
Concept of Avasthas have tertiary (very less) importance. In other words , several other important factors easily exert their dominance over the concept of Avasthas. Concepts which holds much importance than this concept of Avasthas are Shad bal factors and many non shadbal factors.

Strength or auspiciousness measuring of a planet is done with the help of all the shad bal and non shad bal factors:

Strength through Shadbal:

1) Sthan Bal (contains Uchh bal, sapt vargaj bal, dreshkana bal, kendra bal etc)

2) Dig bal

3) Drik bal

4) Chestha bal

5) Naisargic bal

6) Kaal bal (Contains paksha bal, oja yugma bal, varsh, maas, din, hora bals etc)

Apart from shadbal you need to see many other non shadbal factors like, determining:

1) Strength of sign lord of a planet (sign lord has to be analyzed separately for strength with the help of 10's of other concepts)

2) Strength of navamsa sign lord of a planet.(Navamsa sign lord has to be analyzed separately for strength with the help of 10's of other concepts)

3) Strength which comes from vargottam concept

4) Strength which comes from pushkar navamsa concept

5) Strength which gets lost through combustion

6) Strength which comes from different house placements of the planet. (like mth lord in nth house)

7) Strength which comes from argala concept

8. Strength which comes from arudha concept

9) Strength lost through marana sthan concept

All these things are not part of Shadbal

All these concepts have to be applied w.r.t all the planets, Only after that predictions should be made.