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Topics Page NoEvents of the Month 4 International news 9

National news 12

Bilateral 14

Economy and Banking 16

Award and Honour 19

Book and Author 20

Person in news 21

Places in news 23

Sports 25

Science and Technology 27

Environment and Ecology 29

Defence 30

Recent Summit in News 32

Committee and its Function 32

International and National institution 33

Recent visit and visitor 34

Date and Observation 34

State news 35

Recent government devlopement and scheme 37

200 MCQ current affairs 39 40 MCQ of Computer 49

Abbreviation 50 Descriptive English 51 Word of the Month 51 Banking Terminology 52

Miscellaneous G.K. for SSC and Railway 53 Practice Set for Upcoming Exam 57 Previous Year Question 65 Who’s Who? 83 One Liner 85

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

GOLD MONETIZATION SCHEMEIn the Budget speech, the Finance minister Arun Jaetley announcedthe proposals to monetize gold, which means, converting thecountry’s gold holdings into cash to spur spending and investment,and limit the need to import gold.Two significant schemes wereproposed in this respect. The first is the Gold Monetization Scheme,which would enable depositors, such as households and jewelers,to open metal deposits with banks and place their gold holdings inthem and can also borrow money using these accounts.The other initiative, a new Sovereign Gold Bond scheme whichwould enable investors to trade in gold without having to buy itphysically. In addition, the introduction of a domestically-madeIndian Gold Coin, bearing an Ashoka Chakra was also announced.This could reduce the need for importing gold coins.Let’s see howthese policies might work and what their intended benefits are:

1) Gold deposit scheme: Although the Budget document doesnot talk about these at length, they are expected to work similarlyto bank accounts. People periodically deposit money in theiraccounts and receive interest from the bank. The bank uses thesedeposits to make loans to others and receives interest in return. Thedifference between the interest paid and received is the bank’sincome. Similarly, under the scheme, households and jewelers willbe able to place their gold holdings in a metal deposit with a bank.The bank will pay interest for this. It will lend this gold to jewelerswho require gold for their daily working and receive interest inreturn. The difference between the two interests will be the bank’sincome. One can withdraw the gold in times of need.Advantages of the scheme : The scheme has two-prongedbenefits. First, it will reduce the dependence on imported gold. Indiais the world’s 2nd largest consumer of gold and has to import about97% of its annual gold demand. This is a drain on its forex reserves,and is a key reason why the rupee value falls. On the other hand,there is 20,000 tons of gold that is unproductively stashed away inhousehold lockers, according to the Finance Minister. The schemeintends to circulate this stashed gold in the economy by pulling itout of domestic safes and lending it to those who need it. This willsave the country billions of dollars of gold imports annually. Second,stocks of gold jewelry represent enormous personal wealth.However, this wealth is only notional because it doesn’t contributeto growth. It can neither be spent nor invested. The gold depositscheme can attract deposits worth Rs 1 lakh crore, according to anEconomic Times report quoting SBI research. This gold will beconverted into cash in the form of interest. Gold owners can thenuse it for spending and banks for productive lending. Imagine howmuch growth an extra trillion rupees can generate for the country.Another media report suggest that this scheme can add 2% to theGross Domestic Product (GDP) At of our country

2) Sovereign Gold Bond :  The gold bond will work just like aregular coupon bearing bond that the government issues to borrow

money for various purposes. The government receives money frominvestors, who invest in the bond, and pays a fixed periodic interestknown as coupon on it. On maturity, it returns the money to theinvestors. Similarly, in a gold bond, investors, such as households,will be able to lend money to the government by investing in goldbond whose price will be based on the price of a fixed quantity ofgold. On this, they will periodically receive a coupon (1.5-2%according to estimates). On maturity or sale of the bond, the bondholder will receive an amount equal to the value of the underlyingamount of gold as on that date. Therefore, they will get the samereturn as buying gold bars or coins and selling them later, whentheir price increases.Advantage of the scheme:  The benefit of this scheme is that itwill remove the need to import gold for investment purposes. Atpresent, when people buy gold as an investment, it has to be importedfrom outside. This leads to an outflow of forex and increases India’scurrent account deficit – the amount India owes to the world inforeign currency. With the introduction of the bond, the entiretransaction will take place in cash, removing the need for buyingimported gold.As per the draft guidelines issued on 19 may, 2015, minimum golddeposit is proposed at 30 gm and the interest earned on it would beexempt from income tax as well as capital gains tax.The govt. issues a draft scheme under which a person or entity canearn interest by depositing the yellow metal with banks. If goldmobilized through scheme is allowed to meet CRR / SLRrequirements, the value of the metal will be considered as depositfor meeting the reserve ratios.

What is gold monetization scheme?It is a scheme that facilitates the depositors of gold to earn intereston their metal accounts .Once the gold is deposited in metal account,it will start earning interest on the same.

How it generally works?When a costumer brings in gold to the counter of specified agencyor bank , the purity of gold is determined and exact quantity of goldis credited in the metal account . Costumer may be asked to completeKYC (know your costumer ) process. The deposited gold will belent by banks to jewelers at an interest rate little higher than theinterest paid to customer.

How is the interest rate calculated? Both principal and interest to be paid to the depositors of gold,will be valued in gold. For example, if a customer deposits 100gmof gold and gets one percent interest , then on maturity he has acredit of 101 gm the scheme says.

What is the tenure?The tenure of gold deposits is likely to be for a minimum of oneyear. The minimum quantity of deposits is pegged at 30 gm toencourage even small deposits. The gold can be is any form, bullionor jwellery


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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

How the redemption takes place?Customer will have the choice to lake cash or gold on redemption,but the preference has to be stated at the time of deposit.

Govt. may do away with mandatory, RBI approval forFDI :-

In a bid to attract more foreign investment the govt. islooking at doing away with the mandatory approval ofthe Reserve Bank of India (RBI) which currently is neededafter an investment proposal has been approved by FIPB(foreign investment promotion board)

Investment upto Rs. 30,000 crore - cleared by FIPB. The move is aimed at making it easier for doing business

in India. India currently ranks 142 out of the 189 countries on ease

of doing business list. Section 6 of the foreign exchange management act

(FEMA) has been amended is the Finance Bill 2015approved by parliament earlier this month to delete therequirement of RBI consent for cross – bordertransactions and acquisition or transfer of immovableproperty to foreigners.


DAY VISITE TO CHINA TO LIFTHINDHI CHINI BHAI BHAI SPRITIndia PM Narendra Modi Visited China to Strengenthen the indo-china bond and made louder the “ Hindhi Chini Bhai Bhai slogan”.On his 3 days visit to China He was received by Chinese Presidentof Xi Jinping recurred him of his ancestral home province Xian inShaanxi province.India and China signed 24 key agreements tostrengthen their bilateral relationship in several fields including tradeand commerce, education, skill development, railways, humanresource and other areas. The agreements were signed in the presenceof Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese Prime Minister LiKeqiang after delegation level talks in Beijing.India and China on signed 24 deals worth over $20 billion duringModi’s visit to the country.

1. Protocols between India and China on the establishmentof consulates-general at Chengdu and Chennai and theextension of the consular district of the consulate generalof India in Guanzhou to include Jiangxi province.

2. MoU between the ministry of skill development andentrepreneurship of India and the ministry of humanresources and social security of China on cooperation inthe field of vocational education and skill development.

3. Action plan on cooperation in setting up of the MahatmaGandhi National Institute for Skill Development andEntrepreneurship in Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar in Gujarat.

4. MoU between India and China on consultative mechanismfor cooperation in trade negotiations.

5. MoU on cooperation between the ministry of externalaffairs of India and international department of the centralcommittee of the Communist Party of China.

6. Action plan between the National Railway Administrationof China and the ministry of railways of India onenhancing cooperation in the railway sector. (2015-16).

7. MoU on education exchange programme.8. MoU between the ministry of mines of India and the

ministry of land and resources of China on the cooperationin the mining and minerals sector.

9. Space Cooperation Outline (2015-2020).10. Protocol on health and safety regulations on importing

Indian rapeseed meal between the export inspectioncouncil, ministry of commerce and industry of India andthe general administration of quality supervision,inspection and quarantine.

11. MoU between Doordarshan and China Central Televisionon cooperation in the field of broadcasting.

12. Agreement between the ministry of tourism of India andthe national tourism administration of China oncooperation in the field of tourism.

13. MoU on establishing India-China think-tanks forum.14. MoU between India’s Niti Aayog and the Development

Research Centre, State Council of China.15. MoU between India’s ministry of earth sciences and the

China Earthquake Administration concerning cooperationin the field of earthquake science and earthquakeengineering.

16. MoU between India’s ministry of earth sciences and theState Oceanic Administration of China on cooperation inthe field of ocean science, ocean technology, climatechange, polar science and cryosphere.

17. MoU on scientific cooperation between Geological Surveyof India, ministry of mines of India and the ChinaGeological Survey, ministry of land and resources ofChina in geoscience.

18. MoU between the ministry of external affairs of Indiaand ministry of foreign affairs of China on establishmentof states/provincial leaders’ forum.

19. Agreement on the establishment of sister-state/provincerelations between state government of Karnataka andprovincial government of Sichuan of China.

20. Agreement on establishment of sister-city relationsbetween Chennai and Chongqing of China.\

21. Agreement on establishment of sister-city relationsbetween Hyderabad and Qingdao of China.

22. Agreement on establishment of sister-city relationsbetween Aurangabad and Dunhuang of China.

23. MoU between the Indian Council for Cultural Relationsand Fudan University on the establishment of a centrefor Gandhian and Indian studies.

24. MoU between Indian Council for Cultural Relations andYunnan Minzu University on the establishment of a yogacollege.

8TH IPL 2015In winning their second  IPL  title, Mumbai indian showed that a faststart is often just that, as the  Rajasthan Royals  know all too well.What matters in the  IPL  is how you finish. Mumbai got hot at theright time, winning nine of their last 10 games to lift the trophy. It

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

was a replica of Kolkata Knight Rider’s hot streak last year, whenthey won their last nine games en route to their second title.Mumbai’s 41-run win over the Chennai Super Kings  in the IPL finalwas their largest victory in terms of runs all season. Their secondbiggest victory came in the first Qualifier against the sameopponents. Their biggest victory in terms of wickets came in theirlast league game against Sunrisers Hyderabad – a game they had towin to make the playoffs. Mumbai had (probably unintentionally)saved their best for last.

FULL LIST OF AWARD WINNERS AT IPL 2015Champions - Mumbai Indians (Rs 15 crore prize money)Runner-up -  Chennai Super Kings (Rs 10 crore)Orange Cap (most runs) 562 runs in 14 innings - David Warner(Sunrisers Hyderabad)Purple Cap (most wickets)-26 wickets in 16 innings - DwayneBravo (Chennai Super Kings)Emerging Player-Shreyas Iyer (Delhi Daredevils) - 439 runs in14 inningsMan-of-the-Final - Rohit Sharma (MI)Maximum Sixes award in the final - 3 - Kieron Pollard (MI)Fair Play Award-Chennai Super KingsBest catch of the tournament-Dwayne Bravo (CSK Vs RR). TookShane Watson’s catch at the boundaryMost Valuable Player-Andre Russell (Kolkata Knight Riders)

OTHER IMPORTANT STATISTICSTotal centuries - 4 (AB de Villiers, Chris Gayle, BrendonMcCullum and Shane Watson)Highest individual score - 133 not out - De Villiers (RCB Vs MI)Fastest century - Chris Gayle - 46-ball ton Vs Kings XI PunjabFastest half century - 19 balls - Andre Russell (KKR Vs KXIP)and Harbhajan Singh (MI Vs KXIP). Russell won the award as hehad better strike rateMost sixes (Maximum Season award) - 38 - Chris Gayle (RoyalChallengers Bangalore)Most fours - 65 - David Warner (SRH)Total sixes in the tournament - 692Total wickets in the tournament - 686Highest team score - 235/1 - RCB Vs MIDavid Warner won the Orange CapBest bowling in an innings - 4/10 - Ashish Nehra (CSK Vs RCB)Fastest ball bowled - 151.11 kmph - Mitchell Johnson (KXIP)Most dot balls bowled in an innings- 18 - Zaheer Khan (DD VsCSK 4-1-9-2)Most dot balls in the tournament - 170 - Nehra (CSK - 22 wicketsin 16 innings. 62 overs, 449 runs)Most maiden overs bowled in the tournament - 4 - SandeepSharma (KXIP)

PREVIOUS CHAMPIONS 2014 - Kolkata Knight Riders 2013 - Mumbai Indians 2012 - Kolkata Knight Rider 2011 - Chennai Super Kings 2010 - Chennai Super Kings 2009 - Deccan Chargers 2008 - Rajasthan Royals


CHANGE PLANClimate Action Network Europe (CAN-E) is recognised as Europe’sleading network working on climate and energy issues. With 141member organisations in 25 European countries, CAN-E works toprevent dangerous climate change and promote sustainable energyand environment policy in Europe.CAN-E supports and empowerscivil society organisations to influence the design and developmentof an effective global strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissionsand ensure its implementation at international, national and locallevels in the promotion of equity and sustainable development.The  European Climate Change Programme  (ECCP) was launchedin June 2000 by the European Union’s European Commission, withthe purpose of  avoiding dangerous climate change. The goal of theECCP is to identify, develop and implement all the necessaryelements of an EU strategy to implement the  Kyoto Protocol. AllEU countries’ ratifications of the Kyoto Protocol were depositedsimultaneously on 31 May 2002.The  European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission TradingScheme  (EU ETS) is perhaps the most significant contribution ofthe ECCP, and the EU ETS is the largest  greenhouse gas emissionstrading  scheme in the world.In 1996 the EU adopted a target of a maximum 2°C rise in globalmean temperature, compared to pre-industrial levels. Since then,European Leaders have reaffirmed this goal several times.  Due toonly minor efforts in global  Climate change mitigation  it is highlylikely that the world will not be able to reach this particular target.The EU might then be forced to accept a less ambitious target or tochange its climate policy paradigm.

Key EU Target for 202020% cut in  greenhouse gas emissions  compared with 1990 20% of total energy consumption from  renewable energy20% increase in  energy efficiency

Key EU Target for 2016At least 40% cut in  greenhouse gas emissions  compared with 1990 At least 27% of total energy consumption from  renewable energyAt least 27% increase in  energy efficiency

Long Term GoalBy 2050, the EU aims to cut its emissions substantially – by 80-95% compared to 1990 levels as part of the efforts required bydeveloped countries as a group.Turning Europe into a highly energy efficient and low-carboneconomy will also boost the economy, create jobs and strengthenEurope’s competitiveness.

Financial SupportAt least 20% of the EU’s €960 billion budget for 2014 to2020  should be spent on protecting the climate. This is on top offunding from individual EU countries.The EU finances low-carbon energy demonstration projects fromthe sale of emission certificates. This includes technologies to trapcarbon dioxide from power stations and other industrial installationsand store it in the ground, so-called  carbon capture and storage(CCS).

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

The European Union (EU) submitted its new climate action plan tothe UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)on March 6th . A week after Switzerland took lead by becoming thefirst country to submit its post-2020 climate action plan, theEuropean Union submitted its Intended Nationality DeterminedContribution (INDC) pledging that this group of 29 countries wouldwork to reduce domestic emission of greenhouse gases by 40% fromtheir 1990 Level by the year 2030. The EU also committed for aregular review and strengthening of its mitigation commitmentsconsistent with a long –term goal to curb emissions.

EU leaders agreed on 23 October 2014 the domestic 2030greenhouse gas reduction target of at least 40% compared to 1990together with the other main building blocks of the 2030 policyframework for climate and energy, as proposed by the EuropeanCommission in january2014. This 2030 policy framework aims tomake in European Union’s economy and energy system morecompetitive, secure and sustainable and also sets a target of at least27 % for renewable energy and energy savings by 2030. The EU’sIntended Nationality Determined Contribution (INDC) comes wellin advance of a new universal climate agreement which will bereached at the UN climate conference in Paris in December 2015.The new agreement will come into effect in 2020 and will pave theway to keep a global temperature rise this century under 20C.

Governments have agreed to submit their INDC in advance of Pariswith many developed expected to do so in the first quarter of thisyear. In February in Geneva countries under the UNFCCC alsofinalized the negotiating text for Paris agreement. The next roundof formal negotiations will take place at UNFCCC headquarters inBonn, Germany, in June.

INDCs have been chosen as the vehicle for national contributionsto the internal Paris agreement. They include, for example detailsof emission reductions the country will undertake and can includeother action plans covering areas such as adaption to climate change.Countries have agreed that there will be no back tracking in theircontributions. This means that the level of ambitions will increaseover time . The negotiating text from Geneva also signals theambition among much government for a long- term goal todramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the century.The EU in its submission to the United nations frameworkConvention on Climate change (UNFCCC0 said “The targetrepresents a significant progression beyond its current undertakingof a 20% emission reduction commitment by 2020 compared to1990s( which include the use of offsets).It is in line with the EUobjective in the context of necessary reductions according to theIPCC by developed countries as a group to reduce its emissions by80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistentwith the need for at least having global emissions by 2050comparedto 1990. It claimed that the EU and its Member States (28 countries)have already reduced their emissions by around 19% on 1990 levelswhile GDP has grown by more than 44% over the same period. Asa result, average per capita emissions across the EU and its MemberStates have fallen from 12 tonnes CO2eq-. in 2012 and areprojected to fall to around 6 tones CO2-eq in 2030.


SATELLITE SYSTEM (IRNSS)India on 28 march 2015 demonstrated its ability to establish anindependent regional navigation satellite system, as ISRO’s PSLVC-27 successfully launched Indian Regional Navigation SatelliteSystem (IRNSS) 1-D satellite into the intended orbit. With thislaunch, the country is poised to operationalise the Indian RegionalNavigation Satellite System. And We will now be able to make useof our receivers to locate ourselves independently.

About Indian Regional navigational Satellite System (IRNSS)The  Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System  (IRNSS) is anautonomous regionalsatellite navigation system  being developed bythe  Indian Space Research Organisation  (ISRO)  which would beunder complete control of the  Indian government. The requirementof such a navigation system is driven because access to foreigngovernment-controlled  global navigation satellite systems  is notguaranteed in hostile situations, as happened to the Indian militarydepending on American  GPS  during the  Kargil War.  The IRNSSwould provide two services, with the Standard Positioning Serviceopen for civilian use, and the Restricted Service (an encrypted one)for authorised users (including the military).When finished, the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite Systemwill consist of seven satellites in Geostationary and Geosynchronousorbits covering India and surrounding territories to provide Indiawith independent access to navigation data without relying onforeign programs like GPS or Glonass. The system is designed tobe compatible with the US Global Positioning System and Europe’supcoming Galileo constellation using navigation signals in S-Bandand at L5. The deployed constellation will only cover India andsurrounding regions with high-accuracy services available about1,500 Kilometers beyond the Indian territory. Flying in its XLconfiguration, PSLV consists of the standard PSI first stage thathas six stretched boosters attached to it and a liquid-fueled secondstage stop which sits the solid third and the dual-engine liquid-fueled fourth state. Overall, the rocket stands 44.5 metres tall, hasa diameter of 2.8 meters and a liftoff mass of 320,000 Kilograms.The IRNSS constellation calls for three geostationary satellites andfour more in inclined geosynchronous orbits. The geostationaryslots, located at 34, 83 and 1d32 degrees East will each be occupiedby a single satellite, while the two inclined stations, at 55 and 111.75degrees East will each be home to a pair of spacecraft. IRNSS-IDwill be the first satellite to be located at 111.75-degree East stationin the inclined orbit, joining the IRNSS-IA and IB satellitesoperational in the 55-degree slot. IRNSS-IC, which launched lastyear, is in the 83-degree geostationary position. The IORNSSspacecraft are built around ISRO’s I-IK satellite bus, with a massof 603 kilograms (1,330lb).Loaded with 822 kilograms (1,812 lb) of propellant for orbit-raisingand manoeuvring, its mass at launch will be around 1,425 kilograms(3,142 lb). The spacecraft are powered by a pair of solar arrays,capable of generating 1.6 kilowatts of power, used to broadcast L5and S band navigation signals. Each satellite also carries C-bandtransponders and retro reflectors, which can be used for rangecalibration to determine precisely the propulsion and control systemof each IRNSS satellite consists of a liquid-fuelled apogee motor

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

which produced up to 440 newtons (99 pounds-force) of thrust toraise the satellite into its operational orbit, and twelve reactioncontrol thrusters for three-axis attitude control.Busy launch season ahead for ISROThe launch IRNSS 1-D, which was earlier scheduled for March 9,was postponed following an anomaly in the telemetry systems. Whilefour of the seven satellites in the IRNSS will be in geosynchronousorbit, the other three would be positioned in geo-stationary orbit,some 36,000 km above the Earth.The national space agency has lined up many launches before Marchnext year. A PSLV to launch a commercial satellite from the UK,two navigation satellites, a GSAT series satellite and three satellitesin IRNSS series are among the planned launches. A reusable launchvehicle would also be tested this year as a technology demonstrator.The tests on the reusable launch vehicle would be complete and inthree months, ISRO would be able to launch it.ISRO has also installed a Multi-Object Tracking Radar at a cost ofRs. 245 crore for which the trials would be conducted soon. Theradar is capable of tracking 10 objects in real time simultaneously.The configuration for a satellite for the use of SAARC countries asmooted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was being finalised andwould be launched in 18 months.IRNSS 1-D is the fourth of the series of seven satellites, whichwould form ISRO’s IRNSS. The satellite is similar to, and followsthe IRNSS 1A, 1B and 1C which were launched in April 2013, July2014 and October 2014respectively.The next satellite which is goingto launched are IRNSS 1E, 1F and 1G in august 2015,December2015 and May 2016.


Organisation headed by Prime Minister

1. Planning Commission

2. National Integration Council

3. National Ganga River Basin Authority


4. National Development Council (NDC)

5. National Commission for Population Co


6. Department of Space (DoS)

7. Department if Atomic Energy

8. Nuclear Command Authority

9. Indian Board of Wild Life

10. National

Disaster Management Authority


11. Council of Scientific and

Industrial Research (CSIR)


1. Suma Verma Committee - to update, and revise

the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006.

2. Damodran Committee: on improvement of

customer services in banks .

3. Shri M. Narasimham Committee: on Banking

Sector Reforms.

4. Shri Raghuram Rajan Committee: on Financial

Sector Reforms.

5. Shri B. Mahapatra Committee: to review the

existing prudential guidelines on restructuring

of advances by banks/financial institutions.

6. Shri Aditya Puri Committee: Dissemination of

Credit Information.

7. Shri K.U.B. Rao Committee: recommended

aligning gold import regulations.

8. K M Chandrasekhar committee : for

rationalization of foreign investment norms.

9. Shri Pulak Kumar Sinha Committee: to study

the feasibility of Aadhaar as an additional

factor. for authentication of card present


10. Mukul Mudgal Committee: looking into US

giant Walmart's lobbying activities to enter


11. MBN Rao Committee: to prepare the blueprint

of India’s first women’s bank.

12. Arvind Mayaram Committee –for giving clear

definitions to Foreign Direct Investment

(FDI) and Foreign Institutional Investment


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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

United Nations Adopted Resolution to Strengthen ReliefEfforts in NepalThe UN has adopted a resolution, led and co-sponsored by India,calling the international community to urgently assist Nepal andhelp rebuild the country following the devastating earthquake thatkilled more than 8,200 people. It was adopted by consensus at theUnited Nations during a special 193-member General Assemblysession.  In the resolution UN has appealed to help raise US $ 423million over the next three months in order to meet essential needsof Nepal earthquake survivors.

Mohammed bin Nayef appointed as Crown Prince ofSaudi ArabiaSaudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz sacked his younger half brotheras crown prince and appointed his nephew Mohammed bin Nayefas Crown Prince While King’s son, Prince Mohammed bin Salman,was appointed as Deputy Crown Prince. Saudi Arabia’s ambassadorto United States Adel al-Jubeir was appointed as the ForeignMinister. He replaced Prince Saud al-Faisal.

Seychelles became the 161st WTO memberSeychelles, an archipelago of 90000 inhabitants became the 161stmember of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is one of thesmallest nations among the WTO members. This approval by WTOended Seychelles 20-year long wait to become a member of WTOsince it had applied for WTO membership in May 1995.

US President Obama banned certain military-styleequipment provided to US policeThe President of United States (US) Barack Obama banned givingcertain kinds of military-style equipment to local police forces. Theissue came into spotlight after a young black man was killed by awhite police officer in Ferguson in 2014 and later in April 2015,another black man was killed in Baltimore after taken in policecustody. He also called for a broader shift in law enforcementpractices across the country.

Venezuela announced to cut working hours to tackleenergy crisisVenezuela announced to cut the working day for public sectorworkers to five-and-a-half hours to conserve energy, down fromeight to nine hours. The decision is a part of a nationwide electricityrationing plan. State employees would now work from 07:30-13:00to save on air conditioning as there will be surge in energy demanddue to extremely hot weather.

EU approved plan to use Naval Force to combatSmugglers and tackle Migration crisisThe European Union (EU) approved a plan that empowers navalforce to combat smugglers operating from Libya and tackle illegalmigration in its territory.  According to EU Foreign Policy ChiefFederica Mogherini, the operation would be launched by June 2015,with a headquarters in Rome under Italian admiral Adm Enrico

Credendino, who ran the EU’s anti-piracy mission off Somalia,Operation Atalanta.

Pope Francis canonised two Palestinian nunsPope Francis has named two Palestinian women Marie AlphonsineGhattas and Mariam Bawardy as saints, in a ceremony in SaintPeter’s Square just days after the Vatican formalised its de factorecognition of the state of Palestine. Both of them are 19th Centurynuns who lived in Ottoman-ruled Palestine. They are also the firstArabic-speaking Catholic saints to Canonized.

US President Barack Obama entered Guinness Book ofWorld RecordPresident of the United States (US) Barack Obama entered GuinnessBook of World Record for reaching a million followers in a span ofmere 5 hours after going live. Barack Obama debuted on SocialMedia Platform Twitter with @POTUS account. He beat theprevious record, which was set in April 2014 by Iron Man starRobert Downey Jr., after the actor reached a million followers in 23hours and 22 minutes.

British PM David Cameron led Conservative Party won2015 general electionPrime Minister David Cameron and his Conservatives won aresounding victory in the British general election.Conservative Partyby winning 331 seats out of total 650 seats in House of Commonshas emerged single largest party in this general election.Labour Partyhas won 232 seats with 30.4% vote share, emerging as largestopposition party.Scottish National Party (SNP) has emerged thirdlargest party in this election by winning 56 seats with 9% of voteshare. SNP has won 56 seats of the 59 seats from Scotland.

Sri Lankan Parliament amended constitution to reducePresident’s powerSri Lankan Parliament has amended the constitution to reduce theextensive powers given to the country’s president and to put intoplace a independent commissions for making key governmentappoints like appointment of judges, police and public officials.The president will also not be able to dissolve Parliament at his orher will.

Canadian House of Commons approved Anti-Terror Act,2015The Canadian House of Commons approved the Bill C-51, Anti-Terror Act, 2015 that empowers the country’s spy agency. The actwould give the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) theability to operate overseas and make preventative arrests. It alsomakes it easier for police to arrest and detain individuals withoutcharge

Omar Hassan al-Bashir won the Presidential election ofSudanIncumbent President of Sudan Omar Hassan al-Bashir on 27 April2015 won the Presidential election of the country. He won another


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term in office with 94 percent of votes.  This win has extendedBashir’s tenure as President of the country for another five-yearterm. He had been in power in Sudan since 1989.

David Arthur Granger sworn in as Guyana’s 8thExecutive President Former Army Brigadier David Granger was sworn in as the eighthPresident of Guyana.  He was sworn-in as the President after his APartnership for National Unity (APNU) party-led coalition won thenational elections after defeated the ruling People’s ProgressiveParty (PPP). With this, it ended the 23 year old grip on power ofIndo-Guyanese PPP.

WHO Declared Liberia Ebola-FreeThe UN health agency World Health Organization (WHO) declaredLiberia Ebola-free, hailing the “monumental” achievement in thewest African country where the virus has killed more than 4,700people. Now, Liberia’s neighbous Guinea and Sierra Leone are onlytwo countries fighting to stop Ebola outbreak since it began inDecember 2013.

Ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi wassentenced to deathOusted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was sentenced todeath by Cairo court for his part in a mass jailbreak in 2011. Hewas Egypt’s first freely elected president after the military rule underHosni Mubarak came to end in 2011. Morsi who is leader MuslimBrotherhood Party was earlier sentenced to 20 years in jail for wason charges of espionage for his involvement in ordering the arrestand torture of protesters during his time in power.

North Korea successfully tested underwater test-fire ofsubmarine-launched ballistic missileNorth Korea successfully test-fired a submarine-launched ballisticmissile (SLBM) — a technology that could eventually offer thenuclear-armed state a survivable second-strike capability.Thissuccessful test indicates the progress in the secretive state’s pursuitof building missile-equipped submarines which is described as aworld level strategic weapon.

Japan proposed new JWG on Nuclear dealTo discuss civil nuclear co-operation with India, Japan on 29 April2015 proposed a new Joint Working Group (JWG). The aim of theJWG will be to explore avenues to break the impasse that is goingon between India and Japan on civil nuclear deal. Besides, theJapanese Minister Miyazawa also announced that Japanese firmshave plans to invest 3 billion US dollars in India in the near future. 

Peter Jan Graaff of Netherlands appointed as head ofUN Mission for Ebola Emergency ResponseThe United Nations Secretary-General announced the appointmentof Peter Jan Graaff of the Netherlands as the Secretary-General’sActing Special Representative and Head of the United NationsMission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER). He willreplace Mauritanian diplomat Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed who wasrecently appointed as special UN envoy for Yemen.

Mhairi Black elected as youngest MP in United KingdomMhairi Black student at the University of Glasgow at the age of 20became Britain’s youngest lawmaker for centuries, defeating one

of the country’s most senior politicians. She was elected as MP toHouse of Commons i.e. lower house of UK Parliament from Paisleyand Renfrewshire South constituency in Glasgow, Scotland. Itshould be noted that, in 1667 Christopher Monck, Earl of Torringtonat the age 13 was the youngest MP in United Kingdom.

Japan’s Maglev train made new world speed recordJapan’s state-of-the-art Magnetic levitation technology (Maglev)train has clocked a new world speed record smashing through the603 kilometre per hour mark in a test run near Mount Fuji. Thenew record has surpassed its previous record of 581 kilometre perhour which was set in 2003. Central Japan Railway Company ownsthis fastest passenger train and is planning to have a train in servicein 2027 on the 286-km route between Tokyo and the central city ofNagoya.

Russia and Argentina agreed framework energy dealsArgentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Russianleader Vladimir Putin have signed a series of framework agreementson economic and energy co-operation following talks in Moscow.

The signed agreements include Russian investment in a hydroelectric plant in Argentina’s

Neuquen River. Russia’s Rosatom nuclear corporation to build a new

reactor at Argentina’s Atucha 3 nuclear power plant. Memorandum of co-operation (MoC) on defence between

both nations.

French parliament approved new surveillance rulesThe French Parliament has approved a surveillance law thatstrengthens the intelligence services of the country to preventterrorist attacks. This law was drafted by French Government threedays after terrorist attack on Paris based satirical weekly CharlieHebdo attack in January 2015 in which 17 people were killed.

Canada announced to cut greenhouse gas emissions by30 percent by 2030Canada announced it plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissionsby 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 amid international effortsto create a new framework for addressing climate change. In thisregard, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s led government submittedits target to the United Nations Framework Convention on ClimateChange (UNFCCC). It should be noted that, during the 2015 Parisconference, a new international framework replacing the 1997 KyotoProtocol is to be discussed. The new framework will seek to bringpoorer countries (developing) under its ambit and force them tomake commitments under the new framework.

China’s NDRC released new action plan One Belt, OneRoad initiativeChina’s top economic planning agency, the National Developmentand Reform Commission (NDRC), released a new action plan “OneBelt, One Road” initiative with an aim to establish new routeslinking Asia, Europe and Africa. It has two parts, a new Silk RoadEconomic Belt (SREB) linking China to Europe and the MaritimeSilk Road (MSR) that links China’s port facilities with the Africancoast and then pushes up through the Suez Canal into theMediterranean Sea.

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China became the world’s top importer of crude oilChina overtook the United States as the world’s top importer ofcrude oil for the first time in April, and its purchases are expectedto remain strong despite a slowing economy, with far-reachingconsequences for global oil and commodities markets. China isalready the world’s biggest energy consumer, with oil by far thelargest traded energy market.


Indian-origin Daniel Mookhey beaome the first politician

to be sworn in to an Australian parliament on the Gita.Mookhey, 32, was elected by the Labor to replace SteveWhan in the New South Wales upper house, making himthe state’s first politician of Indian background.

Peter M Christian was elected as the eighth President ofthe Federated States of Micronesia.

The Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott announcedtough new punishments for foreigner investors who breakrules on buying property in the country. The newpunishments include  up to three years in prison and finesof 127500 dollars for individuals and 637500 dollars forcompanies.

Two strong 6.8 magnitude earthquakes had strike theSolomon Islands in Pacific Ocean on 23 May 2015.

Palestinians on 15 May 2015 observed the 67thanniversary of the 1948 Palestinian  Nakba Day. 

Loretta Lynch was sworn-in as the United States’ 83rdAttorney General, the first African-American woman toserve as the nation’s top law enforcement official. Shesucceeded former attorney general Eric Holder

Thomas Bach, the president of International OlympicCommittee (IOC), was on 22 April 2015 named asambassador of HeForShe campaign by UNWomen.HeForShe is a solidarity campaign for genderequality established by United Nations (UN) Women.

A Pakistani court jailed 10 men for 25 years each forinvolvement in the 2012 shooting of teenage activistMalala Yousafzai, targeted for her campaign againstTaliban efforts to deny girls education.

Buenos Aires became world’s bookstore capital as thecity has more bookstores per capita than any other majorcity in the world, according to a recent study by the “WorldCities Cultural Forum”, an organization that works topromote culture.

General Mark Milley has been selected as the next ArmyChief by President Obama in USA.

PM Modi has emerged as the 3rd world leader on Twitterbehind Obama and Pope.

An army helicopter has crashed in a mountainous part ofnorthern Pakistan killing seven people, including thePhilippine and Norwegian ambassadors.


World Economic Situation and Prospects Mid-2015The United Nations (UN) on 19 May 2015 released Mid-2015 WorldEconomic Situation and Prospects (WESP) update. Growth of world

GDP will accelerate slightly from 2.6 percent in 2014 to 2.8 percentin 2015. In 2016, the global growth would improve to 3.1 percent. 

World Happiness Report 2015India was placed at 117th position in the recently released WorldHappiness Report 2015 among the 158 studied nations. The reportwas published by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable DevelopmentSolutions Network (SDSN). Top five countries:  Switzerland (1st),Iceland (2nd), Denmark (3rd), Norway (4th) and Canada (5th).

16th annual State of the World’s Mothers (SOWM)reportSave the Children’s 16th annual State of the World’s Mothers(SOWM) report titled  The Urban Disadvantage  was released bythe Union Minister for Minority Affairs Najma Heptulla in NewDelhi. The top five countries are Norway, Finland,   Iceland,  Denmark, Swedan. India is placed at the  140th position  in theMother’s Index.

The Human Capital Report 2015The World Economic Forum (WEF) on 13 May 2015 released theHuman Capital Report collaboration with  Mercer in Geneva,Switzerland. Top five country are Finaland, Norway, Switzerland,Canada, Japan. India occupied the  100th position  among the 124countries surveyed in the Index.

Environmental Democracy IndexEnvironmental Democracy Index was recently released byWashington-based World Resources Institute (WRI) and AccessInitiative. In the first edition of this index, Lithuania has toppedamong the 70 countries. Top ten countries are Lithuania, Latvia,Russia, United States, South Africa, United Kingdom, Hungary,Bulgaria, Panama and Colombia. India has ranked 24th out of 70countries.

India ranked 13th in terms of electricity generation fromnuclear source  According to the data published by the Power Reactor InformationSystem (PRIS) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),India ranked 13th out of 31 countries in terms of electricitygeneration from nuclear power and is at the seventh position withthe number of nuclear power reactors in operation. The currentinstalled nuclear power capacity is 5780 MW which is expected toincrease to 10080 MW on progressive completion of projects undercommissioning/construction by 2019.

Forbes released GlobalTop 2000 Companies listForbes released Global 2000 Companies list. Industrial andCommercial Bank of China tops the list for a third consecutive year.Reliance Industries is ranked 142   is followed by State Bank ofIndia which is ranked 152  . The other Indian companies on the listare Oil and Natural Gas ranked 183, Tata Motors (263), ICICI Bank(283), Indian Oil (349), HDFC Bank (376), NTPC (431), TataConsultancy Services (485), Bharti Airtel (506), Axis Bank (558),Infosys (672), Bharat Petroleum (757), Wipro (811), Tata Steel(903) and Adani Enterprises (944).

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Logo for International day of yoga launched in New DelhiThe logo for international day for yoga was launched in New Delhiby union external affair minister Sushma Swaraj and union ministerof state for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik. UN General Assemblyhas unanimously adopted 21 June as international yoga day afterIndian Prime Minister narendra modi proposed it during his speechin September 2014 at UN-GA. The resolution was passed within arecord time of 75 day in which 177 countries had become co-sponsorand was a record.

Railway Ministry launched mobile app for paperlessunreserved ticketsUnion Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu haslaunched ‘utsonmobile’, a mobile application for paperlessunreserved tickets. The application has been developed by Centrefor Railway Information Systems (CRIS).This application will allowits passenger to buy a ticket on the move and to board the train withthe ticket secured on his mobile phone in digital format, withoutany need for printing the ticket.

NGT banned burning of waste in openTo tackle air pollution in Delhi-NCR , the National Green TribunalImposed a complete ban on burning of waste in open includinggarbage, leaves, plastic and crop residues and also directedauthorities to levy a fine of Rs 5,000 on anyone found burning suchmaterial in the open. This decision of NGT bench headed by itschairperson Swatanter Kumar came in line with a series of ordersto control air pollution in the Delhi- NCR and on an application bya person identified as Vardhaman Kaushik. Earlier, NGT had bannedover 15-year-old petrol vehicles and over 10-year-old diesel vehiclesfrom plying on Delhi-NCR roads.

NGT imposed monthly tax on all households in DelhiNational Green Tribunal (NGT) has ordered that every householdin Delhi pay a monthly environmental compensation to clean upYamuna river. The compensation to be paid will be directlyproportional to the property or water tax, whichever is higher, paidby a particular household. In case of households in unauthorisedcolonies, which do not pay property tax or water bill, the amountwould be 100 to 500 rupees.This amount would be added toelectricity bills, water bill or the property tax by the respectivedepartments which will transfer the money to Delhi government.TheNGT bench headed by its chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar washearing a petition by environmental activist, Manoj Misra againstsevere pollution in Yamuna river.

Government made PAN mandatory for central exciseregistrationUnion Government has made Permanent Account Number (PAN)mandatory for private firms seeking central excise registration.Asper the new rules, the PAN registration will now be given withintwo days of filing online applications to improve the ease in doingbusiness in manufacturing.

Union Government extended e-Tourist Visa scheme to31 more countriesIndia will provide e-Tourist Visa to 31 more countries,including  France  and Canada, enabling the citizens of these nationseasy entry to the country.  The e-Tourist Visa had been launched inNovember last year for 45 countries.  With the latest addition, thetotal number of countries under this scheme will go up to 76.

Cabinet approved new anti-corruption bill; 3-7 yearpunishment proposedThe Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi gaveits nod for amendments to the Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA),1988 by pursuing the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill,2013.The proposed amendments in the bill to amend parent Actmainly aim to give more stringent punishment for the offences ofbribery, both for the bribe giver and the bribe taker and to enhancepunishment from the minimum 6 months to 3 years and from themaximum five years to seven years.

NTPC flaged off Mobile Science labs to revolutionizerural educationIndia’s largest power producer, National Thermal PowerCorporation (NTPC) flagged off a Mobile Science Lab (MSL) aspart of its efforts to promote scientific learning.MSL seeks torevolutionize rural education in India and make hands-on learningaccessible to underprivileged children. Union Minister for Power,Coal and New and Renewable Energy Piyush Goyal flagged offthree Mobile Service Labs.These three labs will be deployed atNTPC’s ongoing projects at Darlipalli, Pakri Barwadih andKahalgaon through Agastya International Foundation.

Union Cabinet approved revival of the Sindri unit of theFertilizer Corporation IndiaUnion Cabinet has approved the revival of closed urea unit ofFertilizer Corporation India Limited (FICL) at Sindri in Jharkhandwith an investment of 6000 crore rupees. FICL’s Sindri unit waslying defunct and was not in operation along with its associatedfacilities since 2002. Apart from this decision, Union Cabinet alsogave its nod for setting up of a new ammonia-urea complex atNamrup in Assam on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode withan estimated investment of 4500 crore rupees.

Govt launched dedicated e-commerce Centre in DelhiUnion Communication and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasadlaunched Dedicated E-Commerce Centre of India Posts, agovernment-operated postal system in New Delhi to cater the e-commerce business enterprises. This processing centre willexclusively handle all the e-commerce business and play a crucialrole in India’s e-business which has grown up to 70 thousand crorerupees in past few years. It is capable of handling 30000 parcels(articles) per day. It will also facilitate to collection of parcels fromthe e-commerce customers by processing and dispatching themwithin 24 hours to respective destination.


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Prime Minister released commemorative coin on SwamiChinmayananda SaraswatiThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi released a commemorativecoin to mark the birth centenary of Swami Chinmayananda, at afunction, in New Delhi.Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati was aHindu spiritual leader and teacher who inspired the formation ofChinmaya Mission, a worldwide nonprofit organisation, to spreadthe knowledge of “Advaita Vedanta”, the nondual system of thoughtfound in the Upanishads, which epitomise the philosophicalteachings of the Vedas.

Cabinet gave its mode to benami transactions bill to curbblack moneyTo check the generation of black money in the country, the Cabinetapproved the new Benami Transaction (Prohibition) Bill whichprovides for stringent measures against violators. The Bill hasprovision for for prosecution and aims to act as a major avenue forblocking benami property, which leads to generation and holdingof black money especially in real estate.

Union Cabinet approved PSLV Continuation ProgrammeUnion Cabinet has approved continuation of Polar Satellite LaunchVehicle (PSLV) programme for another fifteen operational flightsof PSLV-C36 to PSLV-C50. The decision in this regard was takenat a Union Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister NarendraModi in New Delhi. All the fifteen operational flights under thisprogramme will be completed during the period 2017-2020.

Lok Sabha passed Juvenile Justice (Care and Protectionof Children) Bill, 2014The central government moved the Juvenile Justice Bill in the LokSabha which will allow children in the 16-18 age group to be triedas adults if they commit heinous crimes. The bill states that in casea heinous crime has been committed by a person in the age groupof 16-18 years will be examined by a Juvenile Justice Board toassess if the crime was committed as a ‘child’ or as an ‘adult’.

Indian motor sports got Government recognitionThe Indian government finally recognised motor sports as a sportby including governing body FMSCI in the list of sports ministry-backed National Sports Federations (NSF). With this inclusion,Motor Sports is now one of the 59 sports recognised by the SportsMinistry under NSF list which are categorized into various sportsdiscipline such as High Priority, Priority and Others.

CCEA gave nod to three highway projects in threestatesThe Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approvedthree highway projects in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtrawith a total cost of 5,150 crore rupees. All the three projects will beimplemented on Build–operate–transfer BOT (toll) model. Theseprojects include Eight-laning of Mukarba Chowk to Panipat sectionof National Highway (NH)- 1 in Delhi and Haryana, Six laning ofAgra-Etawah section of NH- 2 in Uttar Pradesh, Four laning of theSolapur-Bijapur section of NH- 13 in Maharashtra and Karnataka.

Union Government sanctioned 30 cold storage projectschain with Rs 725 crore outlayUnion Food Processing Minister Harsimrat Badal in New Delhiannounced proposals for setting up 30 new cold storage  projects

chain in the country with a total investment of 724.9 crore rupees.These projects will play important role in reducing the wastage offood in the country. The total capacity of these projects will bearound 1.12 lakh tonnes of cold storage and 11.10 lakh litres ofmilk storage per day.

Union Cabinet approved amendment in Whistle BlowersProtection Act, 2011The Union Cabinet has approved amendments in the WhistleBlowers Protection Act, 2011 to keep issues of national securityout of its purview. The amendment in the parent Act will strengthenthe safeguards against disclosures which may prejudicially affectthe sovereignty and integrity of the country and security of the state.About Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011

1. It establishes a mechanism to investigate alleged casesand register complaints on any allegations of corruptionor wilful misuse of power against a public servant.

2. The Act also provides safeguards against victimisationof the person who makes the complaint and givesstatutory protection to whistle blowers in the country.

Lok Sabha passed Goods and Services Tax BillLok Sabha has passed the Goods and Services Tax Bill, 2014 whichis also known as Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill.GST isIndia’s most ambitious indirect tax reform plan, which aims to carryout new indirect tax regime in the country that will subsume variouscentral and state levies like sales tax, excise and service tax excepttaxes on the supply of alcoholic liquor for human consumption andpetroleum products.


Parliament passed “Payments and Settlement Bill, 2014”which seeks to address the problem of insolvency in thepayment and settlement system by increasingtransparency and stability and bring India’s bankingpayment system in sync with international practices.

The Union government has cancelled licences of nearly9,000 Non-Governmental Organisations for violation ofForeign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA).

India has emerged as the fourth largest supplier of genericmedicines to the United States. ndia’s generic medicinesexports have touched over US 4 billion dollars in 2013-14 in spite of stringent regulatory measures imposed byUS.

In a written reply to the Lok Sabha Union Minister ofPower, Coal and Renewable Energy Piyush Goyalannounced that Union Ministry of New and RenewableEnergy has signed memorandum of understanding (MoU)with 12 countries in past 3 years To enhance cooperationin the renewable energy sector.

President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the 50thAnniversary of India’s first historic climb of Mt. Everestin 1965 at a function held at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Thisfunction was organized by the Indian MountaineeringFoundation (IMF) to celebrate the historic climb of Mt.Everest in 1965 by an Indian team led by Captain MohanSingh Kohli.

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India and South Korea signed 7 agreements to enhancebilateral relationsIndia and South Korea have signed 7 agreements /MoUs to enhancebilateral relations.The agreements were signed during PrimeMinister Narendra Modi’s last leg of three nation tour viz China,Mongolia and South Korea.Signed agreements are

Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and thePrevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes onIncome

Cooperation in Audio-Visual Co-Production MoU for Cooperation between the India’s National

Security Council and Korea’s Office of National Security MoU for cooperation in the field of Electric Power

Development and New Energy Industries MoU on Cooperation in Youth Matters Framework of Cooperation in the Field of Road Transport

and Highways MOU in the Fields of Maritime Transport and Logistics

India, Japan signed Action Agenda to Boost Trade,InvestmentIn a boost to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’initiative, Japan’s Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry YoichiMiyazawa and India’s Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharamansigned a five-point action agenda to increase bilateral trade andinvestment between the two nations.The five-point agenda includes

Development of selected townships in India as Japaneseindustrial townships.

Promotion of investment and infrastructure development. Further development and cooperation in IT sector. Enhancing cooperation in strategic sectors. Asia-Pacific economic integration.


The Lok Sabha passed the negotiable Instruments(Amendment) Bill 2015 by a voice vote, which aims atmaking filing of cases more convenient for payees ifcheques bounce.

The Union Cabinet has approved Constitution (119thAmendment) Bill on Land Boundary Agreement (LBA)between India & Bangladesh. The Bill seeks tooperationalize the Land Boundary Agreement withBangladesh by exchanging several enclaves located alongthe common border of both nations. The territoriesinvolved in the exchange are located in the North easternstates of Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya and Tripura.The Constitution (119th Amendment) Bill, 2013 aims toratify the LBA between India and Bangladesh under the

Indira-Mujib pact of 1974 to exchange areas and peopleon either side of the border.

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) extendedthe date of implementation of the full Mobile NumberPortability (MNP) by two months, that is, till 3 July 2015.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi became the first primeminister in last 30 years to visit Naxal hotbed ofDantewada (Chhattisgarh) on 9 May 2015. Rajiv Gandhi

was the last to do so.

India, Russia signed 11 MoIs for higher academiccooperationIndian and Russian institutions of higher learning inked 11Memorandum of Intent (MoI) to establish the Network ofInstitutions of Higher Education and to train highly qualified stafffor innovative economy and expand scientific, technical andtechnological cooperation.Among those that signed thememorandum were IIT Bombay, Madras and Delhi and alsoUniversity of Delhi, Indian Statistical Institute and Institution ofEngineers.A cooperation agreement was also signed between theDepartment of Science & Technology in India and Russian ScienceFoundation, which will offer another platform for supporting jointresearch projects.

Third India-Tunisia Foreign Office Consultations heldin TunisThird India-Tunisia Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) was heldin Tunis from 29 April to 2 May 2015. The third round of FOC washeld after a gap of 12 years.  The Indian delegation was led bySecretary (East) Anil Wadhwa who held comprehensive discussionswith Mohamed Ezzine Shelaifa, Secretary of State in the Ministryof Foreign Affairs of Tunisia.

India, Iran signed MoU for development of ChabaharPortIndia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Iran fordeveloping the Chabahar port that aims to improve tradeconnectivity between Southeast Asia and Central Asia.  The MoUwas signed by Minister for Shipping and Road Transport andHighways Nitin Gadkari and his Iranian counterpart Minister forTransport and Urban Development Abbas Ahmad Akhoundi inTehran, Iran. The port is strategically located in  Sistan-BalochistanProvince on Iran’s southeastern coast.

NEWS IN BRIEF The Union Cabinet gave its approval for signing of a

shipping agreement between India and Jordan. Theagreement aims at strengthening cooperation and

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providing sustained mutual assistance on merchantshipping and other related maritime matters.

India and the Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) signed an ODA (Official Development Assistance)loan agreement to provide up to 21787 million yen (about1165 crore rupees) for the Odisha Transmission SystemImprovement Project (OTSIP).

India and China are going to establish two sister culturalparks one Beijing and other in Bengaluru.


Reliance Jio sign pact with Huawei for 4G devicesReliance Jio Infocomm (RJio), a telecom arm of Reliance Industries(RIL) has signed a pact with Chinese telecom equipmentmanufacturer firm Huawei for sourcing various 4th Generation (4G)devices by 2015 in around 5,000 towns and cities in India. It seeksto cover over 90 per cent of urban India and over 2.15 lakh villages.

MoU signed between NRL & BPC to export petroleumproducts through IBFPL pipelineA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed betweenNumaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) and Bangladesh PetroleumCorporation (BPC) to export petroleum products to Bangladesh.The MoU seeks to provide cooperation in export of petroleumproducts from NRL’s marketing terminal in Siliguri, West Bengalto BPC’s depot at Parbatipur in Bangladesh.The petroleum productswill be exported through the proposed Indo-Bangla FriendshipPipeline (IBFPL) of 130 km length and capacity of one MillionMetric Tonne Per Annum (MMTPA).

SAIL, ArcelorMittal inked MoU to set up steel plant inIndiaSteel Authority of India (SAIL) and world’s largest steelmaker,ArcelorMittal signed a MoU to set up an automotive steelmanufacturing facility in India. The MoU was signed byArcelorMittal Chairman & Chief Executive Lakshmi Niwas Mittaland SAIL Chairman CS Verma in London.

Indian Army and Bank of India inked MoU on DefenceSalary PackageThe Indian Army and Bank of India (BOI) signed a Memorandumof Understanding (MoU) pertaining to the defence salary packageof the Army personnel.The features of the MoU include facilitieslike the standard bundle of concessional services including freedrafts, free cheque books, free funds transfers to any bank in Indiathrough RTGS or NEFT and free ATM cards among others.ThePersonal Accident Insurance (PAI) cover has been doubled to Rs.10 lakhs, including air insurance, home loan insurance on ArmyWelfare housing Organisation (AWHO) for deaths on account ofwar/external aggression/ terrorist attack up to Rs 50 lakhs.

NEWS IN BRIEF National Institute of Electronics and Information

Technology (NIELIT) signed a memorandum ofunderstanding (MoU) with e-commerce giant Snapdealto roll out digital marketing courses.

State owned National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC) Limited has signed a pact with Jharkhand BidyutVitaran Nigam Limited to setup a 4,000 MW Patratupower plant in the state.

Doordarshan and China Central Television (CCTV) havesigned an agreement for exchange of art, culture anddevelopment television programmes.

India Meteorological Department (IMD) and PowerSystem Operation Corporation Ltd (POSOCO) havesigned a memorandum of understanding (MoU) foroptimum use of weather information and forecast in thepower sector.

A MoU was signed betwen Ananta P Sarma, MD andCEO of SIDBI and MIDC CEO Bhushan Gagrani in thepresence of Maharashtra Chief Minister DevendraFadanvis to provide easy finance to micro, small andmedium enterprises (MSMEs) for their growth. As perthe MoU, both signatory parties have jointly created fundsto the tune of 200 crore rupees to provide immediatefinance to the MSMEs.

GMR Infrastructure Ltd on 18 May 2015 signed aMemorandum of understanding (MoU) with GuizhouInternational Investment Corporation (GIIC) fordeveloping Kakinada Special Economic Zone (KSEZ) inAndhra Pradesh.

Alibaba-backed company Paytm on 3 May 2015 tied-upwith Quick service restaurants (QSRs) Domino’s andCafe Coffee Day for offline payment. With thisacquisition, Paytm’s mobile wallet will soon be acceptedat Domino’s and Cafe Coffee Day.


Organisation headed by Prime Minister

1. Planning Commission

2. National Integration Council

3. National Ganga River Basin Authority


4. National Development Council (NDC)

5. National Commission for Population Co


6. Department of Space (DoS)

7. Department if Atomic Energy

8. Nuclear Command Authority

9. Indian Board of Wild Life

10. National

Disaster Management Authority


11. Council of Scientific and

Industrial Research (CSIR)

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Modi inaugurated ICICI Bank’s first branch in ChinaTo help Indian and Chinese corporates in cross-border businesses,top private sector lender  ICICI Bank  today opened its first branchin China, which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modiin the presence of ICICI Bank’s MD and CEO Chanda Kochhar.The new branch will begin its operation with 17 bankingprofessionals handling different functions including finance,operations, corporate banking and treasury. Currently ICICI Bankis India’s biggest private sector lender with a total consolidatedasset base of US $ 132 billion and has presence in 17 countries.  Earlier in 2003, ICICI Bank had opened a representative office inChina.

India economic growth to surpass China’s in 2015-16:UN reportRecently released UN World Economic Situation and Prospects(WESP) Report for Mid update -2015 said India’s economy isprojected to grow by 7.6 per cent this year and 7.7 per cent in 2016,overtaking China. While, it has projected China’s economic growthwill be 7 per cent in year 2015 and 6.8 per cent in 2016.

Global energy subsidied to hit US $ 5.3 trillion this year:IMF reportIn its recent report titled Act Local, Solve Global the InternationalMonetary Fund voiced alarm about energy subsidies across theworld, saying they were expected to reach $5.3 trillion in 2015,which is 6.5 per cent of the global economy. China is the largestspender on energy subsidies and spends around 2.3 trillion dollarsa year, followed by the United States at 699 billion dollars andRussia at 335 billion dollars. While India spends 277 billion dollars,Japan spends 157 billion dollars.

Six banks to pay record $5.7bn fines over key ratesmanipulation Six of the world’s biggest banks were fined 5.7 billion US dollarson Foreign Exchange Benchmark Rates manipulation charges byvarious authorities in the USA and the UK’s Financial ConductAuthority. The fines were imposed on Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase& Co., Barclays Plc, Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, UBS Group AGand Bank of America Corp. as part of the settlements they reachedwith the government agencies in which they pleaded guilty to thecharges and agreed to pay fines. Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase & Co.,Barclays Plc and Royal Bank of Scotland Plc agreed to plead guiltyto felony charges of conspiring to manipulate the price of US dollarsand euros in the international market. However, UBS Group AG ofSwitzerland, the first to cooperate with antitrust investigators, wasgranted immunity from the charges.Two banks- Deutsche Bank AGand HSBC Holdings Plc are still under investigation facing similarcharges.

Nepal Rastra Bank to provide interest-free loans forrebuilding housesNepal Rastra Bank on 7 May 2015 announced to provide interest-free loans for rebuilding houses. The bank will provide interest-free loans of up to 25 lakh nepali rupees in the Kathmandu Valley

and 15 lakh nepali rupees for those outside the capital for housereconstruction. The central bank also said the commercial banksand financial institutions could take a maximum interest of 2 percent under home loan for such purposes.

Kamath named as head of New Development Bank ofBRICS nationsK V Kamath , Chairman of the India’s largest private sector bankICICI was appointed as head of the $50-billion NewDevelopment Bank being set up by the five emerging economiesof the BRICS grouping. Kamath will have a five-year term of thebank, which is likely to be operationalised within one year.

SBI launched sbiINTOUCH, NFC-enabled ContactlessDebit and Credit CardsState Bank of India (SBI) launched contact-less credit and debitcards sbiINTOUCH which is based upon latest near-field technology(NFC) that enables customer to transact using the card by justtapping or waving it against the reader of the point-of-sale machineCards incorporated with NFC technology are secure and hassle-free. SBI is also proving a fraud liability cover of 1 lakh rupees onthese cards. With this, SBI has joined league of private lenders likeICICI Bank and HDFC Bank.Presently, Reserve Bank of India (RBI)allows banks to enable transactions in case of contactless cards upto Rs. 2,000 without the requiring a separate PIN authentication.But incase of amounts higher, banks should provide customers withan option of contact payment and pin authentication requirement.

SBI Launched RuPay Platinum Debit CardState Bank of India (SBI) has launched a RuPay Platinum debitcard in association with National Payment Corporation of India(NPCI) .The card initially would be issued free to customersmaintaining a quarterly balance of 50,000 rupees.RuPay Platinumdebit card holders will also get additional benefits like 5 per centcash back on utility bill, complimentary concierge services, personalaccident death and permanent total disability insurance cover of Rs2 lakh, complimentary airport lounge.It should be noted that,presently SBI has 19.7 crore debit cards in circulationout of which4.5 crore are RuPay cards.

SBI inked MoU with Amazon for payment, commercesolutionsState Bank of India (SBI) signed a memorandum of understanding(MoU) with  e-commerce giant Amazon  to develop payment andcommerce solutions for customers and small businesses. The MoUseeks to identify and tap the potential areas of collaboration forpayments and commerce solutions between both signatory parties.Through this tie, SBI is seeking to enrich customers’ paymentexperience and opening up the windows of e-commerce to its smalland medium enterprise (SME) customer’s base which is the largestin the country.


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Bank of Baroda tied up with UAE Exchange for NRImoney transferBank of Baroda, a leading Indian public sector bank, has tied upwith UAE Exchange to offer an instant cash transfer facility to NRIcustomers. This agreement will facilitate customers can send moneywithin minutes to their desired bank accounts in BoB in India.Currently, Bank of Baroda (BoB) has a network of more than 5,000branches across United States, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia.

ICICI Bank launched NFC-enabled payment service‘Tap-n-Pay’Largest private sector lender  ICICI Bank  in collaboration with TechMahindra launched a payment service ‘Tap-n-Pay’ based on thenear-field communications (NFC) technology, enabling customersmake over-the-counter payments without using cash.It can be usedfor merchant payments by merely tapping a NFC-enabled mobilephone or a tag on the counter.

IDBI Bank to roll out e-hutsIDBI Bank has decided to roll out e-huts to connect with the ruralpopulace.The bank has currently introduced e-lobbies which arenext to the branches. The e-hut concept will be completely unmannedunits.e-huts is a concept that is widely accepted in the West, but inIndia, it’s yet to pick up.

Canara Bank tied up with Life Insurance CorporationCanara Bank has entered into a memorandum of understanding withLife Insurance Corporation of India for offering the “Pradhan MantriJeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana” insurance cover to all its eligiblecustomers.The bank has also partnered with the United IndiaInsurance Company for offering the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha BimaYojana insurance cover.

India granted $1 bn credit to Mongolia; deepens defenceties India announced a US$ one billion credit line to Mongolia forinfrastructure development as they upgraded their ties to “StrategicPartnership” and agreed to deepen defense cooperation besidesexploring potential for tie ups in areas like the civil nuclear sector.

RBI planed IT wing as financial crimes rise in cyberspace The Reserve Bank is planning to set up an information technologywing to face the rising challenges coming from the cyber world.Itcan be noted that online frauds in the financial sector have been onthe rise and hundreds of gullible people have been defrauded bycrooks, using their stolen credit and debit card information.  Thecyber thieves have even been using RBI logos to send out mails tocheat customers. 

Reliance Jio to raise $750 million from Korean companyReliance Industries has signed up for a $750 million loan, backedby Korea Trade Insurance Corp, to primarily finance theprocurements for its infrastructure rollout from Samsung Electronicsand Ace Technologies Corp. It has a door-to-door tenor of 12 years,including a two-year availability period and a 10-year repaymentperiod thereafter.

Bharatiya Mahila Bank won Asian Banker AchievementAward 2015

Bharatiya Mahila Bank won The  Asian Banker Achievement Award2015  At a function held in  HongKong. BMB was given the awardin the  technology implementation category  of Best OutsourcingProject[New Bank]. The Chairman and Managing director ofBharatiya Mahila Bank, Mrs Usha Ananthasubramanian receivedthat award. Other than  India, Pakistan and Tanzania  are other 2countries to have a bank for women.

World Bank approved 250 million dollar credit forEnhancing Teacher Effectiveness in BiharThe World Bank approved 250 million US dollar credit for theEnhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar Programme to makingthem more qualified, accountable and responsive. The credit is beingprovided from the International Development Association (IDA).World Bank Country Director in India:  Onno Ruhl.

Union Government relaxed FDI norms for NRIs, PIOs,OCIUnion Government has decided to amend Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) norms for NRIs, Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) andOverseas Citizens of India (OCI) to increase capital flows into thecountry. Decision in this regard was taken at Cabinet Committeeon Economic Affairs (CCEA) meeting chaired by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi in New Delhi. Now non-repatriable investments ofNRIs, PIOs & OCIs under under Schedule 4 of FEMA regulationswill considered as domestic investment. The amendments will leadto greater foreign exchange remittances and investment in thecountry.

Parliament has passed Regional Rural Banks(Amendment) Bill, 2014Parliament has passed Regional Rural Banks (Amendment) Bill,2014. This bill amends Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 and aimsto strengthen the Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and deepen theirfinancial inclusion. This amendment bill increases the authorisedcapital of each Regional Rural Bank (RRB) from Rs 5 crore to Rs2000 crore divided into Rs 200 crore of fully paid share of Rs 10each.As per the parent Act the Rs 5 crore share capital of RRBs issplit into 5 lakh shares of Rs 100 each. It also provides that theauthorised capital issued by any RRB’s shall not be reduced belowRs 1 crore and shares in all cases to be fully paid up shares of Rs 10each.

HDFC Bank launched HDFC Bank Apollo MedicalBenefits CardHDFC Bank in partnership with Apollo Hospital launched HDFCBank Apollo Medical Benefits Card, a co-branded medical benefitscard which allows corporates to disburse medical allowances to theiremployees and has insurance cover for accidents. The bank claimedthat it is the first-of-its kind product in the country. The corporatescan load the specified allowance onto the card every month whichcan be used by employees for medical expenditure at pan-IndiaVISA/MasterCard outlets.

SEBI notified the Securities and Exchange Board of India(Mutual Funds) Regulations, 2015The Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) notified theSEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 2015.The notified  regulationsdropped the 20-25 rule requiring a minimum of 20 investors and acap of 25 percent investment by an individual investor in a particular

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

scheme, for certain foreign entities.The rule will not be applicableto funds managed by local fund managers in regard to Category Iand/or Category II FPIs (Foreign Portfolio Investors). Category IFPIs includes government and government related entities andCategory II FPIs includes both broad based entities such as mutualfunds, investments trusts and persons such as portfolio managers,investment managers, asset management companies, banks amongothers.

Union Government allowed EPFO to invest 5% corpusin stock marketsUnion Government has allowed Employees’ Provident FundOrganisation (EPFO), India’s retirement fund body to invest fiveper cent of its corpus in exchange traded funds i.e. in stock markets.The new pattern allows EPFO to invest 5% of its incremental incomein Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) from the current financial yeari.e. 2015-16.This limit will start from 1% with an effect from April1, 2015 and reach upto 5% by the end of the FY 2015-16. Thisdecision of Union Government will result in an inflow of around5000 crore rupees into the stock markets during this fiscal.

NEWS IN BRIEF The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 12 May 2015

released the report titled “State Finances: A Study ofBudgets of 2014-15”. The theme of this year’s reportis “Fiscal Consolidation”: Assessment and Medium TermProspects.

Moody’s, the US research analytics firm, on 12 May 2015released the quarterly Global Macro Outlook: 2015-16 report.According to this India’s GDP will grow at astrong pace of 7.5 percent 2015-16, which is the highestamong G20 economies,

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) advised all public sectorbanks (PSBs) to appoint internal Ombudsman. Thisinternal Ombudsman will be designated as ChiefCustomer Service Officer (CCSO)  and it should nothave worked in the bank in which it has been appointedas CCSO.

The Union Government and Asian Development Bank(ADB) signed a 31 million US dollars loan agreement toboost water availability in selected river basins inKarnataka and ensure improved water efficiency inirrigation.

Union finance Ministry exempted Minimum Alternate Tax(MAT) for foreign investors. MAT is a way of makingcompanies pay minimum amount of tax. It is applicableto all companies except those engaged in infrastructureand power sectors

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 29 April 2015 imposeda fine of 1.5 crore rupees each on three Public SectorBanks (PSBs) for violating Know Your Customer (KYC)/Anti Money Laundering (AML) norms. These three PSBsare Bank of Maharashtra, Dena Bank and Oriental Bankof Commerce.

Japan’s main stock market index Nikkei 225 on 21 April2015 closed above the 20000 level for the first time in15 years.

Airtel clinches $2.5 billion Chinese financing deals

Indian IT firms, technology major Infosys on Sundayannounced establishing its first overseas centre outsideIndia in China with an investment of about USD 120million to tap in the burgeoning Chinese market.

Canara Bank has launched a mega CASA (currentaccount, savings account) campaign in Bengaluru withthe CanBank men and women with their logo colour capsflooding the nook and corners of the city to sell theirproducts.

The direct tax collection by the government during 2014-15 fell short of the target by about 14 per cent with Rs.6,96,200 crore revenue coming to its kitty.

Gold imports surged 19.5 per cent to reach USD 34.32billion in 2014-15 due to declining prices and easing ofrestrictions by the Reserve Bank.


Flipkart acquired AppiterateOnline marketplace Flipkart acquired Delhi-based mobileengagement and marketing automation company Appiterate in orderto strengthen its mobile platform. Tanuj Mendiratta is Co-founder& CEO of Appiterate and was founded in 2013.

PropTiger acquired, the online realty services firm backed by mediamagnate Rupert Murdoch, acquired its rival to rampup its presence in India’s secondary property market.

Zomato has acquired NexTableOnline restaurant guide Zomato has acquired United States (US)based online table reservation platform NexTable for undisclosedamount. It is Zomato’s ninth acquisitions since past nine months. acquired Native5.E-commerce solutions provider for fashion and lifestyle has acquired Bengaluru based mobile app developmentplatform company Native5. acquired MygolaOnline travel services provider has acquiredMygola, a startup travel guide firm.The acquisition was donethrough MakeMyTrip’s Innovation Fund, which invests in early-stage or start-up companies in the travel technology space.

Capgemini acquired IGATE for $4 billionCapgemini, the France-headquartered global IT services majorannounced the acquisition of iGATE, the US-listed company witha significant employee presence in India in an all-cash deal valuedat $ 48 per share and the whole transaction will amount to $4 billion.

NEWS IN BRIEF Apple Inc acquired GPS firm Coherent Navigations to

improve Apple mapping capabilities Internet firm Askme on acquired grocery marketplace for about 10 million US dollar. Global mobile multi-channel messaging platform mGage

acquired Bengaluru-based counterpart UnicelTechnologies. However, the deal value was not disclosed

by both the companies.

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Xi Jinping conferred with Nishan-e-Pakistan awardPakistan Government conferred Nishan-e-Pakistan, top civilianaward on Chinese President Xi Jinping.He was bestowed with thisaward for his outstanding contribution in promotion of relationshipbetween the two countries by Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain.

Two Indians awarded with the prestigious 2015 WhitleyAwardsTwo Indians, Dr. Pramod Patil and Dr Ananda Kumar have beenawarded with the prestigious 2015 Whitley Awards worth 35000pound along with seven other environmentalists at a ceremony inRoyal Geographical Society, London. Dr Ananda Kumar awardedfor using innovative communication systems to enable human-elephant coexistence in southern India while Dr Pramod Patilawarded for his work to protect the iconic great Indian bustard inthe Thar Desert. The award is also dubbed as Green Oscar.

Yashwant Sinha Got Highest French HonourThe French Government has appointed former Finance Ministerand BJP leader Yashwant Sinha, Officier de la Légion d’Honneur(Officer of the Legion of Honour), the highest French civiliandistinction, in recognition of his international action as UnionMinister of Finance (1998-2002), then External Affairs (2002-2004), and his invaluable contribution to thought on internationalissues.

Indian-Origin Scientist Sangeeta Bhatia won HeinzAward 2015Sangeeta Bhatia, an Indian-Origin scientist at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT), who has developed artificial humanmicrolivers for drug testing,won a prestigious $2,50,000 Heinzaward for her work in tissue engineering and disease detection.

Vice President Hamid Ansari confered Pt. HariduttSharma Award to Anurradha PrasadVice President Mohammed Hamid Ansari conferred the Pt. HariduttSharma Award to senior journalist Anurradha Prasad in New Delhifor her contribution in the field of Journalism, Writing and SocialServices. Presently, Anurradha Prasad is the editor-in-chief of News-24 Channel and is Managing Director of the entertainment companyBAG Films & Media ltd. 

Indian-origin diplomat Gopinath Pillai awarded for hisservices in SingaporeIndian-origin diplomat  Gopinath Pillai  has been bestowed withOutstanding Service Award’ for his services to the city-state bythe  National University of Singapore  (NUS). Currently he is servingas Ambassador-at-Large of Singapore and special envoy to AndhraPradesh.

Anil Kapoor conferred with the Master DinanathMangeshkar AwardsBollywood actor Anil Kapoor conferred with prestigious MasterDeenanath Mangeshkar Award 2015 along with veteran Marathi

actor Dilip Prabhavalkar. He was presented the award by notedhistorian and writer Babasaheb Purandare. The Award is given tomeritorious names in the field of music, theatre, cinema, literatureand social work every year to commemorate the death anniversaryof Master Deenanath Mangeshkar( father of Lata Mangeshkar)

Hungarian writer Laszlo Krasznahorkai won ManBooker International Prize 2015Hungarian writer Laszlo Krasznahorkai has won the prestigiousMan Booker International Prize for 2015. He was chosen from alist of 10 contenders from around the world.The prize, worth£60,000 bestowed upon a living author who has published fictioneither originally in English or whose work is available in translationin the English language

Charlie Hebdo awarded 2015 PEN Freedom ofExpression Courage awardThe French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has received acontroversial freedom of speech award at the PEN Literary Gala inNew York. Editor-in-chief Gerard Biard and critic-essayist of CharlieHebdo, Jean-Baptiste Thoret accepted the award at a function heldat the American Museum of Natural History. The satirical magazinewas recognized for this award by PEN American Centre as 12 of itsstaff members had died during January 2015 terrorist attack on itsParis based office.

Mazen Darwish honoured with 2015 UNESCO/GuillermoCano World Press Freedom PrizeUN’s Cultural body bestowed UNESCO-Guillermo Cano WorldPress Freedom Prize 2015 to Syrian journalist and rightsactivist  Mazen Darwish for his work carried out in Syria for morethan 10 years at great personal sacrifice, harassment, enduring atravel ban, as well as repeated detention and torture. Presently hehas been jailed by the Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

Journalist Dr. Prannoy Roy awarded RedInk LifetimeAchievement Award 2015Prannoy Roy, the Executive Co-chairman of NDTV, conferred withthe Redink Lifetime Achievement Award 2015 at a function inMumbai. The awards were presented by the Union Railway MinisterSuresh Prabhu. The RedInk Lifetime Achievement Award wasinstituted in 2010 by the Mumbai Press Club to encourage good,ethical journalism that impacts people and society.

Writer Neel Mukherjee wons £10,000 Encore Award foryear 2015Kolkata-born writer Neel Mukherjee’s “The Lives of Others” haswon the UK’s Encore Award worth 10,000 pounds prize for thebest second novel. The novel covers, various issues ranging fromthe mass hunger of the Second World War to independence and theemergence of the Maoist Naxalbari movement.


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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

BOOK & AUTHOR A Book titled China – Confucius in the Shadows

written by Poonam Surie was released by the VicePresident M. Hamid Ansari.

Book titled Unbelievable – Delhi to Islamabad writtenby Prof Bhim Singh released.

Novelist Siddhartha Gigoo has won 2500 pounds 2015Commonwealth Short Story Prize in Asia region for hisnovel Umbrella Man.

Recently released book Indian Bumblebees has revealedthat India is home to 48 of the 250 known species ofbumblebees. The book is written by entomologist M.S.Saini and co-authors Rifat H. Raina and Harpeet SinghGhator. Bumblebees are social insects and live in coloniesand the size of it depends on the species. They are similar

to the honeybees.

2 Indians posthumously chosen for UN’s prestigious DagHammarskjold MedalTwo Indian peacekeepers have been chosen posthumously for UnitedNation’s Dag Hammarskjold Medal. They are Lance Naik NandRam and Raju Joseph. Lance Naik Nand Ram had served with theUN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republicof the Congo (MONUSCO). While, Raju Joseph had served in acivilian capacity with the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

President Mukherjee confered Florence Nightingaleawards to 35 NursesPresident Pranab Mukherjee conferred the Florence NightingaleAwards to 35 nurses from across the country on the occasion ofInternational Nurses Day at the Rashrapati Bhavan. The award isnamed after Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing. Shewas born on May 12, 1820 and the day is celebrated as InternationalNurses Day all over the world.

Four Indians to be conferred with 2015 Spring ImperialDecorations of JapanEminent scientist and Bharat Ratna awarde Chintamani NagesaRamachandra Rao(C.N.R.Rao) was conferred with Japan’s highestcivilian award the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star forhis outstanding contributions to science and Indo-Japanese sciencecooperation.Thottuvelil Krishna Pillai Aiyappankutty Nair (75) wasawarded with Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star for thecontribution to the enhancement of relations and the promotion offriendship between Japan and India.Nikunj Parekh  bestowed with The Order of the Rising Sun, Goldand Silver Rays  for contribution to promoting and presentingJapanese Culture in India while Topgay Bhutia  bestowed with TheOrders of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Rays for hiscontribution to the activities of the Japanese overseas establishment

President Pranab Mukherjee confers Presidential Awardsfor Classical TamilPresident Pranab Mukherjee conferred the Presidential Awards forClassical Tamil for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13.Tolkappiyar Award for lifetime achievement in Classical Tamil wasgiven to SV Shanmugam for year 2011-12 and R Krishnamurthifor year 2012-13.Kural Pitam Award was given to Eva Maria Wilden of Germany for2011-12.Young Scholar Awards was presented to E. Ezhilvasanthan, K.Jawahar and K. Iyyappan for 2011-12 while for the year 2012-13was given to R. Venkatesan, A. Sathish, M.R. Devak, U. Alibavaand B. Jaiganesh.

NEWS IN BRIEF Harkeert Singh Saini, an Indian-American policeman

awarded with the prestigious Top Civilian Supervisor ofthe Year for his efficient services to the Houston Policedepartment in the state of Texas of United States.

Shivani Agarwal and Maharaja Pandit are two Indianswho have been selected for the prestigious RadcliffeFellowship by Harvard University.

NRI industrialists Hinduja brothers – S P Hinduja and GP Hinduja – have won the Business Leader of the Year

2015 award at the prestigious 5th Asian Awards for theiroutstanding achievement in the field of business

Chemistry professor Sivanadane (Siva) Mandjiny hasbeen named UNC Pembroke’s recipient of the UNC Boardof Governors 2015 Award for Excellence in Teaching.Annually, the Board of Governors names one professorat each of the 17 UNC campuses to receive the award.The award winners will collect a commemorative bronzemedallion and a $12,500 cash prize. 

Indian film Masaan directed by Neeraj Ghaywan won theprestigious critics prize in the Un Certain Regard categoryat the 68th Cannes Film Festival. The film is a narrativeset based in Varanasi and its characters connected withthe Ganga.

Shivani Agarwal and Maharaja Pandit are two Indianswho have been selected for the prestigious RadcliffeFellowship by Harvard University. Radcliffe Fellowshipby Harvard University is considered as one of the mostprestigious honors for 50 leading artists and scholars

across the world.

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

President Pranab Mukherjee appointed new Governorsin six statesJharkhand: Droupadi Murmu Manipur: Dr Syed Ahmed Arunachal Pradesh: J P Rajkhowa Mizoram:  Lt. General (Retd.) Nirbhay Sharma Tripura: Tathagata Roy Meghalaya:    V. Shanmuganthan 

A record number of 10 Indian-origin candidates electedto the British parliamentFollowing are the elected Indian-origin candidatesConservative Party:Priti Patel- won from Witham constituency.Rishi Sunak- won from Richmond (Yorks) constituency. He is son-in-law of Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy.Alok Sharma- won from Reading West constituency.Shailesh Vara- won from Cambridgeshire Northwest constituency.Suella Fernandes- won from Fareham constituency.Labour Party:Keith Vaz- won from Leicester East constituency.Valerie Vaz- won from Walsall South constituency.Virendra Sharma- won from Ealing Southall constituency.Seema Malhotra- won from south west London constituency.Lisa Nandy- won from Wigan constituency.It has broken the previous 2010 general election record in whicheight Indian-origin were elected.

Mr. Arvind Saxena : President Pranab Mukherjee hasappointed Mr. Arvind Saxena as Member of Union PublicService Commission (UPSC).With this appointment Mr.Saxena became first officer from Research and AnalysisWing (RAW) to become member of UPSC.

Sanjita Pradhan : United States (US) President BarackObama has nominated a Nepali American SanjitaPradhan, an IIT alumnus to his advisory commission onAsian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs).

Achal Kumar Jyoti : President Pranab Mukherjee hasappointed Retired IAS officer Achal Kumar Jyoti as theElection Commissioner. He will serve as ElectionCommissioner for a period of three years, i.e. till he attainsthe age of 65 years old (the age at which ElectionCommissioners demit office under the Constitution).Withthis appointment, the strength of three member ElectionCommission of India (ECI) has now gone to two.

Dr. Vivek Murthy : Indian-American  Dr. VivekMurthy  was sworn-in as the US Surgeon General. VivekMurthy is 19th US Surgeon General and youngest-ever(37-year-old) to become in- charge of the country’s publichealth. 

Ms. Draupadi Murmu was sworn in as the first womanand overall ninth Governor of Jharkhand since the statewas granted statehood status after bifurcating from Biharon 15 November 2000.

Satheesh Reddy : Senior DRDO scientist  SatheeshReddy, has been conferred with the prestigious Fellowshipof the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) for his workin the field of inertial and satellite-based navigation andavionics technologies.

Surender Singh : Senior IPS officer Surender Singh tookover as the new Director General (DG) of CentralIndustrial Security Force (CISF). Surender Singh willsucceed Arvind Ranjan who had retired as the DG of theCISF.

Deepak Iyer was appointed as Chief Executive Officer(CEO) and Managing Director (MD) of Bharti AXAGeneral Insurance.Iyer will   take charge from InterimCEO and MD Milind Chalisgaonkar. Presently, he isworking as the MD-Indian subcontinent at Wrigley India,a subsidiary of the US-based Mars.

Priti Patel : Indian-origin Tory MP Priti Patel appointedas minister of state for employment in British PrimeMinister David Cameron’s new cabinet. In recentlyconcluded 2015 UK General election, Priti Patel was re-elected from Witham constituency in Essex onConservative Party ticket.

Prof. Kuruppassery Varkey Thomas : Lok SabhaSpeaker Sumitra Mahajan has renominated Prof.Kuruppassery Varkey Thomas as Chairman of PublicAccounts Committee (PAC) for a second term of  one year.

MJ Joseph : was on 15 May 2015 appointed as theController General of Accounts (CGA) in the UnionMinistry of Finance. He succeeded Jawahar Thakur whohas been appointed as OSD (Accounting Reforms) in theOffice of CGA.

Navneet Rajan : Senior IPS officer Navneet Rajan Wasanwas on 7 May 2015 appointed as (DG) of Bureau of PoliceResearch and Development (BPR&D). 

Mukesh Khanna : Actor and producer Mukesh Khannaon 29 April 2015 was appointed as the Chairperson ofthe Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI). He wasappointed by Union Ministry of Information andBroadcasting as successor of Amole Gupte.

Cyriac Joseph : President Pranab Mukherjee hasappointed Justice Cyriac Joseph as acting Chairman ofNational Human Rights Commission (NHRC).

Akhil Amar, an Indian-American professor from YaleUniversity has been appointed as a member of theprestigious National Council on Humanities of US byPresident Barack Obama.

G Mohan Kumar : The Appointments Committee of theCabinet appointed G Mohan Kumar as the Secretary ofthe Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Parvinder Singh Batth, becomes first Sikh mayor inUnited Kingdom’s Wokingham Borough Council


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OBITUTARY Aruna Shanbaug: Aruna Shanbaug, the nurse from  KEM

hospital  who was raped by a ward boy in 1973, passedaway. She was living in a vegetative state for the last 42years. In 2011, the Supreme Court (SC) had rejected aplea for her mercy killing (euthanasia) which was filedby former journalist and author Pinki Virani.

Dr. Amalendu Guha: Noted Assam historian and socialscientist Dr. Amalendu Guha(91) passed away inGuwahati, Assam, following age related ailments.

Lu Ping: Lu Ping, Beijing’s tough-talking point man onHong Kong affairs during the city’s handover to Chineserule in 1997, has died at the age of 87.

Sir Christopher Alan Bayly :Sir Christopher Alan Bayly,a renowned historian passed away at the age of 70 on 20April 2015 in Chicago, United States.

Michael Blake: Michael Blake, the Oscar-winning writerof ‘Dances With Wolves’ novel passed away in Tucson,Arizona, after a long battle with cancer.   He was 69.

Ruth Rendell: Renowned crime writer Ruth Rendellpassed away on 2 May 2015 in London, United Kingdomat the age of 85. She was best-known for creation offictional character Inspector Wexford, which was turnedinto a highly successful TV series in Britain.

Ankit Keshri : Ankit Keshri, an East Bengal Clubcricketer died due to an injury sustained during a CricketAssociation of Bengal’s senior one-day knock-out match.He was 20. 

Baleshwar Ram: Veteran Congress leader and FormerUnion minister Baleshwar Ram passed away at the ageof 87 due to kidney-related ailments in Patna, Bihar.Since1952 he had served as MLA for five-term from variousassembly constituencies in Bihar.

Philip S. Goodman: Philip S. Goodman, an Americanfilm, television and stage writer, producer and directorpassed away in New York, United States.

Suchitra Bhattacharya: Eminent Bengali writerSuchitra Bhattacharya passed away following a cardiacarrest in Kolkata, West Bengal.

Mrinal Datta Chaudhuri: Eminent economist, policyadvisor and noted academic Mrinal Datta Chaudhuripassed away in Pune, Maharashtra. He was popularly andaffectionately called as ‘MDC’ among his circles.

Sudha Shivpuri: Popular Indian stage, film andtelevision actress Sudha Shivpuri died at the age of 77due to multiple organ failure at a suburban hospital inAndheri .

Veteran jazz: Veteran jazz musician Bob Belden passedaway after suffering a heart attack. He was 58.

Eminent Marathi film and stage actress Bimba Modakpassed away due to her old age.

Elizabeth Wilson: Veteran Hollywood actress ElizabethWilson passed away following age-related illness at New

Haven, Connecticut.


Terms Associated With Different SportsBadmintonAngled Drive Serve, Backhand Low Serve, Bird, Deuce, Double Droup,Fault, Flick Serve, Forehand Smash, Let, Lob, Love All, net Shots, Rush,Smash.BaseballBase, Battery, Bunting, Catcher, Diamond, Hitter, Home Infield, Outfield,Pinch, Pitcher Plate, Pullout, Short Stop, Strike.BasketballBall, Basket, Blocking, Dribbling, Free Throw, Held Ball, Holding, JumpBall, Multiple Throws, Pivot.BilliardsBaulk Line, Break, Bolting, Cannon, Cue, Hazard, In-off, Jigger, Longjenney, Pot, Scratch, Screw Back, short Stop, Strike.BoxingAusiliary, Babit Punch, Break, Cut, Defence, Down, Hook, Jab, Lying On,Knock, Seconds out, Slam, Upper Cut, Weight In, Win by Knock-out.ChessBishop, Capture, Castling, Checkmate, En Passant, Gambit, Grand Master,King, Knight, Pawn, Queen, Rook, Stalemate, Under Promoting.CricketAshes, Banana, Boundary, Bowling, Caught, Chinaman, Cover Drive,Crease, Doosra, Duck, Duckworth-Lewis Rule, Fine Leg, Follow On, FullToss, Gardening, Googly, Gully, Hat-trick, Hit Wicket, Inswinger, l.b.w.,Leg-break, Leg-bye, Leg Glance, late Cut, maiden Over, No Ball, Off Break,On Drive, Out, Outswinger, Over, Mandatory Over, over Pitch, PoppingCrease, Rubber, Run Down, Run Out, Short Pitch, Silly Point, Slip, SquareLeg, Stone Walling, Straight Drive, Stumped, Short leg, Spin, Swing,Thirdman, Yorker.FootballAdvantage Clause, Blind Side, Centre Forward, Corner Kick, Dead Ball,Direct Free Kick, Dribble, Goal kick, Golden Goal, Hat-trick, Marking,OffSide, Penalty Kick, Penalty Shootout, Red Card, Striker, Throw In,TrippingGolfBest-ball Foursome, Bogey, Bunker, Caddie, Dormy, Fairway, Fourball,Foursome, Greed Holes, Links, Niblic, Par, Put, Rough, Stymied, Tee,Threesome.

HockeyAdvantage, Back-stick, Bully, Cary, Centre Forward, Corner, Dribble, Flick,Free-hit, Goal Line, Green Card, Halfway Line, Hat-trick, Off-side, Roll -in,Scoop, Short Corner, Sixteen-yard hit, Square Pass, Stick, Striking Cirele,Tackle, Tie-breaker, Zonal Marking.Horse RacingJockey, Punt, Steeplechase, Thorough Bred.JudoAshi-waza, chui, Dan, Dojo, Gyaku, Hajime, Ippon, Jigotai, Kaeshiwaza,Koka, Makikomi, Nage-waza, O-goshi, Randori, Scarf, Tani-Otoshi, Uchi-komvi, Waki-gatame, Yoshi, Yuko.KarateAge Zuki, Ai-uchi, Aka, Chakugan, Dachi, Encho Sen, Fudotachi, Gedan,Geri, Hajime, Ibuki, Jion, Kakato, Koka, Makiwara, Nidan, Obi, Rei,Sanbon, Shiro, Tobigeri, Ude, Waza-ari, Yoko-geri, Zanshin, Zen-no.PoloBunker, Chukker, Mallet.RowingBow, Bucket, Cow, Ergometer, Feather, Paddle, Regatta.Rugby FootballA Trackle, Lines, Scrum, Touch, Try.

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PLACE IN NEWSISIS militants took control of Syria’s ancient city ofPalmyraIslamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants have taken completecontrol of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. The city is a UNESCOdesignated World Heritage site and home to some of the world’smost magnificent ancient ruins. Earlier in March 2015, the militantshad demolished several ancient sites that pre-date Islam in Iraq,including UNESCO World Heritage Sites Hatra and Nimrud.

World’s largest flag unfurled in TunisiaWorld’s largest flag size of 19 football pitches was unfurled at anevent in Ong Jmel in the southern desert area of Tunisia. The flagof 104,544 square metre was made using 80 kilometres of fabricand weighed arounf 12.6 tonnes.

President Of India Inaugurated ‘Namaste Russia’ InMoscowPresident  Pranab Mukherjee  on inaugurated a six-month-longfestival (form May to November 2015) of Indian culture “NamasteRussia”, in Moscow during the last leg of his tour in Russia. Thefestival is being hosted under the patronage of Indian Council forCultural Relations (ICCR) and Ministry of Culture of the RussianFederation. Russian State Concert Company sodruzhestvo andJawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre at the Embassy of India inMoscow are the organisers of the festival. This festival seeks toenhance and boost cultural bonds that build solid bridges offriendship and understanding between peoples of both countries.

PM Narendra Modi inaugurated IISCO’s plant atBurnpurPrime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 2.5 million tonnenew IISCO plant in Burnpur near Asansol distrct of West Bengal.IISCO Steel Plant is a fully-owned subsidiary of Steel Authority ofIndia (SAIL) and  has the largest blast furnace in the country. Newlyexpanded plant is built by Union Government at a cost of 16000crore rupees and spreads across 953 acres. The mordernisation ofplant has made it environment friendly as it is equipped with thelatest and advance green technologies that has zero emission.

Nadia district bagged UN Public Service  AwardNadia district in West Bengal has won the 2015 United NationsPublic Service Award in the category of improving delivery of publicservices for the initiative ‘Sabar Shouchagar’. While Hooghly andBurdwan districts have bagged the second and third positions.Jaisalmer district in Rajasthan also features in the top 10 list ofopen defecation free districts. In all, 187 countries were in runningfor the award.

Indira Gandhi International Airport adjudged world’sbest airportAirports Council International (ACI) presented the Airport ServiceQuality (ASQ) award to New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International

Airport (IGIA) as the world’s best airport for the year 2014 forhandling 25 to 40 million passengers per annum.

Dharahara Tower of Nepal collapsed after earthquakeof magnitude 7.9 struck Nepal19th century Dharahara (Bhimsen) tower at the center of Sundharain Kathmandu, Nepal on 25 April 2015 was reduced to rubblesafter an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 on the Richter scale struckthe country.  The nine-storey, 61.88-meter-tall (203-feet) tower wasa part of the architecture of Kathmandu recognised by UNESCO. Itwas built in 1832 by Mukhtiyar (equivalent to Prime Minister)Bhimsen Thapa under the commission of Queen Lalit TripuraSundari. 

Blue whales spotted for the 1st time in 100 years offSindhudurg coast in MaharashtraA mother-calf pair of blue whales, the largest mammals in the world,was spotted after nearly 100 years in Maharashtra by a group ofresearchers, 3km away from the Sindhudurg coast between Marchand May. Researchers also spotted four Bryde’s whales during thesame period.

President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated 50thanniversary of India’s first historic climb of Mt. Everestin 1965President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the 50th Anniversary ofIndia’s first historic climb of Mt. Everest in 1965 at a function heldat Rashtrapati Bhavan. This function was organized by the IndianMountaineering Foundation (IMF) to celebrate the historic climbof Mt. Everest in 1965 by an Indian team led by Captain MohanSingh Kohli. On this day in 1965, Indian team of 21 mountaineersled by Captain M S Kohli of Indian Navy had successfully climbedworld’s highest peak Mt. Everest (8848 m) after a series of threeunsuccessful attempts in five years.

NEWS IN BRIEF Researchers have discovered the driest location on Earth

in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The site discovered iscalled as Maria Elena South (MES).

Union Road Transport and Highways minister NitinGadkari dedicated Shillong Bypass Highway Project andfour lane Jorabat-Barapani Section of NH-40 to the nationin Shillong, Meghalaya.  The two projects are intended toimprove connectivity between Guwahati and Shillong andother parts of the North East.

Mullivaikkal, the northern village of Sri Lanka was innews as for the first time in six years the Sri LankanTamils publicly commemorated those Tamilians who losttheir lives during the civil war between Liberation Tigerof Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and Sri Lankan Army.

State-owned electrical equipment maker Bharat HeavyElectricals (BHEL) has commissioned a 195-MW thermal

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unit at the thermal power plant of Kanti Bijlee UtpadanNigam (KBUNL) in Muzzafarpur district in Bihar.

Calbuco volcano in southern Chile erupted for the firsttime after more than 42 years.It had erupted twice in thespace of a few hours which led to billowing of huge ashcloud over a sparsely populated, mountainous area insouthern Chile.Chilean Government authorities after

Muglawali village of Yamungar district in Haryana locatednear Adi Badri was in news after district authoritiesclaimed that they have dugged out a paleo (old) channelwhich resembles now inactive River Saraswati.theeruption have ordered evacuation of the 1,500 inhabitantsof the nearby towns.

Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjeeinaugurated the new headquarter of Coal India Ltd at NewTown Rajarhat in West Bengal.

Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong opened first museumIndian Heritage Centre in Little India. The museum wasdedicated to Indian history. Singapore is celebrating 50years of its independence in 2015 as well as 50 years ofdiplomatic relations with India.

The first centre for Gandhian studies in China will beinaugurated at Shanghai’s Fudan University next weekby Prime Minister Narendra Modi who will also announcethe setting up of a Yoga College in the country during histhree-day visit.

Japan added a new country “Niue” to its map of the worldlocated in the pacific ocean. It become the 195th country.

Underwater explorers in Madagascar said that they havediscovered treasure belonging to the notorious 17th

Century Scottish pirate captain William Kidd. 


Terms Associated With Different SportsBadmintonAngled Drive Serve, Backhand Low Serve, Bird, Deuce, Double Droup,Fault, Flick Serve, Forehand Smash, Let, Lob, Love All, net Shots, Rush,Smash.BaseballBase, Battery, Bunting, Catcher, Diamond, Hitter, Home Infield, Outfield,Pinch, Pitcher Plate, Pullout, Short Stop, Strike.BasketballBall, Basket, Blocking, Dribbling, Free Throw, Held Ball, Holding, JumpBall, Multiple Throws, Pivot.BilliardsBaulk Line, Break, Bolting, Cannon, Cue, Hazard, In-off, Jigger, Longjenney, Pot, Scratch, Screw Back, short Stop, Strike.BoxingAusiliary, Babit Punch, Break, Cut, Defence, Down, Hook, Jab, Lying On,Knock, Seconds out, Slam, Upper Cut, Weight In, Win by Knock-out.ChessBishop, Capture, Castling, Checkmate, En Passant, Gambit, Grand Master,King, Knight, Pawn, Queen, Rook, Stalemate, Under Promoting.CricketAshes, Banana, Boundary, Bowling, Caught, Chinaman, Cover Drive,Crease, Doosra, Duck, Duckworth-Lewis Rule, Fine Leg, Follow On, FullToss, Gardening, Googly, Gully, Hat-trick, Hit Wicket, Inswinger, l.b.w.,Leg-break, Leg-bye, Leg Glance, late Cut, maiden Over, No Ball, Off Break,On Drive, Out, Outswinger, Over, Mandatory Over, over Pitch, PoppingCrease, Rubber, Run Down, Run Out, Short Pitch, Silly Point, Slip, SquareLeg, Stone Walling, Straight Drive, Stumped, Short leg, Spin, Swing,Thirdman, Yorker.FootballAdvantage Clause, Blind Side, Centre Forward, Corner Kick, Dead Ball,Direct Free Kick, Dribble, Goal kick, Golden Goal, Hat-trick, Marking,OffSide, Penalty Kick, Penalty Shootout, Red Card, Striker, Throw In,TrippingGolfBest-ball Foursome, Bogey, Bunker, Caddie, Dormy, Fairway, Fourball,Foursome, Greed Holes, Links, Niblic, Par, Put, Rough, Stymied, Tee,Threesome.

HockeyAdvantage, Back-stick, Bully, Cary, Centre Forward, Corner, Dribble, Flick,Free-hit, Goal Line, Green Card, Halfway Line, Hat-trick, Off-side, Roll -in,Scoop, Short Corner, Sixteen-yard hit, Square Pass, Stick, Striking Cirele,Tackle, Tie-breaker, Zonal Marking.Horse RacingJockey, Punt, Steeplechase, Thorough Bred.JudoAshi-waza, chui, Dan, Dojo, Gyaku, Hajime, Ippon, Jigotai, Kaeshiwaza,Koka, Makikomi, Nage-waza, O-goshi, Randori, Scarf, Tani-Otoshi, Uchi-komvi, Waki-gatame, Yoshi, Yuko.KarateAge Zuki, Ai-uchi, Aka, Chakugan, Dachi, Encho Sen, Fudotachi, Gedan,Geri, Hajime, Ibuki, Jion, Kakato, Koka, Makiwara, Nidan, Obi, Rei,Sanbon, Shiro, Tobigeri, Ude, Waza-ari, Yoko-geri, Zanshin, Zen-no.PoloBunker, Chukker, Mallet.RowingBow, Bucket, Cow, Ergometer, Feather, Paddle, Regatta.Rugby FootballA Trackle, Lines, Scrum, Touch, Try.

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CRICKET Cricket South Africa (CSA) announced a new tournament

to be known as the Africa T20 Cup. The tournament wasplanned to promote the game and nurture young talent inthe continent.  The tournament featuring Zimbabwe,Kenya, Namibia, hosts South Africa and 12 CSA affiliateswill run from 4 September to 4 October 2015.

Bangladesh won the three-match One Day International(ODI) Series against Pakistan in Dhaka by 3-0. This wasBangladesh’s first series white wash against an AsianTest-playing nation.

Joe Root and Charlotte Edwards on 18 May 2015 werenamed as England men’s and women’s cricketers of theyear 2014-15 respectively.

Brad Haddin, the Australian wicketkeeper batsman on 17May 2015 retired from One Day International (ODI)cricket. He played 126 matches and scored 3122 runs atan average of 31.53 AND AS A wicketkeeper, he claimed170 catches and did 11 stumping over 14 years

The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) hasnominated Rohit Sharma for the Arjuna award for 2015.Rohit has had an excellent last year for India ininternational cricket.

TENNIS 4th Rome Masters title of Tennis

Men’s single title - World no 1 Novak Djokovic fromSerbia has won his fourth Rome Masters Tennis Men’ssingle title by defeating world no 2 Roger Federer Women’s single title- Maria Sharapova from Russia wonthe Rome Masters Tennis Women’s single title bydefeateing Carla Suarez Navarro of SpainMen’s double title - Pablo Cuevas (Uruguay) and DavidMarrero (Spain)Women’s double title - Tímea Babos (Italy) and KristinaMladenovic (France) 

2015 Mutua Madrid OpenMen’s Singles Title: Britain’s ace tennis player AndyMurray has won the 2015 Mutua Madrid Open Men’sSingles Title by deafting defending champion RafaelNadal of Spain.Women’s Singles Title: Petra Kvitova of Czech Republichas won the 2015 Mutua Madrid Open Women’s SinglesTitle. In the final match she defeated Svetlana Kuznetsovaof RussiaOpen Men’s doubles: Rohan Bopanna (India) and FlorinMergea (Romania) Women’s doubles Title: CaseyDellacqua (Australia) and Yaroslava Shvedova (Russia)

Switzerland tennis player Roger Federer won the TEBBNP Paribas Istanbul Open Men’s singles title bydefeating Pablo Cueves of Uruguay .

Novak Djokovic of Serbia won his second Monte-CarloMasters title of Tennis. In the final clash played at Monte-Carlo, Monaco,

Archana Girish Kamath and Anezka Ilcikova, the Indo-Czech Republic pair won the cadet girls’ doubles tabletennis title at the French junior and cadet open in Metz,France. 

Russian Maria Sharapova on 17 May 2015 won thewomen’s singles of Italian Open for the third time. 

OTHER SPORTS Railway Sports Promotion Board won the championship

of the 5th Senior National Hockey Championship 2015(Men) Div- A as the defeated Uttar Pradesh Hockey by5-3 in the highly-contested final match in Pune.

World champion Magnus Carlsen  of Norway on won theShamkir Chess tournament held in Azerbaijan afterdefeating Rauf Mamedov of Azerbaijan. Former worldchampion Viswanathan Anand finished second in thistournament after he drew against Fabiano Caruana ofItaly.

India’s Shamjetsabam Sarjubala and Pinki Jangra haveclinched gold medals at the 22nd President’s Cup OpenInternational Boxing Tournament held in Indonesia.

India’s top rifle shooters have won a rich haul of threegold and two bronze medals at the International ShootingCompetition of Hannover in Germany. Beijing Gamesgold medallist Abhinav Bindra won both the individualand team gold in his pet 10 metre air rifle event. ChainSingh won gold medal in the 50 metre men’s rifle andteam gold in the 10 metre air rifle event. The Gold medalwinning 10 metre air rifle team members includedAbhinav Bindra, Chain Singh and Gagan Narang. While,Gagan Narang won the Bronze medal in the men’s 50metre rifle 3 positions event and Apurvi Chandela wonBronze medal in women’s air rifle event.

Maniram Patel from Gujarat has won Gold medal in themen’s 20 kilometre walk in the 19th Federation Cup seniorathletics championship held at Mangaluru, Karnataka.

Tejaswini Sagar from India won under-15 category ofWorld School Chess Championships in her maidenattempt played at Pattaya, Thailand 

Chelsea won the Barclays Premier League 2014-15football title by defeating Crystal Palace 1-0 in the finalmatch held at Stamford Bridge in London.

Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB) won the 5thHockey India Senior Women National Championship2015. In the final match played at the Master ChandgiRam sports stadium at Saifai, Uttar Pradesh, Railwaysdefeated Hockey Jharkhand.

American boxer  Floyd Mayweather Jr.  has won theunified World Welterweight title of World Boxing


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Council, World Boxing Organisation and World BoxingAssociation.

Lee Alan Johnson of England was named as the HeadCoach of Under-19 football team of India. He was namedby the All India Football Federation (AIFF).

Ace Indian discus thrower Vikas Gowda won Gold atJamaican International Invitation meet.   

The Indian Army team emerged as champions in the 19thFederation Cup National Senior Athletic Championships. 

A Special Genral Meeting (SGM) of the Boxing India(BI) removed Sandeep Jajodia as its president.

China won the World Team Chess Championship whichwas held at Tsaghkadzor, Armenia from 18 April 2015 to29 April 2015.

Lin Dan of China won the men‘s title at Badminton AsiaChampionships 2015 held in the central city of Wuhan,China. 

India for fast time was crowned champions at the 22ndPresident’s Cup Open International Boxing Tournamenton 27 April 2015. 

For the first time india will host the Paragliding WorldCup from 23 October to 31 October 2015 at Bir Billingin Kangra valley , Himachal Pradesh.

Badminton World Federation (BWF) released the latestsingle’s rankings. The ranking was topped by Ace shuttlerSaina Nehwal. She was followed by Li Xuerui of China.Meanwhile, Nehwal’s compatriot and two-time WorldChampionship bronze medalist PV Sindhu dropped tonumber 12. In men’s singles, K Srikanth retained hisfourth place. Even P Kashyap and HS Parnnoy alsomaintained their 13th and 15th positions, respectively.

The British sports business magazine SportsPro releasedthe World’s 50 Most Marketable 2015 report. Accordingto SportsPro’s listing Eugenie Bouchard, Tennis playerfrom Canada, topped the list. While, FC Barcelona soccerNeymar stood at second place and was followed by GolferJordan Spieth at the third place.

Geeta Phogat won a bronze medal in the Women’sFreestyle 58kg category in the Senior Asian Wrestlingchampionship in Doha.

India’s Shamjetsabam Sarjubala and Pinki Jangra haveclinched gold medals at the 22nd President’s Cup OpenInternational Boxing Tournament held in Indonesia.

Ace marksman Jitu Rai was declared the Sportspersonof the Year’ at the Times of India Sports Awards in aglittering ceremony that was graced by the legendary CarlLewis.

VANIK’S KNOWLEDGE GARDENIndian National Trophies Associated with Sports

Games/Sports Trophies/AwardsBadminton Divan CupCricket Deodhar TrophyCricket Duleep TrophyFootball D. C. M. CupFootball Durand CupHockey Dhyan Chand

TrophyFootball Dr. B. C. Roy

Trophy (Junior)Polo Ezra CupFootball F. A. CupCricket G. D. Birla TrophyCricket Ghulam Ahmed

TrophyHockey Gurmeet TrophyHockey Gura Nanak CupHockey Gyanuati Devi

TrophyBridge Holkar TrophyCricket lrani TrophyFootball I. F. A. ShieldHockey lndira Gold CupAir Racing Jawaharlal

ChallengeBest Services Sportsman Jaswant Singh

TrophyHockey Kuppuswamy Naidu TrophyHockey Lady Rattan Tata

TrophyHockey MCC TrophyCricket Moinuddaula Gold

CupHockey Murugappa Gold

CupHockey Modi Gold CupBadminton Narang CupHockey Nehru TrophyFootball Nixan Gold CupHockey Obaid Ullah Gold

CupPolo Prithi Singh CupCricket Rani Jhansi TrophyCricket Ranjit TrophyHockey Rangaswami CupHockey Ranjit Singh Gold

CupTennis Rajendra Prasad

CupTable Tennis Ramanujan TrophyHockey Rene Frank Trophy

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ISRO announced to launch ASTROSAT in October 2015The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is planing  tolaunch its first ever dedicated astronomy mission called ASTROSATwhich is intended for examining distant celestial objects. Thesatellite will be driven  into space by PSLV C-34 once it attains aheight of around 650 km from the equatorial orbit around the Earth.

Huewei launched LiteOS, world’s most lightweight IoToperating system (OS)Chinese telecoms giant Huawei launched an operating system forthe internet of things that’s just 10 kilobytes in size. “lightest”software of its kind and can be widely applied to different areasincluding smart homes, wearables, connected vehicles and otherindustries. The technology is part of the  Agile Internet of Things(IoT) solution.

NASA developed first 3-D printed copper rocket enginepartNASA  engineers have developed the first full-scale, 3-Dprinted  copper  rocket engine part - a combustion chamber liner thatoperates at extreme temperatures and pressures. 3-D printing oradditive manufacturing technique has the potential to reduce thetime and cost of making rocket parts. It can help to manufactureengine parts 10 times faster and reduce the cost by more than 50per cent.

Microsoft launched Edu-Cloud with aim to MakeLearning FunMicrosoft  India  unveiled Edu-Cloud, a cloud computing-basedoffering, designed to offer digital learning and teaching in schoolsand higher  educational institutions  through virtual learningplatforms in  India.  It is expected, Edu-Cloud will benefit around 1million teachers and 6 million students in over 1,500 institutes acrossIndia in next 18 months. Initially the company will tie-up with theHyderabad based Chaitanya group of educational institutions whichwill adopt Edu-Cloud for its teachers and students in its 80 schools.

ISRO’s Indigenous cryogenic engine tested successfullyIndian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully testedan indigenous powerful version of the cryogenic engine which willhelp India put satellites of upto four tonnes in geostationary orbit.The cryogenic engine was successfully ground tested at ISRO’spropulsion complex at Mahendragiri in Tirunelveli district, TamilNadu. It should be noted that India sixth space farer after US, Russia,the European Space Agency, China and Japan to develop a cryogenicengine.

Microsoft named its next Web Browser as EdgeMicrosoft, American multinational technology company, on 29 April2015 announced Edge as its next Web Browser’s name at the BuildDeveloper Conference held at San Francisco in California,USA.Earlier, Microsoft had called it as Project Spartan; a code namegiven by the company. The browser is intended to replace the InternetExplorer (IE) in future.

NASA’s 10-Engine Electric Plane named GL-10Completed Flight TestNASA successfully tested a 10-Engine Electric Plane namedGreased Lightning-10 (GL-10) similar as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) that can take off and land like a helicopter and fly efficientlylike an aircraft.

Japanese Scientists discovered new state of matter calledJahn-Teller-metalJapaneseScientists have discovered a new state of matter called the‘Jahn-Teller-metal’ that appears to be an insulator, superconductor,metal and magnet all rolled into one. The research could help developnew molecular materials that are superconductors at even highertemperatures. They made the discovery by studying asuperconductor made from carbon-60 molecules or “buckyballs”.

Information and Broadcasting Ministry received ISO9001:2008 certificationUnion Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) receivedan ISO 9001:2008 certification from the British Standards Institute(BSI). These licences or permissions include for satellite Televisionchannels, multi-system operators, teleports, community radiostations and DTH services.

Telecom operators slashed roaming call rate by up to40%, SMS by up to 75%Leading Indian telecom operators including Vodafone, Airtel, Ideaand Reliance Communication have slashed their roaming call ratesby up to 40 per cent and SMS rates by upto 75 percent.This raterevision of telecom operators comes in line with Telecom RegulatoryAuthority of India (TRAI) decision to cut maximum or ceiling ratefor national roaming calls and SMSes.As per new ceiling rateoperators will charge maximum of Rs 1.15 per minute for STDcalls on roaming compared to previous charge of Rs 1.50 per minuteon roaming. Similarly, an operator can charge a maximum of 80paise per minute for a local call instead of Re 1.TRAI also hasreduced National SMS ceiling rate from 1.50 rupees to 38 paise.Now a subscriber can be charged a maximum of 25 paise instead of1 rupee local SMS.

NRSC, DoLR signed MoU for development of Web GeoPortal Shrishti and Mobile App DrishtiThe Department of Space and Department of Land Resources(DoLR) signed a MoU with National Remote Sensing Centre(NRSC) for the development of Web Geo Portal Shrishti and MobileApp Drishtifor monitoring the IWMP watersheds. Drishti systemis a sophisticated instrument for assessment of Runway visual range,which is a critical parameter for safe landing and takeoff of aircraftin poor visibility. Web enabled health monitoring, remote controlof the system from any location in the country for accessing thedata and for maintenance are the other important features of thisstate of the art system.


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Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurates India’sHealthcare Tourism PortalPrime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s HealthcareTourism Portal at the ‘SAAARCTrade Mart’ on the occasion of three-day Global Exhibition onServices (GES). The portal is developed by the Union Government’sDepartment of Commerce and the Services Export PromotionCouncil (SEPC).

8% immunisation rate in rural areas, 67% in urbanareas of India: Union GovernmentUnion Health Minister J P Nadda has announced that, the currentimmunisation rate in rural areas is around 58 per cent while it isover 67 per cent in urban regions of the country. Lack of awarenessamong parents and non- availability of vaccines is the main reasonsbehind the low rate of immunization in the country. In order topromote immunisation programme in India, government hadallocated funds of Rs 221.70 crore, Rs 188.91 crore and Rs 189.26crore for year 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 respectively. Under‘Mission Indradhanush’, government has implementedimmunization drives to target areas with partial immunisation andno immunisation in 201 high-focus districts to protect childrenagainst seven life-threatening diseases including pertussis,diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, tuberculosis and Hepatitis B.

NEWS IN BRIEF Tesla Motors Inc., an American based company, launched

its new solar energy based battery system Powerwall. Itis a home battery that charges using electricity generatedfrom solar panels. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)of Tesla Motors is Elon Musk.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)ended the operations of MESSENGER Mission(MercurySurface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry andRanging) which was launched on 3 August 2004 to studyMercury’s atmosphere.

A team of astronomers using ground-based telescopes inHawaii, California, and Arizona recently discovered threeplanets orbiting a nearby star named HD 7924 that isonly 54 light-years away. Each of the discovered planetshas mass 7 to 8 times that of Earth and complete theirorbit’s in just 5, 15, and 24 days around HD 7924.

Tanishq Abraham, 11-year-old Indian-American childprodigy created a record by graduating from CaliforniaCollege with three associate degrees in science, mathsand foreign language studies.

India has reached sixth position in terms of scientificpublications. Earlier, India stood at the tenth position interms of publishing scientific research papers in differentjournals

As per the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC)data, Star Plus was the leading Hindi generalentertainment channel (GEC) in the Hindi-speakingmarkets (HSM), Zee emerged as a strong player in theregional channels such as Marathi and Telugu, Aaj Takwas the leader in Hindi news (HSM) and Times Now ledin the English News category (All India).

Global tech giant Google is in discussions with theArunachal Pradesh government to run a pilot fordeploying Chromebook laptops for school students. Thepilot is proposed to be run in schools in two cities —Itanagar and Ziro.

NEWS IN BRIEF The world’s largest kidney weighing 2.75 kgs was

removed by Indian surgeons in the 3 hour surgery. Theoperation was done by the Surgeons of Sir Ganga RamHospital (SGRM), Delhi.

Drug Maker Lupin Limited launched hepaticencephalopathy drug Zaxine in Canada under a licensingagreement of US-based Salix Pharmaceuticals Company.

North and South America became the first regions of theworld to eradicate rubella, also known as Germanmeasles.It was announced by an international expertcommittee during a meeting at the Pan American HealthOrganization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). 

A new study revealed that different coloured capsicumscan control diabetes and obesity (Diabesity). The findingsof the study were published in the Natural ProductsResearch journal on 13 April 2015

North and South America have become the first regionsof the world to eradicate rubella, or German measles, afterno home-grown cases in five years. The virus - spread bysneezes or coughs - can lead to serious birth defects if

contracted by pregnant women.

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Rajasthan Government allocated 12 crore rupees forProject Great Indian BustardWith the help of financial support of three crore rupees from japanbank, Rajasthan Forest department has allotted more than twelvecrore rupees for a bird conservation programme, Project “GreatIndian Bustard (GIB)”. Under the GIB Project, closures will bemade at many places in Khudi rasla, Pokhran and Shahgarh ofJaislmer district for safe habitat of bird. In order to regularly monitorthe bird information chips will installed.  The Great Indian Bustardlocally called as Godawan is also the state bird of Rajasthan.

Asiatic Lion Count in Gir Goes Up To 523, Shows CensusThe number of Asiatic lions in Gujarat’s Gir sanctuary has gone upto 523, an increase of 27 per cent since 2010, when the last censusshowed the count at 411. According to the 14th Asiatic Lion Census2015, conducted by wildlife experts last week, there are 109 adultlions and 201 adult lionesses along with 213 sub adults and cubs.

World’s first fully warm-blooded fish named OpahdiscoveredWorld’s first fully warm-blooded fish named Opah or moonfishwas discovered recently. It was discovered by scientists at the USNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Opahor moonfish has ability to circulate heated blood throughout its bodywhich makes it first fish known to be fully warm-blood.

Huge Lava Lake Spotted on Jupiter’s Moon IoHuge Lava Lake was spotted on Jupiter’s Moon Io by an extremelypowerful telescope on Earth named Large Binocular telescopeInterferometer (LBTI). LBTI located on Mount Graham in Arizona,United States. Io is one of the innermost of the four moons of Jupiterwhich was discovered by Italian scientist and scholar Galileo(Galilei) in 1610.

India home to 48 species of bumblebeesRecently released book Indian Bumblebees has revealed that Indiais home to 48 of the 250 known species of bumblebees. The bookis written by entomologist M.S. Saini and co-authors Rifat H. Rainaand Harpeet Singh Ghator. Bumblebees are social insects and livein colonies and the size of it depends on the species. They are similarto the honeybees.

Pethia striata, a new species of fish discovered in WesternGhatsEcologists have discovered a new species of fish called  Pethiastriata  in Tunga River in the Kudremukh National Park, Karnataka.The male of the Pethia striata species is red in colour and measures3-4cm in length, while the female is grey with a striking pattern ofscales. They are usually are found in small groups of 3-4 individualsin shallow pools.

NEWS IN BRIEF A new species of a gecko a type of lizard was spotted at

the ruins of the World Heritage Site of Hampi inKarnataka.  It was named as Cnemaspis adii after a youngherpetology researcher Aditya Srinivasulu fromHyderabad, Telangana. It was spotted by the researchersfrom the Osmania University in Hyderabad.

Scientists from the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) havediscovered a new species of catfish,  Glyptothoraxsenapatiensis, in the Chindwin river drainage in Senapatidistrict of Manipur. Locally in this region, this catfishspecies is known as Ngapang and mainly used by peoplefor food.

India and Bangladesh decided to take concertedconservation efforts to protect the rare spectacled languralong with other primates found in Patharia Hills ReserveForest on either side of the fenced border along Assam’sKarimganj district of Assam’s Barak Valley. Apart fromspectacled Langur, the reserve forest is also home to theendangered Hoolock Gibbon and Golden Langur.

Global warming phenomenon will lead to extinction of 1in 6 species by the end of century if the emission of carbondioxide stays the same. This was revealed by a studytitled  Accelerating extinction risk from climatechange  published in the Journal Science on 1 May 2015.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Officefor Europe and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a reporttitled ”Economic cost of the health impact of air pollutionin Europe: Clean air, health and wealth” after survey inthe 53 countries of the WHO European Region.

Noul the super storm that made landfall in northeasternregion of the Philippines on 10 May 2015 promptingevacuations and warnings of flooding and landslides inthe region


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France signed 7.02 billion US dollar agreement withQatar to supply 24 Rafale fighter jetsFrance signed a 7.02 billion US dollars agreement with Qatar tosupply 24 Dassault Aviation-built Rafale fighter jets. This is thethird contract to sell Rafale Fighter jets after contracts with Egyptand India. Agreement was signed by the French President FrancoisHollande and Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani inDoha, Qatar. The agreement also includes training of 36 Qataripilots and 100 technicians by the French military. It will also providefor the training of a number of Qatari intelligence officers.

Philippines, Japan coast guards hold anti-piracy drillsPhilippine and Japanese coast guard teams held an anti-piracy drillsin Manila Bay. This is the first drill held by Japan and the Philippinesafter signing a strategic partnership pact in 2012. The drill featuresthe storming of a cargo vessel after a mock hijack. The drill washeld in a show of maritime cooperation between the two nationsamid rising tension in Asian waters.

Astra Missile Successfully Test-Fired from Sukhoi-30MKIAfter postponing twice, the indigenously-developed beyond visualrange air-to-air missile, Astra was successfully launched from Su-30 MKI fighter jet in two developmental trials conducted at theIntegrated Test Range, Chandipur, Odisha. It is air-to-air beyond-visual-range  (BVR) all-weather missile that can be launched fromdifferent altitudes.

14th edition of Indo-French naval exercise VARUNAconcluded14th edition of Indo-French naval exercise Varuna concluded on 2May 2015 in Goa. The naval exercise concluded in the presence ofGoa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar along with Vice AdmiralSPS Cheema, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief Western NavalCommand.   In this edition of exercise, French Navy was representedby the Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle and Indian side wasrepresented by Aircraft carrier INS Viraat. This operation aimed atenhancing interoperability between the two navies and alsoshowcases the close ties between the two countries.

Akash missile inducted in Indian ArmyIndian Army inducted the first regiment of the indigenously-developed surface-to-air Akash missile system.Each regiment ofAkash missile in the Indian Army consists of six launchers witheach launcher having three missiles.Indian Army had placed ordersfor two regiments worth about 19,000 crore rupees. The firstregiment will be ready by July 2015 and the second one by the endof 2016.

INS Kavaratti, anti-submarine warfare ship launchedin KolkataINS Kavaratti, Indian Navy’s latest anti-submarine warfare classstealth corvette was launched on 19 May 2015 in Kolkata. Kavarattiis the last of the four anti-submarine warfare class stealth corvettes

being built for India under Project 28.  NS Kamrota ,INS Kadmattand Kitan are other three anti-submarine warfare class stealthcorvettes under the project 28.

India’s rescue operation in quake-hit Nepal named asOperation MaitriThe Indian Army  named the aid to Nepal ‘Operation Maitri’ orfriendship, a day after it started extending help to the neighbouringcountry that was hit by a massive earthquake.

BrahMos land-attack cruise missile successfully test-firedfrom Car Nicobar IslandsIndia successfully test-fired an advanced version of the BrahMos(Block–III version) i.e. land-to-land configuration of missile waslaunched from a Mobile Autonomous Launcher (MAL) for its full-range of 290-km test.BrahMos supersonic cruise missile designedand developed by BrahMos Aerospace, a joint venture of India andRussia which is capable of being launched from land, sea, sub-seaand air against sea and land targets.

Indian Navy commissioned INS Sardar Patel naval basein PorbandarAdding to a series of recent boosts for India’s defence sector,IndianNavy has commissioned INS Sardar Patel naval base in Porbandar,Gujarat in the presence of Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Pateland Admiral RK Dowan.The newly commissioned naval base ischristened after India’s first Home Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai PatelPatel. It is second naval base of Indian Navy on Gujarat coast, thefirst one is INS Dwarka at Okha in Dwarka district.

Indian Army conducted Akraman–II defense exercise inRajasthanIndian Army conducted a major exercise, ‘Akraman-II’, in Rajasthanto test a new generation of weaponry and platforms employed inthe desert region, with providing ‘real time battle and situationalawareness’ to its commanders. The exercise was conducted by theBhatinda-based Chetak Corps, a part of South Western Command. 

NEWS IN BRIEF Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is announced

to commission Multi-Object Tracking Radar (MOTR) inJune 2015.   It is capable of tracking 10 different objectsat a time including 50 cm X 50 cm object size at a slantrange of 1000 kilometer long range and 30 cm X 30 cmsize at a slant range of 800 kilometer in Low Earth Orbit(LEO).

Japan and the United States (US) signed a new set ofdefence agreements on 27 April 2015 that allow forgreater co-operation between their militaries. Both thecountries have revised their defence deal after 18 yearsto deal with growing global security concern.

Bilateral naval exercise SIMBEX-15 between India andSingapore commenced in Singapore from 23 May 2015to May 26, 2015. This edition of naval exercise will give


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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

traditional emphasis on anti-submarine warfare (ASW)and more complex maritime exercises

The Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully test landed aMirage-2000 on the Yamuna Expressway near Mathuraas part of its trials to use national highways and civilairstrips for emergency landing by its fighter jets in future.It should be noted that Yamuna Expressway is the longestGreenfield expressway in the country.

The United States (US) Army developed Blast proofwallpaper to protect soldiers from explosions.

The para-military force CRPF has decided to adoptKarikat village near Birganj in Nepal to provide peopleimmediate relief and help in its reconstruction.

China will provide 110 fighter jet to Pakistan (JF-17Thunder Fighter).

Tata Power, L&T to supply mobile artillery system to theArmy 

VANIK’S KNOWLEDGE GARDENImportant Commissions and Committees in IndiaPalekar Tribunal : Journalists’ Pay reformsU.C. Banerjee Commission : Enquiry into Godhracarnage (railways)Sarkaria Commission : Centre-State relationsSrikrishna Commission : 1992 Bombay riotsThakkar Commission : Indira Gandhi assassination casePhukan Commission & Saharya Committee : Tehelka tapesPhukan Commission & Saharya Committee : Tehelka tapesMalimath Commission : Criminal JusticeUpendra Commission : Inquiry on rape and murderThangjam Manorama DeviMalhotra Committee : Insurance ReformsJanaki Ram Committee : Security scamAjay Vikram Singh Committee : Faster promotions in armyRajinder Sachar Committee {1} : Companies and MRPTActRajindar Sachar Committee {2} : Report on the social,economic and educational status of the Muslims of IndiaJyoti Basu Committee : Report on Octroi abolitionBalwant Rai Mehta Committee : Recommendations ondecentralization systemSawant Committee : Enquiry on corruption, charges againstministers & Anna HazareChelliah Committee : Eradicating black moneyKothari Commission : Educational reformsWanchoo Committee : Tax enquiryBhanu Pratap Singh Committee : Agriculture

Aggarwal Committee : Nepotism in granting petrol pump,

VANIK’S KNOWLEDGE GARDENImportant Commissions and Committees in India

Aggarwal Committee : Nepotism in granting petrolpump, LPG connectionsRangarajan Committee : Reforms in private sectorNaresh Chandra Committee : Corporate governanceChakravarti Committee : Banking sector reformsRekhi Committee : Structure of indirect taxationG.V.Ramakrishna Committee : Disinvestment in PSUsharesKelkar Committee : First committee on backwardcastesP.C.Hotha Committee : Restructuring of civilservicesJustice B.N.Kirpal Committee : 1st chairmanNational Forest CommissionGodbole Committee : Enron Power ProjectJ.C.Kumarappa Committee : Congress agrarianReforms CommitteeG.V.Ramakrishna Committee : Disinvestment in PSUsharesKelkar Committee : First committee on backwardcastesP.C.Hotha Committee : Restructuring of civilservices . Justice B.N.Kirpal Committee : 1stchairman National Forest CommissionGodbole Committee : Enron Power ProjectJ.C.Kumarappa Committee : Congress agrarianReforms CommitteeSwaminathan Committee : Population policyRangarajan Committee : StatisticsWardha Committee : Inquiry on murder of GrahamStainesN.N. Vohra Committee : Criminalization of politics .Kelkar Committee {2} : Direct-Indirect TaxesAlagh Committee : Civil Service ExaminationsAbid Hussain Committee : Recommendations onSmall scale industriesNarasimham Committee : Banking sector reformsChelliah Committee : Tax reformsMashelkar Committee : National Auto Fuel PolicyBoothalingam Committee : Recommendations onintegrated wages, income and price policyOmkar Goswami Committee : Industrial sicknessYashpal Committee : Review of School EducationsystemRam Nandan Prasad Committee : Constitution ofcreamy layers among Backward CastesKelkar Committee{3} : Enquiry on Kargil defensedeals.M.M. Punchhi Commission : Centre-State Relations[note- this committee has been set up recently- after thesad demise of Justice (Retd.) Sarkaria]

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COMMITTEE & ITS FUNCTION Union Government has constituted Committee headed by Justice A.P. Shah to look into the issue of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT)

on Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs). The committee will submit its report expeditiously in order to resolve the issue of MATbetween the tax authorities and the foreign investors. Government uses the MAT to get companies, which pay less or zero tax due tothe available exemptions to pay some tax.

Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) MP Surendrajeet Singh Ahluwalia has been appointed chairman of a Joint Committee of Parliament thatwill look into the provisions of the Land Acquisition Amendment Bill, 2015. The joint committee will comprise of 30-members- 20members from Lok Sabha and 10 from the Rajya Sabha. The Committee will submit its report on the first day of the monsoon session.

India to be a member of CERN the world s largest particle physics laboratory of EU.

6th edition of National Conference on Nuclear Energyheld in New DelhiSixth edition of National Conference on Nuclear Energy held inNew Delhi. The theme of this edition was Nuclear Energy: a CleanEnergy option. It was organized by Associated Chambers ofCommerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), one of the apextrade associations of India. The conference discussed the issuerelated to the status of Nuclear Energy in India.  India is on courseof doubling its nuclear power generation capacity in five years i.e.till 2020 by more than 10,000 MW. At present 3.5% of India’selectricity is generated by Nuclear power plants. In future its sharewill be less than 10% even if the installed capacity is tripled.

India to assume Presidency of 68th WorldHealth  AssemblyIndia assumed the presidency of the 68th World Health Assembly(WHA) held in Geneva after a gap of 19 years. The WHA sessionis presided by Union Health Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda who isalso leading the high-level Indian delegation to the Assembly.


9th Session of the India-South Africa Joint MinisterialCommission (JMC) was held in Durban on 19 May 2015.The session was co-chaired by Minister for ExternalAffairs and Overseas Indian Affairs Sushma Swaraj andForeign Minister of South Africa Maite Nkoana-Mashabane.

Hyderabad will host the four-day IndoGlobal PharmaExpo and Summit 2015 that is scheduled to be held on24 July 2015. The announcement was made by P VAppaji, Director-General of Pharmaceuticals ExportPromotion Council of India (Pharmexcil) on 11 May2015. The theme of Indo-Global Pharma Expo andSummit 2015 will be Innovation and Advances.

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

INTERNATIONAL & NATIONAL INSTITUTIONName of the organisationUN Security Council

UN General Assembly

UN SecretariatInternational Court of justiceInternational Criminal CourtEconomic and Social CouncilFood and Agriculture organisationInternational civil Aviation organisationInternational Labour organisationInternational Monetary Fund

International Atomic Energy AgencyInternational Maritime OrganisationUnited nations Educational Cultural andSocial organisation

Internatioonal labour organizationInternational fund for AgricultureDevelopmentWorld BankWorld health OrganisationWorld intellectual property organisationWorld trade OrganisationUnited nations International Children andWomen FundAssociation of South East Nations

North Atlantic Treaty organisationGreenpeace

International criminal police organization orInterpolEuropean organization for nuclear ResearchEuropean UnionEuropean parliamentThe Commonwealth

Non-Aligned MovementSouth Asean corporation for regional co-operationAmnesty international

HeadquarterNew York

New York

New YorkThe Hague, NetherlandsLyons, FranceNew yorkRomeMontreal, CanadaGenevaWashington DC

Vienna, AustriaLondon, U.K.Paris


New YorkGenevaGenevaGenevaNew York

Seat of Secretariat- Jakarta,indonesiaBrusselsFounded – Vancouver, Canada:headquarter – AmsterdamLyons




HeadThe presidentship is held for onemonth by member countries inalphabetical order.Huke Jeremic; 2013-JohnWilliam AsheBan Ki MoonPeter TomkaSong Sang-HyunMilos koterekJose Graziano da SilvaRaymond BenjaminJuan SomaviaChristian Lagarde (former headDominique Strauss Kahn wasinvolved in a sex scandal)Yukiyo AmanoKoji SekimizuIrina Bokova (1st  woman to havebecome director-general)

Juan SomaviaKanayo F. Nwanze

Jim Yong kimDr. Margaret chanFrancis GurryPascal LamyAnthony lake

Surin Pitsuwan

Anders Fogh RasmussenAna Toni, Indian lalita ramdaswas also its former headMireilli Ballastrazi, secy gen –Ronald nobleRolf Dieter HeuerHerman von RompuyMartin SchulzHead – Queen Elizabeth II: secygen – Kamlesh Sharma(India):chaipperson in office –kamla parsad bissessarMahmoud AhmadinejadMohammed Hasad Ahmes Manik

Sahil Shetty

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

PM Modi is likely attend the inauguration of the new Afghanistan Parliament building build by India. Visiting Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani expressed his unhappiness over Pakistan for its refusal to allow direct trade with India

via Wagha border. After a 10 yr gap USA & Sri Lanka agreed to have an annual partnership dialogue to promote bilateral trade and investment. US

Secretary of state John Kerry visited Sri Lanka. President Pranab Mukherjee will represent India on Russian Celebration of 70th anniversary of end of Fascism on May 9th as on this

day Hitler was defeated in the 2nd World War. Recently crowned Saudi King Salman has refused an invitation to attend a landmark submit hosted by USA President Barak Obama

amid anger over USA-Iran nuclear negotiation


DATE & OBSERVATIONApril 22 :Earth Day.

Theme- It’s our turn to lead. April 23 : World book and copyright dayApril 25 : World Malaria dayTheme- “Invest in the Future and Defeat Malaria”.April 29 : International Dance dayMay 1 : International Labour Day (Workers Day)May 3 :Press Freedom Day.

Theme-Let Journalism Thrive! Towards better reporting,gender equality and media safety in the digital age.

May 4 : Coal miner’s dayMay (2nd Sunday) : Mother’s DayMay 5: World Asthma Day

Theme-You Can Control Your Asthma and sub-theme isIt’s Time to Control Asthma

May 8 :World Red Cross Day.May 9 : Victory day

May 11 : National Technology Day.Theme- To memorize the anniversary of Shakti, thePokhran nuclear test held on 11 May 1998.

May 12 : International Nurses dayTheme-The day is named after Florence Nightingale,founder of modern nursing.

May 14 : World Migratory dayMay 15 : International Day of the Family

Theme-Men in Charge? Gender Equality and Children’sRights in Contemporary Families.

May 17 :World Telecommunication Day (Information society day)May 21 : Anti-terrorism day(observed on the death anniversary ofseventh Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi)May 22: International Day for Biological DiversityTheme: Biodiversity for Sustainable Development.May 24 :Commonwealth Day.

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

STATE NEWSFour MoUs signed for Rs. 24,000 crore infrastructuredevelopment investment in ChhattisgarhIn a big push for infrastructure development in Chhattisgarh, MoUsworth Rs 24,000 crore were signed at Dantewada in the presenceof Prime Minister Narendra Modi 

List of the signed MoUs:MoU for 140 km rail line between Rowghat andJagdalpur:

It was signed between Chhattisgarh Government, NationalMineral Development Corporation (NMDC), IndianRailway Construction Company (IRCON) Limited andSteel Authority of India (SAIL).Estimated project cost:2,000 crore rupees.MoU for 3 million ton Ultra Mega Steel Plant

Signed between Union Ministry of Steel, ChhattisgarhGovernment, SAIL and NMDC. Investment for the plant:Approximately 18,000 crore rupees.MoU for Slurry Pipeline and 2MTPA Pellet Plant atNagarnar in Bastar District

Signed between Chhattisgarh Government andNMDC.Investment: 4,000 crore rupees.MoU for setting up 1MTPA Pellet Plant at Dalli-Rajhara, Balod District

Signed between Chhattisgarh Government and SAIL.Investment: 826crore rupees.

Jayalalithaa sworn-in as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadufor fifth timeJayalalithaa was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu forthe fifth time on 23 May 2015. With this, Jayalalithaa became 29thchief minister of Tamil Nadu for record fifth time which matchesthe record of former state CM and DMK leader M Karunanidhi. InSeptember 2014, she had stepped down as the CM after trial courtconvicted and had sentenced her to 4 years in jail in the 19-year oldDisproportionate Assets case. After this judgment of trial court shewas disqualified as an MLA in accordance section 8 of theRepresentation of People’s Act (RPA), 1951. However, KarnatakaHigh Court had acquitted her in the disproportionate assets case onMay 11, 2015 which had paved way for her to take over the reins asCM of Tamil Nadu again.

Punjab became first state to issue soil health cards to allfarmersPunjab Agriculture Department launched an ambitious pan-stateprogramme to monitor the soil health of every farm in the state byissuing them personalised soil health card keeping in view the overexploitation of soil. In this regard, every district of state has beenassigned mobile soil testing lab. These labs will take soil samplefrom every farm and issue a digitalised soil health details. PrimeMinister Narendra Modi had formally launched the nationwide ‘SoilHealth Card’ Scheme in Februrary 2015 in Suratgarh, Rajasthan.

Haryana Government launched seven IT based e-servicesin stateThe Haryana government today launched seven e-services andsoftware applications in a measure to provide hassle free and graft-free administration to the people of the state. The seven servicesinclude e-Stamping, Jeevan Pramaan, Revised State Portal, Aadhaar-enabled biometric Attendance System, Mobile app and Aadhaar-linked registration of birth.

Google to build 1,000-cr campus in HyderabadTelangana Government has inked a Memorandum of understanding(MoU) with tech giant Google Inc to build biggest campus outsideUS in Hyderabad. The firm is likely to spend about ¹ 1,000 crore tobuild the facility that can house 13,000 employees when fullyready.The MoU was signed between Telangana Secretary of ITJayesh Ranjan and his counterpart David Redcliffe, Google’s globalhead of facilities and workplace in Google headquarters at MountainView in USA.

Rajasthan Opened Cow-Urine Refinery In JaloreRajasthan Health Minister Rajendra Rathore inaugurated Cow-urinerefinery for research on cow products at Pathmera village in Jaloredistrict of Rajasthan. This refinery will play an important role inadopting scientific approach for Indian traditional system ofmedicine. It will also give emphasis on the research of cow productsand their application in the treatment of various diseases.

Meghalaya achieved 100% financial inclusion underPradhan Mantri Jan Dhan YojnaIn a move to boost the morale of differently-abled sportspersons inHaryana, the government decided to include Deaflympics in itsSports Policy so that the Deaflympian medalists would be able toget cash rewards, jobs and other benefits. Deaflympics is anInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) sanctioned event, at whichdeaf athletes compete at an elite level.

Maharashtra government allowed women to work innight shiftsMaharashtra Government decided to make several amendments tothe Factories Act, 1948, clearing the decks for women employeesto work in night shifts.  At present, section 66(1) (c) of Act does notallow women employees from working at a factory between 7 PMand 6 AM. However, after amending the 67-year old Act, the factorymanagements will have to ensure security of women working innight shifts. Apart from this, the proposed amendment will alsoenable workers to be eligible for paid leave after working for 90days in a year instead of the current 240 days or more. Besides this,amendment will also not make mandatory for workers to take themanagement’s permission for working overtime. In this regard, theamendment will increase the limit to 115 hours from the current 75in 3 months. With this, Maharashtra has joined the list of Indianstates that already have allowed women to work in night shifts orare in the process of doing so. They are Rajasthan, Haryana, AndhraPradesh, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh.

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Maharashtra Government lowered natural calamity-hitcrop loss percentage to 33% for compensation aidMaharashtra government has decided to bring down the crop losspercentage to 33 per cent from existing 50 per cent. As per theexisting rules, farmers in the state were entitled for government aidand compensation only if 50 per cent and above of their crop aredamaged.  The state government also has decided to raise the amountof compensation.

Assam awarded as the Best e-Panchayat stateState of Assam has been awarded as the Best e-Panchayat state on25 April 2015 on the occasion of National Panchayati Raj Diwas.Apart from this award, 8 Panchayat Raj Institutes of state alsoreceived Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Shasaktikaran award.

Andaman & Nicobar Police proposed to reserve 33%seats for womenAndaman & Nicobar Police proposed to reserve 33 percent of theseats for the posts of constable and sub-inspector for women. Atpresent, women police consists only 18 percent part Andaman andNicobar police.  Earlier in June 2014, Gujarat Government alsoannounced 33 percent quota for women in police force.

Meghalaya achieved 100% inclusion in Jan Dhan YojanaMeghalaya has achieved 100 percent success in implementing UnionGovernment’s flagship scheme for financial inclusion-PradhanMantri Jan Dhan Yojna (PMJDY). In the state, all eleven districtshave been able to open at least one bank account of every householdunder the ambitious scheme. More than 5.53 lakh households havebeen covered with 1.55 lakh new bank accounts.

Ahmedabad Banned Low Quality Plastic ItemsThe Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) banned production,storage, transportation and usage of low quality plastic cups, bags,pan-masala packing wrappers across the city with an effective from1 May 2015.  The ban was issued after it was found that use of lowgrade plastic waste was resulting in chocking of man-hall anddrainage system of the city.

Maharashtra Government banned borewells beyond 200ftMaharashtra Government banned the digging of borewells beyond200 feet in the state with a view to check the steep decline ofgroundwater-level. Those who will be found guilty, will face a fineranging from 10000 rupees to 25000 rupees or even imprisonmentof up to six months in case of repeated offences.The decision ispart of Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis’ waterconservation project Jalayukta Shivar Yojana which aims to make5000 villages in state drought-free in one year.

Andhra Pradesh Government constituted SIT to probeChittoor firingAndhra Pradesh Government constituted an eight-member SpecialInvestigation Team (SIT) to probe the Chittoor firing case in which20 people were killed in Seshachalam forest area of Chittoordistrict.The SIT will be led by Ravishankar Ayyanar, an IPS officerfrom Andhra Pradesh cadre.

NEWS IN BRIEF Uttar Pradesh Food Safety and Drug Administration (UP

FDA) asked Nestle India to withdraw a batch of snackMaggi noodles from the market. UP FDA ordered theremoval of the batch of popular snack after it found thatthe product contained high level of lead in it.

The state government of Delhi decided to launch Pay &Play Scheme at the designated stadiums or sportscomplexes. The scheme is planned to promote sports forall age groups in the national capital.

Rajasthan Government has inked a Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) with National Health Mission(NHM), UNICEF and Global Alliance for ImprovedNutrition (GAIN) to tackle the severe problemmalnourishment in the state.

First Battalion the First Gorkha Rifles (1/1 GR) on 24April 2015 celebrated its Bicentenary(200) at Pathankot,Punjab.

Union govt gave its nod to set up the state first IIIT(IndianInstitution Of Information technology) in Maharastra

High Court of Gujarat ordered shutting down of 67 sandmining units in the Gir Forest Sanctuary, the only adobeof Asiatic lions. These 67 mining units were ordered tostop operation as their leases were not renewed. 

Odisha govt. has liked the quota for SC/ST in highereducation including technical education from 20% to38.75% (ST-22.5% & SC 16.25%).

NITI Ayog has requested the Odisha govt. to set up aTack Force on agriculture to address the issue of lowproduction and productivity besides taking up mattersrelating to lack of proper marketing facilities for farmers.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (DMRC Limited)completed 20 years of its establishment during May 2015.It was established with the legendary E. Sreedharan

serving as its first Managing Director (MD).

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Narendra Modi launches three social security schemesin KolkataPM Narendra Modi launched Pradhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti BimaYojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Atal PensionYojana at an event in Kolkata also attended by Bengal CM MamataBanerjee.Modi unvieled the three social security schemes under theJansuraksha Yojana. Two of them relate to insurance and one topension.

Atal Pension Yojana (APY)Under APY scheme, the pension subscribers will receive a fixedminimum monthly pension ranging from 1,000 rupees to 5,000rupees at the age of 60 years.The fixed minimum monthly pensionwill be depending on the contributions subscribers.

Contribution: Union Government will co-contribute 50percent of the total contribution of subscriber for a period of 5years.Eligibility: Subscribers must have bank account and shouldnot be members of any statutory social security scheme and orIncome Tax payers.The minimum age of joining: 18 years and maximum age is40 years.Focus of APY: To target unorganised sector workers.Coverage: The pension will also be available to the spouseon the death of the subscriber and thereafter, the pension corpuswould be returned to the nominee.Subscriber and Enrolment Payment: It will auto-debitedfrom the accounts account holders depending upon selectedmonthly pension range.Enrolment agencies: Subscribers will be enrolled throughinstitutional architecture of National Pension System by allPoints of Presence (Service Providers) and Aggregators underSwavalamban Scheme.Operational Framework of APY: It will be administered bythe Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority(PFRDA).Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Yojana (PMJJBY)Under the PMJJBY, the insurance subscriber will get an annuallife insurance in case of death.Eligibility: Available any person in the age group of 18 to 50years having a bank account.Risk Coverage: 2 Lakh rupees in case of death due to anyreason.Payment Mode of premium: 330 rupees per annum will bedirectly auto-debited by the bank from the subscribers account.Implementation of Scheme: Will be offered by Life InsuranceCorporation (LIC) and all other life insurers who are willingtie-up with banks for the purpose of joining the scheme.Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)Under the PMSBY, the insurance subscriber will get annuallife insurance in case of accidental death, partial disability orfull disability.Eligibility: Available to any person in the age group 18 to 70

years.Any person having Aadhaar number linked bank account canjoin the scheme.He/she must give a simple form to the bank every year before1st of June. In the form name of nominee also must be given.Risk Coverage: For accidental death and full disability– 2Lakh rupeesFor partial disability – 1 Lakh rupees.Payment Mode of premium: 12 rupees per annum will bedirectly auto-debited by the bank from the subscribers accountin case of long-term option.Implementation of Scheme: Will be offered by all PublicSector General Insurance Companies and all other insurerswho are willing tie-up with banks for the purpose of joiningthe scheme

Andhra Pradesh and Telangana introduced AccidentInsurance Scheme for transport driversAndhra Pradesh and Telangana introduced 5 lakh rupees AccidentInsurance Scheme for transport drivers. It will also cover educationof two children of the beneficiary. Andhra Pradesh Chief MinisterChandrababu Naidu formally launched the scheme at Rajhamundrywhile Telangana Chief Minister Chandrasekhara Rao made theannouncement in Hyderabad.

Akhilesh launched luxury bus to villages and water ATMsUttar Pradesh Chief Minister  Akhilesh Yadav launched affordable‘Lohia gramin bus seva’, with 25 per cent lower fares. This schemewill provide connectivity at affordable fare between cities and ruralareas where there was no means of public transport is available.Apart from this he also launched Samajwadi water ATM scheme atbus stations which will provide potable water at the rate of 1 rupeeper litre and cold water at 2 rupees per litre.

Union Government launched USTAAD Scheme forTraditional Artisans in VaranasiUnion Government formally launched Upgrading the Skills andTraining in Traditional Arts/Crafts for Development (USTAAD)Scheme. It was launched by Union Minister of Minority Affairs Dr.Najma Heptullah in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh in order to improvedegrading conditions of world famous Banaras Saree weavers whobelong to minority communities. Under the scheme, assistance willbe provided to traditional artisans to sell their products in order tomake them more compatible with modern markets.

Haryana Government notified 163 services under Rightto Service Act, 2014Haryana government notified 163 services under Haryana Right toService Act, 2014 with a view to provide time bound and hassle-free services to the citizens. These services would be provided inprescribed time period and on case of unnecessary delay, theconcerned official would have to pay fine.


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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

Delhi government approved farmer compensation schemenamed after Gajender SinghGovernment of Delhi gave its approval for setting up of a farmercompensation scheme named after Gajendra Singh, who allegedlycommitted suicide during an AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) rally on 22April 2015 by hanging himself with a tree.  The decision on nameof the scheme was taken during a Cabinet meet chaired by ChiefMinister Arvind Kejriwal. As per reports, the state government willdistribute compensation to rain-hit farmers from first week of May2015.

Union govt. launched Atal Mission for Rejuvenation andUrban Transformation (AMRUT) replacing JNNURMUnion Cabinet has cleared PM’s 100 Smart City project across thecountry and launched a new urban renewal mission named AtalMission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)replacing JNNURM for 500 cities with an outlay of 48,000 cr. and50,000 cr. respectively. In the proposed Smart City will get centralassistance of Rs. 100 cr. per year for 5 years. Under AMRUT citiesand towns with population of one lakh and above will receive fundsin three instalments. SPV will be created to implement Smart Cityprogramme PPP model to be used by states and ULB to mobilisePvt. Investment for AMRUT.

NEWS IN BRIEF The Union Government has allocated Rs 5,000 crore for

the growth of Department of AYUSH and launched anindependent National AYUSH Mission, targeting capacitybuilding for the sector.

Siddhivinayak temple of Mumbai received InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) 9001-2008certification for best quality practices.  It is the first templein Mumbai to receive ISO certification.

The government has approved the National Smart GridMission (NSGM), an institutional mechanism, forimplementation of policies related to smart grid networks.

Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar launched thestate level ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme’ in Panaji. 

Bharat Mala project of the Indian govt. to construct 5000km of road network @ Rs. 50000 cr.

The govt. has declared to continue its Rs. 1000 minimumpension scheme in perpetuity to benefit over 20 lakhpensioners under EPFO.

Odisha govt. launched ‘Niramaya’, a free drugdistribution scheme to cover whole state on 1 May 2015to provide as many as 570 medicines in all the 30 districtsof the State. It will be managed by the Odisha StateMedical Corporation (OSMC). The State Government hasalready allocated Rs.200 crore for the free medicinescheme in the budget for 2015-16.

Odisha govt. launched the Odisha PVTG Empowermentand Livelihood Improvement programme (OPELIP) toensure livelihood support for the particularly vulnerabletribal groups, with an outlay of Rs. 795 cr. to benefit62000 PVTG householders.

Odisha police launched a new Mobile Apps “Mo Saathi”by commissionerate police for women safety

Google India has announced support for three non-governmental agencies from India working on childsafety.The three organisations are ChildLine IndiaFoundation, Bachpan Bachao Andolan, and the Chennai-based Tulir - Centre for the Healing and Prevention of

Child Sexual Abuse.


Names of important tribal groups & communities Abors: Arunachal Pradesh

Aptanis: Arunachal Pradesh

Badagas: Nilgiri (TN)

Baiga: Madhya Pradesh

Bhils: Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, some inGujarat and Maharashtra

Bhot: Himachal Pradesh

Bhotias: Garhwal and Kumaon regions of U. P.

Chakma: Tripura

Chenchus: Andhra Pradesh, Orissa

Gaddis: Himachal Pradesh

Garos: Meghalaya

Gonds: Madhya Pradesh. Also in Bihar, Orissa andA.P.

Gujjars: Himachal Pradesh

Jarawas: Little Andamans

Khas: Jaunsar-Babar area in U.P.

Khasis: Assam, Meghalaya

Kol: Madhya Pradesh

Kotas: Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu)

Kuki: Manipur

Lepchas: Sikkim

Lushais: Mizoram

Murias: Bastar (Madhya Pradesh)

Mikirs: Assam

Mundas: Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal

Nagas (Angami, Sema, Ao, Tangkul, Lahora):Nagaland, some in Assam and NEFA region.

Oarons (also called Kurukh): Bihar, Orissa and WestBengal.

Onges: Andaman and Nicobar islands

Santals: Birbhum region in Bengal, Hazaribagh,Purnea in Bihar, Orissa

Sentinelese: Sentinel Island, Andaman and Nicobar

Shompens: Andaman and Nicobar

Todas: Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu)

Uralis: Kerala

Warlis: Maharashtra

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d.Maglev Train ,Francee.none of these

16. Who has been conferred with prestigiousMaster Deenanath Mangeshkar Award2015 ?a.Akshay Kumarb.Amitabh Bachchanc.Sonu Nigamd.Anil Kapoore.None of these

17. Iconic business leader Ratan Tata hasacquired a stake in which Chinesehandset maker ?a.Xiaomib.China Mobilec.Vivad.Xoloe.none of these

18. What   is the magnitude (on RichterScale) of Earth Quake that DevastatedNepal ?a. 6.9b. 8.7c. 7.6d. 6.7e.none of these

19. 50th jnanpith Award is given toa.Somnath Sharmab.Ramdhari Singh Dinkarc.Bhalchandra Nemaded.Gopinath Deshmukhe.none of these

20. Which bank has tied up with UAEexchange for Instant money Transfer ?a.Canara Bankb.State Bank of Indiac.Dena bankd.Bank of Barodae.none of these

21. Inaugural John Disley London MarathonLifetime Achievement Award will begiven to :a.Paula redcliffeb.Niel Armstrongc.Tyson Gayd.Usain Bolte.none of these

22. 2015-16 Fifa Continental championshipwill be Hosted bya.Japanb.North Koreac.Chinad.Indiae.none of these


1. Name the bank launched Tap-n-Pay, anear field communication enabledpayment service?a. Axis Bankb. ICICI Bankc. State Bank Of Indiad. Panjab National Banke.none of these

2. Janaki Ballabh Patnaik congress leaderpassed away, he was former CM ofwhich state?a. Tamilnadub. Keralac. Maharashtrad. Odishae.none of these

3. India is on which place in the list of top5 e-waste producing report by UN.a. 2nd

b. 5th

c. 4th

d. 1st

e.none of these5. Name the project launched by indian

railway to monitor rail projects online?a. E-Rashakb. E-Nirmanc. E-WIPd. E-Samikshae.none of these

5. Name the Egyptian president who hasbeen sentenced for 20 years.a. Mohammad Kasimb.  Mohammad Morsic. Abdel Fattah el Sisid. Ahmed Shafike.none of these

6. Name the bank inked MoU with LICand New India Insurance to provideinsurance cover.a. SBIb. Bharatiya Mahila Bankc. Bank of Barodad. Punjab National Banke.none ofthese

7. Who has been appointed head ofNational Judicial AppointmentsCommissions?a. RS Subramaniyamb. VS Raoc. HL Dattud. None of thesee.none of these

8. International Earth Day observed . Thetheme of this earth day isa. Go Green

b. Green You Green Earthc. Save our Earthd. It’s Our Turn To Leade.none oh these

9. Raja Ji National Park which is declaredas tiger reserve is situated in?a. Uttarkhandb. Himachal Pradeshc. Andhra Pradeshd. Assame.none of these

10. Teesta Retail Pvt Limited is in the newsthese days  is a part of which company?a.Reliance Industrial development andHoldings limitedb.Adani Ports and Shipping Limitedc.Flipkartd.SnapdealE.none of these

11. Who will launch an app specially forIndian customers having low speedMobile Networks ?a.Whatsappb.Hikec.Skyped.Facebooke.none of these

12. Name the Bank which is charged forRigging Rates ?a.Axis Bankb.Royal Bank of Scotlandc.Yes Bankd.Deutsche Banke.none of these

13. According to Leading Human resourcesConsultancy ‘Ranstad’ ,Who is themost attractive employer in India ?a.Googleb.Facebookc.Sonyd.Flipkarte.none of these

14. Pollution Management andEnvironmental Health Programmelaunched bya.World Bankb.UNOc.WFOd.WHOe.none of these

15. New World record for Fastest train theWorld by:a.Maglev Train ,Germanyb.Maglev Train ,Chinac.Maglev Train,Japan

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

23. What is the theme of World Malaria Day(observed on 25 April ,2015) ?a.Invest and Save peopleb.Invest to save people for Diseasesc.Invest to save people from Malariad.Invest in the future.Defeat malariae.none of these

24. Cheetal helicopters are given bygoverment of India to which country ?a.Nepalb.Bhutanc.Afghanistand.Sri Lankae.none of these

25. Recently  Capgemini and iGATE enteredinto a merger agreement under whichCapgemini will acquire iGATE for acash consideration of $48 per share.The headquarter of   US-listed ITservices company  iGATE is ina. New Yorkb. New Delhic. New Jerseyd. Washington DCe.none of these

26. The Asian Banker Achievement Award2015 won by which bank?a. ICICI Bankb. SBIc. Panjab National Bankd.  Bharatiya Mahila Bank (BMB)e.none of these

27. India’s Shamjetsabam Sarjubala andPinki Jangra have clinched gold medalsat the 22nd President’s Cup OpenInternational Boxing Tournament. Thistournament held ina. Malaysiab. Indonesiac. Chinad. Japane.none of these

28. Rescue operation by Indian Army toaid Nepal named asa. Op. Rahatb. Op. Maitric. Op. Shaktid. Op. Himmate.none of these

29. Name the person nominated as  newchief of UN Mission for EbolaEmergency Response  (UNMEER) byUNa.  Peter Jan Graaffb.  Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmedc.  David Nabarriod. None of thesee.none of these

30. Shamkir Chess tournament held inAzerbaijan won bya. Vishavnathan Aanadb.  Rauf Mamedovc.  Fabiano Caruanad.  Magnus Carlsene.none of these

31. Name the   Indian-Origin scientist wonprestigious Heinz award for year2015  at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT)a. Sanam Kapoorb. Sahana Kumarc. Sangeeta Bhatiad. Saman Ojhae.none of these

32. Indian Army conducted a major exercise‘Akraman-II’ in which statea. Rajasathanb. Gujaratc. Orissad. West Bengale.none of these

33.   Name the power producer company ofIndia, flagged off a Mobile Science Lab(MSL) to promote scientific learning?a. BHELb. NTPCc. Reliance Powerd. Jindal Powere.none of these

34. Name the Person  honoured   with Officierde la Légion d’Honneur (Officer of theLegion of Honour) recently.a. Yashwant Sinhab. Atal Bihari Vajpayeec. L K Adwanid. Manmohan Singhe.none of these

35. Name the  first African-Americanwoman  sworn-in as United StatesAttorney General.a. Bikalle kallyb. Williams Svotianac. Carlina Martind.  Loretta Lynche.none of these

36. Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir haswon Presidential re-election by securingwhat % of vote?a. 94b. 92c. 89d. 90e.none of these

37. Recently  Union government cancelledthe licences of nearly 9,000 Non-

Governmental Organisations forviolation of FCRA. FCRA stands fora. Forest Country Regulation Actb.  Foreign Contribution Regulation Actc. Foreign Country Regulation Actd. Forest Contribution Regulation ActE.none of these

38. 5th Senior Men’s National HockeyChampionship 2015 won bya. Railwaysb. Uttar Pradeshc. Servicesd. PunjabE.none of these

39.   Novelist Siddhartha Gigoo won 2015Commonwealth Short Story Prize inAsia region for his novel?a.   The King of Settelmentb. The Human Photographc. Lightd.  Umbrella Mane.none of these

40. Parliament of which nation amendedthe constitution to reduce the power ofExecutive President and to put intoplace a Constitutional Council formaking key government appoints?a. Indonesiab. Sri Lankac. Malasiyad. Pakistane.none of these

41.   Seychelles became the _____  memberof the World Trade Organization(WTO).a. 162ndb. 161stc. 163rdd. 164th

e.none of these42. The logo for International Day of Yoga

was launched in New Delhi.  The logowas selected by the Committee of Yogaexperts, which was constituted bya.  Union Ministry of AYUSHb. Union Ministry of Healthc. Union Ministry of Medicald. All of the abovee.none of the above

43. Name the person who has beenappointed as Crown Prince and asDeputy Prime Minister of Saudi Arabiaby King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud.a.  Muqrin bin Abdul Azizb.  Khalid al-Falihc.  Adel al-Jubeird.  Mohammed bin Nayefe.none of these

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

a.   Simma Dhimanb.  Poonam Suriec. Rimma Singhd. Geete Pandeye.none of these

58. Name the Atheltics won  Gold medal inthe men’s 20 kilometre walk in the 19thFederation Cup senior athleticschampionship held at Mangaluru,Karnataka.a.   Srishesa Levib. Rohita Kameshc.  Maniram Pateld. Rajshi Akshare.none of these

59.  Cow-urine refinery for research on cowproducts was opened at Pathmeravillage in Jalore district of which statea. Haryanab. Rajasthanc. Gujaratd. Punjabe.none of these

60.  Eminent scientist and Bharat Ratnaawardee Chintamani NagesaRamachandra Rao   conferred withwhich country’s highest civilian awardthe Order of the Rising Sun, Gold andSilver Star.a. Japanb. Francec. Americad. Englande.none of these

61. Name the IT gaint, launched  Edu-Cloudwith an aim to Make Learning Fun.a. Intelb. HCLc. TCSd. Microsofte.none of these

62. Name the state  inked a Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) with NationalHealth Mission (NHM), UNICEF andGlobal Alliance for Improved Nutrition(GAIN) to tackle the severe problemmalnourishment in the state.a. Gujaratb. Rajasthanc. UPd. MPe.none of these

63. Name the document that madecompulsory by the govt. for  privatefirms seeking central exciseregistration.a. Aadharb. Voter Card

44. India ranks at which position in the worldin terms of electricity generation fromnuclear source.a. 12thb. 13thc. 14thd. 15th

e.none of these45. India and Japan have signed a Five-point

action agenda to increase bilateral tradeand investment. This five point agendadoes not includea. Development and cooperation in ITsectorb.  Enhancing cooperation in strategicsectorsc.  Asia-Pacific economic integrationd. Nuclear Power Generatione.none of these

46.   Union Government has extended e-Tourist Visa scheme to 31 morecountries.  With this the total number ofcountries under the scheme are?a. 75b. 76c. 77d. 78e.none of these

47. 14th edition of________ naval exerciseVaruna concluded in Goa.a. Indo-Bangladeshb. Indo-Frenchc. Indo-Russiad. Indo-JapanE.none of these

48. Haryana Government has launchedseven IT based e-services in the stateof ______ district?a. Ambalab. Gurgaonc. Punchkulad. Sirsae.none of these

49. Delhi’s Indira Gandhi InternationalAirport (IGIA) adjudged the world’sbest airport for the year 2014. The scoreof IGIA is, out of 5a. 4.90b. 4.60c. 4.95d. 4.85e.none of these

50. Forest department of which state hasbeen allotted more than twelve crorerupees for a bird conservationprogramme, Project Great IndianBustard (GIB)?a. Gujarat

b. Rajasthanc. Karnatakad. Maharastrae.none of these

51. Name the person who has been takencharge as  Director General (DG) ofCentral Industrial Security Force(CISF).a. Manoj Rawatb. Deepak Kumarc. Parteek Garewald. Surendra Singhe.none of these

52. Senior DRDO scientist Satheesh Reddy,conferred with the prestigiousFellowship of RIN. RIN stands fora.  Royal Institute of Navigationb. Regional Institute of Networkingc. Royal Institute of Networkingd. Regional Institute of Navigatione.none of these

53. Name the person conferred with  RedInkAward for lifetime achievement.a.  Sreenivasan Jainb.  Arnab Goswamic.  Dr. Prannoy Royd. Dr. Naveen Kapoore.none of these

54. World Press Freedom Day Celebratedona. 5 Marchb. 9 Aprilc. 10 Juned. 3 Maye.none of these

55.  American boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. won World Welterweight title of WorldBoxing Council, World BoxingOrganisation and World BoxingAssociation. He defeateda.   Farrion Chukezb.  Manny Pacquiaoc. Lagnty Nupesad.Fodra sine.none of these

56.  Golden Medal is one of the top civilianhonours of Spain. Name the tennisplayer     received the Golden Medal forMerit in Work.a. Rafeal Nadalb. Noval Djokovicc. Andy Murrayd. Roger Federere.none of these

57. Name the author of the  Book titled China– Confucius in the Shadows wasreleased by the Vice President M.Hamid Ansari?

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c. PAN Cardd. credit carde.none of these

64. World’s largest flag unfurled at an eventin Ong Jmel in the southern desert areaof which country?a. South Africab. Indonesiac. Chinad. Tunisiae.none of these

65.  The Union Cabinet approved the 119thConstitutional Amendment Bill onLand Boundary Agreement (LBA)between India and ________ ?a. Pakistanb. Chinac. Bangladeshd. Sri Lankae.none of these

66. Short range Akash missile systeminducted into Indian Army. Akash is aa. Surface to Surface Missileb. Surface to Air Missilec. Air to Aird. Air to sufacee.none of these

67.  NASDAQ-listed which paymentcompany to handle remittances throughelectronic modes in India?a. MoneyGramb. Xoomc. Western Uniond. Paytme.none of these

68. Name the country with whom  Indiaagreed in 2003 to develop a port atChabahar on the Gulf of Oman?a. Pakistanb. Iranc. Srilankad. UAEe.none of these

69. How many pacts were signed betweenIndia, Germany at Hannover fair?a. 11b. 10c. 12d. 13e.none of these

70. Theme of World    Asthma Day 2015 isYou Can Control Your Asthma and sub-theme is It’s Time to Control Asthma.Every year  World Asthma Day takesplace on?a. First Tuesday of Mayb. First Monday of Mayc. First Thursday of May

d. First Wednesday of Maye.none of these

71.  Bhel commissioned GVK Group’s 82.5MW greenfield hydro electric project inwhich of the following state?a. Rajasthanb. Gujaratc. Uttarakhandd. UPe.None of these

72. Govt. of which state decided    to bringdown the crop loss percentage to 33 percent from existing 50 per cent?a. Haryanab. Maharastrac. Punjabd. Tamil Nadue.none of these

73.  2015 Mother’s Index in the State of theWorld’s Mothers (SOWM) report titledThe Urban Disadvantage, India placedat 140th position out of how manycountries?a. 179b. 142c. 150d. 196e.None of these

74. On which plane’s moon Io Huge LavaLake spotted on by an extremelypowerful telescope on Earth namedLarge Binocular telescopeInterferometer (LBTI).a. Marsb. Jupiterc. Earthd. Venuse.none of these

75. Who has been appointed  ElectionCommissioner by President PranabMukharji?a.  Achal Kumar Jyotib. Divakar Rai Mainic. Manish Paul Kantd. Vikram Dittyae.None of these

76. Name the Magazine  presented a Freedomof Expression Courage award from thePEN American Center?a. Hara Kirib. The Clinicc. Charlie Hebdod. The Daily Mashe.none of these

77. Name the e-commerce giant acquiredBengaluru based mobile appdevelopment platform companyNative5.

a. Flipkartb. Amazonc. Ebayd. Myntrae.none of these

78. Name the  district in West Bengal thathas won the 2015 United NationsPublic Service Award in the category ofimproving delivery of public servicesfor the initiative ‘Sabar Shouchagar’?a. Nadiab. Bankurac. Hooghlyd. Maldae.none of these

79. How many Indian companies listedin world’s 2000 largest and mostpowerful public companies, accordingto the Forbes’s annual list.a. 60b. 56c. 65d. 39e.none of these

80.  Indian Army signed   Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) on the DefenceSalary Package  with which of thefollowing bank?a. State Bank Of Indiab. Bank of Barodac. Bank of Indiad. Dena Banke.none of these

81.  David Cameron become UK’s PrimeMinister for second term. He led whichparty?a.  Labour Partyb.  Scottish National Party (SNP)c.  Conservative Partyd. None of the abovee.none of these

82. What is the name of new partyannounced by former   Bihar CM JitanRam Manjhi?a.  Hindustani Awam Morchab. Janta United Partyc. Hindustani Partyd. Hindu Janta Dale.none of these

83. Name the person won ‘Sportsperson ofthe Year‘ at the Times of India SportsAwards.a.   Saina Nahewalb. Jitu Raic. MC Mary Comd. Dipika Pallikale.none of these

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84. Name the bank launched  RuPayPlatinum debit card in association withNational Payment Corporation of India(NPCI)?a. ICICIb. SBIc. Punjab National Bankd. Axis Banke.none of these

85. How many Indian-origin Members ofParliament (MPs) elected in 56thParliament of the UK ?a. 11b. 12c. 10d. 15e.none of these

86. Name the new naval base commissionedby Indian Navy in Porbandar, Gujarat.a. INS Vayuub. INS Okhac. INS Dwarkad.INS Sardar Patele.none of these

87. Name  the most prominent world leaderwho attended Victory Day Parade ofRussia (Russia’s most importantsecular holiday)?a. Barack Obamab. Narendra Modic.  Xi Jinpingd. David Caremone.none of these

88. India Posts’s e-commerce centre set tostart operations in which circle?a. Delhib. Mumbaic. Kolkatad. Jaipure.none of these

89.  Mhairi Black at the age ____ becomethe youngest elected Member ofParliament (MP) in United Kingdom inover 300 years.a. 22b. 18c. 16d. 20e.none of these

90. Name the person  conferred withprestigious Dada Saheb Phalke Award2014.a. Raj Kapoorb. Asha Boshalec. Amithab bachchand. Shashi Kapoore.none of these

91. Name the country declared Ebola freeby WHO in may,2015a. Liberiab.  Guineac. Sierra Leoned. Ugandae.none of these

92. Name the state, who  decided to includeDeaflympics in its Sports Policy inorder to boost the morale of differently-abled sportspersons in the state.a. Punjabb. Haryanac. Keralad. Maharashtrae.none of these

93.  Book titled Unbelievable – Delhi toIslamabad authored bya. Tevar Paulb. Raju Pandeyc. Bhim Singhd. Manish Kaathee.none of these

94. Recently Indian and Russian institutionsof higher learning inked_______Memorandum of Intent (MoI).a.2b.5c.11d.15e.9

95. Recently NPCI announced a__________ reduction in charges fortransactions from other banks ATM.a.5% b.10%c.7% d.9%e.12%

96. Which bank has launched its mobile app‘Ping Pay’? bankb.axis bankc.pnb bankd.icici banke.HDFC bank

97. Recently India test-fired BrahMosBlock-III version. What is its full range?a.1000 kmb.750 kmc.550 kmd.290 kme.none of these

98. Recently internationally renowned starJackie Chan has extended his supportto anti-drug campaign, therebybecoming __________first anti-drugcelebrity.a.singapore’sb.japan’s

c.russia’sd.cyprus’se.none of these

99. Recently who has been chosen as BestHockey Player of the Year in Mens’scategory in the Times of India SportsAwards (TOISA) function?a. I.G. Rathorb. Suresh Singhc. Atul Gaurd. P.R. Srijeshe. None of these

100. According to a study by Center forInternational Development (CID) atHarvard University India is projectedto achieve highest annual GDP growthrate of ________ percent over next 8years.a.6.9%b.7.0%c.7.9%d.8.0%e.8.2%

101. Recently Narsingh Pancham Yadavbagged a _________in Men’s 74kgcategory in the Senior Asian Wrestlingchampionship.a.goldb.copperc.bronzed.silvere.none of these

102. Recently Indian shuttler Saina Nehwalreceived a cash award of _____ fromthe sports ministry for reaching thewomen’s singles final of the AllEngland Open BadmintonChampionships.a.40 lakhb.37 lakhc.30 lakhd.20 lakhe.25 lakh

103. Which is the only Indian companyamong the world’s 10 biggest consumerfinancial services firms in the listcompiled by Forbes Magazine?a. HDFCb. Reliancec. Sun Pharmaceuticalsd. ICICIe. None of these

104. Who won Madrid Open Tennis title(Women’s Singles)?a. Svetlana Kuznetsovab petra Kvitovac. Yaroslava Shvedovad. Casey Dellacqua

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e. Helen dill105. Who won Madrid Open Tennis Trophy

(Men’s Singles)?a. Florin Mergeab Rohan Bopanna.c. Rafael Nadald Andy Murraye. None of these

106. Who won Madrid Open Tennis trophy(Men’s Doubles)a. Florin Mergea and Rafael Nadalb. Rohan Bopanna and Florin Mergeac. Rafael Nadal and Florin Mergead. Andy Murray and Rafael Nadale. None of these

107. Jitu Rai was declared the Sportspersonof the Year at the Times of India SportsAwards (TOISA). He is a_____________.a. Lawn Tennis playerb. Badminton playerc. Shooterd. Chess playere. none of these

108. MoU between Govt of Chhattisgarh,NMDC, IRCON and SAIL for 140kmrail line between Rowghat andJagdalpur at an estimated project costof __________ was signed.a. Rs. 1000 crore.b. Rs. 5000 crorec. Rs. 3000 crored. Rs. 2000 croree. Rs. 500 crore

109. Recently _______ Chief MinisterAnandiben Patel dedicated to thenation, INS Sardar Patel, the new navalbase of the Indian Navy.a. Odishab. Gujaratc. Sikkimd. Assame. None of these

110. According to a report of RBI the grossoutstanding credit of scheduledcommercial banks rose to ______ in FY2013-14.a. 15%b. 12.5%c. 13.7%d. 14.7%e. 16%

111. Expand PMSBY.a. Pradhan Mantri Samanya BimaYojanab. Pradhan Mantri Sukanya BimaYojana

c. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha BimaYojanad. Pradhan Mantri Sadharan BimaYojanae.None of these

112. Recently State-run SIDBI andMaharashtra government have set up a__________SIDBI Social VentureFund.a. Rs. 1000 croreb. Rs. 500 crorec. Rs. 75 crored. Rs. 440 croree. Rs. 200 crore

113. At which of the following places in IndiaGoogle has announced to build itslargest campus outside the US?a. Hyderabadb. Lucknowc. Puned. Vishakhapatname. None of these

114. Who has been appointed as theChairman of the National SafetyCouncil (NSC)?a. K. Satish Reddyb. Venu Srinivasanc. R.K. Sinhad. Dilip Reddye. None of these

115. Recently India’s Jisna Mathew won a_________in girls’ 400m race in theAsian Youth Athletics Championships.a. goldb. silverc. bronzed. coppere. None of these

116. Recently _________based businessincubator Startup Village was bestowedthe national award for technologybusiness incubator.a. Puneb. Kochic. Lucknowd. Bangaloree. None of these

117. Who has been appointed as newChairperson of American Chamber ofCommerce in India (AMCHAM India)?a. Mathew Katb. Balbir Kaurc. Urooz Khand. Vanitha Narayanane. None of these

118. Recently Indian tech billionaire ArunPudur has been ranked as Asia’s

wealthiest entrepreneur under the ageof _______.a.25b.40c.30d.35e.none of these

119. Who won a gold in boys’ 800m race ofthe Asian Youth AthleticsChampionships?a. Beant Singhb. Surjit Kamathc. Harvinder Kaurd. Vinay Singhe. None of these

120. Recently Vikas Gowda won gold inJamaican International Invitation meet.He is a __________.a. Table Tennis playerb. Discus throwerc. Sprinterd. Squash playere. None of these

121. Which country has become world’s topimporter of crude oil?a. Indiab.Americac. Japand.Chinae.none of these

122. Who has been appointed as actingChairman of National Human RightsCommission (NHRC)?a. Justice K.G. Balakrishnanb. Justice M.L. Subramanianc. Justice S. Mrityunjayad. Justice Cyriac Josephe.none of these

123. Recently who has been appointedGovernor of Jharkhand?a. Droupadi Murmub. J.P. Rajkhowac. Tathagata Royd. V. Shanmuganathane. None of these

124. Recently Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw hasbeen ranked as the ________ mostpowerful executive in medicine makingby a UK-based magazine The MedicineMaker.a. firstb. secondc. thirdd. fourthe. None of these

125. Recently Dr. Sivanadane (Siva)Mandjiny has won the University ofNorth Carolina (UNC) Board of

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Governors 2015 Award for Excellencein Teaching. He is _____ Professor.a. Physicsb. Biologyc. Chemistryd. Englishe.none of these

126. Which of the following has won BestFilm Award at the 15th edition of theNew York Indian Film Festival(NYIFF)?a. Margarita with a Strawb. Kaaka Muttaic. Labour of Loved. Daugthers of Mother Indiae. None of these

127. Recently Prime Minister DavidCameron promoted one of Britain’smost prominent Indian-origin MPs_________ by making her the newEmployment Minister.a. Harakan Reddyb. Kumar Mangalamc. Sakshi Raid. Priti Patele. None of these

128. Recently RBI has advised all publicsector banks and some private sectorand foreign banks to appoint a/ an____________ to resolve customercomplaints.a. internal ombudsmanb. customer executivec. complaints headd. chief operations managere. noneof these

129. Recently who has been appointed asJapan’s multinationaltelecommunications and internetcompany SoftBank Corp.’s President?a. Amit Gargb. Nikesh Arorac. Vinita Sinhad. Harvinder Kaure. None of these

130. William Zinsser passed away recently.He was a famous ___________.a. singerb. dancerc. writerd. squash playere. golf player

131. Who won the 5th Junior WomenNational Hockey Championship 2015?a. Hockey Odishab. Hockey Haryanac. Hockey Jharkhandd. Hockey Punjab

e. None of these132. Which has become the first state in

India to issue Soil Health Cards(SHCs)?a. Punjabb. Uttar Pradeshc. Odishad. Tamil Nadue. None of these

133. Recently the Union Cabinet gave itsapproval for signing an agreementbetween India and ________ oncooperation in the field of mining andmineral sectora. Japanb. Chinac. Koread. Russiae. None of these

134. Which state government has launchedSamajwadi water ATM scheme at busstations?a. Punjabb. Biharc. Maharashtrad. Uttar Pradeshe. None of these

135. Recently who has been appointed ChiefFinancial Officer (CFO) of TataCommunications?a. Arvind Sinhab. Keshav Patilc. Pratibha K. Advanid. Sunandha Gaure. None of these

136. Who has become the first Asian womanto be elected mayor of Ealing Councilin London?a. Surpreet Singhb. Sarabjeet Baghac. Harbhajan Kaur Dheerd. Rekha Vermae. None of these

137. Who has been elected general secretaryof Judo Union of Asia (JUA)?a. D.K. Srivastavab. Mukesh Kumarc. T. Raghavd. Suresh Bhargavae. None of these

138. Recently Moody’s projected India’sgrowth rate at_________ in 2015-16.a. 7.0%b. 7.9%c. 7.5%d. 8.0%e. 8.5%

139. Peter Gay passed away recently. He wasa famous _______________.a. Journalistb. Singerc. Historiand. Noveliste.none of these

140. Government’s flagship programme“Namami Gange” has a budget outlayof _____________.a. Rs. 12,000 croreb. Rs. 14,000 crorec. Rs. 20,000 crored. Rs. 23,000 croree. Rs. 25,000 crore

141. Recently who has been awarded UK’sEncore Award?a. Aravinda Adigab. Neel Mukherjeec. Chetan Bhagatd. Arundhati Roye, None of these

142. How many agreements have beensigned between India and China forbilateral cooperation in several areasincluding economy, trade, science andtechnology and culture?a. 24 b. 11c. 9 d. 16e.none of these

143. With which Indian Channel, ChinaCentral Television (CCTV) has signedan agreement for exchange of television programmesrelated to art, culture and development? a. Times Nowb. Doordarshanc. Sonyd. Colorse.none of these

144. Which ministry has decided to launcha nation-wide unique and singleemergency response number that can beused in case of any emergency,especially by women in distress?a. Ministry of Social Justiceb. Ministry of Human Resourcesc. Ministry of Health & Family Welfared. Ministry of Home Affairse.none of these.

145. The Union Government will re-promulgate land ordinance for the_____ time as the controversial landacquisition bill has been referred to ajoint parliamentary committee. a. First b. Thirdc. Fourth d. Fifthe.none of these

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146. 109th Birth Anniversary of freedomfighter Sukhdev was celebrated on_____.a. 15th May 2015b. 1st June 2015c. 2nd July 2015d. 3rd June 2015e.none of these

147.On 15thMay’15, the Vice President ofIndia Shri M. Hamid Ansari conferredthe “Pt. Haridutt Sharma Award” in thefield of Journalism, Writing and SocialServices to __________.a. Pratibha Patilb. Jhumpa Lahiric. Anurradha Prasadd. Aradhna Kumari e.none of these

148. What is the theme of the 6th NationalConference on Nuclear Energy wasorganized by ASSOCHAM in NewDelhi on 15th May’15?a. Power Production Mediumb Nuclear Energy: A ‘Clean’ Energyoptionc. Non-Conventional Energyd. Green Energye.none of these

148.Which award has been launched by theUnion Minister for Health and FamilyWelfare, Shri J. P. Nadda to publichealth facilities on 15th May’15?a. m-Swasthya Awardb. e-medicines Awardc. Kayakalp Awardd. MedAid Awarde.none of these

150. On 15th May’15. Minster of RoadTransport, Highways and Shipping,Shri Nitin Gadkari launched the stateof the art integrated data collectionsystem. Which technology would usethis system that compiles informationon road assets, condition of thepavements and traffic?a. GPRS Technologyb. VSAT Technologyc. Telecom Technologyd. Laser Technologye.none of these

151. Whose offer has been approved by theMinistry of Urban Development forcooperation in conducting the ‘CitiesChallenge’ competition for selecting thecities for financing under the SmartCities Mission of the Government?a. Bloomberg Philanthropiesb. BBC 

c. Future Groupd. None of thesee.none of these

152. In the second leg of 3-Nation tour, PMNarendra Modi will visit which countryafter China?a. North Koreab. Mangoliac. Vietnamd. South Koreae.none of these

153. By what percent has Canada announcedits plans to reduce the greenhouse gasemissions below 2005 levels by 2030amid international efforts to create anew frame work for addressing climatechange?a. 20% b. 25%c. 30% d. 35%e.none of these

154. On 16th May’15, what edition ofanniversary of joining the Indian Unionis Sikkim celebrating?a. 47th  b. 40th c. 67th  d. 69th e.none of these

155. State Bank of India (SBI) on 14thMay’15 launched contact-less creditand debit cards called____.a. Touch Cardb. Swipe Cardc. sbiINTOUCH d. sbiSWIPEe.none of these

156. On 14thMay’15 which stategovernment banned the digging ofborewells beyond 200 feet in the statewith a view to check the steep declineof groundwater-level?a. Uttar Pradeshb. Maharashtra c. Goad. Gujarate.none of these

157. Which country’s scientist discovered anew state of matter called the Jahn-Teller-metal having a rich combinationof insulating, magnetic, metallic andsuperconducting phase?a. Japanb. Indiac. United Statesd. Germanye.none of these

158. Name the present Prime Minister ofMongolia?a. Chimediin Saikhanbilegb. Dendeviin Terbishdagva

c. Norovyn Altankhuyag d. Sükhbaataryn Batbold e.none of these

159. On 17th May’15, Prime MinisterNarendra Modi announced a line ofcredit of one billion US Dollars tosupport expansion of Mongolia’s______.a. Increasing Control of Pollutionb. Military Expansionc. Economic Capacity andInfrastructured. All of thesee.none of these

160. At what percent of GDP the governmenthas contained the fiscal deficit againstits own target of 4.1 per cent for thefinancial year 2014-15?a. 4.3% b. 5.2%c. 3.2% d. 4%e.none of these

161. Which country Prime MinisterNarendra Modi will visit on the last legof his three nation visit during 18-19thMay’15?a. North Korea b. South Koreac. Vietnam d. Japane.none of these

162. Which two countries accounted for 54percent of the total global goldconsumer demand in the first quarterof the year 2015?a. Dubai and Saudi Arabiab. Oman and Afghanistanc. China and Pakistand. India and Chinae.none of these

163. Which country’s president played in anexhibition ice hockey game with retiredNHL players on 16th May’15 andscored eight goals?a. India b. Russiac. China d. Mongoliae.none of these

164 Name the world’s first fully warm-blooded fish species discovered byresearchers from the National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)?a. Opah b. Bonyc. Opera d. Raye.none of these

165. Constitution Day of Norway wasobserved on ____.a. 16th May b. 18th Mayc. 17th May d. 19th Maye.none of these

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166. In which country, the 68th Session ofthe World Health Assembly (WHA) isscheduled to held from 18th May’15?a. Britain b. South Africac. Brazil d. Genevae.none of these

167. Name the shooter who won the bronzemedal in the 50m Rifle Prone Event ofthe ISSF World Cup at Fort Benning inUSA?a. Gagan Narangb. Abhinav Bindrac. Naveen Jindald. Souren Choudharye.none of these

Q168. Name the three Indian cities that willhave Sister Cities in China as proposedin the 24 agreements signed betweenIndia and China on 15 May 2015? a. Jhansi, Bhopal and Nagpurb. Chennai, Hyderabad and Aurangabadc. Hissar, Chandauli and Siligurid. Pune, Bengaluru and Hyderabade.none of these

Q169. Which state will have province tieswith Sichuan province of China asproposed in the 24 agreements signedbetween India and China on 15 May2015?a. Andhra Pradeshb. Maharashtrac. Goad. Karnatakae.none of these

170. Name the poet of the ‘Gandhi MalaBethala’ – a Marathi Poem?a. Devidas Ramachandra Tuljapurkar b. Vasant Dattatray Gurjar c. Bhalachandra Nemade d. None of thesee.none of these

171. Which country’s Prime Minister hasmarried his gay partner, becoming thefirst leader in the European Union toenter into a same-sex union in a symbolof growing social change across thecontinent?a. Seychelles b. Canadac. Luxembourgd. Thailande.none of these

172.Who has launched the website of NITIAayog on 18th May’15?a. Pranab Mukherjeeb. Bibek Mukherjeec. Narendra Modid. Arvind Panagariya

e.none of these173. Which state’s legislative assembly was

addressed by the President of India on18th May’15?a. Uttarakhandb. West Bengalc. Assamd. Jammu & Kashmire.none of these

174. World no. 1 Novak Djokovic capturedhis fourth Rome Masters Tennis titlewith a convincing win over___________.a. Andrey Agassib. Roger Federerc. Leander Paesd. Andy Murraye.none of these

175. Name the nurse who was in a vegetativestate for more than four decadesfollowing her brutal rape in 1973 &died in Mumbai’s KEM Hospital on18th May’15 after a bout ofpneumonia?a. Manju Vaidyab. Geeta Kumaric. Aruna Shanbaugd. None of thesee.none of these

176. Who has been appointed as Chairmanof a Joint Committee of Parliament thatwill go into the provisions of thecontroversial Land Acquisition Bill?a. S. S. Ahluwaliab. Montek Singh Ahluwaliac. V Ravid. D P Singhe.nonje of these

177. After how many years, Nelong Valleyin Uttarkashi near China border hasbeen opened in May 2015 for tourists?a. 40 yearsb. 53 yearsc. 69 yearsd. 25 yearse.none of these

178. Which Indian software company is toopen first overseas campus in China?a. Tech Mahindra b. L&T Infotechc. Infosysd. TCSe.none of these

179. How many agreements have beensigned between India and South Koreato upgrade relations to special strategicpartnership level on 18th May’15?a. 24 b. 27

c. 11 d. 7e.none of these

180 Who has won the Women’s single titleof Italian Tennis Open held in Rome on17th May’15?a. Martina Hingisb. Sania Mirzac. Maria Sharapovad. Carla Suarez Navarroe.none of these

181. After how many years India assumedpresidency of the 68th World HealthAssembly (WHA) at Geneva on 18thMay’15?a. 15 years b. 19 yearsc. 23 years d. 25 yearse.none of these

182. How many new cold chains have beensanctioned for setting up in the countrywith a total investment of over Rs. 700Crore?a. 10 b. 20c. 30 d. 40e.none of these

183. Name the country that will host thePacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)Travel Mart 2015 in Sep 2015?a. France b. Singaporec. Japan d. Indiae.none of these

184. On which day the President of India ShriPranab Mukherjee will inaugurate the50th Anniversary of India’s firsthistoric climb of Mt. Everest in 1965?a. 20th May 2015b. 19th May 2015c. 1st June 2015d. 5th June 2015e.none of these

185. National Day of the Republic ofCameroon is being observed on______.a. 19th May 2015 b. 20th May 2015c. 21st May 2015d. 22nd May 2015e.none of these

186. The ‘Kavaratti’ ship has been launchedon 19th May’15 at a glitteringceremony held at Garden ReachShipbuilders and Engineers Ltd(GRSE), Kolkata. It is the _______Ship of Project-28?a. First  b. Secondc. Fourth  d. Laste.none of these

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

187. Which state will host the ParaglidingWorld Cup from 23rd Oct to 31st Oct’2015? a. Odishab. Meghalayac. West Bengald. Himachal Pradeshe.none of these

188. Name the department under the UnionMinistry of Earth Sciences on 18thMay’15 that signed Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) with PowerSystem Operation Corporation Ltd(POSOCO) for optimum use of weatherinformation/forecast in the powersector?a. National Centre for Medium RangeWeather Forecasting b. India Meteorological Departmentc. Indian Institute of TropicalMeteorologyd. Earth Risk Evaluation Centree.none of these

189. As announced by the Climate Groupon 18thMay’15, which companybecame the first Indian Company toJoin RE100 Renewable EnergyCampaign?a. TCSb. Infosysc. Wills Lifestyled. L & Te.none of these

190. Which company has announced tobecome carbon neutral by 2018?a. TATA Motorsb. Capegeminic. Infosysd. IBMe.none of these

191. In which state new Catfish species‘Glyptothorax Senapatiensis’discovered in the year 2015? a. Maharashtrab. Manipurc. Assamd. Keralae.none of these

192. From which day the higher service taxof 14% which was proposed in thebudget speech 2015 will be effective______.a. 31st May 2015b. 30th June 2015c. 30th May 2015d. 1st June 2015e.none of these

193. Who has been appointed as theController General of Accounts in theMinistry of Finance in May 2015?a. M J Josephb. Jawahar Thakur c. Rachna Sirkard. None of thesee.none of these

194. With which Chinese company, RelianceJio Infocomm has signed a pact forsourcing various 4G devices?a. Fujitsub. Huwaeic. Indus Towersd. Mitsubishie.none of these

195. Name the Australian Wicketkeeper whoannounced his retirement from One DayInternational Cricket just a day beforeleaving for tour of West Indies andEngland?a. Steve Smithb. Adam Gilchristc. Brad Haddind. Mark Hughese.none of these

196. Who led the ICC committee thatrecommended staging of Test Matchesextending into the evening hours andalso deliberated on the concept of four-day Test match, but in the end, decidedto stick to the usual five-day format?a. Jagmohan Dalmiyab. Saurav Gangulyc. S Srinivasand. Anil Kumblee.none of these

197. Recently who won Rome MastersTennis title?a. Novak Djokovicb. Roger Federerc. Andy Murrayd. Rafael Nadale. none of these

198. Name the Indian-American who wonIntel Foundation Young Scientist Awardin the US.a. Karan Jerathb. Vickey Sharmac. Rashid Pathand. Anish Mathewe.   None of these

199. How many agreements were signed byIndia and Mongolia during the recentvisit of Prime Minister Narendra Modito Mongolia?a.5 b.7c.10 d.14

e.16200. Recently which private sector bank

opened its first branch in China?a. HDFC Bankb. ICICI Bankc. Axis Bankd. Yes Banke. none of these


1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d)5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (d)9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (d)13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (d)17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (d)21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (c)25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (b)29. (a) 30. (d) 31. (c) 32. (a)33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (a)37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (b)41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (b)45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (c)49. (a) 50. (b) 51. (d) 52. (a)53. (c) 54. (d) 55. (b) 56. (a)57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (a)61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (d)65. (c) 66. (b) 67. (a) 68. (b)69. (a) 70. (a) 71. (c) 72. (b)73. (a) 74. (b) 75. (a) 76. (c)77. (d) 78. (a) 79. (b) 80. (c)81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (b) 84. (b)85. (c) 86. (d) 87. (c) 88. (a)89. (d) 90. (d) 91. (a) 92. (b)93. (c) 94. (c) 95. (b) 96. (b)97. (d) 98. (a) 99. (d) 100. (c)101. (c) 102. (e) 103. (a) 104. (b)105. (d) 106. (b) 107. (c) 108. (4)109. (b) 110. (c) 111. (c) 112. (e)113. (a) 114. (a) 115. (b) 116. (b)117. (d) 118. (b) 119. (a) 120. (b)121. (d) 122. (d) 123. (a) 124. (b)125. (c) 126. (c) 127. (d) 128. (a)129. (b) 130. (c) 131. (b) 132. (a)133. (b) 134. (d) 135. (c) 136. (c)137. (b) 138. (c) 139. (c) 140. (c)141. (b) 142. (a) 143. (b) 144. (d)145. (b) 146. (a) 147. (c) 148. (b)149. (c) 150. (4) 151. (a) 152. (b)153. (c) 154. (b) 155. (c) 156. (b)157. (a) 158. (a) 159. (c) 160. (d)161. (b) 162. (d) 163. (b) 164. (a)165. (c) 166. (d) 167. (a) 168. (b)169. (d) 170. (b) 171. (c) 172. (d)173. (a) 174. (b) 175. (c) 176. (a)177. (b) 178. (c) 179. (d) 180. (c)181. (b) 182. (c) 183. (d) 184. (a)185. (b) 186. (c) 187. (d) 188. (b)189. (b) 190. (c) 191. (b) 192. (d)193. (a) 194. (b) 195. (c) 196. (d)197. (a) 198. (a) 199. (d) 200. (b)

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

21. Which among following is responsiblefor specifying address of a memorylocation ?a) RAMb) Address Busc) Control Busd) Hard Disk

22. Which among following is responsiblefor finding and loading operatingsystem into RAM ?a) Bootstrap Loaderb) CMOSc) BIOSd) DMOS

23. Computer resolution measures ?a) Size of screenb) Shape of screenc) Number of pixelsd) Number of colours it support

24. What is full form of CAM ?a) Computer Aided Manufacturingb) Computer And Manufacturingc) Computer Aided Manifestod) Computer And Manifesto

25. Which term is related to database ?a) PHPb) Javac) Oracled) Assembly

26. Which operating system is developedby Apple ?a) Linuxb) Windowc) Mac OSd) DOS

27. Which among following is an imagename extension ?a) gifb) docxc) pptd) lib

28. What is meaning of LAT ?a) Local Area Transportb) Large Area Transportc) Local Area Transmissiond) Large Area Transmission

29. SLIP stands for ?a) Serial Line Internet Processingb) Serial Line Internet Protocolc) Serial Line Protocold) None of above

30. Resolution of printer is measured in ?a) Megabitsb) Inchesc) Hertzd) DPI


1. If a computer has more than oneprocessor then it is known as ?a) Uniprocessb) Multiprocessorc) Multithreadedd) Multiprogramming

2. If a computer provides database servicesto other, then it will be known as ?a) Web serverb) Application serverc) Database serverd) FTP server

3. Technology used to provide internet bytransmitting data over wires oftelephone network is ?a) Transmitterb) Diodesc) HHLd) DSL

4. Which of following is used in RAM ?a) Conductorb) Semi Conductorc) Vaccum Tubesd) Transistor

5. Which operations are performed byRAM?a) Readb) Writec) Read and Writed) Depends on computer

6. USB is which type of storage device ?a) Primayb) Secondaryc) Tertiaryd) None of above

7. MPG is an file extension of which typeof files ?a) Audiob) Imagec) Videod) Flash

8. Where BIOS is stored ?a) Hard Diskb) RAMc) Flash Memory Chipd) Any of above

9. 1 Mega Byte is equal toa) 1024 Bytesb) 1024 Kilo Bytesc) 1024 Giga Bitsd) 1024 Bits

10. Intersection of columns and rows iscalled a ?a) Datab) Tablec) Cell

d) Schema11. ARP stands for ?

a) Address Reverse Protocolb) Address Resolution Protocolc) Address Repersentative Protocold) Address Recording Protocol

12. Which is responsible for communicationbetween Memory and ALU ?a) Keyboardb) RAMc) Control nitd) USB

13. If CPU executes multiple programssimultaneously, it will be known as ?a) Multiprocessingb) Multitaskingc) Timesharingd) Multiprogramming

14. Who invented C++ ?a) Steve Jobsb) James Goslingc) Bjarne Stroustrupd) Dennis Ritchie

15. What is the meaning of OSI, in termsof computers ?a) Open Software Intrerelationb) Open System Intrerelationc) Open Software Interconnectiond) Open System Interconnection

16. ULSI microprocessor is used in whichgeneration of computers ?a) Second generationb) Third generationc) Fourth generationd) Fifth generation

17. Who invented keyboard ?a) James Goslingb) Steve Jobsc) Martin cooperd) Christoper Latham Sholes

18. What is meaning of OMR ?a) Optical Mark Readerb) Optical Message Readerc) Optical Message Renderd) Optical Mark Render

19. Which function key is used to checkspellings ?a) F2b) F5c) F7d) F11

20. In computer what converts AC to DC ?a) POSTb) Adapterc) RAMd) SMPS

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

31. Word length of a home computer is ?a) 4 bitsb) 8 bitsc) 16 bitsd) 24 bits

32. Which is responsible for performingmodulation/demodulation ?a) Fiberb) Coaxial Cablec) Routerd) Modem

33. What is unit of speed of SuperComputer?a) KFLOPSb) LFLOPSc) MFLOPSd) GFLOPS

34. Which of the following software isinteracts with the hardware ?a) Application softwareb) Utility programc) System softwared) Interprator

35. Which type of software are devicedriversa) Application softwareb) System softwarec) Utility softwared) These are type of hardware

36. Which of following is not a valid bus incomputer system ?a) Data Bub) Memory Busc) Address Busd) System Bus

37. Which gate is also known inverter ?a) ANDb) ORc) NOTd) XOR

38. Directory structure in windows is ?a) Flatb) Hierarchicalc) Both of aboved) None of above

39. By which key you can capture screen ofcurrent desktop ?a) Scrlkb) PrtScrc) Breakd) SysRq

40. Which of following alphabet can not bepart of a hexadecimal digit ?a) Ab) Lc) Fd) E


1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (b)

5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (c)

9. (b) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. (c)

13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (d)

17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (d)

21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (a)

25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (a)

29. (c) 30. (d) 31. (b) 32. (d)

33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (c)

37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (b)

ABBREVIATIONGDR – Global Depository ReceiptsALM- Asset Liability ManagementARC – Asset Reconstruction CompaniesFINO- Financial Inclusion NetworkOperationCTT-  Commodities Transaction TaxCRM- Customer Relationship ManagementKYC-Know Your CustomerSLR-Statutory Liquidity RatioCRR-Cash Reserve RatioMSF-Marginal Standing FacilityREPO-Repurchase OptionNBFC-Non Banking Finance CompaniesOSMOS- Off-Site Monitoring &SurveillanceIFSC- Indian Financial System CodeBSE-Bombay Stock ExchangeNSE-National Stock ExchangeSWIFT- Society for Worldwide InterbankFinancial TelecommunicationFSLRC – Financial Sector LegislativeReforms CommissionLAF – Liquidity Adjustment FacilityDRT – Debt Recovery TribunalsAFSPA- Armed Forces Special Powers ActFRP- Financial Restructuring PlanDTAA- Double taxation AvoidanceAgreementCCPA- Cabinet Committee onParliamentary AffairsEFSF- European Financial Stability FacilityNPS- New Pension SchemeNDMA- National Disaster ManagementAuthority

PMI- Purchasing Managers’ IndexDIIs- Domestic Institutional InvestorsCST- Central Sales TaxMMRCA- Medium Multi Role CombatAircraftMPLADS- MP Local Area DevelopmentSchemeFCA  - Foreign Currency AccountGSPA  - Gas Sale Purchase AgreementTAPI  - Tajikistan, Pakistan and IndiaPipeline ProjectSHADE- Shared Awareness andDeconflictionTIEA- Tax Information and ExchangeAgreementNDSAP- National Data Sharing andAccessibility PolicyNCMC- National Common Mobility CardMEDP- Multinational Design EvaluationProgrrameANBC - Adjusted Net Bank CrediTBPSS - Board for Regulation andSupervision ofPayment and Settlement SystemsDCM - Department of CurrencyManagementEBT - Electronic Benefit TransferECB - European Central BankFCCB - Foreign Currency Convertible BondFIEO - Federation of Indian ExportOrganisationFMCG - Fast Moving Consumer GoodsFMD - Financial Markets DepartmentGCC - Gulf Cooperation CouncilGCCs - General-purpose Credit CardsIBA - Indian Banks’ AssociationJNNURM - Jawaharlal Nehru NationalUrbanRenewal MissionKVIBs - Khadi and Village IndustriesBoardsKVIC - Khadi and Village IndustriesCommissionMMBCS - Magnetic Media Based ClearingSystemMMMFs - Money Market Mutual FundsOLTAS - Online Tax Accounting System

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC



RETARD -slow the growth or development of

SCURRILOUS-very rude and insulting, and intended to damage

somebody’s reputationPROLIFIC-able to produce many works, etc (of an artist, a writer)

TRAUMA-a mental condition caused by severe shock, especially

when the harmful effects last for long time

CONFINE-to keep somebody or something inside the limits of a

particular activity, subject , area, etc

TRAMP-a person with no home or job who travels from place to

place, usually asking people in the street for food or money

  VITIATE-to spoil or reduce the effect of something

RETALIATE-To do something harmful to somebody because they

have harmed you firs

DORMANT-not active or growing now but able to become active

or to grow in the future

REVERE-love unquestioningly and uncritically 

ERUDITE-having or showing great knowledge that is gained from

academic study

CAPRICIOUS-showing sudden changes in attitude or behaviour

LASSITUDE-a state of feeling very tired in mind or body

DESCRIPTIVE ENGLISHRules of Spotting Errors Part1. ‘Scarcely’ and ‘hardly’ are followed by ‘when’  and not by

‘than’.a) I had scarcely  entered the room than  the phone rang. (


b) I had scarcely  entered the room when  the phone rang. (


2. ‘Though’ is followed by ‘yet’ and not by ‘but’.a) Though  he is poor but  he is honest. (Incorrect  )

b) Though  he is poor, yet  he is honest. (Correct)

3. ‘No sooner’ is followed by ‘than’.a) No sooner  had I entered the class when  the students

stood up. ( Incorrect)

b) No sooner  had I entered the class than  the students stood

up ( Correct)

4. Attention must also be given to the verb form while using

‘no sooner than’. The correct forms are past perfect orpastindefinite.

a) No sooner  had I entered the class than  the students stand

up. ( Incorrect)

b) No sooner  had I entered the class than  the students stood

up. ( Correct)

5. ‘Lest’ must be followed by ‘should’.a) Read regularly lest  you will fail. ( Incorrect)

b) Read regularly lest  you should  fail. ( Correct)

6.   ‘Such’ is followed by ‘as’.a) He is such  a writer that  everyday should read his books.


b) He is such  a writer as  everyday should read his books.

( Correct)

7. ‘So’ is followed by ‘that’a) Sarita was so  popular with her classmates that  she always

had some people coming to her for advice.

8. ‘Unless’  expresses a condition. It is always used in the negative

sense. Thus ‘not’ is never used with ‘unless’.a) Unless  you do not  labour hard, you will not pass.

( Incorrect)

b) Unless  you labour hard, you will not pass. ( Correct)

9.    When an action has taken place in two clauses of a sentence,

it is used in both the clauses according to the requirement.

a) My brother has  and is still doing  excellent work for his

organization (Incorrect)

b) My brother has done  and is still doing  excellent work for

his organization. ( Correct)

10. When there is a sense of continuity, that is, when a thing has

taken place in the past and still continues in the present, the

perfect continuous tense form of the verb should be used.

a) India is  independent for the last forty six years.

( Incorrect)

b) India has been independent for the last forty six years.


11. Use of ‘when’ and ‘while’: Proper attention must be paid to

these words. ‘When’  indicates a general sense and

‘while’  implies a time during the process of doing a work.

a) When  learning to swim, one of the most important things

is to relax. (Incorrect)

b) While  learning to swim, one of the most important things

is to relax. (Correct)

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

Crossing of Cheques:  Crossing refers to drawing two parallel linesacross the face of the cheque. A crossed cheque cannot be paid incash across the counter, and is to be paid through a bank either bytransfer, collection or clearing. A general crossing means that chequecan be paid through any bank and a special crossing, where thename of a bank is indicated on the cheque, can be paid only throughthe named bank.

Demat Account:  Demat Account concept has revolutionized thecapital market of India. When a depository company takes papershares from an investor and converts them in electronic form throughthe concerned company, it is called Dematerialization of Shares.These converted Share Certificates in Electronic form are kept in aDemat Account by the Depository Company, like a bank keepsmoney in a deposit account. Investor can withdraw the shares orpurchase more shares through this demat Account.

Initial Public Offering (IPO):  An event where a company sells itsshares to the public for the first time. The company can be referredto as an IPO for a period of time after the event.

Insolvent:  Insolvent is a person who is unable to pay his debts asthey mature, as his liabilities are more than the assets . Civil Courtsdeclare such persons insolvent. Banks do not open accounts ofinsolvent persons as they cannot enter into contract as per law.

JHF Account :  Joint Hindu Family Account is account of a firmwhose business is carried out by Karta of the Joint family, actingfor all the family members.. The family members have commonancestor and generally maintain a common residence and are subjectto common social, economic and religious regulations.

Lease Financing:  Financing for the business of renting houses orlands for a specified period of time and also hiring out of an assetfor the duration of its economic life. Leasing of a car or heavymachinery for a specific period at specific price is an example.

Letter of Credit:  A document issued by importers bank to its branchor agent abroad authorizing the payment of a specified sum to aperson named in Letter of Credit (usually exporter from abroad).Letters of Credit are covered by rules framed under UniformCustoms and Practices of Documentary Credits framed byInternational Chamber of Commerce in Paris.

Material Alteration:  Alteration in an instrument so as to alter thecharacter of an instrument for example when date, amount, nameof the payee are altered or making a cheque payable to bearer froman order one or opening the crossing on a cheque.

Merchant Banking :  When a bank provides to a customer varioustypes of financial services like accepting bills arising out of trade,arranging and providing underwriting, new issues, providing advice,information or assistance on starting new business, acquisitions,mergers and foreign exchange.

Open-end (Mutual) Fund:  There is no limit to the number of sharesthe fund can issue. The fund issues new shares of stock and fills thepurchase order with those new shares. Investors buy their sharesfrom, and sell them back to, the mutual fund itself. The share pricesare determined by their net asset value.

JABBER: Talk excitedly; utter rapidly

JEOPARDIZE: Put in danger


1.Careful in performing duties = Punctilious2.A person who gives written testimony for use in a law court =deponent3.A person who is made to bear the blamedue to others = Scapegoat4.A person who pays much attention to his clothes and appearance= Dandy5.A person hard to please = Fastidious6.A person who considers himself superior to others in culture andintellect = Highbrow7.A wishful longing for something one has known in the past =Nostalgia8.The art of cutting trees and bushes in toornamental shapes =Topiary9.An associate in an office or institution = Colleague10.A person who believes in God = Theist11.A person who does not believe in God = Atheist12.Witty, Clever, Retart = Repartee13.A child who stays away from school without any good reason =Truant14.One who compiles a dictionary = Lexicographer15.One who does not care for literature and art = Philistine16.One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks = Teatotaller17.A house for storing grains = granary18.A person who is neither intelligent nor dull(average) = Mediocre19.A person who dances to the tune of his wife = Henpecked20.Branch of medicine which deals with theproblems of the old =Ntology(Geriatrics)

BANKING TERMINOLOGYRisk-Averse, Risk-Neutral, Risk-Taking:Risk-averse describes an investor who requires greater return inexchange for greater risk.Risk-neutral describes an investor who does not require greaterreturn in exchange for greater risk.Risk-taking describes an investor who will accept a lower return inexchange for greater risk.

Consumer Protection Act:  It is implemented from 1987 to enforceconsumer rights through a simple legal procedure. Banks also arecovered under the Act. A consumer can file complaint for deficiencyof service with Consumer District Forum for amounts upto Rs.20Lacs in District Court, and for amounts above Rs.20 Lacs to Rs.1Crore in State Commission and for amounts above Rs.1 Crore inNational Commission.

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

22. With the disintegration of USSR in end1991, comprised of ____ UnionRepublics.(a) 15  (b) 10(c) 5  (d) 25

23. The light of distant stars is affected by(a) the earth’s atmosphere(b) interstellar dust(c) both (a) and (b)(d) None of the above

24. The landmass of which of the followingcontinents is the least?(a) Africa  (b) Asia(c) Australia  (d) Europe

25. Without ____ the equator would be muchhotter than it is while the poles wouldbe much cooler.(a) latitudinal redistribution of heat(b) cycle of air circulation(c) global wind pattern(d) All are similar terms

26.The Yarlung Zangbo river, in India, isknown as?(a) Ganga(b) Indus(c) Brahmaputra(d) Mahanadi

27.The India’s highest annual rainfall isreported at?(a) Namchi, Sikkim(b) Churu, Rajasthan(c) Mawsynram, Meghalaya(d) Chamba, Himachal Pradesh

28.The watershed between India andMyanmar is formed by(a) the Naga hills(b) the Garo hills(c) Khasi hills(d) the Jaintia hills

29.    The number indicating the intensity ofan earthquake on a Richter scale rangebetween –(a) 1 to 7  (b) 1 to 8(c) 1 to 9                  (d) 1 to 12

30.    Which is not a causative factor ofearthquake?(a) Volcanoes     (b) Isostacy(c) Tectonics        (d) Waves

31. Distance of stars are measured in(a) Galactic unit (b) seller mile(c) Cosmic Kilometre           (d) Light year

32. Decibel is the unit of(a) speed of light                           (b) intensity of sound

100 G.K. QUESTION FOR SSC/RAILWAY1.        Who was the first European to designate

Aryan as a race?(a) William Jones(b) H.H Wilson(c) General Cunningham(d) Max Muller                                   

2.        The staple food of the Vedic Aryan was(a) Barley and Rice(b) Milk and its products(c) Vegetables and fruits(d) Rice and Pulses

3.        The battle Mahabharata is believed tohave been fought at Kurukshetra for –(a) 14 days (b) 16 days(c) 18 days (d) 20 days

4.        Who among the following wroteSanskrit Grammar?(a) Kalidasa (b) Charaka(c) Panini (d) Aryabhatt

5.        Which river has no mention inRigaveda?(a) Sindhu (b) Saraswati(c) Yamuna (d) Periyar

6.    In which language was the ‘ShrimadBhagavad Gita’ originally written?(a) Sanskrit(b) Aphbhramsa(c) Prakrit(d) Pali

7.    Purushasukta is founded in the –(a) Bhagavad Gita(b) Rigaveda(c) Manusmriti(d) Atharvaveda

8.    The hymns of ‘Rigaveda’ are the workof –(a) one author(b) four author(c) seven author(d) many author

9.    Patanjali is  well – known for thecompilation of –(a) Yoga Sutra(b) Panchatantra(c) Brahma Sutra(d) Ayurveda

10.    The God who is the most prominent in‘Rigaveda’ is –(a) Indra (b) Agni(c) Pasupati (d) Vishnu

11.  The Rigvedic God Varuna was –(a) Harbinger of peace(b) Destroyer of foes(c) Guardian of the cosmic order(d) God prosperity

12.    Panni, the first Grammarian of Sanskritlanguage in India, lived during the –(a) 2nd Century BC(b) 6th – 5th Century BC(c) 2nd Century AD(d) 5th – 6th Century AD

13.    The words Satyameva Jayate in the StateEmblem of India have been adoptedfrom which one of the following?(a) Mundak Upanishad(b) Brahma Upanishad(c) Mudgala Upanishad(d) Maitreyi Upnishad

14.  Upanishad are books on –(a) Religion (b) Yoga(c) Law (d) Philosophy

15.    The great law giver of ancient times was-(a) Manu(b) Vatsyayana(c) Ashoka(d) Aryabhatta

16.    The word Gotra occurs for the first timein –(a) Rigaveda(b) Samaveda(c) Yajurveda(d) Atharvaveda

17.  Nayaya Darshan was propagated by –(a) Gautama(b) Kapil(c) Kanada(d) Jaimini

18.  The word Aryan means –(a) Of good family(b) Cultivator(c) Yajurveda(d) Atharvaveda

19.    Which one of the following four Vedascontains an account of magical charmsand spells?(a) Rigaveda(b) Samaveda(c) Yajurveda(d) Atharvaveda

20.      The expounder of Yoga philosophy was(a) Patanjali(b) Gautam(c) Jaimini(d) Sankaracharya

21. Which of the following is tropicalgrassland?(a) Taiga (b) Savannah(c) Pampas (d) Prairies

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(c) intensity of heat               (d) None of these

33. Which of the following is not a vectorquantity(a) speed                         (b) velocity(c) torque                       (d) displacement

34. When a steel ball is placed on the surfaceof mercury, it does not sink because(a) of the surface tension of

mercury         (b) mercury is a semisolid(c) of the high viscosity of

mercury                   (d) the density of mercury is greater

than that of steel35. To produce deflection in a television

picture tube:(a) an electric field is used                       (b) a magnetic field is used(c) both electric and magnetic field are

used             (d) none of the above

36. Two bulbs are fitted in a room in thedomestic electric installation. One ofthem glows brighter than the other.Then(a) the brighter bulb has smaller

resistance(b) the brighter bulb has larger

resistance(c) both the bulbs have the same

resistance             (d) none of these

37. Alfred Nobel invented(a)   X ray(b)  Diesel Engine(c)   Dynamite(d)   Dynamo

38. A car parked in the sun with its windowsclosed gets terribly hot inside. This isdue to(a) the heat emitted by the

engine                   (b) the greenhouse effect(c) the good conducting power of the

metal body                       (d) the double layered wind shield

39. If a band is played on the moon the soundwill(a) reverberate (b) be heard by us faintly(c) be heard upto 10 km from it (d) not be heard at any distance at all

from it40. The working of the quartz crystal in the

watch is based on the

(a) Piezo - electric Effect                             (b) Edison Effect(c) Photoelectric Effect   (d) Johnson Effect

41. The core of an electromagnet is made ofsoft iron because soft iron has(a) small susceptibility and small

retentivity                 (b) large susceptibility and small

retentivity(c) large density and large

retentivity           (d) small density and large retentivity

42. What are audible sound waves ?(a) Having frequency less than 20 Hz(b) Having frequency between 20 Hz

to 20000 Hz(c) Having frequency more than

20000 Hz(d) None of above

43. Which of the following is anelectromagnetic wave ?(a) Cathode rays(b) Sound wave(c) Ultrasonic wave(d) Infra red rays

44. Force of attraction between the moleculesof different substances is called(a) Surface tension(b) Cohensive force(c) Adhesive force(d) None of above

45. Sudden fall in barometer is indication of(a) Storm (b) Rain(c) Tide (d) Clear weather

46.        The most electronegative elementamong the following is(a) sodium  (b) bromine(c) fluorine (d) oxygen

47.    The metal used to recover copper froma solution of copper sulphate is(a) Na               (b) Ag(c) Hg               (d) Fe

48.    The law which states that the amountof gas dissolved in a liquid isproportional to its partial pressure is(a) Dalton’s law(b) Gay Lussac’s law(c) Henry’s law(d) Raoult’s law

49.    The metallurgical process in which ametal is obtained in a fused state iscalled(a) smelting                     (b) roasting(c) calcinations         (d) froth floatation

50. Brass is an alloy of ?

(a) Copper and Tin(b) Copper and Zinc(c) Copper and Aluminium(d) Iron and Copper

51. Which gas is filled in refrigerators ?(a) Chlorofluorocarbon(b) Acetylene(c) Methane(d) Butane

52. How many different oxides are formedby nitrogen ?(a) two(b) three(c) four(d) more than four

53. What is metallurgy ?(a) process of extracting metal in pure

form from its ore.(b) process of creating alloys of

metals.(c) process of making metals live

long.(d) None of above.

54. Contact lenses are made from ?(a) Polyvinyl chloride(b)Teflon(c) Polystyrene(d) Lucite

55. Which one of the following is a primate?(a)  Bear (b) Otter(c) Loris (d)   Pangolin

56. To which one of the following types oforganisms do mushrooms belong?  (a) Algae (b) Ferns(c) Fungi (d)  Lichens

57. Which one of the following disease isInheritable?  (a) Leukaemia(b) Colour blindness(c) Malignancy(d) Hepatitis

58.    Which of the following control bloodpressure?(a) Parathyroid(b) Thyroid(c) Thymous(d) Adrenal

59.  Life saving harmone is –(a) Adrenal (b) Pituitary(c) Thyroid (d) All of them

60.    A person feel fatigued due to depositinof a acid in their muscles is –(a) Latic Acid(b) Ureic acid(c) Citric acid(d) Pyruvic acid

61.  Cornea is an important part of –(a) Ear (b) Nose

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(c)   Akbar(d) None of the above

82. Approx __ % of Indian population is stillAgriculturist.(a) 46% (b) 50%(c) 58% (d) 64%

83. How much population is living belowpoverty line in India ?(a) Approx 24%(b) Approx 25%(c) Approx 26%(d) Approx 27%

84. Who was the father of Operation Flood?(a) Dr. Norman Borlaug(b) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan(c) Dr. Verghese Kurien(d) Dr. William Gande

85. In which article of the Constitution ofIndia has the Joint Sitting of the LokSabha and the Rajya Sabha beenprovided ?(a) Article 101(b) Article 108(c) Article 133(d) Article 102

86. Name the committee for formulating theframework of restructuring railways:(a) Jain Committee(b) Venkatachelliah(c) Rakesh Mohan Committee(d) Dinesh Goswami Committee

87. Which is not a Kharif Crop ?(a) Jowar(b) Maize(c) Groundnut(d) Wheat

88. The data of estimation of India’s Nationalincome is issued by ?(a) Planning Commision(b) National Data Center(c) Central Statistical Organsation(d) None of above

89. The concept of Economic Planning inIndia is derived from ?(a) USA (b) UK(c) Australia (d) Russia

90. States earn maximum revenue through(a) Tax Fines(b) Customs(c) License sales(d) Commercial taxes

91. In India paper currency started in ?(a) 1860 (b) 1861(c) 1862 (d) 1863

92. The bank which has the highest numberof branches in the world is ?(a) State Bank of India(b) RBS

(c) Kidney (d) Eye62.    Corpus luteum is a mass of cells found

is –(a) Brain (b) Ovary(c) Pancreas (d) Spleen

63.      The part of the body directly affectedby Rabies is:(a) Bone tissue(b) Epidermal tissue(c) Nervous system(d) Respiratory system

64.      Amino acids are a product of thedigestion of:(a) Carbohydrates(b) Fats(c) Proteins(d) Vitamins

65.      The part of the body directly affectedby Beri Beri disease is:(a) Nervous system(b) Epidermal tissue(c) Respiratory system(d) Bone tissue

66. Which of the following pairs arecorrectly matched? 1. Warren Hastings – Regulating Act2. Cornwallis – Permanent LandSettlement3. Wellesley – Subsidiary Alliance4. Dalhousie – Abolition of Sati (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1, 2 & 4(c) 1, 2 & 3 (d) 2 and 3

67. Arrange the following in chronologicalorder, who administered as GovernorGenerals of India.1. Wellesley2. Cornwallis3. Warren Hastings4. Dalhousie (a) 3,2, l, 4 (b) 1,2,4, 3(c) 4, 2, 3, 1 (d) 4, 1, 2,3

68. The silver coins issued by the Guptaswere called ?(a) rupaka(b) karshapana(c) dinara(d) pana

69. In the ‘individual Satyagraha’, VinobaBhave was chosen as the firstSatyagrahi. Who was the second?  (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasadh(b) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru(c) C. Rajagopalachari(d) Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel

70.Which of the following was not foundedby Dr.B. R. Ambedkar? (a) Deccan Education Society(b) Samaj Samata Sangh

(c) Peoples Education Society(d) Depressed Classes Institute

71.The Pagodas at Mahabalipuram had beenconstructed by ___?(a) Cholas(b) Chalukyas of Kalyani(c) Pallavas(d) Pandyas

72. Which among the following is the mostfamous Bronze Image of Chola Period?(a) Murugan (b) Nataraja(c) Venkateshwar (d) Vishnu

73. Rivers Tigris and Euphrates areassociated with ?(a) Mesopotamian Civilization(b) Egyptain Civilization(c) Harappan Civilization(d) Chinese Civilization

74. Who is considered as the master of Greekcomedy ?(a) Aeschylus (b) Sophocles(c) Aristophanes (d) Philip

75. “Boston Tea Party” incident happenedin ?(a) 1770 (b) 1771(c) 1772 (d) 1773

76. French Revolution was started in theYear?(a) 1786 (b) 1787(c) 1788 (d) 1789

77.Mansabdari was introduced in India by(a) Akbar (b) Humayun(c) Shahjehan (d) Babar

78. Under whose leadership was theChittagong Armoury Raid organised ?(a) Jatin Das(b)   Surya Sen(c) Ganesh Ghosh(d) None of the above

79. Which independent nawab of Bengal wasdefeated and killed by forces of EastIndia company?(a) Siraj – ud -daula(b) Shuja – ud -daula(c) Shah Alam II(d) None of the above

80.   Which of the following newspaper waslaunched by Pandit Madan MohanMalviya in 1909?(a) Free India(b)   Leader(c) Independent(d) None of the above

81. The first Indian ruler to organize HajPilgrimage at the expense of the statewas:(a) Alauddin Khilji(b) Aurangzeb

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(c) London Bank(d) Canara Bank

93. What is known as the “Little India”?(a) City (b) Town (c) Village (d) State

94. Who decides whether a bill is a MoneyBill or Not ?(a) President(b) Chairmen of Rajya Sabha(c) Speaker of Lok sabha(d) Minister of Parliamentary affairs

95. The Chief Election Commissioner canbe removed from his office:(a) By the Chief Justice of the

Supreme Court(b) By the President(c) On the basis of a resolution of the

Cabinet(d) On the basis of proved

misbehaviour by 2/3rd majority ofboth Houses of Parliament

96. First woman judge to be appointed toSupreme Court was:(a) Rani Jethmalani(b) Anna George Malhotra(c) M. Fathima Beevi(d) Leila Seth

97. According to Which articles of the IndianConstitution is Hindi, In devnagariscript the official language of  theUnion ?(a) Article 243(b) Article 343(c) Article 223(d) Article 123

98. Before the independence of India, Dadraand nagar haveli were under theadministrative control of ?(a) English(b) French(c) Portuguese(d) Afgans

99. Which community gets special provisionfor Central Services in Article 336 ?(a) Sikh Community(b) Muslim Community(c) Hindu Community(d) Anglo-Indian Community

100. Which one of the following dealt withthe subject of Local self Government ?(a) Balwant rai Mehta Committee(b) Kothari Commission(c) Veerappa Moily Committee(d) Venkatachalam Commission

ANSWER KEYS1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (a)10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (a)19. (d) 20. (a) 21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (c)28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (d) 31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (b) 36. (a)37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (a) 41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (c) 45. (a)46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (c) 49. (a) 50. (b) 51. (a) 52. (d) 53. (a) 54. (a)55. (c) 56. (c) 57. (b) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (a) 61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (c)64. (c) 65. (a) 66. (d) 67. (a) 68. (a) 69. (b) 70. (a) 71. (c) 72. (b)73. (a) 74. (c) 75. (d) 76. (d) 77. (a) 78. (b) 79. (a) 80. (b) 81. (c)82. (c) 83. (c) 84. (c) 85. (b) 86. (c) 87. (d) 88. (c) 89. (d) 90. (d)91. (b) 92. (a) 93. (c) 94. (c) 95. (d) 96. (c) 97. (b) 98. (c) 99. (d)

100. (a)

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Directions (1-5): Rearrange the followingsentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in theproper sequence to form a meaningfulparagraph, then answer the questionsgiven below them.

(A) According to the national Policyof Education, it is 6 percent of theGDP.

(B) India spends a little less than 4percent, as did countries like SouthKorea and Japan that achievedhigh literacy post World War II.

(C) The quality of expenditure is moreimportant than the quantity.

(D) The center spends Rs 1000 peryear on a child while in cities likeMumbai; it’s higher than Rs 6300.

(E) Yet independent studies havefound that an average four yearsof schooling generates two yearsof learning levels across country.

(F) How much government should thegovernment spend on education?

(G) China spends only 2.6 percent.

1. Which one of the following can be theFIRST sentence of the passage in therearranged sentences?(1) A (2) D(3) C (4) F(5) G

2. Which one of following can be theSECOND sentence of the passage inrearranged sentences?(1) A (2) B(3) C (4) D(5) E

3. Which one of the following can be theTHIRD sentence of the passage in therearranged sentences?(1) A (2) B(3) C (4) D(5) E

4. Which one of the following can be theFOURTH sentence of the passage in therearranged sentences?(1) A (2) B(3) C (4) D(5) E

5. Which one of following can be theFIFTH sentence of the passage in therearranged sentence?(1) A (2) B(3) C (4) G

(5) E

Directions (6-15): In each of the followingpassages there are blanks, each of whichhas been numbered. These numbers areprinted below the passage and againsteach, five words are suggested, one ofwhich fits the blank appropriately in thecontext of the passage. Find out theappropriate words.On the first morning when the new ManagingDirector took charge, he (6) on his desk along letter from a (7) It was an angry letter,full of specific (8) it gave a dozen incidentsof (9) service. It ended with thisannouncement – ‘You have received the (10)order that you will (11) get from me’.The new Managing Director was a man ofsense. He appreciated the (12) of this letter.He wrote at once to true customer and (13)him for it. Then he took up the complaintsof the letter, one-by-one. They (14) him to(15) Out at once many of the weak points ofthe organization.

6. (1) put (2) found(3) Kept (4) threw(5) read

7. (1) rival (2) well-wisher(3) preacher (4) customer(5) grumbler

8. (1) matters (2) admiration(3) complaints (4) orders(5) praise

9. (1) bad (2) excellent(3) prompt (4) timely(5) regular

10. (1) last (2) best(3) first (4) important(5) largest

11. (1) never (2) always(3) seldom (4) often(5) ever

12. (1) price (2) depth(3) anger (4) complaint(5) value

13. (1) scolded(2) explained(3) reprimanded(4) thanked(5) alerted

14. (1) prevented (2) enabled(3) wanted (4) forced(5) insisted

15. (1) leave (2) sell(3) find (4) cut(5) thrash

Directions (16-20): In each question, thereis a sentence with a part of the sentenceprinted in bold. Decide whether this boldpart is correct and fits in the grammaticaland contextual framework of thesentence. If it is to be changed, choosefrom options (1) to (4) to replace that part.If not, mark (5) as the answer i.e. ‘Nochange required’.

16. Except for you and I, every one broughta present to the party.a) With the exception of you and I

everyone broughtb) Except for you and I, every one

had broughtc) Except for you and me, every one

broughtd) Exception of you and me,

everyone had broughte) No change required

17. Had I realized how close I was to failing,I would not have gone to the party.a) If I would have realizedb) Had I realize how closec) When I realized how closed) If I realized closee) No change required

18. If he was to decide to go to college, Ifor one, would recommend that he goto Yale University.a) If he were to decide to go to collegeb) Had he decided to go to collegec) In the event that he decides to go

to colleged) Supposing he was, to decide to go

to collegee) No change required

19. Being as I am a realist, I could not accepthis statement that super natural beingshas caused the disturbance.a) That I am a realistb) Being a realistc) Being that I am a realistd) Realist that I ame) No change required

20. Although he is able to make politicalenemies with this decision, the PrimeMinister does not mind doing if for thesake of public welfare.a) liable fromb) of a mind toc) acknowledging his liability tod) liable toe) No change required

Directions (21-25): Read the following

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passage carefully and answer thequestions given below it. Certain words/phrases are printed in bold to help youlocate them while answering thosequestions.At one time it would have been impossibleto imagine the integration of differentreligious thoughts, ideas and ideals. That isbecause of the closed society, the lack of anycommunication or interdependence on othernations. People were happy and contentamongst themselves, they did not need anymore. The physical distance and culturalbarriers prevented any exchange of thoughtand beliefs. But such is not the case today.Today, the world has become a much smallerplace, thanks to the adventures and miraclesof science. Foreign nations have become ournext - door neighbours. Mingling ofpopulation is bringing about an interchangeof thought. We are slowly realizing that theworld is a single cooperative group. Otherreligions have become forces with which wehave to reckon and we are seeking for waysand means by which we can live together inpeace and harmony. We cannot have religiousunity and peace so long as we assert that weare in possession of the light and all othersare grouping in the darkness. That veryassertion is a challenge to a fight. Thepolitical ideal of the world is not so much asingle empire with a homogeneous,civilization and single communal will abrotherhood of free nations differingprofoundly in life and mind, habits andinstitutions, existing side by side in peaceand order, harmony and cooperation and eachcontributing to the world its own unique andspecific best, which is irreducible to theterms of the others.The cosmopolitanism of the eighteenthcentury and the nationalism of the nineteenthare combined in our ideal of a worldcommonwealth, which allows every branchof the human family to find freedom, securityand self-realisation in the larger life ofmankind. I see no hope for the religiousfuture of the world, if this ideal is notextended to the religious sphere also. Whentwo or three different systems claim that theycontain the revelation of the very core andcentre of truth and the acceptance of it is theexclusive pathway to heaven, conflicts areinevitable. In such conflicts one religion willnot allow others to steal a march over it andno one can gain ascendancy until the worldis reduced to dust and ashes. To obliterateevery other religion than one’s is a sort of

Bolshevism in religion which we must try toprevent. We can do so only if we acceptsomething like the Indian solution, whichseeks the unity of religion not in a commoncreed but in a common quest. Let us believein a unity of spirit and not of organisation, aunity which secures ample liberty not onlyfor every individual but for every type oforganized life which has proved itselfeffective.For almost all historical forms of life andthought can claim the sanction of experienceand so the authority of God. The world wouldbe a much poorer thing if one creed absorbedthe rest. God wills a rich harmony and not acolour less uniformity. the comprehensiveand synthetic spirit of Indianism had madeit a mighty forest with a thousand wavingarms each fulfilling its function and alldirected by the spirit of God. Each thing inits place and all associated in the divineconcert making with their various voices andeven dissonance, as Heraclites would say, themost exquisite harmony should be our ideal.

21. According to the passage, religious unityand peace can be obtained if-a) We believe that the world is a

single co-operative groupb) We do not assert that we alone are

in possession of the realknowledge

c) We believe in a unity of spirit andnot of organisation

d) We believe that truth does matterand will prevail

e) None of these22. According to the author, which of the

following is not true?a) Acceptance of Indianism is the

exclusive pathway to heavenb) We should not assert that other

religions have no definite pathwayor goal

c) God wants a genuine similarity inthoughts, ideas and values ratherthan an artificial

d) People interacting with each otheris bringing about a change in theirattitude

e) None of these23. Which of the following statements is/

are stated or implied in the abovepassage?A) People today are happy and

content amongst themselves.B) There is no freedom and security

in the religions sphere in the worldtoday.

C) Indianism is directed by the spiritof God

a) Only A & Cb) Only Bc) Only Cd) Only Ae) None of these

24. Which of the following is most nearlythe SAME in meaning as the world“reckon” as used in the passage?a) show regardb) take into considerationc) confrontd) agree withe) None of these

25. Which of the following is mostOPPOSITE in meaning of the word“profoundly” as used in the passage?a) meagerly b) hardlyc) scarcely d) marginallye) empty

Directions (Q. 26-30): In each questionsbelow, an incomplete sentence is givenwhich is followed by three possible fillersdenoted by (A), (B), and (C). Find outwhich one, two or three of these fillers canmake the sentence meaningfully completeand grammatically correct.

26. _______ you will get a monthlyallowance of Rs 200.A) In addition to your salaryB) After completing your workC) Besides your salary(1) Only B and C(2) Only A(3) Only C(4) Only A and C(5) Only A and B

27. _______ Tagore’s poems are not likelyto be forgotten.A) Standing first in loftiness of

thoughtB) Being first in loftiness of thoughtC) Due to the loftiness of thought(1) Only A and C(2) Only A(3) Only B(4) Only B and C(5) All A, B and C

28. In spite of his being very rich,_________A) He donated little sum to the

organizationB) He was not happyC) He was being not happy(1) Only A and B(2) Only B

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(3) Only C(4) Only B and C(5) Neither of the three

29. ________, and there is no doubt aboutit.A) You will be electedB) He has leftC) I will leave(1) Only A(2) Only B(3) Only C(4) Only A and B(5) All A, B and C

30. Unless you be quiet, I will compel you______.A) to remain quietB) to be soC) to force you(1) Only C(2) Only B(3) Only A and B(4) Only A and C(5) Only B and C


31. 120 workers can complete a piece ofwork in 85 days and each worker works10h/day. All worker start the work, after10 day all goes to strike. Due to strike,25 day work stop. How many moreworker employed to finish theremaining work if each worker works8h / day.(1) 105 (2) 75(3) 101 (4) 100

32. In a hotel, food material available for 200student for 50 days. After 10 days , 50more students join the hostel. The restfood material a available for how manydays.(1) 22 days (2) 25(3) 32 days (4) None of these

33. Two inlet pipe A & B can fill a tank in25 min & 20 min. But due to samedisturbance in pipe, 5/6th from pipe A,& 2/3rd form pipe B water flow. Bothpipe fill the tank in how many min?(1) 15 min (2) 20 min(3) 10 min (4) None of these

34. A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar part ofwhich he sells at 8% profit and the restat 18% profit. He gains 14% on thewhole. The Quantity sold at 18% profitis(1) 300 (2) 400(3) 600 (4) 500

35. A vessel is filled with liquid, 3 parts of

which are water and 5 parts of syrup.How much of the mixture must bedrawn off and replaced with water sothat the mixture may be half water andhalf syrup?(1) 1/3 (2) 1/4(3) 1/5 (4) 1/6

36. Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in theratio 2 : 3. If the salary of each isincreased by Rs. 4000, the new ratiobecomes 40 : 57. What is Sumit’ssalary?(1) Rs. 17,000(2) Rs. 20,000(3) Rs. 25,500(4) Rs. 38,000

37. Ayesha’s father was 38 years of agewhen she was born while her motherwas 36 years old when her brother fouryears younger to her was born. What isthe difference between the ages of herparents?(1) 2 years (2) 4 years(3) 6 years (4) 8 years

38. In the new budget, the price of keroseneoil rose by 25%. By how much percentmust a person reduce his consumptionso that his expenditure on it does notincrease?(1) 20% (2) 30%(3) 22% (4) 24%

39. In an examination, a student had toobtain 33% of the maximum marks topass. He got 125 marks and failed by40 marks .the maximum marks were :(1) 500 (2) 600(3) 800 (4) 1000

40. The average age of 40 boys in a class is15. The average age of a group of 18boys in the class is 16 and the averageage of an other 12 boys in the class is14. What is the average age of theremaining boys in the class?(1) 15.25 years(2) 14.4 years(3) 14.75 years(4) None of these

41. A square park is surrounded from outsideby a path of 5 meters width. If the areaof the path is 1700sq meters, then whatis the area of the park?(1) 3600sq m(2) 4900sq m(3) 5625sq m(4) 6400sq m

42. A shopkeeper bought 80 kg of sugar atthe rate of Rs. 13.50 per kg. He mixedit with 120 kg of sugar costing Rs. 16

per kg.. In order to make a profit of20%, he must sell the mixture at(1) Rs. 18 per kg(2) Rs. 17 per kg(3) Rs. 16.40 per kg(4) Rs. 15 per kg

43. Rs. 385 were divided among P , Q , R insuch a way that P had Rs 20 more thanQ and R had Rs 15 more than P . Howmuch was R’s share?(1) 156 (2) 145(3) 152 (4) 150(5) None of these

44. On selling 17 balls at Rs. 720, there is aloss equal to the cost price of 5 balls.The cost price of a ball is:(1) Rs. 45 (2) Rs. 50(3) Rs. 55 (4) Rs. 60

45. A shopkeeper labeled the price of hisarticles so as to earn a profit of 30% onthe cost price. He then sold the articlesby offering a discount of 10% on thelabeled price. What is the actual percentprofit earned in the deal?(1) 18%(2) 15%(3) 20%(4) Cannot be determined(5) None of these

46. The difference between the compoundinterest and simple interest of someamount of money for 2 years at 9 %per annum is Rs. 129.60. The sum ofmoney is(1) Rs. 12000(2) Rs. 12500(3) Rs. 13500(4) Rs. 16000

47. A man covers a certain distance betweenhis house and office on scooter.Havingan average speed of 30 km/hr, he lateby 10 min. However, with a speed of40 km/hr. he reaches his office 5 minearlier. Find the distance between hishouse and office.(1) 20 km (2) 40 km(3) 30 km (4) 25 km

48. A train of length 200 m can cross a man,sitting inside another train of length 100m coming from opposite direction atspeed of 25 m/sec, in 5 seconds. Findthe speed of first train?(1) 40 m/sec (2) 20 m/sec(3) 10 m/sec (4) 35 m/sec

49. In a box there are 8 red, 7 blue and 6green balls, one ball is picked uprandomly. What is the probability thatit is neither red nor green?

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(1) 2/3 (2) 3/4(3) 7/19 (4) 7/21(5) 9/21

50. In how many different ways can theletter of the word ‘UNIVERSAL’ bearranged when ‘U’ always comes on 1stplace and ‘L’ on the last place?(1) 5040 (2) 10080(3) 2520 (4) 720

51. A man can row 6 km/h in still water. Ifthe speed of the current is 2 km/h, ittakes 3 hours more in upstream than inthe downstream for the same distance.(1) 30 km (2) 24 km(3) 20 km (4) 32 km

52. A cricketer had a certain average of runsfor his 64 innings. In his 65th innings,he is bowled out for no score on his part.This brings down his average by 2 runs.His new average of runs is(1) 130 (2)128(3) 70 (4) 68

53. A, B and C invest Rs.2000, Rs.3000and Rs.4000 in a business. After oneyear, A removed his money but B andC continued for one more year. If thenet profit after 2 years is Rs.3200 thenA’s share in the profit is :(1) Rs.1000 (2) Rs.600(3) Rs.800 (4) Rs.400(5) Rs 900

54. A towel, when bleached, was found tohave lost 20% of its length and 10% ofits breadth. The percentage of decreasein area is:(1)10% (2) 10.08%(3) 20% (4) 28%

55. When a number is divided by 24, theremainder is 16. The remainder whenthe same number is divided by 12?(1) 3 (2) 4(c) 6 (d) 8

56. 33, 110, 453, 2282, 13711, ?(1) 95673 (2) 96747(3) 96312 (4) 951321(5) 96000

57. 5. 0.8, 3.8, 12.6, 44.8, 188.2, ?(1) 758.6 (2) 868.8(3) 952.00 (4) 1012.2(5) 1112.2

58. 888, 440, 216, 104, 48, 22, 6(1) 440 (2) 216(3) 104 (4) 48(5) 22

59. 2, 3, 6, 15, 52.5, 157.5, 630(1) 3 (2) 6(3) 15 (4) 52.5(5) 157.5

60. 46080, 3840, 384, 48, 8, 2, ?(1) 1 (2) 1/64(3) 1/8 (4) 2(5) None of these

Directions: (61-65 ):  The following line graph gives the percentage of the number of candidateswho qualified an examination out of the total  number of candidates who appeared for theexamination over a period of seven years from 1994 to 2000.

  Percentage of Candidates Qualified to Appeared in an Examination over the Years

61.     The difference between the percentages of candidates qualified to appear was maximumin which of the following pairs of years?(1) 1994 and 1995 (2) 1997 and 1998(3) 1998 and 1999 (4) 1999 and 2000(5) None of these

62.       In which pair of years was the number of candidates qualified the same?(1) 1995 and 1997 (2) 1995 and 2000(3) 1998 and 1999 (4) Data inadequate(5) None of these

63.         If the number of candidates qualified in 1998 was 21200, what was the number ofcandidates appeared in 1998?(1) 32, 000 (2) 28, 500(3) 26, 500 (4) 25, 000(5) None of these64.         If the total number of candidates appeared in 1996 and 1997 together was 47400,then the total number of candidates qualified in these two years together was?(1) 34, 700 (2) 32, 100(3) 31, 500 (4) Data inadequate(5) None of these

65.     The total number of candidates qualified in 1999 and 2000 together was 33500 and thenumber of candidates appeared in 1999 was 26500. What was the number of candidatesin 2000?(1) 24, 500 (2) 22, 000(3) 20, 500 (4) 19, 000(5) None of these

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Directions (Q.66-68): Study the followinginformation carefully and answer the givenquestions:One of the seven subjects viz. Maths,Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics,English and Statistics is taught on one dayin a week starting from Monday and endingon Sunday. Chemistry is taught on Thursday.English is taught the day immediately nextto the day when Zoology is taught. Englishis neither taught on Tuesday nor Saturday.Only one lecture is held between Chemistryand Botany. Two lectures are scheduledbetween Maths and Zoology .Statistics isneither taught on Monday nor Sunday.

66. On which of the following days isphysics taught?(1) Monday(2)Tuesday(3) Wednesday(4) Thursday(5) Friday

67. How many subjects are taught betweenBotany on Saturday?(1) None (2) One(3) Two (4) Three(5) Four

68. Which of the following subjects is taughton Saturday ?(1) Botany (2) Statistics(3) Zology (4) Maths(5) Physics

Directions (Q.69-73) : In each questionbelow are two/ three statements followedby two conclusions numbered by twoconclusions numbered I and II . You haveto take the two/ three giv en statementsto be true even if they seem to be atvariance from commonly known factsand then decide which of the givenconclusions logically follows from thegiven statements disregarding commonlyknown facts.Give answer:

(1) If only conclusions I follows(2) If only conclusion II follows(3) If either conclusions I or

conclusions II follows(4) If neither conclusion I nor

conclusions –II follows.(5) If both the conclusion I and

conclusion II follow.Directions(69-70):

All gliders are parachutesNo parachutes are an airplane.

All airplanes are helicopters.69. Conclusions

I. No helicopter is a gliderII. All parachutes being helicopters isa possibility

70. Conclusions:I. No glider is an aero plane.II. All gliders being helicopters is apossibility

71. Statements :Some mails are chats.All updates are chatsConclusions:I.All mails being updates is apossibility.II. No update is metal

Directions (72-73)Statements:No stone is a metalSome metals are papersAll papers are glass

72. ConclusionsI. No glass is a metalII. At least some glass is metal.

73. ConclusionsI. All stones being glass is a possibilityII. No stone is a paper.

Directions.(74-78) :Study the followinginformation to answer the givenquestions.Six chemicals L, M, N, O,P and Q are keptin bottles of different colours viz. green,red, blue, white, pink and violet, notnecessarily in the same order. These bottlesare arranged from left to right , again notnecessarily in the same order.Chemical M is kept in white bottle.Chemical L is not kept in green bottle andis kept to the immediate left of the violatebottle. Chemical O is kept in the blue bottleand is kept exactly between the bottlescontaining chemicals L and M. the red bottleis at the extreme left end. The bottlecontaining chemical Q is not kept at eitherof the ends. The green bottle is kept at theextreme right end, Chemical P is not keptnear the white bottle.

74. Four of the following five are alike in acertain way based on their positions inthe above arrangement and so form agroup.Which is the one that does not belongto the group?(1) LM (2) LP(3) QO (4) LQ(5) NO

75. Which bottle contains chemical L ?(1) Pink(2) Blue(3) Red(4) Cannot be determined(5) None of these

76. Which of the following combinationsof chemical and bottle is correct?(1) P-Red(2) N-Green(3) P- Green(4) Q- Pink(5) None of these

77. Which bottle contains chemical Q?(1) Pink(2) Green(3) Violet(4) Cannot be determined(5) None of these

78. If all the six chemicals are arrangedalphabetically from left to right,positions of how many will remainunchanged?(1) None (2) One(3) Two (4) Three(5) Four

Directions (Q.79-83): Each of the questionsbelow consists of questions and twostatements numbered I and II given belowit. You have to decide whether the dataprovided in the statements are sufficient toanswer the question. Read both the statementand ………………….Give answer:

(1) If the data in statement I alone aresufficient to answer the question,while the data in statement IIalone are not sufficient to answerthe question.

(2) If the data in statement II aloneare sufficient to answer thequestion. While the data instatement , I alone are notsufficient to answer the question.

(3) If the data either in statement Ialone or in statement II alone aresufficient to answer the question.

(4) If the date even in both statementsI and II together are not sufficientto answer the question.

(5) If the data in both statements I andII together are necessary to answerthe question.

79. Do the the points A,B and C lie in astraight line?I. B is 2m towards north of D.C is 5mtowards east of B.E is towards the westof D.A is 2m towards the north of E.

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

II. f is 2m towards the south of C , G is10m towards west of F.D is exactlymidway between G and F .B is 2 mtowards north of D.A is 4m towardseither east or west from B.

80. Amongst P,Q,R,S and T sitting arounda circular table and facing the centre ,who is sitting to the immediate right ofS ?I. P sits second to the right of S. R andT are immediate neighbours of P.II. Q sits second to the right of P , Q isan immediate neighbor of both S andR .

81. Is ‘SPOT’ word formed after performingthe following operations on a wordcontaining four letters?I. There is only one letter between P andT , S is not an immediate neighbor or TII. P and S are placed immediately nextto each other, there are two lettersbetween S and T

82. How many sisters does shruti have?(shruti is a girl)I. Kirti , the Mother of Shruti has onlythree children.II. Meenal the mother of Kirti, has onlyone child and only one grandson.

83. Who amongst H.J,K and L is the tallest?I. H is taller than k but shorter than Land JII. Only one person is taller than J,H istaller only than K.

Directions (Q.84-87): In each questionbelow is given a statement followed by twonumbered I and II . An assumption issomething supposed or taken for granted andan inference is something which can bedirectly inferred from the given facts. Youhave to consider the statement and thefollowing assumptions / inference and decidewhich of those is /are implicit in thestatement.Give answer:

(1) If only I is implicit(2) If only II is implicit (3) If either I or II is implicit(4) If neither I or II is implicit(5) If both I and II are implicit.

84. Statement: Let the secretary preparePower Point presentation for AshishI. Ashish is incapable of preparing apower point presentation himself .II. The Secretary is well versed withoperations of Power Point.

85. Statement: Cars found parked in VIPparking area would be towed away.

I. Some people have different parkingprivileges than othersII. Parking spaces for VIPs and generalpublic are separated.

86. Statement: A flyover would ease thetraffic on Motilal Nagar road.I. The Motilal Nagar road usually has alot of trafficII. Currently also these is a flyover onMotilal Nagar road.

87. Statement: The newly launched bookis making India read like never before.I. India did not have avid readers beforethe launch of this book.II. This book has not been as successfulas other books by the same author.

Directions (Q.88-92) :Study the followinginformation to answer the givenquestions:A word and number arrangement machinewhen given an input line of words andnumbers rearranges them following aparticular rule. The following is anillustration of input and rearrangement(Single digit numbers are preceded by a Zero.All other numbers are two digit numbers)Input : are 74 82 we 02 10 saving 56 ourown 43 livesStep I : We are 74 02 10 saving 56 ourown 43 lives 82Step II : We saving are 02 10 56 our own43 lives 74 82Step III : We saving own are 2 10 our 43lives 56 74 82Step IV : We saving own our lives are 0210 lives 43 56 82Step V :We the last own our lives are 02 1043 56 74 82Step V is the last Step of the rearrangementof the above input as the intendedarrangement is obtained.

88. Which of the following would be stepIV for the following input?Input : 19 there is 81 27 hope 45 for33 one 49 better day 08(1) There one is hope for 19 27 better

day 08 33 45 49 81(2) There one is hope 19 27 for

better day 08 33 45 49 81(3) There one is hope 19 27 for

better 81 49 45 33 08(4) There one is hope for 19 27 better

day 08 33 49 45 81(5) There is one hope 19 27 for better

day 08 33 49 45 81

Directions (Q.89-90) : The following arethe steps I ,II III ,IV and V of an inputrepresented A,B,C,D and E but notnecessarily in this order . Rearrange them inthe order of the steps and the answer thegiven questions.Input: abide 11 32 laws 50 93 17 ofconclusions 21 nature

(A) The of nature abide 11 laws17countless 21 32 50 93

(B) The of nature laws abide 11countless 17 21 32 5093

(C) The abide 11 32 laws 50 17 ofcountless 21 nature 93

(D) The of nature laws countless abide11 17 21 32 50 93

(E) The of abide 11 32 laws 17countless 21 nature 50 93

89. Which of the following will be Step II ?(1) A (2) B(3) C (4) D(5) E

90. Which of the following will be StepIV?(1) A (2) B(3) C (4) D(5) E

Directions (91-92) : These questions arebased on the following input:Input: 50 62 best 67 bargain 42 in stores17 89 now 75 available.

91. Which of the following would be StepIII for the input?(1) the stores 5062 best 67 bargain

42in 17 now available 75 89(2) the stores now in 50 best bargain

42 17 available 62 67 75 89(3) the stores now 50 62 best bargain

42 in 17 available 67 75 89(4) the stores now 50 62 bargain best

42 in 17 available 67 75 89(5) the stores now in 50 bargain best

42 17 available 62 67 75 8992. Which of the words/numbers below

would be at the fifth position (fromthe left end ) in Step V of the input?(1) in (2) best(3)17 (4) bargain(5) 42

Directions(Q.93-95): Study the followinginformation and answer the questions thatfollow:In a certain code language , ‘hope to seeyou’ is coded as ‘re so na di’ , ‘please cometo see my party’ is coded as ‘fi ge na di kezo’ , ‘hope to come’ is coded as ‘di so ge’

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

and ‘see you the party’ is coded as ‘re fizoo na’

93. How is ‘party’ coded in the given codelanguage?(1) Di (2) ke(3) Fi (4)na(5) None of these

94. What does the code ‘so ‘stand for in thegiven code language?(1) hope(2) come(3) see(4) to(5) None of these

95. How is ‘please’ coded in the given codelanguage?(1) Either ‘re’ or ‘fi’(2) Either ‘Zo” or ‘na’(3) Either ‘Zo’ or ‘fi’(4) Either ‘Zo’ or ‘ge’(5) Either ‘Ke’ or ‘fi’

Directions (Q.96-100):   Read theinformation / statement given in suchquestion carefully and answer the questions.

96.  Which of the following expressions will

be true if the expression ‘H G = K >F’ is definitely true?(1) K H (2) G = F               

(3) H F (4) F G                                       (5) None is true

97. Which of the following expressions will

not be true if the expression ‘P Q <R = S’ is definitely true?(1) S P (2) P < R               (3) S > Q (4) P > S                                       (5) None of these

98.      In which of the following expressionsdoes the expression ‘W < Z’ hold true?(1) W > Y < X Z

(2) Z > X Y WW

(3) Z Y > X WW(4) Z > Y = X < W

(5) Z X > Y WW99.      In which of the following expressions

will the expression ‘L < R’ be definitelytrue?

(1) L M > N = R(2) L = M < N > R

(3) L < M N R

(4) R M = N < L(5) None of these

99.      In which of the following expressionsdoes the expression ‘D > A’ does nothold true?

(1) A < B C = D

(2) D B > C AA

(3) A B = C < D

(4) D C B > AA

(5) A > B C = D

1-5 2-1 3-2 4-45-3 6-1 7-2 8-39-4 10-5 11-4 12-413-1 14-2 15-2 16.317.5 18.1 19.2 20.521.3 22.2 23.2 24.425.3 26.4 27.1 28.129.5 30.231.1; Men1*day1*hour1/work1 =

Men2*day2*hour2/work2120*85*10 = (120*10*10 + 50*x*8)x = 225 menso more worker required 225-120 =105

32. 3; Initial student*remaining days = afterjoining total student* x

200*40 = 250* x x = 32 days33. 1; water flows from pipe A = 25*6/5 water fows from pipe B = 20*3/2 A + B = 1/30 +1/30 = 2/30 so taank filled by A+B = 15 mins.34.3; Explanation :By the rule of

alligation,we haveProfit% by selling 1st part Profit% byselling 2nd part

8 18

Net % profit 14 18-14=4 14-8=6

=> Quantity of part1 : Quantity ofpart2 = 4 : 6 = 2 : 3Total quantity is given as 1000KgSo Quantity of part2 (Quantity sold at18% profit) = 1000×3/5=600Kg35. 3; Explanation :Let the quantity ofthe initial liquid in the vessel = 8 litre


and quantity of water in the initialliquid = 3 litreandquantity of syrup in the initialliquid = 5 litreLet x litre of the mixture is drawn offand replaced with waterQuantity ofwater in the new mixture = 3-3x/8+xQuantity of syrup in the new mixture= 5-5x/8Given that in the new mixture,quantity of water = quantity of syrup3-3x/8+x = 5-5x/810x/8=25x/4=2x=8/5 :8/5litre

36. 4; Let the original salaries of Ravi andSumit be Rs. 2x and Rs. 3x respectively.Then ( (2x + 4000)/(3x + 4000) ) = 40/5757 ( 2x + 4000 ) = 40 ( 3x + 4000 ) 6x = 68,000 3x = 34,000Sumit’s present salary = (3x + 4000) =Rs.(34000 + 4000) = Rs. 38,000.

37. 338.1;

Reduction in consumption = [((R/(100+R))*100]% [(25/125)*100 (a):

39. 1; Let the maximum marks were x4"x*33/100 = 125+40 =1654"x = 165*100/33 = 500]%=20%.40.2

Total students are 40 × 15 = 600So, 18 x 16 + (12 + 14) = 456Left student is 10 and their average is=600-456= 144÷ 10=14.4

41. 4Let the side of park be=’x’Area of path= 2{(x + 10)5 + 5x}1700=2(10x+50)x = (850 - 50)/10 = 80mArea =(80)^2=6400 sq.m

42.143. 2; Let Q gets Rs x. Then We can say P

gets Rs (x + 20 ) and R gets Rs ( x + 35).x + 20 + x + x + 35 = 3853x = 330x = 110 .

44.4(C.P. of 17 balls) - (S.P. of 17 balls) =(C.P. of 5 balls)C.P. of 12 balls = S.P. of 17 balls =Rs.720.C.P. of 1 ball = Rs.720/12 = Rs. 60

45.5 Let the CP of the article = Rs.100.

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B – 61 A & B, Saheed Nagar & Plot-1441, Opp. IOCL Petrol Pump, CRP Square, Bhubaneswar

Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

Then labeled price = Rs.130. SP = Rs.130- 10% of 130 = Rs.130-13 = Rs.117. Gain = Rs.117 – Rs.100 = Rs.17. Therefore, gain/profit percent = 17%.46.4

D = P( r/100)2129.60 = P ( 9 /100)2P = ( 129.60 x 100 x 100)/ 9 x 9P = 16000

47.3Solution: Let the distance be x km.Time taken to cover x km at 30 km/hr = x/30 hrsTime taken to cover x km at 40 km/hr = x/ 40 hrs.Difference between the time taken = 15 min = ¼ hr.x/30 – x/40 = ¼ or 4x – 3x = 30 or x = 30 km.

48.4Time taken by the train to cross the man =300/x+25 = 5 or ‘x’= 35 m/sec


Explanation: Let he required distance be x km.x/6-2 + x/ 6 + 2 = 3à x/4 – x/8 = 3à 2x –x/8 = 3= x=3 x 8 = 24 km.


A:B:C=2000×12:3000×24:4000×24=1:3:4A’s share = Rs.(3200×18)=Rs.400

54.4; Explanation:Let original length = a and original breadth = bDecrease in area = ab - (80/100 a x 90/100 b)= (ab-18/25ab)=7/25ab.So Decrease % = (7/25 abx1/abx100)%= 28%

55.2 5" 24 is divided by 124" required remainder = remainder by 16/12 = 456. 5; The series is: 13 × 2 + 7 = 300 33 × 3 + 11 = 110 110 × 4 + 13 = 453 453 × 5 + 17 = 2282 2282 × 6 + 19 = 13711 13711 × 7 + 23 = 96000 All are prime number > 7.57. 3; The series is: 0.8 × 1 + 3 = 3.8 3.8 × 2 + 5 = 12.6 12.6 × 3 + 7 = 44.8 44.8 × 4 + 9 = 188.2 188.2 × 5 + 11 = 95258.5; 2nd term = (1st term - 8)/2 = (888-8)/2 = 440

3rd term = (2st term - 8)/2 = (440-8)/2 = 2164rd term = (3st term - 8)/2 = (216-8)/2 = 1045rd term = (4st term - 8)/2 = (104-8)/2 = 486rd term = (5st term - 8)/2 = (48-8)/2 =20

Therefore 22 is wrong59. 4; 2nd term = (1st term* 1.5) = 2 * 1.5 = 3

3rd term = (2st term* 2) = 3* 2 = 64th term = (3st term* 2.5) = 6 * 2.5 = 155th term = (4st term* 3) = 15 * 3 = 45Therefore 52.5 is wrong

60.146080 /12 = 38403840 /10 = 384384 /8 = 4848 /6 = 88/4 = 22 /2 = 1

61-2 62-4 63-3 64-4 65-366.1 67.4 68.3 69.2 70.571.1 72.2 73.1 74.4 75.176.3 77.3 78.2 79.3 80.381.2 82.5 83.2 84.2 85.586.1 87.4 88.2 89.5 90.291.3 92.2 93.3 94.1 95.496.1 97.1 98.3 99.3 100.5

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sources. Academic salaries must be highenough to attract excellent scientists andscholars. Fellowships and other grantsshould be available for bright students. Anacademic culture that is based on merit-basednorms and competition for advancement andresearch funds is a necessary component, asis a judicious mix of autonomy to do creativesearch and accountability to ensureproductivity. World class universities requireworld class professors and students and aculture to sustain and stimulate them.

1. What, according to the author, is theshortfall of our government officials aswell as academicians when it comes tohigher education?a) They are of the opinion that India

has the best system of highereducation in the world.

b) They believe that it is theresponsibility of privateinstitutions to bring about achange in higher education.

c) They are unaware of the newdevelopments in the field of highereducation.

d) They are unwilling to investmoney in higher education despitegetting sufficient grants for thepurpose.

e) They do not think innovatively inthe direction of bringing about achange in higher education and arestruck in a rut.

2. Which of the following is/are problem/s faced by Indian colleges anduniversities?A) Political interference in decision

makingB) Lack of funding necessary for

improvement in classrooms,libraries, etc.

C) Hiring of teachers on a part-timebasis only.

a) Only (A)b) Only (B) and (C)c) Only (C)d) Only (A) and (B)e) All (A), (B) and (C)

3. Which of the following steps has Chinataken to improve higher education?A) Their education policy formation

involves many governmentalbodies for thoughtful planning.

B) They are sanctioning grants to



Directions (1-6): Read the followingpassage carefully and answer thequestions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to helpyou locate them while answering some ofthe questions.India’s college and universities, with just afew exceptions, have become large, under-funded, ungovernable institutions. At manyof them politics has intruded into campuslife, influencing academic appointments anddecisions across levels. Under investment inlibraries, information technology,laboratories, and classrooms makes it verydifficult to provide top-quality instruction orengage in cutting-edge research. The rise inthe number of part-time teachers and thefreeze on new full-time appointments inmany places have affected morale in theacademic profession. The lack ofaccountability means that teaching andresearch performance is seldom measured.The system provides few incentives toperform. Bureaucratic inertia hamperschange. Student unrest and occasionalfaculty agitation disrupt operations.Nevertheless, with a semblance of normality,faculty administrators are able to provideteaching, coordinate examination, and awarddegrees.Even the small top tier of higher educationfaces serious problems. Many IIT graduates,well trained in technology, have chosen notto contribute their skills to the burgeoningtechnology sector in India. Half leave thecountry immediately upon graduation topursue advanced study abroad - and most donot return. A stunning 86 per cent of studentsin science and technology fields from Indiawho obtain degrees in the United States donot return home immediately following theirstudy. Another significant group, of about30 per cent, decides to earn MBAs in Indiabecause local salaries are higher - and arelost to science and technology. A corps ofdedicated and able teachers work at the IITsand IIMs, but the lure of jobs aboard and inthe private sector makes in increasinglydifficult to retain the best and brightest tothe academic profession.Few in India are thinking creatively abouthigher education. There is no field highereducation research. Those in government aswell as academic leaders seem content to do

the “same old thing.” Academic institutionsand systems have become large and complex.They need good data, careful analysis, andcreative ideas. In China, more than two-dozen higher education research centres, andseveral government agencies are involved inhigher education policy for optimumplanning.India has survived with an increasinglymediocre higher education system fordecades. Now as India strives to compete ina globalised economy in areas that requirehighly trained professionals, the quality ofhigher education becomes increasinglyimportant. So far, India’s large educatedpopulation base and its reservoir of at leastmoderately well-trained university graduateshave permitted the country to move ahead.But the competition is fierce. China inparticular is heavily investing in improvingits best universities with the aim of makinga small group of them world class in thecoming decade, arid making a larger numberinternationally competitive researchuniversities.To compete successfully in the knowledge -based economy of the 21st century, Indianeeds enough universities that not onlyproduce bright graduates for export but canalso support sophisticated research in anumber of scientific and scholarly fields andproduce at least some of the knowledge andtechnology needed for an expandingeconomy. How can India build a highereducation system that will permit it to jointdeveloped economies? The newly emergingprivate sector in higher educatioen cannotspearhead academic growth. Several of thewell-endowed and effectively managedprivate institutions maintain reasonably highstandards, although it is not clear whetherthese institutions will be able to sustainthemselves in the long run. They can helpproduce well-qualified graduates in suchfields as management, but they cannot formthe basis for comprehensive researchuniversities. This sector lacks the resourcesto build the facilities required for qualityinstruction and research in the sciences. Mostof the private institutions do not focus onadvanced training in the sciences.Only public universities have the potentialto be truly world class institutions. But theseinstitutions have not been adequately orconsistently supported. The top institutionsrequire sustained funding from public

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their teachers to facilitate theimprovement process

C) They are investing in universitiesto make them internationallycompetitive.

a) Only (B)b) Only (A) and (C)c) Only (C)d) Only (B) and (C)e) All (A), (B) and (C)

4. Which of the following is possibly themost appropriate title for the passage?a) Literacy in Indiab) State of Higher Education in Indiac) Top Universities of Indiad) Educational Institutes in Indiae) Comparative Study of Higher

Education in India and China5. Which of the following is true, in the

context of the passage?A) Private universities are well

equipped to produce graduateswho can conduct research.

B) India needs more universities thatcan cater to research studies indifferent scientific fields.

C) India should completely stopgraduates from leaving the countryto pursue a career.

a) Only (B)b) Only (A) and (B)c) Only (A)d) Only (B) and (C)e) All (A), (B) and (C)

6. What, according to the author, is/are thestep/s that can make Indian universitiesworld class?A) Students need to be given

independence to conduct researchB) Remuneration of teachers should

be increasedC) Proper support in the form of

funds should be provided touniversities

a) Only (A) and (B)b) Only (C)c) All (A), (B) and (C)d) Only (B) and (C)e) Only (A)

Directions (7-8): Choose the word/groupof words which is most similar in meaningto the world/group of words printed inbold as used in the passage.

7. CONTENTa) unhappy b) matterc) enclosure d) satisfiede) substance

8. INCENTIVEa) promptb) discouragementc) cashd) margine) motivator

Directions (9-10): Choose the word/groupof words which is most opposite inmeaning to the word/group of wordsprinted in bold as used in the passage.

9. BURGEONINGa) minimizingb) growingc) escalatingd) dwindlinge) easing

10. MEDIOCREa) superlativeb) middlec) averaged) pleasante) ordinary

Directions (11-20): Read the followingpassage carefully and answer thequestions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to helpyou locate them while answering some ofthe questions.Giving loans to impoverished women tomake ceramics or to farmers to buy milkcows were not seen as great business.Microfinance was an industry championedby antipoverty activists. Today it is on theverge of a revolution, with billions of dollarsfrom big banks, private-equity shops andpension funds pouring in, driving growth of30% to 40% this year alone. In 1998, anonprofit microfinance organization in Peru,converted into a bank (called Mibanco). Thisdemonstrated that the poor are good riskswho repay loans on time and getting themtogether, not only chips away at poverty butalso turns a profit. The success of Mibancohas piqued the interest of commercial banks,which had previously shunned the country’spoor. Now big banks are going afterMibanco’s clients with low-rate loans andrealizing it takes special know-how to workwith the unbanked—are hiring awayMibanco’s staff.But with the emergence of players who areonly out for profit, microfinance schemescould end up milking the poor. This couldhappen in countries where lenders don’t haveto disclose interest rates. It When a Mexicanmicro financier went public, revealing its

loans had rates of about 86% annually, theConsultative Group to Assist the Poor(CGAP) criticized it for putting shareholdersahead of clients. The pressure to turn a profitalso forces micro financiers to change theirbusiness models in ways that depart fromthe industry’s core mission: to help poorpeople lead better lives. Such shifts havecaused the average loan size to triple.Moreover smaller loans being costlier toservice, a lower percentage of loans go towomen because they tend to take out smallersums. According to CGAP, with the flood ofnew large entities there is the risk that a largepercentage of cross-border funds go to LatinAmerica and Eastern Europe, the world’smost developed microfinance markets. “Thepoorest of the world’s poor, who arepredominantly in Asia and Africa get leftout,” says the CEO of the nonprofit GrameenFoundation, which helps developmicrofinance institutions. Segmenting theindustry, might be worthwhile if it allowsmore of the poor to get access to credit.Multinational corporations could take the topmicrofinance institutions to the next level,and the remainder could be the responsibilityof development groups and regional banks.Yet making loans to poor people is hardly apoverty cure. Property rights and the rule oflaw matter too. One cannot over idealizewhat microfinance alone can do. Mostnonprofits started with lending simplybecause local laws prohibited nonbanks fromoffering deposit accounts. With an increasein competition and marketing efforts,poverty-alleviation experts are concernedthat people will be talked into loans theywouldn’t otherwise want. For example,organizations like Mibanco are providingconsumer loans. There is nothing wrong withbuying TVs and microwaves on credit, butcertain markets, like Mexico, have beenflooded with loans that have nothing to dowith providing capital to aspiringentrepreneurs — just increasing householddebt.

11. What does the transformation of Peru’snonprofit organization into a bankillustrate?(A) To compete with commercial

banks, microfinance institutionsshould convert into banks andoffer a wide variety of services.

(B) Microfinance institutions turnhigher profits as banks sinceinterest rates on loans are at theirdiscretion.

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(C) The poor prefer to go to large banksrather than NGOs to obtain loans.

(a) None(b) Both (A) & (B)(c) All (A), (B) & (C)(d) Only (A) (5) None of these

12. What was the impact of the nondisclosure of their interest rates bylending institutions?(a) The Government issued sanctions

against such firms.(b) Shareholders interests were not

protected.(c) More microfinance institutions

were motivated to go public.(d) The poor were exploited.(e) None of these

13. What is the author’s opinion about thecompetition for customers among microfinanciers?(a) It benefits the poor by providing

them with loans they would haveotherwise not had access to.

(b) It is futile since the poor have topay high rates of interest onproperty loans.

(c) It is not beneficial since firmswaste their profits on marketingrather than helping the poor.

(d) It is a disadvantage since microfinanciers use any means possibleto recover loans.

(e) None of these14. Which of the following is/are the

challenge/s faced by Mibanco at presentfrom big banks ?(A) Ensuring loyalty of their customers.(B) Retention of employees.(C) Maintaining low interest rates.(a) Only (C)(b) Both (A) & (B)(c) Both (B) & (C)(d) Only (B)(e) None of these

15. Which of the following is/areconsequence/s of micro financiersaltering their business models ?(A) Larger loan amounts get

sanctioned.(B) Debt among the poor has fallen in

some countries.(C) Drop in the loans awarded to

women.(a) Both (A) & (B)(b) Both (A) & (C)(c) Only (C)(d) All (A), (B) & (C)(e) None of these

Directions (16-18) : Choose the wordwhich is most similar in meaning to theword printed in bold as used in thepassage.

16. depart :(a) absent (b) retirement(c) divide (d) expire(e) vary

17. piqued :(a) provoked (b) irritated(c) disturb (d) offended(e) fascinated

18. verge :(a) tend (b) crossroad(c) ascent (d) slope(e) threshold

Directions (19-20) :Choose the wordwhich is most opposite in meaning of theword printed in bold as used in thepassage.

19. aspiring :(a) uninterested(b) ungrateful(c) anxious(d) miserable(e) fraudulent

20. core :(a) clear(b) unnecessary(c) crust(d) beside(e) uncoordinated

Directions (21-25) : Read each sentenceto find out whether there is anygrammatical error in it. The error, if any,will be in one part of the sentence. Thenumber of that part is the answer. If thereis no error, the answer is ‘e’. (Ignoreerrors of punctuation, if any.)

21. The government needs to provide (a) /specific regulations that create anenvironment (b) / where trainedscientific personnel enjoyed space andfreedom (c) / to design new productsbenefiting society (d) / No error (e)

22. Though the book is not yet available onIndia (a) / previews published in thiscountry suggest (b) / that it is a complexstudy-of (c) / an extremely complexpersonality (d) / No error (e).

23. Conventionally speaking (a) / men aresupposed to earn while (b) / women aresupposed to sit at home (c) / dohousework and discipline the children(d) / No error (e)

24. The movement, which aims to (a) / raiseawareness about climate change hopes(b) / to bring people together to thinkabout (c) / what they can do for reduceharmful pollution. (d) / No error (e)

25. Workers battling to restore (a) / powersupply to the damaged reactors (b) /have successful in (c) / reaching up tothe second reactor (d) / No error (e)

Directions (26-30) : Each question belowhas two blanks, each blank indicating thatsome- thing has been omitted. Choose theset of words for each blank that best fitsthe meaning of the sentence as a whole.

26. A controversial plan to build an immensedam in Brazil’s rainforest was stalledwhen it —— formidable bloc of —- inecologists and indigenous tribes alikea) resulted, hostilitiesb) gained, supportersc) attracted, opponentsd) lead, protesterse) drew, proponents

27. According to a recent survey, salesfigures of high end cars have seen an— growth in the past year, which showsthat Indian consumers have — theimpact of recession.a) unprecedented, negatedb) unbelievable, sufferedc) unusual, worsenedd) insignificant, endurede) adequate, proven

28. The National Knowledge Commissionhas said that India will have to bring— in education if it has to emerge asthe most —- workforce of the worlda) changes, biggestb) reforms, talentedc) alleviation, skillfuld) quality, brightere) outcomes, demanded

29. Norway has stolen a march over thedeveloped countries by —- that itwould reduce 40% of its greenhousegas emissions by 2020 and —- carbonneutral by2030.a) allowing, turnb) posing, grewc) estimating, existd) perceiving, arisinge) declaring, become

30. According to the language experts,children should begin talking in, theirmoth- er tongue rather than a foreignlanguage which can —- affect their

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comprehension abilities leading toserious language based —- later in theirlives.a) significantly, abilitiesb) appropriately, achievementsc) severely, advantagesd) adversely, problemse) positively, issues.

Directions (31-35): Rearrange thefollowing sentences (A), (B), (C), (E) and(F) to make a meaningful paragraph andthen answer the questions which follows.

A) Increased competition,globalization and the need forenormous resources have nudgedpriorities which once held the fort.

B) In order to achieve these, hype andsensationalism is put in to spiceup the news which have robbednews stories of credibility.

C) This is only possible if a lot morethought is put into the gatheringand presentation the daily newsand delivering it much moresensitively to its receivers / users.

D) Technological innovation andeconomic change havetransformed the news industry tothe extent where its originaldefinition as a public service nolonger holds good.

E) In order to win it back, the mediashould make full use of thetremendous power that thedemocracy blesses it with.

F) These included public good andsocial responsibility. But sadly,today, these have made way for abusiness target of commercialviability and a chase ofviewership.

31. Which of the following sentence shouldbe the SIXTH (LAST) afterrearrangement?a) A b) Bc) C d) De) F

32. Which of the following sentence shouldbe the THIRD after rearrangement?a) A b) Ec) D d) Fe) C

33. Which of the following sentence shouldbe the FIFTH after rearrangement?a) A b) Bc) E d) Ce) F

34. Which of the following sentence shouldbe the FIRST after rearrangement?a) A b) Bc) C d) De) E

35. Which of the following sentence shouldbe the SECOND after rearrangement?a) A b) Bc) D d) Ee) F

Directions (36-45): In the followingpassage there are blanks, each of whichhas been numbered. These numbers areprinted below the passage and againsteach, five words/phrases are suggested,one of which fits the blank appropriately.Find out the appropriate word/phrase ineach case.One big (36) between the investments infossil fuels and those in wind power, solarcells, and geothermal energy is that latter willsupply energy in (37). These “wells” willnever run dry. If the money spent on oil inone year were (38) in wind turbines, theelectricity generated would be enough to (39)one-fifth of the word’s needs.Investments in infrastructure for the newenergy economy, which would eventuallyhave to be made when fossil fuels reserves(40), will obviously be huge. These includethe transmission lines that (41) wind farmswith electricity consumers, and the pipelinesthat link hydrogen supply sources with end-users. To a substantial degree, theinfrastructure for the (42) energy sources -the transmission lines for electricity fromcoal and the pipelines for natural gas caneasily be (43) to hydrogen distributionsystem.For developing countries, the new energysources (44) to reduce dependence onimported oil, freeing up capital forinvestment in domestic energy sources. (45)few countries have their own oil fields, mosthave wind and solar energy. In terms ofeconomic expansion and job generation,these new energy technologies are a godsend.

36. a) argument b) changec) exception d) issuee) difference

37. a) infinity b) perpetuityc) extension d) realitye) renewability

38. a) dissipated b) appliedc) drawn d) investede) given

39. a) involve b) meet

c) attract d) completee) cater

40. a) deplete b) expandc) terminate d) sustaine) cease

41. a) provide b) includec) connect d) supporte) links

42. a) existing b) newc) latest d) olde) renewable

43. a) supplied b) dispersedc) provided d) convertede) used

44. a) predict b) promisec) pursue d) expectse) created

45. a) Despite b) Asc) Owing to d) Unlesse) Although

Direction(46-50):In the followingquestions,sentences are given with blanksto be filled in with an appropriate word.Five alternatives are suggested for eachquestion. Choose the correct alternativeout of the four as your answer

46. The boy was ______ of cheating in theexamination.(a) Condemned(b) accused(c) Charged(d) punished(e)None of these

47. We have two telephone operators,_______ of them do you want?(a) who (b) whom(c) which (d) what(e)None of these

48. I have no ____ motive in offering thisadvice.(a) Posterior (b) interior(c) ulterior (d) exterior(e) None of these

49. ______ politicians are alwaysrespected.(a) Conscious (b) Conscientious(c) Cautious (d) Carefree(e)None of these

50. We will have to atone _____ ourmisdeeds.(a) at (b) on(c) for (d) with(e) None of these


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Directions (61-65) : Study the followinginformation carefully to answer thesequestions:

(i) ‘A $ B’ means’ A is mother of B’(ii) ‘A # B’ means ‘A is father of B’(iii) ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is husband of

B’(iv) ‘A% B ‘means ‘A is daughter of

B’61. P@Q$M#T indicates what relationship

of P with T?(a) Maternal Grandfather(b) Paternal Grandfather(c)Maternal Grandmother(d)Paternal Grandmother(e) None of these

62. Which of the following expressionindicates ‘R is the sister of H’?(a) R$D@F#H(b) H%D@F$R(c) R%D@F$H(d) H$D@F#R(e) None of these

63. If FD % K # H, the how is F related toH?(a) Brother-in-law(b) Sister(c) Sister-in-law(d) Cannot be determined(e) None of these

64. Which of the following expressionindicates ‘H is the brother of N’?(a) N%F@D$H(b) N%F@D%H(c) N%F@D$H#R(d) H#R$D$N(e) None of these

65. If G$N@K, how is K related to G?(a) Mother-in-law(b) Daughter(c) Aunt(d) Daughter-in-law(e) None of these

Directions (66-70) : In each question beloware given some statements followed by fourconclusions numbered I, II ,III and IV. Youhave to take the given statements to be trueeven if they seem at variance from commonlyknown facts. Read all the conclusions andthen decide which of the given conclusionslogically follows from the two givenstatements, disregarding commonly knownfacts.

66. Statements : Some ice are rings.No ring is paint.Some rings are gold.

Conclusion : I. No gold is paint

Directions (51-55) : Study the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below:P,Q,R,S,T,V and W are travelling in threedifferent vehicles. There are at least twopassengers in each vehicle-I, II and III- andonly one of them is a male. There are twoengineers, two doctors and three teachersamong them.

(i) R is a lady doctor and she does nottravel with the pair of sisters, P andV.

(ii) Q, a male engineer, travels withonly W, a teacher in a vehicle I.

(iii) S is a male doctor.(iv) Two persons belonging to the

same profession do not travel inthe same vehicle.

(v) P is not an engineer and travels invehicle II.

51. What is V’s profession?(a) Engineer(b) Teacher(c) Doctor(d) Data inadequate(e) None of these

52. In which vehicle does R travel?(a) I (b) II(c) III (d) II or III(e) None of these

53. Which of the following represents thethree teachers?(a) WTV(b) WTP(c) WTV or WTP(d) Data inadequate(e) None of these

54. Which of the following is not correct?(a) T-Male-Teacher(b) Q-Male-Engineer(c) P-Female-Teacher(d) V-Female-Teacher(e) W-Female-Teacher

55. How many lady members are thereamong them?(a) Three(b) Four(c) Three or Four(d) Data inadequate(5) None of these

Directions (56-60) : Below is given apassage followed by several possibleinferences which can be drawn from the factsstated in the passage. You have to examineeach inference separately in the context ofthe passage and decide upon its degree oftruth or falsity.

Mark answer:(a) if the inference is ‘definitely true’,

i.e. it properly follows from thestatement of facts give.

(b) is the inference is ‘probably true’though not ‘definitely true’ in lightof the facts given.

(c) if the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e.,from the facts given you cannotsay whether the inference is likelyto be true or false.

(d) if the inference is ‘probably false’,though not ‘definitely false’ in thelight of the facts give.

(e) if the inference is ‘definitely false’,i.e., it cannot possibly be drawnfrom the facts given or itcontradicts the given facts.

The performance of Indian agriculture islargely dependent on amount of rainfallacross the country. A substantive part of thecultivable land is dependent on irrigationwhich is directly related to monsoon.However, agriculture and allied activitiesaccount for less than even one-fourth of thetotal GDP. The component of themanufacturing sector that depends onagriculture for the supply of intermediatesis not very high, which suggests that thestructure of industrialization has changedover the years. Several components of thetertiary sector that are crucial for the growthof the rest of the economy have grownsizeable, thanks to IT and BPO. So it is lesslikely that aggregate economic growth willbe adversely affected if rainfall is scanty. Yet,a somewhat different picture emerges if welook deeper into the matter. Still, a verysignificant chunk of the population andworkforce depends on agriculture for itslivelihood. A decline in agriculture reducesper capital food availability, which in turn,pulls down the standard of living.

56. Agro based activities constitute morethan 2.5 per cent of GDP in India.

57. The industrialization process hadundergone significant changes over thepast few decades.

58. Non-industrial and not-agriculture sectoractivities have considerably grown overthe past few years.

59. Weak monsoon have adverse effect onGDP even though non-agriculturalsector activities may continue to be thesame.

60. Manufacturing sector no longer dependson agriculture sector.

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II. No ice is gold.III. Some rings are paints.IV. All golds are rings

(a) Only I and III follow(b) Only I and II follow(c) Only III and IV follow(d) Only II and III follow(e) None of these

67. Statements : All gstesare flowers. Some gates are fruits. Some flowers are clips.

Conclusions : I. Some flowers are fruits II. Some clips are fruits. III.Some clips are gates IV. No flower is fruit.

(a) Only I follows.(b) Only I and IV follow(c) Only II and IV follow(d) Only I and III follow(e) None of these

68. Statements: No candle is bell. Some shoes are bells All tables are shoes.

Conclusions : I. Some tables are bellsII. No table is bell.III. Some shoe are

candlesIV. No shoes is candle.

(a) Only I and IV follow(b) Only I and II follow(c) Only III and IV follow(d) Only I and III follow(e) None of these

69. Statements : Some films are clouds All rats are clouds Some clouds are chairs

Conclusions: I. No films is chairII. Some rats are films.III. Some clouds are

rats.IV. Some chairs are rats.

(a) Only I and III follow(b) Either II or IV follows(c) No any conclusion follows(d) Only Iv follows(e) None of these

70. Statements: Some lice are slates All slates are apples No apple is car.

Conclusions : I. Some cars are slatesII. Some lice are cars.III. Some apples are liceIV. No car is lice.

(a) None follows(b) Only II follows(c) Only III follows(d) Either II or IV and III follow

(e) None of these

Directions (71-75) : In each question belowis given a statement followed by twoassumptions numbered I and II. Asassumption is something supposed or takenfor granted. You have to consider thestatement and the following assumptions anddecide which of the assumptions is implicitin the statement.

Give answer (a) if only assumption I isimplicit.Give answer (b) if only assumption IIis implicit.Give answer (c) if either I or II isimplicit.Give answer (d) if neither I nor II isimplicit.Give answer (e) If both I and II areimplicit.

71. Statement: The Government has recentlyhiked the prices of diesel and petrol toreduce the oil pool deficit.Assumptions:I. The amount earned by this increasemay substantial enough to reduce thedeficit.II. There may be wide spread protestsagainst the price hike.

72. Statement: The X passenger carmanufacturing company announced asharp reduction in the prices of theirluxury cars.Assumptions:I. There may be an increase in the saleof their luxury cars.II. The other such car manufactures mayalso reduce their prices.

73. Statement: A foreign film producerrendered his apology before Indiansociety for misinterpreting a part ofIndian epic.Assumptions:I. Indians are very sensitive to themisinterpretation of the epic.II. It is possible to derive wrongmeaning from the epic.

74. Statement: A man’s motherinstructed him to return home by trainif it rains heavily.Assumption:I. A man may not be also able to decidehimself if it rains heavily.II. The trains may ply even if it rainsheavily.

75. Statement: The Government of Indiahas decided to start a track II dialogue

with its neighbor to reduce tension inthe area.Assumptions:I. The neighboring country may agreeto participate in the track II dialogue.II. The people involved in track IIdialogue nay be able to persuade theirrespective Governments.

Directions (76-80) : Each of the questionsbelow consists of a questions and twostatements numbered I and II given belowit. You have to decide whether the dataprovided in the statements are sufficient toanswer the question. Read both thestatements are Give answer:

(a) If the data in statement I alone issufficient to answer the question, whiledata in statement II alone is notsufficient to answer the question.(b) If the data in statement II alone issufficient to answer the question, whilethe data in statement I alone is notsufficient to answer the question.(c) If the data either in statement I aloneor in statements II alone is sufficient toanswer the question.(d) If the data in both the statements Iand II together are not sufficient toanswer the question.(e) If the data in both the statements Iand II together are necessary to answerthe question.

76. How is M related to F?Statements:I.F is sister of N who is mother of R.II. M has brothers of which one is R.

77. On which data in March was Pravin’sfather’s birthday?Statements:I.Pravin correctly remembers that hisfather’s birthday is after 14the butbefore 19thMarch.II. Pravin’s sister correctly remembersthat their father’s birthday is after 17th

but before 21st March.78. Among M,N,T,R and D each having

different age who is the youngest?Statements:I. N is younger than only D amongthem.II. T is older than R and younger thenM.

79. Village D is in which direction of villageH?Statements: I. Village H is to the south of village Awhich is to the South-East of village D.

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II. Village M is to the east of village Dand to the North-East of village H.

80. How is ‘food’ written in a codelanguage?Statements:i. ‘Always eat good food’ is written as‘ ha na pa ta’ in that code language.II. ‘Enjoy eating good food’ is writtenas ‘ni ha ja pa’ in that code language.

Directions (81-85) : In each question belowis given a statement followed by two coursesof action numbered I and II. A course ofaction is a step or administrative decision tobe taken for improvement, follow up orfurther action in regard to the problem, policyetc. on the basis of the information given instatement. You have to assume everythingin the statement to be true, then decide whichof the two given suggested courses of actionlogically follows for pursuing.

Give answer:(a) if only course of action I follows.(b) if only course of action II follows(c) if either course of action I or IIfollows.(d) if neither course of action I nor Iifollows.(e) if both courses of action I and IIfollow.

81. Statement: There persons were caughteith huge arms and ammunition in thecity.Courses of action:I. The policy should beinstructed fornightpatrolling.II. The three persons should be set freeand their movements should becarefully watched to nab the othercriminals.

82. Statement: There is a considerableincrease in the number of personsaffected by water-borne diseases duringmonsoon period.Courses of action:I. The Government should disseminateadequate information regarding puredrinking water to the people.II. All the hospitals in the city shouldbe equipped properly for the treatmentof patients during monsoon period.

83. Statement: At least 15 people were killedand many others injured when a bus fellinto a river near a bridge.Courses of action:I. The protection walls of the bridgeshould be made strong enough to avoidsuch accidents.

II. The bus driver should be arrestedimmediately to make necessary inquiry.

84. Statement: The State Government hasdecided to make available foodgrainsand clothes to flood-affected people.Courses of action.I. The affected people should beidentified by the Governmentmachinery and relief should be providedto them.II. The Government machinery shouldcollect sufficient foodgrains and clothesto help the affected people

85. Statement: The meteorologicaldepartment has predicted goodmonsoon this year for the tenthconsecutive year and will result in goodcrop yield.Courses of action:I. The Government should offload andstore before harvesting.II. The Government should providechemical fertilizers to farmersimmediately.

Directions (86-90) : Study the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below:

(i) A,B,C,D,E,F and G are sevenpersons wearing a shirts ofdifferent colours- white, red,black, green, yellow, blue andviolet- and trousers of differentcolours- blue ,red, white, black,cream,yellow and indigo. Thepersons, colour of the shirt andcolour of the trousers above arenot necessarily in the same order.No person is wearing shirt andtrousers of same colour.

(ii) B is wearing red shirt and is notwearing cream of yellow trousers.D is wearing green shirt and indigotrousers. Colours of A’s shirt andF’s trousers is same. Colour of E’sshirt and C’s trousers is same. Gis wearing blue shirt and E iswearing blue trousers. F is notwearing any yellow dress. Red andblue is not the combination of shirtand trousers of any of the persons.

86. What is the colour of A’s trousers?(a) White(b) Cream(c) Blue(d) Data inadequate(e) None of these

87. What is the colour of G’s trousers?

(a) Red(b) Cream(c) White(d) Indigo(e) None of these

88. Who wears Violet shirt?(a) C(2) F(3) C or F(4) Data inadequate(5) None of these

89. What is the colour of F’s shirt?(a) Blue(b) Violet(c) Green(d) Data inadequate(e) None of these

90. What is the colour of B’s trousers?(a) Red(b) White(c) Indigo(d) Data inadequate(e) None of these

Directions (91-95) : Read the followinginformation carefully and answer thefollowing questions;Following are the criteria for organizinginterview of such candidates as have beenselected from the promotion to officer’sgrade from assistant grade in the PRSIndustrial Group Limited:The candidate to be called for interviewmust:

(i) be a graduate with minimum 50%marks.

(ii) have minimum five years’experience in the clerical cadrejob.

(iii) have obtained at least ‘C’ ratingsin performance (speed of work)and the quality of work eachduring the last three years. For thisfive ratings A, B,C,D and E havebeen created on the basis of“Performance Appraisal Report”with the lowest ratings of A andthe highest ratings of E.

(iv) have obtained at least’s’ ratings inthe approach of work(dependability) and in theflexibility of work each for his/herworks in the last three years. Forthis, seven ratings A,B ,C ,D,E,Fand G have been formulated on thebasis of “Performance AppraisalReport” with lowest ratings of Aand the highest ratings of G.

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However, in case of a candidate whofulfills all other criteria EXCEPT(a) (i) above, but has passed GraduationExam and has got ‘E’ ratings in theapproach of work in the last three years,may be referred to the AssistantManager (Personnel).(b) (ii) above, but has experience ofthree years in clerical cadre job and hasgot at least ‘D’ ratings in the quality ofwork for his/her works in the last threeyears, may be referred to the DeputyManager (Personnel).Based on these criteria and informationprovided against each candidate, decidethe course of action. You are not toassume anything. If the data providedare not adequate to decide the givencourse of action, your answer will be“Data inadequate”. All the candidatesfulfil the criterion of age.Give answer:(a) if data are inadequate(b)if not to be selected(c) if selected for the interview(d)if case is referred to the AssistantManager(e) if case is referred to the DeputyManager

91. Mohammed Sheikh is a brilliant post-graduate in Science and has secured63% and 55% marks in graduation andpost graduation respectively. He has ‘E’grade for dependability and flexibilityin Performance Appraisal Report forlast four years. He has got ‘C’ ratingfor quality of work and speed of work.He joined the bank four years ago.

92. Kiran Bala is a young lady and laboriousassistant who joined this organizationsix years ago after passing B.Commerce Exam. The ratings beingsgiven to her for the last 4 years are ‘D’and ‘C’ respectively for quality of workand speed of work. She is one of theleaders of the clerks. She has got ‘D’ratings for flexibility of work for thelast 5 years.

93. Mandar Bhave has passed hisGraduation in Science and Diploma inBusiness Management with 58% and62% respectively. He is good player ofchess. His rating on PAR and ‘D’ for‘dependability’ and ‘flexibility’ whereashe has ‘C’ rating for ‘quality of work’and ‘D’ rating for ‘speed of work’ forthe last 4 years.

194. Anubhav Rege is with the company forlast seven years. For the last 4 years hehas ‘D’ rating for ‘quality of work’ ‘C’rating for ‘speed of work’, ‘E’ ratingfor ‘dependability’ and ‘D’ rating for‘flexibility’. His marks in graduationand post-graduation are 46% and 50%respectively. He is very fond of culturalactivities.

95. Shivasundaram has got ‘D’ rating sincehe joined the bank three years ago onquality of work, speed of work,dependability and flexibility. He haspassed his gradation and postgraduation with 52% and 47% marksrespectively. Shivasundarm is popularemployee because of his socialactivities.

Directions (96-100): Study the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below:

In a conference 8 people A, B, C, D, E, F, Gand H from different cities Delhi, Pune,Kochi, Mumbai, Chennai, Lucknow,Bhatinda and Amritsar not necessarily insame order are sitting around a rectangulartable. 3 persons are sitting on the each longerside and 2 on the smaller side.D is sitting second to the right of the personwho is from Amritsar. E is sitting third tothe left of the person who is from Lucknow.F and G are sitting opposite to each other. Cis sitting diagonally opposite to the personfrom Bhatinda. B is sitting opposite to theperson who is from Delhi. The person fromMumbai is sitting second to the right of theperson from Chennai and second to the leftof A, who is not sitting near to the personwho is from Bhatinda. G is sitting on thesmaller side and to the right of the personwho is from Bhatinda. Persons from Chennaiand Mumbai are not on the same side of thetable. Person from Mumbai is sitting thirdto the right of the person from Amritsar, whois not sitting diagonally opposite to theperson from Pune.

96. Who is sitting third to the right of theperson from Lucknow.(a) E(b) Person from Chennai(c) A(d) Person from Bhatinda(e) None of these

97.   Who is definitely sitting diagonallyopposite to D?(a) A

(b) C(c) Person from Delhi(d) Person from Kochi(e) Can’t be determined

98. According to the sitting arrangementwhat will come in place of questionmark? D : Mumbai :: C : ?(a) Lucknow(b) Chennai(c) Kochi(d) Amritsar(e) None of these

99. From which city does A belong?(a) Pune(b) Delhi(c) Chennai(d) Amritsar(e) Can’t be determined

100. Which of the following combinationsis definitely correct?(a) H– Amritsar(b) D– Chennai(c) A–Pune(d) G–Mumbai(e) None of these


Directions (101-105) : Study the tablecarefully to answer the questions thatfollow-

Distance (in kms) travelled by six

trucks on six different days of the week

Truck P Q R S T U


Monday 240 250 320 325 330 300

Tuesday 320 264 308 314 318 314

Wednesday 324 294 330 312 310 325

Thursday 288 300 310 278 260 275

Friday 366 302 288 292 270 268

Saturday 292 284 260 274 280 242

101. What is the average distance travelled

by truck S in all the days together?


1198 b)




1199 d)



e) None of these102. If the speed of truck P on Monday was

19.2 kms/hr, What was the time takenby it to cover the given distance?

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111. What was the total expenditure onAccounts department?(a) Rs. 16.8 lakhs(b) Rs. 1680 lakhs(c) Rs. 18.6 lakhs(d) Rs. 16.8 millions(e) None of these

112. What was per employee expenditure onmedical?(a) Rs. 12,000/-(b) Rs.13,000/-(c) Rs. 12,500/-(d) Rs.13,500/-(e) None of these

113. What was the total expenditure onsalary of employees in Marketingdepartment?(a)Rs.6.12 lakhs(b) Rs.61.2 millions(c)Rs.6.12 millions(d) Rs.176 lakhs(e) None of these

114. What was the amount spent onelectricity?(a)Rs. 132 millions(b) Rs.13.2 lakhs(c) Rs.126 millions(d) Rs.12.6 lakhs(e) None of these

115. What was the expenditure on telephonefor employees in computer department?(a) Rs. 11.52 lakhs(b) Rs.11.52 millions(c) Rs. 10.72 lakhs(d) Rs. 10.72 millions(e) None of these

a) 10 hoursb) 11 hoursc) 9 hours 30 minutesd) 12 hours 30 minutese) None of these

103. If to travel the given distance, the timetaken by truck Q on Friday was 8 hours,what was speed on that day?a) 42.50 kms/hrb) 28.25 kms/hrc) 37.75 kms/hrd) 32.25 kms/hre) None of these

104. What is the total distance travelled byall the trucks together on Saturday?a) 1623 kms b) 1632 kmsc) 1263 kms d) 1362 kmse) None of these.

105. If on Tuesday truck R and truck Ttravelled at the same speed, what wasthe respective ratio time taken by truckR and time taken by truck T to covertheir respective distances?a) 154 : 159b) 142 : 167c) 161 : 173d) Cannot be determinede5) None ofthese

Directions (106-110) : Study the tablescarefully to answer the questions thatfollow-Number of candidates (in lakhs)appearing in an entrance examinationfrom six different cities and the ratio ofcandidates passing and failing in the


City A B C D E F

Number ofCandidates

1.25 3.14 1.08 2.27 1.85 2.73

Ratio of candidates passing and failing

within the city

City Passing Failing

A 7 3

B 5 3

C 4 5

D 1 3

E 3 2

F 7 5

106. What is the respective ratio of thenumber of candidates failing in theexam from City D to those failing inthe exam from City A?a) 289 : 42 b) 42 : 289c) 227 : 50 4) 50 : 227e) None of these.

107. The number of candidates appearingfor the exam from City C is whatpercent of the number of candidatesappearing for the exam from City B?(rounded off to the nearest integer)a) 27 b) 34c) 42 d) 21e) 38

108. Number of candidates passing in theexam from City F is what percent ofthe total number of candidatesappearing from all the cities together?(rounded off to two digits after thedecimal)a) 12.93 b) 14.46c) 10.84 d) 11.37e) None of these

109. Which city has the highest number ofstudents failing in the entrance exam?a) F b) Cc) B d) De) None of these

110. What is the number of candidatespassing in the exam from city E?a) 13,000 b) 11,10,000c) 1,13,000 d) 11,000

e) None of these.

Directions (111-115) :- Study of followinggraph carefully to answer these questions:Details about the distribution ofemployees and expenditure of anorganization (Distributedproportionately across the departments)Annual expenditure on different items TotalExpenditure=Rs. 12crores

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

Directions (116-120):- Study the followinggraph carefully and give answer.Account of income and expenditure (in

crores) of seven companies in theyear2007.

116. Approximately what is the percentageof profit/loss that companies C and Dhad together?(a) 10% profit(b) 12% profit(c) 10% loss(d)12% loss(e) There was no loss or profit

117. If the income of company A increasedby 10% in year 2007 from year 2006and profit earned in 2006 was 20%,what was its expenditure in 2006? ( Thevalue upto two decimal places in crores)(a) 36.36(b) 32.32(c) 30.30(d) Can’t be determined(e) None of these

118. If the expenditure of company G in2007 was 20% more than itsexpenditure in the year 2006 and thecompany earned a profit of 10% in2006, what was the company’s incomein 2006 (in Rs. Crore)(a) 37.5(b) 41.25(c) 34.09(d) Can’t be determined(e) None of these

119. Which of the following companies hadthe highest percentage of profit/loss in2007?(a) B (b) C(c) F (d) A(e) None of these

120. What is the approximate percentage ofprofit earned by all the companiestogether in 2007?(a) 11 (b) 11.5(c) 10.5 (d) 12(e) 12.5

Directions (121-125):- Answer these questions on the basis of the information given below:(i) In a class of 80 students the girls and the boys are in the ratio of 3:5. The students canspeak only Hindi or only English or both Hindi and English(II) The number of boys and the number of girls who canspeak only Hindi is equal andeach of them is 40% of the total number of girls.(iii) 10% of the girls can speak both the languages and 58% of the boys can speak onlyEnglish.

121. How many girls can speak only English?(a) 12 (b) 29 (c) 18 (d) 15 (e) None of these

122. In all how many boys can speak Hindi?(a) 12 (b) 9 (c) 24 (d) Data inadequate (e) None of these

123. What percentage of all the students (boys and girls together) can speak only Hindi?(a) 24 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d) 30 (e) None of these

124. In all how many students (boys and girls together) can speak both the languages?(a) 15 (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 29 (e) None of these

125. How many boys can speak either only Hindi or only English?(a) 25 (b) 38 (c) 41 (d)29 (e) None of these

Directions (126-130) :- Study the given number of candidates appeared and qualifiedduring 2001 to 2006 from 6 states

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006State app. Qual. App. Qual. App. Qual. App. Qual. App. Qual. App. Qual.

A 5600 840 7250 925 8250 876 7856 824 8349 932 7964 853B 7200 864 8100 840 7865 792 8425 896 7658 878 8107 940C 4850 588 6450 650 7120 685 7763 735 6984 792 7058 827D 6325 745 7185 795 8545 842 6987 898 5896 685 6754 746E 5200 640 6225 685 7962 934 7645 888 7389 843 7766 812F 6500 820 7380 860 6895 788 7844 762 8105 798 8934 911

126. In which of the given years the number of candidates appeared from state D has maximumpercentage of qualified candidates?(a) 2002 (b) 2005 (c) 2003 (d) 2004 (e) None of these

127. What is difference between total candidates appeared in six states in year 2001 and2003?(a) 6915 (b)10692 (c)10962 (d) 9615 (e) None of these

128. What is the percentage increase/decrease in the number of the appeared to the qualifiedcandidates in the state B from 2001 to 2002?(a) 1.25 (b) 2.25 (c) 2.50 (d)1.6 (e)1.5.

129. What is the difference between total qualified candidates in six states in year 2003 and2006?(a) 217 (b)172 (c) 168 (d) 226 (e) None of these

130. What is per cent of the total qualified candidates to the total number of appeared candidatesamong all the six states in 2006?(a)15 (b) 11 (c) 19 (d)13 (e) 14

Directions (131-135) :- Study the following tables carefully and answer the questionsgiven below:

Number of Cars (In thousands of Different Models and Colours sold in two MetroCities in a year

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

139. The total number of students who optedfor Mathematics in the Years 2005 and2008 together are approximately whatpercent of the total number of studentswho opted for all three subjects in thesame years?(a) 38 (b) 28(c) 42 (d) 32(e) 48

140. What is the respective ratio between thenumber of students who opted forEnglish in the years 2006 and 2008together and the number of studentswho opted for Hindi in the year 2005and 2009 together?(a) 11:5 (b) 12:7(c) 11:7 (d) 12:5(e) None of these

Directions (141-150):- Study the followinginformation and answer the questionsthat follow:The Graph Given Below Represents TheProduction (In Tonnes) And Sales(In Tonnes) Of Company A from 2006-11

The table given below represents therespective ratio of the production (in tonnes)of Company A to the production (in tonnes)of Company B, and the respective ratio ofthe sales (in tonnes) of Company A to thesales (in tonnes) of Company B.

Year Production Sales2006 5:4 2:32007 8:7 11:122008 3:4 9:142009 11:12 4:52010 14:13 10:92011 13:14 1:1

Metro M Metro He Colour Colour

Black Red Blue White Silver Black Red Blue White SilverA 40 25 55 75 15 45 32 40 60 20B 20 35 60 80 20 30 37 39 81 35C 35 30 50 90 35 40 42 41 6 37D 45 40 45 85 40 35 39 37 90 42E 50 35 35 60 30 50 44 43 77 22F 55 42 40 65 52 47 34 45 87 17

131. The difference between the white-coloured cars sold in the two metros of which of thefollowing models is the minimum?(a) A (b) C (c) D (d) F (e) None of these

132. The total number of blue-coloured cars of Model E and D sold in Metro H is exactlyequal to the number of white-coloured cars of which Model in Metro M?(a) B (b) F (c) C (d) A (e) None of these

133. What is the difference between the number of blue-colour cars of Model C sold in MetroM and number of red colour cars of Model F sold in Metro H?(a) 8,000 (b)10,000 (c) 12,000 (d) 15,000 (e) None of these

134. The total number of silver-coloured cars sold in Metro H is approximately what percentageof that in Metro M?(a) 130 (b) 140 (c) 90 (d) 100 (e) 110

135. In Metro M the number of cars sold was maximum for which of the colour-modelcombinations?(a) White-C (b) Blue-B (c) Silver-B (d) White-D (e) None of these

Directions (136-140):- Study the following graph and answer the questions given below:No. of students (in thousands) who opted for three different specializations during the

given five years in a University.

136. Out of the total number of students who opted for the given three subjects, in the year2009, 38% were girls. How many boys opted for Mathematics in the same year?(a) 1322 (b) 1332 (c) 1312 (d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these

137. If the total number of students in the University in the year 2007 was 455030, then thetotal number of students who opted for the given three subjects were approximately whatpercent of the total students?(a) 19 (b)9 (c)12 (d) 5 (e) 23

138. What is the total number of students who opted for Hindi and who opted for Mathematicsin the years 2006,2007 and 2009 together?

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

141. What is the approximate percentageincrease in the production of CompanyA (in tonnes) from the year 2009 to theproduction of Company A (in tonnes)in the year 2010?(a)18 (b) 38(c) 23 (d) 27(e) 32

142. The sales of Company A in the year2009 was approximately what percentof the production of Company A in thesame year?(a) 65 (b)73(c)79 (d) 83(e) 69

143. What is the average production ofCompany B (in tonens) form the year2006 to the year 2011?(a) 574 (b) 649(c) 675 (d) 593(e) 618

144. What is the respective ratio of the totalproduction (in tones) or Company A tothe total sales (in tones) of CompanyA?(a) 81: 64 (b) 64:55(c) 71:81 (d) 71:55(e) 81:55

145. What is the respective ratio ofproduction of Company B (in tones) inthe year 2006 to production ofCompany B (in tones) in the year 2008?(a) 2:5 (b) 4:5(c) 3:4 (d) 3:5(e) 1:4

Directions (146-150):-Study the followinginformation carefully to answer thequestions that follow:-In a school there are 800 students who havevisited five different cities viz. Delhi, Ajmer,Varanasi, Mumbai and Jodhpur. Fifty fourpercent of the total students are boys. Onefourth of the total number of girls visitedMumbai. Twenty five percent of the totalnumber of girls visited Delhi. Number ofgirls who visited Jodhpur is half the numberof girls who visited Delhi. Five –sixth of theremaining girls visited Ajmer. Total numberof students who visited Mumbai is 192. One-fourth of the total number of boys visitedVaranasi. 101 boys have visited Ajmer. Two-third of the remaining number of boys havevisited Delhi.

146. What is the respective ratio between thenumber of girls who visited Delhi andnumber of boys who visited Mumbai?(a) 23:24 (b) 23:50

(c) 23:25 (d) 50:23(e) None of these

147. What is the average number of boyswho visited Delhi, Varanasi andJodhpur together?(1) 82 (b) 77(c) 86 (d) 76(e) None of these

148. What is two-third of the total numberof girls who visited Jodhpur andVaranasi together?(a) 46 (b) 48(c)54 (d) 58(e) None of these

149. Total number of students who visitedJodhpur is approximately whatpercent of girls who visited Ajmer?(a) 90 (b) 81(c) 66 (d)70(e)76

150. What is the total number of studentswho visited Varanasi?(a) 121 (b) 143(c) 111 (d)153

(e) None of these


151. Green marketing is related with:a) Agricultural marketingb) Eco-friendly marketingc) Colorsd) All of the abovee) None of these

152. Direct mailing isa) Cost efficientb) Selectivec) Personald) All (a), (b) and (c) are truee) None of these

153. Which of the following do you considerthe social aspect of packaging?a) Attractivenessb) Bio-degradabilityc) Name of a manufacturerd) Name of a Brande) Convenience

154. What does the frequency of anyadvertisement medium implies?a) How many buyers are ex­ posed ?b) Is the medium titled on a

par­ ticular segment ?c) Does it allow concentration on a

specific area ?d) Does it allow to see the

ad­ vertisement often ?e) Does allow the message to be

developed fully ?155. Globalization of a company means the

company isa) Ethnocentricb) Regiocentricc) Polycentricd) Geocentrice) None of these

156. A management theory fails be­ cause :a) People do not want to work

accordingly\b) People are illiteratec) Theory is not necessaryd) Management is not pure sci­ encee) It lacks universal applicabili­ ty

157. Which of the following is known as aWatch dog of international trade?a) GATT b) UNCTADc) G 16 d) WTOe) None of these

158. In marketing zero level channel impliesa) manufacturer selling to the retailerb) manufactures selling to the final

consumerc) retailer selling to the final

consumerd) marketer selling to the final

consumere) None of these

159. A person selling insurance, advertisingservices and educational programs canbe termed asa) Creative salesperson of

intangiblesb) Creative salesperson of tangiblesc) Back-door salesperson\d) Salesperson engaged in multiples

salese) None of these

160. The ‘word load’ approach was designedbya) W J Talleyb) Mark Taylorc) Adam Smithd) Robinsone) None of these

161. __________ is Microsoft’s latest entryinto the programming arena.(a) Java(b) .NET(c) Visual Basic(d) Pascal(e) None of these

162. What type of technology allows you toverbally speak with someone over theInternet?(a) Wiki      (b) VoIP

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(c) Ephone(d) Social network(e) None of these

163. What is extension of Disc Image File ?(a) .dsk(b) .osdsk(c) .os(d) .iso(e) None of these

164. You can create a new presentation bycompleting all of the following except(a) Clicking the new button on the

standard toolbar(b) Clicking file, new(c) Pressing ctrl + N(d) Clicking file open(e) None of these

165. I/O processor has direct access to ?(a) Main Memory(b) Secondary Memory(c) Flash Memory(d) ROM(e) None of these

166. You can convert existing Excelworksheet data and charts to HTMLdocument by using the ?(a) Internet Assistant Wizard(b) Intranet Wizard(c) Import Wizard(d) Export Wizard(e) None of these

167. Who was the Founder of Bluetooth ?(a) Ericson(b) Martin Cooper(c) Steve Jobs(d) Apple(e) None of these

168.   Which among following is commonlyused language in Android applications?(a) C (b) Php(c) C++ (d) Java(e) None of these

169. Which program is run by BIOS to checkhardware components are workingproperly while computer is turned ON? (a) DMOS (b) POST(c) CMOS (d) RIP(e) None of these

170. Human beings are referred to asHomosapinens, which device is calledSillico Sapiens?a. Monitorb. Hardwarec. Robotd. Computere. None of these

171. What is meant by a dedicated computer?a. Which is used by one person only

b. Which is assigned one and onlyone task

c. Which uses one kind of softwared. Which is meant for application

softwaree. None of these

172. Identify false statementa. You can find deleted files in

recycle binb. You can restore any files in recycle

bin if you ever needc. You can increase free space of disk

by sending files in recycle bind. You can right click and choose

Empty Recycle Bin to clean it atonce

e. None of these173. World Wide Web is being  standard  by

a. Worldwide corporationb. W3Cc. World Wide Consortiumd. World Wide Web  Standarde. None of these

174.   Which of the following windowsversion support 64 bit processor?a. Windows 98b. Windows 2000c. Windows XPd. Windows 95e. None of these

175. Underlined text, such as text and foldernames is referred to asa. Hyperlinkb. Menuc. Source drived. All of thesee. None of these

176. Inaugural John Disley LondonMarathon Lifetime Achievement Awardwill be given to :a. Paula redcliffeb. Niel Armstrongc. Tyson Gayd. Usain Bolte. None of these

177. What is the theme of World MalariaDay (observed on 25 April ,2015) ?a. Invest and Save peopleb. Invest to save people for Diseasesc. Invest to save people from Malariad. Invest in the future.Defeat malaria

178. Bahrain Grand Prix of Formula Onewon by Lewis Hamilton (36th title). Hedrives which formula 1 car?a. Mercedesb. Ferraric. Red Bulld. All of these

e. None of these179. Name of the project launched by Kerala

Govt. to end liquor, drug abuse?a. Vibodhanb. Subodhamc. Nirodhand. Jivodhame. None of these

180. Russia agreed for joint military exercisewith which country for the first time?a. Chinab. Sri Lankac. Indiad. Pakistane. None of these

181 Richie Benaud died recently, he wasrelated to which sport?a. Hockeyb. Footballc. Cricketd. Tennise. None of these

182. The book named  INDIA SHASTRAwritten bya. V. Krishanamurtyb. Shashi Tharoorc. Akeel Bilgramid. T M Babue. None of these

183. Who has been appointed as the CEOof Khadi and Village IndustriesCommission?a. Vikram Maanb. Surendar Singhc. Amit kumard. Arun Kumare. None of these

184. Who has won the  Tyler prize  forEnvironmental Achievements 2015 ?a) Gopal Das Neeraj and  Dr. Jane

Lubchencob) Madhav Gadgil and Dr.Steve

Jamsonc) Gopal Das Neeraj and Dr.Steve

Jamsond) Madhav Gadgil and  Dr. Jane

Lubchencoe) None of these

185. World TB day  is celebrated on ?a) 21 Marchb) 22 Marchc) 23 Marchd) 24 Marche) 25 March

186. India’s first Polar Remotely OperatedVehicle (PROVe)  successfullyoperationalised for research in _______

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1.e 2.e 3.b 4.b5.a 6.d 7.d 8.e9.d 10.a 11.e 12.d13.c 14.c 15.c 16.e17.a 18.a 19.a 20.b21.c; Use ‘enjoy’ in place of ‘enjoyed’22.a; Use ‘in’ in place of ‘on’23.d; Use ‘upbring’ in place of ‘discipline’24.d; Use ‘to’ in place of ‘for’25.c; Use ‘succeeded’ in place of‘successful’26.c 27.a 28.b 29.e30.d 31.c 32.d 33.c34.d 35.a 36.e 37.b38.d 39.b 40.a 41.c42.a 43.d 44.b 45.e46.b; Explanation: The preposition of is

used with accused similarlycondemned for, charged with andpunishment for are used.

47.c; Explanation: Who refers to humanbeing in general which is used insteadof who when there is restriction ofchoice. i.e. which of you did this?

48.c; Explanation: Ulterior means hidden ornot obvious and Interior means innerportion in the some way exterior is theantonyms of interior.

49.b; Explanation: Conscientious meanstaking care to do things carefully andcorrectly.

50.c; Explanation: To atone for means to dosomething to compensate for someprevious misdeed.


by  National Institute of OceanTechnology (NIOT).a) North Antarcticab) South Africac) North Americad) South Antarcticae) None of these

187. Name of the  Two-year-old girlfrom  Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh  whohas created new record in Archery andhas entered her name into the IndiaBook of Records.a) Chanasini Shivanib) Cherukuli Dolly Shivanic) Arumeena Reddyd) None of the Abovee) None of these

188. Section 66 A  is related to which Act ?a) Indian Penal Code Actb) Information and technology Actc) Electronics and intrumentation Actd) All of the Abovee) None of these

189. Which of the following Country   rankedtop in world most dangerous countrieslistin the world according to CountryThreat Index (CTI)?a. Iraqb. Syriac. Nigeriad. Somaliae. None of these

190. MUDRA Bank  will be inaugratedby  PM Modi  on 8 April, 2015.MUDRA stands for?a.  The Major Unit for Development

Refinancing Agency (MUDRA)Bank

b.  The Micro Unit DevelopingRefinance Agency (MUDRA)Bank

c.   The Major Units for DevelopmentRefinance Agency (MUDRA)Bank

d.  The Micro Units DevelopmentRefinance Agency (MUDRA)Bank

e. None of these191. Which of the following  E-commerce

company  has acquired a majority stakein digital financial distributionplatform  RupeePower?a. Amazonb. Flipkartc. Snapdeald. Ebaye. None of these

192.Passengers can book theirtrain  tickets  ______ days prior from thetravel date.a) 120b) 150c) 140d) 160e) 180

193. As per Railway Budget 2015-16, howmany Bio-Toilets will be launched inthe Trains?a) 21,000b) 15,000c) 17,000d) 20,000e) 21,000

194. Which of the following countries is nota member of G-15?a) Jamaicab) Indonesiac) Colombiad) Perue) None of these

195. The international township built nearPondicherry in India in coloration withUNESCO is calleda) Elbavilleb) Aurovillec) Gayavilled) Broadwaye) None of these

196.What is the Repo Rate as per the annualMonetary Policy released by RBIrecently?a. 8.0% b. 7.5%c. 7.00% d. 8.50%e. 6.75%

197. Which airport has bagged theprestigious Golden Peacock NationalQuality Award for the year 2015?a. Delhi International Airport

Limitedb. Chhatrapati Shivaji International

Airportc. Bangalore Airportd. Rajiv Gandhi International Airporte. None of these

198. Which service of India Post closed after135 years?a. Telegramb. Savings Accountc. Current Accountd. Money Ordere. None of these

199. Who has been appointed by Nepal’sgovernment as its next ambassador toIndia?a. Virendra Dutta

b. R.P. Sinhac. Deep Kumar Upadhyayd. Arjun Kumar Karkie. None of these

200. Announced in the Union Budget 2015-16 Pradhan Mantri Suraksha BimaYojana is aa. life insurance schemeb. accidental insurance schemec. non-life insurance schemed. a and be. None of these

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

Person Vehicle Profession GenderQ I Engineer MaleW I Teacher FemaleP II Teacher FemaleS II Doctor MaleV II Engineer FemaleT III Teacher MaleR III Doctor Female

51.a 52.c 53.b 54.d 55.b56.b 57.b 58.a 59.c 60.d61.b

P(+) (–)




(+)(+) – Male(–) – Female

P is the paternal grandfather of T




(+) (–)F




(–) R



F is the brother-in-law of H


(+) (–)D



(+) K



(+) (–)D



(–) N


(+) H





(+) (–)K


G (–)


K is the daughter-in-law of G
















Either Case

Either Case








Lice Slate



Either Case

71.a 72.a 73.e 74.b 75.e76.e 77.e 78.e 79.c 80.d81.d 82.e 83.a 84.e 85.a

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Ans. (86-90):

Person Shirt TrouserA White/Black RedB Red Black/WhiteC Black/white/Violet YellowD Green IndigoE Yellow BlueF Black/White/Violet White/BlackG Blue Cream

Ans. (86-90):86.e 87.b 88.c 89.d 90.d

Ans. (91-95)


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (a) (b) Answer

91. √ √ √ _ 292. _ √ √ _ _ 193. √ _ √ √ _ √ 194. _ √ √ √ √ _ 495. √ _ √ √ _ √ 5

Solutions (96 – 100)

101.e 102.d 103.c 104.b 105.a106.c 107.b 108.a 109.d 105.eAns. (111.115): Annual expenditure on different items

TotalExp. Rs.12Cr.

111.d ; Total expenditure on accounts

=120000000 168


112.b; Required expenditure


Rs.13,000 /1200

113.c; Required expenditure


204 Rs.6.121200


114.e; Required Amount= Rs.1,32,00,000/-115.a Required expenditure


96 Rs.11.521200


116.e; Total Exp.=45+40=Rs.85 cr Total Inc.=35+50=Rs.85cr

No Profit, no loss117.e; Income of A in 2006 =

100 10037.5 Rs.28.41cr

110 120

118.b; Exp. Of G in 2006=45



Income of G in 2006 =100 110

45 Rs.41.25cr120 100

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119.d120.c ; Required profit percent=(37.5-27.5)+(42.5-32.5)+(35-45)H”10.5%

Ans.(121-125): Total number of Boys in the class=5

80 508

Total number of Girls in the class=3

80 308




1212 12

1212 12 12


121.d122.e; 12+9=21

123.d; Required percentage=12 12




124.b; 9+3=12125.c; 12+29=41


Years % ofQualifiedCandidates

2001 11.772002 11.062003 9.852004 12.852005 11.612006 11.04

127.c; Required difference = (8250 + 7865 + 7120 + 8545 + 7962+ 6895)-(5600+7200+4850+6325+5200+6500)=46637-35675=10962

128.d; Required difference=864 840

100 1007200 8100


129.b; Required difference


130.b; Total no. of qualified candidates in year 2006=5089 Total no. of appeared candidates in year 2006=46583

Required percentage=5089



131.e 132.a 133.e 134.c 135.a136.d; Since percentage of (boys or girls) in Mathematics is

not given. Hence, number of boys opted Mathematicscannot be determined.

137.b; Total number of students opted for the given subjectin2007= (15+10+15) thousands=40 thousands

Required percentage=40000



138.e; Total number of students opted Hindi and Mathematicsin 2006, 2007, and 2009=( 5 + 35 + 15 + 15 + 20 + 5)thousands = 95000

139.d; Required percentage =(15 30)

100(55 85)


140.a; Required ratio = (25 + 30) : (5 + 20)= 55 : 25 = 11.5


Year Production(in tones)

Sales(in tones)





2006 750 300 4502007 800 5500 6002008 600 450 7002009 550 400 5002010 700 500 4502011 650 550 550

141.d Production of company A in 2009 = 550 tonnesProduction of Company A in 2010 = 700 tonnes

Required percentage =700 550


150100 27.27%

550 H”27%

142.b; Sales of Company A in 2009 = 400 tonnesProduction of Company in 2009 = 550 tonnesRequired percentage =

400 4000100 72.72%

550 55 H”73%

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143.c; Production of company B in


4 6005


Production of company B in 2007800

7 7008


Production of company B in 2008600

4 8003


Production of company B in 2009550

12 60011


Production of company B in 2010700

13 65014


Production of company B in 2011650

14 70013


Average Production=

600 700 800 600 650 700 4050675

6 6

tones144.e; Total production of company A from the year 2006-

2011=750+800+600+550+700+650=4050 tonnesTotal sales of company A from the year 2006-2011=300+550+450+400+500+550=2750Ratio =

Total Pr oductionofcompanyAfrom2006to2011


4050 812750 55

Ratio= 81:55

145.c; Ratio=

Pr oductionofcompanyBin2006

Pr oductionofconpanyBin2008

600 3Ratio 3: 4

800 4

Ans (146-150):

Cities Boys Girls TotalDelhiAjmerVaranasiMumbaiJodhpur




Total 432 368 800

146.c; Required ratio = 92 : 100 = 23 : 25

147.b; Required average =231


148.a; Required No. of girls =

2 223 46 69 46

3 3

149.e; Required percentage =87



150.e 151.b 152.d 153.b 154.d 155.d156.e 157.d 158.b 159.a 160.a 161.b162.b 163.d 164.d 165.a 166.a 167.a168.d 169.b 170.d 171.b 172.c 173.b174.a 175.a 176.a 177.d 178.a 179.b180.d 181.c 182.b 183.d 184.d 185.d186.a 187.b 188.b 189.a 190.d 191.c192.a 193.c 194.c 195.b 196.b 197.a198.d 199.c 200.d

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC


National Institution for Transforming India (Niti

Aayog)  :Narendra Modi,  Chairman

Lok Sabha,  Speaker  :Mrs. Sumitra Mahajan

Lok Sabha, Secretary-General : T. K. Viswanathan

Rajya Sabha, Chairman : Mohammad Hamid Ansari

Rajya Sabha, Deputy Chairman : P. J. Kurien

Rajya Sabha, Leader of House : Arun Jaitley

Rajya Sabha, Leader of Opposition : Ghulam Nabi


Rajya Sabha, Secretary-General : Shumsher K.


National Institution for Transforming India (Niti

Aayog) : Arvind Panagariya,  Vice-Chairman

Chief Election Commissioner : Syed Nasim Zaidi

Comptroller and Auditor-General of India : Shashi

Kant Sharma

National Human Right Commission (NHRC) : Justice

K. G. Balakrishnan,  Chairperson

Cabinet Secretary : Ajit Kumar Seth 

Principal Secretary to Prime Minister : Nripendra


National Commission for Backward Classes : Justice

V. Eshwaraiah,  Chairman

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights

(NCPCR) : Ms. Shanta Sinha,  Chairperson

National Commission for Scheduled Castes : Dr. P. L.

Punia,  Chairman

National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST)

: Dr.Rameshwar Oraon,  Chairman

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) : Deepak

Gupta,  Chairman

National Commission on Farmers (NCF) : Dr. M. S.

Swaminathan,  Chairman

National Security Adviser and Special Adviser to PM

(Internal Security) : Ajit Kumar Dova

National Investigation Agency (NIA) :  Sharad

Kumar,  Director-General

Railway Board : A. K. Mital,  Chairman

Intelligence Bureau (IB) :  Dineshwar Sharma,  Director

Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) : Anil Kumar

Sinha,  Director

Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) :  Rajinder

Khanna,  Director

National Security Guard (NSG) : Jayanto Narayan

Choudhury, Director-General

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) : Prakash

Mishra,  Director-General

Border Security Force (BSF) : Devendra Kumar

Pathak,  Director-General

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) : Arvind

Ranjan,  Director-General

Railway Protection Force. (RPF) : P. K.

Mehta,  Director-General

Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) : Krishna

Chaudhary,  Director-General

Sashastra Seema Bal : B. D. Sharma,  Director-


Indian Coast Guard : Vice-Admiral Anurag G.

Thapliyal,  Director-General

Defence Intelligence Agency : Lt. Gen. Avtar

Singh,  Director-General

University Grants Commission (UGC) : Prof. Ved

Prakash,  Chairman

Defence Research and Development Organisation.

(DRDO) : Dr. Avinash Chander,  Scientific Adviser to

Defence Minister and Secretary

Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government : Dr. R.


Space Commission and ISRO : A. S. Kiran

Kumar,  Chairman 

Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary, Dept. of

Atomic Energy : Ratan Kumar Sinha,  Chairman

National Commission for Minorities : Naseem

Ahmad,  Chairperson

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) : Amitava

Bhattacharya,  Chairman

Indian Council of Medical Research : Dr. Vishwa

Mohan Katoch,  Director-Genera

India and Census Commissioner : C.

Chandramouli,  Registrar-General

Law Commission : Justice D. K. Jain,  Chairman

Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) : Dr.

B. N. Suresh,  President


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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

National Forest Commission : Justice (Retd.) B. N.

Kirpal,  Chairman

National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) : T.

Nanda Kumar,  Chairperson

Border Roads Organisation : Lt. General AT

Parnaik,  Director-General

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) : Dr. Raghuram

Rajan,  Governor

Press Council of India : Justice Chandramauli

Kumar Prasad,  Chairman

Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) : Ravindra

Pisharody,  Chairman

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)  :R. K.

Tewari,  Chairman

Central Board of Excise and Customs : Mrs. J.M.

Shanti Sundharam,  Chairman

Competition Commission of India : Ashok Chawla

Central Administrative Tribunal : Justice Syed Rafat

Alam,  Chairman

National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC)

: R.S.T. Sai,  CMD

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) : R. S.

Sharma,  CMD

GAIL : B. C. Tripathi,  CMD

Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) : S. Behuria,  Chairman

Oil India Ltd : Sunil Kumar Srivastava,  CMD

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) : Dr.

Satbir Bedi,  Chairperson

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) : U. K.

Sinha,  Chairman

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

(NABARD) : Dr. Harsh Kumar

Bhanwala,  Chairman

State Bank of India (SBI) :  Smt.Arundhati

Bhattacharya,  Chairman 

Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) : M. S.

Raghavan,  Chairman 

Company Law Board : Justice Dilip Raosaheb

Deshmukh,  Chairman

India’s Permanent Representative to UN : Asoke

Kumar Mukerji

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) : S. K.

Roy,  Chairman

Central Water Commission : Ashwin

Pandya,  Chairman 

National Commission for Women : Ms. Lalitha

Kumarmangalam,  Chairperson

14th Finance Commission : Dr. Y. V.

Reddy,  Chairman

National Statistical Commission : Dr. Pronob

Sen,  Chairman

Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) : Pahlaj

Nihalani,  Chairperson

Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) : Dr. Rakesh

Tewari,  Director-General

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and

Industry (FICCI) : Dr. Jyotsna Suri,  President

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) : Dr.

Rahul Khullar,  Chairman

Enforcement Directorate : Dr. Rajan

Katoch,  Director

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

(PFRDA) : R. V. Verma,  Chairman

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre : Dr. Sekhar

Basu,  Director

Indian Olympic Association : N.

Ramachandran,  President

National Council of Educational Research and

Training (NCERT) : Prof. B.K.Tripathi,  Acting


Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) : Ajay S.

Shriram,  President

Prasar Bharti Board : Dr. A. Surya

Prakash,  Chairman

Investment Commission : Ratan Tata,  Chairman

Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)

: Jagmohan Dalmiya,  President

NASSCOM :  R. Chandrasekaran,  Chairman

National Film Development Corporation (NFDC)

: Ramesh Sippy,  Chairman

United News of India : Ravindra Kumar,  Chairman

Press Trust of India (PTI) : Mahendra Mohan

Gupta,  Chairman

Indian Newspaper Society (INS) : Kiran B.

Vadodaria,  President

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC


1. A beautiful valley of Uttarakhand state was opened recently for tourists for the first time since the 1962 Indo-China war because of its

proximity to the China border. Which valley is this? – Nelong Valley

2. 67-year old former nurse Aruna Shanbaug passed away in a Mumbai hospital after being in coma for 42 years after a sexual assault by a

ward-boy in 1973. What is the name of this Mumbai hospital in which she used to serve and passed 42 years of her life, being taken care-

off by a group of hospital nurses and doctors during this duration? – Kings Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital

3. What is the name of the former Army General who took over as the 8th President of Guyana ? – David Arthur Granger

4. Private-sector Federal Bank forayed into credit card segment with the launch of a co-branded credit card. It has tied up with which PSU

bank for this co-branded credit card? – SBI

5. What was the fiscal deficit (estimated) for 2014-15 as announced by the Union Finance Ministry? – 4% of the GDP

6. What was the gross tax collection in 2014-15 as announced by the Union Finance Ministry ? – Rs. 12,45,037 crore

7. Mangaluru-headquartered Corporation Bank recently dropped plans to take over the assets and liabilities of a Maharashtra-based cooperative

bank whose license was cancelled by the RBI in 2013. Which bank is this? – Rupee Co-operative Bank Limited

8. Which country won the 2015 Sudirman Cup (for Badminton) ? – China

9. Pope Francis canonized Sister Marie-Alphonsine Danil Ghattas and Maryam Baouardy in a ceremony in Saint Peter’s Square. These two

women belonged to which country? – Palestine

10. What is the name of the US firm which was selected by the Ministry of Urban Development as the knowledge partner for smart cities

mission in which this firm would assist in selecting the cities for financing under the mission? – Bloomberg Philanthropies (BP)

11. Which three Indian cities will have Sister Cities in China as proposed in the 24 agreements signed between India and China during Prime

Minister Narendra Modi’s state visit to China? – Chennai, Hyderabad and Aurangabad

12. Which African country came to news in May 2015 for a failed coup against its President? – Burundi

13. A 12-member jury How many agreements between India and China were signed after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s talks with Chinese

Premier Li Keqiang on 15 May 2015? – Twenty Four (24)gave death sentence to the accused of the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013.

What is the name of this accused? – Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

14. A team of scientists from Tohoku University (Japan) recently reported discovery of a new state of matter that was developed in the lab. This

new substance is expected to prove a game changer for the way we use and produce energy. What is the name given to this substance? –

Jahn-Teller metal

15. A new research done by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has found the world’s first fully warm-blooded

fish. This fish circulates heated blood throughout its body much like mammals and birds. What is the name of this fish? – Opah (or


16. How many agreements between India and China were signed after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s talks with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang?

– Twenty Four (24)

17. On the second day of his state visit to China, Indian Prime Minister made the announcement of the opening of the second route for the

Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra by China from June 2015. This second route would be through which pass to complement the existing route

through the Lipulekh Pass in Uttarakhand? – Nathu La (Sikkim)

18. What is the name of India’s largest online fashion retailer which after months of speculation, finally closed its website to become an app-

only service from 15 May 2015? – Myntra

19. The first ever meeting of which important council of Indian Railways was and was headed by noted industrialist Ratan Tata? – ‘Kayakalp


20. The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2014 was passed by the Rajya Sabha on 13 May. How many amendments in total were affected in the

Companies Act of 2013 through this amendment bill? – Sixteen

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

21. How many smokers (approx.) are there globally as disclosed in the newly disclosed status report of Global Statistics on Addictive Behaviours

(GSAB)? – 1 billion

22. In a departure from tradition, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his historic 3-day official visit of China from which ancient

Chinese city on 14 May 2015? – Xi’an

23. The Union Govt. appointed new Governors for four states. Who are these? – V. Shanmuganathan (Meghalaya), Draupadi Murmu

(Jharkhand), Tathagata Roy (Tripura) and J.P. Rakkhowa (Arunachal Pradesh)

24. The Union Govt. gave its clearance for disinvestment of which two public-sector undertakings (PSUs) with the aim of garnering around Rs.

15,000 crore from this sale? – Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) and NTPC

25. The Supreme Court in its order given said that picture of only three officials can feature in government advertisements that are placed by the

centre and state governments to publicize various schemes. Which three officials are these? – The President, the Prime Minister and the

Chief Justice of India

26. In a setback to the Narendra Modi govt., which global financial entity downgraded India to “underweight” category, which was the first

major downgrade for the India in the past one year? – HSBC

27. Which city would become the first in India to get Google Street View as announced on 12 May 2015? – Hyderabad

28. According to a latest report disclosed by a South Korean intelligence agency, the minister of the People’s Armed Forces in North Korea was

executed during April 2015 for allegedly showing disrespect for its top leader, Kim Jong Un. What was the name of this official? – Gen.

Hyon Yong Chol

29. Who was appointed as the acting Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) by the President Pranab Mukherjee? –

Justice Cyriac Joseph

30. What is the name of the oil painting of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso which smashed the record for the most expensive artwork ever sold at

auction when it soared to $179.4 million (around Rs. 1100 crore) at Christie’s auction? – “Les femmes d’Alger (Version ‘O’)” which

means “(Women of Algiers (Version O)”

31. Google announced integration of Indian Railways schedules as well as updated information about public transport in eight Indian cities on

Google Maps. This facility would be made available under which feature of Google Maps? – “Google Transit”

32. Which noted banker of India was appointed as the first President of the $100-billion New Development Bank (NDB) of the BRICS

countries, to be based in China’s financial hub Shanghai? – KV Kamath

33. A 5-day census of the Asiatic Lions was conducted at the famous Gir Wildlife Sanctuary in Gujarat that concluded. According to the primary

results of this census there are how many lions at the sanctuary? – 523

34. The Karnataka High Court overturned a trial court judgment and acquitted AIADMK chief and former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.

Jayalalitha along withthree  of her associates in an 18-year-old disproportionate assets case. This case is associated with which tenure of

her as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu? – 1991-96

35. Eastern India’s newest Greenfield airport – the Kazi Nazrul Islam Airport, started its symbolic operations as Prime Minister Narendra Modi

became the first passenger to fly out of the airport on this day. This airport is situated at which place in West Bengal? – Andal

36. During April 2015, China overtook the United States in import of which important commodity to become world’s largest importer of this

commodity? – Crude Oil

37. Who became the first black to be elected as the leader by South Africa’s main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA)? – Mmusi


38. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a revamped and modernized 2.5 million tonne steel plant of IISCO on the occasion of his

maiden visit to West Bengal. This plant is situated at which? – Burnpur

39. Prime Minister Narendra Modi became the first prime minister in last 30 years to visit Naxal hotbed of Dantewada (Chhattisgarh). Who

was the last to do so? – Rajiv Gandhi

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

40. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) for establishment of a three-million-tonne ultra mega steel plant (UMSP) was signed on the

occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit of Chhattisgarh on 9 May 2015. This UMSP would be established at which village of the

state? – Dilmili

41. What is the name of the super storm that made landfall in northeastern region of the Philippines prompting evacuations and warnings of

flooding and landslides in the region? – Noul

42. Which private sector financial entity from India has emerged the only Indian company among a list of the world’s 10 biggest consumer

financial services firms complied by Forbes magazine and released recently? – HDFC

43. Who won the Spanish Formula 1 Grand Prix that culminated? – Nico Rosberg (Germany)

44. What is the name of the festival of Indian arts and culture in Russia that was inaugurated by President Pranab Mukherjee in Moscow? –

“Namaste India”

45. A new strategic naval base of the Indian Navy named “INS Sardar Patel” was commissioned. This base has been established in which

coastal city of Gujarat? – Porbandar

46. From May 2015 National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has reduced the switching fee it charges banks for processing inter-bank

ATM transactions by five paise. What is the new switching fee after this reduction? – 45 paise per transaction

47. Russia staged a massive and extravagant parade on Red Square in Moscow with display of some new armour for the first time. What was

the reason for this massive parade? – Commemoration of 70 years of Russian victory over Nazi Germany in World War II

48. History was made for the Indian Army when for the first time one of its contingents took part in the international military parade, as part of

Russia’s Victory Day commemoration. This contingent was from which regiment of the Indian Army? – Nine Grenadiers regiment

49. Which West African country, which was at the center of the largest Ebola epidemic so far, was declared free of Ebola by the World Health

Organization? – Liberia

50. Prime Minister David Cameron scored a stunning election victory in Britain as his Conservative Party gained majority on its own by

winning 331 seats. With this resounding victory, the Conservatives will be able to govern the country alone for the first time since which

year? – 1992

51. Who became the youngest British MP since 1667 after her historic win in the British Parliamentary elections of 2015? – Mhairi Black

52. In one of the most tragic aviation disasters in Pakistan, Ambassadors of two countries were killed when a Pakistani Army helicopter crashed

in a mountainous part of northern Pakistan. Which countries’ Ambassadors to Pakistan died in this bizarre accident? – Norway and the


53. Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced decision to set up  a high-level panel to examine the issue of minimum alternate tax (MAT)

on foreign institutional investors (FIIs). Who will lead this panel? – Justice A.P. Shah

54. Who was appointed as the new Election Commissioner to fill one of the two vacancies in the three-member body? – Achal Kumar Jyoti

55. Which entity during May 2015 completed India’s single largest office space leasing deal so far by signing up for a 2-million sq. ft. custom-

built office campus in Bengaluru? – Flipkart

56. India and Iran on 6 May 2015 signed an agreement to develop a strategic port in southeast Iran. This was done despite U.S. pressure not to

rush into any such trade agreements before world powers clinch a final nuclear accord with Iran. Which Iranian port is involved in this

agreement? – Chabahar Port

57. India’s first satellite-controlled solar power plant was inaugurated in which state ? – Punjab

58. What was India’s place in the State of the World’s Mothers 2015 Report prepared by ‘Save the Children’ that was launched ?- 140 out of

179 countries

59. Which countries were placed at top and bottom places respectively in the 2015 Mothers’ Index of 179 countries that was released ? –

Norway (top) and Somalia (bottom)

60. Which village of Haryana state came to news with the discovery of huge water resources from a field , a discovery some experts believed to

be part of the mystic Saraswati River described in Rigveda? – Mugalwali

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

61. The National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) during May 2015 recommended to the Centre to raise the ‘creamy layer’ criterion

for other backward castes (OBCs) from the present annual salary of Rs. 6 lakh to what new level? – Rs. 10.50 lakh

62. A Mumbai sessions court on 6 May 2015 sentenced Bollywood film star Salman Khan to five years in prison, for killing a man in a hit-and-

run accident. Later the Mumbai High Court gave 2-day bail to Khan after the superstar applied for it. When this accident had taken place?

– 28 September 2002

63. The skywatchers got a chance to see a delightful meteor shower of a comet on 5 and 6 May 2015. Which famous comet is this? – Halley’s


64. Which city had the highest vehicle density in India as disclosed by a series of latest data released recently? – Chennai

65. A youth from Hyderabad came to prominence recently as he and his team of researchers at Salk Institute of Biological Studies in California

has developed a technique that could help women prevent their children from inheriting severe illnesses including those of heart and brain.

What is the name of this Indian youth? – Pradeep Reddy

66. In an important development, the Indian Army inducted an indigenously developed supersonic surface-to-air missile which is capable of

targeting enemy helicopters, aircraft and UAVs from a range of 25 km. What is the name of this missile which has been commissioned

almost 3 decades after this project was initiated? – Akash

67. What was the name of the CEO of online survey development company SurveyMonkey, who died during May 2015? – Dave Goldberg

68. A noted Indian investor and mutual fund entrepreneur passed away during May 2015 after a car accident in the United States. At the time

of accident he was going to attend the annual general meeting of Berkshire Hathaway, the company controlled by legendary investor

Warren Buffett. Who was this renowned Indian investor? – Parag Parikh

69. What is the name given to the newly born daughter of Britain’s Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, as announced? – “Charlotte

Elizabeth Diana”

70. Which club won the English Premier League for 2014-15 after winning its match on 3 May 2015? – Chelsea

71. The boxing bout between which two boxers held was billed by numerous hyperboles such as the “Fight of the Century” and “The Battle for

Greatness”? – Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and Manny Pacquiao

72. The Department of Telecom (DoT) deadline to fully implement the mobile number portability (MNP) across the country was extended by

how many months? – Two months

73. Which state govt. launched ‘Niramaya’, a free drug distribution scheme to cover whole state on 1 May 2015? – Odisha

74. Which noted Indian scientist was chosen for Japan’s highest civilian award – the “Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star” as

announced by the Japanese Govt. on 2 May 2015? – Prof. C.N.R. Rao

75. Who took over as the new Director General of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) on 1 May 2015? – Surender Singh

76. Ruth Rendell, who passed away on 2 May 2015, was associated with which field? – Crime fiction writing

77. Which Indian airport was recently presented the world’s best airport award for the year 2014 by Airports Council International (ACI), under

the category of handling 25 to 40 million passengers per annum? – Indira Gandhi International Airport (Delhi)

78. Which Latin American city has highest bookstores per capita than any other major city in the world, according to a recent study by the

World Cities Cultural Forum? – Buenos Aires (Argentina)

79. Software giant Microsoft recently unveiled its new web browser, which would eventually replace the existing Internet Explorer. What is the

name of this browser which will incorporate several new path-breaking features? – Edge

80. Which state govt. on 30 April 2015 issued a circular banning the use of the phrase “Horn Ok Please” on the rear side of commercial

vehicles? – Maharashtra

81. The Maharashtra’s Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) on 1 May 2015 filed an FIR against CEO of which e-commerce major on

charges of for selling prescription drugs online? – Snapdeal

82. US space agency NASA’s 11-year old probe mission for Mercury ended abruptly after it crashed into the little planet. What was the name

of this historic probe? – Messenger

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Ph. : (0674) 6556677, 8093556677. Web :, E-mail : [email protected] Leading Institute for Banking, Railway & SSC

83. Which district of West Bengal was declared as the first Open Defecation Free (ODF) district in the country? – Nadia

84. What is the name of a new rating mechanism for television in India that announced its first data for week 16 of 2015 and is now being seen

as a replacement to the existing ratings provider, TAM? – Broadcaster Audience Research Council (BARC)

85. Which country will become the first to make a cricket tour of Pakistan since 2009 as announced? – Zimbabwe

86. What is the name given to an ambitious road project proposed by the Union Govt. from Gujarat to Mizoram to be built along India’s vast

West-to-East land border? – “Bharat Mala”

87. Which South-east Asian country on 29 April 2015 undertook the controversial executions of 8 persons including 7 foreigners, an incident

which drew widespread condemnation from around the world? – Indonesia

88. Union Govt. announced extending e-Tourist Visa scheme for 31 more countries. With this extension the scheme will be available for how

many countries from 1 May 2015? – 76

89. In a sudden development, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz sacked his younger half brother as crown prince. Who was appointed as the

new heir apparent? – Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef (the nephew of the King)

90. Indian Army has recently cleared the field trials of which 45-calibre artillery gun as disclosed by Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar

in Parliament? – Dhanush

91. Which U.S. city witnessed incidents of rioting and looting during April 2015? – Baltimore

92. Who was sworn in as the first African-American woman Attorney General of the United States on 27 April 2015? – Loretta Lynch

93. The bilateral trade between India and the United States crossed which landmark figure during 2014, as disclosed by US Ambassador to

India Richard Verma during April 2015? – $100 billion

94. Who became the first India-born woman to be appointed a judge in New York City ? – Raja Rajeswari

95. At least 1,500 people died in a massive earthquake and a series of aftershocks that hit several parts of Nepal and India since morning of 25

April 2015. Which district of Nepal was the epicentre of the quake? – Lamjung

96. The Draft Agreement on Coastal Shipping between India and Bangladesh was finalized during a Secretary-level talk held at New Delhi

during April 2015. According to this Draft Agreement, the bilateral inland water transit and trade will now be automatically renewed after

how many years instead of the current norm of one year? – Five Years

97. What will be the slogan of the New Education Policy that was unveiled on 24 April 2015 by HRD Minister Smriti Irani? – “Nayi Shiksha

Neeti Kare Saakaar, Gyaan, Yogyata aur Rojgaar”

98. Which public sector bank launched “Rupay Platinum Debit Card” on 20 April 2015 by tying up with National Payments Corporation of

India (NPCI)? – IDBI Bank

99. In a tragic accident, a promising Bengal batsman passed away on 20 April 2015 owing to an injury sustained during a Cricket Association

of Bengal’s (CAB) Senior one-day knock-out match three days ago on 17 April. What was the name of this young cricketer, who was also

a former Bengal U-19 captain? – Ankit Keshri

100. What is the name of the 21-year old English batsman who made cricketing history by scoring 350 in a one-day club match on 20 April

2015? – Liam Livingstone

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