
Literature on


Cone Penetration Testing

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Estimation of foundation settlements in sand fromCPTRobertson,PKAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE. GeotechnicalSpecial Publication 27, 1991, s 764-775

In situ testing and its application to foundation

Swedish Geotechnical Institute

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I? engineeringRobertson,PKCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1986, vol 23, nr 4,s 573-594 1•In-situ stress determination in sands using pedevicesRobertson,PKBritish Columbia University. Civilnics Series; 99, 1986, 22 s

Soil classification using theRobertson,FK .4

Canadian Geotechnicals 151-158

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1) SGI Literature Service 2

LI Preface 3

LI Literature 4

LI Author index 46

LI More on SGI Literature Service 55

Swedish Geotechnical Institute

/ Y

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This bibliography contains 782 references to

literature about Cone Penetration Testing.

The bibliography is a summary of publications in

the area of CPT and can be used as a state of the

art. The references have been retrieved from the

SGI literature data base, SGIL1NE. The major part

of the references are to literature published from

1974 up to the present.

e have spent quite some time trying to

make a suitable subject division of the CPT

complex only to conclude that it was too great an


achievement. As a consequence, the name of the

authors have been arranged in alphabetical order.

On the pages 46 to 54 you will find an index of the

names of all the authors with a page reference.

The bibliography is complementary to the

Proceedings of CPT’95, consequently no

references from the conference are included.

We hope you will find this compilation useful.

S9’) 4ee’u’aie Sew4e



Calibration of in situ tests in laboratory and field. Twoday seminar at NGI, Oslo, 28-29 January 1988Norges Geotekniske Institutt, 1988, 1 parm

Cone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis,Missouri, October 26-30, 1981. Proceedings. Ed.byG.M. Norris and R.D. HoltzAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, 1981, 479 s

CPT - cone penetration test. Kombinerad spetstryckoch portrycksondering. Handledning for fältpersonalVagverket. Teknik. Geoteknik. Publikation 1992:23, 1992, 31 s

Current practices in ground water and vadose zoneinvestigations. Eds. Nielsen,DM, Sara,MNASTM. Special Technical Publication. SIT 1118, 1992,431 s

European symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 5-7 1974. Proceedings. Vol. 1-2.(SvenskByggtjanst), 1.218 5; 2:1 259 s; 2:2 435 s

European symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,2, Amsterdam, 24-27 May 1982. Proceedings. Vol.1-2. Ed. by A. Verruijt, F.L. Beringen & E.H. DeLeeuw(A.A. Ealkema), 1. 386 s; 2. s 389-982

European symposium on penetration testing, 2,ESOPT 2, Amsterdam, 1982. Case studiesLGM-Medelingen, 1985, nr 91, 33 s

In situ testing and field behaviour. Canadian geotechnical conference, 39, Ottawa, Ontario, August 27-30,1986. Preprint volumeCanadian Geotechnical Society, 1986, 420 S

Kurs i fältundersOkningsteknik. Radon, pressometerprovning, trycksondering och portryckmatningSwedish Geotechnical Institute, 1984, /201/ s var pag

Nordisk sonderingsmOte i Stockholm den 5-6 oktober1967. Foredrag och diskussionerSwedish Geotechnical Institute. Sartryck och PreliminaraRapporter 31, 1969, 200 s

Penetration testing 1988. International symposium onpenetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1, Orlando, 20-24March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1-2. Ed Ruiter,J,de(A.A. Balkema), 1. 596 5; 2. 1076 s

Penetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference organized by the Institution of Civil Engineersand held in Birmingham, 6-8 July 1988. Proceedings(Thomas Telford), 1989, 370 s

Portable, electrical, friction-sleeve, cone, penetrometer. Ed. by J.S. MacGregor(Macsil Pty. Ltd.)1981, 128 s

Pressuremeter, cone penetrometer, and dilatometerfor foundation design, College Station, Texas, August17-18. ProceedingsTexas A&M University1992

Proceedings of a symposium on site exploration insoft ground using in situ techniques, held May 1-3,1978 at Alexandria, Virginia. Delon Hampton andEstelle Greenfield, EdsUS Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Report FHWA-TS-80-2021980, 248 s

Recommended standard for cone penetration tests.Established by the Swedish Geotechnical SocietyJune 15, 1992Swedish Geotechnical Society. SGF Report 1:93 E1993,26 s

Rekommenderad standard for CPT-sondering. Fastställd av styrelsen for Svenska geotekniska fOreningen1992-06-15Svenska geotekniska foreningen. SGF Rapport 1:931993,26 s

Report of the ISSMFE Technical Committee onPenetration Testing of Soils - TC 16 with ReferenceTest Procedures: CPT - SPT - DP - WST. Ed.:Bergdahl,USwedish Geotechnical Institute. SGI Information 71989, 49 s

Report of the Sub-committee on the penetration testfor use in Europe with Irecommended standards forthe cone penetration test, the dynamic probing test,the SPT test and the weight sounding test!International Society for Soil Mechanics and FoundationEngineering, 1979, /1979/, /58/ s

Seminar on cone and pressuremeter testing, Sydney,June 2, 1989University of Sydney. Civil and Mining Engineering I Centrefor Geotechnical Research, 1989, ca 66 + /20/ s


In situ testing: new developmentsAas, G, Lacasse,S, Lunne, T, Madshus, CNGM-84. Nordiska Geoteknikermötet, Linkoping, Juni 1984.

Vol. 2, s 705-716

Use of in situ tests for foundation design on clayAas,G, Lacasse,S, LunneT, Hoeg,KASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 1-30

Practical note on the evaluation of a pile load using

cone penetration test resultsAbdrabbo,FIyf, Mahmoud,MAInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 599-605

Strain field around cones in steady penetrationAcarYB, Tumay,MTASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

1986, vol 112, nr 2, s 207-2 13

Penetration testing in tropical laterite and residual

soils - Nigerian experienceAjayi,LA, Balogvn,LAInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, a 315-328

Cone penetration tests on artificially cemented sandsAkili, W, Al-Joulinx,NIvL4International symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 607-615

Low strain shear modulus by indirect methodsAlba,P,de, Benoit,J Pass,DG, Carter,JJInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 13, New Delhi, Jan. 1994. Proceedings, vol. 1

s 173-176

Miniature vane and cone penetation tests duringcentrifuge flightAlmeida,MSS, Pary,RFIGASTM. Special Technical Publication; STP 1014

1988, s 209-219

Small cone penetrometer tests and piezocone tests inlaboratory consolidated claysAlmeida,MSS, Parry,RFIGASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1985, vol 8, nr 1,

s 14-24


Studies of vane and penetrometer tests duringcentrifuge flightAlmeida,MSS, Pariy,RHGCambridge University. Engineering Department. CUED/DSoils; TR 142, 1983, 21 + /33/ s

Tests with centrifuge vane and penetrometer in anormal gravity fieldAlmeida,MSS, Pany,RHGCambridge University. Engineering Department. CUED/I)

Soils; TR 141, 1983, 24 + /42/ s

Tests in small calibrated chamber: experimental andnumerical analysisAl-Mukhtar,MPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,

Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 285-288

Monotonic and cyclic penetration tests in calibratedchamberAl-Mukhtar,M, RobinezJC, Shahrour,IInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 621-626

Entwicklungen bei Drucksondierungen an DeponiestandortenAmann,P, Beringen,FL, Wollenhaupt,HGeotechnik, 1986, vol 9, nr 3,s 117-124

Presslo-penetrometer for geotechnical surveys on landand offshoreAmar,S, Baguelin,F, Jezequel,JFEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,

Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 419-423

Self-boring placement method and soft clay investigationAmar,S, Baguelin,F, Frank,R, Jezequel,JFInternational symposium on soft clay, Bangkok, July 1977.

Proceedings, s 337-357

Some problems on the in-situ measurement of theshearing resistancce in fine soilsArnar,S, Baguelin,F, Jezequel,JF, Lernasson,HIstanbul conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, Istanbul, March/April 1975. Proceedings, Vol. 2

a 165-182

Utilisation du penetrometre statique dans les laboratoires des ponts et chausseesAmar,S, Baguelin,F, JezequelJF, Nazaret,JPInstitut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics.

Annales: Sols et Fondations, 1976, vol 29, nr 340/1 32, s 40-45

Quelques applications de l’essai au piezoconeArnar,S, Corte,JF, Waschkowski,EInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,

Vol 1, s 151-152


Essais en place et en laboratoire sur sols coherent:comparaisons des resultatsAmar, S, Jezequel,JFLaboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees. Bulletin de Liaison1972, nr 58, s 97-108

Contribution au dimensionnement des fondationssuperficielles a l’aide de l’essai au penetrometrestatiqueAmar,S, Morbois,ALaboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees. Bulletin de Liaison; 1411986, s 37-43

Essais de penetration des sols et Ia prevision ducomportement des fondations profondesAmar,S, Waschkowski,ELaboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees. Bulletin de Liaison; 1351985, s 85-94

Evaluation of the undrained shear strength from staticcone penetration tests in a soft silty clay in Patras,GreeceAnagnostopoulos,AGEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 13-14

Exploration, sampling and in-situ testing of soft clayAndresen,ASoft clay engineering. Developments in geotechnical engineering; 20, 1981, s 239-308

Procedures used to obtain soil parameters for foundation engineering in the North SeaAndresen,A, Berre, T, Kleven,A, Lunne, TMarine Geotechnology, 1979, vol 3, nr 3, s 201-266

Penetration tests in liquefiable gravelsAndrus,RD, Youd,TLInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 1989. Proceedings,Vol. 1, s 679-682

Comparison of SPT, CPT, SV and electrical methodsof evaluating earthquake induced liquefactionsusceptibility in Ying Kou City during the HaichengearthquakeArulanandan,K, Yogachandran, C, Meegoda,NJASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 389-415

New method for evaluating liquefaction potentialArulmolzK, Arulanandan,K, Seed,HBASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering1985, vol 111,nr 1, s 95-114

Analysis of cone penetrometer dataAtyani,S, Anderson,LR, Sharp,KDEngineering geology and soils engineering symposium, 19,Pocatello, ID, March-April, 1982. Proceedings, s 125-143


Cone penetration and engineering properties of thesoft Orinoco ClayAzzouz,AS, Baligh,MAzI, Ladd,CCBOSS ‘82. International conference on behaviour of off-shorestructures, 3,Cambridge, MA, Aug. 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1s 161-180

CPT and DMT testing of highway pavements inFloridaBadu-Tweneboah,K, Bloomquist,DG, Ruth,BE, Miley, WGInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 627-633

Density prediction using a static cone penetrometerBaghdadi,ZA, GhazalzFM, Khan,AMInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, IS OPT-I,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 635-641

Penetration testing in glacial tillBaker,PJ, Gardener,RPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 223-226

Cone resistance in dry N.C. and O.C. sandsBaldi G, BellottiR, Ghionna, V’4 Jamiolkowski,M,Pasqualini,ECone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 145-177

Stiffness of sands from CPT, SPT and DMT - a criticalreviewBaldE G, Bellotti,R, Ghionna, VN Jamiolkowski,MPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 299-305

Cone resistance of a dry medium sandBald G, BellottE,R, Ghionna, J’R Jamiolkowski,M,Pasqualini,EInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings, Vol. 2s 427-432

Design parameters for sands from CPTBaldi, G, Bellotti,R, Ghionna, V7V Jamiolkowski,M,Pasqualini,EEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 425-432


Modulus of sands from CPT’s and DMT’sBaIdL G, BeiottiR, Ghionna, Vt Jamiolkows,M LoPresti,DCFInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,

Vol 1, s 165-170

Seismic cone in Po River sandBaldi,G, Bruzzi,D, Superbo,S, Baltaglio,M,Jamiolkowski,MInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 643-650

Theory of deep site static cone penetration resistance

BalighdvlMMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Civil engineering

department. Report; R75-56, 1975, 133 s

Piezocone penetrometerBaligh,Mi’vI, Azzouz,AS, Wissa,AEZ, Martin,RT,Morrison,MJCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.

1981. Proceedings, s 247-263

Pore pressure dissipation after cone penetrationBaligh,MYiiI, Levadoux,JNMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Sea Grant College

Program Report; 1vflTSG 80-13, 1980, 367 s

Analysis of wedge penetration in clayBaligh,MivI, Scolt,RFGeotechnique, 1976, vol 26, nr 1, s 185-208

Quasi-static deep penetration in claysBaligh,MM, Scolt,RFASCE. Geotechnical Engineering Division. Journal

1975, vol 101, nr GTII, s 1119-1133

Cone penetration in soil profilingBaligh,MM, Vivatrat, V, Ladd,CCASCE. Gcotcchnical Engineering Division. Journal

1980, vol 106, nr GT4, s 447-461

Exploration and evaluation of engineering propertiesfor foundation design of offshore structuresBaligh,MM, Viva trat, V, Ladd,CCMassachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979, 267 s

In situ measurements in a marine clayBaligh,MM, Vivatrat, VInternational conference on behaviour of off-shore structures,

2, (Boss ‘79), London, Aug. 1979. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 151-


Interpretation of CPT’s and CPTU’s, Part 1-2BattaglioM, Bruzzi,D, Jamiolkowski,M, Lancellotta,R,

Baldi, G, Bellotli,R, Ghionna, VNInternational geotechnical seminar on field instrumentation

and in- situ measurements, 4, Singapore, Nov. 1986. Procee

dings, s 129-1 56


Considerazioni sulla prova penetrometrica statica neiterreni coesivi saturiBattaglio,M, Jamiolkowski,M, Lancellotta,R, Pasqualini,EConvegno Italiano di Geotecnica, 13, Merano 1978 /Preprint

of paper! 12 s

Piezometer probe test in cohesive depositsBattaglio,M, Jamiolkowski,M, LancelloltaR, Maniscalco,RCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.

1981. Proceedings, s 264-302

Digital filtering techniques for interpreting seismiccone dataBaziw,EJASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering1993, vol 119, nr 6,s998-1018

Cone penetration test in sands; Part I: state parameter interpretationBeen,K, Crooks,JHA, Becker,DE, Jefferies,MGGeotechnique, 1986, vol 36, nr 2, s 239-249

Critical appraisal of CPT calibration chamber testBeen,K, Crooks,JHA, Rothenburg,LInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 651-660

Interpretation of material state from the CPT in sandsand claysBeen,K, Crooks,JHA, Jefferies,MGPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,

Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 215-218

Cone penetration test in sands, 2: General inferenceof stateBeenK, Jefferies,MG, Crooks,JHA, Rothenburg,LGeotechnique, 1987, vol 37, nr 3, s285-299

Determination of sand strength for limit state designBeen,K, Jefferies,MGDansk Geoteknisk Forening. DGF-Bulletin 10, vol. 1. s 101-


Towards systematic CPT interpretationBeen,K, Jefferies,MGPredictive soil mechanics. Wroth memorial symposium,

Oxford, July 1992. Proceedings, 1992, s 121-134

Cone penetration test calibration for Erksak (BeaufortSea) sandBeenK, Lingnau,BE, Crooks,JHA, Leach,BCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1987, vol 24, nr 4, s 601-610

Bearing capacity of displacement piles in stiff fissuredclaysBeer,EE,de, Lousberg,E, Wallays,M, Carpentier,R,Jaeger,J,de, Paquay,JI.R.S.I.A. Comptes rendus de recherces, 1977, mars, nr 39,

136 s



Statisch sonderen in Vaste kleilagenBeer,EE, dePolytechnisch Tijdschrift. Editie Bouwkunde, Wegen-enWaterbouw, 1978, nr 8, 13 s

Cone penetration test (CPT): International referencetest procedureBeer,EE,de, Goelen,E, HeUnen, WJ Joustra,KInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 27-51

H steel piles in dense sandBeer,EE, de, Jonghe,A,de, Carpentier,R, Hever,M,Scholtes,PInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings, Vol. 2s 693-698

Analysis of the results of loading tests performed ondisplacement piles of different types and sizespenetrating at a relatively small depth into a verydense sand layerBeer,EE, de, Lousberg,E, Jonghe,A,de, Carpentier,R,Wallays,MConference on recent developments in the design andconstruction of piles, London, March 1979. Proceedingss199-211

Partial safety factors in pile bearing capacityBeer,EE,de, Lousberg,E, Jonghe,A,de, Wallays,M,Carpentier,RInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings, Vol. 1s105-110

Scale effects in results of penetration tests performedin stiff claysBeer,EE, de1 Lousberg,E, Walleys,M, Carpentier,R,Jaeger,J de, Paquay,JEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 105-114

Draagvermogen van stalen liggerpalenBeer,EE, de, Scholtes,P, Carpentier,RRijksinstituut voor Grondmechanica, 1982, 126 s

Computation of the load/settlement behaviour of HP-bearing pilesBeer,EE,de, Weber,LInternational deep foundation conference, 2, Luxembourg,May 1987. Preprint volume, s 109-115

Influence of excavation on soil strength belowexcavation levelBegemann,HKSPEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 6, Vienna, Austria, March 1976. Proceedings,Vol. 1.2, s 613-616

Cone penetration tests, pile bearing capacity and thethesis of RollbergBegemann,HKSPEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 433-438

Design, construction and use of a calibration chamberBel1othR, Bizzi,G, Ghionna, VWEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 439-446

Saturation of sand specimen for calibration chambertestsBe1lottR, Crippa, V Pedroni,S, Ghionna, VVInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 661-671

Deformation characteristics of cohesionless soils fromin situ testsBe11othR, Ghionna, VN Jamiolkowski,M, Lancellotta,R,Manfredini,GASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 47-73

Evaluation of sand strength from CPTBe11othR, Ghionna, VN Jamiolkowski,M, Manassero,M,Pasqualini,EInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2s 195-203

Shear strength of sand from CPTBe1lottiR, Gliionna, 17sJ, Jamiolkowski,M, Lancellotta,R,Robertson,PKInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s 179-184

Design parameters of cohesionless soils from in situtestsBellotti,R, Ghionna, VN, Jamiolkowski,M, Robertson,PKTransportation Research Record 1235, 1989, s 45-54

Influence of rate of penetration on static cone resistance values in Connecticut River Valley varved clayBemben,SM, Myers,DAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 33-34

Settlement of shallow foundations in sands selectionof stiffness on the basis of penetration resistanceBerardi,R, Jamiolkowski,M, Lancellotta,RAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE. GeotechnicalSpecial Publication 27, 1991, s 185-200

Latest developments in static cone penetrometers andother soil testing equipment (on land - offshore)Berg,AP,van denEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 447-455



New generation of highly sophisticated, static conepenetrometers, soil sampling - and auxiliary equipment for in situ soil investigationBerg,AP,van denBudapest conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 6, Budapest, Oct. 1984. Proceedings

s 287-295

Summary of the actual state of affairs and latestdevelopments in seabed static cone penetrometeringBerg,AP,van denDanube-European conference on soil mechanics and founda

tion engineering, 7, USSR, Kishinev, Sept. 1983. Vol. 1

s 39-48

European standard on penetration testing - a necessi

tyBergdahl, USondierungen und in situ Messungen. Berichte eines Sympo

siums, Wien, Juni 1979, s 87-98

Sonderingsförsök I Amsterdam 1981-1 982Bergdahl, USwedish Geotechnical Institute. SGI Varia; 110, 1982, 20 s

Sonderingsteknikens utveckling i Sverige - en redovis

ning av metodernas utveckling och förekommande

utvärderingsmetoderBergdahl, USwedish Geotechnical Institute. SGI Varia; 166, 1986, 27 s

Bestämning av jordegenskaper med sondering - enlitteraturstudieBergdahl, U, Eriksson, USwedish Geotechnical Institute. SGI Rapport; 22

1983,96 s

Soil characteristics from penetration test results: Acomparison between various investigation methods innon-cohesive soilsBergdahl, U, Oltosson,EInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 399-405

Use of penetrometers in SwedenBergdahl, USwedish Geotechnical Institute. SGI Varia; 21, 1980, /24/ s

Settlement of a ring foundation using cone dataBhushan,K, Boniadi,FInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 681-686

Correlations between the results of sounding andlaboratory tests for Rhineland silt and their use forcalculations for foundation designBiedermann,BEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,

Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 239-243

Statistical comparison between the results of dynamicand static penetrometers for Rhineland siltBiedermann,BEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2. ESOPT,

Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 235-238

Vergleichende Untersuchungen mit Sonden in Schluff.DissBiedermann,BAachen Technische Hochschule. Forschungsberichte ausBodenmechanik und Grundbau. Heft; 9, 1984, 217 s

Modified penetrometer for cone and specific resistance of soils measurementsBorowczylcMEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,

Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 47-50

Determination of in-situ soil parameters by use ofradiometric methods, sounding test and pressuremeterBorowczyk,M, FrankowskzZDanube European conference on soil mechanics and founda

tion engineering, 5, Bratislava, Sept. 1977. Proceedings,

Vol. 1, s 51-64

Dynamic and static sounding results interpretationBorowczyk,M, Frankowski,ZInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings, Vol. 2


Physico-mechanical properties of weak soils determined by field methodsBorowczyk,M, Frankowski, ZArchiwum Hydrotechniki, 1975, vol 22, nr 3/4, s 367-388

Finite element analysis of static penetration testBorst,R, de, Verrneer,PAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,

Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings. Vol. 2. s 457-462

Possibilities and limitations of finite elements for limitanalysisBorst,R, de, Verrneer,PAGeotechnique, 1984, vol 34, nr 2, s 199-210

Cone penetration technology for subsurface characterizationBowders,JJ Daniel,DEGeotechnical News, 1994, vol 12, nr 3, s 24-29

Summary report of the workshop on advancingtechnologies for cone penetration testing for geotechnical and geoenvironmental site characterization,Austin, Texas, June 14-15, 1994Bowders,JJ Daniel,DEUniversity of Texas. Civil Engineering, 1994, ca /100/ s



Soil disturbance from pile driving in sensitive clayBozozuk,M, Fellenius,BH, Saznson,LCanadian geotechnical conference, 30, Saskatoon, Oct. 1977.Proceedings, s Vifil -Vffl24

Use of the piezocone test for monitoring the strengthof rock pasteBrailhwaite,PA, Ghataora, GS, Coutts,JSPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 161-166

Interpretation of Dutch cone tests in soft BangkokclayBrand,EW MohZC, Wirojanagud,PEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 51-58

Evaluation of the load-deformation relationship forpiles using data from penetration testingBredenberg,H, Hintze,SInternational conference on foundations and tunnels, 2,London, Sept., 1989. Proceedings, Vol. 1, 1989, s 161-167

Predictions of pile behaviour from Dutch cone soundings in Bangkok clayBrenner,RP, Panichpatananon,SEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 463-468

Evaluation of cone penetration test methods using 98pile load testsBriaud,JLInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 687-697

Driven then pushed minicone tests in a sand chamberBriaudjL, Kha?ajKAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE. GeotechrucalSpecial Publication 38, 1993, s 14-26

Cone penetrometer testBriaud,JL, Miran,JUS Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration FHWA- SA-91-043, 1992, 161 s

Coefficient of variation of in situ tests in sandBriaud,JL, Tucker,LMProbabilistic characterization of soil properties: Bridgebetween theory and practice, Atlanta, GA, May 1984.Proceedings, s 119-139

Behavior of piles and pile groups in cohesionless soilsBriaud,JL, Tucker,L, Lytton,RL, Coyle,HMUS Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Report; FHWAJRD-83/038, 1985, 217 s

Penetration testsBrornsBBFranki International Technology. FIT Report; 2/87, 1987, 29 5

History of soil penetration testingBroms,BB, Flodin,NInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 157-220

Analysis of cone resistance ‘q’ and sleeve friction‘fs’ as interactive stresses, resulting in a new pilebearing capacity design methodBrougNWAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 469-478

Establishment of in-situ horizontal stress in granularmaterial using local friction (cpt) as governing parameterBroug,NWAEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Florence, May 1991. Proceedings, vol. 1s 23-26

Determination of stress state of clays by piezocone.DissBrown,DNGeorgia Institute of Technology. Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering, 1993, 168 s

Diagraphies et Ies essais de mecanique des sols enplaceBru,J, Ledoux,JL, Menard,J, Waschkowski,EInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 1s 25-32

Underwater static penetrometerBruzzi,DInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2s 223-226

Advanced static penetrometerBruzzi, 1), Ce.ctari, PEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 479-489

Effect of pore pressure on point resistance usingelectrical cones in soft clayBruzzD, Cestari,FInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2s 227-230

Design of friction piling in Mississippi embaymentsands using cone penetrometerBuhr,CA, Houghton,LE, Leonard,RJEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 487-492

Investigation of railroad subgrade propertiesBukoski,RF, Selig,ETCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 22 8-246



Calcul d’un pieu visse moule dans une argue plastiqueBustamante,M, Gianeselli,L, Cambier,JCLaboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees. Bulletin de Liaisonl983,nr 127, s 53-65

Calcul de Ia capacite portante des pieux a partir desessais au penetrometre statiqueBuslarnante,M, GianeseIIzLLaboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees. Bulletin de Liaisonl983,

nr 127, s 73-80

Design of auger displacement piles from insitu testsBustamante,M, Gianeselli,LInternational geotechnical seminar on deep foundations onbored and auger piles, BAP 2, 2, Ghent, Belgium, June 1993.Proceedings, s 21-34

Pile bearing capacity prediction by means of staticpenetrometer CPTBustamante,M, Gianeselli,LEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,

Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 493-500

Prevision de Ia capacite portante des pieux isoles souscharge verticaleBustarnante,M, Gianeselli,LLaboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees. Bulletin de Liaisonl98l,

nr 113, s 83-108

Ability of in situ testing to assess ground treatmentButcher,AP, McElmeel,KConference on engineered fills ‘93, Newcastle upon Tyne,

Sept. 1993. Proceedings, a 529-540

Investigation of a plane strain continuous penetrationproblemBulterfield,R, Andrawes,KZGeotechniquel 972, vol 22, nr 4, s 597-617

Continuous penetration testing in granular materials.A new analyticalsolutionButterfield,R, Last,NCInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-

situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2


Considerations on safety of piled raft foundationsCalle,EOF, Hejnen, WJEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 501-506

Interpretation of seismic cone data using digitalfiltering techniquesCarnpanellaRG, BaziiEJ SullyJPInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol. 1, s 195-198

Preliminary evaluation of Menard pressuremeter, conepenetrometer and standard penetration tests in thelower Mainland, British ColumbiaCampanella,RG, Berzins, WE, Shields,DHBritish Columbia University. Civil Engineering. Soil Mechanics Series; 40, 1979, 52 s

Seismic piezocone: A practical site investigation toolCampanella,RG, DaviesjvlPGeophysical characterization of sites. Ed.: Woods.RD, 1994, 5


Geoenvionmental subsurface site characterizationusing in-situ soil testing methodsCarnpanella,RG, DaviesMP, Boyd, TJ, Everard,JLInternational congress on environmental geotechnics, 1,Edmonton, Alberta, July, 1994. Proceedings, s 153-159

Pore pressures during cone penetration testingCampanella,RG, Gillespie,D, Robertson,PKEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 507-512

Evaluation of cone pressuremeter tests in soft cohesive soilsCarnpanella,RG, Howie,JA, SullyJP, Robertson,FKInternational symposium on pressuremeters, 3, Oxford, April,

1990. Proceedings, s 125-135

New approach to measuring dilatancy in saturatedsandsCampanella,RG, Kokan,MJASTM. Geotechnical Testing JournalI993, vol 16, nr 4,s 485-495



In situ testing of seabottom sediments, Tuktoyaktukarea, N.W.T.Campanella,RG, Kurfurst,PJIn situ testing and field behaviour. Canadian geotechnicalconference, 39, Ottawa, Aug, 1986. Preprint volumes 237-242

Applied cone researchCampanella,RG, Robertson,PKCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 343-362

Current status of the piezocone testCampanella,RG, Robertson,FKInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 93-116

Seismic cone penetrometer to measure engineeringproperties of soilCampanella,RG, Robertson,PKBritish Columbia University. Civil Engineering, Soil Mechanics Series; 83, 1984, 9 s

Use of in situ tests in pile designCampanella,RG, Robertson,PK, Davies,MF, Sy,AInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s 199-203

Cone penetration testing in deltaic soilsCarnpanella,RG, Robertson,FK Gillespie,DCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1983, vol 20, nr 1, s 23-35

Factors affecting the pore water pressure and itsmeasurement around a penetrating coneCompanella,RG, Robertson,PK, Gillespie,DIn situ testing and field behaviour. Canadian geotechnicalconference, 39, Ottawa, Aug, 1986. Preprint volumes 291-299

In-situ testing in saturated silt, (drained or undrained?)Campanella,RG, Robertson,FK, Gillespie,DGeotechnical aspects of non-textbook soils. Canadiangeotechnical conference, 34, Fredericton, NB, Sept.-Oct.1981, s 5.2.1-5.2.14

Seismic cone penetration testCarnpanella,RG, Robertson,PK, Gillespie,DASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 116-130

Recent developments in in-situ testing of soilsCampanella,RG, Robertson,PK, Gillespie,D, Grieg,JInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug, 1985. Proceedings Vol.2, s 849-854

Piezometer-friction cone investigation at a tailingsdamCampanella,RG, Robert.son,PK, Gillespie,D, Klohn,EJCanadian Geotechnical Journall, 984, vol 21, nr 3, s 551-562


Seismic cone penetration testing in the Beaufort SeaCampanella,RG, Robertson,PK, Gillespie,D, Laing,N,Kurfurst,PJBritish Columbia University. Department of Civil Engineering. Soil Mechanics Series nr 95/96, 1987, 18 s

Seismic cone penetration testing in the near offshoreof the MacKenzie DeltaCampanella,RG, Robertson,PK, Gillespie,D, Laing,N,Kurfurst,PJCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1987, vol 24, nr 1, s 154-159

Piezometer-friction cone investigation at a tailingsdamCampanella,RG, Robertson,PK, Klohn,EJ Gillespie,DBritish Columbia University. Civil Engineering. Soil Mechanics Series; 50, 1982, 24 s

Guidelines for using the CPT, CPTU and MarchettiDMT for geotechnical design, Vol. 1-4Ca,npanella,RG, Rohertson,PK, Schmertmann,JHSchmertmann and Crapps, Inc 1988, 1: 82 s;2: 198+/131/s;3:ca300s/varpag!;4: 140s

Seismic cone analysis using digital signal processingfor dynamic site characterizationCampanella,RG, Stewart, WPCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1992, vol 29, nr 3,s 477-486

Low strain dynamic characteristics of soils with thedownhole seismic piezocone penetrometerCampanella,RG, Stewart, WP, Roy,D, Davies,MPAmerican Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM. Specialtechnical publication STP 1213, 1994, s 73-87

Research and development of a lateral stress piezoconeCarnpanella,RG, Sully,JP, Greig,JW Jolly, GTransportation Research Record 1278, 1990, s 215-224

Interpretation of piezocone soundings in clay - a casehistoryCampanella,RG, Sully,JP, Robertson,PKPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 203-208

Development and use of an electrical resistivity conefor groundwatercontamination studiesCanipanella,RG, Weemees,ICanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1990, vol 27, nr 5,s 557-567

Cone penetration test for site characterizationCampanella,RG, Wickremesinghe,DS, Echezuria,HJInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s 205-210


Friction-cone penetration testing in alluvial claysCancelli,A, Guadagnini,R, Pel1egriniMEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 513-518

Surpression interstitielle de foncage mesuree au minipiezocone dans un sableCanou,J, Dupla,JC, Dormieux,LEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, Copenhagen, May-June 1995. Proceedings,

vol. 1. The interplay between geotechnical and engineering

geology. Danish Geotechnical Society. DGF Bulletin 11,s 1.37-1.42

Mini piezocone (M-CPTU) investigation related tosand liquefaction analysisCanou,J, El Hachem,M, Kattan,A, Juran,IInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2s 699-706

Relationship between the cone resistance and theundrained shear strength of stiff fissured claysCarpentier,REuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2s 5 19-528

Interpretation of overconsolidation ratio from in situtests in Recent clay deposits in Singapore andMalaysiaChang,MFCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1991, vol 28, nr 2, s 210-225

Interpretation of static penetration tests in sandChapman, GA, DonaldjBInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings, Vol. 2s


Time-dependent cone penetration resistance due toblastingCharlie, WA, Rwehyogo,MFJ Doehring, DOASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1992, vol 118,nr 8, s 1200-1215

Analytical methods to predict pile capacitiesCheeks,JRASTM Special Technical Publicationl978, nr 670, s 199-208

Piezocone evaluation of undrained shear strength inclaysChen,BS, Mayne,PWSoutheast Asian geotechnical conference, 11, SEAGC,Singapore,May 1993. Proceedings, s 91-98

Profiling the overconsolidation ratio of clays bypiezocone testsChen,BS, Mayne,PWGeorgia Institute of Technology. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Report GIT-CEEGEO-94-1, 1994, 279 s


Implications of observed deformations during conepenetrationChen,PK, Bassett,RfIPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 251-256

New classification chart for soft soils using thepiezocone testCheng-hou,Z, Greeuw,G, Jekel,J, Rosenbrand, WEngineering Geology, 1990, vol 29, nr 1, s 31-47

Characterizing spatial variability of a clay by geostatisticsChiasson,P, LaJleur,J Soulie,M, Law,KTCanadian Geotechnical JournaL, 1995, vol 32, nr 1, s 1-10

Interpretation of piezocone data after partially drainedpenetrationChin,CT, Crooks,JHA, Enriquez,AS, Hu,ICSoutheast Asian geotechnical conference, 11, SEAGC,Singapore,May 1993. Proceedings, s 99-103

SPT-CPT correlations for granular soilsChin,CT, Duann,SW, Kao,TCInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 335-339

Piezocone testing on Bangkok subsoilsChokechai UkrilchonAsian Institute of Technology. AlT Thesis No GT-92-2, 1992,156 s

Density changes of sand on cone penetration resistanceChong,MKInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2s 707-714

Site investigation. A handbook for engineersClayton,C’RI, Simons,NE, Matthews,MC(Granada) 1982, 424 s

Analysis: Prediction of pile capacity using the conepenetration testCorson, Wi.,IAir Force Institute of Technology, 1989, 187 s

Comparison of field consolidation with laboratory andin situ testsCrawford,CB, Campanella,RGCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1991, vol 28, nr 1, s 103-1 12

Penetration testing in SwitzerlandCreltaz,P, Zeindler,HEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 133-136

Applications of the Dutch cone penetrometer forinvestigation of bridge foundationCrichton,AJ, Wissenden,AFSymposium Ion! in-situ testing for design parameters,Parkville, Nov. 1975. Papers - technical notes, 3 s


CPT interpretation in claysCrooks,JHA, Been,K, Becker,DE, Jefferies,MGInternational symposium on penetration testing, I, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 715-722

Penetration testing in SwedenDahlberg,REuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 115-131

Modern cone penetration testing vehicleDavidson,JL, Bloomquis4DGASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 502-5 13

Deformations in sand around a cone penetrometer tipDavidson,JL, Mortensen,RA, Barreiro,DInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings, Vol. 2,s 467-470

Cone penetration test experience at Locks and DamNo. 26Davidson,RR, Perez,JYCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 394-412

-Settlement predictions using piezoconeDavie,JR, Senapathy,H, Murphy, WAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE. GeotechnicalSpecial Publication 40, 1994, s 818-829

Studies with centrifuge vane and penetrometerapparatus in a normal gravity fieldDavies,MCR, Almedia,MSS, Pary,RfIGASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1989, vol 12, nr 3,s 195-203

Determination of shear strength and soil modulusfrom CPT and other insitu testsDayal, UEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 529-534

Effect of penetration rate on the strength of remoul

ded clay and sand samplesDayal,U, AllenJHCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1975, vol 12, nr 3,s 336-348


Note of friction ratioDayal, U, Allen,JHCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1975, vol 12, nr 4,s 524-526

Evaluation and analysis of electric cone penetrometertest resultsDayal, U, Jain,SKIndian Geotechnical Journal, 1981, vol 11, nr 4, s 345-369

Developments of electrical penetrometer for siteinvestigationsDayal, U, Suppiah,AInternational symposium on in situ testing of soils and rocksand performance of structures, Roorkee, Dec. 1979. Vol. 1s405-410

Theoretical analysis of the cone penetration test insandsSimone,F,de, Golia, GInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 729-735

Predicted and measured behavior of displacementpiles in residual soilsDecourt,L, Nzyama,SInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 13, New Delhi, Jan. 1994. Proceedings, vol. 2s 477-486

CPT and shear strength of clayDenver,HInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 723-727

Modulus of elasticity for sand determined by SPT andCPTDenver,HEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 35-40

Settlement calculation for footings on sandDenver,HInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug. 1985. Proceedings,Vol. 4, s2183-2190

CPT offshore rigDenver,H, Riis,HNordiske geoteknikermode, NGM-92, 11, Aalborg, maj 1992.Artikier, foredrag, generalrapporter og andre bidrag, vol. 2s261-266

Influence of the measuring step in discontinuousmechanical penetration testsDepret,MUAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 551-555



Lithological and stratigraphical interpretation ofdiscontinuous mechanical penetration testsDepretMUAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 54 1-550

Penetration testing in IndiaDesai,MD, Jam, GRS, Saran,S, Jain,PKEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 167-194

Cone penetration data developed for a nuclear powerplant siting studyDezJiilian,HEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 557-560

Contribution to the studies of bearing capacity ofmarine claysDias Machado, CF Bogossian,F Me11o,RN de, MuxfeIdAS,International conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug. 1985. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 1001-1002

Liquefaction potential of fine cohesionless soils usingthe CPTDiaz-Rodrigiwz,JA, Arrno-Pa1acio,GSoils and Foundations, 1991, vol 31, nr 3, s 111-119

Prediction of settlements and bearing capacities ofshallow foundations by self-similar penetrationDietrich, T, Holzlöhner, U, Lehnert,JEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 561-566

Cone penetration testing and settlement of bridgefootings on sandsDiMilIio,AF/Hand out at the ISOPT-1, March, 1988//1988?!, 4 +110/ S

Study of cone penetration tests in the Singaporemarine clayDobie,MJDInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 737-744

Use of cone penetration tests in glacial tillDobieMJDPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 219-222

In situ measurement of volatile organic compounds ingroundwater by methods coupled to the cone penotrometerDoskey,PV, Aldstadt,JH, Kuo,JM, Constanza,JS,Erickson,MDArgonne National Laboratory. Environmental ResearchDivision, 1995, 8 s

SPT blowcount variability correlated to the CPTDouglas,BJEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 41-46

Soil classification using electric cone penetrometerDouglas,BJ Olsen,RSCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 209-227

Shear strength of cohesive soils and friction sleeveresistanceDrnevich, VP, Gorman, CT, Hopkins, TCEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 129-132

Penetration testing in CzechoslovakiaDrozd,K, Svasta,MEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 2 7-32

Influence of penetrometer characteristics on staticpenetration resistanceDurgunoglu,HT, Mitchell,JKEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 133-139

Static penetration resistance of soils, 1: AnalysisDurgunoglu,HT, Mitchell,JKConference on in situ measurement of soil properties, NorthCarolina State University, Raleigh, NC 1975. Proceedings,Vol. 1, s 151-171

Static penetration resistance of soils, 2: Evaluation oftheory and implications for practiceDurgunoglu,HT, Mitchell,JKConference on in situ measurement of soil properties, NorthCarolina State University, Raleigh, NC 1975. Proceedings,Vol. 1, s 172-189

Penetration testing in TurkeyDurgnog1u,HT, TogroEEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 137



Use of the electrical piezocone for mine tailingsdepositsEas4DR, Cincilla, WA, Hughes,JMO, Benoit,JInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 745-750

Penetration testing in CanadaEden, WJEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 163-166

Tests with UBC seismic cone at three Norwegianresearch sitesEidsmoen, T, GillespieD, Lunne, T, Campanella,RGNorwegian Geotechnical Institute. Report No. 59040-1 1985,ca 130 s

Laboratory and field evaluation of cone penetrometers. Statistical evaluation of CPTs in Holmen sandEidsmoen, T, Howland,J, Kjesbu,ENorges Geotekniske Instituft. Internal Report; 40015-9, 1985,36 + ISO/s

Laboratory and field evaluation of cone penetrometers. Statistical evaluation of CPTs in Onsöy sandEidsmoen,T, Howland,J, Kjesbu,ENorges Geotekniske Institutt. Internal Report; 40015-8, 1986,43±160/s

NGI har utpravd canadisk trykksonde: Effektiv málingav skjaerbölgehastighetEidsmoen, T, Lunne, 7’, Gillespie,D, Campanella,RGBygg, 1985, vol 33, nr 5, s 27-29

Analysis of piezocone dissipation data using dislocation methodsElsworth,DASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1993, vol 119,nr 10, s 1601-1623

Dislocation analysis of penetration in saturated porous

mediaElsworlh,DASCE. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 1991, vol 117,nr 2, s 391-408

Settlement of footings on sand by CPT dataElton,DJASCE. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 1987, vol1, nr 2, s 99-113

Investigating a failed pile load test by subsurfacesoundingEl-SohbyMA, Elleboudy,AMIn situ testing and field behaviour. Canadian geotechnicalconference, 39, Ottawa, Aug, 1986. Preprint volume,s 139-141

ECPT investigation of a slurry trench cutoff wallEngemoen, WO, Hensley,PJASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 5 14-528

Geophysical system combining electrical resistivityand spontaneous potential for detecting, delineating,and monitoring slope stabilityErchul,RA, Noble,DFVirginia Transportation Research Council, 1991, 163 s

Site investigation through penetration testsErgun,MUEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 257-262

Comment on the use of the electrical friction conepenetrometerErvin,MCSymposium Ion! in-situ testing for design parameters,Parkville, Nov. 1975. Papers - technical notes, 3 s

Development of electric static cone penetrationtesting in Great Britain from 1972-1992Erwig,HGround Engineering, 1993, vol 26, nr 2, s 30-32, 34

Cone penetrometer testing in the UKErwig,H, Swain,CWCivil Engineering, 1982, Sept, S 27-28,3 1

Penetration testing in SpainEscario, VEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 107-113

Cone penetrometer useEvans,BCivil Engineeringl98l, May, s 32,34,36


Comparison of pressuremeter and piezocone methodsof determining the coefficient of consolidationFahey,M, Goh,ALInternational symposium on pressuremeter and its new

avenues, 4, Sherbrooke, May 1995. Proceedings, s 153-160

Analyses statistiques comparees de penetrometres,scissometres et pressiometres auto-foreursFavre,JLInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-

situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2,

s 287-291

Centrifugal model of the cone penetrometerFergvson,KA, KoHYCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.

1981. Proceedings, s 108-127

Probabilistic analysis of cone penetration testing data:Some problems and solutionsFerronskv, VI, Divinsky,!vILInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 751-755

Piezocone tests in the Rio de Janeiro soft clay depositFilhoPR, Alencar,JAInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug, 1985. Proceedings, Vol.

2, s 859-862

Penetration testing in PortugalFolque,JEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 105-106

Correlations between soil parameters and penetrationtesting resultsFonnazin,J f[au.sner,HInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, San Francisco, Aug. 1985. Proceedings, Vol. 2

s 459-463

Seismic soil liquefaction at the waterfrontForrest,JB, Ferritto,JMCivil Engineering Laboratory. Technical Note; N-1555, 1979,

55 5


Seismic soil liquefaction studiesForrest,JB, Ferritto,JM, Wu, GCivil Engineering Laboratory. Technical Note; N-I 566, 1979,34 5

Site analysis for seismic soil liquefaction potentialForres4JB, Ferritto,JM, Wu, GInternational conference on recent advances in geotechnicalearthquake engineering and soil dynamics, St. Louis, MO,April-May, 1981. Vol. 1, s 155-160

Tests in alluvial sand with the PQS probeFranklin,AG, Cooper,SSInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 475-478

Use of ‘penetrators’ for the measurement of theundrained shear strength of soft marine claysFreeman, TJPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 241-245

Landslide investigation utilizing electric cone penetration testingFrench,J, Kropp,AASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 529-544

Standard for interpreting soil penetrometer measurementsFritton,DDSoil Science, 1990, vol 150, nr 2, s 542-551

Waterfront electric cone penetration testingFuglevand,PF, Clough,HF, Faris,JR, Brigham,JEASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 546-559

Penetration testing in FinlandGardemeister,R, Tammirinne,MEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 35-46

Experimental study of compression moduli obtainedby the CPTGabercA, Ajdic,I, Vogrincic,GEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, Copenhagen, May-June 1995. Proceedings,vol. 1. The interplay between geotechnical and engineering

geology. Danish Geotechnical Society. DOF Bulletin 11,

s 1.121-1.126



Suitcase cone systemGardner, WS, Nathan,SVCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 363-382

Static penetration tests and compressibility of softnormally consolidated claysGenevois,REuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 149-156

Statistical analysis of cone penetration testing: AnapplicationGhinelli,A, Vannucchi GInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 757-769

Cone pressuremeter tests in Po river sandGhionna,N, Jamiolkowski,M, Pedroni,S, PiccohSInternational symposium on pressuremeter and its newavenues, 4, Sherbrooke, May 1995. Proceedings, s 461-470

Correlation of predicted and measured settlements infull scale loading on sand fillGhosh,NEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 567-573

Pressuremeter, laboratory and in situ test correlationsfor soft cohesive soilsGiannaros,H, Christodoulias,JInternational congress, 6, International Association ofEngineering Geology, Amsterdam, Aug. 1990. Proceedings,vol. 1, s 371-375

Settlements of two buildings supported on rafts:comparison with predicted settlement calculated fromstatic cone penetrometer dataGielly,J, LareaP, Sanglerat, GConference on settlement of structures, Cambridge, April1974, s 37-42

Consolidation characteristics from pore pressuredissipation after piezometer cone penetrationGillespie,D, Carnpanella,RGBritish Columbia University. Civil Engineering. Soil Mechanics Series; 47, 1981, 17 s

Correlation of static cone resistance with bearingcapacityGoel,MCEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 575-579

Various types of penetrometers, their correlations andfield applicabilityGoeMCEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 263-270

New guidelines for the use of the inclinometer withthe cone penetrationtestGraafHC,van de, Jekel,JWAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 581-584

Performance of deep CPT’sGraafHC,van de, Schenk,PInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 1027-1034

Half a century of static cone penetration techniquesGraafHC,van de, Vermeiden,JLGM-Mededelingen, 1988, 36 + /3/ s

Piezocone and other measurements in an overconsolidated glacial clayGreeuw,G, Schokking,FInternational congress, 6, International Association ofEngineering Geology, Amsterdam, Aug. 1990. Proceedings,vol. 1, s 303-308

Cone penetration tests in dry Oosterschelde sand andthe relation with a cavity expansion modelGreeuw,G, Smits,FF, Driel,P,vanInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 771-776

Finite strain analysis for deep cone penetrationGupta,RCASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1991, vol 117,nr 10, s 1610-1630

Piezoprobe determined coefficient of consolidationGupta,RC, Davidson,JLSoils and Foundations, 1986, vol 26, nr 3, s 12-22

Large diameter bored piles in non-cohesive soils.Determination of the bearing capacity and settlementfrom results of static penetration tests (CPT)andstandard penetration test (SPT)Gwizdala,KSwedish Geotechnical Institute. SGI Rapport; 26, 1984,129+/IS/s


Penetration testing in Federal Republic of GermanyHabetha,EEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 59-63

Penetration testing in DenmarkHansen,AEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 33

New approach to determine the shear strength of softclayHanzawa, HGEO-COAST ‘91. International conference on geotechnicalengineering for coastal development: Theory and practice on

soil ground, Yokohama, Japan, Sept., 1991. Proceedings, vol.

1, s 23-28

Case study of the application of direct shear and conepenetration tests tosoil investigation, design andquality control of peaty soilsHanzawa,H, Kishida,T, Fukasawa,T, Asada,HSoils and Foundations, 1994, vol 34, nr 4, s 13-22

Determination of representative CPT-parametersHarder,H, Bloh, G,vonPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 237-240

Penetration testing in NetherlandsHeqnen,WJEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 79-83

Integration of continuous seismic profiling in geotechnical investigations off the Belgian coastflenriet,FF, Bastin,A, Rouck,J de7th International harbour congress, Antwerp, May 1978.

Papers, s 1.18/1-13

Shear wave velocity measurements during penetrationtestingHepton,FPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,

Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 275-278

Factors influencing the interpretation of in situstrength tests in insensitive low plasticity claysHight,DW, Gens,A, CamposTMP,de, Takahashz,MBOSS ‘82. International conference on behaviour of off-shorestructures, 3, Cambridge, MA, Aug. 1982. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 438-450

Determination of deformation and shear strengthparameters for sands using the electrical friction-conepenetrometerHolden,JCNordisk Geoteknikermode i Kobenhavn 22.-24.5. 1975.Foredrag, s 627-643

Penetration testing in AustraliaHolden,JCEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 155-162

Pressuremeter and cone penetration testingHo!den,JMWGround Engineering, 1988, vol 22, nr 4, s 8-16

Microcomputer design of piles using CPT testsHoleyman,A, Wauthier,J, Montoisis,BFranki International Technology. FIT Report; 4/88, 1988,8s

Use of cone penetration testing to obtain environmental dataHorsnell,MRPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 289-294

Comparison of predicted and observed pile capacityHorvitz, GE, Stettler,DR, Crowser,JCCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 413-433

Calibration of the cone pressuremeter in sandHoulsby,GTCalibration of in situ test in laboratory and field. Seminar atNGI, Oslo, Jan. 1988, Session 4: /17/ s

Calibration chamber tests of a cone penetrometer insandHoulsby,GT, Hitchman,RGeotechnique, 1988, vol 38, nr 1, s 39 - 44

Development of the cone pressuremeterHoulsby,GT, Nutt,NRFPredictive soil mechanics. Wroth memorial symposium,Oxford, July 1992. Proceedings, s 359-377

Interpretation of shear moduli from cone pressuremeter tests in sandHoulsby,GT, Schnaid,FGeotechnique, 1994, vol 44, nr 1, s 147-164



Analysis of piezocone in clayHoulsby,GT, Teh,CIInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 777-783

Analysis of the cone pressuremeter test in clayHoulsby,GT, Withers,NJGeotechnique, 1988, vol 38, nr4, s 575-587

Determination of undrained strengths by cone penetration testsHoulsby,GT, Wroth, CPEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 585-590

Use of penetration tests in geotechnical survey ofsludge bedsHrazdilova,IEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982.Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 591-594

Cone penetration of partially saturated sandsHiyciw,RD, Dowding, CHASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1987, vol 10, nr 3,s 135-141

CPT and DMT in evaluation of blast-densification ofsandThyciw,RD, Dowding, CHInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 521-526

Strain-path analyses for arbitrary three-dimensionalpenetrometersHuang,ABInternational Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods inGeomechanics, 1989, vol 13, nr 5, s 551-564

Analyses of laterally loaded drilled shafts using in situtest resultsHuangAB, Lutenegger,AJ, Islam,?vIZ, Miller,GATransportation Research Record 1235, 1989, s 60-67

Analytical study of cone penetration tests in granularmaterialHuang,AB, Ma,MYCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1994, vol 31, nr 1, s 91-103

Calculation of bearing capacity for precast pile bySCPT and equipment usedHuang,SMEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 595-598

Quantifizierung von Sondierergebnissen zur Bestimmung von BodenkennwertenHubacek,HGeotechnik, 1986, vol 9, nr 4, s 206-213

Automated stratigraphic classification of CPT dataHuUzer, GPInternational congress, 6, International Association ofEngineering Geology, Amsterdam, Aug. 1990. Proceedings,vol. 1, s 309-315

Lateral stress measurement during cone penetrationHun&nan,SR, Mitchell,JK, KlejbukL Shinde,SBASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 6 17-634

Untersuchungen zur Auswertung von DrucksondierungenIhle,FGeotechniki 995, vol 18, or 2, s 65-73

Evaluation of deformation and bearing capacityparameters of foundations, from static CPT-resultslinpe, WF,vanInternational geotechnical seminar on field instrumentationand in- situ measurements, 4, Singapore, Nov. 1986. Proceedings, s 51-70

Considerations on the effects of installation on thedisplacement auger pile capacityImpe, WF,van, Peffer,H, Hoegeman, WInternational conference on deep foundations, Paris, March,1991. Proceedings, s 319-327

Statistical evaluation of simple rheological CPT dataIrnre,EEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, Copenhagen, May-June 1995. Proceedings,vol. 1. The interplay between geotechnical and engineeringgeology. Danish Geotechnical Society. DGF Bulletin 11,s 1.155-1.160

Rheological tests with cone penetrometerImre,E, Tarcsai, GY, Gyorffy,J, Csizmas,FInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s 239-242

Application of statistical methods to the interpretationof cone tests and use in subsequent designIms,BW, Toolan,FEPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 23 1-236


Investigation of shear strength of slurry clayInoue, T, Tan, TS, Lee,SLSoils and Foundations, 1990, vol 30, nr 4, s 1-10

Static cone tests and settlement of calcareous desertsandsIsmaelNF, Jeragh,AMCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1986, vol 23, nr 3,

s 297-303

Cone resistance and liquefaction strength of sandIwasaki,K, Tanizawa,F, Zhou,SG, Tatsuoka,FInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 785-791

Comparison of electric piezocone tips at the Bothkennar test siteJacobs,PA, Cautts,JSGeotechnique, 1992, vol 42, nr 2, s 369-375

Quick soil surveys by improved penetrometersJain,AK, Jain,VKInternational symposium on in situ testing of soils and rocks

and performance of structures, Roorkee, Dec. 1979.

Vol. 1, s 131-135

Mcro-computer based data acquisition system for thecone penetration testJaksaA4B, Kaggwa, WSAdelaide University. Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Research Report R116, 1994, 31s

Penetration resistance and liquefaction of sandsJanziolkowski,M, Ba1dG, Bellotti,R, Ghionna, V,Pasqualini,EInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug. 1985. Proceedings,

Vol.4, s 1891-1896

New correlations of penetration tests for designpracticeJamiolkowski,M, Ghionna, JW, LancellottaR, Pasqualini,EInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 263-296


Design parameters for soft claysJamioIkowski,M Lancellotta,R, Marche1tiS, Nova,R,Pasqualini,EEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 7, Brighton, Sept. 1979. Proceedings, Generalreports, s 1.1-1.12

Undrained strength from CPTJamiolkowski,IWr, Lancellotta,R, Tordella,L, Battaglio,MEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,

Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 599-606

Effective stress interpretation of in situ static penetration testsJanbu,N, Senneset,KEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,

Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 181-193

Verification of cone resistance - state parameterfunction in sand strataJefferies,MGInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 793-804

Use of CPTu to estimate equivalent SPT N60Jeffe,-ies,MG, Davies,MFASTM. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1993, vol 16, nr 4,

s 458-468

Cone penetration testing in the Beafort SeaJefferies,MG, Funegard,EGGeotech AB24 s

Experience with measurement of horizontal geostaticstress in sand during cone penetration test profilingJefferies,MG, Jonsson,L, Been,KGeotechnique, 1987, vol 37, nr 4, s483-498

Characterization of sandfills with the cone penetrationtestJefferies,]vIG, Rogers,BT, Gr/Jmn, KM Been,Penetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,

Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 199-202

Wear of the friction sleeve and its effect on themeasured local frictionJekel,JWAInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 805-808

Penetration testing applications in ChinaJian-Xin YuanInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 389-395

CPT-sondering i finjord. Olika aspekter pa handhavande av utrustning ochuttolkning av jordparametrarJohannesson,LELunds Tekniska Hogskola. Geoteknik. TVGT-1003, 1990,

176 s



Statistical analysis of soundings and test results froma silty clayJohannesson,LEInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug, 1985. Proceedings, Vol.2, s 871-874

In situ measurement of soil propertiesJohn,SBPCalifornia State Department of Transportation, 1980, 181 s

In situ testing proceduresJohn,SBPCalifornia Department of Transportation, 1980, 91 s

Prediction of time for consolidation from soundingJones, GAInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 9, Tokyo, July 1977. Proceedinngs, Vol. 1,s 135-136

Piezometer penetration testing - CUPTJones,GA, RustEEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 607-613

Piezometer probe (CUPT) for subsoil identificationJones,GA, Rust,EInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2,s 303-308

Piezometric probe - a useful investigation toolJones,GA, Zyl,D,vanInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 489-496

Mine tailings characterization by piezometer coneJones,GA, Zyl,D,van, Rust,ECone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 303-324

Comparative measurements on the influence of thecone shape on results of soundingsJoustra, KEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 199-204

Results and interpretation of cone penetration test insoils of different mineralogic compositionJoustra,K, Gzjt,JG,deEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 615-626

Application du penetrometre statique a cone piezoelectrique a Ia reconnaissance des sols en placeJuran,I, Canou,J, Bensaid,A, Te Kamp, W, Tumay,MTInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2,s 309-315

Soil stratification using the dual-pore-pressure piezocone testJuran,I, Turnay,MTTransportation Research Record 1235, 1989, s 68-78

CPT-TolkningsprocedurerJorgensen,M, Denver,HNordiske geoteknikermode, NGM-92, 11, Aalborg, maj 1992.Artikler, foredrag, generairapporter og andre bidrag, vol. 1, s10 1-106

In situ estimation of the coefficient of consolidation inclaysKabir,MG, Lutenegger,AJCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1990, vol 27, nr 1, s 58-67

New continuous cone penetration test method with adeep-sounding vehicleKarnata,MEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 209-2 13

Cone resistance in sand by incremental methodKarafiath,LLJournal of Terramechanics, 1980, vol 17, nr 2, s 101-113

Field correlation of cone and standard penetrationtestsKasim,AG, Chu,MY, Jensen,CNASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1986, vol 112,nr 3, s 368-372

Efficient soils exploration and testing programKay,JNAdelaide University. Civil Engineering. Report; R74:1, 1985,7s

Strength of fine-grained soils using the piezoconeKeaveny,JM, Mitchell,JKASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 668-685

Comparison between in situ cone resistance andlaboratory strength for overconsolidated North SeaclaysKjekstad,O, Lunne,T, Clausen,CJFMarine Geotechnology, 1978, vol 3, nr 1, s 23-36



Effect of the penetration speed and the cone shapeon the Dutch static cone penetration test resultsKok,LEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 215-220

Penetration testing in IsraelKomornik,AEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 185-192

In situ tests in a sand duneKonrad,JIvfCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1991, vol 28, nr 2,5 304-309

Piezo-friction-cone penetrometer testing in soft claysKonrad,JMIn situ testing and field behaviour. Canadian geotechnicalconference, 39, Ottawa, Aug, 1986. Preprint volume,s 243-249

Piezo-friction-cone penetrometer testing in soft claysKonrad,JMCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1987, vol 24, nr 4,s 645-652

Study of in-situ test methods in deltaic siltKonrad,JM, Bozozuk,M, Law,KTInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug, 1985. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 879-886

Preconsolidation pressure from piezocone tests inmarine claysKonrad,JM, Law,KTGeotechnique, 1987, vol 37, nr 2, s 177-190

Undrained shear strength from piezocone testsKonrad,J?vf, Law,KTCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1987, vol 24, nr 3,s 392-405

Ultimate bearing capacity of cones in sandKoumoto, TInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 809-813

Three-dimensional analysis of static cone penetrationinto clayKoumoto,T, Kaku,KEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 635-640

CPVs, an excellent aid to determine soil parametersand deviations in the soil profile of the proposedmotorway-river crossing near AmsterdamKrajicek,PVS, Kruizinga,JEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 651-654

Use of cone-penetration tests in geological investigationKrajicek,PVS, LangFD, deEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 64 1-650

Time-dependent development of strength in dredgingsKrizek,RJ, Salem,AMASCE. Geotechnical Engineering Division. Journal,1977, vol 103, nr GT3, s 169-1 84

PAF tests compared with classic tests in Deift softsoilKruizinga,JEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 655-659

SPT - CPT correlationsKruizinga,JEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 91-94

Investigation into accuracy of spatial variation estimation using static cone penetrometer dataKulatilake,PHSW, Ghosh,AInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 815-821

Cone penetration tests of arctic marine sedimentsKurfurst,PJInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s 255-258

Electric cone penetrometer - Development and fieldresults from the Canadian ArcticKurfurst,PJ, Woe!ler,DJInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 823-829

Calibration chamber studies of piez000ne test incohesive soilsKurup P U, Voyiadjis,GZ, Tumay,MTASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1994, vol 120,nr 1,s81-107


Piezocone tests in sensitive clays in eastern CanadaLa Rochelle,P, Zebdi,M, Leraueil,S, Tavenas,F, Virely,DInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 831-841

Procedure for deairing the pore pressure probe in thelaboratoryLacasse,SNorges Geotekniske Institutt. 40015-6, 1980, /31/ s

In situ characteristics of two norwegian claysLacasse,S, Jamiolkowski,M, Lancellotta,R, Lunne,TInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 507-511

Sensing systems for measuring mechanical propertiesin ground masses, 3: Vane shear and cone piezometerLacasse,S, Ladd,CC, Baligh,MAJUS Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Report; FHWA/RD-81/111, 1982, 153s

Penetration tests in two Norwegian claysLacasse,S, Lunne, TEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 661-669

Determination of geotechnicai parameters of frozensoils by means of the cone penetration testLadanyi,BEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, a 671-678

Use of the static penetration test in frozen soilsLadanyi,BCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1976, vol 13, nr 2, s 95-110

Sharp cone testing of creep properties of frozen sandLadanyi,B, Sgaoula,JCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1992, vol 29, nr 5,s 757-764

Comparaison des essais de penetration effectues avecdifferents penetrometres statiques ou dynamiquesLareaF, SangleratG, Gielly,JInstitut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics.Annales: Sols et Fondations, 1976, vol 29, nr 34Q/132,a 15-24


Cone penetrometer use on uranium mill tailingsLarson,NB, Mitchell,BASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 700-713

CPT-sondering. Utrustning - utförande - utvardering.En in-situ metod for bestamning av jordlagerfOljd ochegenskaper i jordLarsson, RSwedish Geotechnical Institute. SGI Information 15, 1992, 80S

CPT test. Equipment - testing - evaluation. An in situmethod for determination of stratigraphy and propertiesLarsson,RSwedish Geotechnical Institute. SQl Information 15 E, 1995,80 s

Piezocone test in soft soilsLarsson,REuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, Copenhagen, May-June 1995. Proceedings,vol. 1. The interplay between geotechnical and engineeringgeology. Danish Geotechnical Society. DGF Bulletin 11,s 1.161-1.166

Spaltfilter vid CPT-sondering. Resultat av en studiemed speciellt avseende pa spalter fyllda med fett ikombination med vatten i sondens inre hâlrumLarsson,RSwedish Geotechnical Institute, SGI. Varia 431, 1994, 18 s

Use of new in situ tests in soft soilsLarsson, RInternational conference on soft soil engineering: Recentadvances in soft soil engineering, Guangzhou, China,November 8-11, 1993. Proceedings, s 798-803

Evaluation of shear strength in cohesive soils withspecial reference to Swedish practice and experienceLarsson,R, Bergduhl, L Erikason,LASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1987, vol 10, nr 3,s 105-1 12

Utvardering av skjuvhâllfasthet i kohesionsjordLarsson,R, Bergdahl, U, Eriksson,LSwedish Geotechnical Institute. SQl Information; 3, 1984, 28 5

Kalibrering av kombinerade spetstryck-portrycksonderi laboratoriumLarsson,R, Eskilson,SSwedish Geotechnical Institute. SQl Varia; 223, 1988, 28 a

Piezocone tests in clayLarsson,R, Mulabdic,MSwedish Geotechnical Institute. SQl Rapport 42, 1991, 240 s

Nyare in situ metoder for bedOmning av lagerfoljd ochegenskaper i jordLarsson,R, Sailfors, GSwedish Geotechnical Institute. SQl Information; 5, 1987, 64


Penetro-gammadensimeterLedoux,JL, Menard,J, Soulard,PEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 679-682

Controle in situ du compactage de remblais sous eauLeeuw,EH,de, Silence,PInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 1,s 397-402

Deformability of rock-like materials using a sharp conetestLeite,MH, Ladanyi,B, GuiDEASTM. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1994, vol 17, nr 2,s 195-206

Dynamic compaction of granular soilsLeonards, GA, Cutter, WA, Holtz,RDASCE. Geotechnical Engineering Division. Journal,1980, vol 106, nr GT1, s35-44

Settlement of shallow foundations on granular soilsLeonard.s GA, Frost,JDASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1988, vol 114,nr 7, s 791-809

Penetrometre a chute libre: Impact et penetrationdans des argues reconstitueesLevacher,DCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1985, vol 22, nr 1,s 129-135

Pore pressures during cone penetration in claysLevadoux,JN, Baligh,Mi’vfMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Civil Engineering.Publication; R80-15, 1980, 310 s

Scale effects in cone penetration testsLirna,DC,de, Turnay,MTAmerican Societ’’ of Civil Engineers, ASCE. GeotechnicalSpecial Publication 27, 1991, s 38-51

Use of piezocone in the design of a deep basement inLondon ClayLong,MM, 0 ‘Riordan,NJPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 173-176

Penetration testing in BelgiumLousberg,M, Calembert,L, et alEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 7-17

Division S-6-soil and water management and conservation. A portable constant-rate cone penetrometerLoweiy,BSoil Science Society of America. Journal, 1986, vol 50,nr2,s412-414


Aspects of penetrometer tests in clayLuger,HJ, Lubking,P, Nieuwenhuis,JDEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 683-687

Measuring undrained shear strength using CPT andfield vaneLuke,KNordiske geoteknikermode, NGM-92, 11, Aalborg, maj 1992.Artikler, foredrag, generalrapporter og andre bidrag, vol. 1,5 95-100

Engineering use of Piezocone data in North Sea claysLunne, T, Christoffersen,HP, Tjelta, TIInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug, 1985. Proceedings, Vol.2, s 907-912

Interpretation of cone penetrometer data of offshoresandsLunne, T, Christoffersen,HPNorges Geotekniske Institutt. Publikasjon; 156, 1985, 12 s

Correlations between cone resistance and vane shearstrength in some Scandinavian soft to medium stiffclaysLunne, 7’, Eide, 0, Ruiter,J deCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1976, vol 13, nr 4,5 430-441

Laboratory and field evaluation of cone penetrometersLunne, T, Eidsmoen, T, Gillespie,D, Howland,JASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 714-729

Piezocone testing in overconsolidated claysLunne, T, Eidsrnoen, T, Powell,JJM, Quarterrnan,RSTIn situ testing and field behaviour. Canadian geotechnicalconference, 39, Ottawa, Aug, 1986. Preprint volume,s209-218

Role of CPT in North Sea foundation engineeringLunne, T, Kleven,ACone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 76-107

SPT, CPT, pressuremeter testing and recent developments on in situ testing, 1-3Lunne,T, Lacasse,S, Rad,NS, Decourt,LNorges Geotekniske Institutt. Report 591390-1, 1989, /88/ s

Use of cone penetrometer tests to compute penetration resistance of steel skirts underneath North Seagravity platformsLunne,T, St John,HDEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 7, Brighton, Sept. 1979. Proceedings, Vol. 2,s 233-238


Interpretation of piezocone results in overconsolidatedclaysLutenegger,AJ Kabir,MGPenetration testing in the UK. G-eotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 147-150

Use of penetration tests to predict wick drain performance in a soft clayLutenegger,AJ Kabir,MG, Saye,SRInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 843-848

Use of in situ tests to predict uplift performance ofmultihelix anchorsLutenegger,AJ, Smith,BL, Kabir,MGASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 16, 1988, s 93-109

Sattningsuppföljning av ett plattgrundlagt femváningshus vid Södra Hamnen I LuleâMagnusson, 0, Yao Yu, Axelsson,KLuleâ tekniska hogskola. Forskningsrapport. TULEA,1994:18, 52 + /8/s

Pãlbarhet, baserad pa sonderingsresultatMagnusson,0, Astedt,B, Andersson,H, Hoim,GLuLeâ Tekniska Hogskola. Forskningsrapport. TULEA,1994:07, 1993, 91 + 102 s

Geotechnical characterization of desiccated clayMahar,LJ, 0 ‘NeillMWASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1983, vol 109,

nr 1, s 56-71

Cone penetration testing for in-situ evaluation ofliquefaction potential of sandsMahmood-Zadegan,B, Juran,I, Tumay,IvfT’American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE. GeotechnicalSpecial Publication 27, 1991, s 776-787

Fyllning med finkornig jord. Delrapport 2: PackningskontrollMaim borg,BSLunds Tekniska Hogskola. Geoteknik. Rapport; TVGT-30161980,171/s

Settlements in a compacted fill of glacial tillMaimborg,BSInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug. 1985. Proceedings, Vol.

4, s 1997-2000


Hydraulic conductivity assessment of slurry wall using

piezocone testManassero,MASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1994, vol 120,nr 10, s 1725-1746

Utilisation du penetrometre statique dans les BassesTerres du Saint- LaurentMaranda,R, Dion,DJCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1979, vol 16, nr 3,s 591-604

Detection of liquefiable sand layers by means ofquasistatic penetration testsMarchetti,SEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 689-695

Comparison of the results from static and dynamicpenetration tests, in situ plate tests and laboratorycompressibility testsMarcu,A, Popescu,M, Abramescu, T, Balacciu, CEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 101-106

Offshore applications of the cone penetrometerMarr,LSCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.

1981. Proceedings, a 456-476

Comparison of the results from static penetrationtests and large in-situ plate tests in London clayMarsland4European symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 245-252

Evaulation of the engineering design parameters forglacial claysMarsland,AQuarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 1977, vol 10,nr 1,s 1-26

Investigation of cone penetration test in British claycarried out by the Building Research Establishment1960 - 86Marsland,A, Powell JiMPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 209-214

Factors affecting the measurements and interpretation of quasi static penetration tests in claysMarsland,A, Quarterman,RSTEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 697-702

Concrete pile design in tidewater VirginiaMartin,RE, Seli,JJ Powell,GW Bertoulin,MASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1987, vol 113,

nr 6, s 568-585


CPT and pile tests in granitic residual soilsMartins,FF, Martins,JBInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s 529-531

Estimation of in situ lateral stresses by full displacement methodsMczsood, T, Kibria,SInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 13, New Delhi, Jan. 1994. Proceedings, vol. 2,

s 689-694

Estimation of in situ lateral stresses in soils by cone-penetration testMasood, T, Mitchell,JKASCE. Journal of G-eotechnical Engineering, 1993, vol 119,

nr 10, s 1624-1639

Acoustic penetration testingMassarsch, KRInternational geotechnical seminar on field instrumentationand in- situ measurements, 4, Singapore, Nov. 1986. Procee

dings, s 7 1-76

Settlement analysis of compacted granular fillMassarsch, KRInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 13, New Delhi, Jan. 1994. Proceedings, vol. 1,

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Standard and static cone penetration test profiles forarid soil engineering zones of the United Arab EmiratesMaurenbrecher,PM, Hartevelt,JJAInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 849-855

CPT indexing of in situ OCR in claysMayne,PWASCE Gcotcchnical Special Publication 6, 1986, a 780-793

Determination of OCR in clays by piezocone testsusing cavity expansion and critical state conceptsMayne,PWSoils and Foundations, 1991, vol 31, nr 2, s 65-76

In situ determination of clay stress history by piezocone modelMayne,PWPredictive soil mechanics. Wroth memorial symposium,Oxford, July 1992. Proceedings, s 483-495

Profiling OCR in clays by piezocone soundingsMayne,PW, Bachus,RCInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

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Effective stress method for piezocone evaluation ofSuMayne,PW, Chen,BSInternational conference on case histories in geotechnicalengineering, 3, St. Louis, MO, June, 1993. Proceedings,vol. 2, s 1305-1312

Profiling stress history from piezocone soundingsMayne,PW, Holtz,RDSoils and Foundations, 1988, vol 28, nr 1, s 16-28

Profiling OCR in stiff clays by CPT and SPTMayne,P1 Kemper,JB,JrASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1988, vol 11, nr 2,s 139-147

Observations on the development of pore-waterstresses during piezocone penetration in claysMayne,PW, Kulhaiiy,FH, Kay,JNCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1990, vol 27, nr 4,s418-428

Correlations between shear wave velocity and conetip resistance in natural claysMayne,PW, Rix,GJSoils and Foundations, 1995, vol 35, nr 2, a 107-110

Gm -q relationships for clays

Mayne,P Rix,GJASTM. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1993, vol 16, nr 1,s 54-60

Evaluation of a routine design criterion for precastconcrete piles driven into low strength soil formationsMazzucato,A, Soranzo,MEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 703-708

Considerations concerning field tests for the controlof the soil compaction requirement in road- andairport constructionMeganck,JAmici et alumni. Em. Prof. Dr li E.E. Dc Beer, 1982,s207-216

Cone penetration testing - methods and interpretationMeigh,ACConstruction Industry Research and Information Association.CIRIA Ground Engineering Report: In-situ Testing,1987, 141 s

Bearing capacity and settlement of pile foundationsMeyerhofGGASCE. Geotechnical Engineering Division. Journal, 1976, vol

102, nr GT3, s 197-228

Bearing capacity and settlement of foundations insand based on static cone penetration testsMeyerhofGGAmici et alumni. Em. Prof. Dr Ir E.E. De Beer, 1982,s217-222


$1Scale effects of the ultimate bearing capacity of largediameter piles in sandMeyerhofGGInternational conference on soil mechanics, Mexico, 1982.Commerative technical conference 1957-1982, s 89-92

Scale effects of ultimate pile capacityMeyerhofGGASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1983, vol 109,nr 6, s 797-806

Bearing capacity of piles in layered soilsMeyerhofGG, Valsangkar,AJInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 9, Tokyo, July 1977. Proceedings, Vol. 1s 645-650

Deformation and strength determination of weak soilsthrough combined field testsMilevslci,DNDanube-European conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering, 7, USSR, Kishinev, Sept. 1983. Vol. 1,s 87-92

Applicability of penetration testing for determining thecollapsability of bess soilsMilevski,DNInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 865-868

Some soil parameters determined by cone penetrationtestsMilovic,D, Stevanovic,SEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 709-714

Some design parameters determined by penetrationtestsMilovic,D, Todorovic, TBudapest conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 6, Budapest, Oct. 1984. Proceedings,s 197-204

Field tests of soft saturated soilsMinkov,M, Karachorov,P, Donchev,P, Genov,RBudapest conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 6, Budapest, Oct., 1984. Proceedings,s205-211

Ground improvement evaluation by in-situ testsMitchell,JKASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 221-236

New developments in penetration tests and equipmentMitchell,JKInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 245-261


In situ measurement of volume change characteristics. !State-of-the- art review!Mitchell,JK, Gardner, WSConference on in situ measurement of soil properties, NorthCarolina State University, Raleigh, NC 1975. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 279-345

Static penetration testing on the moon!vIitchell,JK, Houston, WiVEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 277-284

Determining sand strength by cone penetrometerMitchell,JK, Keaveny,JMASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 823-839

Cone resistance as measure of sand strengthMitchell,JK Lunne, TASCE. Geotechnical Engineering Division. Journal,1978, vol 104, nr GT7, s 995-1012

Time-dependent strength gain in freshly deposited ordensified sandMitchel!,JK, Solyrnar,ZVASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1984, vol 110,nr 11,s 1559-1576

Screw plate and cone penetrometer as a field testingsystemMitchell,PW Kay,JNInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug, 1985. Proceedings, Vol.2, s 913-9 15

Cone penetration characteristics and its correlation tostatic and cyclic deformation-strength behaviors ofanisotropic sandMiura,S, Toki,S, Tanizawa,FSoils and Foundations, 1984, vol 24, nr 2, s 58-74

Static penetration results of varved claysMlynarek,ZB, Niedzielski,A, Tschuschke, WEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 715-720

Bearing capacity equations of static sounding ofpliocene clayMlynarek,ZB, Sanglerat, GInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 523-526

Relationship between shear parameters and coneresistance for some cohesive soilsMlynarek,ZB, Sanglerat,GInternationaL symposium on soil and rock investigations by insitu testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2,s 347-352


Accuracy of embankment density assessment bycone penetration test and light dynamic probeMlynarek,ZB, Tschuschke, WInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 869-873

Evaluation of soil strength parameters by the CPTUmethodMlynarekZB, Tschuschke, W Sanglerat, G, Tomaszewski,MArchiwum Hydrotechniki I Archive of Hydrotechnics, 1991,vol 38, nr 3/4, s 17-34

Site investigation and in situ testingMoh,ZCGeotechnical engineering in Southeast Asia. A Commemorative volume of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society,s 9-24

Correlation of CPT and field vane tests for clay tillsMortensen,JK, Hansen, G, SOrensen,BDansk Geoteknisk Forening. DGF Bulletin 7, 1991, 89 s

Generalization of static cone penetration dataMuhovec,I, Kovacic,DEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 721-725

50 years of deep sounding with static penetrometersMuhs,HDeutsche Forschungsgesellschaft für Bodenmechanik.Mitteilungen; 34, 1981, s 45-50

Calibration of piezocones for investigations in softsoils and demands for accuracy of the equipmentsMulabdicM, Eskilson,S, Larsson,RSwedish Geotechnical Institute. SOT Varia 270, 1990, 62 s

Cone penetration testing in JapanMurornachi, TCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 49-75

Experimental study on application of static conepenetrometer to subsurface investigation of weakcohesive soilsMuromachi TEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 285-291

Comparative study of static and dynamic penetrationtests currently in use in JapanMurornachi, T, Kobayashz,SEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 297-302

Penetration testing in JapanMuromachi, 7’, Oguro,I, Miyashita, TEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 193-200


Borehole cone apparatus for weak rocksMurornachi, T, Sakai 1’, Tsuchzya,H, Yarnamoto, YInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 875-880

Development of multi-sensor cone penetrometersMuromachi, T, Tsuchiya,H, Sakai, Y, Sakai,KEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 727-732

Simple procedure for acceptance testing of freshlyprepared solidified wasteMyers, TEASTM Special Technical Publication; 886, s 263-272

Theory and practice of a soil hardness tester YH-62Nakayama, YEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 303-308

Site investigation of glacial soils using cone penetration testsNash,DF7’, Duffin,MJEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 733-738

Modulus of elasticity of sandy soils by soundingmethodsNatarajan, TK, Tolia,DSProceedings of the sixth Asian regional conference on soilmechanics and foundation engineering, Singapore, July 1979.Vol. 1, s 51-54

Validity of existing procedures for the interpretationof SPT and CPT resultsNatarajan, TK, Tolia,DSEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 113-118

Applications of the CPT and the electrical densityprobe during the construction of the Eastern ScheldtStorm Surge BarrierNelissen,HA]vIInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 881-885



Penetration testing in ItalyNiccolai,C, et a!European symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 69-78

In-situ testsing to monitor deep sand compaction atBelawan port, IndonesiaNichcillsRAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 739-744

Development of a nuclear density probe in a conepenetrometerNieuwenhuis,JK, Smits,FPEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 745-749

Essais en place dans des couches sablonneusesnaturellesNovosel, T, Lisac,Z, Kvasnicka,P, Tusic, VInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2,s 363-367

Effect of cone angle on penetration resistanceNowatzki,EA, Karafialh,LLHighway Research Record; 405, 1972, s 5 1-59

Development of the cone pressuremeter. DissNutt,NRFUniversity of Oxford, 1993, /216/ s

Contribution to the calculation of the CPT bearingcapacity of pile pointsNuyens,JEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 751-753

Caracteristiques in situ d’un massif alluvionnaire desables-graviersNuyens,J, Huergo,PJInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 527-532

Kortlaegning af saltforurening ved hjaelp af CPTbaseret máleudstyrNorgaard,JHPNordiske geoteknikermode, NGM-92, 11, Aalborg, maj 1992.

Artikler, foredrag, generalrapporter og andre bidrag, vol. 1,s 211-215

Reliability of pile capacity assessment by CPT inoverconsolidated clayo ‘Neill,A’IWASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 237-256

Interpretation of static cone penetrometer tests ofsoft clays of low plasticityo ‘Riordan,NJ Davies,JA, Dauncey,PCEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 755-760

Case history: Use of the cone penetrometer tocalculate the settlement of a chemically stabilizedlandfillOak!ey,RE,IIIAmerican Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM. SpecialTechnical Publication. STP 1070, 1990, s 345-357

Promising technique for evaluating liquefactionpotential, based on a composite analysis of static anddynamic cone penetration test resultsOhya,S, Iwasaki, T, Wakamatsu,MOyo Technical Report; 7, 1985, s 35-59

In situ measurement by chemoprobe of groundwaterfrom in situ sanitation of versatic acid spillOlie,JJ Ree, CDF,van, Brenimer,CGeotechnique, 1992, vol 42, or 1, s 13-21

Normalization and prediction of geotechnical properties using the cone penetrometer test (CPT). DissOlsen,RSUS Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. TechnicalReport Gl-94-29, 1994, 292 s

Site characterization using the cone penetrometer testOlsen,RS, Farr,JVASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 854-868

Soil classification and site characterization using thecone penetrometer testOlsen,RS, Malone,PGInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 887-893

Soil improvement evaluation by CPT for tanksOzawa, 1’, Sunami,S, Kosaka,MASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 900-912


Penetrometre statique de l’importance du frottementlateral associe a Ia resistance de pointeParez,LInstitut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics..Annales: Sols et Fondations, 1976, vol 29, nr 340/132,s46-51

Static penetrometer: The importance of the skinfriction associated with the point resistanceParez,LEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings,Vol. 2:2, s 293-299

Cvr, Kh, Pcu determines par penetration statiqueParez,L, Bachelier,MInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 553-556

Pression interstitielle developpee au foncage despenetrometresParez,L, Bachelier,A’I, Sechet,BEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 6, Vienna, Austria 1976. Proceedings,Vol. 1.2, s 533-538

Calibration of cone penetrometersParkin,AKInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 221-243

Boundary effects in the laboratory calibration of acone penetrometer for sandParkin,AK, Lunne,TEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 761-768

Some aspects concerning the study of foundationsoils, using cone penetration testsPaunescu,M, Gruia,AEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 317-322

Laboratory investigation of the penetration resistanceof fine cohesionless materialsPeterson,RWInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 895-901


Methode pratique de calcul d’un pieu isole a l’aide dupenetrometre statiquePhillipponna4GRevue Francaise de Geotechnique, 1980, nr 10, s 55-64

Experimental investigation of factors affecting penetration resistance in granular soils in centrifugemodellingPhillips,R, Valsangkar,AJCambridge University. Engineering Department. CUEDIDSoils TR; 210, 1987, 17 ± /32/s

Vergleichende Untersuchungen beim Einsatz statischer und dynamischer SondenPlaczek,DGeotechnik, 1985, vol 8, nr 2, s 68-75

In situ sampling, density measurements, and testingof foundations soils at Duncan DamPlewes,HD, Pillaz, VS, Morgan,MR, Kilpatrick,BLCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1994, vol 31, nr 6,s 927-938

Bearing capacity of steel piles by in situ testingPopovic,M, Sarac,DZInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2,s 369-372

Effect of velocity on penetrometer resistancePoskitt, TJ, Leonard, CEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 331-336

Intepretation and use of the piezocone test in UKclaysPowell,JJM, Quarterman,RST, Lunne, TPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 151-156

Interpretation of cone penetration tests in clays, withparticular reference to rate effectsPowell,JJM, Quarterrnan,RSTInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 903-909

Use of the electric static cone penetrometer in thedetermination of the engineering properties of chalkPower,PTEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 769-774

Comparison between cone penetration test resultsand the performance of small diameter instrumentedpiles in stiff clayPrice, G, Wardle,IFEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 775-780



Contribution a I’etude des penetrometres statiques etdynamiquesPuech,A, Cassan,M, Biarez,J, Toutounji,AInstitut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics.Annales: Sols et Fondations, 1976, vol 29, nr 340/132,s 31-39

Cone penetration in cemented sands: Bearing capacity interpretationPuppala,AJ Acar, YB, Senneset,KASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1993, vol 119,nr 12, s 1990-2001

Direct correlations between piezocone test results andundrained shear strength of clayRad,NS, Lunne,TInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 911-917

Effect of cementation on the cone penetrationresistance of sand: A model studyRad,NS, Tumay,MTASTM. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1986, vol 9, nr 3, s117-125

!f0eeh1tatb0h1on the cone penetration

, o. sandRad,NS, Tumay,MTASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 926-948

Pore-pressure response of the piezocone penetrometerRad,NS, Turnay,MTASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1985, vol 8, nr 3,s 125-131

In situ measurements for deep compaction control ofdredged sand fillRadhakrishna,R, Ramaswamy,SDInternational symposium on in situ testing of soils and rocksand perfonnance of structures, Roorkee, Dec. 1979. Vol. 1,s316-319

Sensing systems for measuring mechanical propertiesin ground masses, 4: Static penetrometerRamage,J Williams,SS,JrUS Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Report; FHWARD-81/112, 1982, 96s

Example of use of cone penetration test for soilprofiling in a remote areaRamaswarny,SD, Aziz,MAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 781-785

Pressuremeter correlations with standard penetrationand cone penetration testsRamaswamy,SD, Daulah,IU, Hasan,ZEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 137-142

Assessment of indepth densification of sandf ill due tocompaction in a reclamation area by cone penetrationresistanceRamaswarny,SD, Yong,KYEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 131-135

Evaluation of densification of sandfillRamaswarny,SD, Yong,KYImprovement of ground. European conference on soilmechanics and foundation engineering, 8, Helsinki, May1983. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 69-72

Example of the use of cone penetration testing in thedesign of underground structures and temporaryworks in cohesive soilsReid,JM, Turnbal!,KWPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 227-230

Statistical evaluation of CPT and DMT measurementat the Heber road siteReyna,F, Chameau,JLAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE. GeotechnicalSpecial Publication 27, 1991, s 14-25

Some mechanical correlations in the Valley of MexicoClayRicor,.4, Leont,JL, Juarez-Badillo,E, Orozcc.,JMInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug, 1985. Proceedings, Vol.2, s 933-936

Dual load range cone penetrometerRigden, WJ, Thorburn,S, Marsland,A, Quartermain,AEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 787-796

Experiences with CPT in eastern Naples areaRippa,F, Vinale,FEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 797-804

Comparison of some penetration tests with laboratoryinvestigations in cohesive soilsRizkallah, VEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 3 17-322


Comparison between the results of penetration testswith the static penetrometer and the heavy dynamicpenetrometerRizkallah, V, Krarner,H, Maschwiz,GProceedings Iof the! 3rd international conference Ion! applica

tions of statistics and probability in soil and structural

engineering, Sydney, Jan. 1979. Vol. 1, s 212-220

Estimation of foundation settlements in sand fromCPTRobertson,PKAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE. GeotechnicalSpecial Publication 27, 1991, s 764-775

In situ testing and its application to foundationengineeringRobertson,PKCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1986, vol 23, nr 4,

5 573-594

In-situ stress determination in sands using penetrationdevicesRobertson,PKBritish Columbia University. Civil Engineering. Soil Mecha

nics Series; 99, 1986, 22 5

Soil classification using the cone penetration testRobertson,PKCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1990, vol 27, nr 1,s 151-158

Guidelines for use and interpretation of the electroniccone penetration testRobertson,PK, Campanella,RGBritish Columbia University. Civil Engineering. Soil Mecha

nics Series; 69, 1984, 175 s

Guidelines for use and interpretation of the electroniccone penetration testRobertson,PK, Carnpanella,RGHogentogler & Company mc, 1986, 3 ed, 196 s

Interpretation of cone penetration tests, 1: SandRobertson,PK, Carnpanella,RGCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1983, vol 20, nr 4,s718-733

Interpretation of cone penetration tests, 2: ClayRobert.son,PK, CampanellaRGCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1983, vol 20, nr 4,s 734-745

In-situ tests to assess liquefaction resistanceRobertson,PK, Campanella,RGBritish Columbia University. Civil Engineering. Soil Mecha

flies Series; 45, 1981, 13 + /7! 5

Liquefaction potential of sands using the CPTRobertson,PX CampanellaRGASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1985, vol 111,

nr 3, a 384-403


Design of axially and laterally loaded piles using in-situ tests: A case historyRobertson,PK, Campanella,RG, Brown,PT, GrofI,Hughes,JMQTheoiy and practice in foundation engineering. Canadiangeotechnical conference, 38, Sept., 1985, Edmonton, Alberta.

Preprint volume, s 51-60

Prediction of wick drain and preload performanceusing piezometer cone dataRobertson,PK, Campanella,RG, Brown,PT, Robinson,KEIn situ testing and field behaviour. Canadian geotechnicalconference, 39, Ottawa, Aug, 1986. Prepnnt volume,5 399-404

Axial capacity of driven piles in deltaic soils usingCPTRobert.son,FK, Carnpanella,RG, Davies,ivIP, Sy,AInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 919-928

Evaluation of pile design in Fraser River delta using insitu testsRobertson,PK, Carnpanella,RG, Davies,MP, Sy,AFoundation engineering: Current principles and practices,Evanston, IL, June 1989. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 92-105

Seismic CPT to measure in situ shear wave velocityRobertson,PK, Campanella,RG, Gillespie,D, Rice,AASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1986, vol 112,

nr 8, s 791-803

Use of piezometer cone dataRobertson,PK, Campanella,RG, Gillespie,D, Greig,JWASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986,s 1263-1280

SPT-CPT correlationsRobertsonPK, Campanella,RG, Wightman4British Columbia University. Civil Engineering. Soil Mecha

nics Series; 62, 1982, 17 s

Estimating coefficient of consolidation from piezoconetestsRobertson,PK, Sully,JF, Woeller,DJ, Lunne, T, Powell,JJM,Gillespie,DCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1992, vol 29, nr 4,s 539-550

Seismic cone penetration test for evaluating liquefaction potential under cyclic loadingRoberlson,PK, Woeller,DJ, Finn, WDLCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1992, vol 29, nr 4,s 686-695

Evaluation of excess pore pressures and drainageconditions around driven piles using the cone penetration test with pore pressure measurementsRobertson,PX Woeller,DJ Gillespie,DCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1990, vol 27, nr 2,s 249-254


Influence of excess pore pressure on cone measurementsRocha Filho,PEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 805-811

Penetration testing in United KingdomRodinS, Corbett,BO, Sherwood,DE, Thorburn,SEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 139-146

Correlation of cone index with soil propertiesRohani,B, BaladiGYCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 128-144

Comparative study on cone resistance measured withthree types of CPT tipsRol,AHEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 813-819

Bestimmung des Bettungsmoduls horizontal belasteterPfähle aus SondierungenRollberg,DBauingenieur, 1982, vol 57, nr 9, s 343-349

Determination of the bearing capacity and pile drivingresistance of piles Using soundings. DissRollberg,DAachen TH. Institut fur Grundbau, Bodenmechanik, Felsmechanik und Verkehrswasserbau. Veroffentlichungen; 3,1977, s43-227

Nachrechnung neuerer Pfahlversuche anhand vonSondierungenRollberg,DBauingenieur, 1980, vol 55, nr 9, s 345-350

Some CPT applications for foundation and landslidestudies in Southern CaliforniaRomani,F, Beard,RlvI, Mooney,PEInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 929-932

Monorail piers on shallow foundations, settlementanalysis based on Dutch cone dataRoth, Wil, Swantko,TD, Patil, UK, Beriy,SWEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 821-826

Interpretation of static cone penetration tests insensitive claysRoyM, Michaud,D, Tavenas,F, Leroueil,S, La Rochelle,PEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2,s 323-330


Capacite portante de pieux isoles dans les arguessenibles: etude de cas par Ia methode penetrometriqueRoy,M, Tanguay,LCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1989, vol 26, nr 3,s 375-384

Development of a quasi-static piezocone apparatusRoy,M, TremblayM, Tavenas,F La Rochelle,PCanadian G-eotechnical Journal, 1982, vol 19, nr 2,s 180-188

Development of pore pressures in quasi-static penetration tests in sensitive clayRoy,M, Tremblay,M, Tavenas,F La Rochelle,PCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1982, vol 19, nr 2,s 124-138

Current penetrometer practiceRuiter,J, deCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 1-48

Static cone penetration test. State-of-the-art-reportRuiter,J, deEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 389-405

Sagaseta, C, Houlsby, GTInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, IS OPT-i,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 933-938

Use of in situ test for foundation design in BangkokclaySambhandharaksa,S, Phamvan,P, Wanichkorakit,BInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol. 3, s 2059-2062

Strength and deformation properties of fine grainedsoils obtained from piezocone tests. DissSandven,RNorges Tekniske Hogskole. Geoteknikk. Doktor Ingenjoravhandling 1990:3, 1. 200 s, 2. /285/s

Elastic-plastic incompressible flow around an infinitecone



Theoretical and practical aspects of finding coefficients of consolidation from CPTUSandven,RCalibration of in situ test in laboratory and field, Seminar atNGI, Oslo, Jan. 1988, Session 2: 13 + /17/ s

Trykksondering med poretrykksmáling - en nyttigmetode for grunnforholdsbestemmelserSandven,R, Janbu,N, Westerlund,GJNordiske geoteknikermode, NGM-92, 11, Aalborg, maj 1992.Artikier, foredrag, generalrapporter og andre bidrag, vol. 2,s 285-293

Interpretation of piezocone tests in cohesive soilsSandven,R, Senneset,K, Jan bu,NInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 939-953

Penetration testing in FranceSanglerat, GEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 47-58

Classification directe des sols a l’aide du penetrometre statique avec manchon de mesure de frottementlateralSang!erat, G, Andina,R, Tran vo Nhiern, Sejourne,MInstitut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics.Annales: Sols et Fondations, 1976, vol 29, nr 340/132,s 25-30

Controle in situ des previsions de tassements baseessur les essais de penetration statique pour 79 ouvrages sur 17 sites differentsSanglerat, G, Girousse,L, Bardot,FInstitut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics.Annales. Serie: Sols et Fondations, 1979, vol 32,nr 369/161, s 30-50

Settlement predictions of buildings based on staticpenetrometer dataSanglerat, G, Girousse,L, Bardot,FProceedings of the fifth southeast Asian conference on soilengineering, Bangkok, July 1977, s 27-40

Statistical analysis of certain factors influencing coneresistance during static sounding of cohesive soilsSanglera4G, Mlynarek,ZB, Sanglera4TRAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 827-834

Problemes pratiques de mecanique des sols et defondations, I: Generalites, Plasticite, Calcul destassements, Interpretation des essais in situSanglerat, G, Olivari, G, Cambou,B(Dunod), 1980, 326 s

Use of a static penetrometer in a softground tunnelSantoyo,EEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 835-839

Penetration test for determination of characteristics offlood dike materialsSarac,DZ, Popovic,MEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 147-152

In-situ soil test and their interpretationSargunan,A, Boominathan,SInternational symposium on in situ testing of soils and rocksand performance of structures, Roorkee, Dec. 1979. Vol. 1,s 153-159

Method for determining shear strength of peat by insitu testsSasaki,H, Noto,SNational Research Council of Canada. Associate Committeeon Geotechnical Research. Technical Memorandum; 127,1980, s 2-21

Cone penetration testing in snowSchaap,LHJ Fohn,PMBCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1987, vol 24, nr 3,5 335-341

Versatile measuring system for electric cone penetration testingSc1iaap,LHJ Hoogendoorn,HGField measurements in geomechanics. International symposium, ZUrich, Sept. 1983. Vol. 1, s 313-324

Mechanical and electrical aspects of the electric conepenetrometer tipSchaap,LHJ Zuidberg,HMEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 841-851

Penetration pore pressure effects on quasi-static conebearing, qSchmertmann,JHEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings,Vol. 2:2, s 345-351

Guidelines for cone penetration test performance anddesignSchmertmann,JHUS Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. FFIWA- TS-78-209, 1978, 145 s

Measurement of in situ shear strength. /State-of-theart review!Schmertmann,JHConference on in situ measurement of soil properties, NorthCarolina State University, Raleigh, NC 1975. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 57-138

Penetration testing in USASchmertmann,JHEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 217-218


Static cone penetrometers for soil explorationSchmertmann,JHSFM Tekniska Notiser, 1968, nr 3, s 11-14

Static cone to compute static settlement over sandSchmertmann,JHASCE. Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division. Journal,

1970, vol 96, nr SM3, s 1011-1043

CPT I DMT QC of ground modification at a powerplantSchmertrnann,JH, Baker, W, Gupta,R, Kessler,KASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 985-1001

Relating cone and pressuremeter tests to assessproperties and stresses in sandSchnaid,FInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 13, New Delhi, Jan. 1994. Proceedings, vol. 1,

s 121-124

Assessment of chamber size effects in the calibrationof in situ tests in sandSchnaid,F, Houlsby,GTGeotechnique, 1991, vol 41, nr 3, s 437-445

Measurement of the properties of sand by the conepressuremeter testSchnaid,F, Houlsby, GTOxford University. Engineering Science. Report OUEL 1870!

91, 1991, 34s

New method for deep static cone penetration testingSchokking,F, Hoogendoorn,R, GraafHC,van deInternational congress, 6, International Association of

Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, Aug. 1990. Proceedings,

vol. l,s 329-335

Examples of evaluating the results from soundingtestsSchull.ze,EEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,

Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol 2:2, s 353-359

Pressuremeter, penetrometer and oedometer testsSchultze,E, Biederrnann,BInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 9, Tokyo, July 1977. Proceedings, Vol. 1,

s 271-276

Use of SPT and CPT tests for evaluating the liquefaction resistance of sandsSeed,HB, AIba,P,deASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 281-302

CPT - Geoteknikerns “Sound of Music”Sellgren,EVag- och Vattenbyggaren, 1986, nr 3, s 13-17


Utförande och tolkning av CPT sondering

Sellgren,EUtforande och anvandning av nya falttindersokningsmetoder.Faltkornmitténs temadag 1990, Stockholm - Abo, 6 september

1990, 14 s

Penetration testing in NorwaySenneset,KEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 85-95

Shear strength parameters obtained from static conepenetration testsSenneset,K, Janbu,NASTM. Speical Technial Publication; STP 883, 1985,s 41-54

Strength and deformation parameters from conepenetration testsSenneset,K, Janbu,N, Svano,GEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 863-870

Evaluation of soil parameters from piezocone testsSenneset,K, Sandven,R, Janbu,NNorges Tekniske Hogskole. Geoteknikk, 1989, 34 s

Evaluation of soil parameters from piezocone testsSenneset,K, Sandven,R, Janbu,NTransportation Research Record 1235, 1989, s 24-37

Piezocone tests in silty soilsSenneset,K, Sandven,R, Lunne,T, By,T, Ainundsen,TInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 955-966

Tolking av trykksondering med poretrykksmálingSenneset,K, Sandven,RNordiske geoteknikermote, NGM-88, 10, Oslo, Mai 1988.

Artikier og “poster”-sammendrag, s 92-98

Static pile capacity based on penetrometer tests incohesionless soilsSharrna,HDInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 369-374

Use of ri-cone penetrometer in foundation engineeringShibata, T, Mirnura,M, Shrivastava,AKInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 13, New Delhi, Jan. 1994. Proceedings, vol. 1,

S 147-150

Design aspects of neutron moisture cone penetrometerShibata, T, Mimura,M, Shrivastava,AK, Nobuyarna,MDisaster Prevention Research Institute. Bulletin, 1991,

vol 41, nr 4, s 225-241



Moisture measurement by neutron moisture conepenetrometer: Design and applicationShibata, T, Mimura,M, Shrivastava,AK, Nobuyama,MSoils and Foundations, 1992, vol 32, nr 4, s 58-67

Evaluation of liquefaction potentials of soils usingcone penetration testsShibata, T, Teparaksa, WSoils and Foundations, 1988, vol 28, nr 2, s 49-60

Should ASTM adopt the European standard CPT?Shields,DHCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.

1981. Proceedings, s 383-393

Coefficient of consolidation from piezocone dissipa

tion tests in very soft claySills, GC, Almeida,MSS, Danziger,FABInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 967-974

Piezocone measurements with four pore pressurepositionsSi11sGC, May,RE, Henderson,T, Nyirenda,ZPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 247-250

Flow field around a cylindrical pile during steadypenetrationSilvestri, V, Tabib,CCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1993, vol 30, nr 2,s 369-376

Interpretation of pore pressure measurements fromadvanced cone penetration testingSkomedaE, Bayne,Ji’v4Penetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham July 1988. Proceedings, s 279-283

Problems with interpretation of sand state from conepenetration testSladen,JAGeotechnique, 1989, vol 34, nr 2, s 323-332

Cone penetrometer for foundation design investigations. Final reportSm ith,PDNew York State Department of Transportation. EngineeringResearch and Development Bureau. Report NYSDOT-ERD75-RR-33, 1975, 29 s

Cone penetration tests in dry sandSmits,FPEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 877-888

Penetration pore pressure measured with piezometerconesSmits,FPEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 871-876

Hocus experiment: Investigation of hole closurebehind free falling penetratorsSmits,FF, Bruzzi,DInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 975-984

Cone penetrometer tests and HydroPunch sampling: ascreening technique for plume definitionSmolley,M, Kappmeyer,JCGround Water Monitoring Review, 1991, vol 11, nr 2,s 101-106

Compaction of alluvial sands by deep blastingSolymar,ZVCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1984, vol 21, nr 2,s 305-321

Comparison between in-situ test resultsSolvrnar,ZV Reed,DJASCE Geotechnici Special Publiction 6, 1986, a 1236-1248

Instrument for in situ testing of static penetration oflarge diameter in boreholesSopen aIMInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s323-326

Undrained shear strength from cone penetration testsStark, iD Juhrend,JEInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s 327-330

Correlations of unconsolidated-undrained triaxial testsand cone penetration testsStark, TD, Delashaw,JETransportation Research Record 1278, 1990, s 96-102

Strength evaluation of a natural sandSteensen-Buch,JOInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 1989. Proceedings,Vol. 1, s 757-762

Penetration testing in BulgariaStefanoffG, BejkoffMEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 19-25

T-bar penetration testing in soft clayStewart,L)F, Randolph,MFASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1994, vol 120,nr 12, s 2230-2235

lnsitu measurement of damping soilsStewart, WP, Campanella,RGBritish Columbia University. Civil Engineering. Soil Mechaflies Series 144, 1990, s 36-45


Practical aspects of in situ measurements of materialdamping with the seismic cone penetration testStewart, WP, Campanella,RGCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1993, vol 30, nr 2,s211-219

Statistical evaluation of simple rheological CPT dataStroia,F, Culita, CEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, Copenhagen, May-June 1995. Proceedings,vol. 1. The interplay between geotechnical and engineeringgeology. Danish Geotechnical Society. DGF Bulletin 11,s 1.273-1.277

Use of piezometric cone penetration testing andpenetrometer groundwater sampling for volatileorganic contaminant plume detectionSfrut>’nsky,AI, Ellyn,G, Sainey,TJPetroleum, hydrocarbons and organic chemicals in ground

water: prevention, detection, and restoration, Houston, TX,

Oct. I Nov. 1990. A conference and exposition. Proceedings,

s 71-84

Empirical correlation of liquefaction potential usingCPTSugawara,NInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,

Vol 1, s 335-338

On the possibility of estimating in situ OCR usingpiezocone (CUPT)Sugawara,NInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,

Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 985-991

On estimating of for normally consolidated minetailings by using the pore pressure cone penetrometerSugawara,N, Chikaraishi,MEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, Ivlay 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 883-888

North Sea foundation investigation techniquesSullivan,R.4Marine Geotechnology, 1980, vol 4, nr 1, s 1-30

Use of full-displacement penetration tests to determine in situ lateral stressSully,JFInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundation

engineering, 13, New Delhi, Jan. 1994. Proceedings, vol. 1, s

13 9-142

Effect of lateral stress on CPT penetration porepressuresSulIy,JP, Campanella,RGASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1991, vol 117,

nr 7, s 1082-1088


Evaluation of field cptu dissipation data in overconsolidated fine-grained soilsSully,JP, Canzpanella,RGInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 13, New Delhi, Jan. 1994. Proceedings, vol. 1, s201-204

Measurement of lateral stress in cohesive soils by full-displacement in situ test methodsSully,JF, Campanella,RGTransportation Research Record 1278, 1990, s 164-171

Interpretation of penetration pore pressures to evaluate stress history in claysSully,JP, Campanella,RG, Robertson,PKInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 993-999

Overconsolidation ratio of clays from penetration porepressuresSully,JP, Campanella,RG, Robertson,PKASCE. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1988, vol 114,nr 2, s 209-216

In situ density measurement with nuclear conepenetrometerSully,JP, Echezuria,HJInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 1001-1005

Quasi-static penetration testingSutcflffe, G, Waterton,CIn-situ testing for geotechnical investigations. Extensioncourse, Sydney, May-June 1983. Proceedings, s 33-48

Developments in cone penetration testing - thefriction piezoconeSwain, CWGround Engineering, 1984, vol 17, nr 2, s 26-27

Design of a large calibration chamberSweeney,BP, Clough,GWASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1990, vol 13, nr 1,s 36-44

Determination of soil deformation characteristicsbased on in-situ soil mechanical investigationsSzandtner,GBudapest conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 6, Budapest, Oct. 1984. Proceedings,s 281-286



Geotomography in site investigation: Simulation studyTallin,AG, Santamarina, CASTM. Geotechnical Testing Journal 1990, vol 13, nr 2,s 129-133

Cone penetration tests (CPT) on clay siltTarnmirinne,M Leinonen, VEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 351-356

Piezocone tests in a soft clay depositTanaka,A, Diniz,A]vfSoutheast Asian geotechnical conference, 11, SEAGC,Singapore, May 1993. Proceedings, s 229-232

Piezocone testing in underconsolidated clayTanaka, 1’, Sakagami, TCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1989, vol 26, nr 4,s 563-567

Pile capacity in stiff clays - CPT methodTand,KE, FunegardEGInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 12, Rio de Janeiro, August 1989. Proceedings,Vol 1, s 349-352

Bearing capacity of footings on clay CPT methodTand,KE, FunegardEG, BriaudJLASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 1917-1033

Variations of the subsoil before and after pilingmeasured by piezocone penetration testTang Shi-dong, Zhu Xiao-linInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, March 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 1007-1013

Development of centrifuge cone penetration test toevaluate the undrained shear strength profile of amodel clay bedTani,K, Craig, WFISoils and Foundations, 1995, vol 35, nr 2, s 37-47

Penetration testing in GreeceTassios, TP, Anagnostopoulos,AGEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 65-68

Clay behaviour and the selection of design parametersTavenas,F, Leroueil,SEuropean conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 7, Brighton, Sept. 1979. Proceedings, Vol. 1s 281-191

Piezocone test in clays: Use and limitationsTavenas,F, Leroueil,S, Roy,MEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 889-894

Influence of the rate of penetration on the coneresistance ‘q’ in sandTe Kamp,WEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 627-633

Beitrag zur mittelbaren Bestimmung des Steifemodulsaus Sondierungen in nichtbindigen BödenTeferra,ABauteehnik, 1976, vol 53, nr 9, s 306-311

Bestimmung der Lagerungsdichte aus SondierungenTeferra,ABauingenieur, 1976, vol 51, nr 9, s 329-33 1

Beziehungen zwischen Reibungswinkel, Lagerungsdichte und Sondierwiderständen nichtbindiger Bödenmit verschiedener KornverteilungTeferra,AAachen Technisehe Hochschule. Forshungsberichte ausBodenmechanik und Grundbau nr FBG 1, 1975, 219 s

Estimation of the angle of internal friction of non-cohesive soils from sounding testsTeferra4Indian Geotechnical Journal, 1983, vol 13, nr 4, s 211-221

Analytical study of the cone penetration test. DissTeh,CIOxford University, 1987, 200 s

Analysis of the cone penetration test by the strainpath methodTeh,CI, Houlsby,GTInternational conference on numerical methods in geomechanies, 6, Innsbruck, April 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 397-402

Analytical study of the cone penetration test in clayTeh,CI, Houlsby,GTGeotechnique, 1991, vol 41, nr 1, s 17-34

Application of in situ tests for evaluation of pilebearing capacityTejchman,A, Gwizdala,K, Klos,JInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug. 1985. Proceedings,Vol. 3, s 1479-1482



Determination of load - settlement curve for largediameter piles based on CPT resultsTejchman,A, Gwizdala,KInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-I,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 1015-1020

Performance of a four-storey building founded on lateglacial clays compared with CPT predictionsThorburn,SEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 895-902

Static penetration test and the ultimate resistances ofdriven piles in fine-grained non-cohesive soilsThorburn,SStructural Engineer, 1976, vol 54, nr 6, s 205-211

Importance of the stress histories of cohesive soilsand the cone penetration testThorbum,S, Laird, CL, Reid, W?vfStructural Engineer, 1981, vol 59A, nr 3, s 87-92

In situ density measurements by nuclear backscatterfor an offshore soil investigationTjelta,TI, Tieges,AWW Smits,FP, Geise,JM, Lunne,TNorges Geotekniske Institutt. Publikasjon; 169, 1987, 5 s

Penetration tests for dynamic,KInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 117-136

Interpretation of static cone penetration testsTolia,DSIndian Geotechnical Journal, 1978, vol 8, nr 3, s 152-168

Pile foundations in soft soilsTong,YX, Chen,QH, Chen,XLInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 10, Stockholm, June 1981. Proceedings,

Vol. 2, s 869-872

Use of the conductivity probe to evaluate groundwater contaminationTonks,DM, HunISD, Bayne,JMGround Engineering, 1993, vol 26, nr 9, s 24-29

Combined pore pressure and point resistance probeTorstensson,BAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,

Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, a 903-908

Kombinerad portrycks- och spetskraftsond. Ett nyttinstrument for sondering av jordlagerTorstensson,BAByggdok. Slutrapport 791444-1, 1981, 42 s

Pore pressure probeTorstensson,BAFjellsprengningsteknikkfBergmekanikk/Geoteknikk 1977.

Foredrag fra Fjellsprengningskonferansen, Bergmekanikkda

gen og Geoteknikkdagen, Oslo, nov. 1977, a 34.1-34.15

Pore pressure sounding instrumentTorstensson,BAConference on in situ measurement of soil properties, NorthCarolina State University, Raleigh, NC 1975. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 48-54

Cone penetration testing in stiff glacial soils using adownhole cone penetrometerTreen,CR, Robertson,PK, Woeller,DJCanadian Geotechnical Journal, 1992, vol 29, nr 3, s 448-455

Static cone penetration test as lithology identifierTrenter,NA, Miller, CPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 193-197

Development of and experiences from light-weight,portable penetrometer able to combine dynamic andstatic cone testsTriggs,JF, Liang,RYKInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 467-473

Acoustic cone penetrometer for site investigationsTringale,PT, Mitchell,JKEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 909-914

Penetration testing in USSRTrofirnenkov,JGEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 1, a 147-1 54

Accuracy of determining the bearing capacity of pilesbased on results of static penetration sounding ofsoilsTrofimenkov, YGOsnovaniya Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, 1969, vol 4, s


Soil classification method using all three componentsof CPTU dataTsuchiya,H, Muroniachi, T, Sakai, Y, Iwasaki,KInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 1021-1026

Uplift capacity of pile foundations using CPT dataTucker,KDASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 1077-1093

Analysis of the pile load test program at the Lock andDam 26 replacement projectTucker,IM, Briaud,JLUS Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Miscell

aneous Paper Gl- 88-11, 1988, 63 s

Soil exploration in soft clays with the quasi-staticelectric cone penetrometerTumay,MT, Acar, YB, Deseze,E, Yilmaz,REuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 915-921


Subsurface investigations with piezo-cone penetrometerTumay,MT, Boggess,RL, Acar, YBCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 325-342

Pile capacity in soft clays using electric QCPT dataTumay,MT, Fakhroo,MCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 434-455

Application of in situ tests in slope stability analysisVakili,J Rhattachaiya,JK, McKie,PWInternational symposium on soil and rock investigations by in-

situ testing, Paris, May 18-20, 1983. Proceedings, Vol. 2,

s 413-419

Dutch cone penetration test and its use in determining the pile bearing capacityVeen,C,van derInternational conference on piling and deep foundations,London, May 1989. Proceedings, vol. 1, s 397-405

Laboratory investigation of electrical friction - conepenetrometers in sandVeismanis,AEuropean symposium on penetration testing, ESOPT,Stockholm, June 1974. Proceedings, Vol. 2:2, s 407-419

Evaluation du tassement des pieux a partir de l’essaide penetration statiqueVerbrugge,JCRevue Francaise de Geotechnique, 1981, nr 15, s 75-82

Evaluation of pile cap load-settlement diagram fromthe CPT resultsVerbrugge,JCEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 923-926

Analysis of CPT for undrained claysVermeer,PA, Berg,P,van derInternational symposium on penetration testing, 1, ISOPT-1,Orlando, Mars 1988. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 1035-1041

Cone penetration with enlarged tip in cohesive soilsViergever,MAInternational conference on soil mechanics and foundationengineering, 11, San Francisco, Aug. 1985. Proceedings,Vol. 2, s 947-950


Relation between cone penetration and static loadingof piles in locally strongly varying sand layersViergeverMAEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 927-932

Acoustic emissions generated during the quasi-staticcone penetration of soilsVillet, WCB, Mitchell,JK, Tringale,PTASTM Special Technical Publication 1981, nr 750, s 174-193

Cone resistance, relative density and friction angleVillet, WCB, MitchellJKCone penetration testing and experience, St. Louis, MO, Oct.1981. Proceedings, s 178-208

Electrical penetrometer a historical account of itsdevelopmentVlasblom,ALGM-Mededelingen; 92, 1985, 51 s

Practical use of the CPT in soil profilingVos,J deEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 933-939

Undrained shear strength of saturated clayWahls,HETransportation Research Record, 1983, nr 919, s 5-9

Sensing systems for measuring mechanical propertiesin ground masses, 5: Dutch cone penetrometer tests -

case historiesWaitkus,RA, Burgin,CR, Smith,REUS Department of Transportation. Federal HighwayAdministration. Report; FHWA/RD-81/113, 1981, 40 s

Piezocone tests in a china clay tailings damWakeling, TRIVIPenetration testing in the UK. Geotechnology conference,Birmingham, July 1988. Proceedings, s 167-171

Correlation between the results of static or dynamicprobings and pressuremeter testsWambeke A van, D ‘Hemricourt,JEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 2, s 941-944



Some experiences with an electrical static penetrometerWang,CInternational Association of Engineering Geology.Bulletin 1978, nr 18, a 153-1 56

On the standardization of the SPT and cone penetration testWang,ZQ, Lu,WXEuropean symposium on penetration testing, 2, ESOPT,Amsterdam, May 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 1, s 175-182

Interpretation of CPT data for design of earth damsnear Tehachapi, CaliforniaWard, WAASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 6, 1986, s 1119-1133

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Cone Pressuremeter: An efficient way of pressureme


I CO 0 I z m CO 0 I -I I(7



Lt]A Baladi,GY 34Aas,G 5 Baldi,G 6, 7, 21Abdrabbo,FM 5 Baligh,MM 6, 7, 24, 25, 42Abramescu,T 26 Balogun,LA 5Acar,YB 5, 32, 40, 41 Bardot,F 35Ajayi,LA 5 Barreiro,D 14Ajdic,I 17 Bassett,RH 13Akili,W 5 Bastm,A 19A1-Joulini,NMA 5 Battaglio,M 7, 21A1-Mukhtar,M 5 Bayne,JM 37, 40Alba,P,de 5, 36 Baziw,EJ 7, 11Aldstadt,JH 15 Beard,RtvI 34Alencar,JA 17 Becker,DE 7, 14AlIen,JH 14 Been,K 7, 14, 21Allinson,AJ 42 Beer,EE,de 7, 8, 42Almeida,MSS 5, 37 Begemann,HKSP 8Amann,P 5 Bejkoff,M 37Amar,S 5, 6 Bellotti,R 6, 7, 8, 21Amundsen,T 36 Benoit,J 5, 16Anagnostopoulos,AG 6, 39 Bensaid,A 22Anderson,LR 6 Berardi,R 8Andersson,H 26 Berg, AP,van den 8, 9Andina,R 35 Bergdalil,U 4, 9, 24Andrawes,KZ 11 Beringen,FL 5, 44Andresen,A 6 Berre,T 6Andrus,RD 6 Berry,SW 34Armijo-Palacio,G 15 Bertoulin,M 26Arulanandan,K 6 Berzins,WE 11Arulmoli,K 6 Bhushan,K 9Aiyani,S 6 Biarez,J 32Asada,H 19 Biedermann,B 9, 36

Aubeny,CP 42 Bizzi,G 8Axelsson,K 26 Bloh,G,von 19Aziz,MA 32 Bloomquist,DG 6, 14Azzouz,AS 6, 7 Boer,F,de 42

Boggess,RL 41

B Bogossian,F 15

Bachelier,M 31 Boniadi,F 9

Bachus,RC 27 Boominathan,S 35Badu-Tweneboah,K 6 Borowczyk,M 9

Baghdadi,ZA 6 Borst,R,de 9Baguelin,F 5 Bort,RM 42Baker,PJ 6 Bowders,JJ 9Baker,W 36 Boyd,TJ 11Balacciu,C 26 Bozozuk,M 10, 23



Braithwaite,PA 10 Clausen,CJF 22Brand,EW 10 Clayton, CR1 13Bredenberg,H 10 Clough,GW 38Bremmer,C 30 Clough,HF 17Brenner,RP 10 Constanza,JS 15Briaud,JL 10, 39, 40 Cooper,SS 17Brighani,IE 17 Corbett,BO 34Broms,BB 10 Cordon,CR 43Brons,KF 42 Corson,WM 13Broug,NWA 10 Corte,JF 5Brown,DN 10 Coutts,JS 10, 21Brown,PT 33 Coyle,HM 10Brown,RW 42 Craig,WH 39Bru,J 10 Crawford,CB 13Bruzzi,D 7, 10, 37 Crettaz,P 13Buhr,CA 10 Crichton,AJ 13Bukoski,RF 10 Crippa,V 8Burgin,CR 41 Crooks,JHA 7, 13, 14Bustarnante,M 11 Crowser,JC 19Butcher,AP 11 Csizmas,F 20Butterfield,R 11 Culita,C 38By,T 36 Cutter,WA 25

C DCalembert,L 25 D’Hemricourt,J 41Calle,EOF 11 Dahlberg,R 14Cainbier,JC 11 Daniel,DE 9Cambou,B 35 Danziger,FAB 37Campanella,RG 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 33, 37, 38 Daulali,IU 32Campos.TIvIP,de 19 Dauncey,PC 30Cancelli,A 13 Davidson,JL 14, 18Canou,J 13, 22 Davidson,RR 14Carpentier,R 7, 8, 13 Davie,JR 14Carter,JJ 5 Davies,JA 30Cassan,M 32 Davies,MCR 14Cestari,F 10 Davies,MP 11, 12, 21, 33Charneau,JL 32 Dayal,U 14, 42Chang,MF 13 Decourt,L 14, 25Chapman,GA 13 Delashaw,JE 37Charlie,WA 13 Denver,H 14, 22Cheeks,JR 13 Depret,MUA 14, 15Chen,BS 13, 27 Desai,MD 15Chen,CK 43 Deseze,E 40Chen,PK 13 Dezfulian,H 15Chen,QH 40 Dias Machado,CF 15Chen,XL 40 Diaz-Rodriguez,JA 15Cheng-hou,Z 13 Dietrich,T 15Chiasson,P 13 Dilvlillio,AF 15Chin,CT 13 Diniz,AM 39Chokechai Ukritchon 13 Dion,DJ 26Chong,MK 13 Divinsky,ML 17Christiano,PP 42 Dobie,MJD 15Christodoulias,J 18 Doehring,DO 13Christoffersen,HP 25 Donald,JB 13Chu,MY 22 Donchev,P 28Cincila,WA 16 Dormieux,L 13



Doskey,PV 15 Forrest,JB 17Douglas,BJ 15 Frank,R 5Dowding,CH 20 Franklin,AG 17Driel,P,van 18 Frankowski,Z 9Dmevich,VP 15 Freeman,TJ 17Drozd,K 15 French,J 17Duann,SW 13 Fritton,DD 17Duffin,MJ 29 Frost,JD 25Dupla,JC 13 Fuglevand,PF 17Durgunoglu,HT 15 Fukasawa,T 19

Funegard,EG 21, 39E Föhn,PMB 35East,DR 16Echezuria,HJ 12, 38 GEden,WJ 16 Gaberc,A 17Eggenberger,AJ 42 Gardemeister,R 17

Eide,O 25 Gardener,R 6

Eidsmoen,T 16, 25 Gardner,WS 18, 28

El Hachem,M 13 Garlanger,JE 42E1-Sohby,MA 16 Geise,JM 40Elleboudy,AM 16 Genevois,R 18

Ellyn,G 38 Genov,R 28

Elsworth,D 16 Gens,A 19Elton,DJ 16 Ghataora,GS 10

Engemoen,WO 16 Ghazali,FM 6

Enoki,M 43 Ghinelli,A 18Enriquez,AS 13 Ghionna,VN 6, 7, 8, 21

Erchul,RA 16 Ghosh,A 23

Ergun,MIJ 16 Ghosh,N 18Erickson,MD 15 Gianeselli,L 11

Eriksson,L 24 Giannaros,H 18

Eriksson,U 9 Gielly,J 18, 24

Ervin,MC 16 Gijt,JG,de 22

Erwig,H 16 GiI,DE 25

Escario,V 16 Gillespie,D 11, 12, 16, 18, 25, 33

Eskilson,S 24, 29 Girousse,L 35

Evans,B 16 Goel,MC 18

Everard,JL 11 Goelen,E 8

Everts,HJ 42 Goh,AL 17Golia,G 14

F Gorman,CT 15

Fahey,M 17 Graaf,HC,vande 18, 36

Fakhroo,M 41 Greeuw,G 13, 18

Faris,JR 17 Greig,JW 12, 33

Farr,JV 30 Griffiu,KM 21

Fattah,EA 43 Grof,I 33

Favre,JL 17 Gniia,A 31

Fellenius,BH 10 Guadagnini,R 13

Ferguson,KA 17 Gupta,R 18, 36

Ferritto,JM 17 Gwizdala,K 18, 39, 40

Ferronsky,Vl 17 Gyorffy,J 20

Filho,PR 17FinII,WDL 33 HFlodin,N 10 Habetha,E 19

Folque,J 17 Haegeman,W 20

Formazin,J 17 Hansen,A 19



Hansen,G 29 JHanzawa,H 19 Jacobs,PA 21Harder,H 19 Jaeger,J,de 7, 8Hartevelt,JJA 27 Jain,AK 21Hasan,Z 32 Jain,CK 43Hausner,H 17 Jain,GRS 15Heijnen,WJ 8, 11, 19 Jain,PK 15Henderson,T 37 Jain,SK 14Henriet,FP 19 Jain,UC 43Hensley,PJ 16 Jain,VK 21Hepton,P 19 Jaksa,MB 21Hever,M 8 Jamiolkowski,M 6, 7, 8, 18, 21, 24Hight,DW 19 Janbu,N 21, 35, 36Hintze,S 10 Jefferies,MG 7, 14, 21Hitchman,R 19 Jekel,J 13, 18, 21Holden,JC 19 Jensen,CN 22Holden,JMW 19 Jeragh,AM 21Holeyman,A 19 Jezequel,YF 5, 6Holm,G 26 Jian-XinYuan 21Holtz,RD 25, 27 Johannesson,LE 21, 22HolzlOhner,U 15 John,SBP 22Hoogendoorn,HG 35 Jolly,G 12, 42Hoogendoorn,R 36 Jones,GA 22Hooydonk,WR,van 42 Jonghe,A,de 8Hopkins,TC 15 Joustra,K 8, 22Horsnell,MR 19, 43 Juarez-Badillo,E 32Horvitz,GE 19 Juhrend,JB 37Houghton,LE 10 Juran,I 13, 22, 26Houlsby,GT 19, 20, 34, 36, 39 JOnsson,L 21Houston,WN 28 Jorgensen,M 22Howie,JA 11, 42Howland,J 16, 25 KHrazdilova,I 20 Kabir,MG 22, 26Hryciw,RD 20 Kaggwa,WS 21Hu,IC 13 Kaku,K 23Huang,AB 20 Kalteziotis,NA 43Huang,SM 20 Kamata,M 22Hubacek,H 20 Kao,TC 13Huergo,PJ 30 Kappmeyer,JC 37Hughes,JMO 16, 33, 42 Karachorov,P 28Huijzer,GP 20 Karafiath,LL 22, 30Hunt, SD 40 Kasim,AG 22Huntsman,SR 20 Kattan,A 13HOeg,K 5 Kay,JN 22, 27, 28

Keaveny,JM 22, 28I Kemper,JB,Jr 27Ihle,F 20 Kessler,K 36Impe,WF,van 20 KhaIaf,K 10Imre,E 20 Khan,AM 6Ims,BW 20 Kibria,S 27Inoue,T 21 Kilpatrick,BL 31Islam,MZ 20 Kishida,T 19Ismael,NF 21 Kjekstad,O 22, 43Iwasaki,K 21, 40 Kjesbu,E 16Iwasaki,T 30 Klejbuk,LW 20

Kleven,A 6, 25



Klolm,EJ 12 Lingnau,BE 7Klos,J 39 Lisac,Z 30Ko,HY 17 Lo Presti,DCF 7Kobayashi,S 29 Long,MM 25Kok,L 23 Lousberg,E 7, 8Kokan,MJ 11, 42 Lousberg,M 25Komomik,A 23 Lowery,B 25Konrad,JM 23 Lu,WX 42Kosaka,M 30 Lubking,P 25Koumoto,T 23 Luger,HJ 25Kovacic,D 29 Luke,K 25Krajicek,PVS 23 Limne,T 5, 6, 16, 22, 24, 25, 28, 31, 32,

Kramer,H 33 33, 36, 40Krizek,RJ 23 Luo,MY 43Kropp,A 17 Lutenegger,AJ 20, 22, 26

Kruizinga,J 23 Lytton,RL 10Kulatilake,PHSW 23Kulhawy,FH 27 MKuo,JM 15 Ma,MY 20Kurfurst,PJ 12, 23 Madshus,C 5Kurup,PU 23 Magnusson,O 26

Kvasnicka,P 30 Mahar,LJ 26Mahmood-Zadegan,B 26

L Malimoud,MA 5

La Rochelle,P 24, 34 Malmborg,BS 26

Lacasse,S 5, 24, 25 Malone,PG 30

Ladanyi,B 24, 25 Manassero,M 8, 26

Ladd,CC 6, 7, 24, 42 Manfredini,G 8

Lafleur,J 13 Maniscalco,R 7

Laing,N 12 Maranda,R 26

Laird,CL 40 Marchetti,S 21, 26

Lancellotta,R 7, 8, 21, 24 Marcu,A 26

Lang,FD,de 23 Marr,LS 26

Lareal,P 18, 24 Marsland,A 26, 32

Larson,NB 24 Martin,RE 26

Larsson,R 24, 29 Martin,RT 7, 42

Last,NC 11 Martins,FF 27

Law,KT 13, 23 Martins,IB 27

Leach,B 7 Maschwitz,G 33

Ledoux,IL 10, 25 Masood,T 27

Lee,IM 43 Massarsch,KR 27

Lee,SL 21 Matthews,MC 13

Leeuw,EH,de 25 Maurenbrecher,PM 27

Lelmert,J 15 Mayiie,PW 13, 27

Leinonen,V 39 May,RE 37

Leite,MH 25 Mazzucato,A 27

Lemasson,H 5 McElmeel,K 11

Leonard,C 31 McKie,PW 41

Leonard,RJ 10 Meegoda,NJ 6

Leonards,GA 25 Megaiick,J 27

Leont,JL 32 Meigh,AC 27

Leroueil,S 24, 34, 39 Mello,RN,de 15

Levacher,D 25 Menard,J 10, 25

Levadoux,JN 7, 25 Meyerhof,GG 27, 28

Liang,RYK 40 Michaud,D 34

Lima,DC,de 25 Milevski,DN 28



Miley,WG 6 Oakley,RE,III 30Miller,C 40 Oguro,I 29Miller,GA 20 Ohya,S 30Milovic,D 28 Olie,JJ 30Minkov,M 28 Olivari,G 35Miran,J 10 Olsen,RS 15, 30Mitchell,B 24 Orozco,JM 32Mitchell,JK 15, 20, 22, 27, 28, 40, 41 Ottosson,E 9Mitchell,PW 28 Ozawa,Y 30Miura,S 28Mival,KN 42 PMiyashita,T 29 Panichpatananon,S 10Mlynarek,ZB 28, 29, 35 Paquay,J 7, 8Moh,ZC 10, 29 Parez,L 31Montoisis,B 19 Parkin,AK 31Mooney,PE 34 Parry,RHG 5, 14Morbois,A 6 Pasqualini,E 6, 7, 8, 21Morgan,MR 31 Pass,DG 5Morrison,MJ 7 Patil,UK 34Mortensen,JK 29 Paunescu,M 31Mortensen,RA 14 Pedroni,S 8, 18Muhovec,I 29 Peiffer,H 20Muhs,H 29 Pellegrini,M 13Mulabdic,M 24, 29 Perez,JY 14Muro,T 43 Peterson,RW 31Muromachi,T 29, 40 Phainvan,P 34Murphy,W 14 Phillippomiat,G 31Muxfeldt,AS 15 Phillips,R 31Myers,TE 29 Piccoli,S 18

Pilai,VS 31N Placzek,D 31Nakayama,Y 29 Plewes,HD 31Nash,DFT 29 PluimgraaflDiMH 42Natarajan,TK 29 Popescu,M 26Nathan,SV 18 Popovic,M 31, 35Nazaret,JP 5 Porter,JR 42Nelissen,HAM 29 Poskitt,TJ 31Niccolai,C 30 Post,ML 44Niedzielski,A 28 Potter,JC 43Nieuwenhuis,JD 25 Powell,GW 26Nieuwenhuis,JK 30 Powell,JJM 25, 26, 31, 33Niyama,S 14 Power,PT 31Noble,DF 16 Prakasa Rao,AVSN 43Nobuyama,M 36, 37 Price,G 31Noto,S 35 Puech,A 32Nova,R 21 Puppala,AJ 32Nowatzki,EA 30Novosel,T 30 QNutt,NRF 19, 30 Quartermain,A 32Nuyens,J 30 Quarterman,RST 25, 26, 31Nyirenda,Z 37Norgaard,JHP 30 R

Rad,NS 25, 32o Radhakrishna,R 32O’Neill,MW 26, 30 Rafalovich,A 42O’Riordan,NJ 30 Ramage,J 32



Ramaswamy,SD 32 Schenk,P 18Randolph,MF 37 Schinertmann,JH 12, 35, 36

Ree,CCDF,van 30 Schnaid,F 19, 36

Reed,DJ 37 Schokking,F 18, 36

Reid,JM 32 Scholtes,P 8

Reid,WM 40 Schultze,E 36

Reyna,F 32 Scott,RF 7

Rhattacharyya,JK 41 Sechet,B 31

Rice,A 33 Seed,HB 6, 36

Ricor,A 32 Sejourne,M 35

Rigden,WJ 32 Selig,ET 10

Riis,H 14 Seli,JJ 26

Rippa,F 32 Sellgren,E 36

Rix,GJ 27 Senapathy,H 14

Rizkallah,V 32, 33 Senneset,K 21, 32, 35, 36

Robertson,PK 8, 11, 12, 33, 38, 40, 42 Sgaoula,J 24

Robinet,JC 5 Shalirour,I 5

Robinson,KE 33 Sharma,HD 36

RochaFilho,P 34 Sharp,KD 6

Rodin,S 34 Sherwood,DE 34

Rogers,BT 21 Shibata,T 36, 37

Rohani,B 34 Shields,DH 11, 37

Rol,AH 34 Shinde,SB 20

Rollberg,D 34 Shrivastava,AK 36, 37

Romani,F 34 Shukla,R 43

Rosenbrand,W 13 Silence,P 25

Roth,WH 34 Siler,TJ 42

Rothenburg,L 7 Sils,GC 37

Rouck,J,de 19 Silvestri,V 37

Roy,D 12 Simone,P,de 14

Roy,M 34, 39 Simons,NE 13

Ruiter,J,de 4, 34 Skomedal,E 37

Rust,E 22 Sladen,JA 37

Ruth,BE 6 Smith,BL 26

Rwebyogo,MFJ 13 SmithjM 42Smith,PD 37

S Smith,RE 41

Sagaseta,C 34 Smits,FP 18, 30, 37, 40

Sainey,TJ 38 Smolley,M 37

Sakaganü,T 39 Solymar,ZV 28, 37

Sakai,K 29 Sopena,LM 37

Sakai,Y 29, 40 Soranzo,M 27

Salem,AM 23 Soulard,P 25

Sambhandharaksa,S 34 Soulie,M 13

Samson,L 10 Srivastava,N1( 43

Sandven,R 34, 35, 36 StJohn,HD 25

Sanglerat,G 18, 24, 28, 29, 35 Stark,TD 37

Sanglerat,TRA 35 Steensen-Bach,JO 37

Santamarina,C 39 Stefanoff,G 37

Santoyo,E 35 Stettler,DR 19

Sarac,DZ 31, 35 Stevanovic,S 28

Saran,S 15 Stewart,DP 37

Sargunan,A 35 Stewart,WP 12, 37, 38

Sasaki,H 35 Stroia,F 38

Saye,SR 26 Strutynsky,A1 38

Schaap,LHJ 35, 44 Sugawara,N 38



Suflivan,RA 38 Treen,CR 40Sully,JP 11, 12, 33, 38 Tremblay,M 34Sunani,S 30 Trenter,NA 40Sunderland,GR 44 Triggs,JF 40Superbo,S 7 Tringale,PT 40, 41Suppiah,A 14 Trofimenkov,JG 40Sutcliffe,G 38 Trofimenkov,YG 40Svano,G 36 Tschuschke,W 28, 29Svasta,M 15 Tsuchiya,H 29, 40Swain,CW 16, 38 Tucker,KD 40Swantko,TD 34 Tucker,LM 10, 40Sweeney,BP 38 Tumay,MT 5, 22, 23, 25, 26, 32, 40, 41Sy,A 12, 33 Turnball,KW 32Szandtner,G 38 Tusic,V 30Sörensen,B 29

VT Vakili,J 41Tabib,C 37 Valsangkar,AJ 28, 31Takahashi,M 19 Vannucchi,G 18Tallin,AG 39 Veen,C,vander 41Tanimirinne,M 17, 39 Veismanis,A 41Tan,TS 21 Verbrugge,JC 41Tanaka,A 39 Vermeer,PA 9, 41Tanaka,Y 39 Vermeiden,J 18Tand,KE 39 Viergever,MA 41Tang,XJ 43 Villet,WCB 41Tang Shi-dong 39 Vinale,F 32Tanguay,L 34 Virely,D 24Tani,K 39 Vivatrat,V 7Tanizawa,F 21, 28 Vlasblom,A 41Tarcsai,GY 20 Vogrincic,G 17Tassios,TP 39 Vos,J,de 41Tatsuoka,F 21 Voyiadjis, GZ 23Tavenas,F 24, 34, 39Te Karnp,W 22, 39 WTeferra,A 39 Wahls,HE 41Teh,CI 20, 39 Waitkus,RA 41Tejchman,A 39, 40 Wakantatsu,M 30Teparaksa,W 37 Wake1ing,T1M 41Thorburn,S 32, 34, 40 Wallays,M 7, 8Thomton,SI 42 Wambeke,A,van 41Tieges,AWW 40 Wang,C 42Tjelta,TI 25, 40 Wang,ZQ 42Todorovic,T 28 Wanichkorakit,B 34Togrol,E 15 Ward,WA 42Tokimatsu,K 40 Wardle,IF 31Toki,S 28 Waschkowski,E 5, 6, 10Tolia,DS 29, 40 Waterton,C 38Tomaszewski,M 29 Wauthier,J 19Tong,YX 40 Webb,D 42Tonks,DM 40 Webb,DL 42Toolan,FE 20 Webb,JD 42Tordella,L 21 Weber,L 8, 42Torstensson,BA 40 Webster,SL 42Toutounji,A 32 Weemees,I 12, 42TranvoNhiem 35 Welch,RC 42



Welsh,JP 42 Yatabe,R 43Westerlund,GJ 35 Yilmaz,R 40, 43Whiffle,AJ 42 Yogachandran,C 6

Wickremesinghe,DS 12 Yong,KY 32Wieringen,JBM,van 42 Yong,RN 43

Wightman,A 33 Youd,Th 6

Wiiiams,SS,Jr 32 Youssef,AFA 43

Willson,SM 42 Yudhbir 43Windle,D 42Wissa,AEZ 7, 42 ZWissenden,AF 13 Zebdi,M 24

Withers,NJ 20, 42 Zeindler,H 13

Withiam,JL 42 Zeng,GX 43

Woeller,DJ 23, 33, 40, 42 Zervogiannis,CS 43

Wollenhaupt,H 5 Zhang,FL 43

Wolski,W 42 Zhang,GX 43

Wright,ND 42 Zhang,NR 43

Wroth,CP 20, 42, 43 Zhou,J 43

Wu,G 17 Zhou,SG 21, 43

Wu,TH 43 ZhuXiao-lin 39Ziinmie,TF 43

X Zuidberg,NM 35, 44

Xie,Y 43 Zuo,ZS 43Zwaag,GL,van der 44

Y Zyl,D,van 22

Yagi,N 43Yamamoto,Y 29 AYao Yu 26 Astedt,B 26


The Swedish Geotechnical Institute was founded in 1944, and deals with research, information and consultancy within the geotechnicalfield. SGI runs the Swedish central geotechnical library, and the literature service collects,classifies and stores geotechnical literaturefrom the whole world. Up to now, September1995, SGI has classified some 90,000 articlesin books, articles in scientific geotechnicaljournals, papers in conference proceedings,patents, building codes etc.

SGI data baseIn early 1976, SGI started to store bibliographic records in a computerized retrievalsystem, called SGILTNE. Up to now, SGI hasstored approximately 45,000 records, referringmainly to literature available in the SGI library. We add about 2,000 records to the systemeach year.

RetrievalLiterature retrievals in SGILINE is carried outby the use of keyword, geographical keyword,language, author, title, publication, year andIGC classfication. All of these can be combined according to the rules of Boolean algebra -

the operatos and, or, not.Retrieval of literature can also be carried

out using manual systems, such as our ownlibrary catalogue or by the use of other worldwide computerized systems to which we haveaccess, such as ESA/TRS, where file # 70 isAsian Geotechnology.


ContentThe records in SGILINE can be described asfollows; 70 % is written in English, 15 % inSwedish, 6 % in German, 4 % in French andthe final 5 % in other languages. Our ambitionis to classify and index not only the content offor example, conference proceedings, but alsomost of the articles. Of course, all importantconferences are covered as well as journalssuch as Geotechnique, Canadian GeotechnicalJournal and the ASCE Journals.

ClassificationSGI classifies all geotechnical literature according to the International Geotechnical Classification System - IGC. The literature is alsoindexed by the use of approximately 700geotechnical keywords, including the 347keywords from the Geodex Retrieval System.

LibraryThe SGI Library has some 10,000 books, morethan 1,500 conference proceedings and subscribes to several hundred of internationalperiodicals. Since the foundation of the institute, the library has also made up a worldwidenetwork of exchange partners; today the number is 350, which is an important way ofkeeping up to date with the research going atthese institutions.

Accession ListThe SGI Accession List is produced monthly(except July) and contains bibliographic records added to SGIIJNE. The SGI AccessionList is free of charge.


Statens geotekniska institutSwedish Geotechnical Institute

S-581 93 Linköping, SwedenTelefon: 013-20 18 00, mt + 46 13 201800

Fax: 013-20 19 14, mt + 46 13 201914

The Swedish Geotechnical Institute is a governmentagency dealing with geotechnical research, informationand consultancy.The purpose of the Institute is to achieve better tech

niques, safety and economy by the correct application ofgeotechnical knowledge in the building process.

ResearchDevelopment of techniques for soil improvement andfoundation engineering. Environmental and energy geotechnics. Design and development of field and laboratory equipment.

InformationResearchreports, brochures, courses. Runmngthe Swedish central geotechnical library with more than 90,000documents. Computerized retrieval system.

ConsultancyDesign, advice and recommendations, including siteinvestigations, field and laboratorymeasurements. Technical expert in the event of disputes.
