
Variation | KS1

Developing mathematical thinking through intelligent practice

Jo Harbour [email protected]

Luke Rolls [email protected]

What makes for good practice?

1. Random shooting from around the court?

2. Making connections to previous shot and changing positions


Let’s try.

Defining variation?

Conceptual variation - different representations of the same idea strengthens our understanding of what ‘it’ is.

What would a child understand about the ‘sixness’ of 6 through only being exposed to it as a Numicon 6 shape?

Procedural variation - choosing to vary one aspect to expose a mathematical structure or connection.

Is there a way to structure the e.g. learning of number bonds of 6 in a way that encourages children to think mathematically, see patterns, make


The central idea of teaching with variation is to highlight the essential features of the concepts through varying the non-essential features.Gu, Huang & Marton, 2004


3 + __ = 61 + 5 = ____ + 0 = 63 + 3 = __5 + __ = 62 + 4 = __0 + 6 = __

6 = 1 + __6 = __ + 26 = __ + 36 = 4 + __6 = __ + 16 = __ + 0__ = 0 + 6

What do you notice?

What’s the same? What’s different?

What structures are exposed?



__ + 0 = 60 + 6 = __1 + __ = 65 + __ = 6__ + 2 = 6__ + 4 = 63 + __ = 6

6 = 1 + __6 = __ + 26 = __ + 36 = 4 + __6 = __ + 16 = __ + 0__ = 0 + 6

Both procedural variation. Why a

different choice of order?


Think hard… _ + _ + 3 = 6

- Commutativity - Compensating dynamic of partitions- Systematic ordering

Using procedural variation to help learn number facts

6 + 7 = __7 + 7 = __3 + 4 = ____ + 5 = 107 + __ = 156 + 5 = __3 + __ = 6

3 + __ = 6

3 + 4 = ____ + 5 = 106 + 5 = __7 + 7 = __

7 + __ = 15

6 + 7 = __

Phase 1

Modelling and/or counting to get the answer

Phase 2

Deriving answers using reasoning strategies based on known facts

Phase 3

Efficient production of answers

Three phases of basic fact fluency

Baroody (2006)

Exemplifying procedural variation

Using variation to teach comparison: equivalence, greater than, less thanChildren in UK often don’t understand the = sign…

5 = 2 + __2 + 3 = 5

2 + 3 = 4 + 12 + 5 = 4 + 34 + 5 = 6 + 3






Exemplifying conceptual variation Teaching = so it makes sense

Balancing scale Number Balance Cuisenaire Rods

Tens Frames Measurement: Height

Measurement: Money

Symbolic Subitizing

Exemplifying conceptual variation Teaching = so it makes sense

Children’s recordings

With thanks to David Thomas

With thanks to David Thomas

With thanks to David Thomas

With thanks to David Thomas

Over to you:

10 + 5 = 15Design a series of questions… what

structure will you try to expose?

Over to you:

10 + 5 = 15Feeding back


On tables,