
  • Useful Information for Skilled Migration in New Zealand

    New Zealand Skilled Migration CategoryNew Zealand is world - renowned destination for many of the skilled migrants across the world. It is also a top choice of Filipino Skilled Migrants to live, work permanently. Immigration New Zealand has this program to attract more migrants to settle socially, economically and contribute to society. If you have the qualification and skills needed in New Zealand as skilled, you too can be a potential immigrant through qualifying the point test criteria, where your qualification, age, experience, skills and other related factors are pointed accordingly.

  • Your first step is to have your points assessed to qualify and provide evidence of documents in claiming your points,this includes International Qualification Assessment (IQA) for your qualification to decide which NZQA level type, your work certificate in skilled employment among many others. you can visit NZQA website as to see if your qualfication is also exempt from the assessment and its related fees and procedures as well, normally level 7 qualification equates a total of 50 points.It is important when applying for the Skilled Migrant Category to find out exactly the points you have earned according to your circumstances where you can easily get the pointing table from the website of INZ and when decided, have to apply first for the Pre Assessment Result (PAR) this is an online application the fee is 130 NZ$. When you are served with the PAR candidate may at once proceed with the expression of interest online application, where your biographical information, qualification, experience, skills and other information included in the application.

  • EOIAs estated in previous page when you are completing this electronic application there are tons of information you need to provide from the principal applicant and other member of the family included in the application. You can easliy determine the current points you are earning as in the upper right corner of your screen it computes the total points based on the answers and claims you've responded and completed online you can review, print and pay it online. There is also a statement where you need to answer your claim as skilled in line with your application to this category for Skilled Migration.

    Bear in mind that INZ will assess your application according to the information you have provided online from your expression of interest and if you passed the points criteria and able to invite to apply, please note that you have to provide the evidence of your documents in claiming to such points from your EOI application since 'invitation to apply' does not necessarily means you can get the permanent resident in NZ unless otherwise, you are able to provide the documents that satisfies the criteria.

  • Your application will stay in the pool for six (6) months. Selection of applicants from the pool happens every second week of the month and they are giving an invitation to apply for those who have gained the highest score against the others. And when giving the invitation to apply for a permanent residence in New Zealand, you only have four (4) months to apply to such. However, should your application remain in the pool for six (6) months and unable to be invited, your application will automatically withdraw from the pool and applicant can re apply again for another EOI application.

  • Count Your Points For Skilled Migration In New Zealand

    When reaching 100 points your EOI application will get into the Pool, but the more points you have, the more likely you are to be selected, find out your points and your bonus points below:

    Age 30 points 20-29 years 25 points30-39 years 20 points40-44 years 10 points45-49 years 5 points 50-55 years

    Close Family in New Zealand10 points for close family in New Zealand

  • Skilled Employment 50 points with job offer 50 pointsworking in skilled job in New Zealand less than 3 12 months 60 points working in a skilled job in New Zeland for more than 12 months

    Bonus points 10 pointswork in an identified future growth area 10 points work in an area of absolute future skills shortage 10 points work in a region outside Auckland 20 points if partner has a skilled job or job order

  • Work Experience In Skilled Employment

    Work experience in skilled employment10 points2 years15 points 4 years20 points6 years25 points8 years30 points 10 years

    Bonus points for work experience in New Zealand5 points one year 10 points two years15 points three or more yearsAnd if the work experience is in an identified future growth area10 points 2 to 5 years15 points 6 or more years experience

  • And if the work experience is an area of absolute skills shortage10 points 2 to 5 years15 points 6 or more years

    Qualifications40 pointsrecognised level 4-6 qualification (e.g, trade qualification, and diploma)50 pointsrecognised level 7 or 8 qualification (e.g. Bachelor degree,bachelor degree with honours60 points recognised level 9 or 10 post- graduate qualification (masters degree, doctorate)

  • Bonus Points For Qualification

    10 points two years full time study in New Zealand completing r recognised

    bachelor degree New Zealand qualification10 points one year or full-time study in New Zealand completing

    recognised post graduate New Zealand qualification15 points two years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post graduate New Zealand qualification10 points qualification in an identified future growth area 10 points qualification in an area of absolute skills shortage10 points if your partner holds level 4-6 qualification20 points if your partner holds level 7+ qualificationAll EOI applications over 140 points are automatically selected and validity of information is assessed according to criteria and deemed points that is credible in level, then the applicant is issued an invitation to apply.
