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Auto Scaling Spot Instances with Custom CloudWatch Metrics

AWS Singapore User Group

Chris DrumgooleHead, Product Management

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• Quick overview of VSocial• Infrastructure Scaling Needs• Overview of EC2 Auto Scaling with AWS

– Scaling from CloudWatch

• Configuring Auto Scaling Launch Configs, Groups, and Policies

• Creating your own CloudWatch Metric• Bringing it all together

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VSocial Overview

• “Social Media Enterprise Command Center”

• Core Features:– Social CRM– Social Media Community Management

• Community Managers use tool to manage FB and TW communities

• Tool helps manage conversations from multiple Social Media accounts

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A glance at the infrastructure…

Public Visitors

Data Pull

Data Pull

Data Pull

Data Pull

Load Balancer

Front-End Application Server Cluster

Database Cluster


Data Pull

Data Pull

This needs to scale!

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Infrastructure Scaling Needs

• Timely Conversation Data Pulls from Social Networks

• Data Pull Processes can take longer due to:– Increased activity on channel (more tweets or FB

Messages)– Network Latency

• Slowdowns will cascade across all requests


Way to automatically adjust compute resources when needed based on real-time performance data,


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Introducing Auto Scaling (EC2)

• AWS allows two types of Auto Scaling:– Minimal Configuration and Management directly from a

CloudWatch Alarm– More advanced via SDK

• AWS Supports auto scaling On-Demand or Spot Instances, depending on needs

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Spot Instances vs. On Demand Instances• Bidding System• Considerably cheaper than On Demand*

– Micro Instances:• On Demand Pricing @ $0.02/hr ~$14.40/mth• Spot Pricing @ >$0.004/hr ~$2.88/mth

– Small Instances:• On Demand Pricing @ $0.08/hr ~$57.60/mth• Spot Pricing @ >$0.01/hr ~$7.20/mth

• Spot Instances not guaranteed• Great for non-mission critical tasks

* All prices in USD for resources in the Asia Pacific Singapore Region

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Spot Instances and Our Needs

• We need to be able to scale up data pull instances so we can keep up with volume (and mitigate slowdowns)

• It’s ok if the machine are taken away from us, we’ll just request more.

• Cost Savings is essential

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AWS-Managed Scaling with CloudWatch

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Configuring Auto Scaling

Before you can finish setting up the CloudWatch Auto Scaling, you need to follow these steps:

1. Install the AWS CLI tools on your trusty Linux box2. Create an Auto Scaling Launch Config3. Create an Auto Scaling Group4. Create Scale Out (Up) and In (Down) Policies

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Configuring Auto Scaling:Launch Configurations

Defines the type of Instance to create

• Create an AMI• Launch Config links to

an AMI• Define Instance Type• Define max bid price

(in USD, /hr)• Turn off Monitoring!

$as-create-launch-config \MyLaunchConfigName \--image-id ami-

123ab456 \--instance-type t1.micro

\--spot-price 0.025 \--key our_key_name \--monitoring-disabled

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Configuring Auto Scaling:Scaling Groups• Create a Load

Balancer to “hold” these launch configs

• State what AZ zones you want these to be launched in

• # Instances Lower and Upper bounds

• Meta Configuration• Link to the Launch


$as-create-auto-scaling-group \MyASGroupName \--availability-zones ap-

southeast-1a,ap-southeast-1b \--default-cooldown 120 \--load-balancers

VSocialCrons \--min-size 1 \--max-size 45 \--tag="k=Name, v=SQS-

Processor, p=true" \--launch-configuration MyLaunchConfigName

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Configuring Auto Scaling:Policies• Need both Up and

Down policies• Link to the Auto

Scaling Group• Define whether it’s an

addition or subtraction for “adjustment”

$as-put-scaling-policy \MyPolicyName-add1 \--auto-scaling-group

MyASGroupName \--adjustment=1 \--type

ChangeInCapacity \--cooldown 300

$as-put-scaling-policy \MyPolicyName-del1 \--auto-scaling-group

MyASGroupName \--adjustment=-1 \--type

ChangeInCapacity \--cooldown 600

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• Now you’re ready to configure your CloudWatch Alarms to utilize the auto scaling configuration!

• But wait…

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We need a custom metric!

• We want to decide to scale based on something that there isn’t yet a built-in metric

• Decide Scaling at Arbitrary Levels

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Creating a CloudWatch Custom Metric• Caveats:

– Custom Metrics can be stored as frequent as every 5 minutes

– After a while old data will be truncated

• Steps– Install the AWS SDK for your favorite language– Write simple script to calculate and store metric– Schedule script by cron

• Code Sections:– Set Up– Metric Data Pulls– Store New Metric

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Custom Metric Code – Set Up

// Constantsdefine("CW_NAMESPACE", "Vocanic/VSocial");define("CW_MONITORING_AWS_KEY_ID", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");define("CW_MONITORING_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"); // Includesinclude '/usr/lib/php5/amazon/sdk-';  // Configure options for CloudWatch object$options = array();$options["key"] = CW_MONITORING_AWS_KEY_ID; $options["secret"] = CW_MONITORING_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY; // Set up Amazon Objects$cw = new AmazonCloudWatch($options);$cw->set_region(AmazonCloudWatch::REGION_SINGAPORE);

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Custom Metric Code – Define Time Bounds // Define time bounds for pulling metric data// We're only interested in the most recent metric// These particular metrics are stored every 5 minutes)$endTime = time(); // Store current unix time in end time

variable$startTime = $endTime - 599; // Subtract 1 second less than

10 minutes $endTime = date("j F Y H:i", $endTime);$startTime = date("j F Y H:i", $startTime);

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Custom Metric Code – Pull Metric Values// Get Num Deleted Metric$NumberOfMessagesDeletedMetric = $cw->get_metric_statistics(

'AWS/SQS', // CloudWatch Namespace of Metric'NumberOfMessagesDeleted', // Name of Metric$startTime, $endTime, // Timestamp bounds for pulling set

of metrics60, // Attempt to get a number every 60 seconds, but in

reality, it's every 5 min'Sum', // Statistics: Get Sum value'Count', // Unit: Get a count of the values array('Dimensions' => array(array('Name' =>'QueueName',

'Value' => 'My_SQS_Queue_Name')))// Define which SQS Queue you want this metric for);

$NumberOfMessagesDeleted = $NumberOfMessagesDeletedMetric->body-

>GetMetricStatisticsResult->Datapoints[0]->member->Sum;*Repeat for Number Sent Metric

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Custom Metric Code – Store New Metric// Get Timestamp for storing in our custom metric so that timing can match up$TimeStamp = $NumberOfMessagesSentMetric->body->GetMetricStatisticsResult->Datapoints[0]->member->Timestamp; // Get Difference of Sent versus Deleted$SentVSDeleted = $NumberOfMessagesSent - $NumberOfMessagesDeleted;  // Send metric to CloudWatch$response = $cw->put_metric_data(CW_NAMESPACE, array(

array('MetricName' =>

'DataPullQueueSentvsDel','Timestamp' => $TimeStamp,'Value' =>


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AWS CloudWatch Custom Metric

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Custom Metric in Practice

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Scaling Deciding Factors

• For each scaling policy, you need to creating a specific policy from the CLI– Queue Delta >100 for 5 min, Add 1 Instance– Queue Delta >350 for 5 min, Add 2 Instances– Queue Delta >1000 for 5 min, Add 4 Instance– Queue Delta < 10 for 60 minutes, Remove 1 Instance

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When Alarms are hit, Auto Scale Out policy is triggered, instances are created

Danger!Queue Delta > 1000!!

4 Instances Created


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• Questions?
