
Using Energy SustainablyPresented by the Green Campus Program:Tonya Bobbitt and Michel’le Jones


What is the Green Campus Program? The Green Campus Program is coordinated by the nonprofit

Alliance to Save Energy, and sponsored by Southern California Edison, Sempra Energy, PG&E, and the Alliance to Save Energy.

CSUSB GCP currently has five student interns: Michel’le and Tonya

The Green Campus Program is a student-driven energy efficiency education program that promotes careers in the field, generates actual energy savings, increases awareness of the importance of energy efficiency, and encourages academic infusion of sustainability concepts.


Is there really a problem with all the electricity we use? YES!!! Almost half of the electricity made in the

United States is made by burning coal Coal is an air pollutant, putting out sulfur

dioxide, carbon dioxide along with several other pollutants- not to mention the way that coal is mined is extremely intrusive.

By simply reducing the amount of energy used, you will conserve non-renewable resources that are currently used to make energy.

Source: US Department of Energy


So what coal is about half of our energy? We live in California, and we don’t burn coal

In 2008, ONLY 13.5% of California’s energy came from renewable resources (solar, wind, etc.). The other 86.5% are listed to the left, all with serious consequences, not to mention many of these resources will run out!!


Where Does Southern California get Energy?

Source Percentage

Natural Gas 54%

Nuclear 17%

Renewables 16%

Coal 7%

Large Hydro 5%

Other 1%

Source: SCE


Ok, so I need to save energy! But how can one person do this?Easy! There are simple steps to

not just save energy such as turning off lights, but hundreds of ways to save energy with every day things:


Unplug Appliances when not in use


Wash your laundry in cold- heating up the water is 90% of energy usage


Hang your laundry to dry


Switch over to CFL’s or LED’s


Insulate your home


Set thermostats to the highest/lowest temps (depending on the season of course!)


Turn on power-saving features on your computer


Take shorter showers and replace water wasting faucets and shower heads


I’ve heard about all these ideas before, but will my life be different? Some ways yes, some no. Obviously if you hang

dry your laundry, you’ll have to think ahead when to wash you clothes, but other ideas just make sense to do.

CFLs- by now, you should know that converting energy makes heat. Ever touch an incandescent light bulb? They are hot as a result of inefficiently converting electricity to light.

Unplug your appliances when not in use or turn off the power strip it is connected to- the only thing this will change is your energy bill!

Just turn off your lights when you aren’t using them. If your not in the room, why do you need the light?


OK, you have convinced me, what can I do to prove it?Take the Green Campus’s Energy Sustainability Pledge!! www.csusbgreencampus.comCheck out the Green Shadow Project for great opportunities to check out green jobs

Get involved- Green Campus will be offering for credit internships next quarter

Green Campus will also be hiring at the end of Spring quarter!


Thank YOU!! Any Questions?? Feel free to contact Green Campus if

you have ideas on projects, questions, or if you just want to get involved!

Contact us at:(909)537-3133      [email protected]://