Page 1: Varsha Phal Report - filerole in the analysis of Varsha Phal chart, as Birth ascendant or “Janma Lagna” plays a crucial role in analysis of natal chart. It is important


Varsha Phal Report

Report Prepared By

Team Cyber Astro

Page 2: Varsha Phal Report - filerole in the analysis of Varsha Phal chart, as Birth ascendant or “Janma Lagna” plays a crucial role in analysis of natal chart. It is important


Dear XYZ

It is with great pleasure that we present you your personal astrological signatures of your Varsha

Phal (Annual) chart and your Birth chart.

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to analyse your Varsha Phal chart We will walk you

through the different components that make up the analysis of the Varsha Phal Chart and hope that

you will be able to understand yourself better by gaining a better understanding of your astrological

make-up of current year. Vedic Astrology offers us a map to guide our life and gives us an

analytical time profile of our behavior to help us understand what compels us to act, it also helps us

determine which behavioural traits to promote and which ones to target for self-improvement.

It is not Vedic Astrology's purpose to replace an individual's responsibility to decide for them what

is best. Astrology tells us about the absence or presence of certain tendencies. It is up to us to use

this information as a tool to form our own decisions and take our own actions. As per Vedic

Astrology the stars will control only 75% of your life and the critical 25% will be your own efforts.

We wish you luck and pray to God that you overcome all obstacles in your life. Please note that the

accuracy of the predictions depends on the accuracy of the time of birth given to us by you.

With Warm Regards

B. B. Sorcer


Team Cyber Astro

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Varsha Phal report covers a period of 1 year in a person’s life. This 1-year period starts from the

person’s birthday on a particular year, and the period ends on his next birthday. The Varsha Phal

report is most effective and most accurate predictive tool to analyze the period between one

birthday to the next birthday.

Uniqueness of Varsha Phal report

Casting of Varsha Phal Chart:

The principle of casting a Varshaphal chart is the same as that of a natal horoscope chart except for

the input birth details. The date of birth and time of birth are different in this chart, though the

place of birth will remain the same as the place where the person is actually born irrespective of the

place where the person is actually residing during his present birthday. This is an important

difference with western astrology, where similar report for annual horoscopy called “Solar Return

report” or Birthday report”, the place of birth is determined by the actual place where the person is

residing at the time of his/her this year’s birthday.

The Date and Time of birth in Varsha Phal Chart:

This is based on the actual Solar Return moment this year, which is called the birthday moment for

this year. The birthday moment is defined, as the exact moment during this year when Sun will

return to it’s exact degrees in the Zodiac sign, as it was in the natal chart. Since Sun does not move

at a constant speed, every year, this actual birthday moment shifts from the actual time of birth,

which was considered in the natal chart. It may even happen the date of birth may also change

during a particular birthday year in life. It can be one day before or one day after also, as the

birthday moment is ahead of midnight on the date of birth in natal chart or the birthday moment

during one birthday year falls before midnight on the natal chart date of birth. Usually the date of

birth will remain the same.

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Natal Chart Birth Details

Name XYZ

Date of Birth Mm/dd/yyyy

Time of Birth Hh:mm:ss

Place of Birth City, State, Country

Natal Chart

Natal Chart Parameters

Lagna (Ascendant) Taurus

Rashi (Moon’s Sign) Capricorn

Nakshatra Uttarashadha

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Varsha Phal Details

Birthday 22 October, 1974

Birthday Moment 18:55:00

Place of Birth Khorramshahr, Iran

Passed year: 44 45

Varsha Phal Chart

Varsha Phal Chart Parameters

Lagna (Ascendant) Leo

Rashi (Moon’s Sign) Pisces

Nakshatra Uttarabhadra

Muntha (Progressed Ascendant) Capricorn

Muntha in house 6th


Muntha Lord Saturn

Muntha lord in house 5th


Year Lord Jupiter

Punya Saham (Part of Fortuna) Aquarius

Saham Lord Saturn

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Overall Assessment of the year based on Muntha and Muntha Lord

The concept of Progressed Ascendant or Muntha in Varsha Phal chart

This is another unique concept in Varsha Phal chart. The birth ascendant in natal chart is supposed

to move or progress to the next Zodiac sign every year from the natal zodiac sign. This is called

Progressed Ascendant in Western astrology, and “Muntha” in Varsha Phal. Muntha plays a crucial

role in the analysis of Varsha Phal chart, as Birth ascendant or “Janma Lagna” plays a crucial role

in analysis of natal chart.

It is important to remember that the Varsha Phal chart will also have an ascendant like the natal

chart based on the exact eastern horizon in our natal birthplace at the time of exact solar return

moment on this year’s birthday. The Muntha actually forms the link between Varsha Phal chart and

the Natal chart. In this way the Varsha Phal chart analysis synthesize the impact of natal chart for

this year in our life.

The Muntha is the most significant point in the Varsha Phal chart. It is located in Lagna at the time

of birth. Each year the Muntha progresses by one zodiac sign (Rashi). Thus, when the second year

of life begins, the Muntha has progressed in the sign falling in the second house from the birth

ascendant and so on. This is why Muntha is called the “Progressed Ascendant”.

Effect of Muntha in House

In this year’s Varshaphal (Annual) Chart, the Muntha is placed in the 6th house of the Annual

Chart. 6th house signifies enemies, oppositions, injuries, accident, disease, loans, debts, losses,

obstacles, quarrels, imprisonment, maternal relationship, servants, subordinates, intestines,

umbilical region, phlegmatic illness, eye disease, poisoning and operations.

Muntha in the sixth bhava results in physical weakness, increase in enemies, fear of diseases,

thieves and government, destruction of work and wealth, increase in evil and regret for the work


Muntha in the sixth bhava leads to physical weakness, suffering due to enemies, loss in business

and wisdom, ailments and fear of thieves.

Muntha in the sixth bhava is considered inauspicious.

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There may be laziness and ailments. There may also be an accident.

There will be excitement and restlessness in the mind.

The conduct may be irritable. Frequent headaches may cause pain.

There may be fear from worthless enmity and enemies.

There may be an inclination towards sinful deeds and evil conditions may arise.

Interest in other women may lead to dishonour.

There will be carelessness and tensions in work (business or service).

Wealth may be lost due to theft. One may have to incur debts.

Quarrels may take place worthlessly.

Effect of Muntha in Zodiac sign

Interpretations are given according to the sign in which Muntha is placed. In the annual chart

Muntha is placed in Capricorn, the rashi of Saturn –

This year there may be obstructions and failure in the fulfillment of desires.

There may be Physical troubles, outbreak of gas-bile-phlegm or eye disorders.

You may get injury from weapons, skin eruptions may cause suffering.

There may be blood disorders and irregular blood circulation.

You may lose wealth due to fire or theft.

Troubles in travelling or transfers to unfavourable places may happen.

There may be failure in arguments (or court disputes).

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Effect of Lord of Muntha

Lord of Muntha is located


6th house, in the annual chart. 6th house denotes enemies,

oppositions, injuries, accident, disease, loans, debts, losses,

obstacles, quarrels, imprisonment, maternal relationship,

servants, subordinates, intestines, umbilical region,

phlegmatic illness, eye disease, poisoning and operations.

When Muntha is placed in the rashi of Saturn (Capricorn or Aquarius) and is associated with or

aspected by Saturn, it causes rheumatism, insult, fear of fire and loss of wealth. If Jupiter aspects it,

then good results are expected.

The lord of the house in which Muntha is placed is called Munthesh.

Placement of Munthesh in the fifth bhava of the annual chart gives the following results –

Munthesh in the fifth bhava will bring auspicious effects this year.

There will be happiness from children or birth of a child.

You will gain more knowledge.

Respect and honour will be received from the government.

There will be conveyance, comforts and interest in religion and virtue.

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Results of the year lord (Varshesha)

The “Year” lord in Varsha Phal chart:

The year lord of Varsha Phal chart has special significance in analysis of the particular birthday

year. The planet, which is most powerful among the 5 contestants (Panchadhikari) in the Varsha

Phal chart, is considered the Year Lord.

They are the following:

Muntha Lord

Lord of Ascendant in Natal chart

Lord of Ascendant in Varsha Phal chart

Trirashi Lord (Every zodiac sign will have a lord which is different from the lord of each sign that

we assume in natal chart analysis)

Dinratri lord (This will be either Sun or Moon depending on birthday moment is during day or

during night)

The planet which is the lord of the year in the annual chart is called Varshesha. Jupiter, the

Varshesha of this year's annual chart is extremely powerful. According to the classic Tajika

Neelakanthi, the results of extremely powerful Jupiter as the lord of the year are as follows –

An extremely powerful Jupiter in the annual chart gives happiness from family, wealth,

fame, auspicious celebration at home, gain of treasure and acquisition of a prestigious position.

Good thoughts will rise in the mind, consequently it will lead to success in religious and

auspicious works.

Means of livelihood will be acquired or there will be success in implementing new plans.

Those married will get happiness from children.

Favours from government and persons in position of authority will help in completing tasks.

Any disputes will meet a favourable end.

Life will pass happily with its merriment.

Social status will rise.

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Public confidence and political works will yield success.

Enemies will surrender themselves.

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Results of Tajik Yogas

Aspects and Yogas: The aspects in Varsha Phal system are based on Tajika aspects, which are

more similar to western aspects, than standard Vedic aspects in natal horoscope. There are two

important aspects of Itthasala and Esharpha, (Arabic words) and akin to concepts of Applying

aspects and Separating aspects in Western astrology. Most of the “Yogas” in Varsha Phal chart are

based on these two aspects.

The following important Yogas have been formed in Varsha Phal chart and their effects:

Itthasala Yoga:

Two planets aspect each other within range of their Deeptamsa (orb of influence) and the faster

moving planet is behind the slower. This indicates success in many of your efforts.

Manua Yoga:

Two planets in Ithasala Saturn or Mars inimically aspect (1,4,7,10) the faster moving planet. This

is an inauspicious Yoga. This could cause some rift and strife with your relations with siblings and


Esharpha Yoga:

Two planets aspect each other within range of their Deeptamsa (orb of influence) and the faster

moving planet is ahead of the slower. This indicates that some deals could have got stuck up at the

last moment and they will be settled eventually.

Rudda Yoga:

Two planets in Ithasala. Either of the two is retrograde, combust, debilitated, in the 6th, 8th, or 12th

house, in an inimical house, or aspected by a malefic. This indicates mixed success in your efforts

and victories over enemies but after an initial period of some struggles.

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Varsha Phal Predictions (As per Varsha Phal Dasha and Natal chart Vimshottari Dasha)

Natal Chart Dasha:

You are now passing through the main period of Jupiter and sub period of Mercury ruling till end

of 2020.

Mercury is a functional benefic planet and Jupiter is considered as a functional malefic planet in

your horoscope vis-à-vis ascendant.

You would be more effective at your communications with family members than usual. You are

likely to join with family occasional functions; as a result, your familiar circle will more develop

this year. You have been ignoring something important related to your personal life for quite some

time. It will raise its head and confront you. You will have to make a few changes to be able to face

it. You will carry a dynamic influence to tackle your opponents but it is also advisable that you

avoid aggression and ego clashes with others. You will have to go through a struggle for the better

part. Don't lose heart. Keep up the hard work, and this perseverance and dedication will help you

see the light. The experience will change your life, hopefully, for the better.

This period will increase temptations to bring peace and comfort in your life. But, do not make

such mistake to bring about an excessive standard of living. If you cross your limits, it will be

difficult for you to tackle the pressure situations and frustration will rise. During the year ahead,

you need to follow a very clear and defined path with very specific objectives outlined beforehand.

There will be a tendency to make decisions on the spur of the moment which may lead you to

confusions. Aggressiveness and competitiveness will help you keep going though. But, certain

incompetence or lack of definition and direction may backfire. So, striking right balance will hold

the key for progress and tranquility.

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Annual Varsha Phal Dasha

The Varsha Phal Dasha system: The Varsha Phal Dasha system called “Mudda Dasha” is

computed based on the same principle of Vimshottari Dasha system where the beginning of Dasha

and balance of Dasha is based on degrees of Moon in the natal chart, and the same sequence of

planetary “Dasha” is followed.

However in natal chart Dasha, the full period of Dasha system is 120 years, but in Mudda Dasha,

the full period is 1 year that is from this birthday to next birthday. So for instance, in Vimshottari

Dasha system the period of Venus will be 20 years. In Mudda Dasha, the period of Venus will be

for 2 months only in 1-year period.

Venus Dasha: Oct 23, 2018 to Dec 05, 2018

Venus in 3rd


Association with your friends and siblings will be profitable, and you will also associate with


Your undertakings will meet with success and money will be gained.

You will be inclined to take journeys.

In your domestic life there will be harmony.

Your health will be good.

Sun Dasha: Dec 05, 2018 to Dec 23, 2018

Sun in 3rd


There would be increase in valour, wealth, fame and honour.

You will gain name, fame and dominance over opponents.

There would be favour from superiors.

Your health would be good.

There may be a problem to brother or colleagues.

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You will put in efforts in new activities.

There would be acquisition of money and food.

Success in government jobs will give happiness.

Moon Dasha: Dec 23, 2018 to Jan 22, 2019

Moon in 8th


There may be loss of earnings and wealth.

You may be inclined towards unscrupulous deeds.

There may be a grave illness and suffering.

You may have fear of drowning.

Your opponents would dominate you.

You may pass through mental anguish during this period.

Abdominal pain, eye disease, cough and cold may affect you.

Mars Dasha: Jan 22, 2019 to Feb 13, 2019

Mars in 6th


You will annihilate your opponents and have success in any matters of litigation.

Your status will be elevated, and you will enjoy favors from those in high positions or from the


You will acquire wealth and vehicles.

Benefits may come to you due to favors from those of the opposite sex.

In general, you will have varied comforts.

Rahu Dasha: Feb 13, 2019 to Apr 08, 2019

Rahu in 12th house:

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Wealth will be lost, Business and travel will result in losses.

Change of your residence is likely.

Fire and thieves may be a source of trouble.

You may suffer physical ailments and eye disease.

Jupiter Dasha: Apr 08, 2019 to May 27, 2019

Jupiter in 4th house:

Lands and business will provide monetary gains.

There is domestic harmony, and you have access to comforts and vehicles.

Your mother does well.

You may benefit from governmental favors, and you will enjoy a good income.

Saturn Dasha: May 27, 2019 to July 04, 2019

Saturn in 5th house:

Illness may befall your spouse, children and friends.

Education is disrupted and there is distorted thinking and mental depression.

Abdominal ailments may be a source of suffering.

Wealth will be lost.

Mercury Dasha: July 04, 2019 to Sep 14, 2019

Mercury in 3rd


Frequently you may travel.

Through your personal courage you will be able to dominate over your opponents.

You will have peace of mind.

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Comforts will come from your spouse and children.

Business activities will provide you with income.

You will gain in wealth and fame.

Ketu Dasha: Sep 14, 2019 to Oct 05, 2019

Ketu in 6th


Your Desires are fulfilled, and wealth increases.

Your spouse and children are a source of comfort.

If you have any enemies, they are overcome.

Professional elevation is possible.

Venus Dasha: Oct 05, 2019 to Oct 23, 2019

Venus in 3rd


Association with your friends and siblings will be profitable, and you will also associate with


Your undertakings will meet with success and money will be gained.

You will be inclined to take journeys.

In your domestic life, there will be harmony.

Your health will be good.

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Important Milestone Dates (Based on Sahams)

Sensitive Points or “Sahams”: This is another unique concept in Varsha Phal chart, taken from

Arabic Astrology. In Arabic astrology almost every event in our life from birth to death, are

symbolized by specific sensitive points in the chart. They have taken this concept to an extreme

level. You have marriage point, travel point, even imprisonment point or death point adultery point

and points covering all possible events in our life.

When benefic planet or malefic planet creates aspects and Yogas with these individual Sahams,

good or bad event gets triggered in our life. In our Varsha Phal analysis we shall consider only few

of these sensitive points. The most important of these sensitive points is called “Punya” Saham,

which is computed in the same manner as Part of Fortuna is computed in Western astrology.

We will give you some important dates based on the analysis of Sahams in your Varsha Phal chart

and annual Dasha in Varsha Phal chart in different aspects of your life during this Varsha Phal


Even during the bleakest period in our life there are a few moments of joy which is indicated in

these Sahams.

Jupiter will be in Sagittarius during February 2019 and it indicates good vibrations in life and

overall success.

Jupiter has conjoined the “Karyasidhi Saham” on June 2019. This may bring in a major success in

your endeavors.

Jupiter will conjoin the “Artha” or “Finance” Saham on September 2019. This indicates a good

monetary gain in your life.

Jupiter will join the “Asha” or “Desire” Saham on December, 2019. This will lead to fulfillment of

some desire.

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Special Comments on your Concern: Concern: Expecting first child mid March 2019. However facing financial demands from my wife to support her

family. My fear that after baby is born may face renewed demands, threat of divorce etc. My wife, Asiia, birth

details are 09.00 am 30th Dec 1991 Saratov (Russia). My concern is being separated from my child if my wife

leaves or files for divorce. Lately become aware that her mother and cousin sister are the bad influence on my wife.

In time will come to realize this or/and birth of the child alter my wife's thinking of what is important


Regarding your query, I must say that your conjugal situation will further get deteriorated, as you

are now reeling under the obnoxious and ominous effects of prevailing Sade-Sati.

Your wife will be reluctant to budge from her stand and I would say that chances of divorce are

very strong and there is no way you can turn this on in your favour.

Your horoscope and planetary alignment there in indicates separation. You would also face

difficulty in getting the custody of your yet to be born child in future, as mother is given preference

in such case. Despite your honest efforts, you cannot be able to change the thinking process of your

wife and occasionally she will behave in a hysterical manner. You can take resort to marriage

counselling and also implement remedies in order to give a try to your conjugal to remain stable

despite going through various issues and problems.

You are advised to opt for a HANUMAN KAVACH in order to tone down the ominous and

sinister effects of ongoing Sade-Sati.

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Astrological Remedy: Astrological Remedy is suggested based on your natal horoscope

and not based on Varsha Phal chart.

I shall suggest astrological remedies as per your natal chart only.

To augment the strength of your natal Venus, you may wear a WHITE SAPPHIRE of 5 carats on silver ring, worn

on the right hand’s index finger, inaugurated any Friday. This will enhance your creative energies, stamina, vitality

and immunity power.

You are advised to opt for a HANUMAN KAVACH in order to tone down the ominous and sinister effects of

ongoing Sade-Sati.

May God grant you peace, prosperity and happiness in every aspect of your life.

On behalf of CyberAstro.Com

B. B. Sorcer


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