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doi: 10.1098/rsif.2012.0471 published online 25 July 2012J. R. Soc. Interface

 Frank and Bruno RobertMaria M. Mendes-Pinto, Amy M. LaFountain, Mary Caswell Stoddard, Richard O. Prum, Harry A. produces novel plumage coloration

protein interaction in bird feathers−Variation in carotenoid  

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Electronic sup10.1098/rsif.2

doi:10.1098/rsif.2012.0471Published online

Received 13 JAccepted 4 Ju

Variation in carotenoid–proteininteraction in bird feathers

produces novel plumage colorationMaria M. Mendes-Pinto1, Amy M. LaFountain2,

Mary Caswell Stoddard5, Richard O. Prum3,4, Harry A. Frank2,*and Bruno Robert1,*

1Institut de Biologie et de Technologie de Saclay, CEA, URA 2096 CNRS,CEA Saclay 91191 Gif sur Yvette, France

2Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, 55 North Eagleville Road,Storrs, CT 06269, USA

3Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Peabody Museum of Natural History,Yale University, 21 Sachem Street, New Haven, CT 06511, USA

4Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 3,20018 Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

5Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK

Light absorption by carotenoids is known to vary substantially with the shape or conformationof the pigment molecule induced by the molecular environment, but the role of interactionsbetween carotenoid pigments and the proteins to which they are bound, and the resultingimpact on organismal coloration, remain unclear. Here, we present a spectroscopic investigationof feathers from the brilliant red scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber, Threskiornithidae), the orange-red summer tanager (Piranga rubra, Cardinalidae) and the violet-purple feathers of thewhite-browed purpletuft (Iodopleura isabellae, Tityridae). Despite their striking differences incolour, all three of these feathers contain canthaxanthin (b,b-carotene-4,40-dione) as theirprimary pigment. Reflectance and resonance Raman (rR) spectroscopy were used to investigatethe induced molecular structural changes and carotenoid–protein interactions responsible forthe different coloration in these plumage samples. The results demonstrate a significant vari-ation between species in the peak frequency of the strong ethylenic vibration (n1) peak in therR spectra, the most significant of which is found in I. isabellae feathers and is correlatedwith a red-shift in canthaxanthin absorption that results in violet reflectance. Neither polariz-ability of the protein environment nor planarization of the molecule upon binding can entirelyaccount for the full extent of the colour shift. Therefore, we suggest that head-to-tail molecularalignment (i.e. J-aggregation) of the protein-bound carotenoid molecules is an additional factor.

Keywords: absorption spectroscopy carotenoid; coloration; b-keratin;electronic transition; resonance Raman spectroscopy


Carotenoid pigments contribute to colour of feathersand are thought to be important for communicationin many bird species [1–5]. Coloration in featherscan arise from light scattering by nanostructures, orfrom the presence of pigments that absorb light in par-ticular regions of the electromagnetic spectrum [2,6,7].Nanostructures usually produce UV-to-turquoise,white or iridescent colours [6,8]. Melanins are associ-ated with black and browns [6,7,9]. Carotenoids giverise to yellow, orange and red coloration [2]. Green

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plementary material is available at or via

une 2012ly 2012 1

colours in feathers often results from a combinationof yellow pigmentation and blue structural colours[6,10,11]. All of these factors contribute to make birdfeather coloration as one of the most striking displaysin all of nature.

Birds do not synthesize carotenoids de novo, andtherefore must ingest them along with their diet[2,12,13]. After ingestion, carotenoids are transportedto various body tissues where they accumulate andcarry out their biological roles [2,13]. Common caroten-oids in bird diets are b-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin andb-cryptoxanthin [13–16]. Coloration in feathers mayarise directly from deposition of dietary carotenoids[2,17]. Alternatively, ingested carotenoids may be meta-bolically modified before deposition, for example, byketolase activity at the b- and 1-rings [2,18,19].

This journal is q 2012 The Royal Society

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Plumages coloration of the (a) scarlet ibis Eudocimus ruber (Threskiornithidae, image courtesy of G. Armistead/VIREO), (b) the male summer tanager Piranga rubra (Cardinalidae, image courtesy of R. Nussbaumer/VIREO) and (c) thewhite-browed purpletuft Iodopleura isabellae (Tityridae, photograph courtesy of Nick Athanas).

2 Variation in carotenoid–protein interactions M. M. Mendes-Pinto et al.

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It is known that carotenoids incorporated duringfeather development bind strongly to proteins in thestructures [11,13,20]. The proteins have a heterogeneousamino acid composition that can vary even in the samefeather, depending on the required physical properties[21,22]. Owing to different pigment–protein interactions,the same carotenoid composition can give rise to differ-ent colours in feathers from various species or todifferent coloured patches of feathers in the same species[11,20]. A similar phenomenon has been observed for thecoloration of exoskeletons of crustaceans [11,20,23–27].

Resonance Raman (rR) spectroscopy provides direct,selective information regarding the structure of the elec-tronic ground state of carotenoid molecules [28–30]. Bymatching the energy of incident light with the energy ofthe electronic absorption of a given carotenoid, selectiveprobing of a subpopulation of molecules in a complexmixture may be achieved [28,31], thus allowingstructural characterizations in situ. rR spectra ofcarotenoids are characterized by four distinct bandsdenoted n1 through n4, whose frequencies vary with theeffective conjugation length of the p-electron doublebond chain in the molecule, geometric isomeric configur-ation and degree of distortion [27,29,30,32]. In an analysisof yellow and red-coloured patches of the European gold-finch (Carduelis carduelis), which are pigmented bycanary xanthophylls (1,1-carotene-3,30-dione and 30-hydroxy-1,1-caroten-3-one), Stradi et al. [11] documentedvariation in the energy of the strongly allowed S0! S2

electronic transition by rR spectroscopy. This variationwas due to an apparent change in the bond alternationof the conjugated polyene chain of the protein-boundcarotenoids, suggesting an influence of the molecularenvironment on the binding of the pigments [11].

In C. carduelis, the effect of feather protein bindingwas to shift the colour from yellow to red—two plumagecolours that are also easily produced independently bychanges in carotenoid molecular structure. So, it isnot clear that association with the protein can contrib-ute to novel plumage colours. In the present study, weemployed rR spectroscopy to investigate carotenoid–protein interactions responsible for the coloration ofbrilliant red and purple plumages of the scarlet ibisEudocimus ruber (Threskiornithidae), summer tanagerPiranga rubra (Cardinalidae) and white-browed purple-tuft Iodopleura isabellae (Tityridae). All these plumagepatches contain canthaxanthin (b,b-carotene-4,40-dione) as the primary carotenoid [33–35] (figure 1).

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The violet colour of male I. isabellae is very rare inbird plumages, and nothing is known about its pro-duction in Iodopleura.

In this study, rR and absorption spectra deducedfrom reflectance spectra of canthaxanthin boundin situ were compared with those recorded fromcanthaxanthin in solution to evaluate the molecularbasis for the different spectral shifts that result in dis-tinct colours of the feathers. We predict that thespectral differences of these three birds can be attribu-ted to novel modes of binding canthaxanthin withinthe keratin matrix of the feathers, and postulate theinvolvement of specific factors including polarizabilityof the molecular environment and binding-induced con-figurational changes (e.g. planarization of the terminalrings). It should be noted that the nature of the bondbetween the carotenoid pigment and the specific struc-tural component of the feather was not explored herein,and while it is possible that the pigment could bind tolipid components of the feather, it is generally acceptedthat carotenoids are bound directly to keratin or toother proteins in the feather [11,20]. The characteriz-ation of the molecular factors responsible for thesedifferences will further elucidate how birds have evolvedto use variation in the molecular environment of pig-ment binding to tune the electronic properties ofspecific carotenoid molecules.


2.1. Extraction and analysis of carotenoids

Red back feathers of a male E. ruber (YPM 26570; col-lected March 1951), red–orange belly feathers of amale P. rubra (YPM 7362, collected June 1957; YPM3771, no collection data) and feathers from the purplepectoral tufts of a male I. isabellae (YPM 77812, no col-lection data; AMNH 494716, collected in 1886) wereobtained from the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural His-tory, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA and theAmerican Museum of Natural History, New York, NY,USA. Specimens were chosen for the high quality ofcolour preservation based on visual evaluation by R.O.P.

All-trans-canthaxanthin (b,b-carotene-4,40-dione)was obtained from Roche. Carotenoids were extractedfrom the feathers, as previously described by LaFountainet al. [36]. An HPLC analysis was conducted using aWaters 600E multi-solvent delivery system with an

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in-line Waters 2996 photodiode array detector and aPhenomenex Luna 5 mm silica column (250 � 4.6 mm).The mobile phase consisted of a linear gradient from90 : 10 to 80 : 20 hexanes/acetone (Fisher Scientific,Pittsburgh, PA, USA) over a period of 40 min, with aflow rate of 1.5 ml min21. The injection solvent was 14per cent acetone and 86 per cent hexanes. The detailsof the mass spectrometry analysis can be found in theelectronic supplementary material, figure S1.

2.2. Spectroscopy

Reflectance spectra of the feathers were measured usingprocedures previously described [37]. Briefly, themeasurements were carried using an Ocean OpticsS2000 spectrometer with an Ocean Optics DH-2000-BAL deuterium–halogen light source. Measurementswere integrated for 500 ms at a distance of approxi-mately 6 mm from the plumage with a perpendicularincident light, resulting in a approximately 3 mm2 illu-mination field. The probe was secured in an aluminiumblock to obscure ambient light. The following formulawas used to calculate per cent reflectance (%R):

%R ¼ S � DW � D

� �� 100;

where S is the reflectance of the specimen, D is thereflectance of the dark standard and W is the reflec-tance of the white standard. The white standard wasdetermined by measuring the reflectance of a whiteSpectralon tablet from Ocean Optics, while the darkstandard was measured using ambient light in adarkened room [37].

Absorption spectra of all-trans-canthaxanthin inmethanol, acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran, hexane, diethy-lether, cyclohexane, toluene and carbon disulphide (allpurchased from Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA)were recorded at room temperature, using a VarianCary E5 double-beam scanning spectrophotometer.These solvents were chosen to represent a wide range ofpolarizabilities. rR spectra of canthaxanthin wereobtained in hexane and diethylether at room temperature,using a Jobin-Yvon U1000 rR spectrophotometerequipped with a front-illuminated, deep-depleted CCDdetector (Synapse Horiba, Jobin Yvon, France). Exci-tation at 457.9, 488, 514.5 and 528.7 nm was providedby a Sabre argon ion laser (Coherent, Palo Alto, CA,USA) and at 568.2 nm by an Innova 90 krypton ionlaser (Coherent). For in situ rR spectroscopic exper-iments, a confocal microscope Olympus BX41 wascoupled to the spectrometer. The same slit-width(200 mm) and grating were used for both systems, therebyachieving the same spectral resolution. The excitationbeam was defocused and kept at a sufficiently low power(typically less than 20 mW) to prevent degradation ofthe sample by the absorbed light energy. Systematic com-parison of rR spectra was performed throughout the timeduration of each experiment to confirm sample integrity.

2.3. Avian colour space modelling

Avian perception of colour was modelled using a tetra-hedral colour space [3,37], which provides a

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quantitative representation of sensory experience, usingthe computer program TETRACOLORSPACE v. 1. 0 forMATLAB 7 [3,37] (available for free from the authors).The idealized stimulus, QI, of each single cone type wasestimated by the reflectance spectrum of a plumagepatch:

QI ¼ð700

300RðlÞCrðlÞdl; ð2:1Þ

where R(l) is the reflectance spectrum of the plumagepatch, and Cr(l) is the spectral sensitivity function ofeach cone type r. For each plumage colour, the idealizedstimulation values of the four single cones—QI—werenormalized to sum to one, yielding relative [uv/v s m l]values. The [uv/v s m l] values were converted to acolour point with spherical coordinates u, f and r,which define a colour vector pointing from the achro-matic point is at the origin. Hue is the direction of thevector, given by the angles u and f, and saturation isthe length of the vector, r [3,37].

We modelled E. ruber, P. rubra and I. isabellaereflectance spectra in avian tetrahedral colour spaceusing a standard violet cone-type visual system [38],which is the ancestral condition in birds [39,40]. Wefurther compared the colour space distribution ofE. ruber, P. rubra and I. isabellae reflectance spectrato a diverse sample of avian orders and families (includ-ing data from Stoddard & Prum [3] on all non-cotingaspecies having plumage coloration either inferred oridentified as carotenoid-based).


Both the feather reflectance spectra (figure 2a) and theinferred absorption, spectra (figure 2b) are broad and rela-tively structureless, which is typical of keto-carotenoids[41]. The absorption spectra of the feathers from E. ruberand P. rubra are very similar, and have an absorption maxi-mum (reflectance minimum) centred at 495 nm. However,the absorption spectra of E. ruber feathers are muchbroader than P. rubra, resulting in a substantially redderreflectance and the near elimination of the P. rubrareflectance peak in the near ultraviolet at 361 nm. Thespectra of the purple feathers of I. isabellae display a maxi-mum absorbance (minimum reflectance) shifted to longerwavelengths, peaking at approximately 570 nm. Conse-quently, the high-energy reflectance peak of I. isabellae isshifted well into the human visible spectrum, resulting ina blue reflectance peak at 426 nm. Combined with thelong-wavelength reflectance above 600 nm (on from thefar side of the 570 nm absorbance peak), the blue and redreflectance create an entirely pigmentary violet colour.

An HPLC analysis of the carotenoids extracted fromfeathers of E. ruber, P. rubra, and I. isabellae demon-strated the presence of a single major carotenoid in allthree samples (figure 3). On the basis of its absorptionspectra and retention times, the carotenoid wasunambiguously identified as all-trans-canthaxanthin(b,b-carotene-4,40-dione) (figure 3). This identificationwas confirmed by mass spectrometry (see electronicsupplementary material, figure S1) as well as by theHPLC of a heated bona fide canthaxanthin standard

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300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 7000










E. ruber

I. isabellae

P. rubra

350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700



ce (




wavelength (nm)

E. ruber

P. rubra

I. isabellae

canthaxanthin in CS2



Figure 2. (a) Single reflectance spectra of the red back feathersof E. ruber (YPM 26570), the red–orange belly feathers of amale P. rubra (YPM 7362) and the purple breast feathers ofmale I. isabellae (YPM 77812); (b) Optical absorption spectraof the feathers computed from the reflectance spectra usingA ¼ 2log (R), where R ¼ reflectance.

4 Variation in carotenoid–protein interactions M. M. Mendes-Pinto et al.

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run under the same conditions (figure 3d). Thissample also demonstrated that the smaller peaks elut-ing in proximity to the major peaks are associatedwith cis-canthaxanthin formed during the heatingand extraction process. The absorption spectrum ofcis-canthaxanthin is confirmed by a slight blue-shiftin the absorption spectrum relative to that of all-trans-canthaxanthin and the large cis-band appearingat approximately 360 nm (dashed traces in figure 3).These findings confirm previous reports that canthax-anthin is the primary pigment of E. ruber andP. rubra [33–35]. While canthaxanthin was found tobe the dominant pigment in all three birds, E. ruberand P. rubra were also found to contain small amountsof other carotenoids. A pigment isolated from E. ruberwith a retention time of 5.0 min displayed a blue-shiftedabsorption spectrum suggestive of a shortened conju-gated chain (figure 3c). This pigment was found tohave a mass of 568 m/z, which is consistent withbis-dihydrocanthaxanthin, a carotenoid previouslyreported in E. ruber plumage by Fox & Hopkins [33].Piranga rubra plumage was found to contain a minorpigment that eluted at 9.7 min and had a featurelessabsorption spectrum consistent with a keto-carotenoid,and a mass of 580 m/z. Additional small peaks wereobserved in the HPLC chromatograms of these two

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birds; however, further analysis of these pigments wasprecluded owing to a lack of material. Some of theminor peaks in each chromatogram could be attributedto cis-isomers of canthaxanthin that were formedduring the extraction procedure.

Saranathan et al. [42] have used small-angle X-rayscattering (SAXS) to assay the nanoscale variation inrefractive index in structurally coloured and pigmentedfeathers. Unlike structurally coloured feathers withspongy b-keratin nanostructures [43–46], the azimuthalaverage of the SAXS data from I. isabellae shows nopeaks for any optically relevant spatial frequencies,or q-values (see electronic supplementary material,figure S2). Rather, the azimuthal average has a slopethat is closely congruent to Porod’s Law (q24), theexpectation for a random heterogeneous mixture of twomaterials with well-defined interface [47]. In the absenceof any nanostructure that could enhance the coherentscattering of blue light, the purple feathers of maleI. isabellae are produced by pigmentary absorption.

The absorption spectrum of canthaxanthin in sol-ution exhibits only small modulations within thespectrum, and appears as a single, broad band (seethe spectrum of canthaxanthin in CS2, figure 2b).This type of broad band corresponds to the stronglyallowed S0! S2 electronic transition, which gives caro-tenoids their characteristic visible coloration [48]. Theposition of the spectral origin (0–0) of the S0! S2 tran-sition can be determined from the longest-wavelengthminimum of the second derivative of the absorptionspectrum. The energy of this (0–0) band in solutiondepends primarily on the refractive index, n, of the sol-vent, and there is a small influence of the solventdielectric constant [49]. As n increases, the polarizabil-ity, R(n), of the solvent expressed as R(n) ¼ (n2–1)/(n2þ 2) also increases, and the position of the S0! S2

transition shifts to longer wavelength. In the presentwork, we evaluated the effect of solvent polarizabilityon the position of the (0–0) spectral origin band ofthe S0! S2 electronic transition of canthaxanthin insolution (figure 4). The spectral origin varies linearlyover approximately 40 nm for a variety of solventswith a wide range of R(n) (figure 4).

Room temperature rR spectra of canthaxanthin dis-solved in hexane and diethylether contain the four maingroups of bands, denoted n1 through n4, that are typicalof carotenoid molecules (figure 5) [30,32]. The n1 bandaround 1520 cm21 arises from stretching vibrations ofCvC double bonds, and its frequency depends onboth the length of the p-electron conjugated chain ofthe carotenoid and its configuration; i.e. the extentand position of twisting along the carbon backbone ofthe molecule [29,50,51]. The n2 band around1160 cm21 is due mainly to stretching vibrations ofC–C single bonds coupled with C–H in-plane bendingmodes [29,32]. The rR bands in the vicinity of n2 arealso sensitive to the position of twisting along thecarbon backbone and this constitutes the ‘fingerprintregion’ for the assignment of carotenoid configurations[50]. The n3 band at approximately 1010 cm21 arisesfrom the coupling of the in-plane rocking vibration ofthe methyl groups attached to the conjugated chainwith the adjacent C–H in-plane bending modes

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350 400 450 500 550 600

HPLC retention time (min) wavelength (nm)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40





Figure 3. Normal-phase HPLC chromatogram of the extracts from feathers of E. ruber, P. rubra and I. isabellae carried out asdescribed in the text. The chromatograms were detected at 470 nm. (a) I. isabellae: solid line, 5.7 min; dashed line, 6.6 min;(b) P. rubra: solid line, 5.8 min; dashed line, 6.3 min; (c) E. ruber: solid line, 5.6 min; dashed line, 6.0 min; (d) heatedcanthaxanthin solid line, 5.7 min; dashed line, 6.6 min.

Variation in carotenoid–protein interactions M. M. Mendes-Pinto et al. 5

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[30,32]. The n4 band around 960 cm21 arises from C–Hout-of-plane wagging motions coupled with CvC tor-sional modes that are out-of-plane twists of thecarbon backbone [30,32]. If the p-electron conjugatedsystem in the carotenoid is symmetric, as it is incanthaxanthin, the out-of-plane n4 modes will not becoupled with the electronic transition when the mol-ecule is planar. Accordingly, these bands will not beresonance-enhanced upon excitation and will exhibitvery low intensity in the rR spectra. However, theywill increase in intensity when distortions aroundC–C single bonds occur [52]. For canthaxanthin in sol-ution (figure 5), the n4 band exhibits two weakoverlapping components between 955 and 964 cm21.This result indicates that the average relaxed state ofcanthaxanthin in solution corresponds to a geometry

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deviating slightly from completely planar. An X-raystructure analysis of crystalline canthaxanthin supportsthe view that the terminal rings in the molecule areasymmetrically twisted out of the plane of the conju-gated p-electron CvC chain by approximately 558 [53].

The rR spectra of E. ruber, P. rubra and I. isabellaewere measured by rR microspectroscopy using excitationwavelengths of 457.9, 488, 514.5, 528.7 and 568.2 nm,which span the carotenoid absorption transition(figure 6). For P. rubra feathers (figure 6a), the rR spec-tra are not dependent on the excitation wavelength andresemble that of all-trans-canthaxanthin in solution.The n1 band is positioned at precisely 1514.3 cm21 forall excitation wavelengths (table 1), but its full-widthat half-maximum (fwhm) is 21.4 cm21 for excitation at457.9 nm compared with 21.6 cm21 at 514.5 nm, which

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0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38

18 600

18 800

19 000

19 200

19 400

19 600

19 800

20 000

20 200

20 400 490













(n2 – 1) / (n2

+ 2)




n (n





n (c



Figure 4. Position of the (0–0) bands of the S0! S2 electronic transition of canthaxanthin as a function of polarizability indifferent solvents.

900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800




b. u









Raman shift (cm–1)

Figure 5. Room temperature rR spectra of canthaxanthin in diethylether and hexane. Excitation wavelength, 514.5 nm. Fourdistinct bands denoted n1 to n4 are observed in the spectra whose frequencies vary as described in the text.

6 Variation in carotenoid–protein interactions M. M. Mendes-Pinto et al.

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is suggestive of a slight variation in carotenoid binding.However, the spectra indicate little out-of plane distor-tion upon binding canthaxanthin to the protein. Froma structural point of view, the strong similarity in thespectra taken using the different excitation wavelengthsare suggestive of a single pool of all-trans-canthaxanthinmolecules in these feathers. Thus, little difference incanthaxanthin absorption is predicted between P. rubraand canthaxanthin in solution except for the wideningof the absorbance owing to slight variation shown bythe width of n1.

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The rR spectra of E. ruber feathers (figure 6b) aretypical of all-trans-canthaxanthin, but the frequency ofthe n1 band varies between 1512.1 and 1519.7 cm21,depending on the excitation wavelength. In addition,the fwhm of the n1 band is 3 cm21 larger than observedfor P. rubra. The fwhm of the n1 band is largest (approx.28 cm21) when the shortest wavelength (457.9 nm) exci-tation is used. This is suggestive of a heterogeneouspopulation of twisted, but not fully isomerized,all-trans-canthaxanthin molecules in E. ruber feathers.These results are consistent with the reflectance and

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800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Raman shift (cm–1)

















b. u




ity (







b. u


















Figure 6. rR spectra of the feathers from: (a) P. rubra;(b) E. ruber and (c) I. isabellae. The excitation wavelengthsin nm units are indicated on the right-hand side of thefigure. The peak at approximately 1317 cm21 in figure 6c isnot associated with a carotenoid (dashed line).

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absorption spectra obtained from these feathers(figure 2), which show that the electronic absorptiontransition of E. ruber feathers is even broader thanthat observed from P. rubra. In E. ruber feathers, theoverall intensity in the n4 band region compared withthat of the n3 bands is higher than for P. rubra feathers.This is particularly true for excitation wavelengthslonger than 488.0 nm and indicates distortion of therelaxed geometric state of canthaxanthin in the feathersfrom E. ruber.

Resonance rR spectra of I. isabellae feathers recordedusing different excitation wavelengths were very similar

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(figure 6c), indicating the presence of a single pool all-trans-canthaxanthin molecules with some differencesin the frequencies compared with the spectra takenfrom the other feathers and from canthaxanthin in sol-ution. The frequency of the n1 band, which occursbetween 1507.5 and 1509.6 cm21, is substantiallylower than that observed in the feathers from theother two species and from canthaxanthin in solution(figures 5 and 6; table 1). The frequency of the n1

band is approximately 7 cm21 lower than the n1 peakfrom P. rubra and E. ruber (at an excitation wavelengthof 488 nm) and up to 12.5 cm21 lower than the n1 peakof canthaxanthin in solution. Given that n1 is associatedwith the stretching of CvC double bonds [29,50], thisresult is associated with a physical extension of theeffective p-electron conjugated chain within the mol-ecular backbone of canthaxanthin in I. isabellae,which is functionally correlated with the observedred-shift in its absorbance.

Also, the structure of the n2 band in I. isabellae israther unusual for carotenoid molecules in organisms.Typically, the satellite bands associated with theintense band at approximately 1160 cm21 appear astwo distinct bands (see e.g. spectra of lutein in thework by Ruban et al. [54]). This is also the case forthe feathers from P. rubra and E. ruber (figure 6a,b,respectively). For I. isabellae, the n2 band at approxi-mately 1155 cm21 displays only one satellite band at1209 cm21. Purified canthaxanthin in solution alsoexhibits only one satellite band in that region, howeverat a lower frequency (approx. 1190 cm21; figure 5).Lastly, the n4 band in the rR spectra from I. isabellaefeathers (figure 6c) has a significantly high inten-sity compared with that seen from canthaxanthinin solution (figure 5). This result is indicative ofmolecular distortion.

To examine further the effect of variation in caroten-oid binding on the colours that birds perceive, wecompared the reflectance spectra of E. ruber, P. rubraand I. isabellae to the entire gamut of avian carotenoidplumages using a tetrachromatic model of avian colourvision [3,37]. Because birds have four single cones—red,green blue and violet/ultraviolet—their colour percep-tions can be modelled with a tetrahedral colour space,or simplex [3,55]. In figure 7, we show the total diver-sity of colour perceptions produced by carotenoidplumages of more than 50 species in 23 avian families(gray circles and polyhedron, figure 7). Using canthax-anthin pigment only, the plumage colours of E. ruber(red dots), P. rubra (orange dots) and I. isabellae(purple dot) span a huge range of the carotenoid plu-mage gamut. Using canthaxanthin pigments, themaximum span (the distance between E. ruber andI. isabellae) is 0.5342, compared with 0.6177, the maxi-mum span of the entire known, avian carotenoidplumage gamut. Thus, canthaxanthin pigments inthese three species achieve approximately 86 per centof the maximum span achieved by all carotenoids.Given that the rest of these carotenoid colours set areproduced by a wide diversity of molecules, these resultsshow that the effect of carotenoid binding by featherproteins on plumage coloration perceived by birds canbe at least as large as the effect on the spectra of the

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Table 1. Frequencies (cm21) of rR main bands observed in the feathers from P. rubra, E. ruber and I. isabellae.

excitation wavelength (nm) band P. rubra E. ruber I. isabellae

457.9 n1 1514.3 1519.7 n.a.n2 1157.8 1159.1 n.a.n3 1007.5 1006.4 n.a.n4 972.2; 962.2; 952 963.1 n.a.

488 n1 1514.3 1514.8 1507.5n2 1157.8 1157 1155; (1164.7, 1174.5)n3 1007.5 1004.4 1008.7n4 972.2; 963.1; 952 963.1 965.5; 953.7

514.5 n1 1514.3 1512.8 1508.6n2 1158.2 1155.3 1156.3; (1165, 1175.7)n3 1007.2 1003.5 1009.8n4 972.2; 963.1; 952 961.6 965.5; 954.9

528.7 n1 1514.3 1514.1 1508.6n2 1158.6 1157 1156.3; (1165, 1175.4)n3 1008.7 1004.4 1009.8n4 972.2; 963.1; 952 963.1 965.5; 954.9

568.2 n1 n.a. 1512.1 1509.6n2 n.a. 1156.1 1156; (1165, 1176.5)n3 n.a. 1004.4 1010.4n4 n.a. 964.6 964.3; 953.8
















0.6 0.4 0.2 0 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6





Figure 7. The plumage colours of E. ruber (red dots), P. rubra (orange dots) and I. isabellae (purple dot) modelled in a tetra-hedral avian color space. The grey polyhedron represents the total diversity of colour perceptions produced by carotenoidplumages of 145 plumage patches from 52 species in 23 avian families.

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bound pigments induced by variation in the molecularstructure itself.


HPLC chromatographic analyses, chemical analysisand electronic reflectance and absorption spectro-scopy carried out on differently coloured feathers ofP. rubra, E. ruber and I. isabellae indicate unambigu-ously that their colour results from the same

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carotenoid pigment, canthaxanthin. We can also elim-inate the possibility that the purple coloration is theresult of a structural colour. Small-angle X-ray scatter-ing (SAXS) data from Saranathan et al. [42] haveshown that I. isabellae lacks any colour-producingnanostructure, and is indistinguishable from a randomheterogeneous mixture of two materials with a well-defined interface (electronic supplementary material,figure S2). Thus, the colour of purple Iodopleura feath-ers is a distinctly pigmentary phenomenon, and is not

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1508 1510 1512 1514 1516 1518 1520 1522 152415 500

16 000

16 500

17 000

17 500

18 000

18 500

19 000

19 500

20 000

20 500

21 000






E. ruber

P. rubra

I. isabellae









n (c






n (n



n1 frequency (cm–1)

Figure 8. Correlation between the position of the (0–0) spectral origin of the S0! S2 transition and the n1 rR band of canthax-anthin in different solvents (solid squares) and in the feathers (open squares) of P. rubra, E. ruber and I. isabellae. All spectra weretaken using 514.5 nm excitation. The solid lines represent a fit of the data to two independent linear functions. The dashed linerepresents a fit of the data to a single line.

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the result of interference, or coherent scattering, of bluelight wavelengths.

HPLC of extracted carotenoid molecules and the rRspectra of the feathers clearly indicate that canthax-anthin is present in these feathers in an all-transgeometric isomeric configuration. Furthermore, in allrR spectra from feathers (figure 6), the n4 band exhibitsa well-structured lineshape and little variation with theexcitation wavelength, indicating that the canthaxanthinmolecules in each of the feathers have a single isomericconfiguration; i.e. that they are all experiencing thesame the out-of-plane distortions along the p-electronconjugated chain. Such distortions are determined bythe interactions experienced by the carotenoid uponbinding to the protein [20]. Therefore, we can concludethat canthaxanthin in the feathers within each speciesis not bound in a variable fashion within the proteinmatrix, but is bound in a highly consistent mannerin each species.

However, the binding of canthaxanthin in the differ-ent feathers of the three species of birds variessubstantially in a manner that is consistent with theobserved differences in absorption and feather colour.Specifically, the largest differences among the featherrR spectra were the substantial downshift of the n1

band in the purple feathers of I. isabellae in comparisonwith the red feathers of P. rubra or E. ruber, or tocanthaxanthin in solution (figures 5 and 6; table 1).The frequency of the n1 band is functionally associated(i.e. correlates with the length of CvC bond conju-gation) with the stretching of CvC double bonds[29,32,50]. The effective length of the CvC doublebond chain of the carotenoid backbone also has a funda-mental impact on the position of the allowed S0! S2

transition, which produces the absorbance spectrum ofcarotenoid molecules. The effect on the absorption spec-tra due to differences in the length of the CvC doublebond chain of carotenoid molecules is well-documented[46]. These results demonstrate that an extension of the

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p-electron CvC double bond chain length of a caroten-oid molecule bound to feather protein can substantiallyaffect the absorption of the pigment and the colour pro-duced. As previously mentioned, an X-ray structureanalysis of canthaxanthin has revealed that the term-inal rings in the molecule are twisted out of the planeof the conjugated double bond chain by approximately558, which inhibits p-electron delocalization into thering structures [53]. Thus, planarization of the terminalrings upon binding to the protein can lead to an exten-sion of the CvC double bond chain length and producea red-shift in the absorption of the molecule [47]. Thus,the observed increase in the CvC double bond chainlength in I. isabellae predicts the red-shift in absorptionand, contributes to the violet colour produced.

In solution, the position of the electronic absorptionspectra of carotenoids depends on the polarizability ofthe environment (figure 4). We documented thiseffect by measuring the rR spectrum of canthaxanthinin many different solvents and plotting the n1 valueson the same graph with those obtained from the feath-ers (figure 8). The data reveal a correlation between themeasured frequency of the n1 band of canthaxanthinand the position of its electronic absorption transition,indicating that the electronic structure of the conju-gated p-electron system in the ground state ofcanthaxanthin, which the n1 band probes, is sensitiveto solvent polarizability. If we make the same corre-lation between the n1 band in feathers and theposition of the lowest energy component of theirabsorption spectra, the slope of line associated withthe canthaxanthin feathers is similar to, althoughslightly shallower than, the slope of the line obtainedfrom canthaxanthin in various solvents and associa-ted with changes in solvent polarizability (solid linesin figure 8).

For carotenoids in solution, a shallower slope of thiscorrelation is predicted when other factors besidespolarizability affect the position of the absorption

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bands of carotenoid molecules; e.g. differences amongsolvents that affect the carbon-carbon double bond/single bond order alternation [56,57]. Likewise, thedifference in slope between canthaxanthin in solventsand in feathers could reflect additional properties ofthe binding of canthaxanthin in the feathers. However,it must be noted that it is possible to fit all the data (i.e.from both solvents and feathers) with a single line veryclose in slope to that determined for the feathers alone(dashed line in figure 8), although canthaxanthin inCS2 and in pyridine lie substantially off the line fittedto all the data (see the dashed line in figure 8).

The results suggest that the position of the S0! S2

transition of canthaxanthin could be governed by thelocal polarizability of the carotenoid environment inthe feathers. But, the likelihood of this hypothesisdepends on the possibility of substantial variation inthe refractive index of the protein binding site amongspecies of birds. The refractive index, n, of the b-keratinmatrix in which the carotenoid molecules are embeddedis fairly high at 1.58 [58], which corresponds to a polar-izability, R(n), value of 0.333, typical of many solids atroom temperature. An R(n) value of 0.333 predicts theposition of the S0! S2 transition of keratin-boundcanthaxanthin to be around 525 nm (figure 4), whichwould be blue-shifted by approximately 11 nm com-pared with that observed for canthaxanthin in CS2

(figure 2b). Although the exact position of the spectralorigin (0–0) band of canthaxanthin in feathers is diffi-cult to assess accurately (figure 2b), the (0–0) energiesderived from the feather absorption lineshapes indicatea red-shift when compared with that observed forcanthaxanthin in CS2, (figure 8) and not a blue-shift.

To obtain the observed (0–0) transition valueof approximately 16 000 cm21 for canthaxanthin inI. isabellae feathers (figure 8) based on polarizabilityalone would require a value of approximately 0.6 forb-keratin (figure 4), which corresponds to a refractiveindex of 2.3. That is an extraordinarily large, biologi-cally impossible value that it is equivalent to manymetals. Clearly, the data indicate that a change inpolarizability alone cannot explain the variation incanthaxanthin absorption among feathers.

The analysis of the n4 bands further documents thatthe precise configuration of canthaxanthin is differentbetween the feathers of different species. Two par-ameters are important when considering the n4 bands:the frequencies of the observed components, whichdepend on the position of the out-of-plane distortionin the molecule, and their intensity, which depends onthe extent of the out-of plane distortion. In P. rubrafeathers, the n4 band is slightly more intense comparedwith that of canthaxanthin in solvents, and about one-fourth of that of the n3 band. This indicates that thebinding of canthaxanthin to the feather protein inducesa small, additional distortion of the p-electron conju-gated chain that is not present in organic solvents. InE. ruber, the n4 band is nearly twice as intense as inP. rubra. Thus, carotenoid binding in E. ruber inducesthe same additional distortion to the molecule as inP. rubra but with a greater magnitude. Finally, inI. isabellae, the intensity of the n4 band reaches thatof the n3 band, with two main components between

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953.7 and 965.5 cm21 (table 1). These frequencies areonly slightly higher than the corresponding n4 band fre-quencies observed for P. rubra and E. ruber feathers.From this, we can conclude that the binding sites pro-vided by the three feathers induce out-of-planedistortions of canthaxanthin around carbon–carbonsingle bonds of varying magnitudes, and that themost substantial distortion of canthaxanthin isobserved in I. isabellae feathers. It is interesting tonote that the more distorted canthaxanthin becomescompared with its structure in solvents, the redderthe absorption of the feathers.

Variation in the position and width of n1 band wereobserved with different excitation wavelengths in eachof the three species. In P. rubra, variation in the n1

band with excitation wavelength was limited to achange in the fwhm of the peak. By contrast, in thefeathers from E. ruber and I. isabellae, the n1 bandshifted noticeably in frequency with excitation wave-length. More specifically, for P. rubra feathers, whereonly an increase in the width of the n1 rR band isobserved, the absorption spectrum is broader whencompared with that of canthaxanthin in solution.Eudocimus ruber feathers, for which n1 frequenciesvaried between 1512.1 and 1519.7 cm21 (approx.7.5 cm21) with excitation wavelength, exhibit an evenbroader absorption band (table 1). The range of n1 fre-quencies observed bracket the n1 peak of P. rubra(1514.3 cm21), and their absorption spectrum alsoextends beyond both ends of that observed fromP. rubra. Finally, for I. isabellae, the n1 frequencyvaries between 1507.5 and 1509.6 cm21 (approx.2 cm21) depending on the excitation wavelength. Thisresult correlates with a narrower absorption spectrafor I. isabellae than observed in E. ruber.

Planarization of the terminal rings of canthaxanthinwill extend the p-electron conjugation farther along thecarbon chain. Lengthening the extent of p-electronconjugation is known to down-shift the rR n1 bandand red-shift the absorption spectrum of carotenoids[32,59]. However, rR studies on carotenoids and poly-enes having different p-electron conjugated chainlengths show that on average, there is approximately15 nm of a red-shift in the absorption spectrum andapproximately 6 cm21 of a down-shift in the rR n1

band position for every added double bond [29,59].Thus, the approximately 6–7 cm21 down-shift in then1 band observed in the feathers of I. isabellae comparedwith P. rubra (table 1) is not enough to account for allof the approximately 75 nm red-shift occurring betweentheir absorption spectra (figure 8). Moreover, compar-ing the n1 band of canthaxanthin in hexane(1520.5 cm21) with that of the pigment in I. isabellaefeathers (1508.6 cm21), both recorded using 514.5 nmexcitation, shows a difference of 11.9 cm21. Thiswould only amount to a difference of 11.9 cm21 �(15 nm/6 cm21) � 30 nm between these two samples,which is clearly not enough to account for the violetpurple colour of I. isabellae feathers.

An additional factor that can influence carotenoidpigment absorption is the formation of molecular aggre-gates. Absorption and rR spectroscopic investigations ofcrystalline and aggregated samples of several all-trans-

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carotenoids [51,60,61] described the effect of close proxi-mity of the pigments on their spectral properties. Thedata reveal that carotenoids packed in a head-to-tailarrangement, called J-aggregates in the molecular exci-ton coupling theory [62], undergo a significant red-shiftin their absorption spectra. This is because absorptioninto an energetically low-lying exciton state, formedwhen p-electron conjugated molecules are brought intoclose proximity, is red-shifted relative to the absorptionbands associated with monomeric, unaggregatedmolecules. In fact, canthaxanthin undergoes a significantred-shift from 495 nm (20 202 cm21) in solution(monomeric) to 581 nm (17 202 cm21) in J-aggregatecrystalline form [60]. Salares et al. [51] reported a5 cm21 downshift of the n1 band of canthaxanthin,from 1523 cm21 in acetone to 1518 cm21 for the aggre-gated molecule in 10 per cent acetone–H2O solution.Monomeric canthaxanthin in the eight different solventsused here has n1 values that span the 1520.5–1517 cm21

range (using 514.5 nm excitation), and I. isabellae feath-ers have its n1 band at 1508.6 cm21 (using the sameexcitation l). This corresponds to an approximately10 cm21 downshift, roughly twice that reported bySalares et al. [51] for carotenoid aggregates. This stronglysuggests that carotenoid aggregation in the feathers isnot the sole source of the spectral shift, but it appearsto be an important factor, in addition to protein binding,needed to produce the violet colour of I. isabellae. It isnot difficult to envision that canthaxanthin may betaken up into the keratin protein fibres of feathers in ahead-to-tail manner so that it forms J-aggregates orrelated aggregated species, which could themselves besensitive to the properties of the local environment pro-vided by keratin. However, additional work will berequired to confirm whether carotenoid are bounddirectly to b-keratin or to another protein or molecule,and whether molecular aggregates of canthaxanthin arepresent in the feathers of I. isabellae and other birdspecies as well.


These results confirm that different species of birds haveevolved differences in the carotenoid binding to featherkeratin proteins. Our findings support the followingconclusions:

— Different canthaxanthin binding modes among thethree different species examined produces changesin feather reflectance spectrum that are perceivedby birds as strikingly different colours. The effectof protein binding on plumage coloration can be atleast as significant on plumage colour as changesin molecular structure.

— Canthaxanthin is bound in a consistent manner byfeather proteins in each of the feathers from thethree species analysed, but each species induces adifferent degree of CvC double bond extension(n1) and out-of-plane twists of the carbon backbone(n4) of the bound pigment.

— Different subpopulations of all trans-canthaxanthinmolecules are present in each of the feathers, whichmay be distinguished on the basis of their rR

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properties, particularly the frequency of their n1

band. These changes do not affect the general all-trans geometric structure of canthaxanthin, butqualitatively correlate with the width of theabsorption of each of the feathers.

— The degree of canthaxanthin distortion, especiallythe CvC double bond extension revealed throughn1, correlates well with the red-shift in the absorp-tion spectra exhibited by canthaxanthin in each ofthe three feathers studied. However, the entireextent of the red-shift cannot be explained by therefractive index/polarizability of the molecularenvironment nor by planarization of the canthax-anthin terminal rings alone, although those arecontributing factors. Very likely, linear, end-to-endmolecular aggregation of the carotenoid pigmentsis an additional important factor.

Feather specimens were provided by the OrnithologyDepartment of the Yale Peabody Museum of NaturalHistory (YPM), Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.Work in the laboratory of H.A.F was supported by theUniversity of Connecticut Research Foundation and by theW. R. Coe Fund of Yale University. Work in the laboratoryof B.R. was supported by EU program Marie Curie (FP7Initial Training Network HARVEST), by the ERC fundingagency (PHOTPROT project), by the CEA interdisciplinaryprogram Technology for Health (MEDIASPEC project) andby the National Research Agency (ANR, CyanoprotectProject). Richard Prum has been supported by anIkerbasque Fellowship, and the Donostia InternationalPhysics Center, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain. The ibisimage in figure 1 is courtesy of G. Armistead/VIREO, thetanager photograph is courtesy of R. Nussbaumer/VIREOand the white-browed purpletuft photograph is courtesy ofNick Athanas. The authors thank Dr Michael Tauber forcritical reading of the manuscript.


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