


Simple  .  Actionable  .  Measurable  










The reasons businesses fail are often

complicated, but research shows lack of

planning, lack of clear focus, ignoring the

market place desires, and inefficient

processes are major contributors.

Our approach is simple. We help you

grow your business and creating

customers for life by focusing on just 4


1. Articulate you business strategy in clear and simple terms.

2. Establish a marketing strategy focused on your ideal customer and your unique difference.

3. Install a marketing system to carry out your marketing strategy.

4. Monitor your performance by establishing clear goals and indicators.

We stand by our work and engage with


you as your partner through our Pay For

Results Marketing™ model where part of our

fee can be based on you achieving your goals.

This brings a higher degree of commitment

and support to our customers and produces

better results.

1 Business Strategy

Strategy is key – if you don’t know where you

are going it is difficult to get anywhere. Being

able to boil your strategy down to into very

simple terms helps you clarify your thinking

and develop a clear focus. We help you

articulate your business strategy through a

collaborative process. The result is insight

into your business model, opportunities, and

gaps from which a business strategy can be

formulated in brief simple terms that will be

used and not put aside and forgotten in your

desk drawer.



Simple  .  Actionable  .  Measurable   ©  2013  All  rights  Reserved  


2 Marketing Strategy

One of the greatest challenges you face in

running a small business is marketing. The

reason for this is lack of a marketing

strategy and not viewing marketing as a

system. It is easy to be distracted by new

technologies or the idea of the week,

without the roadmap that aligns to your

business strategy you will not be getting

the most return for your time and money.

Your ideal customer, unique difference,

and identity are core to your strategy. The

more well defined your target market is,

and the clearer your understanding of your

ideal customer, (those who are most

profitable, and who will be customers for

life) the more effective and efficient your

marketing efforts will be as you can then

focus your unique message and develop

your brand and identity that will connect

with your ideal customer. The best way to

develop your marketing strategy is by

adopting a systematic approach to all your

marketing efforts and building your

strategy within this context.

3 Marketing System

Marketing is a system. Your strategy is the

‘who, what, why’ and your marketing

system is the ‘where, when, and how’. The

Marketing Hourglass™, is a visual roadmap

of the actions you will implement to get

your customer to engage and develop a

relationship with you. It also identifies the

channels you will use to carry out these

actions. A defined marketing calendar and

detailed budget allow you to effectively

manage the activity. Key elements are

establishing your online presence through

your website, blog, social media channels,


and email; establishing a method for creating engaging and

educational content that will attract your ideal customers to

your website, eMail and social media channels. With the

critical elements systemized, you can more effectively

execute targeted lead generation campaigns and react to

market changes more easily and quickly. By implementing a

marketing system, you will gain control and have confidence

your actions will deliver the results you are looking for.

4 Results Management

In order to understand how effective your efforts are you

must measure the results. Our Results Management focuses

on understanding and focusing on your important

goals. We will identify the metrics by which to measure the

strategies to achieve those goals as well as the marketing

activities to carry out those strategies. The measures should

reflect activity levels – are you doing what you need to? And

effectiveness – Is what you are doing working? This will

allow you to adjust and tune your strategy and marketing

system and provide better and more consistent results.

Simple, Actionable, Measurable



Simple  .  Actionable  .  Measurable   ©  2013  All  rights  Reserved  


The Marketing Hourglass™ is a process

we use to develop the total customer

experience – not just generate leads.

We take a critical look and understand

how you are attracting your ideal


customer, the process to allow them to get

to know and trust you, and how you will

make them customers for life.

Your marketing strategy (ideal customer,

unique message, identity) will guide and

focus the process for identify the touch-

points, services, products, and activities

needed to allow your customer to get to

know, like and trust you. Each step of the

process is needed to create the trusted

relationship and help move your customer

to the next step. Ultimately, you want

prospects to try your product or service so

they can make an informed decision to

buy. This is not the end of the line

however. For small businesses, most

business will likely come from referrals so

your marketing efforts should not stop at

buy. Developing a meaningful

relationship with your customers so they

want to buy again and refer you is the

ultimate end game.

Thinking about your marketing efforts in

terms of this hourglass process helps keep

you focused on steps and actions you can

take the keep prospects and customer

heading in the right direction.    

The Marketing Hourglass™

© Copyright Duct Tape Marketing, used with permission



Simple  .  Actionable  .  Measurable   ©  2013  All  rights  Reserved  


A Systematic Approach to Small Business Marketing Success


1 Strategy Before Tactics

Determine a marketing strategy and then build your marketing activities around delivering on the strategy. Don’t fall prey to the idea of the week.

2 The Marketing Hourglass

When one overlays the Duct Tape Marketing System of marketing:- “getting someone who has a need to know, like and trust you” – with the intentional act of turning know, like and trust into try, buy, repeat and refer, the entire logical path for moving someone from initial awareness to advocate becomes a very simple process.

3 Publish Educational Content

Your content and publishing efforts must be focused on achieving two things: building trust and educating.

4 Create a Total Web Presence

Today’s small business must view its marketing strategies and tactics with an eye


on growing a total web presence and using it to be found.

5 Operate the Lead Generation Trio

Today’s integrated lead generation trio consists of creating education-based approaches that blend the use of advertising, public relations and referrals.

6 Make Selling a System

When a selling system is installed, the end result for most businesses is that you dramatically reduce the number of leads you are chasing while increasing the number you are converting to customers.

7 Live by the Calendar

When it comes to marketing, we’ve learned that small business owners can move towards making marketing a habit by creating a marketing calendar.

About Valens Point, LLC

Valens Point helps small businesses get more customers. We do this by developing a marketing strategy and implementing a

marketing system focused on results. We are in it with you to achieve your business goals though our Pay For Results Marketing™


Valens Point, LLC Phone: 703.956.3503 1818 Library Street Email: [email protected] Suite 500 Reston, VA 20190

Connect with us!

© Copyright Duct Tape Marketing, used with permission