
VEENA NURSERY FRAGRANT TERRACE GARDEN Krishna Mansion, Bungalow No 9, Mysore Colony, Anik Village, Chembur East, Mumbai Mobile: , , Tel FRAGRANT TERRACE GARDEN The terrace of the building seems to be an ideal place to create a garden where residents can meet up every morning and evening to have a brisk walk, maybe barefoot to help stimulate the acupressure points in the soles of the feet, bask in the mild sunlight to soak up the precious Vitamin D to strengthen the bones while surrounded by the whiff of fragrance of numerous flowers to exchange gossip of the local, national or international politics! Most of the shrubs that grow on the ground can also be set up in the terrace to enjoy their presence because of the colour of flowers, fruits, fragrance in the privacy that is rare to find these days. It also become a special place for the exclusive parties and get- togethers in natural surroundings instead of the five star culture, the parties would be million star celebration. Terrace garden layout Terrace gardens come in many shapes; in fact each one is unique that is customised to the specific terrace area, geographical requirements, plant care capacity and preferances of the residents. Here are some ideas that can be picked up to create a terrace garden that will fit the selected theme then expanded to fit the purpose of the garden. A vast collection of photos ranging from the Desi Rural, to the Indian Urban, to the Global Setup; from lavish well structured layout to simple placement of pans and earthen pots with artifacts, to elaborate set up; from fancy containers, to well defined troughs to hold the selected plants; from a place of relaxed outdoor space to party space with great lighting and elaborate furniture; the complete range is possible. Relax in traditional Desi Rural setup A touch of rural ambiance brings a big change from the stressful urban living. The baithak with handloom material, the niches for lamps (even electrically lit!) the white earthen vases some holding plants, and others air, fragrance from flowers and classical music drifting past all add up to a cozy environment fit for the kings! Or in the sophisticated western setting The super western setup is also possible where everything is well manicured from styled (almost artificial) trees and shrubs to minimal furniture to minimal plants, more like bonsais. The elaborate lighting completes the picture. Or return to the gothic English age This is a proper gothic era garden style with elaborate trimming of plants to resemble balls of various sizes and shades of greens. The zigzag walking path can create surprises and if broad enough provide sitting spaces with privacy if plants are tall enough. Chinese gardens Chinese gardens with a prominence of bamboos, lilies and junipers. The well planned repetitive pattern of simple garden having elaborate bamboo and dwarf plants has plenty of sitting spaces to relax. Each bamboo group can hold different variety of fragrant flowering plants near the sitting areas. Modern Indian setting, functional garden All purpose garden having a large shade to extend the functional hours of using the terrace garden. The garden has fragrant flowers such as madhumalti. Juhi climbing up the shaded arch to increase the shade while other flowering shrubs line the boundary. In the centre stage are large plumeria (false champa) trees. Various sets of furniture provide different levels of relaxation and activity. Large terrace with walking track. Large terrace has option of having group plantations that become islands around the walking track. The pleasure of walking under the shade of the trees is great, almost like a walk in the forest. The large trees would have smaller flowering shrubs as well as herbs growing under it. The walking path may be made of rounded pebbles and gravel and that can stimulate the acupressure points in the soles of the feet to accelerate good health and wellness. The sitting areas as part of the island act as social centres for healthier relationships. Terraces with borders of plants. Creating troughs of plants along the borders work out well as the centre is left free and clean of soil and moisture for group meetings. The troughs can hold all types of plants, herbal, vegetable, flowers, fruits. Central part may have a lotus pond with fish to make an attractive focal point. Art and plants theme celebration. Party time can have various themes and plants add a special touch to any celebration. Here paintings are displayed. Sculptures, stone artifacts, vases are some other display possibilities. Plants such climbers, small trees, shrubs and annuals add to the intoxicating colour and fragrance remain silent witness to any party. Large shrubs and artifacts Corners and centre can have large shrubs or small trees such as gardenia, kamini, night queen and others even fruit bearing trees to enhance experience. Various artifacts and rocks also enhance the look. Pots and pans with rocks that rock. Assorted pots with different plants in various corners bring life to dead spaces and form a focal points to surprise the person ambling along. It may be a combination of seasonal flowers, various herbs, fragrant flowers or vegetables. The artifacts such as rocks create borders and demark the spaces. Partially shaded terrace The overhead support system of wood or metal holds the various climbers and makes a terrace more functional as it can be used for longer hours of day. The climbers can be a good mix of fragrant flowers and vegetables too if desired. Canopy of fragrant climbers This set up has a number of fragrant flowering plants. There are Juhi climbers, (fragrant during day, madhumalti (fragrant at night), fragrant roses (very few are now fragrant) shrubs of kamini and others each one having a unique perfume. All these are supported by wooden or metal structures. A cane sofa set would be a great place to relax and share ideas. Instant Garden Simple placement of grown plants in the standard pots can happen instantly and takes care of many factors. These setups are flexible and can be changed as per the varying requirements. They can have one variety of plants such as ficus in this case or a wide range of plants creating a riot of colour. Sitting arrangement of benches is also flexible. All weather garden Garden divided into different groups by proper placement of pots of plants to demark the borders can be a great place round the year. There is a vast range of plants from foliage such as crotons, and acalyphas to vegetables and flowers such as bougainvilleas while tall shrubs form the boundary. Here in the monsoon not too many flowers bloom so the perinea crotons splash their colour and cheer. Vegetable patch The terrace can hold a number of herbs, condiments, and spices such as aloe vera, tulsi, oregano, paan, chillies, tomatoes, and many other things some are permanent and some change with the seasons to make a refreshing change. Good health is a bonus of eating healthy organic food. Vegetable and fruits grown in containers A whole range of fruits, vegetables, herbs, condiments, spices can be grown in containers on the principles of organic farming. This leads to better health and one experiences being close to the earth when eating off the soil. The respect for food and the farmer increases when one observes the growing fruit and vegetable day after day and the learns patience to watch the food develops towards maturity. INDIAN FRAGRANT FLOWERS THAT GROW ON TERRACES IN MUMBAI The group of fragrant flowers that grow well on the terraces of Mumbai are listed along with their photographs. The flowers bloom in different seasons of the year generally for 3 months and then spend almost 9 months in the sunlight storing food for the next festive season then the blooms burst forth once again. Hence a variety of flowers ensures that some corner is fragrant round the year. The placement of flowering plants are hence important as there is no clash of fragrance and some corner is alive with blasing colour and whiff of perfume pervading the air every time (exception monsoon when most plants do not bloom as the raindrops destroy the flowers). There are fragrant foliage too but they release their fragrance when crushed such as herbs such as various basils, holy, Italian, German, Camphor, menthol, peppermint, ajwain, various mints like the peppermint, sphere mint and others. fragrant clematis/ Clematis flammula Fragrant Clematis is a woody vine that bears fragrant white flowers, 2- 3 cm across. When the flowers are newly opened they have a strong sweet almond fragrance. The vine is heavily sprinkled with flowers that are sweet- smelling almost sweet almond fragrance. Champa/ Magnolia champaca The hybrid varieties grow well in terrace. The flowers come in two varieties, yellowish white petals and the white petals, having an extremely heady fragrance. They are used in religious offering in various parts of India. Champa flowers are used to make the world's most expensive perfume 'Joy' in America. Day Jasmine/Cesturm darium This fragrant Jasmine is of same family as the Night Queen but releases fragrance during the day, especially mornings. The flowers are small and insignificant but the fragrance is heady. The nectar oozes smell that attracts various butterflies. Passion Flower : Passiflora vitifolia Perfumed Passion Flower is a climber, having The are stunning, bright red flowers. The other colours are dark blue and lavender. Madhu Malati/ Quisqualis indica Clusters of fragrant white pendulous trumpets open white then change to pink, red and finally a deep maroon. A vigorous twining climber blooms profusely in the evenings. This plant needs support for growing and covers fences, supports, and walls. Kamini/Murraya paniculata Kamini flowers have an aromatic orange-like fragrance. Kamini is a large, multi-trunked shrub. The evergreen leaflets are dark green make a dramatic backdrop for the highly fragrant cream colored flowers. The shrub blooms most of the year Beauty-of-the-night/ Mirabilis jalapa Four o'clock flowers are trumpet shaped, about an inch across at the end and about two inches long. They open in the evening and wilt the next morning. The fragrant flowers can be red, magenta, pink, yellow or white, sometimes with more than one color on the same plant round the year. Gardenia/Gardenia jasminoides Gardenias are beautiful, shrubby evergreen plants having creamy, fragrant blooms. They have a powerful, sweet fragrance, and can perfume an entire room. The flowers are white, turning to creamy yellow as they age, and have a waxy feel. Indian Pellet Shrub/ Ixora indica Indian Pavetta The flowers are white, rather fragrant, and borne in considerable numbers in hairy terminal panicles which are 6-10 cm long. The flower-tube is slender and about 1.5 cm long, with obtuse petals about half the length of the tube. The flowers attract butterflies and insects. Frangipani/ Plumeria Frangipani flowers have small petals that strongly overlapping, giving the impression of a flower in the process of unfolding. They come in a variety of colours ranging from pure white, yellows, shades of pink through reds to darkest velvety red-black, some single coloured and some having two and three colours with different coloured centres blending with other colours in the periphery of the petal. Also rarely in purples and mauves. Bread flower/Vallaris solanacea White, fragrant, bowl- shaped flowers are 1 inch across, have an intense, interesting fragrance. Bread flower vine can be trained as a compact bush and is good for container culture. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Flowering: December-April. Water Jasmine/ : Wrightia religiosa Water Jasmine is a shrubs up to 3 m tall. Leaves are elliptic. Flowers are borne in 1 to 13 flowered cymes often on short few-leaved branches, carried on short stalks are long, thin, finely hairy. Flowers are white, nearly flat. Petals are ovate, densely velvety on both surfaces. The flowers hang down under the leaves Water Jasmine is native to Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Flowering almost round the year. Lady of the Night /Brunfelsia americana Yesterday today tomorrow yellow white Creamy white flowers with long tubes are extremely fragrant after dark. New flowers are white and fade to yellow have powerful fragrance in the evening, and is mildly fragrant during the day. The 5 petals are white, soon turning yellowish. : Juhi / River Jasmine Juhi is a beautiful flower with extremely heavy scent. It has powdery satin white flowers. Small flowers appear in bunches. River Jasmine is an evergreen, climbing, woody vine, Flowers are white, quite fragrant, opening at night, in clusters, shaped in star- shaped fashion. Madan mogra /Jasminum Belle of India' Madan mogra has long slender oval shape buds and the flowers open at night. Flowers are double and very fragrant. Butt mogra/ Jasminum sambac Butt Mogra, a slow growing Jasmine. This tall growing shrub has large flowers. This plant loves partial shade and very well drained and moist soil. Flowers are used to flavor the jasmine tea and making perfumes. Butt mogra is a beautiful fragrant ever bloomer the garden. Bela/ Jasminum Maid of Orleans Arabian Jasmine is an evergreen shrub,Fragrant flowers are small, white, star River Jasmine -shaped. River Jasmine Coral Jasmine/Nyctanthes arbor-tristi Nyctanthes arbortristis literally means, night- blooming sad tree. The sweet scented flowers are small, attractive with white petals and an orange-red tube in center and bloom profusely, opening at night and drop off in the morning, thus making a carpet of flowers in the morning. Used for worship. Fiddlewood/ Citharexylum spinosum Fiddlewood is a beautiful shrub with long tassels of richly scented white flowers. Flowers are pendant. Foliage is dark green, shiny, ornamental. The wood of this tree is said to be useful for making musical instruments so its common name is fiddlewood. Fragrant terrace garden. The fragrant terrace garden has a great scope of becoming a centre of social life of the building if it is well planned by understanding the function of the garden and the need of the residents. It can be an instant garden by collecting plants and pots and placing them in groups so that the space is well utilised and allowing it to expand and mature with time or it can be well planned space taking into consideration many factors to create an ideal garden; but the basis principle of selecting the plants would be the same, the fragrant flowers and foliage in both the cases. The garden that is allowed to grow without too many trimmings and manicuring the plants would help the flowers to bloom happily and send the whiffs of fragrance into the atmosphere but if the basis is a well shaped garden then the compromise would be in the number of flowers that are allowed to bloom to their best. The trimming of the plant is ideally after it has given the flush of flowers and is dormant, resting after the flush of flowers and the spread of its unique perfume.