->

if (rs1.succeeded) {

FileProps props = rs1.result

if ( {

crc(path, request)

} else {

fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 ->

if (rs2.succeeded) {

Buffer content = rs2.result

bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result.body().status == 'error') {

request.response.end 500, "Error processing file " +

"$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} \n" +


} else

request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}\n"


} else

request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"



} else

request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path"



} else

request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir“



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Bus communication

if (rs2.succeeded) {

Buffer content = rs2.result

bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result.body().status == 'error') {

request.response.end 500, "Error processing file " +

"$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} \n" +


} else

request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}\n"


} else

request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"

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Worker Module

EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus

bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg ->

try {

Buffer buffer = new Buffer(msg.body())

CRC32 crc = new CRC32()

int start = 0, end, length = buffer.length

while (start < length) {

end = Math.min(start + 1024, length)

crc.update(buffer.getBytes(start, end))

start = end


msg.reply([status: 'ok', message: crc.value ])

} catch (e) {

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()


msg.reply([status: 'error', message: 'Failure creating crc', error: e.message, stacktrace: sw.toString()])



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Standardizing bus communication – Worker

bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg ->

try { ...

msg.reply([status: 'ok', message: crc.value ])

} catch (e) {

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()


msg.reply([status: 'error', message: 'Failure creating crc', error: e.message, stacktrace: sw.toString()])




bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg ->

try { ...


} catch (e) {

msg.replyFailure('Failure creating crc', e)



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Standardizing bus communication - Module

class MessageExtension {

static final String OK = 'ok'

static final String ERROR = 'error'

static void replySuccess(Message self, message) {

self.reply([status: OK, message: message])


static void replyFailure(Message self, Throwable e) {

replyFailure(self, null, e)


static void replyFailure(Message self, String msg, Throwable e = null) {

def message = [status: ERROR]

if (msg)

message.message = msg

if (e) {

message.error = e.message

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()


message.stacktrace = sw.toString()




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Standardizing bus communication - Module

static String getStacktrace(Message self) {



static String getError(Message self) {



static def getMessage(Message self) {

return self.body().message



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Standardizing bus communication – Caller

bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result.body().status == 'error')

request.response.end 500,

"Error processing file $path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} \n $result.body().stacktrace}"


request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}\n"



bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result)

request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}\n"


request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path: $result.logMessage"


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Standardizing bus communication - Module

static boolean isSucceeded(Message self) {

def result = self.body()

if (result instanceof Map) {

return result.status == OK

} else

return false


static boolean asBoolean(Message self) {

return self.isSucceeded()


static String getLogMessage(Message self) {

return self.getError() ? "${self.getMessage()}: ${self.getError()} \n${self.getStacktrace()}" : self.getMessage()



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Streamlining AsyncResult API

static boolean asBoolean(AsyncResult self) {

return self.isSucceeded()


static String getStacktrace(AsyncResult self) {

if (!self.cause)

return ''

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()

PrintWriter pw = sw.newPrintWriter()


return sw.toString()


static String getError(AsyncResult self) {

return self.cause ? self.cause.message : ''


static def getMessage(AsyncResult self) {

return self.result


static String getLogMessage(AsyncResult self) {

return self.getError() ? self.getMessage() +

": ${self.getError()} \n${self.getStacktrace()}" :



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With standardized bus communication

def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) {

EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus

FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem

fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->

if (rs) {

String[] paths = rs.result

paths.each { String path ->

fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 ->

if (rs1) {

FileProps props = rs1.result

if ( {

crc(path, request)

} else {

fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 ->

if (rs2) {

Buffer content = rs2.result

bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result) {

request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}\n"

} else

request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path:" + result.logMessage

} else

request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"



} else

request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path"



} else

request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir“



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Handler chains

Event-based programming often results in multiple, stacked Handlers / Closures

Difficult to read

Order of commands from left to right / outside to inside

Horizontal scrolling because of indentation

Hard to find the begining of a logical part

Difficult to test

Loops are difficult or impossible to implement

When is the for loop finished to send the .end()?

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Closure Chaining - Syntax

chain { next -> next() }, { next -> next(10) }, { input, next -> println input }

chain ( 10, { input, next -> next(input) }, { input, next -> println input } )

chain 10, { input, next -> next(input) }, { input, next -> println input }


chain { next -> next() } { next -> next(10) } { input, next -> println input }

chain (10) { input, next -> next(input) } { input, next -> println input }

chain (10) { input, next ->


} {

input, next -> println input


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Closure Chaining – Module

class StructureExtension {

static void chain(final Object self, def arguments, Closure... actions) {

if (arguments instanceof Closure) {

actions = [arguments, *actions] as Closure[]

arguments = null


if (!actions)

throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more arguments of type groovy.lang.Closure required")

_chain(arguments, actions.iterator())


...chain{} …chain(arg)chain(arg) {} ...

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Closure Chaining – Module

static void chain(final Object self, Object... arguments) {

if (!arguments.any { it instanceof Closure })

throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more arguments of type groovy.lang.Closure required")

int i; def actions = []

for (i = arguments.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

if (arguments[i] instanceof Closure)

actions.add(0, arguments[i])




_chain(arguments[0..i], actions.iterator())



chain()chain(arg1, arg2, ...)chain(arg1, arg2, ...) {} …

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Closure Chaining – Module

private static void _chain(final Object arguments, final Iterator<Closure> actions) {

if (actions) {

def action =

if (arguments != null) {

action = action.curry(arguments as Object[])

} { Object[] args ->

_chain(args, actions)





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Looping - Syntax

[1,2,3].loop { element, next -> next() }

[a:1, b:2, c:3].loop { key, value, next -> next() }

[1,2,3].loop { element, next ->


} {

// called after the last iteration


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Looping – Module

static void loop(final Object[] array, final Closure action) { loop(array, action, {} }

static void loop(final Object[] array, final Closure action, final Closure next) { _loop(array?.iterator(), action, next) }

static void loop(final Collection collection, final Closure action) { loop(collection, action, {} }

static void loop(final Collection collection, final Closure action, final Closure next) {

_loop(collection.iterator(), action, next)


static void loop(final Map map, final Closure action) { loop(map, action, {} }

static void loop(final Map map, final Closure action, final Closure next) { _loop(map.iterator(), action, next) }


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Looping – Module

private static void _loop(final Iterator<?> iterator, final Closure action, Closure next = {}) {

if(iterator) {

def element =

def nextAction

if (iterator)

nextAction = StructureExtension.&_loop.curry(iterator, action, next)


nextAction = next

if (element instanceof Map.Entry), element.value, nextAction)

else, nextAction)

} else


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With chaining and looping

def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request, Closure nextCrc = null) {

FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem

chain { nextChain -> // Read directory

fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->

if (rs) nextChain(rs.result as List)

else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir"


} { List paths, nextChain -> // Loop over files

paths.loop { String path, nextLoop ->

chain { next -> // Read file properties

fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs ->

if (rs) next(rs.result)

else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path"


} { FileProps props, next -> // Check for directory

if ( crc(path, request, nextLoop)

else next()


{ next -> // Read file

fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs ->

if (rs) next(rs.result)

else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"


} { Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc

bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result) {

request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}\n"


} else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path"






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Adding .end() after the loop

{ Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc

Vertx.eventBus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result) {

request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}\n"


} else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path"



} { // finish everything up after loop

if (nextCrc) nextCrc()

else request.response.end()




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Using a template engine

router.get("/crc") { GYokeRequest request ->

request.context.files = [:]


def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request, Closure nextCrc = null) {

request.context.files[baseDir] = null


{ Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc

Vertx.eventBus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->

if (result) {

request.context.files[path] = result.message


} else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path"





} { // finish everything up after loop

if (nextCrc) nextCrc()



files: request.context.files)




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Accessing the context - !!! Hack Alert !!!

class YokeExtension {


static Context getContext(YokeRequest self) {

// Reflection because context is a private field of the super class for GYokeRequest

Field field = YokeRequest.getDeclaredField('context')

field.accessible = true

return (Context) field.get(self)


static Context getContext(YokeResponse self) {

// Reflection because context is a private field of the super class for GYokeResponse

Field field = YokeResponse.getDeclaredField('context')

field.accessible = true

return (Context) field.get(self)


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Adding custom context for rendering

static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template) { render(self, context, template, null, null) }

static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, Closure next) {

render(self, context, template, null, next)


static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, String layoutTemplate) {

render(self, context, template, layoutTemplate, null)


static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, String layoutTemplate, Closure next) {

Map<String, Object> oldContext = getContext(self).clone()



if (next)

self.render(template, layoutTemplate, next)


self.render(template, layoutTemplate)




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The template







<% def data = files.sort { a, b -> a.key <=> b.key }

data.each { k, v ->

if (v != null) { %>

<li>${k} = ${v}</li>

<% } else { %>


<% } %>

<% } %>




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Smoothen all up with a custom BaseScriptClass

abstract class VerticleScript extends Script {

Vertx getVertx() {

return binding.vertx


void setVertx(Vertx vertx) {

binding.vertx = vertx


Container getContainer() {

return binding.container


void setContainer(Container container) {

binding.container = container


EventBus getBus() {



SharedData getSharedData() {



Logger getLog() {



Map<String, Object> getConfig() {



Map<String, String> getEnv() {



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Using the BaseScriptClass (vert.x 2.1)

Global usage:


customizer = { org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration config ->

config.scriptBaseClass = 'de.codecentric.vertx.VerticleScript'

return config



Local usage per Script:

@groovy.transform.BaseScript de.codecentric.vertx.VerticleScript verticleScript

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API to smoothen MongoDB usage

def db(String address, Map message, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {

bus.send(address, message) { Message result ->

Map reply = result.body()

if (reply.status == 'ok') {

if (success) {

if (success.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) success(reply, result)

else success(reply)


} else {

if (failure) {

if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) failure(reply, result)

else failure(result)





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API to smoothen MongoDB usage

def save(String address, String collection, Map document, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {


[action: 'save', collection: collection, document: document, write_concern: 'SAFE'],

success, failure)


def update(String address, String collection, Map criteria, Map update, Closure success=null, Closure failure=null) {

db(address, [action: 'update', collection: collection, criteria: criteria, objNew: update, write_concern: 'SAFE'],

success, failure)


def delete(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {

db(address, [action: 'delete', collection: collection, matcher: matcher], success, failure)


def read(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {

db(address, [action: 'findone', collection: collection, matcher: matcher,], success, failure)


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API to smoothen MongoDB usage

def exists(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {

def command = [action: 'find', collection: collection, matcher: matcher, batch_size: 100]

db(address, command, success) { Map reply, Message result ->

if (reply.status == 'more-exist') {

if (success.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2)

success(reply, result)



} else {

if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2)

failure(reply, result)






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API to smoothen MongoDB usage

def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher,

Map options, Closure success, Closure failure) {

int max = options.max ?: -1

int offset = options.offset ?: -1

Map orderby = options.orderby ?: null

Map keys = options.keys ?: null

def data = []

def queryHandler

queryHandler = { Map reply, Message result ->

if (reply.status == 'more-exist') {

data.addAll reply.results

result.reply([:], queryHandler)

} else if (reply.status == 'ok') {

data.addAll reply.results


} else if (reply.status == 'ok') {

data.addAll reply.results


} else if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) {

failure(reply, result)

} else failure(result)


def command = [ action: 'find', collection: collection, matcher : matcher, batch_size: 100]

if (max >= 0) command.max = max

if (offset >= 0) command.offset = offset

if (orderby) command.orderby = orderby

if (keys) command.keys = keys

db(address, command, queryHandler, queryHandler)


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API to smoothen MongoDB usage

def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success) {

query(address, collection, matcher, [:], success, null)


def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success, Closure failure) {

query(address, collection, matcher, [:], success, failure)


def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Map options, Closure success) {

query(address, collection, matcher, options, success, null)


Page 50: Vert.x using Groovy - Simplifying non-blocking code

codecentric AG


Alexander (Sascha) Klein

codecentric AGCuriestr. 270563 Stuttgart

tel +49 (0) 711.674 00 - 328fax +49 (0) 172.529 40 [email protected]


03.06.14 50
