
Reflective Essay (500 word limit USQ MBA pre-assignment test, 5 marks in final grade)This happened while I was working as a telesales specialist at a well-known company. I was close with only 1 person there; the lady who trained me while I was a rookie. One day, I noticed on a report that she was one sale short from hitting her target. It was the last day of the month to achieve our targets and she was on leave, so I called her up and said Id make the sale for her. She was reluctant at first as it would be an offence to log onto her pc and register the sale when she wasnt actually there, but I told her I could handle it and got her login details. I was eager to repay her kindness and I knew she could use the money since she had 2 kids. So I went back to work, registered my next sale under her name and gained a great feeling from helping a friend in need. About a month later, she was called in for a surprise meeting. When she came back out, she looked at me and said they want to see you now, its about what we did and I think Im fired. Ive taken all the blame and asked you be spared, Im sorry. I was utterly devastated. She was the best person there and was the only one who helped unconditionally. And I got her fired! I walked in our bosss office and got suspended for 2 weeks without pay and had to come back for a disciplinary hearing. My mentor got the same conditions and declined to attend the hearing so she was fired on the spot. I attended the hearing, spoke my case and got fired anyway. I could see why it was important to be so strict with such matters. We handled sensitive information like credit card numbers, so we shouldnt be logging into someone elses pc. Nevertheless, I believed my intentions would set things straight. After all I was only doing something that we practiced almost every day, which is sharing our sales and helping each other. The only difference was that I helped my mentor when she wasnt actually at work. Did I commit an offence? Maybe, but was any harm done? Definitely not! All I was trying to do was help her overcome some financial strains. It perplexed me that this objective had led to our termination. If Id known our jobs were on the line, I would have probably listened to my mentors early warnings. I may not have even offered to help in the first place. I decided to bend the rules because I believed my heart was in the right place. I knew it was risky and thought we might get a scolding but Ive been working since I was 17, and my experiences led me to believe that we wouldnt be seriously reprimanded. Though we are both working with larger firms now and earning better than before, I will tread more carefully and approach higher management openly with future ideas before committing to anything. Even though I failed in helping, maybe it was for the best.