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    Value Tree Service and Removal

    The best tree care in Austin, Texas area

    It could have been a destructive storm that brought your tree down or a weak dying

    tree limb that crashed on your car unexpectedly, an infected leaf that you didnt

    anticipate or decayed roots buried underground. Trees, shrubs, lawns, landscapes;

    every last worry of your treasured greenery, we are here to handle them for you.

    Value Tree Service,a qualified team of professional arborists who are committed to

    offer the best service required for your trees and other greenery in Austin. We are

    thrilled to be a part of every trees journey. Commencing right from suggesting

    saplings that will thrive on Texan your landscape to guiding you through their full

    growth, every issue that may arise in your trees life span, we are glad to help.

    To Contact Us


    700 W 35th St

    Austin TX 78705


    E-Mail:[email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    How to identify an unhealthy tree?

    Despite the fact that a large tree in the lawn, giving graceful shade to a cottage is the

    most popular scenic heartthrob the reality is slightly different. Trees on the lawn are

    beautiful and very truly it is necessary to grow more trees for a healthy atmosphere

    and ecosystem. However, this does not dismiss the truth that, in the current day

    scenario, trees on the lawn or at close quarters to the residence is a threat. The

    network of utility lines from drainage, water, electricity and other technological

    interferences has made healthy growth difficult for our trees. If there is an unhealthy

    tree on your yard or lawn or anywhere in the neighborhood, it is time for action. If you

    continue to ignore, the trees health would decline to the extent where reaching out

    for a tree surgeon to carry outtree removal in Austinwould be the only option. Here

    are few signs and symptoms that will help you identify an unhealthy tree.

    The Tree

    Every tree is unique and different, by this we mean even within the same plant

    species individual trees are different. An Austin Live Oak by the lake is not the same

    as the Live Oak near Texas rocky areas. The land, water and air; every element that

    influences the trees growth has an effect in determining the individual characteristics

    of the tree. Concluding that a tree is unhealthy by an overall outward estimation is

    possible, but it needs an experts eye like anISA certified arborist.Only a specialist
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    would be capable of spotting an unhealthy (ordangerous tree), right from the look of

    leaf shape, size, color, trees structural hierarchy (a lean way too away from its

    centre of gravity), density of canopy, leaf cover, branch structure, tree height, tree

    width, etc. Given the trees age and conditions provided, is the tree healthy? This is

    estimation to be made to evaluate the trees health. If any of the above-mentioned

    defects are visible in the trees stature, then you are looking at an unhealthy tree

    which poses a threat to the immediate surroundings.

    The Leaf, Flower and Fruit

    Displaying of a trees beauty- leaves and flowers and fruit. These three are also the

    easiest giveaways to determine trees health. If your tree skipped yielding flowers

    and fruits during its assigned time, then it is obvious that your tree is facing a

    struggle. Flowers that are not up to the color, shape or size they ought to be and

    fruits that dont taste right or look anything as good as they were from your tree,

    cankers on the fruit surface, etc.; red signals, check on your trees health!

    Choloris is the yellowing of leaves. A common condition from insufficient production

    of chlorophyll. Browning of leaves, premature aging of leaves, chlorosis, loss of

    lustre in the leaves are signs that the tree has either been unable to assimilate the

    nutrients and minerals that are available or it has been denied of its nutrients. Both

    conditions are detrimental to tree health and this needs monitoring. If your wonderful

    tree in Austin has been throwing at you any of these pointers, call for help


    The Trunk

    Your tree also has a backbone: its trunk. Cracking on the trunk, cavities within,

    peeling bark, holes frominsect boring activitiesand tree infections via sap, do notdismiss any of these as no big deal. A cavity that you think is not big enough could

    be capable splitting your tree and the V shaped junction, where branches divide,

    could actually be a multi-stemmed tree that you are unaware of. Double or multi

    stems are unhealthy for the trees structure. The tree grows weak and suffers to

    support the heavy crown or canopy above.

    When the tree trunk grows weak and incapable of providing the branches with

    adequate nourishment, dead branches on the lawn it is!
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    The Ground

    The soil is the primordial element that comes into play in every plant or trees life.

    Right from the sowing, the soil takes the lead. Apart from providing the tree with

    water and other minerals required for growth and functioning, the ground also playsan important role in root anchorage. A good soil supports healthy roots. The other

    problems with root growth can beexposed root collar,root girdling androot rot.Root

    rotting and decay could be either from beetle (borer or bugs) invasions or from fungal

    attack. Look from mushroom growth at the bottom of the trunk and near the roots or

    decay to identify a fungal attack, and look for frass (sawdust from root and trunk

    boring activity) to spot boring activity. A close inspection at the ground would reveal

    more about your tree health than what you notice by looking up at it. Call for an

    arborist today if you havent had a soil inspection before.

    Unhealthy trees are a threat to your roof and for the tree itself. An unattended

    infected tree diminishes the land value and quality. Austin, Texas has been

    the haven for several magnanimous tree species, therefore also giving you with a

    good chance at the best tree surgeons. If you suspect a sick tree in the premises,

    give us a call today at Value Tree Service to fix an appointment with our arborists.

    Identify the threat, save your tree today!
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    Guard your trees from Root Rot

    Roots are the first form of life in trees. Any lay person knows and agrees with how

    important the root system is to any plant, not just the large bodied trees. Keeping the

    root system healthy is essential to maintain overall tree health. Luckily, Austin, Texas

    is experienced with several root diseases management and techniques because of

    the wide variety of tree and plant species that the state hosts. Root rot disease in

    trees is a common, yethazardouscondition. If you are a new tree owner and would

    like a little help on this subject, here you go.

    What is root rot?

    Root rotis the rotting or decaying of the underlying root. A common condition is

    plant, shrubs and trees. Root rot in plants and shrubs is easier to cure when

    compared to root rot in trees.

    How does root rot occur?

    1. Moisture

    Overwatering, water logging around the roots and basal trunk region, improper

    drainage around the roots- these conditions contribute to root rot, rapidly. Be careful

    not to overwater your plants and ensure there is enough space for drainage.
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    2. Fungus

    Fungusthrives on moisture, and when they get a chance to be trapped under the soil

    and between the roots, your tree is completely exposed to root rot. Soil and root

    fertilization done by the experts on a regular basis will keep your trees root system

    in good health.

    3. Root injuries and abnormalities

    Basal root injuries and trunk injuries are open doors forfungal infections.When this

    is left unattended, root system begins to crumble gradually. A buried root collar also

    has a good chance at causing root rot. If your treesroot collarhas to be exposed,

    we recommend that you contact a certified arborist from thebest tree service in

    Austinat the earliest.

    How to identify root rot in trees?

    If your tree care regime is perfect and yet your tree is not vibrant, it is time to dig

    deep into the ground. Crown dieback, unusual wilting, discoloration of leaves are

    early symptoms of root rot. Although these symptoms are similar to other tree

    diseases, you can expect your tree to be suffering from root rot and, therefore,

    display these symptoms, only when you do not find any problems with your tree

    above the ground.

    How to treat root rot?

    Root rot treatment can get complicated when you are dealing with root rot in larger

    plants, e.g. trees and larger shrubs. Root rot does not have any successful treatment

    that is 100% fool proof, but prevention is a definite step to keep root rot away.

    Root rot in smaller plants can be treated with these measures. Uproot the plant

    carefully and remove the rotted roots. Healthy roots are pale and solid, roots that are

    rotten are black and soft. After clipping of the decaying roots, wash the root system

    gently under running fresh water. Treat the roots with fungicide and also consider

    pruning a good amount of the shoot. This will reduce the stress that the roots face to

    provide the shoots with all the nutrition they require. Treat the soil with fungicide

    before you place the plant back into the ground. Keep excess moisture away andprune the roots regularly.
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    Root rot destroys the well-being of the entire plant, even if it is a large bodied tree.

    Take all measures to ensure good root health. Root collar exposure and limited

    watering are the first steps that will safeguard the roots from rotting. Fertilize the

    roots on a schedule and use the right fungicides to prevent fungal growth. If the

    trees condition looks beyond renewal, call an expert to take a look at it and help you

    along the right direction. Value Tree Service at Austin, Texas with its experienced

    team of arborists would guarantee you with the best tree care to restore tree health.

    Call our expert today!

    Topping Trees- Good or Bad?

    The debate in tree pruning has been playing on for long topping trees is an

    effective tree pruning method or not. Tree topping is one of the oldest tree

    pruningtechniques. It is widely practiced till date, in spite of the latest justifications

    and research on why topping is not the right method to adopt. So, to our curious tree

    lovers, here is what you need to know on tree topping.

    Tree topping:

    A large portion of the tree is cut down, reducing the tree to stubs. This impartial

    cutting down of the trees crown or top is called topping. To be specific, tree topping

    is cutting off the trees branches and crown reducing the tree to its stub or to lat eral

    branches which are incapable of assuming the terminal role. This unskilled tree
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    cutting is what we call topping and the harm that this technique renders on your

    trees health is what we are going to look at.

    The harmful effects of tree topping:

    Like all organisms, each part of the tree has a very special assigned function to be

    taken care of. Even the smallest of the leaves on a tree has a task to perform. During

    topping, a method done carelessly as our value Tree Service arborists say, each part

    of the tree that is lost jeopardises the trees health and condition. Lets take a look at

    how and what it does to your tree.

    The tree crown loss:

    The tree crown or canopy. Oh what a delight it brings to tree lovers! Every tree isjudged on this magnificent display of a trees health and species. In topping, the

    crown is treated with the least of consideration, because trees lose 50 to 100% of

    their leaf-bearing crown. When the trees crown or canopy is lost:

    1. The tree is deprived of its nutrient supply- the food producers (leaves!) are no


    2. The tree is open to sunburn- the canopy is no longer there to provide

    adequate sunlight, rather now the tree trunk and shortened branches are

    presented with increased sun exposure. As a result of sunburn, the underlying

    tree tissues die out, trunk and branches give way to splitting and cankers.

    The trunk and branches:

    When the trees trunk and main lateral branches are cut blatantly to their stubs:

    1. The trees underlying dormant buds take charge.2. The dormant buds give way to several shoots that grow rapidly below each

    cut. Since the tree is already dried up on its reserve, these shoots that grow

    loosely anchored (and lets not forget to grow on minimal reserve), become an

    additional risk; not just to the trees condition, butit is a threat to property and

    people residing in the premises.
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    The open cuts and tree decay:

    Open tree wounds are the careless mistakes dismissed in tree health. Unsealed

    open wounds are the most welcoming portal that insects, pests and other tree-

    harming lovers excite over. Tree topping method leaves behind impactful openwounds that the tree struggles to recover from. The cuts are the most predominant

    stress factor in tree topping. The tree has to juggle between healing the wounds and

    recovering from sudden resource loss and handle the incoming decay from the large


    Tree topping AVOID IT!

    Tree pruning is an essential step in tree maintenance. Hence, do it right each time

    you opt a pruning session for your tree! Tree topping isnotalways the way out to

    solve a tree hazard. Crown reduction, crown or canopy thinning are other effective

    and reliable ways in pruning. A smart and neat tree shape or height reduction; no

    matter what you are keen on achieving from pruning, there are alternative ways from


    Reach out to Value Tree Service, the besttree removal company in Austin, Texas

    area with any questions on tree trimming, removal or maintenance.
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    The most common tree diseases in Texas

    There are several factors that influence the appearance and vigor of your tree today.

    Does your tree look happy lush green? Its for a reason. Or does your tree seem a

    little off-color than usual? There is a reason again. However, as a layperson without

    any certified knowledge on tree health, the first thought that strikes ones head when

    I say a dull dry yellowing tree, Not much water, and then Id probably take a closer

    look at the leaves or fruit and second guess myself, Hey, that looks different. Maybe

    something is causing an infection. The second enlightened thought is what mosttree owners have to lean on to most of the time. If your tree watering and manure

    schedule is going hassle free and yet your tree calls out, Would you mind? A GOOD

    look at me I meant!, in this case, you have probably met atree disease.

    Tree diseases, pests causing the disease, insects and pathogens are plentiful! The

    list of each pathogens favorite tree is also a long one. In our state, there are certain

    disease-causing microbes and insects that we have to keep a watchful eye on. And

    this is the most common list that stirs our interest. Any of the following pests, insects

    and diseases you happen to spot on your tree, reach out to Value Tree Service. We

    are here to get rid of them for you.


    The most common tree problem: chlorosis. Whoever thought of turning all the

    pleasant green into yellow, when a green leaf bearing plant has been specifically

    chosen! Chlorosis brings about yellowing of leaves as a result of iron or nitrogen

    deficiency. Where there is minimized iron and nitrogen supply, this brings about an
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    imbalance in the synthesis of chlorophyll (the green pigment highly essential for

    photosynthesis). Less nitrogen intake from soil or other nutrients causes chlorosis.

    Supplying a good amount of nitrogen fertilizers would help in reversing the effect.


    Hard round fuzzy balls on your plant or tree; these are called gall, an indicator of

    bacterial or insect damage. Clearly refusing to stay without leaving behind symptoms

    or signs, certain tree wasps and bacterial infections cause abnormal growth on twigs

    and other plant structures. The gall growth on the tree structure by itself does not

    have any harmful effect on your greenery, other than being this painful stye on your

    beautiful tree view. Treating the cause, the bacterium or wasp in this context can be

    the ticket to clear your tree of the gall.


    Have you come across any blackish or whitish powdery substance on leaves or

    steam? That is what the botanists callmildew. Whiteflies that settle on plants,

    secrete a sugary substance which in turn promotes the growth of mildew. Mildew is

    essentially a filamentous fungal growth, which again does not have an extremely

    detrimental effect on the plant. However, powdery substance on plant leaves spells

    out unkempt! Clearing out mildew can be done easily at home. Soapy water, baking

    powder or some horticultural oil is quite good enough to wipe away mildew.


    The next time you find a cluster of ants crowding around a particular spot on your

    tree or plant, dont be discouraged! Make way through the ant crowd and youll find a

    scale infection. Scales are insects that affect plants that are quite often associated

    with the effects and symptoms of the fungus sooty mould. Scale survives in groups

    or congregations, feeding on the sap from the plants. Scale infections draw a huge

    black mark on your trees aesthetic chart. To get rid of them, soapy water and

    horticultural oil could do the magic.

    Spider mites:

    Spider mites are tiny insects with huge tree killer potential. This insect life starts off

    by feeding on the nutrient supply allocated for leaves. When this continues

    unnoticed, the leaves dry out and drop eventually. And yet no one to chase them
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    away? These insects will show you a dead tree. Larger insect species like ladybugs

    and beetles are natural predators of spider mites.

    Southern Pine Beetles:

    A silent killer on the pine tree: southern pine beetles. The beetles infest the tree and

    use them as a host for their entire life cycle, by the end of which the tree would die.

    The initial symptoms include; yellowing pine needles and yellowish white resin

    tunnels on the tree trunk. The next stage of infection gives a reddish brown color to

    the leaves; the tree crumbles slowly giving out reddish brown sawdust (found on

    webs, tree crevices, barks). Control of southern pine beetle is challenging when

    compared to the other methods mentioned above. If the pine tree stands on your

    yard or lawn, effective insecticides are the solution. If the affected trees are large in

    number and in a forest, controlled burns could be an option.

    Regulartree health monitoringis the ultimate wise step that cares for your tree at all

    times. Tree pruning and crown thinning methods ensure sufficient light and airflow

    passage through the tree canopy: the most natural way towards pest control!

    If youre looking for a professionaltree service in Austin, Texasto help tend to your

    priceless trees, visitvaluetreeservice.comtoday!