Page 1: User Note 24 - · 1. Creating a new report or template (from either Schedule New Reports or

Reports User Note 24 Conceptual overview of the SIRSI report module In working with SIRSI reports, there are four required steps that you must complete before you will actually see a completed report on paper. These steps are:

1. Creating a new report or template (from either Schedule New Reports or Scheduled Reports)

2. Scheduling a copy of the report to run 3. Processing a report through the Report Server 4. Viewing, emailing or printing the report results (from

Finished Reports) Step #1 only needs to be performed once for each new report. Step #2 can be automated such that the system handles the execution of the report for you at time intervals that you specify, or you can manually schedule the report to run. Step #3 is performed for you by the SIRSI software. Step #4 is usually invoked manually by the user.

Schedule New Reports Use this step to: • Create or modify a report • Make a copy of a report and run it • Remove a specific report

Report Server When you schedule a report, the system makes a copy of the report, and sends it to the Report Server. After the Report Server processes the report, the results are placed on the Finished Reports list.

Scheduled Reports Use this step to: • Create or modify a report • Schedule an automatic report • Remove a specific report

Finished Reports Use this step to: • View the report results • Print the report results • Email the report results • Remove old reports

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Reports are grouped in the Unicorn report module. Each user has access to a specified set of reports associated with their rights and privileges. You can only schedule reports from groups defined by your User Access policy level. Report Types: All Unicorn reports fall into the following report types: Count: Count type reports answer the question “how many meet this criteria?” Examples of this type of report are Count Bills, Count Charges, and Count Items. Import/Export Import/export type reports batch load new information to the Unicorn system or extract Unicorn information for use by an external system. Examples of this type of report are Load Bibliographic Records and Load Authority Records. Label Label type reports produce information in a format used for printing labels. Examples of this type of report are Vendor Address Labels and Added Item Labels. List List type reports answer the question “which ones meet this criteria?” Most reports are based on a list report with selections and formatting decisions. Examples of the list type of report are List Users, List Items, and List Order Line Items. Maintenance Maintenance type reports make changes to existing information in the Unicorn system. Examples of this type of report are the Add, Delete, Update Databases report, and the Reorganize and Rebuild reports. Notice Notice type reports answer the question “Who needs what information sent to them?” Examples of this type of report are Vendor Acquisition Claims, User Announcement, and Overdue. Remove Remove type reports permanently remove information from the Unicorn system. Caution is advised when running reports of this type. In many cases, these reports are password protected. Examples of the remove type are Remove Users and Remove Bills.

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Statistics Statistics type reports produce tables of statistical information from the Unicorn system. Examples of the statistics type include Average Price of Books, List User Department, and Birthyear. Report Groups: The following list includes report groups available to various levels of library staff:

1. Acquisition Acquisitions reports can produce information about ordering, invoicing, and fundung and vendors. The Acquisition reports accomplish the following tasks:

Count or list orders, invoices, vendors, or funds 1. Roll over financial information from one fiscal year to another 2. Print purchase orders Send notices to vendors for claiming

2. Administration

Administration group reports are used primarily by the Unicorn system administrator and are related to the operation of your system. The Administration reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Load new or revised user files 2. Track system activity 3. Load circulation transactions collected while the system was unavailable (Standalone workstation transactions)

3. Authority

Authority is used to maintain subject and name headings consistency in the bibliographic data. The Authority reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Load new or updated authority records 2. Index additions, deletions, and modifications of the authority

data/thesauri 3. Count and list selected authority records 4. List bibliographic records with unauthorized headings

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4. Bibliographic Bibliographic reports allow access to your catalog in a report format. Bibliographic reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Create subject bibliographies 2. Count, list and get statistics 3. Print spine labels 4. Make global changes 5. Manage discarded items, and identify duplications and errors in the data

6. Circulation Circulation group reports provide information about the circulation of library materials to users, in addition to providing a means for notification and billing. These reports are closely related to the User group reports. The Circulation reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Count, list, and produce statistical information about item charges, bills and holds 2. List users with charges, bills and holds 3. Produce notices to mail to users with holds, bills, and charges 4. Update and remove bills and holds 5. Print circulation tables

7. Gateway

Gateway group reports allow you to monitor and modify the gateways used in the OPAC manager. The Gateway reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Update gateways in batch to include/exclude information resources 2. Review activity logs and statistics for each gateway and gateway element

8. Maintenance

Maintenance group reports are often a password-protected group of reports that target specific record modification activities. Maintenance reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Edit item type 2. Edit user characteristics such as birth year, department, user categories, user profile, for selected user records 3. Make maintenance updates after upgrades

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9. MARC Import

MARC Import group reports are used to display, load, and review records that have been imported from a bibliographic utility. The MARC Import reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. List imported MARC records 2. Load all imported bibliographic records

10. Outreach

Outreach provides a mechanism for staff to identify and distribute library materials to users who cannot come to the library. The Outreach reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Count and list outreach user records 2. Print pickup and delivery slips 3. Purge specified outreach users, users’ histories or logs

11. Scanner Scanner reports may be used to inventory library materials. Scanner reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Process portable barcode reader transactions 2. Manage the inventory dates of charged items 3. Set discarded and missing statuses of materials that are not on the shelf between inventories

12. Serial The Serials reports assist in the maintenance of periodical publications. Serial reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Count and list information about checkins, control records, routings, and vendors 2. Manage serials’ receipt and claims

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13. Text Text group reports are used on a regular basis to maintain the accuracy of your text database and associated search indexes. Text reports accomplish the following tasks:

1. Add, delete, update, check, reorganize, and re-index the text catalog 2. Rebuild browse and keyword indexes, headings, and text

14. User User group reports provide information specific to the users of your library. These reports are closely related to the Circulation group reports. The User reports are useful in the following situations:

1. Maintain users’ delinquency status and privilege expiration 2. Count, list, and produce statistical information about your Library’s users 3. Print User ID and address labels 4. Produce general announcement notices to mail to all or selected Users

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Using the Report Module To use reports in Sirsi, you will need to have the icons from the WorkFlows reports toolbar displaying on your screen. The relevant icons are:


Schedule New Reports NEW_REPORTS

Scheduled Reports SCHED_REPORTS

Finished Reports FINISHED_REPORTS If these icons do not display on your WorkFlows screen, use the following procedure to display the reports toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the instructions in User Note 8 to add these icons to a different toolbar; the relevant WorkFlows "wizards" names are listed above to the right of each icon.

1) At the top of the WorkFlows screen, click on the Preference menu.

2) From the drop-down menu that displays, click on Desktop.

3) Click on Toolbar.

4) Click on Display.

5) The Desktop Setup--Config Toolbar window displays (see


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6) From the drop-down Use list, select the reports group by clicking on it once.

7) Now click the OK button at the bottom of the window.

8) The report icons shown above will now display on your toolbar.

Follow the instructions in User Notes 25 through 28 to begin working with Sirsi reports.

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User Note 25 Creating a circulation statistics reports Begin by deciding how often you want to generate circulation statistics for your library. Because Sirsi’s handling of daily statistics is awkward, PTFS recommends that you generate circulation statistics on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. Also think about which circulation-related commands you would like to keep statistics on. Sirsi records the following circulation commands in on-line statistics logs (these logs are the “source data” for any statistics reports that you create): Command Name


Charge Item Part B*

Check out an item to a library patron.

Discharge Item Check-in a returned item. Remove User Delete a patron record from the system. Remove Hold Delete a hold (reserve) that a patron has placed for library

material that was unavailable at the time of the request. Create User

Part B* Register a new patron.

Create Hold Place a hold (reserve) for a patron on material that is not currently available to them.

Renew Item Extend the loan period for material already checked out to patron.

Renew User Part B*

Extend the expiration date on a patron record (“privilege expires” field in the SIRSI patron record).

Use Item Record an in-house circulation. That is, scan the barcodes of materials left on tables and other locations in the library that were not actually checked out to a patron. This allows you to keep a rough count of materials usage in the library.

*Some Sirsi transactions are differentiated by "Part A" and "Part B". Where given the choice, always select "Part B", which represents the successful completion of the indicated operation (i.e. the actual creation of a new patron record with the transaction "Create User Part B"). To create a statistics report in Sirsi, use the following procedure. The example will create a monthly circulation statistics report; you can also create reports for daily or weekly circulation statistics reporting.

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1) Make sure that you have the icons from the WorkFlows reports toolbar displaying on your screen. If these icons are not displaying, see User Note 24 for instructions.

2) To create a new report, click on the Schedule New Reports icon ( ). 3) The system will respond by displaying the Schedule New Reports : Display

Template Reports window (see below).

4) Notice the tabs across the top of this window. In the example above, the tabs

are Templates, Acquisition, Administration, Authority, and >>>. By clicking on that last tab, >>>, you can scroll to the right and see additional tabs for additional report groups. Scroll until you see the STATISTICS tab, and click on it to highlight it.

(Note that different libraries use different groups of reports, so if the specific tabs in these examples do not match the tabs on your WorkFlows screen, that is okay).

5) Look through the list of available statistics reports and click on the one called

statistics, also known as "Transaction Statistics". Click on it to highlight it (it will change color when it is highlighted).

6) Now click the Schedule button at the bottom of the window. 7) The system will now display the Schedule New Reports : Create statistics

window (see below). If you want to give the report a title of your own choosing, delete the default title in the Report name field and substitute your preferred

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title. Otherwise, you can simply accept the default title on the Report name field.

8) Now click on the Selection Criteria tab (see below) to begin setting the report


9) You can now click on the "gadget" icon ( ) to the right of each of the selection fields to see a list of available options. The following table lists recommended settings for the monthly circulation statistics report. All of these selections should be made in the Transaction Selection section at the bottom of the window;

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you may need to scroll down to see that section. Selection fields that are not listed in the following table should be left blank.

Selection Field Recommended Setting Library Select your library name from the list. Station Leave this field blank to select all stations. Transaction date range

Change to 1 month before for both the beginning and ending dates (the final selection will look like this: M-1:ME-1)

Type Select Request/Response Command According to the table at the beginning of this user note,

select what circulation operations you want to report on, and click on each command name that you want to include in this report. For the example, we will use Charge Item Part B, Renew Item, and Use Item.

User access Leave this field blank to select all users. For the example report, the final selections look like this (using New River as the example library):

10) When you are done making your selections, click on the Output Options tab

(see below).

This Output Options tab controls what data elements display on the vertical and horizontal axes of your statistics report. For this example, set the Column selection to l for Item Home Location, and set the Row selection to i for Item Type.

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Remember to use the "gadget" icon ( ) to the right of each of the selection fields to make changes. The indicated selections will produce a report that displays item home locations on the horizontal (column) axis, and item types on the vertical (row) axis.

Item Home Location




11) At this point, you are ready to save the report as a re-usable template. To do

that, click on the Save As Template button at the bottom of the window. 12) The system will take a few seconds to display the Schedule New Reports :

Schedule Confirm window (see below). This means that your new statistics report has been successfully saved as a template that can be run on demand, or scheduled to run automatically by the system.

The steps above have only created the statistics report. Running and printing the report are two separate operations – see User Note 27 and User Note 28 for instructions.

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User Note 26 Creating an overdue notice report Begin by deciding how often you want to generate overdue notices for your library (i.e. daily, weekly, or monthly), and whether or not you will allow a “grace” period between the first day that the material becomes overdue and the date that the 1st overdue notice is sent. Also think about how many total notices you need to generate before you initiate billing for materials that are long overdue. An example pattern for an MCCS library might be:

• 1st notice – sent directly to the patron • 2nd notice – sent to the patron’s unit commander • 3rd notice – billing notice sent to MCCS accounting

To create an overdue notices report use the following procedure. 13) As a first step, determine how you want your library mailing address to appear on

the printed overdue notices. Do this by modifying the address1 field for the Sirsi user record for your library. In order for overdue notices to work, there must be a patron record with a user ID that matches the library holdings code in Sirsi, as per the following table:

Library Holdings Code / User ID Albany ALBANY Barstow BARSTOW Beaufort BEAUFORT Butler BUTLER

Camp Johnson JOHNSON Camp Pendleton PENDLETON

Camp Smith CAMP_SMITH Cherry Point CHERRY_PNT


New River NEW_RIVER Parris Island PARRIS_ISL

29 Palms 29_PALMS San Diego SAN_DIEGO


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2) To edit the library mailing address, select the Modify User function ( ) and follow the instructions in User Note 15. Search by User ID as per the table above.

The key portion of the user record to examine is the address 1 field (on the Addresses tab). The way that you format the library address here is the way that it will print out on your overdue notices, with one exception: the first line of the library address on the overdue notices is drawn from the lastname, firstname field of the user record (found on the Basic tab). This somewhat confusing situation is illustrated below:

First line of the library address is

drawn from this field on the Basic tab

Second and subsequent lines of the

library address are drawn from address1

fields on the Addresses tab

For example, with the address information formatted as above, the printed library mailing address on the overdue notices will look like this:

MCLB Barstow Base Library Building 175 East Barstow, CA 92311

Note that the PHONE line from the address1 block does not display on the overdue notice. If you want the library phone number to

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display, change the label of the PHONE line to either UNIT or LINE (or ZIP if you want it to display as the last line of the address statement). Also note that blank lines from the address1 block are ignored when the overdue notice library address statement is formatted. 3) When you have finished formatting the library address, make sure to click on the

OK button at the bottom of the Modify User window to save your changes.

4) Now click on the Schedule New Reports icon ( ). If this icon is not displaying on your WorkFlows desktop, refer to the instructions in User Note 24 to display it.

5) The system displays the Display Template Reports window (see below). The

Templates tab lists all of the existing reports that are associated with your WorkFlows login ID.

6) Notice the tabs across the top of this window. In the example above, the tabs

are Templates, Bibliographic, Circulation, MARC Import, and >>>. By clicking on that last tab, >>>, you can scroll to the right and see additional tabs (if any) for additional report groups. To create an overdue notices report, click on the Circulation tab.

(Note that different libraries use different groups of reports, so if the specific tabs in these examples do not match the tabs on your WorkFlows screen, that is okay).

7) Look through the list of available statistics reports and click on the one called

noverdue, also known as "New Overdue Notices". Click on it to highlight it (it will change color when it is highlighted).

8) Now click the Schedule button at the bottom of the window. 9) The system will now display the Schedule New Reports : Create noverdue

window (see below). If you want to give the report a title of your own choosing,

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delete the default title in the Report name field and substitute your preferred title. Otherwise, you can simply accept the default title on the Report name field.

10) Now click on the Selection Criteria tab (see below) to begin setting the report


11) You can now click on the "gadget" icon ( ) to the right of each of the selection fields to see a list of available options. The following table lists recommended settings for the overdue notices report.

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Selection Field Recommended Setting Charge Selection area Library Select your library name from the list. Current location Select CHECKEDOUT and ILL. Overdue Set to Yes. Copy Selection area Library Select your library name from the list. Current location Select CHECKEDOUT and ILL. User Selection area- You do not need to make any selections in this area. 12) When you are done making your selections, click on the Sorting Criteria tab

(see below).

13) From the drop-down Sorted by list, select which field you want the printed

overdue notices to be sorted by (i.e. the order they print in). This selection does not affect the output of the report, so choose whichever option you prefer.

14) When you are done making your selection, click on the Output Options tab (see


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15) You can now click on the "gadget" icon ( ) to the right of each of the selection fields to see a list of available options. The following table lists recommended settings for the overdue notices report.

Selection Field Recommended Setting Count as a notice sent Set to Yes. Library address on notice Set to Yes. Salutation on notice Set to No. User ID on notice Set to Yes. Message 1* Set equal to 0 and 1stoverdue; set Date field if you want a grace

period. Message 2* Set equal to 1 and 2ndoverdue; set Date field if you want a grace

period. Message 3* Set equal to 2 and finaloverdue; set Date field if you want a grace

period. Message 4* Use only if you send more than 3 overdue notices; otherwise leave

blank. Message 5* Use only if you send more than 4 overdue notices; otherwise leave

blank. Closing text Leave blank. Notice type Set to Overdue. Price and fine information

Price and due date ON; everything else OFF

Produce mailing labels Set to No.

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*The text of all of the overdue notice messages can be customized for you by PTFS. Please call the PTFS Help Desk (1-888-654-8088) if you would like to have changes made to any of the message text files. 16) When you are done making your selection, click on the Schedule button at the

bottom of the window. 17) The system will take a few seconds to display the Schedule noverdue window

(see below).

18) Decide how often you want the system to run your overdue notices. You can

select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Click on the appropriate button to make your selection, and then fill in the additional information on the lower half of the screen. For example, if you ware going to schedule the report to run on a weekly basis (as in the example above), you might select to have it Start running on the first Monday following the date the report is created, and set Days of week to Monday to have it run on each Monday thereafter.

You can also use this screen to specify whether you want the printed output of the report to include the Log section of the report and/or the Result section of the report. In general, you should only select the Result section, since the Log section contains diagnostic information that is generally only useful when you are trying to trouble-shoot a report that is not working properly.

19) When you are done making your selections, click the OK button at the bottom of

the window. 20) The system will respond by displaying the Schedule Confirm window (see

below). This confirms that the system has successfully scheduled your new

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report to run at the time intervals you specified above.

21) Click the Close button to complete the operation - you have finished creating

your new overdue notices report.

When you print the report (following the instructions in User Note 28) after it has run for the first time, the printed output will look similar to the example below.

Tuesday, February 2, 1999 MCLB Barstow Base Library Building 175 East Barstow, CA 92311

Library address as formatted in step #2


Date report was run

John Doe ID: 3678564567892 96 Main St. Apt. #40 Barstow CA 93425

Patron address as formatted in user


Patron ID number

"1ST OVERDUE NOTICE" The following materials were borrowed from the Base Library, and are past due. Please return these items immediately. If you have lost the materials, the library will accept a pre- approved replacement of comparable value, or you may make reimbursement by check or money order made payable to MWR. (If you need a receipt when you return or pay for these library materials, bring this letter to the library for our stamp and initials.)

1st overdue notice text

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Empire of the Sun : a novel / J.G. Ballard. Ballard, J. G., 1930- 1 call number: BALL ID: 019094015968 due: 1/31/1999,23:59 price: $16.95 The new book of knowledge. Grolier Incorporated. 2 call number: 030 NEW v.3 second ID: 019094015669 due: 1/31/1999,23:59 price: $495.0

Overdue items - display title, author, call

number, barcode number, due date,

and price

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User Note 27 Running reports Once you have created a report template according to the instructions in User Note 25 or User Note 26, you need to schedule (run) the report. After running the report, you can print it according to the instructions in User Note 28. Sirsi reports can either be run automatically by the system at scheduled intervals that you select, or they can be manually run by the user ant any time. This User Note describes each of these two processes separately. Scheduling a Report to be Run by the System To have a report run periodically by the system without manual intervention by the user, use the following procedure. Make sure that you have already created your report template per the instructions in User Notes 25 and/or 26.

1) In WorkFlows, click on the Schedule New Reports icon ( ). If this icon is not displaying on your desktop, refer to the instructions in User Note 24 to display it.

2) The system displays the Display Template Reports window (see

below). The Templates tab lists all of the report templates that are associated with your WorkFlows login ID. Click on the name of the report that you want to schedule (it will change color to indicate that it is highlighted). Then click the Schedule button at the bottom of the window.

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3) The system now displays the Duplicate statistics window (see

below). If you want to change any of the Selection or Output parameters, you can do so; otherwise, click the Schedule button at the bottom of the window.

4) You will now see the Schedule statistics window (see below).

Depending on how often you want the system to run this report, click on either the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly buttons in the middle of the screen. For the example report, we'll choose Monthly.

5) When you make your scheduling selection, the screen changes

slightly and presents you with scheduling options relevant to your selection. For the Monthly scheduling option, make the following

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selections in the indicated fields, using the "gadget" ( ) icon to the right of each field:

Selection Field Recommended Setting Start running on Select the first day of the

following month, and select a time.

Days of month Select the first day of the month. 6) When you have finished making your selections, click on the OK

button at the bottom of the window. 7) The system will take a few seconds to display the Schedule

Confirm window (see below). This confirms that your report has been scheduled to be run automatically by the system. For the example report, the window confirms that the report will be run each month on the first day of the month. The date for the initial run of the report is displayed.

8) At the point, you are done. Click the Close button at the bottom of

the window. For instructions on viewing and printing reports after they have been run by the system, see User Note 28.

9) Click on the Scheduled Reports icon ( ) to see a complete list of all of the reports that you have set up to be run automatically by the system. The Display Scheduled Reports window that appears allows you to modify, remove, or view your scheduled reports. You can also make a duplicate of one the scheduled report templates, and run it as a "one time" event without affecting the automatic run schedule that you have established.

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Manually Scheduling a Report to Run One Time To run a report yourself, without having the system schedule it for you, use the following procedure. Make sure that you have already created your report template per the instructions in User Notes 25 and/or 26.

1) In WorkFlows, click on the Schedule New Reports icon ( ). If this icon is not displaying on your desktop, refer to the instructions in User Note 24 to display it.

2) The system displays the Display Template Reports window (see

below). The Templates tab lists all of the report templates that are associated with your WorkFlows login ID. Click on the name of the report that you want to schedule (it will change color to indicate that it is highlighted). Then click the Schedule button at the bottom of the window.

3) The system now displays the Duplicate statistics window (see

below). If you want to change the report title or any of the Selection or Output parameters, you can do so; otherwise, click the Schedule button at the bottom of the window.

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4) You will now see the Schedule statistics window (see below). To

schedule the report to run one time, click on the Once button and make sure that the ASAP radio button is selected. Then click the OK button to actually run the report and close the window.

5) The system will take a few seconds to display the Schedule

Confirm window (see below). This confirms that your report will be run by the system (usually within just a few minutes).

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6) At the point, you are done. Click the Close button at the bottom of

the window. For instructions on viewing and printing reports after they have been run by the system, see User Note 28.

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User Note 28 Printing reports Once you have created a report template according to the instructions in User Note 25 or User Note 26, you need to run the report by following the instructions in User Note 27. After running the report, you can print it according to the following instructions.

10) In WorkFlows, click on the Finished Reports icon ( ). If this icon is not displaying on your desktop, refer to the instructions in User Note 24 to display it.

11) The system displays the List Finished Reports window (see

below). This is a list of all of the reports that have been under your WorkFlows login ID. This includes reports run automatically by the system as well as reports that you ran manually. From this window, you can choose to view, print, or remove finished reports using the buttons at the bottom of the window.

12) To print a report, click on the report name to highlight it (it will

change color when you do this). Then click the Print button at the bottom of the window.

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13) The system will display the Print Finished Reports window (see below).

14) Make selections on this screen according to the following table: Selection Field Recommended Setting PC Print/System Print

Always choose PC Print; System Print not produce any printed output.

Print log Turn OFF. Only turn this on if you are having trouble with your report results and need to trouble-shoot the problems. Note that the Sirsi report log is not very user-friendly; call the PTFS Help Desk at 888-654-8088 if you cannot solve the problems yourself.

Print result Always turn this ON - this prints the actual "core" information from your report, i.e. the information that your report extracted from Sirsi.

Format report Always turn this ON - otherwise, the report will be printed in an unreadable format.

15) When you are finished making your selections, click the OK

button at the bottom of the window. 16) At this point, the system will launch the Microsoft Word program,

and the text of your report will be loaded into Word. This make take a few seconds to run.

17) You can use standard Word functions to save or print the report,

and you can also adjust the font selection, page margins, headers

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and footers, etc. just as you would with any other word processing document. If you choose to print the report, it will be sent to the default printer defined in your Windows and/or Word printer setup configuration. When you are done working with the report, close Word as you normally would.

18) In the WorkFlows window, click on the Cancel button on the Print

Finished Reports window to complete the operation.

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User Note 28.1 Emailing reports After running your report, you can email it according to the following instructions.

19) In WorkFlows, click on the Finished Reports icon ( ). If this icon is not displaying on your desktop, refer to the instructions in User Note 24 to display it.

20) The system displays the List Finished Reports window (see

below). This is a list of all of the reports that have been under your WorkFlows login ID. This includes reports run automatically by the system as well as reports that you ran manually.

21) To email a report, click on the report name to highlight it (it will

change color when you do this). Then click the Email button at the bottom of the window.

22) The system will display the Email Finished Reports window

(see below).

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Page 34: User Note 24 - · 1. Creating a new report or template (from either Schedule New Reports or

23) Make selections on this screen according to the following table: Selection Field Recommended Setting Email to Enter the recipient’s email address here. Email log Turn OFF. Only turn this on if you are having

trouble with your report results and need to trouble-shoot the problems. Note that the Sirsi report log is not very user-friendly; call the PTFS Help Desk at 888-654-8088 if you cannot solve the problems yourself.

Email result Always turn this ON - this email the actual "core" information from your report, i.e. the information that your report extracted from Sirsi.

Format report Always turn this ON - otherwise, the report will be printed in an unreadable format.

24) When you are finished making your selections, click the OK

button at the bottom of the window. 25) At this point, the system will email your report to the email

address indicated.

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Notes • If the report is a notice type report and you selected to e-mail notices to users with e-mail addresses, the users entered in Email To field will receive the entire report, including all users’ notices. Individual notices are automatically e-mailed based on the e-mail entry ID in the user address of the user record. • Some reports, such as Count Users, are wholly contained within the log, and an attempt to email a log-only report if the Log field is not enabled will return an error message.

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User Note 28.5 Removing reports Once you have created a report template according to the instructions in User Note 25 or User Note 26, you need to run the report by following the instructions in User Note 27. After printing the report as instructed in User Note 28, it’s important to free up space by removing the report from within WorkFlows.

26) In WorkFlows, click on the Finished Reports icon ( ). If this icon is not displaying on your desktop, refer to the instructions in User Note 24 to display it.

27) The system displays the List Finished Reports window (see

below). This is a list of all of the reports that have been under your WorkFlows login ID. This includes reports run automatically by the system as well as reports that you ran manually. From this window, you can choose to view, print, or remove finished reports using the buttons at the bottom of the window.

28) Choose to view a report per the instructions in User Note 28. 29) From within the word processing package opened to view the

report, save a copy of the document by clicking on File and Save As, or print the report by clicking on File and Print.

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30) In the File name box, type a new name for the document. 31) Cick Save. 32) Exit the word processing program. 33) On the List Finished Reports screen, click on the button

labeled Remove (see image previous page). 34) Click on the boxes next to the reports to be removed.

35) Once all reports are marked, click on Remove from the List

Finished Reports screen. The following screen will appear. Click on Remove All.

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36) When WorkFlows removes the reports, click Ok on the next screen and click on Close to exit the List Finished Reports screen.

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