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Hacking embedded Linux on the cheap

with an example system

Ed Langley

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Introduction to the target system

● Mattel Juicebox

– Childrens video and MP3 player

– Only plays video from OTP ROM cartridges

● Proprietary player and format

● Low compression● No OS

– Plays MP3s from MMC socket cartridge

● Running uCLinux

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Target system specification● Samsung S3C440BX micro


– ARM7TDMI core

– 8KB cache/SRAM

– 2 channel UART

– 2 channel DMA

– 1 channel I2C

– 5 channel PWM

– 8 channel 10 bit ADC

– RTC with calendar

– 71 input/output pins

– LCD controller with 1 dedicated DMA channel



● Audio: Cirrus Logic CS43L43

● LCD: 2.7 inch color 240x160

● JTAG – pads on PCB left behind in production boards

● As are serial port Tx/Rx lines

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Picking your own target system

● Traditional industry method:– price Vs package size Vs power consumption

– All of above Vs features:● Speed● Number of external interrupts● Supported memory range● Memory management● Number of GPIO pins● Assemblers/compilers/programming languages

supported● Operating systems supported

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Picking your own target system● “On a shoestring” method

– Take what you can get

– Mass produced gadget/appliance

– Contains CPU with architecture supported by Linux

● How much work/research/porting/hacking do you want to do yourself?

– E.G. Low budget:

● PDAs MP4 video players (from China off Ebay for £20)● Older games consoles (Dreamcast, PS2, Game Cube)

– E.G. Higher budget:

● Handheld games consoles (PSP, GP2X)● Set top boxes/routers (Dreambox, Linksys routers)

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Get your build environment together● Toolchain


– Binutils (ar, as, ld, objdump, objcopy, readelf)

– Debugger● If the target system has in circuit debugging ability● GDB● Interface from GDB to target

– OpenOCD for JTAG, BDM patches for FreeScale MCUs

● Above will have “arch-binaryformat-” prefix– E.G. arm-elf-gcc, m68k-linux-objdump

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Test the tool chain● If system doesn't come with Linux on it already,

best to start with some bare board code– C run time (assembly code to prepare CPU

configuration and stack to run C code, then call main())

– Linker script● Tells code what memory address it will be running from,

so function calls are compiled to JMP instructions to the correct addresses

– Makefile● Sets compile/linker commands to use the cross compiling

tool chain, passes linker script to linker

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Memory management● Process memory map on typical Linux system

with an MMU:





Dynamic memory


Stack0xC0000000Kernel .text

Kernel .dataKernel .bss

Kernel dynamic memoryHardware access ranges

Physical memory

Page table

Linear mapping

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Memory Management

● Process memory map created by default linker script, included with tool chain

● When building “Bare board” code, or an operating system kernel, need to specify custom linker script

● Script specifies where code is in output file (ELF) and what address it will be at when MMU is enabled and page tables configured

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Lack of memory management● Low end micro controllers often don't have

memory management units– Less complexity in silicon

● Cheaper● Lower power consumption

● Simpler for writing bare board software from scratch

● Not so easy for running Linux– No virtual memory addresses

● Processes can't all have the same memory map● Can't “grow” process address space with sbrk()

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Lack of memory management

● Solution: uCLinux– All processes loaded to different physical addresses

● New binary format (FLAT) to handle this

– Different memory allocator● No brk()/sbrk() system call● Power of 2

– No fork() system call● Can't duplicate process memory map because physical

addresses must all be different● Forces application modification to use vfork()

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Benefits of no MMU● Cheaper development tool setup

– Was developing a Linux driver on a v4 Coldfire board (with MMU) at work

– Tried to debug kernel with m68k-linux-bdm-gdb

– GDB has no concept of virtual addresses● Written to debug user mode processes

– As soon as GDB tried to read a kernel variable at a virtual address – Bus error

● Wasn't translating virtual address to physical address

– Never had a problem on previous board (with no MMU) because virtual address=physical address

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Benefits of no MMU● Used one of these:

Lauterbauch Trace32

● Could have used KGDB– Architecture specific code needs porting

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Getting the code onto the target

● Plug and prey– Can take a few goes to get right

– Becomes tiresome trying out changes

● Program the flash/RAM in target– Requires either:

● Boot loader/monitor preprogrammed into boot ROM– Not likely on a retail product

● Debug interface hardware and connector on target– This can be very slow with cheaper debug interface– Very very slow for programming flash in target

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Getting code onto the Juicebox● The S3C44B0X has JTAG interface, connector pads

are present on JB board

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Joint Test Action Group overview● Serial data In, Out and Clock lines allow data bits to be

clocked in and out of the Test Access Port (TAP) on the device

● TMS controls state machine in TAP

● Devices may be chained:

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Joint Test Action Group overview● Serial bits clocked in control device pins through a

path of cells known as the Boundary Scan Register:

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Joint Test Action Group overview● Toggling TMS signal cycles TAP through a

state machine● This allows the device pins to be set to the data

clocked in via TDI● Or to capture the device pin state and clock it

out via TDO● Control of the pins on the device give control of

the device itself, and RAM/flash connected to the device

● So JTAG can be used to program memory in target

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The JTAG Wiggler● Macraigor is a company making hardware and

software for embedded development● They created the standard “Wiggler” design for

connecting PC to target via JTAG:

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The JTAG Wiggler● Everyone soon realised the Wiggler is just a

buffer chip on the end of a parallel cable● Olimex clone:

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The JTAG Wiggler

● Home made version:

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It doesn't work- now what?

● Systematic approach● Start at one end (I.E. Bottom of hardware/ top

of software) and work to the other● The JTAG connection to the Juicebox wouldn't

work– Started with the software

● Check permissions – retry as root● Check parport_pc kernel module not loaded, interferes

with direct port access

– Then moved down to parallel port setup in BIOS

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Juicebox JTAG not working● Then checked cable wired correctly – ensure

board schematic drawn with same connector gender as actually used

● Then checked the schematic:

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Juicebox JTAG not working

● Result: schematic incorrect● Amendments made to the website where I

copied it from 5 days later● Used that schematic because it was in Eagle

CAD format● Moral of the story

– The less work you do yourself, the more susceptible you are to mistakes made by others doing the work for you

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Getting Linux running on a target system

● Retail gadgets– Usually some kind of kludge/hack to get own code


– Boot loader often runs checksum calculation over a range of the code

– Games consoles/handhelds● Generally require a massive exploit to be found before

any progress is made

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Getting uCLinux running on the Juice Box

● Can run home brew code relatively easy– Can download binary to RAM/flash using Jtager

– Can download ELF using GDB+OpenOCD

● Running code from a fresh boot, not so easy– Need to steal first 512 bytes from a “Juiceware”

video cartridge and patch with some hex to add a branch instruction to the custom code

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Getting uCLinux running on the Juice Box

● Not actually done this yet● Have built a “cartridge” to interface some

programmable NAND flash to the S3C44B0X:

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Getting uCLinux running on the Juice Box

● Downloading even a minimal Kernel to RAM or flash over JTAG takes forever– Have built the kernel to run from RAM as configured

by Emsoft

– Will write this to flash once

● Currently crafting a boot loader to prepare the CPU, then dump the kernel from flash to RAM and run it