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Page 1: UWP Manifesto 2006


United Workers Party

.. 2006

Sir John G.M.ComptonPolitical Leader




DePUtyPolideal LeaderGROS ISLET

Dr.KeithMondesirDeputy Political Leader






: .A SECUREFUTURE. .. . ._~_' '-'__.,,1 " . "'~'_'

Downloaded from The St.Lucian Patriot

This document is no longer availableon the official UWP website.What are they trying to hide?

Page 2: UWP Manifesto 2006

United Workers Party

ASECUREFUTUREADevelopmentAgendafor SaintLucia

A UWP Administration will:

· Achieve high rates of economic growth

. Create 7,000 new jobs particularly in the information technology sectorand reduce the rate of unemployment below 10% within five years

. Introduce strong measures to combat crime and improve safety andsecurity

. Eliminate financial mismanagement and waste of public funds, therebyreducing Government's annual recurrent expenditure by $300 million

. Re-establish a National Development Bank and create a Unit TrustCompany to encourage investment by Saint Lucians

. Put economic power in the hands of Saint Lucians

. Revitalize Agriculture with special emphasis on linkages to tourism

. Consolidate the various Banana Companies into one. strong entity

· Keep WASCO in the hands of Saint Lucians

. Promote home ownership especially for young persons

. Introduce a system of Universal Secondary EDUCATION which caters forthe talent of every child according to his or her ability and re-introducethe Transport Subsidies and School Feeding Programme

. Upgrade Sir Arthur Lewis Community College into a full fledged university

. Introduce National Health Service which is comprehensive in scope andtrain nurses and other personnel to support the health service

. Provide study leave with pay for public servants and pay salaries toteachers and nurses during their training

. Pay gratuity to civil servants prior to retirement upon giving maximum.q!Jalifying service

. ,R§(tuqe consumption tax on basic food items and commodities

.- Undertake a complete review of duties and consumption taxes with aview to reducing them within one year

. Give allowances to parents of challenged children and provide socialsecurity coverage for all challenged persons

. Make Castries, Vieux-Fort and SoLifriere duty-free shopping destinationsand divert all commercial cargo to a new commercial port to be built atCul-De-Sac

. Establish new yachting marinas in Vieux-Fort and Soufriere and buildnew tourist berths in Castries, Vieux Fort and Soufriere

. Build a new Terminal Building at Vigie

. Upgrade Soufriere, Dennery and St. Jude Hospitals

. Provide social security coverage for farmers and ,fishermen

. Introduce a Single Mothers' Employment Programme

. Provide internet access to all communities and computer training in allschools within five years

. Review the working conditions of households, domestic and part- timeworkers and the working environment of shops,stores and persons in thehotel industry ,

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It does not matter how much the Flambeaus dress King up; it does not

matter how much fluff that SCL wraps around him; he will be always be a

dismal failure. King will go down in our political history as St. Lucia's biggest

failure, weakest PM - and so will the men and women around him.

King is also an exceedingly "daft" PM and only a daft PM would call General

Elections in the midst of a Hurricane season, forgetting about Tomas. We

still have a month to go into the season and suppose we were to be struck

by a major disaster now, what leg would we have to stand on. With

Parliament dissolved, and only a caretaker government in place, what

authority would we have for any legitimate action?

King is the direct anti-thesis of "Midas". Everything that the legendary Midas

touched turned to gold; but everything king touched resulted in failure as is

evidenced by the performance of the economy and the astronomical rise in

crime, etc. Let's look briefly at five indicators of performance.


Economy : 4.4% statistical (rebase) growth (King's magical


- actual is less than 2%;

- no outputs; no signs of growth

- In other words nothing to show for the growth even

after borrowing 1.5 billion dollars.


Crime : Highest homicide rate ever;

(and we are on course to break that record again)


Manifesto : 2% implementation rate


This analysis done by a writer from The Choiseul Powerhouse

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Hurricane Tomas : 0% recovery


Employment & jobs: 21% overall; 40% youth

Etc, etc etc, etc . . . . ad infinitum

In short, King failed in every sphere and "in every minister". Therefore, why

would the SCL glorify him? Why are these guys insulting our intelligence? I

have never felt so badly insulted in my life.

Let's take a case-by-case look at the results!


Failed Excellent Karaoke Prime Minister; He now tries to sing like Martin Luther King Jr and Bro George Odlum. Both men must be turning in their graves at the way that King mimics their voices; but again that's what failures do. They become so pissed off with themselves that run away from it and attempt to be somebody else. King has nothing to do with himself. He has wrapped a ton of fluff around him: fluffy fat, fluffy speeches, fluffy statistics and a fluffy voice mimicking others. Not only does he speak like Bro George, he also tries to walk like him. The fundamental difference was Brother George hated liars. For all his fluff and lies, he earned an F plus grade with an average score of under 2% over 5 years. He is condemned for not only flouting the laws of the country; but also for showing little concern for the safety of the people during a hurricane season by calling general elections in the middle of it!


Failed badly

Introduce school children to gambling machines. Shouting expletives from the political platform. He is the worst Minister of social Transformation we have known. People across Gros Islet (who are actually a true diaspora) are rallying strongly behind Emma. His has failed badly, perhaps because of bad company.

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D+ Passed the first year; showed some good signs at first; but allowed himself to be swayed by bad company. Showing signs of corruption.


F One of the real bad apples in the pack. Federal convict turned foreign minister; also guilty of breaking his own mother's arm; for his sins, God has afflicted him with two dreaded plagues but he has still not learned his lessons. In the 1992 elections, he registered and won the General Elections under a false name; he is now also serving a permanent ineligibility ban from the US for convictions for identify theft and grand theft auto. Rick Wayne wrote he may also be guilty of murder. Decision: unqualified for public Office. He broke the US laws and was rightly sent to prison; he broke our Laws of St. Lucia and was elected to parliament. Now, he is a wanted man in Choiseul/Saltibus for giving the people a 6 for a 9.


F Multiple Convictions; a fraudster who defrauded the state. decision: unqualified for public office. Needs rehabilitation

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F+ The appellate Court rendered him unfit for public office and he said the Court lied about him. But it is the people of Soufriere/Fond St. Jacques who will hand down the final judgment against him on November 28. I hope after that judgment they will allow him to catch a therapeutic Sulphur Springs bath to cleanse his lying tongue. The Might of Mose has him already cowering. He overall mark is F minus



As a magistrate, he was guilty of perverting the course of justice by conspiring with the UWP to set Marcus Nicholas and his brother (Estaphane) free. He deserves a good term, but at only Bordelais A clown by nature and teetotaler, he can do some weird things especially after a party. Not suitable for office.


Failed The TimeBomb will dropped on st. Lucia and we will know who he reall is. Guilty of customs fraud in st. Lucia and the USA; He had his diplomatic and personal visa revoked for what is believed to be narco-trafficking, money laundering and perhaps murder. It is reported that Immigration authorities recently caught him in Ruerto Rico with a brief case filled with US dollars. According to Bro Mose, St. Lucia can't afford to have another Escobar. He could not complete his term as a minister because he is wanted by the FBI. One corrupt turn does not deserve another. He failed the people of St. Lucia.


Failed Deprived hurricane victims of supplies; destroyed the Communications Ministry; too much double-standard; has no time to do his work assignments because he spends too much time in Mongouge pursuing nocturnal activities even on a Friday Night. Wanted for misappropriation of funds and illegal shares in A&M. He has demonstrated a hatred for professional women and also a strong disrespect for truth. He does not qualify to hold a Ministry.

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Fail Brilliant academics seldom cheat but she is guilty of cheating red-handed with Mr Chou; we thought she knew better but we caught her pushing her academic hands deep into Mr Chou's grip (suitcase) and claiming that she has achieved in Micoud. As a lecturer, we thought she would be exemplary but she failed the initial test. I don't know if UWI will ever employ her again as she awaits her judgment.


Fail Known in Vieux Fort for cheating with Taiwanese money; A decision to expel her is pending until November 28 for supporting men who bash women like her.


F Karl is St. Lucia's best known political failure and we expect that trend to continue.


D Despite all his imperfections, he is heads and shoulders above the rest. He has shown some remorse his original political sin when he issued a direct award contract of $500,000 for a water sub-project in his constituency. But he neglected his constituency a whole ton and many people have mutinied against him. However, he is not pathologically corrupt and there is much room for him to rehabilitate; but he has left behind a legacy of mess in the education Ministry. He also failed to deliver on his promise to upgrade Sir Arthur to the University of St. Lucia

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F + He doesn't deserve the position of Government's chief legal advisor and he has not done anything to prove that he has the intellectual and moral capabilities. He has ill-advised the government on a number of issues ranging from CARICOM Airways to the Finance Act. He is in league with the criminal wing of the party and has given the impression that even he too has criminal propensities when he glorified the bad boy element in local politics. The Judgment against him has been made and will be delivered on November 28. From all indications, he will be condemned to "political jail" for life.

Guy Mayers

F- Formerly good Citizen now turned Rogue. Has totally lost his moral compass and also grown by leaps and bounds in dishonesty. A political imposter of the highest order pretending to be the District rep for Castries East. He has been pronounced guilty for the record homicide rates plaguing the country and not doing anything about it. In fact, he is well-poised for breaking his own record. The people of Castries east have given him an F minus.

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Letter from the Political Leader 3

Foreword by the Party Chairman 4

Our Mission Statement 5

1. Economic Growth and SustainableDevelopment 6

The Economy 8Agriculture 10The Environment 12Tourism 13

Trade, Industry and Commerce 15Science and Technology 16Communications, Works,Transport,Utilities 17Unemployment 18Labour and Industrial Relations 19

2. Human, Social and Cultural Development 20Education 21Health and Wellness 23Cultural Development 27Heritage Protection 28Youth 29The Elderly 30Persons with Disabilities 31

Inter-Generational Networking 32Gender 33Housing 34Pension and Social Security 35Poverty Reduction 36Sports 37Social Development 38

3. Good Governance and Civil SocietyLaw, Order and Justice 39National Security and the Justice System 40Standards for Public Officials 41Local Government 43Constitutional and Legislative Reform 44

4. Regional and International Issues 45Foreign Policy 46The CARICOM Single Market and Economy 47(CSME)

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Ever since the electorate votedin the General Elections inDecember 2001, the UnitedWorkersPartyhasbeenpreparing .itself for victory and governancewhenever the new GeneralElections are called.

During that period 2001 to 2006crucial administrative issues havehad to be addressed by the Party,including its two outgoing PoliticalLeaders, as efforts were made toregenerate the morale of theParty's supporters, as well as theefficiency and the democratizationof the Party. A key person inguiding the Party, maintainingstability during that period, wasthe Party ChairmanMr. Stephenson King.Mr. King, however, proceeded onleave in July 2006 in order tocontest the seat in the CastriesNorth Constituency. We wish toacknowledge Mr. King's vastcontributions to date.

The Party wishes to acknowledgethe considerable efforts made bymembers of the Party's governingbodies, namely the Island Council,the National Council and theNational Executive including thevarious Standing and ad hocCommittees. Particular mentionmust also be made of the valuablecontributions of the seventeenConstituency Branches and of theAuxiliary Bodies, namely theWomen's Arm and the Youth Arm.

forewordby the party chai.rman

Our Party is conscious that, by itsactions and policies, the LabourGovernment has caused socialstrangulation. Never before hasthere been such desperation anddisintegration in our society. Thefarmers, once a proud lot, havebeen displaced and the youthhave been marginalized by theproblems of unemployment.

The Manifesto seeks to addresssuch social dislocation. It is a dis-tillation of the generously givenideas of innumerable per-sons. Several Party retreats, re-view of countless papers submit-ted by interested individuals, theuntiring work of the Policy Com-mittee, the Manifesto Committeeand the Management Committee- all these efforts have generatedthis blue-print for the governanceof this countryby the UnitedWork-ers Party.

The enthusiasm with which ourseveral thousand persons gatherat our Rallies, the personalsacrifices which they make to bepresent and the relentless pushthat they give to the Candidatesand the Party's administration areall testimony of their support.

Our Party, confident, capableunder the guiding hands of ourrenownedPoliticalLeaderSir JohnG.M. Compton; seventeenconstituencies mobilized by ourhighly qualified Candidates; thegoodwill of the electorate; - allthese poise us for imminentvictoryin the upcomingGeneral Electionsand a return to the "glory days ofthe UWP".

Undoubtedly the eternal flame ofthe UWP will bring back theJightand a bright future for Saint Lucia.

Dr. Nicholas FrederickParty Chairman (Ag)

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The mission of theUnited Workers Partyis to foster nationaleconomicdevelopmentbased on the inclusionof all socia-economicsectorsand geographiclocations, so that allSaint Lucians can livepeaceful and self-sufficient liveL

Nine years of Saint Lucia Labour Partygovernance have left Saint Lucia adrift.There is a'total absence of accountability and trans-parency and the public's concerns over massivefinancial mismanagement such as NCA, Rochamel,cost overruns on infrastructural projects, awardingof contracts to a select few, are totally ignored andstonewalled.




1- --1--

Crime, decay in values and attitudes, and intolerancehave become pervasive; the people live in fe~r.Unemployment is prevalent among the youth, and

. poverty has gripped even the once proud andprosperous farmer. Meanwhile a few prosper fromfavouritism, nepotism and patronage.

A United Workers Party will change the sociallandscape. Crime, in all its manifestations, will beVigorously fought by a United Workers' Partygovernment. The Party will provide a safe and secureenvironment so as to permit citizens to direct theirenergies and resources towards meaningfulachievement.

No longer will just a few persons and a few selectcommunities be-nefit from the reported economicgrowth. Farmers, manufacturing workers, the youth,persons in rural communities, will be among thosewho will be able to take care of their needs and thatof their families.

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economicgrowthsustain~ble development



It is lamentable, that instead of furtherstrengthening the 'tri-pod' structure onwhich our economy was being developed,the Labour government has refused torecognizethe vital imperativeof agriculture,claiming that our economy has nowtransitioned into the service sector.

Leading world economies such as theU.S.A.and Europe,as wellas the emergingones such as India, China and Brazil,continue to recognize the importance oftheir agricultural industries. Indeed, evensome of our Caribbean neighbours wouldhave liked to have the fertile soils andother favorable conditions for agriculturaldevelopmentthat we have, but Labour haspaid little attention to the expansion of theagriculturalsector. It is a pity that a LabourMinister's wish is "that only a heavy fall ona banana peel will convince farmers thatbananas is dead". This is a far cry fromthe 1997 Labour promise that their firstpriority would be to restore trust andconfidence in the industry. This is afterthey had orchestrated the mayhem thattook place in the banana belts, hidingbeneath the dark cloak of the BananaSalvation Committee.

Over the last nine years our farmers andtheir family have lost faith in agriculturebecause of the failure of the Labour PartyGovernment to transform the challengesof globalizationand trade liberalizationintoopportunities for alternative livelihoods.



· Unemployment has skyrocketedespecially among the youth

· Crime is threatening the lives andlivelihoods of Saint Lucians

· Massive cost overruns and waste oftaxpayers money

· Gross mismanagement of publicfunds (Rochamel,West Coast Road,NCA, Helenites)

· Lack of accountability in statutoryorganisations, ignoring the statutoryresponsibility of submitting annualreports

· From 12,000farmers, the agriculturalsector has declined to under 2,000

· EU funding earmprked to assistfarmers in new skills and alternativeemployment has not reached them

· Farmers now forced to becomeindentured labourers for oversees

· Selfemployedfarmersare nowforcedto provide unskilled labour in theconstruction sector

· Saint Lucians have no accessto theirbeaches

· The manufacturing sector sutterscontinuous declines

· The national debt has skyrocketedto an alarming $2 billion making usone of the most indebted nations inthe Caribbean

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The United Workers Party believesin the development of an economicpolicy that is sustainable, in whichcontinuous programmes will bedeveloped so that Saint Lucians canbenefitand thereby improvetheir qualityof life.

Such policies will take into account ourmain resource base, having regard toour specific needs and circumstances.We will therefore, with utmost urgency,utilise researchand technology so thatwe can more effectively and efficientlymanage our resources, as we pursueour goals of enhancedeconomic devel-opment and better quality of life for all.

A UWP Governmentwill maintainfiscalprudence, increased productivity,reduction in unemployment, andcirculation of a vibrant cash flow ingoods and services through enhancedopportunities for equity within an openeconomic system.

Economicsustainabilityremainsas oneof our main goals as a small developingnation.The UWP will employ strategiesto utilize our scarce resources in amanner that will maximize the benefits.

Suchan approachwill helpto determinehow well we can compete and prosperin today's world of large economicgroupings and free trade areas thatrespect no national boundaries.


We must place greater emphasis onand urgently revitalize our agriculturalindustry and broaden the involvementof our people in the tourism industry.The application of science andtechnology alongside the best of ourhuman efforts will give fundamentalsupport to the UWP's economicdevelopment thrust and thereby furtherpromote the drive to economicsustainability.

Avenues will be created so that,vulnerable, neglected groups will findan enabling economic environment toparticipate fully in the proposed UWPeconomic growth and sustainabledevelopment programmes."

We will provide support to the localprivatesector through programmesthatstrengthen their capacities andcompetitiveness, so that they canassume an even greater role in nationaldevelopment.

A UWP government will establish aprofit-oriented limited liability companywhich will facilitate savings andinvestment by the general publicthrough various avenues. One suchavenue is the creation of a Unit Trustcompany which will provide aninstrumentfor investmentby small localcompanies and individuals.

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II ,

· We shall re-establish a Development Bank as one of the maininstruments of econdmic development. It will benefit the farmers,persons in the lower income bracket, individuals pursuing highereducation, and small entrepreneurs.

· The role of small funding agencies such as the James BelgraveMemorial Fund, the Poverty Reduction Fund, the National CommunityFoundation (NCF) and the National Research and DevelopmentFoundation (NRDF) will be reviewed side-by- side with the newDevelopment Bank.

· We shall reduce the national debt. The present national debt isapproximately two billion dollars ($2.0b) which is about five times the .nationaldebt in 1997when the U.W.P was in power.The debt reductionwill be brought about through increased productivity particularly inagriculture, increased activity by s_mallentrepreneurs, prudent fiscalmanagement, less borrowing, reduction of waste, and improved tradebalance through increase in exports.

· We will establish a public debt management division within theMinistryof Financewhose sole responsibilityis to identifyand implementmeasures to reduce on the public debt.

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III... - .,

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· We shall re-establish a Development Bank as one of the maininstruments of econdmic development. It will benefit the farmers,persons in the lower income bracket, individuals pursuing higtiereducation, and small entrepreneurs.

· The role of small funding agencies such as the James BelgraveMemorial Fund, the Poverty Reduction Fund, the National CommunityFoundation (NCF) and the National Research and DevelopmentFoundation (NRDF) will be reviewed side-by- side with the newDevelopment Bank.

· We shall reduce the national debt. The present national debt isapproximately two billion dollars ($2.0b) which is about five times the .nationaldebt in 1997when the U.W.P was in power.The debt reductionwill be brought about through increased productivity particularly inagriculture, increased activity by s.mallentrepreneurs, prudent fiscalmanagement, less borrowing, reduction of waste, and improved tradebalance through increase in exports.

· We will establish a public debt management division within theMinistryof Financewhose sole responsibilityis to identifyand implementmeasures to reduce on the public debt.

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A United Workers Party government willseek to develop an economic environmentsuch that the optimum welfare of all citizensis sustained. The society must be a just andequitable one in which each citizen is allowedto achieve his/her goals within the law.

We will achieve economic growth and ensurethat the benefits of economic growth are notadversely affected by inflation.

The Party will seek to ensure that employmentopportunities permit the entire workforce tocontribute to economic growth and that thecountry's productivity and export earnings arenot offset by negative trade balances.Saint Lucia must become an investment centreof choice in the region.

· Achieve significant economic growth andmodernisation

· Control inflation

· Maximise employment

· Improve the balance of payment situationsfor Saint Lucia


A United Workers Party government iscommitted to the following mix of monetary,fiscal and external trade policy in an attempt toachieve its immediate and ultimate economicobjectives:

· Review the cost of capital inputs sourcecheaper materials and equipment and offermore stable prices



· Develop the private sector and industrieswith emphasis on agriculture, agro,processing,tourism, manufacturing, IT and services aswell as research in non, traditional areas

· Seek avenues to reduce the level of interestrates on borrowing for productive purposes

· Develop appropriate policies placing limitson the volume of credit or growth in thelevel of credit

· Promote development of domestic manufacrur,ing industries to stimulate the domesticeconomy

· Control inflation through effective policiesof cost containment in production andconsumption of goods and services

· Adjust the levelof expenditure in our economyin order to increase national income

· Aggressively identify and penetrate newmarkets for our goods and services

· Provide incentives to encourage investmentin production and marketing of goods andservices .


· The fluctuating rate of growth per capitaGDP will be reversed and a steady growthrate is maintained

· The present unemployment rate will bereduced

· The balance of payments will be narrowed· The inflation rate will be reduced

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· The UWP will encourage farmers back to agriculture and banana cultivation.We will do this by encouraging the formation of Farmers' Cooperatives so as toencourage pooling of resources among farmers for greater economies of scale.We will also seek local and foreign markets for agricultural produce.

· The UWP will ensure that agricultural land is properly utilized and not divertedto otheruses. -

· We will promote agriculture through encouraging research and by establishingCentres of Excellence which demonstrate successful agricultural practices.


AU. W.PGovernment will revitalise theagricultural industry as one of the pillars ofeconomic growth and sustainable development;and will highlight the importance of thisindustryas one of the main contributorsto Saint Lucia's economy.The Government of the United WorkersParty will provide the legislative and regula..tory environment for the flourishing of afarmer..led private sector. Such a sector willbe more organized and capable of respondingin a harmonious and profitable way to thedemands for food in the domestic and foreignmarkets.

The UWP will also promote agriculturethrough encouraging research and by thecreation of ~Centres of Excellence' in part..nership with the Division of Agriculture atthe Sir Arthur Lewis Community Collegeand with Farmers' Organizations.

· Revitalize the agricultural sector byencouraging greater investments in farming,fisheries and agro~processing industries

· Review the incentives required to stimulat~activity across the sector

· Increase agricultural production throughir.nproved technology, economies of scaleand better support systems

· Improve the linkage of agriculture withtourism, manufacturing and other sectorsof the economy

· Create a more favourable trade balancethrough increased exports of agriculturalproducts

· Initiate programmes to attract skilledprofessionals into agriculture, fisheries andlivestock


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· Increase banana production and yield peracre

· Encourage the amalgamation of the variousbanana Companies into a single Companyin order to create efficiencies and bringbetter financial returns to farmers

· Provide more accessible avenues for farmersto access capital, inputs, experimental andresearch data at reasonable cost and interestrate for the progressive development of thissector. A credit scheme is essential

· Re~establish a financial institution that ismore responsive to the spedal needs offarmers and the farming community

· Encourage agricultural diversification withthe introduction of value added products,aggressive marketing and guaranteedmarkets

· Introduce new and improved technologieswhere applicable and provide othertechnical measures such as tractor servicesto reduce the cost of production

· Construct community abattoirs to facilitatelivestock farmers and a major abbatoir forthe export of meat



· Bythe income generatingand economicactivitiescreated by this sector

· The increasein the amount offoreignexchange generatedand the cash flowamong the producerswithin this sector inparticular

· The increasein production at a cheaper rate


· Provide incentives for fishermen to enterinto larger scale fishing

· Set up a proper land use policy to clearlydemarcate areas to be reserved for farmingand other agricultural activities

· Seek niche markets for our bananas andother produce.

· Provide organizational support, using theconcept of the marketing board - for farmersto contract with hotels for the properorganization of the local market and forexport

· Encourage Cottage Industries within thissector

· Introduce a system whereby produce willbe graded, standardized and attractivelypackaged for the supermarkets and othermarkets

· Utilize existing reception depots forpackaging and distribution of fruits andproduce

· Explore ways for farmers to be includedunder the National Insurance in order toreceive social security benefits

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· The positive change of approaches to doingthings within the sector as well as thechange of attitudes with regard to theimportance of this sector to the economicgrowth and sustainable development ofSaint Lucia.

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The pressures of economic development in asmall nation such as ours often lead to practicesthat can bring destruction to our vital naturalresources.

Saint Lucia is experiencing problems with defor,estation, pollution, beach and social erosion andthe possible extinction of several species of waterbirds and other rare animals. The UWP will

pursue a development strategy that stronglypromotes the preservation of the environment.

· Create a positive impact on the improvementand sustenance of the environment

· Prevent further environmental abuse



· Establish an Evironmental Commission to

manage the environment

· Introduce programmes to utilize our naturalresources on a sustainable basis

· Support programmes that encourageBiodiversity while maintaining the ecologyof our environment

· Preserve our environment, keeping it as freeas possible from pollutants

· Set up a water management control system

· Provide incentives to the productive sectorto reduce energy use and water supplyrequirements

· Promote recycling and use of bio,degradableproducts

· Establish ongoing environmental educationin schools

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tourism· The UWP will encouragethe developmentof a mix in thetype of hotelson the Island. This will spread the benefitsoftourismto moreSaintLucians.At presentthereisan imbalancebetweenall-inclusiveand traditionalhoteltypes. More smallersized hotelsmustbe owned by Saint Lucians.

· Saint Lucians must be employed at the highest level ofmanagementin the hotelsin Saint Lucia.

· We shallupgradethe seaportsparticularlythosein Castriesand Vieux-Fortto promotecommercialactivityin the country.Also we shall promotefurthercommercialuse of the Cul-de-Sac Valley.The Cityof Castrieswillbe upgradedto becomeahub for commercialand touristactivity.


The strategies we employ and the manner inwhich we utilize our scarce resources are the keyfactorswhich willdetermine how wellwe competeand prosper in today's world of large economicgrouping and free trade areas that respect nonational boundaries.

In this regard UWP will work hand in hand withthe private sector and labour unions to fonn part'nerships in order to maintain a climate of stability,tranquility and greater competitiveness. A UWPgovernment will address the main economic issueswithin this context as it seeks to support the mostvaluable groups and create an enabling environ,ment for the promotion and growth of tourism.

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· Encourage greater local investment andownership with the tourism industry

· Enhance the relationship between tourismand other social and economic sectors of thesociety

· Provide clear guidelines for the orderlygrowth and development of the industry

· Provide a proper mix in types of hotelsaccommodation to ensure that all sectorsreceive some of the benefits

· Provide a better access for investmentfunding to small entrepreneurs


. · Maintaina balancebetweenall~inclusiveandtraditionalhotel typesaswellaspursuenichemarketingto ensureexpansionforthe industry

· Create a financial window that ismoreresponsiveto the specialneeds of smallentrepreneurs in the areas of Tourism,Agriculture, Manufacturing and other smallenterprises

· O:mtinue upgrading the seaports,examinefurther commercial use of the Cul~de~SacBay,and upgrade the City of Castries as a shoppingcentre and a hub for tourist activity

· Develop and upgrade facilitiesin the variousvillagesand communities to enhance theirunique historical and cultural attributes,therebyattracting visitorsand generating income

· Provideincentives to Saint Lucian entrepreneursto become involved in ancillary serviceswhichsupport the tourism industry

· Review and harmonize the operation of theMinistry ofT ourism and the Saint LuciaTourist Board to achieve greater efficiencyand effectiveness

· Institute standards in all areas of the tourism






· Establish a fully equipped hotel trainingschool of international standard

· Provide incentives for expansion of theyachting industry

· Ensure easier access to all beaches

· Improve the Castries~Vieux Fort Highwayand, in particular, pay special attention toupgrading or realigning the Barre de Lislesection of that route

· Recognize and support the eco~tourismsector by encouraging greater participationby Saint Lucians in the use and preservationof our national assets

· Maintain a balance between all~inclusiveand traditional hotel types as well as pursueniche marketing to ensure expansion for theindustry

· Maintain an outgoing system of publiceducation relating to tourism

· Improve the road network island~widetoenhance the travelling experience of bothnationals and visitors, and give considerationto reintroducing coastal sea transportationas a means of local travel

· Institute a cruise policy that enhances thecontribution of the sector to economicdevelopment

· Allocate sufficient resources to tourismpromotion and marketing while ensuringthat these are used in the most effective andefficient manner

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· Existence of a national physical plan fortourism development

· Greater local investment and ownershipin the tourism sector

· Stronger linkages between tourism andother sectors

· Greater economic impact of tourism on thenational economy

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A United Workers Party government willprovide the requisite support and operatingenvironment to make industry more compet~itive and responsive to both the local and theexport market.


· Provide access to concessionary financing forthe development and expansion of industrythrough the proposed National DevelopmentBank and the Unit Trust Company

· Encourage the use of technology to improveefficiency and competitiveness

· Engender a greater entrepreneurial culturethrough the provision of training, technicaland business support services

· Provide more timely decision making in thepublic sector in support of private enterprise


A United Workers Partygovernment iscommittedto implementing the following programmes toensure that our country can compete fully in theglobalmarket and take advantage of the opportu~nities that present themselves:

· Restructure the National DevelopmentCorporation to be more responsive andcapable of attracting and nurturing both localand foreign investment

· Provide a special package of incentives toattract international IT businesses, such asdata and software development companies, tooperate in St. Lucia independently or throughlocal joint ventures

· Establish minimum standards for productquality and company certification in themanufacturing sector

· Aggressively pursue an export developmentstrategy in support of manufacturing andearning of foreign exchange

· Provide support to small and micro businessesthrough the establishment of business incu~bators under the restructured National

Development Corporation

· Incentivise the Distrib~tive trade to purchasemore locally produced goods

· Encourage nationals to 'buy local' in supportof local enterprise

· Provide nationals with the education, skillsand .work ethic for enhancing productivity

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· Quicker facilitation of investment and alarger, more viable local business sector

· The increase in the number ofIT /softwarebusinessesestablished

· Increased foreign exchange from export sales

Page 23: UWP Manifesto 2006



technology· The UWP will invest in science and technology in order to drive productionand economic development - we will make Saint Lucia a leading light inInformation Technology.



The United Workers Party r~cognisesthatscience and technology is at the foundation ofcreative thinking, innovation and development.In the case of Saint Lucia with the absence of vastamounts of natural resources, science and tech,nology must be an integral part of knowledgebased industries and the successof businesses ingeneral.

The Party will facilitate the use of technology toenhance the deliveryofservices,expand productionof goods and promote new industries.


· Make science and technology an integralpart of education and business

· Identify available resources and the techno,logical requirements of the economy, in termsof human resources and plant machinery andequipment, to achieve sustainable develop,ment

· Invest in science and technology to achievea critical mass of technological capacity todrive production and development

· Use science and technology as an employ'ment generation tool


· Create an agency to provide market intelli,gence on the requirements of consumers inthe market place

· Establish an agency to provide R&D, andsupport and incentives to S&T providers


· Enhancing the technical capacity of existingworkers in the IT sector

· Nurture an appreciation of and affinity withscience and technology by introducingprogrammes at the school level,includingproviding full access to computers at allschools

· Provide a system of incentives, assistance andfinancing to support small and medium sized-enterprises (SME's) in technological processingof products

· Offer incentives for private sector investmentand development of IT products and services.

· At the business level, promote research andbusiness incubators

· At the national level, develop IT as a sector

· Establish an IT park

· Expand the use of computers in the publicsector to provide more cost effective andtimely service to citizens

· Work with service providers to make availableinternet access in all communities


· Growth of IT businesses

· Increased utilisation of IT in business

· Increase in employment

· Increase in the number of persons trainedand qualified in technology

· Increase in profitability of local enterprises· Increase in the level of skills of the work


Page 24: UWP Manifesto 2006


wor ttransPO~tilities


The United Workers Party views the commu~nications and transport sector as a vehicle forspurring economic development. The Party willbuild on its previous successes in constructingthe East Coast, the West Coast and the Millen~nium Highways,as well as its extensive secondaryroad network.The United Workers Party will also increase theviability of the Hewannorra and the George F.L. Charles Airports by instituting an air servicespolicy conducive to attracting more internationalair lift.

Central to the communications system must bean improvement in the postal services and theability to improve postal delivery resulting fromE~Commerce.

The United Workers Party recognises the im~portance of telecommunications in our develop~ment thrust. Hence we will promote policiesthat will strengthen and advance the sector andits performance. Furthermore we will ensure thattelecommunications and related technology isaccessible to all Saint Lucians.

We will introduce measures to ensure cost effec~tive and efficient implementation of all govern~ment infrastructural works.


· Seek alternative sources of energy throughwind and geothermal explorations

· Provide greater incentives to encouragereduction in energy comsumption

· Develop a comprehensive and efficient roadmaintenance programme

· Develop a comprehensive tertiary road pro~gramme to meet the needs of the smallercommunities and the agricultural sector

· Rationalize the transport system by construct~ing central bus terminals in the cities andtowns


· Review the levy on used vehicles. Address the needs of the minibus drivers to

ensure a more efficient transport system

. Provide continuous training to minibus driversto enhance their driving abilities

Increase the viability of the Hewannorra andGeorge F. L. Charles Airports

Establish a strategy and budget to attractinternational air services in support of tradeand tourism

Improve the system of Post Offices to makethem more suitable for postal deliveries

. includingE~Commerce.Work with telecommunications providers todevelop a programme of universal access.Ensure that a fair share of governmentcontracts is reserved for small localconstruction contractors

Provide specific measures which willencourage large foreign contractors to utilizethe services of local equipment, trucking andother providers.Develop a framework for the Ministry ofCommunications and Works to facilitate theconduct of work within the stipulatedtendering process, cost and timeframes

· Introduce efficiency in the management ofthe water system

· Ensure that government maintains generalcontrol over the water sector to provide fullaccess to all citizens at a reasonable price







· A more efficient road maintenanceprogramme

· A more extensive tertiary road constructionprogramme

· A more organized transport system

· Increased viability of Hewannorra andGeorge F. L. Charles Airports

· Improve efficiency at the Post Offices· Increased access to telecommunications


· Improved efficiency in government infra~structural expenditure

· Better water supply

· Greater use of local contractors and suppliers

Page 25: UWP Manifesto 2006

unemploymentApproximately 20% of theworkforce is unemployed. AUWP Government will reduceunem ployment particu larlyamong the youth by expandingeconomic activity and upgradingthe skills and productive capacityof our human resource base.


Unemployment is a root cause of a wide rangeof social ills.A United Workers Partygovernmentwillseek to create a social and economic environ~

ment in which the great majority of the workforceisemployed and contribute to national develop~ment. At present approximately twentypercent (20%) of the workforce is unemployed.It isparticularly high among young people whohave completed secondary level schooling.

Sustainable jobs, instead of STEP work will becreated,through economic stimulationand growth.

· Ensure that the workforce is employed at theoptimum level

· Ensure that education and human resourcedevelopment programmes support the em,ployment drive

· Instill a positive work ethic in our workforce



· Increase employment by expanding thesectors of agriculture and agro'processing,manufacturing, information and services

· Encourage the workforce to return toagriculture and agro'processing by providingthe necessary technical and other resourcesupport

· Implement the minimum wage legislation· Conduct research into non,traditional areas

so as to identify potential sources ofemployment

· Develop the attitudinal and skill base toenable workers to fill tourism related jobs atall levels

· Establish human resource developmentpolicies to provide and upgrade skills trainingthereby creating a more employable workforce

· Support continuing education programmesoffered by Sir Arthur L~wisCommunityCollege and other private training institutions

· Provide an intensive job placementprogramme/agency to enable trained personsto find suitable employment

· Ensure that training programmes incorporateelements to improve work ethic

· Ensure that the Development Bank providessoft loans and advisory support to smallbusinesses and the self employed


· A reduction in the percentage ofSaint Lucians, particularly young people, whoare unemployed in the labour force

Page 26: UWP Manifesto 2006


This initiative started under the

Unit~d Workers Party workingtogether with the InternationalLabour Organisation. The goalwas to put in place legislationwhich protected workers rights aswell as the concerns of employerson an equitable and harmoniousbasis. In order to score cheappolitical points, the Kenny Anthony

admjnistration has rushed throughthe enactment of the code and

created an "atmosphere of mistrustbetween Government and

employers which can only workto the detriment of workers, and

cause concern to potentialinvestors. The UWP will

immediately review the LabourCode, giving trade unions,employers and th? general publica further opportunity to examinethose contentious provisions andproduce a bill which is acceptableto all parties:


A United Workers Party will seek to providea stable industrial environment in order to en,hance investment and employment opportuni,ties.


· Engage the Labour Unions and employersin the private sector in tripartite discussionsto promote good industrial relations

· Establish an equitable work permit system

· Modernize Labour laws to maintain abalance between the interest of government,workers and employers

· Establisha National Productivity Councilmade up of representatives of Government,q"ade unions and employers


· A stable industrial climate

· An equitable work permits system

· Modern labour laws

Page 27: UWP Manifesto 2006








In 1997, one of Labour's slogan was, 'Saint Lucia for Saint

Lucians'. This slogan has become a farce. Our personal

experiences since 1997 are marginalization, victimization

and nepotism.

SOLUTIONSUNDERUWPDevelopmentis aboutpeople.Wemustdevelopa climateof 'NationalCohesion'. If we are to survive as asmall nation, it is imperative that weharness all our resources and energies,and work together in pursuit of ournational goals.Wemust harness the skills,talents andenergies of all citizens irrespective ofgender, age, ethnicity, religious andpolitical persuasion, in our marchtowards enhancing the physical, socialand cultural well-being of our people.Our focus will remain on policies whichrecognize the importance of our citizensas our most valuable resource. We willprovide opportunities to nurture theirtalents,


challenge their imagination and help themto adjust as well-balanced and sociallyconscious individuals. Our society mustencourage and reinforcethe notion that ·each citizen is a valuable member of thecommunity and has a special role in thenation's development.

We shall purposefully pursue programmeswhich will equip our people with thenecessary skills to function in this newtechnology driven and globally competitiveenvironment.

We shall ensure that individuals' rights andfreedoms and indeed, all areas of ourhuman development, are safeguarded.

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education· The UWP will seek to improvediscipline in schools so thatchildren's energies can bechannelled into creativepursuits.· We shall inject resources intophysical education and sports inorder to instill discipline amongthe youth.

· We shall return to the system ofproviding financial support toprofessionalsundergoing training.


The United Workers Party will give educationtop priority. It will provide the knowledge, skillsand attitudes necessary for effective participationin national.development and to meet thechallenges of an ever changing society.

In the poorly conceived manner with whichuniversal secondary education was implemented,little regard was paid to the readiness of some ofthe students to receive optimal benefit. TheUWP Government willseek to prevent a resultingsense of failure and frustration, which can onlyhave negative social and economic implications.It will therefore introduce a system of remedialeducation which can be fullyaccessedby all thosein need.

· Trainingat SALCCwill be greatlyexpanded.· We shall restore thetransportation subsidy for needysecondary school children.

· The UWP will develop a meritsystem for the promotion ofteachers.

· We shall equip all public librarieswith the technology and literatureto support the new informationageo.

The education system will:

· Develop the necessary knowledge, skills andattitudes necessary for promoting sustainabledevelopment of our country

· Promote the physical, social, cultural andspiritual well~being of our citizens

· Promote a culture of positive work ethicamong our citizens

· Ensure that the school plays a greater role insocial cont!ol and discipline

· Devek?p in citizens the values and attitudeswhich help to eliminate injustice

· Provide all citizens an opportunity to live anacceptable quality of life

· Develop a sense of national cohesion amongcitizens

· Provide opportunities for continuouslearning irrespective of gender, religion orability to pay

· Require educators to be accountable for theirperformance

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· Set up an inter-Ministerial Committee forHuman and Social Development, includingEducation, to formulate social policy

· Set up a review commission to assessperform-ance of educators

· Provide education to meet the needs ofspecial children using mainstream schoolswherever possible

· Provide early childhood education programmesto supply the physical, social and intellectualdevelopment required for the child to enterthe formal school system

· Enhance the quality of primary educationand eliminate drop-outs

· Provide remedial education so that all students

attain the required level of proficiency inenglish and mathematics .

· Introduce special programmes to meet theneeds of gifted children

· Establish a National Service to serve schools

· Improve the quality of secondary educationand make it available to all

· Diversify and enrichen the school curriculumto meet the needs of diverse students, utilisingthe expertise of guidance counsellors in theschool system

· Support curriculum development efforts byrevitalising the work of CAMDU

· Support and encourage the formation ofstudent councils in all schools

· Provide low interest loan for courses of studythrough the proposed Development Bank

· Support private institutions that providespecializedvocational training and rehabilationprogrammes for secondary school students


· Review the Education Act to allow for greaterdiscipline and control at the school level

· Increase the number of persons accessingtertiary education and restructure SALCCto achieve this objective

· Upgrade SALCC to a full-fledgeduniversity

· Provide financial support to students to pursuetertiary education

· Continue training of teachers and schooladministrators

· Expand training of nurses and give thenecessary financial support to trainees

· Expand continuing education to increaseskills and reduce illiteracy throughout theadult population

· Provide adequate technical and financialsupport for special needs education

· Assist needy students with school trans-portation and text book loans

· Reactivate the school feeding programme

· Equip public libraries with computers



· A comprehensiverestructuringofSir Arthur LewisCommunity College

· Eliminationof illiteracy

· Greater disciplineat the school level

· The CARICOM goalof0fferingtertiaryleveleducation to 15percent of the populationlevel isachieved

· Technical and vocationaleducationprovidedat everysecondaryschool

Page 30: UWP Manifesto 2006

The UWP will:

· Initiate community programmes to helpprevent critical health problems e.g. Aids,cancer, diabetes, etc.

· Provide safe facilities for recreational and

healthy activity such as jogging.· The UWP will restorethe NationalSchoolFeeding Programme.

· Implementa NationalHealthServicewhichdoes notaddan additionalburdenon needypersons.


The United Workers Party willoptimisetheHealth Care Servicesavailableto Saint Luciansby improvingboth primaryand secondaryhealthservices.

· Educate the population about healthyliving

· Reduce and prevent the high incidences ofHIVjAIDS, cancer, diabetes, hypertensiontension and other preventable diseases

· Increase the resources allocated to publichealth care and wellness

· Increase the number of trained professionalsin the health care sector


· Ensure that the new national hospital hasadequate staffing, equipment, supplies andmedicines to deliver the quality of servicerequired by the population

· Provide better emergency medical servicesand in particular increase ambulance servicesto cover all communities

· Upgrade Soufriere, Dennery and Vieux Forthospitals

Page 31: UWP Manifesto 2006


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· Reduced cost of medical care to individuals

· Improved health facilitiesand improvementin the delivery of medical services

· Primary Health facilit:.ieswithin the reachof every citizen

· Implementation of a National HealthService

· Greater use of local products in the foodand health sector that creates demandwithin the agricultural sector

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· Establish an Interministerial Committee products and help industrialize these asfor Human and Social Development to alternatives to imported productsformulate and implement a national health · Establish programmes that will fosterplan and social policy preventative measures through the media,

· Undertake a survey to ascertain adequacy schools, chU1:chesand other N.G.Osof medical and paraprofessional staff · Strengthen the system of hospitals, poly

· Develop an efficient health information clinics, health centres, nursing homes andsystem that highlights critical health centres for terminal illnessesproblems in the country e.g. aids, cancer,diabetes and incorporate these into the · Implement a school feeding programmemainstream health care system utilizing primarily local foods in order to

· Distribute health service throughout the ensure a balanced diet for the young amongisland by establishing a central body with us and to promote nutrition as an integralset standards and finances for the health part of preventative health carecare system especially our hospitals and · Reactivate the Environmental Healthhealth centres

Protection programme for pest control and· Establish local and overseas training pollutants removal

programmes for health care professionals · Establish research units to evaluatein order to maintain dedicated, highly adequacy of pharmaceuticals, medical andqualified and motivated staff paraprofessional staff


· Determine and provide information on thenutritional and medicinal value of local

Page 32: UWP Manifesto 2006


A United Workers Party will promote cultureas a vehiclefor the cultivation of a goodvaluesystem.

· To re~establish indigenous cultural activitiesespecially those that promote ethnical valuesand good citizens

· To create a local cultural industry to genet:ateincome for producers

· To encourage a diversity of cultures in SaintLucia in recognition of the country's diverseheritage


· Rejuvenate La Rose, La Maguerite, Quadrille,Bellair; Conte, and other aspects of our folkculture

· Encourage the national media to providemore national and cultural heritageprogrammes

· Make Independence Day programmes a truerepresentation of our national achievementsand identity

· Implement programmes to recognize thetrue cultural icons of Saint Lucia and toreward them accordingly

· Review the mandate of the Cultural

Development Foundation (CDF) to makeit more relevant to the cultural developmentof Saint Lucia especially the promotion oflocal cultural activities

· Reintroduce traditional sporting activitiesas a vehicle for promoting and advancingnational pride

· Promote pride in our national symbols

· Support and fund initiatives to promote andstrengthen the music industry in Saint Lucia

· The UWP will instil in Saint Luciansa sense of national pride by promotingthe country's rich and diverse culturalheritage.

· We willdevelop culture as an industryin order to broaden employmentopportunities.· We shall effectsignificantinvolvementofschoolsin nationalculturalfestivalsandcelebrations.· Wewillbuilda modernNationalCulturalCentre.· TheUWPwillstrengthentheDepartmentof Culture, for the advancementof ourculturalgoals.

· Organize more structured cultural programmesgrammes and competitions in schools andcommunities to promote greater participationand a senseof national pride

· Provide incentives to promote our cultureregionally and internationally



· Citiz~ns are proud to be Saint Lucians

· Greater participation bycitizens in localcultural activities

· Increase in the number of Saint Lucians who

venture into the field of culture performingon the international scene

· Increase in the number of established

cultural groups

· Significant involvement of schools innational cultural festivals and celebrations

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Page 33: UWP Manifesto 2006


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The development of our cultural identityrequires that we protect our cultural heritage.

Our heritage lies not only in our folklore andoral traditions but also in the knowledge of ourhistory gained from the writings of histor,iansand archaeological artifacts.

The United Workers Party is committed topreserving our cultural and national heritage.


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· Support heritage organizations andassociations in their work in preservingparks, sites, records, etc, and the publiceducation and preservation of artifacts

· Legislate architectural standards for theconstruction and maintenance of buildingsof historical interest

· Encourage members of the community tobecome involved in heritage protection.



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Page 34: UWP Manifesto 2006

YouthThe youth is our most valuable resource. The UWP willensure that our youth play their rightful role in nationaldevelopment. We will institute programmes to ensureemployment of the youth and the development of a goodvalue system.

The UWP recognizes that the youth, whichcurrently forms the majority of our population,constitute one of our most valuable resource.

Specific programmes will be deployed towardsthe development of our youth to harness theirfull potential, allowing them to contribute fullyto national development.

Implement programmes to help:

· Equip the youth with the necessary skills,training and resources to fully exploit em~ployment and entrepreneurial opportunities

· Stem the widespread abuse of drugs

· Prevent teenage pregnancy and prostitution· Reduce the incidence of crime and delin~

quency among the youth

· Encourage and promote the participation ofour youth in all areas

· Foster good values and principles

· Support the NYC in its efforts to developthe youth

· Enhance our culture and social and educa~tionallife through the youth



· Give greater financial support to the NYCto carry out its programmes

· Consult with the NYC and other youthorganizations on all issues affecting nationalpolicy and programmes

· Create an apprenticeship programme whichallows all recent graduates first~hand jobtraining and experience


· Ensure that the arts form part of the schoolcurriculum

· Restoreuniformedgroups(e.g.Guid£s, Scoutsand Cadets) in schools to promote good habitsand discipline

· Establisha national employmentplacementagency to assist youth in obtaining jobs orthose seeking re~employment

· Re~introduce the Youth Employment Skills(YES) programme and assist in career andtraining guidance

· Initiate a programme of National Service forone year for unemployed youth in an effortto instill discipline, ethics and motivation

· Developa youth rehabilitation and counsell~ing programme to deal with social problemsand delinquency starting with the upgradingof the Boys Training Centre and provision ofadequate resources to the Upton GardensGirls Centre and the Centre for AdolescentRehabilitation and Education (CARE)


· The integration of the youth in all areasofsociety

· A reduction in youth crime and juveniledelinquency

· A reduction in youth drug abuse and teenagepregnancy

· Higherratesof employmentamongthe youth

· A moreskilledandmotivatedyouthpopulation

· Greater participation in sports and the arts

· A better relationship between youth groupsand government

Page 35: UWP Manifesto 2006


el erl yOURGOAL

Our societymust encourageand reinforcethenotion that each citizenisa valuablememberofthe community and has a specialrole in ournation's development. In recognising that theelderlycan contribute to development by trans--mitringthe experience,culture,valuesandsupportforhealthy nation building,the United WorkersParty willensure that this group isgiven specialconsideration and adequate resources.


· Ensure adequate housing and care for theelderly

· Implement programmes that addressthenutritional and health needs of the elderly

· Improve socialwelfareand pension programsfor the aged

· Promote a society where mutual respectand discipline abound

· Ensurethat the agedare integrated in society

· Support organisationswhich provideservicesand care for the elderly

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The UWP believes that every citizen is avaluable member of the community and has aspecial role in the nation's development. Theymust be empowered to do so. There must be nosocialmarginalizationof anyone including the _

mentally and physically challenged.

The mentally and physically challenged mustbe integrated in the society.


. A UWP government will seek to bring aboutthe inclusion of the disabled in all spheres ofcommunity life.We will do so by includingthe mentally and physically disabled in main~stream educational institutions rather thansegregatethem in special institutionsoflearning

. Building codes willbe reviewed to ensure thatthe disabledhave physicalaccessto commercialand public buildings, sidewalks, recreationalfacili~ies,and other public facilities

· Provide social security for all physically andmentally challenged persons

Page 37: UWP Manifesto 2006

intergenerationalnetworkingThe structure of the leadership of the UnitedWorkers Party demonstrates an embrace ofproductive ageing and the merit ofintergeneration networking in building aninclusive society. This ensures the harnessingof our country's productive human capacity,the growth and development of national socialwealth, political correctness and economicresourcefulness.

The United Workers Party recognizes the needfor intergenerational programmes tocompensate for the absence of the extendedfamily and to provide opportunities for 'olderpersons' to continue to contribute meaningfullyto the nurturing of a healthy social environmentby providing support to vulnerable children andtheir families.

We will work in partnership with educational,social service and employment institutions todevelop work/life balance and promote bestpractices in the support of kingship care - asa tactical measure in combating crime, poverty,drug abuse and other social ills which threatenour lives and our livelihood.

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A UnitedWorkers PartyGovernment willensurethat malesand femalesparticipate fullyand equallyin the development of the country. It will seek toprotect persons from discrimination and abusebased on gender.

· Encourage and promote the participation ofall personsin national endeavoursregardlessof their,gender

· Reduce gender related domestic violence

· Foster better understanding and mutualrespect between the sexes

· Arrest the apparent decline in maleachievement and constructive participationin society



· Provide incentives to the private sector toincrease the number of daycare centres toaccommodate working parents

· Implement a holistic plan to deal with theproblems of gender discrimination andabuse (including increasing support to the CrisisCentre, more shelters, counselling services)

· Introduce measures to address and arrest theproblem of male under~achievement, includingcounselling, mentorship, skills training,motivation and after school programmes

· Provide public education to prevent genderbased violence

· Establish a special unit within the policeforce to deal with this issue



· Increased number of organizations providingsupport against gender based social ills

· Improved services provided by the CrisisCentre and other shelters for abused persons

· Increased participation and performance ofmales in education and other institutions

· Better police handling of gender relateddomestic violence

Page 39: UWP Manifesto 2006

housingA UnitedWorkers Party governmentwill work diligently to address thecritical issues of affordable housing,particularlyfor lower and middleincome groups.


A good socialpolicymust identifyways of makinghousing more affordable, thereby enabling agreater number of citizens to get an opportunityto invest in their own homes.A United Workers Party Government will workdiligently to address the critical issue of housing,particularlyfor lower and middle income workers.

· Make more affordable housing available tolower income families through the NHC

· Provide incentives to lending institutionsto offer lower interest housing loans to lowincome families

. Provide special incentives to developers toinvest in low and middle income houses

· Explore construction of apartment type areas

· Establish clear guidelines for ensuring safehousing


. Establish soft loan financing for low incomehousing to be managed through the re~established Development Bank and otherlocal banks

· Create a special unit within NHC to providestarter assistance to prospective house owners

· Provide tax incentives to developers of lowincome houses

· Reduce the level of property tax. Utilize the NHC to control land and house

pricing and land speculation

· Encourage the banking community toreview and lower interest rates and other -charges on loans for housing and homeimprovement

. Create apartment type dwellings in Faux~a~Chaux, Marchand, and other congestedareas

· Strengthen the Ministry of Housing and itsrelated statutory bodies to administer suchprogrammes


· Improvement in the condition of housingamong low income earners

· A greater proportion of persons becominghome owners

· Easier mortgage terms for home owners· A reduction in the level of property tax


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Even though people know Social Security willnot be enough to live on, many find it difficult tosave for the future. While Social Security wasnever intended to be a worker's only source ofretirement income, the United Workers Partywill ensure that the necessary investment policiesand support are provided to help employeesbecome more financially prepared for retirement.


· Implement policyrequiring employersto giveworkersaccessto automatic payrolldeductions inon:lerto fundtheirper.mal socialsea.nityretirementfund

· Create and expand supplemental retirementaccounts enabling workersand farmerstoaccumulate retirement savingsin addition toSocial Security'sguaranteed benefitsdeductionsto fund their personal socialsecurity

· OJntinuously reviewpensioners' grants andallowancesso that they can maintain theirstandard of living


Page 41: UWP Manifesto 2006



Extreme poverty dehumanizes the person.It deprives the individual of the ability to enjoylife, to exercise his democratic rights and tofulfil oneself. A United Workers Party, govern,ment will pursue social and economic pro'grammes that lead to poverty reduction.


· Charge relevant agencies with the respon,sibility of addressing poverty in the societyand to strengthen and equip them to do so

· Introduce programmes and resources for thedevelopment of rural communities



· Review the education and human resource

development sector to make individuals moreemployable

· Promote entrepreneurial programmes toenhance employability, including self,employment

· Strengthen organizations such as the NationalSkills Development Programme

· Expand rural development programmes toreduce marginalization

· Ensure access to public utilities and adequatephysical infrastructure


· Implement programmes that address thenutritional and health needs of the poor andthe vulnerable(e.g. pregnant and lactatingmothers and the elderly)

· Restore school transportation assistance tochildren and extend such assistance to thedisabled, and the elderly

· Expand social welfare programmes to meetthe needs of unemployed persons, the disabledand the elderly

· Ensure that the National Insurance Schemeintegrates various government and quasi,government social welfare programmes so asto meet the financial and economic needs ofthe poor

· Provide financial assistance to charitable

agencies providing shelter and care for thehomeless


· The poor will receive the basicamenities offood, shelter, clothing and utilities

· The poor will have access to some incomethrough self - or other employment

· Unemployed and needy personswill benefitfrom improved social welfare schemes

Page 42: UWP Manifesto 2006

- -

spor1:SSporting activities provide a valuable outline for creativeenergies and engenders good health and discipline.A UWP governmentwill make sportsan integralpart of the curriculumin ANDPROGRAMMESschoolsat all levels.


· A United WorkersPartyGovernment willencourage sporting activities for all, as sportsprovide a valuable outlet for peoples' creativeenergies, engendering good health and disci~pline as individuals seek to achieve theirmaximum prowess.The UWP will also explorethe economic benefits from internationalsporting activity.

· Set up an inter~Ministerial Committee onSocialDevelopment, includingthe Ministryof Sports,to formulatepolicyon socialdevelopment

· Engage citizens in meaningful sportingactivities to ensure that their creative

energies are applied to useful and constructiveactivity

· Seek to have Saint Lucia represented at inter~national sporting events

· Promote national pride through sportingachievement



· Make sports an integral part of the curriculum _

in schoolsat all levels

· Provide every community and residentialhousing area with central sporting activitiessuch as multi~purpose centres, playing fields,courts, parks or gymnasiums

· Construct sporting facilities in every townand village

· Organize central institutional training inmajor sporting areas

· Re~introducezonalsportingcompetitions

· Support regional and international partici~pation in sports and promote sports tourism

· Elicit corporatesupportforsportingactivities

· Educate the public in the value of sports inpromoting discipline

· Promote excellence in sports through therecruitment of international sports coaches



· Increased participation of members of thepublic in sporting activities

· Significant increase in participation inregional and international sports

· Higher levels of achievement in sports

Page 43: UWP Manifesto 2006

- -

spor1:SSporting activities provide a valuable outline for creativeenergies and engenders good health and discipline.A UWP governmentwill make sportsan integral part of the curriculum in ANDPROGRAMMESschoolsat all levels.



· A United WorkersPartyGovernment willencourage sporting activities for all, as sportsprovide a valuable outlet for peoples' creativeenergies, engendering good health and disci~pline as individuals seek to achieve theirmaximum prowess.The UWP will also explorethe economic benefits from internationalsporting activity.

· Set up an inter~Ministerial Committee onSocial Development, including the Ministryof Sports, to formulate policy on socialdevelopment

· Engage citizens in meaningful sportingactivities to ensure that their creative

energies are applied to useful and constructiveactivity

· Seek to have Saint Lucia represented at inter ~

national sporting events

· Promote national pride through sportingachievement



· Make sports an integral part of the curriculum _

in schoolsat all levels

· Provide every community and residentialhousing area with central sporting activitiessuch as multi~purpose centres, playing fields,courts, parks or gymnasiums

· Construct sporting facilities in every townand village

· Organize central institutional training inmajor sporting areas

· Re~introducezonalsportingcompetitions

· Support regional and international partici~pation in sports and promote sports tourism

· Elicit corporatesupportforsportingactivities

· Educate the public in the value of sports inpromoting discipline

· Promote excellence in sports through therecruitment of international sports coaches


· Increased participation of members of thepublic in sporting activities

· Significant increase in participation inregional and international sports

· Higher levels of achievement in sports

Page 44: UWP Manifesto 2006



Saint Lucia is now experiencing an economicdecline that has resulted in unemploymentand desperation as well as the social marginal~ization of the poor, the elderly, the mentallyand physically challenged. The result has beengeneral social disintegration reflected in drugabuse, family breakdown, child abuse, rape,thefts, robberies, indiscipline, violence andmurders. There is now a pervasive climate offear. Our society is now convinced that noone cares about their welfare. A United W ork~ers Government will reverse these negativetrends and restore Saint Lucia to a safe, pro~ductive society, managed by a caring govern~ment.

. Promote a society where mutual respect anddiscipline abound

. Ensure that the aged, mentally and physicallychallenged feel integrated in the society

. Promote a society in which the family is atthe core and the children are protected

. Strengthen the role of the school in enforcingsocial control and discipline

· Saint Lucians live in fear. This is theresult of general social degradationreflected in drug abuse, indiscipline,family breakdown, robberies, violenceand murders. A UWP Government willfocus' efforts on reversing these trends.

· We will promote a society in whichthe family is at the core, and respectand discipline is upheld at all levels.


. Directly operate or fund community basedorganizations to provide services that benefitdisadvantaged people in the community

. Develop micro~economic policies that -address the needs of the unemployed and themarginalized

. Develop programmes to improve disciplinein the society

. Develop programmes for strengthening thefamily

. Enforce child protection legislation

. Review the provisions of the Education Actto permit more control at the school level

. Undertake public education programmeswhich ensure that rules and procedures arefollowed because they are perceived as ·appropriate if people are to live in harmony

. Provide educational and counseling-programmes for families and programmeswhich provide greater support to singleparents and children


. Improved welfare schemes

. Better discipline and mutual respect in thesociety

. Reduced incidence of child abuse

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goodg~vern~nc~ nawand ciVIlSOCiety. U ,orderandjustice




Underthe Labour Govemmentcrimehas rippedthroughthe verysoulofoursociety.Communitieswhichwere once peacefuland safe, are now 'nogo' areas. Many of our citizens are afraid toventureout oftheirhomes. Evenso, many havebeen killedintheirownhomes.Fromsixhomicidesin Saint Lucia in 1996, the number has risendramaticallyto 37 in2005 under Labour.Therehas been no reliefthisyearas violencecontinuesto sweep the land.Yeta ministerof govemmentrefers to criminalsas his 'boys', and orders thatthey should notbe touched!In 1997, Labour complained of .Iack ofaccountabilityand integrityamong publicofficersand vowedto putthings right.Thiswas the basisfor their much publici sed slogan'Accountability and Transparency!'.Duringthe nineyears ofthisadministration,SaintLucianshave become saturated withreports ofwrongdoing among government and publicofficers:



· 'Lapses and infelicities'at the PovertyReductionFund

I! TheRochamelAffair- financingunspecifiedamount of cost overrunsforprivatebusiness· Moneydisappearingat the MinistryofCommunicationsand Works· Reports of money that cannot be accountedfor· The infamousNCAAffair· Dubiousexplanationsforcost overrunsonthe West Coast Road· Moneystolen at the Gros Isletpolicestationand replacedwithcounterfeitmoney· Release of arrested Rersons on the orders -of government officials· Refusal of officersto declare their assets tothe IntegrityCommission

· The two residencies of the UNAmbassadorand the HelenitesAffair

The listgoes on. "AccountabilityandTransparency"Transparency" have lost all their meaning, asMinisters of government, arrogantly refuse toprovide answers to questions from the public.Clause 361 was designed as a tool to suppressthose who might be inclined to inquire.



It is the vision of the United Workers Partyto return good governance to our society.The U.W.P will promote the principles ofjustice and to provide safety and securityfor all Saint Lucians.

The U.W.P will uphold the rule of law atall times and ensure that equity, fairnessand justice prevail in the entire society.The U.W.P has concerns over existingfears among the people due to the breakdown in law and order. The Party willensure that the fundamental rights andfreedoms of all are upheld.


We wilt maintain the institutions of thejustice system and allow completeindependence of the judiciary.

Corrupt practices will be dealt withexpeditiously, including 'lapses andinfelicities', to show the seriousness of thegovernment. The U.W.P will maintainhonesty, integrityand responsibilityin orderto root out all forms of corrupt practicesincluding offences against children.

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A UWP Government will provide for thesafety and security of all citizens and visitorsto our shores in the peaceful pursuit of life,liberty and happiness. As a Government, wewill ensure that the rule of law is upheld by alland at all times, to promote a society based onequity, fairness and justice.

. Reduce the level of crime in the societyand restore the feeling of peace, securityand safety in our communities

. Promote a society that is intolerant to crimeby strengthening the institution of thefamily and by enlisting the support ofreligious organizations and civic society

· Ensure that the public regains confidencein the justice system by developing a systemthat is quick, responsive and accessible toall


. Increase the number of police officers toprovide the force with the capacity toreintroduce a beat and patrol programme

· Invest adequately in modem policing methodsand technologies to ensure that the policeare adequately equipped to detect and solvecrimes

· Increase training of police officers at all levelsand establish a Regional Training Institutefor senior police officers of the GECS

. Improvethe conditionsof workof the policeby providing adequate incentives, therebyenhancing job satisfaction

· A UWP government will reduce the level ofcrime in the society and restore the feeling ofpeace, security and safety in communities. Itwill do so by providing the necessaryinfrastructure, resources and trained personnelin the police force.

· We will solicit the support of the family, theschool and religious organizations to promotegood societal values.

. Strengthen significantly the public prose,cut ion service to ensure a more efficient andeffective prosecution of criminals

· Initiate programmes that will help to reshapethe minds of our young people so that theydevelop a greater appreciation of societal values,their own worth and their contribution to society

. Enable persons to be better aware of their rightsand responsibilities as well as the obligations ofgovernment to them

· Institute a system of small claim case adminis,tration in the MagistratesCourt to expedite thehearing of cases

· Institute a system of legalaid so that personswhoarefinanciallyunablecan be assuredoflegalrepresentation

. Increase the effectiveness of the legal systemthrough the provision of new accommodationfor the Judiciary, improved technology andan increase in legal professionalsemployed

· Revamp the penal system to allow for correc,tional services, rehabilitation and vocationaltraining of all offenders, a separate remandholding centre and the establishment of aprobation service



· A reduction in the level of crime

. A more professionaland trained police force

· A better relationship between the policeand citizens

· A more efficient magisterial system

· Availability of legal aid for needy persons

. More respect and appreciation for the lawby both the citizenry and the government

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· A UWP government willprovidethe meansbywhichpersonsmaysee~ redresswheretheyfeelaggrieved with decisions of public officials.· Corrupt practices, including lapses andinfelicities,of public official will be dealt withexpeditiously.


A United Workers Party government willpromote honesty, integrity and responsibilityand to root out all forms of corruption.



. Emphasize efficiency and competency inthe administration of our institutions andorganization at all levels

. Take measuresto uphold the rule of law atall times

. Provide the means by which persons mayseek recourse where they feel aggrievedwith decisions of public officials


. Revitalize the programme of Public SectorReform for the more efficient working ofpublic sector organizations

· Ensure that public sector institutionsexercise a merit system in recruitment andpromotions to replace the current nepotismand political patronage

. Ensure the efficiency of the Public IntegrityCommission

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The UWP Government will re~establish a non~partisan Public Service, utilizing the existingskillsof the well~educated, experienced and tal~ented professionals to translate its policies intowork plans and programmes to be implementedby the various Ministries and para~statal institu~tions.

· Ensure a talented and motivated pool ofpublic servants that are responsive to thenational needs, through training policies,and incentives

· Return effectiveness to the Public Servicein order to reduce waste, redress the highnational debt and to effectively deliver thepolicies of the UWP Government



I· Re~introduce study leave with pay for

approved areas of study

· Provide a facility at the new DevelopmentBank for low interest education loans forpublic servants

· Establish structured training modules atSALCC as required by needs assessments

· Provide a system for recognition and rewardfor exceptional work in order to incentiviseand motivate public servants

· Increase access to and use of computers toincrease efficiency

~ I



S1. Lucia's Constitution makes

provision for elected

representatives to provide policy

directjon and generalsupervision of the PublicService, with the day to daymanagement being theresponsibilityof publicservants.

The Labour PartyAdministrationhas totally destroyed the fabricof the Public Service, makingthemselves managers ofMinistries, totally usurping therole of Public Servants.

Nepotism and favouritism inappointments are the order ofthe day as persons with littleexperience or ability have beenplaced in positions of authorityover career public servantsbased solely on their politicalorientation or their willingness .to do as they are told withoutquestion.


· More effective,efficient and responsive publicservice

· A PublicServicefree&ompolitical interference

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A UWP government will promote greaterparticipation of citizens in decision making andthe development process. The establishment ofcity, towns and village councils was intended forthat purpose.Furthermore,during its term of officein the mid 19808,the UWP actively implementeda processof decentralization of services, involvingthe establishment of Regional Officesto serve thevariouscommunities.The UWP willensurethereturn and elaborationof such structures.

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· Expand the services offered by the city, townand village councils, into coordinatingdevelopment at the community level

· Establish rural councils in the communities

· Expand the decentralization process by firmlyestablishing Regional Offices

· Establish and improve the organizationaland technical capabilities of the councilsand Regional Offices, to complement thedevelopment agenda of each community


· Strengthen public education programmesto address the problems of teenagepregnancies, HIV /AIDS and drug abuse

· Provide skills training opportunities withinthe school environment for better preparingour youth for the job market

· Provide technical and other resource supportto entrepreneurs

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A United Workers Party Government willuphold the fundamentalrightsand freedomsen~shrined in the Constitution ofSaint Lucia.It will further'maintainthe institutionsofthejusticesystemto ensurecompleteindependenceof the judiciary.


· Amend the Constitution to require thatGeneral Elections be held during a specificperiod at the end of a five~year term ofoffice and not merely on 21 days notice atany time during the term

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· Establish regulations on election campaignfinancing

· The office of the Attorney General willconstantly review existing legislation toensure the relevance of our laws in boththe criminal and civil domain. In doing sothe Office will retain special LawCommissions, thus reducing the need forpermanent staff ·

· Review the provisions of S 166 of theCriminal Code relating to abortion

· Enforce penalties for sexual offences andmolestation of children

· Require that adult television programmesbe aired only after a certain time and underspecial license


· A greater feeling of justice among thecitizens of Saint Lucia

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regional .

an~ internationalIssues


The United Workers Party has always beenat the forefrontof the initiativesto foster greatercooperation and integration among our sisterterritories of the Caribbean. However, webelieve that when such initiatives are beingcontemplated, the citizens must be educated


as to the nature and implications of theseinitiatives. It is for this reason that, while wesupport the CSME, we maintain that thelabour government did very little prior toimplementation,to educatethe people of SaintLucia as to the implications of the initiative.



The United Workers Party is aware thatSaint Lucia, as a small state, has a limitedresource base. Accordingly our islandnation must interact with regional andinternational communities in order toachieve maximum benefits from the useof its scarce resources. Yet, in the courseof such interactions, our citizens shouldnot be disadvantaged.

The UnitedWorkers Party recognisesthatour foreign policy must be consistent withour social, cultural and economic aspira-tions.

Our relations with other countries must bebased on mutual respect for oursovereignty. In our relations with othercountries, our democratic ideals andaspirations must not be compromised.

Our foreign policywill therefore be an openone, ready to embrace any country. In ourrelationswith other nationswe shall devoteeven greater effort to strengthening ourcultural values and things peculiar to SaintLucians lest we lose or dilute those thingsthat make us unique.

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· The UWP will ensureconsistency of foreign policywith economic policy. It willdo so in order to strengthen

pOIIcytrade and investment topromotethe economicwell-being of our people and topreserve our democraticideals.


The United Workers Party recognizes thatthe phenomenon of globalization makes itimpossible for any country, large or small, tosurvive in isolation. The Party also notes theeffects of modern telecommunication in expe~diting communications and trade relations.

Furthermore, policing of trading relations byorganizations such as the Wodd T rade Organ~ization (WTO) force countries into a commonmould of liberalization. In light of these con~siderations, the Party will pursue an openforeign policy, carving out a compromiserelationship with as many foreign countriesas possible.



. Commit ourselves fully to the continuingdevelopment of the OECS regional integra~tion process

. Support and participate fully in CARICOMinitiatives

. Link Foreign Policy to the goal ofstrengthening trade and investment for thepromotion of the economic well~being ofour people

. Establish foreign consulates which are stra~tegic to economic sector policy goals

. Whenever feasible, share with our OECScounterparts the cost of diplomatic missions

. Establish diplomatic links with countriesthat are willing to enter into mutuallybeneficial relationships


. Our increased participation in world fora

. Our improved image at the regional andinternational levels

. The economic and social benefits of ourforeign policy

. A reduction in the cost of overseas diplo~matic missions

Page 53: UWP Manifesto 2006

· A UWP government will seekto derive maximum benefitsfrom the CSME.The expanded role of the SirArthur Lewis Community Col-lege envisaged under the edu-cation programr:ne will provideimproved skills to the populationfor further enhancing our com-petitiveness in the region.the.

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and economy(csme)OUR GOAL

The United Workers Party Government willensure that Saint Lucia is capable of partici~pating fully in and extracting the maximumbenefits from our enlarged regional marketthrough the CSME.


· Introduce public debates, includingParliamentary debates, to create that aware~ness of the implications of CSME

· Enact necessary legislation to ensure thecontinued availability of the nationalpatrimony including land to the citizenry

. Re~position the education system at alllevels, but particularly at the tertiary level,to make the national work force competitivelocally and regionally

. Develop a purposeful agricultural policy sothat Saint Lucia can become a main exporterof agricultural produce, particularly fruitsand vegetables, to the Caribbean community

· Establish institutions to assist in technologytransfer, and technology generation, throughresearch and development, in the criticalsectors of the economy, with particularemphasis on the promotion of small andmedium sized enterprises (SME's)

· To so structure our Foreign Affairs Ministryso as to provide linkages with the productivesector ministries e.g. agriculture and tourism_

· Work with the private sector to obtain newregional investment, and to establish produc~tive linkages with successful and competitiveenterprises

· Ensure that there is sufficient national aware~ness of the implications, challenges andopportunities within the CSME so that theactions necessary to derive benefits from theCSME can be implemented with nationalconsensus

· Ensure that the provisions of the RevisedTreaty of Chagaramas that provide for specialconsideration for Saint Lucia will be fullyutilized


· Increased exports to the region.

· A greater demand for trained Saint Luciansin the other CARICOM countries

· Increased remittances to Saint Lucians byour nationals in other countries

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After nine yearsduringwhich the SLPhasmisled,disillusioned and exploited SaintLuciansfor their personalgain, it is timeto take a stand to protect your safety,livelihood, family, nation and our collectivefuture.

The United Workers Party has a proven trackrecord of responsible,caring and ethicalgovernance.The leadership team is aneffective mixof experience, youthful energyand passion determined to put Saint Luciaback on the right path of human, social andeconomic development.

We pledge to make Saint Lucia right again.
