Page 1: Using the Design Cycle to Create Interdisciplinary Project-based STEM Simulations

Using the Design Cycle

to Create



STEM Simulations

by Angela DeHart

Page 2: Using the Design Cycle to Create Interdisciplinary Project-based STEM Simulations

What if the FACS, math

and science departments

used the design cycle to

reinforce the STEM concepts

embedded in their subject matter?


Cycle Scientific Method Engineering Cycle

Identify the

problem Ask a question

Identify the


Page 3: Using the Design Cycle to Create Interdisciplinary Project-based STEM Simulations

Chapter 1

The History of Home Economics Design

Cycle Scientific Method Engineering Cycle

Investigate Research Research

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*identifying of the connection between

infectious disease and human waste

*the invention & construction of city-

wide sewer system

*the invention of indoor plumbing

*significant reduction of overall death rate

*better nutrition

*child care

*clean drinking water

*better hygiene practices

Home Economics related Problems in the late 1800’s early 1900’s


*smell of living near cesspits and

primitive outhouses

*spread of deadly infectious diseases

such as typhoid fever, cholera,

malaria, and polio

*reduced life expectancy

*poor nutrition

*poor child care

*inadequate hygiene

*clean water

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The most prominent female

American chemist of the

19th century, Ellen H.

Swallow Richards (1842–

1911) was a pioneer in

sanitary engineering and a

founder of home

economics in the United


She was first to suggest

that public water be treated

with chlorine.

Ellen H. Swallow Richards

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Ellen H. Swallow Richards

At Vassar she was attracted to

astronomy and chemistry. Upon

graduation she applied for positions

with various industrial chemists, but

was turned down in all cases. At the

suggestion of one of these chemists,

however, she applied and was

accepted as a special student at the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

making her the first woman in America

to be accepted by a scientific school.

Three years later she received a second

bachelor’s degree—a B.S. from MIT—

as well as a master’s degree from

Vassar, to which she had submitted a

thesis on the chemical analysis of an

iron ore. She then continued at MIT

with hopes of earning a doctorate, but

MIT was not to award its first

doctorate to a woman until 1886.

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Ellen H. Swallow Richards

In 1875 she married Robert Hallowell

Richards, chairman of the MIT’s mining

engineering department. Supported in

her ambitions by her husband, Richards

volunteered her services as well as

$1,000 annually to further women’s

scientific education at MIT. Through her

efforts, the Women’s Laboratory was

established in 1876, and in 1879 she was

recognized as an assistant instructor,

without pay, for teaching the curriculum

in chemical analysis, industrial

chemistry, mineralogy, and applied

biology. The laboratory was closed in

1883 after MIT began awarding

undergraduate degrees to women on a

regular basis and there was no more

need for a special track

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Ellen H. Swallow Richards

In 1884 Mrs. Richards was appointed

instructor in Sanitary Chemistry at the

Institute of Technology, a position which

she held [until…] her death. For many

years she directed the entire instruction in

the chemistry of air, water and foods, for

chemists, biologists and sanitary


She also maintained an extensive private

practice in sanitary chemistry for many

years and acted in an advisory capacity for

a very large number of public and private

institutions. Her publications relating to

sanitation [were] numerous and varied,

and she maintained active membership in,

and participated in the meetings of local

and national societies dealing with water

supplies and public health problems.

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Ellen H. Swallow Richards Beginning in 1899, Richards, along

with Melvil Dewey and other

educators and activists, organized a

series of annual gatherings that

became known as the Lake Placid

Conferences, because the first of

these, and several of the later ones,

was held at Lake Placid, New York.

Out of these conferences, a

movement took shape that slowly

defined itself and began pursuing

specific goals. At the first conference,

participants agreed on the term

"home economics," which was held

to be sufficiently broad to cover a

wide range of concerns, and they

began energetic and successful efforts

to promote the teaching of home

economics in secondary schools and

in colleges and universities.

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Home Economics

*entry into higher education (excluded prior to 1848)

*job previously reserved for men

*gained managerial positions (i.e. college professor)

*became speakers for women’s issues (Women’s rights, 19th Amendment)

*held government positions

Offered women

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Page 12: Using the Design Cycle to Create Interdisciplinary Project-based STEM Simulations

Chapter 2

Opportunities for FACS Today Design Cycle


Method Engineering Cycle

Design/plan a


Construct a


Develop possible


Page 13: Using the Design Cycle to Create Interdisciplinary Project-based STEM Simulations

Summer Camp Sparks Teenage Girls’ Interest

in STEM Careers

Article about Black women in STEM

(see bibliography)

Article about Women in Nontraditional Roles

(see bibiography)

Danica McKeller Mathematician &

Actress Honored by British Journal of Physics

Mayim Bialik PhD in Neuroscience

Author & Actress

Sally Kristen Ride was an American physicist and astronaut. Ride joined NASA in 1978 and became the first American woman in


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Home Economics related Problems in Today’s Society


*spread of deadly infectious diseases………..In 2013 only 2 of the 8 laboratory-confirmed bacterial

such as norovirus, salmonella, infections in the US decreased. The rest remained at

staphylococcus, E.coli 0156:H7, or above their previous level

and listeria

*reduced life expectancy due to poor…………In 2012 Japan, France, Switzerland and Sweden all

nutrition and lack of exercise longer life expectancy rate than Americans (+3)

*Type 2 diabetes, especially in children………in 2012 cost the healthcare system 245 billion

*obesity………………………………………..if current trajectories continue by 2030 13 states

could have obesity rates above 60%

*nonfatal injuries to children under 5 is………use of cell phones has parents distracted

on the rise

*clean water……………………………..……..sewer system built in the 1800, early 1900’s. It is

old and in need of repair

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FACS Course Curriculum

Home Economics related Problems in today’s society


*spread of deadly infectious diseases…………Life Planning

such as norovirus, salmonella, …………Culinary Arts 1, 2

staphylococcus, E.coli H-0157, and …………Fitness & Food


*reduced life expectancy due to poor………….Life Planning

nutrition and lack of exercise ………….Fitness & Foods

*obesity .................FACS 6th , 7th , 8th grades

*Type 2 diabetes, especially in children……….Child Development and Parenting

*nonfatal injuries to children under 5 is……….Early Childhood Careers 1, 2

on the rise

*clean water

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Home Economics related Problems

Today’s Problems

*spread of deadly infectious diseases

such as norovirus, salmonella,

staphylococcus, E.coli H-0157, and


*reduced life expectancy due to poor

nutrition and lack of exercise; obesity;

Type 2 diabetes

*nonfatal injuries to children under

5 is on the rise

*clean water

Problems in 1800’s

*spread of deadly infectious diseases

such as typhoid fever, cholera,

malaria, and polio

*reduced life expectancy due to poor

nutrition, inadequate hygiene and

unsanitary living conditions

*poor child care

*clean water

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-Jean Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

"plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose" "the more things change, the more they stay the same"

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

-Albert Einstein

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

-Albert Einstein

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Chapter 3

Transform the Classroom Design Cycle


Method Engineering Cycle

Create the


Test your




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Home Economics related Problems in today’s society


*spread of deadly infectious diseases

such as norovirus, salmonella,

staphylococcus, E.coli H-0157, and


*reduced life expectancy due to poor

nutrition and lack of exercise

*Type 2 diabetes, especially in children


*nonfatal injuries to children under 5 is

on the rise

*clean water

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:Collaboration & Community Service

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:Collaboration & Community Service

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:Collaboration & Community Service

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:Collaboration & Community Service

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:Collaboration & Community Service

Design Cycle Scientific

Method Engineering Cycle

Evaluate the


Report your



the solutions

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Design Cycle Scientific

Method Engineering Cycle

Evaluate the


Report your



the solutions

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Benefits of PBL


Projected Career Potential :

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Benefits of PBL


Projected Career Potential :

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Benefits of PBL


Projected Career Potential :

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Benefits of PBL


Projected Career Potential :

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Benefits of PBL


Projected Career Potential :

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Page 35: Using the Design Cycle to Create Interdisciplinary Project-based STEM Simulations

Benefits of PBL


Projected Career Potential :

Design Cycle Scientific

Method Engineering Cycle

Evaluate the


Report your



the solutions

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Benefits of PBL


Projected Career Potential :

-STEMbassador program is being developed


-Re-evaluating STEMology class

-Joined NSTA, going to seminar in October

-Added more technology to class


Design Cycle Scientific

Method Engineering Cycle

Evaluate the



your data

and draw a



Page 37: Using the Design Cycle to Create Interdisciplinary Project-based STEM Simulations

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 5,700 cases occur

annually. Most cases (up to 75%) are acquired while traveling internationally. Typhoid fever is still common in the developing world, where it affects about 21.5

million persons each year.

How is typhoid fever spread?

Salmonella Typhi lives only in humans. Persons with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract. In addition, a small number of persons,

called carriers, recover from typhoid fever but continue to carry the bacteria. Both ill persons and carriers shed SalmonellaTyphi in their feces (stool).

You can get typhoid fever if you eat food or drink beverages that have been handled by a person who is shedding Salmonella Typhi or if sewage

contaminated with Salmonella Typhi bacteria gets into the water you use for drinking or washing food. Therefore, typhoid fever is more common in areas of

the world where handwashing is less frequent and water is likely to be contaminated with sewage.

Once Salmonella Typhi bacteria are eaten or drunk, they multiply and spread into the bloodstream. The body reacts with fever and other signs and symptoms.

Where in the world do you get typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever is common in most parts of the world except in industrialized regions such as the United States, Canada, western Europe, Australia, and Japan.

Therefore, if you are traveling to the developing world, you should consider taking precautions. Over the past 10 years, travelers from the United States to Asia,

Africa, and Latin America have been especially at risk.

How can you avoid typhoid fever?

Two basic actions can protect you from typhoid fever:

Avoid risky foods and drinks.

Get vaccinated against typhoid fever. (NOTE: Increasing resistance to available antimicrobial agents)

It may surprise you, but watching what you eat and drink when you travel is as important as being vaccinated. This is because the vaccines are not completely

effective. Avoiding risky foods will also help protect you from other illnesses, including travelers' diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and hepatitis A.

"Boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it"

-If you drink water, buy it bottled or bring it to a rolling boil for 1 minute before you drink it. Bottled carbonated water is safer than uncarbonated water.

-Ask for drinks without ice unless the ice is made from bottled or boiled water. Avoid popsicles and flavored ices that may have been made with contaminated water.

-Eat foods that have been thoroughly cooked and that are still hot and steaming.

-Avoid raw vegetables and fruits that cannot be peeled. Vegetables like lettuce are easily contaminated and are very hard to wash well.

-When you eat raw fruit or vegetables that can be peeled, peel them yourself. (Wash your hands with soap first.) Do not eat the peelings.

-Avoid foods and beverages from street vendors. It is difficult for food to be kept clean on the street, and many travelers get sick from food bought from street


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Cholera What is Cholera?

Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. An estimated 3-5

million cases and over 100,000 deaths occur each year around the world. The infection is often mild or without symptoms, but

can sometimes be severe. Approximately one in 20 (5%) infected persons will have severe disease characterized by profuse

watery diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. In these people, rapid loss of body fluids leads to dehydration and shock. Without

treatment, death can occur within hours.

Where is Cholera found?

The cholera bacterium is usually found in water or food sources that have been contaminated by feces (poop) from a person infected with cholera. Cholera is most likely to be found and spread in places with inadequate water treatment, poor sanitation, and inadequate hygiene. The cholera bacterium may also live in the environment in brackish rivers and coastal waters. Shellfish eaten raw have been a source of cholera, and a few persons in the U.S. have contracted cholera after eating raw or undercooked shellfish from the Gulf of Mexico.

How Does a Person Get Cholera?

A person can get cholera by drinking water or eating food contaminated with the cholera bacterium. In an epidemic, the source

of the contamination is usually the feces of an infected person that contaminates water and/or food. The disease can spread

rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water. The disease is not likely to spread directly from one

person to another; therefore, casual contact with an infected person is not a risk for becoming ill.

Who is Most Likely to Get Cholera?

Individuals living in places with inadequate water treatment, poor sanitation, and inadequate hygiene are at a greater risk for


What are the Symptoms of Cholera?

Cholera infection is often mild or without symptoms, but can sometimes be severe. Approximately one in 20 (5%) infected persons

will have severe disease characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. In these people, rapid loss of body

fluids leads to dehydration and shock. Without treatment, death can occur within hours.

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Malaria Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by a parasite that commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans. People who get

malaria are typically very sick with high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like illness. Although malaria can be a deadly disease, illness and death from malaria can

usually be prevented.

About 1,500 cases of malaria are diagnosed in the United States each year. The vast majority of cases in the United States are in travelers and immigrants

returning from countries where malaria transmission occurs, many from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

In 2012, an estimated 627,000 people died of malaria—most were young children in sub-Saharan Africa.

Malaria in the United States

Malaria was eliminated from the United States in the early 1950's.

Approximately 1,500–2,000 cases of malaria are reported every year in the United States, almost all in recent travelers. Reported malaria cases reached a

40-year high of 1,925 in 2011.

First- and second-generation immigrants from malaria-endemic countries returning to their "home" countries to visit friends and relatives tend not to use

appropriate malaria prevention measures and thus are more likely to become infected with malaria.

Between 1957 and 2011, in the United States, 63 outbreaks of locally transmitted mosquito-borne malaria have occurred; in such outbreaks, local mosquitoes

become infected by biting persons carrying malaria parasites (acquired in endemic areas) and then transmit malaria to local residents.

Of the species of Anopheles mosquitoes found in the United States, the three species that were responsible for malaria transmission prior to elimination

(Anopheles quadrimaculatus in the east, An. freeborni in the west, and An. pseudopunctipennis along the U.S./Mexico border) are still prevalent; thus there is

a constant risk that malaria could be reintroduced in the United States.

During 1963-2011, 97 cases of transfusion-transmitted malaria were reported in the United States; approximately two thirds of these cases could have been

prevented if the implicated donors had been deferred according to established guidelines.

Malaria Worldwide

3.4 billion people live in areas at risk of malaria transmission in 106 countries and territories. The World Health Organization estimates that in 2012 malaria

caused 207 million clinical episodes, and 627,000 deaths. An estimated 91% of deaths in 2010 were in the African Region.

Other Facts

Four times, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded for work associated with malaria: to Sir Ronald Ross (1902), Charles Louis

Alphonse Laveran (1907), Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1927), and Paul Hermann Müller (1948).

Two important currently used antimalarial drugs are derived from plants whose medicinal values had been noted for centuries: artemisinin from the

Qinghaosu plant (Artemisia annua, China, 4th century) and quinine from the cinchona tree (Cinchona spp., South America, 17th century).

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Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal

infectious disease. There is no cure, but there

are safe and effective vaccines. Therefore, the

strategy to eradicate polio is based on

preventing infection by immunizing every

child to stop transmission and ultimately make

the world polio free.

Polio spreads from person to person invading the brain and spinal cord and causing paralysis (inability to move). Because polio

has no cure, vaccination is the best way to protect people and is the only way to stop the disease from spreading. The spread of

polio has never stopped in Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan. After the spread of the polio virus had previously been stopped, it

has been reintroduced and continues to spread in the Horn of Africa, Cameroon, and Syria.

CDC and its international partners have made significant progress over the past 26 years. The number of worldwide polio

cases has fallen from an estimated 350,000 in 1988 to 407 in 2013—a decline of more than 99% in reported cases.

Four regions of the world are certified polio free—the Americas, Europe, South East Asia and the Western Pacific. Only three

polio-endemic countries (countries that have never interrupted the transmission of wild poliovirus) remain—Afghanistan,

Nigeria, and Pakistan.

January 13, 2014 marked three years since a child was paralyzed by wild poliovirus in India. The country was once

considered the most complex challenge to achieving global polio eradication. On March 27, 2014, the country of India, along

with the other 10 countries in the WHO South East Asia Region, was certified polio-free.

80% of the world’s people now live in polio-free areas.

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Sanitation/Water/Sewer System


Women in STEM

Women and Nontraditional Fields: A Comprehensive Review

By Roofia Galeshi


Today’s FACS Related Problems

Drinking Water

Class Survey
