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Veganuary Research

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Primary research

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Question 1:

These results show me that the majority of people I have questioned know what veganism is. This shows that being vegan is a well known and mainstream life style due to how many people appear to know about it.

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Question 2:

These results tell me that the majority of people who have taken my survey, think that the vegan lifestyle is good and that they have no objections towards it. Although a minority of people believe its fine, but only if it is for medical reasons and not personal beliefs. This may be due to lack of knowledge on the vegan lifestyle and believes.

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Question 3:

In my results the majority of people said that they would not try veganism. Some did not give reasoning behind this, however some of them gave reasoning behind it. They explained that they felt veganism would not fully fulfill their dietary requirements.I believe they said these beings because they have a lack of knowledge on the vegan diet, and if they knew more information about it their opinion might be changed.

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Question 4:

This question has given me a mixture of difference responses. Out of the responses three of them said they would mainly do it for health reasons, however one said that their main reason to go vegan would be to cut down on animal killing. This is showing me that everyone has a different reason to go vegan, mainly to do with health or animal welfare.

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Question 5:

These results show me that the majority of who I asked have not tried to be vegan before. This may be due to lack of knowing how to go about it, or having no interesting in being vegan.

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Question 6:These results show that a majority of people who have answered the question have heard of Veganuary before. Which show’s that it is a well known event that happens yearly. However there are some people who have not heard of this event before, this may mean that they need to know information on it. Or that there should be more advertisements to spread information about Veganuary.

This could also tell us something about their life styles, as the ones who have heard about Veganuary may life a completely different lifestyle to those who haven't.

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Question 7:100% of people who I interviewed said that they would not take part in veganuary, this is due to the reasons that they have stated before previously. As well I am also lead to believe they do not know enough about being vegan, to have the knowledge to try it. If they were given more information on being vegan and how animals were treated in the meat/dairy industry they may change their minds and be willing to try veganuary.

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Secondary research

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About News 6/5/2016:

Summary: This article gives a brief description on what being Vegan is and how it effects certain choices such as food, clothing, lifestyle. It gives a basic overview of what people would eat as a vegan and what to look out for when buying food.

Tags: Vegan, Diet, Dietary, Labels, Lentil, Meat.

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The Vegan Society:

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This article tells us what it means to be vegan and how it can affect certain choices such as food, entertainment, medicine and other aspects of vegan living. It gives suggestions on what can be done if you choose to go vegan as well as saying it isn’t just about the vegan diet.

Sources: This article also uses other sources to help give other information about veganism, such as a recent website, that tells people about medicine and what is contained within it.

Quotes: “Vegans avoid exploiting animals for any purpose, with compassion being a key reason many choose a vegan lifestyle.” “From curry to cake, pasties to pizzas, all your favourite things can be suitable for a vegan diet if they're made with plant-based ingredients.” “A great alternative is visiting and supporting animal sanctuaries that provide safe and loving homes for rescued animals.”

Tags: Vegan, Animal, Veganism, Diet, Animals, Food, Medicine

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Vegan - What is a vegan? What do vegans eat? About Food:

Tags: Vegan, Veganism, Diet, Recipe, Food.

This article gives an overall brief on what it means to be vegan, how you can become vegan and what you can eat as a vegan.

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About Food: Quotes: “A vegan diet includes all grains, beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits and the nearly infinite number of foods made by combining them. ”

Is it a valid source:This website is a valid source as it has last been updated on March 29th 2016, which shows that it has been updated and isn’t using old, outdated and irrelevant information in its article. As well in this article there is also external links to other articles which helps to back up the points that have been make within the article.

“Vegans also eat many of the same common and familiar every day foods such as a green salad, spaghetti, and chips and salsa which just about everyone eats.”

“Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines. ”

“Vegan refers to either a person who follows this way of eating, or to the diet itself.”

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Health Risks:

Tags:Vegan, AnaemicDiet, IronNutrition ,Supplement.

Summary: This article is from the Veganuary myths page. This was a question asking if it is safe to become a vegan is somebody is anaemic. Which the response explains about the condition and that it is safe to be vegan even with being anaemic.

This article is from the Veganuary website, giving information about the question, and also links to the NHS site which makes the information reliable.

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Health Risk,Quotes:

• “From a nutritional point of view, anaemia can be caused by a dietary deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B12 or iron. As a vegan, vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that needs to be taken either as a regular oral supplement, or by regular intake of fortified foods.”

• “Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional cause of anaemia. It is estimated that 3% of men and 8% of women in the UK have iron deficiency anaemia (whether vegan or not).”

• “It is perfectly possible to obtain sufficient iron as a vegan.”

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Vegan Food:

Tags: Food, VeganRestaurant, CuisineGuide, Cooking.

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Vegan food, quotes: • Summary: This article is to do with vegan food, and focuses on different restaurants

and what vegan food they have to offer on their menu. It also links to different types of cuisine that can be vegan.

• “According to the website 25% of the dishes are vegetarian, and some of these are vegan or can be easily adapted. Ask to view their Special Dietary Requirements menu.” Yo-Sushi page.

• “Shakeaway have a large range of dairy-free milkshakes suitable for vegans using soya milk instead of cow's milk.” Shakeaway page.

• “All of our pizzas are made by hand so and can be ordered without the toppings that otherwise make them unsuitable for vegans.” Pizza express page.

• Source: • This source is reliable as it comes from the official veganuary page but also uses links to

the other website to provide the menus, which makes the information on the website much more reliable; as it has been backed up by the official restaurant websites.

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Extreme lifestyle:

Tags:Vegan, DietExtreme, plant.

Summary: overall this article gives an idea about veganism and explaining that it isn’t an extreme diet to be on.

Quotes: “In the context of a world that habitually uses and consumes animals, choosing not to do so can seem extreme – but only because it differs from what most people do.”

“Vegan food itself is not extreme and is mostly made from everyday ingredients that happen to be plant-based – such as beans, whole grains, nuts and common vegetables.”

This article comes from the official veganuary website, which is a trusted source for information about veganism.

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Vitamin B12.Tags:Vegan, B12Vitamin, Diet.

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• Sources: • 1:• 2:

• Both of these sources are trustable as the first one is the official NHS website and uses correct and statistical facts to help back up its points. The first source is also trustable because it comes from the vegan society which is a well known and trusted vegan page, along with this the page also uses external links to help back up the points that have been made.

Summary: Overall this tells us about what Vitamin B12 is and how important it is to keep a balanced amount of it in a vegan or non-vegan diet. The article then states what needs to be eaten to make sure that somebody gains the correct daily amount of B12. It also tells us what vegan foods B12 can be found in.

Quotes: “12 is an exceptional vitamin. It is required in smaller amounts than any other known vitamin. Ten micrograms of B12 spread over a day appears to supply as much as the body can use.”“In over 60 years of vegan experimentation only B12 fortified foods and B12 supplements have proven themselves as reliable sources of B12, capable of supporting optimal health.”“Vitamin B12, whether in supplements, fortified foods, or animal products, comes from micro-organisms.”“Vitamin B12 and folate perform several important functions in the body, including keeping the nervous system healthy.”

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Vegan diet.• The vegan diet does not contain any anima, or animal based

products. But mostly realized on he use of vegetables, nuts and grains within their diet. Vegan diets also contain multiple product substitutions, these include products such as vegan cheese, soya milk, and coconut milk. There are also many vegan products available such as Oreos and naked snack bars.

• Although a vegan diet may lack vitamin D there are a few substitutes as well as supplement tablets that can be taken while on a vegan diet.

• Vegan diets are much healthier and help to reduce blood pressure rates, as well as providing a lower saturated fat intake in the diet.

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Vegans & Animals.Summary: This article gives us an overview on animals and how they are treated in the meat industry. It then goes into different sub-categories that explain more about the animals and how they are treated. It explains in more detail rather than giving a brief overview.

Tags:Vegan, Animal, Meat, Factory.

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Quotes:• “Like us, they can feel calm or they can suffer from stress. The mass production of animals for

food and clothing has resulted in an industry that cares little for their well-being, and causes them to suffer in innumerable ways.”

• “Two of the worst culprits are the dairy and egg industries. Research tells us that chickens probably suffer the most miserable existence of all factory farmed animals.”

• “We use vast amounts of land, water, and other resources to grow grains and other plants to feed animals who are then used for food, instead of more efficiently feeding humans directly with plants.”

• “For every pound of food that farmed animals are fed, only a fraction of the calories are returned in the form of edible flesh.”

• “is filthy and extremely dangerous—worker injuries are rampan.”

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Sources:• 1: • 2:

Source: I trust both of these sources as one of them is the official veganuary website, which means that I can trust the information that I have gained off there. The second source is the official Peta website, which is also a trusted and reliable source of information.

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Animal Testing:

Tags: Human, Animal, TestingScience, Experiment, Vivisection.

Summary: This article gives an overview on animal testing and why vegans do not believe it it and why it should not be supported by anyone. It states about how animal testing is cruel and isn’t the solution when testing out things such as medicine and cosmetic products. It also says that animal testing doesn't always show the same effect that a human would have.

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Animal testing, quotes:• “Many of the most common tests conducted on animals are done with absolutely no anesthetic

and no regard for the animal’s ability to feel pain. If a scientist believes that their research will be tainted by findings from animals that have been given pain medications, they are not required to administer them.”

• “Though human animals and non-human animals are similar in the fact that we are both sentient and are able to experience pain and pleasure, we are still very much different.”

• “In the 1950’s a drug called Thalidomide, prescribed to pregnant mothers to alleviate morning sickness, was shown to cause birth defects in human babies after having no such effect on rats used in experiments.”

• “The drug, however, showed no such effects when used on non-human primates during preliminary experiments, even though the dose given to the non-human primates was about 500 times stronger than the dose administered to the human volunteers.”

Source: The website that I have used to gather this information appears to have been recently updated meaning that it is using relevant information. As well the website uses external links to back up its points, which makes the points that have been made backed-up. Which makes this article fully reliable.

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Animal testing.

• There are many brands that support/do not support animal testing which means that some of them are vegan friendly however others are not. Some of the companies that DO support animal testing are;

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Tags: Vegan, Veganuary,Change, January, Year, 2014, Charity.

Source: This is the official Veganuary website, so it is a trustable and reliable source.

This article gives a very brief overview of the Veganuary project and what it is as a total, it also explains about when it had first been founded and why it had been founded. It explains about the overall idea of the project, along with giving other options that explain about the event.

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Veganuary, quotes:• “Veganism is one of the most effective choices a person can make to

reduce the suffering of animals, help the planet and improve personal health.”

• “Veganuary has had an incredible degree of success in a very short time and is changing lives all over the world.”

• “By focusing on the month of January; a time for resolutions and new beginnings.”

• “Why go vegan, but it is the support offered to answer How to go vegan that truly sets Veganuary apart.”

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Vegan infographics.

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