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ValueFirst Corporate Profile Bridging the Gap

ValueFirst is a leading provider of mobility solutions. We empower our customers to communicate with people on the move. ValueFirst provides its clients with a complete carrier-grade technology solution that includes "plug and play" application licensing, custom development and application hosting, as well as connectivity with mobile users from multiple carriers and countries via its partner mobile network.

ValueFirst Vision Continuous innovation and replication to offer unparalleled quality mobile data services as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator.

Global reach through an innovative Partner Programme Connectivity with over 400+ operators globally ValueFirst has got a very strong operator relationship with operators across the globe. ValueFirst has got direct connectivity with operators in India, Pakistan, UK, & UAE and is connected to more than 400 operators worldwide through direct connectivity with enterprise grid aggregators. ValueFirst Messaging has its corporate office based out of Gurgaon, India and branch offices Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai. Apart from that ValueFirst Messaging has on-the-ground presence in Bhutan, Lebanon, Nigeria, Middle East, Pakistan. ValueFirst Messaging has around 200 employees with strong technical & development team of 50 and a sizeable customer service team.

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Mobile Virtual Network Operator ValueFirst is a leading MVNO of Enterprise Data services


Employ ing a partnersh ip with mobi le operators, ValueFirst acts as a v i r tua l mobi le operator , wi th a c lear focus on SMS messaging. The ValueFirst Mobi le Messaging P lat form has d i rect access to the SS7 internat ional s ignal l ing backbone; used by every Mobi le operator and accord ing ly every GSM handset wor ldwide now becomes access ib le.

In addi t ion, ValueFirst can combine s ignal l ing informat ion f rom the mobi le wor ld with innovat ive appl icat ions running concurrent ly on i ts own IT appl icat ions p lat form and thereby pave the way for miss ion-cr i t ica l internat ional messaging serv ices. ValueFirst ’s Mobi le Messaging P lat form also prov ides support to 3G networks and the future Mult imedia Messaging Serv ices (MMS) based serv ices. Broadband support can be prov ided to messaging serv ices, for example to a l low enterpr ises an immediate and independent access to the i r customers.

How we add value to our clientele

ValueFirst ’s Mobi le Messaging P lat form with d i rect access to the internat ional SS7 network inc ludes the fo l lowing qual i ty features:

1. Reliabi l i ty and t imeliness

Acknowledged mobi le messaging with guaranteed message del ivery informat ion. Commitment to serv ice leve ls wi th guaranteed del ivery t imes.

2. Secure and trusted environment

Va lueF irst ’s equipment is establ i shed as part o f a network operator ’s secured infrastructure and therefore of fers a t rusted messaging environment.

3. Single entry point

For large-sca le messages to mult ip le users in mult ip le mobi le networks ValueFirst ’s corporate customers need only establ ish one contact to the ValueFi rst Mobi le Messaging P lat form. Work ing from the p lat form enables the same cons istent feature set to be of fered g lobal ly at a predetermined pr ice.

4. Uniform applicat ion access

Whatever mobi le network in the wor ld a message or ig inates f rom, only a s ing le uni form access number is necessary across mult ip le network operators and mult ip le countr ies to tap into corporate and miss ion cr i t ica l appl icat ions, e.g. “+44 12345 STOCK”.

5. Location-specif ic service

Va lueFirst ’s Mobi le Messaging P lat form knows the locat ion of a customer ’s mobi le phone and supports appl icat ions ut i l i z ing th is locat ion informat ion.

6. Secure Transaction

The seamless and secure messaging environment ValueF irst of fers is pre-condi t ional for f inanc ia l t ransact ions.

In addi t ion to these features, Va lueF irst of fers appl icat ion integrat ion serv ices to a l low customers to expand the ir ex ist ing corporate appl icat ions. ValueFirst ’s deta i led knowledge of both the s ignal l ing and IT environments combined with i ts best- in-c lass appl icat ion p lat form ensure seamless integrat ion.

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Product Offering ValueFirst Messaging Suite

ValueFirst Speed

ValueFirst Speed is a desktop appl icat ion for sending SMS and managing contacts. ValueF irst Speed is des igned to de l iver SMS in a fast and ef f ic ient manner f rom a Personal Computer. Th is product is idea l ly su i ted for the messaging needs of the SME and SOHO segment.

ValueFirst Velocity (Pro/Enterprise)

Enterpr ise-c lass SMS sui te to process and send SMS in a complex database env ironment to fu l f i l any customer need re lated to SMS transact ions in an automated or a manual mode. Enterpr ise Edi t ion of fers enterpr ise wide user l icenses with ab i l i ty to manage users and SMS credi ts . Profess ional Ed i t ion is a s ing le user l i cense product. ValueFirst Veloc i ty prov ides a h ighly re l iab le messaging p lat form to the enterpr ise segment.

ValueFirst VelocityPlus (Pro/Enterprise)

Enterpr ise-c lass SMS sui te to send, rece ive and process SMS in a complex database environment to fu l f i l any customer need re lated to SMS transact ions in an automated or a manual mode. Incoming messages can be rece ived on a GSM modem or on v ir tua l mobi le number conf igured on ValueFirst Server. Enterpr ise Ed it ion of fers enterpr ise wide user l i censes with abi l i ty to manage users and SMS credi ts . Profess ional Edi t ion is a s ing le user l icense product .

Va lueFirst Veloc i tyP lus prov ides a h ighly re l iab le, f lex ib le and sca lab le messaging p lat form to the enterpr ise segment. ValueFirst Ve loc i tyP lus is spec ia l ly des igned for ef f ic ient ly handl ing h igh message vo lumes.

ValueFirst AirMail

ValueFirst A i rMai l i s a , f i rst o f i ts k ind, emai l to SMS serv ice for sending SMS the eas ier way. ValueFirst A i rMai l i s des igned to de l iver SMS, ef f ic ient ly f rom anywhere, anyt ime. This of fer ing has been des igned keeping in mind the messaging needs of the enterpr ise segment.

ValueFirst Pace At the heart of the ValueF irst Solut ions su i te res ides the ValueF i rst Pace Server, which is respons ib le for inbound and outbound del ivery of SMS. The ValueFirst Pace Server manages the transmiss ion and rece ipt of SMS messages, incorporat ing any required data encoding, sp l i t t ing and concatenat ion. Th is is SMS send/rece ive serv ice for customers that wish to use the ir own c l ient sof tware. Standard APIs or COM objects prov ided to the customers.

ValueFirst VelocityPlus Global ValueFirst Veloc i tyP lus Global®, the Profess ional Unicode SMS Manager for Windows, is des igned to de l iver fast and ef f ic ient SMS in d i f ferent languages f rom your desktop PC. User can send and rece ive messages in d i f ferent languages. I t furn ishes the abi l i ty to de l iver SMS on request us ing powerfu l mult i funct ional SMS management abi l i ty .

ValueFirst Long-Code Service ValueFirst Prov ides unique long code (10 d ig i t v i r tua l mobi le number) serv ice that fac i l i tates two-way g lobal communicat ions through SMS. ValueFirst Long code enables sending and rece iv ing of h igh vo lume SMS through one s ing le inter face and one dedicated number for a l l mobi le networks. Unl ike short-code serv ice which is country spec i f ic , long code serv ice can be used for query ing business informat ion f rom around the g lobe.

ValueFirst Short Code Service Va lueFirst prov ides uni f ied short code 56070 for i ts customers. This short code is integrated with a l l mobi le operators in India. ValueFirst a lso prov ides keywords on 56070 to the users. Enterpr ises with a spec i f ic need of a dedicated short code can be prov ided 6 and 7 d ig i ts short code beginning with 56070.

ValueFirst Velocity on Web Va lueF irst Ve loc i ty on web processes and sends SMS to fu l f i l any customer need re lated to SMS transact ions in an automated, bulk or manual mode. I t ’s a h ighly secure and re l iab le messaging p lat form for enterpr ises. I t supports easy to use web inter face for anywhere convenience us ing which bulk SMS broadcast can be done v ia web.

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Platform Architecture ValueFirst SMS Gateway and Platform Architecture

Technical Architecture

ValueFirst Pace Server Architecture

Speed Velocity B2B Customers

Other Client Application

SMS Reseller

XML Interface Web Services Text/HTTP Interface SMTP Interface SMPP Interface

Internet Cloud – Optional VPN / SSL

Admin & Maintenance

via HTML/SSH Login

Registration Server

Payment Gateway

Accounting, Credit and Limit Control

Store & Forwarding ,Throughput Management, Generating Billing CDRs

Filtering Least Cost Routing DNC

National Delivery Premium Delivery Critical Delivery International Delivery

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The People

V ish, 39, ho lds masters degree in computer appl icat ions. V ish has over 17 years of IT and Te lecommunicat ions exper ience. V ish has he ld var ious pos i t ions in India, Germany and the Uni ted K ingdom. In h is ro le at S iemens, V ish had a wor ldwide respons ib i l i ty for bui ld ing the IP Port fo l io for S iemens. Pr ior to ValueFirst V ish held var ious posi t ions of responsib i l i ty inc luding CEO of Pervas iveOne and Technica l Director on the Board of 0800Freedom, an ISP and Freedom Interact ive, a new media company in the UK.

Gagan, a post graduate f rom BITS, P i lan i , 29, possesses about 8 years of work exper ience in var ious product development, pre sa les and management ro les. Gagan has worked in the UK and India prov id ing ass istance to a wide c l ient-base on var ious technologies and bus iness improvement.

Maneesh, 42, is an engineer f rom Delh i Col lege of Engineer ing and MBA from IIM Bangalore wi th over 18 years of work exper ience. Maneesh has worked at ' funct ional head' pos i t ion in var ious vert ica ls inc lud ing manufactur ing and heal thcare. Maneesh worked with b lue-chip organisat ions such as BHEL, E icher, VLCC etc

Shantanu, 28, BCA, has been work ing in the f ie ld of IT for over 11 years in pos i t ions of respons ib i l i ty in var ious organisat ions. Shantanu has worked in Europe and US in as an expert in product development, project management and bus iness analys is . Pr ior to ValueFirst , Shantanu worked with Systems Onl ine and ICTC spec ia l is ing in enterpr ise and messaging appl icat ions.

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Some of our Existing Customers

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Success Stories

Company Scenario Solut ion

• Need for an automated int imat ion of premium payments and CRM

• Communicat ing cr i t ica l in format ion to mobi le work force (e.g. Agents, Sa les reps)

• ValueFirst Ve loc i ty wi th Bus iness Rules Engine helps them send messages to customers and a lso to employees us ing pre def ined ru les (bus iness log ics)

• Need for int imat ion of Per formance Reviews and communicat ion with employees in the f ie ld

• Communicat ing passwords of the network to a l l the employees

• ValueFirst Veloc i ty with Rules Engine helps them send messages for Per formance Review as and when i t i s required to be sent

• Need for a re l iab le method for generat ing reports for MIS/Sales quer ies made by Sales and Management team

• ValueFirst Veloc i tyP lus integrated with SAP system used by ICI

• System uses integrated GSM/Server messaging capabi l i ty

• Int imat ing customers in case of cheque bounce/transact ion over a certa in l imit etc.

• To send customers promot ional/ market ing messages

• Customer can enquire the status of cheque book request etc.

• ValueFirst Ve loc i ty wi th Bus iness Rules Engine ensures that the reminders are sent as and when they are required.

• Long-code serv ice to rece ive SMS

from customers.

• Ver i f i cat ion of new user by sending password as SMS to the user ’s mobi le number

• eBay (motor bus iness) send a lerts re lated to auct ions to the buyer community pr ior to the start o f auct ion

• Sel lers are send promot ional and tra in ing re lated messages by eBay

• ValueFirst Pace APIs can integrate with any COM/XML compl iant system

• Need to exchange bus iness vo lume informat ion among the h ierarchy of sa les force

• Send recru itment a lerts , promot ional messages and genera l greet ings among the workforce and members

• ValueFirst Veloc i tyP lus with Bus iness Ru les Engine conf igured accord ing to the spec i f ic needs of insurance industry and comply ing to the bus iness log ic implemented by Al l ianz-Bajaj

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Success Stories

• Need to exchange sa les performance informat ion among the h ierarchy of sa les force

• Send recrui tment a ler ts , promot ional messages and genera l greet ings among the workforce and members

• ValueFirst Ve loc i ty wi th Bus iness Rules Engine conf igured accord ing to bus iness log ic implemented by Modicare

• Need for automat ic t ransmiss ion of insurance premium reminders

• Exchange of sa les data with in the h ierarchy of sa les department

• Acknowledgment of payment rece ipts

• SMS based track ing of c la im status

• ValueFirst Veloc i tyP lus with two-way messaging capabi l i ty and Bus iness Ru les Engine conf igured accord ing to the spec i f ic needs of insurance industry and comply ing to bus iness log ic implemented by ICICI Lombard

Kanbay has insta l led h igh per formance Unix boxes, process ing cr i t ica l business data, at var ious c l ient locat ions. The requirement is to:

• Report system fa i lure to the serv ice engineers

• Receive acknowledgement that the report has been del ivered to the rec ip ient

• ValueFirst A i rMai l , integrated with remote servers, generates SOS messages in the event of a system fa i lure. These messages are d irected to A irMai l servers as emai l . The AirMai l servers forward the incoming emai ls to the intended rec ip ients in the form of SMS messages

• Wagon number and upload deta i ls are sent as an sms to the dest inat ion region in-charge

• As soon as the trucks are uploaded, the upload detai ls are sent as an sms to the dest inat ion region in-charge

• On rece ipt/non-rece ipt o f wagon/truck the in-charge pushes that in format ion f rom his mobi le phone

• Weekly MIS on supply sent to the top management

• ValueFirst Ve loc i ty wi th Bus iness Rules Engine ensures that the reminders are sent as and when they are required.

• Long-code serv ice to rece ive SMS from customers.

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Success Stories

Apo l lo Tyres required the fo l lowing to bui ld a cohes ive dealer network.

• To automate communicat ion with the dealers

• To seek response f rom the centra l ERP by the sa les team

• To automate order de l ivery track ing and order status enquiry process

• ValueFirst Ve loc i ty wi th Bus iness

Rules Engine ensures that the reminders are sent as and when they are required.

• ValueFirst SAP P lug- in enables the Veloc i ty P lus appl icat ion to connect wi th SAP and enable a smooth and secure f low of informat ion to the mobi le channel .

HP of fers a Dia l-a-Cartr idge serv ice where in a customer can ca l l up a to l l f ree number and order a cartr idge. The requirement is to:

• Place instant order to the dealer nearest to the customer locat ion

• Receive acknowledgement that the product has been del ivered to the intended customer

• HP’s ca l l -center servers generate an order message when a new order is p laced. These messages are d i rected to ValueFirst A i rMai l servers as emai l . The AirMai l servers forward the incoming emai l messages to the intended rec ip ients, the dealers, in the form of SMS messages.

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Contact Us ValueFirst Global Addresses

BHUTAN 5th Floor S. D. Plaza, Norzin Lam Thimpu, Bhutan Tel/ Fax: Email: [email protected]

INDIA B-17, Sector 32, Gurgaon Instituitonal area Gurgaon 122001, Haryana Tel: +91 124 4042538 Fax: +91 124 4042539 Email: [email protected]

LEBANON 5th Floor, Plaza Center, Mahatma Ghandi Street, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon Tel/Fax: 00961 1 750986 Email: [email protected]

MIDDLE EAST P.O.Box 233637, Suite 712, 213 Abdullah Saeed Belhab Bldg Damascus St. Al Qusais, Dubai, U.A.E. Tel: +971 4 2670110 Fax: +971 4 2670484 Mobile: +971 50 6402441, +971 50 1413392, +971 50 7480702 Email: [email protected]

NIGERIA E lephant House, 239, Ikorodu Road, IIupeju, Lagos, Niger ia Tel: +234 8023413540 (Mobi le) Fax: +234 1 4771001 (F ixed) Email: [email protected].

PAKISTAN F-40, 2nd Floor, Main Roundabout Muhammad Ali Society Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +(92 21) 439-1620, Fax: +(92 21) 439-1621 SMS: ‘inquiry vf’ to 8080 Email: [email protected]


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©2006 ValueFirst Messaging All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language in any form by any means without the express written permission of ValueFirst Messaging
